Crow tattoos on the arm for men. Meaning of a crow tattoo. Modern interpretation of tattoo

Raven tattoo on shoulder

Sinister and gloomy, the raven is always associated with death, evil and otherworldly forces, and the tattoo evokes analogies with Satanism, which, in truth, does not prevent it from remaining one of the most popular motifs in tattoo art.

The symbolism of the raven somehow changes with the era. So, in the culture of Ancient Greece, he is also a prophetic bird, a servant of the gods, a guide to the kingdom of eternity; in Ancient Rome, it was a symbol of hope, since the loud croaking is similar to the Latin word “kras,” which means “tomorrow.” Ravens are also believed to bring war and death due to their feeding on carrion and their connection to the Irish goddess of war, Morrigan, as well as beliefs where they fly to battles and peck out the eyes of fallen warriors.

According to Scandinavian legends, Odin has two raven companions, who are the personification of thought and memory. During the day, they collect information drop by drop from all over the world, and in the evening they sit on the shoulders of the owner, telling about everything.

Interpretation of crow tattoos in the 21st century

The meaning of a crow tattoo does not change in any way depending on who wears it - a man or a woman, and is individual - it depends on other elements of the sketch, as well as what you think. If it is definitely decided that the raven will be central, we advise you to carefully read all the composition options in order to avoid ambiguity or misinterpretation.

The tattoo is depicted in mystical roles; its companions in the drawing are:

  • Celtic signs
  • flowers
  • landscapes
  • animals (for example, wolves).

The semantic spectrum is very wide, from death and the path to the afterlife to intelligence and witchcraft, as well as longevity.

The basis for this interpretation is life cycle the crow striving for three hundred years; It is especially interesting that wisdom is also associated with a long life expectancy, although the main message for such an interpretation was the same Scandinavian mythology - the all-seeing Hugin and Munin.

Also, such a tattoo may indicate a person who lives alone, who has withdrawn into himself or simply a self-sufficient introvert, and to generalize, this designation can be described as a hermit.

What tattoos does it go with?

The raven is a versatile image that easily connects with others and can serve as an interesting addition to the overall composition. In this type, the leader will be the bird itself, and most often you will see it on:

  • surrounded by roses
  • with feathers
  • runic pattern in a circle
  • with a clock

which symbolizes time and transience, and the bird as a guide and long-lived antagonist.

For such tattoos, the style is attractive, which, with its combination of bright scarlet and all gradations of black, with artificially careless strokes, from which the spirit of rebellion and revolution emanates, has gained many fans of all genders and ages.

Positive and negative meanings

As mentioned above, a tattoo only wears what the author put into it. However, some drawings, even in isolation from the original plan, are obtained with bright, clearly expressed symbolism, intuitively understandable to everyone, and varying from benevolent to sharply negative.

  1. For example, a raven and a skull mean devastation and chaos, and there is no difference in the position of both “heroes” of the tattoo.
  2. The flock is undisguised aggression, and the one sitting lonely on a branch is loneliness; and here the deep foundation is that despite their long life, these birds do not always find a mate.
  3. A raven building a nest, holding roses in its claws will have a diametrically opposite meaning - this is a clear desire for happiness, family and stability.

The main part is the color, which can radically change the tattoo. A little life hack: if you are visually attracted to the concept, but do not like the dark meaning it carries, add white to the plumage or even paint the raven a snowy color, this will allow the light content to dominate.

Who wears a raven tattoo?

This tattoo is universal, it is suitable for both men and girls. As usual, the woman’s raven’s habitat is like a witch’s advisor, and the young man’s is the chest or back, where the raven effectively perches, spreading its wings in imitation of flight.

Where is it most often applied?

Peculiar favorites for getting a crow tattoo:

  • shoulder
  • back
  • breast.

A little less common is a raven on the forearm, as well as a tattoo on the lower back, and rarely on the arms and wrists. The determining criterion for choosing a place is a sketch, since it is not possible to place a drawing everywhere without changing the size, while preserving the idea down to the smallest detail.

Meaning of Raven Tattoo in Prison

In the zone, this tattoo has an unambiguous meaning. It is simply deciphered:
“RAVEN is a thief - he is born of hatred alone” and an allusion to cunning and deceit, which is essentially a direct characteristic of thieves.

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Video on the topic

The image of birds on tattoos can be seen quite often, among them one of the most common is the raven; tattoos with its image first began to be made hundreds of years ago. People have always considered the raven a special magical symbol; in the culture of some countries it was the main conductor between the world of the living and the dead. It is not surprising that tattoos with his image were often made by sorcerers and shamans, as well as those who wanted to enlist support from the world of the dead. Here are just some general interpretations that may be associated with a raven tattoo:

  • loneliness;
  • death;
  • longevity;
  • revenge;
Tattoos have both negative and quite positive meanings. It can mean both embitterment and the desire for long years of life. Performed as a talisman, such a tattoo can really help improve health and prolong life. If the raven is depicted on a tattoo not alone, but with other objects, then its meaning may change.

Raven tattoo: the meaning of common options

Studying various sketches, you will notice that a raven on a tattoo can be supplemented with a variety of objects, from other representatives of the animal world to mysterious symbols and hieroglyphs. Here are just some interpretations of common types of tattoos:

  • a raven in a nest or with a rose - family happiness;
  • a flock of birds - aggression;
  • raven sitting on a branch - loneliness;
  • a big raven surrounded by small ones - the ability to influence people and subordinate their will to yours.

In many ways, the meaning of a particular tattoo depends on the color of the raven’s plumage. Tattoos made in dark colors carry a negative meaning, but if the raven’s plumage is light, then the tattoo contains an exclusively positive meaning.

Crow tattoo: meaning in Slavic culture

In Slavic culture, the raven has always been a harbinger of death and the personification of evil, and a tattoo with its image was considered a powerful talisman against any adversity. It could protect its owner from illness and premature death, and also grant him a lot of unique abilities:

  • help gain moral and physical strength;
  • help learn the mystery of magic;
  • help you learn to communicate with the world of the dead and draw strength from it;
  • make your character stronger and more strong-willed.

But not everyone decided to get such a positive, at first glance, tattoo-amulet. It was believed that a tattoo with a raven could destroy a person with a weak character and bring him more grief than good. The crow continues to be considered one of the most powerful and effective symbols, which is present in the images of many talismans. Some artists consider tattoos with his image potentially dangerous, capable of completely changing life, while others believe in the exceptional benefits of their energy.

Birds have always been identified with the free flight of the soul, inspiration and dreaminess. Therefore, birds occupy a special place in the art of body painting. The raven tattoo is very popular today, the meaning of which for men takes on a mystical character.

Raven and crow are two separate concepts in tattoo art, in the first case we're talking about about maternal love and care, in the second there is more about dark, mystical, nocturnal meanings. But we can say unequivocally that the raven always evokes admiration coupled with fear. The exact decoding largely depends on the location of application, symbols and details.

The designation of a raven tattoo for guys will largely depend on the composition as a whole, the pose of the bird, and the way it is depicted. The most popular sketches in 2018-2019 are:

Flying Raven– power of the soul, a tendency towards aggression towards the weak, anger and cunning.

Wings of a Raven– the owner is cunning and insidious, and the tattoo is more of a warning symbol.

Flock of Crows– haste, fussiness, serious intentions to dominate other people.

Raven on a branch in a calm state– the depth of a man’s feelings, but distrust of others, internal loneliness.

White Raven- symbolizes that a man is not like everyone else, protests against imposed norms, can be an outcast, asocial and independent of material wealth.

Why choose a raven tattoo and its meaning?

Initially, tattoos with ravens began to be tattooed on the body by the Celts, who considered the bird a symbol of the gods of battles and death. It was from then on that the crow began to be associated with dark forces, death, evil, witchcraft, suffering and Satanism. Also in these tribes, the raven was a symbol of superpowers for prophecy and predicting the future.

For African tribes and peoples, this bird, on the contrary, was a symbol of goodness, good luck and victories in battles. The Scandinavian peoples considered the raven a symbol of the god Odin; the bird was valued for its sharp mind and good memory. Shamans and Indians considered the raven to be the ancestor of man. The Romans considered the bird a symbol of hope for the future.

Do you like raven tattoos?


The Egyptians believed that the raven predicted destruction, wars and other disasters. China has long and to this day considered the raven a symbol of a strong family and faithful love until the end of life. Christians have always been wary of crows, considering such birds to be the personification of cunning, deceit, vindictiveness and sabotage.

Today, the symbolism of the raven tattoo has not changed much since then. But a lot depends on the color scheme, the location of the bird on the person’s body, and his hobbies. It is a symbol of air, a sharp mind and wisdom, good memory, fertility and prophecy, a happy family and news from the gods.

Where do men get raven tattoos?

Before depicting a raven on the body, a man must accurately determine the correct decoding of both the sketch itself and the different areas on the body. Because a tattoo with such a bird in different places can imply radically different meanings and sacred meanings.


Shoulders are an indicator of a person’s reliability and strength, which means that raven tattoos are placed here, which could signify the degree of reliability, responsibility, and stability of the owner. A raven can be a special mark on the shoulder, indicating that a man has the ability to see the future.

Examples of such tattoos:


The forearm is an exposed area of ​​the body, as the hands are always visible. Therefore, a raven on the forearm is a kind of protest against society, an indicator that a man goes against the rules in favor of his own attitudes.

Examples of such tattoos:

Wrist tattoo

A tattoo on the wrist is an indicator that a man has a zest and mystery. The meaning of the tattoo directly depends on the form in which the bird is presented. It can also be a talisman against evil, deception, to sharpen memory and intellect.

Examples of such tattoos:

Tattoos on the palm, hand and fingers

Hands are a place responsible for influencing the world around us, which means that a tattoo with a raven on the hands or fingers will indicate that a man strives for freedom, power, or, possibly, dominance over others.

Examples of such tattoos:

Tattoo sleeve

A sleeve tattoo is a whole artistic creation that implies a deep sacred meaning. A calm raven on a branch speaks of wisdom and the depth of a man’s feelings; a bird of prey personifies danger, anger, aggression, and protest to the entire environment. Tattoos with a secret meaning are applied to the palm, often these are amulets.

Examples of such tattoos:


A tattoo with a raven on the neck is a sign that a man does not want to be like everyone else, and perhaps he is the “black sheep” in society. A kind bird speaks of his openness to contacts and communication, a sleeping or flying bird speaks of his readiness to defend himself and his truth.

Examples of such tattoos:


If a large flying raven bird is located on a man’s chest, most likely he is thereby trying to protect himself from dangers and risks. Also, the meaning of a tattoo can relate to personal life, the desire to find a family, fidelity and devotion to one’s feelings.

Examples of such tattoos:


If the raven is located on its side, the man applies the tattoo only for personal reasons and not for the gaze of other people. If a bird is under the heart, it can be a symbol of love, a strong family and offspring. On the other hand, raven is applied in order to convey to a man his strong qualities.

Examples of such tattoos:


Tattoos on the hips are more of an intimate nature and subtext; a raven can be an indicator of a sensitive and loving nature, a faithful and loving man.

Examples of such tattoos:


The back is a kind of shield for a man and his family, which means that a tattoo in the form of a raven on the back is considered a talisman against dark forces, evil, betrayal, and ill-wishers. Also, a man thereby shows his desire to dominate, to be a leader in society.

Examples of such tattoos:


On the shoulder blades there are usually very personal tattoos that have a deep meaning. A raven in this place can be a role model when a man strives to cultivate the same qualities in himself.

Examples of such tattoos:


If a tattoo with a raven is on the leg, this is most often a manifestation of dissatisfaction with the full extent of what is happening in a man’s life; perhaps he needs the support of loved ones. Or, on the contrary, he shows the stability of his character and position, his readiness to be responsible for the family.

Examples of such tattoos:

Before getting a tattoo, a man must weigh the pros and cons and listen to advice from body painting masters. Recommendations may include several points:

  1. Animal– establish in advance the symbolism of the raven, what cultures treated it and how they treated it, what is the modern interpretation of such tattoos.
  2. Style– the meaning of a tattoo can differ radically in different stylistic interpretations; choose a style in advance according to your image, age, character and lifestyle.
  3. Sketch– create a unique drawing, do not repeat after anyone, add details and symbolism to the drawing that will be appropriate.
  4. Place of application– read the sacred designation of each area on the body, compare it with the meaning of the raven tattoo.
  5. Disguise– consider whether there is a need to periodically hide the tattoo from view, for example, in a work environment or at events with a strict dress code.

Important! Raven may not always be clearly perceived by society, so it is better to apply it to those areas that can be easily hidden by clothing.

How to choose a tattoo design for a location on the body?

When choosing a tattoo design and location on the body, proportionality will be an important criterion. Consider a few tips beforehand:

  • back, chest, forearms, arms and legs– here you can depict large drawings of a raven of a believable scale, the bird can be supplemented with a background, symbols, and other characters;
  • shoulder blades, hips, shoulders, palms and hands– here, medium-sized ravens are most often depicted, or only their wings and head; a moderate amount of symbols and details is welcome;
  • fingers, wrists, neck, back of head– a small space contradicts large drawings with detail; symbols, drawings in the minimalist style, and graphics are appropriate here.

Styles and colors that are popular for raven tattoos

If you want to decide on the style of a raven tattoo, you can look through different variants on the Internet, or you can choose from those that are at the peak of popularity today. Practice shows that I most often depict a crow in several variations:

realism– the most plausible picture, where the raven is similar to a living bird;

trash polka– tattoos of an aggressive and flying raven, which personifies dark forces and mysticism, are popular in this style;

finishing touches– careful work with dot application of the pattern, which allows the colors to harmonize with the structure of the skin;

minimalism– suitable for tattooing small areas of the body;

graphic arts– an extraordinary approach to the image of a raven, where rough, hard lines predominate.

Symbols that a tattoo can be combined with

Symbolism is very popular as it can influence the meaning of a tattoo or change it completely. In addition, it is also aesthetics that allows the tattoo to be unique and unique. As for the raven, it is most often combined with the following symbols:

feathers– wisdom, knowledge, experience;

watch– cyclicality and transience of life;

key– mystery of the soul, devotion to one’s choice;

scull- death;

flowers– romance, love, sensuality and passion.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo?

In the desire to save money, many people prefer to get tattoos from novice artists or private owners. If you get tattoos from amateurs or somewhere at home, the risks of infection, injury, or receiving poor-quality work are too high. It is necessary to get a tattoo in a specialized salon, where there is permission and a license for services of this kind. This is the only way to find a master who has the appropriate education and experience.

Examples of raven tattoos that are not recommended. Their significance in the criminal world

Some tattoos with a raven can have a dual meaning, which is not always beneficial to a man. This is because the designation of a tattoo in real life does not always correspond with how it is interpreted in criminal circles and in the zone. In the zone, such a tau is regarded as an “on thief,” that is, a person engaged in theft.

The second meaning is “a thief - he is born of hatred alone,” which means we are talking about a thief in law who has a negative attitude towards everyone around him, and sometimes even towards own life. Therefore, once in prison, a man will have to answer for the meaning of the raven tattoo, since in these circles it is always negative.


A tattoo in the form of a raven is, first of all, an artistic tattoo, and then one should look for its meaning and sacred designation. In most cases, the raven is interpreted in a negative way; many perceive it as a mystical sign, a connection with the other world, witchcraft, and Satanism. But this does not make this type of tattoo popular, since many men thereby show their intelligence, wisdom, love of freedom, and devotion.

Tattoos of ravens and crows are rarely any different from each other, and in real life it is not so easy to distinguish these two types of birds from each other. However, they still have some differences in behavior, appearance, features of life activity, which directly affects the symbolism of the image with such a bird. The image of a crow or raven is quite ambiguous; it can symbolize both love for family and deep maternal feelings, and it can also be associated with death and be a gloomy sign. Therefore, before getting such a tattoo, you need to know what a crow tattoo means in different interpretations and even cultures.

History of the Raven Tattoo

For the first time, the raven became not just a bird, but also a symbol among the ancient Celts. Various sources indicate that these people associated the meaning of the raven tattoo with the image of the goddess of battles Morigan or the gods of death and war. Since then, the bird is still considered a sign of Satanism, evil, dark forces and suffering.

The Celts also considered the sacred raven an important symbol that was used in magical rituals. In this regard, the image acquired another designation - prophecy, a person’s ability to predict the future.

The bird was also a sacred helper for magicians among Africans. It was believed that killing such an animal would certainly cause bad weather. For some peoples, the raven can also be a positive symbol, so it can easily be argued that such a tattoo has a contradictory meaning.

In Scandinavian mythology, there is a mention of the god Odin being accompanied by ravens in his battles and wars. According to northern residents, this bird is very intelligent and has an excellent memory. Odin's ravens Hugin and Munin have acquired a positive meaning in the tattoo: one bird symbolizes reason, wisdom, and the other - memory.

Among the Canadian Eskimos and Indians, the bird was almost the main shaman and was even considered the first ancestor of these people.

An equally positive meaning of crow tattoos can be found among the ancient Romans. It seemed to them that the bird’s cry was similar to the Latin word “kras” (“tomorrow”), so the image of this animal could mean hope, faith in a better future. The neighbors of the Romans - the ancient Greeks - also endowed the raven with positive traits. He was the messenger of the gods Athena and Apollo, because of this, the inhabitants of Ancient Greece treated him with respect. The Greeks also considered the bird a symbol of fertility.

Among the Egyptians, the designation of a crow tattoo is not so positive. For this people, birds foreshadowed evil and destruction. For the inhabitants of Ancient China, crows were symbols of power and strength; in this country there is even a legend according to which the sacred bird lives in the sun and is a sign of sunrise and sunset. Later, the raven also became the emblem of the Shui Dynasty. In Japan, the bird is still considered a symbol of strong family love.

As for the meaning of the crow tattoo among the Slavs and Christians, they still considered it a gloomy and even suspicious animal, an avenger and a pest, and was also associated with suffering and pain. They acted as minions of Satan and often opposed the white dove, which was considered the messenger of God. There is also a belief that crows live next to sorcerers and witches. On the other hand, birds could be good companions. They saved the prophet Elijah from death due to thirst and hunger in the desert. Due to the large size of the bird, its terrifying croak and inedibility, the Slavs treated it rather warily.

The modern symbolism of the raven in tattoos has not changed much since the lives of our ancestors. The meaning of the symbol largely depends on the color scheme used, the person’s interests (for example, if he is interested in Japanese culture, then it would be logical to attribute to his drawing the meaning that the Japanese attach), the pose of the bird, etc. In this article, we propose to consider in detail the differences in designation of raven and raven, as well as the “status” of the bird in the zone.

What does a crow and raven tattoo mean?

To begin with, some confusion about the differences between a raven and a raven should be clarified. In biology it's two different types animals. Although they are similar in appearance, their lifestyle and “character” are different.

The raven is slightly larger in size than the crow. He usually does not move in a pack, but lives next to his mate. Because of this, the idea arose that the crow tattoo means family comfort and strong love.

Unlike the crow, the raven is more reminiscent of a bird of prey in its flight patterns. Along with many other species of birds, it not only feeds on plant foods, but also does not neglect animals. Moreover, the basis of the raven’s diet is carrion. The bird can fly for a long time in search of food, which is why it began to be considered a symbol of the wind.

According to legends, a raven can live for three hundred years (although the recorded lifespan is shorter - up to 70 years), so a raven tattoo also symbolizes longevity. Many peoples called this bird a soothsayer and considered it very wise. What cannot be taken away from this bird is patience. He can wait for minutes until the person who gets the desired food turns away or leaves in order to finish eating the carrion. Such patience among animals is typical only for primates. Perhaps this is why they began to believe that the black raven tattoo means wisdom, endurance and the predominance of reason over haste.

Insight is another option for the meaning of a tattoo. It is associated with the biblical legend of Noah's Ark. Despite the fact that the raven was considered a vengeful and ominous bird, the sinless old man Noah sent him to look for land. Alas, the bird could not bring good news, although it was absent for a long time and diligently tried to fulfill the request. As a result, Noah sent a white dove instead of a raven, which turned out to be more successful in finding land. Then the old man cursed the innocent bird. Therefore, a raven bird tattoo may have a different meaning and mean innocence, unfair punishment. In addition, it was thanks to this legend that the raven began to be opposed to the white dove.

In some cultures, the raven (along with the wolf) is a companion of the dead to the other world. Therefore, a sketch with such a bird is often associated with the great loss of the owner of the tattoo, his grief for a deceased relative or friend.

Despite the fact that in our time the importance of magic has somewhat faded compared to ancient years, tattoos in the form of a raven are often chosen by people who have the ability to predict the future, as well as modern witches or sorcerers. In large cities, it is difficult to keep a large bird at home, so body art plays the role of its “deputy”, an assistant in magical rituals. She is also a symbol of secret knowledge.

The time has come to answer the question of what a raven tattoo means and how it differs from its “brother.” Unlike ravens, ravens are usually solitary creatures. However, during the cold season they can move in with rooks or simply use their nests. In connection with these facts, the meaning for a tattoo with a crow appeared - loneliness and cunning, even insidiousness.

The bird is also noisy. Sitting on a tree, she shouts several times, flapping her wings and making short pauses between exclamations. Because of this, it is believed that the meaning of a black crow tattoo lies in the power of its owner, his ability to control people and even intimidate them.

Raven tattoo: meaning in the zone (in prison)

Despite the fact that most tattoo lovers live by the law and are unlikely to go to jail, they are still interested in the symbolism of tattoos in the zone. This is due to the fact that the meaning of a prison raven tattoo (like most other tattoos) is different from that in modern culture. If the owner of the drawing on the body meets a person who lives “according to concepts,” then he will have to answer for the image.

In the zone, symbolism is widespread not so much in the “sketch” itself, but in the encryption of the word that the drawing denotes. So, raven stands for “he is a thief,” that is, it indicates a person engaged in theft. In addition, the same phrase can mean “a thief - he is born of hatred alone” (according to the first letters of the second word). The meaning of this encryption is negative, it indicates that the owner of the prison tattoo lives a life of a thief and at the same time hates everyone around him, and his own existence as well. Particularly dangerous jailers whose behavior is unpredictable and aggressive can also get such a tattoo. The meaning of the image does not change depending on the location and whether it simply depicts a bird or the corresponding inscription.

In any case, it should be understood that an artistic tattoo is, first of all, an art and a crow tattoo will have absolutely no criminal significance, unless, of course, it is made in the zone.

Placing a pattern on the body

Today, the choice of place for a tattoo depends more on the preferences of the future owner of the image, the size and shape of the sketch, and does not affect the meaning in any way.

A popular placement option for an image with a bird is the back or shoulder, and for men, raven tattoos are also applied to the chest. These areas allow you to apply a fairly large design on the body, conveying the details of the image and its beauty. A medium-sized tattoo can be placed on the shoulder blade; the thigh is also considered a good placement option (mainly for girls). Less often, a sketch is selected for the hand - wrist or forearm, neck, ankle or place in the calf muscles.

The main rule in choosing a placement for a tattoo is that the shape of the design matches the size of the body area. Oblong designs (for example, a tattoo of a raven’s head or an image of a calm sitting bird) look good on the leg, ribs or forearm, while wide designs (a raven with open wings) are best tattooed on the back or under the chest.

What does a black raven tattoo mean in different poses?

The meaning of the tattoo may vary somewhat depending on the position of the raven. For example, a bird in a nest or with chicks symbolizes the desire for constancy, family happiness, and love for loved ones.

Sketches of a flying raven tattoo can have a negative meaning. Most often, such a pattern means power, the desire to discover the weak for attack (by analogy with the behavior of a bird when it is looking for carrion), cunning, and aggression. Sketches with a flock of birds or the wings of a raven in a tattoo have similar symbolism. They mean turmoil, haste, aggressiveness and constant readiness to fight. In the case when the flock also attacks smaller birds, the drawing symbolizes power over people, superiority and even seriousness of intentions. The raven and the skull are a constant symbol of destructive action, the danger that can be expected from a person.

In the case when the raven itself, without other birds, sits calmly on a branch, the tattoo indicates the depth of feelings of the owner of the tattoo, his loneliness, and distrust of others.

The two ravens are a reference to Norse culture and may be a symbol of Odin's raven tattoo. In order for the meaning of the drawing to be perceived unambiguously, it is better to make it with decoration - Scandinavian patterns.
Although the black raven is considered a bad symbol, if you like this bird, you can get it with a white feather. This would be a good idea, because such an image can bring good luck, success, and in general is a good sign.

Tattoo colors

The color of the raven's plumage plays an important role in the meaning of the tattoo. The tarry black tint only enhances the effect of the negative symbolism of the design, as if accumulating negative energy. The use of white shades, even the addition of “gray” feathers, radically changes the meaning of the design and makes it positive. The white raven is considered a good sign; it will become an excellent life partner and bring good luck. Albino crows actually exist in nature, so this color scheme will not go against the laws of nature. An example of a neutral option is a sketch with a black bird holding a white feather in its beak, or sitting on a flowering branch.

Men's crow tattoos, despite the recommendations of professionals, are still often black or with a predominance of dark shades. Girls choose a beautiful color sketch and, to make it softer and more feminine, dilute the dark colors with bright tones, for example, red or yellow, although this version of the raven is not common. In prison culture, the use of gray, black and blue colors is common.

Meaning for girls and boys

Men usually choose raven tattoo designs to express their masculinity, strength, serious intentions and determination on their bodies. The Celtic raven tattoo is perfect for guys, because no the best way emphasize positive sides of his character, rather than indicate his connection with the Celts. Many representatives of subcultures choose an image with this bird to express suffering, their connection with the other world, the devil himself, and playing with death. In this case, men's tattoos with the image of a raven are quite large in size, blue-black and gloomy.

Women do not strive to express aggression or find negative elements in the sketch they like, indicating bitchiness, cunning or suffering. The meaning of crow tattoos for girls most often lies in the desire to have a strong family or to emphasize their wisdom, rationality and patience.

Tattoo styles

In order to decide on the style of the sketch, there is no need to even watch a video of how a crow is tattooed or study a whole gallery of photographs of the owners of the design on the body. You just need to come to a tattoo parlor, contact the artist and study a little of the catalog he presents. It is not at all necessary to understand what style the tattooist uses in his work; you can simply choose any option you like and tattoo it. If you are looking for a specific technique, we offer you several interesting options for your sketch.

Realism is one of the most common tattoo styles. It’s quite easy to evaluate the quality of a master’s work; you just need to compare his drawings with real life. If even the smallest details are taken into account in the sketch, and the raven looks like a real one, you can trust the tattoo artist.

If a raven tattoo means a symbol of aggression and hatred for something, then you cannot find best option for a sketch, rather than trash polka. It is easy to recognize this technique among others: it is distinguished by the use of only two colors (black and red), some carelessness and gloom. The sketch often contains many sloppy strokes of paint.

Those wishing to get a small and neat tattoo can be advised to pay attention to such styles as minimalism, graphics, and dotwork. Such techniques are also often decorated with watercolor elements. This combination makes the drawing brighter and less ominous. Minimalism is ideal for girls who want to wear a small but significant tattoo on their body.

Tradition is a style that can be considered individual for each nation. In world culture, tradition is one of the American primitive techniques. However, it cannot be denied that traditional ideas differ among different nations, and a Scandinavian raven tattoo will be completely different from its Russian or Chinese “brother.”

Additional items

A tattoo with a raven can be classified as a design that does not require additional elements, since the main meaning lies precisely in the image of the bird. From the photo of men's tattoos with the image of a raven, it is clear that combinations with plants, other animals or objects still occur. The image can be supplemented with feathers, a watch, a key, a skull, a geometric or floral pattern, a heart, or other animals (the most common option is a combination of a bird and a wolf). Some craftsmen offer clients to hang an amulet around the raven’s neck for good luck. Occasionally, the drawing is supplemented with an inscription, which may include a lucky number or a significant date.

How to determine the meaning of a tattoo?

The topic of accurately determining the significance of a tattoo is unlikely to ever cease to be relevant. Even the same meanings of raven can be counted at least ten. Only the master and the owner of the tattoo can know what the meaning of the drawing is. If you like a raven, you shouldn’t be afraid of the somewhat negative meaning of such a tattoo. Just start looking at the sketches, choose the brightest and most positive option, or immediately contact the artist with an individual order, and go ahead, get a tattoo!