Your own business for 500,000 rubles. Starting a business with different budgets. The latest business directions: how not to make a mistake when choosing


When planning to organize any business on your own, desire alone is not enough. First you need to figure out what type of activity the available amount of money will be enough for. What business to open with 500,000 rubles depends on the preferences of its future owner.

Repair, decoration of premises

If you organize your business correctly by providing repair services for residential and office premises, you can make good money. Today this business is legalized and requires the execution of certain permits and office rent. The client should have the opportunity to choose: construction and finishing materials, a design project, and most importantly, prices for the provision of specific services.

The range of modern interior finishing services must include: surface putty, decorative plaster, finishing different materials, art painting, use of modern floor coverings, ceiling structures and more. Today it is very fashionable to use tapestry fabric for decoration.


Advantages of organizing a business this way great amount. A franchise for a young businessman is the simplest solution to start his own business. Franchising involves the purchase from a company of a ready-made business model with an established working scheme and an advanced brand.

The franchisor organization offers own business-plan helps to thoroughly understand entrepreneurial activity in a specific direction. This may include certain consultations, recommendations on profitable office location, and assistance in training staff. This business is quite profitable. If a businessman begins to form a business in accordance with the proposed plan, then he will recoup his investments according to the terms determined by the purchased franchise.

Today on the franchise market there are a huge number of offers for the possibility of opening a business in different directions for a specific amount. A businessman just needs to decide on the most suitable field of activity for him.

For example, for 500 thousand rubles. You can organize a salon selling flowers, a boutique selling elite varieties of tea, a small shop of exclusive T-shirts.

Food store

Despite the huge competition from grocery supermarkets, small grocery stores also bring good, and most importantly, stable profits. With 500 thousand rubles, it is quite possible to open a store that will sell daily products. It is best to rent premises for organizing a grocery business in residential areas, in large multi-storey buildings, near educational institutions, stops.

Today, many would like to open their own company, but paperwork, choosing premises, purchasing equipment are quite complex and time-consuming processes. There is an excellent solution to this problem - buying a ready-made business .

Ready-made business up to 500,000 rubles

Most aspiring entrepreneurs believe that buying a business requires large financial investments. However, today in Moscow and other cities you can buy a ready-made business for up to 500,000 rubles .

The advantages of this deal are as follows:

  • To open the majority own companies starting from scratch, an amount of over 500 thousand is required, while you can buy an existing company for 250 - 350 thousand rubles.
  • You do not need to waste time registering an organization and obtaining permits.
  • Purchasing an existing enterprise requires the availability of equipment and personnel.
  • You gain the opportunity to make a profit from the first day of purchase.

The disadvantage is the fact that in 24% of cases the reason for the sale is unprofitability, that is, the organization does not bring the owner the proper income. A solution to this problem may be restructuring of the acquired company.

Catalog of offers for existing businesses up to 500,000 rubles

Our catalog presents the most current options for the sale of existing businesses. A ready-made business up to 500,000 rubles may include such organizations as: a photo studio, a hardware cosmetology salon, flower shop, car service, Marriage Agency and many others.

In addition, you can study detailed information about the companies being sold, namely: year of creation, number of owners and distribution of shares, location and other details.

Before you buy a ready-made business up to 500 thousand rubles, we recommend that you find out why the owner decided to sell, who the main competitor is, when it will be possible to enter the business and other points that may influence the adoption of a positive or negative decision.

Small business ideas are usually divided into two types: options for beginners, requiring investments in the amount of one or two average salaries, and serious concepts, the implementation of which is impossible without an investment of three to five million rubles. But there is a fairly large group of entrepreneurs who have accumulated 300–500 thousand rubles. For them, choosing a direction becomes a problem: on the one hand, they no longer want to do handicrafts, and on the other, this amount is not enough to organize serious production.

So do they exist current ideas business for 500,000 rubles? In fact, there are many of them: in almost every field you can find a type of activity that requires such initial capital. At the same time, a novice entrepreneur must understand: spending all the money on premises, equipment and raw materials is extremely unreasonable. After all, in any business there is a stage of initial development, when there is no client base yet, and the enterprise is already absorbing funds in huge quantities. In order not to become bankrupt in the first months of work, you need to have some cash reserve: it will allow the business to hold out until active sales begin.

Coffee to go

Modern Russian citizens drink a large number of coffee, not only at home, but throughout the day. At the same time, many of them cannot afford to spend time and money visiting a coffee shop, but vending machines are not suitable for them either: the quality of the drink here almost always leaves much to be desired. Therefore, people liked small outlets where they can buy good coffee to go.

Statistics show that espresso, Americano, cappuccino and latte are in greatest demand: income from their sales accounts for 75–90% of turnover. But this does not mean that the assortment should not include other products: coffee and tea with various additives, donuts, cookies or pasta.

When choosing a location for a coffee shop, you need to assume that on average 5% of the people passing by make purchases. Accordingly, you need to look for free space where traffic is maximum:

  • In shopping and business centers;
  • In large educational institutions;
  • At train stations and bus stations, at airports;
  • In cinemas and entertainment centers.

If you invest in ready business up to 500,000 rubles, then it is quite possible to buy everything you need for work. An entrepreneur will need:

  • Equipment - coffee machine, coffee grinder, refrigerator, water filter;
  • Furniture - bar counter, tables, display cases;
  • Consumables and raw materials - coffee and tea, cream, sugar, fillers, paper cups, spoons;
  • Exterior design elements - light board, pillar.

You can also purchase a business franchise up to 500,000 rubles. In this case, the costs listed below will be added lump sum at 150,000 rubles:

Investments in a coffee shop

How much income will one coffee shop bring? A serving of the drink costs 50–75 rubles, with a cost of 15–25 rubles. If an entrepreneur serves at least 50–100 clients daily, then his profit will be 60,000 rubles per month.

Smoothie bar

Smoothies are a hundred-year-old drink that have been rediscovered relatively recently by healthy eating enthusiasts. It consists of fruits, vegetables and berries crushed into a paste, mixed with ice, milk, yogurt, honey, nuts, and herbs. The popularity of the drink among young people suggests which business to open with a budget of 500,000 rubles: a smoothie bar will be in demand in any city.

The bar's assortment is not limited to different types smoothie. To cover all possible queries target audience the windows should have:

  • Fresh natural juices, fruit and vegetable purees;
  • Other drinks - milkshakes, tea, coffee;
  • Pastries, desserts, fresh fruit, ice cream.

Where is the best place to set up a smoothie bar? Of course, places with active traffic should be considered first. But you need to take into account that smoothies are a rather expensive drink, so the audience must be wealthy. In other words, you shouldn’t count on students. You can look for available space in popular shopping centers, large hypermarkets, entertainment complexes. In order to open a business for 500,000 rubles in 2019, you will need:

  • Equipment - juicer, vegetable peeler, blender, refrigerator, coffee machine, ice maker;
  • Furniture - bar counter, tables, display cases, wardrobe;
  • Consumables - vegetables, fruits, paper cups, spoons, coffee and tea;

Is it enough to invest 500,000 thousand rubles in a business? Of course, since equipment for making smoothies and other drinks is inexpensive:

Investments in a smoothie bar

In a large shopping center, a bar can sell up to 15 liters of drink per day. A liter of smoothie costs 750 rubles, and the raw materials for its preparation cost 150 rubles. Accordingly, taking into account the costs of rent, salaries and marketing, the entrepreneur’s net profit will be 85,000 rubles per month.

Pancake kiosk

Observing the growing demand for hamburgers, hot dogs and other fast food, budding entrepreneurs are thinking about what kind of business they can open for 500,000 rubles in this area in order to avoid competition. Recently, national dishes have become popular, including pancakes, which are known even to foreigners. Since the specified capital is not enough for a full-fledged cafe, it is better to organize their sale at a pancake kiosk.

For customer convenience, pancakes are served in disposable tableware from cardboard. The fillings can be very diverse - cottage cheese, ham, chicken, cheese, mushrooms, caviar, liver. Jams, fruits and condensed milk are added to sweet dishes, and sour cream or hot sauce to savory ones. A good addition to pancakes are drinks - coffee, tea, juices.

Of course, the success of an entrepreneur depends on whether he finds a good place for pancake kiosk. When looking for heavy traffic you should consider:

  • Subway exits and busy underground passages;
  • Locations near major universities;
  • Train stations, airports, bus stations;
  • Shopping and office centers, markets.

To equip a retail outlet, you do not need complex, expensive units. The list of acquisitions necessary to organize a business includes:

  1. Equipment - pancake maker, dough mixer, blender, coffee machine, refrigerator;
  2. Furniture - industrial tables, shelves;
  3. Kitchen utensils - dishes, spoons, knives, spatulas;
  4. Consumables and raw materials - flour, filling products, coffee and tea, paper glasses and plates, napkins;
  5. Outdoor advertising - light board, sign.

If you invest 500,000 rubles in this small business, you can buy not only good equipment for making pancakes, but also a supply of consumables for a couple of months of work:

Investments in a pancake kiosk

It is not difficult to spend up to 500,000 thousand rubles on the implementation of a business idea. But will such costs pay for themselves? The cost of a serving of pancakes is 22 rubles, and the retail price is 50 rubles. A well-located kiosk can serve up to 75 people a day, and most of them will buy not only some dish, but also a drink to go with it. Accordingly, daily revenue will be 6,000 rubles, and net profit will be about 50,000 rubles per month.


When choosing, it is worth studying the service sector in more detail. Today, many aspiring entrepreneurs strive to get into the “high society”, and therefore everywhere they create pretentious beauty salons designed for wealthy consumers. Therefore, the remaining 95% of citizens lack ordinary hairdressing salons where they can inexpensively get their hair done.

Economy-class hairdressers usually do not offer clients expensive and complex procedures. As a rule, the list of services includes only the most popular:

  • Men's, women's and teenage haircuts;
  • Everyday and holiday styling;
  • Hair coloring and curling.

It is better to open such a business with a capital of 500,000 rubles not in the city center, but in some densely populated residential neighborhood, next to a shopping center or on the way to a transport stop. A hairdressing salon for three places will be located in a room with an area of ​​30–40 m². To equip it you need:

  1. Equipment - hairdressing chairs, sinks, hair clippers, hair dryers, dryers, curling irons, vacuum cleaner, sterilizer;
  2. Furniture - mirrors, cabinets, trolleys, chairs, coffee table, sofa;
  3. Tools - scissors, combs, brushes, tassels, negligees;
  4. Consumables - shampoos, cosmetics, hair dye, napkins;

Is it possible to open a business with 500,000 rubles in small town? This capital is enough even for the purchase of professional equipment:

Investments in a hairdressing salon

In an area with a population of 5,000 people, a hair salon will serve 15–25 clients every day. If each of them pays at least 300–400 rubles for a haircut or coloring, the entrepreneur’s net profit will be 60,000 rubles.

Tire service

Today, 90% of car enthusiasts do not have the opportunity or simply do not know how to service the car themselves, so even such a simple task as tire fitting forces them to turn to specialists. If an entrepreneur understands how cars work, he can figure out what business to invest 500,000 rubles in: in every city there is an area whose residents need the services of a tire repair shop.

Such a service must carry out all work related to the repair and maintenance of passenger car wheels. This includes:

  • Dismantling and installation of wheels and tires;
  • Wheel balancing;
  • Replacing the assembled wheel;
  • Repair of punctures and cuts;
  • Checking tire pressure.

Typically, car enthusiasts prefer to use the services of workshops closer to home. Therefore, an entrepreneur needs to find a place near a busy road leading from a residential area to the city center. A good location would be a large parking lot, a garage cooperative, or a gas station. For the workshop you need:

  1. Machine for dismantling and mounting tires;
  2. Balancing machine;
  3. Air compressor;
  4. Vulcanizer;
  5. Set of jacks;
  6. Air gun and impact wrench;
  7. Tire fitting tool kit;
  8. Consumables - glue, sealant, patches, balancing weights.

It is quite possible to implement a business with a budget of 500,000 rubles if you buy a ready-made modular building and equipment of average quality:

Investments in tire fitting

Tire fitting is characterized by pronounced seasonality. In spring and autumn, you can serve up to 20 motorists per day, each of whom will pay up to 1,200 rubles for services. During the off-season, you should expect no more than 5 customers per day. Accordingly, the net average monthly profit of the workshop can be 95,000 rubles.

sewing Studio

Any person who cares about their appearance knows that it is impossible to buy good clothes in stores without a huge markup on the brand. It’s even worse for people with a non-standard figure: in general, there is nothing suitable for them in either boutiques or markets. What business to open with 500,000 rubles? An entrepreneur who knows how to handle a thread and a needle should think about creating his own atelier.

Experienced seamstresses who have professional machines at their disposal are able to perform any operations with clothing. The studio's range of services may include:

  • Tailoring to order;
  • Repair and fit;
  • Shortening trousers, skirts, sleeves;
  • Installation and replacement of accessories.

Many entrepreneurs are starting to work from home. But if you start a business with 500,000 rubles, then it is quite possible to rent a separate room of 30–40 m² somewhere in the center of a residential area, near a large supermarket or market. To equip the studio you will need:

  1. Equipment - sewing machines, overlocker, cutting table, steamers;
  2. Furniture - work tables, chairs, cabinets, shelving, sofa for clients;
  3. Tools and materials - fabrics, threads, scissors, knives, needles, mannequins;
  4. Advertising - signboard, pillar, flyers, business cards.

Is it possible to open such a business for 500,000 rubles with minimal risk? Calculations show that an entrepreneur with such capital will even have money left over to replenish the stock of working capital:

Investments in a sewing studio

An entrepreneur's income will depend on whether he manages to attract a sufficient number of clients. If an atelier with two craftsmen can complete 12–15 small orders daily for 300–500 rubles or 5 large jobs for 1200–1500 rubles, then the net profit from the business will be 50,000 rubles per month.

Tourist agency

Most citizens strive to spend their vacation somewhere away from home in order to change the environment and restore their stress-depleted psyche. When thinking about what kind of business to open with 500,000 rubles, you can take advantage of people’s desire to visit distant countries and create a travel agency.

To get started, an entrepreneur must first find tour operators - companies that book hotels, provide transportation and accommodation services for clients. There should be at least a dozen such partners - this way you can cover different destinations (Asia, Europe, Africa) and get tours of different prices. When choosing operators you need to consider:

  • Duration of work in the tourism market;

There are a lot of ideas for business today, especially since the amount of half a million rubles is a decent amount, the investment requires serious calculations for opening one or another of your own business. The activities of entrepreneurs are always associated with risks, however, we will consider popular ideas with minimal risks and maximum profits.

Solarium, or opening a tanning studio

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Regardless of the season, solariums are always in demand among women.

Organizing a solarium is easy if:

  1. Get quality equipment.
  2. Pick up optimal place for the premises.
  3. Carefully consider advertising.

To make the cafe interesting and comfortable for children, it is good to diversify the cafe:

  1. All kinds of games, competitions.
  2. Distribution of small prizes in the form of incentives.
  3. Children's magazines.
  4. Delicious and healthy food. The quality of the kitchen must match everyone SES requirements, but this does not mean high costs. A high-quality and healthy menu does not have to consist of expensive products.

Organizing a paid children's pool is a creative and bold idea, but it still has a place to be. With the right approach and investment of the necessary costs, it can soon become a profitable business with quick payback.

Organizing a swimming pool for newborn children has become a fashionable trend. The niche still remains free, but with an adequate approach and compliance with all the rules, taking into account the age characteristics of the child, it can become quite in demand.

The niche is still free, so having mastered the idea, it is quite possible to start a profitable business. The organizer must still be a climber, have the necessary skills and experience in this matter, in which the main thing is to ensure the safety of visitors. Materials, ropes, ropes must be of high quality and reliable.

Making sauces

To produce sauces you need:

  1. Rent a room.
  2. Buy the appropriate equipment.
  3. Get permission to open this case.
  4. Purchase raw materials. With the correct calculation of the amount of 500,000 rubles. It will be quite enough and after the first batch has been produced, production can begin on a larger scale.

Opening of a sports center

These centers are popular today; people of all ages have begun to pay more attention to their health. Today there are plenty of sports centers everywhere, however, many people prefer to exercise in a small circle of people, large crowds confuse them and prevent them from concentrating on classes, and people choose quiet, not too crowded places to exercise.

The equipment must be of high quality, possibly specialized, and with affordable prices for services, the business is quite profitable and profitable.

Opening an advertising agency

You can meet half a million by purchasing equipment for the production of business cards, banners, pictures on mugs, and all kinds of posters. With permission, you can start producing goods with Olympic symbols and apply them to mugs, T-shirts, and magnets.

Fast food production

Kiosks with hot pasties, hamburgers, and pies attract many, especially visiting people who need a snack on the go. Often these kiosks are opened in residential areas with round-the-clock operation; the products are quickly sold out. Businesses are not afraid of competition from nearby stores with the same assortment.

Other ideas

A person with an amount of 500,000 rubles. can open a tailoring and clothing repair shop. No less popular today are playrooms for children, located right at the entrances to shopping centers.

The business of growing agricultural products () and creating a farm pays off quickly.

To do right choice in favor of this or that business for a specified amount, it is reasonable to walk around the city, study the demand for goods and services, from which you can draw a conclusion. After which you can begin to draw up a plan, calculate costs, payback and purchase the necessary inventory and equipment.

How to calculate costs?

Whatever the choice of idea, it is imperative to draw up a business plan and calculate costs:

  1. In traditional business, you need to go register individual entrepreneur, rent a room, purchase goods and equipment.
  2. At, you need to pay a state fee (for legal entities– 4000 rubles, for individuals – 400 rubles), notary expenses (1500 – 1600 rubles).
  3. To save time, to register a business, you can use the services of a specialized company, you will have to pay 6,000 -12,000 rubles.
  4. Pay rent(the average price of 1 square meter in Moscow is $300 - $400), renting an A-class will cost up to $1,500 per year.
  5. Rent a room of 200 sq. meters, in the center of Moscow will cost 500,000 rubles. per month.
  6. Purchase equipment, goods, necessary equipment, cash registers.
  7. For office equipment, you will need a computer, telephone, office equipment, stationery, office paper.
  8. With business expansion, there will be a need for employees, for a secretary for the office (whose salary on average is 20 - 25,000 rubles per month). It should be understood that low salaries cannot attract highly qualified employees.

How to start your own business?

Documentation for premises, equipment

When starting a business related to products, you must:

  1. Issue permits.
  2. Register with the SES.
  3. Pass the state registration future enterprise or store.
  4. Design Required documents with the tax authorities.
  5. When purchasing a premises, visit a notary to draw up.
  6. When purchasing equipment, take care of acquiring a license for it, permission to use, warranty cards.

Opening a franchise business

A franchise gives you the opportunity to organize with a ready-made, promoted brand, documentation and equipment. In the amount of 500,000 rubles. not to go wild, but with the proper rational approach it is quite possible to achieve the desired success.

What is the article about?

What kind of business can you open with 500,000 rubles?

Have you ever thought about what you would do if you unexpectedly received 500 thousand at your disposal?

rubles? For example, a lottery win or an inheritance from an overseas second cousin suddenly falls on your head.

Most likely, the first impulse will be to buy something that you have long dreamed of - a simple car or a bunch of elegant dresses.

But often modern people refuse such an idea, preferring to somehow increase this amount. This, in turn, makes them wonder:

How to make money work?

After studying all possible methods, it turns out that if you take money to the bank, then due to inflation you will barely be able to save it, not to mention increase it, but various binary options and stock exchange games do not inspire much confidence.

Thus, the lucky person who has half a million rubles in reserve comes to the idea that it is best to invest it in his own business. Moreover, I’ve long been tired of working for my uncle and want freedom of action. But is it possible for 500 thousand?

rubles to start your own business?

The idea that it takes millions of dollars to start a business is wrong. Many successful entrepreneurs started with several hundred thousand rubles.

The internal statistics of the members of the Moscow Club of Young Entrepreneurs is as follows: the total number of participants is 1544, of which 1380 are in small businesses.

Of these, 65% develop business in the consulting sector, 12% in the Internet business, 11% in the service sector, and 5% in manufacturing.

In a word, the chances of starting a business for 500 thousand rubles are quite real. You just need to make a reservation that for this, the future entrepreneur must have sufficiently rich expert knowledge in his business.

Therefore, it is best to start in an area where you have gained experience as an employee.

If you are sure that this is impossible, or have firmly decided to work in a completely different field, we offer several business options that you can start for half a million rubles.

Literally everything breaks: shoes, household appliances, computer equipment, complex industrial climate systems, walls and roofs...

A win-win profitable business- a repair shop, the direction of which can be narrowly specialized (repairing air conditioners, mobile phones) or complex (repair of buildings). The available amount is 500 thousand.

There are enough rubles to rent office space, purchase the necessary equipment and hire staff.

Valentin Proshkin, owner of the Provodnik Electronics Service and Repair Center, gave the following advice:

A passable place is a must. For example, near the metro. Here the rent mainly depends on the agreements. For example, in Moscow, a room with an area of ​​15 square meters near the metro costs approximately 20 thousand rubles per month.

Develop partnerships. For example, we cooperate with companies and specialists who install software, but not hardware. Our company is recommended for certain bonuses. We also recommend partners.

SPA elephant, body art studio, hairdresser, massage room, tattoo studio - everything related to the service sector aimed at the physical beauty of the human body has always been and will be in demand.

One of the members of our club, Alexander Pashkov, owner of the Strizh beauty salon chain, believes that a hairdressing salon can be opened with half a million rubles available, subject to several conditions: - You already have a renovated premises or need minimal repairs; - You found inexpensive used equipment (since now new professional equipment is quite expensive);

If your hairdressing salon uses inexpensive cosmetics, the initial purchase will cost 50-70 thousand rubles.

A hairdressing salon can be opened in a shopping center with ready-made renovations and communications.

But, as a rule, the cost of rent in shopping centers is quite high. Therefore, you are faced with a choice: either invest a large amount in renovating the premises, or invest money in renting premises in a shopping center in parts.

One way or another, the key to success is the skill of the staff, so there are two options: either get a specialized education yourself, or hire real professionals to whom clients will go, regardless of the location of the salon.

At first glance, the very idea of ​​opening a call center for 500 thousand rubles seems absurd.

Such projects, as a rule, require serious investments, because they need a whole staff of competent employees who will provide services and attract clients, as well as the costs of creating the appropriate infrastructure.

However, practice shows that you can get by with less blood, as Dmitry Andreev did.

I started the call center alone: ​​I ordered a website for little money and installed a telephone number. After that, I myself started making cold calls to attract clients and tried to make the site higher. Gradually, the first incoming calls began to arrive and the first deals from cold calls were closed.

You might be wondering how one person can replace an entire call center. The answer is simple: no way, it is physically impossible.

To implement the service, at first you can... work under a subcontract with other call centers.

That is, you will conduct business under your brand, but in fact, calls will be received by another call center.

It sounds a little strange to those who are not privy to the intricacies of this business. But in fact, this is common practice for call centers, especially during peak loads.

Just don’t think that you can completely shift everything to a subcontractor and count the money.

You will have to look for clients, manage them, control financial flows and the work of a third-party call center.

As you get a pool regular customers and profit that can be invested in further development, it is worth thinking about own production: hire coordinators, sales managers, your own operators, form quality departments and an IT department.

To start such a business, you need to understand how a call center works and be good seller, be able to find clients and negotiate with them. If you lack sales competencies, you will have to use your advertising budget to attract interested customers.

Business in consulting

Consulting services, for example, accounting or legal, is another type of business that can be opened if you have 500 thousand rubles.

This money will be needed to rent premises and pay salaries to employees (on average 2 people) in the first months. I myself have two businesses in this area, related to labor protection and cloud servers.

The main cost items in them are payment for office rent and wage to the staff.

When opening any business, you should not forget about permitting documents: in some cases, opening a business entity alone is not enough; licenses are also required. The inspection authorities will require such a “crust” from you if you decide to open, for example, a center early development child.

Today, indoor gyms designed to house fitness clubs are quite popular. If we are not talking about a luxury establishment with a large area and wide range additional services, then you can start a “healthy business” for half a million rubles.

The available amount is quite enough to rent a room with an area of ​​30 sq. m. m, equipped with the necessary household infrastructure, purchasing equipment and hiring a certified specialist.

The basis of the costs will be the estimate for equipment.

Imported exercise machines are expensive, so you can use budget mechanical equipment: horizontal bars, punching bags, etc. This will also make the subscriptions themselves more affordable.

Please note that the first profit will need to be spent on innovation and expanding the inventory base.

From the above examples it is clear that it is quite possible to open your own business with 500 thousand rubles in reserve. Moreover, a novice entrepreneur has a fairly wide choice of areas for his business.

When you have half a million rubles in your pocket, you have the opportunity to start a fairly serious project. In this case, all available funds will have to be invested in the start-up, gradually developing your business with the money that you receive as profit.

What kind of business can you open for 500,000 rubles?

What kind of business can you open for 500,000 rubles, and is it worth starting your own business with a small starting capital? Taking out a loan to start your own business is a risky step, since the business may not generate enough profit. A novice entrepreneur may not be able to fulfill his debt obligations to the bank and will soon go bankrupt. Therefore, it is best to rely only on own funds. If you approach cost planning correctly, you can start your own business with only 500 thousand rubles. There are many business ideas that bring good profits. It is about them that will be discussed further.

The most common business ideas for 500,000 rubles

Kiosks fast food always attract the attention of customers, they are especially popular in large cities, where people often have a snack on the go. To open such an establishment, a minimum start-up capital is enough.

Naturally, you won’t open a large fast food restaurant with 500 thousand, but this money is quite enough for a small mobile kiosk. Rent outlet It’s possible for 100 thousand, but the purchase of products will require about 200 thousand.

The equipment will cost 80-90 thousand, and you can get the documents for 5 thousand. To the amount received you need to add the costs of delivery of goods, payment utilities and compensation of workers.

A 24-hour kiosk selling baked goods can be set up in any area.

Family cafes are another attractive business idea. People have begun to take organizing their holidays quite seriously; they are trying to visit places where they can have a delicious dinner with the whole family.

In addition, children love exciting entertainment. Opening a children's cafe is one of the most promising business areas in the fast food industry.

This does not require a large amount of money; rent a cozy room located away from busy roads, purchase the necessary furniture and hire friendly workers.

The successful operation of the establishment will be facilitated by skillfully serving dishes prepared from high-quality fresh ingredients.

Another good idea is to install vending machines in large shopping and entertainment centers. They can be used to sell everyday goods, food and drinks.

For example, you can install a shoe cover vending machine in a dental clinic or a coffee machine in an office center.

Installing payment terminals is currently not profitable enough, since there is the greatest competition in this area.

Trading is a business for those who have enough knowledge in this field. 500 thousand is enough to rent a small shopping pavilion and procurement of necessary goods.

Women can open a clothing, grocery, children's goods, or cosmetics store. Men are best in sales household appliances, auto parts, plumbing.

The business will be successful only if you constantly work on its development.

Women can also open a tanning studio. The demand for such services is growing every year. The profitability of this business does not depend on the time of year.

In winter, women want to have an attractive bronze skin color; in summer, they want to give their skin a tan before an upcoming trip to the resort. Providing beauty services is a simple, profitable and interesting business.

Opening a nail salon from scratch does not require large investments; at the first stage, you can receive clients at home. Having developed a client base, you can open a beauty salon and expand the range of services.

The latest business directions: how not to make a mistake when choosing?

These types of businesses include internet cafes. This is a modern and quite interesting area that attracts a large number of clients.

Despite the fact that nowadays everyone has computers and powerful smartphones, the atmosphere of group games, new acquaintances and communication attracts many teenagers.

Tattoo parlors are no less popular among young people. This is an underdeveloped line of business that does not have high competition.

To start your own business, you can rent a small space and hire highly qualified tattoo artists with experience.

To open such a salon, a license is required. Otherwise, the enterprise is registered according to the same scheme as organizations involved in any other type of business.

With a sufficient number of visitors, such a business pays off in short time. To generate additional income, you can open training courses.

You can attract customers with the help of special promotions and competitions, this will help you get ahead of your competitors.

Own travel agency is another profitable view business. Such organizations are intermediaries between tour operators and clients. You can register your agency as an LLC or individual entrepreneur.

You can speed up the registration process by contacting specialized agencies. This will require about 5 thousand rubles.

Then you need to establish cooperation with a tour operator, who will pay a commission for each new client. This amount is about 10% of the cost of the sold voucher.

It is quite possible to open this business for 500 thousand - you will be required to rent office space, purchasing office equipment and paying employees.

If you cannot choose which business to open with 500,000 rubles, first determine the area in which you would like to work.

Pay attention to the sources of income of other entrepreneurs.

Whatever business you decide to start, remember that the key to success is the constant development of the enterprise.

Business for 500,000 rubles - what you can open

Not having a lot of capital to start a business, but having serious intentions to start your own business to receive a stable, good income, you have to think about what kind of business you can open with 500 thousand rubles or no more than this amount.

Starting any business is always a considerable risk, so it is extremely undesirable to burden yourself with a loan in addition.

A rash decision can lead to huge debt obligations if the business ideas for some reason do not pay for themselves, and the entrepreneur goes bankrupt, and no one is immune from this.

It is important to approach starting your own business from scratch responsibly from the very first stages, because the foundation that is laid determines the strength of the house.

You should not blindly follow temporary newfangled trends, directing investments into something that is obviously short-term. Any activity must be stable, in demand at any time and understandable to its owner.

It is best to start by opening something in which you are well versed, have experience and certain skills.

In addition, it is equally important to focus on the region, the locality where the business will operate, whether the local population really needs it, what the competition is like, whether you can offer more and better than your competitors.

Having decided on the field of activity in which you want to generate income, the first thing you need to start with is a business plan. Below are several options for ideas on what kind of business to open with 500 thousand rubles.

Catering industry

It will always be relevant to open a business in the form of a grocery store. This is in demand everywhere and under any economic circumstances - people eat every day.

With 500 thousand rubles you can open a department store, the location of which is best planned in a residential area, since it is more convenient to buy something for home close to home than to drag it across the city from your place of work.

Even if the store is small, with high-quality, always fresh goods with affordable pricing policy and a good, in-demand assortment, it will be in demand and will eventually pay for itself.

A significant disadvantage, perhaps, is the constant work with perishable products, therefore, several points should be added to the planning regarding solving this nuance.

An equally profitable industry is fast food and cafes. There is a lot of competition among them, sometimes even very much so, but such places are consistently in demand and it is best to place them outside of residential areas.

It doesn't have to be anything out of the ordinary.

Attention potential clients people are always attracted to new establishments that have opened, and if they have a cozy interior, friendly, attentive staff, a well-designed menu, delicious food and good coffee, people always return to such places and are recommended.

Target niche in catering

If you want to start your business in a niche Catering, but not in a too boring style, you can invest money in opening a children's cafe.

It is worth noting that such establishments are relevant not only for birthdays and other holidays, but also in everyday life.

In order for a children's cafe to be in demand, it will be necessary to provide, in addition to high-quality food, an interesting, comfortable interior, take care of the exciting leisure of its visitors, and take into account that there should be enough free space for guests with strollers.

A games corner, animators, always friendly and patient staff, special programs for holiday rentals, promotions, little pleasant surprises for visitors (even something as small as a balloon) will allow you to recoup your investment in the shortest possible time.

At the same time, it is not necessary to focus on meat-free food and promote vegetarianism. Best bet- This is an emphasis on healthy eating.

Such an establishment will be of interest not only to vegans, but also to people on a therapeutic diet, those on an Orthodox fast, and simply the curious, if they are attracted correctly.

Beauty Niche

Business ideas with investments Money up to 500 thousand rubles, which are also relevant always and everywhere, this is a service sector for the population - hairdressers, beauty salons with makeup artists, nail design masters.

Such establishments can be located in busy areas (just not in those where the emphasis is on production and vehicles), and in residential areas. A small salon or hairdresser will not cost too much, and the return on investment is quite good.

On average, it will take eight to twelve months to see a return on your investment. Afterwards you will have a very good profit, of course, if a really good master works, and not the first person you meet on the street or “an acquaintance asked for it.”

This is a business, and it should only involve cold calculations and constant monitoring.

Another branch of the beauty industry is solariums. This is not production, not working with products, and in general a simple and effective business that does not require special costs and hassle.

There is a demand for such places both in winter and in summer time(even among those who regularly vacation on the seas, oddly enough).

However, you should be careful here - such services are not too expensive, and the success of the establishment depends on the chosen location and good advertising.

Craftsman services

For large and small settlements, opening a tailoring and clothing repair shop would be a good investment.

It can be something classic or exclusive, if you have a good master in mind or you yourself are one. You can also focus on tailoring in advertising. non-standard sizes. In fact, 500 thousand.

rubles will be enough to rent premises, buy equipment, not even necessarily new, Consumables and fabrics.

In no case should you save too much on fabrics - the better the quality of the item, the longer it lasts, the higher your authority among clients. You can also develop a list of additional services, for example, home visits.

No less popular are construction companies who are engaged in the repair and decoration of apartments and other interior spaces.

This kind of service is always expensive, there is no need to purchase special equipment, except for working tools, big office won't be needed either.

It is important to correctly formulate the scope of your activity, draw up a price list for services, prepare a portfolio of finished works, focusing on all segments of the population and constantly monitoring trends.

Specialized centers

Today the most popular areas and good business ideas are:

Diagnostic medical centersChild development centers

Considering the situation with government agencies medicine, insufficiently high-quality services, a low level of professionalism, constant encounters with queues and indifference, poor service, often incorrect treatment and all sorts of bureaucracy, in this case you will certainly be successful. Of course, with a competent plan and organization of work, including highly qualified specialists and good equipment. The cost of such services is quite high, so the profit will be noticeable. In the region of five hundred thousand rubles, it is quite possible to start your own business in this niche.A more interesting and popular idea is to open a center for children. It’s not cheap, but you can invest five hundred thousand if you get your bearings in this business. Recently, the tendency to send children to private centers is quite common, given the interest of parents and more affordable prices than it was just a few years ago. It is important to decide on the type of your center, in what direction it will work, what services you will provide and at what level. When making plans based on start-up capital, whatever it may be, it is important to carry out good monitoring work, what interests parents, what they want to see in such centers, what similar institutions are in the city, their advantages and disadvantages.

Business to business

Begin personal business for 500 thousand rubles with a good income per month is possible, focusing not so much on citizens, but on entrepreneurs.

Open a business that will interest existing entrepreneurs in the locality, after first analyzing which areas are currently actively thriving.

With similar starting capital you can, for example, start:

  • Printing advertising printed products is very coup for more or less large settlements with a quick payback (of course, not in three months). By offering additional services for the production of not only printed materials, but also advertising modeling, slogan writing, and promotion consulting, you can build up a good client base without large investments. Advertising and printing production does not require a lot of expensive equipment. On initial stages You can get by with a computer with the Internet and simple equipment for printing business cards and leaflets. In the future, as production progresses, it is possible to expand this area and print large quality advertising products;
  • Opening a business to install video surveillance systems and equipment will also be a good profit. With this amount of starting capital it is affordable, the business is worth investing due to regular demand not only among legal entities, but also private ones (apartments, private houses). In addition, it will not lose its relevance, since technological development constantly strives for something new, and in any production the use of outdated equipment is a minus.

Having even not so much starting capital, there are actually very, very many options for what kind of business to start. Therefore, we evaluate our own capabilities and open a business that people will want to do.

How to open a business for 500,000 rubles

Currently, there are a large number of different ideas for creating a business, especially considering that the amount of 500,000 thousand rubles is not small.

In order to open a business for 500,000 rubles, you need to correctly calculate what your investments will be and try to take into account possible risks future business. In this article we will try to find out how to open a business for 500 thousand rubles.

Here we will present all the ideas that have low risks and high returns.

Ideas for a business worth 500 thousand rubles

Solarium, or opening a tanning studio.

In any season, solariums are very popular among the fairer sex.

In winter, a woman can use a tanning studio to acquire a beautiful skin tone, and in summer, an even tan. Opening this studio is quite simple.

It is necessary to purchase special equipment for these purposes and find a place to place it. You should also think about how to more intelligently advertise your service.

Cafe for children. For a more interesting stay for children in the cafe, you can come up with various competitions and holding all kinds of children's games, with the issuance of gifts and prizes. You also need to remember about the menu.

It should be varied, and all dishes should be healthy and tasty. And this enterprise must have permission from the SES.

A cafe for children as a business is suitable for those people who want to learn about what kind of business can be opened with 500 thousand rubles in the village.

Swimming pool for children.

You need to have a certain determination and courage in order to open a children's pool with paid access. But this idea is quite feasible.

This business can become quite profitable for you if you try to think through everything wisely when creating it. A rather attractive area in this direction at present is the creation of a swimming pool for infants.

While it does not have much distribution and competition, it can become a very profitable enterprise for you.

Rope park.

This area is not very busy yet, and if you master it correctly and organize it correctly, it is quite possible to get a business with high profitability.

But the organizer this projects You still need to have knowledge in the field of mountaineering and have the work experience necessary to ensure the safety of your clients.

In addition, all equipment must meet established quality standards and be reliable.

Making sauces.

To make all kinds of sauces you will need to: find and rent premises, purchase the necessary equipment and obtain permission to create this business A.

Then you will need to start purchasing raw materials for making sauces.

If this activity is carried out competently and a business plan is drawn up, the amount of half a million should be enough, and after preparing the first batch of sauces, it will be possible to begin expanding the enterprise.

Opening of a sports center.

Sports centers are currently very popular among people, as a rule, of all ages. Today it is very fashionable to play sports. Indeed, many people have begun to pay great attention to themselves and their health.

Sports centers are located almost everywhere, and yet most people are accustomed to conducting activities in a narrower circle, and the huge number of people begins to confuse them, so people prefer to choose less noisy places for sports. To organize this business you will need to purchase quality equipment, and if you set reasonable prices for these services, then the business will soon bring you your first profit.

In order to open this establishment, you need to purchase special equipment for the production of various printed products: business cards, leaflets, various brochures and banners.

You can also print all kinds of pictures on various objects and things, for example, mugs, clothes, magnets.

Fast food production.

Pavilions that sell pizza, pies, hot pancakes and hot dogs have gained great popularity among the population, especially among visiting people who need to eat on the go. For the most part, these pavilions are located in residential areas of the city and, as a rule, operate around the clock, and the products presented are quickly snapped up by people. This company you don’t have to be afraid of competition from nearby stores that sell the same products.

Tailoring studio. People who have at their disposal a sum of money of 500,000 thousand rubles can easily create a fashion studio engaged in sewing and repairing clothes.

Also, a variety of game rooms, intended mainly for children, and located near shopping and entertainment complexes, or located almost at the entrance to a given premises, have gained great popularity.


You can very quickly make a profit when organizing a business involved in growing a variety of agricultural products, breeding turkeys or rabbits, or creating your own farm. In order to correctly decide on the choice of a particular area of ​​activity for the given amount, it is necessary to more carefully study all the nuances, conduct market monitoring, and find out for yourself which business will be more profitable in this case. After this, you can safely start organizing your business. To begin with, you should competently draw up a business project, calculate future expenses that will be needed for the acquisition necessary equipment or inventory.

How to calculate the costs of starting a business

Regardless of your choice of idea for organizing your own business, first of all, you should definitely draw up a business project and try to calculate future expenses.

  1. To do this, you first register with the relevant authority as an individual entrepreneur.
  2. Then you start looking for premises to rent.
  3. After which you purchase the necessary equipment.

To register as an individual entrepreneur, you pay a state fee (it amounts to 400 rubles for individual entrepreneurs, and 4000 thousand rubles for legal entities). Notary expenses will cost you 1400-1500 rubles.

In order to save your time required for registration, you can seek paid assistance from specialists who provide services for completing all documentation.

Payment for this work will cost you approximately 6500-11000 thousand rubles. You will also have to pay monthly rent for the rented premises. In Moscow for 1 sq.m. area you will pay around 350-450 dollars.

To rent a premises of 250 sq.m. in the center of the capital, you will need to pay an amount of 480,000-500,000 thousand rubles monthly.

After you have registered your business and found a suitable location, you should start purchasing equipment, a cash register, and goods necessary for your field of activity.

In order to set up an office, you will need to purchase office equipment, a computer, a telephone and all kinds of stationery. If your business continues to grow, you will need to hire additional workers.

And if you plan to hire workers, then keep in mind that they will have to pay good salaries. You should always be aware that you won’t be able to quickly find the right specialist for a small salary.

Therefore, such costs must also be taken into account.

How to start your own business

First, you should draw up your business project, in which you will definitely need to describe all the expenses that you will need to pay when creating your business and find out for yourself whether the resulting cost amount is compared with your available funds.

If your plans are to open a store, a confectionery shop, or any other establishment directly related to food, then you will need:

  • Rent or purchase premises.
  • Register as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity.
  • Buy special equipment.

If the law requires a license to conduct the chosen business, then you should apply for it. You also need to provide for accounting at your enterprise. You will also have to allocate funds for advertising. It is also recommended to spend money on paying your employees.

Documentation for premises and equipment

To create a business that is inherently related to food, you need:

  1. Complete all necessary documentation.
  2. Register with the SES.
  3. Register your business or store.
  4. Then you should start registering with the tax office.

To acquire ownership of premises, you need to draw up a purchase and sale agreement with a notary. Before you start purchasing equipment, you must first obtain the appropriate licenses or permits for its use.

Opening a franchise business

When creating a franchise business, you have the opportunity to get an already well-promoted and recognizable brand or trademark, you need equipment and already completed documents.

Let's give an example of a franchise in the amount of 500,000 thousand rubles:

Products intended for children.

With a popular and already promoted franchise, half a million can be met without any problems. This will also allow you to very quickly recoup all initial costs and make a profit, since these products are in very good demand among the population.

You can also consider opening kindergarten with the study of two languages ​​– English and Russian.

Opening of a beauty salon.

Enough famous brand is the company BELLA CASA. It provides guarantees and financial benefits. And in case of unsuccessful business, it can guarantee the return of all costs. She also produces jewelry and women's cosmetics.

Your costs will be approximately 250-450 thousand rubles. In most Russian cities, a chain of nail salons of the brand Lena Lenina has gained quite a reputation. The creators of this franchise guarantee a payback of 2-3 times.

Is 500 thousand rubles enough for you to create your own business?

Currently, a new foreign car costs 500 thousand rubles. Therefore, an amount of half a million rubles should be enough for you to purchase and install a vending machine that sells various soft drinks or is a payment terminal.

Find some free time to read an interesting article from the site: How to open a flower shop in your city


Now you know how you can open a business for 500,000 rubles without burning out.

First of all, before you start organizing your own business, you should think carefully about everything.

Business for 500,000 rubles: profitable, real ideas

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are interested in what kind of business can be opened from scratch for 500,000 rubles. And for good reason, because in order to start working for yourself, it is not at all necessary to have tens of thousands of dollars of initial capital.

All you need is good idea and you can open your own small business. It is desirable that the capital be your own, and not borrowed or on credit. Below we will tell you in which business of your own it is better to invest money so that the risks are minimal.

At the time of writing, the dollar exchange rate was 60 rubles to 1 dollar. That is, we have approximately an amount of 8300 dollars. to create your own small business.

So, what kind of business is worth creating for 500 thousand rubles, what is the most profitable?

Franchising and vending business

These two options require minimal time and effort on your part. For 500,000 rubles you can purchase an inexpensive franchise (an option with minimal risk) or start a vending business, which has been gaining momentum lately.

Vending is different in that it is used to sell goods, but without the participation of the seller. This includes coffee machines, vending machines with other drinks, with toys, food vending machines and even shoe covers in a hospital.

Among businessmen, it is believed that an investment in a vending business will pay off in a year or two.

A new vending machine costs about $2500-3000. For half a million you can buy either 2-3 new ones, or 5 used ones.


What business to open with 500,000 rubles if you want to create your own store? This amount will allow you to open a small clothing store in a residential area where there will not be many competitors.

Either a point on the market, or rent a ready-made pavilion in a shopping center. Traditional option- it's just women's clothing or a lingerie store, provided that we rent the premises.

We don’t have enough money to open a grocery store, although it’s quite possible to create a live beer store or a cake and candy store with this amount.

This is provided if you live in a small city. In big cities, it will be difficult for small stores to compete with large retail chains.

Advertising agency

If you take on everything at once (printing, branding, and advertising campaigns etc.

), be prepared to immediately spend money on salaries for good specialists and renting premises in the city center. You can choose a narrower area of ​​work for your agency.

An advertising agency as a business up to 500,000 rubles is a real option. But for the first time there will only be enough money for some equipment. For example, for a couple of computers, a risograph and a couple of printers. In the future, you can expand and buy new, professional equipment.

Your main expenses are renting premises, purchasing office furniture and computer equipment, as well as employee salaries.

Some agencies practice hiring employees for remote work so that there are fewer people in the office. Many designers and programmers enjoy working at home.

As an option:

For printing, you don’t have to buy expensive equipment; it would be best to find a good printing house and work with it as an intermediary.

Beauty sphere

In any city, the services of a hairdresser, makeup artist, and nail care specialist are in demand. An amount of 500 thousand rubles may not be enough to open a large salon in the city center, but it will be enough for a neat salon in a residential area, where there will also be plenty of clients.

Thanks to minimal investment you can increase your competitiveness by establishing more low prices. You can also offer clients home-visit services. This way you can significantly expand your customer base.

You can open a small solarium, hairdresser, hair removal studio (one good laser hair removal machine costs from $3,500), nail service, etc.

If you ensure a traffic capacity of 10-15 people, you will quickly pay for this project.

You can also rent a place for your device (enough money for 1 horizontal solarium, the price of which is about 400,000 rubles) in some beauty salon or fitness center.

Fast food

Along with grocery stores, shoppers are also attracted to various fast food kiosks offering pies, pasties, hamburgers and hot dogs. Sandwich shops are very popular in big cities, where people are constantly on the move and are used to eating on the go.

Although, if you place such a kiosk in a residential area, and if it works until late, it can easily compete with nearby stores, even if they are 24-hour.

Many people will still prefer ready-made hot food to late-night fuss over the stove. Food is a stable business in which it is worth investing your money. You can also open a shawarma stall.

Various finished equipment (machines)

If you have a garage, and even if you don't. Renting is not a problem and it is cheap. Prices for machines for brick production start from 40-80 thousand rubles (manual), and good semi-automatic and automatic ones cost 150,000 - 300,000 rubles.

I think the essence of the idea is clear. You buy a machine for 200,000 - 400,000 rubles, rent a garage and you can start producing building materials and much more.

These can be machines for packing nuts, seeds, dried fruits, etc. Also, any others that produce food and various materials from raw materials.

And a bit more…

What other business can you open with a starting capital of 500,000? This amount is enough to start a clothing repair and tailoring shop.

Also popular are children's game rooms in large shopping centers.

Among the relatively simple and quick-payback business options for 500 thousand rubles, one can also name the opening rabbit farm or growing crops.

So if you are puzzling over where to invest 500,000 rubles, in what business, think about what you personally would like to do, walk around the city and study the goods and services offered, what demand is there for them. And draw conclusions. The main thing here is that you must like what you do, otherwise there will be little use.