School of Business Administration. Graduate School of Business, Moscow State University (faculty). School of Business and International Competence at MGIMO

graduate School business - Faculty of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. The Graduate School of Economics of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov has four main programs (“Bachelor”, “Master”, “MBA” and “Executive MBA”), as well as additional continuing education programs (“Executive Programs”), more than 500 students and more 1000 graduates. We provide strong training in the best traditions of Moscow University. Close cooperation with leading companies gives our students a unique opportunity to connect to the solution already during the learning process practical problems business, and after graduating from school, get a prestigious job and achieve rapid professional growth.

The Graduate School of Business of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov is the only Russian business school included in the lists of the top 100 business schools in the world and the top 40 business schools in Europe. Also, the Moscow State University Graduate School of Economics took first place in the ranking of business schools by the magazine “Secret of the Firm.”

The Bachelor's program at the Lomonosov Moscow State University Higher School of Business is a 4-year management education program for graduates of secondary and specialized educational institutions. Classes are held in daytime, Full-time form of education. Upon completion, graduates are issued a state diploma of higher education with the degree “Bachelor of Management”.

The purpose of the program: students obtain general knowledge in business, management, economics, and other socio-economic disciplines, mastering skills and abilities management activities, development in students of an advanced view of management process and establishing the foundations of behavior that enable success in business organizations.

Feature of the program: in addition to mastering the curriculum, it is important to develop personal qualities that will further contribute to the successful application of the acquired knowledge. MSU GSB pays special attention to nurturing the following key qualities.

The Master's program of the Lomonosov Moscow State University Graduate School of Business is a two-year program at the second stage of higher education. The program is designed for university graduates with a bachelor's degree or specialist diploma, aimed at building a career or developing own business and motivated to study seriously.

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Dean - Professor Vikhansky Oleg Samuilovich

The Faculty of the Higher School of Business (GSB) of Moscow State University includes four main programs (Bachelor, Master, MBA and Executive MBA), as well as additional continuing education programs, almost 600 students and more than 2,500 graduates.

GSB provides strong training in the best traditions of Moscow University. Close cooperation with leading companies gives students a unique opportunity to get involved in solving practical business problems already during their studies, and after graduation, get a prestigious job and achieve rapid professional growth.

MSU Graduate School of Business is in the top 100 best business-schools in the world and has the highest award international organization Eduniversal as the school with the highest international influence.

Key Features Faculty programs are:

  • Best teachers and students:
    • combination of solid academic preparation with practical experience: in Teaching Staff includes professors from leading Russian universities, teachers from the best foreign business schools, and practicing teachers who have achieved serious success in business;
    • the faculty selects the most motivated and well-prepared applicants and sets high requirements to students' work throughout their studies.
  • Active learning methods:
    • practice exercises, Harvard case method, business games, group projects.
  • International component:
    • internships at the best foreign universities and business schools;
    • intensive language training and teaching of disciplines in English language; participation in international business games and seminars.

Bachelor program

The Bachelor's program at the Moscow State University Graduate School of Business is a 4-year management education program for graduates of secondary and specialized educational institutions. Classes are held during the daytime, the form of training is full-time. Upon completion, graduates are issued a state diploma of higher education with the degree “Bachelor of Management”.

The Bachelor's program at the Moscow State University Higher School of Business is the best traditions of fundamental classical education at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, combined with advanced educational technologies that best meet the needs of modern students.

The educational process is built on the use active learning methods, such as practical exercises, analyzing cases, conducting business games, working on group projects. This technique allows students not only to effectively master the disciplines they study, but also to develop decision-making skills, teamwork, interpersonal communication, and also develop leadership skills.

The best teachers of the Higher School of Economics of Moscow State University, professors from other faculties of Moscow University, and representatives of Russian and international business are involved in the educational process of the Bachelor program. A number of undergraduate courses are taught by professors from leading foreign universities and business schools in English. In addition to the formation of knowledge and skills in the field of management, the Higher School of Economics of Moscow State University pays significant attention to the development of language competencies among students. A unique method of studying English in the first and second year of the Bachelor program allows students to master stable communication skills in English. Most third and fourth year subjects are taught in English. Bachelors can study other foreign languages ​​if they wish.

Features of the program: In addition to mastering the curriculum, it is important to develop personal qualities that will further contribute to the successful application of acquired knowledge. MSU GSB pays special attention to nurturing the following key qualities.

1st course - INDEPENDENCE
Self-organization in academic and extracurricular life, stimulation of independent search for information, preparation of independent projects.

Group projects, active participation in internal events and school affairs.

Professional disciplines, master classes, active internships in Russia and abroad.

Career days, company presentations, special courses on careers and employment.

Master's program

The Master's program at the Moscow State University Graduate School of Business is a two-year program at the second stage of higher education. The program is designed for university graduates with a bachelor's degree or specialist diploma, aimed at building a career or developing their own business and motivated to serious study.

The Master's program was included in the top five in Eastern Europe among programs in the field of International Management according to Eduniversal.

The learning process in the master's program is built both on the highly professional work of teachers and the constant improvement of teaching methods, and on the motivation of students to gain new knowledge, open up new opportunities and prospects.

To prepare students for effective management work, the Graduate School of Business constantly updates educational programs so that they best meet the requirements of the changing external environment.

The master's program at the Moscow State University Graduate School of Business provides training in the areas of and.

In the master's curriculum in the direction "International Business and Strategy" Significant attention is paid to the development of students' language skills. English language learning is intensive during the first year of study. Starting from the second semester, a number of disciplines are taught in English. Master's students at the Higher School of Economics of Moscow State University traditionally undergo semester-long internships abroad, and also take part in short-term educational programs ah foreign partners.

The Moscow State University Graduate School of Economics also has a program double master's degree, carried out jointly with the Scottish University of St. Andrews. It is the oldest university in Scotland and is a renowned academic powerhouse, ranked fourth among UK universities by The Guardian. Master's students at the Moscow State University Graduate School of Economics have the opportunity to study in the third and fourth semesters at the School of Management, University of St. Andrews and receiving a diploma from the University of St. Andrews along with a diploma from M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Master Program "Management information technologies» The Higher School of Business of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov is unique, since its content fully meets the requirements professional standard“Information Technology Manager” (approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 716n dated October 13, 2014). Thus, a graduate of the program will have all the necessary competencies, confirmed by a diploma from Moscow State University and the corresponding certificate, which provides him with the opportunity to successfully find employment in organizations as managers of IT departments. A graduate of this program will also be able to use the acquired knowledge and experience to create their own business based on the use of IT.

A special feature of the 2-year program “Information Technology Management” is the teaching of key disciplines by professionals - practitioners who have proven themselves as successful IT managers in Russian and foreign companies, as well as in large national projects.

MBA and Executive MBA programs

In 2015, the MBA program of the Moscow State University Graduate School of Business took 2nd place among MBA programs of business schools and universities in Eastern Europe in the Eduniversal ranking.

The basis of training in the MBA program at the Higher School of Economics of Moscow State University is active methods: case method, business games, group and individual projects. All these working methods make learning lively and practical. Part of the educational process includes visits to companies - the opportunity to see with your own eyes the effect of using the tools modern management.

The teaching staff of the Moscow State University Graduate School of Economics includes practical teachers who have achieved serious success in business, professors from leading Russian universities, teachers from the best foreign business schools, business owners and top managers of the country's leading companies.

MBA program structured in the form of thematic modules, within which training courses are followed by master classes, discussions, group discussions and company visits. The emphasis is on practical exercises that allow you to develop skills in analyzing real business situations, searching for and making management decisions.

The MBA program in a modular format is aimed at middle managers who have experience working in various business structures and want to systematize their professional experience. The program allows you to study the main directions of modern management based on the experience of successful Russian and international companies and expand your network of business contacts.

Executive MBA Program is aimed at top managers and company owners who have reached a plateau in their career development. While studying in the program, students acquire a systematic and strategic vision of business, develop the ability and ability to identify problems and solve them in conditions of uncertainty, deepen their understanding of the global business environment and the internal environment of the organization in their interaction, develop communication skills and leadership qualities, establish new contacts, receive access to the community of students and alumni of the Moscow State University Graduate School of Economics.

Like the MBA program, the Executive MBA is implemented in a modular format (9 modules of 6-7 days each). The program includes two on-site modules, one of which is conducted abroad together with a partner business school.

Among the large number of business school offers, it can be difficult for applicants to decide on the choice of an institution that meets their needs. And here the “MBA in Moscow and Russia” resource comes to the aid of applicants, which reflects a summary characteristic of the interest shown by users in information about leading business schools in Russia.

Business schools business administration has been enjoying stable popularity around the world for decades. Educational organizations operating in Russia and providing training in the MBA program demonstrate fairly high indicators of the quality of education, which are almost in no way inferior to successful Western practices. This is evidenced by the interest shown by Russian managers.

Among the large number of business school offers, it can be difficult for applicants to decide on the choice of an institution that meets their needs. And here the “MBA in Moscow and Russia” resource comes to the aid of applicants, which reflects a summary characteristic of the interest shown by users in information about leading business schools in Russia. To determine the best institutions in this area, the MBA.SU resource uses a number of factors such as the number of transitions to official school websites, the number of unique page views, etc.

Top 5 best business schools according to MBA.SU

Despite the fact that summer is in full swing, business schools are actively preparing for the start of the new academic year. And future students are showing increasing interest in what is offered MBA programs. View statistics in the first months of summer indicate that the offers of the following educational institutions are of greatest interest to users:

1st place was taken by the International Business School of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

The international business school, operating on the basis, meets the most modern business needs for training highly qualified personnel. Thanks to this, the diploma of this university is one of the most in demand in the domestic labor market. The school operates thanks to the joint efforts of the Financial University and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The educational organization has a wealth of experience educational activities, great connections with leading industrial and financial structures, and also offers a wide range of international specialized internships.

In 2nd place is the Institute of Business and Business Administration of RANEPA

The Institute of Business and Business Administration, operating at , is one of the oldest Russian business schools and has both national and international recognition. A large number of training programs take leading places in all national rankings. The training provides different durations, teaching methods and content, and at the same time corresponds to a full cycle business education. All MBA and EMBA programs at the institute are accredited by AMBA and NASDOBR. Statistics show that IBDA graduates significantly increase their income within 2-4 years after graduation.

International School of Business and World Economy REU named after. Plekhanov is in 3rd place in the ranking

The International School of Business and World Economy was able to achieve such results, among other things, thanks to many years of experience in training masters of business administration. It should be noted that the quality of specialist training has received well-deserved recognition not only in Russia, but also abroad. The ISB provides multi-level training of specialists in international programs that have been accredited by the European Council for Business Education. In addition to training on business administration, the training program includes learning English. Partnership with more than 50 universities around the world and large business connections allow the educational institution to provide students with interesting guest lectures from business representatives and organize international internships for them.

4th place goes to International MBA & EMBA programs Kingston/RANEPA

Faculty international programs The Institute of Social Sciences of RANEPA has been operating for more than 20 years and provides training in international and EMBA, which were developed by the academy together with Kingston University (UK). After completing the training program, the student is issued a British diploma that complies with the Bologna Agreement. Distinctive feature is teaching in English. Most teachers have a Ph.D. degree. They are actively involved in business activities and also teach at Kingston University. Students of the program have the opportunity to gain international experience and good business contacts.

Moscow International Higher Business School MIRBIS took 5th place

It was founded 30 years ago thanks to an intergovernmental agreement with Italy as an independent Russian business school. All MIRBIS programs are accredited AMBA and NASDOBR and are needs-oriented modern business. Competitive selection and annual professional development of teachers ensures high level training of students. The school provides additional professional programs advanced training, there is the opportunity to undergo international internships on the basis of the Global Executive MBA Consortium. MIRBIS occupies key positions in many ratings.

How to choose a business school?

Choosing the right business school should be based on a number of important factors, the first of which is the learning objective. Every manager, both in business and in own education must be guided by his own intuition and desire to achieve his goal.

The key role is played by the diploma issued by the institution at the end of the program. Preference should be given to schools accredited in accordance with all international standards (AMBA, EPAS, AASCB), which will provide employment opportunities in any country.

When choosing a training program, it is advisable to give preference to the classical program, since in this case the graduate is not limited to the chosen specialization.

To get the most complete picture of educational institution, you need to carefully study the teaching staff. The experience and achievements of the people who will teach how to properly conduct business should inspire confidence. After studying their biographies, you can attend open lectures or communicate with them in person. This will allow you to determine their level of qualifications, understand what heights they have reached, and whether it is worth adopting their experience.

No less important in the choice educational organization occupies the infrastructure of the institution and its location. It is important to understand that during the training period there will be no time for long trips to classes, so you need to optimize your own schedule as much as possible already initial stages. The school must have the necessary technical equipment, provide students with parking spaces and be as close to work or home as possible. It is also advisable to have places for rest or lunch breaks nearby.

Remember that a competent approach, careful study of details and determination will not only allow get a quality education, but also to achieve new career heights with minimal time and material costs.

Today it is difficult to make a good international career, even as a highly qualified specialist, but without an MBA diploma. But what to do if you go abroad to receive additional education no possibility? Perhaps the most optimal and fairly budget option is to study for an MBA in Moscow.

Indeed, in last years A lot of universities and various business schools have appeared, offering business education in Moscow. Naturally, the list of programs they offer, ratings, prestige and cost are sometimes very different.

Therefore, there is only one thing left to do: study as much information as possible, consider all the currently available MBA programs in Moscow and choose exactly the option that suits you in all respects.

To facilitate this task, the article contains the most complete and actual information about the best business schools in Moscow, the areas they offer, types and terms of educational programs, training options and costs.

So, at which business schools or universities can you get an MBA education in Moscow?

School of Business and International Competence at MGIMO

The School of Business, established at the end of 2012, is one of the leading centers of business education in the field of management, business education, international relations and public administration.

The school offers MBA training in Moscow in four areas:

  • Executed MBA,

You can also complete the program at this educational institution vocational training or enroll in distance learning.

Today, the business school in Moscow offers study in the following areas:

    • Banking business and management.
      The course lasts 2 years, the training format is classes on Saturdays and twice a week on weekdays (evenings), the total cost is 640,000 rubles.
    • Corporate Director.
      The program is designed for top managers seeking to improve their level and having work experience of two years or more. The duration of the course is 1.5 years, divided into 6 modules. Each module lasts 2 weeks. The cost of the entire course is 660,000 rubles.
    • International business and foreign trade management
      It is planned to study any foreign language and foreign internship. The two-year study period is also divided into 6 two-week modules. Based on the results of their studies, master's students receive a diploma confirming the award of an MBA degree, specialization “International Business”. The training course costs 625,000 rubles.
    • International oil and gas business.
      This is the very first MBA program in Moscow and throughout the Russian Federation, licensed by the Ministry of Education. and focused on course students understanding the essence and features of all processes occurring in the fuel and energy complex, as well as obtaining practical and theoretical information regarding oil and gas business management.
      The program is designed for top managers oil and gas industry. The format of the classes also provides for modular training: over 2 years – 8 2-week modules. The cost of study is 660,000 rubles.
    • International transport operations.
      The course is intended for management personnel working for 2 years or more in the field foreign economic activity, transport and logistics. The training includes 8 two-week modules over 2 years and costs 660,000 rubles.
    • Management in the field of sports and tourism.
      The course is designed for managers with higher education and work experience of two years or more in the sports and tourism industry.
      The training lasts 1.5 years and consists of 6 modules of 14 days each. The course costs 600,000 rubles.
    • Management in international business(general and strategic).
      The most popular classic MBA program prepares young managers to be formed in the country innovation economy. The training lasts 24 months and includes classes 3 times a week after work (from 19.15 to 22.25). The cost of studying is 600,000 rubles for the entire period.
    • PR: business communications management.
      The duration of study is 1.5 years, during which 6 two-week modules will be completed. Payment for the entire course will be 600,000 rubles.
    • Risk management and insurance.
      Training is also part-time - 7 modules of 2 weeks each over 1.5 years, plus 4 months for writing thesis and preparation for defense. Training costs 600,000 rubles.

Business school address: Moscow 119454, Vernadsky Ave., 76
Contact phone: +7-945-434-00-88
Business school website:

Reputable business school at State University Management offers exclusive learning programs according to international standards of MBA education. Graduates who complete MBA courses in Moscow receive a diploma confirming their qualifications.

This institution offers the following areas of MBA training in Moscow, the cost of which varies from 460 to 600 thousand rubles:

  1. Information management,
  2. General Management,
  3. Corporate Governance and Finance,
  4. Human Resource Management,
  5. Production management,
  6. Operations management,
  7. Logistics and supply management,
  8. Innovations in energy.

Training is possible in evening or modular formats.

Address: Ryazansky prospect, 99 (metro station Vykhino)
Contact phone: +8-495-210-65-85

A prestigious business school under the government of the Russian Federation belongs to Financial University and offers training not only for an MBA degree, but also for a DBA (“Doctor of Business Administration”).

This MBA school in Moscow offers training in one of the following areas:

  • Financial management,
  • Strategic management,
  • International banking management,
  • Insurance business,
  • Strategic Marketing,
  • Media business,
  • Technologies of practical leadership,
  • Project management,
  • Strategic investments and finance.

Training is offered in three formats:

  • Evening – classes on weekdays start at 19.00,
  • Part-time – every 3-4 months intensive two-week modules: study daily from 9.30 to 18.20,
  • Weekend format – study every day from Friday to Sunday from 9.30 to 18.20.

The duration of training is 18 months, the cost is around 594,000 rubles, plus an internship abroad is paid separately (if it is provided for by the program).

Address: Leningradsky Prospekt, 55, office 305 on the 3rd floor
Contact phone: +8-499-943-94-79

The renowned Moscow International Higher School of Business was one of the first in Russia to offer applicants to study in Russia, but receive an MBA diploma of the British standard, back in 1997.

Today, the Moscow Business School offers MBA education in Moscow in almost 30 areas, including such rare ones as:

  • IT management,
  • Innovation project management,
  • Hospitality Management,
  • Medical business management and others.

Address: st. Marksistskaya, house 34, building 7
Contact phone: +8-495-921-41-80
School website:

Being one of the most prestigious, the School of Business under the President of the Russian Federation was created back in 1997 and is included in the TOP business schools “Best MBA in Moscow”.

Currently, the Moscow Business School offers distance learning, which makes obtaining an MBA diploma possible for residents of other cities and even CIS countries. Muscovites also should not miss this chance, since the cost of studying is much cheaper than evening or part-time courses.

Depending on the volume of educational materials provided by this business school, the cost of a two-year course varies from 68,000 to 99,000 rubles. There is also the “MBA-VIP” option, which offers the most complete package of services and information and costs 149,000 rubles. In addition to the last option, after defending a diploma, the business school sends graduates’ resumes to its employment partners: these are companies such as Gazprom, Beeline, MTS, VTB24, Lenovo, Mocrosoft, Skolkovo and others. By the way, the reviews about the Moscow Business School are impressive; they can be read on the educational institution’s website.

The relatively low cost of training is explained by the fact that the business school receives subsidies from the Russian government and offers only distance learning, which has reduced operating costs. The course consists of 15 modules that will be completed over 2 years. After defense, graduates receive 3 diplomas at once:

  1. MBA diploma in English,
  2. Pan-European Diploma Supplement,
  3. MBA diploma in Russian.

Also, the First Moscow Business School offers training in mini MBA courses in Moscow according to various directions. The cost of one course is 18,000 rubles.
The duration of courses at a business school in Moscow is: for an MBA (depending on the chosen program) - 400-750 hours, for a mini-MBA - 180-240 hours.

Business school address: Moscow 115035, st. Nagatinskaya, building 5
Contact phone: +7-499-346-67-14

The school was founded in 1999 at the Higher School of Economics and today offers programs such as MBA, Executive MBA (for management) and DBA.

Applicants for the Master of Business Administration degree can undergo training in the following areas:

  • Finance,
  • Marketing and sales,
  • Strategic management in the fashion industry,
  • Strategic management.

A modular or evening form of study is offered, which involves classes every other day from Monday to Friday and two Saturdays a month. On Saturdays, classes continue all day. In addition to classic lectures and seminars, the MBA program provides for business games, many trainings and computer simulations.

The duration of the entire course of study is 2.3 years.

Course costs:

  • 790,000 rubles – evening option,
  • 740,000 rubles – modular training option.

Address: Maly Gnezdnikovsky lane, building 4 (Pushkinskaya metro station)
Contact phone: +7-495-621-82-78
School website:

Higher School of Business at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

The legendary higher school of business was founded in 1989, and the first MBA training in Russia was launched in 1995. IN this year the current MBA program of this university took first place among similar ones presented by business schools and universities in Eastern Europe.

The course lasts 18 months and includes 9 training modules lasting about a week each. Lessons start at 8.30 and end at 17.30. Between modules, students work on group and/or individual projects, prepare written work and study the provided educational materials on one's own.

During study the following disciplines are studied:

  • Organization management,
  • HR management,
  • Finance and investments,
  • Markets and clients
  • Strategic management, etc.

Admission to study is carried out on a competitive basis, and upon completion, a diploma is issued in Russian with (if necessary) a notarized translation.

Address: Leninskie Gory, building 1, building 52.
Contact phone: +7-495-939-22-02
School website:

Institute of Business and Economics

Together with California State University, a joint Russian-American MBA program was developed, launched in 2012.

MBA training in English in Moscow is conducted at this university; Work skills in large international corporations are also developed, foreign teaching standards have been adopted, 75% of disciplines are taught by American professors.

The duration of the program is 2 years, studying in the evenings allows you to work in parallel. The tuition fee is 10,000 US dollars and 360,000 rubles, payment can be made quarterly.

If you wish, you can also find MBA training courses in English in Moscow. For example, this is exactly the option offered by RANEPA together with Kingston University London. Modular training lasts 18 months, consists of 5 training sessions, specialization - strategic management.

Address: Moscow 119571, Vernadsky Ave., building 82, office 213
Contact phone: +8-495-434-94-81
School website:

Another option is mini MBA courses, which are conducted by many reputable educational institutions, for example, Russian Business School in Moscow. The “Business Development” course under the mini-MBA program lasts 6 months and costs 120,000 rubles.

Perhaps applicants for a master's degree will also be interested in corporate courses and seminars conducted by the Expert business school in Moscow. The main areas are logistics and foreign trade activities, personnel management, finance, sales and sales management, etc.

Of course, these are not all business schools and universities that offer applicants an MBA program, so to be continued.