Scenario of a meeting between a teacher and first-graders. Scenario of the holiday “Meeting with future first-graders” (lesson at the School of future first-graders). Song “If you went on a journey with a friend”

Scenario of the holiday “Meeting with future first-graders”

(First lesson at the School of Future First-Graders)

Target: creating conditions for children’s adaptation at school, creating positive motivation for learning activities.


    Create a festive atmosphere;

    Create conditions for children’s initial acquaintance with the teacher and each other;

    introduce children to the rules of behavior at school in a playful way;

    formation of educational motivation;

    develop attention,curiosity, activity, initiative;

Participants of the holiday: futureAndfirst-graders, their parents, fourth-graders in the role of Aibolit, Baba Yaga, Pinocchio, Dunno.



presentation (starts on slide 2)

envelope with telegrams

Form: holiday - travel

The progress of the holiday

Teacher: Hello, dear guys! Let's get acquainted. My name is Elena Mikhailovna.We will get to know you during classes.

I'm glad to see each of you

And let January breathe coolness through the windows,

We'll be comfortable here

After all, our class

He loves, feels and hears each other!

How beautiful, happy, and elegant you are today! You will come to school in September. Here you will find many new friends, learn to write, read, count, and solve problems. I wish you good luck and success!

Today is a real holiday for you! And when some holiday comes, everyone tries to congratulate each other. You know, guys, when I was walking to school, the postman met me. He sent congratulatory telegrams for you. But these telegrams are unusual. Fairy-tale heroes congratulate you. Listen to them and tell me which one fairy tale hero congratulated you.

I wish from the bottom of my heart

Health to you, kids,

So that they are not afraid of vaccinations,

We tempered ourselves every day,

So that bronchitis does not torment you.

Good doctor...(Aibolit) (Slide 3).

I wish you to receive as a gift

Huge cake, chocolate and cookies,

Marmalade and jam.

Become thicker, taller.

I'm waiting for your answer on the roof (Carlson) (Slide 4).

My dear friends! you do everything like me:

Fight and tease

And study for bad grades.

Otherwise I'll fly

I'll turn everyone into frogs.

you with a magic broom

I will turn it into scrap metal (Baba Yaga) (Slide 5).

I want to wish you

Only get A's

To love good books,

Be friends with mathematics.

On behalf of Pierrot, Malvina

Your friend...(Pinocchio) (Slide 6).

Break windows and shop windows,Don't go to storesHave more fights.Hello, Old Woman... (Shapoklyak)(Slide 7).

Teacher:Today we have an unusual activity,We'll go on a little trip with you! Do you agree? Is everyone ready, is no one late? (Slide 8).

(Knock on the door, Pinocchio enters).

Pinocchio:Hello, friends!

I was in a hurry to come to you for the holiday,

I took heroes from fairy tales with me

I want to take you to the Land of Knowledge

And open the magic door in front of you.

(Noise, din, the music “The Exit of Baba Yaga” sounds)

Pinocchio: Oh, who is this?(Baba Yaga flies in on a broom)

Baba Yaga: Lives in a forest hut
Horrible old lady.
Even though I'm terrible
But she has a beautiful soul.
Don't be afraid of me, children,
I'm nobody in the world
I won’t eat it, I won’t throw it in the oven,
I'm as quiet as a lamb.

I'll walk in front of you,

I'll dance, I'll sing.

Well, what a cutie I am,

How I love myself!

Pinocchio: Hello, Baba Yaga, oh, you scared us!

Baba Yaga: What kind of meeting are you having here?

Teacher: And we are gathered, Baba Yaga, for a holiday.

Baba Yaga: For a holiday? What holiday is this? So, let's look at the calendar (takes a calendar out of his pocket and flips through it) . Soooo, New Year already was! And Christmas passed. It's still a long time until my birthday... There is no holiday on the calendar today! Why are you deceiving old grandma?

Pinocchio: Dear Baba Yaga. Our holiday is not on the calendar, today we have a special holiday. Celebration “Meeting with future first-graders.”

Baba Yaga: Well, that's it, we've arrived! How many years have I lived, but I don’t know such a holiday. What kind of holiday is this?

Buratino: And this means that the children came to school to meet the teacher, to meet us. They want to study at our school.

Baba Yaga: Ah, now it’s clear! How can one not understand!

Dear children!Why do you need this school?

Well, why do you need to study?

It's better to run and frolic.

Difficult tasks at school…..

Whoever solves them cries...

It's better not to go to school

It's better to be quitters!

What are you doing here? (addresses Pinocchio)

Pinocchio: I came to congratulate the guys and give them a golden key as a souvenir. This key will help the children open the doors to the land of Knowledge (Slide 9).

Baba Yaga: Well, come on,take out your golden key and open the treasured door.

(Pinocchio takes out the key, Baba Yaga snatches it and runs away)

Pinocchio(runs after Baba Yaga) : Baba Yaga, return the key!

Baba Yaga: But I won’t return it! Who do you want to entrust such an expensive key to? After all, they behave outrageously, don’t listen to their parents, and don’t like animals. And in general, they are bad!

Pinocchio: This is not true! Our guys are good!

Baba Yaga: I don’t believe it! Until I check it myself, I won’t give you the key! Here's my solution! Let me give you guys a little test. Complete it - you will receive the key, but no..... Got it? Here is my condition!

Teacher: Well, guys, can you pass the test?

Pinocchio: Say your tasks, Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga: Okay, let's try! Let's see how attentive you are. Repeat the movements after me.

We all have fun,

We clap our hands.

Clap, clap, clap (clap your hands)

I take myself by the forehead (and she grabs her nose ) Children repeat and make mistakes.

Baba Yaga: Ha ha! What is that forehead on your nose? So I played a joke on you. Be careful! Take on what I name, and I will continue to confuse you.

We all have fun,

We clap our hands.

Clap, clap, clap

I take myself by... (shoulder, knee, elbow, ear).

Baba Yaga: Well done! You have attention! Take the key! And I flew to my hut! ("Flies away").

Buratino approaches the screen, “opens” the lock and the doors open. Music is playing, and the screen says “School for Future First-Graders” (Slide 10).

Pinocchio: Well, guys, it's time for me to return to the puppet theater. But I’m not saying goodbye, we will meet you in class.

Teacher: And we guys are starting our journey. Tell me, what can you travel with? (children's answers).

Now you can guess what we will use on our journey.

Iron hutsAttached to each other.One of them with a pipeLeads everyone along (train)

That's right, we'll go on our journey on this fun train (Slide 11). Many challenges await us along the way. We have to complete many different tasks. Is everyone ready? Our train is setting off! Say goodbye to your parents (children wave their hands).

1 station “In the land of fairy tales” (Slide 12).

Guys, do you like listening to fairy tales? Do you know many fairy tales?At this station Vasilisa the Wise meets us. She wants to see how much you know fairy tales and their characters.

What fairy tales are these lines from?

There is no river, no pond,
Where can I get some water?
Very tasty water
In the hole from the hoof.
(“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”)(Slide 13).

And the road is far,
And the basket is not easy,
I would like to sit on a tree stump,
I would like to eat a pie.
("Masha and the Bear")(Slide 14).

A girl appeared in a flower cup,
And that girl was no bigger than a marigold.
Who has read such a book?
He knows a little girl.
(“Thumbelina”)(Slide 15).

Red - the girl is sad,
She doesn't like spring
It's hard for her in the sun,
The poor thing is shedding tears!
("Snow Maiden")(Slide 16).

Near the forest on the edge
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?
("Three Bears")(Slide 17, 18).

(Aibolit appears at the door of the hall, dragging the reluctant Dunno).

Dunno: I don’t want to study! I'm still little! My legs can’t walk, my ears can’t hear, my eyes can’t see!

Aibolit: Dunno, aren’t you ashamed! Need to go to school! You are already quite an adult, but you still can’t read or write, and you can only count to two!


What kind of a joke is this!

I'm still just a baby!

And today - these are the times -

Sent to first class!

Sending, sending,

Life is poisoned forever! Ah-ah-ah!

Teacher: Guys, look, we have another student! Dunno, don’t you want to study? Look how many kids came to school today! And they all want to learn school wisdom. We will give you a beautiful new backpack!


No need, I already have a backpack!

Teacher: Have you already assembled it?


Yes, of course, I included everything necessary!


Did you forget your books?


Why do I need books? I can live just fine without books!

They make you want to yawn!

And they make my eyes hurt,

Aibolit (angry): Is it possible to live without books? Haven't you ever opened a book?

Dunno: Opened and opened! Here, look! (takes it out of his backpack and shows a torn book) Here I drew an airplane, and here I drew a bug. Here I colored the picture. Well, then I tore off the page...

Aibolit: Why?

Dunno: To make an airplane, like this! (shows an airplane and flies it at the children).

Aibolit: Oh-oh, now it’s clear why you can’t study... You insult all the textbooks and books.

Dunno: Am I offending books? Is this when I offended them?

Aibolit: Guys, is it possible to draw in a textbook? (No)

Dunno: Why not, it makes him more beautiful!

Aibolit: Guys, is it possible to tear out pages? (No)

Aibolit: Remember, Dunno, you can’t tear pages out of books at all. And you can’t fight with books!

Dunno: How can you fight then?

Aibolit: Nothing at school. At school there is no fighting at all, but knowledge is gained. Remember, Dunno, books love neatness and cleanliness, otherwise they will not share their magic with you.

Dunno: By what kind of magic? (Looks at the book, leafs through it.) There is not a single magic wand, not a single invisibility hat or running boots. Only the letters are different.

Teacher: Books contain the magic of fairy tales, the wonders of adventure. Books teach people to be kind and noble. Thanks to books, people become smart - and this is the most important magic.

Dunno: Oh well? Well, let's go to your school and see what's there...

Aibolit: Come on, but you still haven’t shown whether everything is ready for school. What do you have in your briefcase?

Dunno begins to take toys out of his briefcase. Each object is played out (a car - to play in lessons, a pistol - to shoot at children).

Teacher: Is it really possible to play with a car or shoot a pistol during lessons? I see you don’t understand at all what you can do at school and what you can’t do.

Aibolit: But our first-graders know very well which subjects are not needed at school, and which subjects they cannot do without. They will guess my riddles.

1. Either I’m in a cage, then I’m in a line,

Feel free to write on me

You can also draw

Because I... (notebook)

2. I am black, red, yellow, blue,

With filling in the middle.

I am friends with a sharp sharpener,

And I’ll depict what I want. (pencil)

3. In this narrow box

You will find pencils

Pens, erasers, paper clips, buttons,

Anything for the soul. (pencil case)

4. I love directness

And it's straight.

Make a straight line

I help people. (ruler)

Dunno: Now I’m completely ready for school. Well, let's go? Oh, who will I go with? I don't know anyone!

Teacher: Don’t worry, Dunno, you’ll soon meet everyone!

Dunno: Goodbye, guys! See you in your lessons!

Teacher: Well, now, guys, I’ll check if everyone remembers what things can be brought to school? I'll read a poem. And you will clap your hands if such things are needed at school, but if some things are not needed at school, show them with your head movements.

Let's see who is the most attentive of you... So, we all listen carefully.

If you are going to school,

Then you take with you in your briefcase:

In a squared notebook?

New slingshot?

Broom for cleaning?

Diary for A?

Album and paints?

Carnival masks?

Torn boots?

ABC in pictures?

Markers and pen?

A bunch of carnations?

Air mattresses?

Colored pencils?

Eraser and ruler?

A canary in a cage?

An album to draw on?

Chewing gum to chew?

Covered textbooks?

Plates, forks, spoons?

A sofa to lie on?

Cardboard to cut out?

Teacher: Well done!

And we continue our journey. 2 station "Mathematical" (Slide 19).

Teacher: Here we will learn to count, solve problems, and use various geometric tools. The Wise Owl meets us at this station. She has prepared fun puzzles for you.

Mom is a squirrel for the kids.I brought pine cones from the forest.I didn’t give it all away right away,She gave me one of everything.For the eldest - spruce,Middle - pine,For the youngest - cedar.Tell me, kids,How many baby squirrels ate a pine cone?

Masha had sweets.She treated Sveta,Natasha, Ira, Seryozha,Tanya and Petya too.One candy leftAnd Mashenka was confused:How many candies were there?Who can answer?

Five puppies were playing football

One was called home.
He looks out the window and thinks:
How many of them are playing now?

Visiting AlyonkaTwo chickens in bast shoes,Cockerel in bootsChicken in earrings,Drake in a caftan,Duck in a sundressAnd a cow in a skirtIn a warm sheepskin coat.How many guests does Alyonka have?

Fishermen sitting

Guarding the floats

Fisherman Korney

Caught 2 perches

Fisherman Evsey –

2 crucian carp.

How many fish are the fishermen

Dragged from the river?

Teacher: Well done, guys! All the problems of the Wise Owl were solved.

Teacher: In this amazing magical land we will love reading, learn about different authors, let's learn to read poetry expressively.

There are letters on the slide, bright and colorful. You need to recognize the letter from the description and name it. (Slide 21, the letter on the slide is enlarged by clicking).

With this letter on his nose, an eagle owl hides in the forest. (F)

Look at this letter

She's just like the number 3. (Z)

This letter stands like a giant,

This letter is crane. (G)

There is no angle in this letter

She was so round before

Before that she was round -

I could have rolled away. (ABOUT)

This letter is wide

And it looks like a beetle. (AND)

A stick and a stick, with a tick between them.

And it’s clear to everyone right away: the result is a letter...(M)

Convenient letter!

What's convenient about it is

What can you do with a letter?

Hang up your coat! (U)


And here we learn about nature,

About animals, about the weather,

But you already know a lot.

Try to guess the riddles that Pochemuchki have prepared for you.

There are no wings, but he flies,

Clouds, clouds are chasing,

He is responsible for the weather!

Who is this? - This is... (wind)

Hanging under my window

From the frost - "ding" - it rang,

And the sun began to gurgle

And melted... (icicle)

Moved around the flowerAll four petals.I wanted to rip it offAnd he fluttered and flew away (butterfly)

Inseparable from the menacing cloud,

He is her best assistant

He is the leader of her tears,

If you touch a cloud, it cries... (rain)

The sun suddenly painted

Seven-color semicircle,

Above the ground - like an arc,

What is this? (Rainbow)

Who from the tall dark pinesThrew a cone at the kidsAnd into the bushes through a stumpFlashed like a light (squirrel)

(Slide 23).

Teacher:Guys, do you know how to behave at school? Game "Rules of behavior at school?"

    The desk is a wonderful bed! Don't forget to sleep on it!(No)

    In class, take your time, write straight letters!(Yes)

    At school you should not study, but have fun all the time!(No)

    Mom will only praise you if she suddenly sees a “deuce”(No)

    He will scold you again if he suddenly sees “five”(No)

    During class you have to listen and secretly eat candy.(No)

    Open your ears wider, and don't talk to your girlfriend.(Yes)

    If you know, don’t yawn, quickly raise your hand.(Yes)

Teacher: So, guys, all the tests have been passed, the journey is over. You have proven that you are ready to become disciples.

Our first lesson has come to an end. Looking forward to seeing you next week!


    Volina V.V. - Entertaining alphabet learning.-

Presenter ZNAIKA:

Hello, dear guys! Let's get acquainted. My name is ZNAIKA. And we will get to know you during the holiday.

How beautiful, happy, and elegant you are today! You will come to school in September. Here you will find many new friends, learn to write, read, count, and solve problems. I wish you good luck and success! And today you have a real holiday! And when some holiday comes, everyone tries to congratulate each other. You know, guys, when I was walking to school, the postman met me. He sent congratulatory telegrams for you. But these telegrams are unusual. Fairy-tale heroes congratulate you. Listen to them and tell them which fairy-tale character congratulated you.

I wish from the bottom of my heart

Health to you, kids,

So that they are not afraid of vaccinations,

We tempered ourselves every day,

So that bronchitis does not torment you.

Good Doctor...(Aibolit)

I want to wish you

Only get A's

To love good books,

Be friends with mathematics.

On behalf of Pierrot, Malvina

Your friend...(Pinocchio)

Break windows and shop windows,

Don't go to stores

Have more fights.

Hello, Old Woman... (Shapoklyak)

Presenter ZNAIKA:

Today is an unusual day for us, we will go with you on a small

journey! Do you agree? Is everyone ready, is no one late?

(Knock on the door, Pinocchio comes in) .


Hello, friends!

I was in a hurry to come to you for the holiday,

I took heroes from fairy tales with me

I want to take you to the Land of Knowledge

And open the magic door in front of you.

(Noise, din, the music “The Exit of Baba Yaga” sounds)


Oh, who is this?(Baba Yaga flies in on a broom)

Baba Yaga :

Lives in a forest hut

Horrible old lady.

Even though I'm terrible

But she has a beautiful soul.

Don't be afraid of me, children,

I'm nobody in the world

I won’t eat it, I won’t throw it in the oven,

I'm as quiet as a lamb.

I'll walk in front of you,

I'll dance, I'll sing.

Well, what a cutie I am,

How I love myself!

Pinocchio :

Hello, Baba Yaga, oh, you scared us!

Baba Yaga:

What kind of meeting are you having here?


And we gathered, Baba Yaga, for a holiday.

Baba Yaga:

On holiday? What holiday is this? Okay, let's look at the calendar.(takes a calendar out of his pocket and flips through it) . Soooo, it's already the first of September! And Teacher's Day has already passed. It's still a long time until my birthday... There is no holiday on the calendar today! Why are you deceiving old grandma?


Dear Baba Yaga. Our holiday is not on the calendar, today we have a special holiday. Celebration “Meeting with future first-graders.”

Baba Yaga:

Well, that's it, we've arrived! How many years have I lived, but I don’t know such a holiday. What kind of holiday is this?


This means that the children came to school to meet the teacher, to meet us. They want to study at our school.

Baba Yaga :

Ah, now it’s clear!

How can one not understand!

Dear children!

Why do you need this school?

Well, why do you need to study?

It's better to run and frolic.

Difficult tasks at school…..

Whoever solves them cries...

It's better not to go to school

It's better to be quitters!

What are you doing here?(addresses Pinocchio)

Pinocchio: I came to congratulate the guys and give them a golden key as a souvenir. This key will help the children open the doors to the Land of Knowledge

Baba Yaga: Well, come on, take out your golden key and open the treasured


(Pinocchio takes out the key, Baba Yaga snatches it and runs away)

Pinocchio (runs after Baba Yaga): Baba Yaga, return the key!

Baba Yaga : But I won’t return it! Who do you want to entrust such an expensive key to?

After all, they behave outrageously, don’t listen to their parents, and don’t like animals. And in general, they are bad!

Pinocchio: It is not true! Our guys are good!

Baba Yaga: I do not believe! Until I check it myself, I won’t give you the key! Here's my solution! Let me give you guys a little test. Complete it - you will receive the key, but no..... Got it? Here is my condition!

ZNAIKA: Well, guys, can you pass the test?

Pinocchio : Say your tasks, Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga : Okay, let's try! Let's see how attentive you are.

Repeat the movements after me.

We all have fun,

We clap our hands.

Clap, clap, clap(clap hands)

I take myself by the forehead(and she takes her nose) . Children repeat and make mistakes.

Baba Yaga : Ha ha! What is that forehead on your nose? So I played a joke on you. Be careful! Take on what I name, and I will continue to confuse you.

We all have fun,

We clap our hands.

Clap, clap, clap

I take myself for...(shoulder, knee, elbow, ear).

Baba Yaga : Well done! You have attention! Take the key! And I flew to my hut!("Flies away").

Pinocchio approaches a fictitious castle, “opens” the lock and the doors open. (Music sounds)

Pinocchio: Well, guys, it's time for me to return to the puppet theater. But I’m not saying goodbye, we will meet you in class.

ZNAIKA: And we guys are starting our journey.

We have to complete many different tasks. Is everyone ready? Our train is setting off!

Say goodbye to your parents (children wave their hands).


Guys, do you like listening to fairy tales? Do you know many fairy tales? In this

the station meets usVasilisa the Wise . She wants to see how much you know fairy tales and their characters.

What fairy tales are these lines from?

There is no river, no pond,

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hole from the hoof.

(“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”)

And the road is far,

And the basket is not easy,

I would like to sit on a tree stump,

I would like to eat a pie.

("Masha and the Bear")

A girl appeared in a flower cup,

And that girl was no bigger than a marigold.

Who has read such a book?

He knows a little girl.


Red - the girl is sad,

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun,

The poor thing is shedding tears!

("Snow Maiden")

Near the forest on the edge

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

("Three Bears")

(Aibolit appears at the door of the hall, dragging the reluctant


Dunno: I do not want to study! I'm still little! My legs can’t walk, my ears can’t hear, my eyes can’t see!

Aibolit : Dunno, aren’t you ashamed! Need to go to school! You are already quite an adult, but you still can’t read or write, and you can only count to two!


What kind of a joke is this!

I'm still just a baby!

And today - these are the times -

Sent to first class!

Sending, sending,

Life is poisoned forever! Ah-ah-ah!

ZNAIKA: Guys, look, we have another student!

Dunno, don’t you want to study? Look how many kids came to school today! And they all want to learn school wisdom. We will give you a beautiful new backpack!


No need, I already have a backpack!

ZNAIKA: Have you already collected it?


Yes, of course, I included everything necessary!


Did you forget your books?


Why do I need books? I can live just fine without books!

They make you want to yawn!

And they make my eyes hurt,

Aibolit (angry):

Is it possible to live without books? What are you doing, books?

never opened it?

Dunno : Opened and opened! Here, look!(takes it out of his backpack and shows a torn book) Here I drew an airplane, and here -

bug. Here I colored the picture. Well, then I tore off the page...

Aibolit : For what?

Dunno: To make an airplane, like this! (shows an airplane and flies it at the children) .

Aibolit: Oh-oh, now it’s clear why you can’t study... You insult all the textbooks and books.

Dunno: Am I offending books? Is this when I offended them?

Aibolit : Guys, is it possible to draw in a textbook? (No)

Dunno : Why not, it makes him more beautiful!

Aibolit: Guys, is it possible to tear out pages? (No)

Aibolit: Remember, Dunno, you can’t tear pages out of books at all. And you can’t fight with books!

Dunno: What can you fight with then?

Aibolit: At school - nothing. At school there is no fighting at all, but knowledge is gained. Remember, Dunno, books love neatness and cleanliness, otherwise they will not share their magic with you.

Dunno: What kind of magic?(Looks at the book, leafs through it.) There is not a single magic wand, not a single invisibility hat or walking boots. Only the letters are different.

ZNAIKA: Books contain the magic of fairy tales, the wonders of adventure. Books teach

people to be kind and noble. Books make people smarter

And this is the most important magic.

Dunno: Yah? Well, let's go to your school and see what's there...

Aibolit: Come on, but you still haven’t shown whether you’re all ready for school. What do you have in your briefcase?

Dunno begins to take toys out of his briefcase. Each object is played out (a car - to play in lessons, a pistol - to shoot at children).

ZNAIKA: Is it really possible to play with a car or shoot a pistol during lessons? I see you don’t understand at all what you can do at school and what you can’t do.

Aibolit: But our future first-graders know very well which subjects are not needed at school, and which subjects they cannot do without. They will guess mine


1. Either I’m in a cage, then I’m in a line,

Feel free to write on me

You can also draw

Because I... (notebook)

2. I am black, red, yellow, blue,

With filling in the middle.

I am friends with a sharp sharpener,

And I’ll depict what I want. (pencil)

3. In this narrow box

You will find pencils

Pens, erasers, paper clips, buttons,

Anything for the soul. (pencil case)

4. I love directness

And it's straight.

Make a straight line

I help people. (ruler)

Dunno: Well, now I'm completely ready for school. Well, let's go? Oh, who will I go with? I don't know anyone!

ZNAIKA: Don't worry, Dunno, you'll soon meet everyone!

Dunno: Goodbye, guys! See you in your lessons!

ZNAIKA: Well, now, guys, I’ll check if everyone remembers what things can be brought to school? I'll read a poem. And you clap your hands,

if such things are needed at school, but if some things are not needed at school,

show with head movements.

Let's see who is the most attentive of you...

So, let's all listen carefully.

If you are going to school,

Then you take with you in your briefcase:

In a squared notebook?

New slingshot?

Broom for cleaning?

Diary for A?

Album and paints?

Carnival masks?

Torn boots?

ABC in pictures?

Markers and pen?

A bunch of carnations?

Air mattresses?

Colored pencils?

Eraser and ruler?

A canary in a cage?

An album to draw on?

Chewing gum to chew?

Covered textbooks?

Plates, forks, spoons?

A sofa to lie on?

Cardboard to cut out?

ZNAIKA: Well done!

And we continue our journey.


ZNAIKA: Here we will learn to count, solve problems, and use various geometric tools. We are met at this station by someone we already knowVasilisa the Wise.

She has prepared fun puzzles for you.

Mom is a squirrel for the kids.

I brought pine cones from the forest.

I didn’t give it all away right away,

She gave me one of everything.

For the eldest - spruce,

Middle - pine,

For the youngest - cedar.

Tell me, kids,

How many baby squirrels ate a pine cone?

Masha had sweets.

She treated Sveta,

Natasha, Ira, Seryozha,

Tanya and Petya too.

One candy left

And Mashenka was confused:

How many candies were there?

Who can answer?

Five puppies were playing football

One was called home.

He looks out the window and thinks:

How many of them are playing now?

Visiting Alyonka

Two chickens in bast shoes,

Cockerel in boots

Chicken in earrings,

Drake in a caftan,

Duck in a sundress

And a cow in a skirt

In a warm sheepskin coat.

How many guests does Alyonka have?

Fishermen sitting

Guarding the floats

Fisherman Korney

Caught 2 perches

Fisherman Evsey –

2 crucian carp.

How many fish are the fishermen

Dragged from the river?

Presenter ZNAIKA: Well done boys! All the problems of Vasilisa the Wise were solved.


Presenter ZNAIKA: In this amazing magical land we will fall in love with reading, learn about different authors, and learn to read poetry expressively. You need to recognize the letter from the description and name it.

With this letter on its nose, the eagle owl hides in the forest. (F)

Look at this letter

She's just like the number 3. (Z)

This letter stands like a giant,

This letter is a crane. (G)

There is no angle in this letter

She was so round before

Before that she was round -

I could have rolled away. (ABOUT)

This letter is wide

And it looks like a beetle. (AND)

A stick and a stick, with a tick between them.

And it’s clear to everyone right away: the result is a letter... (M)

Convenient letter!

What's convenient about it is

What can you do with a letter?

Hang up your coat! (U)


Presenter ZNAIKA:

And here we learn about nature,

About animals, about the weather,

But you already know a lot.

Try to guess the riddles that I have prepared for youVasilisa the Wise

There are no wings, but he flies,

Clouds, clouds are chasing,

He is responsible for the weather!

Who is this? - This is... (wind)

Hanging under my window

From the frost - "ding" - it rang,

And the sun began to gurgle

And melted... (icicle)

Moved around the flower

All four petals.

I wanted to rip it off

And he took off and flew away


Inseparable from the menacing cloud,

He is her best assistant

He is the leader of her tears,

If you touch a cloud, it cries... (rain)

The sun suddenly painted

Seven-color semicircle,

Above the ground - like an arc,

What is this? (Rainbow)

Who from the tall dark pines

Threw a cone at the kids

And into the bushes through a stump

Flashed like a light (squirrel)

(Slide 23).

Presenter ZNAIKA: Guys, do you know how to behave at school? Let's check and play the Game "Rules of behavior at school?" I will say a statement, and you must agree with it by saying YES, or refuse it by saying NO.

The desk is a wonderful bed! Don't forget to sleep on it! (No)

In class, take your time, write straight letters! (Yes)

At school you should not study, but have fun all the time! (No)

Mom will only praise you if she suddenly sees a “D” (no)

He will scold you again if he suddenly sees “five” (no)

In class you have to listen and secretly eat candy (no)

Open your ears wider and don't talk to your girlfriend (yes)

If you know, don’t yawn, quickly raise your hand (yes)

Presenter Znayka: So, guys, all the tests have been passed, the journey is over. You

have proven that they are ready to become disciples.

Our first lesson has come to an end. I'm waiting for you on the first of September!

\ Scenarios for school holidays

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Script sent by: Krylova Olga Nikolaevna, teacher primary classes highest qualification category, Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 2, Salekhard

A meeting with future first-graders is held at the end of May, after the children are distributed into classes.

Organizing time

Teacher: Hello guys! Today we have a big holiday. You have gathered to meet me, your first teacher, and to get to know your future classmates. I have a flower in my hands, it brought me joy because you gave it to me. My name is Marina Yurievna. I pass the flower to you, and you, saying your first and last name, pass it on to the next one. When the flower goes around the circle and comes back to me, everyone will recognize each other.

Children pass a flower to each other, saying their name.

Teacher: Now you all know each other. Look at those on your right, left, behind you, look around you, smile at everyone. Guys, what do you think a smile says?

Children: When a person smiles, it means that: he feels good; he received a gift; he is praised; he did a good deed; got an A.

Teacher: And a smile also tells us that we have good mood. Let's try to start every day at school with a smile.

Game moment

Teacher: The alien YINANZ flew to us and brought a space envelope. Let's see what's in it.

“Dear guys, I invite you to your first space journey into the endless galaxy of Knowledge. You will visit 4 planets. I hope that your journey will be interesting and useful. Queen of Knowledge.”

Teacher: Guys, let's go on a trip?

Children: Yes.

Teacher: I invite you to take us on our rocket journey.

Here is our rocket. (A rocket model is hung on the board) On it we will fly on our space journey. To take your seats on the rocket, get your tickets. They need to be labeled to me.

Each child is given a sign in the shape of a spaceship with his last and first name.

Teacher: I am your captain today. Has everyone taken their seats? How does a rocket sound?


Teacher: Let's get creative. Close your eyes and imagine that we are all going to the first planet together.

Attention: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, start.


Planet "Guess it"

Teacher: Our rocket landed on the planet "Guess it." Here Dunno meets us. He prepared questions and assignments.

Question 1.


There is a cheerful, bright house, There are many nimble people in it, They write and count there, They draw and read. - What kind of magical house is this?

Children: School.

Teacher: Today you crossed the threshold of our school. Each school has its own rules that every child must follow. Want to know which ones?

If you want to answer, don't make any noise. Just raise your hand. If you want to answer, you have to stand up. When they allow you to sit down, sit down. A desk is not a bed and you cannot lie on it. You sit at your desk slenderly and behave with dignity.

Teacher: Well done! They passed the first test. Test two, guess the riddles.

Question 2.


I carry a new house in my hand, The doors of the house are locked. The residents here are made of paper, everyone is terribly important.

Children: Briefcase.

I know everyone, I teach everyone. But I myself am always silent. To make friends with me, you need to learn to read and write.

Children: Book.


Now I'm in a cage, now in a line, You can write on me, you can draw, What am I?

Children: Notebook.


He doesn't look like a man, but he has a heart. And He gives his heart to work all year round. He writes when dictated, He draws and draws, And this evening He will color my album.

Children: Pencil.


I love directness, I am the most direct, Make a straight line. I help everyone.

Children: Ruler.


She dips her braid in paint without fear. Then, with a dyed braid, he drags it across the page in the album.

Children: Brush.


I have a grimy back. But my conscience is clear - I erased the blot from the sheet.

Children: Rubber.


You need me for order. Don't turn the pages in vain. Where I lie, read.

Children: Bookmark.


What kind of stick is that in your hand that quickly draws on a piece of paper? Have you written everything you need? Put it in your pencil case!

Children: Pen.

Teacher: Well done! And you passed this test.

Get ready to fly!

Children: Get ready to fly! (Children stand up.)

Teacher: Fasten your seat belts!

Children: Have your seat belts fastened! (Children clap their hands.)

Teacher: Key to start!

Children: There is a key to start! (Children stretch their arms forward and make circular movements with their hands.

Teacher: Start the engines!

Children: Gotta start the engines! (Children perform circular movements with their hands in front of them.)

Teacher: Let's fly!

Children perform voluntary movements.

Teacher: Are you ready to continue your journey? Then we fly to the second planet. 10…1, start!

Planet "Mathematical"

Teacher: Residents of the planet "Mathematical" love solving problems and examples. And although you are still guests on this planet, you are also offered to complete tasks.

Exercise 1.


To become a pilot, To fly into the sky, You need to know a lot, You need to be able to do a lot. And at the same time, you will notice - arithmetic helps pilots.

Exercise. Guide the plane along its intended path, solving numerical expressions. Children decide, name the answer, and the teacher moves an object picture - an airplane with the next numerical expression.

Task 2.

Teacher: You know how to solve examples, but now let’s see how you can solve problems.

Kolya had three apples. My friends at school gave me high fives. How many apples does he have, his friends? (3 + 5 = 8) Marinka entered the class, followed by Karinka, and then Ignat entered. How many children are in the class? (1 + 1+ 1 = 3) Four magpies came to class. One of the forty did not know the lesson. How diligently did forty work? (4 - 1= 3) Nadya has three notebooks. Dad gave them to the girl. He gave Ira four too. You should count the notebooks. (3 + 4 = 7) They gave the children a lesson at school: Ten forty jump into the field. Nine took off and landed on a spruce tree. How many forty are left in the field? (10 - 9 = 1)

Task 3.

Teacher: What geometric shapes does this cosmic pig consist of?

Children answer the teacher's question.

Teacher: Our path is not easy. And I think that we need to relax a little and joke around before flying to the next planet. I will ask questions, and you, where necessary, say - I.

Teacher: Who loves chocolate?

Children: I.

Teacher: Who loves marmalade?

Children: I.

Teacher: Who loves pears?

Children: I.

Teacher: Who doesn't wash their ears?

Children: Dirty.

Teacher: Who loves orange?

Children: I.

Teacher: Who loves tangerine?

Children: I.

Teacher: Who drinks gasoline?

Children: Car.

Teacher: Have you rested? You can go!

Planet "Read it"

Exercise 1.

The words are made up of letters on the board: MOTHER, DAD, MOTHERLAND, WORLD, SCHOOL.

Teacher: How many of you can read these words?

What do you guys think, why were these particular words written?

For the teacher. These are the most important words for all people. For every person, the closest and dearest people to him are his parents. Wherever a person is, he misses his homeland. We need to not offend each other and live in peace. You will learn about this and a lot more while studying at school.

Task 2.

Teacher: Now let's see how you know fairy tales and their heroes.

Guess who we're talking about?

  • - Who is the savior of the Fly - Tsokotuhi? (Mosquito.)
  • - The wizard who always reaches into the bottle? (Genie.)
  • - Baba Yaga's vehicle. (Mortar.)
  • - What was the name of the girl with blue hair? (Malvina.)
  • - Uncle Styopa’s childhood nickname? (Calancha.)
  • - Musical instrument Papa Carlo? (Hurdy organ.)
  • - The Wizard of Oz? (Goodwin)

Task 3.

Teacher: Listen to the poems and think about which letter from which word “escaped”?

The old man digs the ground CAT, He lives underground. (CAT - MOLE) It's dark for us. Let's ask dad for us to turn it up brighter PAWS. (PAW - LAMP) Volodya Kolya says: - CONSTRUCTION I received it at school. (BUILDING - TROIKA) Ran away from me BOILER, I'm very angry with him. (BOILER - GOAT) Curious monkeys collect from Christmas trees CHIPS. (CHIPS - CONES) This is a good place - It flows nearby STOVE. (STOVE - RIVER) The kitten sewed slippers for himself so that he wouldn’t freeze in winter HATS. (HATS - FEET)

Physical minute

Pinocchio stretched, Once - he bent, Two - he bent, He spread his arms to the sides, The key couldn’t find something. To get the key, we need to stand on our toes.

Planet of "Creativity"

Exercise 1.

Teacher: You guys all love to sing. Therefore, now you can easily cope with the task of the inhabitants of the planet “Creativity”. What or who is the song about?

  • - It makes everyone feel warmer... (Smile).
  • - It’s fun to walk through the open spaces with her....( Song).
  • - Drawing of a boy... (Solar circle, sky around).
  • -They are made from flowers, bells, notebooks and slips... (Girls)
  • - If you go on the road with him, the journey is more fun... (Friend).
  • - She’s still lying there, looking at the sun... (Turtle)

Task 2.

Teacher: Make a drawing to remember your first lesson.

Children draw a picture on the theme "My first day at school."


Teacher: To remember the journey you took, I want to give you a postcard. It says:

The cheerful bell rings, calling the children to class. The school doors are now always open for you.

These words mean that with today School No.__ is your second home and you are always welcome there.

Now let’s smile at each other and let this be a good tradition.

I congratulate you, guys and your parents on our first acquaintance and wish you to gain strength and health over the summer. I will be waiting for you very much on the first of September.

Scenario of the holiday "Meeting with future first-graders"

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Celebration for children at the end of preparatory courses

for future first graders

They sit down at the tables. Assembling the locomotive.

You can get on the train

This train is moving fast:

From border to border -

Through the steppes to the blue mountains

On the green signal.

Teacher : And our locomotive will rush today through an amazing fairy-tale land - the land of “Knowledge”. And our first stop is the fairy-tale meadow “Visiting a Fairy Tale” .

(on the board there is a clearing. Trees, a stump. Fairy-tale objects are scattered on the clearing: Basket, hat, thermometer, shoe, mirror, fish, etc.)

What are these fabulous objects scattered in the forest clearing?

Who lost them?

(Name the object and say what fairy tale it is from)

Come on now. Who else knows fairy tales?

1. He always loves everyone,

Who wouldn't come to him!

Did you guess it? This is Gena!

This is Gena - ... (crocodile)

2. I was walking across the field!

I found some money in the field!

I bought myself a samovar

And she gave the guests tea!

("Fly Tsokotukha")

3. I'm from the royal ball
One day she ran away.
And the glass slipper
Accidentally lost it.


4.He is cheerful, lively,
And the propeller behind my back,
Lifts the mood
Loves sweet jam

5. But the road is long, and the basket is not easy.

I wish I could sit on a tree stump and eat a pie!

(Mashenka and the Bear)

6. He is kinder than everyone in the world, he heals sick animals.

He is famous, famous! Good doctor...


7. A girl appeared in a flower cup,

And that girl was no bigger than a marigold.

Anyone who has read such a book knows the little girl.


But now I’ll see how attentive you are. I will ask questions, and you will answer in unison: “I.”

Who loves chocolate?

Who loves marmalade?

Who loves pears?

Who doesn't wash their ears?

Who loves ice cream?

Who loves cake?

Who loves to laugh?

Who likes to fight?

Everything I see in the yard

Everything I see on the way

Let's go with you to the zoo

And we count everyone!

A porcupine ran by, this... one

An owl preening its feathers, this is...two

Wolverine came third

And the fourth is a turtle.

Gray wolf went to bed, it's...five

The parrot is in the thick foliage, he is... the sixth.

Here is a little fox next to an elk,

It will be seven and...eight.

Nine is a hippopotamus

Mouth like grandma's chest of drawers.

A shaggy lion walks in a cage,

He is the last, he is...the tenth.

The stop is called “Fun Math”

1st Task for children: put the numbers in order from 1 to 10.

    IN kindergarten there is a locomotive

The car is red, like a dog!

Gena the crocodile,

Cheerful Pinocchio

And groovy parsley -

Red and ruddy

Who listened carefully

How many toys are there in kindergarten? (5)

    The apples in the garden are ripe

We managed to taste them!

Five ruddy poured ones!

Three with sourness, how many are there? (8)

Well done. Now let's rest a little. Let's see what we will take with us to school.

I carry a new house in my hand.

The doors of the house are locked.

And they live in that house

Books, pens and album. (Briefcase.)

In this narrow box

You will find pencils, an eraser,

Pens and ruler,

Anything for the soul. (Pencil case.)

Black Ivashka

In a wooden shirt.

Where he will hold his nose -

There he leaves a trace. (Pencil.)

A simple pencil

There is one assistant.

If you make a mistake,

She will erase it in an instant. (Rubber.)

The pine tree and the Christmas tree have leaves - needles,

And on what leaves?

Are words and lines growing? (Notebooks.)

A game
(children must answer “Yes” (clap) or “No” (stomp))

Do we put a bag of candy at the bottom? (YES)
What about a police pistol? (NO)
Shall we put some vinaigrette in there? (NO)
Or maybe a light of smiles? (YES)
Shall we put in a ripe orange? (YES)
What about the grocery store? (NO)
Flower basket for friends? (YES)
And multi-colored pretzels? (YES)
Shall we put the salad in the bag? (NO)
Putting a smile and success? (YES)
Playful children's ringing laughter? (YES)

And the last stop where we will stop today is called “Magic Words”

Well done boys. Our journey has come to an end. The guys from 4th grade have prepared congratulations for you.

4th grade students. Order.

1.The desired hour has come.

You are enrolled in first grade.

You, my friend, listen to us,

We give you an order.

2.Wake up early in the morning

Wash yourself well

So as not to yawn at school,

Don't peck your nose at the desk.

3. Accustom yourself to order.

Don't play hide and seek with things

Treasure every book,

Keep your briefcase clean.

4. Dress neatly

To make it pleasant to watch,

Don't giggle in class

Don't move the table here and there.

5. Don't tease, don't be arrogant.

Try to help everyone at school,

Don't frown in vain, be bolder

And you will find friends.

6.That's all our advice,

They are wiser and simpler.

You, my friend, don’t forget them,

Goodbye, good journey!

Oath of future students:

Take care of the textbook, do not throw it away or tear it... We swear!

Do your homework completely... We swear!

Come to school on time... We swear!

Become smarter and more mature in a year... We swear!

Become the pride of parents and teachers... We swear! We swear! We swear!

Scenario of the holiday “Meeting with future first-graders”

1. Getting to know each other.
To the tune of the song “What They Teach at School,” children enter the classroom and sit at their desks.
- Hello guys! Today we have a big holiday. You have gathered to meet me, your first teacher, and to get to know your future classmates. I have a Masha doll in my hands, she will study with you. Masha and I want to meet you. My name is Galina Nikolaevna. I pass the doll to you, and you, saying your first and last name, pass it on to the next one. When the doll walks around the circle and comes back to me, everyone will recognize each other.

2. Emotional mood.
-Now you know each other. Look at those to your left, to your right, smile at everyone. - Guys, what do you think the smile says? (the person feels good, he received a gift, he is praised, he did a good deed, he received a “5”)
- And a smile also means that we are in a good mood. Let's try to start every day at school with a smile.
(Spanish song “Smile”)

3. The game is a journey.
- A guest has come to us. Who is this? You will only find out when you solve the riddle.
We know this girl
We distinguish them from all dolls,
With blue hair
And beautiful eyes.
She was polite
And she taught Pinocchio,
This girl is (Malvina)

Malvina comes out with an envelope.
- I brought you a letter. Do you want to know from whom? Read it? (Yes)
" Dear Guys! I invite you on your first journey to the endless land of Knowledge. I hope your journey will be interesting and useful. Queen of Knowledge."
- Guys, let's go on a trip? (Yes)
-I suggest going on a train trip. (train slide)
-To take seats in the carriages, get your tickets. (each child is given a sign with F.O.)
- Today I will be the driver. Has everyone taken their seats? Let's hit the road! Attention1 I give a beep: U-U-U! Let's go - chug, chug, chug! (The melody from the cartoon “Locomotive from Romashkovo” sounds)

First stop – “Guess – ka”

Here we are met by a fairy-tale hero. Guess who he is?

My father has a strange boy
Unusual, wooden,
On land and under water
Looking for a golden key
He sticks his long nose everywhere
Who is this? (Pinocchio)

Pinocchio comes out. -Hello guys! I have prepared questions and tasks for you. Try to answer them!

There is a cheerful, bright house,
There are a lot of nimble children in it,
They write and count there,
Draw and read.
-What kind of magical house is this? (school)

Teacher: Each school has its own rules that every child must follow. Want to know which ones? (Pinocchio and Malvina are reading)

If you want to answer, don’t make any noise.
Just raise your hand.
If you want to answer, you have to stand up.
When they allow you to sit down, sit down.

A desk is not a bed
And you can't lie on it.
You sit at your desk slim.
And behave with dignity.

Now guess the riddles about school.

I know everyone, I teach everyone.
But I myself am always silent.
To make friends with me,
We need to learn to read and write. (book)

Now I'm in a cage, now I'm in a line,
Write sums on me - KA,
You can also draw
What am I? (notebook)

What kind of stick is in your hand?
Is he quick to draw on a piece of paper?
Have you written everything you need?
Put it in your pencil case! (pen)

He writes when dictated,
He both draws and draws.
And this evening
He will color the album for me. (pencil)

I carry a new house in my hand,
The doors of the house are locked.
The residents here are made of paper,
All terribly important. (briefcase)

Well done! Now let's relax and play!

Game "Collect a briefcase"

The next station is “Count-ka”.

Guys, they are already waiting for us here. Who is this? (mathematics)

I am the queen of all sciences
And without me everything is like without hands,
They won’t be able to subtract and add And even live a day exactly, But a point, a line and a circle, In volume there is a prism, just a cube of My figures, a lovely row Everywhere you look! From one to infinity I stretch like eternity! There is no more important topic in the sciences than the Queen of Mathematics!

At this station we will try to solve problems, play a game
"Fun account."

Three yellow-eyed daisies, two cheerful cornflowers, given to mother by the children. How many flowers are in the bouquet?
Five puppies were playing football
They called one home. He looks out the window, counting: How many of them are playing now? (4)
Here are eight bunnies walking along the path, two running after them. So how many bunnies are in a hurry to get home along the forest path? (10)
Ten kids came out of the nursery for a walk. Five of them sat on the grass, the rest sat on the swing. How many children sat on the swing? (5)

Game "Fun Counting"

Here is one or one, Very thin, like a knitting needle, And here is the number two. Admire what it looks like: The two arches its neck, The tail drags behind it. And behind the two - look - the number three protrudes. The three is the third of the icons - Consists of two hooks .Following the three are four, A sharp protruding elbow. And then the number five began to dance. On the paper, the number five. She extended her arm to the right, The leg bent sharply. The number six is ​​a door lock: There is a hook on top, a circle at the bottom. Here is a seven - a poker. It has one leg. An eight two rings without beginning or end. The number nine or nine - A circus acrobat: If she stands on her head, the number six will become nine. A number like the letter O - It’s zero or nothing. The round zero is so pretty, But it doesn’t mean anything! If on the left, next to We’ll put one unit on it, It will weigh more, Because it’s ten. --- Write these numbers in order in your notebook. (children write down numbers)

Our path is not easy! I think we need to relax a bit and joke around. I will ask questions, and you, where necessary, say - I.

Who loves chocolate? (I)
-Who loves marmalade? (I)
-Who likes pears? (I)
-Who doesn't wash their ears? (I)
-Who loves orange? (I)
-Who loves tangerine? (I)
-Who drinks gasoline? (car)

Have you rested? You can go! U-U-U! Chug - chug - chug!

Next station “Read-ka”

On the board are the words: mom, dad, homeland, world.

Who can read these words? And from the letters form the word - SCHOOL.
- Why do you think these particular words were written?
- These are the most important words for all people. For every person, the closest and dearest people to him are his parents. Wherever a person is, he misses his homeland. You will learn about this and much more while studying at school.

And now I propose to repeat the tongue twisters: I went to weed the fields. The turtle, not bored, sits for an hour with a cup of tea.

A sly little fox, my sister, came to visit us. She is a foreigner. After all, our school is not simple, but with in-depth study foreign languages. Let's listen to her.

(greeting and verse in English)

Now let’s check how you know fairy tales and their heroes! Name the owner of this item.
(from the bag he takes out a key, a boot with spurs, a basket, a hat, a shoe)

Well done! Now I will give you pictures with these characters, and you color them.

4. Generalization.

To remember the journey you took, I want to give you the cards that the 4th grade students made for you.
Caption: The cheerful bell is ringing,
Calling children to class.
School doors are open
Now always for you.

These words mean that from today, school No. 4 is your second home and you are always welcome to see you there. Now let’s smile at each other and let this be a good tradition!