Standards and systems of requirements for project management. Project methodology: IPMA. Organizational maturity in project management

The project management methodology is contained in the project management standards. Today there are a number of standards:

  • corporate– designed for use within a single organization or within a group of related organizations;
  • international– standards that have acquired international significance in the course of their development or are intended for international application;
  • private- sets of knowledge that are promoted for free use by individuals, institutions or companies;
  • public– developed and accepted by the professional community;
  • national- created for use within one state, or in the process of their development received a nationwide status.

International standards are complete systems that include, in addition to describing the requirements for project management, consulting, auditing, testing, training, and other elements. Comprehensive international project management standards do not yet exist, but the following standards are the most famous.

1. Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) American Institute of Project Management.

This standard is updated approximately every four years. One of the most common editions is the 2000 edition, and the most current, the fourth version of the standard, was released at the end of 2008 - The Guide to the PMBOK, 4th Edition. The standard was originally adopted by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as a national standard in the United States, and today has worldwide recognition.

The basis of the standard is a process approach to project management. The selected elementary processes form project management procedures that can be built according to the "axial" principle (here we mean the applicate, ordinate and abscissa, shown in Fig. 1).

The standard contains generalized approaches and principles that are used in the field of project management, structured and formalized in such a way that they can be used in most cases in most projects. Detailed description nine areas of knowledge that are related to project management are subject to:

  • project contract management (Project Procurement Management);
  • project risk management (Project Risk Management);
  • project communication management (Project Communications Management);
  • control by human resourses project (Project Human Resource Management);
  • project quality management (Project Quality Management);
  • project cost management (Project Cost Management);
  • project time management (Project time Management);
  • project scope management (Project Scope Management);
  • Project Integration Management.

Rice. 1. Space of control processes

Each of the areas of knowledge includes separate processes that are performed by the manager during the implementation of the project at one or another stage. In project management, the process-oriented approach used in the standard implies a clear, formal description of the input data and documents that a manager needs to complete a process, the tools and methods that he can use in its implementation, and a number of output documents of the process.

2. IPMA Competence Baseline (ICB) is an international normative document that defines a system of international requirements for the level of competence of project managers. This standard was compiled by the international association IRMA (International Project Managers Association). On its basis, the development of requirements for the level of competence of employees in countries that are members of IPMA is carried out. National requirements systems need to comply with the IPMA ICB and be formally ratified (approved) by the relevant IPMA bodies. For 32 participating countries, IPMA is the basis for the creation of national bodies of knowledge. 16 countries currently have approved national codes of knowledge that comply with the ICB.

ICB, in contrast to the PMBOK, adheres to an activity-based, competency-based approach, that is, it defines the areas of qualification and competence in project management, as well as the principles for evaluating a candidate for a certificate. The ICB includes 42 elements (28 core and 14 optional) that define areas of expertise, skill, and expertise required in project management.

The ICB is published in English, French and German. Several national developments became the basis for it: Body of Knowledge of AWP (Great Britain); PM-ZERT/GPM (Germany); Beurteilungsstruktur, AFITEP (France); VZPM (Switzerland); PM-Kanon Criteres d "analyse.

Each member of the IPMA National Association is responsible for the formation and approval of their own National Competence Baseline (NCB) in accordance with the ICB, as well as taking into account national characteristics and cultures. National requirements for compliance with the ICB and the basic criteria for certification according to EN 45013 are assessed by a special IPMA Committee.

3. Efficiency issues project management identified an objectively urgent need to develop an integrated project quality management system. At the same time, importance (together with the requirements for the quality of the product) began to be given to the quality of the project processes, the lack of necessary attention to which entailed no less significant negative consequences for the product being created directly.

Standard ISO 10006- the fundamental document from the series of standards of the considered profile, prepared by the technical committee ISO / TC 176 "Quality management and quality assurance" of the World Federation of National Standards Bodies (ISO members).

The focus is on the principle of efficiency in designing a rational and efficient process and the control of this process, and not on the process of controlling only the final result.

In this series of standards, processes are grouped into two categories. The first category includes processes that are associated with the provision of the project product (design - production - verification). These processes are described in the ISO 9004-1 standard. The second category includes the project management processes directly and they are contained in the ISO 10006 standard.

This standard covers 10 Project Management Process Groups.

First group represents the process of developing a strategy that focuses the project on meeting the needs of the customer and determines the direction of the work.

Second group process relationship management is covered.

Remaining eight groups- these are processes that are associated with material and technical supply (purchases), project assignment, risk, timing, costs, resources, information flows, personnel.

The international standard ISO 10006 has been drawn up for projects a wide range– small and large, short-term and long-term, for various environmental conditions. The standard does not take into account the type of product being designed (including services, semi-finished products, technical means, software or a combination of them). This means that the framework requirements laid down as a basis must subsequently be adapted by this guide to the specific conditions for the creation and implementation of a particular project.

The standard borrows key definitions from ISO 8402, including terms such as project, project plan, project product, process, progress assessment, project participant. For all stages of project management (planning, organization, control and monitoring), quality management tasks and processes are applied.

Based on international standards, national project management standards are also formed. Let us emphasize the point that there are no national standards in Russia. However, the Russian Project Management Association (SOVNET) based on the IPMA standard created in 2001 "Fundamentals professional knowledge. National Requirements for the Competence of Specialists". A translation of the ISO 10006:2003 standard is registered, the PMI standard is distributed privately in Russia and is often used as the basis for corporate standards.

It is also necessary to identify project management maturity standards, which also have international functions. In 2004, PMI developed the Organization Project Management Maturity Model (Organization Project Management Maturity Model) standard for assessing the maturity level of a company, which contains a methodology for identifying the state of project management in a company.

Organizational maturity in project management

The organizational project management maturity category describes a company's ability to select and manage projects in a way that most effectively supports the achievement of the organization's strategic goals.
general characteristics maturity levels in relation to project management is presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - General characteristics of the maturity levels of the organization

maturity level Level characteristic
Level 1

Initial, zero level.

Employees act based on their personal ideas about the goals of work. There are no internal regulations. Actions are not documented, business knowledge is not separated from employees (knowledge disappears when employees leave). Business processes in the company are not described and, accordingly, are not classified. The activities of the organization are not transparent to the key personnel.

Level 2

The level of awareness.

The leadership of the organization decides to surpass the initial level. There are internal standards that describe the main business processes of the organization. Repeatability appears - the implementation of new projects is based on the experience of previous projects.

Level 3

The level of control.

The company has standardized and documented all business processes. The management system is separated from all employees of the company, i.e. an internal "code of laws" appears. These laws are followed by all employees of the organization, including top management.

Level 4

The level of measurability.

The organization introduces a quantitative system for evaluating the effectiveness of business processes (both natural and financial indicators). At the same time, one or another system is used to evaluate the work of employees, for example, a system of key indicators. Both systems, and the description of business processes and personnel assessment are synchronized with each other - efficient operation organization entails the stimulation of staff.

Level 5

level of improvement.

Based on the analysis of quantitative indicators, the company is adjusting (reengineering) business processes. Corrections are reflected in internal documents. It is important that the correction process is permanent, systemic.

ORMZ is a standard that provides a comprehensive approach to help companies assess and develop their ability to deliver projects effectively. This standard is the key to the organizational maturity of project management and includes three interdependent elements:

element "knowledge" (knowledge)- is a complex containing a hundred best practices for project management, which characterize certain levels of organizational maturity of project management;

element "assessment" (assessment)- a tool to help companies assess the level of current project management maturity and identify areas for improvement;

if a company decides to develop project management practices and moves to a more high levels new maturity then appears element "improvement" (improvement), which helps companies create a project management development path that maximizes the effective implementation of their strategic goals.

The main purpose of the ORMZ is to be the standard for organizational maturity in project management and corporate governance projects.

Basic hallmark ORMS is the presence of a unique database containing hundreds of successful practices, descriptions of thousands critical factors success, results and other information that characterizes the development of project management maturity in the company.

ORMS is designed to be scalable, easy to use and understand, customizable, and flexible. By taking ORMS as the standard for project management, a company can successfully transform into a state where projects will meet their goals within the budget, deadlines and, very importantly, pursuing strategic corporate goals.

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Competence Baseline (ICB) is the main standard developed by IPMA, which each national association transforms into its own national requirements for the competence of specialists (NCB - National Competence Baseline). In our country, these are the Basics of Professional Knowledge and the National Requirements for the Competence of Project Management Specialists.

Competence Baseline (ICB) is the main standard developed by IPMA, which each national association transforms into its own national requirements for the competence of specialists (NCB - National Competence Baseline). In our country, these are the Basics of Professional Knowledge and the National Requirements for the Competence of Project Management Specialists.

In the last issue, we considered the requirements for the competence of specialists in the field of project management.

In 2013, IPMA developed another standard: Organizational Competence Baseline (OCB) - Requirements for the competence of an organization in the field of project management. This standard was translated into Russian and published in 2014. It is worth noting that the IPMA OCB standard is the first document that describes the requirements for the competence of an organization in the field of project management. If an organization plans to use a project-oriented approach in management, then it needs to have an idea of ​​​​what competencies need to be possessed in the field of project management, even if we are talking about several projects of the organization, such as the implementation or development of an EDMS, ECM, etc. In addition, one of the main tasks of document managers and clerks is to organize documentation support organization management. It has been repeatedly suggested in articles on project documentation that project management is one of the constituent parts general management. Accordingly, the standards governing project activities cannot but affect the documentation of the organization's activities as a whole. This article will give clerks and document managers a general idea of ​​what competencies a project-oriented organization should have and how they can be improved.

Read also:

The article discussed the main aspects of IPMA OCB - Requirements for the competence of the organization in the field of project management. They can be taken into account when developing internal regulatory documents for project management and documenting projects. And the most important conclusion article on which the author would like to focus the attention of readers: in a project-oriented organization, constantly increasing competence in project management and following the postulates of IPMA OCB, projects (including projects for the implementation of EDMS, ECM, EIM) will always be implemented at a higher and higher quality level.

Nadezhda Artonkina, project manager of an IT company, member of the SOVNET association

International Competence Baseline of the International Project Management Association (ICB IPMA) is a standard that describes the international requirements for the competence of project management (PM) specialists developed by the International Project Management Association.

The International Project Management Association (IPMA) is registered in Switzerland as a non-profit professional organization, whose main function is to promote the development and widespread use in practice of methods and means of PM in different countries of the world.

IPMA was established in 1965 as a forum for the exchange of experience among project managers working in different countries of the world. In 1967, the first IPMA International Congress was held in Vienna. Members of the IPMA are mainly national PM associations. Currently, the association includes 55 countries.


In 1998, at the congress of the Council of Delegates of IPMA, the concept of a universal international certification system for PM professionals was approved. To solve the problems of professional certification, a standard was needed that established norms and requirements that would determine the level of competence required for certification. Such requirements were determined by systematizing the experience accumulated by that time in the field of PM and described in the ICB.

ICB was created on the basis of national competency requirements (National Competence Baseline, NCB, NTC) of the following national PM associations: AWP (Great Britain), VZPM (Switzerland), GPM (Germany), AFITEP (France).

In 1998, IPMA approved the four-level certification program (4-LC - Four Level Certification) ratification system, which has gained worldwide fame. Since 1999 international program certification began to be implemented.

The compilers of the ICB emphasize that this is not a textbook or a collection of recipes. It opens the way to knowledge, experience and individual mastery in the field of PM, describing them in a structured way. The main purpose of the ICB IPMA standard defines international requirements for the competence of PM specialists and is the basis for their professional certification. ICB IPMA is the basis of all certification programs of national associations and their certification centers.

The current version of the ICB IPMA is 3.0, which was put into effect in March 2006 to replace version 2.0, which has been in effect since 1999.


At the heart of the ICB structure is the so-called "Eye" competency diagram, which displays the entire set of PM elements that the project manager (PM) sees when assessing a certain situation (Fig. 1).

Rice. one. ICB Eye Competency Diagram

The ICB contains a description of three groups of competencies, or competency elements:

  1. Technical competence - is intended to describe the fundamental elements of competence that characterize the very essence of project management, for example "Procurement and contract management".
  2. Behavioral competence - is intended to describe the elements that characterize the personality and behavior of a specialist from the standpoint of his competence in the field of project management, for example, "Conflicts and Crisis".
  3. Contextual Competence - designed to describe elements related to the project environment. This area includes elements of competence that characterize the ability of a project manager to function in a project-focused organization, including the ability to build relationships with line managers, for example, “Project portfolio and program implementation”.

Thus, in total, 46 competencies are described in the ICB standard, structured into three competency groups.

Short description

The description of each of the 46 ICB competency elements (competencies) contains:

  1. title;
  2. description of the content;
  3. possible (minimum) technological steps of the management process;
  4. topics for familiarization with competence;
  5. criteria for evaluating experience necessary for certification of specialists at each level;
  6. indications of relationships with other elements of competence.

The ICB includes 20 technical competency elements (Table 1).

Table 1. Technical Elements of ICB Competence

The ICB includes 15 behavioral competency elements (Table 2).

Table 2. Behavioral Elements of ICB Competence

The ICB includes 11 contextual competency elements (Table 3).

Table 3 Contextual elements of ICB competence

At the same time, the ICB manual does not contain a description of specific methods, tools, methods. It contains descriptions of subject areas, methodological approaches to problem definition, and provides, where illustrative, some examples of methods. Methods and tools may be determined by the organizations themselves. The project manager should select methods and tools appropriate to the specific situation in the course of project management.

The ICB also includes basic terms and concepts, tasks, a generalized overview of best practices in the field of PM, skills, functions, processes, methods, technologies and tools that are commonly used in PM, as well as special knowledge about innovations and their application in the management of individual projects. . ICB is presented in three languages: English, German and French.

The practical value of the ICB standard is that it is:

  • the basis for describing the competence of PM specialists in general;
  • a methodological basis (“framework”) on which it is possible to create competency models for PM specialists for various countries, subject areas and specific organizations;
  • source for the development of various educational programs training of project management specialists, advanced training and development of competence in the field of project management and project activities of the company.

Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge

A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®) is a national American standard that contains professional knowledge of the project management process. The standard is issued by the Project Management Institute (PMI), located in Pennsylvania, USA. Official translation into Russian is carried out by the PMI office in Russia.


PMBOK® contains guidelines to manage a particular project, based on best practics and advanced experience of specialists in project management. Definitions in the manual key aspects project management, as well as the life cycle of project management and related processes.

PMBOK® is a universal standard and can be used as the main project management reference for programs professional development and certification. Also, the standard can be taken as a basis and adapted to the needs of project activities in any organization implementing projects.

The first edition of PMBOK® was published in 1986 and went through several revisions.

In 1996, PMBOK® was revised, and in 2000, the PMBOK® Guide 2000 was released, which is considered the second edition of the standard.

In 2004, PMI released its latest creation, the PMBOK® Guide Third Edition, the most widely distributed PMI project management body of knowledge.

On December 31, 2008, a new version of the methodology was released - PMBOK® Fourth Edition, which, like its predecessor, was revised in detail and became essentially the same revolutionary edition.

The current (at the time of writing) version of the standard, PMBOK® Fifth Edition, was released in January 2013.

The release date for the PMBOK® Guide Sixth Edition is not yet known, but it is likely that PMI will release this standard in 2016 as PMBOK® is updated on a regular basis every four years.


The fifth edition of the PMBOK® standard highlights several key building blocks.

First, the main object of standardization is designated - the project, as well as the relationship between projects, programs, portfolios and operational activities.

Secondly, a typical project life cycle is described (Fig. 2) and the impact of organizational policies on project activities.

Rice. 2. Life cycle according to the fifth edition of the PMBOK® standard

Thirdly, the fifth edition of the PMBOK® standard describes the project management technology through the designation of groups management processes(five groups are marked) and functional areas (ten areas are highlighted).

And finally, in the appendix to the standard, interpersonal quality skills are disclosed, which are important for the activities of the project manager. These skills include:

  • leadership;
  • team building;
  • motivation;
  • communication;
  • impact;
  • making decisions;
  • political and cultural awareness;
  • Negotiation;
  • building trusting relationships;
  • Conflict Management;
  • mentoring;

All of these qualities can help the manager to effectively implement the project management process.

Short description

According to PMBOK®, the project is carried out through the integration of several key management processes. The standard has five groups of processes that define the management essence:

  1. initiation;
  2. planning (planning);
  3. execution (executing);
  4. control (controlling);
  5. completion (closing).

The five process groups cover a number of areas of knowledge. The fifth edition of PMBOK® highlights ten key areas:

  1. project integration management (Project Integration Management) - includes the processes and activities necessary to define, refine, combine, combine and coordinate various project management processes;
  2. project scope management (Project Scope Management) - includes processes that ensure the inclusion in the project of key (those and only those) works that are necessary for the successful completion of the project;
  3. project time management (Project Time Management) - includes the processes through which the timely completion of the project is ensured;
  4. project cost management (Project Cost Management) - combines the processes of cost management and ensuring the completion of the project within the approved budget;
  5. project quality management (Project Quality Management) - includes the processes and activities of the performing organization, the quality policy and is carried out through a quality management system that provides for certain rules and procedures, as well as actions for continuous improvement of processes carried out, if necessary, throughout the project ;
  6. project human resource management (Project Human Resource Management) - includes the processes of organizing, managing and leading the project team;
  7. project communications management (Project Communications Management) - includes the processes necessary for the timely creation, collection, distribution, storage, receipt and use of project information;
  8. project risk management (Project Risk Management) - includes the processes necessary to increase the likelihood of occurrence and impact of favorable events and reduce the likelihood of occurrence and impact of adverse events for the project during its implementation;
  9. project supply management (Project Procurement Management) - includes the processes of purchasing or acquiring those necessary products, services or results that are produced outside the organization executing the project;
  10. project stakeholder management - includes the processes necessary to identify individuals (or organizations) that can affect the project or are influenced by it; and also includes those processes that are necessary to develop acceptable management strategies for involving these individuals (or organizations) in the project.

Each area of ​​knowledge includes those and only those processes, the implementation of which allows the implementation of the agreed content within the specified time frame and within the allocated budget. As a result, the intersection of five groups of processes and ten areas of knowledge formed 47 processes that can be implemented by the management team during the implementation of the project. The description of each process contains four key elements: inputs, outputs, tools and methods, steps of the procedure (methods, instructions) for the implementation of the process. All processes contain the listed elements, which allows not only to understand the management methodology, but also to apply specific project management methods that have earned trust among project management professionals.

Practical value and application features

The standard can be used as a basis for the unification of the organization's project activities. It can also be useful in organizing interaction on a project, setting a common lexicon and a common approach to project management. In addition, several limitations of the standard should be taken into account.

The emphasis in the PMBOK® standard is on the management process, which is unified as much as possible and is not linked to a specific subject area.

The standard is the US national standard and is focused primarily on the specifics of the implementation of management processes in a given country.

GOST R 54 869-2011 “Project management. Project management requirements

GOST R 54 869 establishes requirements for the project management process from its inception to completion. The standard is universal for any subject area and contains requirements that can be applied by both individuals and legal entities for any projects (by type, type, complexity, etc.).


GOST R 54 869 establishes requirements for project management to ensure the effective achievement of project objectives. The requirements specified in the standard are applicable for organizing any kind of project activity, increasing its efficiency, improving the project management process, as well as for assessing the compliance of a particular project activity with the requirements defined in the standard.

This standard was approved on January 9, 2013. At the time of writing, no other versions were available.


GOST R 54 869 is general description recommended requirements for project management. They are grouped by management processes, among which processes are distinguished:

  • initiations;
  • planning;
  • organization of performance;
  • control and completion.

In addition to these sections, GOST offers its own terms and definitions related to the field of project management, as well as a description of certain aspects of the organization of the project management process itself. The appendix outlines the basic concepts of project management and their relationship.

Short description

GOST R 54 869 contains a number of key sections, each of which describes the requirements for individual management processes:

  1. The project initiation process is the formal opening of the project.
  2. Project planning processes - a description of the image of the most likely outcomes of project management activities. The planning process includes planning processes for individual areas of the project:
    • planning the scope of the project - determining the requirements of the project and the scope of work of the project;
    • schedule development - determining the start and end dates of the project, key events, stages and the project as a whole;
    • project budget planning - determining the order and scope of project support financial resources;
    • project personnel planning - determining the procedure for providing the project with human resources;
    • procurement planning in the project - determination of the procedure and scope for providing the project with products and services purchased from third parties;
    • risk response planning - determination of the main risks of the project and the procedure for working with them;
    • planning the exchange of information in the project - determining the procedure for the exchange of information between persons participating in the implementation of the project and interested in the results of the project;
    • change management planning in a project - determining how to work with changes in a project.
  3. The process of organizing the execution of the project - the organization of the implementation of the project according to the developed plans.
  4. Project execution control process - checking the compliance of the project processes and product with the established requirements.
  5. The project completion process is the formal closing of a project.
  6. Project document management requirements - General requirements submitted for document flow.

In addition to these sections, GOST describes the key roles:

  • project customer - an individual or entity, which is the owner of the project result;
  • project manager - a person who manages the project and is responsible for the results of the project;
  • project curator - a person responsible for providing the project with resources and providing administrative, financial and other support to the project;
  • project team - a set of individuals, groups and organizations united in a temporary organizational structure to carry out project work.

Practical value and application features

GOST R 54 869-2011 can be used to assess the compliance of project management with the requirements established in the standard.

At the same time, there are no requirements in the standard that are mandatory for any particular type of project; there are no requirements for methods of implementing project management processes, as well as requirements for pre-project and post-project activities. According to GOST, the main object for standardization should be the results (“outputs”) of project management processes.

National requirements for the competence of project management specialists

National requirements for the competence of project management specialists (National Competence Baseline, NCB, NTK) - a standard that describes the national requirements developed by the Russian Project Management Association (SOVNET) based on the ICB IPMA standard, taking into account the developments and experience gained by PM in Russia.

The Russian National Project Management Association (SOVNET) was established at the end of 1990, and in February 1991 became part of IPMA.


SOVNET, like other national associations, on the basis of bilateral agreements with IPMA, received the right to independently certify project managers under the auspices of IPMA. At the same time, SOVNET developed and approved its own detailed documentation for the certification program and National Requirements for Competence (NTC, NCB). National associations are given some leeway in the development of the NTC to take into account national culture and advances in project management.

So, the purpose of the NTK standard is that it, like the ICB, defines international requirements for the competence of PM specialists and is the basis for their professional certification. NTK is the basis of the certification program in Russia, which is implemented by the SOVNET-CERT certification center within the framework of the national association UE.

The current version of the NTK is 3.0, which was put into effect in September 2010 to replace version 2.0, which has been in force since 1999.


Based on the developments and experience of SOVNET, a set of possible project management processes is considered within the framework of an active complex cybernetic system, including objects, subjects and management processes, called the "systemic model of project management" .

The system model is a collapsed structure ("trees"), including all elements of project management, grouped into three blocks: control objects, control subjects, control process. All elements of the ICB "Eye" model correspond to the named blocks of the project management system model.

In the NTC, all elements of competence are grouped according to the system model and ICB into the following four groups:

  1. Control objects and contextual competence.
  2. Subjects of management and behavioral competence.
  3. Management processes and technical competence.
  4. Basic (general) competence.

The visualization of the resulting model can be done by analogy with the ICB “Eye” competence diagram (Fig. 3) and will be referred to as the “NTK “Eye” competence diagram” .

The total number of competency elements (competences) in the STC is 55. The ratio of the content of the description of competency elements in the ICB and STC is summarized in Table 4.

Table 4 The ratio of the content of the description of competencies in the ICB and STC

Of the additional competency elements, four competencies are singled out in a separate group of competencies called "Basic (general) competence", which is represented by the "Pupil" in the STC "Eye" competency diagram (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. STC "Eye" Competence Diagram

Short description

The STC describes 55 competency elements (competences). The description of each item includes:

  1. the key definition is a general idea of ​​competence;
  2. body of knowledge - allows you to describe in more detail the purpose of the element of competence in the PM;
  3. possible process steps - a minimum set of technological steps for applying the element of competence in the project management process;
  4. topics for study - sections of the discipline "Project Management", describing the details of issues related to the described element of competence;
  5. criteria for evaluating competence by levels - evaluation criteria necessary for certification of specialists at each level;
  6. main links - enumeration of other elements of competence, with which the described competence is closely related.

STC includes 10 competency elements included in the group "Objects of control and contextual competence" (Table 5).

Table 5 Elements included in the group "Objects of management and contextual competence"

The STC includes 24 competency elements included in the group “Subjects of management and behavioral competence” (Table 6).

Table 6 Elements included in the group "Subjects of management and behavioral competence"

STC includes 17 competency elements included in the group “Management processes and technical competence” (Table 7).

Table 7 Elements included in the group "Management processes and technical competence"

The STC includes four competency elements included in the "General Competence" group (Table 8).

Table 8 Elements included in the group "General competence"

However, the level of detail in the description of the elements of competence in the NTC, as well as in the ICB, is not sufficient for the provisions of the standard to be applied in practice. Therefore, it is assumed that for practical application the provisions of the standard should be localized, and the necessary methods and tools selected or developed based on the needs of projects in a particular application area.

Practical value and application features

The practical value of the NTC standard is that it is:

  • the basis for ensuring terminological unity in project management in Russia;
  • a source of a systematic description of the model that allows you to identify potential project management tasks and develop methods and tools for solving these problems;
  • the basis for describing the competence of specialists, taking into account the practice of PM in Russia;
  • a methodological basis on which it is possible to create competency models for PM specialists for various subject areas and specific organizations in Russia;
  • a source for the development of various educational programs for the training of specialists in project management, advanced training and development of competence in the field of project management and project activities companies in Russia.

"In terms of its content and information richness, the NTK in its present form is a Russian body of knowledge, information materials on project management and can serve as a guide to the world of project management, as well as the basis for the subsequent preparation of national standards and regulatory documents on project management" .

GC "Proektnaya PRAKTIKA" has released new version national project management standard of the Russian Project Management Association SOVNET - "Project Management: Fundamentals of Professional Knowledge, National Requirements for the Competence of Specialists (NCB - SOVNET National Competence Baseline Version 3.0)"
The publication presents the basics of professional knowledge, national requirements for the competence of project management specialists and the system for assessing their competence (NCB - National Competence Baseline SOVNET Version 3.0), and is normative document Russian National Certification Program for Project Management.

The book, taking into account Russian specifics, systematically outlines the basics of professional knowledge, requirements and a system for assessing the competence of project management specialists. The basic provisions of the certification program of the International Project Management Association IPMA and the methodological principles of the formation of the National Certification Program on its basis are given. In a structured form, in three areas of competence assessment: contextual - management objects, technical - management processes and behavioral - management subjects, key definitions, knowledge bases, proposed steps in project management processes, programs and project portfolios, topics for research, evaluation criteria by levels are given competencies, links to other modules and a glossary of terms.
The team of authors of the standard includes well-known Russian researchers in the field of project management and practicing project managers, which has become a guarantee of the theoretical validity and practical usefulness of the standard.
The book is intended for assessors, candidates for certification, scientists, teachers, university students, undergraduates, graduate students and doctoral students in project management. It can be useful for project management practitioners, trainers and entrepreneurs who implement projects and programs in all areas of business, society and government.

A standard is a document that provides rules, specifications, guidelines for a specific area of ​​activity, for the one to which it relates. There are many in the world today international organizations who are busy developing standards in project management. Here we can single out two organizations that have been particularly successful in this matter.

The first organization is Project Management Institute (PMI), it has its representative offices in many countries of the world, including Russia. PMI is the professional association for project management. PMI has its own body of knowledge on project management, it is called PMBok (Project Management Body of Knowledge) and is considered one of the most authoritative in the field of project management. In PMBok, information about project management processes is clearly structured, PMBok also contains information about project management tools.

The second world-famous organization engaged in the development of standards in project management is International Project Management Association(IPMA). IPMA is considered the international association for project management. PMI has its offices in 170 countries, and IPMA only in 45, but this does not prevent it from being a very well-known and respected association all over the world. IPMA has its own representative offices in Russia, such a representative office is Russian Association project management (SOVNET). IPMA issues ICB (IPMA Competence Baseline). The ICB is a document containing the requirements for the competence of project managers. Russia is trying to keep up, and on the basis of the ICB, SOVNET has developed in the field of project management the “National Competence Requirements” (NTC).

Enterprises often develop their own project management standards, which are always based on standards developed by PMI and IPMA. But the enterprise standard has its own characteristics, they lie in the fact that it contains project management sections that are necessary specifically for this enterprise. Consideration of these sections is the subject of the personnel training program.

Standard - a generally recognized language of communication in international activities

International organizations that are engaged in the development of standards in project management are striving to improve the competence, knowledge, skills and abilities of project managers around the world. Therefore, they clarify, define, document project management practices and create uniform standards.

Categories of PMI standards

  1. Programs. Program Management Standard.
  2. Organizations. Portfolio management standard, a maturity model of an organization in the field of project management.
  3. Projects. Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, Public Sector Project Management, Practical Standard for Earned Value Management, Configuration Management, Work Breakdown Structures.
  4. People. The structure of the development of project manager competencies.
  5. Profession.

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