Technopark “West Siberian Innovation Center. Technopark "West Siberian Innovation Center" Additional benefits for residents of the technopark

A technology park has been operating in Tyumen for 10 years. The West Siberian Innovation Center was organized on the initiative of the government of the Tyumen region in November 2008 to support and develop innovative initiatives of medium and small businesses. Today it is among the top ten in Russia. During its operation, the total revenue of its residents exceeded 5.9 billion rubles, and tax contributions to budgets of various levels - 720 million rubles. In 10 years expert advice About 300 innovative projects were reviewed, of which 156 were supported. Residents received 73 patents and introduced 127 technological innovations. Since 2010, Tyumen Technopark has been regional representative Fund for Assistance to the Development of Small Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere. Thanks to the established system of interaction with experts, the following fund programs are currently being implemented in the region: “UMNIK”, “Start”, “Commercialization”, “Development-NTI”. More than 133 million rubles were raised from the fund alone to support 317 innovative projects of young Tyumen scientists.

According to the Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Konstantin Noskov, over ten years the West Siberian Innovation Center has provided significant assistance in the promotion of high-tech Tyumen products in various industries and the socio-economic development of the region. In his address to the director of the investment policy department and state support entrepreneurship of the Tyumen region, he emphasized to Leonid Ostroumov that thanks to the activities of the technology park, the Tyumen region has become one of the leading regions in the country in developing an innovation climate, and the technology park itself is a key link in the region’s innovation infrastructure.

According to the press service of the governor of the Tyumen region, having received support in the early stages, many residents and graduates of the technology park are making themselves known at the Russian and international levels. Thus, the SibStroy-Ecology company is today one of the leading manufacturers of waterproofing materials in Russia, exports, and supplies products to the CIS countries. Some of the first residents were companies " Innovative technologies" and "INTES" - provide services for leading oil producing companies in the Russian Federation, Serbia and Azerbaijan. Dryers from the Agrohit company are supplied to consumers in Russia and Latvia. The company is negotiating supplies to Estonia, Kazakhstan, and Vietnam. Testing automated system“VENUL” was successfully implemented on the basis of polyclinic No. 5 in the city of Tyumen, now the project team is preparing for testing in medical institutions Vladivostok.

“Technologies developed by residents of the Tyumen Technopark are used in medicine and agriculture, road construction and construction; they are used by oil and gas companies and small and medium-sized businesses. They are in demand by the market and bring real benefits to specific people - this is the obvious and most important result of the technopark’s ten-year activity, the merit of its residents, specialists and experts accompanying the development of innovative projects,” said Alexander Moor, Governor of the Tyumen Region.

In addition to the classic preferential terms of accommodation, residents of the business incubator enjoy a full package of project support, consulting assistance on intellectual property issues, educational, legal and accounting services, participate in sales support programs, development of export activities, meetings with experts are organized for them venture funds and business angels. In addition, residents have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the business environment - the most significant events are held in the technology park. regional events, professional forums and practical conferences.

To support young projects, startups that are not yet ready to work in business incubation mode, co-working space has been organized, and within the framework of the School of Innovative Thinking created here, free lectures and seminars are held almost weekly, with speakers from invited Russian and foreign experts.

A Competence Center in the field of labor productivity, engineering and prototyping has been created at the technology park, thanks to which, since 2017, financial and organizational support has been provided for the implementation of the principles lean manufacturing at Tyumen enterprises. In the first year alone, more than 20 Tyumen companies took part in the center’s programs. In addition, since 2018, an Export Support Center has been operating in the Tyumen Technopark, with the participation of which the products of Tyumen manufacturers, including residents and graduates of the business incubator, are actively promoted to foreign markets.

Technopark "West Siberian Innovation Center" is a key link in the innovation infrastructure of the Tyumen region. The activities of the Tyumen Technopark are aimed at comprehensive support of all stages innovation process: from formalizing the idea to implementation new technology into mass production. The central element of the innovation center is a business incubator, the main goal of which is comprehensive support for small innovative companies. The total period of placement of residents in the business incubator is three years, during which residents are provided with equipped office premises, conference rooms, exhibition space on preferential terms, services are provided to promote innovative projects, investment, information and media support, educational and training events are held .

The total area of ​​the business incubator is 814 square meters. m - these are 20 offices, equipped with furniture and necessary computer and office equipment.

In addition to the business incubator, the technology park houses office premises for a number of anchor residents of the technology park and management company, cafe, three conference rooms (for 25, 50 and 250 seats), meeting rooms and coworking space. The halls are equipped with the possibility of simultaneous translation and organization of Internet conferences and are intended for holding seminars, presentations, and forums. Many of the most significant events in the Tyumen region are held here.

In addition, over the past two years, several new centers have appeared in the technology park - the Prototyping Center, the Regional Engineering Center, and the Labor Productivity Improvement Center.

The main task of the Prototyping Center is to provide innovative enterprises access to an integrated environment “computer-aided design - pre-production - pilot production” for the development and testing of new products, as well as reducing the time for commercialization of innovative ideas.

Within the framework of the Regional Engineering Center, enterprises can receive services for conducting various types audit (technological, energy, environmental and other types of production audit), assistance in developing modernization programs, technical re-equipment and production development, assistance in obtaining marketing services, services for positioning and promoting new types of products and others.

The main task of the Labor Productivity Improvement Center is optimization production processes at enterprises of the Tyumen region. Activities, including analysis, training and implementation, are carried out in the following main areas: planning, equipment maintenance, logistics, inventory reduction.

In November 2018, an IT-WORKspace coworking space was opened in the technopark building, designed for 24 workplaces.

The total area of ​​the technology park is 12,113.30 square meters. m.

Technopark "West Siberian Innovation Center"

Technology park specialization

  • oil and gas production technologies;
  • information Technology and electronics;
  • biotechnology, medicine, ecology and environmental management;
  • construction technologies and production of building materials;
  • agriculture and food industry.

Examples of large residents

  • “Intelligent Well” - inflow stabilizers with a control controller (SPKU), this is a control system for submersible centrifugal pumps for oil wells;
  • “Oil-absorbing boom for cleaning oil-contaminated watercourses”;
  • “CortiphicQA corticomorphic question-answer system”;
  • “Service for recording parameters of liquids pumped into a well”;
  • “Agrohit” is a universal device for drying grain and seeds;
  • “Sioll - an electronic textbook for blind people”, which allows you to learn Braille;
  • server development software"SGP GIS Server" for the implementation of portal (web) solutions - import-substituting software;
  • "Geographic information analytical system GeoMeta".

Additional benefits for technology park residents

The range of Business Incubator services is provided to residents free of charge, with the exception of the provision of equipped business incubator premises, services of the Prototyping Center and the Regional Engineering Center. These services are provided to residents on a preferential basis.


Name legal entity, Technopark Manager: State autonomous institution Tyumen region "West Siberian Innovation Center"

Address: 625026, Tyumen region, Tyumen, st. Republic, no. 142

Director: Drozdov Evgeniy Viktorovich

Executive Director: Sakevich Alexander Valerievich

The West Siberian Innovation Center (Tyumen Technopark) was created with the aim of developing new technologies and promoting high-tech products in such industries as oil and gas production and refining, construction, mechanical engineering and instrument making, medicine and healthcare, ecology and environmental management, information technology, agro-industrial complex and etc.

The implementation of the project to create a technology park in Tyumen was carried out jointly with the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia within the framework of state program"Creation in Russian Federation technology parks high technology", approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 328-r dated March 10, 2006.

Technopark building with an area of ​​12,113.30 sq. m is located in the city center and has:

  • office premises of various sizes;
  • conference rooms with a capacity of 30 to 300 seats with various types seating arrangements equipped with simultaneous translation systems and Internet conferences;
  • meeting rooms;
  • exhibition areas intended for holding exhibitions, forums and other events.

The main division of the technology park for working with residents is a business incubator, the purpose of which is to provide support to companies by creating favorable conditions for the development and promotion of innovative products with high commercialization potential.

The total period of placement of residents in the business incubator is three years, during which residents can use a full range of business support services.

Residents of the business incubator are provided with equipped office space on a preferential basis:

1 year - 40% of market value

2 year - 60% of market value

3 year - 80% of the market value.

During the incubation period, resident companies have the opportunity to use meeting rooms, conference rooms and exhibition areas free of charge or partially paid.

Information and consulting services for residents of the business incubator include:

  • Investment support (full range of services for finding an investor);
  • Promotion services (organizing and conducting presentations of innovative products and services for potential customers);
  • Media and information support;
  • Patent and licensing support (conducting a free patent search);
  • Carrying out educational programs on innovation topics.

In 2015, a new division was created in the technology park - a prototyping center, the main task which is to provide innovative enterprises with access to an integrated environment “computer-aided design - pre-production - pilot production” for the development and testing of new products, as well as reducing the time for commercialization of innovative ideas.

The main task of the center is to provide small companies with preferential access to a production and tooling base on which they can create a prototype of a future product.

In 2016, a regional engineering center was opened on the basis of the technology park, within which enterprises can receive services for conducting various types of audits (technological, energy, environmental and other types of production audits), assistance in developing modernization programs, technical re-equipment and production development) , assistance in obtaining marketing services, services for positioning and promotion of new types of products, etc.

The target audience of the center is small and medium-sized businesses that carry out production activities. This category of applicants has the right to receive the center’s services on a preferential basis (co-financing up to 95% from the federal and regional budgets of the Russian Federation).

Both centers were created with the support of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

Since 2010, Tyumen Technopark has been the official representative office of the Innovation Promotion Fund in the Tyumen Region. The programs of the Innovation Promotion Fund (“UMNIK”, “Start”, “Commercialization”, etc.) are aimed at creating new and developing existing high-tech companies, as well as commercializing the results of scientific and technical activities.

In 2017, new directions were opened on the basis of the Technopark: School of Programming and School of Business in English.

As part of the School of Programming, training takes place simultaneously in 3 groups of 20 people. Training is provided in PHP programming, the basics of WEB development, and the basics of programming on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform. Based on the results of training, the best graduates are employed in leading IT companies in the region.

The Business English School is designed for export-oriented entrepreneurs. Classes are held several times a week for two months. Both schools are free.

Among our immediate plans is the launch of a Chinese Language School in 2018.

More detailed information about the Tyumen Technopark is posted on the official website

Hall "International" Hall "International"
hall "Siberia" Hall "President"
Atrium hall on the 2nd floor
hall on the 1st floor hall on the 1st floor
hall on the 1st floor hall on the 1st floor

Atrium Hall "President"