Hardworking employee. Personal qualities of a person for a resume. We highlight the business aspects

There are a number of trends that will shape the future of our labor activity, and not only managers, but also ordinary employees must comply with changing working conditions. These are the qualities a modern employee must have in order to keep up with the times.

Accept changes. Employees are used to working in a certain way. They've been using the same technologies and processes for years, but that doesn't mean there's nothing better. In the coming years, a new generation will come to offices, who grew up in in social networks and got used to using them to communicate, collaborate, find people and information. It will bring with it new behaviors and new technologies, so you must be prepared to embrace changes that will make their work and life easier. As Winston Churchill said: " There is an improvement change; to be perfect need to change constantly".

State your opinion . In today's business world, a leader is not always a manager. The role of leader is taken on by people who are passionate about their work, who have the necessary knowledge and know how to work in a team (another important quality). New technologies collaboration Empower each individual employee by facilitating the exchange of ideas and feedback. Any interested employee can become a leader. However, this will not happen if you do not speak up or are afraid to voice your opinion. Why be a simple employee if you have the makings of a leader?

Be independent. Today, when it is possible to work anywhere and at any time, independence is becoming an important quality for employees. Your manager no longer watches your every move and reminds you to get back to work. This is an advantage, but it is also a great responsibility. Because by entrusting an employee with this or that task, the manager delegates part of the responsibility to him. A modern employee is able to achieve the necessary results wherever he is - in the office, in a cafe or at home.

Be able to concentrate. Rhythm modern life accelerated incredibly. While in a meeting, you check email, edit documents and exchange messages with friends and colleagues. In such conditions it is very easy to lose concentration. The modern employee must always remember what he needs to do and stay focused on priority tasks. New information is bombarding you from literally all sides, so you must be able to filter out the unimportant and concentrate on what is truly important.

What other qualities should a modern employee have?

Based on materials

Every entrepreneur is interested in good subordinates who will do the job with maximum efficiency. The value of an employee consists of several factors that contribute to the achievement of assigned tasks. There are 7 basic conditions for a good employee, and an entrepreneur should know this.

1. An ideal employee must first of all ensure the quality of the work performed. No matter what other useful qualities your subordinate is endowed with, the result of his main work is always put at the forefront.

2. Responsibility and interest in work. Forcing an employee to work under pressure is a disastrous and thankless task if you are trying to lay the foundation of a future team. If a person is not interested in success, then you should not count on it. Also, you should not turn a blind eye to the irresponsibility of employees, which cannot but negatively affect the fulfillment of the organization’s tasks.

3. The ideal subordinate must be able to make decisions and be capable of decisive action. Of course, all important decisions are made by the head of the company, but this does not mean that a subordinate should be consulted on every little detail. A true professional is defined by the ability to clearly carry out the boss’s tasks and make reasonable and high-quality additions to his work.

4. It’s the additions to work that are associated with the fourth factor of a good employee - the ability to take initiative. The boss is not a robot, he can also make mistakes and set tasks that are not entirely reasonable. Therefore, the employee should, whenever possible, offer his vision of solving the problem.

5. An ideal employee should be able to take reasonable risks. About riskiness entrepreneurial activity everyone knows, and this risk permeates the company from head to toe, that is, it is not only the manager who has to take risks. Only depending on the significance of the position held, the degree of risk and the consequences of an error change.

6. Good worker must treat others kindly and always be ready to help. Without mutual assistance and assistance, achieving your business goals is extremely difficult.

7. And finally, the ideal employee should have a beneficial influence on his boss. Why do you need an employee for whom you dislike, and because of this dislike you add negativity to your work process? That’s right, no one wants to have such subordinates.

As they say, the success of a business depends on the leader, who is entirely dependent on the results of the activities of his employees. Therefore, a top manager of any company interested in a positive result pays special attention to personnel selection. Candidates go through a rigorous selection process before being awarded a high-paying position. Let's talk today about what qualities an employee of a successful company should have.

Chairman of the Board of JSCB "

“Reliability, as well as honesty, fairness and activity.

In fact, there should be a lot of these qualities, especially in those conditions that can affect the qualities of the employee. Because every human quality influences the sale or the reflection of the sale, and so on and so forth. Therefore, each employee in his role should have moral satisfaction from work. And then everything will be fine for both the employer and the employee.”

Head of Private Banking Department BNP Paribas Group

“In fact, there are many such qualities. Well, first of all, a person must be good professional in the field in which he works. If we are talking about finance, then in finance.

Secondly, if we are talking about the field in which I work in particular - this is communication with clients, then he should have a very, very broad outlook in, let's say, universal human disciplines. Starting from biology to philosophy and everything in between. Why, because the financial aggregate, it becomes boring and uninteresting.

The third important factor is responsibility and honesty. Such confused concepts, yet finance requires these two things.

Fourth, probably healthy ambition and, as Mikhail Vasilyevich said, “noble stubbornness.”

Head of the private banking department Elena Kolosvetova:

“I will answer as it applies to our company, and specifically to my field of business. That is, we are talking about a personal manager for private banking services. What is important to us? Of course financial literacy person, his honesty, reputation in the banking industry, responsibility, attentiveness to clients, communication skills.

And, probably, sufficient flexibility, because in the current situation you need to have such quality in order to quickly respond to some processes and changes. And his resistance to stress is a must. That's it in a nutshell."

Opinion of the blogger "Ministry of Finance":

: “The main quality of an employee should be success. But again, success for various types activity has its own specifics. In some cases, the priority for successful activities will be the speed of decision-making, in others the ability to complete the project, in others, scrupulousness and attentiveness when performing work, and so on.

Consequently, I will conclude that the main quality of a person is to meet the criteria for the position for which he is applying.”

What qualities do you think a good and reliable company employee should have?

A manager doesn’t need excuses, he needs results. That is why employees value responsibility, the ability to make decisions independently, and be responsible for their mistakes. Working according to the principle “my house is on the edge” can lead to you being fired. The company does not need employees who do not want to be responsible for anything.
Think about it, the word RESPONSIBILITY itself is the ability to objectively answer for one’s words and actions or inactions, and not PERFORMANCE, which you are talking about right away, not INDEPENDENCE or QUALITIES OF A LEADER (DECISION MAKING). You, with a little desire, can be fired for any wrong decision, inappropriate result or excessive independence in the course of performing work.
Hard work
Show diligence and desire to work. All your actions should be as effective as possible and aimed at the development of the company. It is very important to be immersed in work. But do not overdo it: do not forget to have lunch, sleep and rest.
There is a very fine line between diligence and the desire to work with a desire to curry favor and hypocritical indulgence in the wishes of management. If the assigned task is not assigned a completion time, this may also be a reason for dismissal. As a rule, the employer confuses ENTHUSIASM with INVOLVEMENT IN WORK and wants to see an employee who unquestioningly works from dawn to dusk without breaks or lunches.
Managers dream that all their orders will be carried out efficiently and effectively. If you also learn to anticipate your boss’s wishes, then in his eyes you will become indispensable.
Managers dream of fulfilling all their orders YESTERDAY and it is not the anticipation that pleases them, but the arching of the employee’s back with the words “... what would you like, sir...”.
Many managers note that it is the implementation of all instructions that promptly causes an increase. wages and promotions career ladder. Complete assignments twice as fast as your colleagues, and in a few years you will rise to the rank of department head or deputy director!
In practice, it is impossible to grow up through honest work, even to the leadership of a department. As a rule, growth is associated with certain personal qualities the employee himself, which often border on moral decency
Execution of all orders on top level, the ability to make decisions independently, to work without constant clarification, is the key to success.
Nonsense, just nonsense. The rule is that the boss is always right.
Decisiveness is a valuable trait. An employee should not be afraid to take initiative, not give in to difficulties, and achieve their goals.
Decisiveness and initiative are great, but you should remember that such activity is punishable by execution, i.e. the activist will be put in charge of his initiative. Can he guarantee the same qualities for the entire team?
Multitasking refers to the ability to work on several projects at the same time.
The main thing is that multitasking does not come into conflict with labor productivity.
In addition to your field of work, master other related professions. You will be known as an indispensable specialist who understands the most complex issues. The main thing is to take on as much work as you can do, no more!
The management does not like irreplaceable people and always prepares replacements for them, since the irreplaceable ones quickly become too expensive.
A well-groomed and neat person evokes sympathy among both the manager and clients. Stick to office attire, even if the company does not have a strict dress code.
You shouldn’t break away from the team too much; the team won’t forgive it.
Come to work on time, try not to be late, and you shouldn’t leave an hour before work ends.
In practice, this is regulated by penalties, which are explicitly or implicitly regulated in the team.

For most Russians, the ideal employee and colleague is someone who is a professional in their field and can help in solving difficult work problems. Many are confident that they are surrounded by such unique personnel. Experts believe that ideal specialists are a rare phenomenon on the Russian labor market, so they need to be valued. In turn, the online magazine “Money and Career” found out: is it difficult to be ideal and how to become so.

Portrait of an ideal employee and colleague

In our opinion, the ideal employee is the one who has no flaws. As part of a survey conducted by the HeadHunter company, Russians voiced the main qualities that their ideal colleague should have. As a result, the image of an ideal specialist was created. So, according to Russians, such a specialist should be a professional in his field (73%), he helps when his colleagues have difficulties with work (57%), has a sense of humor (56%), motivates employees (41%), with him you can have a heart-to-heart talk, and he also has similar interests outside of work (music, hobbies) (23% each), covers for his colleagues in front of his superiors (20%), you can gossip with him and he likes the same food as his familiar employees (6% each), it is in good relations with superiors (5%).

According to our experts, the portrait of an ideal employee and colleague is mainly formed from his professional and then personal qualities. “Every company has its own ideal employee. And yet, if we try to draw his portrait, we will meet such wishes of employers as professionalism, hard work, punctuality, flexibility, initiative, stress resistance. They often want to see a creative workaholic who is unmercenary - this is ironic, but vital,” says the leading consultant recruitment agency"Vis-in Consult" Nadezhda Pyataeva.

“In my understanding, an ideal employee and colleague must, first of all, do his job well, be able to work in a team, and be a conscientious, responsible and punctual person. All these qualities are especially important if you overlap at work or work on a joint project. Well, what if, in addition, the specialist turns out to be nice person and interlocutor, then you are very lucky, here he is - an ideal colleague,” believes Vladimir Telyatnikov, managing director of Brightmen Solutions.

“The ideal colleague is, of course, an intelligent, open, sociable person. It is necessary that the colleague is not annoying and intrusive, but rather sensitive and sensitive. It is very important to maintain a professional distance and not forget that you are at work. An ideal colleague will always help out and give advice, and will not seek benefits at the expense of morality,” Olesya Orlova, HR manager of the HR holding Empire Personnel, adds touches to the portrait.

“I’ll try to divide my answer into two parts: the ideal employee and the ideal colleague. In fact, an ideal employee should have a minimum of personal characteristics: good education, reasonable responsibility, pleasant adequacy, daily honesty, work efficiency and intelligence - and, of course, the necessary professional knowledge. Separately, I note that managers select their employees in different ways: one is looking for an employee in their own likeness, the second is trying to create diverse teams, the third is compensating for the missing competencies with new specialists, the fourth hires only acquaintances or on the recommendations of acquaintances, and the fifth is simply forced to work with those “ who will be given” or who will come. All this versatility does not allow us to clearly delineate the boundaries of an ideal employee and therefore the set of qualities in different teams is very heterogeneous, says Ph.D., business coach, T&D expert, associate professor of the department of pedagogy and psychology of Moscow State Humanitarian University. M.A. Sholokhov Heinrich Justus. — The ideal colleague at work for us usually becomes the person in the team who, of all the others, is most suitable for us in terms of worldview, similarity of life values ​​and general attitude towards us. The ideal colleague for men is usually a man who has similar interests: football, fishing, cars, etc. Women prefer a colleague with whom they share common emotions and there is not even a hint of competition in various aspects.”

Ideal specialist: rule or exception?

It is curious that, according to the results of the same survey by the HeadHunter company, 81% of respondents had to deal with ideal colleagues as part of the work process. At the same time, 88% admitted that they moved communication with such an employee outside the office walls. And 69% still maintain informal communication with him.

These sociostatistical figures are impressive, but they do not convey the real picture of what is happening and do not give an idea of ​​how many ideal specialists work in the Russian labor market, whether such employees can be considered a common occurrence in our labor market or whether they are most likely an exception to the rule. It cannot be argued that the number of Russians who encountered ideal colleagues is equal to the very number of these same colleagues, since several ordinary employees could easily work with the same “unique” at once and for the entire environment he was ideal. How can we objectively evaluate the emerging “picture”?

According to our experts, ideal personnel on the Russian labor market are more the exception to the rule than the rule. “As Joseph Vissarionovich said, personnel decides everything. So, personnel that fits perfectly into the company picture and brings 80% of the results are indeed very rare and valuable. Faced with selection both for our clients and in our company, I can say with confidence that ideal employees are an exception to the rule and they need to be looked for during the day. And having found them, it is necessary to properly motivate, support and give them the opportunity to grow and develop. Practice shows that many people want to be an ideal employee, but only a few try to become one. The rest only consider themselves as such and, based on this, put forward additional and not always justified demands,” argues Vladimir Telyatnikov. — Here we can give an analogy with football. The players of our national team receive millions and yet show absolutely no results. But, since there is no one to replace them, thanks to the neglect of children’s and youth sports, they continue to put forward high requirements and, importantly, these demands are satisfied out of desperation. The labor market, in my opinion, is somewhat similar to this example, although there are still a few more options here.”

“The labor market is constantly in flux and regularly changes its internal guidelines. Unfortunately, the situation is such that most managers in Russian business believe that they do not have ideal employees. These are our current realities. Many managers see in each of their employees weak sides and when you ask them a question about who is the ideal employee on the team, they cannot answer it clearly and often talk not about a specific person, but about a certain “collective image” consisting of the qualities of several employees (real and even supposed/imaginary) , says Heinrich Justus. — Wise leaders turn weaknesses into “growth areas” and, thereby, develop employees. Living up to someone's ideals can sometimes be very difficult and even impossible. Sometimes it's easier to find the right one workplace(where you will be highly valued, you will be comfortable and you will be able to realize yourself as an individual and a professional), than to change and even “break” yourself. Certainly, serfdom canceled a long time ago and everyone has the right to choose their own workplace. The choice is always yours!

However, another expert believes that ideal employees can be found much more often on the labor market. “I am sure that such people are a common occurrence on the Russian labor market. After all, in general, in Russia there are many smart, open, professional specialists. It is difficult to pretend to be an ideal colleague, but it is not at all difficult to be. If in real life If you are completely uncommunicative, not open, and also a careerist, it will be very difficult to pretend to be perfect. Sooner or later, the true nature will make itself felt,” says Olesya Orlova.

However, there are also special cases. According to Nadezhda Pyataeva, it is the employer’s prioritization that determines what is more valued in a particular company: ideality or the personal qualities of an individual employee. “When a company submits an application to recruit an employee, a portrait of an ideal candidate emerges from the text of the resume. However, there are times when you find this ideal person, but the company doesn’t like him - he doesn’t fit on a personal level, he’s not on the same wavelength as the manager, he doesn’t match psychologically - he couldn’t charm. Which means, in addition to professional qualities, employers are looking for an employee for the company. It is important for every leader to see something of his own: charisma, experience, potential for development and contribution to the company, desire to develop. It happens that a candidate does not meet the company’s expectations at all - his English is weak, he often changes jobs, but he knows how to sell himself and the product, and attracts him on a personal level. Such employees are ready to forgive their imperfections,” the expert gives an example.

How to become perfect?

Whether to become an ideal employee and colleague or to remain oneself is something everyone decides for themselves. But for those who decide to get closer to the ideal, our experts give several recommendations.

Expert advice

What advice can you give to those who have decided to become an ideal employee/colleague?

Genrikh Justus, Ph.D., business coach, T&D expert, associate professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Moscow State Humanitarian University. M.A. Sholokhov:
“Of course, there can be a lot of advice, but I will try to highlight three main ones for each category. Those who want to become ideal employee, I advise:
1) Analyze yourself: are you ready to become an ideal employee for someone and, perhaps, partially or completely lose your uniqueness. These data need to be comprehensively compared with your inner world.
2) Determine what is valued (constantly or primarily) in your current team and by your immediate supervisor. This data will allow you to understand in which direction you should really move and grow.
3) Strive for excellence. But remember that this is a continuous process that has no end...
For those who want to become ideal colleague, I recommend:
1) Be with your colleagues only yourself: sooner or later any “social masks” have to be removed and then mutual or one-sided disappointments are possible.
2) Remember that they not only choose you, but you also choose part of your environment. Assess your level of comfort and ease of interaction with colleagues.
3) Never let your colleagues down and they will definitely answer you in the same way!”

Vladimir Telyatnikov, Managing Director of Brightmen Solutions:
“I can only advise one thing - to constantly develop, grow both horizontally and vertically, and do your job. If at the same time you manage to establish friendly or amicable relationships with others, then this will be an additional positive bonus in your career.”

Olesya Orlova, HR manager of the HR holding company “Empire Personnel”:
“I can only say one thing: people don’t become ideal colleagues - this is embedded much deeper, in their very character. Advice: you don’t have to be perfect, be yourself - and people will be drawn to you.”

Nadezhda Pyataeva, leading consultant at the Visavi Consult recruitment agency:
“It’s better to set a more specific goal - to be not an ideal employee, but a sought-after specialist. The ideal is very vague and difficult to achieve, and other people's expectations will differ from your own. Be responsible, honest, develop in your profession, set tasks for yourself and solve those set by management on time, in a word, achieve results that you can then tell employers about.”

It remains to be added that every specialist has no limit to perfection and professional development, but at the same time we must not forget to remain ourselves in any situation.

Svetlana Bashurina