How much does a walnut yield? Walnut growing business. Payback of walnuts

The sturgeon order is a valuable species of fish. Sturgeon is considered a delicacy due to its caviar and tender meat. The first generation appeared in the prehistoric period. Fish populations are gradually declining due to human activity, so most sturgeon are under protection.

Sturgeon are considered a delicacy due to their caviar and tender meat.

Features of the sturgeon family

These are large inhabitants of reservoirs. Their length reaches 6 m, and their average weight reaches 12-16 kg. Sturgeon are considered long-lived, their age reaches 100 years, depending on the species. Characteristic features include:

  1. 5 rows of bone formations in the form of spikes: 2 on the stomach (7-15 scutes), on the sides (25-56 growths) and on the ridge (10-19 elements).
  2. The head is oblong or cone-shaped. It resembles a shovel.
  3. The body is long and like a spindle without scales.
  4. The oral lips are fleshy, and under them there are 4 whiskers.
  5. Sturgeon live without teeth. In fry they first appear, but then fall out.
  6. The radial fin on the sternum has a thickening in the form of a spine.
  7. The skeleton consists of cartilage tissue.

Fish gray, but the shade is different on the body. On the back it is light gray or brown with a greenish tint, and the fins are darker. The belly is white or blue-gray with brown sides.

Sturgeon are divided into freshwater, semi-anadromous or anadromous breeds. The latter change their habitat during the spawning period, migrating from salt water to the river or vice versa. Semi-passable rocks are located in coastal zones of the seas. When spawning, they swim to the lower reaches of rivers. Most freshwater species do not migrate, but rather breed and feed in the same area.

Different species of sturgeon have adapted to temperate climate conditions. The fish can withstand low water temperatures and are capable of starvation. Intensive feeding begins before spawning. Anchovies, sprat, gobies, silver bream, pike perch, herring and mullet are suitable for food. Small sturgeon hunts zooplankton, worms and crustaceans. At the end of spawning, the fish fast for a month, after which their appetite resumes.

Distribution area

The location where the sturgeon lives depends on the species. Beluga is found in the Black, Azov and Caspian seas. The only place where Kaluga lives is the Amur River. The Russian sturgeon swims in the Danube, Ural, Volga, Terek, Dnieper rivers and the Caspian Sea. The American white species is found in the north of the continent and near the Aleutian Islands. Large populations of fish are recorded in the rivers of Washington, Oregon and Alaska.

Atlantic sturgeon lives in the Bay of Biscay and the Black Sea. A small group is found in the Garonne River in France. Sterlet is a freshwater fish. Fish is caught in rivers such as the Ob, Irtysh, Don, Yenisei, and Ural. Stellate sturgeon swims in the seas near Greece, Macedonia, and Italy. For spawning, she chooses the waters of the Volga, Kuban, Dnieper, Southern Bug and Ural.

Habitats sturgeon fish depend on their type

Laying eggs

In most species, puberty occurs at 15–20 years. The closer to the north they live, the later they begin to spawn. Semi-anadromous and anadromous sturgeons migrate from spring to mid-autumn. The process occurs intensively in the summer. Rivers with strong currents are suitable for breeding, where the bottom is made of pebbles or stones.

Spawning occurs at depths from 4 to 25 m, with temperatures up to 20 degrees. Eggs die in warm water. The incubation period after spawning is 10 days. Small sturgeons are blind and do not swim well, so they hide in shelters. The yolk sac for feeding around the fry disappears after 10-14 days. The young are kept in fresh water for a year, as the salty liquid will kill them.

Representatives of the detachment

The list of sturgeon fish includes 24 species. They live in fresh and salt water in the Northern Hemisphere. Most of it is harvested because it is of great value. For this reason, certain populations are under threat of extinction, so hunting them is prohibited.

Popular types

This fish is valued for its tasty meat and caviar. Intensive fishing has led to the extermination of most of these sturgeons, which is why they are protected in different countries . These include:

Sturgeon species are gradually changing their habitat and spawning location. This is the result of the construction of dams, pollution of water bodies and poaching.

This fruit has long been famous for its range of vitamins and nutrients. Today there are many varieties of nuts. They have their own characteristics, taste, and different yield indicators.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the varieties that are better than others for growing in the country.


The plant tolerates winter well and grows quite actively. The fruit core has a mass of 8-10 g. The shell is thin and breaks easily.

"Memory of Minov"

The fruits of this variety are quite large, the tree grows rapidly. Fruiting occurs according to the apical type. The first harvest begins to appear 5-6 years after planting. Resistant to brown spot.

The nuts are large in size, slightly flattened. Core weight – 15 g.

At the end of September you can start harvesting.


The variety has high, stable yields and is relatively resistant to marsonia. The plant stands out with a large rounded crown. Fruit formation occurs on the apical buds.

The fruits are medium-sized - from 11 to 13 g, round in shape. The tree's yield is about 70 kg.


The variety is represented by a rather tall tree - up to 6 m. It has a wide, oval crown. The first fruits appear three years after planting. The variety belongs to the mid-season group, and it is recommended to harvest at the end of September.

The Ideal walnut, bred in the middle of the last century, became one of the first Soviet varieties of this crop. From trees traditionally cultivated in the southern regions walnut Huge harvests amounting to hundreds of kilograms were collected. But the varieties available to gardeners were very heat-loving, tall and grew for a long time before reaching fruiting time. To expand the walnut growing area, simplify agricultural technology and speed up harvesting, new varieties were needed.

Scientists from the Uzbek SSR successfully completed this task in 1947. In Fergana, breeders managed to obtain hardy, early-ripening plants with high yields and excellent quality of ripe nuts. Created by S.S. Kalmykov walnut variety The ideal for many gardeners is really close to perfection.

Description of the walnut variety Ideal

Ideal differs from most southern varieties in its high precocity, short stature and increased frost resistance.

On average, mature trees reach only 4–5 meters in height, which is 1.5–2 times less than other varieties. The first ovaries on still young plants appear already 2–3 years after planting, and the Ideal walnut reaches a stable yield by 5–7 years.

As befits a walnut, the bark on the standard part of the trees has a pronounced grayish-brown tint. Skeletal branches and fruiting shoots are covered with brown bark, and young growth is green in color with a distinct bluish tint. The leaves of this valuable garden crop are large, dense, dissected into several unpaired, oval-pointed parts.

The first flowering of Ideal walnut seedlings occurs in the second or third year. In the same season, after the greenish-white small flowers collected in racemes are pollinated by the wind, the first ovaries form on the branches.

The peculiarity of the crop is dioecious flowers and the presence of a second wave of flowering, which in good years helps to obtain two harvests of excellent nuts at once.

The reappearance of flower racemes, according to the description of the Ideal walnut variety, begins 7–15 days after the first, most massive wave and does not end until autumn. If delicate flower buds are damaged by frost in the spring, the gardener does not have to worry about the harvest. Not as plentiful, but it will definitely be there.

The ripening of large, oval fruits, covered with a dense green shell, begins in September and lasts until the end of October. The average weight of an Ideal walnut is 8–11 grams. The shell is a light beige color and quite thin. After drying, it easily splits, releasing a kernel with excellent taste, high protein and fat content. During a season, you can get up to 100–120 kg of selected nuts from a large tree.

The advantages of the variety include:

  • early entry into the fruiting season;
  • decent yield;
  • compact dimensions;
  • frost resistance, allowing you to withstand winter temperatures of up to 30–35 °C without serious losses.

Ideal no special needed soil mixtures. Plants acclimatize well and grow in soil with a high content of salts and acids.

The only limitation that needs to be taken into account when transferring a seedling to the ground is the proximity of groundwater. They are extremely undesirable for a walnut tree with a taproot structure.

Features of planting and growing walnuts of the Ideal variety

Ideal walnuts are propagated by seeds and grafted seedlings with a life span of 1–2 years. The second method is preferable, since seedlings, although more unpretentious and hardy, do not always retain their parental traits, especially if there was the possibility of cross-pollination from a plant of a different variety.

If a walnut seedling is grown on the site, it should be grafted with a varietal cutting. Kidney grafting is less reliable due to the risk of freezing.

For sowing, healthy nuts are selected, which are pre-stratified for 30–45 days, and then, in spring or early autumn, transferred to prepared soil. Young trees are also planted in spring or autumn, a month before the probable cold weather arrives. In the first year of life, the Ideal walnut grows very reluctantly, but after wintering it very actively increases in growth, reaching 1–1.3 meters in height by autumn.

For planting, choose a sunny area where the tree will not be disturbed by the crowns of other crops. A spreading tree already from the first year needs shaping, which is carried out in such a way that:

  • each branch of the crown had enough sun;
  • the entire crown was ventilated;
  • pollination of flower clusters was not interfered with by castings and shoots growing inwards.

With proper care, the Ideal walnut produces high yields and a magnificent appearance for 40 to 50 years. This is somewhat less than that of its southern counterparts, but this is the price the variety pays for its compactness and the ability to grow even in the Black Earth Region, the Volga region and central Russia.

Comparison of Ideal nut with other varieties - video

There are about 30-40 populations of nuts on the globe. Walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios, peanuts (groundnuts), coconut and pine nuts are the most common types that are best known to us. The existence of nuts has been known since the Stone Age. They contain microelements, vitamins, easily digestible proteins, carbohydrates and amino acids necessary for human health. We can talk endlessly about beneficial properties nut A useful product is in wide demand, has a decent price, and with such a profitable product it is not difficult to build a profitable nut business. The plan for this business is quite simple - buy in bulk different kinds, peel, fry, package in beautiful packaging and sell the finished product. Income can be 30% or more.

First you need to research the sales market. Nuts are widely used in cooking, so it is advisable to arrange delivery to confectionery shops, cafes, restaurants and other points Catering. You can also supply goods to markets, you can discuss the supply of packaged nuts to shops and supermarkets in the city, or you can organize your own outlet or your own online store. If you plan to develop the business on a larger scale, then it is possible to export walnuts to Europe, where the demand for it is about 100 thousand tons per year.

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Making money from walnuts

Let's consider the costs and payback of the walnut business. There may be three options: selling collected free-growing wild nuts, selling nuts purchased at a low price from the population, or selling your own grown nuts. As you know, walnuts are not frost-resistant, so they grow mainly in the southern regions of Russia, therefore, it is recommended to purchase or grow walnuts there. As your business develops further, you can consider purchasing from Central Asia or Ukraine.

Often walnut trees grow on their own along roads or in a nearby forest. You can harvest from them yourself or with the help of local residents by advertising in the local newspaper and organizing a collection point. Average Wholesale price unrefined walnuts when purchasing - 50 rubles per kg. The price depends on the abundance of nuts in the region and can be much lower. Next you need to free them from the shell. This can be done like on our own, and attract neighborhood boys who want to earn extra money to this activity. To get 5 kg of peeled nuts, you need to process about 10 kg of unshelled nuts. The price of nuts in supermarkets in winter ranges from 150 to 350 rubles. per kg, i.e. on average - 250 rubles.

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Payback of walnuts

Let's make some simple approximate calculations. Let's say you purchased 100 kg of nuts for 50 rubles. They paid 15 rubles for cleaning the shell. per kg. We spent 500 rubles on packaging. In total, all costs amounted to about 5000 + 1500 + 500 = 7000 rubles. The yield of the purified kernel was 50 kg, which was sold for 200 rubles. Thus, from 100 kg the income is 3,000 rubles. If you work yourself, the profit will be greater. Walnut kernels can be sold raw or roasted. Here you should take into account additional investments in purchasing a frying oven, but the price for fried kernels will increase significantly. Additional income can also be generated by the sale of shells and membranes to pharmaceutical companies and beauty salons.

If you want to work for the long term, you have financial initial capital, then consider starting a walnut orchard. Investments in planting a garden were made per 1 hectare. Plowing the land - 6,000 rubles, preparing planting holes - 3,000 rubles, purchasing 100 pcs. seedlings - 30,000 rubles, transportation costs for delivery of seedlings and their planting - 2,500 rubles. Watering and caring for seedlings per year costs about 15,000-20,000 rubles. It is necessary to take into account the costs of renting land and protecting the site. Starting from the age of 5, the costs of protecting seedlings can be reduced due to its irrationality. The need for protection will be only 2-3 months a year during the fruiting period.

Trees begin to bear fruit around the 3rd year, but in full force - in the 5th-6th year. From 100 seedlings you can expect 2-4 tons of nut harvest, depending on the variety of seedlings and natural conditions. Every year the yield will increase by about 20%. The amount of harvest will be significantly influenced by climatic conditions - during frosts, some of the flower stalks die, which affects the fruit set. Profit from walnuts is guaranteed for decades.

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Payback of pine nuts

If the southern region of Russia is optimally suited for the walnut business, then the north is optimally suited for pine nuts. These “tough nuts” do not have to be grown; mother taiga is rich in them, and they are classified as wild plants. Since September, local residents go out to the cedar harvest and, before the first deep snow, collect pine cones, shell the nuts from them and sell them in bulk to entrepreneurial buyers. If you decide to collect cedar cones yourself, you will need to purchase a forest ticket, which allows you to collect up to 50 kg free of charge, and above - 3 rubles. per kg. Counting on making money from pine nuts, you can go in two ways: buy pine cones, process them and hand over clean nuts to wholesalers, or you can go further - fry pine nuts, pack them and sell them, or peel them, obtaining a kernel, and sell the pine nut kernels themselves.

Cost estimates (average figures; in each region they may vary in one direction or another depending on your entrepreneurial spirit):

  • rental of premises - the price is purely individual;
  • purchase of cones - 2,000 rubles. per bag;
  • purchase of a plant for processing pine cones into nuts - 50,000 rubles;
  • service for processing cedar cones (if you do not have your own equipment) - one bag (50 kg) of cones - 25 rubles. Keep in mind that losses after processing are no more than 3-5%;
  • drying chamber - from 270 thousand rubles. up to 500 thousand rubles;
  • vacuum packaging machine - 45,000 rubles;
  • The cost range for ready-made, assembled workshops for processing pine nuts per kernel is from 1.5 million rubles. up to 11 million rubles depending on productivity per shift;
  • price for 1 kg of unshelled pine nuts - 250 rubles;
  • the price for 1 kg of peeled cedar kernel is 800-1000 rubles.

Required documents for the lesson entrepreneurial activity on nuts: registration of a private entrepreneur, certificates of conformity of product quality.