A system of business activity indicators characterizing capital turnover. Advances in modern natural science Relative economic effect from accelerating turnover

Determining effectiveness begins with establishing criteria, i.e. the main feature of performance assessment, revealing its essence. The meaning of the production efficiency criterion follows from the need to maximize the results obtained or minimize the costs incurred based on the set development goals of the enterprise.

Financial position the enterprise is directly dependent on how quickly funds invested in assets turn into real money.

The duration of funds in circulation is determined by the cumulative influence of a number of multidirectional factors of an external and internal nature. The first should include the field of activity of the enterprise (production, supply and sales, intermediary, etc.), industry affiliation, and size of the enterprise. The economic situation in the country has a decisive influence on the turnover of an enterprise's assets. The severance of economic ties and inflationary processes lead to the accumulation of reserves, which significantly slows down the process of turnover of funds. Internal factors include price policy enterprises, formation of the asset structure, choice of methodology for assessing inventories.

Current assets represent part of the advanced capital. Their cost includes inventories, work in progress, finished goods, accounts receivable and cash. Here, first of all, everything related to labor is reflected - objects, means, payment. It is in the interests of the enterprise to organize work with working capital in the most rational way, since its financial condition directly depends on this. Turnover indicator system working capital is based on two interrelated financial ratios: the duration of one turnover ratio and the turnover ratio, which characterize the efficiency of use working capital. The latter affects business activity, capital productivity and also the profitability of assets or activities of the enterprise.

Asset turnover reflects how many times during a period the capital invested in the assets of the enterprise is turned over, i.e. it evaluates the intensity of use of all assets, regardless of the sources of their formation. On the other hand, it shows what part of the company’s revenue comes from investments in assets Money

A high turnover rate, as a rule, indicates the efficient use of capital and a favorable environment within the company: a low level of inventory reduces the risk of being left with unsold products in the warehouse. However, if the coefficient is significantly higher than the industry average, then there is a shortage of purchased goods and materials and, as a consequence, the risk of causing customer dissatisfaction.

The following are the general indicators of turnover of current assets of an enterprise:

1. Current assets turnover ratio(turnover of current assets in times), which characterizes the speed of turnover of current assets and shows the number of turnovers made by current assets during the period, and is calculated by the formula:

Kob = VRn/OBsr,

where Kob is the turnover ratio of current assets; VRn - revenue (net) from sales; OBav - average balances of current assets for the period.

2. Average duration of one turnover of current assets(turnover of current assets in days), characterizing the duration of turnover of current assets, showing the average time spent by current assets in the process of circulation in days and determined by the formula:

Toba = (OBav x D) / VRn = OBav / VRd,

where Toba is the average duration of one turnover of current assets (in days); VRn - revenue (net) from sales; OBav - average balances of current assets for the period; D - number of days in the period; VRD - average daily revenue (net) from sales.

As can be seen from the above formulas, the turnover ratio and the average duration of one turnover of current assets are inversely proportional, i.e. The higher the turnover rate of current assets, the shorter its duration. In other words, the intensification of the use of current assets implies an increase in the first indicator and, accordingly, a decrease in the second.

3. Economic effect from changes in turnover of current assets, which characterizes their release from circulation as a result of an increase in its speed or their additional attraction into circulation as a result of a slowdown in its speed and is calculated by the formula:

(+/-)E = (Toba1 - Toba0) x VRd1,

where (+/-)E is the magnitude of the economic effect from changes in the turnover of current assets; Toba1 and Toba0 - the average duration of one turnover of current assets (in days) in the reporting and previous periods, respectively; ВРд1 - average daily revenue (net) from sales in the reporting period.

In this case, the following three situations may occur related to the value of the economic effect from changes in the turnover of current assets:

  1. Toba1< Тоба0 >E< 0, т.е. произошло высвобождение оборотных активов из оборота в результате повышения интенсивности их использования;
  2. Toba1 > Toba0 > E > 0, i.e. there was an additional attraction of current assets into circulation as a result of a decrease in the intensity of their use;
  3. Toba1 = Toba0 > E = 0, i.e. there was no release or additional attraction of current assets into circulation, since the intensity of their use remained at the same level.

The release of current assets from circulation should be considered as a positive phenomenon, since a smaller amount of them began to be required to ensure a given level of current activity commercial organization, additional attraction of current assets into circulation is considered a negative phenomenon, since to ensure a given level of current activity of a commercial organization, a large amount of them began to be required.

3.1 Consequences of acceleration (slowdown) of working capital turnover

As part of the study, in accordance with the studied methodology for analyzing current assets, it is necessary to graphically represent their structure (Fig. 3.1.) to determine their most significant components. In paragraph 2.1. Current assets were fragmentarily studied, and indicators of structure and dynamics were calculated for the analyzed period.

Rice. 3.1. Structure of current assets of Yuzhnaya Zvezda LLC

A graphical representation of the structure determines that the essential components of current assets are: short-term financial investments – 51%; goods for resale – 34%; accounts receivable – 11%. From the point of view of the type of activity of the research object, we are more interested in accounts receivable and goods for resale. Short-term financial investments, taking into account the data financial statements, are loans provided to other organizations.

In 2007, the share of short-term financial investments decreased to 17%, still a significant share in the total amount of current assets belongs to goods for resale - 11%; the share of receivables in working capital has also increased - up to 49%, which is already a negative point: in 2007, half of all working capital of the organization is not used for business turnover purposes, it is excluded from it, which naturally reduces efficiency economic activity organizations.

IN modern conditions Many enterprises experience a shortage of working capital, that is, a situation where the standard exceeds the amount of working capital. The reason for its occurrence may be failure to fulfill the profit plan, use of profit for purposes not provided for by the plan, untimely financing of the working capital standard, diversion of working capital, i.e. immobilization.

Immobilization of working capital represents their removal from a continuous systematic circulation. Any immobilization of working capital indicates their ineffective use, leads to a slowdown in turnover and a deterioration in the solvency of the enterprise. It is necessary to distinguish between immobilization that arose as a result of the use of working capital for purposes other than its intended purpose, that is, for purposes not at all related to the circulation of funds, and immobilization that arose as a result of a slowdown in the circulation of funds at its individual stages.

The following main ways to accelerate the turnover of working capital can be identified:

At the stage of preparation for production - calculation of scientifically based norms and standards of working capital;

At the production stage - reducing the duration of the production cycle through automation, complex mechanization, the use of the latest scientific discoveries and technical inventions, replacing expensive materials with cheaper ones, reusing containers, tools, rhythmic production, etc.;

At the circulation stage - increasing the volume and ensuring the rhythm of sales of products, which contributes to uninterrupted shipment to customers and timely receipt of funds for it to the bank account; development of the settlement system in national economy, timely execution of documents and strict adherence to payment discipline.

Turnover indicators help determine how effectively an enterprise uses its assets and sources of financing.

Turnover characterizes the amount of funds that an enterprise must invest in the business for its normal functioning.

Turnover ratios help evaluate the effectiveness not only of enterprise management as a whole, but also of individual services. Turnover analysis makes it possible to identify hidden capital reserves in an enterprise and thereby sometimes refuse to use debt “paid” financing.

The financial position of an enterprise is largely determined by how quickly funds invested in assets are converted into real money. Accelerating the turnover of working capital allows either, with the same sales volume, to release part of the working capital from circulation, or, with the same amount of working capital, to increase the sales volume. In this regard, turnover indicators are also called business activity indicators. To assess the efficiency of asset use, indicators of asset turnover in general, current assets, as well as inventories and accounts receivable are used.

The turnover ratio of current assets reflects the number of turnovers made by property during the analyzed period. It is a stimulant indicator and therefore should tend to increase. Characterizes the efficiency of the enterprise's use of all available resources, regardless of the sources of their attraction. This coefficient shows how many times per year the full cycle of production and circulation is completed, bringing a corresponding effect in the form of profit.

Turnover for the analyzed periods from 2005 to 2006 increased from 2.58 to 3.41, and from 2006 to 2007 it sharply decreased from 3.41 to 1.96, which is a negative trend and indicates a decline rate of turnover, sales, decreased efficiency of resource use, overall profitability of production, as well as increased instability financial condition enterprises. Moreover, turnover decreased both due to an increase in current assets and a decrease in revenue.

Turnover duration is a decoding of the turnover rate and shows how many days it takes current assets to go through a full cycle. As a result of accelerating the turnover of working capital, a conditional release of working capital occurs, that is, saving it. It is expressed in days and is calculated as follows:

Voa = T / K vol.oa = T x OA avg. / Revenues from sales; (2)

If in 2005 the period of one revolution was 141 days, then in 2006 it was 107 days, and in 2007 it was 186 days.

When turnover slows down, there is an additional attraction of working capital to service production, that is, overexpenditure.

Additional attraction of working capital due to slowdown in turnover is calculated as follows:

rOact = (Boa 1 – Boa 0) x Vyr.p 1 / T 1;

In 2005, the overexpenditure of working capital amounted to 87,552.5 thousand rubles, that is, these funds did not participate in the turnover, because of this, the efficiency of using working capital and the overall profitability of the enterprise decreased. During 2006, overexpenditure decreased 280 times to 312.3 thousand rubles, but remained positive, which coincides with a slowdown in the rate of decline in turnover of current assets and indicates a reduced, but still existing, decline in the efficiency of using working capital. In 2007, the additional attraction of current assets increased to 52,608.9 thousand rubles, which indicates a deterioration in the rationality of the enterprise's economic activities and an even greater decrease in production profitability.

The rate of inventory turnover is one of the the most important factors, affecting the overall turnover of working capital. The inventory turnover period is the average period of time required to transform raw materials into finished products and subsequent sale.

As inventory turnover increases, the period of one turnover decreases accordingly. This is a positive change and indicates that the company is using resources rationally. Current assets are concentrated in liquid form and this leads to an increase in their turnover and an increase in profits.

With regard to the organization's inventories: the speed of their turnover increases, which is a positive trend, the movement and change in the form of inventories occurs faster, which reduces the risk of deadening of funds in inventories; in 2005, inventories managed to complete one turnover in 61 days, in 2006 – in 42 days, in 2007 – in 30 days. The lower this indicator, the more efficient the work trade organization.

Since a significant share of Yuzhnaya Zvezda LLC’s inventories belongs to goods for resale, management should monitor the immobilization of working capital by product groups. To do this, it is necessary to study the structure of goods for resale and monitor its changes quarterly. Due to insufficient data, we analyzed the structure of goods for resale only for 2007, and the following results were obtained (Fig. 3.3).

Rice. 3.3. Structure of inventory for resale of Yuzhnaya Zvezda LLC in 2007

As you can see, the largest share in the total value of inventory is occupied by flower crops - 45%; approximately equal shares have accessories for plants and planting material– 20% and 14% respectively.

As a result of the analysis, we obtained the amounts of additionally attracted working capital as a result of a slowdown in the turnover of current assets.

Table 3.1

Overexpenditure of working capital as a result of slower turnover of current assets (thousand rubles)

The system of general and partial indicators of working capital turnover is based on two interrelated financial ratios: the turnover ratio and the duration of one turnover, which characterize the efficiency of using working capital, and in particular the turnover of inventories, the turnover and repayment period of receivables, etc.

In their content, turnover indicators are direct indicators of resource-type efficiency, i.e. characterizing the ratio of effect to costs. The original effect is applied as the effect. financial indicator– sales revenue. Costs are expressed quantitatively through indicators of advanced resources, which gives grounds to attribute turnover indicators to the resource type. In other words, turnover is characterized by a comparison of indicators of production volume and the amount of advanced working capital.

The length of time funds remain in circulation is influenced by external and internal factors.

TO external factors include: scope of activity of the organization; industry affiliation; scale of the organization; the economic situation in the country and the associated business conditions.

Internal factors – the organization’s pricing policy, asset structure, inventory valuation methodology.

Reserves and ways to accelerate the turnover of working capital in a generalized form depend on two factors: production volumes, sales and the size of working capital. To speed up turnover, you need to:

Improve production and sales, normalize the allocation of working capital;

Completely and rhythmically implement business plans;

Improve the organization of production and sales, introduce progressive forms and methods;

Improve settlements with suppliers and buyers;

Improve claims handling;

Accelerate the turnover of funds by improving the collection of revenue, strictly limiting the balance of funds in the cash registers of the enterprise, in transit, in a bank account;

Minimize stocks of household materials, low-value and wearable items, equipment, workwear in the warehouse, reduce accountable amounts, deferred expenses;

Prevent the growth of accounts receivable.

The efficiency of using working capital of enterprises, therefore, depends, first of all, on their ability to improve the organization of production and sales, and increase the level of commercial and financial work.

Particular attention is paid to studying the reasons identified by certain species current assets and development of measures to optimize them. An increase in inventory may be the result of shortcomings in the organization of trade, advertising, studying customer demand, etc. marketing activities, the presence of unclaimed and slow-moving industries.

Large cash balances on hand and in transit arise due to irregular sales development, untimely delivery of proceeds to the bank, unused funds and other violations of cash discipline. Excessive balances of other inventory items are the result of the presence or acquisition of excess and unnecessary materials, raw materials, fuel, low-value and wearable items, and other material assets. It is possible to reduce inventories of goods, materials, raw materials, and fuel to optimal sizes through their wholesale sales or barter transactions, uniform and frequent delivery. The normalization of balances of goods and cash in the cash register on the way is facilitated by the rhythmic development of trade turnover.

In Chapter 3.1, measures were proposed to improve inventory management.

Let's calculate the economic effect of the proposed measures.

1) Let us calculate the turnover ratios actually and with a decrease in inventory (see Table 33).

Table 33 - Comparative calculation of the inventory turnover ratio of Bashtechservice LLC, thousand rubles.

Thus, with a reduction in inventory, the duration of one inventory turnover will decrease by 4 days. (Fig. 13).

Figure 13 - Change in the duration of one inventory turnover

Economic effect of changing the turnover ratio:

E = B 1 /360* Duration of turnover = 60952/360* (-4) = -677 thousand rubles.

Those. at the enterprise, due to an increase in the inventory turnover ratio, working capital in the amount of 677 thousand rubles will be released.

It is necessary to develop new forms of contracts with a prepayment condition of 10%. Then accounts receivable will decrease by 10% and amount to 6512 thousand rubles.

Changes in accounts receivable turnover indicators are shown in Table 34.

Table 34 - Accounts receivable turnover indicators

As can be seen from the table data, accounts receivable turnover increased by 0.927 times, the average turnover period decreased by 2.2 days (Fig. 14).

Figure 14 - Change in the duration of one turnover of receivables

The economic effect from accelerating turnover will be: E = B1/360* Duration of turnover = 60952/360*(- 2.2) = - 372 thousand rubles.

The economic effect of reducing inventory and accounts receivable will be expressed in a change in the structure of the enterprise's balance sheet and an increase in liquidity ratios (Tables 36 and 37). The funds released from circulation can be used to pay off short-term obligations.

Table 35 - Compacted analytical balance-net

Article title

Before implementing proposals

After implementing the proposals

Deviation, thousand rubles

Growth rate, %

Percentage to total balance

Percentage to total balance

Current assets, total


Inventory and VAT

Accounts receivable


Other current assets

Non-current assets, total


Fixed assets

Other noncurrent assets

Total assets

Capital and reserves, total


Authorized capital

retained earnings

long term duties

Current liabilities, total


Loans and credits

Accounts payable

Total liabilities

As can be seen from these calculations, a decrease in the balance of inventory and accounts receivable will lead to a change in the structure of the balance sheet. In the forecast balance, there was a decrease in working capital by 1,360 thousand rubles. But working capital still occupies the largest share in the structure of assets.

The share of borrowed capital has decreased, while equity has increased, which can be assessed positively.

Let's analyze the liquidity of the forecast balance (Table 36)

Table 36 - Analysis of balance sheet liquidity

Payment surplus or deficiency

A1Page 250, 260

A2 Page 240, 270

A3 Page 210 220, 140

A 4 Page 190-140

According to the table, the ratio of assets and liabilities is as follows:

actually: A 1< П 1 , А 2 >P 2, A 3 > P 3, A 4< П 4 ;

forecast: A 1< П 1 , А 2 >P 2, A 3 > P 3, A 4< П 4 ;

Although we received the same ratio, the payment gap of the most liquid to cover the most urgent obligations decreased, which should be assessed positively.

Let's calculate liquidity ratios (Table 37).

Table 37 - Liquidity indicators

The data in the analytical table shows that as a result of a reduction in inventory and accounts receivable, liquidity indicators will increase, which has a positive effect on the financial condition.

Figure 15 - Change in liquidity ratios

Thus, this chapter develops recommendations for increasing the efficiency of using working capital elements. Calculations showed that these measures are beneficial to the enterprise.

The economic effect of accelerating inventory turnover is expressed in the release of working capital, reducing the company's need for them due to improved use. A distinction is made between absolute and relative release of working capital.

Absolute release reflects a direct reduction in the need for working capital. The amount of absolute release is determined as the difference in the amounts of working capital invested in inventories in the analyzed periods.

Let's look at an example. In 2016, trade turnover amounted to 2,500,000 rubles, while the average annual cost of inventory was 500,000 rubles. The turnover was 5 revolutions. In 2017, turnover accelerated; turnover was also 2,500,000 rubles, but the average annual cost of inventory was 300,000 rubles. The turnover was equal to 8.33 revolutions, and the absolute release of working capital is defined as 500,000 rubles - 300,000 rubles = 200,000 rubles.

Relative release reflects the difference in working capital that would be needed in the current period with the turnover of the previous period. When do we need to determine relative release? In the previous example, turnover has not changed over the year, but you can often observe a situation where, as turnover accelerates, the cost of inventory remains the same, and turnover increases. That is, to increase sales the company did not need additional attraction of working capital.

Let's look at an example. In 2016, trade turnover amounted to 2,500,000 rubles, while the average annual cost of inventory was 500,000 rubles. The turnover was 5 revolutions. In 2017, turnover accelerated, the average annual cost of inventory was 500,000 rubles, and turnover was equal to 4,000,000 rubles. There was no absolute release of working capital: they were all invested in inventory, but the company benefited from the fact that it did not need to raise additional funds to increase sales. Let's determine this benefit. The logic is as follows.

We need to determine the average annual value of inventory, which would be if turnover remained the same as in 2016. The difference between this value and the actual one in 2017 will be the economic benefit from accelerating turnover in this case.

The turnover in 2016 was 5 revolutions. Let me remind you that turnover in turnover is defined as the ratio of turnover to the average annual cost of inventories. In our case, this is 2,500,000 rubles/500,000 rubles – 5 revolutions. If turnover had not changed in 2017, then the average annual cost of inventories would have been 4,000,000 rubles / 5 turnovers = 800,000 rubles. That is, we would need to attract an additional 300,000 rubles: 800,000 rubles – 500,000 rubles. The company did not need to attract these funds due to the fact that it took measures to accelerate turnover.

If you calculate turnover in days, then the effect of its acceleration is determined by the formula:

Economic effect = (turnover in the previous period - turnover in the current period) * turnover for the year / 365 days

In the period under review, the economic effect is equal to:

Turnover in 2016 = 500,000 rubles * 365 days / 2,500,000 rubles = 73 days

Turnover in 2017 = 500,000 rubles * 365 days / 4,000,000 rubles = 45.625 days

Economic effect = (73 days – 45.625 days) * 4,000,000 rubles / 365 days = 300,000 rubles.

According to my observations, almost every company has large reserves for accelerating turnover. More and more often people come to me with the question of how to achieve the turnover that the manager/owner of the company sets as a target. The site has several articles on this topic. For example,

If you want to quickly find a solution, understand what steps need to be taken specifically in your company, get a clear and clear plan to speed up turnover, I suggest getting my consultation.

The consultation will include:

Calculation of standard turnover by suppliers and by company;

Calculation of actual turnover by suppliers and company;

Identification of positions with large surpluses;

Discussion of an action plan to get rid of these surpluses;

Identification of reserves for increasing turnover (frequency of order placement, work with suppliers).

The duration of the consultation is 1.5 hours.

Before the consultation, you need to send all the data that will be required for calculations. I make the calculations, and then we jointly analyze your indicators during a consultation on Skype.

Cost - 6,000 rubles.

Currently total amount The company's receivables amount to about 1,474 thousand rubles. In 2009 - 2010 the balance of short-term accounts receivable at the end of the year tends to decrease, which makes it possible to increase the cash component of working capital and accelerate their turnover. To further reduce accounts receivable, it is planned to: increase the share of prepayments and intensify the work of the legal service to collect the overdue portion of the debt.

Also, to increase the efficiency of using working capital (by reducing the turnover period), it is recommended to develop measures for the sale and write-off of stale materials, since their presence leads to the “death” of working capital, increased storage costs, etc.

Let us calculate the effectiveness of the proposed measures. We present the data for calculations in the form of table 22.

Table 22. Initial data for analysis

In the reporting year 2010, revenue increased 1.5 times compared to the previous 2009, when it amounted to 12,941,694 thousand rubles, therefore, in the base period it is planned to increase revenue by 1.65 times, which will amount to 33,090,560 thousand rubles. (see table 22).

In addition, it is planned to reduce accounts receivable, according to the proposed measures, by 4 times, which will amount to 168,523 thousand rubles.

Due to the doubling of revenue, there should be an increase in inventory turnover, which in turn should be due to a decrease in inventories and materials in warehouses.

Let us analyze the dynamics of the economic potential of the enterprise for 2009-2011, taking into account planned indicators.

The analysis is shown in Table 23.

Table 23. Dynamics of the economic potential of KAMAZ-DIZEL OJSC for the period 2009-2011 (taking into account planned indicators), thousand rubles.

The following ratio of tempo indicators is optimal:

> > > 100%, (14)

where, - respectively, the rate of change in profit from sales of products, revenue from sales and the total cost of products sold.

Throughout 2009-2010. This inequality is observed to be fulfilled, despite the fact that the financial condition of the enterprise is not stable, there was a decrease in losses, and the profit growth rate was 167.39%. Inequality indicates that, compared with the increase in economic potential, sales volume increases at a faster rate, that is, the organization’s resources are used more efficiently, the return on every ruble invested in the company increases, since the rate of revenue growth outpaces the rate of cost growth, which cannot be said about the rate of profit growth. If the revenue growth rate increases by 10%, revenue will increase by 1.65 times. It is necessary that in the planning year the rate of profit growth be greater than the rate of revenue growth, which should increase the economic potential of KAMAZ-DIZEL OJSC. In order for profits to grow at a faster pace, it is necessary to have a relative reduction in production and distribution costs in the reporting period as a result of actions aimed at optimizing technological process and relationships with counterparties.

Thus, with a planned reduction in losses by 88 times, sales revenue will increase by 1.65 times, and the total cost will increase by 1.62 times, and the inequality will be respected. Consequently, it is planned to increase the economic potential of KAMAZ-DIZEL OJSC.

Inventory circulation time is expressed in days of turnover and is calculated using formula (15)

OT = Z * T: Q (15)

Ot - average stock;

T - number of days in the period;

Q - sales revenue.

Let's calculate the inventory circulation time for the enterprise OJSC KAMAZ-DIZEL for 2010.

From = 1127103 * 365: 20054885

This means that in 2010 the company had enough supplies for 20 days. It is necessary to plan a decrease in the level of inventories, therefore, according to formula (15), in the planned year 2011, the circulation time of inventories should decrease due to an increase in sales revenue, which will entail a decrease in the average annual cost of circulating assets. production assets.

So, we have in 2011 according to plan:

From = 985650 * 365: 33090560

This means that with a decrease in inventory levels by 1.14 times, in the planned year the inventory circulation time is reduced by 2 times, which can increase the speed and reduce the time of commodity circulation, increase sales revenue with a smaller inventory, which has an impact on the reduction expenses for storing goods, reducing commodity losses, etc.

Firms strive to increase inventory turnover in order to obtain the largest sales volume and, consequently, profit with a smaller warehouse area and lower inventory holding costs. High inventory turnover requires stricter inventory control.

Achieving high turnover is not an easy task for large enterprises, since they are forced to store part of the inventory of items with irregular demand in warehouses.

If for economically efficient trading needs to be supported high level inventory turnover, then to ensure demand for any product included in the trade range, it is necessary to store a wide range of rarely sold goods, which slows down the overall inventory turnover.

Inventory turnover is an important criterion that needs to be analyzed carefully.

As a result of all measures, the average annual cost of working production assets should decrease by 1.5 times.

To estimate working capital turnover, formula (16) is used:

Turnover ratio

Kob = Vp / CO (16)

where Cob is the turnover ratio (in revolutions);

Vр - revenue from sales of products (works, services), thousand rubles;

СО - average working capital, thousand rubles.

The duration of one revolution is calculated using formula (17):

L=T/Kob (17)

where Dl is the duration of the circulation period of working capital, in days;

T - reporting period, in days.

In 2009 Kob 0 = 20054885/ 2653719 = 7.56

For 0 = 365/7.56 = 78.28 days.

In 2010 Kob 1 = 33090560/1822700 = 18.15

For 1 = 365/18.15 = 20.11 days.

The calculation shows that the duration of the circulation period of working capital is reduced by 4 times, which indicates an acceleration of its turnover, which is a positive effect of planning.

The amount of absolute savings (attraction) of working capital can be calculated in two ways.

1. The release (attraction) of working capital from circulation is determined by formula (18)

D CO = (CO 1 -CO 0)* Kvp (18)

where CO is the amount of savings (-), attraction (+) of working capital;

CO 1, CO 0 - the average amount of the organization's working capital for the reporting and base periods;

Kvp is the coefficient of product growth (in relative units).

D SO = (1822700-2653719) * 1.65 = - 1371181 thousand rubles.

2. The release (attraction) of working capital as a result of a change in the duration of turnover is calculated using formula (19)

DSO = (Dl 1 - Dl 0) * V 1odn, (19)

where Dl 1,Dl 0 - the duration of one turnover of working capital, in days;

V 1one - one-day sales of products, million rubles.

DSO = (20.11-78.28)*91 = - 5293 million rubles.

The increase in production volume due to the acceleration of working capital (all other things being equal) can be determined using the method of chain substitutions:

D Vр = (Kob 1 -Kob 0) * CO 1

D Vр = (18.15-7.56) * 985650 = 10,438,033 thousand rubles.

The increase in production volume in the planned year will amount to 10,438,033 thousand rubles.

The influence of working capital turnover on the increase in DR profit is calculated using formula (20)

D R = P 0 * (Kob 1 / Kob 0) - P 0 (20)

where P 0 - profit for the base period;

Kob 1, Kob 0 - working capital turnover ratios for the reporting and base periods:

DR= -4160*(18.15/7.56)-(-4160)= -5824 thousand rubles.

From calculations of the effectiveness of the proposed measures, it is clear that in the future, after their implementation, it is necessary to slow down the turnover of working capital again, since the base year value of 18.15 is high and the company will increase its loss.

The slowdown in turnover will be accompanied by the diversion of funds from economic circulation and their relatively longer necrosis in production inventories, work in progress and finished products, which will help strengthen the financial condition of the KAMAZ-DIZEL OJSC enterprise.

Thus, as the calculations show, at the KAMAZ-DIZEL OJSC enterprise, carrying out measures to effective use working capital (namely, reducing the level of inventories to the optimal level, timely collection of accounts receivable and taking measures to reduce the level of debt in the future), leads to a reduction in the loss of the enterprise, and as a result of increasing the efficiency of the use of working capital, improving the financial condition of the enterprise and increasing business activity enterprises.