Family education sketch for the competition. Scenario for a family holiday in elementary school. What am I

The first day

Mom and 8 year old daughter drink tea while sitting at the table.

Mother: Katya, take some candy.

The daughter suddenly jumps out of her chair: I don’t want any sweets, I’m tired! I'm alone all the time! (He runs away and immediately comes running with a newspaper in his hands) Look what families should be like! (shows in photo large family) They have so many children in their family, and I’m alone! I don't need any more candy. Buy me at least one little sister!

Mother: My dear, but you know, to buy a little sister, you need a lot of money! But our dad doesn’t have that kind of money! And besides, just imagine, we buy you a little sister, and you have to share everything with her - do you agree to that? With candies, dolls, dresses, she will cry, and when she grows up, she will pull your pigtails!

Kate: Let be! I will share everything! I still want a sister!

Mother: Okay, I'll tell you a secret! I've already made sure you have a little sister!

Kate: Yes! And when will it be?

Mother: Just under New Year!

Kate: So long!

Mother: Will have to wait!

Kate: Then you and your dad will go to the store where they sell children and buy it?

Mother: Well, yes!

Kate: Will I go with you?

Mother: No, you will wait for us at home.

Kate: Well, okay, we'll have to wait!

Doorbell. Dad comes in. Kisses his wife on the cheek.

Dad: How are you feeling, darling? Went for a walk today fresh air?

Mother: Yes, Katya and I walked in the park. Everything is fine and I feel great! I had to tell Katya that she was going to have a little sister.

Dad: Is it true? Well, that's good, let him know! But how do you know that little sister?

Mom (smiles): Feel!

Second day

On stage, a girl sits at a table and writes something. The phone rings.

Hello, Vika, hello!

Hello, Maxim! Where are you calling from?

Look out the window and see!

Everything is clear, get up!

Enters the stage with flowers.

Vika: (surprised): Are we having some kind of holiday today?

Maksim: Parents are home?

Vika: Home, come in!

Suitable for parents. Mom is knitting, dad is reading the newspaper. They greet each other.

Maksim: Dear Lyudmila Vasilievna and Alexey Viktorovich, you know that Vika and I have been friends since first grade. And I want to tell you that I love your daughter and ask you for her hand in marriage!

The parents looked at each other, smiling: We are not against it, but what will Victoria answer to this?

Vika: (joyfully): I agree!

The wedding march sounds and everyone leaves the stage.

Music plays, the newlyweds show their happiness family life: laugh, look at books together, blow soap bubbles. They leave the stage.

Two children appear on the stage, Vika: and Maxim:, who accompany the children to school: they braid their daughters’ hair, straighten their son’s tie, ask them to recite poems assigned yesterday in literature, etc. The children leave.

Vika: Maxim, I wanted to talk to you!

Maksim: I am listening you!

Vika: I have two news for you - one is bad and the other is good. Which one should I start with?

Maksim: Start with the bad one!

Vika: My boss called me into his office and told me to look for another job.

Maksim: AND? How did he explain the reason for his dismissal?

Vika: I have incomplete higher education, and the demands of our time are growing, he wants to hire people more qualified and educated than me. He gave me 2 weeks.

Maksim: My dear, I understand that you are upset, but there is no need to worry so much about it! With your qualities and knowledge, you will be able to find another job. Do you remember when you were offered a vacancy at a company, and a very prestigious one at that?!

Vika: I remember, but I have one more news...

Maksim: Well yes - good!!!

Vika: I don't even know how to tell you. I was at the doctor's. In general, we will have a child.

Maxim: (in amazement): This is news! What are you doing? This is impossible!

Vika: Aren't you happy?!

Maksim: What kind of child are we talking about? I work like an ox, you have problems with work! We still have 2 of our own!

Vika: Your own? Isn't this one ours?

Maksim: You're crazy! If you decide to give birth to this child, then don't count on me!


Vika comes to the church to see the priest.

Vika: Father, I have family difficulties, help me, what should I do?

Priest: I'm hearing you!

Vika: I'm married, my husband and I have known each other since 1st grade. We have 2 children.

Priest: So this is happiness! What's the problem?

Vika: The problem is that I'm being fired from my job and I'm expecting a child. My husband is against him showing up. He said that if I want to have a child, I can’t count on him, he doesn’t have money.

Priest: Well, do you want your baby to be born?

Vika: Of course I want! I already love him!

Priest: This means that you have already made your choice and came to me only to confirm that you were right... That’s right, pray and the Lord will give you the strength to bear and give birth to your child. He blessed you. Only he gives us life, and no one has the right to take it away! Bless you! And don't be afraid of anything! Your husband will understand sooner or later what he is doing big mistake and, God willing, he will repent of this...

Vika: Bless!

Priest: God bless!

Day three

On stage there is a girl reading a letter.

My dear, my beloved, Mashenka! I'm fine. The weather is really rainy. I miss you very much, I can’t forget the day when I came to see you. Sorry, but I don’t have time to write you letters often. You understand, service is service! Just be patient, I'll be back home soon. Yours Kostya.

Doorbell. Masha opens the door. Mom appears on stage.

Hello! Why are you sitting at home? How can! I should at least go out for a walk! Well, what are you silent? Why do you need him like that? Understand, stupid, he will marry not you, but someone else! He has been leading you by the nose all these 2 years! So, get him out of your stupid head! He's not worth it! All the neighbors have already tortured me with questions.

Masha (sadly): Throw it out, you say! Don’t worry, your neighbors won’t torment you with questions! I’ll marry someone else and they’ll immediately shut up!

Mom: For what other one?

Masha: Yes, at least for Yura.

Mom: Do you really love him?

Masha: Mom, what are you talking about - what kind of love! Yes, I loved Kostya and what came of it?

Mom: How can you say that? I raised you as a decent person! If only your father were alive! (wipes tears from his eyes)

Masha: Mommy, please don’t cry! I’m already an adult and I have to solve my own problems!

Mom: Problems? What problems? The fact that Kostya is marrying someone else is not a problem at all! Maybe this is for the better!

Masha: My problems, mom, my...

Mom appears on stage.

Masha, Masha!

The daughter comes out.

Mom: Why did Baba Klava tell me that Yurka Davydov often started walking you home? What have you gotten into your head? He is a widower, he has a young daughter! What did Kostya decide to take revenge on? You can’t do this, daughter, listen to me!

Masha: Revenge? Don't know! I probably want to arrange my own life! And the fact that he is a widower - so now, is it really his fault! I don’t love him, so maybe for now! You didn’t love dad at first either. But you lived with him a lot!

Mom: Have you really already decided everything?

Masha nods her head.

Mom: And he proposed to you?

Mom: Do you know that Kostya’s wedding was upset? He won't marry!

Masha turns pale.

Mom is looking at a photo with her granddaughter, Masha is ironing clothes. The grandmother asks the girl to go to another room for something...

Mom: Masha, you have changed so much over the years that you got married and live in another city. If only I came here more often, I don’t really see my grandchildren! How are things going in general? How are you living?

Masha: As you can see, not bad!

A girl comes into the room.

Masha: Why are you standing here? Did I call you here? Well, go to your room!

The girl leaves.

Mom: Mash, why are you talking to her like that? It's a child! If something isn’t going well for you, then you can’t take your anger out on your child?!

Masha (angrily): Yes, mom, things are not going well! She's nothing but problems! Ever since I got married, things haven’t been going well! Haven't you ever noticed anything? And the fact that Lenka doesn’t look like me or Yura? Me and Yura - we are both fair, and she is black, like Kostya! And she was born prematurely at 7 months old, but she looked like she was 9 months old! And you mean you didn’t see this?! And the fact that there is no love in our family is for sure from my side!

Mom covers her face with her hands: And Yura, does he have any idea about Lenochka?

Masha: This fool has no idea about anything, he thinks that Lenka looks like his late aunt, just as dark-haired! He seems to do everything, bring everything into the house, but I don’t need anything and I don’t need him, and this life is not turning out as I imagined! And Lenka, I thought, I’ll love her, when I look at everything, Kostya gives it away, even his character. This is why I get angry and drive her away from me or something...

Mom: Why didn't you ever tell me anything?

Masha: What would it change? The opinions of your neighbors have always been important to you!

Mom: You’re wrong, Mashenka, you’re wrong! And you built your life the way you wanted! And there is no need to anger God! You have a family - you are raising two daughters and a son. Nastenka calls you mom. Your husband loves you, does everything for you, and Kostya, what happened to him - he got married for the first time, a year after your wedding, well, you remember, six months later he got divorced, got married again, a year later he got divorced again, and now he lives alone, sir. He was kicked out of work due to drunkenness. And you, apparently, are living your childhood dreams and are freaking out! Your Lenka is growing up! Look, don't miss out! Yes, okay, what should I teach you, you’re already literate! Okay, it's time for me to go, I've had my fill! And I’ll tell you what, Yurka loves Lenochka as if he were his own and probably knows everything, but he doesn’t admit it because he loves you and doesn’t want to lose you!

Leaves. The husband comes into the room, returning from work for lunch. Lena joyfully runs up to him and kisses him.

Lena: Grandma came!

Yura: Why have you already left?

Lena: Yes! Have you talked to mom?

Yura: No, now let’s sit down and talk together. Mash, come on, let's sit down and sit for a while! We need to talk! I don’t see you all day, I miss you!

Masha: Now let’s sit down for lunch and talk!

Yura: Yes, wait with lunch! Sit down, I need to say something!

Masha: She sat down! Speak!

Yura: You must accept this and, most importantly, don’t be nervous! This is also unexpected for me, I’m not saying that this is right and this should happen at the age of 16...., but our Lena is expecting a child.


Masha (closing her eyes): Why are you telling me about this, and not her?

Yura: Lenochka was afraid to tell you.

Masha: And that’s why I told someone else’s uncle, and not my own mother!

Yura: What are you talking about? Watch your tongue!

Masha: What am I talking about? Yes, that this is not your daughter!

Lena runs up and hugs her father: Dad!...

Yura: Calm down, my dear! I raised her and I don’t need your truth, especially after so many years! This is my daughter and I will never give up on her!

Masha: Even if I say that this is Kostya’s daughter, and that I married you to annoy him and hide my shame, and that I never loved you??? Then you are truly an eccentric!

Yura: Let's not bring up the past! Now our daughter's fate must change!

Masha: Okay, okay, I’ll call my friend - she has a good doctor!

Yura: Why a doctor?

Masha: You ask strange questions! To have an abortion!

Yura: You're crazy! You're a woman! And this is your daughter! How can you say such things?

Masha (coolly): I try to take care of her and don’t want her to ruin her life like I did! Which child are we talking about? She herself is still a child, who will she give birth to? To me? No, he won't be!

Yura roughly grabs his wife's hand: No, my dear, wife! He will! I expected support from you, but not this! Don’t you think that she might not have children at all?!

Masha: Why should I think about this!

Yura: Because you are a mother! Although... maybe you have a stone instead of a heart! I could forgive you everything, but not such an attitude towards your daughter, who is more mine than yours! You don't have to worry about anything! My children and I are returning to my native village. Lena will go with me, I will pick up Stas from school. Well, you don’t have to worry about Nastya at all, she’s the daughter of a widower, after all, you yourself stuck this name on me among your friends!

Masha tries to object.

Yura: Get ready, daughter! And also, Mashenka, pray to God that your daughter will forgive you... although, who am I talking to? You're not listening to me!

They leave. Masha is left alone on stage.

“If your family is friendly, then worries are not a problem.” Drama for preschoolers on the theme "Family"

Author: Tatyana Mikhailovna Koren, music director
Place of work: MBDOU-kindergarten No. 362, Yekaterinburg

Dramatization for children preschool age on the topic "Family". If your family is friendly, then worries are not a problem

Target: Understanding the need to preserve family values, caring for your family and friends, based on Russian folk sayings and proverbs.
This work will be useful for educators and music directors Preschool educational institutions, as well as teachers primary classes and teachers additional education. The dramatization, based on a folk proverb, teaches children love and respect for their family and friends. Designed for children of senior preschool and primary school age.
* * *
Mother(prepares breakfast)
dad(reading newspaper)
son(sleeping, lying on his side)
daughter(plays with a toy)
dog Night (lying on the rug)
Once upon a time we didn’t grieve
And they spoke Russian
The actors introduce themselves:
Mother: Mother
Dad: Dad
Son: Son
Daughter: And daughter
Night: Yes, and the dog Nochka.
Dad: And how the morning comes
My head is spinning.
Son: My son doesn’t want to wake up (turns over to the other side)
Daughter: Daughter getting ready for kindergarten (turns away offended)
Mother: Dad is nowhere to be seen - (throws up his hands)
Dad: I went for a walk with the dog. Night, follow me! (leaves with the Dog)
Mother: Well, mom is all busy
Briefcase, braids, work awaits...
I need to stir the porridge,
Get your hair done and run to the garden.
And a picture appeared:
There is no father, no daughter, no son.
There is no dog Nochka...
No family, period!

Who did you cook porridge for?
Who should I go for a walk with?
Who can I help with my homework?
And read a book?
Mom is crying.

Nochka comes running
Night: And my mother became sad,
After all, there is nothing better in the world
When I'm next to you
There is a kind husband and children!
Without them there is no happiness
Without them there is no family
And the tears rolled down
From the heart, from the soul...

Dad comes out and hugs mom carefully.
Dad: You, my dear,
Relax, sit down.

Son(comes up to mom, strokes her head):
And I'm taking my test
I'll do it with an A+!

Daughterputs his head on mom's lap:
I'll draw for you
the most beautiful flower!

Night runs up to mom, puts his head on the other knee
And Nochka just came up
and poked her muzzle into the side.

Dad: You, friends, remember
Popular words:

All in chorus:
If your family is friendly,
That's no problem!

But how did the word come out?
It's not clear to me at all.
Well, “I” - I understand.
Why are there seven of them?

Son: No need to think and guess,
you just need to calculate:
Counts by bending his fingers
There are grandfathers, there are grandmothers
You, mom, dad, me.
Add it all up. It turns out
Seven people. Family!

Daughter: And if there is a dog,
So, Eight-I?..

Dad: No, if there is a dog,
It turns out: WOW! Family!
(All children show thumbs up “Cool!”)

We bring to your attention a series of sketches about family for children and schoolchildren.

Humorous skit – “Family Auction”

There is a wife, husband and two children in the kitchen. The wife is standing at the stove, the men are sitting.
Wife: So, lot number one - borscht! The starting price is to wash your own dishes.
Husband: I’ll wash the dishes for you and myself!
Wife: Washing dishes for two - once!
Son: I’ll wash all the dishes!
Wife: Wash all the dishes - once!
Second son: I’ll wash all the dishes and take out the trash!
Wife: Eldest son, clever! Once! Takes out the trash and washes all the dishes! Two! He will take out the trash and wash all the dishes...
Husband: And I’ll give you my salary!
Wife: Sold! The man in the gray T-shirt!

Humorous sketch about a wife and husband

A woman pours soup from a pot into a man's plate.
Woman: How's that? Why are you silent? Do you like the way I cook?! I do not like?!! Why are you wheezing?!! Tell me in human terms?!! If you don't like it, you can leave!!! Why are you lying down?!!!
A man lies under the table with severe poisoning.

Family skit – “Male Hysteria”

The husband is lying on the sofa, watching TV. The wife enters the room.
Husband: I need a new T-shirt!
Wife: Why?
Husband: Look what I'm lying in!
Wife: in a T-shirt...
Husband: In a T-shirt?!! Is this a T-shirt?! Look, Seryoga from 42nd wife bought a T-shirt - so it’s a T-shirt! And I bought new sweatpants! Lies on the sofa like a prince! And I?! I have nothing to wear on the sofa?
Wife: Dear, but we can’t now...
Husband: Oh so?! I'm going to dad!

Video: funny skit for children about family

Friendly family. Mini-scene for children

Vladimir Kozhushner

The room contains: a table covered with a tablecloth, a sofa (couch), a TV and a bedside table. On the nightstand there is a vase of flowers, a magazine, a dry cloth, a decanter of water and an empty glass.
The furniture is arranged so that you can run around the table. From the TV you can hear an argument between two voices, male and female.
Brother and sister Vova and Tanya are sitting on chairs at the table and watching TV. There is a blouse hanging on the back of Tanya’s chair.

Vova: Switch the TV to another channel.
Tanya: Why?
Vova: I don’t want to listen to my aunt and uncle argue among themselves.
Tanya: This is not aunt and uncle, but husband and wife. Italians. Here.
Vova: I still don’t want to. Switch, please.
Tanya: Okay. Only then let's play husband and wife.
Vova: How will we play?
Tanya: Very simple. You will do whatever I ask you to do.

Tanya gets up from her chair, turns off the TV (the squabble goes silent), goes to the bedside table, takes the magazine, goes to the sofa, lies down and pretends to watch fashion magazine. There is silence in the room. Vova looks at her sister and waits for her command.

Tanya: Bring me some water.

Vova gets up, goes to the bedside table, pours a glass of water and silently hands it to her.
Tanya casually puts down the magazine, gets up, takes the glass from Vova, drinks and returns it back.

Vova puts the glass on the nightstand, goes to the switch and turns on the light.
Tanya lies down on the sofa again, straightens her hair, shivers and pretends that she is cold.

Tanya: Give me a blouse. It got a little cold.
Vova: I won’t give you a blouse. Get up and take it yourself. You're already big.

Tanya jumps up from the sofa.

Tanya: So unfair. You promised to do whatever I ask you to do.

Dad comes in and, smiling, turns to Tanya.

Dad: Why are you bossing your brother around?
Tanya: Because I’m a wife and I can do anything.

Dad makes a menacing appearance and, swaying from foot to foot like a bear, goes to Tanya.

Dad: We'll spank you now! Is it possible to command men?

Tanya runs away from her dad with a squeak. Vova also rushes after her. They are trying to catch her. There's a commotion in the room. Sounds fast music. The heroes run around the table and squeal and squeal joyfully. On the way, Tanya accidentally knocks over a chair and pulls the tablecloth off the table. Then he runs to the exit and runs into his mother on the threshold. Hiding behind her back. There is a smile on your face. It's obvious that she likes the game.
Mom: What's that noise?
The music stops.
Tanya: They want to spank me!
Mom puts her hands on her hips and makes a serious face.
Mom: Two for one? It's not fair! Now we will show you!

Now dad is running away, and mom and Tanya are chasing him. Everyone is running around the table and Vova, who stands like a pillar. Fast music plays again. Dad shouts as he runs, “Oh! Ay!”, Mom – “Now we’ll catch you!”, Tanya – “Catch him! Catch it!” Mom catches up with dad at the sofa, and they fall on it. Tanya jumps from above. Then Vova comes running and also jumps on dad. It turns out a heap - small!
Dad: Enough! Enough! You will crush me!

The children are reluctant to let dad go. Breathing heavily, everyone sits down on the sofa. The music stops. Mom looks at dad.

Mom: Explain what happened?
Dad: Daughter, she watched enough TV series and began to command Vova. I decided to protect him.
Mom: Yes, you came up with good education - spanking a child!
Tanya: Mom! So he's making it up.
Mom: I already told you that you don’t need to watch adult films. The eyes become spoiled, the head becomes filled with unnecessary information, and time is wasted.
Tanya: Okay, mommy. Can I watch children's programs?

Mom hugs her daughter. Gently strokes the head.

Mom: It’s possible.

Mom and Dad get up. They join hands. The children jump up. Vova hugs dad. Tanya hugs her mother.

Mom: My pranksters. How I love you!
Mom lets go of dad’s hands and tries to free herself from Tanya’s embrace. Children hug their parents even tighter. Mom speaks kindly.
Mom: That's it. All. Let's play. Now, my dears, put things in order in the room, and I’ll go to the kitchen.

Children let their parents go. Mom comes out. Everyone starts cleaning up together. Tanya takes a cloth from the bedside table, wipes off the dust and lays the tablecloth on the table. Vova picks up the chairs and puts them in place. Dad opens the curtain on the window.
Mom comes in.

Mom: How clean! Well done! You deserve lunch! Come on, I'll feed you.
The children run up to their mother. Mom hugs them and heads towards the exit. Dad walks behind and smiles.
A curtain.

Funny sketches about family for children in kindergarten

Funny skits about family for schoolchildren

Relaxation evening “We feel good together” dedicated to Family Day.


  1. Fostering love and respect for your family;
  2. Development and formation of a friendly team of children and parents.
  3. Development of children's creative abilities.

Hall decoration: balloons, a birch tree with leaves, on each of them there is a photo of each child’s family. Exhibition creative works families. Children's photographs of mothers.

Equipment: for competitions - 2 aprons, 2 scarves, 2 pots, rope, 2 chairs, 2 newspapers, 2 threads, 2 needles, potatoes, knives. Music Center.

Progress of the event:


Good evening, dear children and dear parents!

It’s a glorious holiday in our house,

I think that there is no one more important than him.

Your dads and moms are here today.

Is there anyone in the world

Closer and dearer.

Our meeting is dedicated to Family Day. What is family?


Family is what we share among everyone,
A little bit of everything: tears and laughter,
Rise and fall, joy, sadness,
Friendship and quarrels, silence stamped.
Family is something that is always with you.
Let the seconds, weeks, years rush by,
But the walls are dear, your father’s house -
The heart will forever remain in it!


I love my family very much
I send her warm greetings:
Dad, mom and sister,
To the old granny and... to me!


I congratulate everyone present on this holiday. I wish your families happiness, health, prosperity and all the best.

Thank you for putting aside all your affairs and worries and coming here with your children.

Welcome to our family holiday “Together we feel good.”

We have gathered for an evening that we hope will give you good mood. Be active, play, take part in competitions and just relax!

And now, I will ask you a few questions, to which I think I will receive honest answers (an improvised microphone is passed; the question is answered by the one who has the “microphone” in his hands after a certain signal)

  • Were you asked to go to the party or did you agree immediately?
  • When was the last time you were at school?
  • Are you interested in your child's life at school?
  • Do you remember your first lesson?
  • Which one of educational subjects was your favorite?
  • Do you communicate with your school friends?
  • Have you always behaved well in class?
  • Were you punished? If yes, then for what?
  • Who did you dream of being as a child? Has your dream come true?
  • How often do you spend free time with your children?

Thanks to parents. Now guys, guess who these words are about:

There are many of them in this world,
Children love them with all their hearts,
Only, everyone has one,
She is dearer to you than everyone else
Who is she?
I will answer: THIS my mommy.

Mom... What a short and important word! Without it, life on earth is impossible. Years pass, mothers grow old, but they still remain the most faithful and reliable friends and helpers in all matters.

Do you know what your mothers were like as children?

Now we will check you .

Task for children: recognize your mother from a childhood photograph, tell your mother’s birthday.


Mom's smile
Brings happiness into the home
Mom's smile
Needed everywhere, in everything!


Mom brings me
Toys, candies,
But that’s not why I love my mother.
She sings funny songs
The two of us are never bored!

Task for moms: sing a lullaby.

Contest " Hostess"

Mothers put on an apron and headscarf. Children tie an apron. After mom gets dressed, pick up the pan. Who is faster?

Competition for children.

Thread the needle.


Now we want to give our mothers some advice on how to behave with their children:

Student 1:

There must be a mother's character

Necessarily humane, very humane:

If I get a C -

Don't sigh all evening.

Student 2:

And say: “Go to the cinema,

Take a walk together -

Clear your head from your geometries!”

Student 3:

There must be a mother's character

Definitely humane!

Shouldn't be gloomy!

Student 4:

I'll forget the promise-

Take a bag of vegetables

On the dacha plot -

Mom should take her

It may strain

Let her not groan:

“It’s terribly hard!” —

Let him show courage.

Student 5:

This is my mother's character

Without a doubt humane!

He is human, friends!

And quite convenient!


Moms, do you agree?

They want to hear: “Yes” in response

And, of course, you hear “no”!


Now guess who these words are about:


He can do everything, he can do everything,
The bravest and strongest of all
The barbell is like cotton wool to him
Well, of course, it's DAD


Children wrote essays about dads. I will read excerpts from them. (Appendix).

Task for dads- recognize yourself by description.


What is our home without dad!

Really guys?

Who will fix the stool?

Will give you a ride by car,

Marks in my diary

Knows everything for recount!


What a miracle, this is how things are!

Our newspaper has come to life:

She's lying on daddy's nose

And the sound of his snoring rustles!


Cape Dad decided to do some cleaning.

"My friend!" - said dad.

“It’s time to get used to it!”

“Great idea!” - mom said

And immediately she ran away from the house.

Mom sits in the park for three hours, looking at her mobile phone with fear:

“When will the cleaning end?

Will I be able to return home at last?!”


We're joking, of course

But it's very nice

When I'm next to you

Your smart dad!

Blitz. children's survey:

- Dad's favorite dish?

- shoe size?

— favorite place in the house?

- Dad's birthday?

Competition for dads:

The child carries a newspaper, dad unfolds it, puts on glasses, sits in a comfortable position and reads.


And now friends, attention!

I propose a competition.

Who is strong here, who is clever here,

Show off your skills!

Exercise: dads and children tug of war.

The winner is awarded the “Strongest Family” medal.


How can we not say warm words about our dads?

who love us so much

Who only sometimes scold,

And they praise, they praise very many times.


Thanks to them for their masculine severity,

For restraint, for will and comfort,

For strong and faithful male hands,

That they love us and take care of our home.


We are our mothers and fathers

We want to wish you good luck.

Success in business and warmth in the family.

We so want people to know everything,

That our mothers

That our dads.

Always the best!

Parents' response:

Host: Who is smarter than everyone else in the world?

Host: Who is dearer to us all in the world?

Parents: Our children, our children!

Host: Who heals our hearts with love?

Parents: Our children, our children!

Host: Who is so eager to meet us?

Parents: Our children!

Host: Your children!


How our fathers and mothers love us.


They dress us, put on shoes, wash us, prepare food for us.


They worry when we are sick.


And sometimes they don’t pay attention to how we behave.


Can we show you how it happens?


Well, let's do it. Although there are no such people among us, it won’t hurt our parents to see this.



Daughter, daughter!

Do me a favor!

Feed your brother

Butter cookies!


Mom, I'm tired of dealing with my brother.

I want to swing on a swing in the park!


Daughter, dear!

Clean up your apartment!

On your table for a long time

Mountains of garbage and dust!


If you really need it -

Clean it yourself!

I've been deciding for three hours now

In any family, funny and not so funny incidents happen. Well, if you rewrite family life on paper, it will turn out to be quite a lot.

Anecdote on the topic "Family"

- Pa, ah pa! You always say that a family is a small state. Then who are you?
- President, of course!
- And mom?
- Power.
- And grandma?
- CIA.
-Who am I?
- And you... you are the people.
An hour later my father gets a call at work. The son’s broken voice comes through the phone:
- Mr. President! Another president has come to power, the CIA is asleep, and the people are worried.

Funny "family" miniature

What wives want to hear from their husbands:
- Of course, I agree that the World Cup is held too often.
- And without makeup and in curlers you look even more attractive.
- Can you imagine, there are men who can miss a theater premiere because of meeting friends in a pub.
- How?! Haven't you spent the money I gave you yesterday yet?
- Your mother has only been gone for ten minutes, and this silence is already annoying.
- I only have two hours of free time, but you may have time to briefly tell me how Yulia Menshova was dressed yesterday.
- What difference does it make - how much it costs and why we need it if you like it.
- I love watching you relax. - Of course, I love you more than sex.
- Honey, I think you need to rest - you’ve been driving for ten minutes already. I myself will negotiate with the victims and take the remains of the car to the service center.
- It’s so nice when your friends stay up late with us on a weekday.
“Your underwear doesn’t interfere with my shower at all.”
- I think that using my mobile phone it will be more convenient for you to discuss yesterday’s talk show with your mother.
- Well, why is it all for me - both the tie and the handkerchief? Let's buy you some trifle - well, at least this fur coat.
- Of course, I will have time to make repairs before your return from the cruise.
- Even while washing my socks, I can’t stop thinking - what would I do without you?

Current jokes about family

If a husband gives his wife flowers for no reason, it means he has just met that reason.

A drunken husband knocks on the door. My wife won't let me. The husband shouts:
- Who is the head in this house?
- Whoever is in the house is the owner!

A boy stands and looks out the window. Suddenly his face changes, he runs to his mother and shouts:
- Mom, mom, dad is coming! What will we show him first - my diary or your new dress?

She: - Honey, if I die, will you marry a second time?
He: - Well, dear, never!
She: - What if I allow you to do this?
He: - Well, then maybe I’ll get married.
She: - Will you let her wear my diamond necklace?
He: - Well, how can you?
She: - What if I allow it?
He: - Well, then let him wear it.
She: - Will you let her play with my golf club?
He: - No, no, never!
He: - And if I allow it?
He: - It’s no use anyway. She's left-handed.

Two friends talking:
1 - My husband, such a goat, drinks without drying out.
2 - And mine is only on holidays and on bath day.
Then the husband of the second woman comes in and says:
- Lucy, is there some kind of holiday today?
- No.
- Well then, I went to the bathhouse...

- You know, Kolka got married on Saturday!
- For love or for money?
- He took the bride for the money, and the money for love.

The wife wakes up her husband:
- What happened to you? Why are you screaming like that?
- I dreamed that Marusya was drowning.
- What kind of Marusya is this?
- Yes, you don’t know her, we met in a dream.


And suddenly - to consult... Nikolai smiled, and the dimples that appeared on his rich cheeks seemed to say that I had no reason to put him above myself.
“You see,” he said, turning to me, - Sergey a party man, but you are not yet. Sergei, let's say, was given the task of capturing my soul...
- They tell you, I’m not in the party! - Sergei objected. “And why are you convinced that someone really needs your soul?”
- Is it really that no one really needs it? - Kolya asked, either sadly or mockingly.
Seryozha looked at him point-blank with blue-cloudy eyes angrily and tenderly and did not answer.
“The whole point is,” said Kolya, “that, despite all my desires, I ended up among great political figures.” Look, I might turn out to be either Danton or Marat... After demobilization, I returned home to the village, and dreamed mainly of living quietly with my dad and reflecting on what had happened. But then suddenly my dear compatriots, our crafty Cossack women, honored me with the choice of a delegate to the Cossack Congress, although after returning from the front I did not say a single word to them about the current moment, because I myself do not understand this moment. I still don’t know what I owed my career to... Maybe that’s what they liked most, that I was silent, or maybe the reputation of my dad, who has long been known throughout the area as a disinterested knight of justice, played a role here. But a fact is a fact, and with rare unanimity in our time, I was elected as a delegate. And I wasn’t even at the election meeting...
I got on the cart and came here. Well, I think I’ll sit at the convention, keep quiet and return home. But Colonel Sorochinsky spoke at the congress. By the way, he said one thing that was deeply unfair and offensive - he cursed the entire Russian active army as deserters. That we, they say, sold Russia to the Germans and so on... This, I must admit, bothered me a little. I took the floor for three minutes and gave factual information. That, they say, I recently returned from the active army and in relation to deserters and traitors I undertake to count among the generals large quantity of those, if we take it, of course, as a percentage... He even named some names that were personally known to me. And here - my tongue is my enemy! - I couldn’t resist adding that, of course, the colonel, who had been commanding a reserve regiment since 1915, could hardly see or know much of what was happening at the front during the war.
The public liked my statement, and I received thunderous applause. As a result, when the elections approached, I listened and couldn’t believe my ears - I was being nominated as a member of the executive committee. But just check the transcript - my speech was the shortest of all, and if Sorochinsky had not raised this sore point, I would have sat quietly. Here I began to deflect myself - that I still had an unclear political position and generally had a lot of doubts. But nothing like that, they chose it! And then they pat you on the shoulder and say: “Nothing, your honor, serve the Cossacks! You famously cut his tongue, this reserve colonel. They are now happy to speak their tongues in front of the villagers for revenge, they think we are completely idiots...”
So, it means that I stayed here unexpectedly and unexpectedly. Now I am the local authority! I have already attended two meetings of the executive committee. And now we come to the most delicate issue... The Cossacks left me here, but they didn’t give me any salary. Of course, as a member of the government, I live for free in Dyadin’s rooms, but do I still need to eat something? And it’s precisely on this score that everything is unclear...
“You should go to the chairman of the city council,” Sergei interrupted him, “to Comrade Vasenko.”
- Well, yes, of course! - Nikolai grinned. “I’ll come to him and say that he’s a Cossack officer, a Cavalier of St. George, and he’s just waiting for me, Vaseyiko... But, if we talk about this seriously, he’ll, say, ask me : “What are your beliefs?” What will I tell him? What kind of Russia am I? That's what everyone is saying now. I myself understand that this is an uncertain position. Long story short, I started to sell out a little. However, you yourself understand that I don’t have a store. I had a gold cigarette case - I sold it. There were hours - I ate. I sold one pair of trousers, the others are on me. I've already taken up my underwear...
“Devil knows, what stupidity...” muttered Sergei.
- Really stupid! - Nikolai agreed, “I think we should consult with someone.” I turned to Volodya (this was Sergei’s older brother), and he told me: “Talk to our Sergei...”


  1. formation of students’ ideas about family, family happiness, family relationships;
  2. help develop students’ moral ideas about family relationships, unite children and parents;
  3. students’ awareness of attitudes towards future family life, the responsibility of family members.


  1. equipping students up-to-date information on family issues;
  2. gaining primary experience in overcoming contradictions and problems that are inevitable when building family relationships;
  3. creating prerequisites for the formation of a value-based attitude of schoolchildren towards family;
  4. education based on the example of family relationships;
  5. instilling the skills of collectivism, solidarity, “common sense”;
  6. understanding the concepts of “family values”, “family heirlooms”, pride.

Exhibition of family photographs “My Family!” and drawings “My home! My family!";
- “It’s great that we are all here today”
- “When the family is together, the soul is in its place”
- “The child learns that
What he sees in his home.
Parents are an example of this."

- “A woman is the most powerful being in the world, and it is up to her to guide a man where the Lord God wants to lead him.” (G. Isen).
Musical arrangement:
the song “Parental Home”, “Song of the Baby Mammoth”, music for the song “The Little Prince”, “Oh, Porushka-Paranya...”, “It’s great that we are all gathered here today...”

Multimedia presentations


I.Organizational moment

– Good afternoon, dear parents and children!

(The song “Parent’s House” plays)

Leading: Today in our class we will talk about family. Guys, we will talk about your feelings towards your family, towards your parents, about what you know about the history of your family, family traditions, pedigree. You will get acquainted with the most widespread traditions of the Russian people.

You and I are growing in a family circle,

The basics of the basics - parental home.

All your roots are in the family circle,

And you leave your family in life.

In the family circle we create life,

The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

Where does any family begin?

From the meeting of two previously strangers who become the closest and dearest. Before this meeting, your fathers and mothers had their own families in which they grew up. Their moms and dads have now become your grandparents. They also had their own parents, brothers, sisters. These are your great-grandparents.

Family is a continuation of your lineage. Its beginning goes back to the distant past. In it, in the past, are the faces of people close and dear to your family. They gave life to your parents and, thanks to fate, your parents were able to meet each other. Your ancestors gave life to your grandparents, great-grandparents. THANKS TO YOUR FAMILY YOU WERE BORN INTO THE WORLD.

What is a family?

Listen to one fairy tale.

(Music for the song “The Little Prince” plays, a dramatization of the fairy tale)

Narrator : A long time ago, many centuries ago, there were not so many stars in the sky as there are now. On a clear night, only one star could be seen, the light of which was either bright or dim. One day the Moon asked Star.

Moon: Little star, why is your light so different: sometimes it’s bright, showing the way even at night; is it dim and unnoticeable?

Narrator : The star was silent for a long time, and then, sighing, answered. Star: My light becomes dim when I'm lonely. After all, there is not a single star next to me that looks like me. And I really want to see and hear someone next to me!

Moon: And on what nights does your light become bright?

Star: My light becomes bright when I see hurrying wanderers. I was always interested to know what attracts them so much on the road, where are they in such a hurry?

Moon: Have you learned the secret of the hurrying wanderers?

Star: Yes. I once asked a question to a wanderer who had been on the road for a long time. He looked exhausted and very tired from a long journey, every step was given to him with great difficulty, but his eyes...

Moon: What were his eyes like?

Star: They glowed in the dark with happiness and joy. I asked him: “What are you happy about, wanderer?”

And he answered: “Freezing in the snow, starving without a piece of bread, suffocating from the heat, I walked forward, overcoming all obstacles, because I knew: warmth and comfort awaited me at home, the care and cordiality of my family - my wife, children, grandchildren. For the sake of their happy eyes, I am ready to do even the impossible.”

Narrator : The star fell silent and then answered.

Star: Since that very time, I have been trying to give as much light as possible to those travelers who bring happiness to their home, to their family.

Narrator: Luna looked at Star and asked.

Moon: My little helper! Would you like to have your own family, loving people who would help you make people happy?

Star: Is this possible?

Narrator: The moon, without saying another word, waved the sleeve of her golden robe, and at the same moment thousands of new stars shone in the sky, blinking with their unique flickering light to the little star, as if they were saying: “We are near, we are here, dear, we are now - one family"!

That's the whole story, did you like it?

Leading: When was Her Majesty's family born?

(Sketch “Conversation” Adam and Eve").

Adam said to Eve before the wedding:

“Now I will ask you 7 questions.

Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess?

And Eve quietly answered: “I am!”

“Who will raise them, my queen?”

And Eve answered again: “I am!”

“Who will prepare the food, O my joy?”

And Eve answered again: “I am!”

“Who will sew the dress?

Washing clothes?

Will he love me?

Decorate your home?

“I, I,” Eva echoed again, “I, I...”

From that time on, a family was born.

Leading: Every home has a family hearth. The hearth is a symbol of the home, a symbol of the holiness of the family. His fire was kindled from the fire of the sanctuary. Keeping it was a woman's sacred service. Putting out the fire was a sign of the greatest disaster. The family lived by the fireplace. They dried things by the fireplace, warmed up, dreamed by the fireplace, and shared their problems. Since ancient times, the sanctity of the marriage of husband and wife has been highly revered. Marriage between two loving hearts is considered a sacred union. Since ancient times, a man protected his family and obtained food. And it is still unknown whose role is more important: men or women, and who has to endure more trials in life: a man or a woman?
There is a poster on the board.

The presenter reads:
“A woman is the most powerful being in the world, and it is up to her to guide a man where the Lord God wants to lead him.” (G. Isen).

Leading: There are a huge number of proverbs in the educational everyday life of all nations. Let us think about their wise judgments.
Children in Russian costumes call each other, say proverbs.
1 student : The husband is the head
2 student : The wife is the neck,
3 student : Wherever he turns, so it will be.

1student : A wife is like a homeland,
2student : Wherever you go,
3student : You always come back.

1student : The wife drank
2student : If the husband is a log.

1 student : Respect your wife
2student : Carry her in your arms
3student : And she will sit on your neck herself.

1student : A husband differs from a wife in that

2nd student: who wears a tie around his neck.
3student : And the wife - beads, and even children, and even a husband.

1student : When the family is together

2student : And the heart is in place

3student : That's why there is love in the family.

Children dance in Russian costumes and sing a game song.
“Oh, Porushka-Paranya...”

Family is what we share with everyone
A little bit of everything: tears and laughter,
Rise and fall, joy, sadness,
Friendship and quarrels, silence stamped.
Family is something that is always with you.
Let the seconds, weeks, years rush by,
But the walls are dear, your father’s house -
The heart will remain in him forever.

And who is part of the family? Please list your family members?

(Children's answers)

Let's listen to poems about family:

1. There is no such holiday in the calendar,

But for us it is important in life and in destiny.

We simply could not live without him,

Enjoy the world, learn and create.

2.When our friendly family was born,

I wasn’t next to my dad and mom.

I often look at their beautiful photos.

And I’m a little angry, and a little jealous.

I ask my dad: “Where was I then?”

Dad answers: “You weren’t there!”

How can it be that without me

Such a friendly happy family was born?

3. I love it so much when the moon looks out the window,

And fairy tales quietly wander around the corners.

And next to me my mother holds my hand,

And strokes my hair lightly.

Today is a day off at home,

Today is Sunday.

Dad and I are doing magic together in the kitchen,

We bake cookies for mom.

We set the table and put flowers,

Place the cookies on a plate.

We will give mother love and a bouquet,

And mom will wash the dishes.

4.My dad loves in the diary

Sign beautifully

And with the twos they give me,

He lets mom figure it out

5. Grandfather is very businesslike with us:
He walks around the house, forgetting about peace.
He helps his grandmother all day,
He is not at all lazy to do this.
Then he constantly loses points,
Either he will break something, or he will break something,
Always in a hurry, but tired of work,
He sits down with the newspaper and is already snoring.

6. Our grandmother is very kind.
Our grandmother is not old at all.
Does our grandmother have wrinkles?
With them she is even better and more beautiful!
If your favorite doll is sick,
She will cure the doll right away.
If a lump appears on your forehead,
There is no button, the coat will tear
Or some other problem -
Grandma always helps us.

7. Our birthday girl is crying over a mountain of gifts:
- The new ball doesn’t bounce well, and the shampoo doesn’t lather!
He sniffles whiningly: “These beads are breaking!”
This doll is ugly - her hair doesn't curl!
I don’t want a puppy as a gift and I don’t want a cat.
I'm not asking for a stamp album and I'm not expecting boots.
Neither a mooing cow, nor a terrible viper...
Give me a sister, but better yet an older one!

8. My brother was born. I am, of course, very happy.
Only this little brother doesn’t get out of bed.
How can you not get angry here? During the day my brother sleeps all the time,
Cries in the middle of the night, but doesn’t want to play!
Everything in the house is now upside down. Everyone cares about him.
Even I need to be an example for my brother.
I'm trying, I'm ready! Only my brother doesn't know the words.
He only says “mom”, and that’s so strange!
Time is passing slowly. My brother has been growing for a long time,
But I already know - I don’t like him!
I'm not rushing him! I love him so much!
He is so good! He looks a little like me... Similar to me!

9. Today is my holiday,

Birthday today!

The whole family will come to congratulate

We're preparing a treat!

My two grandmothers will come

And two respectable grandfathers,

I love listening to stories

About the bright Victory Day!

Beloved sister will come

With my baby niece.

And with important look I'll be her

I'll show you the books.

Today I am very happy!

I'm waiting for you, my family!

Cheerful music sounds and Kolobok appears on stage.

I am Kolobok, Kolobok
I left my grandmother
I left my grandfather.
I don't need a family
I can handle it alone.

The family comes out to meet him. This is a family of farmers. They brought with them a variety of baked goods. After telling Kolobok about their friendly family, they invite him to live with them. (Presentation 1)

Kolobok: No I do not want to!

And he rolled on. Kolobok rolls and rolls, another family meets him. A jack of all trades. Mom is a seller, dad is a builder, grandmother is a dressmaker, grandfather is a driver. They talk about their family and invite Kolobok to live with them. Kolobok thought for a moment, but rolled on. (presentation 2)
And another family comes along - they are masters of singing songs. They sing the song “Hope”. After talking about their family, they invite Kolobok to their place. (Presentation 3)

Kolobok is confused. He says that it’s better to be alone and that he can handle any task himself.

Leading: Let's check it out and arrange a competition between families and Kolobok.

I. Competition “The proverb is said for a reason”

The proverbs are divided into two parts, make up the whole:

· There is no need for treasure when there is harmony in the family.

· When the family is together and the heart is in the right place.

· Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

· The hut is not red in its corners, it is red in its pies.

·In your own family the porridge is thicker.

II. Competition "My Home"

Exercise: inflate a balloon (this is a house), furnish it with furniture (draw with a felt-tip pen).

III. Artists' Competition

Drawing from dictation:

Draw a big circle
It's small at the top
There are two ears on the top of the head -
This will be the head.
Let's draw for beauty
Give him a fuller mustache.
Here the fluffy tail is ready -
He is the most beautiful of all cats.

IV. Competition "Mom's Hands"

Recognize your mother's hands with your eyes closed. The song “Baby Mammoth” plays.

V. Musical competition

Find out what or who the song is about:

· She just lies there and looks at the sun. (Turtle)

· Imagine: he was green. (Grasshopper)

· He didn’t go through anything, he wasn’t asked anything. (Antoshka)

· He runs, swings. (Railway carriage)

· They run clumsily. (Pedestrians)

· It’s fun to walk around the open spaces with her. (Song)

· It makes everyone warmer. (Smile)

Kolobok cannot cope with any task. He is crying:

- I want to go home! To my beloved grandparents! I will obey them, help them, have pity on them. I realized that I couldn't handle anything alone. You have very good, friendly families, you love each other. And my family worries about me and misses me. Thank you for talking some sense into me. Take care of your families, love each other!

Kolobok returns home.

Winner's reward ceremony.

Leading: Family is a universal human value, where relationships between children and parents are formed. And only the warmth of our souls will help create a dream home for a family where everyone will live happily.
After all, a house filled with goods is not yet a home.
And even a chandelier over the table is not yet a home.

Students read I. Molchanova’s poem “Seven Main Rules.”
1. What does my family mean to me?
Of course - happiness and home comfort,
Seven rules of obligatory keeping,
Only seven, but very, very important

2. Firstly, this is the main thing - love.
With all my heart and soul and mind.
Not just to let the blood boil with passion,
And it’s trembling, and every day is different.

3. Second - children. What is a house without them?
A desert without a well means you can't get enough to drink.
And children are life, they are a spring,
And procreation. Let it flow!

4. Then care. Only she
The family hearth will be protected from the wind.
Try to bring a smile to spring
I was always with you, and not somewhere else.

5. Fourth - patience. It
Will help you survive adversity, troubles...
And the window will be warmed by the sun.
What is frozen white with frost.

6. And fifth - responsibility and home
There is a weighty stone in the family foundation.
They will help protect love,
Protect your spiritual flame from the wind.

7. Sixth - respect. Only with him
You will gain success, general recognition
Always taking into account the opinions of others,
You will teach them to treat yours as their own.

8. And finally, the seventh thing is cleanliness.
Everywhere - in the house, in your soul and thoughts...
This is how I imagine my hearth,
Where I am loved, happy and joyful.

To the song “We wish you happiness,” participants and guests are invited to a tea party..