Strategic analysis of an enterprise using the example of Construction Management LLC. Improving the enterprise development strategy (using the example of Uyut LLC) Strategic analysis using the example of construction

graduate work

1.2 Methods of strategic analysis

Results of the analysis of the company’s internal state and condition external environment make it possible to assess the compliance of the enterprise’s capabilities with market opportunities, on the basis of which sound development programs for the company and its behavior in the market are developed, and decisions are made on a set of strategic business areas.

Based on the analysis of factors characterizing the internal environment of the company, taking into account the results of studies of the external environment, it is possible to assess the state of the company, while answering the following questions.

1. How effective is the current strategy?

2. What are the company's strengths, weaknesses, what opportunities does it have and what poses a threat to it?

3. Are the company's prices and costs competitive?

4. How strong is the company's competitive position?

5. What strategic issues does the company face?

To answer these questions, you can use various analytical tools, which include, in particular, SWOT analysis, environmental profile, SNW analysis, PEST analysis. Let's look at each one separately.

Let's analyze these methods in more detail.

Swot - analysis.

In order to get a clear assessment of the company's strengths and the market situation, there is a SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis is the identification of the strengths and weaknesses of an organization, as well as the opportunities and threats emanating from its immediate environment (external environment).

Strengths(strengths) - advantages;

Weaknesses - shortcomings;

Opportunities - factors of the external environment, the use of which will create advantages for the organization in the market;

Threats are factors that could potentially worsen an organization's position in the market.

To carry out the analysis you need:

1. Determine the main direction of development of the enterprise (its mission)

2. Weigh the forces and assess the market situation in order to understand whether it is possible to move in the indicated direction and how best to do this (SWOT);

3. Set goals for the enterprise, taking into account its real capabilities (defining the strategic goals of the organization)

Carrying out a SWOT analysis comes down to filling out the SWOT analysis matrix. The strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, as well as market opportunities and threats, must be entered into the appropriate cells of the matrix.

An organization's strengths are what it excels at or some feature that provides additional capabilities. Strength may lie in existing experience, access to unique resources, the availability of advanced technology and modern equipment, highly qualified personnel, high quality manufactured products, brand awareness.

Weaknesses of an organization are the absence of something important for the functioning of the enterprise or something that is not yet successful in comparison with other companies and puts the organization at a disadvantage. As an example of weaknesses, one can give an example: too narrow range of manufactured goods, poor reputation of the company in the market, lack of financing, low level of service.

Market opportunities are favorable circumstances that a business can exploit to gain an advantage. Examples of market opportunities include: the deterioration of competitors' positions, a sharp increase in demand, the emergence of new production technologies, and an increase in the level of income of the population. It should be noted that opportunities in terms of SWOT analysis are not all opportunities that exist in the market, but only those that can be exploited.

Market threats are events whose occurrence could have an adverse impact on an organization. Examples of market threats: new competitors entering the market, rising taxes, changing consumer tastes, declining birth rates.

The same factor can be both a threat and an opportunity for different enterprises. For example, for a store selling expensive goods, an increase in household income may be an opportunity, as it will lead to an increase in the number of customers. At the same time, for a discount store, the same factor can become a threat, since its customers, with rising salaries, can move to competitors offering more high level service.

An organization can add to each of the four parts of the list. Once a specific list of weaknesses and strengths, as well as threats and opportunities has been compiled, the stage of establishing connections between them begins. To establish these connections, a SWOT matrix is ​​compiled, which has the following form (Table 1.2.1.)

Table 1.2.1. SWOT Matrix

On the left, two blocks are highlighted (strengths, weaknesses), into which all the aspects of the organization identified at the first stage of analysis are respectively written out. At the top of the matrix there are also two blocks (opportunities and threats), into which all identified opportunities and threats are written down.

At the intersection of blocks, four fields are formed: SIV (strength and opportunity); SIS (power and threats); SLV (weakness and opportunity); SLU (weakness and threats). In each field, the researcher must consider all possible pairwise combinations and highlight those that should be taken into account when developing the organization's behavior strategy.

For those pairs that have been selected from the SIV field, a strategy should be developed to use the organization's strengths in order to capitalize on the opportunities that have arisen in the external environment. For those couples who find themselves on the SLV field, the strategy should be structured in such a way that, due to the opportunities that have arisen, they try to overcome the weaknesses in the organization. If the couple is on the SIS field, then the strategy should involve using the power of the organization to eliminate the threat. Finally, for couples in the SLU field, the organization must develop a strategy that would allow it to both get rid of the weakness and try to prevent the threat looming over it.

When developing strategies, you should remember that opportunities and threats can turn into their opposites. Thus, an untapped opportunity can become a threat if a competitor exploits it. Or, conversely, a successfully prevented threat can open up additional opportunities for the organization if competitors were unable to eliminate the same threat.

To successfully analyze an organization’s environment using the SWOT method, it is important not only to be able to identify threats and opportunities, but also to be able to evaluate them in terms of importance and degree of influence on the organization’s strategy.

To assess capabilities, the method of positioning each specific opportunity on the opportunity matrix is ​​used (Table 1.2.2)

The matrix is ​​constructed as follows: along the top horizontally, the degree of influence of the opportunity on the organization’s activities is plotted (strong, moderate, small); On the vertical left is the probability that the organization will be able to take advantage of the opportunity (high, medium, low).

Table 1.2.2. Opportunity Matrix

The nine fields of possibilities obtained inside the matrix have different meaning for the organization. Opportunities that fall into the fields of BC, VT and SS are of great importance for the organization, and they must be used.

Opportunities that fall into the fields of SM, NU and NM practically do not deserve the organization’s attention. It is possible to use the opportunities in the remaining fields if the organization has enough resources.

A similar matrix is ​​compiled to assess threats (Table 1.2.3)

Placed horizontally from above possible consequences for the organization, which the implementation of the threat may lead to (destruction, critical condition, serious condition, “minor bruises”).

On the vertical left is the probability that the threat will be realized (high, medium, low).

Those threats that fall into the fields of VR, VC, and SR pose a very great danger to the organization and require immediate and mandatory elimination.

Table 1.2.3. Threat Matrix

Probability of threat implementation

Possible consequences


critical condition

serious condition

"minor bruises"

Threats that have entered the field of VT, SC and HP must also be in the field of view of senior management and be eliminated as a matter of priority. As for the threats located in the fields of NK, ST and VL, a careful and responsible approach to eliminating them is required. Although the task of eliminating them first is not set. Threats that fall into the remaining fields should also not fall out of sight of the organization’s management. Their development must be closely monitored.

Drawing up a profile of the environment.

Along with methods for studying threats, opportunities, strengths and weaknesses of an organization, the method of profiling an organization can be used to analyze the environment. This method is convenient to use to compile separately the macroenvironment, the immediate environment and the internal environment. Using the environmental profiling method, it is possible to assess the relative importance of individual environmental factors for the organization.

The method for compiling an environmental profile is as follows. Individual environmental factors are listed in the environmental profile table (Table 1.2.4).

Table 1.2.4. Environment Profile

Each factor is given an expert assessment:

Importance for the industry on a scale: 3 - large, 2 - moderate, 1 - weak;

Impact on the organization on a scale: 3-strong, 2-moderate, 1-weak, 0-no influence;

Directions of influence on the scale: +1- positive, -1- negative.

Next, all three expert assessments are multiplied and an integral assessment is obtained, showing the degree of importance of the factor for the organization. From this assessment, management can conclude which environmental factors are relatively more important to the organization and, therefore, deserve the most serious attention, and which factors deserve less.

Snw - analysis.

SNW analysis is an advanced SWOT analysis. Let's analyze it.

Strentght (strength),

Neutral (neutral side),

Weakness (weakness).

Unlike the analysis of weaknesses and strengths using the SWOT analysis matrix, SNW analysis also offers the average market condition (n). The main reason for adding a neutral party is that “often, in order to win the competition, it may be sufficient for a given organization to be in state N relative to all its competitors in all but one key position, and only one in state S.”

To compile a SNW analysis, a tabular form is also filled out, which is preceded by all the stages of preparation listed above in the SWOT analysis methodology. Below is approximate form analysis in table 1.2.5.

Pest - analysis.

The STEP analysis technique is often used to analyze the macroenvironment. The term "STEP" means an analysis of the macro environment based on the study of social, technological, economic and political factors.

Table 1.2.5. SNW analysis matrix

Name of strategic position

Qualitative assessment of the position


Organization strategy

Business strategy

Organizational structure

Product as competitiveness

Information technology

Innovation as a way to sell products on the market

There are two main options for STEP and PEST analysis. The difference between them is that in the STEP analysis version, social and technological factors come first. In PEST analysis, political and economic forces.

The STEP analysis option is used for countries with developed economies and a stable political system, priorities are taking into account social and technological factors. To analyze the macroenvironment in those countries where the economy is underdeveloped and in transition, a form of PEST analysis is used, where political and economic factors come first. IN Russian conditions STEP analysis is used.

When choosing the first or second option, the criterion is the priority of taking into account certain groups of macroenvironmental factors in terms of the strength of the possible impact and the stability of factors for monitoring.

Thus, PEST analysis is a tool designed to perform:

Political (POLICY),

Economic (ECONOMY),

Social (SOCIETY),

Technological (TECHNOLOGY).

Aspects of the external environment that may affect the company's strategy. Politics is studied because it regulates power, which in turn determines the company's environment and the acquisition of key resources for its activities.

The main reason for studying economics is to create a picture of the distribution of resources at the state level, which is the most important condition activity of the enterprise. No less important consumer preferences are determined using the social component of PEST analysis.

The last factor is the technological component. The purpose of its research is considered to be to identify trends in technological development, which are often the causes of market losses, as well as the emergence of new products.

When conducting a PEST analysis, it is important to require a systematic strategic analysis of each of the four specified components, since all these components are closely and complexly interconnected.

This type of analysis can be carried out using various formats, often these are two options: a simple four-field matrix, appearance which is given below (Table 1.2.6.) and the tabular form of STEP analysis (see Table 12.7). Each of these options has advantages and disadvantages. The choice of analysis method depends on the goals of the analysis, the level of readiness of experts and a number of other factors.

The STEP analysis technique gives the greatest results if the analysis is carried out regularly using the same format. In this case, it records indicators of the dynamics of factors and their impact on the enterprise.

strategic analysis threat organization swot

Table 1.2.6. Four-field STEP analysis matrix

As a result, one can obtain a so-called model of the reaction of a specific enterprise to a set of macroenvironmental factors. This is nothing more than a kind of experience model that can improve the quality of all types of enterprise decisions.

Table 1.2.7 Tabular form for STEP analysis

The material presented above makes it possible to assert that the elements of the internal and external environment of an organization are closely intertwined and depend on each other. The external environment provides the organization with incoming resources. Thanks to output feedback, the organization receives information to evaluate results and subsequently select input resources. The interaction between the organization and the external environment makes it possible to reduce the entropy inherent in each system. It is in the external environment that resources and opportunities for further development of the organization are located.

We can say that the management of an organization is determined by two factors:

1. Features of the production process;

2. The nature of the external environment.

The modern trend is the ever-increasing importance of the second factor, which is becoming decisive. Therefore, analysis of the external environment is very important for developing an organization's strategy and a very complex process. It requires careful monitoring of ongoing processes, their correct assessment and establishment of connections between factors and the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, as well as the opportunities and threats that exist in the external environment. It is obvious that without knowing the environment, the organization cannot exist.

Environmental analysis is one of the tools through which the management of an organization can design a system of control over vital external processes and resources; implement measures to reduce risks caused by influences external to the organization; influence the actions of competitors and suppliers, and consumer demand.

The organization does not have the ability to strictly control the external environment, but it can and should effectively adapt to it, tirelessly monitor its changes, predict and respond in a timely manner.

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annotation. The article is devoted to demonstrating the process and analyzing the results of assessing the strategy implemented by the company in the market. The experience of implementing the model of M. Porter's five competitive forces, PEST analysis and the VKG matrix is ​​shown to clarify the existing positions of the company in the developing market.

Keywords: analysis, strategy, consumers, company position

Analysis of the strategy implemented by a company on the market is an important stage in diagnosing the correctness of the market efforts being made and can make it possible to formulate the necessary corrective measures to improve operational efficiency. Leading Russian scientists in the field of marketing note the importance of strategy in planning a company's marketing activities. In order to analyze the effectiveness of the existing strategy and propose measures to improve market sustainability, various tools can be used marketing analysis market environment, for example SWOT analysis or M. Porter's analysis of competitive forces.

This article demonstrates an analysis of the company's strategy using the example of Interprof LLC (Temryuk). The Interprof LLC company is a publishing house that prints advertisements for the purchase and sale of various goods, the provision of services, the performance of work, job searches, etc. One of the most successful projects organization is the newspaper “Everything”, which simultaneously acts as the company’s brand. Having placed a bet on classified ( advertisements, distributed by thematic categories), the company has acquired a leading position in the market.

The organization provides ad placement services. The topics of the advertisements are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - Subjects of advertisements of the Interprof LLC publication

Ad Subject


Number of advertisements

Auto and motorcycle

Sale and purchase of cars, trucks, motorcycles, auto parts, boats, snowmobiles

Real estate

Sale and purchase of apartments, new buildings, rental of apartments and rooms, commercial real estate, garages

Electronics and household appliances

Audio, video, household appliances

Computer technology

Computers and components, laptops, PDAs and smartphones, peripherals and office equipment

Phones and communications

Mobile and DECT phones, faxes

Photo. Optics. Photo services

Digital and film cameras, lenses, accessories, photo services

Construction and repair

Building materials, repairs and decoration, design, windows, plumbing, cleaning


Trade and industrial equipment, machines, security systems, washing equipment

Goods for children

Children's clothing, shoes, strollers, car seats, toys, baby products

Business and partnership

Sale and purchase of business, investment, consulting, accounting services, audit

Furniture, interior, household items

Furniture for home and office, lighting equipment, interior items

Clothes, shoes, accessories

Men's, women's clothing, shoes, watches, jewelry, costume jewelry

Books, textbooks, magazines

Fiction and educational literature, periodicals

Music, art, collections

Musical instruments, works of art, collectibles

Sports, tourism, recreation

Sporting goods, hiking equipment, bicycles

Services and activities

Transport services, lawyers, translators, event organization, photo and video shooting

Work and education

Search for jobs and employees: vacancies, resumes, courses, trainings

Health and beauty

Cosmetics and perfumes, medical equipment, correction, weight loss, medical services

Dating and communication

Contacts based on interests, dating for starting a family, finding new friends

Animals and plants

Dogs, cats, fish, birds, plants, exotic animals, veterinary services

I'll give it away for free

Priceless things in good hands

The company has a large number of readers and wide circulation. The existence of a company is only possible if its products are consumed by someone. The success of a company depends on how consumers behave: the more consumers, the more profit.

Figure 1 shows some characteristics of the readers of the “Everything” publication.

Rice. 1 Characteristics of readers of the newspaper “Everything”
a) demographic characteristics of readers
b) the reader’s social status

From Figure 1 we can conclude that regular readers of the newspaper “Everything” are men and women, aged from 25 to 40 years (the most active phase of life), with higher and secondary specialized education, social status - professional employees with an income of
9,000 to 30,000 rubles About 8 percent of the readership occupy leadership positions.

About 30 percent of regular readers are car owners (19.1 percent own a foreign-made car), 25 percent plan to purchase a car in the near future. 71 percent of the newspaper's readership actively use the Internet, 63 percent have a personal computer at home.

In the near future, readers of the newspaper “Everything” plan to purchase a car, furniture, building materials and household appliances, also about 5 percent of readers are going to improve their living conditions.

The organization's profits are influenced by customers who place advertisements.

The organization's clients are not only individuals, but also various organizations that post their advertisements for the provision of services, the sale of goods and the performance of work. The organization's goal is to attract as many clients as possible.

Competitors also have a direct impact on the results of activities of Interprof LLC. Let's analyze the “Five Forces of Competition” using M. Porter’s method.

In accordance with M. Porter's model, to determine the significance of each of the five forces of competition, factors were identified (Table 2) that influence the degree of its manifestation.

Let's consider the competitive forces presented in the table in relation to Interprof LLC and its brand “Everything”.

Table2 - Factors of competition according to M. Porter’s model

The Power of Competition

Intra-industry competition

Degree of market saturation and concentration (number and market share of large banks competing in the market)

Influence from potential competitors (threat of a new player)

Barriers to entry into the market (including: need for investment, knowledge of the market, experience and knowledge of technology, presence of reputation in this market)

Impact of substitute products

Buyer influence

Number of audience

Supplier influence

Product quality

Intra-industry competition. At the moment there are four major players in the city market:

- “Everything” (LLC “Interprof”);

- “Orbit”;

- “23 Region”;

- “Temryuk is even more free.”

However, each of the publications has its own characteristics and emphasizes its difference from the others.

The difference between “Everything” and its competitors is loyal audience, since this newspaper has been on the market for a long period of time, and the reader gets used to the specifics of presenting information. Also, first of all, a newspaper is a source of reliable information, so the emphasis in advertisements is on the accuracy and timeliness of the data. Each of the newspapers, despite the fact that they are in the same market, has its own characteristics and its own audience, trying to lure readers and customers with the help of marketing ploys that form the basis of the marketing strategy.

Buyer influence. The audience for “Everything” is large due to its thematic focus. Its core is very diverse. These are people who expect accurate and complete information and have an active lifestyle. The reader is looking for high-quality information and a convenient form of presentation.

Threat from substitute products. The newspaper “Everything” is a product for which it is difficult to find a similar product, but specialized radio and television programs and the Internet can serve as sources of information, on the one hand, but they are not perfect substitutes, since they have a completely different format, and the quality of information can seriously differ from what is required, on the other hand, it’s the other way around. Therefore, the threat from substitute products can be considered significant.

Supplier influence. One of distinctive features"Everything" newspaper is the paper used to make newspapers. The company purchases it from a single manufacturer, therefore, without compromising the recognition of its brand, the newspaper cannot change the supplier. In addition, “Everything” also depends on distributors: the small number of local networks has an impact newsstands. Therefore, the company is forced to agree to conditions that are inconvenient for it.

The threat of a new player emerging. The company's advantages, such as a strong brand, reputation and access to reliable sources of information, are important here. Moreover, existing companies are ready to resist, for example, given that the main source of income in the industry is advertising, newspapers already present in the market are able to reduce prices for this service. On the other hand, the market is quite attractive, and “Everything” managed to gain a foothold in it several years ago.

Each of the factors under consideration for each of the five forces of competition is assessed on a point scale (score range from 1 to 3 points): “1” point corresponded to the absence of manifestation of the factor; “2” points corresponded to a weak manifestation of this factor; “3” points corresponded to a significant manifestation of this factor.

Based on the results, the average score of the ratings for each factor and each competitive force was calculated (Table 3).

Table 3 -Score and average score of each competitive force(points)


Expert 1

Expert 2

Expert 3

Average score

Intra-industry competition

The attractiveness of the market for competing organizations operating in it

Degree of market saturation and concentration

Variety of related services offered by competitors to the market

Average score by strength

Influence from potential competitors

Barriers to entry into the market (including: need for investment, knowledge

market, experience and knowledge of technology, reputation in this market)

Average score by strength

Impact of substitute products

Transition to new ways of presenting information

Average score by strength

Buyer influence

Number of audience

Average score by strength

Manufacturers' influence

Product quality

Average score by strength

In accordance with the applied methodology for calculating and analyzing the influence of competitive forces, the level of influence of each force was assessed based on the average score obtained (Figure 2).

As follows from Figure 2, at the moment the level of influence of substitute products and the influence of buyers is very high and amounts to 2.67 points.

Thus, these are the main competitive forces of the industry that influence the activities of Interprof LLC and its brand “Everything”. All other forces have either a reduced or moderate influence.

The main competitors of Interprof LLC in the city and region are:

LLC "23 REGION" (“23 Region”);

Rice.2. Assessing the degree of influence of the identified competitive forces

Table 4 - Characteristics of the publication “Everything” (Interprof LLC) and competing publications

Name of criterion

LLC "Newspaper Association "Black Sea" (Orbita)

LLC "23 REGION" (“23 Region”)

LLC "Temryuk Publishing House" ("Even more free Temryuk")

(Interprof LLC)

Publication location





Market presence

21 years (since 1994)

22 years (since 1993)

10 years (since 2005)

23 years (since 1992)

Total circulation, copies


1 time per week

2 times per week

1 time per week

2 times per week

Number format

Number volume (number of stripes)


Full color

Full color

Full color

Full color

Own delivery service





Terms of distribution

Paid edition

Paid edition

Paid edition

Paid edition









Application deadline

Cost of one ad, rubles

Web site

Based on the table, we will highlight the competitive positions of Interprof LLC in relation to the publication “Everything” and evaluate them in comparison with other publications. We will highlight as such: personnel qualifications, brand, range of services, location, cost of services. Let's evaluate the advantages using a ten-point system (we assume that 10 points is a strong advantage, 1 point is a low advantage). The assessment results are presented in Table 5.

Table 5 - Competitive strength assessment (points)

Competitive forces

"Everything" (LLC "Interprof")

LLC "Temryuk Publishing House" ("Even more free Temryuk")

LLC "Newspaper Association "Black Sea" (Orbita)

LLC "23 REGION" (“23 Region”)

Range of services

Cost of services


Personnel qualifications

Figure 3 shows the competitive profile of Interprof LLC and its brand “Everything”.

Rice. 3 Competitive profile of Interprof LLC and its brand “Everything”

Analysis of the data in Table 5 and Figure 3 shows that in most of the identified advantages “Everything” is superior to its competitors, and in some it lags behind them. For example, the Brand position receives a good rating (10 out of 10 points), the range of services receives 9 out of 10 points, while competitors have fewer of these positions. This provides excellent advantages in the market and allows the organization to implement any of the organization’s projects almost seamlessly.

According to the rating company “On-line Advertising” for 2014, in the “Newspapers with advertisements” category, places between publications are distributed as follows: “Everything” (Interprof LLC) - 1st place; “23 Region” (LLC “23 REGION”) - 2nd place; “Orbita” (LLC “Newspaper Association “Black Sea Region””) - 3rd place; “Even more free Temryuk” (Temryuk Publishing House LLC) - 4th place.

All this suggests that the strategy of Interprof LLC is currently optimal in the selected segment, since the company has a permanent customer base, a good reputation with clients, large volumes of orders for delivery, but at the same time there are shortcomings in the strategy being implemented.

Let's conduct a STEP analysis. To begin with, let us highlight the external environmental factors that influence the activities of the organization.

Political factors. Among the political factors of the external environment, the following are important: stability of the government regime; changes in legislation; other influence of the state. Any fluctuations in the political regime can affect the activities of the organization as a whole. The same consequences may arise with changes in legislation.

Economic forces. Here, first of all, any changes in the economic situation (for example, a crisis) can cause the loss of consumers and clients. Inflation also affects the press to some extent, as prices for raw materials rise and real consumer income falls.

The main economic factors are: economic situation and trends; effective demand; investment climate.

Sociocultural factors. The main audience of “Everything” is made up of people with an average income level, mainly people who feel the need for this kind of information and have a certain social status. Thus, social mobility and stratification will also affect demand. Changing social values ​​is also important, since they influence the subjective importance of information. Thus, changes in social values ​​can also cause changes in demand.

Technological factors. For this industry, the influence of technological factors on the emergence of new and changes in previous methods of disseminating information is important. For example, the development of the Internet has led to the fact that the Internet resources of such newspapers can no longer remain simply copies of printed publications, but have become separate projects that are important for maintaining a brand, and the further development of the network and the increase in the number of users requires organizations to pay more attention to their Internet resources .

Social, technological and economic factors of the external environment are of greatest importance. Therefore, when developing an organization's strategy, it is necessary to pay special attention to them. You should also not forget about the political factors of the external environment, which are important today, but can also play a role in the development of the organization.

Let's build a BCG matrix for Interprof LLC. To do this, we will use the information presented in table table 6.

Table 6 - Data for constructing the BCG matrix

Strategic business unit

Sales volume, thousand rubles

Market share

Market growth rate,

Based on these data, we will build the BCG matrix (Figure 4).

Rice. 4 BCG Matrix for Interprof LLC

Analyzing the matrix, we can draw the following conclusions:

Cash cows (“Placement of advertisements and advertisements in a printed publication”, “Placement of advertisements and advertisements on an Internet site”) are a source of stable income, which, however, does not have great prospects. The main strategy for these business units is to maintain existing levels.

Based on the analysis of the external and internal environment, as well as the strategy of Interprof LLC, it is possible to identify the strengths, weaknesses and neutral sides of the organization.

Strengths of the organization: full competence in key issues; good impression the perception of the company among clients and consumers; the ability to avoid (at least to some extent) strong pressure from competitors; extensive experience in this market segment.

Neutrals: adequate financial resources, a well-developed functional strategy.

Weaknesses: weak corporate culture, limited quantity regular customers, high costs.

Summarizing the presented analysis of the strategy implemented by the company, it can be noted that, in our opinion, the current strategic position of Interprof LLC and its brand “Everything” as a whole can be assessed as stable.

In these conditions, the most preferable strategic option for a newspaper at the moment may be activities aimed at strengthening the brand and increasing the audience. The implementation of such a strategy seems to be the most promising, since it covers the most important market opportunities, new means of providing information, and at the same time relies on one of the main competitive advantages of the publication - an already existing strong brand.

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    Essence and principles system analysis. SWOT analysis of external opportunities and threats, strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise. Identifying problems in an organization using the Ishikawa diagram. Determination of significant qualities of a manager using the hierarchy analysis method.

    test, added 10/20/2013

    SWOT and PEST analyzes of the company's strengths and weaknesses, potential opportunities and threats. Determining the strategic goal of the enterprise. SNW analysis of the internal environment. Choosing an enterprise development strategy. Prospects for investment management.

    practice report, added 01/16/2015

    The concept and main goals of strategic analysis of the external environment, resources and competitive capabilities of the company. The methodology for conducting a SWOT analysis is to determine the strengths and weaknesses of an enterprise, as well as opportunities and threats emanating from the external environment.

    presentation, added 01/24/2012

    Consideration of the concept of the external environment of the organization. Features of using the SWOT matrix to identify the strengths and weaknesses of an enterprise and to assess opportunities and threats for its development. Conducting an analysis of the external environment of a trading company using the example of DAVVA LLC.

    thesis, added 10/20/2011

    Methods of strategic management and their importance for successful management of a company in market conditions. Sequence of actions for conducting a SWOT analysis and a comprehensive study of the internal and external environment of the organization. Methodology for analyzing the macroenvironment.

    test, added 08/06/2013

    Study of the activities of Element-Trade LLC. Financial stability analysis, business activity and profitability of the enterprise. Using SWOT analysis to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a company. Development management decisions; assessment of their effectiveness.

    course work, added 10/14/2014

The essence and importance of strategic management for the company. To achieve the goal in the work, it is necessary to solve a number of problems: to study the essence and importance of strategic management for the company; consider strategic options: theoretical approaches; identify the features of strategic management in hotel business; describe the activities of the Helipad hotel; conduct an analysis of the management apparatus of the Helipad Hotel; conduct an analysis of environmental factors of the Helipad hotel; estimate...

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ex" represent economic factors. It is to overcome the threat from economic factors that the enterprise should direct its strengths.

3. Technological, political and social factors provide the enterprise with moderate opportunities, which it can realize if it correctly directs its strengths to this, and also if it is able to use these opportunities to strengthen its weaknesses.

Let us summarize the results obtained during the analysis of the external environment and summarize them in Table 11.

Table 11

Environmental profile matrix

Importance to Industry X

Impact on the organization

Direction of influence

Degree of importance

Political and legal factors

Economic forces

Social factors

Technological and technical factors

Environmental factors




Taking into account the external environmental factors of direct impact, we can also conclude that the external environment of the organization is rather favorable.

An analysis of the external environment of the Rostec OJSC enterprise showed that economic factors pose the greatest threat to the company. The company should first of all apply its strengths in relation to these factors, which should help overcome existing threats.

The most favorable influence on the organization is exerted by buyers and suppliers from whom there are no significant threats. The same can be said about political, social and technological factors external environment. Thus, it is precisely these opportunities, and, above all, from buyers and suppliers that the enterprise must take advantage of to overcome its weaknesses.

2. Analysis of the internal environment of the organization

2.1. Functional analysis

OJSC Rostec cooperates with more than 150 manufacturers in Russia and the CIS countries, which allows it to have the widest range of products compared to other companies operating in this industry.

Complex delivery significantly saves the client’s time searching for the spare parts he needs, and is also very convenient.

Consulting and engineering services provided by the company’s specialists allow clients to save time on becoming familiar with the operating features of the supplied products, replacing parts of used equipment, etc.

Warranty service includes free repair or replacement of spare parts throughout the entire warranty period, which is practically not practiced by competitors.

Flexible system payment allows the client to choose the form of payment himself. The company considers any proposals.

Delivery of products to the consumer is carried out by any type of transport at the request of the customer.

At the end of 2006 financial position the enterprise is unsustainable. There is a low level of liquidity and solvency, and the prevailing trends are their reduction. Analysis of creditworthiness indicators indicates a deterioration in the financial stability of the enterprise from a long-term perspective and an increase in the risk of lending to the enterprise. The structure of the balance should be recognized as harmonic. In 2006, negative changes occurred in it: the volume of equity capital decreased, accounts payable and the size of inventories increased.

The enterprise is characterized high performance turnover of funds in settlements and low turnover of accounts payable and inventories. The company is characterized by a fairly high level of profitability. However, in 2006 there was a significant decrease in all profitability indicators.

The head of the enterprise, as well as the heads of all departments, have higher education. The high educational level of management employees ensures high professionalism and competence of managers in any issues related to the activities of Rostec OJSC.

The company's general director has been at the head of the company since its inception and has extensive experience in management. It should be noted that it was the personality of the leader that played the most important role in the success of the company. By the time he opened the Rostec company in 1993, he already had experience working at large computer enterprises. The future is at BMZ CEO headed the department of cooperation, and then - commerce.

As for middle managers, each of them has at least 5 to 10 years of experience in the field entrusted to him.

Lower-level managers also have work experience sufficient to carry out operational management - about 2-3 years.

OJSC Rostec has 5 levels of management. Because of this, most decisions are made at the upper levels of the hierarchy. These include decisions on the direction of the enterprise, loans, investments, etc. At the same time, strict control is exercised over their implementation.

The commercial director oversees the activities of the enterprise related to the conclusion of contracts with suppliers and buyers of products, as well as the implementation of customer orders. Chief Engineer deals with issues related to its own production at the enterprise. The director of Remtrans manages the company’s activities related to the provision of repair services. The director of LDS-Trade manages foreign economic activity companies. All of them report to the general director.

In turn, the General Director deals with issues of long-term planning, development of company policy, and is also responsible for coordinating and monitoring the activities of all divisions that are part of Rostec OJSC.

At the lower levels of the hierarchy, decisions are made that relate only to the direct competence of the functional employee

2.2. Value-cost analysis

Today the company's staff is about 250 people.

Average age and education:

supply department: 25-30 years, higher;

sales: 23-28 years old, higher;

accounting: 30 years, higher;

management staff: 38-40 years old, higher education;

production and repair: 35-40 years, secondary technical, higher.

The company's team is quite young. There is an opinion among employees that getting a job at Rostec OJSC is only half the battle: the main thing is to stay in the company, because employees here require complete dedication. Many of the workers have two higher educations, but continue to study: they master modern management, marketing and other subjects of market economics in Bryansk and capital universities.

The basis of the motivation system at the enterprise is the payment of bonuses. This provides for a one-time payment to an employee of a certain amount of money in connection with his achievement of higher success in work compared to other employees.

As for the sales and supply departments, here employees are paid a percentage of the volume of the transaction completed. Employees of other departments receive financial compensation depending on their implementation of plans.

Motivation (encouragement to labor activity, stimulation of certain employee behavior) is also determined by the working conditions themselves, its organization, the level of enterprise management and other factors. These mechanisms at the enterprise are not limited to material incentives: their use involves the creation of such an atmosphere, such a moral climate in which the team knows well who is working and how and everyone is rewarded according to their deserts. This approach requires ensuring confidence that the employee’s conscientious work will always receive recognition and positive evaluation in the team, will raise his authority and bring the well-deserved respect of his colleagues. Therefore, the company has developed, in addition to material incentives, a system of moral incentives - an announcement of gratitude for the successful completion of the tasks assigned to an employee.

Due to the absence of a personnel service at the enterprise as such, the functions of conducting certification in the company are distributed among line managers. They, based on corporate policy, develop general principles personnel assessments and monitor their implementation in practice.

The next certification at OJSC Rostec is carried out annually and is mandatory for all employees. The basis of certification is a description of the work done and results for the main activities.

Certification is preceded by preparatory work:

· development of evaluation criteria and indicators for job categories;

· preparation of the required number of employee performance evaluation forms;

· familiarization of those being certified with instructions for filling out assessment sheets;

· approval of the certification schedule;

· Preparation necessary materials on those being certified;

· Providing organizational and methodological assistance to departments for conducting certification of employees.

The organization of certification in departments is entrusted to their managers. The organization of certification of heads of departments of Rostec OJSC is entrusted to its board (commercial director).

The manager (specialist) subject to certification independently fills out the appropriate section score sheet, which contains all the information on certification, describes the main work done during the certification period: advanced training, the degree of implementation of proposals and comments from the previous certification, etc.

The assessment of the employee’s performance is carried out by the immediate supervisor based on the description of the work done during the certified period, documents on advanced training and the degree of implementation of the proposals and comments of the previous certification by the certified employee. A conversation is held with him on these issues. It should be noted that it is the immediate superior who plays a decisive role in personnel assessment, since he knows his subordinates better than others, bears full responsibility for the results of their activities, the correct application of incentives and punishments, for their training and development. The assessments given by the manager summarize the ideas he received through constant communication with his subordinates. At the same time, the need to participate in the assessment encourages the manager to devote more time to his subordinates, weigh their strengths and weaknesses vocational training, analyze business and personal qualities, and control their work more confidently.

Materials for employee certification prepared by the person being certified and his immediate supervisor are reviewed by a superior manager. At the same time, he discusses the presented materials with the immediate supervisor of the person being certified, and, if necessary, with the employee being certified.

Certification is the basis for making a decision on the employee’s continued stay in the company.

The company seriously cares about the level of education of its employees. Agreements are regularly concluded with higher educational institutions of Ulyanovsk and Moscow for the training of enterprise employees, and all this is aimed at obtaining a second higher education. All training is carried out at the expense of the company. In addition, employees of the management team of the enterprise are sent to study under the presidential program at Ulyanovsk State Technical University.

Several times a year executives are sent to thematic seminars in Moscow, organized by the Tandem-Forum company.

All these efforts are aimed at maximizing the qualifications of the company's employees, especially management, in order to ensure the highest efficiency.

Let us summarize the data obtained and put them in a table:

2.3. Key points, competitive advantages and key capabilities of the organization's potential

Table 12

Enterprise potential analysis

Firm's areas of expertise

Expert review




The expanded matrix allows for a more detailed analysis of the potential of Rostec OJSC.

Table 13

Structured analysis of enterprise potential

Components of potential


Weak sides

1. Marketing

Market share by main product

Phases life cycle essential goods

Availability of a trademark




Price policy

Order fulfillment time

Availability of a sales network

Marketing Philosophy

Development of new products

Enterprise image

2. Scientific research

Availability of patents and inventions

Intensity and results

Use of new information technologies

3. Production

Equipment condition

Quality operational planning


Level of technology used

Production quality

Flexibility production lines

4. Financial block





Sales efficiency

Availability of a regular customer base

Sales organization

6. Supply

Reliability of suppliers

Meeting delivery schedules

Quality of supplies

Age composition

Staff turnover

The level of education

8. Management

State of management

Senior management


Low level

Strategic planning

Tactical planning

Level of company organization

Compliance of the structure with the company's strategy

Motivational policy

Organization of control

Entrepreneurial culture


The analysis shows that the internal potential of Rostec OJSC is quite high. The company's position in sales, supply, and personnel is strong, although employee motivation is insufficient and staff turnover occurs.

The level of company management is especially high.

Currently the company uses modern information Technology, all documentation and accounting are carried out automatically.

Despite the lack of a marketing service, the position of Rostec OJSC in this direction is also quite strong. However, the disadvantage is that there are no studies, weak price policy, marketing philosophy is very underdeveloped. All this affects production. The weak side of the enterprise's activities, along with R&D, is finance.

3. Problem formulation

The most important step in developing an effective company strategy is strategic analysis, which should give a realistic assessment of its own resources and capabilities in relation to the state (needs) of the external environment in which the company operates.

Strategic planning is a set of actions and decisions taken by management that lead to the development of specific strategies designed to help the organization achieve its goals.

Process strategic planning is a tool that helps in making management decisions. Its task is to ensure sufficient innovation and change in the organization. More precisely, the strategic planning process is the umbrella under which all management functions are covered.

The word “strategy” comes from the Greek strategos, “the art of the general.”

A strategy is a detailed, comprehensive, comprehensive plan designed to ensure that an organization's mission is achieved and its goals are achieved. It should be developed from the perspective of the entire corporation rather than the individual. It is rare that the founder of a company can afford to combine personal plans with organizational strategies. The strategy involves the development of reasonable measures and plans for achieving the intended goals, which should take into account the scientific and technical potential of the company and its production and sales needs.

The strategic plan must be supported by extensive research and evidence. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly collect and analyze a huge amount of information about sectors of the national economy, the market, competition, etc. In addition, a strategic plan gives a firm a sense of identity that allows it to attract certain types of employees and help it sell products or services.

Strategic plans must be designed in such a way that they not only remain coherent over time, but also remain flexible. The overall strategic plan should be viewed as a program that guides the firm's activities over an extended period of time, subject to constant adjustments due to the constantly changing business and social environment.

Strategic planning by itself does not guarantee success, and an organization making strategic plans may fail due to failures in organization, motivation, and control. However, formal planning can create a number of significant favorable factors for the organization of enterprise activities. Knowing what the organization wants to achieve helps clarify the most appropriate courses of action. By making informed and systematic planning decisions, management reduces the risk of making the wrong decision due to erroneous or unreliable information about the organization's capabilities or the external situation. Thus, planning helps create unity of common purpose within the organization.

Functions of strategic planning:

A strategic plan provides direction for an organization and allows it to better understand its structure. marketing research, processes of consumer research, product planning, promotion, and sales, as well as price planning.

A strategic plan provides each unit in an organization with clear goals that are aligned with the overall goals of the company.

The strategic plan stimulates the coordination of efforts among various functional areas.

A strategic plan forces an organization to evaluate its strengths and weaknesses in relation to competitors, opportunities and threats in the environment.

This plan identifies alternative actions or combinations of actions that the organization can take.

The strategic plan provides the basis for resource allocation.

The strategic plan demonstrates the importance of implementing performance evaluation procedures.

The formation of a strategic plan is a thorough, systematic preparation for the future, carried out by senior management:

1.) Choosing a mission - forming goals (long-term, medium-term, short-term).

2.) Development of supporting plans - policy, strategy, procedures, rules, budgets.

Stages of drawing up a strategic plan

A. Chandler, the author of one of the pioneering works in the field of strategic planning, believes that strategy is “the determination of the basic long-term goals and objectives of an enterprise and the establishment of a course of action and the allocation of resources necessary to achieve these goals.” Chandler's definition of strategy is complemented by the requirement of economy for the courses of action taken: “Strategic alternatives are determined by comparing the capabilities and resources of the corporation, taking into account the acceptable level of risk.” Ultimately, the formation of an enterprise strategy should provide answers to three questions: What areas of economic activity need to be developed? What are the capital investment and cash resource requirements? What are the possible returns in the chosen areas?

A. Ansoff identifies several distinctive features strategies:

The strategy process does not end with any immediate action. Usually it ends with the establishment of general directions, progress along which will ensure the growth and strengthening of the company's position.

The formulated strategy should be used to develop strategic projects and search methods. The role of strategy in search is, firstly, to focus attention on certain areas or opportunities, and secondly, to discard all other opportunities as incompatible with the strategy.

The need for this strategy disappears as soon as the real course of events leads the organization to the desired development.

When formulating strategies, it is impossible to foresee all the possibilities that will open up when drafting specific activities. Therefore, one has to use highly generalized, incomplete and inaccurate information about various alternatives.

As more accurate information becomes available, the validity of the original strategy may be called into question. Therefore, feedback is needed to ensure timely reformulation of the strategy.

The strategy implementation process can be divided into two large stages:

a) the process of strategic planning - developing a set of strategies, starting from the basic strategy of the enterprise and ending with functional strategies and individual projects;

b) the process of strategic management - the implementation of a certain strategy over time, reformulation of the strategy in the light of new circumstances.

Strategic planning is a systematic and logical process based on rational thinking. At the same time, it is the art of forecasting, research, calculation and selection of alternatives.

Enterprise strategies should be built on a hierarchical principle. At the same time, the levels of strategies, complexity, and their integration are very different depending on the type and size of the enterprise. Thus, a simple organization may have one strategy, while a complex one may have several at different levels of action.

The conceptual model of the strategic plan allows us to determine the following stages of drawing up a strategic plan for an enterprise (see Appendix):

Environmental analysis:

a) external environment,

b) internal capabilities.

Determining enterprise policy (goal setting).

Formulation of strategy and selection of alternatives:

a) marketing strategy,

b) financial strategy,

c) R&D strategy

d) production strategy,

e) social strategy,

f) strategy for organizational change,

g) environmental strategy.

The result of activities according to the scheme proposed above for drawing up a strategic plan for an enterprise is a document called the “Strategic Plan of an Enterprise” and usually has the following sections:

Goals and objectives of the enterprise

Current activities of the enterprise and long-term objectives.

Enterprise strategy (basic strategy, main strategic alternatives).

Functional strategies.

The most significant projects.

Description of external operations.

Capital investments and resource allocation.

Planning for the unexpected.

Attachments: Calculations, certificates, other business documentation, including:

a) Annual sales volume by product groups,

b) Annual profit and loss by division,

c) Annual exports and its relation to sales volume by


d) Changes in product mix and market share.

e) Annual capital expenditure program.

f) Annual cash flows.

g) Balance at the end last year plan.

h) Policy of takeovers and acquisitions.

An analysis of the literature on strategic planning in Western companies showed that the number and content of the stages of drawing up a strategic plan, as well as its form itself, can vary significantly and depend on many factors, among which the main ones are:

Form of ownership of the enterprise.

Type of enterprise (specialized or diversified)

Industry affiliation of the enterprise.

Enterprise size (large, medium or small).

Likewise, there is no single horizon for strategic planning. In Europe, long-term, 10-year plans are common, Americans use 5-year plans, and the Japanese generally use 3-year plans.

Organizational goals

One of the most significant decisions in planning is choosing the purpose of the organization. The main overall goal of the organization is designated as the mission, and all other goals are developed to achieve it. The significance of the mission cannot be exaggerated. The developed goals serve as criteria for the entire subsequent management decision-making process. If leaders don't know the organization's core purpose, they won't have a logical point of reference for choosing the best alternative. Only the individual values ​​of the leader could serve as a basis, which would lead to scattered efforts and unclear goals. The mission details the status of the company and provides direction and guidelines for defining goals and strategies at various levels of development. Mission formation includes:

figuring out which entrepreneurial activity the company is engaged in;

determination of the company's operating principles under external pressure;

identifying the company culture.

The mission of the firm also includes the task of identifying the basic needs of consumers and effectively satisfying them to create a clientele that will support the firm in the future.

Table 14

Value orientations

Types of Preferred Goals


True. Knowledge. Rational thinking.

Long-term research and development


Practicality. Utility.

Height. Profitability. Results. Accumulation of wealth.


Power. Confession.

Total capital, sales, number of employees.


Good human relations. Attachment. No conflict.

Social responsibility regarding profitability. Indirect competition.


Artistic harmony. Compound. Shape and symmetry.

Product design. Quality. Attractiveness.


Agreement with the universe.

Ethics. Moral problems.

Overall corporate goals are formed and established based on the overall mission of the organization and the specific values ​​and goals that are oriented by senior management.

Specific and measurable goals (this allows you to create a clear reference point for subsequent decisions and evaluation of progress).

Orientation of goals in time (here it is necessary to understand not only what the company wants to accomplish, but also when the result should be achieved).

Achieving the goal (serves to increase the efficiency of the organization); setting a goal that is difficult to achieve can lead to disastrous results.

Mutually supporting goals (actions and decisions necessary to achieve one goal should not interfere with the achievement of other goals).

Objectives will only be a meaningful part of the strategic management process if senior management articulates them correctly, effectively institutionalizes them, communicates them, and encourages their implementation throughout the organization.

Conduct a primary strategic analysis by drawing up a SWOT matrix. The SWOT analysis methodology involves first identifying strengths and weaknesses, as well as threats and opportunities.

Table 15

SWOT - analysis of the activities of OJSC Rostec


2. Wide market

4. Flexible system of discounts

6. Multiple payment options for the delivery of goods

7. Attentive attitude towards the customer and long-term cooperation


1. Political stability

4. Customer’s need for complex supplies

5. Decline customs duties

6. Big market work force highly qualified

7. Big choice suppliers

8. Appearance modern technologies production and high-performance equipment

Weak sides

2. High prices

4. High staff turnover

10. Overstocking of warehouses

11. Significant wear and tear on equipment

1. Unstable financial situation of customers

2. Increasing requirements for product quality and low prices

3. Increase in the number of competitors

4. Seasonality of orders

5. Customer preference to have a supplier close by

6. Instability of supplier prices

7. Instability of supplies from suppliers

8. The risk of competitors using modern technologies

9. Increase in energy prices

10. Increase in prices for transportation

11. High taxes

12. Critical state of production infrastructure

We will quantitatively evaluate the identified strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and threats.

Table 16

Quantitative SWOT Analysis

Importance (X)

Influence (Y)



1. A wide range of products

2. Wide market

3. Comprehensive supply of spare parts

4. Flexible system of discounts

5. Convenient conditions for delivering goods to the client

6. Multiple payment options for the delivery of goods. Attentive attitude towards the customer and

7. long-term cooperation

8. Provision of consulting and engineering services

9. Extensive experience in carrying out all types of repairs of equipment for which the company supplies spare parts

11. Development own production

12. Flexible production cycle

13. Young, promising personnel

14. Possibility of personnel training

15. High educational level of personnel

16. Effective employee motivation system

17. Business and professional specialization

18. Ability of employees to work in a team

19. Development of plans for comprehensive services enterprises

20. Active participation in public life of Ulyanovsk and the region

Total average

Weak sides

1. Lack of market research

2. High prices

3. Lack of knowledge about competitors

4. High staff turnover

5. Low level of flexibility in employee relations

6. Deterioration of the financial situation

7. Decrease in profitability of activities due to rapid growth of costs

8. Inefficient use of resources

9. Lending to a business involves risk.

10. Overstocking of warehouses

11. Significant wear and tear on equipment

12. Lack of skilled workers

Total average


1. Political stability

2. Reducing the refinancing rate

3. Growth in the purchasing power of the ruble

4. Creation in the near future e...........

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