Strategic bomber of the future. Russian aviation Missile carrier pak yes

Work on the new bomber project began in 2009, when the Russian Ministry of Defense signed a contract with the Tupolev company to carry out research and development work, which could become the largest under the State Armament Program until 2025.

At the same time chief designer Tupolev Design Bureau Igor Shevchuk stated that research work should be considered as the creation of a certain scientific and technical basis on this topic. This is not only and not so much a military theme, but rather a study of issues of aerodynamics, strength, new materials and technologies.

A promising aviation complex involves the creation of a completely new aircraft, which will be subsonic and made according to the “flying wing” scheme. The “flying wing” configuration, which was first announced on August 6, 2013, will provide the aircraft with low radar signature in the long-wave range, and subsonic speed requires the presence of a high aspect ratio wing. In the terms of reference of the Russian Air Force for the PAK DA, the developers indicate a flight range of 12,500 kilometers, a payload weight of 30 tons.

At the end of May 2013, the TsAGI Aerodynamics Department completed the first stage of testing the “flying wing” model at cruising speeds up to M=0.88 and high Reynolds numbers* (M=0.2). The studies were carried out in the T-106 TsAGI transonic tube and were aimed at clarifying the aerodynamic characteristics of the promising aircraft. A special thematic model of a “flying wing” with various options for engine placement and tail geometry was designed and manufactured at TsAGI in 2011. In 2012, the model was tested in subsonic wind tunnels T-102 and T-107. And although these studies were carried out as part of the work to shape the appearance of a long-haul passenger aircraft, it is obvious that their results are directly projected onto the PAK DA.

The design of the aircraft will make widespread use of radar signature reduction technologies, composite materials and radar-absorbing coatings; it should be expected that, in order to reduce the ESR, the airframe geometry will differ from what can now be found in various drawings and even from the model that was purged in TsAGI wind tunnel. Most possible appearance the aircraft is shown in the photo in the header of the article.

The bomber's main armament will be long-range hypersonic missiles. In July 2015, Deputy Minister of Defense Yuri Borisov confirmed in an interview that the development work new rocket go: “It won’t be just one, there will be several types – both in range and in capabilities. Several of them are being developed.”

According to the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces, Colonel General Viktor Bondarev, the main component of the complex will be a missile with a range of up to seven thousand kilometers. She herself will decide when, where, at what speed and at what altitude to fly. The plane will only be a means of delivery to the launch zone. In addition to strategic missiles, the aircraft will have other high-precision weapons in its arsenal.

The development of engines for the PAK DA was entrusted to the Samara company Kuznetsov; the NK-32 engine, which is installed on the Tu-160 strategic bomber, was taken as the base one.

The enterprises of the Concern for Radio-Electronic Technologies (KRET) are already developing avionics for the PAK DA. There is a general agreement between KRET and the United Aircraft Corporation, according to which the Concern creates a unified aircraft. Together with the Tupolev company, KRET also participates in development work. The aircraft will use not only new, but also already proven technologies. Some of the systems and devices will be borrowed from the latest developments, which are installed on other new machines and have shown high reliability and efficiency. It is assumed that the PAK DA aircraft will be equipped with a completely new sighting and navigation system, communications, reconnaissance and electronic warfare equipment.

One of the key elements for a promising aircraft - a radar system - is being developed at the Research Institute of Instrument Engineering named after. Tikhomirov. The development of this radar uses the experience gained in work on airborne radar stations with an active phased antenna array (AFAR) for the fifth generation fighter PAK FA.

By 2012 it was completed technical design complex and development work began. By March 2013, the aircraft design was approved, and in 2014, the Tupolev design bureau completed the preliminary design stage of the PAK DA.

The new Russian bomber should make its first flight in 2021, tests are scheduled to be completed in 2023, and production launch is scheduled for 2025. At the same time, the Russian Aerospace Forces plan to purchase at least 50 such machines.

In May 2015, the Russian Ministry of Defense decided to resume production of Tu-160 bombers in the modernized version of Tu-160M2, and, given the economic realities in which the task of implementing the State Arms Program 2025 is significantly complicated, to postpone the completion of the development of the new generation PAK DA bomber to a later date term.

The postponement looks quite natural and necessary in connection with the decision to resume production of the Tu-160. " White Swan"is perfect from the point of view of aerodynamics, which means it has a design basis for many years to come for modernization and re-production. According to the general director of RSK MiG and the general designer of the United Aircraft Corporation Sergei Korotkov, the modernized Tu-160M2 bombers are created on the basis of a good platform and will be located in operation 40-50 years.

Along with the PAK DA and Tu-160M2 (from 2023), the Russian Aerospace Forces will begin the serial modernization of 30 long-range Tu-22M3 bombers into the Tu-22M3M variant; production of serial samples of the PAK FA T-50 fighter will begin in 2017. In the future, the new bomber should replace the Tu-22M3 bombers, Tu-95MS and Tu-160 missile carriers. It is likely that in the future it may be produced in parallel with the new strategic bomber Tu-160M2.

Meanwhile, if the Tu-160 modernization program does not raise any questions, then the “expert community” has doubts about the need to create a PAK DA.

For example, PIR Center consultant Maxim Starchak believes that Russia is not on the verge of a nuclear war with the United States, and America has not yet created any ultra-modern weapons that could provoke Moscow into such an expensive project. The modernized Tu-160 and Tu-95 strategic bombers do an excellent job and will cope with their tasks for many decades to come.

Another expert, Viktor Murakhovsky, notes that the new bomber project is being developed in a situation where the concept of using aviation in the world is changing quite quickly.

“If you look at the PAK DA concept, its implementation will begin in 10 years at best. Well, which aviation military specialist can say what the main trend in aviation development will be in 10 years? I assume that there may be unmanned aircraft, which does not conduct air combat, but is a carrier of long-range weapons,” he said.

However, the “expert community” may be wrong, if only for the simple reason that it does not have all the information. In January 2016, the Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces, Viktor Bondarev, confirmed that the development of the promising aircraft complex is proceeding according to plans. The prototype should take off in 2021. In April, Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov confirmed that the development of the PAK DA would continue, despite the resumption of production modernized aircraft Tu-160M2.

“We, of course, will not stop work on the development of a promising aviation complex long-range aviation"- said the deputy minister and added that the decision to resume production of the modernized strategic missile carrier Tu-160M2 is final and not subject to revision.

Thus, work on two major projects - the launch of the Tu-160M2 series and the development of the PAK DA - are proceeding in parallel, and the postponement of the development of the PAK DA is no longer announced.

In the distant future, the first prototype aircraft created within the framework of the “Advanced Aviation Complex for Long-Range Aviation” (PAK DA) project should take to the skies. Currently this project is at the stage design work and therefore most of the information about him is not yet subject to disclosure. However, from time to time new reports and assessments appear in the domestic and foreign press. In recent months, the total amount of available information about PAK DA has increased markedly.

In mid-November last year, the TASS news agency, citing an unnamed source in the defense industry, spoke about the progress of ongoing work and plans for the near future. In addition, that message spoke about the goals and objectives new program PACK YES. According to the source, by that time the project had advanced quite far and was approaching the beginning of new important stages.

First of all, TASS wrote that the military approved the tactical and technical specifications for the new aircraft. Thanks to this, the development organization represented by the Tupolev company was soon to begin preparing working design documentation for the new aircraft. After completing the documentation work, the assembly of the first prototypes begins new technology. Also mentioned was the reduction in cost of the aircraft by eliminating the ability to fly at supersonic speeds. With the help of long-range cruise missiles it was planned to ensure high combat effectiveness.

The appearance of the PAK DA aircraft according to Air & Cosmos magazine

According to a TASS source, the new PAK DA aircraft is designed to solve the same problems as existing Russian long-range bombers. At the same time, it should be superior to the Tu-160 missile carrier in terms of construction and operation costs. However, the source did not specify the cost of the future aircraft and the price of a flight hour.

December 23 domestic funds mass media published statements by the Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security, Viktor Bondarev, who previously served as Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces. According to him, our country is close to creating an experienced PAK DA. At that time, research work was being completed. Their goal is to create an aircraft capable of replacing all existing Russian long-range aircraft. According to a representative of the Federation Council, the promising bomber will be put into service and enter service with the troops in the second half of the twenties.

Data from an unnamed TASS source, published in November last year, were confirmed at the end of January. In his interview for Komsomolskaya Pravda, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin touched upon the topic of the PAK DA project, indicating the current stage of work and plans for the near future. According to him, already this year the Tupolev company will begin the active design phase. The official expressed hope that the prototype aircraft will be tested in 2023-24. D. Rogozin also touched on some technical aspects of the project. He noted that the new bomber will not be similar to traditional aircraft. This will be a “flying wing” - an “aircraft of the 21st century.”

The newest Russian project naturally attracts the attention of foreign experts and the press. So, at the beginning of February, French weekly magazine Air & Cosmos published a note about Russian program PAK DA, in which, among other things, he provided a lot of interesting information. Along with already known data from officials, the publication contained new data supposedly obtained from credible sources.

According to Air & Cosmos, in 2013 the Tupolev company completed the creation of a preliminary design of a new aircraft, which received the working designation “Product 80”. At the end of the same year, Tupolev and the United Aircraft Corporation signed a contract for the development of a technical project. This stage of work took less than three years, and in 2016 technical project has been approved. Since the end of 2014, the ODK-Kuznetsov company has been creating a new engine designed for the PAK DA / Product 80.

It is alleged that the new “Product 80” will be built according to the “flying wing” design. It should have a take-off weight of about 145 tons. Thus, the new aircraft will be almost twice as light as the Tu-160, but at the same time occupy an intermediate position between the lighter Tu-22M3 and the heavier Tu-95MS. Power point will consist of two turbojet engines under the working title “RF Product”, created on the basis of “Izdeliye R” - NK-32-02. The total thrust of the two engines will be 46 tons. Due to such a power plant, the aircraft will be able to fly at subsonic speeds at a range of up to 15 thousand km.

It should be recalled that different estimates technical characteristics future PAK YES appeared from the moment the launch of this program was announced. Some figures were subsequently mentioned to officials, but the full picture, based on information from reliable sources, is still missing. To what extent the Air & Cosmos data corresponds to the real PAK DA project is still anyone's guess. A confident answer to this question can only be given in a few years, when the necessary information becomes available.

At the end of February, already known data on the future construction of promising aircraft for long-range aviation were confirmed. The site for the assembly of such equipment will be the Kazan Aviation Plant named after. Gorbunova. Deputy general director enterprise Nikolai Savitskikh told the press that the technical appearance of the PAK DA aircraft has already been protected, and an agreement has been concluded for development work with the subsequent construction of a prototype. In this document, KAZ is indicated as the manufacturer of the prototype.

According to N. Savitskikh, work under the program “Advanced Aviation Complex for Long-Range Aviation” will be loaded production capacity Kazan aircraft plant for the next decade. At the same time, the enterprise is experiencing noticeable problems with personnel training. Last year, KAZ specialists prepared a comprehensive targeted program for training and securing personnel who will work in the construction of Tu-160 and PAK DA aircraft. The cost of the program is 2.6 billion rubles.

At the time of the Deputy Director General’s statements, the program was being approved by the Russian government. In addition, within the framework of the relevant federal program, production facilities are being modernized, including those that will participate in the construction of PAK DA aircraft.

The latest information about the PAK FA program was announced just a few days ago. On May 24, President of the United Aircraft Corporation Yuri Slyusar, speaking at the international economic forum in St. Petersburg, touched upon the topic of the name of the future long-range bomber.

The head of the UAC recalled that the aircraft is being developed by Tupolev. Due to this new car should bear the “historical” Tupolev name. At the same time, however, the head of the corporation did not specify which numbers would be combined with the traditional designation “Tu”.

The Russian project “Advanced Long-Range Aviation Complex” is currently one of the most interesting topics in the context of current and future rearmament. At the same time, due to its special importance and significance for national security, this project is one of the most secret. Officials from time to time raise the topic of ongoing work and announce certain information, but at the same time do without any special details. As a result, even several years after the start of work, only the most common features future strategic bomber.

Earlier it became known that the promising PAK DA bomber, being developed by the Tupolev company, is intended to replace two modern models at once. In the distant future, machines of this type will displace the relatively old Tu-95 and Tu-22M3 from long-range aviation, taking over all their tasks. The possibility of replacing the Tu-160 aircraft has been discussed in the past, but the planned mass production of the Tu-160M2 type has likely led to the cancellation of such plans. Thus, from a certain time on, the basis of long-range aviation will be the deeply modernized Tu-160M2 and completely new PAK DA.

It is already known that the PAK DA project is based on a new concept for domestic strategic aviation. It is proposed to build a “flying wing” aircraft with subsonic flight speed and reduced visibility for enemy surveillance equipment. The special layout of the airframe with the largest possible fuel tanks and efficient engines of sufficient power will ensure the ability to fly at a range of up to 15 thousand km.

The main armament of such an aviation complex will be long-range cruise missiles with conventional or special warheads. The significant flight range of the missiles will allow the PAK DA to attack specified targets without entering the enemy’s air defense coverage area. Certain stealth technologies used on both the aircraft and its missiles should dramatically reduce the likelihood of timely detection of incoming bombers or their weapons. All this will have a positive impact on the effectiveness of the strike.

According to known data, research and development work on the PAK DA topic started about ten years ago, at the end of the 2000s. Over the course of several years, Tupolev and related enterprises formed the main provisions of the future project. At that time, reports appeared about the possibility of building and testing the first prototype aircraft already at the end of the tenth years.

However, later plans changed. In 2015, a decision was made to resume serial production of the existing Tu-160 with the subsequent creation of a new modification of such an aircraft. In this regard, the work schedule for the PAK DA program was revised. Start of preparation technical documentation according to the new aircraft, he moved several years to the right. The first flight of the prototype was postponed to the first half of the twenties. It should be noted that there is another interpretation of events recent years. According to it, the decision to build new Tu-160s was a consequence of certain problems with the PAK DA and the impossibility of producing promising production vehicles in the desired time frame.

Despite all the expected and possible difficulties, the development of the “Advanced Long-Range Aviation Complex” continues. It has already become known that the project has entered a new stage, prior to the construction and testing of experimental equipment. The moment when the PAK DA is put into service and the first production samples are accepted is still in the distant future, but is getting closer every day. Available information about ongoing work allows us to look into the future with cautious optimism. Everything suggests that in the second half of the next decade, Russian long-range aviation will replenish its fleet with completely new models.

Based on materials from sites:

The promising long-range aviation complex (PAK DA) has taken on real shape. . Its layout is made on a scale of 1:10. Made from composite materials, which, as one can assume, will form the basis of its fuselage. The cabin of the future vehicle has also been created. Its wooden model is made of life-size wood and, like the “fuselage,” is being tested in the laboratories of an aircraft manufacturing company. The Tupolev Design Bureau has been working on a promising aircraft since 2008 as part of the state armament program until 2020. Apart from the Tupolev Design Bureau’s statement about the existence of an aircraft model, practically nothing is known about the new bomber. Former commander of long-range strategic aviation Anatoly Zhikharev stated that “I would like to see this aircraft with a completely new sighting and navigation system, communications, reconnaissance, and electronic warfare equipment. He must use all types of weapons that currently exist and that will be in service with Long-Range Aviation in the future. The new aircraft must be created using stealth technology.” Commander of the Aerospace Forces Viktor Bondarev added that the PAK DA will become subsonic and will solve problems that are currently occupied by three types of long-range aircraft - Tu-160, Tu-95MS and Tu-95MS. 22. Strategic bombers Tu-160 “White Swan” and Tu-95MS “Bear” are the main striking force of our air component of the strategic nuclear deterrent forces. Both cars have undergone major modernization. A new sighting system was installed on the Tu-160, allowing the bomber to use not only long-range nuclear cruise missiles Kh-55, but also new ones with conventional warheads Kh-555 and Kh-101, as well as the entire range of high-precision bomb weapons. As a result, the vehicle can be used, among other things, to destroy terrorist bases around the globe, which our long-range aviation itself has repeatedly demonstrated during the Syrian campaign to destroy the infrastructure of the terrorist organization ISIS (banned in Russia). The only question is why the Aerospace Forces see a promising subsonic bomber, and not hypersonic, which would be more logical for a promising machine of the future? The answer to this question most likely lies in the application of the future bomber. The Tu-160 was created to break through the massive air defense/missile defense system of a potential enemy. For this it had to have greater speed and the ability to go into near space. The strategist's pilots even wear special suits for this, very similar to the spacesuits of astronauts. However, today the vehicle is armed with ultra-long-range cruise missiles X-101 and X-555. Their flight range exceeds three thousand kilometers. There is information that an even longer-range missile is being created.
As a result, it turns out that in order to carry out a combat mission, the missile carrier will not have to leave the country at all. That is, the car will not require high speed at all, or the ability to climb into space to break through the enemy’s missile defense. Being within Russia, it will be protected by its own air defense and fighters. So it turns out that a subsonic engine will be quite sufficient. Moreover, in production and operation it will be an order of magnitude cheaper than a supersonic engine. The trend is the same in fighter aviation. The most modern American fighter, the F-22 Raptor, has super-maneuverability, but will fight not with cannons in close combat, but with missiles, without entering the range of enemy air defense systems. The Aerospace Forces do not say when exactly the new bomber will appear. Its prototype should be presented no earlier than 2025. Until this time, Long-Range Aviation plans to continue operating the Tu-95 and Tu-160. The latter should also receive a modernized version - Tu-160M2. More than 500 million rubles have already been invested in the start of its serial production.

My childhood and youth passed in a country called the USSR. I was an October student, a pioneer, and a Komsomol member. That is, he went through almost all stages of socialist processing. Our country is the greatest, the most, the most. This whole system of indoctrination, of course, has not gone away. Yes, now I live in another world, in another country. And I myself have become different. But education, hammered into the subcortex, has not gone away. And now, looking at how our armed forces are being revived, I cannot even contain some gloating. Come on, bourgeois, get it!

Recent achievements, especially in the field of armaments, give us all a sense of satisfaction and pride in the country, which is finally being revived and is already capable of putting some presumptuous politicians in their place. And some countries too.

Hypothetical image possible option subsonic PAK DA

Electronic warfare systems, submarines, multiple launch rocket systems and air defense systems. PAK FA and newest tanks. Our weapons are becoming an order of magnitude better than world standards. A large number of promising topics and directions. Behind a short time, defense complex managed to get out of chaos, establish production and work on promising developments. The gap with world weapons models, if not completely eliminated, is at least close to it. And in some cases (as in air defense systems, for example) it is ahead of foreign technology.


In 2009, a contract was signed between the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and JSC Tupolev to conduct R&D to develop a fundamentally new aircraft for Long-Range Aviation of the Russian Federation. By 2012, the technical design was completed and development work began.

The aircraft, designed according to the “flying wing” design, will probably be equipped with domestic engines from the Samara engine-building company Kuznetsov. The Kuznetsov company, part of the UEC, is developing promising gas generator engines for DA and TA aircraft for the next decade. This will be a unified, improved engine of the NK-32 line, which is currently used on the Tu-160.

The main parameters of the complex are still unknown. It is clear that the estimated take-off weight will be from 100 to 200 tons. Stealth technology will also be used. The aircraft must carry all types of aviation weapons, both existing and future.

The first flight has been postponed

In July of this year, General Director of the United Engine Corporation (UEC) Vladimir Maslov said that the first flight of the PAK-DA complex would be postponed to 2023-2024. This was confirmed by Yuri Borisov, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. First of all, the postponement is due to the decision to resume production of the TU-160. According to experts, the Tu-160 aircraft is aerodynamically perfect, which means it has a reserve for re-production for decades to come. It is enough to update avionics, navigation equipment, weapons systems, and modernize engines. Aircraft of these types can still remain in service for a long time.

New complex - new filling

Avionics for PAK-DA are already being developed by the Radioelectronic Technologies concern KRET. The bomber's astro-navigation positioning system will not have a rigid connection to navigation satellites, which means it will be more effective in conditions of harsh electronic warfare. The aircraft will also be equipped with a strapdown integrated navigation system (SINS), based on fiber-optic gyroscopes.

The PAK-DA complex will be subsonic, which will be compensated by a set of stealth measures and long-range hypersonic missiles, which are already being developed by the Tactical Missile Arms concern.

In America, there is also a similar program for the development of a strategic bomber - the Long Range Strike Bomber LRS-B. Both the American and our programs are moving in approximately the same direction. Both there and here they abandoned the hypersonic mode and the supersonic cruising mode, due to the high cost of development. Possible best qualities It was decided to compensate for the stealthiness of the American analogue with the large radius of action of cruise missiles and their hypersonic speed. Such missiles allow launching from a longer distance, which will minimize interaction with enemy air defenses.

The United Instrument-Making Corporation is developing a unique communication system for advanced aircraft. All Rostec corporations are involved in the creation of the bomber of the future, which means that this will truly be a promising aviation complex of the future.



The promising long-range aviation complex (PAK DA) will be created in the form of a flying wing, its testing will begin at the turn of 2023-2024.
Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin announced this in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda.
“Starting this year, the Tupolev Design Bureau will begin the active phase of designing a promising long-range aviation complex. This aircraft, I hope, will be tested at the turn of 2023-24,” said the deputy chairman of the government.
According to him, “even outwardly it will not be similar to our understanding of the traditional appearance of the aircraft.” “This is such a flying wing, an airplane of the 21st century. But this is the next step,” he concluded.
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Earlier, the head of the UAC, Yuri Slyusar, reported to Russian President Vladimir Putin that the first prototype of the PAK DA would take off in the mid-2020s.


Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, spoke about the aerodynamic design that the new generation PAK DA (Advanced Long-Range Aviation Complex) strategic bomber-missile carrier, which is being developed in Russia to replace the Tu-160, will receive.
“Starting this year, the Tupolev Design Bureau will begin the active phase of designing the PAK DA. This aircraft, I hope, will be tested in our country at the turn of 23-24. Even outwardly it will not be similar to our understanding of the traditional appearance of the aircraft. This is a flying wing, an aircraft of the 21st century,” the official said.
In November 2017, it became known that the PAK DA, designed to perform the tasks of long-range aviation aircraft (Tu-160, Tu-95MS and Tu-22M3), will cost less than the supersonic Tu-160, since it belongs to the subsonic class of aircraft.


Air&Cosmos magazine provides interesting information about the project of the new Russian PAK DA bomber. Thus, it is reported that a competition for its creation was announced in 2007, the winner of which was Tupolev Design Bureau in August 2009. The design bureau signed a three-year contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense for the “Messenger” research project. As part of the research work, the Tupolev Design Bureau prepared a preliminary design for “product 80”, approved in the spring of 2013. On December 23, 2013, UAC, for its part, signed a contract for the technical project of the PAK DA, which was approved in 2016.
Product 80 is a “flying wing” with a take-off weight of 145 tons and a payload of 30 tons. The PAK DA is almost two times lighter than the Tu-160 and is located between the Tu-22M3 and Tu-95MS. Tu-160 weighs 275 tons, Tu-95MS - 185 tons and Tu-22M3 weighs 124 tons. The commander-in-chief of long-range aviation, Anatoly Yakovlev, said that the PAK DA will be an aircraft created according to the “flying wing” design with subsonic speed and a flight range of 15,000 km without refueling. The aircraft will be equipped with two Izdeliye RF engines with a thrust of 23 tons, based on the NK-32-02 engine (Izdeliye R). The ODK-Kuznetsov company began its development in December 2014.
During a press conference in December 2014, Anatoly Yakovlev said that the PAK DA prototype will take off in 2019, and the aircraft will enter combat units in 2023-2025. However, in 2015, the idea of ​​resuming production of the Tu-160M2 was accelerated and the PAK DA program was postponed to a later date. Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov said that due to the Tu-160M2 program, the PAK DA project “will be somewhat delayed.” It can be assumed that plans for PAK DA have shifted to the right for about five years.


The implementation of the project of a promising long-range aviation complex (PAK DA) will be provided by the Kazan Aviation Plant (KAZ) named after. Gorbunov orders for 10 years, said on Wednesday the first deputy general director - director of KAZ named after. Gorbunova Nikolai Savitskikh.
“The enterprise is carrying out work on the design and organization of production of a promising [aviation] complex for long-range aviation<…>Currently, the technical appearance of the aircraft has been protected, and an agreement has been concluded for the implementation of development work and the construction of prototypes. KAZ has been identified as the lead manufacturer, the PAK DA project will ensure production capacity for the next decade,” he said.
As Viktor Bondarev, Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security, former Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces, reported in December 2017, the start of delivery of the PAK DA into service is planned for 2025-2030, after testing.
According to Nikolai Savitskikh, Kazan Aviation Plant named after. Gorbunov sent a personnel training program for the enterprise worth 2.6 billion rubles to the Russian government for approval.
“One of the problematic issues for the enterprise is the lack of highly qualified specialists, both machining and engineers, designers, workers, etc. In 2017, we worked out and prepared a comprehensive target program for the training and retention of personnel under the programs of the promising long-range aviation complex [ PAK DA], Tu-160 until 2025 in the amount of more than 2.6 billion rubles. Today, this program is being approved by the Russian government,” Savitskikh said.
Savitskikh also added that KAZ plans to increase its output in monetary terms by 5 billion rubles in 2018, to 15.3 billion rubles.
“The volume of KAZ production in 2017 in monetary terms amounted to 10.3 billion rubles. This year, the total production volume will be 15.3 billion rubles, and by 2021 it is expected that the volume will be 40 billion rubles and higher,” he said, speaking at a session of the Kazan City Duma.
Savitskikh noted that work is currently underway to reconstruct and technically re-equip the plant. As part of federal programs, in 2017, work was completed on the reconstruction of the flight test base, the metal and welding shop was reconstructed, the electrobeam welding installation and vacuum annealing furnace were modernized, and welding technology was restored and tested.


Tupolev will begin manufacturing prototypes of the promising Long-Range Aviation complex (PAK DA) at the beginning of 2019, the head of the company, Alexander Konyukhov, told Interfax.
He noted that it is planned to create several prototypes of the aircraft.
In February, an informed Interfax source in the aviation industry reported that the Kazan Aviation Plant (KAZ, a branch of Tupolev PJSC), which has been designated the main manufacturer of the PAK DA, has begun preparations for the creation of the first prototypes of this aircraft.
Earlier, KAZ director Nikolai Savitskikh announced the start of development work to create a promising long-range aviation complex. “Currently, the technical appearance of the aircraft has been protected, an agreement has been concluded to carry out development work on the construction of prototypes,” said N. Savitskikh.
General Director of Tupolev A. Konyukhov previously told Interfax that the rollout of the first prototype of the PAK DA is planned for 2021-2022.
In January 2018, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin announced that tests of the PAK DA could begin in 2023-2024. He noted that the aircraft will be designed according to the “flying wing” design.
As reported, in 2009, the design bureau of the Tupolev company (part of the United Aircraft Corporation, UAC) signed a contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense for research work under the code “Messenger”, as a result of which a preliminary design of the PAK DA was prepared.
In July 2017, UAC President Yuri Slyusar told Interfax that the corporation had agreed with the Russian Ministry of Defense on the appearance of the promising aircraft.
According to Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Yuri Borisov, the start of serial production of the PAK DA is planned for 2028-2029. He emphasized that the promising missile-carrying bomber being developed must carry as many weapons as possible, be invisible and use any airfields.


Having started later, we were able to evaluate the shortcomings of previous developments and use the latest scientific achievements, for example, in terms of the so-called smart skin, when AFARs of different ranges are distributed “over the body” of the fighter. This technology was first used on the fifth generation aircraft Su-57. Official representatives of the Ministry of Defense have repeatedly noted that its tests with our Belka radar are on schedule, and the comments are being corrected in the usual manner. As regards the NIIP, no serious deficiencies were identified. I hope that we will pass the state testing stage with a positive conclusion. Test flights confirmed, for example, one of the main advantages of systems with AFAR - significantly greater operational reliability, said the General Director of the Research Institute of Instrument Engineering named after. V.V. Tikhomirov Yuri Bely in an interview with Izvestia.
In the project of a promising long-range aviation complex (PAK DA), we are full participants in the development work and have already defended the preliminary design. Of course, when developing the PAK DA, the experience of creating a radar for the Su-57 will be used and further developed, added Yu. Bely.
VTS "Bastion"


The promising long-range aviation complex (PAK DA) may receive the Tupolev Design Bureau “Tu” index, UAC President Yuri Slyusar said in an interview with TASS at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).
“This is a product of the Tupolev Design Bureau. And I think that it will bear, like all Tupolev names, a historical name, it will be reflected in the name,” he said.
Earlier, Yuri Borisov, who then held the post of Deputy Minister of Defense, reported that the new strategic bomber could be presented to the public as early as 2018, at which time the first flight of the Tu-160M2 is planned. Also, the deputy head of the Ministry of Defense said that the PAK DA could take off in 2025-2026 and go into production in 2028 or 2029.

The promising long-range aviation complex (PAK DA) will be built using “stealth technologies,” said Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia Alexey Krivoruchko.
“When creating a promising long-range aviation complex, low-visibility technologies will be used,” he said.
The deputy head of the military department held a meeting on Thursday on the implementation of the state defense order by Kazansky aircraft factory(KAZ) named after S.P. Gorbunov. He also assessed the production capacity of KAZ, where it is planned to launch production of PAK DA in the future.


Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia Alexey Krivoruchko on Thursday held a meeting on the issue of execution of the state defense order by the Kazan branch of Tupolev PJSC - the aircraft plant named after. S.P. Gorbunova. He also assessed the production capacity of KAZ, where it is planned to launch production of the promising PAK DA long-range aviation complex in the future.
“When creating a promising long-range aviation complex, low-visibility technologies will be used,” said Krivoruchko.
“We checked the progress of work in the priority direction of the aircraft plant for the construction of the Tu-160M ​​aircraft - in general, the complex of work is progressing on schedule, at a number of stages there are slight lags, and there are advances,” the Deputy Minister of Defense said following a visit to the plant.
The aircraft plant carries out repairs and modernization of Tu-22M3 and Tu-160 long-range aviation combat aircraft, which include work on updating avionics, weapons control systems, crew life support systems, and extending service life.
One of the key tasks set for the enterprise is the issue of reproducing the Tu-160 aircraft in a new look. Serial production of the modernized Tu-160M2 strategic missile-carrying bomber is planned for 2020-2021. The Russian Ministry of Defense plans to purchase about 50 such aircraft.
“The first new Tu-160M ​​aircraft in a modernized form should be transferred to the Aerospace Forces in 2021. The production base of the Kazan Aviation Plant is currently being prepared for work in these areas. At the same time, we are preparing to implement a program of serial modernization of aircraft in production - design documentation is being developed, prototype systems are being manufactured. The first flight of the experimental modernized Tu-160 will take place in the 3rd-4th quarter of 2019, the first production modernized aircraft of the Tu-160M ​​construction is planned to be transferred to the Aerospace Forces in 2022. Gradually, all existing combat aircraft will undergo modernization,” noted General director of PJSC“Tupolev” Alexander Konyukhov, deputy head of the military department, during a visit to KAZ.
PJSC Tupolev


The production of the promising long-range aviation complex (PAK DA) is planned to be organized at the Kazan Aviation Plant by 2025.
Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Oleg Bocharov told reporters about this.
“An important milestone for us will be the opening of modernization for a promising complex (PAK DA), because we need to seriously prepare production by 2025,” he said.
Bocharov also added that the modernization of the production of Tupolev PJSC for the creation of PAK DA provides for the allocation of additional financing in the amount of 19 billion rubles.
"These are the most powerful financial investments that the Ministry of Industry and Trade is doing in the next three years. We hope that the State Duma will support us, because this is our main priority. Now “Tupolev has sent an application to the Ministry of Industry and Trade only for Tupolev, without cooperation, for 19 billion rubles in the current budget in addition to the money that the enterprise already has,” he said.
The start of deliveries of PAK DA into service is planned for 2025-2030 after testing.


Russia has begun to create an engine for the promising long-range aviation complex (PAK DA), reported the United Engine Corporation (part of Rostec).
“R&D on this topic is being carried out in cooperation with enterprises of the United Engine Corporation,” a UEC representative told Interfax.
Previously, on the government procurement website, PJSC Kuznetsov (UEC enterprise in Samara, makes engines for long-range aviation) posted multi-billion dollar tenders for the implementation of an integral part of the R&D work on the development of engine units for the “product 80” (PAK DA). The documents note that the contract to create an engine for a promising bomber was concluded between UEC and the Tupolev company in June 2018. Previously, official talk was only about preliminary work on the project.
"In this purchase we're talking about on development work to create a promising product in the interests of PJSC UAC. Co-executors for the project are such holding enterprises as PJSC UEC-Saturn and JSC UEC-STAR and others,” commented a representative of UEC.
“The contract value for individual items stated in the procurement is final - for the entire period of fulfillment of obligations under the contract. The scope of work, which will take several years, includes design development, production of experimental units and supply of hardware for the product,” noted a representative of the corporation.
Meanwhile, the procurement documentation reveals some parameters of the future engine and aircraft.
“The electronic engine system (main and backup) must provide prediction of the condition of the product and its systems, including ensuring a flight lasting 30 hours,” the documents say.
They note that the units of the fuel supply system and the hydromechanical control system must be operational at near-zero and negative overloads of up to 2.7 g.
The service life of the engine for the PAK DA is 12 years, but subsequently its resource can be increased to 21 years, the documentation says.
In addition, it is reported that the engine units must ensure stable operation at air temperatures from minus 60 to plus 50 ° C, and also be adapted for operation in the coastal sea zone.
“The equipment must be durable, stable, and resistant to the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion,” the terms of reference note.
At the MAKS 2017 air show, UEC reported that the engine sketch for the PAK DA was ready. " Preliminary design on the engine is completed and accepted. Currently, we are at the stage of developing working and design documentation,” the UEC press service told Interfax at the time.
According to the UEC annual report for 2016, the corporation, in the interests of Tupolev, is creating a propulsion engine for the PAK DA. The power plant will have a thrust of 23 tf.


PJSC Tupolev will begin construction of prototypes of the promising PAK DA strategic bomber in the coming months.
“The transfer of design documentation to the Kazan aircraft plant is being completed, construction will begin in the coming months,” a source in the aviation industry told Interfax.
Work on the promising long-range missile-carrying bomber Tupolev has been under contract with the Ministry of Defense since 2009. The project is coded “Messenger”. This is a subsonic jet aircraft made according to the “flying wing” design using stealth technologies. The PAK DA is designed to replace the entire line of long-range aircraft: Tu-22, Tu-95 and Tu-160, due to a large arsenal of high-precision weapons, including hypersonic missiles. The first flight of the PAK DA may take place in 2025-2026.
Russian newspaper


It will take five to seven years to create a promising Russian PAK DA bomber. This was stated by the General Director of Tupolev PJSC Alexander Konyukhov, Zvezda TV channel reports.
According to him, the time frame for the appearance of “Product 80” (a promising long-range aviation complex) will be comparable to the time frame for the creation of a supersonic aircraft in the USSR passenger plane Tu-144. At the same time, the manager clarified that the “Soviet Concorde” was made in just five years.
The start of development of PAK DA became known in November 2018. Previously, it was reported that the complex would be created using stealth technologies, which would allow the structure to become less noticeable.
PAK DA is designed to perform the tasks of long-range aviation aircraft (Tu-160, Tu-95MS and Tu-22M3). The subsonic aircraft is planned to be built using the “flying wing” aerodynamic design.

The promising long-range aviation complex (PAK DA), developed in the interests of the Russian Aerospace Forces, will be tested at the Zhukovsk flight test and development base (ZhLI and DB) of Tupolev. This was reported on Friday by the press service of the enterprise.
“There are big plans ahead for testing and fine-tuning the highly modernized Tu-22M3M, Tu-160 and Tu-95MS aircraft on the ZhLI and DB, and a lot of work on testing a promising long-range aviation complex,” the press service quotes the words of Tupolev General Director Alexander Konyukhov at a ceremonial meeting of veterans and employees on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Zhukovsky base.
According to him, in the future, ZhLI and DB will work on a medium military transport aircraft, as well as a new generation supersonic passenger aircraft “together with leading industry research institutes and enterprises.”
“There are also plans to create and launch at ZhLI and DB by the end of 2019 a linear service station for Tu-204 and Tu-214 aircraft,” added the general director of Tupolev, quoted by the press service.
The Zhukovsky branch of PJSC Tupolev was founded on the initiative of aircraft designer A. N. Tupolev in 1949. Almost all aircraft of the Tupolev design bureau were tested and refined at the Zhukovsk flight test base.


The promising long-range aviation complex (PAK DA) will enter service with the Aerospace Forces before the end of the current state armament program, said Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia Alexey Krivoruchko.
"In accordance with State program weapons in the period until 2027, modern models of military and military equipment will enter service, their characteristics not inferior to the best foreign analogues, and often having no analogues in the world. The following missile submarines will enter service with the strategic nuclear forces strategic purpose"Borey-A", a promising long-range aviation complex, missile systems strategic purpose, stationary and mobile,” Krivoruchko said in an interview with the Russian Defense magazine.
Earlier, Krivoruchko said that new complex will be built using stealth technologies. It is expected that the main and backup electronic systems engines will allow the bomber to fly for up to 30 hours.
When he was Deputy Minister of Defense, the current Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Yuri Borisov, stated that the newest Russian strategic bomber PAK DA could make its first flight in 2025-2026 and go into production in 2028-2029.
RIA News


A sixth-generation strategic bomber, which will be unmanned, may appear in Russia by 2040. This was announced by the commander of long-range aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces, Lieutenant General Sergei Kobylash, in an interview with the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.
“It is expected that by 2040 a sixth-generation strategic bomber will be created, which will already be unmanned,” he noted.
Kobylash also said that the further development of long-range aviation is carried out not only through the modernization of Tu-160, Tu-95MS, Tu-22MZ bombers with the extension of their service life, but also through the creation of a promising long-range aviation complex - a fifth-generation strategic bomber.
According to him, “the new aircraft will be subsonic” and “will be able to solve all the problems of long-range aviation.”