Labor and human resources. Labor resources: concept, structure, formation, development Part of the country's population that is physically developed

The carriers of labor potential are labor resources. They are based on the working population of working age. In recommendations International organization labor (ILO) boundaries labor activity not defined. This means that the working age is established by law, taking into account the conditions of each country.

Thus, labor resources are that part of the population that, based on age and health status, is actually employed or capable of working. In domestic statistical practice, before the transition to market relations, this particular economic category was used to characterize the size of the population capable of working. The working age population is determined on the basis of current legislation based on the gender and age of people. Currently, the working age limits in Russia are considered to be 16-60 years for men and 16-55 years for women.

The number of labor resources is calculated using two methods:

1) demographic (according to sources of formation);

2) economic (based on actual employment).

Using the demographic method, the number of labor resources (T)

calculated as the sum of the population of working age (Ntv), minus disabled people of groups I and II (I| „), with the addition of the number of working adolescents under the age of 16 years (Рп) and working persons of retirement age (Рpens), i.e. . T = Ntv - And, and + Rp + Rpens-

In 1998, in Russia there were 84.8 million people of working age, including 44 million men; The economically active population was 72.8 million people, including 38.8 million men.

When calculated using the economic method, the number of labor resources represents the totality of the total actually employed population (N3), including those employed in personal, subsidiary and farm enterprises, plus persons of working age employed in household and child care (Tdx), plus students with work breaks over 16 years of age (Tu), the unemployed (Tb) and other unemployed persons of working age (Tnz) -. T = H3 + TDH + Tu + tb + tnz.

Calculations by these methods should give the same results, however, regionally they may not coincide due to commuting migration of the population and labor resources.

At the same time, the total number of employed and unemployed (or, more precisely, job seekers) constitutes the category of economically active population (EAP), widely used in international practice, i.e. EAN = N3 + Tb and the number of students outside of production and employed in the household constitutes a mobile reserve.

When determining the number of labor resources by sources of formation (demographic method), we proceed from the principle permanent residence working-age population in a given territory. As for calculating the number of labor resources based on actual employment (by the economic method), it is based on the number of workers in enterprises and institutions (employed in the economy), as well as the number of students studying in educational institutions located in a given territory. However, among the workers and students of a given area there may be persons who permanently reside in other areas and make systematic movements from their place of residence to an enterprise or educational institution and back (commuting). At the same time, the workforce of a given area may include people who work or study in other areas.

Consequently, when determining the number of labor resources and the actually employed population in individual regions, it is necessary not only to take into account, but also to quantify the impact of commuting migration. This is especially important when determining labor force employment rates. Otherwise, the resulting coefficients may be significantly distorted - overestimated or underestimated.

Labor resources and related categories are shown in Fig. 3.1.

In international and domestic practice, the concept of economically active population- part of the population that provides labor supply for the production of goods and services, in relation to which indicators of employment and unemployment are calculated.

The economically active population is the sum of the employed population and the unemployed. In 1997, economically active

In accordance with ILO recommendations, the economically active population includes the entire actually employed population (workers, employees, entrepreneurs, helping family members, etc.) and the potentially active population: unemployed persons of working age who are able to work, job seekers, but not working.

Rice. 3.1. Composition of labor resources

The unemployed are able-bodied persons of working age, not working (not having a gainful occupation), actively looking for work and ready to start work at any time. Persons who have reached the age of 16, those studying outside of work (students, students), pensioners and disabled people are counted among the unemployed if they were looking for work, i.e. they contacted employment services, employers, etc., and were ready to start To her.

When characterizing the economically active population, international practice distinguishes between: usually active population and currently active population.

Typically, the active population includes all persons over a certain age (in Russian statistics - from 16 years old) who were employed or unemployed for a greater number of weeks or days over an extended period (for example, the previous year).

The currently active population includes all persons who meet the requirements to be classified as employed or unemployed. This population is counted over a short reference period (eg a week or a day). The economically active population is measured in relation to the survey period.

The economically inactive population is the population that is not part of the active population, including persons younger than the age established for calculating the economically active population (in Russia - under 16 years of age). The size of the economically inactive population is measured in relation to the survey period and includes the following categories:

a) pupils and students, listeners and cadets attending full-time educational institutions (including full-time postgraduate and doctoral studies);

b) persons receiving a pension on preferential terms, as well as receiving pensions in the event of the loss of a breadwinner or when they reach retirement age.

The currently inactive population includes all individuals who were not employed or unemployed, were not looking for work during a given short period, and therefore were not currently active due to: visiting educational institutions, performing household duties, old age, disability, old-age pensions, etc. This status for a certain period does not allow them to be classified as either employed or unemployed.

The economically inactive population includes the following categories of able-bodied persons of working age: pupils and students; housewives; recipients of income (pensions), rentiers; other recipients of public or private assistance; persons over 16 years of age who are not attending school or working.

The level of economic activity of the population is the share of the economically active population in the total population of the corresponding age group.

Labor resources- this is the part of the population that has physical development, mental abilities and knowledge that make it possible to work. The labor force includes the population both of working age (with the exception of non-working disabled people from labor, war, childhood and non-working people of working age who receive old-age pensions on preferential terms), as well as those older and younger than working age, engaged in the labor process.

The working population of working age plays a decisive role in the labor force.

Working population- this is a collection of persons, mainly of working (working) age, who, according to their psychophysical data, are capable of participating in the labor process. Legislation Russian Federation the following working age interval has been established; for men - from 16 to 59 years old, for women - from 16 to 54 years old. In any society The working population consists of two groups: economically active and economically inactive population.

Economically active population- this is the part of the population engaged in labor activities that generate income.

There is a distinction between general and professional working capacity. General ability to work presupposes that a person has physical, psychophysical, age and other data that determine the ability to do work that does not require special training, i.e. the ability to do unskilled work.

Professional work ability is the ability to perform a specific type of work that requires special education, i.e. the ability to perform skilled work.

Important aspects of the qualitative composition of the labor force are educational level and professional skills. A special role in the problem of labor resources is played by changes in the natural movement of the population, mortality and birth rates. Also important in the characteristics of labor resources is the population ratio by gender.

Labor market. The most important sphere of the economy, the labor market, according to its basic principles of functioning, is a market of a special kind. It largely depends on the capital market, means of production, consumer goods, etc. Regulators in the labor market, in addition to macro- and microeconomic factors, also serve as socio-psychological factors.

In a regulated market economy, the labor market includes the following elements and systems:

  • legal framework reflecting the basic principles of state policy in the field of remuneration, labor and social labor relations;
  • public system of employment and unemployment reduction;
  • personnel training system;
  • hiring system;
  • contract system;
  • system of retraining and retraining of personnel;
  • labor exchanges; employment fund.

In the labor market, supply and demand oppose each other. During this confrontation, the following occurs:

  • workforce assessment;
  • determining the terms of her employment, including wages, working conditions;
  • assessment of educational opportunities;
  • exploring opportunities for professional growth;
  • consideration of job security;
  • study of labor migration, as well as human needs in the field of labor relations and related areas.

In market conditions, it is difficult and almost impossible to achieve a balance between labor supply and demand. In most cases, there is a surplus of labor and a shortage of jobs needed for a rational employment structure. Thus, for some construction specialties it is typical increased offer labor force and limited demand for it. A task of national importance, the goal of labor resources management is the desire to balance the number of jobs and the workforce. This is the purpose of state employment policy.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation” employment- this is the activity of citizens related to the satisfaction of personal and social needs, which does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and, as a rule, brings them earnings and labor income. Employment can be full-time, part-time, part-time and hidden.

All citizens who are not recognized as employed citizens in accordance with this Law can be legally classified as the unemployed population. In turn, from the unemployed population we can distinguish a category called unemployed citizens.

The following are highlighted in the economic literature: types of unemployment:

  • friction;
  • technological;
  • structural;
  • stagnant (voluntary);
  • regional.

Along with this gradation, there is a characteristic of unemployment by age (youth unemployment), gender (female unemployment), as well as educational or professional characteristics.

For a number of objective reasons, many people change their place of residence in the course of their lives and change their place of work. This movement is called migration.

The growth of unemployment and the difference in levels of development between countries determine the close connection of migration with the problem of employment of labor resources. In the CIS countries, the intensification of migration processes is due, in addition, to the political and socio-economic consequences of the liquidation of the USSR and the further decline in living standards in the newly formed states.

Foreign economists divide migration into three types: spontaneous, limited, individual.

Based on purely temporary characteristics, migration can be divided into permanent, temporary, seasonal, and pendulum.

Based on forms of implementation, migration is divided into organized and unorganized.

The further development of science and technology causes changes in the technology of influence on the subject of labor, which, in turn, changes the content of labor activity, presents high requirements to the composition and quality of the workforce.

There is an increasing need for computer literacy, multifunctional use of an increasing number of workers, and the elimination of economic illiteracy, especially in the field of production and management of organizations.

All this requires skillful regulation of processes associated with the formation and use of labor resources. On a national scale, there is a system of labor resources management in the Russian Federation. The practice of recent years confirms the need to search for a management mechanism that provides the closest to optimal conditions for the formation, use and reproduction of the workforce.

IN general view the labor resources management system within the country can be represented as a set of three organically connected and interacting subsystems: the formation of labor resources; public administration the country's labor resources; management of labor resources of an enterprise (organization).

Any labor management system is aimed at increasing the efficiency of labor use.

The long-term development of an organization should include the task of forming and operating a labor management system, which is extremely important for achieving high competitiveness, and therefore for ensuring a strong position of a particular business entity in the market of goods (services).

The human resource management system in an organization includes three interconnected blocks:

  • formation of labor resources;
  • workforce development;
  • improving the quality of working life.

labor costs management

The source of labor is man. But every person can be a worker. The country's population can be: 1. pre-working age; 2.worker; 3.after working age.

Labor resources- this is the part of the country's population that has the necessary physical development, mental abilities and knowledge for work.

Children and elderly people are not included in the labor force. Also, persons who have lost their ability to work or do not have the ability to work, for example, disabled people or sick people who have been undergoing treatment for a long time, are not considered labor resources. Therefore, the number of labor resources in a country is always less than the total population. The increase in the share of labor resources depends on the total number of residents, their gender and age composition, as well as the state of health of the nation.

The composition of the population by gender is changing. According to statistics from previous years, there are 600 thousand fewer women aged 15 to 35 years than men in the country, but about 300 thousand more between the ages of 35 and 45 years. Human. Russian women live on average 10 years longer than men (74 and 64 years, respectively).

The share of the urban population in Russia in last years is stable and accounts for about 73% of the total number of residents.

The ability to work is determined by working age. It has certain physiological boundaries. Working age (working age) includes a period of life within certain years during which a person is able to work without harm to his health. The lower limit of this age in Russia is 16 years. The working age for men is set from 16 to 60 years, for women - from 16 to 55 years.

From an employment perspective, any person can be classified into one of three groups: employed, unemployed and outside the labor force.

The employed include persons of working age who perform hired work for remuneration in enterprises of any form of ownership, as well as other income-generating work engaged in entrepreneurial activity; self-sufficient workers; performing work without pay in a family enterprise; performing work under civil contracts. Persons undergoing military service and service in internal affairs bodies are considered employed; students full-time vocational training and persons who are absent from the workplace due to good reason(vacation, disability, retraining, etc.). The employed also include the unemployed and that part of the active population that needs work but is not registered as unemployed.

The unemployed are able-bodied citizens of working age who do not have a job or income, are registered with the employment service, want to work, are able and ready to work, but do not find adequate demand for their professional abilities in the labor market.

The employed and the unemployed form the economically active population or the total labor. The economically active population or total labor force is the portion of a country's population that provides labor supply for the production of goods and services. The total labor force does not include groups of people who make up the economically inactive population. These are preferential pensioners; disabled people of working age who have completely lost their ability to work; persons in prison; persons of working age who are temporarily not working for some reason, but who are potentially capable of joining the labor market in the future; housewives; persons who have stopped looking for work; persons who do not need work as a way to support their existence. Regardless of the reasons that motivate a person to get involved in the production process, he must comply in his work activity with the requirements of that production organization, which provides him with the necessary conditions for the realization of his professional abilities. Professional abilities are understood as a set of skills, knowledge, production skills and experience that an individual possesses. The presence of professional abilities is one of the prerequisites for the inclusion of an individual in the production process along with others. This is the availability of appropriate jobs, i.e. certain demand for professional work; the employee has positive motivation to take these jobs based on his professional and life interests; the presence of appropriate socio-economic mechanisms and institutions that provide the necessary connection of workers to specific jobs. Inclusion in production activities carried out through employment. Employment is a process of official registration, assigning to an individual the right to occupy a certain workplace and perform specialized labor functions.

Each employee, involved in the production process, pursues certain goals:

  • * he strives to satisfy the needs for life support for himself and his family members;
  • * realizes the sustainable need to connect his professional activity with the institutionally established means and institutions existing in society;
  • * implements learned values ​​and standard social behavior.

Labor resources are the part of the country's population that, based on physical development, acquired education, and professional and qualification level, is capable of engaging in socially useful activities.

Labor resources are that part of the population that has the physical development and intellectual (mental) abilities necessary for work. The labor force includes both employed and potential workers.

Labor resources are a category occupying an intermediate position between economic categories"population" and "total labor force". In quantitative terms, the labor force includes the entire working-age population employed, regardless of age, in the spheres of the public economy and individual labor activity. They also include persons of working age who are potentially capable of participating in work, but are engaged in household and personal work. peasant farm, in off-the-job studies, in military service.

In the structure of labor resources from the perspective of their participation in social production There are two parts: active (functioning) and passive (potential).

The size of the labor force depends on the officially established age limits - the upper and lower levels of working age, the share of able-bodied people among the working-age population, the number of people participating in social work from persons beyond working age. Age limits are established in each country by current legislation.

IN modern conditions the main sources of replenishment of labor resources are: young people entering working age; military personnel released from the armed forces due to a reduction in the size of the army; forced migrants from the Baltic countries, Transcaucasia, and Central Asia. Quantitative changes in the number of labor resources are characterized by such indicators as absolute growth, growth rates and growth rates.

The labor resources of an enterprise are a numerical professionally qualified composition busy workers(personnel). The personnel of an enterprise is understood not only as employees, but also as owners or co-owners of the company, if they take part in the activities of the enterprise with their labor and receive appropriate payment for this. Consequently, the personnel of an enterprise is a set of employees, both employees and owners, whose labor potential corresponds to the trade and technological process and ensures effective economic activity.

Labor in trade has its own characteristics:

  • - a combination of production and non-production labor. Production labor associated with the continuation of the production process in the sphere of circulation; non-productive - associated with a change in the forms of value of goods (accounting).
  • - labor sales workers does not create new consumer values.
  • - predominance of female labor (out of 10 workers, 8 are women).

The number and structure of the enterprise's personnel depend on the type and volume of the company's activities, specialization, number of jobs, operating mode, level of labor productivity, etc.

Trade enterprise employees can be classified according to different criteria:

According to the functional composition, all employees of the enterprise can be divided into 3 groups:

  • - administrative and management personnel;
  • - sales and operational personnel (salespeople, cashiers, department heads);
  • - support staff (cleaners, workers carrying goods, electricians, etc.).
  • - managers,
  • - specialists;
  • - employees;
  • - workers.

Specialties: economist, commodity expert, sales manager, seller of food and non-food products, etc.

By qualification (level and combination of practical and theoretical skills that allow you to determine the complexity of the work):

  • - unqualified;
  • - low-skilled;
  • - qualified;
  • - highly qualified.

By category:

  • - industry/catering - 6 categories,
  • - trade - 3 categories.

Other types of classification are also used:

  • - in relation to property (employees-owners and wage-earners),
  • - by the nature of the labor relationship (permanent and temporary),
  • - by gender, age, work experience, etc.

For analysis, planning, accounting and personnel management, all employees of the enterprise are classified according to a number of criteria. Depending on participation in production process All enterprise personnel are divided into two categories: industrial production personnel (IPP) and non-industrial personnel.

Industrial production personnel include workers who are directly related to production and its maintenance.

Non-industrial personnel include workers who are not directly related to production and its maintenance. These are mainly employees of housing and communal services, children's and medical institutions owned by the enterprise.

HR development trends:

  • - Annual increase in the number of employees.
  • - Qualitative change in the personnel structure (share ratio of certain categories of workers in their total number), decrease in the share of management personnel and increase in the share of working categories.
  • - Qualitative change in the composition of personnel - an increase in the number of specialists from higher education, opening of new specialties in trade.

The formation of labor resources is a process of their continuous reproduction and renewal of their numbers. In 2000, the structure of the labor force was as follows: the working population of working age - 95.17%, working pensioners - 4.47%, working teenagers - 0.06% of the total labor force. Based on the results of observations over a number of years, the following trends were noted: in the first group - relative stability, in the group of working pensioners - an increase in the number, in the group of working teenagers - a decrease. Based on this, we can conclude that the development of the labor market is associated with the working-age population, and the dynamics of the number of labor resources is determined by the dynamics of the number of this category of the population, which depends on a number of demographic factors, namely the mortality rate and the ratio between the number of young people who have reached working age age and number of citizens reaching retirement age. Russia as a whole is characterized by steep ups and downs in the working age population, which is due to the general development of the country. This circumstance confronts the economy with the task of constantly adapting to these dynamics.

The number of working teenagers is also influenced by demographic factors, as well as the level of family well-being: the higher it is, the fewer teenagers work.

Regarding the number of working pensioners, we note that the more people of retirement age, the more working among them. This category is growing most rapidly, since the age and sex structure of the population is highly deformed.

In general, the number of working teenagers and pensioners also depends on the demand for labor and on the availability of jobs that correspond to the specific application of their labor.

The use of labor resources presupposes their distribution and the efficient use of their labor. The distribution occurs by type of employment into employed and unemployed, in turn, the employed are distributed:

  • -by industry;
  • -according to work regimes;
  • - across the territory of the country;
  • - by gender;
  • -according to the age;
  • - by level of education and health;

by type economic activity(employees, employers, self-employed persons, members of production cooperatives, workers not classified by status).

A shrinking and aging workforce is unfavorable for the labor market

Demoscope has written more than once about the unfavorable demographic changes that await Russia in the coming decades. They were discussed, in particular, where it was about the inevitability of a decline in the country's population and its aging.

Demographic changes have, among other things, huge economic consequences that cover all main areas of the economic field: the labor market, consumer market and the services market, the savings market, affect the investment climate, social spending and, accordingly, the system and size of taxation, and financial flows.

Currently, these consequences are not well understood, which limits the possibilities strategic planning in conditions when the country faces significant and not always favorable demographic changes.

Natural population decline is an extreme and, in principle, not necessary manifestation of the profound demographic changes that all countries are currently experiencing. Its appearance, and especially its significant scale in Russia, is a consequence of particularly unfavorable conditions in which demographic processes common to all have unfolded in our country over the past hundred years.

However, another consequence of demographic changes – population aging – cannot be avoided under any circumstances. Demographic changes, generally progressive, automatically lead to a change in the shape of the age pyramid; it will never return to its previous shape. Another thing is that in Russia the evolutionary process of a natural restructuring of the age pyramid was superimposed by various kinds of social upheavals, which greatly deformed its contour.

Already the evolutionary aging of the population gives rise to considerable economic problems, since it significantly increases the burden on the working-age population of elderly and elderly people. Perturbation deformations of the age pyramid can seriously aggravate these problems, which is what is happening now in Russia.

Due to the same features of the age pyramid that make natural population growth impossible, in the coming years the country will face a decline in the working-age population (numerous generations of the 1950s will drop out years of birth, and the labor force includes small generations born in the 1990s).

The difference is very large. Until recently, the working-age population increased annually by approximately half a million to a million people; this growth is being replaced by an even greater annual decline. As was shown in, it will be possible to get out of the hole no earlier than in 15 years, and then only under the most favorable circumstances, for which the optimistic “high” version of the Rosstat forecast is calculated. Only in this case will a small increase in the working age population begin. And according to other forecast options, even this will not happen; the annual decline will become less, but will not disappear.

Simultaneously with the reduction in the working age population, rapid aging will occur, i.e. an increase in its composition of older people and, accordingly, an increase in the average age of potential employees. This process has been going on for a long time. In 1970 the number junior group The population of working age (16-29 years) was 1.9 times larger than the size of its older group (45-54 years for women and 45-59 years for men). By the early 1990s, this ratio had dropped to about 1.5 times and remained stable for some time. But since the beginning of the 2000s, aging has resumed and will now proceed non-stop. In the second half of this decade, younger and senior group working-age populations will become equal, and then the younger group will be inferior in size to the older group for the first time, and by 2025 the ratio of the younger group to the older group will be 0.8 (Fig. 1). Average age The potential worker age, which was 34.5 years in 1970 and has now reached 36.3 years, will exceed 38 years by 2025.

Figure 1. Average age of the working population and the ratio of the population aged 16-29 years to its population aged 45-54 years (women) and 45-59 years (men)

It is interesting that the number and share middle group of working age - from 30 to 45 years - does not show a tendency towards directional changes, but experiences strong fluctuations, which can also have considerable consequences.

The general picture of changes in the age composition of the working age population is presented in Fig. 2.

Figure 2. Ratio of three population groups of working age, million people and %