WEBSOR Electrical Information Territory. WEBSOR Electrical Information Territory Classification. general technical requirements

  • measurement of small resistance values ​​with a resolution of 1 μΩ with an operating current from 0.1 mA to 10 A: welded and equipotential connections; clamps, terminals, connectors; welded rails; cores of cables and wires; transformer motor windings; low resistance coils;
  • automatic discharge of inductance after measurement;
  • checking the continuity of the grounding conductor and the quality of all connections;
  • three ways to start measurements: normal (one active resistance measurement); automatic (triggered when all four measuring wires are connected to the object); continuous (measurement one after another continuously with display of the result after three seconds);
  • high noise immunity;

    Classification. General technical requirements
    Electric contact connections. Classification.
    General technical requirements
    GOST 10434-82

    Recording date 01/01/83

    This standard applies to dismountable and non-separable electrical contact connections of busbars, wires or cables (hereinafter referred to as conductors) made of copper, aluminum and its alloys, steel, aluminum-copper wires with terminals of electrical devices, as well as contact connections of conductors with each other for currents from 2. 5 A. For contact connections electrical devices for currents less than 2.5 A, the requirements of the standard are recommended. The requirements of the standard regarding the permissible value of electrical resistance and durability of contact connections during through currents also apply to contact connections in circuits of grounding and protective conductors made of steel.

    The standard does not apply to electrical contact connections of special-purpose electrical devices.

    The terms used in the standard correspond to GOST 14312-79, GOST 18311-80.


    1.1. Depending on the area of ​​application, electrical contact connections (hereinafter referred to as contact connections) are divided into classes in accordance with table. 1.

    Table 1

    Scope of contact connection Contact class
    1. Contact connections of circuits whose conductor cross-sections are selected according to permissible long-term current loads (power electrical circuits, power lines, etc.) 1
    2. Contact connections of circuits, the conductor cross-sections of which are selected for resistance to through currents, voltage loss and deviation, mechanical strength, and overload protection. Contact connections in circuits of grounding and protective conductors made of steel 2
    3. Contact connections of circuits with electrical devices whose operation is related to the release large quantity heat (heating elements, resistors, etc.) 3

    Note. In standards and technical conditions Classes 2 and 3 must be indicated for specific types of electrical devices; class 1 is not indicated.

    1.2. Depending on the climatic version and the category of placement of electrical devices according to GOST 15150-69, contact connections are divided into groups in accordance with table. 2.

    1.3. According to their design, contact connections are divided into non-separable and collapsible.

    1.4. Depending on the material of the connected conductors and the group of contact connections according to clause 1.2, dismountable contact connections are divided into:

      - not requiring the use of means for stabilizing electrical resistance - see paragraphs. 2.1.6 and 2.1.8;
      - requiring the use of means of stabilizing electrical resistance - see paragraphs. 2.1.7 and 2.1.8.

    table 2

    Climatic modification and category of electrical device placement
    1. All climatic versions for location category 4.1 with atmosphere types II and I.
    Climatic modifications U, UHL, TS for placement category 3 and climatic modifications UHL, TS for placement category 4 in an atmosphere of types II and I
    2. Any combination of climatic design and placement category, except those indicated above, with an atmosphere of types II and I.
    Any combination of climatic design and accommodation category with atmosphere types III and IV


    2.1. Design requirements

    2.1.1. Contact connections must be made in accordance with the requirements of this standard, standards and technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices according to working drawings approved in the prescribed manner.

    2.1.2. The terminals of electrical devices must comply with the requirements of GOST 24753-81.

    2.1.3. Contact screw terminals must comply with the requirements of GOST 25034-85, type-set terminals must comply with the requirements of GOST 19132-86.

    2.1.4. Linear fittings must comply with the requirements of GOST 13276-79.

    2.1.5. Permanent contact connections must be made by welding, soldering or crimping. It is permissible to use other methods specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    Examples of making permanent contact connections are given in Appendix 1.

    2.1.6. Demountable contact connections that do not require the use of means for stabilizing electrical resistance must be made using steel fasteners protected from corrosion in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9.303-84, GOST 9.005-72.

    2.1.7. Demountable contact connections requiring the use of means for stabilizing electrical resistance must be made using both individually and in combination the following means:

      1) fasteners made of non-ferrous metals with a linear expansion coefficient from 18·10 -6 to 21·10 -6 1/°С;
      2) disc springs in accordance with GOST 3057-90 or technical specifications for specific types of springs;
      3) protective metal coatings of working surfaces, selected according to GOST 9.303-84, taking into account the requirements of GOST 9.005-72.
      It is allowed to use other types of protective coatings specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices;
      4) transition parts in the form of copper-aluminum plates in accordance with GOST 19357-81, copper-aluminum tips in accordance with GOST 9581-80 and hardware clamps made of clad aluminum in accordance with TU 34-13-11438-89;
      5) transition parts in the form of plates and tips made of aluminum alloy with a tensile strength of at least 130 MPa (hereinafter referred to as hard aluminum alloy);
      6) pin tips according to GOST 23598-79 made of hard aluminum alloy;
      7) pin tips according to GOST 23598-79, copper-aluminum;
      8) electrically conductive lubricants or other electrically conductive materials, if the possibility of their use is confirmed by test results in accordance with GOST 17441-84 and is specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    When using means 2)-8), contact connections, as a rule, must be made using steel fasteners protected from corrosion in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9.303-84, GOST 9.005-72.

    Note. The need to apply a protective metal coating to the working surfaces of copper conductors must be specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2, 3).

    2.1.8. Demountable contact connections, depending on the group according to clause 1.2 and the material of the connected conductors and terminals of electrical devices, must be made in accordance with the requirements of the standard specified:

      - for contact connections of conductors with flat leads, as well as contact connections of conductors among themselves - in table. 3;
      - for contact connections of conductors with pin terminals - in table. 4;
      - for contact connections of conductors with socket terminals - in table. 5.

    Table 3

    Contact group Conductor material Standard clause number depending on the terminal material or second conductor
    copper and its alloys hard aluminum alloy aluminum steel
    A Copper, aluminum copper 2.1.6 2.1.6
    Solid aluminum alloy
    Aluminum 2.1.7 1) or 2), or 3), or 4), or 5), or 8)
    B Copper, aluminum copper 2.1.6 2.1.6
    Solid aluminum alloy 2.1.7* 3) or 4), or 5) and 3) 2.1.6 2.1.7 4) or 5) and 3)
    Aluminum 2.1.7 4) or 5) and 3), or 1) and 3), or 2) and 3) 2.1.7 1) or 2), or 3), or 4), or 5)

    Contact connections in accordance with the climatic design and the category of placement of electrical devices, determined according to GOST 15150-69 and GOST 15543-70, must withstand the influence of climatic factors external environment specified in GOST 15150-69, GOST 15543-70, GOST 15963-79, GOST 16350-80, GOST 17412-72 or in standards and technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    Table 4

    Contact group Conductor material Standard clause number depending on pin material
    copper or brass for rated current steel for rated current up to 40 A
    up to 630 A above 630 A
    A Copper, aluminum copper 2.1.6
    Solid aluminum alloy
    Aluminum 2.1.7 1) 2.1.7 3) or 4), or 5) 2.1.7 2) or 3), or 4), or 5)
    B Copper, aluminum copper 2.1.6
    Solid aluminum alloy 2.1.7 4) or 5) and 3) 2.1.7* 4) or 5) and 3) 2.1.7 4) or 5) and 3)
    Aluminum 2.1.7 4) or 5) and 3)

    * Contact connections of electrical devices of climatic versions U, UHL of placement categories 1 and 2 may be manufactured according to clause 2.1.6.

    Note. In all cases, copper or brass thrust nuts must be used for pin terminals rated above 40 A.

    Table 5

    Contact group Conductor material Standard clause number depending on the type of core
    single-wire stranded
    A Copper Direct connection
    Aluminum copper -
    Aluminum Direct connection* or 2.1.7 6) or 7)**
    B Copper Direct connection* or 2.1.6*** 2.1.6***
    Aluminum copper -
    Aluminum 2.1.7 7) or 6) and 3)

    * The possibility of direct connection must be specified in the standards or technical specifications for a specific type of electrical device.

    ** It is allowed to connect aluminum cores fused into a monolith with the addition of alloying additives from a hard aluminum alloy.

    *** The contact connection is made by terminating with copper pin tips in accordance with GOST 22002.5-76, GOST 22002.12-76, GOST 22002.13-76, GOST 23598-79 or by tinning the cores with tin-lead solders in accordance with GOST 21931-76.

    It is allowed, by agreement with the consumer, to use contact connections that differ from those indicated in the table. 3-5.

    Examples of making collapsible contact connections are given in Appendix 2.

    (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 3).

    2.1.9. Contact connections of plates made of hard aluminum alloy and the aluminum part of copper-aluminum plates with aluminum conductors (leads) must be made by welding or soldering, and connections of lugs made of hard aluminum alloy and the aluminum part of copper-aluminum lugs with aluminum conductors of wires and cables must be made by welding or crimping.

    2.1.10. Dismountable contact connections of single-wire conductors of wires and cables with flat or pin terminals must be carried out:

      - cores with a cross-section of up to 16 mm 2 - after termination with lugs in accordance with GOST 7386-80 or directly: by forming into a ring or without it, with protection in both cases from extrusion with shaped washers or other methods;
      - cores with a cross-section of 25 mm 2 or more - after termination with lugs in accordance with GOST 7386-80, GOST 7387-82, GOST 9581-80 or by forming the end of the core into a flat clamping part with a hole for a bolt.

    2.1.11. Demountable contact connections of stranded wires and cables with flat or pin terminals must be carried out:

      - cores with a cross-section of up to 10 mm 2 - after termination with lugs in accordance with GOST 7386-80, GOST 9688-82, GOST 22002.1-82, GOST 22002.2-76 - GOST 22002.4-76, GOST 22002.6-82, GOST 22002.7-76 - GOST 22002. 11- 76, GOST 22002.14-76 or directly: by forming into a ring or without it, with protection in both cases from extrusion with shaped washers, or other methods;
      - cores with a cross-section of 16 mm 2 or more - after termination with lugs in accordance with GOST 7386-80, GOST 7387-82, GOST 9581-80, GOST 22002.1-82, GOST 22002.2-76, GOST 22002.6-82, GOST 22002.7-76.

    (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

    2.1.12. It is recommended to connect no more than two conductors to each flat terminal bolt (screw) or pin terminal, unless otherwise specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    2.1.13. In collapsible contact connections, fasteners of strength classes in accordance with GOST 1759.4-87 and GOST 1759.5-87 specified in table should be used. 6. It is recommended to use screws in contact connections with a cylindrical or hexagonal head.

    Table 6

    2.1.14. Requirements for the preparation of working surfaces of contact parts are given in Appendix 3.

    2.2. Electrical Requirements

    2.2.1. The ratio of the initial electrical resistance of contact connections (except for contact connections with pin terminals) to the electrical resistance of the section of connected conductors, the length of which is equal to the length of the contact connection, should not exceed:

      - for class 1 - 1, unless otherwise specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices;
      - for class 2 - 2;
      - for grades 3 - 6.

    In contact connections of conductors with different electrical resistance, a comparison is made with a contact part with greater electrical resistance.

    2.2.2. Initial electrical resistance contact connections of class 1 conductors with pin terminals should not exceed the values ​​​​specified in table. 7.

    Table 7

    Requirements for contact connections of classes 2 and 3, if necessary, are specified in standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    2.2.3. Electrical resistance of contact connections (except welded and soldered), tested for compliance with the requirements of standards and other technical documentation according to the method specified in GOST 17441-84, should not exceed the initial value by more than 1.5 times. The electrical resistance of welded and soldered contact connections must remain unchanged. The need for mandatory use of torque indicator keys must be indicated in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    2.2.4. When the rated (long-term permissible) current flows, the greatest permissible temperature contact connections of classes 1 and 2 should not exceed the values ​​​​specified in table. 8. In this case, the current loads of conductors are taken according to the “Rules for the Construction of Electrical Installations”, approved by Gosenergonadzor on April 12, 1969, according to standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    Table 8

    Characteristics of connected conductors Highest permissible heating temperature, °C in installations
    up to 1000 V St. 1000 V
    1. Conductors made of copper, aluminum-copper, aluminum and its alloys without protective coatings of working surfaces 95 According to GOST 8024-90
    2. Conductors made of copper, aluminum-copper, aluminum and its alloys with protective coatings of working surfaces with base metals 110*
    3. Conductors made of copper and its alloys without insulation or with insulation of classes B, F and H according to GOST 8865-87 with a protective coating of working surfaces with silver 135

    * It is allowed for conductors made of copper without insulation or with insulation of classes B, F and H according to GOST 8865-87 to increase the temperature to 135 ° C, if the possibility of this is confirmed by test results according to GOST 17441-84 and is indicated in the standards or technical specifications for specific types electrical devices.

    The temperature of class 3 contact connections is established in standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices, depending on the materials used, coatings, insulation class of connected conductors and operating conditions.

    (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2, 3).

    2.2.5. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).

    2.2.6. After the through current mode, the contact connections should not have mechanical damage that would prevent their further operation. The temperature of contact connections in through current mode should not be more than 200 °C for connections of conductors made of aluminum copper, aluminum and its alloys, as well as for connections of these conductors with copper, 300 °C for connections of copper conductors and 400 °C for connections of steel conductors.

    2.2.7. The value of the permissible through current of contact connections must be no less than the permissible through currents of specific types of electrical devices specified in the standards or technical specifications for these devices.

    In the absence of these data, the value of the one-second current density should correspond to 165 A/mm 2 - for copper conductors, 105 A/mm 2 - for aluminum and aluminum-copper conductors, 90 A/mm 2 - for conductors made of aluminum alloy and 20 A/mm 2 - for steel conductors.

    (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

    2.3. Requirements for resistance to mechanical factors

    2.3.1. Contact connections must withstand the effects of mechanical environmental factors according to the group of operating conditions in accordance with GOST 17516-72, which must be specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    In the absence of such instructions, contact connections subject to vibration must withstand vibration for 1 hour at a constant frequency of 40 to 50 Hz and an amplitude of 1 mm.

    2.3.2. Contact connections must withstand the effects of static axial tensile loads causing stresses of at least:

      - 90% of the tensile strength of the entire conductor - for contact connections of power line wires operating in tension;
      - 30% tensile strength of a whole conductor - for permanent contact connections that do not work in tension, as well as for connections of conductors with socket terminals, connections of unterminated wires and cables with flat terminals equipped with shaped washers.

    For conductors with a cross section of up to 1.5 mm2, it is not allowed to use a screw clamp, the end of the screw of which is rotated along the core.

    2.3.1.-2.3.3. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

    2.3.4. Dismountable contact connections of conductors with leads, single-bolt contact connections that can be exposed to through currents short circuit, as well as detachable contact connections subject to vibration or located in explosive areas, must be protected from self-unscrewing by locknuts, spring washers, disc springs or other methods.

    (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

    2.4. Reliability requirements

    2.4.1. To assess the reliability of contact connections, a gamma-percentage resource is established, unless otherwise established in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    The lower value of the gamma percentage resource must ensure the operation of electrical devices in accordance with the reliability requirements established in the standards or technical specifications for these electrical devices.

    (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

    2.5. Safety requirements

    2.5.1. Contact connections in terms of safety requirements must comply with GOST and ensure the operating conditions established by the "Rules technical operation consumer installations" and "Safety Rules for the operation of consumer electrical installations", approved by Gosenergonadzor on April 12, 1969.

    2.5.2. Contact connections in terms of fire safety requirements must comply with GOST 12.1.004-91, which is ensured by meeting the requirements of GOST 10434-82.

    (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 3).

    ANNEX 1


    a - welding or soldering; b - with pin terminal welding; c - welding through a transition copper-aluminum plate; d - connection of wire (cable) cores through a connecting sleeve by crimping; d - connection of a wire (cable) core with a cable lug by crimping (welding, soldering); e - connection of wire cores in oval connectors

    1 - flat output (bus); 2 - tire; 3 - pin terminal; 4 - copper-aluminum plate; 5 - wire (cable); 6 - connecting sleeve; 7 - cable lug; 8 - oval connector



    a - with a lock nut; b - with a spring washer; c - single-wire (multi-wire) core of wire (cable) cross-section. up to 10 mm 2 with bending into a ring; g - single-wire (multi-wire) wire (cable) core cross-section. up to 10 mm 2 without bending into a ring.

    1 - flat output (bus); 2 - bus (cable lug); 3, 4, 5 - steel washer, bolt and nut; 6 - spring washer; 7 - screw; 8 - shaped washer (star washer); 9 - wire (cable); 10 - shaped washer (arched washer)

    a - fasteners made of non-ferrous metal with a lock nut; b - fasteners made of non-ferrous metal with a spring washer; c - steel fasteners with a disc spring; d - steel fasteners with protective metal coatings on working surfaces with a lock nut (spring washer); d - steel fasteners through a transition copper-aluminum plate with a lock nut (spring washer); e - steel fasteners through an adapter plate made of hard aluminum alloy with a lock nut (spring washer).

    1 - flat output (bus); 2 - bus (cable lug); 3 - 5 - washer, bolt, nut made of non-ferrous metal; 6 - spring washer; 7 - steel nut; 8 - steel bolt; 9 - disc spring; 10 - steel washer (enlarged washer); 11 - steel washer; 12 - flat terminal (bus) with a protective metal coating of the working surface; 13 - busbar (cable lug) with a protective metal coating of the working surface; 14 - copper-aluminum plate; 15 - hard aluminum alloy plate

    a - conductor made of copper, hard aluminum alloy or aluminum with a protective metal coating of the working surface; b, c, d - aluminum conductor; d - aluminum conductor through a copper-aluminum transition plate; e - single-wire (multi-wire) core of the cable cross-section. 10 mm 2 with bending into a ring.

    1-pin copper or brass terminal; 2 - nut made of copper or brass; 3 - busbar (cable lug) made of copper, hard aluminum alloy or aluminum with a protective metal coating of working surfaces; 4 - steel nut; 5 - pin copper terminal; 6 - steel washer; 7 - aluminum busbar (cable lug); 8 - pin brass terminal; 9 - pin steel terminal; 10 - disc spring; 11 - copper-aluminum plate; 12 - wire (cable); 13 - spring washer; 14 - shaped washer (star washer)

    a, b - single-wire (multi-wire, fused into a monolith) core; c - stranded core terminated with a cable lug.

    1 - dial clamp; 2 - wire (cable); 3 - socket output; 4 - pin cable lug


    1. Contact parts that have two or more holes for bolts in a transverse row are recommended to be made with longitudinal cuts, as shown in the drawing.

    2. The working surfaces of contact parts of dismountable contact connections and non-separable contact connections with linear fittings must be prepared immediately before assembly:

      - copper without coating and aluminum-copper - stripped.
      When stripping aluminum-copper wires, the copper sheath should not be damaged;
      - aluminum and aluminum alloys - cleaned and lubricated with neutral lubricant (KVZ Vaseline in accordance with GOST 15975-70, CIATIM-221 in accordance with GOST 9433-80 or other lubricants with similar properties).
      The recommended time between cleaning and lubrication is no more than 1 hour;
      - working surfaces with protective metal coatings are washed with an organic solvent.

    (Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).

    3. The working surfaces of copper contact parts connected by crimping must be cleaned, unless otherwise specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    The working surfaces of aluminum contact parts must be cleaned and lubricated with quartz-vaseline paste or other lubricants, pastes and compounds with similar properties.

    4. The surfaces of contact parts connected by welding or soldering must first be cleaned, degreased or etched.

    5. The location and size of holes for bolts in contact parts of dismountable contact connections is recommended to be taken in accordance with GOST 21242-75.

    By agreement with the consumer, oval holes can be made.

    (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 2).


    Table 9

    Thread diameter, mm Torque, Nm, for bolted connection
    with slotted head (screws) with hex head
    M3 0,5+0,1 -
    M3.5 0.8±0.2
    M4 1.2±0.2
    M5 2.0±0.4 7.5±1.0
    M6 2.5±0.5 10.5±1.0
    M8 - 22.0±1.5
    M10 30.0±1.5
    M12 40.0±2.0
    M16 60.0±3.0
    M20 90.0±4.0
    M24 130.0±5.0
    M30 200.0±7.0
    M36 240.0±10.0

    Note. For bolted connections of conductors made of copper and hard aluminum alloy, it is recommended to use torques whose values ​​are 1.5 - 1.7 times higher than those specified in the table.

    (Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).


    1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Assembly and Special construction work USSR

    N. N. Dzektser, Ph.D. tech. Sciences (topic leader); V. L. Fuks; O. V. Fesenko, Ph.D. tech. sciences

    2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Product Quality Management and Standards dated 02/03/82 No. 450

    3. INSTEAD GOST 10434-76


    Designation of the referenced technical document Number of item, transfer, application
    GOST 9.005-72
    GOST 9.303-84 2.1.6; 2.1.7, items 3, 8
    GOST 12.1.004-91 2.5.2
    GOST 2.5.1
    GOST 1759.4-87 2.1.13
    GOST 1759.5-87 2.1.13.
    GOST 3057-90 2.1.7, item 2
    GOST 7386-80 2.1.10; 2.l.11
    GOST 7387-82 2.1.10; 2.1.11
    GOST 8024-90 2.2.4
    GOST 8865-87 2.2.4
    GOST 9433-80 Appendix 3
    GOST 9581-80 2.1.7, item 4; 2.1.10; 2.1.10; 2.1.11
    GOST 9688-82 2.1.11
    GOST 13276-79 2.1.4; 2.1.7
    GOST 14312-79 Introductory part
    GOST 15150-69 1.2; 2.1.8
    GOST 15543-70 2.1.8
    GOST 15963-79 2.1.8
    GOST 15975-70 Appendix 3
    GOST 16350-80 2.1.8
    GOST 17412-72 2.1.8
    GOST 17441-84 2.1.7, item 8; 2.2.3; 2.2.4
    GOST 17516-72 2.3.1
    GOST 18311-80 Introductory part
    GOST 19132-86 2.1.3
    GOST 19357-81 2.1.7, item 4
    GOST 21242-75 Appendix 3
    GOST 21931-76 2.1.8
    GOST 22002.1-82 2.1.11
    GOST 22002.2-76 - GOST 22002.4-76 2.1.11
    GOST 22002.5-76 2.1.8
    GOST 22002.6-82 2.1.11
    GOST 22002.7-76 - GOST 22002.11-76 2.1.11
    GOST 22002.12-76 2.1.8
    GOST 22002.13-76 2.1.8
    GOST 22002.14-76 2.1.11
    GOST 23598-79 2.1.7, listing 6, 7; 2.1.8
    GOST 24753-81 2.1.2
    GOST 25034-85 2.1.3
    GOST 34-13-11438-89 2.1.7, item 4

    5. Validity period extended until 01/01/96 by Decree of the USSR State Committee for Product Quality Management and Standards dated 05/25/90 No. 1309

    6. REISSUE (October 1993) with Amendments No. 1, 2, 3, approved in April 1985, June 1987, May 1990 (IUS 7-85, 10-87, 8-90)




    GOST 10434-82



    Maintenance date 01.01.83

    This standard applies to dismountable and non-separable electrical contact connections of busbars, wires or cables (hereinafter referred to as conductors) made of copper, aluminum and its alloys, steel, aluminum-copper wires with terminals of electrical devices, as well as contact connections of conductors with each other for currents from 2. 5 A. For contact connections of electrical devices for currents less than 2.5 A, the standard requirements are recommended. The requirements of the standard regarding the permissible value of electrical resistance and durability of contact connections during through currents also apply to contact connections in circuits of grounding and protective conductors made of steel.

    The standard does not apply to electrical contact connections of special-purpose electrical devices.

    The terms used in the standard correspond to GOST 14312-79, GOST 18311-80.


    1.1. Depending on the area of ​​application, electrical contact connections (hereinafter referred to as contact connections) are divided into classes in accordance with table. .

    Table 1

    Contact class

    1. Contact connections of circuits whose conductor cross-sections are selected according to permissible long-term current loads (power electrical circuits, power lines, etc.)

    2. Contact connections of circuits, the conductor cross-sections of which are selected for resistance to through currents, voltage loss and deviation, mechanical strength, and overload protection. Contact connections in circuits of grounding and protective conductors made of steel

    3. Contact connections of circuits with electrical devices, the operation of which is associated with the release of a large amount of heat (heating elements, resistors, etc.)

    Note. Standards and technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices must indicate classes 2 and 3; class 1 is not indicated.

    requiring the use of means of stabilizing electrical resistance - see paragraphs. .1.7 and .

    table 2

    Contact group

    1. All climatic versions for location category 4.1 with atmosphere types II and I.

    Climatic modifications U, UHL, TS for placement category 3 and climatic modifications UHL, TS for placement category 4 in an atmosphere of types II and I

    2. Any combination of climatic design and placement category, except those indicated above, with an atmosphere of types II and I.

    Any combination of climatic design and location category with atmosphere types III and IV


    2.1. Design requirements

    2.1.1. Contact connections must be made in accordance with the requirements of this standard, standards and technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices according to working drawings approved in the prescribed manner.

    2.1.4. Linear fittings must comply with the requirements of GOST 13276-79.

    2.1.5. Permanent contact connections must be made by welding, soldering or crimping. It is permissible to use other methods specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    Examples of making non-separable contact connections are given in the appendix.

    1) fasteners made of non-ferrous metals with a linear expansion coefficient of 18× 10 -6 to 21 × 10 -6 1/°С;

    2) disc springs in accordance with GOST 3057-90 or technical specifications for specific types of springs;

    3) protective metal coatings of working surfaces selected according to GOST 9.303-84 taking into account the requirements of GOST 9.005-72.

    It is allowed to use other types of protective coatings specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices;

    4) transition parts in the form of copper-aluminum plates in accordance with GOST 19357-81, copper-aluminum tips in accordance with GOST 9581-80 and hardware clamps made of clad aluminum in accordance with TU 34-13-11438-89;

    5) transition parts in the form of plates and tips made of aluminum alloy with a tensile strength of at least 130 MPa (hereinafter referred to as hard aluminum alloy);

    6) pin tips according to GOST 23598-79 made of hard aluminum alloy;

    7) pin tips according to GOST 23598-79, copper-aluminum;

    8) electrically conductive lubricants or other electrically conductive materials, if the possibility of their use is confirmed by test results in accordance with GOST 17441-84 and is specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    When using means 2)-8), contact connections, as a rule, must be made using steel fasteners protected from corrosion in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9.303-84, GOST 9.005-72.

    Note . The need to apply a protective metal coating to the working surfaces of copper conductors must be specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2, 3).

    for contact connections of conductors with pin terminals - in table. ;

    for contact connections of conductors with socket terminals - in table. .

    Table 3

    Conductor material

    Standard clause number depending on the terminal material or second conductor

    copper and its alloys

    hard aluminum alloy



    Copper, aluminum copper

    Conductor material

    Standard clause number depending on pin material

    copper or brass for rated current

    steel for rated current up to 40 A

    up to 630 A

    above 630 A

    Copper, aluminum copper

    Note. In all cases, copper or brass thrust nuts must be used for pin terminals rated above 40 A.

    Table 5

    Conductor material

    Standard clause number depending on the type of core




    Direct connection


    Aluminum copper


    Direct connection* or 6) or 7)**

    Direct connection* or 6) or 7)**


    Direct connection* or ***

    Examples of making collapsible contact connections are given in the Appendix.

    (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 3).

    2.1.9. Contact connections of plates made of hard aluminum alloy and the aluminum part of copper-aluminum plates with aluminum conductors (leads) must be made by welding or soldering, and connections of lugs made of hard aluminum alloy and the aluminum part of copper-aluminum lugs with aluminum conductors of wires and cables must be made by welding or crimping.

    cores with a cross-section of up to 16 mm 2 - after termination with lugs in accordance with GOST 7386-80 or directly: by forming into a ring or without it, with protection in both cases from extrusion with shaped washers or other methods;

    cores with a cross-section of 25 mm 2 or more - after termination with lugs in accordance with GOST 7386-80, GOST 7387-82, GOST 9581-80 or by forming the end of the core into a flat clamping part with a hole for a bolt.

    cores with a cross section of up to 10 mm 2 - after termination with lugs in accordance with GOST 7386-80, GOST 9688-82, GOST 22002.1-82, GOST 22002.2-76 - GOST 22002.4-76, GOST 22002.6-82, GOST 22002.7-76 - GOST 22002.1 1-76 , GOST 22002.14-76 or directly: by forming into a ring or without it, with protection in both cases from extrusion using shaped washers, or other methods;

    cores with a cross-section of 16 mm 2 or more - after termination with lugs in accordance with GOST 7386-80, GOST 7387-82, GOST 9581-80, GOST 22002.1-82, GOST 22002.2-76, GOST 22002.6-82, GOST 22002.7-76.

    (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

    2.1.12. It is recommended to connect no more than two conductors to each flat terminal bolt (screw) or pin terminal, unless otherwise specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    Strength class or group, not lower

    Bolts, screws, studs made of carbon or alloy steels

    Nuts made of carbon or alloy steels

    Bolts, screws, studs and nuts made of non-ferrous metals

    2.1.14. Requirements for preparing the working surfaces of contact parts are given in the Appendix.

    2.2. Electrical Requirements

    2.2.1. The ratio of the initial electrical resistance of contact connections (except for contact connections with pin terminals) to the electrical resistance of the section of connected conductors, the length of which is equal to the length of the contact connection, should not exceed:

    for class 1 - 1, unless otherwise specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices;

    for class 2 - 2;

    for grades 3 - 6.

    In contact connections of conductors with different electrical resistance, a comparison is made with a contact part with a higher electrical resistance.

    2.2.2. The initial electrical resistance of contact connections of class 1 conductors with pin terminals should not exceed the values ​​​​specified in table. .

    Table 7

    Initial electrical resistance of contact connections with copper and brass leads according to GOST 21242-75, µOhm

    Requirements for contact connections of classes 2 and 3, if necessary, are specified in standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    The highest permissible heating temperature,°C in settings

    up to 1000 V

    St. 1000 V

    1. Conductors made of copper, aluminum-copper, aluminum and its alloys without protective coatings of working surfaces

    According to GOST 8024-90

    2. Conductors made of copper, aluminum-copper, aluminum and its alloys with protective coatings of working surfaces with base metals


    3. Conductors made of copper and its alloys without insulation or with insulation classes IN, FAnd N according to GOST 8865-87 with protective coating of working surfaces with silver

    * Allowed for copper conductors without insulation or with insulation grades B, F And N according to GOST 8865-87, increase the temperature to 135 °C, if the possibility of this is confirmed by test results according to GOST 17441-84 and is indicated in the standards or technical conditions for specific types of electrical devices.

    The temperature of class 3 contact connections is established in standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices, depending on the materials used, coatings, insulation class of connected conductors and operating conditions.

    (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2, 3).

    2.2.5. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).

    2.2.6. After the through current mode, the contact connections should not have mechanical damage that would prevent their further operation. The temperature of contact connections in through current mode should not be more than 200 °C for connections of conductors made of aluminum copper, aluminum and its alloys, as well as for connections of these conductors with copper, 300 °C for connections of copper conductors and 400 °C for connections of steel conductors.

    2.2.7. The value of the permissible through current of contact connections must be no less than the permissible through currents of specific types of electrical devices specified in the standards or technical specifications for these devices.

    In the absence of these data, the value of the one-second current density should correspond to 165 A/mm 2 - for copper conductors, 105 A/mm 2 - for aluminum and aluminum-copper conductors, 90 A/mm 2 - for conductors made of aluminum alloy and 20 A/mm 2 - for steel conductors.

    (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

    2.3. Requirements for resistance to mechanical factors

    In the absence of such instructions, contact connections subject to vibration must withstand vibration for 1 hour at a constant frequency of 40 to 50 Hz and an amplitude of 1 mm.

    2.3.2. Contact connections must withstand the effects of static axial tensile loads causing stresses of at least:

    90% tensile strength of a whole conductor - for contact connections of power line wires operating in tension;

    30% tensile strength of an entire conductor - for permanent contact connections that do not work in tension, as well as for connections of conductors with socket terminals, connections of unterminated wires and cables with flat terminals equipped with shaped washers.

    For conductors with a cross section of up to 1.5 mm2, it is not allowed to use a screw clamp, the end of the screw of which is rotated along the core.


    2.3.4. Dismountable contact connections of conductors with leads, single-bolt contact connections that may be exposed to through short-circuit currents, as well as dismountable contact connections subject to vibration or located in explosive areas must be protected from self-unscrewing by locknuts, spring washers, disc springs or other means.

    (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

    2.4. Reliability requirements

    2.4.1. To assess the reliability of contact connections, a gamma-percentage resource is established, unless otherwise established in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    The lower value of the gamma percentage resource must ensure the operation of electrical devices in accordance with the reliability requirements established in the standards or technical specifications for these electrical devices.

    (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

    2.5. Safety requirements

    2.5.1. Contact connections must comply with safety requirements GOST and ensure the operating conditions established by the “Rules for the technical operation of consumer installations” and “Safety rules for the operation of consumer electrical installations”, approved by Gosenergonadzor on April 12, 1969.

    2.5.2. Contact connections in terms of fire safety requirements must comply GOST 12.1.004-91 , which is ensured by meeting the requirements GOST 10434-82 .

    (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 3).

    ANNEX 1



    A -welding or soldering; b- with pin terminal welding; V- welding through a transition copper-aluminum plate; G - connection of wire (cable) cores through a connecting sleeve by crimping; d- connection of a wire (cable) core with a cable lug by crimping (welding, soldering); e - connecting wire cores in oval connectors

    1 - flat output (bus); 2 - tire; 3 - pin terminal; 4 - copper-aluminum plate; 5 - wire (cable); 6 - connecting sleeve; 7 - cable lug; 8 - oval connector




    Collapsible contact connections of conductors with flat leads without means of stabilizing electrical resistance

    A- with a lock nut; b- with a spring washer; V- single-wire (multi-wire) wire (cable) core cross-section. up to 10 mm 2 with bending into a ring; G- single-wire (multi-wire) wire (cable) core cross-section. up to 10mm 2 without bending into a ring.

    1 - flat output (bus); 2 - busbar (cable lug); 3, 4, 5 - steel washer, bolt and nut; 6 - spring washer; 7 - screw; 8 - shaped washer (star washer); 9 - wire (cable); 10 - shaped washer (arched washer)

    Crap. 1

    Collapsible contact connections of conductors with flat leads with means for stabilizing electrical resistance

    A- fasteners made of non-ferrous metal with a lock nut; b- fasteners made of non-ferrous metal with a spring washer; V- steel fasteners with a disc spring; G- steel fasteners with protective metal coatings on working surfaces with a lock nut (spring washer); d- steel fasteners through a copper-aluminum transition plate with a lock nut (spring washer); e - steel fasteners through a hard aluminum alloy adapter plate with a lock nut (spring washer).

    1 - flat output (bus); 2 - busbar (cable lug); 3 - 5 - washer, bolt, nut made of non-ferrous metal; 6 - spring washer; 7 - steel nut; 8 - steel bolt; 9 - disc spring; 10 - steel washer (enlarged washer); 11 - steel washer; 12 - flat output (bus) with a protective metal coating of the working surface; 13 - busbar (cable lug) with a protective metal coating of the working surface; 14 - copper-aluminum plate; 15 - solid aluminum alloy plate

    Crap. 2

    Collapsible contact connections of conductors with pin terminals without means and with means of stabilizing electrical resistance

    A -conductor made of copper, hard aluminum alloy or aluminum with a protective metal coating on the working surface; b, c, G- aluminum conductor; d - aluminum conductor through copper-aluminum transition plate; e- single-wire (multi-wire) cable core, cross-section. 10mm 2 with bending into a ring.

    1- pin terminal made of copper or brass; 2 - nut made of copper or brass; 3 - busbar (cable lug) made of copper, hard aluminum alloy or aluminum with a protective metal coating of working surfaces; 4 - steel nut; 5 - pin copper terminal; 6 - steel washer; 7 - aluminum busbar (cable lug); 8 - pin brass terminal; 9 - pin steel terminal; 10 - disc spring; 11 - copper-aluminum plate; 12 - wire (cable); 13 - spring washer; 14 - shaped washer (star washer)

    Crap. 3

    Dismountable contact connections of conductors with socket terminals

    a, b- single-wire (multi-wire, fused into a monolith) core; V- multi-wire core terminated with a cable lug.

    1 - dial clamp; 2 - wire (cable); 3 - female output; 4 - pin cable lug

    Crap. 4



    1. Contact parts that have two or more holes for bolts in a transverse row are recommended to be made with longitudinal cuts, as shown in the drawing.

    2. The working surfaces of contact parts of dismountable contact connections and non-separable contact connections with linear fittings must be prepared immediately before assembly:

    copper without coating and aluminum-copper - stripped.

    When stripping aluminum-copper wires, the copper sheath should not be damaged;

    aluminum and aluminum alloys - cleaned and lubricated with neutral lubricant (KVZ Vaseline in accordance with GOST 15975-70, CIATIM-221 in accordance with GOST 9433-80 or other lubricants with similar properties).

    working surfaces with protective metal coatings are washed with an organic solvent.

    (Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).

    3. The working surfaces of copper contact parts connected by crimping must be cleaned, unless otherwise specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    The working surfaces of aluminum contact parts must be cleaned and lubricated with quartz-vaseline paste or other lubricants, pastes and compounds with similar properties.

    4. The surfaces of contact parts connected by welding or soldering must first be cleaned, degreased or etched.

    5. The location and size of holes for bolts in contact parts of dismountable contact connections is recommended to be taken in accordance with GOST 21242-75.

    By agreement with the consumer, oval holes can be made.

    (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 2).



    Table 9

    Thread diameter, mm

    Torque, N× m, for bolted connection

    with slotted head (screws)

    with hex head












    GOST 10434-82



    Maintenance date 01.01.83

    This standard applies to dismountable and non-separable electrical contact connections of busbars, wires or cables (hereinafter referred to as conductors) made of copper, aluminum and its alloys, steel, aluminum-copper wires with terminals of electrical devices, as well as contact connections of conductors with each other for currents from 2. 5 A. For contact connections of electrical devices for currents less than 2.5 A, the standard requirements are recommended. The requirements of the standard regarding the permissible value of electrical resistance and durability of contact connections during through currents also apply to contact connections in circuits of grounding and protective conductors made of steel.

    The standard does not apply to electrical contact connections of special-purpose electrical devices.

    The terms used in the standard correspond to GOST 14312-79, GOST 18311-80.


    1.1. Depending on the area of ​​application, electrical contact connections (hereinafter referred to as contact connections) are divided into classes in accordance with table. .

    Table 1

    Contact class

    1. Contact connections of circuits whose conductor cross-sections are selected according to permissible long-term current loads (power electrical circuits, power lines, etc.)

    2. Contact connections of circuits, the conductor cross-sections of which are selected for resistance to through currents, voltage loss and deviation, mechanical strength, and overload protection. Contact connections in circuits of grounding and protective conductors made of steel

    3. Contact connections of circuits with electrical devices, the operation of which is associated with the release of a large amount of heat (heating elements, resistors, etc.)

    Note. Standards and technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices must indicate classes 2 and 3; class 1 is not indicated.

    1.3. According to their design, contact connections are divided into non-separable and collapsible.

    1.4. Depending on the material of the connected conductors and the group of contact connections according to item, dismountable contact connections are divided into:

    not requiring the use of means for stabilizing electrical resistance - see paragraphs. And ;

    requiring the use of means of stabilizing electrical resistance - see paragraphs. .1.7 and .

    table 2

    Contact group

    1. All climatic versions for location category 4.1 with atmosphere types II and I.

    Climatic modifications U, UHL, TS for placement category 3 and climatic modifications UHL, TS for placement category 4 in an atmosphere of types II and I

    2. Any combination of climatic design and placement category, except those indicated above, with an atmosphere of types II and I.

    Any combination of climatic design and location category with atmosphere types III and IV

    2.1.4. Linear fittings must comply with the requirements of GOST 13276-79.

    2.1.5. Permanent contact connections must be made by welding, soldering or crimping. It is permissible to use other methods specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    Examples of making non-separable contact connections are given in the appendix.

    1) fasteners made of non-ferrous metals with a linear expansion coefficient from 18×10-6 to 21×10-6 1/°C;

    2) disc springs in accordance with GOST 3057-90 or technical specifications for specific types of springs;

    3) protective metal coatings of working surfaces selected according to GOST 9.303-84 taking into account the requirements of GOST 9.005-72.

    It is allowed to use other types of protective coatings specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices;

    4) transition parts in the form of copper-aluminum plates in accordance with GOST 19357-81, copper-aluminum tips in accordance with GOST 9581-80 and hardware clamps made of clad aluminum in accordance with TU 34-13-11438-89;

    5) transition parts in the form of plates and tips made of aluminum alloy with a tensile strength of at least 130 MPa (hereinafter referred to as hard aluminum alloy);

    6) pin tips according to GOST 23598-79 made of hard aluminum alloy;

    7) pin tips according to GOST 23598-79, copper-aluminum;

    8) electrically conductive lubricants or other electrically conductive materials, if the possibility of their use is confirmed by test results in accordance with GOST 17441-84 and is specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    When using means 2)-8), contact connections, as a rule, must be made using steel fasteners protected from corrosion in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9.303-84, GOST 9.005-72.

    Note. The need to apply a protective metal coating to the working surfaces of copper conductors must be specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2, 3).

    for contact connections of conductors with pin terminals - in table. ;

    for contact connections of conductors with socket terminals - in table. .

    Table 3

    Conductor material

    Standard clause number depending on the terminal material or second conductor

    copper and its alloys

    hard aluminum alloy


    Copper, aluminum copper

    Solid aluminum alloy


    Solid aluminum alloy

    Contact connections in accordance with the climatic design and the category of placement of electrical devices, determined according to GOST 15150-69 and GOST 15543-70, must withstand the influence of environmental climatic factors specified in GOST 15150-69, GOST 15543-70, GOST 15963-79, GOST 16350-80, GOST 17412-72 or in standards and technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    Table 4

    Conductor material

    Standard clause number depending on pin material

    copper or brass for rated current

    steel for rated current up to 40 A

    Copper, aluminum copper

    Solid aluminum alloy

    Solid aluminum alloy

    Note. In all cases, copper or brass thrust nuts must be used for pin terminals rated above 40 A.

    Table 5

    Conductor material

    Standard clause number depending on the type of core



    Direct connection

    Aluminum copper


    Direct connection* or 6) or 7)**

    Direct connection* or ***

    Aluminum copper


    Examples of making collapsible contact connections are given in the Appendix.

    (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 3).

    2.1.9. Contact connections of plates made of hard aluminum alloy and the aluminum part of copper-aluminum plates with aluminum conductors (leads) must be made by welding or soldering, and connections of lugs made of hard aluminum alloy and the aluminum part of copper-aluminum lugs with aluminum conductors of wires and cables must be made by welding or crimping.

    cores with a cross-section of up to 16 mm2 - after termination with lugs in accordance with GOST 7386-80 or directly: by forming into a ring or without it, with protection in both cases from extrusion using shaped washers or other methods;

    cores with a cross-section of 25 mm2 or more - after termination with lugs in accordance with GOST 7386-80, GOST 7387-82, GOST 9581-80 or by forming the end of the core into a flat clamping part with a hole for a bolt.

    cores with a cross section of up to 10 mm2 - after termination with lugs in accordance with GOST 7386-80, GOST 9688-82, GOST 22002.1-82, GOST 22002.2-76 - GOST 22002.4-76, GOST 22002.6-82, GOST 22002.7-76 - GOST 22002.11 -76, GOST 22002.14-76 or directly: by forming into a ring or without it, with protection in both cases from extrusion using shaped washers, or other methods;

    cores with a cross-section of 16 mm2 or more - after termination with lugs in accordance with GOST 7386-80, GOST 7387-82, GOST 9581-80, GOST 22002.1-82, GOST 22002.2-76, GOST 22002.6-82, GOST 22002.7-76.

    (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

    2.1.12. It is recommended to connect no more than two conductors to each flat terminal bolt (screw) or pin terminal, unless otherwise specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    Strength class or group, not lower

    Bolts, screws, studs made of carbon or alloy steels

    Nuts made of carbon or alloy steels

    Bolts, screws, studs and nuts made of non-ferrous metals

    2.1.14. Requirements for preparing the working surfaces of contact parts are given in the Appendix.

    2.2. Electrical Requirements

    2.2.1. The ratio of the initial electrical resistance of contact connections (except for contact connections with pin terminals) to the electrical resistance of the section of connected conductors, the length of which is equal to the length of the contact connection, should not exceed:

    for class 1 - 1, unless otherwise specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices;

    for class 2 - 2;

    for grades 3 - 6.

    In contact connections of conductors with different electrical resistance, a comparison is made with a contact part with a higher electrical resistance.

    2.2.2. The initial electrical resistance of contact connections of class 1 conductors with pin terminals should not exceed the values ​​​​specified in table. .

    Table 7

    Initial electrical resistance of contact connections with copper and brass leads according to GOST 21242-75, µOhm

    Requirements for contact connections of classes 2 and 3, if necessary, are specified in standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    Highest permissible heating temperature, °C in installations

    1. Conductors made of copper, aluminum-copper, aluminum and its alloys without protective coatings of working surfaces

    According to GOST 8024-90

    2. Conductors made of copper, aluminum-copper, aluminum and its alloys with protective coatings of working surfaces with base metals

    3. Conductors made of copper and its alloys without insulation or with insulation classes IN,F And N according to GOST 8865-87 with protective coating of working surfaces with silver

    * Allowed for copper conductors without insulation or with insulation grades B, F And N according to GOST 8865-87, increase the temperature to 135 °C, if the possibility of this is confirmed by test results according to GOST 17441-84 and is indicated in the standards or technical conditions for specific types of electrical devices.

    The temperature of class 3 contact connections is established in standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices, depending on the materials used, coatings, insulation class of connected conductors and operating conditions.

    (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2, 3).

    2.2.5. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).

    2.2.6. After the through current mode, the contact connections should not have mechanical damage that would prevent their further operation. The temperature of contact connections in through current mode should not be more than 200 °C for connections of conductors made of aluminum copper, aluminum and its alloys, as well as for connections of these conductors with copper, 300 °C for connections of copper conductors and 400 °C for connections of steel conductors.

    2.2.7. The value of the permissible through current of contact connections must be no less than the permissible through currents of specific types of electrical devices specified in the standards or technical specifications for these devices.

    In the absence of these data, the value of the one-second current density should correspond to 165 A/mm2 for copper conductors, 105 A/mm2 for aluminum and aluminum-copper conductors, 90 A/mm2 for aluminum alloy conductors and 20 A/mm2 for steel conductors.

    (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

    2.3. Requirements for resistance to mechanical factors

    In the absence of such instructions, contact connections subject to vibration must withstand vibration for 1 hour at a constant frequency of 40 to 50 Hz and an amplitude of 1 mm.

    2.3.2. Contact connections must withstand the effects of static axial tensile loads causing stresses of at least:

    90% tensile strength of a whole conductor - for contact connections of power line wires operating in tension;

    30% tensile strength of an entire conductor - for permanent contact connections that do not work in tension, as well as for connections of conductors with socket terminals, connections of unterminated wires and cables with flat terminals equipped with shaped washers.

    For conductors with a cross-section of up to 1.5 mm2, it is not allowed to use a screw terminal, the end of the screw of which is rotated along the core.


    2.3.4. Dismountable contact connections of conductors with leads, single-bolt contact connections that may be exposed to through short-circuit currents, as well as dismountable contact connections subject to vibration or located in explosive areas must be protected from self-unscrewing by locknuts, spring washers, disc springs or other means.

    (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

    2.4. Reliability requirements

    2.4.1. To assess the reliability of contact connections, a gamma-percentage resource is established, unless otherwise established in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    The lower value of the gamma percentage resource must ensure the operation of electrical devices in accordance with the reliability requirements established in the standards or technical specifications for these electrical devices.

    (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

    2.5. Safety requirements

    2.5.1. Contact connections must comply with safety requirements GOST and ensure the operating conditions established by the “Rules for the technical operation of consumer installations” and “Safety rules for the operation of consumer electrical installations”, approved by Gosenergonadzor on April 12, 1969.

    2.5.2. Contact connections in terms of fire safety requirements must comply GOST 12.1.004-91, which is ensured by meeting the requirements of GOST 10434-82.

    (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 3).

    ANNEX 1



    A - welding or soldering; b- with pin terminal welding; V- welding through a transition copper-aluminum plate; G - connection of wire (cable) cores through a connecting sleeve by crimping; d- connection of a wire (cable) core with a cable lug by crimping (welding, soldering); e - connecting wire cores in oval connectors

    1 - flat output (bus); 2 - tire; 3 - pin terminal; 4 - copper-aluminum plate; 5 - wire (cable); 6 - connecting sleeve; 7 - cable lug; 8 - oval connector




    Collapsible contact connections of conductors with flat leads without means of stabilizing electrical resistance

    A- with a lock nut; b- with a spring washer; V- single-wire (multi-wire) wire (cable) core cross-section. up to 10 mm2 with bending into a ring; G- single-wire (multi-wire) wire (cable) core cross-section. up to 10mm2 without bending into a ring.

    1 - flat output (bus); 2 - busbar (cable lug); 3, 4, 5 - steel washer, bolt and nut; 6 - spring washer; 7 - screw; 8 - shaped washer (star washer); 9 - wire (cable); 10 - shaped washer (arched washer)

    Collapsible contact connections of conductors with flat leads with means for stabilizing electrical resistance

    A- fasteners made of non-ferrous metal with a lock nut; b- fasteners made of non-ferrous metal with a spring washer; V- steel fasteners with a disc spring; G- steel fasteners with protective metal coatings on working surfaces with a lock nut (spring washer); d- steel fasteners through a copper-aluminum transition plate with a lock nut (spring washer); e - steel fasteners through a hard aluminum alloy adapter plate with a lock nut (spring washer).

    1 - flat output (bus); 2 - busbar (cable lug); 3 - 5 - washer, bolt, nut made of non-ferrous metal; 6 - spring washer; 7 - steel nut; 8 - steel bolt; 9 - disc spring; 10 - steel washer (enlarged washer); 11 - steel washer; 12 - flat output (bus) with a protective metal coating of the working surface; 13 - busbar (cable lug) with a protective metal coating of the working surface; 14 - copper-aluminum plate; 15 - solid aluminum alloy plate

    Collapsible contact connections of conductors with pin terminals without means and with means of stabilizing electrical resistance

    A - conductor made of copper, hard aluminum alloy or aluminum with a protective metal coating on the working surface; b, c, G- aluminum conductor; d - aluminum conductor through copper-aluminum transition plate; e- single-wire (multi-wire) cable core, cross-section. 10mm2 with bending into a ring.

    1- pin terminal made of copper or brass; 2 - nut made of copper or brass; 3 - busbar (cable lug) made of copper, hard aluminum alloy or aluminum with a protective metal coating of working surfaces; 4 - steel nut; 5 - pin copper terminal; 6 - steel washer; 7 - aluminum busbar (cable lug); 8 - pin brass terminal; 9 - pin steel terminal; 10 - disc spring; 11 - copper-aluminum plate; 12 - wire (cable); 13 - spring washer; 14 - shaped washer (star washer)

    Dismountable contact connections of conductors with socket terminals

    a, b- single-wire (multi-wire, fused into a monolith) core; V- multi-wire core terminated with a cable lug.

    1 - dial clamp; 2 - wire (cable); 3 - female output; 4 - pin cable lug



    1. Contact parts that have two or more holes for bolts in a transverse row are recommended to be made with longitudinal cuts, as shown in the drawing.

    2. The working surfaces of contact parts of dismountable contact connections and non-separable contact connections with linear fittings must be prepared immediately before assembly:

    copper without coating and aluminum-copper - stripped.

    When stripping aluminum-copper wires, the copper sheath should not be damaged;

    aluminum and aluminum alloys - cleaned and lubricated with neutral lubricant (KVZ Vaseline in accordance with GOST 15975-70, CIATIM-221 in accordance with GOST 9433-80 or other lubricants with similar properties).

    working surfaces with protective metal coatings are washed with an organic solvent.

    (Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).

    3. The working surfaces of copper contact parts connected by crimping must be cleaned, unless otherwise specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    The working surfaces of aluminum contact parts must be cleaned and lubricated with quartz-vaseline paste or other lubricants, pastes and compounds with similar properties.

    4. The surfaces of contact parts connected by welding or soldering must first be cleaned, degreased or etched.

    5. The location and size of holes for bolts in contact parts of dismountable contact connections is recommended to be taken in accordance with GOST 21242-75.

    By agreement with the consumer, oval holes can be made.

    (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 2).



    Table 9

    Thread diameter, mm

    Torque, N×m, for bolted connection

    with slotted head (screws)

    with hex head

    GOST 10434-82








    Date of introduction 01.01.83

    This standard applies to dismountable and non-separable electrical contact connections of busbars, wires or cables (hereinafter referred to as conductors) made of copper, aluminum and its alloys, steel, aluminum-copper wires with terminals of electrical devices, as well as contact connections of conductors with each other for currents from 2. 5 A. For contact connections of electrical devices for currents less than 2.5 A, the standard requirements are recommended. The requirements of the standard regarding the permissible value of electrical resistance and durability of contact connections during through currents also apply to contact connections in circuits of grounding and protective conductors made of steel.

    The standard does not apply to electrical contact connections of special-purpose electrical devices.

    The terms used in the standard correspond to GOST 14312, GOST 18311.


    1.1. Depending on the area of ​​application, electrical contact connections (hereinafter referred to as contact connections) are divided into classes in accordance with.

    Scope of contact connection

    Contact class

    1. Contact connections of circuits whose conductor cross-sections are selected according to permissible long-term current loads (power electrical circuits, power lines, etc.)

    2. Contact connections of circuits, the conductor cross-sections of which are selected for resistance to through currents, voltage loss and deviation, mechanical strength, and overload protection. Contact connections in circuits of grounding and protective conductors made of steel

    3. Contact connections of circuits with electrical devices, the operation of which is associated with the release of a large amount of heat (heating elements, resistors, etc.)

    Note . Standards and technical specifications for electrical devices of specific types must indicate classes 2 and 3; class 1 is not indicated.

    1.3. According to their design, contact connections are divided into non-separable and collapsible.

    Contact group

    1. All climatic versions for location category 4.1 with atmosphere types II and I.

    Climatic versions U, UHL, TS for placement category 3 and climatic versions UHL, TS for placement category 4 in atmosphere types II and I

    2. Any combination of climatic design and placement category, except those indicated above, with an atmosphere of types II and I.

    Any combination of climatic design and location category with atmosphere types III and IV

    1.4. Depending on the material of the connected conductors and the group of contact connections, collapsible contact connections are divided into:

    not requiring the use of means for stabilizing electrical resistance - see paragraphs. And ;

    requiring the use of means of stabilizing electrical resistance - see paragraphs. And .


    2.1. Design requirements

    2.1.1. Contact connections must be made in accordance with the requirements of this standard, standards and technical specifications for electrical devices of specific types according to working drawings approved in the prescribed manner.

    2.1.2. The conclusions of electrical devices must comply with the requirements of GOST 24753.

    2.1.3. Contact screw terminals must comply with the requirements of GOST 25034, type-type terminals must comply with the requirements of GOST 19132.

    2.1.4. Linear fittings must comply with the requirements of GOST 13276.

    2.1.5. Permanent contact connections must be made by welding, soldering or crimping. It is permissible to use other methods specified in the standards or technical specifications for electrical devices of specific types.

    Examples of making non-separable contact connections are given in.

    It is allowed to use other types of protective coatings specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices;

    4) transition parts in the form of copper-aluminum plates in accordance with GOST 19357, copper-aluminum lugs in accordance with GOST 9581 and hardware clamps made of clad aluminum in accordance with TU 34-13-11438;

    5) transition parts in the form of plates and tips made of aluminum alloy with a tensile strength of less than 130 MPa (hereinafter referred to as hard aluminum alloy);

    6) pin tips according to GOST 23598, made of hard aluminum alloy;

    7) pin tips according to GOST 23598, copper-aluminum;

    8) electrically conductive lubricants or other electrically conductive materials, if the possibility of their use is confirmed by test results in accordance with GOST 17441 and is specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    When using means 2)-8), contact connections, as a rule, must be made using steel fasteners protected from corrosion in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9.303, GOST 9.005.

    Note . The need to apply a protective metal coating to the working surfaces of copper conductors must be specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2, 3).

    contact connection

    Conductor material

    Standard clause number depending on the terminal material or second conductor

    copper and its alloys

    hard aluminum alloy



    Copper, aluminum copper

    1) or 2), or

    Solid aluminum alloy

    or 4), or 5),

    or 8)


    4) or 5) and 3),

    3) or 4), or

    or 1) and 3), or

    5) and 3)

    2) иЗ)

    Solid aluminum alloy

    3) or 4), or 5)

    1) or 2), or

    4) or 5) and

    and 3)

    3), or 4), or


    4) or 5) and 3),

    1) or 2), or

    or 1) and 3), or

    2) and 3)

    or 4), or 5)


    * Contact connections of electrical devices of climatic versions U, UHL of placement categories 1 and 2 may be manufactured according to clause. .

    for contact connections of conductors with pin terminals - in;

    for contact connections of conductors with socket terminals - in.

    Contact group

    Conductor material

    Standard clause number depending on pin material

    copper or brass for rated current

    steel on

    up to 630 A

    St. 630 A

    rated current up to 40 A

    Copper, aluminum copper

    Solid aluminum alloy


    3) or 4), or 5)

    2) or 3), or 4),

    or 5)

    Copper, aluminum copper

    Solid aluminum alloy

    4) or 5) and 3)

    4) or 5) and 3)

    4) or 5) and 3)


    Note . In all cases, copper or brass thrust nuts must be used for pin terminals with rated currents greater than 40 A.


    Conductor material

    Standard clause number depending on the type of core




    Direct connection

    Aluminum copper


    Direct connection* or 6) or 7)**

    Direct connection* or .6) or 7)**


    Direct connection* or ***

    Aluminum copper


    Contact connections in accordance with the climatic design and the category of placement of electrical devices, determined according to GOST 15150 and GOST 15543, must withstand the influence of environmental climatic factors specified in GOST 15150, GOST 15543, GOST 15963, GOST 16350, GOST 17412 or in standards and technical conditions for electrical devices of specific types.

    It is allowed, by agreement with the consumer, to use contact connections that differ from those indicated in the table. - .

    Examples of making collapsible contact connections are given in.

    (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 3).

    2.1.9. Contact connections of plates made of hard aluminum alloy and the aluminum part of copper-aluminum plates with aluminum conductors (leads) must be made by welding or soldering, and connections of lugs made of hard aluminum alloy and the aluminum part of copper-aluminum lugs with aluminum conductors of wires and cables must be made by welding or crimping.

    2.1.10. Dismountable contact connections of single-wire conductors of wires and cables with flat or pin terminals must be carried out:

    cores with a cross-section of up to 16 mm 2 - after termination with lugs in accordance with GOST 7386 or directly: by forming into a ring or without it, with protection in both cases from extrusion with shaped washers or other methods;

    cores with a cross section of 25 mm 2 or more - after termination with lugs in accordance with GOST 7386, GOST 7387, GOST 9581 or by forming the end of the core into a flat clamping part with a hole for a bolt.

    2.1.11. Demountable contact connections of stranded wires and cables with flat or pin terminals must be carried out:

    cores with a cross section of up to 10 mm 2 - after termination with lugs in accordance with GOST 7386, GOST 9688, GOST 22002.1, GOST 22002.2 - GOST 22002.4, GOST 22002.6, GOST 22002.7 - GOST 22002.11, GOST 22002.14 or directly : by forming into a ring or without it with protection in in both cases from extrusion using shaped washers or other methods;

    cores with a cross-section of 16 mm 2 or more - after termination with lugs in accordance with GOST 7386, GOST 7387, GOST 9581, GOST 22002.1, GOST 22002.2, GOST 22002.6, GOST 22002.7.

    (Changed edition, Rev. No. 1, 2).

    2.1.12. It is recommended to connect no more than two conductors to each flat terminal bolt (screw) or pin terminal, unless otherwise specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    2.1.13. In collapsible contact connections, fasteners of strength classes in accordance with GOST 1759.4 and GOST 1759.5 specified in. It is recommended to use screws in contact connections with a cylindrical or hexagonal head.

    (Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).

    2.1.14. Requirements for the preparation of working surfaces of contact parts are given in.

    2.2. Electrical Requirements

    2.2.1. The ratio of the initial electrical resistance of contact connections (except for contact connections with pin terminals) to the electrical resistance of the section of connected conductors, the length of which is equal to the length of the contact connection, should not exceed:

    for class 1 - 1, unless otherwise specified in the standards or technical specifications for electrical devices of specific types;

    for class 2 - 2;

    for grades 3 - 6.

    In contact connections of conductors with different electrical resistance, comparison is made with a contact part with high electrical resistance.

    2.2.2. The initial electrical resistance of contact connections of class 1 conductors with pin terminals should not exceed the values ​​​​specified in.

    Pin diameter, mm

    Initial electrical resistance of contact connections with copper and brass terminals according to GOST 21242, µOhm

    Requirements for contact connections of classes 2 and 3, if necessary, are specified in standards or technical specifications for electrical devices of specific types.

    2.2.3. The electrical resistance of contact connections (except welded and soldered), tested for compliance with the requirements of standards and other technical documentation according to the method specified in GOST 17441, should not exceed the initial value by more than 1.5 times. The electrical resistance of welded and soldered contact connections must remain unchanged. The need for mandatory use of torque indicator keys must be specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    2.2.4. When the rated (long-term permissible) current flows, the maximum permissible temperature of contact connections of classes 1 and 2 should not exceed the values ​​​​specified in. In this case, the current loads of the conductors are taken according to the Rules for the Construction of Electrical Installations, approved by Gosenergonadzor on April 12, 1969, according to the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    Characteristics of connected conductors

    Highest permissible temperature
    heating, ºС, in installations

    up to 1000 V

    St. 1000 V

    1. Conductors made of copper, aluminum-copper, aluminum and its alloys without protective coatings of working surfaces

    2. Conductors made of copper, aluminum-copper, aluminum and its alloys with protective coatings of working surfaces with base metals


    3. Conductors made of copper and its alloys without insulation or with insulation classes IN, Fh Haccording to GOST 8865 with protective silver coating of working surfaces


    * Allowed for copper conductors without insulation or with insulation grades IN, Fh HtioGOST 8865 raise the temperature to 135 °C, if the possibility of this is confirmed by test results in accordance with GOST 17441 and is indicated in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    The temperature of class 3 contact connections is established in standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices, depending on the materials used, coatings, insulation class of connected conductors and operating conditions.

    (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2, 3).

    2.2.5. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).

    2.2.6. After the through current mode, the contact connections should not have mechanical damage that would prevent their further operation. The temperature of contact connections in through current mode should not be more than 200 °C for connections of conductors made of aluminum copper, aluminum and its alloys, as well as for connections of these conductors with copper, 300 °C for connections of copper conductors and 400 °C for connections of steel conductors.

    2.2.7. The value of the permissible through current of contact connections must be no less than the permissible through currents of specific types of electrical devices specified in the standards or technical specifications for these devices.

    In the absence of these data, the value of the one-second current density should correspond to 165 A/mm 2 - for copper conductors, 105 A/mm 2 - for aluminum and aluminum-copper conductors, 90 A/mm 2 - for conductors made of aluminum alloy and 20 A/mm 2 - for steel conductors.

    2.3. Requirements for resistance to mechanical factors

    2.3.1. Contact connections must withstand the effects of mechanical environmental factors according to the group of operating conditions in accordance with GOST 17516, which must be specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    In the absence of such instructions, contact connections subject to vibration must withstand vibration for 1 hour at a constant frequency of 40 to 50 Hz and an amplitude of 1 mm.

    2.3.2. Contact connections must withstand the effects of static axial tensile loads causing stresses of at least:

    90% tensile strength of a whole conductor - for contact connections of power line wires operating in tension;

    30% tensile strength of an entire conductor - for permanent contact connections that do not work in tension, as well as for connections of conductors with socket terminals, connections of unterminated wires and cables with flat terminals equipped with shaped washers.

    For conductors with a cross section of up to 1.5 mm2, it is not allowed to use a screw clamp, the end of the screw of which is rotated along the core.

    2.3.1-2.3.3. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

    2.3.4. Dismountable contact connections of conductors with leads, single-bolt contact connections that may be exposed to through short-circuit currents, as well as dismountable contact connections subject to vibration or located in explosive areas must be protected from self-unscrewing by locknuts, spring washers, disc springs or other means.

    (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

    2.4. Reliability requirements

    2.4.1. To assess the reliability of contact connections, a gamma-percentage resource is established, unless otherwise established in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    The lower value of the gamma percentage resource must ensure the operation of electrical devices in accordance with the reliability requirements established in the standards or technical specifications for these electrical devices.

    (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

    2.5. Safety requirements

    2.5.1. Contact connections in terms of safety requirements must comply with GOST and ensure the operating conditions established by the Rules for the technical operation of consumer installations and the Safety Rules for the operation of consumer electrical installations, approved by Gosenergonadzor on April 12, 1969.

    2.5.2. Contact connections in terms of fire safety requirements must comply with GOST 12.1.004, which is ensured by meeting the requirements of this standard.

    (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 3).

    ANNEX 1


    A -welding or soldering; b - with pin terminal welding; V - welding through a transition copper-aluminum plate;
    G - connection of wire (cable) cores through a connecting sleeve by crimping; d - wire core connection
    (cable) with cable lug by crimping (welding, soldering); e - connecting wire cores in oval connectors

    1 - flat output (bus); 2 - tire; 3 - pin terminal; 4 - copper-aluminum plate; 5 - wire (cable);
    6 - connecting sleeve; 7- cable lug; 8 - oval connector



    Collapsible contact connections of conductors with flat leads without stabilization means

    A -with lock nut; b - with spring washer; V - single-wire (multi-wire) wire (cable) core cross-section. up to 10 mm 2 with bending into a ring;
    G - single-wire (multi-wire) wire (cable) core cross-section. up to 10 mm 2 without bending into a ring

    1 - flat output (bus); 2- bus (cable lug); 3, 4, 5 - steel washer, bolt and nut; 6- spring washer;
    7 - screw; 8 - shaped washer (star washer); 9 - wire (cable); 10 - shaped washer (arched washer)

    Demountable contact connections of conductors with flat leads with stabilization means
    electrical resistance

    A -non-ferrous metal fasteners with a lock nut; b - fasteners made of non-ferrous metal with a spring washer; V - steel fasteners with a disc spring;
    G - steel fasteners with protective metal coatings on working surfaces with a lock nut (spring washer);
    d - steel fasteners through a copper-aluminum transition plate with a lock nut (spring washer); e - steel
    fastening through a hard aluminum alloy adapter plate with a lock nut (spring washer)

    1 - flat output (bus); 2- bus (cable lug); 3-5 - washer, bolt, nut made of non-ferrous metal; 6- spring washer; 7 - steel nut; 8 - steel bolt;
    9 - disc spring; 10 - steel washer (enlarged washer); 11 - steel washer; 12 - flat output (bus) with a protective metal coating of the working surface; 13 - busbar (cable lug) with a protective metal coating of the working surface;
    14 - copper-aluminum plate; 15 - solid aluminum alloy plate

    Collapsible contact connections of conductors with pin terminals without and with means
    stabilization of electrical resistance

    A -conductor made of copper, hard aluminum alloy or aluminum with a protective metal coating on the working surface;
    b, c, d - aluminum conductor; d - aluminum conductor through copper-aluminum transition plate;
    e - single-wire (multi-wire) cable core, cross-section. 10 mm 2 with ring bending

    1 - pin terminal made of copper or brass; 2 - nut made of copper or brass; 3 - busbar (cable lug) made of copper, hard aluminum alloy
    or aluminum with a protective metal coating on working surfaces; 4 - steel nut; 5 - pin copper terminal; 6 - steel washer;
    7- aluminum busbar (cable lug); 8 - pin brass terminal; 9 - pin steel terminal; 10 - disc spring;
    11 - copper-aluminum plate; 12 - wire (cable); 13 - spring washer; 14 - shaped washer (star washer)

    Dismountable contact connections of conductors with socket terminals

    a, b -single-wire (multi-wire, fused into a monolith) core; V - stranded core, terminated
    cable lug

    1 - type clamp; 2 - wire (cable); 3 - female output; 4 - pin cable lug


    1. Contact parts that have two or more holes for bolts in a transverse row are recommended to be made with longitudinal cuts, as shown in the drawing.

    2. The working surfaces of contact parts of dismountable contact connections and non-separable contact connections with linear fittings must be prepared immediately before assembly:

    copper without coating and aluminum-copper - stripped.

    When stripping aluminum-copper wires, the copper sheath should not be damaged;

    aluminum and aluminum alloys - cleaned and lubricated with neutral lubricant (KVZ Vaseline in accordance with GOST 15975, CIATIM-221 in accordance with GOST 9433 or other lubricants with similar properties).

    working surfaces with protective metal coatings are washed with an organic solvent.

    (Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).

    3. The working surfaces of copper contact parts connected by crimping must be cleaned, unless otherwise specified in the standards or technical specifications for specific types of electrical devices.

    The working surfaces of aluminum contact parts must be cleaned and lubricated with quartz-vaseline paste or other lubricants, pastes and compounds with similar properties.

    4. The surfaces of contact parts connected by welding or soldering must first be cleaned, degreased or etched.

    5. The location and size of holes for bolts in contact parts of dismountable contact connections is recommended to be taken in accordance with GOST 21242.

    By agreement with the consumer, oval holes can be made.

    (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 2).


    Table 9

    Thread diameter, mm

    Torque, N× m, for bolted connection

    with slotted head (screws)

    with hex head

    0.5 ± 0.1

    MZ, 5

    0.8 ± 0.2

    1.2 ± 0.2

    2.0 ± 0.4

    7.5 ± 1.0

    2.5 ± 0.5

    10.5 ± 1.0

    22.0 ± 1.5