Electromagnetic radiation scale presentation. Low frequency waves. General plan for studying radiation

“Waves in the Ocean” - The devastating consequences of the Tsunami. Movement of the earth's crust. Learning new material. Identify objects on a contour map. Tsunami. The length in the ocean is up to 200 km, and the height is 1 m. The height of the Tsunami off the coast is up to 40 m. Strait. V. Bay. Wind waves. Ebbs and flows. Wind. Consolidation of the studied material. The average speed of the Tsunami is 700 – 800 km/h.

"Waves" - "Waves in the ocean." They spread at a speed of 700-800 km/h. Guess which extraterrestrial object causes the tides to rise and fall? The highest tides in our country are at Penzhinskaya Bay in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Ebbs and flows. Long gentle waves, without foamy crests, occurring in calm weather. Wind waves.

"Seismic waves" - Complete destruction. Felt by almost everyone; many sleepers wake up. Geographical distribution of earthquakes. Registration of earthquakes. On the surface of alluvium, subsidence basins are formed and filled with water. The water level in wells changes. Waves are visible on the earth's surface. There is no generally accepted explanation for such phenomena yet.

“Waves in a medium” - The same applies to a gaseous medium. The process of propagation of vibrations in a medium is called a wave. Consequently, the medium must have inert and elastic properties. Waves on the surface of a liquid have both transverse and longitudinal components. Consequently, transverse waves cannot exist in liquid or gaseous media.

“Sound waves” - The process of propagation of sound waves. Timbre is a subjective characteristic of perception, generally reflecting the characteristics of sound. Sound characteristics. Tone. Piano. Volume. Loudness - the level of energy in sound - is measured in decibels. Sound wave. As a rule, additional tones (overtones) are superimposed on the main tone.

“Mechanical waves, grade 9” - 3. By nature, waves are: A. Mechanical or electromagnetic. Plane wave. Explain the situation: There are not enough words to describe everything, The whole city is distorted. In calm weather, we are nowhere to be found, and when the wind blows, we run on the water. Nature. What "moves" in the wave? Wave parameters. B. Flat or spherical. The source oscillates along the OY axis perpendicular to OX.

Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Chuvash Republic “The subjects of study, apparently, should be organized not according to individual disciplines, but according to problems.” IN AND. Vernadsky. Reflections of a naturalist. – M., 1977. Book. 2. P. 54. Topic: SCALE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATIONS The work was completed by a student of the 10th grade of secondary school No. 39 Ekaterina Gavrilova The work was checked by: a higher category physics teacher Gavrilova Galina Nikolaevna Cheboksary - 2004 2. Objectives of the study 1. Touch the modern theories physical phenomena, thanks to which you can penetrate into the essence of things in the science of inanimate nature 2. Explore trends in the development of knowledge about electromagnetic radiation. 3. Add new information to the existing “school” scale of electromagnetic waves. 4. Prove the knowability of the world and our development in it. 5. Conduct an analysis of the assimilation of information on the topic being studied by my peers. 6. Predict the result of studying the topic. Progress of the study Stage I. Study of literature: textbooks, encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, Internet. Stage II. Creation of a project - presentation (slides No. 1-19). Stage III. Study of mastering the material of a school physics course with innovations: Compilation of questionnaire No. 1, No. 2. Familiarization of students with questionnaire No. 1. 3. Familiarization of students with the project - presentation. 4. Familiarization of students with questionnaire No. 2. 5. Analysis of anonymous questionnaires (forecast, result). The type of sample when working with the questionnaire is accessible. The number of respondents was 93 people. 6. Construction of graphs. Stage IV. Student conclusions (slide No. 19). Cheboksary - 2004 3. Objectives of my research 1. 2. 3. 4. To reflect on the scale of electromagnetic waves the areas of action of “bio-microwave”, terragertion and torsion fields. Indicate their sources, properties and applications. Explore the influence of my cos of this project-presentations on mastering the material of a school physics course on the topic “Electromagnetic scale” by my peers from school No. 39 and the music school (1st year). Test the assumption that the effectiveness of preparing for exams increases when familiar with my project. Cheboksary - 2004 4. Scale of electromagnetic waves - Visible light - Gamma rays - Infrared radiation - X-rays - Ultraviolet waves - Microwaves - Radio waves Cheboksary - 2004 5. Sources of radiation Low frequency waves High frequency currents, alternating current generator, electrical machines. Radio waves Oscillatory circuit, Hertz vibrator, semiconductor devices, lasers. Medium and long wave AM radio antennas-emitters. Ultrashort wave TV and FM radio antenna emitters. Centimeter waves Radio antennas-emitters. Bio - microwave Biological cells of living organisms (solitons on DNA). Infrared radiation The sun, electric lamps, space, mercury-quartz lamp, lasers, all heated bodies. Terahertz waves An electrical circuit with rapid particle oscillations, in excess of hundreds of billions (10 10) per second. Visible rays Sun, electric lamp, fluorescent lamp, laser, electric arc. Ultraviolet radiation Space, sun, laser, electric lamp. X-rays Celestial bodies, solar corona, betatrons, lasers, X-ray tubes. Gamma rays Space, radioactive decay, betatron. Cheboksary - 2004 6. Wavelength scale and distribution of radiation regions Infrared radiation, nm 15000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 1500 1000 760 E, eV 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.21 0.31 0.62 0.83 1.24 1.63 Visible radiation red orange yellow green cyan blue violet, nm 760 620 590 560 500 4130 450 380 E, eV 1.63 2.00 2.10 2.23 2.48 2.59 2.76 3 .27 Ultraviolet radiation, nm 380 350 300 250 200 E, eV 3.27 3.55 4.14 4.97 6.21 Cheboksary - 2004 E (eV) 1242 (nm) 7. Classification of radio waves Name of radio waves Frequency range, = [Hertz = Hz = 1/s] Wavelength range, [ =עmeter = m]< 3*104 СВЫШЕ 10 000 Длинные 3*104 - 3*105 10 000 – 1000 Средние 3*105 - 3*106 1000 – 100 Короткие 3*106 - 3*107 100 – 10 УКВ. Метровые 3*107 - 3*108 10 – 1 УКВ. Дециметровые 3*108 - 3*109 1 – 0,1 УКВ. Сантиметровые 3*109 - 3*1010 0,1 – 0,01 УКВ. Миллиметровые 3*1010 - 3*1011 0,01 – 0,001 УКВ. Микроволновые 3*1011 - 3*1012 0,001 – 0,000 001 Сверхдлинные Чебоксары - 2004 Сведения УВЧ –терапия, СВЧ – терапия, эндорадиозонды Используются в телеграфии, радиовещании, телевидении, радиолокации. Используются для исследования свойств вещества. Получают в магнитронных, клистронных генераторах и мазерах. Применяются в радиолокации, радиоспектроскопии и радиоастрономии. Диагностика с помощью картирования тепловых полей организма 8. Область действия «био – СВЧ» ! =9,8 нм. Область действия «био-СВЧ» - вся шкала электромагнитных волн. Пик максимального воздействия при =9,8 нм. В 26 лет китайский врач Цзян Каньчжена, который параллельно с медициной занимался кибернетикой, квантовой механикой, радиотехникой, в1959 году высказал гипотезу: «В процессе жизнедеятельности любого организма его атомы и молекулы обязательно связаны между собой единым носителем энергии и информации – биоэлектромагнитным полем» в работе «Теория управления полями», где обосновал возможность прямой передачи информации от одного мозга к другому с помощью радио волн. Каеьчжен фокусировал с помощью линзы из диэлектрика электромагнитное излучение мозга оператора-индуктора, а затем пропускал через чувствительный усилитель, собственной конструкции, направлял на реципиента. 90% реципиентов утверждали, что возникающие у них образы становились чрезвычайно четкими. Такая система пропускала электромагнитные волны только сверхвысокой частоты, следовательно существование био-СВЧ-связи можно было считать доказанным. В 1987 году в Советском Союзе доктор Цзян поставил опыт на себе, позже метод омоложения захотел проверить на себе его 80-летний отец, в результате исчезли 20-30 летние хронические заболевания, аллергический зуд, шум в ушах, доброкачественная опухоль. На месте лысины через полгода выросли волосы, а седые стали черными. Через год вырос зуб на месте выпавшего 20 лет назад. Способы лечения рака и СПИДа привели в 1991году к изобретению: «Способ регулирования иммунологических реакций в области борьбы с раком и трансплантации органов». При передаче интегральной информации, считанной с ДНК донора на всю ДНК реципиента возможен не только положительный, но и отрицательный эффект в виде куроуток, козокроликов и мух с глазами по всему телу, лапкам и усикам. Поэтому метод переброски генетической информации полевым путем требует дальнейших углубленных исследований и всеобщей научной поддержки. Чебоксары - 2004 9. Свойства электромагнитных излучений Низкочастотные волны Невидимы. Волновые свойства сильно проявлены, намагничивают ферромагнитные материалы, поглощаются воздухом слабо. Радиоволны Невидимы. Подразделяются на диапазоны: сверхдлинные, длинные, средние, короткие, УКВ – ултракороткие (метровые, деци-, санти-, миллиметровые).При действии на вещество поляризуют диэлектрики, способствуют возникновению токов проводимости в биологических жидкостях. Средние и длинные волны Невидимы. Хорошо распростронаются в воздухе, отражаются от облаков и атмосферы. Ультракороткие волны Невидимы. TV и FM радио волны проходят сквозь ионосферу без отражения от неё. Сантиметровые волны Невидимы. Проходят сквозь ионосферу без отражения от неё. Био - СВЧ Невидимы. Выполняют свойства сверхвысокочастотных электромагнитных волн. Инфракрасное излучение При действии на вещество усиливаются фотобиологические процессы. У живых организмов активизируются терморецепторы. Невидимы. Хорошо поглощается телами, изменяет electrical resistance bodies, acts on thermoelements, photographic materials, exhibits wave properties, passes well through fog and other opaque bodies, invisibly. Terahertz waves When exposed to a substance, photobiological processes are enhanced. They bend around obstacles (crystalline lattices), focus, and with their help you can look into the depths of a living organism without causing damage to it. They combine the qualities of radiation from neighboring ranges. Visible rays When exposed to a substance, photobiological processes are enhanced. They promote photosynthesis in plants, the photoelectric effect in metals and semiconductors, and the appearance of free electrons. They refract, reflect, interfere, diffract, and decompose into a spectrum. They make surrounding objects visible and activate visual receptors. Ultraviolet radiation When exposed to a substance, photobiological processes are enhanced. Invisibly, in small doses it is therapeutic, has bactericidal effects, causes photochemical reactions, is absorbed by ozone, affects photocells, photomultipliers, luminescent substances. X-rays, when exposed to matter, produce coherent scattering, ionization, photo- and campton effects. Invisible. They have great penetrating ability, cause luminescence, actively affect the cells of a living organism, photographic emulsion, ionize gases, interact with atoms (ions) of the crystal lattice, and exhibit corpuscular properties. Gamma rays are invisible. Atoms and molecules of bodies are ionized. They give a photo and campton effect. They destroy living cells. Do not interact with electric and magnetic fields. They have very high penetrating ability. Cheboksary - 2004 10. Sound. Area of ​​sound waves v = 20Hz – 20,000Hz Infrasound Audible sound = 17m – 17mm Intensity or loudness of sound (defined in deci Bellah in honor of the inventor of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell) Ultrasound With prolonged and intense exposure to the same stimulus, a person experiences “exorbitant inhibition” "as a protective, adaptive reaction of the body. The speed of sound depends on the elastic properties of the medium and on temperature, for example: in air =331m/s (at =00C) and =331.7m/s (at =10C); in water =1 400 m/s; in steel =5000m/s, in vacuum®®® =0m/s Cheboksary - 2004 Sound Intensity, µW/m2 Sound level, dB Hearing threshold 0.000 001 0 Calm breathing 0.000 01 10 The noise of a calm garden 0.000 1 20 Turning the pages of a newspaper 0.001 30 Normal noise in the house 0.01 40 Vacuum cleaner 0.1 50 Normal conversation 1.0 60 Radio 10 70 Busy street traffic 100 80 Train on an overpass 1,000.0 90 Noise in a subway car 10,000.0 100 Thunder 100,000.0 110 Sensation threshold 1,000,000.0 120 11. Application of electromagnetic radiation Low frequency waves Melting and hardening of metals, production of permanent magnets, in the electrical industry. Radio waves Radio communications, television, radar. UHF therapy, endoradiosondes. Bio - microwave microwave therapy. Infrared radiation Thermal radiation in medicine. Photographing in the dark and fog. Cutting, melting, welding of refractory metals with lasers, drying of freshly painted metal surfaces. In night vision devices. Terahertz waves Can detect diseases, dental caries, and aging processes. In astronomy. Special services at customs can read classified documents, observe people in their own homes, see hidden weapons, because... everything is transparent to these waves, even solid bodies. They are used in biology, chemistry, medicine, ecology. Visible rays In medicine, phototherapy, laser therapy. Lighting, holography, photoelectric effect, lasers. Ultraviolet radiation In medicine, phototherapy, UV therapy, synthesis of vitamin D. Hardening of living organisms, luminescence of microorganisms, lasers, luminescence in gas-discharge lamps. X-rays X-ray therapy, X-ray structural analysis, radiography, lasers. Gamma rays Revealing the internal structures of an atom. In medicine, therapy and diagnosis. In geology, logging. Lasers. Warfare. Flaw detection and control of technological processes. Cheboksary - 2004 12. Properties of torsion fields (torsion = spinor = axion field) 1. Formed around a rotating object and is a collection of microvortices of space. Since matter consists of atoms and molecules, and atoms and molecules have their own spin - moment of rotation, matter always has TP. A rotating massive body also has a TP. There are wave and static TP. It can arise due to the special geometry of space. Another source is electromagnetic fields. 2. Connection with vacuum. The vacuum component - phyton - contains two ring packets rotating in opposite directions (right and left spin). Initially they are compensated and the total torque is zero. Therefore, the vacuum does not manifest itself in any way. The propagation medium for torsion charges is physical vacuum. 3. Properties of a magnet. Torsion charges of the same sign (direction of rotation) attract, opposite charges repel. 4. Property of memory. An object creates in space (in a vacuum) a stable spin polarization that remains in space after the object itself is removed. 5. Speed ​​of propagation - almost instantly from any point in the Universe to any point in the Universe. 6. This field has informational properties - it does not transmit energy, but transmits information. Torsion fields are the basis of the Information Field of the Universe. 7. Energy - as a secondary consequence of changes in the torsion field. Changes in torsion fields are accompanied by changes in the physical characteristics of matter and the release of energy. 8. Distribution through physical media. Since TP has no energy losses, it is not weakened when passing through physical media. You can't hide from him. 9. A person can directly perceive and transform torsion fields. Thought has a torsion nature. 10. There is no time limit for torsion fields. Torsion signals from an object can be perceived from the past, present and future of the object. 11. Torsion fields are the basis of the universe. Cheboksary - 2004 Orange 620 – 585 35 Yellow 585 – 575 10 Yellow-green 575 – 550 25 Green 550 – 510 40 Blue 510 – 480 30 Blue 480 – 450 30 Violet 450 – 390 60 Wavelength, nm Cheboksary - 2004 1.2 180 1 800 – 620 0.8 Red 0.6 Area width, nm 0.4 Wavelength, nm 0.2 Color 760 740 720 700 680 660 640 620 600 580 560 555 540 520 500 480 460 440 420 4 00 White 0 13 .Light – visible radiation Dispersion of light Sensitivity of the eye, arb. units 14. Questionnaire No. 1 (On the need to create a project - presentation) 1. What do you think about light and sound: yes no a) Are these vibrations? 84 9 b) Are these electromagnetic phenomena? 77 16 2. Is it possible to express the note “do” and “re” in Hertz? 79 14 3. “Field” in physics – is it oscillations? 55 38 4. Do you know about “bio-microwave”? 2 91 5. Do you want to know? 93 0 6. Do you know about torsion, spinor, axion fields? 3 90 7. Do you want to know? 93 0 8. Do you know about terahertz radiation? 2 91 9. Do you want to know? 93 0 10. Will you use the laserdisc presentation project to study the questions asked in this questionnaire? 93 0 a) On your home computer? 40 53 b) In a school setting? 53 40 11. Can your anonymous answers be used in a presentation project? Thank you. 93 0 Cheboksary - 2004 15. Questionnaire No. 2. (On the use of the finished presentation) 1. What is the classification of electromagnetic radiation? 2. Their sources? 3. Their properties? 4. Their application? 5. What is the wavelength range of “bio-microwave” and terahertz rays? 6. Their sources? 7. Their properties? 8. Their application? 9. The range of “visible” and “audible” vibrations and their features. If there are 10 correct answers, then “+”. If there are 5 correct answers, then “+-”. If there are less than 5 correct answers, then “-”. Conclusions: 1. Scientific information is available, but it is not accessible to everyone. 2. There was a need to transfer information (based on the results of the analysis of questionnaire No. 1). 3. Project - presentation - a way of transmitting information. Cheboksary - 2004 16. Analysis of research work Negative results of knowledge tests (in %% of the number of students) 80 73.68 66.67 70 60 39.29 50 25.93 40 30 18.4211.11 20 0 10 0 2.63 Final check After familiarization Before familiarization 0 Cheboksary - 2004 10 A 10 B 1st year 17. Analysis of research work Satisfactory result of knowledge tests (in %% of the number of students) 44.44 45 42.86 40 22.22 35 30 21.43 21 .05 25 25.93 35.71 28.95 20 15 10 5 10.53 10 A 10 B 1st year Final examination After familiarization Before familiarization 0 Cheboksary - 2004 18. Analysis of research work Good and excellent result of knowledge tests (in %% from the number of students) 90 80 86.84 74.07 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 64.29 29.63 46.43 52.63 Cheboksary - 2004 After familiarization Before familiarization 5.26 1st year 10 B 10 A 39, 29 Final check 11.11 19. Conclusions: Nature gradually reveals its secrets to people to study and use them for the benefit of the entire Earth and for the sake of Life on it. The scale of electromagnetic waves is a reflection of the manifestations of nature and our knowledge about them only today. Cheboksary - 2004 20. Slide by physics teacher Galina Nikolaevna Gavrilova 1. The materials of this project are used by students with different levels of preparedness to study, consolidate, and repeat the material; preparation for generalization, test, tests and exams. 2. The teacher and student began to collaborate during the creation of a project - a presentation initiated not by the teacher, but by the student. 3. The project required both the student and the teacher to master Internet skills and created a real opportunity to communicate with the whole world. 4. The project provided an opportunity distance learning children who are unable to attend school but want to acquire knowledge. 5. The project provides favorable conditions for independent study of the material at a chosen pace with varying depths of immersion and the desired number of repetitions. 6. The project qualitatively changes the content methodological developments teachers, which can now be offered to colleagues. 7. The project is a presentation, carried out by the student in a meaningful way, information is structured, calculations are made, graphs are drawn, conclusions are drawn, which significantly improves the quality of the research work. Cheboksary - 2004 21. Literature. 1. Myakishev G.Ya., Bukhovtsev B.B. Physics 11. – M.: Education, 1991. – P.157 – 158. 2. Basharin V.F., Gorbushin Sh.A. Thesaurus of the high school physics course: Foundation of the educational standard in high school physics (concepts, phenomena, laws, methods of cognition) (“For those who teach - for those who study”) - Izhevsk: Udmurt University Publishing House, 2000. -C . 166 – 169. 3. Enochovich A.S. Handbook of Physics. - 2nd ed., revised. And additional - M.: Education, 1990.-P.215. 4. Nikolaev S. Territory TERA // Young technician. – 2003. - No. 2. - P.12 – 19. 5. Dowswell P. The unknown about the known. – M.: ROSMEN, 2000. – P.79. 6. Craig A., Rosney K. SCIENCE. Encyclopedia. – M.: ROSMEN, 1998. - P.69. 7. Maynard K. Space. Encyclopedia of a young scientist. – M.: ROSMEN, !999. – P.89. 8. Elliot L., Wilcox W. PHYSICS. – M.: Nauka, 1975. – P.356. 9. Demkin S. Sensational discoveries of Dr. Jiang Kanzhen. Internet. 10. Ways of development of civilization. A view from the 21st century: Collection of scientific articles / Comp. R.A. Paroshina. – Krasnoyarsk, 2003. – P.64. 11. Uvarov V.V. The top is on the table. The nature of torsion fields. // Light. - 1991. - No. 12. – P.21. Cheboksary - 2004

This presentation helps the teacher to more clearly conduct a lesson-lecture in 11th grade in physics when studying the topic “Radiations and Spectra”. Introduces students to various types spectra, spectral analysis, electromagnetic radiation scale.



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Radiation and spectra Kazantseva T.R. physics teacher of the highest category MCOU Lugovskoy secondary school of the Zonal district Altai Territory Lesson - lecture 11th grade

Everything we see is only one appearance, Far from the surface of the world to the bottom. Consider the obvious in the world to be unimportant, For the secret essence of things is not visible. Shakespeare

1. Introduce students to various types of radiation and their sources. 2. Show different types spectra, their practical use. 3. Electromagnetic radiation scale. Dependence of radiation properties on frequency and wavelength. Lesson objectives:

Light sources Cold Hot electroluminescence photoluminescence cathodoluminescence fluorescent lamps discharge tubes St. Elmo's lights auroras glow of plasma TV screens phosphorus paints glow of CRT TV screens some deep-sea fish microorganisms Sun incandescent lamp flame fireflies corpse gases thermal xemiluminescence

This is radiation from heated bodies. Thermal radiation, according to Maxwell, is caused by vibrations of electrical charges in the molecules of the substance that make up the body. Thermal radiation

Electroluminescence During a discharge in gases, the electric field imparts high kinetic energy to the electrons. Part of the energy goes to excite atoms. Excited atoms release energy in the form of light waves.

Cathodoluminescence The glow of solids caused by bombardment of them with electrons.

Chemiluminescence Radiation accompanying certain chemical reactions. The light source remains cold.

Sergei Ivanovich Vavilov is a Russian physicist. Born on March 24, 1891 in Moscow, Sergei Vavilov began experiments on optics at the Institute of Physics and Biophysics - the absorption and emission of light by elementary molecular systems. Vavilov studied the basic laws of photoluminescence. Vavilov, his collaborators and students carried out practical use luminescence: luminescence analysis, luminescence microscopy, creation of economical luminescent light sources, screens. Photoluminescence Some bodies themselves begin to glow under the influence of radiation incident on them. Glowing paints, toys, fluorescent lamps.

The density of emitted energy by heated bodies, according to Maxwell's theory, should increase with increasing frequency (with decreasing wavelength). However, experience shows that at high frequencies (short wavelengths) it decreases. A completely black body is a body that completely absorbs the energy incident on it. There are no absolutely black bodies in nature. Soot and black velvet absorb the most energy. Energy distribution in the spectrum

Instruments that can be used to obtain a clear spectrum, which can then be examined, are called spectral devices. These include a spectroscope and spectrograph.

Types of spectra 2. Striped in the gaseous molecular state, 1. Lined in the gaseous atomic state, H H 2 3. Continuous or continuous bodies in the solid and liquid state, highly compressed gases, high-temperature plasma

A continuous spectrum is emitted by heated solids. The continuous spectrum, according to Newton, consists of seven regions - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Such a spectrum is also produced by high-temperature plasma. Continuous spectrum

Consists of separate lines. Line spectra emit monatomic rarefied gases. The figure shows the spectra of iron, sodium and helium. Line spectrum

A spectrum consisting of individual bands is called a striped spectrum. Banded spectra are emitted by molecules. Striped spectra

Absorption spectra are spectra resulting from the passage and absorption of light in a substance. Gas absorbs most intensely the light of precisely those wavelengths that it itself emits in a highly heated state. Absorption spectra

Spectral analysis of atoms of any chemical element give a spectrum that is unlike the spectra of all other elements: they are capable of emitting a strictly defined set of wavelengths. Determination method chemical composition substances according to its spectrum. Spectral analysis is used to determine the chemical composition of fossil ores during mining, to determine the chemical composition of stars, atmospheres, planets; is the main method for monitoring the composition of a substance in metallurgy and mechanical engineering.

Visible light is electromagnetic waves in the frequency range perceived by the human eye (4.01014-7.51014 Hz). Wavelengths from 760 nm (red) to 380 nm (violet). The range of visible light is the narrowest in the entire spectrum. The wavelength in it changes less than twice. Visible light accounts for the maximum radiation in the solar spectrum. During evolution, our eyes have adapted to its light and are able to perceive radiation only in this narrow part of the spectrum. Mars in visible light Visible light

Electromagnetic radiation, invisible to the eye in the wavelength range from 10 to 380 nm. Ultraviolet radiation can kill pathogenic bacteria, so it is widely used in medicine. Ultraviolet radiation in the composition of sunlight causes biological processes that lead to darkening of human skin - tanning. Gas-discharge lamps are used as sources of ultraviolet radiation in medicine. The tubes of such lamps are made of quartz, transparent to ultraviolet rays; That's why these lamps are called quartz lamps. Ultraviolet radiation

This is electromagnetic radiation invisible to the eye, the wavelengths of which are in the range from 8∙10 –7 to 10 –3 m Photograph of the head in infrared radiation Blue areas are colder, yellow areas are warmer. Areas of different colors differ in temperature. Infrared radiation

Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen - German physicist. Born on March 27, 1845 in the city of Lennep, near Düsseldorf. Roentgen was a major experimenter; he conducted many unique experiments for his time. Roentgen's most significant achievement was his discovery of X-rays, which now bear his name. This discovery by Roentgen radically changed the concept of the scale of electromagnetic waves. Beyond the violet boundary of the optical part of the spectrum and even beyond the boundary of the ultraviolet region, a region of even shorter wavelength electromagnetic radiation was discovered, further adjacent to the gamma range. X-rays

When X-ray radiation passes through a substance, the intensity of the radiation decreases due to scattering and absorption. X-rays are used in medicine to diagnose diseases and to treat certain diseases. X-ray diffraction allows one to study the structure of crystalline solids. X-rays are used to control the structure of products and detect defects.

The electromagnetic wave scale includes wide range waves from 10 -13 to 10 4 m. Electromagnetic waves are divided into ranges according to various characteristics (method of production, method of registration, interaction with matter) into radio and microwave waves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, x-rays and gamma rays . Despite the differences, all electromagnetic waves have common properties: they are transverse, their speed in vacuum is equal to the speed of light, they transfer energy, are reflected and refracted at the interface, exert pressure on bodies, their interference, diffraction and polarization are observed. Electromagnetic wave scale

Wave ranges and sources of their radiation

Thank you for your attention! Homework: 80, 84-86

Low frequency vibrations

Wavelength (m)

10 13 - 10 5

Frequency Hz)

3 · 10 -3 - 3 · 10 5


Rheostat alternator, dynamo,

Hertz vibrator,

Generators in electrical networks(50 Hz)

Machine generators of high (industrial) frequency (200 Hz)

Telephone networks (5000Hz)

Sound generators (microphones, loudspeakers)


Electrical devices and motors

History of discovery

Oliver Lodge (1893), Nikola Tesla (1983)


Cinema, radio broadcasting (microphones, loudspeakers)

Radio waves


10 5 - 10 -3

Frequency Hz)

3 · 10 5 - 3 · 10 11


Oscillatory circuit

Macroscopic vibrators

Stars, galaxies, metagalaxies


Sparks in the gap of the receiving vibrator (Hertz vibrator)

Glow of a gas discharge tube, coherer

History of discovery

B. Feddersen (1862), G. Hertz (1887), A.S. Popov, A.N. Lebedev


Extra long- Radio navigation, radiotelegraph communication, transmission of weather reports

Long– Radiotelegraph and radio telephone communications, radio broadcasting, radio navigation

Average- Radiotelegraphy and radiotelephone communications, radio broadcasting, radio navigation

Short- amateur radio communications

VHF- space radio communications

UHF- television, radar, radio relay communications, cellular telephone communications

SMV- radar, radio relay communications, celestial navigation, satellite television

MMV- radar

Infrared radiation


2 · 10 -3 - 7,6∙10 -7

Frequency Hz)

3∙10 11 - 3,85∙10 14


Any heated body: candle, stove, radiator, electric incandescent lamp

A person emits electromagnetic waves with a length of 9 · 10 -6 m


Thermoelements, bolometers, photocells, photoresistors, photographic films

History of discovery

W. Herschel (1800), G. Rubens and E. Nichols (1896),


In forensic science, photographing earthly objects in fog and darkness, binoculars and sights for shooting in the dark, warming up the tissues of a living organism (in medicine), drying wood and painted car bodies, alarm systems for protecting premises, infrared telescope,

Visible radiation


6,7∙10 -7 - 3,8 ∙10 -7

Frequency Hz)

4∙10 14 - 8 ∙10 14


Sun, incandescent lamp, fire


Eye, photographic plate, photocells, thermocouples

History of discovery

M. Melloni



Biological life

Ultraviolet radiation


3,8 ∙10 -7 - 3∙10 -9

Frequency Hz)

8 ∙ 10 14 - 3 · 10 16


Contains sunlight

Gas discharge lamps with quartz tube

Emitted by all solids with a temperature greater than 1000 ° C, luminous (except mercury)




Luminescent substances

History of discovery

Johann Ritter, Layman


Industrial electronics and automation,

Fluorescent lamps,

Textile production

Air sterilization

Medicine, cosmetology

X-ray radiation


10 -12 - 10 -8

Frequency Hz)

3∙10 16 - 3 · 10 20


Electron X-ray tube (voltage at the anode - up to 100 kV, cathode - filament, radiation - high-energy quanta)

Solar corona


Camera roll,

The glow of some crystals

History of discovery

V. Roentgen, R. Milliken


Diagnosis and treatment of diseases (in medicine), Flaw detection (control of internal structures, welds)

Gamma radiation


3,8 · 10 -7 - 3∙10 -9

Frequency Hz)

8∙10 14 - 10 17


9,03 10 3 – 1, 24 10 16 Ev


Radioactive atomic nuclei, nuclear reactions, processes of converting matter into radiation



History of discovery

Paul Villard (1900)


Flaw detection

Process control

Research of nuclear processes

Therapy and diagnostics in medicine


physical nature

all radiation is the same

all radiations spread

in a vacuum at the same speed,

equal to the speed of light

all radiations are detected

general wave properties







The entire scale of electromagnetic waves is evidence that all radiation has both quantum and wave properties. Quantum and wave properties in this case do not exclude, but complement each other. Wave properties appear more clearly at low frequencies and less clearly at high frequencies. Conversely, quantum properties appear more clearly at high frequencies and less clearly at low frequencies. The shorter the wavelength, the brighter the quantum properties appear, and the longer the wavelength, the brighter the wave properties appear.


All information from stars, nebulae, galaxies and other astronomical objects comes in the form of electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation

The lengths of electromagnetic waves in the radio range range from 10 km to 0.001 m (1 mm). The range from 1 mm to visible radiation is called the infrared range. Electromagnetic waves with wavelengths shorter than 390 nm are called ultraviolet waves. Finally, in the shortest wavelength part of the spectrum lies X-ray and gamma-ray radiation.

Radiation intensity

Any radiation can be considered as a stream of quanta - photons, propagating at the speed of light equal to c = 299,792,458 m/s. The speed of light is related to the wavelength and frequency by the relation c = λ ∙ ν

The energy of light quanta E can be found by knowing its frequency: E = h ν, where h is Planck’s constant, equal to h ≈ 6.626∙10 –34 J∙s. The energy of quanta is measured in joules or electron volts: 1 eV = 1.6∙10 –19 J. A quantum with an energy of 1 eV corresponds to a wavelength λ = 1240 nm. The human eye perceives radiation whose wavelength is in the range from λ = 390 nm (violet light) to λ = 760 nm (red light). This is the visible range.

It is customary to distinguish low-frequency radiation, radio radiation, infrared rays, visible light, ultraviolet rays, X-rays and g-radiation. You are already familiar with all these radiations, except g-radiation. The shortest wavelength g-radiation is emitted by atomic nuclei. There is no fundamental difference between individual radiations. All of them are electromagnetic waves generated by charged particles. Electromagnetic waves are ultimately detected by their effect on charged particles. The boundaries between individual regions of the radiation scale are very arbitrary. Radiations of different wavelengths differ from each other in the method of their production (antenna radiation, thermal radiation, radiation during deceleration of fast electrons, etc.) and registration methods.

As the wavelength decreases, quantitative differences in wavelengths lead to significant qualitative differences.

Radio waves

Radio waves Wavelength (m) 10 5 - 10 -3 Frequency (Hz) 3 10 3 - 3 10 11 Energy (EV) 1.24 10-10 - 1.24 10 -2 Source Oscillatory circuit Macroscopic vibrators Receiver Sparks in the gap of the receiving vibrator Glow of the gas-discharge tube, coherer History of the discovery Feddersen (1862), Hertz (1887), Popov, Lebedev, Rigi Application Extra-long - Radio navigation, radiotelegraph communications, transmission of weather reports Long - Radiotelegraph and radiotelephone communications, radio broadcasting, radio navigation Medium - Radiotelegraphy and radiotelephone communications radio broadcasting, radio navigation Short - amateur radio communications VHF - space radio communications UHF - television, radiolocation, radio relay communications, cellular telephone communications SMV - radiolocation, radio relay communications, celestial navigation, satellite television MMV - radiolocation

Infrared radiation Wavelength (m) 2 10 -3 - 7.6 10 -7 Frequency (Hz) 3 10 11 - 3 10 14 Energy (EV) 1.24 10 -2 – 1.65 Source Any heated body: candle, stove, water heating battery, electric incandescent lamp A person emits electromagnetic waves with a length of 9 10 -6 m Receiver Thermoelements, bolometers, photocells, photoresistors, photographic films History of the discovery Rubens and Nichols (1896), Applications in forensics, photography earthly objects in fog and darkness, binoculars and sights for shooting in the dark, warming up the tissues of a living organism (in medicine), drying wood and painted car bodies, alarm systems for protecting premises, infrared telescope,

X-ray radiation

Wavelength less than 0.01 nm. The highest energy radiation. It has enormous penetrating power and has a strong biological effect. Application: In medicine, manufacturing (gamma flaw detection). Gamma radiation

Gamma radiation has been recorded from the Sun, active galactic nuclei, and quasars. But the most striking discovery in gamma-ray astronomy was made during the registration of gamma-ray bursts. Distribution of gamma-ray flares on the celestial sphere

The entire scale of electromagnetic waves is evidence that all radiation has both quantum and wave properties. Quantum and wave properties in this case do not exclude, but complement each other. Wave properties appear more clearly at low frequencies and less clearly at high frequencies. Conversely, quantum properties appear more clearly at high frequencies and less clearly at low frequencies. The shorter the wavelength, the brighter the quantum properties appear, and the longer the wavelength, the brighter the wave properties appear. All this serves as confirmation of the law of dialectics (the transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones). Conclusion