The fairy tale turnip script is unusual and funny. The fairy tale “Turnip” - in a new way. Text of the skit for reading to the presenter and actors

Characters: round dance : Turnip, Grandfather, Grandmother, Bug, Bunny, Rooster, Mosquito.

Basic work with children

1. Theater game.

Teach children to navigate in space; develop memory, imaginative thinking, fantasy, imagination, interest in performing arts; practice diction; practice clear pronunciation of words.

2. Rhythmoplasty.

Includes complex rhythmic, plastic games and exercises.

3. Culture and technique of speech.

Includes work on speech breathing, correct articulation, clear diction, varied intonation; coherent figurative speech; creative imagination.

4. Basic theatrical culture is work with the goal of introducing children to elementary concepts, professional terminology of theatrical art, and fostering a culture of behavior in the theater.

Working on a performance includes getting to know the fairy tale. Learn to write sketches based on a fairy tale; develop the ability to use intonations that express various emotional states.



Scenario of the fairy tale dramatization “Turnip” (an old fairy tale in new way)

with children from the compensatory group “Pochemuchki”

Characters: round dance: Turnip, Grandfather, Grandmother, Bug, Bunny, Rooster, Mosquito.

Basic work with children

1. Theater game.

Teach children to navigate in space; develop memory, imaginative thinking, fantasy, imagination, interest in performing arts; practice diction; practice clear pronunciation of words.

2. Rhythmoplasty.

Includes complex rhythmic, plastic games and exercises.

3. Culture and technique of speech.

Includes work on speech breathing, correct articulation, clear diction, varied intonation; coherent figurative speech; creative imagination.

4. Basic theatrical culture is work with the goal of introducing children to elementary concepts, professional terminology of theatrical art, and fostering a culture of behavior in the theater.

Working on a performance includes getting to know the fairy tale. Learn to write sketches based on a fairy tale; develop the ability to use intonations that express various emotional states.



Dear viewers!

Would you like to see a fairy tale?

There are many fairy tales in the world that you can’t read right away.

But you won’t find a fairy tale like ours in a book.

The fairy tale is familiar to everyone, but in a new way.

And everyone will be glad to see her.

We're starting our show

Meet our fun round dance!

(all the children come out to Russian folk music)


Grandfather lived in the same village

Together with Grandma for many years.

Grandfather once wanted

Steamed turnips for lunch.


Prepare Grandma and Grandpa

Steamed turnips for dinner.


If you want a turnip, go ahead

Plant it in the garden.


Well, I guess I'll go

Yes, and I’ll plant a turnip.


Brighter, sunshine, shine!

Turnips, grow to the skies -

Five girths wide

Five arshins high,

Yes, throughout our entire garden!


Now we'll wait.

Let it rain

Round dance:

Rain, rain, more,

The grass will be thicker.

Rain, rain, harder,

Vegetable garden you are our fields.


The clear sun will warm you up.

It will be ripe by autumn!

Round dance (raising hands up):

Sunny, show yourself!

Red, gear up!

Hurry up, don't be shy,

Warm our turnip!

The round dance says in a sing-song voice:The turnip has grown big and big!

All the children in the Round Dance raise their hands and show how big the Turnip is.


Respected among the people,

I grow in the garden.

So it grew big.

How good am I!

Sweet and strong

I'm called Turnip!


The turnip has grown to glory...

I haven’t seen one like this, really!

So that you don't become like a mountain,

It's time to pull out the turnip. (Tries to pull it out)

Round dance in a chant:He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out!

(Granny approaches)


What's happened? (Grandfather points to the turnip)

I have lived many years,

But I haven’t seen anything like this


Well, grab me!

(Together they try to pull out the turnip)

Oh! No way to pull it out...

Round dance:


You know, my hands have weakened.

I’ll call Bug for help,

Come on, Bug, run to us,

Help me pull the turnip!


Woof woof woof! I heard Grandfather

I want turnips for dinner.

Woof! Zhuchka is ready to help you!

Round dance: They pull and understand, but they can’t pull it out.


That's a turnip! What a vegetable!

You know, you have to call for help...

Let me shout to the bunny

Hiding somewhere, little coward!

Don't be afraid of me, bunny

Bug I - run after me,

Help me pull the turnip!


Only Turnip, like with his hands,

Grabbed the roots -

She's better off in damp ground

Than on the festive table.


How sweet it is.

I will help if I have enough strength.

We took it together!

Well, the turnip is still there!

Round dance: They pull and understand, but they can’t pull it out.


Four of us can't cope!

It's time to call the cockerel!


I'm flying, I'm in a hurry to help.

Where is he, the naughty vegetable?!

No matter how tightly you cling,

We will overcome you, Repka!

(Together they try to pull it out)

Round dance: They pull and understand, but they can’t pull it out.

Whatever you do, it’s all in vain!

Where can I find a hero?

What's that noise, what's that knocking?

Komar sat down on a branch in the forest.

A branch cracked under Komar -

That's where the knocking and thunder come from.

Without Komarik, apparently,

You can't control Turnip.

(Everyone calls the mosquito)

Round dance: They pull, they understand, they pulled out a turnip!


How great is the power of the Mosquito?!

Well, friendship won!

Together we pulled out a turnip,

That she sat firmly in the ground.

Eat to your health, Grandfather,

Your long-awaited lunch!


Come, honest people,

See our garden

Marvel at the miracle turnip!

Sing and have fun with us.

Round dance "Who is good with us"


It's so good that there is THEATER!

He always exists and will be with us!

Who saw this fairy tale here?

That “Turnip” will not forget ours!

Scenario for the fairy tale "Turnip in a new way" (for puppet theater - glove puppets)

Description: this work may be useful for preschool teachers (for theatrical classes; organizing children’s performances in front of preschool students, parents), teachers additional education, heads of theater studios working with preschoolers. The script is intended for staging a fairy tale in a puppet theater - glove puppets. The age of children for whom this scenario is designed is 4-5 years old (kindergarten middle group).
Theatrical activity develops the child’s personality, instills a sustainable interest in literature and theater, improves children’s artistic skills in terms of experiencing and embodying an image, and encourages them to create new images. Preschoolers are happy to join the game: answer the dolls’ questions, fulfill their requests, give advice, and transform into one image or another.
Goals and objectives
expand children's knowledge about Russian folk tales;
consolidate the ability to distinguish a fairy tale from other literary works;
teach children to analyze a fairy tale;
teach to understand the emotional and figurative content of the work;
teach children the rules of puppeteering;
develop the ability to convey playful images in actions with a doll;
teach to understand the value of friendship, unity
develop interest in Russians folk tales;
introduce children to the origins of Russian culture;
develop thinking, imagination, visual memory, observation skills;
develop children’s cognitive and speech activity, expand their vocabulary;
develop means of expressiveness (verbal and nonverbal) in speech and acting;
enrich children's emotions
cultivate a love for Russian folk art;
cultivate the manifestation of good feelings towards each other;
develop artistic taste;
cultivate respect for the book.

Characters (preschoolers 4-5 years old):
Presenter (adult)
There is a screen on the stage. On the screen there is decoration - a hut, a fence, trees.

Leading: A fairy tale is the best
The main thing is, believe me,
What about the golden key?
There will always be a door.

Sit quietly, children,
Yes, listen about the turnip
The fairy tale may be small
Yes, about important matters.
Either: Dear viewers!
Would you like to see a fairy tale?
A fairy tale about a turnip in a new way
Everyone is happy to tell you.
Grandfather and grandmother lived and lived.
We lived well and did not grieve.
Shared shelter with them:
Cat, granddaughter,
Mouse and Bug.
Grandfather comes out onto the porch
And he starts such a speech
(Grandfather leaves the house)
Grandfather: I will plant a seed in the ground in the spring
I will enclose it with a high fence
Grow, my turnip, in the garden,
May everything be okay with you.
Leading: The earth was watered together,
They fertilized and loosened.
Finally the day has come
A sprout also appeared.
(The turnip begins to gradually “grow” - appear from behind the fence)
Growing turnip
Grandfather cared and cherished!
Surprising everyone with its size,
The turnip has grown big!
(The turnip appeared completely)
In the Guinness book she
Claims without difficulty.
She rose from behind the fence,
Filled with sweet juice.

Grandfather: What a turnip, what a miracle!
And you are big and beautiful!
And how strong it is!
I don’t know how I’ll get it out!
(He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out)
Grandfather: One cannot cope alone!
I need to call my grandma!
(Granny leaves the house)
Grandma: Wait a minute! Run Run!
And I will help you, grandfather!
Be quick, grandpa.
Together we will pull out the turnip!
How to pull? Which side?
Grandfather: You grab your sides
Pull me with all your might!
(They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out)
Leading: No result to be seen
They started calling their granddaughter for help:
Grandma: Our turnip is the record holder -
It sat in the ground very firmly!
Granddaughter: Wait, grandma and grandpa.
I'll help you pull the turnip.
I’m already in a hurry to help you.
Where is he - a naughty vegetable?
Grandfather: Get up quickly, pull!
Granddaughter: No, the three of us can't handle it,
Maybe we should call Zhuchka?
Bug, throw a bone,
Let's pull out the turnip!
Bug: What's that noise and what's that fight?
I'm tired as a dog.
And now right under your nose
The turnip grew without asking.
What kind of riot is this, woof!
Get out of the garden, turnip!
Granddaughter: Stand behind me, pull
Come on, together! One two Three!
Bug: We can't survive without a cat,
Let him help us a little!
(The bug calls the cat)
Cat: From ears to tail
The cat is simply beautiful.
Because this fur coat
Not clothes, but a dream.
So as not to get your paws dirty,
I put on gloves.
Bug: You, Murka, quickly run to the mistress
Leading: The five of us already skillfully
They got down to business.
They're about to pull it out
Such a stubborn root vegetable!
A mouse ran past
The cat saw the mouse:
Cat: Wait, don't run away!
Help us out, friend!
Leading: Grandfather said:
Grandfather: We got together together
We need to pull out the turnip!
Mouse: Get together in a row
Leading: So they pulled out the turnip,
That she sat firmly in the ground.
The miracle vegetable is on the table...
The fairy tale is over already.
The essence of this tale is simple:
Always help everyone!
Together: We worked happily and together now,
Friendship matters - there was a story about that.
Leading: We told you a fairy tale, whether it’s good or bad,
and now we ask you to clap!
The presenter introduces the artists one by one. The children bow and leave the stage to the music.

1.Grandfather: I’ll plant a seed in the ground in the spring
I will enclose it with a high fence
Grow, my turnip, in the garden,
So that everything is okay with you
2. Grandfather: What a turnip, what a marvel!
And you are big and beautiful!
And how strong it is!
I don’t know how I’ll get it out!
(Pulls and pulls, but cannot pull)
Grandfather: You can’t cope alone!
I need to call my grandma!
3.Grandfather: You grab your sides,
Pull me with all your might!
4.Grandfather: Get up quickly, pull!
Come on, together: one, two, three!
5.Grandfather: We got along together,
We need to pull out the turnip! All together: We worked cheerfully and amicably now,

1. Grandma: Wait! Run Run!
And I will help you, grandfather!
Be quick, grandpa.
Together we will pull out the turnip!
How to pull? Which side? 2. Grandma: Our turnip is the record holder -
It sat in the ground very firmly!
Friendship matters, there was a story about that.

1. Granddaughter: Wait, grandma and grandpa.
I'll help you pull the turnip.
I’m already in a hurry to help you.
Where is he - a naughty vegetable? 2. Granddaughter: No, the three of us can’t handle it,
Maybe we should call Zhuchka?
Bug, throw a bone,
Let's pull out the turnip!
3. Granddaughter: Stand behind me, pull
Come on, together! One two Three! All together: We worked cheerfully and amicably now,
Friendship matters, there was a story about that.

1. Bug: What’s that noise and what’s that fight?
I'm tired as a dog.
And now right under your nose
The turnip grew without asking.
What kind of riot is this, woof!
Get out of the garden, turnip!
2. Bug: We can’t survive without a cat,
Let him help us a little!
3. Bug: You, Murka, quickly run to the mistress
And help me pull the turnip out of the ground.
All together: We worked cheerfully and amicably now,
Friendship matters, there was a story about that.

1.Cat: From ears to tail
The cat is simply beautiful.
Because this fur coat
Not clothes, but a dream.
So as not to get your paws dirty,
I put on gloves.
And I will comb my fluffy mustache for beauty.

2.Cat: Wait, don’t run away!
Help us out, friend!

All together: We worked cheerfully and amicably now,
Friendship matters, there was a story about that.

Mouse: Get together in a row
Eh, once again, let’s pull out the turnip now
All together: We worked cheerfully and amicably now,
Friendship matters, there was a story about that.

Antsygina Nadezhda Viktorovna

GBOU Moscow secondary school No. 230 named after. S.V. Milashenkova

primary school teacher

School play script


Characters: Presenter, Turnip, Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat, Mouse.


Presenter - girl in a smart dress.

Turnip - a bright yellow fluffy sundress, on the head there are 4-5 braids, into which bright green ribbons are woven.

Grandfather - Russian folk shirt, belt, watering can.

Grandma – Russian folk sundress, beads, a scarf tied on his head, a laptop in his hands.

Granddaughter - a shiny outfit, a bow on her head, a small handbag in her hands.

Bug - a dog costume, additional antennae on the head, face painting.

Murka – cat costume, face painting.

Mouse – preferably the largest boy in the class. Mouse costume, dumbbells in hands.

Leading :

Dear viewers:

Teachers, parents,

Now 1 "G" class

A story will tell you about Turnip.

We will try our best

And we can cope with the anxiety!

So, let's go-and-and-and-and-and!

Leading: Grandfather tried to plant Turnip.

The grandfather comes out from behind the scenes, dragging Turnip along with him. The turnip kicks and resists with all its might.

Grandfather: What kind of vegetables are so harmful! I wanted to plant a cucumber, but he refused. He asked for carrots - she has things to do, you see! At least I should raise a normal turnip, otherwise grandma keeps grumbling that I’m a slacker...(Repka) Sit down. (Turnip shakes his head) Sit down, I say! (Turnip squats) Grow!

turnip (flirtatiously): I don’t want to!

Grandfather: Oh oh oh! How capricious we are! Grow!

Turnip: Well, water me or something...

Grandfather is watering.

Turnip: Feed now.

Grandfather: Eh... Will you have some candy?

Turnip: Give me your candy, miser!

Turnip eats candy, grandfather goes backstage.

Leading: The turnip has grown very, very big. What's the point? Not sweet. And also harmful...

The turnip reluctantly, slowly rises, stretches to its full height, stretches, demonstrating how big it is!

Leading: Grandfather came to pull the turnip...

Phonogram “Track 2 TURNIP”

Grandfather is trying to pull out the turnip. Turnip is indignant.

Turnip: What are you doing? I'm an advanced Repka, I'll complain! I'll go to court... Save it! I'm pulling it out!

Grandfather: Let me pull you out and go wherever you want.

Turnip: Well, I do not! Russians don't give up!

Leading: He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out. Grandfather called Grandfather.

Grandfather: Grandma, come here.

Phonogram “Track 3 BABKA”

Grandma comes out. She has a laptop in her hands. Grandma’s face is horrified because she has problems with the computer. The grandmother performs an impromptu dance to the music.

Grandma: How these viruses tormented me, if only you knew. What do you have here? Turnip? Oh, what a device!!! Let us scan it, archive it and send it to Baba Nyura by email!

Grandfather: Let's get her out first and cook some porridge!

Phonogram “Track 2 TURNIP”

Start to pull together

Leading : They pull and pull... They can’t pull it out.

Grandfather: Call, Grandma, the younger generation!

Leading: Grandmother called her Granddaughter.

Grandma: Granddaughter! Come here, here you need to extract one file...

Phonogram “Track 4 Granddaughter”

Granddaughter enters.

Grandfather: Granddaughter, help me pull out the turnip.

Granddaughter: Oh, why did you plant a turnip? It would be better if you planted potatoes. And preferably fries right away. Like McDonald's. Well, okay, let's get her out quickly, otherwise I have to run to the disco. I'm already late.

Phonogram “Track 2 TURNIP”

Leading: They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out... Granddaughter called Zhuchka.

Granddaughter: Bug, come to me!

Zhuchka comes out. He has a headband with beetle antennae on his head.

Phonogram “Track 5 BUG”

Bug: I'm not a bug. I (proudly)- Bug!

All (horrified) : Insect???

Bug: Don't panic. I was joking. Zhuchka, I'm Zhuchka. How can I help?

Granddaughter: Let's pull the turnip together!

Phonogram “TRACK 2 TURNIP”

Leading: Pull - pull. They can't pull it out. She called Murka the Bug.

Bug: Murochka, Murochka, come here, dear!

Murka comes out.

Phonogram “TRACK 6 MURKA”

Murka: This is how you, Zhuchka, spoke: “Murochka!” And just yesterday she chased me up a tree and tore out tufts of fur! F-f-f-f-f-f...(Hisses at Zhuchka)

Bug (attacks Murka): Woof woof woof!

Granddaughter: Girls, don't quarrel! Let's better pull out the turnip!

Phonogram “TRACK 2 TURNIP”

Leading: Pull - pull. They can't pull it out! Murka called Mouse.

Murka: Mouse, run here! There is a deal!

A mouse enters. Big, pumped up muscles, stern face.

Phonogram “Track 7 MOUSE”

Mouse (in a small voice): I'll tell you a secret...

He stops, realizing that he is not speaking intimidatingly enough. Covers his mouth with his hand. He makes a second attempt in a rude voice: “I’ll tell you a secret!” The mouse is satisfied with the result, the mouse raises its index finger up: “Oh!” Like, it’s good now, and continues speaking.


I'll tell you a secret:

There is no beast stronger than Mouse!

Now I'll get you a turnip!

Everyone will respect the Mouse,

Stop offending!

He approaches Murka and makes a “goat”: Ooh-bye-bye-bye-bye...

Murka gets scared.

Mouse: Be equal! Attention! (all heroes follow Mouse commands) Let's pull!

Phonogram “TRACK 2 TURNIP”

In the second part of the soundtrack, the characters count to three in unison: “And one, and two, and three!” On the count of three, Turnip is pulled out.

Leading: Pull - pull. They pulled out the turnip!!! Not even a year has passed!

Turnip: Well, thank you! Well, I went...(gets up and runs backstage)

All: Where?!!! Whoa-oh-oh!

Everyone, catching up with Repka, runs backstage like a snake.


That's the end of the fairy tale.

And whoever listened – WELL DONE!

Phonogram “Track 1 INTRO”

All the actors take a bow.


A source of information:

Music for the production was taken from the website

Any festive event for adults involves various competitions, games and funny skits. Various remade fairy tales are especially popular at present, including the beloved “Turnip” in a new way. The scenario that I bring to your attention can be divided into two parts: an introduction and the main action, intended to be played out by guests.


Before the action begins, the characters are given their roles. The main characters: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, mouse, cat, dog and turnip. The script will turn out to be especially funny and successful if you approach the issue of distribution of roles with humor. For example, a girl with luxuriant hair can become a turnip - the hair will imitate the tops. Our scenario for the fairy tale “Turnip” also requires the participation of a particularly large and colorful granny, whose role can be played by a man of impressive size. It is also necessary to take care of costumes: masks for animals, a beard for grandfather, a scarf for grandmother, etc. For the fairy tale “Turnip in a New Way,” the script begins with an introductory part read out by the presenter.


Once upon a time, a cunning grandfather

In the night, stealthily from grandma,

I planted a turnip behind the house

Yes, he kept a close eye on her.

Well, for acceleration growth

He bought a lot of fertilizers.

The big question is what was contained there,

But the harvest grew by leaps and bounds.

That grandfather was as skinny as a reed:

Such a homely, dry little man.

But his wife had a serious size,

From morning to night I ate incessantly.

And poor grandfather was malnourished,

Sometimes I went hungry for three days.

One day, out of despair or foolishness, he

I went on this adventure with the turnip.

He decided to plant his own vegetable,

To finally satisfy your hunger.

Introduction of the characters

"Turnip" in a new way, the script of which is only gaining momentum, requires the introduction of the main characters. As the presenter reads the story, the named characters try to clearly illustrate the story.

Main part

1. Now a huge turnip has grown,

Settled deep down with roots firmly.

Our grandfather went to pull her,

He walked around his vegetable from all sides.

Grab from one side or the other,

But the turnip doesn’t want to come out.

Grandfather was seriously angry

And he even swore in a whisper.

He waved his hand, getting stressed,

And he began his thought process:

Who should you call for help?

In thought, the grandfather went out onto the road

And I saw a tiny mouse,

That she ran past too quickly.

He called out to her and approached,

To start a serious conversation.

But the mouse turned out to be not stupid,

Everything immediately blossomed and began to smile

And she agreed to help her grandfather,

Because she doesn’t mind having a snack herself.

So they approached the beautiful turnip,

They grabbed the tops tightly

And they pull with all their might,

But a mouse is more useless than a baby.

What's the use of such a baby?

She's too petite.

2. The grandfather is grieving, almost crying,

And the mouse jumps into the neighbor's house

And Murka leads him along,

Promising food at grandfather's expense.

A cat climbed onto grandfather's lap,

She petted herself and purred a little.

Grandpa came back to life

And he grabbed the turnip tightly.

Following his example,

The animals got to work.

They pulled long and hard,

But there is no result.

They all fell to the ground and lie there,

My limbs are trembling from fatigue.

3. A dog ran past

And I saw this still life,

On tiptoe she approached the lying ones,

She raised everyone to their feet with a cheerful bark,

I generously agreed to help

And she grabbed the tops with strong fangs.

Everyone followed her example

The whole crowd got down to business.

They all pulled her together, pulled her,

Then they sighed in despair

“Such a reptile doesn’t want to come out!”

4. What should they do in this situation?

I had to go home for my granddaughter.

They persuaded her to help,

For which they offered a piece of turnip.

The granddaughter jumped into the field,

I began to look at the giant vegetable,

Go through different options in your mind.

I tried to dig up a turnip by hand,

I just broke my nails

"Turnip in a new way." Scenario. Climax. The colorful and funny appearance of the grandmother

Which hit the eardrums powerfully,

Grandma hastened to help,

Taking your heavy belly in your arms.

I saw my granddaughter by the turnip,

And she whispered everything in her ear

About grandpa's big secret

And about the banquet promised to the beast.

Here the grandmother instantly flew into a rage,

The wife whipped her cheeks for a long time,

Then she gave him a heavy kick,

What grandpa whistled as loud as he could.

Then she calmly walked up to the turnip,

With one hand I lightly grabbed the tops

And she pulled out the vegetable without difficulty -

Grandma got food again.

And the grandfather was left out of work again -

He didn’t look after his granddaughter.

Without hesitation, grandma

Grabbed the turnip with a death grip

And she waddled into the hut,

Abandoning all pressing matters.

There I looked lovingly at the trophy

And she ate it with unreal pleasure.

The moral of this tale is very simple:

Solve your problems alone!


This turnip fairy tale scenario can be used not only for acting out, but also simply as a humorous sketch for a student KVN or other youth event.

One of my favorite stage adaptations of fairy tales, I have known it since the days of my wild pioneer youth. Back then we didn’t have the Internet in the USSR and, of course, in the form in which I remembered it, although it was interesting, it was not very much. I honestly admit that here I am describing a scene that I combined with my memories and what I stole from another site, I don’t remember which one. You've probably all heard about this fairy tale in a new way and may have participated more than once.

So participants: you need 7 people + a presenter.

Props and distribution of roles.

You can simply invite 7 people, line them up, for example, by height, and only then announce that they will now show the fairy tale Repka in a new way. You can use the method I described in the sketch, i.e. find riddles about heroes and whoever guesses who will play that hero. You can also prepare props: a stick or stick for grandfather, a scarf for grandma, a hat and/or glasses for granddaughter, a bag for a bug, a scarf for a cat with a bow on her neck, a handkerchief for a mouse. Maybe someone else will have ideas on what props to use, write in the comments, let's together make the tale even more interesting.

Words of fairy tale heroes.

The words of the heroes are always the same and they must pronounce them as soon as they hear that the presenter mentioned the name of the hero in his text.

Turnip - That's what I am!

Grandfather - Well done Seryozha!

Grandma - We are all bitches!

Granddaughter - Right now, I’ll paint my nails!

Zhuchka - What do you want?

Cat - Tired of dogs!

Mouse - Oh, who's there?

So, the presenter reads the text, the artists each depict a scene with their own words. You can just take the original, everyone knows the Turnip fairy tale by heart, or you can use this version, which in my opinion is more interesting.

Fairy tale Turnip in a new way.

One day in the early, hot summer, my grandfather decided to sow turnips,
Which is what I did on Monday, despite the fatigue.
Chernobyl was not far away, the turnips grew huge.

Grandfather wanted to tug on it, but nothing happened.
He then went to get his grandmother, she was watching TV series,
Grandfather called her for help.
Grandma reluctantly moved.

The woman and grandfather are pulling the turnip, but it just won’t budge.
Grandma's head is aching, and grandfather's lower back is aching.
My granddaughter passed by, returning from the disco,
The grandfather called her for help and promised that he would accept her share.

And although this granddaughter had critical days,
She came to their aid, and the three of them got down to business.
Despite the efforts, the turnip is not moving one iota,
The grandfather swallows valerian, the granddaughter injects the grandmother with a syringe.

A bug ran past, headed for the trash heap,
I wanted to have breakfast there, the poor thing was overcome by hunger.
Zhuchka’s granddaughter invited her to help as much as she could,
Even though she didn’t like turnips, she didn’t refuse to help.

But all efforts are in vain, it’s like someone is holding a turnip,
The grandmother whips valerian, the granddaughter injects her grandfather with a syringe.

A cat passed by on her cat business,
The bug invited the cat, the cat immediately refused,
But, sensing valerian, the cat immediately agreed,
And the new company of five got down to business.

But there’s not a single ounce of sense, the turnip didn’t even sway,
The cat whips valerian, the granddaughter injects a vein with a syringe.

A mouse ran past, the cat caught the mouse,
And she threateningly demanded that she come to the rescue.

The mouse has nowhere to go, it cannot refuse,
But the granddaughter and grandmother ran away, because they are afraid of mice.

The cat immediately got angry and started yelling at the mouse! —
It was you who disrupted our harvest, you bastard?!
After these accusations, the cat swallowed the mouse.

The cat was also unlucky, Bug also wanted to eat.
But Zhuchka did not enjoy the delicious lunch for long,
Grandpa ate Zhuchka for dinner because he was Korean.