Download GOST 2.114 technical specifications. Terms and Definitions





GOST 2.114-2016

one system design documentation


Official publication


GOST 2.114-2016


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-2015 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2015 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards. rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, acceptance, updating and cancellation"

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “All-Russian Research Institute of Standardization and Certification in Mechanical Engineering” (VNIINMASH). Autonomous non-profit organization Research Center for CALS Technologies "Applied Logistics" (ANO Scientific Research Center for CALS Technologies "Applied Logistics")

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TK 051 (MTK 051) “Design Documentation System”

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol dated July 27, 2016 Ne 89-P)

4 By order Federal agency on technical regulation and metrology dated August 30, 2016 No. 978-st interstate standard GOST 2.114-2016 put into effect as a national standard Russian Federation from April 1, 2017

5 INSTEAD OF POST 2.114-95

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index “National Standards”, and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly information index “National Standards”. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index “National Standards”. Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in information system common use- on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet ()

© Stamdartinform. 2016

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be reproduced in whole or in part. replicated and distributed as an official publication without permission from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

GOST 2.114-2016

1 area of ​​use............................................... ...................1

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations.................................................... .......2

3.1 Terms and definitions.................................................... ...............2

3.2 Abbreviations................................................... ......................2

4 Basic provisions................................................... ...................2

5 Rules for the construction and presentation of technical specifications.................................................4

5.2 Introductory part................................................... .....................4

5.3 Technical requirements................................................................... ............5

5.4 Safety requirements.................................................... ..........7

5.5 Security requirements environment...............................................7

5.6 Acceptance rules................................................... ..................8

5.7 Control requirements................................................................... ...............8

and recycling................................................... .....................9

5.9 Manufacturer's warranties.................................................... .............10

6 Procedure for coordination and approval of technical specifications.................................................10

GOST 2.114-2016


Unified system of design documentation TECHNICAL CONDITIONS

Unified system for design documentation. Specifications

Date of introduction - 2017-04-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes general requirements, rules and regulations (hereinafter referred to as requirements) for the implementation of technical conditions.

This standard applies to mechanical engineering and instrument making products of all industries, manufactured and used according to design documentation, carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Unified System of Design Documentation.

Based on this standard, standards can be developed that take into account the specifics of meeting technical specifications for products various types techniques taking into account their specifics.

8 of this standard are used Normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 2.051-2013 Unified system of design documentation. Electronic documents. General provisions

GOST 2.058-2016 Unified system of design documentation. Rules for fulfilling the requisite part of electronic design documents

GOST 2.102-2013 Unified system of design documentation. Types and completeness of design documents

GOST 2.103-2013 Unified system of design documentation. Stages of development GOST 2.104-2006 Unified system of design documentation. Main inscriptions GOST 2.105-95 Unified system of design documentation. General requirements to text documents

GOST 2.106-96 Unified system of design documentation. Text documents GOST 2.113-75 Unified system of design documentation. Group and basic design documents

GOST 2.201-80 Unified system of design documentation. Designation of products and design documents

GOST 2.301-68 Unified system of design documentation. Formats GOST 2.501-2013 Unified system of design documentation. Rules for accounting and storage GOST 2.503-2013 Unified system of design documentation. Rules for amending GOST 2.511-2011 Unified system of design documentation. Rules for the transfer of electronic design documents. General provisions

GOST 2.512-2011 Unified system of design documentation. Rules for the execution of a data package for the transfer of electronic design documents. General provisions

GOST 15.000-82 System for development and production of products. General provisions*

* In the Russian Federation, GOST R 15.000-94 “System for the development and launch of products into production” is in force. Basic provisions".

Official publication

GOST 2.114-2016

OK 012-93 All-Russian classifier products and design documents (ESKD Classifier) ​​(OKESKD)

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or using the annual information index “National Standards”, which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index “National Standards” for this year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations

3.1 Terms and definitions

The following terms with corresponding definitions are used in this standard:

product: An item or set of production items to be manufactured in an organization (enterprise) according to design documentation.


1 Products can be: devices, means, machines, units, apparatus, devices, equipment. installations, tools, mechanisms, systems, etc.

2 The number of products can be measured in pieces (instances).

3 Products may include completed and unfinished items of production, including blanks.

[GOST 2.101-2016. Article 3.1]

3.1.2 Product of mechanical engineering and instrumentation (product, mechanical engineering product - Product, the development, manufacture and use of which is carried out according to design documentation.

Note - Products of mechanical engineering and instrument making can be devices, means, machines. devices, equipment, units, devices, mechanisms, complexes, kits, systems, equipment, devices. tools, furniture, packaging, etc.

component Product: A product that performs certain technical functions as part of another product and is not intended for independent delivery.

[GOST 2.101-2016. Article 3.1.2]

3.2 Abbreviations

The following abbreviations are used in this standard:

ESKD - unified system of design documentation;

Spare parts - spare parts, tools and accessories.

KD - design document (design documentation);

ND - normative document;

PZ - customer representation:

MF - component of the product;

Technical specifications for R&D - technical task to carry out development work;

THAT - technical specifications.

4 Basic provisions

4.1 Specifications in accordance with GOST 2.102 are design documentation. containing requirements (the set of all indicators, norms, rules and regulations) for the product, its production, control, acceptance and delivery, which are inappropriate to indicate in other design documentation.

GOST 2.114-2016

Specifications are developed according to the decision of the developer or customer, if this is not reflected in the technical specifications on the design and development work.

Specifications are developed as part of the design documentation set and are an integral part of the product design documentation set.

4.2 Specifications should be developed, as a rule, for products intended for independent delivery (sale) to the consumer. Specifications, upon agreement between the customer (consumer) and the developer (supplier), of design documentation can be developed for individual components of the product, if this is not established in the technical specifications for development work.

Note - Specifications for national economic products of single production of one-time production are allowed not to be drawn up. The development, production, acceptance and delivery of such products may be carried out in accordance with the technical specifications. developed in accordance with GOST 15.001.

4.3 Specifications should be developed:

For one specific product;

For several similar products (group specifications) in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.113.

Note - If it is necessary to develop products with increased requirements in relation to the existing ones, independent specifications should be developed. in which the scree should be given on the current specifications. or existing specifications are converted into group specifications with the necessary additions (changes).

4.4 Requirements established in the Specifications. must not contradict the requirements of standards (interstate, national, industry) that apply to this product, unless this contradicts national legislation. The requirements of the standards should not be repeated in the technical specifications; these requirements are replaced by references to these standards in accordance with GOST 2.105.

4.5 Specifications in accordance with the technical specifications for design and development work may be developed at any stage of design documentation development in accordance with GOST 2.103. on project stages development - projects, at working stages of development - working specifications.

Note - If it is necessary to develop a product with increased requirements in relation to the existing one, independent specifications should be developed, in which a link to the existing specifications should be provided. or existing specifications should be converted into group specifications with the necessary additions (changes).

4.6 Designation of specifications for mechanical and instrument engineering products in accordance with the designation rules KD in accordance with ESKD standards is mandatory.

Working specifications as eid KD should be designated in accordance with GOST 2.102, GOST 2.104. GOST 2.201 and OK 012: for example, the designation of the specifications of a helical gearbox; ABVG.303121.001 TU:

technical specifications projects - according to GOST 2.201 (Appendix 1) for general rules designation of sketch design with the addition of the code “TU” at the end of the designation; for example, the designation of a helical gearbox: ER

Note - It is permissible to use the previously existing designation system, in which case technical specifications should be designated according to the general designation rules for design documentation.

4.7 Specifications can be carried out in paper or in electronic form(on paper or electronic media).

4.6 Specifications in paper form should be made on A4 sheets in accordance with GOST 2.301 with the main inscription in accordance with GOST 2.104 (forms 2 and 2a). and the title page should be drawn up in accordance with GOST 2.105 with the addition:

In field 6 - below the designation of the specifications, if necessary, you should indicate in parentheses the designation of the document in replacement of which these specifications were issued by type (“Instead of ...”), the date of introduction or validity period of the specifications (if necessary).

Diagrams, drawings and tables illustrating individual provisions of the technical specifications. performed on sheets of formats in accordance with GOST 2.301, while the main part is performed in accordance with Form 2 of GOST 2.104.

Original technical specifications may be executed without the main inscription, additional columns and frames. In this case:

a) the TS designation should be indicated on each sheet in the upper right corner (for single-sided printing) or in the left corner of even pages and the right corner of odd pages (for double-sided printing);

b) signatures of persons and letters provided for in the main inscription in accordance with GOST 2.104. should be placed on the title page;

GOST 2.114-2016

c) changes should be drawn up in accordance with GOST 2.503 and indicated in the change registration sheet, which should be placed at the end of the technical specifications (the recommended form of the change registration sheet is according to GOST 2.503).

4.9 Specifications in electronic form should be completed as electronic document(on electronic media) according to GOST 2.051.

THAT. executed in electronic form should be transmitted in accordance with GOST 2.511 and GOST 2.512.

Graphic materials (diagrams, drawings, electronic geometric models of the product) illustrating individual provisions of the specifications. should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of ESKD standards for the corresponding types of design documentation without a main inscription, additional columns and frames.

The requisite part of the technical specifications in electronic form should be completed in accordance with GOST 2.058.

4.10 The text of the specifications should be carried out in accordance with GOST 2.105. accounting, storage of specifications - according to GOST 2.501. changes to specifications - according to GOST 2.503.

4.11 To inform consumers about the product for which specifications have been developed. The catalog sheet should be completed in the manner prescribed by national standardization bodies.

4.12 If necessary, it is allowed to develop specifications for non-machine-building products in accordance with this standard. It is recommended to designate such specifications based on the product classifier of the country that developed the specifications according to the structure in accordance with regulatory documents.

Note - Non-mechanical products should be understood as products that are being developed. is manufactured and used not in accordance with the ESKD. Examples of these products can be: substances, materials, clothing, shoes, etc.

5 Rules for the construction and presentation of technical specifications

5.1.1 In general, technical specifications should contain an introductory part and sections arranged in the following sequence:

Technical requirements.

Safety requirements.

Environmental requirements:

Acceptance rules:

Control (test) methods;

Instructions for use, including requirements for storage, transportation and disposal of the product:

Manufacturer's warranty.

5.1.2 The composition of the sections and their content is determined by the developer in accordance with the characteristics of the product, if this is not established in the technical specifications for the development work. If necessary, specifications. depending on the type and purpose of the product, they may be supplemented by other sections (subsections), or they may not include individual sections (subsections), or individual sections (subsections) may be combined into one.

Note - The composition of the sections and content of the specifications for products developed by order of the Ministry of Defense must be agreed with the customer (PP).

5.2 Introduction

5.2.1 The introductory part must contain the name of the product, its designation in accordance with the ESKD. scope (if necessary) and operating conditions.

5.2.2 The name of the product and its designation must correspond to the name and designation. indicated in the main design documentation for this product.

5.2.3 The presentation of the introductory part should begin with the words:

“These technical conditions apply to

name, general ischemia

Example - “These technical specifications apply to a gas jet turbocompressor engine (DTG-20M)”, ABVG384226.001...

GOST 2.114-2016

5.2.4 At the end of the introductory part, an example of recording the product in other CDs and/or when ordering should be given.

5.2.5 If inventions are used in the product, then at the end of the introductory part (last paragraph) information about the inventions used is provided.

5.3 Technical requirements

5.3.1 The section should contain the requirements, standards and characteristics that determine the quality indicators and performance characteristics of the product.

The section, as a rule, should consist of the following subsections:

Main parameters and characteristics (properties);

Requirements for raw materials, supplies, purchased products;




5.3.2 The subsection “Main parameters and operational characteristics” should begin with the words;

"_must meet the requirements

had the least* *

of these technical specifications and a set of design documents in accordance with_

designation of the main design document

If there are general standards technical requirements or conditions there should be a link to them right there. In the subsection it is necessary to place:

The main parameters and characteristics that determine the type (brand, model) of the product, and if necessary, its image with overall, installation and connection dimensions should be provided or a link to the design documentation should be provided indicating their designations. Drawings if necessary. Models, structures and diagrams of products to which references are given may be placed in the appendix to the specifications. When developing group specifications in accordance with GOST 2.113, the designation of versions should be indicated in the section:

Purpose requirements, characterizing the properties of the product, defining its main functions, for which it is intended to perform under given conditions, requirements for compatibility and interchangeability, requirements for productivity, accuracy, speed of processing, etc.; requirements for composition and structure, physical, physicochemical, mechanical and other properties (strength, hardness, heat resistance, wear resistance, etc.); requirements for functional, geometric, biological, electromagnetic, electrical, software, technological, metrological. diagnostic, organizational, information and other types of compatibility;

Requirements for the reliability of the product performing its functions with a given efficiency in a given time interval and maintaining them under given conditions Maintenance, repair, storage, transportation, including quantitative requirements in the form of values ​​of complex indicators of product reliability and/or single indicators of its reliability and durability. maintainability and storability;

Electronic protection requirements for the product to ensure noise immunity, protection from electromagnetic and ionizing radiation, both its own and extraneous, intentional electromagnetic radiation and other electronic radiation of natural and artificial origin:

Requirements for resistance to external influences and survivability, aimed at ensuring the operability of the product when exposed to and/or after exposure to associated objects and the natural environment or special environments, including: requirements for resistance to mechanical stress(vibration, shock, twisting, wind, etc.); requirements for resistance to climatic influences (fluctuations in temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure, solar radiation, precipitation, salt (sea) fog, dust, water, etc.); requirements for resistance to special influences (biological, radio-electronic, chemical, including aggressive gases, detergents, fuel, oils, etc., electromagnetic fields, decontamination agents, degassing, disinfection, etc.);

GOST 2.114-2016

Ergonomic requirements to ensure alignment technical characteristics products with ergonomic characteristics and human properties (requirements for workplaces of service personnel, compliance of the product and its equipment with the size of the human body, etc.);

Requirements for the economical use of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy and labor resources, aimed at the economical use of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy and labor resources. in the production of products under a regulated mode of use (application) of the product* for its intended purpose (specific consumption of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy, energy carrier, as well as efficiency, labor intensity per unit of consumer properties, etc.);

Manufacturability requirements that determine the suitability of a product for manufacture and operation. repairs with minimal costs at given values ​​of quality indicators:

Design requirements for the product in the form of specific design solutions that ensure the most efficient performance of the product’s functions, as well as the rationality of development, production and use: maximum permissible weights and overall dimensions of the product: ensuring external connections and interaction with other products, their compatibility. interchangeability, directions of rotation, directions of movement, etc.: construction materials, types of coatings (metallic and non-metallic) and their functional purpose (corrosion protection, etc.); requirements to exclude the possibility of incorrect assembly and incorrect connection of cables, hoses and other errors by maintenance personnel during maintenance and repair; the use of basic structures and basic products: aggregation and block-modular construction of products, etc. The requirements placed in the subsection should be indicated in relation to the modes and conditions of operation, control (testing) of the product. If individual requirements cannot be expressed by certain indicators, but can be achieved subject to unambiguous compliance with any other requirements (sanitary and hygienic requirements for production premises and performers, the use of certain technological process, coatings, special technological equipment, long-term training, running-in, aging of finished products and materials, etc.). then these requirements should be given in this subsection. For products, the use of which, after a certain period of time, poses a danger to life, health, the environment or may cause harm to the property of citizens. Service periods must be established after which the product is considered unsuitable for its intended use (a list of such products is compiled in the prescribed manner).

5.3.3 In the subsection “Requirements for purchased products, raw materials, materials” the following requirements should be established:

For purchased products, liquids, lubricants, paints and materials:

For precious materials, non-ferrous metals and alloys, the procedure for their accounting;

To secondary raw materials and waste industrial production.

5.3.4 In the “Completeness” subsection, the separate (not mechanically connected upon delivery) midrange units included in the delivery set should be installed. Spare parts materials, etc., as well as the CD supplied with the product.

With a large range of midranges. Spare parts and operational documentation, it is recommended that instead of listing them, provide a link to the relevant design documentation (specification, list of spare parts, list of operational documents).

5.3.5 In the “Marking” subsection, the following requirements for product marking, including transport marking, should be established:

Place of marking (directly on the product, labels, packaging, etc.);

Information about the location of the manufacturer;

Method of marking. When stating the contents of the marking, as a rule, it should be indicated trademark, registered in the prescribed manner, and/or the name of the organization, the mark(s) of conformity of the product certified for compliance with the requirements of regulatory documentation and, if the product is subject to certification, then the designation of the standard for the mark of conformity. For a product, to ensure the safety of which for the life and health of people during operation it is necessary to fulfill certain requirements, these requirements should be set out in this subsection, for example:

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Operating requirements and precautions during operation, storage, transportation. directly during operation and disposal;

Safety (fire and fire hazard, etc.):

Timing of periodic inspection, control, re-preservation, etc.

5.3.6 The following information should be placed in the “Packaging” subsection:

Rules for preparing products for packaging (including disassembly (dismantling), preservation) indicating the means used;

Consumer and transport packaging, including reusable packaging, auxiliary materials. used for packaging, as well as technical aesthetic requirements;

Number of products per unit of consumer packaging and shipping containers;

Methods of packaging products depending on transportation conditions (in containers, without containers, etc.);

The order of placement and method of laying products;

List of CDs. inserted into the package (container) during packaging, and the method of their packaging.

5.4 Safety requirements

The section must establish requirements containing all types of permissible hazards in such a way that the safety of the product is ensured during its service life.

Section 8 should indicate:

Electrical safety requirements:

Fire safety requirements:

Explosiveness requirements;

Radiation safety requirements:

Safety requirements for exposure to chemicals and pollutants, including maximum permissible concentrations of substances or their constituent components:

Safety requirements for servicing the product, including safety requirements for erroneous actions of maintenance personnel and spontaneous malfunction;

Requirements for protective equipment and safety measures, including the installation of fences, travel restrictions, interlocks, limit switches of moving elements, fastenings and clamps of moving parts, equipment of workplaces, controls and monitoring devices, alarm systems;

Requirements for the application of signal colors and safety signs;

Requirements for removal, reduction, localization of dangerous and harmful production factors in the places of their formation.

If necessary, the section should provide the hazard class, permissible levels of hazardous and harmful production factors created by equipment and machines, the nature of the substance’s effect on the human body, information about the product’s ability to form toxic and fire- and explosive compounds in the air and wastewater in the presence of other products or factors, information about the fire and explosive properties of the product and measures to prevent its spontaneous combustion and/or explosion, methods for neutralizing and burying products with pronounced toxic and fire and explosive properties.

Safety requirements must not contradict current technical regulations in this area.

5.5 Environmental requirements

5.5.1 The section should establish requirements for preventing harm to the environment, health and human genetic fund during testing, storage, and transportation. operation and disposal of the product.

5.5.2 The section should include indicators and standards defining:

Requirements for permissible (in terms of level and time) chemical, mechanical, radiation, electromagnetic, thermal and biological effects on the environment;

Requirements for the stability of polluting, toxic substances in environmental objects (aquatic environment, atmospheric air, soil, subsoil, flora, monosphere, etc.);

Requirements for disposal and disposal sites for hazardous products and waste, etc.

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5.6 Acceptance rules

5.6.1 The section must indicate the procedure for control of products, the procedure and conditions for the presentation and acceptance of products by authorities technical control organization and consumer (customer), the size of the submitted lots, the need and time for holding the product before acceptance, accompanying presentation documentation, as well as the procedure for processing the results of acceptance.

5.6.2 Depending on the nature of the product, testing programs and methods should be established (for example, acceptance testing, periodic, standard, reliability), and the procedure for using (storing) the tested product, the need to select and store samples for repeated testing should also be indicated. (additional) tests, etc.

5.6.3 For each category of tests, the frequency of testing, the number of controlled samples, a list of controlled parameters, standards, requirements, characteristics and the sequence in which control is carried out should be established. The possibility of changing the sequence of control, if necessary, is specifically discussed.

5.6.4 When performing selective or statistical quality control, the control plan should be indicated (volume of the controlled batch, volume of samples for a piece product or samples for non-piece products, control standards and rules).

5.6.5 The section should indicate the rules and conditions for acceptance, the procedure and conditions for rejecting products and resuming acceptance (re-inspection) after analysis of identified defects and their elimination.

If re-inspection of returned products is not allowed, this must be specifically stated in the technical specifications.

The section should stipulate the conditions and procedure for the final rejection of products.

5.6.6 If necessary, the section should establish the procedure and place for affixing brands, stamps, and seals confirming the acceptance of the product by control authorities.

5.7 Control requirements

5.7.1 In the section it is necessary to establish programs, methods and modes of control (tests, measurements, analysis) of parameters, feed, requirements and characteristics of products, the need for control of which is provided for in the section “Acceptance Rules”.

5.7.2 Programs and methods of control (tests, measurements, analysis) must be objective. clearly defined, precise and should provide consistent and reproducible results.

5.7.3 Programs and methods and conditions of control (tests, measurements, analysis) must be as close as possible to the conditions of use of the product.

5.7.4 It is allowed to install several equivalent programs and methods for monitoring the parameters and properties of the product.

5.7.5 For each program or control method (tests, measurements, analysis), depending on the specifics of the implementation, the following must be established:

Methods of sampling (samples);

Equipment, materials and reagents, etc.;

Preparation for control (testing, measurement, analysis);

Carrying out control (testing, measurement, analysis);

Processing the results.

5.7.6 If for several control methods the content of individual requirements coincides, then the corresponding requirements should be given only for the first method, and for the rest, references to the first method should be given.

5.7.7 When describing sampling methods (samples), the location, method of sampling and number of samples (samples) should be indicated. If an average sample is required, then the methods for its selection are indicated.

5.7.8 When setting out the requirements for equipment, materials and reagents, a list of the control means used (equipment, stands, installations, instruments, fixtures, tools, etc.) and its error standards, as well as a list of materials and reagents used during testing, should be provided.

If it is necessary to unambiguously determine a specific type or specific brand of a material control device or reagent, their symbol and the documents according to which their delivery must be carried out are indicated.

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5.7.9 When using control equipment, materials and reagents manufactured specifically for the control of these products, their description, recipes or links to the relevant documentation necessary for their manufacture and quality control should be provided in the text of the specifications or in the appendix to them.

5.7.10 Allowed equivalent replacement of control means must be specified specifically, indicating the specifics of the use of these means. At the same time, the technical specifications must stipulate which means of control is arbitration.

5.7.11 When setting out the requirements for preparing a product for control (testing, measurements, analysis), data regarding preparation for testing of the product, as well as control tools, should be indicated. materials and reagents necessary for control.

5.7.12 When setting out the requirements for control, the sequence of operations performed, their description, and, if necessary, the procedure for maintaining records should be given.

5.7.13 If during the control process the possibility of adjusting (adjusting) parameters or carrying out operations similar to those carried out under operating conditions is checked, then the methods for their implementation must coincide with those specified in the operational documents.

5.7.14 When describing the control method, safety requirements and special precautions should be given.

5.7.15 When setting out the requirements for processing control results (testing, measurement, analysis), calculation formulas are given, the accuracy of calculations and the degree of specification of the data obtained, as well as acceptable discrepancies during parallel determinations (calculations), are indicated.

5.7.16 Control programs and methods, control tools used during control should not be indicated in the technical specifications. if they are established in interstate, national, industry standards and other normative documents, as well as in instructions or programs and test methods developed as design documentation in accordance with GOST 2.102 and GOST 2.106, including in design documentation “Program and test methods” in accordance with GOST 2.106 . to which a link should be provided in the technical specifications.

5.7.17 In the text of the technical specifications or in the appendix to the technical specifications, if necessary, diagrams for connecting control equipment to the controlled product should be provided.

5.8 Instructions for use, including storage and transportation requirements

and recycling

5.8.1 In this section, it is necessary to establish requirements for the operation of the product, for installation, installation and use of products at the place of their operation (use), for example, the method of connection with other products: requirements for operating conditions at low or high temperatures with an indication. if necessary, criteria and control methods; ability to work in other environments; special conditions operation (need for protection from electric and radiation fields, requirements for preliminary testing, maintenance, etc.).

5.8.2 The subsection “Storage and Transportation” should establish requirements for ensuring the safety of the product during its storage and transportation, including ensuring safety.

Requirements for storage and transportation should be given only if there are no standards and other normative documents for storage and transportation for this product. The subsection should indicate the storage conditions of the product that ensure its safety. including requirements for the storage location of products (shed, covered warehouse, heated room, etc.). to protect products from influence external environment(moisture, harmful fumes, etc.). temperature and humidity storage conditions, and, if necessary, time requirements periodic inspections stored products, routine maintenance, as well as the necessary conservation methods and preservation materials, brand and documents used for their delivery, or provide links to the relevant documents. The subsection should describe the method of stacking products (in stacks, on racks, linings, etc.), as well as special rules for storing toxic, flammable, explosive and similar products. The rules for storing products are stated in the following sequence:


Storage conditions;

Warehousing conditions;

Special rules and storage periods (if necessary).

GOST 2.114-2016 Subsection 8 should indicate the types of transport (air, water, rail, road) and vehicles (for example, covered or open cars, refrigerator cars, tanks, holds or decks of ships, closed vehicles, etc.), methods of fastening and covering the product in these means, as well as requirements for transporting products in universal specialized containers, specialized transport, the number of places (weight) of products in the container, overall dimensions of the container, the order of placement of the container, etc. Subsection 8 should indicate transportation parameters (permissible range, speed, etc.) and permissible mechanical, temperature and other impacts during transportation. climatic conditions, special requirements for products during transportation (the need for protection from external influencing factors, from impacts during loading and unloading, and rules for handling products after transportation at low or high temperatures, the procedure for depreservation, etc.).

5.8.2 6 Requirements for storage and transportation should be given only if there is no corresponding ND or CD for this product, which reflects the conditions of storage and transportation.

5.8.3 In the subsection “Requirements for product disposal*” the following should be given:

Activities for preparing and sending the product for disposal:

Disposal methods, if the product poses a danger to life, human health and the environment after the end of its service life, or provide links to the relevant ND or CD.

5.9 Manufacturer's warranties

In the section “Manufacturer's Warranties” it is necessary to establish the rights and obligations of the manufacturer under warranties in accordance with current legislation.

Note - For products developed under orders of the Ministry of Defense, the rules for designing the section should be established according to the corresponding RD or in agreement with the customer (PP).

6 Procedure for coordination and approval of technical specifications

8.1 The specifications must be agreed upon and approved as part of the product design documentation set by the acceptance committee in accordance with the requirements of the System for the development and launch of products into production. if the decision to put the product into production is made by the acceptance committee.

Note - CD kit. aimed at approval, is determined by the developer, if this is not specified in the technical specifications for the design and development work,

The developer should agree with the customer (consumer) on the specifications as part of the design documentation set and send it no later than one month before the start of work to the organizations whose representatives are included in the acceptance committee.

The signing of an acceptance certificate of specifications as part of a design documentation set for a product at any stage of development in accordance with GOST 2.103 by members of the acceptance committee means approval of the design documentation set. including technical specifications.

The need to send specifications with a set of design documentation for approval to other interested organizations, if they are not members of the acceptance committee, must be determined by the developer in agreement with them.

c.2 If the decision to put the product into production is made without an acceptance committee. Specifications with a set of design documentation must be sent to the customer (consumer) for approval.

The need to send specifications with a set of design documentation for approval to other interested organizations if they have requirements within their competence must be determined by the developer in agreement with the customer (consumer). Specifications should be sent to all organizations at the same time.

GOST 2.114-2016

6.4 For the type of product “complex”, supplied as a complete set to the customer (consumer), the specifications should additionally be agreed upon with the organization performing installation at the site of operation, in terms of the requirements within its competence, if these requirements have not been previously agreed upon with it.

6.5 Consideration of specifications as part of the design documentation set. submitted for approval should not exceed 1 month from the date of their receipt by the organization.

6.6 Approval of specifications as part of the design documentation set should be signed by the head (deputy head) of the approving organization under the heading “AGREED” or a separate document (acceptance committee act, letter, protocol, etc.), while the date should be indicated under the heading “AGREED” and document number.

When agreeing, the entry “Agreed with comments” is not allowed.

6.7 The need for agreement with the consumer of the design documentation kit. including specifications for the product, developed on an initiative basis, must be determined by the developer.

6.8 Changes to the technical specifications should be drawn up in accordance with GOST 2.503 and agreed upon in the manner established for the design documentation. Changes to the technical specifications are allowed to be agreed upon only with the customer (consumer), if they do not affect the requirements of the organizations that previously approved the technical specifications.

6.9 Specifications as part of the design documentation set must be approved by the developer or the body provided for by current legislation.

6.10 Changes to the specifications should be developed and executed by the holder of the original specifications.

6.11 Approval of specifications as part of a set of design documentation (changes to them) should be signed by the head (deputy director) of the developer under the heading “APPROVED” on the title page of the design documentation (set of design documentation) in accordance with GOST 2.105.

6.12 Specifications are approved, as a rule, without limitation of validity period.

Limitation of the validity period of the specifications should be established, if necessary, in agreement with the customer (consumer).

6.13 Specifications as part of a set of design documentation for products developed under orders of the Ministry of Defense. should be agreed upon and approved according to the rules established by the relevant ND.

6.14 Specifications included in the design documentation kit for individual species products can be coordinated and approved by ministries (departments), if their coordination and approval are established by legislative or other legal normative documents.

GOST 2.114-2016

UDC 62(084.11):006.354 MKS 01.100 T52

Key words: Unified system of design documentation, design documentation, technical conditions, product

Editor T.N. Kustova Technical editor V.N. Prusakova Corrector L.S. Lysenko Computer layout L.A. Circular

Delivered for recruitment 09/02/2016. Signed on seal 09/06/2016. Format 60 "64 Vg, Headset Arial Usp. oven l. 1.66. Uch.-iad. l. 1.70. Tyra* 320 copies. Behind". 2115 Prepared from the third version provided by the developer of the standard.

Published and printed by FSUE "STANDARTINFORM". T2399S Moscow. Grenade Lane.. 4.

(approved by Order of Rosstandart dated August 30, 2016 N 978-ST)

Revision dated 08/30/2016 — Valid from 04/01/2017




Unified system for design documentation. Specifications

GOST 2.114-2016

Date of introduction 2017-04-01


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-2015 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2015 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption, updates and cancellations"

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Standardization and Certification in Mechanical Engineering" (VNIINMASH), the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization Scientific Research Center for CALS Technologies "Applied Logistics" (ANO Research Center for CALS Technologies "Applied Logistics")

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TK 051 (MTK 051) “Design Documentation System”

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol dated July 27, 2016 N 89-P)

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97Country code according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97Abbreviated name of the national standardization body
ArmeniaA.M.Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia
BelarusBYState Standard of the Republic of Belarus
KazakhstanKZGosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan

4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated August 30, 2016 N 978-st, the interstate standard GOST 2.114-2016 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on April 1, 2017.

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes general requirements, rules and regulations (hereinafter referred to as requirements) for the implementation of technical conditions.

This standard applies to mechanical engineering and instrument making products of all industries, manufactured and used according to design documentation, carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Unified System of Design Documentation.

Based on this standard, standards can be developed that take into account the specifics of fulfilling technical specifications for products of various types of equipment, taking into account their specifics.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 2.051-2013 Unified system of design documentation. Electronic documents. General provisions

GOST 2.058-2016 Unified system of design documentation. Rules for fulfilling the requisite part of electronic design documents

GOST 2.102-2013 Unified system of design documentation. Types and completeness of design documents

GOST 2.103-2013 Unified system of design documentation. Development stages

GOST 2.113-75 Unified system of design documentation. Group and basic design documents

GOST 2.201-80 Unified system of design documentation. Designation of products and design documents

GOST 2.512-2011 Unified system of design documentation. Rules for the execution of a data package for the transfer of electronic design documents. General provisions

GOST 15.000-82 System for development and production of products. General provisions<*>

<*>In the Russian Federation, GOST R 15.000-94 “System for the development and launch of products into production. Basic provisions” is in force.

OK 012-93 All-Russian Classifier of Products and Design Documents (ESKD Classifier) ​​(OKESKD)

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or using the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations

3.1 Terms and definitions

The following terms with corresponding definitions are used in this standard:

product: An item or set of production items to be manufactured in an organization (enterprise) according to design documentation.
1 Products can be: devices, means, machines, units, devices, appliances, equipment, installations, tools, mechanisms, systems, etc.
2 The number of products can be measured in pieces (instances).
3 Products may include completed and unfinished items of production, including blanks.
[GOST 2.101-2016, article 3.1]

3.1.2 Product of mechanical engineering and instrumentation (product, mechanical engineering products): A product, the development, manufacture and use of which is carried out according to design documentation.

Note - Products of mechanical engineering and instrument making can be devices, means, machines, devices, equipment, units, devices, mechanisms, complexes, kits, systems, equipment, fixtures, tools, furniture, packaging, etc.

3.2 Abbreviations

The following abbreviations are used in this standard:

ESKD - unified system of design documentation;

Spare parts - spare parts, tools and accessories;

KD - design document (design documentation);

ND - normative document;

PZ - customer representation;

MF - component of the product;

Technical specifications for development work - technical specifications for carrying out development work;

TU - technical conditions.

4 Basic provisions

4.1 Specifications in accordance with GOST 2.102 are a design documentation containing requirements (the set of all indicators, norms, rules and regulations) for the product, its manufacture, control, acceptance and delivery, which are inappropriate to indicate in other design documentation.

Specifications are developed according to the decision of the developer or customer, if this is not reflected in the technical specifications for the design and development work.

Specifications are developed as part of the design documentation set and are an integral part of the product design documentation set.

4.2 Specifications should be developed, as a rule, for products intended for independent delivery (sale) to the consumer. Specifications, upon agreement between the customer (consumer) and the developer (supplier), of design documentation can be developed for individual components of the product, if this is not established in the technical specifications for development work.

Note - Specifications for national economic products of single production of one-time production are allowed not to be drawn up. The development, production, acceptance and delivery of such products may be carried out in accordance with the technical specifications developed in accordance with GOST 15.001.

4.3 Specifications should be developed:

For one specific product;

For several similar products (group specifications) in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.113.

Note - If it is necessary to develop products with increased requirements in relation to the existing ones, independent specifications should be developed, in which a link to the existing specifications should be provided, or the existing specifications are converted into group ones with the necessary additions (changes).

4.4 The requirements established in the Specifications must not contradict the requirements of the standards (interstate, national, industry) that apply to this product, unless this contradicts national legislation. In the technical specifications, the requirements of the standards should not be repeated; these requirements are replaced with references to these standards in accordance with GOST 2.105.

4.5 Specifications in accordance with the technical specifications for design and development work may be developed at any stage of design documentation development in accordance with GOST 2.103, at design stages of development - projects, at working stages of development - working specifications.

Note - If it is necessary to develop a product with increased requirements in relation to the existing one, independent specifications should be developed, in which a link to the existing specifications should be provided, or the existing specifications should be converted into group specifications with the necessary additions (changes).

4.6 The designation of specifications for mechanical and instrument engineering products in accordance with the designation rules KD in accordance with ESKD standards is mandatory.

Working specifications as a type of design documentation should be designated in accordance with GOST 2.102, GOST 2.104, GOST 2.201 and OK 012; for example, designation TU for a helical gearbox: ABVG.303121.001 TU;

TU projects - according to GOST 2.201 (Appendix 1) according to the general rules for designating a sketch design with the addition of the code "TU" at the end of the designation; for example, the designation of a helical gearbox: ER

Note - It is permissible to use the previously existing designation system, in which case technical specifications should be designated according to the general designation rules for design documentation.

4.7 Specifications can be carried out in paper or electronic form (on paper or electronic media).

4.8 Specifications in paper form should be made on A4 sheets in accordance with GOST 2.301 with the main inscription in accordance with GOST 2.104 (forms and 2a), and the title page should be drawn up in accordance with GOST 2.105 with the addition:

In field 6 - below the designation of the specifications, if necessary, you should indicate in brackets the designation of the document in replacement of which these specifications were issued by type (“Instead of ...”), the date of introduction or validity period of the specifications (if necessary).

Diagrams, drawings and tables illustrating individual provisions of the technical specifications are made on sheets of formats in accordance with GOST 2.301, while the main inscription is made according to Form 2 of GOST 2.104.

Original technical specifications may be executed without the main inscription, additional columns and frames. In this case:

a) the TS designation should be indicated on each sheet in the upper right corner (for single-sided printing) or in the left corner of even pages and the right corner of odd pages (for double-sided printing);

b) signatures of persons and letters provided for in the main inscription according to GOST 2.104 should be placed on the title page;

c) changes should be drawn up in accordance with GOST 2.503 and indicated in the change registration sheet, which should be placed at the end of the technical specifications (the recommended form of the change registration sheet is in accordance with GOST 2.503).

4.9 Specifications in electronic form should be executed as an electronic document (on electronic media) in accordance with GOST 2.051.

Specifications executed in electronic form should be transmitted in accordance with GOST 2.511 and GOST 2.512.

Graphic materials (diagrams, drawings, electronic geometric models of the product) illustrating individual provisions of the technical specifications should be made in accordance with the requirements of ESKD standards for the corresponding types of design documentation without a main inscription, additional columns and frames.

The requisite part of the technical specifications in electronic form should be completed in accordance with GOST 2.058.

4.10 The text of the technical specifications should be carried out in accordance with GOST 2.105, accounting and storage of technical specifications - in accordance with GOST 2.501, changes in technical specifications - in accordance with GOST 2.503.

4.11 To inform consumers about the product for which specifications have been developed, the catalog sheet should be filled out in the manner established by the national standardization bodies.

4.12 If necessary, it is allowed to develop specifications for non-machine-building products in accordance with this standard. It is recommended to designate such specifications based on the product classifier of the country that developed the specifications according to the structure in accordance with regulatory documents.

Note - Non-engineering products should be understood as products that are developed, manufactured and used not in accordance with the ESKD. Examples of these products can be: substances, materials, clothing, shoes, etc.

5 Rules for the construction and presentation of technical specifications

5.1.1 In general, technical specifications should contain an introductory part and sections arranged in the following sequence:

Technical requirements;

Safety requirements;

Environmental requirements;

Control (test) methods;

Instructions for use, including requirements for storage, transportation and disposal of the product;

5.1.2 The composition of the sections and their content is determined by the developer in accordance with the characteristics of the product, if this is not established in the technical specifications for the development work. If necessary, the specifications, depending on the type and purpose of the product, can be supplemented with other sections (subsections), or they may not include individual sections (subsections), or individual sections (subsections) can be combined into one.

Note - The composition of the sections and content of the specifications for products developed by order of the Ministry of Defense must be agreed with the customer (PP).

5.2 Introduction

5.2.1 The introductory part must contain the name of the product, its designation in accordance with the ESKD, scope of application (if necessary) and operating conditions.

5.2.2 The name of the product and its designation must correspond to the name and designation specified in the main design documentation for this product.

5.2.3 The presentation of the introductory part should begin with the words:

"These technical conditions apply to

Example - “These technical specifications apply to a gas-jet turbocompressor engine (DTG-20M)”, ABVG 384226.001…

5.2.4 At the end of the introductory part, an example of recording the product in other CDs and/or when ordering should be given.

5.2.5 If inventions are used in the product, then at the end of the introductory part (last paragraph) information about the inventions used is provided.

5.3 Technical requirements

5.3.1 The section should contain the requirements, standards and characteristics that determine the quality indicators and performance characteristics of the product.

The section, as a rule, should consist of the following subsections:

Main parameters and characteristics (properties);

Requirements for raw materials, supplies, purchased products;




5.3.2 The subsection “Main parameters and operational characteristics” should begin with the words:

must comply with the requirements of these technical specifications and the design documentation set in accordance with

designation of the main design document

If there are standards for general technical requirements or conditions, there should be a link to them. In the subsection it is necessary to place:

The main parameters and characteristics that determine the type (type, brand, model) of the product, and if necessary, its image with overall, installation and connection dimensions should be provided or a link to the design documentation should be provided indicating their designations. If necessary, drawings, models, structures and diagrams of products to which references are given may be placed in the appendix to the specifications. When developing group specifications in accordance with GOST 2.113, the designation of versions should be indicated in the section;

Purpose requirements, characterizing the properties of the product, defining its main functions, for which it is intended to perform under given conditions, requirements for compatibility and interchangeability, requirements for productivity, accuracy, speed of processing, etc.; requirements for composition and structure, physical, physicochemical, mechanical and other properties (strength, hardness, heat resistance, wear resistance, etc.); requirements for functional, geometric, biological, electromagnetic, electrical, software, technological, metrological, diagnostic, organizational, information and other types of compatibility;

Requirements for the reliability of a product performing its functions with a given efficiency in a given time interval and their preservation under given conditions of maintenance, repair, storage, transportation, including quantitative requirements in the form of values ​​of complex indicators of product reliability and/or single indicators of its reliability, durability, maintainability and storability;

Electronic protection requirements for the product to ensure noise immunity, protection from electromagnetic and ionizing radiation, both its own and foreign, intentional electromagnetic radiation and other electronic radiation of natural and artificial origin;

Requirements for resistance to external influences and survivability, aimed at ensuring the operability of the product when exposed to and/or after exposure to associated objects and the natural environment or special environments, including: requirements for resistance to mechanical influences (vibration, shock, torsion, wind, etc. .); requirements for resistance to climatic influences (fluctuations in temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure, solar radiation, precipitation, salt (sea) fog, dust, water, etc.); requirements for resistance to special influences (biological, radio-electronic, chemical, including aggressive gases, detergents, fuel, oils, etc., electromagnetic fields, means of decontamination, degassing, disinfection, etc.);

Ergonomic requirements aimed at ensuring coordination of the technical characteristics of products with the ergonomic characteristics and properties of a person (requirements for workplaces of service personnel, compliance of the product and its equipment with the size of the human body, etc.);

Requirements for the economical use of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy and labor resources, aimed at the economical use of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy and labor resources, in the production of products under a regulated mode of use (application) of the product for its intended purpose (specific consumption of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy, energy carrier, as well as efficiency, labor intensity in per unit of consumer properties, etc.);

Requirements for manufacturability, which determine the suitability of a product for manufacturing, operation, and repair with minimal costs at given values ​​of quality indicators;

Design requirements for the product in the form of specific design solutions that ensure the most efficient performance of the product’s functions, as well as the rationality of development, production and use: maximum permissible weights and overall dimensions of the product; ensuring external connections and interaction with other products, their compatibility, interchangeability, directions of rotation, directions of movement, etc.; structural materials, types of coatings (metallic and non-metallic) and their functional purpose (corrosion protection, etc.); requirements to exclude the possibility of incorrect assembly and incorrect connection of cables, hoses and other errors by maintenance personnel during maintenance and repair; application of basic structures and basic products; aggregation and block-modular construction of products, etc. The requirements placed in the subsection should be indicated in relation to the modes and conditions of operation, control (testing) of the product. If individual requirements cannot be expressed by certain indicators, but can be achieved subject to unambiguous compliance with any other requirements (sanitary and hygienic requirements for production premises and performers, the use of a certain technological process, coating, special means of technological equipment, long training, running-in, aging of finished products and materials, etc.), then these requirements should be given in this subsection. For products, the use of which, after a certain period of time, poses a danger to life, health, the environment or may cause harm to the property of citizens, service periods must be established, after which the product is considered unsuitable for its intended use (the list of such products is compiled in in the prescribed manner).

5.3.3 In the subsection “Requirements for purchased products, raw materials, materials” the following requirements should be established:

To purchased products, liquids, lubricants, paints and materials;

For precious materials, non-ferrous metals and alloys, the procedure for their accounting;

To secondary raw materials and industrial waste.

5.3.4 In the “Completeness” subsection, you should install the individual parts (not mechanically connected upon delivery) included in the delivery set, spare parts, materials, etc., as well as the CD supplied with the product.

If there is a large range of spare parts, spare parts and operational documentation, it is recommended that instead of listing them, provide a link to the relevant design documentation (specification, list of spare parts, list of operational documents).

5.3.5 In the “Marking” subsection, the following requirements for product marking, including transport marking, should be established:

Place of marking (directly on the product, labels, packaging, etc.);

Information about the location of the manufacturer;

Method of marking. When describing the contents of the marking, as a rule, you should indicate a trademark registered in the prescribed manner and/or the name of the organization, the sign(s) of conformity of the product certified for compliance with the requirements of regulatory documentation and, if the product is subject to certification, then the designation of the standard to the mark of conformity. For a product, to ensure the safety of which for the life and health of people during operation it is necessary to fulfill certain requirements, these requirements should be set out in this subsection, for example:

Operational requirements and precautions during operation, storage, transportation, direct operation and disposal;

Safety (fire and explosion safety, etc.);

Timing of periodic inspection, control, re-preservation, etc.

5.3.6 The following information should be placed in the “Packaging” subsection:

Rules for preparing products for packaging (including disassembly (dismantling), preservation) indicating the means used;

Consumer and transport packaging, including reusable packaging, auxiliary materials used in packaging, as well as technical aesthetic requirements;

Number of products per unit of consumer packaging and shipping containers;

Methods of packaging products depending on transportation conditions (in containers, without containers, etc.);

The order of placement and method of laying products;

List of CDs included in the package (container) during packaging, and the method of their packaging.

5.4 Safety requirements

The section must establish requirements containing all types of permissible hazards in such a way that the safety of the product is ensured during its service life.

The section should indicate:

Electrical safety requirements;

Fire safety requirements;

Explosion safety requirements;

Radiation safety requirements;

Safety requirements for exposure to chemicals and pollutants, including maximum permissible concentrations of substances or their constituent components;

Safety requirements for servicing the product, including safety requirements for erroneous actions of maintenance personnel and spontaneous malfunction;

Requirements for protective equipment and safety measures, including the installation of fences, travel restrictions, interlocks, limit switches of moving elements, fastenings and clamps of moving parts, equipment of workplaces, controls and monitoring devices, alarm systems;

Requirements for the application of signal colors and safety signs;

Requirements for the removal, reduction, localization of hazardous and harmful production factors in the places of their formation.

If necessary, the section should provide the hazard class, permissible levels of dangerous and harmful production factors created by equipment and machines, the nature of the substance’s effect on the human body, information about the product’s ability to form toxic and fire- and explosive compounds in the air and wastewater in the presence of other products or factors, information about the fire and explosive properties of the product and measures to prevent its spontaneous combustion and/or explosion, methods for neutralizing and burying products with pronounced toxic and fire and explosive properties.

Safety requirements must not contradict current technical regulations in this area.

5.5 Environmental requirements

5.5.1 The section should establish requirements for preventing harm to the natural environment, health and human genetic fund during testing, storage, transportation, operation and disposal of the product.

5.5.2 The section should include indicators and standards defining:

Requirements for permissible (in terms of level and time) chemical, mechanical, radiation, electromagnetic, thermal and biological effects on the environment;

Requirements for the stability of polluting, toxic substances in environmental objects (aquatic environment, atmospheric air, soil, subsoil, flora, monosphere, etc.);

Requirements for disposal and disposal sites for hazardous products and waste, etc.

5.6 Acceptance rules

5.6.1 The section must indicate the procedure for product control, the procedure and conditions for the presentation and acceptance of products by the technical control bodies of the organization and the consumer (customer), the size of the presented lots, the need and time for holding the product before acceptance, accompanying presentation documentation, as well as the procedure for processing the results acceptance.

5.6.2 Depending on the nature of the product, testing programs and methods should be established (for example, acceptance testing, periodic, standard, reliability), and the procedure for using (storing) the tested product, the need to select and store samples for repeated testing should also be indicated. (additional) tests, etc.

5.6.3 For each category of tests, the frequency of testing, the number of controlled samples, a list of controlled parameters, standards, requirements, characteristics and the sequence in which control is carried out should be established. The possibility of changing the sequence of control, if necessary, is specifically discussed.

5.6.4 When performing selective or statistical quality control, the control plan should be indicated (volume of the controlled batch, volume of samples for a piece product or samples for non-piece products, control standards and rules).

5.6.5 The section should indicate the rules and conditions for acceptance, the procedure and conditions for rejecting products and resuming acceptance (re-inspection) after analysis of identified defects and their elimination.

If re-inspection of returned products is not allowed, this must be specifically stated in the technical specifications.

The section should stipulate the conditions and procedure for the final rejection of products.

5.6.6 If necessary, the section should establish the procedure and place for affixing brands, stamps, and seals confirming the acceptance of the product by control authorities.

5.7 Control requirements

5.7.1 In the section it is necessary to establish programs, methods and modes of control (tests, measurements, analysis) of parameters, standards, requirements and characteristics of products, the need for control of which is provided for in the section “Acceptance Rules”.

5.7.2 Programs and methods of control (testing, measurement, analysis) must be objective, clearly defined, accurate and must provide consistent and reproducible results.

5.7.3 Programs and methods and conditions of control (tests, measurements, analysis) must be as close as possible to the conditions of use of the product.

5.7.4 It is allowed to install several equivalent programs and methods for monitoring the parameters and properties of the product.

5.7.5 For each program or control method (tests, measurements, analysis), depending on the specifics of the implementation, the following must be established:

Equipment, materials and reagents, etc.;

Preparation for control (testing, measurement, analysis);

Carrying out control (testing, measurement, analysis);

Processing the results.

5.7.6 If the content of individual requirements coincides for several control methods, then the corresponding requirements should be given only for the first method, and for the rest, references to the first method should be given.

5.7.7 When describing sampling methods (samples), the location, method of sampling and number of samples (samples) should be indicated. If an average sample is required, then the methods for its selection are indicated.

5.7.8 When setting out the requirements for equipment, materials and reagents, a list of the control means used (equipment, stands, installations, devices, fixtures, tools, etc.) and its error standards, as well as a list of materials and reagents used during testing, should be provided.

If it is necessary to unambiguously determine a specific type or specific brand of a material control device or reagent, their symbol must be given and the documents by which they must be supplied must be indicated.

5.7.9 When using control equipment, materials and reagents manufactured specifically for the control of these products, their description, recipes or links to the relevant documentation necessary for their manufacture and quality control should be provided in the text of the specifications or in the appendix to them.

5.7.10 Allowed equivalent replacement of control means must be specified specifically, indicating the specifics of the use of these means. At the same time, the technical specifications must stipulate which means of control are arbitration.

5.7.11 When setting out the requirements for preparing a product for control (testing, measurements, analysis), data regarding preparation for testing the product, as well as control tools, materials and reagents necessary for control should be indicated.

5.7.12 When setting out the requirements for control, the sequence of operations performed, their description, and, if necessary, the procedure for maintaining records should be given.

5.7.13 If during the control process the possibility of adjusting (adjusting) parameters or carrying out operations similar to those carried out under operating conditions is checked, then the methods for their implementation must coincide with those specified in the operational documents.

5.7.14 When describing the control method, safety requirements and special precautions should be given.

5.7.15 When setting out the requirements for processing control results (testing, measurement, analysis), calculation formulas are given, the accuracy of calculations and the degree of specification of the data obtained, as well as acceptable discrepancies during parallel determinations (calculations), are indicated.

5.7.16 Programs and methods of control, control means used during control should not be indicated in the technical specifications if they are established in interstate, national, industry standards and other normative documents, as well as in instructions or programs and test methods developed as design documentation in accordance with GOST 2.102 and GOST 2.106, including in the CD “Program and test methods” according to GOST 2.106, to which a link should be provided in the technical specifications.

5.7.17 In the text of the technical specifications or in the appendix to the technical specifications, if necessary, diagrams for connecting control equipment to the controlled product should be provided.

5.8 Instructions for use, including requirements for storage, transportation and disposal

5.8.1 In this section it is necessary to establish requirements for the operation of the product, for installation, installation and use of products at the place of their operation (use), for example, the method of connection with other products: requirements for operating conditions at low or high temperatures, indicating, if necessary, criteria and control methods; ability to work in other environments; special operating conditions (need for protection from electrical and radiation fields, requirements for preliminary testing, maintenance, etc.).

5.8.2 The subsection “Storage and Transportation” should establish requirements for ensuring the safety of the product during its storage and transportation, including ensuring safety.

Requirements for storage and transportation should be given only if there are no standards and other normative documents for storage and transportation for this product. The subsection should indicate the storage conditions of the product to ensure its safety, including requirements for the place of storage of the products (shed, covered warehouse, heated room, etc.), for the protection of products from the influence of the external environment (moisture, harmful fumes etc.), temperature and humidity conditions of storage, and, if necessary, requirements for the timing of periodic inspections of stored products, routine maintenance, as well as the necessary conservation methods and conservation materials, the brand and documents used for their delivery, or provide links to the relevant documents . The subsection should describe the method of stacking products (in stacks, on racks, linings, etc.), as well as special rules for storing toxic, flammable, explosive and similar products. The rules for storing products are stated in the following sequence:


Storage conditions;

Warehousing conditions;

Special rules and storage periods (if necessary). The subsection should indicate the types of transport (air, water, rail, road) and vehicles (for example, covered or open cars, refrigerator cars, tanks, holds or decks of ships, closed vehicles, etc.), methods of fastening and covering the product in these means, as well as requirements for transporting products in universal specialized containers, specialized transport, the number of places (weight) of products in the container, overall dimensions of the container, the order of placement of the container, etc. The subsection should indicate transportation parameters (permissible range, speed, etc.) and permissible mechanical, temperature and other influences during transportation, climatic conditions, special requirements for products during transportation (the need for protection from external influencing factors, from impacts during loading and unloading and rules for handling products after transportation at low or high temperatures, the procedure for depreservation, etc.). Requirements for storage and transportation should be given only if there is no corresponding ND or CD for this product, which reflects the conditions of storage and transportation.

5.8.3 In the subsection “Product disposal requirements” the following should be given:

Activities for preparing and sending the product for disposal;

Disposal methods, if the product poses a danger to life, human health and the environment after the end of its service life, or provide links to the relevant ND or CD.

5.9 Manufacturer's warranties

In the section "Manufacturer's Warranties" it is necessary to establish the rights and obligations of the manufacturer under warranties in accordance with current legislation.

Note - For products developed under orders of the Ministry of Defense, the rules for designing the section should be established according to the corresponding RD or in agreement with the customer (PP).

6 Procedure for coordination and approval of technical specifications

6.1 The specifications must be agreed upon and approved as part of the product design documentation set by the acceptance committee in accordance with the requirements of the System for the development and production of products, if the decision to put the product into production is made by the acceptance committee.

Note - The set of design documentation sent for approval is determined by the developer, if this is not specified in the technical specifications for the design and development work.

The developer should agree with the customer (consumer) on the technical specifications as part of the design documentation set and send it no later than one month before starting work in the organization whose representatives are included in the acceptance committee.

The signing of an acceptance certificate of specifications as part of a set of design documentation for a product at any stage of development in accordance with GOST 2.103 by members of the acceptance committee means approval of a set of design documentation, including specifications.

The need to send specifications with a set of design documentation for approval to other interested organizations, if they are not members of the acceptance committee, must be determined by the developer in agreement with them.

6.2 If the decision to put a product into production is made without an acceptance committee, the specifications with a set of design documentation must be sent to the customer (consumer) for approval.

The need to send specifications with a set of design documentation for approval to other interested organizations if they have requirements within their competence must be determined by the developer in agreement with the customer (consumer). Specifications should be sent to all organizations at the same time.

6.4 For the type of product “complex”, supplied as a complete set to the customer (consumer), the specifications should additionally be agreed upon with the organization performing installation at the site of operation, in terms of the requirements within its competence, if these requirements have not been previously agreed upon with it.

6.5 Review of specifications as part of a set of design documents submitted for approval should not exceed 1 month from the moment they are received by the organization.

6.6 Approval of specifications as part of the design documentation set should be signed by the head (deputy head) of the approving organization under the heading “AGREED” or a separate document (acceptance committee act, letter, protocol, etc.), while the date should be indicated under the heading “AGREED” and document number.

When agreeing, the entry “Agreed with comments” is not allowed.

6.7 The need for coordination with the consumer of a set of design documentation, including specifications for a product developed on an initiative basis, must be determined by the developer.

6.8 Changes to the technical specifications should be drawn up in accordance with GOST 2.503 and agreed upon in the manner established

for CD. Changes to the technical specifications are allowed to be agreed upon only with the customer (consumer), if they do not affect the requirements of the organizations that previously approved the technical specifications.

6.9 Specifications as part of the design documentation set must be approved by the developer or the body provided for by current legislation.

6.10 Changes to the specifications should be developed and executed by the holder of the original specifications.

6.11 Approval of specifications as part of a set of design documentation (changes to them) should be signed by the head (deputy director) of the developer under the heading “APPROVED” on the title page of the design documentation (set of design documentation) in accordance with GOST 2.105.

6.12 Specifications are approved, as a rule, without limitation of validity period.

Limitation of the validity period of the specifications should be established, if necessary, in agreement with the customer (consumer).

6.13 Specifications as part of a set of design documentation for products developed under orders of the Ministry of Defense should be coordinated and approved according to the rules established by the relevant ND.

6.14 Specifications as part of a set of design documentation for certain types of products can be agreed upon and approved by ministries (departments), if their agreement and approval are established by legislative or other legal normative documents.

(approved by Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated 08.08.95 N 425)

Revision dated 01/01/2006 - The document is not valid




GOST 2.114-95


(as amended by Amendment No. 1, adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Protocol No. 18 of October 18, 2000), Amendment No. 2, introduced by Order of Rostechregulirovanie dated March 11, 2005 No. 49-st, as amended by the Gosstandart Resolution RF dated 04/25/2001 N 191-st, Amendments to IUS N 9 2001, N 10 2005, N 10 2006, Amendments to amendments to IUS N 8 2003)


1. DEVELOPED by the All-Russian Research Institute of Standardization and Certification in Mechanical Engineering (VNIINMASH) of the State Standard of Russia

INTRODUCED by Gosstandart of the Russian Federation

2. ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification on April 26, 1995 N 7-95

Registered by the Technical Secretariat of the IGU N 3644 dated November 20, 2000

State nameName of the national standardization body
The Republic of AzerbaijanAzgosstandart
Republic of ArmeniaArmgosstandard
Republic of BelarusState Standard of the Republic of Belarus
Republic of KyrgyzstanKyrgyzstandard
TurkmenistanMain State Service "Turkmenstandartlary"
The Republic of TajikistanTajikgosstandart
The Republic of UzbekistanUzgosstandart
UkraineState Standard of Ukraine
Russian FederationGosstandart of Russia
KazakhstanGosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan

4. INSTEAD GOST 2.114-70 and PR 50.1.001-93

5. EDITION (June 2002) with Amendment No. 1, adopted in March 2001 (IUS 6-2001), as amended (IUS 12-2000, 9-2001)


This standard specifies general rules construction, presentation, design, coordination and approval of technical specifications (TU)<*>for products (products, materials, substances, etc.).

<*>Regarding the requirements for the development and execution of specifications for food products on the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST R 51740-2001 is valid. (as amended by Changes No. 2).


GOST 2.501-88 ESKD. Accounting and storage rules

<**>GOST R 15.201-2000 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

3.3 Specifications are developed based on:

One specific product, material, substance, etc.;

Several specific products, materials, substances, etc. (group technical conditions).

Note - If it is necessary to develop products, materials, substances, etc. with increased requirements in relation to the existing ones, independent specifications are developed, in which they provide a link to the existing specifications, or the existing specifications are converted into group ones with the necessary additions (changes).

3.4 The requirements established by the Specifications must not contradict mandatory requirements state (interstate) standards applicable to these products.

3.5 If individual requirements are established in standards or other technical documents that apply to a given product, then these requirements are not repeated in the Specifications, and in the relevant sections of the Specifications they provide references to these standards and documents in accordance with GOST 2.105.

3.6 Specifications are drawn up on A4 sheets in accordance with GOST 2.301 with the main inscription in accordance with GOST 2.104 (forms and 2a), and the title page is drawn up in accordance with GOST 2.105 with the following additions:

Due to the loss of validity of GOST 2.104-68, one should be guided by GOST 2.104-2006 adopted in its place

field 6 - below the designation of the technical specifications, if necessary, indicate in brackets the designation of the document in replacement of which these technical specifications were issued using the type “(Instead of...)”, the date of introduction or the validity period of the technical specifications (if necessary).

Diagrams, drawings and tables illustrating individual provisions of the technical specifications are made on sheets of formats in accordance with GOST 2.301, while the main inscription is made according to form 2a GOST 2.104.

Originals of specifications, including those made on magnetic media, and copies obtained from them, are allowed to be made without the main inscription, additional columns and frames. In this case: (as amended by Changes No. 2).

The TU designation is indicated on each sheet in the upper right corner (for single-sided printing) or in the left corner of even pages and the right corner of odd pages (for double-sided printing);

The signatures of persons provided for in the main inscription in accordance with GOST 2.104 are indicated on the title page, and for specifications made on magnetic media in accordance with GOST 28388;

Changes are indicated in the change registration sheet, which is placed at the end of the technical specifications (recommended form of the change registration sheet according to GOST 2.503).

3.7 The TU designation is assigned by the developer.

3.7.1 Specifications for mechanical engineering and instrument making products are designated according to GOST 2.201.

Example - SHRPI.041221.002TU.

It is allowed to use TU designation systems adopted before the entry into force of GOST 2.201. In this case, it is recommended, in accordance with the requirements of the ESKD, to form the designation of technical specifications, as well as any non-main design document, by adding a document code to the designation of the main design document - part drawing, specification (GOST 2.102), for example, specification designation for a plunger pump - PN 200-00- 000, designation TU - PN 200-00-000 TU.

It is also allowed to use double designation to designate specifications:

Designation of technical specifications as a non-basic design document for ESKD;

Designation of specifications using codes of existing classifiers of products and enterprises of the country that developed the specifications according to 3.7.2 (as amended by Changes No. 2).

3.7.2 For materials, substances, etc. TU designation is recommended to be formed from:

Code "TU";

Product group code according to the product classifier of the country that developed the specifications;

A three-digit registration number assigned by the developer;

Code of the enterprise of the developer of the specification according to the classifier of enterprises of the country - developer of the specification;

Year of document approval.

Example of TU designation for the Russian Federation:

TU 1115-017-38576343-2000, where 1115 is the product group code according to the All-Russian Product Classifier (OKP), 38576343 is the enterprise code according to the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO).

It is allowed to use previously adopted specification designation systems. (as amended by Amendments No. 1, No. 2).

3.7.3. The item has been deleted. (as amended by Changes No. 2).

3.8 Accounting, storage and amendments to specifications for mechanical engineering and instrument making products are carried out in the manner established by GOST 2.501 and GOST 2.503, and for materials, substances, etc. in the manner accepted by the developer (original holder). (as amended by Amendments No. 1, No. 2).

3.9 To inform consumers about products for which specifications have been developed, a catalog sheet is filled out in the manner established by national standardization bodies.


4.1 The technical specifications must contain an introductory part and sections arranged in the following sequence:

Technical requirements;

Safety requirements;

Environmental requirements;

Acceptance rules;

Control methods;

Transportation and storage;

Operating instructions;

Manufacturer's warranty.

The composition of the sections and their content is determined by the developer in accordance with the characteristics of the product. If necessary, the specifications, depending on the type and purpose of the product, can be supplemented with other sections (subsections) or they may not include individual sections (subsections), or individual sections (subsections) can be combined into one.

Note - The composition of sections and content of specifications for products developed under contracts with the Moscow Region are agreed upon with the Customer's representative.

4.2 The introductory part must contain the name of the product, its purpose, scope of application (if necessary) and operating conditions.

The product name must correspond to the name specified in the main document<*>for this product.

<*>For mechanical engineering and instrument making products, the main document is the specification. For materials, substances, etc. The main document is a document that, together with other documents recorded in it, completely and unambiguously defines a given product.

The introduction should begin with the words:

"These technical conditions apply to

name, symbol of a product intended for..."

Example - “These technical specifications apply to the mainline diesel locomotive A-62, intended for freight and passenger transportation in humid tropical climates,” or “These technical specifications apply to BTA-185 enamel, intended for painting products operated in humid tropical climates.” ".

At the end of the introductory part, an example of recording products in other documents and (or) when ordering is given.

If inventions are used in products for which there is no design (technical) documentation, then at the end of the introductory part (last paragraph) information about the inventions used is provided.

4.3 The “Technical Requirements” section should contain the standard requirements and characteristics that determine the quality indicators and consumer (operational) characteristics of the product. (as amended by Changes No. 2).

In general, the section should consist of the following subsections:

Main parameters and characteristics (properties);

Requirements for raw materials, supplies, purchased products;



Package. (as amended by Changes No. 1).

4.3.1 The subsection “Main parameters and characteristics (properties)” should begin with the words:

must (but) comply with the requirements of these technical specifications. If there are standards for general technical conditions, as well as standards for a specific product, there should be a link to them.

In the subsection “Main parameters and characteristics (properties)” the following is placed:

The main parameters and characteristics that characterize the type (type, brand, model) of the product and, if necessary, provide its image with overall, installation and connection dimensions or provide a link to design or other technical documents indicating their designations. If necessary, drawings and diagrams of products to which references are given may be placed in the appendix to the specifications. When developing group specifications, the section indicates the product codes of each design according to the product classifier of the country of development;

Purpose requirements, characterizing the properties of the product, defining its main functions, for which it is intended to perform under given conditions, requirements for compatibility and interchangeability, for example: requirements for productivity, accuracy, speed of processing, strength, calorie content, etc.; requirements for composition and structure (chemical, fractional, concentration of impurities, content of components, etc.), physicochemical, mechanical and other properties (strength, hardness, heat resistance, wear resistance, etc.); requirements for functional, geometric, biological, electromagnetic, electrical, strength, software, technological, metrological, diagnostic, organizational, information and other types of compatibility;

Reliability requirements for products to perform their functions with a given efficiency in a given time interval and their preservation under given conditions of maintenance, repair, storage, transportation, including quantitative requirements, in the form of values ​​of complex indicators of product reliability and (or) single indicators of its reliability , durability, maintainability and storability.

For products, the use of which, after a certain period of time, poses a danger to life, health, the environment, or may cause harm to the property of citizens, a service life must be established after which the product is considered unsuitable for its intended use (a list of such products is compiled in the prescribed manner).

For products whose consumer properties may deteriorate over time (food, perfumes and cosmetics, medicines, household chemicals, etc.), expiration dates must be indicated (a list of such products is compiled in the prescribed manner);

Radioelectronic protection requirements for products to ensure noise immunity, protection from electromagnetic and ionizing radiation, both internal and external, intentional electromagnetic radiation and other electronic radiation of natural and artificial origin;

Requirements for resistance to external influences and survivability, aimed at ensuring the operability of products when exposed to and (or) after exposure to associated objects and the natural environment or special environments, including: requirements for resistance to mechanical influences (vibration, shock, torsion, wind, etc.) P.); requirements for resistance to climatic influences (fluctuations in temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure, solar radiation, precipitation, salt (sea) fog, dust, water, etc.); requirements for resistance to special influences (biological, radio-electronic, chemical, including aggressive gases, detergents, fuel, oils, etc., electromagnetic fields, means of decontamination, degassing, disinfection, etc.);

Ergonomic requirements aimed at ensuring coordination of the technical characteristics of products with the ergonomic characteristics and properties of a person (requirements for workplaces of service personnel, compliance of the product and its components with the size of the human body, etc.);

Requirements for the economical use of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy and labor resources, aimed at the economical use of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy and labor resources in the production of products and under a regulated mode of use (application) of products for their intended purpose (specific consumption of raw materials, materials, fuel , energy, energy carrier, as well as efficiency, labor intensity per unit of consumer properties, etc.);

Requirements for manufacturability, which determine the suitability of products for production, operation, and repair with minimal costs at given values ​​of quality indicators;

Design requirements for products in the form of specific design solutions that ensure the most efficient performance of the product’s functions, as well as rationality in its development, production and use: maximum permissible weight and overall dimensions of the product; ensuring external connections and interaction with other products, their compatibility, interchangeability, directions of rotation, directions of movement, etc.); structural materials, types of coatings (metallic and non-metallic) and their functional purpose (corrosion protection, etc.); requirements to exclude the possibility of incorrect assembly and incorrect connection of cables, hoses and other errors by maintenance personnel during maintenance and repair; application of basic structures and basic products; aggregation and block-modular construction of products, etc.

The requirements placed in the subsection “Main parameters and characteristics (properties)” are indicated in relation to the modes and conditions of its operation (application) and testing.

If individual requirements cannot be expressed by certain indicators, but can be achieved subject to unambiguous compliance with any other requirements (sanitary and hygienic requirements for production premises and performers, the use of a certain technological process, coating, special technological equipment or fixtures, long-term training, running-in, aging of finished products or materials, etc.), then these requirements should be given in this subsection. (as amended by Changes No. 1).

4.3.2 In the subsection "Requirements for raw materials, materials, purchased products" the requirements are established:

To purchased products, liquids, lubricants, paints and materials (products, substances);

For precious materials, metals and alloys, the procedure for their accounting;

To secondary raw materials and industrial waste. (as amended by Changes No. 1).

4.3.3 In the “Completeness” subsection, the individual (not mechanically connected upon delivery) component parts of the product, spare parts for it, tools and accessories, materials, etc., included in the delivery set, as well as documentation supplied with the product, are established.

If there is a large range of components (for example, a technological complex), spare parts, tools, accessories and operational documentation, it is recommended that instead of listing them, provide a link to the relevant design documents (specification, list of spare parts, list of operational documents).

4.3.4 The subsection “Labelling” establishes the following requirements for product labeling, including transport labeling:

Place of marking (directly on the product, on tags, labels, on containers, etc.);

Method of marking.

When presenting the contents of the marking, as a rule, they indicate a trademark registered in the prescribed manner and (or) the name of the manufacturer, the sign(s) of conformity of products certified for compliance with the requirements of standards (interstate rules) and, if the product is subject to certification - designation of the standard.

For products that require certain conditions to be met in order to ensure the safety of human life and health during their use, this subsection sets out the requirements for the content of the following instructions in the labeling:

Conditions of use and precautions for transportation, storage and use;

Safety (fire and explosion safety, etc.);

Timing of periodic inspection, control, re-preservation, etc.

4.3.5 The subsection “Packaging” establishes requirements for packaging materials, method of packaging products, etc.

The subsection indicates:

Rules for preparing products for packaging (including dismantling, preservation) indicating the means used;

Consumer transport packaging, including reusable packaging, auxiliary materials used in packaging, as well as technical label requirements (for consumer goods);

Quantity of products per unit of consumer packaging and shipping containers;

Methods of packaging products depending on transportation conditions (in containers, without containers, etc.);

The order of placement and method of stacking products;

List of documents placed in containers during packaging and the method of packaging them.

4.4 The section “Safety Requirements” establishes requirements that must contain all types of permissible danger and are established in such a way as to ensure the safety of the product during its service life (shelf life).

The section indicates: electrical safety requirements; fire safety requirements; explosion safety requirements; radiation safety requirements; safety requirements from exposure to chemicals and pollutants, including maximum permissible concentrations of substances or their constituent components; safety requirements for servicing machines and equipment, including safety requirements for erroneous actions of maintenance personnel and spontaneous malfunctions; requirements for protective equipment and safety measures, including the installation of fences, travel restrictions, interlocks, limit switches of moving elements, fastenings and clamps of moving parts, equipment of workplaces, controls and monitoring devices, alarm systems, requirements for the application of signal colors and safety signs, requirements for the removal, reduction, localization of dangerous and harmful production factors in the places of their formation. If necessary, provide the hazard class, permissible levels of dangerous and harmful production factors created by equipment and machines, the nature of the effect of the substance on the human body, information about the ability of the material or substance to form toxic and fire- and explosive compounds in the air and wastewater in the presence other substances or factors, information about the fire and explosive properties of the material, substance and measures to prevent their spontaneous combustion and (or) explosion, methods of neutralization and disposal of the substance, material with pronounced toxic and fire and explosive properties.

4.5 The section “Environmental Protection Requirements” establishes requirements for preventing harm to the natural environment, health and human genetic fund during testing, storage, transportation, operation (use) and disposal of environmentally hazardous products.

The section includes indicators and standards defining:

Requirements for permissible (in terms of level and time) chemical, mechanical, radiation, electromagnetic, thermal and biological effects on the environment;

Requirements for the stability of polluting, toxic substances in environmental objects (aquatic environment, atmospheric air, soil, subsoil, flora, monosphere, etc.);

Requirements for disposal and disposal sites for hazardous products and waste, etc. (as amended by Amendments to IUS 10-2006)

4.6 In the section "Acceptance Rules" they indicate the procedure for product control, the procedure and conditions for the presentation and acceptance of products by the technical control bodies of the manufacturer and the consumer (customer), the size of the presented batches, the need and time for holding products before acceptance, accompanying presentation documentation, as well as procedure for processing acceptance results.

Depending on the nature of the product, test programs are established (for example, acceptance, periodic, standard, reliability), and also indicate the procedure for using (storing) products that have passed the test, the need to select and store samples for repeated (additional) testing, etc. .

For each category of tests, the frequency of their conduct, the number of controlled samples, a list of controlled parameters, standards, requirements and characteristics of the product and the sequence in which control is carried out are established. The possibility of changing the sequence of control, if necessary, is specifically discussed.

When performing selective or statistical quality control, indicate the control plan (volume of the controlled batch, sample size for piece or sample for non-piece products, control standards and decisive rules).

The section stipulates the rules and conditions for acceptance, the procedure and conditions for rejecting products and resuming acceptance (re-inspection) after analysis of identified defects and their elimination.

If re-inspection of returned products is not allowed, this should be specifically stated in the technical specifications.

The section must stipulate the conditions and procedure for the final rejection of products.

The section, if necessary, should establish the procedure and place for affixing brands, stamps, and seals confirming the acceptance of products by control authorities.

4.7 In the “Control Methods” section, the methods, methods, and control modes (tests, measurements, analysis) of parameters, standards, requirements and characteristics of products are established, the need for control of which is provided for in the “Acceptance Rules” section.

Control methods (testing, measurement, analysis) must be objective, clearly defined, accurate and provide consistent and reproducible results.

Methods and conditions of control (tests, measurements, analysis) must be as close as possible to the conditions of use of the product.

It is allowed to establish several equivalent methods for monitoring the parameters and properties of products.

For each control method (tests, measurements, analysis), depending on the specifics of the implementation, the following must be established:

Methods of sampling (samples);

Equipment, materials and reagents, etc.;

Preparation for control (testing, measurement, analysis);

Carrying out control (testing, measurement, analysis);

Processing the results.

If the content of individual requirements coincides for several control methods, then the corresponding requirements are given only for the first method, and for the rest, references are given to the first method.

When describing sampling methods (samples), the location, method of collection and number of samples (samples), their shape, type, size or weight should be indicated. If an average sample is required, then the methods for its selection are indicated.

When setting out the requirements for equipment, materials and reagents, a list of the equipment used (installations, devices, fixtures, tools) and its error standards are given, as well as a list of materials and reagents used in testing.

If it is necessary to unambiguously determine a specific type or specific brand of equipment, material or reagent, their symbol must be given and the documents used to supply them must be indicated.

When using universal equipment, indicate its name, class or accuracy, etc.

When using equipment, materials or reagents manufactured specifically for the control of these products, a description of the scheme, recipe or links to the relevant documentation necessary for their manufacture and quality control is provided in the text of the specifications or in the appendix to them.

Allowed equivalent replacement of control means must be specified specifically, indicating the specifics of the use of these means. At the same time, the technical specifications must stipulate which means of control are arbitration.

When setting out the requirements for preparing products for control (testing, measurements, analysis), indicate data regarding preparation for product control, as well as equipment, materials and reagents necessary for control.

In the text of the specifications or in the appendix to the specifications, if necessary, diagrams for connecting the equipment with the controlled products are provided.

When setting out the requirements for control, the sequence of operations performed, their description, and, if necessary, the procedure for maintaining records are given.

If the control process checks the possibility of adjusting parameters or carrying out operations similar to those carried out under operating conditions, then the methods for their implementation must coincide with those specified in the operational documentation.

When describing control operations, safety instructions and special precautions are given.

When setting out the requirements for processing the results, calculation formulas are given, the accuracy of the calculations and the degree of rounding of the obtained data are indicated, as well as the permitted discrepancies in parallel determinations (calculations).

Control methods, control means, as well as equipment used during control are not indicated in the technical specifications if they are established in interstate, state and industry standards, as well as in instructions or programs and test methods developed in accordance with GOST 2.102, while in The technical specifications must contain a link to these documents. (as amended by Changes No. 2).

4.8 The section “Transportation and Storage” establishes requirements for ensuring the preservation of products during transportation and storage, including ensuring safety.

The section indicates the types of transport (air, rail, sea, road) and vehicles (covered or open wagons, refrigerated wagons, tanks, holds or decks of ships, closed vehicles, etc.), methods of fastening and covering products in these means , as well as requirements for the transportation of products in universal, specialized containers, specialized transport and in packages, the number of places (weight) of products in containers, the overall dimensions of packages, the order of placement of packages, etc.

The section indicates transportation parameters (permissible range, speed, etc.) and permissible mechanical impacts during transportation, climatic conditions, special requirements for products during transportation (the need for protection from external influences from impacts during loading and unloading and rules for handling products after transportation at subzero temperatures, the procedure for depreservation, etc.).

The section specifies the storage conditions for products that ensure their safety, including requirements for the place of storage of products (shed, covered warehouse, heated room, etc.), for protecting products from the influence of the external environment (moisture, harmful fumes, etc. .), temperature regime storage, and, if necessary, requirements for the timing of periodic inspections of stored products, routine maintenance, as well as the necessary conservation methods and conservation materials, the brand and documents used for their delivery, or links to the relevant documents are provided.

In addition, they provide a method for placing products (in stacks, on racks, linings, etc.), as well as special rules for storing perishable, toxic, flammable, explosive and similar products.

The rules for storing products are stated in the following sequence:


Warehousing conditions;

Special rules and storage periods (if necessary).

Requirements for transportation and storage can be given only if there is no transportation and storage standard for this product.

4.9 The “Operating Instructions” section provides instructions for installation, assembly and use of the product at the site of its operation (use), for example, the method of connection with other products; requirements for cooling conditions, indicating, if necessary, criteria and control methods; ability to work in other environments; special operating conditions (need for protection from electric and radiation fields, requirements for periodic training, operational maintenance, etc.); recycling information; activities for the preparation and dispatch of products, materials, substances for disposal; disposal methods, if the product, materials, substances pose a danger to life, human health and the environment after the end of their service life (use, operation), or provide a link to relevant documents, for example, operational documents. (as amended by Changes No. 1).

4.10 The section “Manufacturer’s Warranty” establishes the rights and obligations of the manufacturer under warranties in accordance with current legislation.

Note - For products developed under orders of the Ministry of Defense, the rules for designing the section are established by the relevant ND. (as amended by Changes No. 1).

4.11 In the appendix to the technical specifications, if necessary, the following is given:

List of documents (standards, instructions, technical specifications and other documents) referenced in these specifications;

List of equipment (stands, instruments, accessories, accessories, tools, utensils, etc.), materials and reagents necessary for product control;

Brief description with characteristics of equipment, materials and reagents necessary for product control;

A brief description with the characteristics of equipment, materials and reagents, instructions for use and periodic inspection, if these data are not set out in independent documents.


5.1 The specifications are subject to approval by the acceptance committee if the decision to put the product into production is made by the acceptance committee.

The developer agrees on the specifications with the customer (consumer) and, together with other documents subject to approval by the acceptance committee, sends them no later than one month before the start of its work in the organization (enterprise), whose representatives are included in the acceptance committee, - according to GOST 15.001 .

The signing of an acceptance certificate for a prototype (pilot batch) of products by members of the acceptance committee means approval of the specifications.

The need to send specifications for approval to other interested organizations, if they are not members of the acceptance committee, is determined by the developer together with the customer (consumer).

5.2 If the decision to put products into production is made without an acceptance committee, the specifications are sent to the customer (consumer) for approval.

The need to send specifications for approval to other interested organizations if they have requirements within their competence is determined by the developer together with the customer (consumer). Specifications should be sent to all organizations at the same time.

5.4 For technological complex, supplied complete to the customer (consumer), the specifications are additionally agreed upon with the organization carrying out the installation in terms of the requirements within its competence, if these requirements were not previously agreed upon with it.

5.5 Review of specifications submitted for approval should not exceed 20 days from the date of their receipt by the organization.

5.6 Approval of the technical specifications is executed by the signature of the head (deputy head) of the approving organization under the heading “AGREED” or a separate document (acceptance committee act, letter, protocol, etc.), while the date and number of the document are indicated under the heading “AGREED”.

When agreeing, the entry “Agreed with comments” is not allowed.

5.7 The need to agree with the consumer on specifications for products developed on an initiative basis is determined by the developer.

5.8 Changes to the Specifications are agreed upon in the manner established for the Specifications. Changes to the technical specifications are allowed to be agreed upon only with the customer (consumer), if they do not affect the organizations that previously approved the technical specifications.

5.9 The technical specifications are approved by the developer of the specifications or a body provided for by current legislation. (as amended by Changes No. 1).

5.10 Changes to the technical specifications are approved by the holder of the original specifications, unless otherwise stated in the agreement on the transfer of a set of technical documentation.

5.11 Approval of the technical specifications (amendments to them) is signed by the head (deputy head) of the developer under the heading “APPROVED” on the title page of the document.

5.12 Specifications are approved, as a rule, without limitation of validity period.

The limitation of the validity period of the specifications is established, if necessary, in agreement with the customer (consumer).

5.13 Specifications for products developed under orders of the Ministry of Defense are coordinated and approved according to the rules established by the relevant ND.

5.14 Specifications for certain types of products are approved by ministries (departments), if their approval is established by legislative or other regulations. (as amended by Amendments to IUS 12-2000).

GOST 2.114-2016

Group T52


Unified system of design documentation


Unified system for design documentation. Specifications

Text Comparison of GOST 2.114-2016 with GOST 2.114-95, see the link.
- Database manufacturer's note.

ISS 01.100

Date of introduction 2017-04-01



The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-2015 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2015 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption, updates and cancellations"

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Standardization and Certification in Mechanical Engineering" (VNIINMASH), the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization Scientific Research Center for CALS Technologies "Applied Logistics" (ANO Research Center for CALS Technologies "Applied Logistics")

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TK 051 (MTK 051) “Design Documentation System”

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol dated July 27, 2016 N 89-P)

The following voted for adoption:

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Country code by
MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national standardization body

Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia


State Standard of the Republic of Belarus


Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan









4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated August 30, 2016 N 978-st, the interstate standard GOST 2.114-2016 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on April 1, 2017.

5 INSTEAD GOST 2.114-95

6 REPUBLICATION. December 2018

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet (

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes general requirements, rules and regulations (hereinafter referred to as requirements) for the implementation of technical conditions.

This standard applies to mechanical engineering and instrument making products of all industries, manufactured and used according to design documentation, carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Unified System of Design Documentation.

Based on this standard, standards can be developed that take into account the specifics of fulfilling technical specifications for products of various types of equipment, taking into account their specifics.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 2.051-2013 Unified system of design documentation. Electronic documents. General provisions

GOST 2.058-2016 Unified system of design documentation. Rules for fulfilling the requisite part of electronic design documents

GOST 2.102-2013 Unified system of design documentation. Types and completeness of design documents

GOST 2.103-2013 Unified system of design documentation. Development stages

GOST 2.104-2006 Unified system of design documentation. Basic inscriptions

GOST 2.105-95 Unified system of design documentation. General requirements for text documents

GOST 2.106-96 Unified system of design documentation. Text documents

GOST 2.113-75 Unified system of design documentation. Group and basic design documents

GOST 2.201-80 Unified system of design documentation. Designation of products and design documents

GOST 2.301-68 Unified system of design documentation. Formats

GOST 2.501-2013 Unified system of design documentation. Accounting and storage rules

GOST 2.503-2013 Unified system of design documentation. Rules for making changes

GOST 2.511-2011 Unified system of design documentation. Rules for the transfer of electronic design documents. General provisions

GOST 2.512-2011 Unified system of design documentation. Rules for the execution of a data package for the transfer of electronic design documents. General provisions

GOST 15.000-82 System for development and production of products. General provisions*
* GOST R 15.000-2016 is in force in the Russian Federation.

OK 012-93 All-Russian Classifier of Products and Design Documents (ESKD Classifier) ​​(OKESKD)

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or using the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations

3.1 Terms and definitions

The following terms with corresponding definitions are used in this standard:

product: An item or set of items of production to be manufactured in an organization (enterprise) according to design documentation.


1 Products can be: devices, means, machines, units, devices, appliances, equipment, installations, tools, mechanisms, systems, etc.

2 The number of products can be measured in pieces (instances).

3 Products may include completed and unfinished items of production, including blanks.

[GOST 2.101-2016, article 3.1]

3.1.2 Product of mechanical engineering and instrumentation (product, engineering products): A product, the development, manufacture and use of which is carried out according to design documentation.

Note - Products of mechanical engineering and instrument making can be devices, means, machines, devices, equipment, units, devices, mechanisms, complexes, kits, systems, equipment, fixtures, tools, furniture, packaging, etc.

3.2 Abbreviations

The following abbreviations are used in this standard:

ESKD - unified system of design documentation;

Spare parts - spare parts, tools and accessories;

KD - design document (design documentation);

ND - normative document;

PZ - customer representation;

MF - component of the product;

Technical specifications for development work - technical specifications for carrying out development work;

TU - technical conditions.

4 Basic provisions

4.1 Specifications in accordance with GOST 2.102 are a design documentation containing requirements (the set of all indicators, norms, rules and regulations) for the product, its manufacture, control, acceptance and delivery, which are inappropriate to indicate in other design documentation.

Specifications are developed according to the decision of the developer or customer, if this is not reflected in the technical specifications for the design and development work.

Specifications are developed as part of the design documentation set and are an integral part of the product design documentation set.

4.2 Specifications should be developed, as a rule, for products intended for independent delivery (sale) to the consumer. Specifications, upon agreement between the customer (consumer) and the developer (supplier), of design documentation can be developed for individual components of the product, if this is not established in the technical specifications for development work.

Note - Specifications for national economic products of single production of one-time production are allowed not to be drawn up. The development, manufacture, acceptance and delivery of such products may be carried out in accordance with the technical specifications developed in accordance with GOST 15.001.

4.3 Specifications should be developed:

- for one specific product;

- for several similar products (group specifications) in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.113.

Note - If it is necessary to develop products with increased requirements in relation to the existing ones, independent specifications should be developed, in which a link to the existing specifications should be provided, or the existing specifications are converted into group ones with the necessary additions (changes).

4.4 The requirements established in the Specifications must not contradict the requirements of the standards (interstate, national, industry) that apply to this product, unless this contradicts national legislation. In the technical specifications, the requirements of the standards should not be repeated; these requirements are replaced with references to these standards in accordance with GOST 2.105.

4.5 Specifications in accordance with the technical specifications for design and development work may be developed at any stage of design documentation development in accordance with GOST 2.103, at design stages of development - projects, at working stages of development - working specifications.

Note - If it is necessary to develop a product with increased requirements in relation to the existing one, independent specifications should be developed, in which a link to the existing specifications should be provided, or the existing specifications should be converted into group specifications with the necessary additions (changes).

4.6 The designation of specifications for mechanical and instrument engineering products in accordance with the designation rules KD in accordance with ESKD standards is mandatory.

Working specifications as a type of design documentation should be designated in accordance with GOST 2.102, GOST 2.104, GOST 2.201 and OK 012; for example, designation TU for a helical gearbox: ABVG.303121.001 TU*;

TU projects - according to GOST 2.201 (Appendix 1) according to the general rules for designating a sketch design with the addition of the code "TU" at the end of the designation; for example, the designation of a helical gearbox: ER*.

Note - It is permissible to use the previously existing designation system, in which case technical specifications should be designated according to the general designation rules for design documentation.
* Specifications mentioned here and further in the text are not given. For more information please follow the link. - Database manufacturer's note.

4.7 Specifications can be carried out in paper or electronic form (on paper or electronic media).

4.8 Specifications in paper form should be made on A4 sheets in accordance with GOST 2.301 with the main inscription in accordance with GOST 2.104 (forms 2 and 2a), and the title page should be drawn up in accordance with GOST 2.105 with the addition:

- in field 6 - below the designation of the specifications, if necessary, the designation of the document in replacement of which these specifications were issued by type ("Instead of..."), the date of introduction or the validity period of the specifications (if necessary) should be indicated in parentheses.

Diagrams, drawings and tables illustrating individual provisions of the specifications are made on sheets of formats in accordance with GOST 2.301, while the main inscription is made according to Form 2 GOST 2.104.

Original technical specifications may be executed without the main inscription, additional columns and frames. In this case:

a) the TS designation should be indicated on each sheet in the upper right corner (for single-sided printing) or in the left corner of even pages and the right corner of odd pages (for double-sided printing);

b) signatures of persons and letters provided for in the main inscription according to GOST 2.104 should be placed on the title page;

c) changes should be drawn up in accordance with GOST 2.503 and indicated in the change registration sheet, which should be placed at the end of the technical specifications (the recommended form of the change registration sheet is in accordance with GOST 2.503).

4.9 Specifications in electronic form should be executed as an electronic document (on electronic media) in accordance with GOST 2.051.

Specifications executed in electronic form should be transmitted in accordance with GOST 2.511 and GOST 2.512.

Graphic materials (diagrams, drawings, electronic geometric models of the product) illustrating individual provisions of the technical specifications should be made in accordance with the requirements of ESKD standards for the corresponding types of design documentation without a main inscription, additional columns and frames.

The requisite part of the technical specifications in electronic form should be completed in accordance with GOST 2.058.

4.10 The text of the technical specifications should be carried out in accordance with GOST 2.105, accounting and storage of technical specifications - in accordance with GOST 2.501, changes in technical specifications - in accordance with GOST 2.503.

4.11 To inform consumers about the product for which specifications have been developed, the catalog sheet should be filled out in the manner established by the national standardization bodies.

4.12 If necessary, it is allowed to develop specifications for non-machine-building products in accordance with this standard. It is recommended to designate such specifications based on the product classifier of the country that developed the specifications according to the structure in accordance with regulatory documents.

Note - Non-engineering products should be understood as products that are developed, manufactured and used not in accordance with the ESKD. Examples of these products can be: substances, materials, clothing, shoes, etc.

5 Rules for the construction and presentation of technical specifications

5.1.1 In general, technical specifications should contain an introductory part and sections arranged in the following sequence:

- technical requirements;

- safety requirements;

- environmental protection requirements;

- acceptance rules;

- control (test) methods;

- operating instructions, including requirements for storage, transportation and disposal of the product;

- manufacturer's warranty.

5.1.2 The composition of the sections and their content is determined by the developer in accordance with the characteristics of the product, if this is not established in the technical specifications for the development work. If necessary, the specifications, depending on the type and purpose of the product, can be supplemented with other sections (subsections), or they may not include individual sections (subsections), or individual sections (subsections) can be combined into one.

Note - The composition of the sections and content of the specifications for products developed by order of the Ministry of Defense must be agreed with the customer (PP).

5.2 Introduction

5.2.1 The introductory part must contain the name of the product, its designation in accordance with the ESKD, scope of application (if necessary) and operating conditions.

5.2.2 The name of the product and its designation must correspond to the name and designation specified in the main design documentation for this product.

5.2.3 The presentation of the introductory part should begin with the words:

"These technical conditions apply to

name, product designation

Example - “These technical specifications apply to a gas-jet turbocompressor engine (DTG-20M)”, ABVG 384226.001...

5.2.4 At the end of the introductory part, an example of recording the product in other CDs and/or when ordering should be given.

5.2.5 If inventions are used in the product, then at the end of the introductory part (last paragraph) information about the inventions used is provided.

5.3 Technical requirements

5.3.1 The section should contain the requirements, standards and characteristics that determine the quality indicators and performance characteristics of the product.

The section, as a rule, should consist of the following subsections:

- main parameters and characteristics (properties);

- requirements for raw materials, supplies, purchased products;

- completeness;

- marking;

- package.

5.3.2 The subsection “Main parameters and operational characteristics” should begin with the words:

must meet the requirements

product name

of these technical specifications and a set of design documents in accordance with

designation of the main design document

If there are standards for general technical requirements or conditions, there should be a link to them. In the subsection it is necessary to place:

- the main parameters and characteristics that determine the type (type, brand, model) of the product, and if necessary, its image with overall, installation and connection dimensions should be provided or a link to the design documentation should be provided indicating their designations. If necessary, drawings, models, structures and diagrams of products to which references are given may be placed in the appendix to the specifications. When developing group specifications in accordance with GOST 2.113, the designation of versions should be indicated in the section;

- requirements for purpose, characterizing the properties of the product, defining its main functions, for which it is intended to perform under given conditions, requirements for compatibility and interchangeability, requirements for productivity, accuracy, speed of processing, etc.; requirements for composition and structure, physical, physico-chemical, mechanical and other properties (strength, hardness, heat resistance, wear resistance, etc.); requirements for functional, geometric, biological, electromagnetic, electrical, software, technological, metrological, diagnostic, organizational, information and other types of compatibility;

- requirements for the reliability of a product performing its functions with a given efficiency in a given time interval and their preservation under given conditions of maintenance, repair, storage, transportation, including quantitative requirements in the form of values ​​of complex indicators of product reliability and/or single indicators of its reliability and durability , maintainability and storability;

- radio-electronic protection requirements for the product to ensure noise immunity, protection from electromagnetic and ionizing radiation, both its own and foreign, intentional electromagnetic radiation and other electronic radiation of natural and artificial origin;

- requirements for resistance to external influences and survivability, aimed at ensuring the operability of the product when exposed to and/or after exposure to associated objects and the natural environment or special environments, including: requirements for resistance to mechanical influences (vibration, shock, torsion, wind, etc.); P.); requirements for resistance to climatic influences (fluctuations in temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure, solar radiation, precipitation, salt (sea) fog, dust, water, etc.); requirements for resistance to special influences (biological, radio-electronic, chemical, including aggressive gases, detergents, fuel, oils, etc., electromagnetic fields, means of decontamination, degassing, disinfection, etc.);

- ergonomic requirements aimed at ensuring coordination of the technical characteristics of products with the ergonomic characteristics and properties of a person (requirements for workplaces of service personnel, compliance of the product and its equipment with the size of the human body, etc.);

- requirements for the economical use of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy and labor resources, aimed at the economical use of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy and labor resources in the production of products under a regulated mode of use (application) of the product for its intended purpose (specific consumption of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy, energy carrier, as well as efficiency, labor intensity per unit of consumer properties, etc.);

- manufacturability requirements, which determine the suitability of a product for manufacturing, operation, and repair with minimal costs at given values ​​of quality indicators;

- design requirements for the product in the form of specific design solutions that ensure the most efficient performance of the product’s functions, as well as the rationality of development, production and use: maximum permissible weights and overall dimensions of the product; ensuring external connections and interaction with other products, their compatibility, interchangeability, directions of rotation, directions of movement, etc.; structural materials, types of coatings (metallic and non-metallic) and their functional purpose (corrosion protection, etc.); requirements to exclude the possibility of incorrect assembly and incorrect connection of cables, hoses and other errors by maintenance personnel during maintenance and repair; application of basic structures and basic products; aggregation and block-modular construction of products, etc. The requirements placed in the subsection should be indicated in relation to the modes and conditions of operation, control (testing) of the product. If individual requirements cannot be expressed by certain indicators, but can be achieved subject to unambiguous compliance with any other requirements (sanitary and hygienic requirements for production premises and performers, the use of a certain technological process, coating, special means of technological equipment, long training, running-in, aging of finished products and materials, etc.), then these requirements should be given in this subsection. For products, the use of which, after a certain period of time, poses a danger to life, health, the environment or may cause harm to the property of citizens, service periods must be established, after which the product is considered unsuitable for its intended use (the list of such products is compiled in in the prescribed manner).

5.3.3 In the subsection “Requirements for purchased products, raw materials, materials” the following requirements should be established:

- to purchased products, liquids, lubricants, paints and materials;

- for precious materials, non-ferrous metals and alloys, the procedure for their accounting;

- to secondary raw materials and industrial waste.

5.3.4 In the “Completeness” subsection, you should install the individual parts (not mechanically connected upon delivery) included in the delivery set, spare parts, materials, etc., as well as the CD supplied with the product.

If there is a large range of spare parts, spare parts and operational documentation, it is recommended that instead of listing them, provide a link to the relevant design documentation (specification, list of spare parts, list of operational documents).

5.3.5 In the “Marking” subsection, the following requirements for product marking, including transport marking, should be established:

- place of marking (directly on the product, labels, packaging, etc.);

- information about the location of the manufacturer;

- content of the marking;

- method of marking. When describing the contents of the marking, as a rule, you should indicate a trademark registered in the prescribed manner and/or the name of the organization, the sign(s) of conformity of the product certified for compliance with the requirements of regulatory documentation and, if the product is subject to certification, then the designation of the standard to the mark of conformity. For a product, to ensure the safety of which for the life and health of people during operation it is necessary to fulfill certain requirements, these requirements should be set out in this subsection, for example:

- operating requirements and precautions during operation, storage, transportation, directly during operation and disposal;

- safety (fire and explosion safety, etc.);

- terms of periodic inspection, control, re-preservation, etc.

5.3.6 The following information should be placed in the “Packaging” subsection:

- rules for preparing products for packaging (including disassembly (dismantling), preservation) indicating the means used;

- consumer and transport packaging, including reusable packaging, auxiliary materials used in packaging, as well as technical aesthetic requirements;

- number of products per unit of consumer packaging and transport containers;

- methods of packaging products depending on transportation conditions (in containers, without containers, etc.);

- placement order and method of stacking products;

- a list of CDs included in the packaging (container) during packaging, and the method of packaging them.

5.4 Safety requirements

The section must establish requirements containing all types of permissible hazards in such a way that the safety of the product is ensured during its service life.

The section should indicate:

- electrical safety requirements;

- fire safety requirements;

- explosion safety requirements;

- radiation safety requirements;

- safety requirements against exposure to chemicals and pollutants, including maximum permissible concentrations of substances or their constituent components;

- safety requirements for servicing the product, including safety requirements for erroneous actions of maintenance personnel and spontaneous malfunction;

- requirements for protective equipment and safety measures, including the installation of fences, travel restrictions, interlocks, limit switches of moving elements, fastenings and clamps of moving parts, equipment of workplaces, controls and monitoring devices, alarm systems;

- requirements for the application of signal colors and safety signs;

- requirements for the removal, reduction, localization of hazardous and harmful production factors in the places of their formation.

If necessary, the section should provide the hazard class, permissible levels of dangerous and harmful production factors created by equipment and machines, the nature of the substance’s effect on the human body, information about the product’s ability to form toxic and fire- and explosive compounds in the air and wastewater in the presence of other products or factors, information about the fire and explosive properties of the product and measures to prevent its spontaneous combustion and/or explosion, methods for neutralizing and burying products with pronounced toxic and fire and explosive properties.

Safety requirements must not contradict current technical regulations in this area.

5.5 Environmental requirements

5.5.1 The section should establish requirements for preventing harm to the natural environment, health and human genetic fund during testing, storage, transportation, operation and disposal of the product.

5.5.2 The section should include indicators and standards defining:

- requirements for permissible (in terms of level and time) chemical, mechanical, radiation, electromagnetic, thermal and biological effects on the environment;

- requirements for the stability of polluting, toxic substances in environmental objects (water environment, atmospheric air, soil, subsoil, flora, monosphere, etc.);

- requirements for disposal and disposal sites for hazardous products and waste, etc.

5.6 Acceptance rules

5.6.1 The section must indicate the procedure for product control, the procedure and conditions for the presentation and acceptance of products by the technical control bodies of the organization and the consumer (customer), the size of the presented lots, the need and time for holding the product before acceptance, accompanying presentation documentation, as well as the procedure for processing the results acceptance.

5.6.2 Depending on the nature of the product, testing programs and methods should be established (for example, acceptance testing, periodic, standard, reliability), and the procedure for using (storing) the tested product, the need to select and store samples for repeated testing should also be indicated. (additional) tests, etc.

5.6.3 For each category of tests, the frequency of testing, the number of controlled samples, a list of controlled parameters, standards, requirements, characteristics and the sequence in which control is carried out should be established. The possibility of changing the sequence of control, if necessary, is specifically discussed.

5.6.4 When performing selective or statistical quality control, the control plan should be indicated (volume of the controlled batch, volume of samples for a piece product or samples for non-piece products, control standards and rules).

5.6.5 The section should indicate the rules and conditions for acceptance, the procedure and conditions for rejecting products and resuming acceptance (re-inspection) after analysis of identified defects and their elimination.

If re-inspection of returned products is not allowed, this must be specifically stated in the technical specifications.

The section should stipulate the conditions and procedure for the final rejection of products.

5.6.6 If necessary, the section should establish the procedure and place for affixing brands, stamps, and seals confirming the acceptance of the product by control authorities.

5.7 Control requirements

5.7.1 In the section it is necessary to establish programs, methods and modes of control (tests, measurements, analysis) of parameters, standards, requirements and characteristics of products, the need for control of which is provided for in the section “Acceptance Rules”.

5.7.2 Programs and methods of control (testing, measurement, analysis) must be objective, clearly defined, accurate and must provide consistent and reproducible results.

5.7.3 Programs and methods and conditions of control (tests, measurements, analysis) must be as close as possible to the conditions of use of the product.

5.7.4 It is allowed to install several equivalent programs and methods for monitoring the parameters and properties of the product.

5.7.5 For each program or control method (tests, measurements, analysis), depending on the specifics of the implementation, the following must be established:

- methods of sampling (samples);

- equipment, materials and reagents, etc.;

- preparation for control (testing, measurement, analysis);

- carrying out control (testing, measurement, analysis);

- processing of results.

5.7.6 If the content of individual requirements coincides for several control methods, then the corresponding requirements should be given only for the first method, and for the rest, references to the first method should be given.

5.7.7 When describing sampling methods (samples), the location, method of sampling and number of samples (samples) should be indicated. If an average sample is required, then the methods for its selection are indicated.

5.7.8 When setting out the requirements for equipment, materials and reagents, a list of the control means used (equipment, stands, installations, devices, fixtures, tools, etc.) and its error standards, as well as a list of materials and reagents used during testing, should be provided.

If it is necessary to unambiguously determine a specific type or specific brand of a material control device or reagent, their symbol must be given and the documents by which they must be supplied must be indicated.

5.7.9 When using control equipment, materials and reagents manufactured specifically for the control of these products, their description, recipes or links to the relevant documentation necessary for their manufacture and quality control should be provided in the text of the specifications or in the appendix to them.

5.7.10 Allowed equivalent replacement of control means must be specified specifically, indicating the specifics of the use of these means. At the same time, the technical specifications must stipulate which means of control are arbitration.

5.7.11 When setting out the requirements for preparing a product for control (testing, measurements, analysis), data regarding preparation for testing the product, as well as control tools, materials and reagents necessary for control should be indicated.

5.7.12 When setting out the requirements for control, the sequence of operations performed, their description, and, if necessary, the procedure for maintaining records should be given.

5.7.13 If during the control process the possibility of adjusting (adjusting) parameters or carrying out operations similar to those carried out under operating conditions is checked, then the methods for their implementation must coincide with those specified in the operational documents.

5.7.14 When describing the control method, safety requirements and special precautions should be given.

5.7.15 When setting out the requirements for processing control results (testing, measurement, analysis), calculation formulas are given, the accuracy of calculations and the degree of specification of the data obtained, as well as acceptable discrepancies during parallel determinations (calculations), are indicated.

5.7.16 Programs and methods of control, control means used during control should not be indicated in the technical specifications if they are established in interstate, national, industry standards and other normative documents, as well as in instructions or programs and test methods developed as design documentation in accordance with GOST 2.102 and GOST 2.106, including in the CD “Program and test methods” according to GOST 2.106, to which a link should be provided in the technical specifications.

5.7.17 In the text of the technical specifications or in the appendix to the technical specifications, if necessary, diagrams for connecting control equipment to the controlled product should be provided.

5.8 Instructions for use, including requirements for storage, transportation and disposal

5.8.1 In this section it is necessary to establish requirements for the operation of the product, for installation, installation and use of products at the place of their operation (use), for example, the method of connection with other products: requirements for operating conditions at low or high temperatures, indicating, if necessary, criteria and control methods; ability to work in other environments; special operating conditions (need for protection from electrical and radiation fields, requirements for preliminary testing, maintenance, etc.).

5.8.2 The subsection “Storage and Transportation” should establish requirements for ensuring the safety of the product during its storage and transportation, including ensuring safety.

Requirements for storage and transportation should be given only if there are no standards and other normative documents for storage and transportation for this product. The subsection should indicate the storage conditions of the product to ensure its safety, including requirements for the place of storage of the products (shed, covered warehouse, heated room, etc.), for the protection of products from the influence of the external environment (moisture, harmful fumes etc.), temperature and humidity conditions of storage, and, if necessary, requirements for the timing of periodic inspections of stored products, routine maintenance, as well as the necessary conservation methods and conservation materials, the brand and documents used for their delivery, or provide links to the relevant documents . The subsection should describe the method of stacking products (in stacks, on racks, linings, etc.), as well as special rules for storing toxic, flammable, explosive and similar products. The rules for storing products are stated in the following sequence:

- storage;

- storage conditions;

- storage conditions;

- special rules and storage periods (if necessary). The subsection should indicate the types of transport (air, water, rail, road) and vehicles (for example, covered or open cars, refrigerator cars, tanks, holds or decks of ships, closed vehicles, etc.), methods of fastening and covering the product in these means, as well as requirements for transporting products in universal specialized containers, by specialized transport, the number of places (weight) of products in the container, overall dimensions of the container, the order of placement of the container, etc. The subsection should indicate transportation parameters (permissible distance, speed, etc.) and permissible mechanical, temperature and other influences during transportation, climatic conditions, special requirements for products during transportation (the need for protection from external influences, from impacts during loading and unloading and rules for handling products after transportation at low or high temperatures, the procedure for depreservation, etc.). Requirements for storage and transportation should be given only if there is no corresponding ND or CD for this product, which reflects the conditions of storage and transportation.

5.8.3 In the subsection “Product disposal requirements” the following should be given:

- measures for preparing and sending the product for disposal;

- disposal methods, if the product poses a danger to life, human health and the environment after the end of its service life, or provide links to the relevant ND or CD.

5.9 Manufacturer's warranties

In the section "Manufacturer's Warranties" it is necessary to establish the rights and obligations of the manufacturer under warranties in accordance with current legislation.

Note - For products developed under orders of the Ministry of Defense, the rules for designing the section should be established according to the corresponding RD or in agreement with the customer (PP).

6 Procedure for coordination and approval of technical specifications

6.1 The specifications must be agreed upon and approved as part of the product design documentation set by the acceptance committee in accordance with the requirements of the System for the development and production of products, if the decision to put the product into production is made by the acceptance committee.

Note - The set of design documentation sent for approval is determined by the developer, if this is not specified in the technical specifications for the design and development work.

The developer should agree with the customer (consumer) on the technical specifications as part of the design documentation set and send it no later than one month before starting work in the organization whose representatives are included in the acceptance committee.

The signing of an acceptance certificate of specifications as part of a set of design documentation for a product at any stage of development in accordance with GOST 2.103 by members of the acceptance committee means approval of a set of design documentation, including specifications.

Specifications containing requirements falling within the competence of the authorities state control and supervision, if they are not members of the acceptance committee, are subject to agreement with them.

The need to send specifications with a set of design documentation for approval to other interested organizations, if they are not members of the acceptance committee, must be determined by the developer in agreement with them.

6.2 If the decision to put a product into production is made without an acceptance committee, the specifications with a set of design documentation must be sent to the customer (consumer) for approval.

Specifications containing requirements falling within the competence of state control and supervision bodies are subject to agreement with them.

The need to send specifications with a set of design documentation for approval to other interested organizations if they have requirements within their competence must be determined by the developer in agreement with the customer (consumer). Specifications should be sent to all organizations at the same time.

6.4 For the type of product “complex”, supplied as a complete set to the customer (consumer), the specifications should additionally be agreed upon with the organization carrying out installation at the site of operation, in terms of the requirements within its competence, if these requirements have not been agreed upon with it previously.

6.5 Review of specifications as part of a set of design documents submitted for approval should not exceed 1 month from the moment they are received by the organization.

6.6 Approval of specifications as part of the design documentation set should be signed by the head (deputy head) of the approving organization under the heading “AGREED” or a separate document (acceptance committee act, letter, protocol, etc.), and the date should be indicated under the heading “AGREED” and document number.

When agreeing, the entry “Agreed with comments” is not allowed.

6.7 The need for coordination with the consumer of a set of design documentation, including specifications for a product developed on an initiative basis, must be determined by the developer.

6.8 Changes to the technical specifications should be drawn up in accordance with GOST 2.503 and agreed upon in the manner established for the design documentation. Changes to the technical specifications are allowed to be agreed upon only with the customer (consumer), if they do not affect the requirements of the organizations that previously approved the technical specifications.

6.9 Specifications as part of the design documentation set must be approved by the developer or the body provided for by current legislation.

6.10 Changes to the specifications should be developed and executed by the holder of the original specifications.

6.11 Approval of specifications as part of a set of design documentation (changes to them) should be signed by the head (deputy director) of the developer under the heading “APPROVED” on the title page of the design documentation (set of design documentation) in accordance with GOST 2.105.

6.12 Specifications are approved, as a rule, without limitation of validity period.

Limitation of the validity period of the specifications should be established, if necessary, in agreement with the customer (consumer).

6.13 Specifications as part of a set of design documentation for products developed under orders of the Ministry of Defense should be coordinated and approved according to the rules established by the relevant ND.

6.14 Specifications as part of a set of design documentation for certain types of products can be agreed upon and approved by ministries (departments), if their agreement and approval are established by legislative or other legal normative documents.

UDC 62(084.11):006.354

Key words: Unified system of design documentation, design documentation, technical specifications, product

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M.: Standartinform, 2019