Is it worth studying hotel management: pros and cons. Hotel and restaurant business: what to take and list of educational institutions Education in the restaurant business

Not long ago, the specialty “Hospitality” appeared in Russian universities. What kind of profession is this “Hospitality Specialist”, and in what industry can a graduate work?

Let's take a closer look at this specialization to understand all its positive and negative aspects.

Who is a hotel service manager?

This is a specialist who is in charge of organizing guest services in hotels and tourist complexes. He receives, accommodates, discharges guests, and is responsible for the smooth operation of the facility.

Top 10 professions in the hotel and restaurant business

The hospitality and tourism industry in Russia is developing rapidly. It includes three main sectors: catering, hotel management and tourism. The first two are often combined with one term “Hotel and restaurant (business)” or “Hotel catering business».

We can give the following definition to the concept of “hotel and travel business"is a sector of the economy that is associated with the provision of services in the field of hotel management and tourism.

Let's see what The professions in this area are the most respectable, paid and interesting:

  • hotel manager;
  • PR manager;
  • hostess;
  • hotel manager;
  • event organizer;
  • nutrition manager;
  • Front Desk Manager;
  • brand manager;
  • room supervisor;
  • Chef.

The question often arises for applicants: what is better, “Tourism” or “Hospitality”? Everyone decides for themselves. But the second direction is very promising.

Consumers want to see not only a traditional hotel; today they are attracted to something new and non-standard. For example, floating hotels, boats, boat campings, etc.

You always have the chance to open your own business, for which you do not need to recruit a large staff (for example, hostels, etc.).

Where and how many years to study for the specialty “Hotel Service”

In Russia, higher education in this specialty (applied bachelor's degree) can be obtained in almost 100 universities in the country (97, to be precise). Be sure to read reviews about the university from students and graduates before enrolling.

Let's list Top 5 universities in the Russian Federation where training is conducted:

  • Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (KFU);
  • Southern Federal University (SFU);
  • Ural Federal University named after. B. N. Yeltsin (Ural Federal University named after B. N. Yeltsin);
  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN);
  • Far Eastern Federal University (FFU).

Duration of study – 4 years (full-time). Studying is complemented by practice in hotels with which the university has an agreement.

Today in Russia, training in this specialty is offered not only by universities, but also by colleges, where you can enroll after 9th or 11th grade, as well as private companies and organizations that retrain specialists.

For example, at Synergy University (Moscow) there is a college (direction “Hotel Service”, Faculty of Hotel and Restaurant Business) with a training period of 1 year 10 months or 2 years 10 months. After graduation, there is the opportunity to enroll in the 2nd or 3rd year of the specialty “Management in the hotel and restaurant business” (first higher education).

At the same university you can get a second higher education in a similar specialty with a duration of study of 4-4.5 years. Master's and postgraduate studies will be further stages of education.

What items can be in curriculum directions "Hospitality":

  • organization of reception and accommodation services;
  • sales technology in the hotel business;
  • advertising in the hotel business;
  • technology and organization of food services;
  • standardization and quality control of hotel services;
  • international hotel chains;
  • corporate culture in the field hotel business and etc.

In addition, there are courses of varying durations offered by various private companies.

What subjects need to be taken

To enroll in the specialty “Hotel Service”, “Hotel Management” you need to pass the Unified State Exam in three subjects.

Today the list is as follows:

  • Russian language (basic level);
  • mathematics (basic level);
  • social studies (profile level).

Other exams are taken at St. Petersburg State University: Russian language, social studies, foreign language. In Ryazan state university named after S.A. Yesenina – social studies, history, Russian language. The Unified State Exam in these subjects will also be asked of you at the Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management "NINH" (NSUEU).

The exact list of subjects must be found in advance on the website of the university of interest.

Where can a graduate with a diploma in Hospitality work?

After receiving a diploma in Hospitality, you can apply for a position in the middle managerial level, that is, hotel management is meant.

You have already moved beyond lower-level positions (cleaners, maids). The highest level will be senior management.

What vacancies can be offered to a graduate:

  • manager;
  • administrator;
  • manager;
  • HR Specialist.

How to become a hotel manager

First of all, you must have a degree in Hospitality Management. The second one is also necessary – “Human Resources Management”.

It is advisable to also have an economic or legal education. Such complexity will give you advantages, in particular:

  • in management marketing activities which includes production and sales marketing, marketing communications;
  • in intra-company management (management), including strategic, current, operational, process management, project management, development;
  • in intra-company planning and forecasting, which includes strategic, current, operational planning, management control.

To become a manager, it is good to have not only diplomas from leading universities, but also certificates of internships in prestigious hotels, especially foreign ones.

What is the salary of a hotel manager in Moscow

A hotel manager in Moscow earns an average of about 70,000 rubles(according to the website This profession is one of the highly paid. In the regions, such work is naturally paid lower.

Career in Hospitality

If you are hardworking, have organizational skills, are sociable, have resistance to stressful situations, can work in multitasking conditions (you have to solve the most diverse tasks every day), know foreign languages, then you can count on career growth.

Experience and practice can allow you to later take such a prestigious position as a “hotel business expert” who deals with forecasting in the hotel industry.

Hotel service specialist - pros and cons of the profession

Generally this area activity is very attractive.

Among the advantages is the demand for the profession. A graduate can find work not only in Russia, but also abroad. In addition, experience communicating with people will always be useful in life.

Among the disadvantages are a large amount of work, frequent stressful situations and problems issues that need to be resolved as professionally as possible. This means: an even tone of speech, goodwill, a desire to find a compromise. Specialist hotel service Can work night shifts and public holidays.


Relevance of the topic course work associated with the fact that correct and complete documenting affairs is of great practical importance. It is important to pay close attention to papers at all stages of the company’s life - from state registration before concluding agreements with partners. In this regard, automation of office work in an enterprise is important factor, which determines the effectiveness of its activities. This is especially true for restaurant and hotel business enterprises, whose activities are inextricably linked with the design of large quantity documents.

The purpose of the course work is to consider the approaches and features of office automation at restaurant and hotel business enterprises. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set in the work:

study the legal documents regulating the document flow system in commercial enterprises, characterize the features of activities and information flows in restaurant and hotel business enterprises;

consider the features and possibilities of office automation in hotels.

The object of the study is enterprises of the restaurant and hotel complex.

The subject of the study is the organization of an office management system in enterprises of the restaurant and hotel complex and the possibility of its automation.

The theoretical basis of the study is the works of specialists in the field of office work, such as: T.V. Kugusheva, V.A. Kudryaeva, T.V. Kuznetsova, M.V. Larina, M.Yu. Rogozhin and others, as well as federal laws And regulations RF, periodicals.

The set goals and objectives determined the structure and logic of the work, which consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

Hotel and restaurant business

Characteristics of the hotel and restaurant business as an industry

The Russian hotel industry developed in the context of a pan-European process and basically repeated the stages of the formation of European hotels. At the same time, the peculiarities of the Russian national way of life, determined by the Orthodox worldview, the history of the formation of the nation, climatic and geographical factors, have made their own adjustments to the national hotel business.

Unfortunately, hotels have not received the attention they deserve for a long time. Even the Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary does not contain the article “hotel”, limiting itself to the articles “tavern” and “hotel courtyard”.

Scientists, economists and geographers are currently studying the development of the hotel industry. However, problems legal regulation hotel activities have not yet been adequately covered in the legal literature. Normative base in this area is also in the process of formation.

There is also no legal definition of hotel activities or the hotel industry. In his book “Marketing. Hospitality and Tourism" F. Kotler gives the following definition of the hospitality industry - this is a field of entrepreneurship consisting of types of services that are based on the principles of hospitality, characterized by generosity and friendliness towards guests.

It should be noted that it was developed new project Law “On tourism and tourism industry in Russian Federation", in which hotel activity is defined as entrepreneurial activity subjects of the tourism industry providing hotel services. Thus, hotel activity is a type of economic activity.

Analyzing the economic and legal literature one can find various concepts hotels. The legal definition of a hotel is given in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 1997 No. 490 “On approval of the Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation” (as amended on October 2, 1999, September 15, 2000, February 1, 2005). “Hotel” is a property complex (building, part of a building, equipment and other property) intended for the provision of services. For comparison, in American law a hotel is defined as the construction of accommodation services for the general public in premises equipped with required quantity furniture and which provides one or more of the usual hotel services, such as restaurant service, room service, wake-up service, telephone, and laundry.

In the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated June 21, 2003 No. 197 “On approval of the Regulations on state system classification of hotels and other accommodation facilities", a hotel is a means of accommodation along with motels, holiday homes, boarding houses, and health-improving institutions. In this case, the accommodation facility refers to enterprises of various organizational and legal forms and individual entrepreneurs, engaged in temporary accommodation of tourists and having at least 5 rooms.

In accordance with Appendix No. 1 of the “List of accommodation facilities classified in the system,” hotels and similar accommodation facilities are classified into: hotels; motels; youth hotels (hostels); rest houses, boarding houses; hotels providing medical and health services.

Depending on the level and quality of service, accommodation facilities are assigned a certain category. Categories of accommodation facilities are indicated by the symbol “*” (star). The number of stars increases with the level and quality of service. Accommodation facilities are classified into five categories: the highest category of accommodation facility is “five stars”, the lowest is “one star”. Non-category accommodation facilities are equivalent to the “no stars” category.

The hospitality industry has historically formed and grown from the accommodation sector, represented by various types hotel enterprises. In the classical sense, a hotel is a house with furnished rooms for visitors. IN modern conditions A hotel is an enterprise designed to provide hotel services to citizens, as well as individual tourists and organized groups. Modern hotel company provides consumers not only with accommodation and food services, but also wide range transport services, communications, entertainment, excursion services, medical, sports services, beauty salon services, etc. In fact, hotel enterprises in the structure of the tourism and hospitality industry perform key functions, since they form and offer consumers a comprehensive hotel product, in the formation and promotion of which all sectors and elements of the tourism and hospitality industry take part. Based on this, it is legitimate to highlight hotel industry or the hotel business as the largest integrated component of the tourism and hospitality industry and consider it independently, largely identifying it with the single tourism and hospitality industry.

The tourism and hospitality industry is an integral part of the vast service sector, which is one of the most important and dynamically developing sectors of the modern world economy.

In developed countries, the share of services in gross domestic product reaches 70%. Russian and foreign researchers, studying the place of the service sector in the development of the world economy, offer various economic models. However, the majority believe that economic activity man began with Agriculture and further through industrialization it moved towards a service economy.

The tourism and hospitality industry covers different groups of organizations, forming a complex multi-component complex, where the most important role is played by the hotel business, the broad and diverse nature of which allows us to combine all elements and sectors of the tourism and hospitality industry.

Currently, there is a growing interest in the development of the hospitality industry both at the international, national and regional levels, since tourism and the hotel business are a catalyst for the development of all sectors of the economy.

Significantly positive socio-economic impacts of the hospitality industry at the national and regional levels:

new jobs created through tourism and hospitality;

multiplier effect;

contribution to state and regional revenues.

Sociocultural benefits:

increasing the living standards of the population;

preservation of cultural heritage;

promoting the creation and support of museums, preservation and financing of cultural and historical monuments;

strengthening the population’s sense of pride in their culture and identity;

providing opportunities for intercultural exchanges.

Thus, the tourism and hospitality industry is one of the most important parts of the vast services market, and is a fast-growing and highly profitable industry that can directly and indirectly influence the formation of conditions for sustainable socio-economic growth of the world and national economy.

A service in general and a hotel service in particular are fundamentally different from a product. Understanding the essence of this difference is extremely important when identifying objective indicators of service quality, and is also necessary for the formation of effective systems for promoting services.

The specifics of a hotel service are determined by the features and technologies of serving guests. Technological process provision of hotel services includes:

meeting the guest at the entrance to the hotel;

registration, paperwork and guest accommodation;

room service;

service in the provision of food services;

satisfaction of cultural needs, sports, health and fitness services;

registration of departure, farewell upon departure.

All of the above elements do not leave the guest with anything material or really tangible, but it is they who form either a feeling of satisfaction or a feeling of annoyance from uselessly wasted time and money.

The processes of production and consumption of hotel services occur simultaneously from the moment of entry into the hotel until the moment of departure; during the entire hotel cycle, the guest perceives the service as the result of the activities of the hotel staff (Fig. 1.1).

A hotel service is produced and consumed in one place - the service point, and the consumer himself becomes part of the distribution system. The guest comes into contact with the service staff in the restaurant, at the reception desk, in the room, therefore, the hotel enterprise must ensure successful contact between the staff and the client.

At the same time, the guest is obliged to comply with the rules of residence and follow accepted standards of behavior in public places.

Rice. 1.1

An important feature of the hotel service is the impossibility of its storage and accumulation. It is also impossible to exceed the natural capacity of the room stock when accepting applications and checking in, while unoccupied rooms and places objectively lead to the loss of beds. Thus, a hotel service is an organized interaction between a guest and hotel staff, continuously influencing the guest throughout its entire duration. This product exists only during the guest’s stay, and during this time there is a constant dialogue between the guest and the hotel; it cannot be programmed or created a certain standard or service algorithm. Consequently, the hotel service in each specific case is individual in nature. All noted features determine the specifics of services marketing.

The intangibility of a hotel service is characterized by the fact that it is almost impossible to study and evaluate it before receiving it. In some cases, this causes great difficulties in promoting hotel services, in particular accommodation facilities, however, using modern computer technologies, the consumer can “visit” a virtual hotel and select the room he needs, the view from the window, and the necessary furnishings. But such technologies are used only by large hotels or travel agencies; in most cases, it is extremely difficult to demonstrate a hotel product in advance.

The inextricable relationship between production and consumption determines that many types of hotel services are inseparable from those who provide them. Thus, personal service services in a hotel are inseparable from the qualified work of the receptionist service, and service in a restaurant depends on the skill of the cooks and the quality of the waiters. In fact, the person producing the service becomes part of it and is inseparable from it, so competent personnel management is necessary. A hotel can be filled with the most modern technical facilities, have a prestigious environment and have the most modern material resources, but this will still not be enough, since the main thinking and feeling “element” of service is people.

An inevitable consequence of the inseparability of production and consumption is the variability of service delivery. The quality of a service depends on where, who and when it is provided. It often happens that in hotels of the same category of service the service is different: in one hotel the rooms are cleaned strictly according to the standard, linen is regularly changed and toiletries are replenished, in another this is done only after reminders and complaints from customers. The variability of hotel services is influenced by groups of factors:

organization of work with staffing hotels;

individual characteristics of service consumers, requiring a personal approach and comprehensive systematic study of the client.

To reduce service variability, we are developing professional standards industry and service standards.

Service standards are a set of mandatory customer service rules that are designed to guarantee the established level of quality for all operations performed. A characteristic feature of a hotel service is its inability to be stored; a hotel service cannot be stored for further sale. The unsustainability of hotel services means that it is necessary to take measures to align supply and demand. Among these measures:

application of discounts;

combination of personnel functions.

Marketing services of hotel business enterprises based on marketing research can highlight periods of increase and decrease in supply and demand. Among these measures:

establishment of differentiated prices;

application of discounts;

increasing the speed of service;

combination of personnel functions.

Marketing services of hotel business enterprises, based on marketing research, can identify periods of increase and decrease in demand under the influence of various factors (season, day of the week, event calendar, vacation time, etc.), can create a wide discount program and a system of incentives for trips during periods decline in demand.

Thus, the characteristics of the hotel services market, the specifics of hotel services, and the characteristics of consumers of hotel services determine specific features marketing in the hotel business.

It should be noted that hotel services are complex in nature and consist of a variety of services provided by various areas, forming a single product in the form of a “package of services” selected for the client depending on the level of his needs. However, such a “package” is not rigid in nature, and the client independently varies its components.

Hospitality industry exhibitions are a comprehensive marketing tool for promoting HoReCa market participants. The extensive programming attracts a professional audience eager to stay up to date with what's happening in the industry. Exhibitions introduce the latest trends and equipment for the hotel and restaurant business, and popular formats of establishments. This is still a professional party. Typically, the event brings together managers and owners of hotels, restaurants, and cafes; purchasing directors and suppliers; specialized specialists.

Business program of hospitality industry exhibitions

The hotel and restaurant exhibitions are accompanied by an exciting program. Presentations, forums, conferences on the HoReCa topic offer knowledge in the context of practical experience. Master classes, educational seminars, and cooking shows help you master new technologies. Competitions, competitions and award ceremonies determine the best in their segment, and at the same time the development of the entire industry.

HoReCa exhibitions in the world

Once every 2 years, the attention of the global hospitality industry is focused on the Host exhibition in Milan. In 2015, its holding coincided with the World Expo held here, which allowed the number of guests to increase several times.

The German exhibition Intergastra (Germany) remains the main one in the country and is included in the list of leading events in the world. The exhibition of the same name HORECA in Greece is considered quite large-scale. HOFEX in Hong Kong is not inferior to many large international projects, as it showcases unexpected solutions with a regional focus. The Hosfair series of exhibitions (China) represent the industry twice a year (in Guangzhou and Shenzhen).

Russian business in the HoReCa sector is focused on the annual Hospitality Industry Week PIR Expo. The PIR exhibition in Moscow consists of five autonomous expositions: PIR. Restaurant equipment, PIR. Food products, Moscow Coffee and Tea Expo, Moscow Bar Show, Hotel. Design. Equipment. Control. The All-Russian Summit of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers will be organized as part of the event.

Restaurant and hotel exhibitions in Moscow

In addition to the grandiose PIR Expo event, specialists willingly visit Sirha Moscow. It is called the main restaurant exhibition in Moscow and an excellent continuation of the success of the Sirha brand. In March, Crocus Expo is occupied by the international exhibition of products and services for equipping and supplying public catering establishments IFFF Moscow. In the fall, in parallel with the famous meeting on the topic of food and beverages World Food Moscow, the site hosts an exhibition of equipment, supplies, tools and accessories for barbecue, grill, and shish kebab Barbecue Expo.

Hotel business exhibitions

The main directions of the exhibition of hotel business: construction and design of hotels, hostels and hotels, their reconstruction and renovation, interior design, finishing materials, furniture for hotel rooms, equipment for receptions, restaurants, bars, laundries, security systems. At restaurant business exhibitions, there is always the selection and training of personnel: chefs, cooks, bartenders, waiters, hostesses, etc.

The hotel and restaurant exhibitions Internorga in Germany and Igeho in Basel respond to current needs of the European industry. Refined, modern, multifaceted - they gather cutting-edge innovations around them.

The exhibition project HDE (Shanghai) is dedicated to the construction, design and interior design of hotels. The hotel exhibition Hotelex Shanghai has a narrower specialization, but is popular among professionals in Asia.

Restaurant business exhibitions

Europe travels alternately to Lyon and Geneva to take part in Sirha. In odd-numbered years, the global review of the restaurant business is held in France, in even-numbered years - in Switzerland.

The US National Restaurant Association holds its own NRA Show in Chicago, which is well known outside the continent. Focus: kitchen, bar, menu, guest service, interior design and logistics.

Bar industry exhibitions

The first place rightfully belongs to the Moscow Bar Show as part of the HoReCa exhibition group in Moscow PIR Expo. All Russian baristas are in a hurry to Russian Barista Days.
Abroad, the calendar of top bar industry exhibitions includes: Nightclub & Bar Show (Las Vegas), Barcode Expo (Liverpool), Restaurant & Bar HK (Hong Kong).

Hotel Manager- upper stage in career ladder hotel staff. He manages all departments of the hotel: reservation services, reception and accommodation of guests, telephone and information services, service departments, restaurants, beauty salons. The manager must provide guests with comfortable conditions stay under the roof of the hotel and the desire to return again, the hotel owner - a high income, and the employees - the pleasure of working under his leadership. Coordinating all this at the proper level is not so easy. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in psychology, foreign languages ​​and labor and economics (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

Hotel manager, hotel director, top hotel manager, hotelier are synonyms of one profession. A good top manager of the hotel business is a piece of goods , on which the quality of hotel management at all levels, and, consequently, the image and reputation of the hotel depends. The hotel manager has some freedom in making decisions, but within the standards determined by the hotel owner. He enters into a special agreement with the hotel owner, which specifies the extent of his responsibility, job responsibilities, level of salary and bonuses. Large chains of well-known and prestigious hotels prefer to see in this high position those who thoroughly know the specifics of the work of the hotel’s services. That is, a hotel administrator or even a receptionist has a real opportunity to become a hotel manager. There are hundreds of similar examples in the history of the hotel business.

In large hotel chains, the hotel director works within the strict framework of accepted standards, as, for example, in the National Hotel Corporation free communication between staff and clients is considered acceptable, in the Mariott hotel chain a restrained and strict style of work is considered acceptable.

The responsibilities of a hotel manager include:

  • organization and provision effective activities hotels;
  • providing clients with information about possible services;
  • control over the quality of customer service in accordance with the class of the hotel, proper use, accounting and distribution of rooms, as well as compliance with the passport regime;
  • directing the work of hotel staff and services to ensure the safety and maintenance of premises and property in good condition, uninterrupted operation of equipment, external landscaping, compliance with sanitary, technical and fire safety rules;
  • cost-effective hotel management, timely and high-quality provision of a range of services to hotel clients;
  • introduction of progressive forms of service organization;
  • preventive inspection of residential rooms, hotel utility rooms, organization of major and current repairs;
  • expanding the material and technical base of the hotel, increasing its comfort;
  • maintaining and timely submission of reports on the economic and financial activities of the hotel;
  • investment planning, control over turnover and costs;
  • providing the hotel with qualified staff.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • constant demand in the labor market;
  • high prestige and respectability of the profession;
  • high level of remuneration.


  • high level of responsibility;
  • work in conditions of “no room for error”;
  • irregular working hours;
  • great psychological stress;
  • the need to communicate with a large number of people;
  • the inevitability of various kinds of conflicts and discontent among guests, the need to be at their epicenter.

Place of work

Hotels, motels, guest villas and lodges

Important qualities

A hotel manager must be an excellent marketer and innovator, diplomat and psychologist, financier and personnel officer. This position can be applied for by a person who has not only a specialized diploma, but also certain life experience, as well as:

  • extraordinary organizational skills;
  • confidence;
  • ability to persuade;
  • persistence;
  • qualities of a born leader;
  • attention to detail;
  • meticulousness, the ability to complete every task;
  • talent for communicating with people;
  • ability to effectively delegate authority;
  • the ability to create a team of the best specialists in their field;
  • ability to analyze a large amount of information, make decisions and take responsibility;
  • good memory;
  • high concentration of attention;
  • patience;
  • communication skills;
  • ability to quickly navigate in complex environments;
  • ability to communicate effectively at any organizational level;
  • ability to listen and hear;
  • ability to manage conflicts, exercise control over crisis situations in a team, neutralize and resolve conflicts that arise;
  • the ability to think on the scale of the entire hotel.

Hotel manager training

Interregional Academy of Industrial and construction complex(MASPK) invites specialists involved in the hospitality industry to take courses. Professional courses Academies allow you to undergo retraining and advanced training in a comfortable distance format and learn a specialty at a convenient time.

In this course, you can obtain the profession of a hotel director remotely in 1-3 months. Diploma of professional retraining established by the state. Training in a completely distance learning format. Largest educational institution additional prof. education in Russia.

Russian Institute vocational education"IPO" - recruits students to obtain a specialty through a distance program of professional retraining and advanced training. Studying at the IPO is a convenient and quick way to receive distance education. 200+ training courses. 8000+ graduates from 200 cities. Short deadlines for completing documents and external training, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact us!


Higher education

To be a hotel manager, higher education is required. If your higher education is non-core, you must complete special courses for directors managing the hotel business. Large hotel chains require mandatory specialized higher education in the field of hotel management.

Education hotel business carries out more than 30 educational institutions Moscow, among which the most serious training can be obtained at the following universities:

  • Moscow Academy of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business under the Moscow Government
  • REA named after. Plekhanov
  • Russian New University.

These educational institutions have their own study bars, hotel rooms and cafeterias. Training, in addition to theoretical disciplines, includes business games and psychological trainings, in which real situations of customer dissatisfaction are played out: “the client is furious,” “the client accuses of theft,” “the client is dissatisfied with the service.” Clients are sent abroad for internships - to France, Turkey, Cyprus and Malta, where graduates master Western technologies for running the hotel business, foreign language at the proper level. After which students, quite professionally as economists, lawyers and managers, can independently develop a business plan for opening a private hotel.

Courses for directors managing the hotel business can be taken at the MBA-CITY Business Academy. The best world-class educational institution for obtaining the profession of hotel manager is the Hotel Institute in Montreux in Switzerland - Hotel Institute Montreux, HIM.


Salary as of 03/12/2020

Russia 25000—100000 ₽

Moscow 35000—100000 ₽

The remuneration of a hotel manager depends on the country, the status and star rating of the hotel, membership in the hotel chain, the number of rooms, and the experience of the director himself. So, for example, the difference in salary between the directors of 3* and 5* hotels can be large, or it can be almost the same if the 3* hotel complex has large quantity rooms than a 5* small hotel due to additional bonuses from the number of potential clients.

In Russia, hotels that are part of the international hotel chains Radisson, Kempinski, Marriott, Marco Polo, Le Meridien, Sheraton, etc., hire directors qualified personnel with knowledge of languages, special education and a Western work style.

Career steps and prospects

Hotel Manager - senior management in a hospitality career. The next step career growth may be a manager of a hotel chain or a co-owner, and then the owner of a hotel chain or an individual hotel.

Quirks of hotel guests:

A guest of the Greek hotel Honeymoon Petra Villas requested a room in which the rays of the sunset would fall into the room at an angle of 45⁰ relative to the right side of the window.

Another unusual behavior was demonstrated by a hotel guest who, in the heat of the day, asked for rain.

One of the guests of an Irish hotel asked the management to provide him with a very unusual service: organize a golf game on a local glacier. However, after the man had played enough (i.e. completed 3 holes), the unusual requests continued: he demanded to be taken back to the hotel in a private helicopter.

A hotel guest forgot his medicine in his room. Only on the plane, remembering it, the man called the administrator and asked to deliver this medicine to his home. Which is what was done.

The man booked all the rooms at the Hacienda Benazuza hotel in Spain. The guest explained this by saying that he wanted to organize a party for 10 people. It should be noted that the number of rooms in the hotel is 44, and the cost of living per day in one room is at least $300.

It is not uncommon for concierges to make purchases for hotel guests. And, as it turns out, there are cases when they have to choose and buy a house. Thus, one of the hotel guests trusted the concierge’s choice and did not even look at the building before making the purchase.

In one of the London hotels, a man asked to be served by girls with obvious facial hair in the hotel restaurant. The hotel staff, in order to fulfill a stupid request, pasted mustaches and beards on the waitresses, the maid and the administrator.

One popular singer, staying in a Portuguese hotel, asked that the sheets lying on her bed have three small holes. For what? The hotel administration still does not know the answer.

One of the guests of an elite hotel constantly ordered himself a “colored menu”. One day he asked the cook to prepare him blue, then pink, purple, and black dishes.

This is a popular direction for both education and development of the country. Many people think about what kind of education to get to successfully work in this field. Understanding this issue is not as difficult as it seems. In fact, it is enough to know just a few features of training. But choosing a place to receive an appropriate education is more difficult. There are a lot of different institutions that allow graduates to work in the hotel and restaurant business. And an ignorant person may simply get confused in the choice.

What is the work

So, the first step is to understand what a citizen who has decided to work in a direction called “hotel and restaurant business” will have to do. It is not entirely clear what will need to be done in this or that case.

The point is that upon graduation from one or another institution a person will become a restaurateur. Or, as he is also called, a hotel and restaurant business manager. The tasks of such an employee are varied.

Among the main activities are:

  • work quality control;
  • management of hotels or restaurants;
  • establishing a supply of items necessary for the functioning of the business;
  • marketing planning.

In other words, such a manager is a universal worker in the hotel and restaurant business. Most often found as an administrator in a particular institution.

Ways of learning

Didn't the definition scare you away? Then you should think about training. Where can you master this type of activity as the hotel and restaurant business? Where should a person go to receive an appropriate education? There are a lot of options. Everyone chooses one or another institution to build their career and receive education in the hotel and restaurant industry.

If we briefly list all possible places of study, we can highlight the following organizations:

  • universities in Russia and outside the country;
  • colleges;
  • organizations offering retraining;
  • private training companies.

Each training option has its own characteristics. They will be discussed further below. What should you pay attention to in this or that case? How to become a restaurateur without any problems?


It's probably worth starting with the least common scenario. We are talking about taking retraining courses. They are usually organized either by the employer or by specialized labor exchanges.

The average training period is 2-3 months. No entrance tests will be required. Upon graduation, the citizen receives a certificate of retraining as a restaurateur. From now on, he will be able to work in the hotel and restaurant business.

Private centers

The next training option is to contact private training centers. This good way obtaining additional education, as well as self-development. With the help of specialized courses, you can easily master the hotel and restaurant business. It is recommended to inquire about the programs offered by certain private educational institutions.

They usually study for about a year. In rare cases, the training lasts several months or years. After listening to lectures, you usually need to take a final test and pass an exam. And after this, the person is given a certificate stating that he is now considered a restaurateur. The document usually lists the skills acquired.

Are you interested in the hotel and restaurant business? What subjects will you have to take to study at private centers? None. And it pleases. Entrance tests in private educational centers are missing. It's enough to just pay for your education.


A more serious approach is to study at universities in the country. Modern universities offer several options for mastering the specialty of a restaurateur. You can study at a university on the basis of secondary vocational education or get a higher education. In the first case, education will be obtained. He is not very valued by employers. In the second, the graduate will receive a diploma higher education. This is what attracts many employers. Although, as practice shows, the hotel and restaurant business allows you to successfully build a career with a diploma of secondary specialized education.

Depending on the type of study chosen, you will have to spend either 2 years, or 3, or 4 as a student. In the first two cases we're talking about about secondary specialized education based on grades 9 or 11, respectively. Higher education takes 4 years.

A distinctive feature of studying at universities and colleges is the presence of entrance tests. To be accepted as a student, you will need to pass certain exams. More on them a little later. First, you should find out where exactly in Russia you can go to study to become a restaurateur.

Universities for studying

There are a lot of higher educational institutions in Russia. Where do they study in the field of "hotel and restaurant business"? Universities in Russia that offer to become restaurateurs include the following:

  • Plekhanov University;
  • RSUH;
  • Sechenov Moscow State Institute;
  • Russian State University of Tourism and Service (Moscow).

These are not all educational institutions. In almost every humanitarian university you can become a restaurateur. Only the above places, as students say, provide the best training in their chosen field.


Are you interested in the hotel and restaurant business? College is the most common option for getting an appropriate education to start a career. Usually, admission to specialized schools is considered after 9th or 11th grade.

Depending on the chosen educational institution, entrance examinations are either present or absent. Where exactly should I go to study? You can choose a humanitarian technical school. And there you can see if there is a direction that interests the applicant. As already mentioned, after 9th grade they study for 2 years, after 11th grade - 3.

Where exactly should I go? You can pay attention to:

  • management and hotel and restaurant business;
  • Small Business College No. 48;
  • food college in Moscow;
  • Krasnodar Trade and Economic College.

This is all just the beginning. The list could take a very long time. Are you interested in the hotel and restaurant business? The college in St. Petersburg at 154a embankment is considered the most successful choice among residents of St. Petersburg.


What's next? Now it is important to understand what tests you will have to pass. As already mentioned, technical schools sometimes admit students simply by application. It is enough to simply present a certificate of secondary education, an identity card and an application for enrollment.

And if the university is studying the hotel and restaurant business, what should I take? Mandatory exams include:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics.

Both subjects must be passed at the basic level. But in the major you will have to take social studies. In some cases, they may also request the Unified State Examination or State Examination English language. These are all the exams that you will have to pass. And then enrolling in a hotel and restaurant business college or university will not be difficult.