Technologies of hotel activities. Modern technologies in hotel activities


1 Yu.A. Senkevich) DEPARTMENT OF HOTEL BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY OF HOTEL OPERATIONS Moscow REQUIREMENTS FOR THE LEVEL OF MASTERING THE DISCIPLINE. As a result of studying the course, the student should know: - basic concepts, terms and definitions in the field of service technology in hotels and other accommodation facilities; - organization and functions of the reservation and accommodation service; - organization and functions of the service economic support hotels; - organization and functions of the commercial service; - organization and functions of the service Catering; - organization and functions of the administrative service; - organization and functions of additional and related services; - types of transport services for clients; - rules for processing payments for servicing and provision of services; - requirements for service personnel. the student must be able to: - analyze and compare technological processes in hotels; - develop technological maintenance processes; -use the acquired knowledge in practical activities. the student must acquire the skills of: - analysis and comparison technological processes in hotels; - development of technological service processes; - use of acquired knowledge in practical activities. 2. COURSE CONTENT Topic 1. Technologies that ensure the development of tourism and hospitality. Technological process in Selecting a technological process in Analysis of hotel technologies. Type of hotel product Hotel service, its specifics and constituent elements.types of services in Strategies in the hospitality industry. Topic 2. Classification of hotels and other accommodation facilities

2 Government regulation hotel activities.. Regulations operating in the field of hotel services. Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation. International hotel rules. Classification systems for hotels and other accommodation facilities. Types of classifications of hotels and other accommodation facilities National classification systems. General requirements for accommodation facilities (recommendations of the World Tourism Organization - WTO). Typology of hotels and other accommodation facilities.. classification system of hotels and other accommodation facilities in Russian Federation. Requirements for services of accommodation facilities in the Russian Federation. Room stock.. Classification of hotel rooms. European standard for room classification Classification of rooms in hotels in the Russian Federation. Topic 3. Fundamentals of production and technological activities of accommodation facilities Guest cycle. Four stages of guest service. operational process of customer service. Functional and organizational structure of the hotel. main departments and services of the hotel: reception and accommodation service, room management service, administrative service, catering service, commercial service, engineering and technical service, auxiliary and additional services service (structure, purpose, functions, subordination in the service, staff work schedules). Topic 4. Labor organization of service personnel. Rules internal regulations for hotel employees. Rights and obligations of hotel employees. Legal principles. culture of behavior of hotel staff. Style in guest service. Requirements for the appearance and personal hygiene of hotel staff. The culture of relationships between service employees and hotel guests, as well as within the team. Qualification requirements requirements for hotel staff. Labor protection, safety precautions, fire safety rules. 3. TOPICS OF CONTROL WORK 1. Technology for booking rooms and places in 2. Technology for receiving and placing guests 3. Technology for registering citizens of the Russian Federation and citizens of the CIS in 4. Technology for registering foreign citizens in Russia 5. Technology for meeting and serving VIP hotel clients . 6. Technology of working with regular hotel guests. Programs for “regular” guests. 7. Technology of working with foreign guests Taking into account national and religious characteristics when servicing clients. 8. Technology of working with hotel guests with limited physical capabilities. 9. Technology of registration and accommodation of tourist groups in 10. Technology of work of doormen in

3 11. Technology of work of luggage carriers in 12. Technology of work of page-bellhops in 13. Technology of work of car parking service in 14. Technology of work of concierge service in 15. Technology of work of service of butlers (butlers) in 16. Technology of work with electronic locking systems of hotels premises. 17. Technology of the reception desk cashier 18. Technology of the night auditors 19. Technology of receiving payment for accommodation and providing additional paid services guests in 20. Technology of work for the provision of additional and related services in 21. Technology of work of the business center in 22. Technology of work for the provision of excursion services in 23. Technology of work for the provision of transport services in 24. Technology of work for the provision of telecommunication services in 25 Technology of work for organizing recreation and entertainment in 26. Technology of work of a sports and fitness center in 27. Technology of work of organizing medical care in 28. Technology of work of telephone operator service in 29. Technology of work of food service in 30. Technology of work of Room-service service hotel enterprise. 31. Technology of work of the catering department of a hotel enterprise. 32. Technology of the canteen for hotel staff. 33. Technology of work of lobby bars in 34. Technology of work of the department for organizing banquets and conferences in 35. Technology of work of the housekeeping service in 36. Technology of cleaning hotel rooms. 37. Technology for cleaning public areas of a hotel. 38. Technology of work on provision household services in 39. Technology of the administrative service in 40. Technology of the HR department in 41. Technology of the marketing and sales department in 42. Technology of the engineering and technical service in 43. Technology of the security department in 44. Technology of organizing the storage of personal belongings customers in 45. Technology for handling customer complaints in

4 Features of hotel service in the Russian Federation. Features of hotel service abroad (using the example of any country). Standards of service in hotels (using the example of any hotel). Systems for classifying hotels by level of service in the Russian Federation. Systems for classifying hotels by level of service abroad. Service standards in hotel chains (using the example of any hotel chain). Organization and servicing of conferences in hotels. Business centers in hotels as additional services. Modern technologies service. Technologies for concierge work in hotels. Interaction between hotel services. Centralized booking systems. 4. Guidelines for completing the test. The work is drawn up on typewritten A4 paper (on one side of the sheet) either in handwritten (must be readable) or typewritten version (size 14, no more than 1.5 spacing between lines). The work must consist of: 1. Title page (Appendix 1). 2. Table of contents listing the points of presentation of the work. 3. Introduction (no more than 3 pages), which reveals the problem posed, relevance, and solutions. 4. The main part, which reveals the content of the work 5. Conclusion, containing conclusions and recommendations (no more than 2 pages). 6. List of used literature (required). The total volume of work is no more than 20 pages. When deciding on a topic, in accordance with the list presented, the student is recommended to choose a topic familiar to him according to the profile of his work (in a hotel, restaurant). If other topics are covered and difficulties arise with writing a plan, contact the teacher during the lecture or consultation, but not on the last day of taking the test. Students are not allowed to work on the same topic together. Literature for covering topics can be found: 1. In the MGIIT library. 2. In the Russian State Library (Borovitskaya metro station, Lenin Library). 3. In the libraries of other universities

5 The examination must be submitted in accordance with the schedule for submitting examinations to the Faculty of Correspondence Studies. The work is assessed by the quality of its design, presentation of the topic, the number of literature sources used and references made, practical data from production, style of presentation, and conclusions drawn. Score by test work taken into account when passing the exam. 5. LIST OF QUESTIONS FOR TESTING: 1. Trends and features of the development of the international market of hotel services. 2. The state and prospects for the development of hotels and other accommodation facilities in the Russian Federation. 3. Stages of formation and development of accommodation facilities 4. Classifications of hotels. Requirements for hotels during certification. 5. Technologies for creating a hotel product 6. Technologies for serving guests in hotels and other accommodation facilities 7. Functional and organizational structure of a hotel 8. Classifications of rooms, compliance of rooms with the European standard. 9.. “Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation.” 10. Management structure of a modern hotel. Six main hotel services, their functions, composition. Tell us more about the service of your choice. 11. Four stages in the guest service cycle. Reservations department, its purpose, work organization, functions. 12. Booking types. The procedure for collecting fees for bookings according to the “Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation.” 13. Cancellation of reservation. Reveal the essence of this issue. 14..Average daily room rate. Hotel occupancy percentage. 15. Additional services provided to hotel guests during their stay. 16. The procedure for calculating payment for hotel accommodation in accordance with the “Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation”. Other experience of some hotels when paying clients for accommodation. 17. Tariffs for accommodation and types of discounts in hotels Technology and organization of catering in hotels and other accommodation facilities. 19. Organizational structure and classification of public catering establishments. 20. Formation of a sales strategy. sales channels for a hotel product. 21. Regulatory documents in force in the field of hotel services. 22. Types of classifications of hotels and other accommodation facilities National classification systems.

6 23. Classification of accommodation facilities in Russia. Requirements for services of accommodation facilities in the Russian Federation. 24.Rooms. European standard for the classification of hotel rooms. 25. Classification of rooms in hotels in the Russian Federation. 26. Hotel service, its specifics and components. 27. Technology for the provision of additional and related services in 28. Functions and technology of activities of the reception and accommodation service. Service technologies 29. Functions and technology of the administrative and economic service of a hotel enterprise. Guest service technologies. 30. Functions and technology of commercial service, engineering service, security service, 6. EDUCATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL SUPPORT OF THE COURSE. List of basic literature: 1. Arbuzova N.Yu. Technology and organization of hotel services: textbook. M.: Academy, p. 2.Volkov Yu.V. Hotel and tourism business: tutorial for universities - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, from 3. Ekhina M.A. Organization of service in hotels: educational pos. M.: Academy, p. 4.Zayko G.M. Organization of production and service at public catering establishments M.:Master, p. 5. Kuskov A.S. Hotel business.-M.: “Dashkov and K”, p. 6. Sorokina A.V. Organization of services in hotels and tourist complexes.-m:alpha M, p. 7. Services to the public. Terms and Definitions. GOST R M. Gosstandart, Walker J. Introduction to hospitality.-M.: UNITY, p. Additional literature: 1. Volkov Yu.V.. Hotel and restaurant business, tourism - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, p. 2. Kosolapov A.B. Workshop on the organization and management of tourism and hotel management: textbook / Kosolapov A.B., Eliseeva T.I. - 4th ed., erased. - M.: KnoRus, p. 3. Musakina, A.A., Mikeshina A.V., Korneeva S.E. Hotel management: business encyclopedia. in 3 volumes - St. Petersburg: Bonnier Business Press, Paksyutkina E.A. Mayevskaya V.A Organization of tourist services. - Moscow: KNORUS, Skobkin S.S. Service practice in the hotel and tourism business: a textbook for universities. - Moscow: Master, Shmatko L.P. Loiko O.T. Tourism and hotel management. - Moscow: March, 2007.

7 7. Industry magazines: “Hotel”; "Hotels and restaurants"; "Hotel business"; "Five Stars"; "Planet of Hotels", "Hospitality", "Hotel", "Modern Hotel", "Restaurateur"; "Tour Business"; "Tourism: Practice, Problems, Prospects"; Contemporary issues service and tourism"; "Service plus"; “Bulletin of the Association of Universities of Tourism and Service

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal state budgetary educational institution higher vocational education"Zabaikalsky State University»

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GOU HPE RUSSIAN-ARMENIAN (SLAVIC) UNIVERSITY Compiled in accordance with state requirements for the minimum content and level of training of graduates in the field and the Regulations “On UMCD

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Test tasks Test for block 1. Option 1. 1. In Russia, the hotel categorization system is based on: a. UNWTO recommendations. bank. in.unesco. d. WTO recommendations. d.all answers are correct. 2.

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State autonomous educational institution of higher professional education of the city of Moscow "MOSCOW STATE INSTITUTE OF TOURISM INDUSTRY NAMED AFTER Y.A. SENKEVICH (State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education MGIIT named after

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State autonomous educational institution of higher professional education of the city of Moscow "MOSCOW STATE INSTITUTE OF TOURISM INDUSTRY NAMED AFTER Y.A. SENKEVICH (State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education MGIIT named after

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1) Concept and types of hotel technologies

2) The concept and types of technological processes in a hotel

3) Stages of conducting a functional analysis of hotel technologies

4) Production process of a hotel enterprise

5) Types of production of hotel services

6) Principles of organizing the production process in hotel company

Technology (from the Greek “Techne” - art and “Logos” - teaching) includes methods, techniques, mode of operation, sequence of operations and procedures. Technology is closely related to the means, equipment, tools, and materials used.

^ The technological process in a hotel is an ordered set of operations to change the size, shape, quality, appearance or properties of the service, for example, the development of a set of measures to improve the quality of service in a hotel enterprise.

From all the variety and abundance of technologies, it is necessary to choose those that can maximally improve competitive positions, or perhaps even change the structure of the entire industry. Technologies can be divided into basic, key and leading.

1. Basic service technologies are the basis of running a hotel business; they are not a source of competitive advantage. They are generally well known, easily available and used by the vast majority of hotels in the industry. The basic technologies are all of the above. Constantly improving them, for example, the process of cleaning rooms or registration procedures, minimizing the likelihood of possible disruptions; increasing the speed and quality of service by waiters to visitors in a restaurant, etc., can ensure the preservation or even growth of the hotel’s competitive potential. However, at the current level of development of the global hotel business, basic technologies, even continuously improved, cannot become the basis for sustainable competitive superiority in the market. Sooner or later, there will definitely be a hotel that will rely on the development (purchase, copying, etc.) and implementation of key and leading technologies into its work.

2. Key service technologies - technologies that ensure the hotel achieves a competitive advantage and are usually less accessible for use by all market participants. Typically, such technologies enable a hotel to reduce product costs, maximize sales revenue, achieve and maintain high standards of service, occupying a significant niche and accurately positioning itself in these types of services in the market.

3. Leading technologies can change the balance of power in industry competition. The leading technology at the stage of its implementation is, as a rule, the property, the know-how of one player in the market. A successful leading technology can revolutionize the market and make its owner a leader, even if he was not one before. Therefore, it is important for leading hotels not to miss the emergence of new leading technologies on the market.

The choice of technological process is carried out on the basis of a comparative analysis of technological process options and involves the choice of the type of technology. At Russian enterprises, to solve this problem, they use the recommendations of the standards of a unified system for technological preparation of production: GOST 14.301-73 “General rules for the development of technological processes and the selection of technological equipment”, GOST 14.301-72 “Types of technological processes”, etc.

Types of technological processes

When designing a new product or service, various types of technological processes are used.

Based on the nature of technological operations, single, standard and group technological processes are distinguished.

Single technological processes are intended for the production of a product or service of one name and purpose.

A standard technological process is used for a set of services that are homogeneous in terms of technological characteristics. It is developed for a typical consumer and contains the maximum possible list of services.

The group technological process is used to produce a set of services with common technological features.

^ Stages of functional analysis

Hotel technologies

Stage I - preparatory: includes choosing the object of research, setting the problem, determining the purpose of the analysis, forming a group of specialists to carry it out.

Stage II - informational: includes familiarization with technical, legal documentation and economic indicators characterizing the object under study.

Stage III - analytical: the goal is to analyze the object as a whole to identify tasks for developing solution options aimed at improving it. At this stage, a structural model of the object is developed, the functions it performs are established and formulated.

Stage IV - creative: goal - search alternative options performing basic functions. The effectiveness of the creative stage depends on the form of organization of the procedure for putting forward ideas and the choice of working methods.

Stage V - research: assessment and preliminary selection of options for performing basic functions are carried out. To select alternative options, evaluation criteria must be developed to allow comparison.

Stage VII - implementation and monitoring of results: based on the results of the research and analysis, a schedule for the implementation of the developed technical and organizational solutions is drawn up and their implementation is carried out.

In material production, the technological process is the production process of creating a product that has a real, material form; a service is a useful action of use value that does not have a real (material form).

The type of technological process and its nature are determined by the type of production and the purpose of the new service.

There are three types of production of hotel services: single, serial and mass.

Single production is characterized by a small number of services, the repeated provision of which, as a rule, is not provided. The single type includes the provision of one-time services, for example, the fulfillment of a client’s request.

^ Serial production is characterized by a limited list of services that are provided periodically, for example, a set of services for servicing conferences.

^ Mass production is characterized by the continuity of service provision over a long period of time. Most jobs are highly specialized. For example, services provided by maids.

^ The production process of a hotel enterprise is the totality of all actions and work to create consumer value that satisfies personal, collective (corporate) or public needs. The result of the production process is a service.

Any production process must be built on certain principles that ensure the efficient use of the main factors of production. The following six principles of rational organization of the production process in a hotel enterprise can be identified.

1. Differentiation involves dividing the production process into separate technological stages, for example, the hotel cycle, which includes: reception, registration, service, check-out and seeing off the guest.

2. Specialization is based on limiting the elements of the production process. The implementation of this principle involves assigning to each workplace and department a strictly limited range of work and operations, for example, the functions of each employee are assigned to each service.

3. Proportionality means a relatively equal workload.

4. Continuity in a hotel enterprise lies in the fact that each operation of the process must begin immediately after the completion of the previous one, for example, when serving a client in a bar, when registering a client at the reception.

5. Concurrency is characterized by the fact that individual operations are performed simultaneously. Parallelism is achieved, for example, when a client is discharged.

6. Rhythm means that all processes and the overall production process for servicing a client in a hotel are repeated over periods of time.

The importance of each of the principles changes with the development of modern hotel enterprises. Nowadays, automation and flexibility of production processes are becoming increasingly important.

A conscientious attitude to work is a wonderful quality. But its behavioral expression can vary greatly depending on the employee's individual understanding of the content with which this attitude is filled. A guest who checks into a hotel receives equally friendly and polite service from both the reception staff and the entire hotel staff. Moreover, the guest always wants this relationship, regardless of what shift he arrived on. Therefore, it is important to provide services to the guest according to the same standard, prescribed and approved by the company.

Service standard is the requirements established by the company for the services provided by the accommodation facility.

The concept of service includes the mandatory presence and strict adherence to the following standards:

Service technology standard, which involves compliance with the established service technology in all departments of the accommodation facility

Procedures (technologies) for accommodating guests, cleaning rooms and public areas, serving food and drinks, etc. must be clearly stated and, very importantly, timed.

Standards for the appearance of service personnel. A mandatory requirement for service personnel is compliance with appearance standards.

Standards of conduct for service personnel.

For a hotel that claims a certain position in the hospitality market, it is also desirable to have standards:

Greetings to the guest (including regular guests);

Farewells to the guest;

Behavior in a conflict situation.

Organization of hotel services, composition, qualifications and training of hotel staff.

^ International Service Standards
Speed ​​of service: hotel employees should always be ready to offer assistance to guests; visitors’ demands must be dealt with immediately, without sending them to another department or to another person; all requests and complaints are resolved before guests leave the hotel.

Accuracy in Order Fulfillment: Guests must provide accurate and complete information and fulfill every request until final satisfaction.

Anticipating guest desires: It is necessary to anticipate the needs of visitors and offer them assistance before they ask; Employees should be familiar with guests' special requests in order to automatically expedite their fulfillment.

Friendliness and politeness: you must be the first to start a conversation with any visitor within a radius of 2 m; Whenever possible, use titles before the guest's last name (Mr., Sir, Doctor, etc.); You should establish good eye contact with each visitor, always smile if the guest is within a radius of 8–10 m; We apologize for any inconvenience to the visitor.

Attentiveness: let the guest know that he is noticed, even if you are busy; you should be extremely careful.

Appearance standards apply to the dress code, hairstyle and hygiene of employees.


A complete uniform is required – clean, ironed and in good condition; groups of employees working together must wear the same uniform;

all employees must wear a name badge, which is attached to the left; the icon must be of the highest quality and clearly legible;

jackets and shirts should be worn buttoned up; only long sleeves are allowed in service areas;

the contents of clothing pockets should not distort its shape;

socks only dark colors;

Closed-toe shoes, clean and in good condition.

Hairstyle and hygiene of employees:

men's hair: clean, neat, pulled back from the face, not touching the back and sides of the shirt collar; hair for women: no longer than the bottom edge of the collar, otherwise it is collected in a bun or neatly tied at the back;

Employees handling food, drinks or equipment must wear protective headgear;

a beard is not allowed, the mustache must be neatly groomed and not extend beyond the corner of the mouth more than 12.5 mm;

nails: clean (cut for men, medium length for women) and painted only in neutral colors;

men should not wear any bracelets or earrings, only a wedding ring; for women - no more than two rings, earrings of a discreet style.

Confidentiality of information: the confidentiality of any information related to the guest is maintained, including room numbers, length of stay, personal information, etc.

Knowledge of the work: any employee needs to know the hotel, premises, opening hours and general information.

Patience: complaints and comments should be listened to politely, carefully and referred to management for appropriate action; You should never argue with a guest or appear defensive.

Responsibility: A sense of responsibility and pride is required in maintaining order in the hotel; in the event of a guest complaint, other departments or persons cannot be blamed; You should take responsibility for solving the problem yourself.

The number of staff must be sufficient to provide efficient and continuous service to guests. At the same time, there are the following recommendations for the number of employees per 10 hotel rooms:

five-star hotels – at least 20 people per 10 rooms;

four-star hotels – at least 12 people per 10 rooms;

three-star hotels – at least 8 people per 10 rooms;

two-star hotels – at least 6 people per 10 rooms.

Topic 1.2.4. Hotel service cycle

1) Basics of production and technological activities of hotels

2) Operational service process

3) Organization of functional processes in the hotel

4) Interaction between the guest and hotel services

5) Professional service standards

The hospitality industry operates 24 hours a day. Therefore, hotels need to organize shift work for service personnel, including weekends and holidays.

Working in shifts requires precision and punctuality from hotel staff - then the procedures for handing over jobs and welcoming guests will be carried out on time, which will guarantee a smooth transition from one shift to another. This is called "seamless service".

The ability to work in a team is another important quality because most of the work in hotels is done by more than one person.

The administration begins its work with a daily morning meeting, at which all current issues are discussed:

The accommodation service reports on the occupancy of the hotel, incoming groups and VIPs.

The restaurant service reports on its work.

Sales department- about meetings with clients,

Engineering service- about the work that must be performed so as not to interfere with the operation of all services.

Security service - about the problems of guests and staff that arose over the past night.

The administrative and economic service reports on the situation on the floors, on MTS and on the possibility of procurement.

Accounting provides information on operational issues. The purpose of this meeting is to exchange information that may be of interest to all hotel departments.

Strategic issues are discussed at a weekly meeting, and the specific problems of each service are discussed at an intradepartmental or interdepartmental meeting.

The accommodation service sends customer accounts to the accounting department for verification. These invoices are then sent to the client if they have a contract and only for the services specified in that contract. If the company with which the contract is concluded pays for the guest's stay at the hotel, then he must pay for other services separately. This must be verified in your booking request and provided to the accommodation service. The accounts receivable department prepares a report for payment.

The procurement function prepares purchase orders daily or meets with suppliers for special orders. Goods are delivered to the kitchen as ordered. All orders must be endorsed by the head of the service. After this, the merchandiser fulfills the order in accordance with the list of minimum and maximum goods and the special wishes of the chef.

The engineering service carries out its daily work and regulations, if any. Employees of the technical department troubleshoot problems in the rooms and make new keys if the old ones are broken or lost. Sometimes they have to replace or reprogram the locks themselves to prevent a suspected robbery (if, for example, the key was stolen). All work is distributed by the chief engineer.

The sales department meets with clients, negotiates contracts, and performs other tasks.

The reservations department is in charge of updating old reservations, sending deposit invoices, and accepting new reservations.

The banquet services and organization department meets with clients to obtain new information on banquets and sends deposit invoices.

The functioning of the hotel is determined by the availability of material resources along with service support. For the hotel to operate efficiently, they must be well coordinated. Good interior design and modern equipment will be of no use if you have an outdated service program.

The process of serving guests in hotels of all categories can be presented in the following stages (Table 1):

Pre-order hotel rooms (reservation);

Reception, registration and accommodation of guests;

Providing accommodation and food services (room cleaning);

Providing additional services to residents;

Final payment and check-out.

Operational service process




Pre-order hotel rooms

Reservations or Reception Manager

Request for reservation. Payment guarantee

Included in the bill upon registration. Set by the administration


Garage service, doorman, bellman



Receptionist, receptionist, cashier

Application form, settlement permit, invoice, business card

Invoice: seat rate, taxes, special fees

Providing basic and additional services

Reception service, maid service, food service, garage service, animators, medical workers, sports and tourism instructors, laundry service, workshops

An order for services can be made verbally or by filling out an order form

On account in accordance with established tariffs for services

Final payment and check-out

Administrator, receptionist, cashier

By account


3. Procedure for registration and accommodation of guests

4. Scanify API: Passport software interface for recognizing identity documents

5. Scanify API: Passport at the Slovakia Hotel

6. Description of the hotel "Slovakia"




The front desk is often referred to as the “heart” or “nerve center” of a hotel. This is the service the guest has the most contact with, and this is where he turns for information and services during his stay at the hotel.

The most important functions of the reception service include welcoming the guest and completing the necessary formalities for his accommodation. The receptionist (receptionist) is, after the doorman standing at the entrance, practically the first hotel employee with whom the guest comes into contact. The first, and often the strongest, impression of the hotel as a whole largely depends on how the guest is received, how he is greeted, how quickly the necessary formalities are completed (checking the reservation, filling out a form, prepayment). Therefore, the following requirements are imposed on the reception service:

The reception service should be located in close proximity to the hotel entrance. In the case of a large hotel lobby, the dynamic nature of the interior should orient the guest in the direction of the location of the reception desk. There are no standard requirements for reception equipment. Typically, it is 1.1m high (convenient for customers) and 0.76m wide. The length of the counter depends on the number of rooms in the hotel, the operations carried out behind the counter and the overall design of the lobby. Signs are usually placed above, behind or on the counter indicating where operational procedures should be carried out: registration, cash service, issuing information and mail, etc.;

The reception desk should be clean, without cluttered papers or unnecessary items. In general, its configuration should hide equipment and information used by staff from nearby guests;

Reception staff must have an impeccable appearance and behave accordingly. You must only talk to guests while standing. Guests should not be kept waiting. You should always remember that there is no more important job for a receptionist than receiving guests.

When checking in, you should once again agree on the conditions of the advance reservation (room category, availability of amenities, type of payment, price, length of stay, expected departure date, etc.). If the guest needs to fill out a questionnaire, this procedure should be short. For example, if a guest has already been to this hotel, then only his signature on the questionnaire is sufficient (meaning that information about the guest has been saved from the time of his first stay at the hotel).

The functions of the reception and billing department also include the allocation of rooms and accounting for available rooms in the hotel, issuing invoices and making settlements with clients.

Before the guest arrives, the reception service receives processed requests from the reservation service, according to which it compiles a map of the movement of rooms, which helps to keep track of available rooms in the hotel. In most large hotels, vacancies are recorded automatically using a special computer program. In small and medium-sized hotels, until recently (in some hotels even now), a special number stand was used for this purpose, having cells where multi-colored cards were inserted in accordance with the number of days the client stayed in the hotel. Different colors allow you to see different categories of guests. Such a number stand gives a clear picture of the loading of the number of rooms and the availability of free places. Information about the availability of rooms in the hotel and the number of guests staying is clearly and promptly transmitted by the reception service to all other hotel services.

1. Operational process of service and functions of the reception service

The process of serving guests in hotels of all categories can be presented in the form of the following stages (Table 1): pre-ordering hotel rooms (booking); reception, registration and accommodation of guests; provision of accommodation and food services (room cleaning); provision of additional services to residents; final payment and check-out.

Table 1. Service Operational Process




Pre-order hotel rooms

Reservations or Reception Manager

Request for reservation. Payment guarantee

Included in the bill upon registration. Set by the administration


Garage service, doorman, bellman


Receptionist, receptionist, cashier

Application form, settlement permit, invoice, business card

Invoice: seat rate, taxes, special fees

Providing basic and additional services

Reception service, maid service, food service, garage service, animators, medical

An order for services can be made verbally or by filling out an order form

On account in accordance with established tariffs for services

Workers, sports and tourism instructors, laundry service, workshops

Final payment and check-out

Administrator, receptionist, cashier

By account

Pre-ordering of places, registration upon check-in, payment for accommodation and services provided, check-out takes place at the reception and accommodation service, where the duty administrator, receptionist, cashier (mechanized payment operator) and passport attendant work. In many hotels in the Russian Federation this service has the English name "Reception". Services to residents can be provided by hotel staff (service and room services) and personnel of other enterprises (trade enterprises, medical center, etc.) located in the hotel. According to the “Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation” No. 490, approved by Government Decree of April 25, 1997: “the contractor must ensure round-the-clock registration of consumers arriving at and departing from the hotel.” This determines the shift nature of the work of the reception and accommodation service. Based on the shift operating mode, the number of service employees is determined. The reception and accommodation service is the first department that the guest meets when arriving at the hotel. The impressions received from this acquaintance largely shape guest reviews of the quality of service as a whole. The main functions of the reception service are: hotel reservations, registration and accommodation of tourists, processing of payments upon departure of the guest, provision of various reference information. The job responsibilities of reception workers, as well as the skills and knowledge required to perform them, are defined by the professional standard. In most hotels, reception staff work 24 hours, starting at 9 am. At the beginning of a work shift, the administrator must review the log with entries from the previous shift. This log records information about what happened during the shift, about the needs of guests who contacted the service during this period of time, but were not satisfied for some reason. Before starting work, you must also review information about the availability of available places and applications for the current day. The administrator keeps records of the use of hotel rooms. The reception and accommodation service must ensure maximum occupancy of the hotel, avoiding unnecessary downtime. When registering and checking out, payments are made for hotel accommodation and additional services. Upon check-out, they check the guest's account, clarify all his expenses during his stay and accept payment. Check-out controls are very important to prevent guests from leaving who have not paid their bill. The receptionist is responsible for storing and issuing room keys to residents upon presentation of a business card. In addition, guests often contact the reception service to receive some kind of service. The operator of the mechanized calculation, the cashier, controls the timely payment of all types of services, receives payment for accommodation in cash and prepares cash reports for the accounting department. The passport office employee checks the passport data, the correctness of their entry into the registration card, and controls the validity of visas.

2. The procedure for booking places and rooms at the hotel

Reservation is a pre-order of places and rooms in a hotel. Guest service begins with this process. Room reservations are carried out by managers of the reservation department or reception service. It is these departments that receive reservation requests from clients. In addition to the formal collection of applications, the reservation department must study the demand for hotel rooms. Studying the hotel’s many years of experience, taking into account the plan of events that will take place in this region(sports competitions, carnivals, conventions, festivals, etc.), predicting the demand for places and analyzing the occupancy of rooms in the past and present periods, the reservation department, together with the marketing service, plans the activities of the hotel. During public events, the demand for hotel rooms increases several times. It is profitable for hotels to book places for events with a large number of participants, since in this case the pre-booking is made long before the event and the risk of its cancellation, i.e. refusal of a pre-booked place, is not large. Hotel occupancy depends on the season, business activity in the area, economic and political situation. In times of political instability, tourists' interest in this area decreases due to the inability to ensure a safe stay. During peak season, the hotel may accept double bookings. A double booking is a confirmation of the future provision of hotel rooms to two clients at the same time on the same date.

The textbook presents detailed study modern technologies of hotel activities. The publication is aimed at developing students' ideas about the latest trends in the organization of service to consumers of hotel services, which allows them to gain the knowledge necessary for managers of various services of hotel enterprises. The purpose of the book is to give readers the basics of theoretical knowledge and teach practical skills in organizing technological processes in hotels. The textbook is supplemented with links to regulatory documents, samples of technological documentation, test questions and assignments for each section; are given practical examples. Students will be able to check their level of mastery of the studied material using chapter tests and practice problems.

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  2. The importance and role of the hotel business in our time for the development of the economies of states, the satisfaction of individual needs, and the mutual enrichment of social ties between countries cannot be overestimated.

    An analysis of global trends in the hospitality industry allows us to conclude that this area of ​​activity has a high rate of development and great attention. The modern domestic hospitality industry is in the process of formation, with with great difficulty overcoming the obstacles that come her way.

    The hospitality industry consists of various means of collective and individual accommodation: hotels, inns, motels, youth hostels and dormitories, apartments, tourist shelters, as well as private sector involved in the accommodation of tourists.

    A set of problems in organizing the hotel industry has already been revealed in the works of Russian scientists. The significance, relevance and scale of these problems served as the basis for many scientific works and recent publications. However, a number of problems in the functioning of the hotel industry have yet to be solved. These include the introduction of new technologies - improving security systems, programs for booking hotel rooms, as well as the involvement of the hotel business in the information component of the globalizing world - including the provision of Internet services to guests. The personal computer and the Internet, their accessibility and reliability, contribute to the penetration of new information technologies. These technologies are perhaps the first in human history to ensure productivity growth in the service sector, because modern tourism products are becoming more flexible and individual, more attractive and accessible to consumers.

    Relevance course work due to the fact that in the current tough competitive conditions, in the rapidly changing market requirements, hotel enterprises need to improve the quality of service, expand the range of services provided, and increase the degree of customer focus. All this requires improvement of service technology, the use of various computer and other advances. Therefore, in order to meet and anticipate the requirements of guests, it is necessary to maintain a certain level of technology in service, which is impossible without the introduction of modern technologies.

    The subject of the course work will be modern technologies, in this case applicable to a hotel service enterprise.

    The purpose of the course work is to analyze existing modern technologies, both already introduced and not yet widely used in the hotel industry; Based on the analysis, identify the most effective and economically feasible ones. To achieve the goal of the course work, we outline the following tasks:

    • · Explore possible areas of application of the Internet and, in particular, Internet Wi-Fi at a hotel service enterprise (reservation system), also to identify the advantages of improved telephone PBXs,
    • · Explore the automated control system - an automated control system, what is the significance of its use in the enterprise today, disassemble one of the existing automated control systems (Shelter)
    • · Analyze the work modern systems security - what level of security can be offered to guests today; consider in more detail the capabilities of electronic locks.

    The theoretical basis of the course work was the works of B. Breev, G. A. Karpova, S. S. Skobkin, E. E. Filippovsky, S. Medlik, E. A. Balashova.

    Coursework structure:

    The first chapter analyzes the applicability of Internet technologies in a hotel service enterprise - these are both reservation systems and the ability to access global network for guests. Attention is also paid to telephone installation in a hotel - what the developers have achieved to date and how this is applicable in a hotel enterprise. The second chapter reveals the concept automated system control system (ACS) - what it is, how it is used, what are the advantages and disadvantages; one of many systems called Shelter is also discussed.

    The third chapter is also devoted to an important aspect of organizing hotel services - the hotel security system. Here the significance of the system is revealed, what subsystems it consists of. And, in continuation of the third, the fourth chapter is devoted to electronic locks - what the developers managed to achieve, what is offered on the market today.