Filing tax reports online. Which program for submitting electronic reporting is better and how to choose it correctly? Procedure for providing the service

Electronic submission of reports to the tax office is a reliable and safe procedure that greatly simplifies business relations. Submit a report to in electronic format to the regulatory authority using a computer with installed software.

Persons required to submit reports to the Federal Tax Service in electronic form

In Russia, since 2014, there has been a requirement for all taxpayers to prepare and submit electronic VAT returns. In electronic form, you can not only submit tax and accounting reports to the regulatory authority, but also receive certificates on the status of settlements from budgets, reconciliation reports and other documents.

In accordance with Russian legislation, reporting in electronic form must be submitted to the Federal Tax Service by:

  • all taxpayers - organizations and individual entrepreneurs, including those who are tax agents;
  • organizations that have average number employees for the previous calendar year are more than 100 people;
  • newly created or reorganized companies with more than 100 employees;
  • the largest taxpayers, regardless of the number of employees;
  • organizations with more than 25 employees who submit annual and quarterly reports in forms 2-NDFL and 6-NDFL.

Submitting electronic reports to the Federal Tax Service through Infotex Internet Trust

The Infotex Internet Trust company provides services for submitting electronic reports to the tax authorities. We use a product of our own development - the ViPNet EDF Report program.

Electronic reports, documents and requests submitted to the Federal Tax Service are signed electronic signature and encrypted. This allows you to give documents legal force and ensure that the information contained in the report has not been changed.

Prices for submitting reports to the Federal Tax Service

When connecting to the electronic reporting service, you pay for the rights to use the ViPNet EDF Report software under a license for 1 year. The price of the service may vary depending on the region and taxation system of the subscriber.

Stages of submitting reports electronically to the Federal Tax Service

    Generating an electronic document and checking it for errors.

    Protect and encrypt document data using an electronic signature.

    Sending the document to the Federal Tax Service through the Infotex Internet Trust company, which performs the functions of an electronic operator.

    Receive notification of the receipt of a report to the tax service.

Submitting reports electronically has dozens of advantages. These include saving money and time, the ability to send documents even half an hour before the deadline, working from any city, automatic checking for errors, quickly receiving responses from regulatory authorities, and much more. Now there are several services that are designed for submitting reports electronically. To do right choice, it is worth paying attention to each of them.

Although all of this software is designed to solve the same problems, the specifics of the services vary greatly. And we are talking not only about cost, but also about the interface, reliability, functionality, amount of work and other nuances.

When choosing a program for submitting electronic reporting, you need to consider the following criteria:

  • Ease of installation and connection. Availability of a full online version if required.
  • To which regulatory authorities can reports be submitted?
  • Additional functionality that can simplify the work of an entrepreneur or accountant.
  • Price policy. It's about not only about the prices for submitting reports. Some services offer packaged solutions that are not entirely relevant to the user - sometimes you have to overpay for unnecessary options.

The cost of the program may be affected by:

  • The number of regulatory authorities to which reports can be submitted electronically.
  • Availability additional modules. Some of them are not related to reporting, but increase the cost of the license.
  • The number of users who will be able to work with the program. This is especially true for corporate clients.

You need to take into account the costs of connecting the program itself. Not all services offer free option. It is also important to compare the annual or quarterly costs of an electronic reporting program.

Some services offer a free trial period. In addition, you can pay attention to promotions - this will allow you to save money.

Best Electronic Reporting Programs

To be included in the list of the most worthy, services must meet several requirements. In particular, we have selected electronic reporting programs that guarantee the confidentiality of user data and easily integrate with systems accounting, have a user-friendly interface and do not require lengthy training or special skills. The less effort required to master the program, the better. Another important criterion is the minimum risk of error when preparing reports.

The basic functionality of the services that we will consider is almost the same. Each of them allows you to generate tax reporting taking into account the requirements of the Federal Tax Service and encrypts all electronic documentation, preventing it from passing into third hands. In addition, each of them makes it possible to send documents to the Pension Fund or the tax service via the Internet.

Also, programs for submitting electronic reports may have general disadvantages. In particular, although they all offer 24/7 technical support, it is not always easy to contact. This is especially true during reporting periods, when many users ask questions at the same time.

Although services often provide the opportunity to consult with a tax inspector, clients often prefer to contact the Federal Tax Service directly.

Let's take a closer look at the best services.

"Kaluga Astral" (1C-Reporting)

The program is called “1C-reporting” - in fact, it is one of the built-in options of “1C”. It is expected to work with the crypto provider CryptoPro CSP. To use the service, you only need 1C and a crypto program. The client can receive electronic certificate remotely, without visiting the company office.

"Tensor" (VLSI)

The Tensor company is the leader in the electronic reporting market in terms of customer base growth. It has maintained this advantage since 2012. The electronic reporting program of the Tensor company is called “VLSI”. Its peculiarity is a combination of flexible pricing and wide functionality. At the moment, this tool for submitting reports via the Internet is considered one of the best - it is used by more than a million companies throughout Russia.

Ease of connection and installation

Separate program. Can be integrated with 1C.

additional services

Printing reports, including those with a two-dimensional barcode. Detailed instructions for filling out each line, built into the service. Extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (unlimited number). Comprehensive desk audit. Financial and management analysis, calculating the value of a business, assessing the reliability of the company. Risk assessment tax audit. Choosing the optimal taxation system. Calculation of the amount of a possible loan using banking methods. Selection of trades and tenders based on various criteria. Online registration of KTT with the Federal Tax Service.

To which authorities can reports be submitted?

PFR, FSS, RosStat, RAR, Federal Tax Service

The cost of connecting one legal entity in Moscow and the Moscow region

From 500 rub. in year

Taxcom (1C-Sprinter)

The electronic reporting program is integrated into 1C and is similar in functionality to 1C-Reporting. Works with the CryptoPro cryptographic information protection system.

SKB Kontur (Kontur-Extern)

Feature - work through a web application without installing software on your computer. It is also possible to install the program - and this option has advantages over the online service. For example, through web applications you cannot send several documents at the same time, work with reports from different organizations or with large files.

What to consider when choosing an electronic reporting program

Particular attention should be paid to functionality. It is important that it meets your needs. It’s good if you can use one service to solve several problems at once instead of paying for 2-3 types of software.

The norms of legal acts provide for the obligation of business entities to send certain reporting forms to the tax authorities, Rosstat, extra-budgetary funds and other recipients. Has been in effect for some time now electronic change reporting. Moreover, for some categories of organizations it must be mandatory.

Business entities have several ways to submit reports to recipients, including the following:

  1. Directly to the inspector personally- most affordable way for small businesses and entrepreneurs. It is necessary to bring reports on paper in two copies to the regulatory authority and hand them over to the inspector. If documents are presented by a representative, it is also necessary to present documents establishing his powers. However, this method has limitations. For certain reports, it is not available when the number of employees specified by law is exceeded.
  2. – in this case, the reports on paper are placed in an envelope, an inventory is made of them, and the letter is sent by registered mail to the regulatory authority. As with in-person reporting, this method is not available for some entities due to existing restrictions.
  3. Submitting reports electronically- this method of sending reports to regulatory authorities is available to everyone who has access to the Internet and an electronic digital signature. For certain categories of business entities this option should be used.

In what cases is electronic reporting required?

Legislative regulations stipulate cases when reporting via the Internet should be carried out:

  • If business entities submit VAT returns, only electronic form change.
  • For organizations and individual entrepreneurs with more than 100 employees. These entities must submit reports to the tax authorities only electronically. The rule applies to newly created companies with more than 100 employees, as well as to existing ones if they had more than 100 employees in the previous year.
  • Reports to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund must be submitted electronically if business entities have an average number of employees of more than 25 people.
  • Electronic reporting to the Federal Tax Service is required for the calculation of insurance premiums and personal income tax if the number of employees in the company is more than 25 people.
  • Organizations recognized as the largest taxpayers.

Attention! Business entities must remember that if they do not comply with the reporting methods provided for them, they may be held accountable under the law.

What do you need to submit your reports online?

To submit reports electronically, you must first fulfill a number of conditions:

  • It is necessary to sign an implementation agreement with some regulatory authorities before submitting reports. electronic document management. This agreement covers reporting procedures and how to behave in controversial situations.
  • Acquisition of an electronic signature – All documents participating in electronic document flow must be signed with an electronic signature, which allows the sender to be identified. If it is missing, then no reports can be sent directly to the regulatory authority. However, you can contact a special operator who has the right to send electronic reports by proxy, signing the documents with his signature.
  • Purchasing software - to send reports, you can use services on the Internet (for example, the tax website) or purchase specialized programs that allow you to prepare reporting forms and send them to regulatory authorities. When purchasing a program, you need to decide on the volume and list of forms that the subject needs to submit, since there is a gradation of them - for the simplified tax system, for OSNO, etc.

Attention! You can purchase an electronic digital signature from a specialized certification center along with the appropriate software. For example, you can purchase an electronic signature from the operator Kontur. It is necessary to take into account that digital signatures come in different scopes.

What kind of reporting can be provided via the Internet?

It is possible to submit reports electronically to the regulatory authority provided that it has the technical capabilities for electronic document management.

In order to submit reports to the tax office in this way, the user must:

  • Obtain an identifier using the special service “Service for obtaining a subscriber identifier”;
  • Install the special program “Legal Taxpayer” on your computer;
  • Install a set of root certificates and public keys.

When submitting reports in this way, the user still remains obligated to obtain from one of the special operators a qualified electronic signature, which will be used to sign the reports when sent. Since the signature serves as a kind of identifier of the sender, delivery without it is impossible.

Thus, this method is relatively free - there is no need to pay a special fee each reporting period software, but the duty is annual renewal The digital signature remains.

On the other hand, paid services offer the opportunity to submit reports in all areas at once - not only to the Federal Tax Service, but also to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Social Insurance Fund, Statistics, etc. The service package also includes round-the-clock user support.

Attention! There is also a legal way to use paid services for a while completely free of charge - many of them provide a free trial period, during which all the features of the service are available.

For example, in the Kontur-Extern system it is 3 months. But this opportunity is available only once; you won’t be able to take free months a second time.

Submitting reports to the Federal Tax Service in electronic form - using the VLSI++ Electronic Reporting program - is faster and more convenient than on paper.

Firstly, you don’t need to print anything or go anywhere. Secondly, you can submit reports from all branches of the company centrally - through the central office. Thirdly, the program itself fills out some of the information for you. Finally, VLSI checks report data using the same algorithms as the Federal Tax Service.

Electronic submission of reports to the Federal Tax Service is required if you:

  • payer of value added tax (VAT);
  • an employer with a staff of more than 25 people or an employer whose average number of employees over the past year exceeded 100 people;
  • a new or reorganized employer company with more than 100 employees;
  • the largest taxpayer (for any number of staff).

For everyone else, electronic reporting to the Federal Tax Service is a convenient option. For example, with VLSI you do not need to track the deadlines for submitting reports: the program already has a tax calendar built into it, which automatically takes into account the taxation scheme you use.

For those who work without being tied to an office, electronic reporting to the Federal Tax Service helps maintain mobility. Using VLSI you can take tax returns and reports wherever there is Internet.

Electronic submission of reports to the Federal Tax Service requires the use of an electronic signature (EDS). The latter has the same legal force, as a signature on paper. It confirms that it is you who are transmitting the information. In addition, it is necessary to send reports to the Federal Tax Service in electronic form only through encrypted communication channels. To prevent an interceptor of confidential information from getting between you and the tax authorities, VLSI supports encryption technologies and will work with an electronic signature that you purchase in advance.

Electronic reporting to the tax office

Tax reporting in electronic form and in paper form is submitted at different times. Depending on the industry, the size of income, the size of the state and the taxation system, the set of reports varies from company to company. Therefore, you cannot do without a calendar and a reminder system when preparing reports to the Federal Tax Service. Let's say you took the time to prepare your own tax calendar and were successful in completing the task. But Russian tax legislation is constantly changing. In order to submit reports to the tax office on time, you need to constantly update the calendar manually or automate this process.

Therefore, tax reporting in electronic form has become the “de facto” standard for both enterprises and individual entrepreneurs.

The electronic format is convenient not only for the payer, but also for the tax authorities themselves. After all, this significantly speeds up document flow and processing of received information. For quick interaction with the payer, the Federal Tax Service of Russia even introduced an SMS alert system. For example, the VLSI user does not need to guess whether his electronic reporting has been accepted by the tax authorities. Information about the status and stage of consideration of sent reports is sent to the sender’s phone automatically.