Established traditions and rules in our company. Corporate culture at the enterprise. How the type of company affects the corporate culture of an organization

Corporate culture, as an organizational resource, is invaluable. It can be an effective HR management tool and an indispensable marketing tool. A developed culture shapes the company's image and is also an integral part of the brand building process. This is extremely important in modern market realities, where to achieve success any business must be customer-oriented, recognizable, open, that is, have the main characteristics of a brand.

You need to understand that corporate culture is formed in 2 ways: spontaneously and purposefully. In the first case, it arises spontaneously, based on the communication models that the employees themselves choose.

Relying on spontaneous corporate culture is dangerous. It is impossible to control and difficult to correct. Therefore, it is so important to pay due attention to the internal culture of the organization, form it and, if necessary, adjust it.

The concept of corporate culture: main elements, functions

Corporate culture is a model of behavior within an organization, formed during the functioning of the company and shared by all team members. This is a certain system of values, norms, rules, traditions and principles by which employees live. It is based on the company’s philosophy, which predetermines the value system, the general vision of development, the model of relationships and everything that the concept of “corporate culture” includes.

So, the elements of corporate culture:

  • vision of the company's development - the direction in which the organization is moving, its strategic goals;
  • values ​​- what is most important for the company;
  • traditions (history) - habits and rituals that have developed over time;
  • standards of conduct - an organization's ethical code, which sets out the rules of behavior in certain situations (for example, McDonald's created an entire 800-page thick manual, which spells out literally every possible situation and options for employees' actions approved by management in relation to each other and to the company's customers );
  • corporate style - appearance company offices, interior, corporate symbols, employee dress code;
  • relationships - rules, methods of communication between departments and individual team members;
  • faith and unity of the team to achieve certain goals;
  • policy of dialogue with clients, partners, competitors;
  • people - employees who share the corporate values ​​of the company.

The internal culture of an organization performs a number of important functions that, as a rule, determine the effectiveness of the company.

Functions of corporate culture

  1. Image. A strong internal culture helps create a positive external image of the company and, as a result, attract new customers and valuable employees.
  2. Motivational. Inspires employees to achieve their goals and perform their work tasks efficiently.
  3. Engaging. Active participation of each individual team member in the life of the company.
  4. Identifying. Promotes employee self-identification, develops a sense of self-worth and belonging to a team.
  5. Adaptive. Helps new team players quickly integrate into the team.
  6. Management. Forms norms and rules for managing teams and departments.
  7. System-forming. Makes the work of departments systematic, orderly, and effective.

Another important function is marketing. Based on the goals, mission and philosophy of the company, a market positioning strategy is developed. Moreover, corporate values ​​naturally shape the style of communication with clients and target audiences.

For example, the whole world is talking about the corporate culture and customer service policy of Zappos. Rumors, legends, real stories flooded the Internet space. Thanks to this, the company receives even more attention from the target audience.

There are basic levels of corporate culture - external, internal and hidden. The external level includes how your company is seen by consumers, competitors, and the public. Internal - values ​​expressed in the actions of employees.

Hidden - fundamental beliefs consciously shared by all members of the team.

Typology of corporate cultures

In management, there are many different approaches to typology. Since the concept of “corporate culture” in the business environment began to be studied back in the 20th century, today some classical models have already lost their relevance. Development trends internet business formed new types organizational cultures. We'll talk about them next.

So, the types of corporate cultures in modern business.

1. “Role model.” Here relationships are built on rules and distribution of responsibilities. Each employee plays his role as a small cog in a large mechanism. A distinctive feature is the presence of a clear hierarchy, strict job descriptions, rules, norms, dress code, and formal communications.

The workflow is thought out to the smallest detail, so disruptions in the process are reduced to a minimum. This model is often used in large companies with various departments and a large staff.

The main values ​​are reliability, practicality, rationality, building a stable organization. Due to these features, such a company cannot quickly respond to external changes, so the role model is most effective in a stable market.

2. "Dream Team" A team-based corporate culture with no job descriptions, specific responsibilities, or dress codes. The hierarchy of power is horizontal - there are no subordinates, there are only equal players on the same team. Communication is most often informal and friendly.

Work issues are resolved jointly - a group of interested employees gathers to perform one or another task. As a rule, the “bearer of power” is the one who has accepted responsibility for its decision. At the same time, distribution of areas of responsibility is allowed.

Values: team spirit, responsibility, freedom of thought, creativity. Ideology - only by working together can we achieve something more.

This type of culture is typical for progressive companies and startups.

3. "Family". This type of culture is characterized by the presence of a warm, friendly atmosphere within the team. The company is like a big family, and department heads act as mentors who you can always turn to for advice. Features - devotion to traditions, cohesion, community, customer focus.

The company's main value is its people (employees and consumers). Caring for the team is manifested in comfortable conditions labor, social protection, assistance in crisis situations, encouragements, congratulations, etc. Therefore, the motivation factor in such a model has a direct impact on work efficiency.

A stable position in the market is ensured by loyal customers and dedicated employees.

4. "Market model". This type of corporate culture is chosen by profit-oriented organizations. The team consists of ambitious, purposeful people who actively fight with each other for a place in the sun (for promotion, profitable project, award). A person is valuable to a company as long as he can “make” money for it.

There is a clear hierarchy here, but, unlike the “Role Model”, the company is able to quickly adapt to external changes due to strong leaders who are not afraid to take risks.

Values ​​- reputation, leadership, profit, achieving goals, desire to win, competitiveness.

Signs of the “Market Model” are characteristic of the so-called business sharks. This is a rather cynical culture, which in many cases exists on the verge of an oppressive management style.

5. “Focus on results.” Quite flexible corporate policy, the distinctive feature of which is the desire to develop. The main goals are to achieve results, implement the project, and strengthen our position in the market.

There is a hierarchy of power and subordination. Team leaders are determined by their level of expertise and professional skills, so the hierarchy often changes. In addition, ordinary employees are not limited to job descriptions. On the contrary, they are often brought in to solve strategic problems, opening up opportunities for them to develop for the benefit of the company.

Values: results, professionalism, corporate spirit, pursuit of goals, freedom in decision-making.

These are the main types of corporate culture. But besides them, there are mixed types, that is, those that combine features from several models at once. This happens to companies that:

  • rapidly developing (from small to large businesses);
  • were absorbed by other organizations;
  • changed the main type of market activity;
  • experience frequent changes in leadership.

Formation of corporate culture using the example of Zappos

Integrity, unity and a strong team spirit are truly important to achieve success. This was proven by one of the world's best brands, Zappos, an online shoe store, an example of whose corporate policy has already been included in many textbooks of Western business schools.

The main principle of the company is to bring happiness to customers and employees. And this is logical, because a satisfied client will return again and again, and an employee will work with full dedication. This principle can also be seen in marketing policy companies.

So, the components of Zappos corporate culture:

  1. Openness and accessibility. Anyone can visit the company's office, all you have to do is sign up for a tour.
  2. The right people - the right results. Zappos believes that only those who truly share its values ​​can help the company achieve its goals and become better.
  3. A happy employee means a happy customer. The brand's management does everything to ensure that employees have a comfortable, fun and joyful day at the office. They are even allowed to issue workplace as they please - the company bears the costs. If the employee is happy, then he will be happy to make the client happy. A satisfied customer is the success of the company. The freedom of action. It doesn’t matter how you do your job, the main thing is to make the client happy.
  4. Zappos does not monitor employees. They are trusted.
  5. The right to make some decisions remains with the employee. For example, in the service department, an operator may, on his own initiative, give a small gift or discount to a customer. It's his decision.
  6. Learning and growth. Each employee first undergoes four months of training, followed by an internship in a call center to better understand customers. Zappos helps you improve your professional skills.
  7. Communication and relationships. Although Zappos employs thousands of people, it makes every effort to ensure that employees get to know each other and communicate effectively.
  8. The customer is always right. Everything that is done at Zappos is done for the sake of customer happiness. The powerful call center, which can even help you call a taxi or give directions, is already legendary.

In general, the company is considered the most customer-oriented. And the level of its corporate policy is a standard to follow. Internal culture and marketing strategies Zappos exists in close symbiosis. The company is trying its best to retain existing customers, because loyal customers bring the company more than 75% of orders.

Write in the comments what corporate culture model is used in your business? What values ​​unite your employees?

As you know, every nation is famous for its traditions and customs. Corporate cultures of companies are also replete with various traditions. Maybe they are the ones who help company managers maintain the corporate spirit of employees and work for the benefit of the enterprise. We decided to find out what traditions Novosibirsk companies have, who creates them and how they change over time.

Tradition is just nostalgia walking around in public in full dress uniform

Many managers will fully agree with this saying. Missing the Soviet times with the corresponding paraphernalia, companies are coming up with various external manifestations of belonging to a certain structure. The tradition of giving commemorative badges is widespread. Oksana Chernikova, PR specialist at Central Committee SELL CJSC, says: “After an employee passes probationary period the CEO presents the company's company badge. This is official confirmation that the employee is now a full member of the SELL team. I can say for sure that all newly arrived employees are looking forward to this moment. This tradition dates back to the very foundation of the company (“SELL” turns 15 this year).”

Another tradition associated with the company’s corporate badge is the presentation of gold “SELL” badges. You can receive it not only for length of service, but also for contribution to the work of our company, for excellent results, for introduced innovations, for dedication to SELL. The tradition was born in the company not by chance - this is one of the most interesting and enjoyable ways to reward a worthy employee. “Material reward, of course, is good, but it is short-lived and does not add uniqueness. Our first presentation of golden badges took place this year, at a corporate summer retreat dedicated to the anniversary of the SELL Central Committee, so this tradition is the “youngest” in our team. But, judging by the positive feedback from both the awardees themselves and other team members, we intend to continue it and recognize the very best employees. There is something to strive for!" - adds O. Chernikova.

The best employees of the People of Dela Holding annually receive a personal award from the General Director of the holding - a gold badge with the company logo. “The gold is real, 585 standard. It is also a valuable gift in itself. Well, and at the same time, status: not everyone has gold badges - you really need to earn them, make a very tangible contribution,” says Executive Director Holding "People of Business" Egor Ledyaev.

In nostalgia for morning exercises, the Euroset company came up with sports traditions for its employees. “On Wednesdays, instead of the daily planning meeting at the beginning of the working day, there is a “physical education” - training at a sports club. Every year in the summer, sports team building is held for heads of departments and groups, as well as leading specialists,” says Irina Kichkaylo, public relations manager of the West Siberian branch of the Euroset company.

People love traditions... Because loving traditions is also a tradition

What interesting traditions can Novosibirsk companies boast of?

For example, photo exhibitions are regularly held at the administrative office of MTS. “The authors of the photographs are employees of our company. For example, now a photo exhibition is dedicated to the weddings of MTS employees. Also among the company’s traditions is the fact that on Friday all employees (with the exception of employees in MTS showrooms) are allowed to deviate from the office dress code,” shares Irina Bragina, head of the training and development department of MTS in the Siberia macroregion. .

The Euroset company also has quite a lot of traditions. For example, enter any office without knocking, call colleagues by name and first name. By the way, employees simply call the chairman of the board of directors and founder of Euroset, Evgeny Chichvarkin, “Zhenya.” “An important role in this was played not only by the well-known informal style of communication of the head of the company, but also by his personal attention to the work of his people. On the Euroset internal portal, Zhenya answers questions from any of the more than thirty thousand employees. Our motivational campaigns to highlight the best retail employees have become a good tradition,” assures I. Kichkaylo. Regional managers whose branches show the most high performance at the end of the quarter, a challenge yellow Mercedes Gelendvagen car is awarded as a badge of honor, and the best managers of sub-branches and directors retail sales- yellow AUDI A3. An employee of the Krasnoyarsk Euroset, who received a yellow car in this quarter, was pleasantly surprised by such a “gift”.

Employees of the SELL company who go on vacation bring a souvenir for the company upon their return. And it doesn’t matter where he vacationed - Altai, Kazakhstan, France, Egypt... “The collection of souvenirs brought from different parts of the world is in the company in the reception of the general director - and not only employees of the SELL Central Committee show interest in it, but also all visitors to the company . Of course, we do not set the task for the “vacationer” to bring a souvenir, but those who come across interesting things on vacation are sure to bring them to our collection,” adds O. Chernikova.

There is a similar tradition in the auditing firm Exclusive Consulting. Employees travel a lot on business trips and bring magnets to the office.

In contrast to the informal address adopted at Euroset, the People of Dela Holding boasts the opposite tradition - here, unlike many Western-style companies, it is customary to address employees as “You” and by their first and patronymic names. “I don’t know whether it’s valuable or not, but it sounds very official and businesslike,” E. Ledyaev is sure. A certain bonus is paid for each year worked. Our traditions have been maintained in the company for about five years.

IN recruitment agency The Modern Staff team is united through tea parties: “About a year ago, we started a tradition of morning tea parties. Every morning at 9.15 we gather for fifteen minutes, turn off our phones, everyone pours a cup of tea and has a general conversation. Someone moderates it, and we try to choose topics that are close to our activities. For me, this tradition is valuable because it gives me the opportunity to see all the employees and communicate without interference. But for employees I don’t know. We need to ask them,” says Igor Eisvald, director of the recruitment agency Modern Staff.

Irina Tsynert, head of the PR department of the Charisma center, says: “We have quite a lot of interesting events. Firstly, Free Fridays are often held. On this day, work ends at 14.00 and everyone starts interesting activities together. For example, we had a day of blondes (mostly women work in the company) with the issuance of a blonde mandate, there was a charismatic communist subbotnik, there was a day of victory over a bad mood, a charismatic blackout (we went out of town on the day of the eclipse, where we admired this phenomenon) . On such days everyone dresses freely, creative competitions, buffets are organized, carefully selected music is played, participants receive diplomas, mandates, and other memorable gifts. These events are always interesting and fun.”

Nobody likes to have someone impose on them new order, but accepts and respects traditions. If you want order, create traditions!

How do traditions develop? In companies, traditions can be divided into formal ones (all new employees must be introduced to such traditions) and those that are informal (they develop spontaneously and employees follow them rather unconsciously).

Often traditions are invented by the leader himself, sometimes they come from the team.

I. Kichkaylo notes: “Tradition is not an order or tyranny of the boss. It is formed from someone’s message and the goodwill of those who support it. When the spiritual need of the people who like it is exhausted, the tradition disappears. There are unchangeable traditions, without which it is difficult to imagine the work of people at Euroset. For example, retail meetings before peak loads and the so-called “Zhenya’s letters” (published several times a year since the end of 2004). In them, Zhenya, in his typical manner, gives colorful instructions to sellers before the busy season and reminds them that he is monitoring everyone’s results. Employees always wait for these letters - they create a fighting spirit. On the other hand, letters reflect the company’s position and instructions for specific actions.” At the same time, at Euroset, ideas do not always come from top management. It so happens that Euroset is a work format for hyperactive and unconventional-thinking people. They always have a lot of offers. And recently, retail employees of the united sub-branch "Omsk-Tomsk" published their own corporate newspaper, telling about the everyday life of sellers at Euroset.

At MTS, all employee proposals are reviewed by the HR department, and the most original proposals are gradually introduced into the company.

At the People of Dela Holding, traditions are formed based on the interests of the employees themselves. What they themselves want, as a rule, is welcomed and reinforced by the company administration. “We do not have a confrontation between the collective and traditions, because customs were not introduced artificially, but naturally from the desire of the collective itself. If you like it that way, then why not do it that way,” E. Ledyaev is sure.

At the recruitment agency Modern Staff, the idea of ​​tradition arose thanks to a tip from another charismatic leader. “We had attempts to confront managers. But they ended. Apparently, I liked the idea,” says I. Eiswald.

The Charisma traditions are also associated with their ideological inspirer Nelya Vlasova, who promotes a creative approach to both work and life. “And since all the employees were creative and open-minded, these traditions naturally fit into the worldview of the people,” adds I. Tsynert.

Is it possible to bring traditions up to standard?

Over time, even the most interesting traditions can become obsolete. This depends on a number of factors. For example, a change of leader, team, increase or decrease in its number.

“Yes, some traditions change with the renewal of the team, some traditions begin to fade, some, on the contrary, take on special strength. In particular, with the growth of the team, the tradition of a monthly meeting of all employees on the birthday of those with birthdays died out, as it became physically impossible for everyone to congratulate everyone. There was once an interesting tradition - a presentation of newcomers (electronic, on the company’s internal website). When a newcomer arrived, a beautiful page was created for him on the internal website, and this page was sent out via internal mail to everyone. But then (again with the growth of the company) it turned out that it turned out that it was not necessary for all employees to know absolutely all the employees of other agencies. We have too a large number of internal divisions and companies. Therefore, our tradition will also become obsolete in about three years,” says E. Ledyaev.

The tradition of tea parties at Modern Staff has also been modified. I. Eiswald says: “If earlier we talked on free topics, now we switched to topics close to our work.”

I. Tsynert says that “Charisma” used to hold film sessions, when everyone watched an interesting film together (and the working day ended earlier). But over time, the work became more stressful and this tradition dried up. “New people come who bring new ideas,” shares I. Tsynert. “The format of traditions is changing, but the desire to express oneself on the creative side remains, not only in work, but also in informal communication.”

In the search for original traditions, it should be remembered that their absence is also a tradition.

Corporate regulations (or code corporate ethics) exists in many companies, each of which has concluded that it is necessary. How to write it and what needs to be taken into account?

The need for corporate regulations

Before you start drawing up this document, you should decide whether you need it. If the company employs more than 10 people and there is a desire to formalize relationships in the team, such a document has a right to life. As a rule, this document specifies inappropriate employment contract and rules labor regulations moral and ethical standards of relationships between employees, as well as between employer and employee.

A corporate charter should be created early in the organization's development.

For small company this document may seem optional, but if your plans include increasing staff and you want to maintain existing corporate standards, then you should create a corporate charter at an early stage of the organization’s development.

Sometimes the decision to create regulations is made by the management of a company with already established traditions. Unfortunately, very often these documents are downloaded from the Internet - as a result, you can end up with regulations that are so far from the company’s established traditions that the adoption goals will not be achieved.

For example, a rather large company decided to adopt regulations 16 years after its creation, when the number of people in the Moscow office alone was gradually approaching a hundred people. The regulations were not discussed with employees, were not structured, and contained absurd passages about how one was not allowed to enter the manager’s office on one’s own (jokes about bringing in bodies had become almost routine), as well as escorting a guest to the meeting room—for such a super-intellectual action, one would certainly have to find secretary, leaving the guest at the entrance.

The company was lucky; the regulations were never approved by order, although some initiatives from them were put into practice. In particular, employees were advised to communicate in formal terms, and this greatly puzzled those people who had worked together for many years and suddenly suddenly learned that for five or six years they had been communicating “not according to the regulations.” Of course, such initiatives began to be carried out only by the department whose head found this very “charter” on the Internet: they simply had nowhere to go.

Corporate regulations are most often needed to remind employees: even under the most good relations in a team and home environment, they are primarily at work, where there are rules and regulations. Therefore, when writing regulations, it is preferable to be guided by existing corporate relations, so as not to create a document that will not be executed by anyone.

It must be borne in mind that ordinary employees receive this document already approved form, and some prescriptions may cause rejection. It makes sense to get feedback from employees before making an approval: motivating staff is much more difficult than demotivating them. We must remember that now (unfortunately or fortunately) both qualified legal assistance and information about workers’ rights have become available to almost everyone - everything you need can be found using any search engine on the Internet.

When drawing up corporate regulations, it is advisable to remember that the purpose of creating this document is not to organize a maximum security colony within the office of a particular employer, but only to regulate existing relationships in the team.

And, of course, you need to write the regulations yourself. The company does not recruit expensive specialists so that local regulations can be downloaded from the Internet: for this, it could hire students part-time, saving cash for payment of wages.

The larger the company, the stronger the desire to limit the actions of employees to certain boundaries that sometimes seem generally accepted.

Typically, the regulations write the goals and missions of the company, the rules of behavior of employees in relation to guests, clients and among themselves, and may stipulate behavior on the company’s territory and the presence of a dress code.

What should be regulated and to what extent?

Any goal commercial organization– making a profit, this is spelled out both in legislation and in the charter. But the corporate regulations must indicate what exactly the company can offer its employees and how it will achieve this. If we're talking about about the health of employees, then as a measure to ensure care for it, as a rule, it is indicated that the company provides employees with voluntary health insurance. Or the desire for corporate unity, which is achieved through joint events, team building, and congratulating employees on various holidays.

When writing a company mission, you should consider ensuring that it is developed by all employees.

Of course, you need to write the regulations yourself

A very important place in any regulation is occupied by the behavior of employees during the working day - coming to work, communicating with colleagues, dress code, telephone and written conversations.

The internal labor regulations say everything about the employee's working day, but the employer always has a predictable desire to add additional sanctions for lateness and somehow motivate employees to stay overtime.

For example, in one large construction company The official working day ended at 19.00, but the head of one of the divisions of the legal department held planning meetings at 20.00, and a reduction in the bonus was provided for lateness and non-appearance. That is, it was necessary to ask for time off from work in order to go home on time - just like in the famous joke. The employee makes excuses to his colleagues, who are offended that he is already leaving, and they are still at work: “Guys, what are you doing?! I'm on vacation."

The corporate regulations of another Moscow company stipulated that the secretary must remain at work until the end of all meetings. Meetings could end after 20.00, no one paid for a taxi for the secretary, she had to get home for two hours, and at 6.00 the next day she had to get up.

No incentives were provided in either the first or the other case. It was believed that an employee should be so grateful for the work provided that there would simply be no room for dissatisfaction.

It is the corporate regulations that provide for all the rules for using plastic cards to enter and exit the office. They are usually used to track working hours. Since corporate regulations are rarely introduced to employees upon signature, and most often they are sent by e-mail, employees do not always pay due attention to the rules for using plastic cards.

Thus, in one company it was forbidden to transfer plastic cards to other employees. The regulation mandating this was sent out by email. After sending the regulations, one of the employees gave his card to an employee of another department to enter the canteen. The card was immediately seized by security officers, citing regulations.

Any employer wants an employee to devote himself to work as much as possible throughout the working day. Therefore, sometimes there is a desire to prescribe in the regulations rules and regulations that violate the rights of employees. For example, introducing a smoking ban during the working day. Of course this is bad habit, which is spent on work time. But there is no legal ban on the distribution and storage of cigarettes. As a rule, adult employees are hired and have the right to decide for themselves whether to smoke or not. Smoking becomes a physiological need. The employer also has the right to choose: he needs an employee at the workplace who thinks only about the end of the working day and a cigarette, or an employee whose thoughts are not occupied with the sole desire to smoke. The employer is responsible for organizing smoking areas. It would be a contradiction to create such places in order to prevent employees from using them.

One company first banned going out for a smoke break with colleagues, then limited the number of possible exits from the office for this purpose to three per day, then they began to talk about a complete ban on smoking. No other measures other than prohibitive ones were introduced, and employee dissatisfaction with the company’s policies began to grow.

Some employers, instead of repressive measures against smokers, use incentives for non-smoking employees - such steps are more conducive to quitting smoking at least during the working day.

Thus, some employers, in addition to the almost traditional social package in the form of voluntary health insurance, introduce bonuses for non-smoking employees. One company began paying small cash incentives for quitting smoking, and as a result, far fewer employees smoked during the workday.

These types of prohibitions include a ban on storing, for example, an employee’s own tea. Employers are not always ready to buy tea and coffee for employees, rightly believing that the availability of coolers should be sufficient. It does not take into account that there are “night owls” who simply will not be able to work without morning coffee or strong tea. Sometimes the same green tea will help someone cope with stress, but someone cannot drink black tea, and so on.

If there is a fear that the presence of tea, coffee or cookies on employees’ tables will lead to some undesirable consequences in the form of a violation of the sanitary situation and the appearance of cockroaches, then it is worthwhile to provide special place for storing such items.

Lunch in the workplace also irritates the employer, from the smells in the room to the fact that any food generally has no place near work documents.

Some companies solve this problem by organizing rooms where employees can have lunch and drink tea. Employers, whose premises and budget allow it, organize centralized meals for employees, hiring a cook or ordering lunches to the office, which complements the guaranteed Labor Code of the Russian Federation social package. In this case, as a rule, less time is spent on a lunch break, since there is no need to leave the office.

A special place in the life of any company is occupied by the introduction of a dress code. Once you start writing about it in the regulations, it’s almost impossible to stop. With men everything is quite simple, but girls can be prohibited from so many things: long nails, bright varnish, deep necklines, certain types of jewelry (for example, hand-made).

Some companies specify the possible length of nails and provide examples of shoes that are advisable to wear to the office. It is worth noting that usually a strict dress code is compensated financially, since the strict requirements of employers require certain “sacrifices” from the employees’ budget.

The dress code does not always look logical and thoughtful. Let's say that the personnel service downloaded the regulations translated from English from the Internet without proofreading them. And there the eco-friendly company prohibits the wearing of shoes and clothing made from natural materials. Employees will have a logical question: will girls really need to wear synthetics, stop thinking about fur coats, and even men will have to throw away all their office leather shoes?

When introducing a dress code, you need to think about the purpose for which you want to make it mandatory. And it is not always worth regulating the material from which employees can wear clothes in the office. Sometimes it is enough to write general principles, taking into account climatic conditions, and on this basis select office clothes.

Communication and behavior in the office are also given a special place in the regulations.

Similar rules should be introduced for those employees who communicate with clients and counterparties. But sometimes communication between employees on company territory is regulated. One of the most useless and negated rules will be the need to address an employee by name or by first name and patronymic, depending on the position. It is especially absurd to introduce this rule in a company where employees have worked together for many years. Most ordinary and non-ordinary employees will not simply ignore such a clause of the regulations. They will question the adequacy of the people who included it in the document, since usually adults are able to decide without regulation how to address each other depending on the situation and status.

Usually a strict dress code is compensated financially

Of course, there may be employees who will find it important to be addressed by their first name and patronymic, even by those colleagues who have previously been with them on their first name for many years, but this will surprise most of the old employees and is unlikely to contribute to unity team.

Sometimes the regulations include not only rules for communication with colleagues and clients, but also rules regarding places for business meetings. For negotiations with counterparties, any company tries to provide a guest area or a meeting room itself, but the rules regarding places of communication for employees will most likely be ignored.

It is practically pointless to prescribe in the regulations a ban on discussing any topics

It is also practically pointless to prescribe a ban on discussing any topics in such regulations. Any ban must be accompanied by a sanction, otherwise it does not make any sense. Sanctions for employees are provided labor legislation. To prohibit employees from discussing any issues with colleagues, such issues should become a trade secret, the non-disclosure agreement of which the employee must sign.

In particular, in one of the companies, such regulations included a ban on discussing the appointments of employees within the company, and the company’s financial policy regarding employees. If the second can be somehow justified, then it is difficult to include the transfer of an employee within the company as classified information, as well as to prohibit employees from discussing such issues.

It is logical to include in the regulations norms for telephone conversations with clients and for correspondence on work issues with clients and within the company. This helps most of the company's employees work with mail.

Numerous norms and prohibitions should not become the foundation of a company’s corporate culture

Sometimes, some employers prohibit employees from using work email to send any personal messages, including to their own colleagues. If such a ban is related to traffic restrictions, then it is worth informing the employees about this, and they will treat the ban with greater understanding.

Corporate regulations may prohibit the use of the Internet for personal purposes. In the event that the company does not have unlimited Internet, this is also quite understandable. In practice, such prohibitions can be implemented in very strange ways.

In one company, an employee who held a leadership position for several years had the Internet blocked on the eve of his dismissal. The employee was not warned about this and, as a result, was unable to fully complete all of his tasks, since for some the information could only be taken from the network.

Numerous norms and prohibitions should not become the foundation of a company’s corporate culture. The corporate regulations must indicate which holidays are usually celebrated in the company, how and at what time employees are congratulated.

If it is customary in a company to write event scripts independently, then it is worth indicating which department is responsible for this and at what time the organization should take place, because you cannot send half of the company to some kind of rehearsal if, for example, some of the employees involved have urgent work issues .

If, at the time of adoption of the regulations, there are, for example, traditions of congratulating employees on their birthdays, it is better to legitimize them than to invent new ones, which will most likely cause confusion among employees and may not take root in the company, destroying a good tradition completely.

In the corporate regulations, you can indicate information about mutual assistance funds, if the company has any. In one of the Moscow companies, to support employees and unite the team, an internal charity project was created, in which any employee could participate, and the funds were directed to expensive operations for employees and their loved ones.

Sometimes such projects are useful for society, but not all employees can participate in them. Thus, in one Western company that has a representative office in Russia, it is customary to spend a certain part of the salary on charity. To raise funds for the funded funds, regular corporate events are held, which do not take into account the fact that the income levels of employees can vary greatly.

Unfortunately, downloading regulations that do not correspond to what is happening in the company is not the only problem. A common problem with almost all documents found on the Internet is the inability of the authors to write in Russian. For some reason, it never occurs to anyone that in the local normative act, read - in corporate regulations, commas and dashes must be in their places, the document must be logically structured and, preferably, checked legal department for compliance with labor laws. That is, it should be written in such a way that it would be embarrassing to send it to the general director and his own colleagues for review.

Instead, for some reason, illogical and illiterately written documents are downloaded, to which the life of the groups is then adapted.

Any document intended for a large number of people with different levels of education should be written briefly and accessible. If the regulations must be as detailed as possible, then at the beginning it is worth drawing up its contents - this will help maintain the structure and logic of the document.

Any document should be written concisely and clearly

Very detailed regulation can create difficulties for employees in following the rules, and also creates a risk of violating the rights of employees provided for by labor legislation - to reduce such risks, the regulation must be pre-approved by the legal department, which, in case of problems, will have to defend the interests of the company in the prosecutor's office or court.

Sometimes regulations are drawn up taking into account the fact that the main shareholder is a Western company, but even in this case it is worth monitoring compliance with the law.

It must be remembered that prohibitions must be compensated for by something that will motivate employees to respect the prohibitions. And there can be no restrictions without sanctions: it is impossible to control absolutely everything, therefore, when introducing new rules, it is worth thinking about who will monitor their implementation. Some employers resolve such issues with the help of special departments and employees, motivate old employees to perform such functions, or use the information technology department to read and check mail, including personal mail, install security cameras and listen to telephone calls. To implement such a practice, you must again consult with the legal department so as not to find yourself in a situation where the employer’s authority is not sufficient to process such personal data.

The regulations need to be written in such a way that employees do not feel that its main purpose is to control their behavior in the office. The document should be aimed at creating a unified corporate culture, and this can only be done with the support and approval of employees and the preservation of established traditions and customs.

For ideas on creating regulations, you can also contact company employees, especially those who have been working there for more than one year. Of course, newcomers have a lot of fresh ideas, but sometimes these ideas are very different from what is actually accepted in a given team.

When writing corporate regulations, you need to remember that its final goal is to create rules and norms that will not only limit employees, but also help them feel part of the team and the traditions accepted in it, which ultimately should lead to a more comfortable and means better quality work. If the new rules are rejected by the majority of the team, then it is wiser to discuss this with employees and, perhaps, change the rules - this is easier to do than to recruit staff to comply with the new rules.

Anna Shirokova – expert of the magazine "Kadrovik"

  • Personnel policy, Corporate culture

In this article you will read

  • What is corporate culture
  • Rules for the formation of corporate culture
  • When it is necessary to formalize the company’s corporate culture
  • How to convey company values ​​to subordinates
  • Why corporate spirit is dying

Many businessmen have encountered a situation where, after purchasing profitable business, they invested heavily in the company and planned to receive a stable income, but almost all employees decided to quit and left the company. It would seem that they are provided motivation package and a good salary, but their decision does not change. Despite all their paradoxical nature, such situations are quite real – as the experience of Euroset will confirm. The company acquired the USSR network of communication stores - and everything seemed perfect. After all, the network used to work smoothly, there shouldn’t have been any problems. However, in practice, everything was completely different - employees were informed about the prospect of working in one of the leaders of the European market, they were promised stable salaries, career and current motivational programs. But we still faced serious mistrust from employees. As a result, out of 250 employees, about 230 left in 2 weeks.

To avoid a serious shortage of employees, the management of the Euroset company had to urgently transfer more than 200 people to Voronezh to work in a branch of the network. It took about 3 months for the situation to stabilize. The reason for this situation is the drastic changes in corporate culture.

What is corporate culture

Corporate culture for domestic business is considered a relatively new term. What is the corporate culture of an organization? It involves a set of basic provisions in the work of the company, depending on the development strategy and mission of the company, with a set social norms and values ​​that are shared by the majority of employees. The corporate culture consists of:

  • approved leadership system;
  • communication systems;
  • styles of resolving conflict situations;
  • current symbols - prohibitions and restrictions in the organization, adopted slogans, rituals;
  • position of each person in the company.

When it is necessary to formalize the company’s corporate culture

If the formation of a corporate culture was initially built on an informal principle (from the “do as I do” category), then over time, with the expansion of the company, it will be eroded. New employees appear, so the manager can no longer influence everyone by personal example. Instead of the director’s personal example, various unwritten rules, stories, corporate traditions and anecdotes. During this period, it is necessary to formalize the corporate culture.

A practitioner tells

Alexander Reznik,

With the development of the company, the need arises to structure all corporate processes, including personnel management. Top managers and HR specialists should help the CEO in this matter. The manager is required to form such a management team, with inspiration for work and setting strategic goals.

In a developing company, increasing the distance between management and employees is required. Of course, it is most difficult for long-time employees to succumb to such changes - one colleague becomes a boss, another remains a subordinate. There may be dissatisfaction among old employees, but new employees quickly accept the established rules of the game while maintaining a given distance. And the old, established culture is being destroyed. The old and new team in a team - the general director must choose which group to work with, or take appropriate measures to unite them. Only a common goal will allow us to unite the team. The CEO will have to create this goal and convey it to your employees.

Alexander Verenkov, Deputy General Director ZAO BDO Unicon, Moscow

The most durable value system is considered to be one based on leadership. After all, such a system combines authority, visibility and administrative support. Key aspect A leadership role plays a role in the formation of a positive socio-psychological atmosphere. But will such a system be able to transform and develop in the future in the context of the rapid growth of the industry? Hardly. In our practice, there was a situation when many employees began to leave an organization with an excellent corporate culture. The frequent change of foreign partners simply did not suit them - each of them quickly destroyed many things, but simply did not have time to create new ones.

What measures should be abandoned when creating a corporate culture?

  1. Administrative controls. With the introduction of a system of fines, control over employees and other deterrent measures. As a result, a business is built on certain conditioned reflexes, the main place being given to the cult of power. Despite the minimal bureaucracy, this approach involves many factors of emotionality and subjectivity in decision making. There is usually a problem of insufficient training of middle managers, with high staff turnover and arbitrary appointment of managers. In the work of such companies, statements about informal values ​​and collectivism are often heard. In reality, company values ​​are characterized by subjectivity, interpreted each time in the most convenient way. All attempts to form a corporate culture are unsuccessful. Interestingly, the weakening of the center leads to destructive consequences for the company - the normal operation of the system is disrupted. The search for a new center of power does not bring results. The company is stagnating or collapsing, or there will be serious consequences when recovering from the crisis.
  2. Appointment of employees who are responsible for creating and integrating the corporate culture. Entire departments are often formed, whose employees begin to clearly define the term “corporate culture” and develop its principles. The developed principles of corporate culture are indicated in official documents. But the implementation of such measures faces serious obstacles. With insufficient understanding of this subject, employee measures are limited to creating a pseudo-culture that will not be fully accepted by the team. After some time, you simply have to completely reduce or restructure this business, and the idea of ​​​​creating a corporate culture is abandoned for a long time.
  3. Attracting external specialists who will solve internal problems of the company. Recognizing the shortcomings of the corporate culture, but not understanding how to compensate for them, the CEO begins to attract external consultants. But even an excellent ideologist will not be able to set up an ideal corporate culture. After all, it will build its principles on its own ideas, which may differ radically from the opinion of the general director. Correcting mistakes made in the formation of a mission or ideology turns out to be a rather lengthy and difficult process with not always predictable results.

General Director speaks

Alexander Reznik, General Director of Trial Market LLC, Moscow

Changes in the formation of corporate culture are a rather delicate task, for which an HR specialist is needed. You can’t just appoint someone responsible for creating a corporate culture; it’s just that the boss and the thought leader cannot share the same concept. The leading role should be entrusted to the top manager, who will be able to “charge” his subordinates. This task is not just carried out by an administrator. He must be an integrator in relationships and an entrepreneur in spirit. This role is assumed by the owner at the company's formation stage. In the future, this can be done by the general director, who shares the values ​​of the business owner.

As a CEO, I consider it necessary to assess the microclimate in the team. If a company has 100-200 employees, they all remain visible - the peculiarities of people’s communication, their conflicts, and who they listen to will be noticeable. To use formalized tools with personnel, the company needs to reach a certain level. Our company has at least 100 employees. Although this amount is individual, it depends on the business. In my opinion, some companies require a clear definition of everything even with 20 employees on staff. The main condition is to maintain the spirit of entrepreneurship in the company.

Summing up, I can talk about the development of the company’s corporate culture at each stage according to its own laws. With a larger company, there should be more formalized and structured work with it.

Formation of an organization’s corporate culture step by step

The role of the CEO in shaping corporate culture

Corporate culture of the organization should initially come from the top officials of the company. The CEO and founders of the company should act as the ideologist and bearer of corporate culture. In my opinion, this way of forming a corporate culture and preserving the corporate spirit is the most effective and natural.

General Director speaks

Alexey Komarov, General Director of RusHunt, Moscow

The first face of many successful companies not only plays a leading role, but also becomes a real “corporate myth” - just remember the Michelin and Ikea corporations. Every employee of these companies knows the biography of the founder, his success story, etc. When communicating with newcomers, aphorisms from the founder are often quoted, discussing episodes from his life and the path to success. Such a halo must be preserved. After all, the image of the founder and owner becomes the main motivating element.

Fundamental principles for the formation of corporate culture

Freedom. Every person has dreams of freedom and a search for truth. However, the greater the level of knowledge, the more a person will depend on it. As you gain more freedom, its degree in life only decreases. This paradox became the basis of the first principle of creating a corporate culture. With a greater sense of freedom in the company, the more faithful he will be to the principles of the team.

Justice. Corporate culture is designed to bring a community of people together. Their personal freedom is limited by the general values ​​and goals of the company. However, this restriction should not cross the line, overcoming which a feeling of lack of freedom appears. Such a barely perceptible boundary is considered injustice.

The corporate culture is based not only on justice and freedom, but also on other universal spiritual values ​​that are necessary for a person in society.

Polar principles of corporate culture formation

The work of Douglas McGregor notes 2 basic principles on which management theory is based:

  1. All people, by definition, are initially thieving, lazy and non-performing. Therefore, they require absolute control. The formation of corporate culture in this case is carried out according to the principles of carrots and sticks.
  2. Man is a rational being. To implement best qualities a person must be provided with the proper conditions conducive to this.

These two principles define the extreme poles, and the truth always hides in the middle.

A practitioner tells

Nina Litvinova,

The corporate culture of our company is based on the principle of “professionalism in everything.” This rule became the company’s credo, uniting all employees. In a company's work, attitude towards employees becomes an important component of corporate culture. Investments are made in the development of its personnel. Perhaps our company will be the first to propose the introduction of options for each employee.

For the successful operation of the company, it is important that corporate values ​​are fully accepted by the entire team. Situations arose when it was decided to part with employees only because of non-compliance with the norms of the company’s corporate culture.

Alexander Verenkov, Deputy General Director of CJSC BDO Unicon, Moscow

Corporate culture can be based on the principle of individualism - on accounting individual characteristics company employees. Modern business is at the height of individualism, so the CEO needs to understand human psychology. Only individuals can form a true team, so it is important to respect and value your employees. At the same time, if possible, it is better to get rid of careless employees who do not deserve respect. In a dynamic environment modern business There is practically no time for re-education. It is necessary to motivate employees. Sometimes the opinion is expressed that patriotism instills in a company famous brand, but it turns out to be wrong. A common corporate spirit will be formed and strengthened when the entire team understands the results achieved.

Alexander Reznik, General Director of Trial Market LLC, Moscow

When working on corporate culture, important importance is given to the formation of the proper microclimate. People must have a desire to work in the organization, they must have a sense of pride in their work and a sense of comfort. Job satisfaction is demonstrated by loyalty to the company, despite another place of work, and pleasure in going to work and completing tasks.

As long as the microclimate in the team remains important factor for a person, he will stay in the company. When priority begins to be given to other factors (including social status or salary), a search for other offers is noted. In corporate culture, mutual understanding between employees is important. It is difficult to expect success in conditions of regular conflicts and lack of agreement.

How the type of company affects the corporate culture of an organization

When forming corporate values, the type of activity of the companies must be taken into account. In particular, in the services market, attitude towards people is of fundamental importance. Among other things, sincere love for clients is important. Only in this case can the client really fall in love with the company in order to regularly seek its services. Companies in the service market should have an atmosphere of creativity, mutual respect and initiative. To maintain this state of affairs, postulates are needed that will capture the company’s values. When hiring new employees, you need to make sure whether they will share similar values.

Employees production organizations What matters most is stability. The reason for this priority is that in production personnel are focused primarily on processes. And stability becomes the main factor of success.

For companies in a market segment with significant competition, it will be useful to merge against the backdrop of an external threat. In particular, it is possible to unite employees against a competitor, becoming a real well-coordinated team in the name of a common goal.

How to make corporate culture work for your company

For corporate culture to work, it is necessary to change its main principles. This condition is extremely important for large organizations. Transformations appear as a result of constant contact between managers and employees, due to informal communication conditions. If there is a sense of consistent, fair implementation of the principles of corporate culture, when actions correspond to words, one can count on the success of such changes. There is really painstaking work ahead, but the result fully justifies such measures.

Examples of corporate culture in Japan, the USA and Russia

Japan and the United States of America:

  1. Corporate onboarding for newcomers to help them understand the work process.
  2. Placement of corporate culture values, rules and slogans in various messages, brochures, stands, and media pages.
  3. The company's management regularly organizes speeches, during which they discuss in detail the corporate values, rules and goals of the organization.
  4. Methods of inspiring employees to work - through speaking best workers, illuminating goals for the team, singing the anthem, etc.


  1. Celebration of federal holidays - in the company’s office or restaurant.
  2. Singing the corporate anthem.
  3. Carrying out sporting events.
  4. Joint tours.
  5. Videos dedicated to employee hobbies.
  6. Joint leisure activities - including bowling, hunting, curling, etc.
  7. Special traditions in the company - for example, organizing skit parties in honor of the organization’s birthday.

Based on materials from the book: Samukina N. Effective motivation of personnel with minimal financial costs. M.: Vershina

A practitioner tells

Nina Litvinova, Director of the HR Department at Arpicom, Moscow

Training can be one of the effective means of creating corporate culture. The main requirement is that the employee who has received this knowledge can use it in practice. As I have already noted, the corporate culture in our company is based on professionalism. To implement this principle, about a year ago we began implementing the General Manager Training program. The program is carried out by the general manager, the goal is to train employees to be proud of their profession. As a tool for this, we use information sheets, a corporate newspaper, corporate events, etc.

General Director speaks

Alexander Reznik, General Director of Trial Market LLC, Moscow

The most effective (although not always simple) way to formulate new rules in a company is to invite new employees. Since all new employees usually follow established requirements. In my own practice, I have seen many similar examples - an employee who was not satisfied with certain procedures leaves the company, and is replaced by new employee who is ready to follow these standards. The reason is that he is not forced to confront the new corporate culture, but immediately becomes one of the building blocks in the organization. It is necessary to initially hire employees who fit into the current corporate culture.

When spreading corporate culture across remote departments, it will be necessary to take into account 3 factors:

  1. Public core values ​​and ideology.
  2. Key employees of branches need to regularly visit the head office to absorb its energy. After all, they are entrusted with the role of agents for introducing a common corporate culture in the work of the branch.
  3. Corporate principles must be formalized (described in documentation). Otherwise, the transfer of corporate culture norms to branches will occur with distortions. In addition, this formalized documentation is necessary to familiarize new employees with the rules of behavior and features of the company’s corporate culture.

The role of corporate culture in a company

  1. You should regularly communicate to your staff information about corporate values, rules, etc. Speeches by key employees, stands, or corporate media are suitable for this.
  2. If the process of erosion of the corporate culture in the company begins, or if there are several strong groups with different rules, you need to decide which group will be more comfortable to work with.
  3. Control of informal corporate culture is required - take into account informal leaders who should become your assistants to promote initiatives in the organization.
  4. You don't need to resort only to administrative levers to manage corporate culture. After all, any instruction or order must be accompanied by explanatory communication with its employees.
  5. There is no need to appoint people responsible for corporate culture - a top manager should deal with this issue by vocation.
  6. Nothing can strengthen a team better than joint corporate events. Therefore, do not forget about organizing joint sports competitions, holidays, skit parties, various trips, etc.
  7. You need to be a fair leader. There must be predictable, objective decisions about sanctions against employees.
  8. Corporate training should be used to communicate the organization's values ​​and goals to its employees.

Corporate culture is an enterprise resource, the importance of which is difficult to assess. It acts simultaneously as an indicator of the image and an element of its formation, the formation of the company’s brand. This resource is not only a marketing tool, but also a tool for personnel management in general.

Modern realities dictate their conditions for doing business, which is increasingly becoming customer-oriented. In this regard, corporate culture in companies plays a key role and allows them to achieve success in promoting a brand and making it recognizable.

This resource can be generated:

  • Spontaneously - without the participation of company management, based on communication models chosen by company employees.
  • Purposefully - when the general model of corporate culture is formed by the company’s management and makes changes to it as necessary.

You should not rely on the spontaneous formation of this resource, since at any moment the entire system can go downhill. Therefore, great attention must be paid to control over the formation and development of corporate culture.

Concept and elements of corporate culture

The concept of corporate culture implies a certain behavioral model that all company personnel adhere to in the process of execution job responsibilities. It contains norms and rules, traditions and values ​​accepted at a particular company.

The basis of the behavioral model is the general philosophy of the enterprise, taking into account the specifics of its activities. When developing it, management focuses on plans for the further development of the company and relationships.

If we summarize all of the above, we can highlight the main elements of corporate culture:

  • General direction of enterprise development;
  • Core Values;
  • Traditions and rituals that have developed at the enterprise during its operation;
  • Standards of behavior are rules prescribed by management or spontaneously formed rules, Business Etiquette, which determines how an employee should behave in a given situation;
  • Company style - dress code provided for employees, external design of premises, symbols inherent in this company;
  • Internal communications – rules of relationships between various departments, as well as all employees of the enterprise;
  • Team unity in achieving common goals;
  • Rules business negotiations, contacts with clients, competitors;
  • The employees themselves, who are both subjects and objects of the application of corporate culture.

Main functions

Corporate culture performs several important functions that contribute to the development of the company and promotion of the brand. Among them:

  • Motivational – helps improve labor productivity, inspires employees to achieve their goals and overcome obstacles.
  • Image - competent internal culture of the company has a positive impact on the external image of the enterprise, attracts new partners and clients, and sets the company apart from its competitors.
  • Adaptation – allows new team members to effectively and quickly enter the team and get involved in work.
  • Involving - stimulates the active participation of all employees in solving collective problems and the life of the enterprise as a whole.
  • Identifying – employees realize their own importance in the team and at the same time belong to it.
  • Management – ​​determines the norms and rules for organizing the work of departments and managing employees.
  • System-forming - allows you to systematically organize the work and interaction of departments, making them more efficient and orderly.
  • Marketing – corporate culture is taken into account when developing a strategy for promoting a company in the market.

Corporate culture is also divided into 3 main levels: external, internal and hidden. The first represents how the company is seen by clients, partners, competitors, and its general image. The second is manifested in the form of norms and values ​​reflected in the actions of the enterprise’s employees. The third is expressed in the form of beliefs shared by all employees of the company.

Types of corporate cultures

The development of corporate culture and the active implementation of this concept began in the twentieth century. Since that moment, a lot of time has passed, approaches to this technique have constantly changed and improved. Some of the classical elements on which they were previously based have lost their relevance today.

The following corporate cultures are actively used in the modern business sphere:

  1. “Role” model - this type is based on a clear division of responsibilities between all employees of the company. Each employee acts as a cog in a large mechanism that works smoothly to achieve common goals. Distinctive feature This corporate culture is the presence of a strict hierarchy, job descriptions,

Control at all stages of the labor process and a thorough workflow scheme ensure the smooth operation of the enterprise. Most often, this model is used in large companies with a large staff.

The cornerstones of this type of corporate culture are reliability, stability and rationality. Due to the strict hierarchy and rules, this company model is not flexible enough, which makes it difficult for it to adapt to work under unstable market conditions.

  1. “Dream Team” is the complete opposite of the previous model. There are no strict restrictions, as well as a strict division of responsibilities and, as a result, job descriptions. The horizontal hierarchy inherent in this corporate culture assumes that all employees are equal participants in the process. The atmosphere in such companies is friendly, and communication is informal.

All emerging issues are resolved jointly by employees interested in completing the task. At the same time, division of areas of responsibility between employees is allowed. The responsibility of a manager is assumed by the person who has accepted the solution to a specific task and is responsible for it.

The main values ​​of this model are openness, freedom, creativity and team spirit. The main idea of ​​this corporate culture is teamwork, which allows us to solve even the most complex problems. It is typical for startups and progressive companies.

  1. “Family” is a kind of mixture of the first two models. There is a vertical hierarchy, but managers do not act as bosses, but as mentors to whom any employee can turn for help. The model is characterized by a friendly atmosphere, devotion to “family” traditions, unity of work and customer focus.

People are at the forefront of this model. The company's employees and its consumers have the highest value; all work is focused on them. With a strong emphasis on staff comfort and rewards, this type of corporate culture is distinguished high level motivation. Due to this, the productivity of workers increases significantly.

Family model companies are supported by loyal customers and dedicated employees.

  1. “Market” is a type of corporate culture focused on profit. In it, each employee fights with everyone else to receive preferences. This model is aimed at ambitious, purposeful employees, each of whom is a separate and independent unit. Personnel have value only as long as they bring profit to the company.

This model has a clear hierarchy that is flexible enough to change depending on the market situation. Leadership skills employees play a key role in enabling them to readily make decisions, take risks and take responsibility.

The main values ​​of the market model are leadership, profit, competitiveness, and determination. This type of corporate culture is characteristic of business “sharks”, it is quite cynical and in many ways has signs of despotic management.

  1. “Result-oriented” is a fairly flexible model, distinctive feature which is focusing on development and achieving goals. All work of companies operating according to this type is focused on achieving certain goals.

In this model, there is a vertical hierarchy of power, but managers are determined based on their qualifications and performance, and are not appointed “from above”, and therefore the composition can often change. Job Descriptions are present, but do not delimit the company’s personnel, since employees have opportunities for development and active participation in solving strategic problems.

The main values ​​of this model are result-oriented, freedom in work and decision labor issues, corporate spirit.

In some cases, enterprises may exhibit signs of several patterns at the same time. This is common in fast-growing companies that frequently change leaders, change directions, or are acquired.