Personnel management: a textbook for students of higher educational institutions studying in the specialties "Organization Management" and "Personnel Management". Durakova I.B. (ed.). Personnel management - file n1.doc Kibanov Ardalyon Yakovlevich

. Book 1: monograph / ed. A.Ya. Kibanova. - M.: INFRA-M, 2020. - 240 p. - (Scientific thought). - - Access mode: http://site/catalog/product/1039268 read


In the monograph offered to the reader, well-known scientists - representatives of universities - members of the UMO for education in management (the parent university is the State University of Management) and the National Union "Personnel Management" consider the following current issues: personnel management - from staffing and accounting of employees to managing their intellectual capital (historical view), the history of Russian recruitment - the specifics and content of the stages, development of the organization's personnel - new concept and practice, the system of employee labor potential, the formation and use of models professional competence civil servants, personnel competitiveness as economic category, motivation and incentive management labor activity personnel, assessment and regulation of economic losses of personnel intellectual capital. The proposed book may be of interest to a wide range of professionals - representatives of government bodies and the system vocational education, public organizations, enterprises of the real sector of the economy and entrepreneurs.

Genkin Boris Mikhailovich

. Book 5: monograph / ed. prof. I.B. Durakova. - M.: INFRA-M, 2018. - 290 p. - (Scientific thought). - - Access mode: http://site/catalog/product/949191 read


Kibanov Ardalyon Yakovlevich

Personnel management in Russia: history and modernity: monograph. Book 1 / ed. A.Ya. Kibanova. - M.: INFRA-M, 2017. - 240 p. - (Scientific thought). - - Access mode: http://site/catalog/product/701722 read


In the monograph offered to the reader, well-known scientists - representatives of universities - members of the UMO for education in management (the parent university is the State University of Management) and the National Union "Personnel Management" consider the following topical issues: personnel management - from staffing and accounting of employees to managing their intellectual property capital (historical view), the history of Russian recruitment - the specifics and content of the stages, the development of the organization's personnel - a new concept and practice, the system of employee labor potential, the formation and use of models of professional competence of civil servants, personnel competitiveness as an economic category, management of motivation and stimulation of work activity personnel, assessment and regulation of economic losses of personnel intellectual capital. The proposed book may be of interest to a wide range of professionals - representatives of government bodies and the vocational education system, public organizations, enterprises in the real sector of the economy and entrepreneurs.

Durakova Irina Borisovna

Personnel management: selection and recruitment. Study of foreign experience: monograph / I.B. Durakova. - Moscow: NIC INFRA-M, 2017. - 160 pp.: 60x90 1/16 - ISBN 978-5-16-105732-2. - Text: electronic. - URL: http://site/catalog/product/899756 read


The monograph provides a detailed analysis modern approaches to personnel selection in a market economy. The concepts and principles of selection of candidates for vacancies work. The ways of knowing the applicant through traditional and modern packages of his application documents are characterized. Points of view on testing are revealed, classifications of tests, criteria for their quality, methods and problems of practical use in hiring are given. The goals, types and possibilities of modeling an orientation interview, its ethical, legal and economic problems, and the effectiveness of making a decision on a candidate’s suitability are identified. The purpose, types and mechanism of conducting professional tests are shown. The publication is addressed to researchers, graduate students, bachelors and masters of economics and management, as well as specialists involved in personnel management issues at enterprises.

Genkin Boris Mikhailovich

Personnel management in Russia: 100 years after the revolution. Book 5: monograph / ed. prof. I.B. Durakova. - M.: INFRA-M, 2019. - 290 p. - (Scientific thought). - - Access mode: http://site/catalog/product/977774 read


The monograph highlights the results of a study of the evolution of formation Russian model And scientific school personnel management. The content of the book addresses issues of the quality of life and the value of work of Russians; influence on work with personnel of state policy, including economics, education, labor law and religious component. The problems of employee reliability and his possible dependencies, as well as new aspects, are considered HR activities: introduction of a qualification system, formation of current models of institutionalization of work with personnel, introduction of its methods into the arsenal digital technologies. The contribution of individual scientists to the development of personnel activities in Russia has been studied. For students, undergraduates, graduate students, doctoral students, researchers studying or conducting research in the field of personnel management, as well as teaching staff of universities and employers.

Genkin Boris Mikhailovich

Personnel management in Russia: 100 years after the revolution. Book 5: monograph / ed. prof. I.B. Durakova. - M. : INFRA-M, 2020. - 290 p. - (Scientific thought). - - Access mode: http://site/catalog/product/1041597 read


The monograph highlights the results of a study of the evolution of the formation of the Russian model and scientific school of personnel management. The content of the book addresses issues of the quality of life and the value of work of Russians; the influence of government policy on work with personnel, including economics, education, labor law and the religious component. The problems of employee reliability and his possible dependencies, as well as new aspects of personnel activities are considered: the introduction of a qualification system, the formation of current models for the institutionalization of work with personnel, the introduction of digital technologies into its arsenal. The contribution of individual scientists to the development of personnel activities in Russia has been studied. For students, undergraduates, graduate students, doctoral students, researchers studying or conducting research in the field of personnel management, as well as teaching staff of universities and employers.

Durakova Irina Borisovna

Personnel management: Textbook / I.B. Durakova and others / Under the general. ed. I.B. Durakova. - M.: INFRA-M, 2009. - 570 pp.: 60x90 1/16. - (Higher education). (hardcover) ISBN 978-5-16-003563-5 - Access mode: http://site/catalog/product/163060 read


Kibanov Ardalyon Yakovlevich

Organizational personnel management: strategy, marketing, internationalization: textbook / A.Ya. Kibanov, I.B. Durakova. — Moscow: INFRA-M, 2020. — 301 p. — (Higher education: Master's degree). - Text: electronic. - URL: http://site/catalog/product/1067540 read


The training manual discusses the following problems of personnel management: HR strategy And personnel planning organizations; essence, formation, types and implementation of personnel marketing; methods of providing an organization with personnel, new technologies in assessing applicants when hiring; features of personnel management of international organizations. Meets the requirements of the latest generation of Federal State Educational Standards for Higher Education. For students, undergraduates, graduate students, personnel management specialists.

Glukhova Alexandra Viktorovna

Personnel management in Russia: challenges of the 21st century. Book 6: monograph / ed. I.B. Durakova. — Moscow: INFRA-M, 2019. — 297 p. - (Scientific thought). - - Text: electronic. - URL: http://site/catalog/product/1002820 read


The monograph contains research results concerning a number of basic problems of personnel management. Firstly, the creation of a political and managerial elite, the management of educational organizations, and the religious aspects of the formation of civil society. Secondly, changes in working conditions, the obsolescence of some and the emergence of new professions, remote employment, emotional tension in the workplace. Thirdly, managing labor absenteeism, using a polygraph to ensure organizational security, legal aspects of managing agency labor, and overcoming ageism. Fourthly, increasing the efficiency of employees, effective organization of remuneration, talent management, experience in extending the working capacity of older workers through rational forms of motivation, training and retention in the organization, health management, formation of a personnel reserve for the effective functioning of the business in the future. For students, undergraduates, graduate students, doctoral students, researchers studying or conducting research in the field of personnel management, as well as teaching staff of universities and employers.

Durakova Irina Borisovna

Personnel management: textbook / I.B. Durakova, L.P. Volkova, E.N. Kobtseva; edited by I.B. Durakova. - M.: INFRA-M, 2019. - 570 p. — (Higher education). - ISBN. - Text: electronic. - URL: https://site/catalog/product/1027420 read


The textbook discusses the evolution, theory, and methodology of the science of personnel management; strategy and policy of working with people in the organization; modern technologies their implementation; employee behavior management; psychophysiological aspects of work activity; working with personnel in the context of business internationalization; formation of modern personnel service models. The specificity of the textbook is to introduce the reader to the debatable problems of personnel management, prospects for its development, applied methods successfully implemented at enterprises in Germany, Austria, Holland, Ireland, Greece - countries in which the authors of the textbook have repeatedly undergone long-term scientific and practical internships. For students, undergraduates specializing in the study of personnel management, specialized personnel service specialists, managers of enterprises and organizations.



Annotation scientific article on economics and business, author of the scientific work - Durakova I.B.

Subject/topic. The subject of the study is the base economic analysis, the formation of which in an economic entity is determined by the topic stated in the article. Goals/objectives. The purpose of the article is to get acquainted with foreign experience in determining HR management performance. It is shown that the subjects of determination HR management performance may be employees of the organization and the personnel service. The option with employees is described in more detail in the article. Here is R. Wunderer's version of four ways to measure the effectiveness of working with people in an organization: employee evaluation leader, manager's assessment through employees, a survey about the employee’s behavior (a management survey), a survey about the boss’s behavior (an employee survey). Methodology. Employee evaluation and managers implies the achievement of two goals: to determine their success and potential. Methods for conducting personnel assessment can be a “circular” assessment, cost-benefit ratio, interview with an employee, portfolio. Questioning of employees and managers can be carried out using the methods of a mini-survey conducted at short intervals of time, a family survey carried out through the employee himself or his family members. Results. The form and content of questionnaires may be different; the article provides possible options their structure and content. Conclusions/Significance. The results of research and use can be used in enterprises and organizations when conducting economic analysis effectiveness of work with personnel.

Related topics scientific works on economics and business, author of the scientific work - Durakova I.B.

  • Formation of a basis for economic analysis of the effectiveness of personnel management at the level of employees of the organization

    2015 / Durakova I.B.
  • Economic and statistical analysis in the implementation of personnel marketing strategy

    2016 / Durakova I.B.
  • Development of image technologies in personnel management. German experience

    2013 / Durakova I.B.
  • Working with the personnel reserve as a modern problem of personnel management in an educational organization

    2015 / Tarasenko Vladimir Vladimirovich
  • Assessment of the professional activity of the head of a social sector organization

    2014 / Kocheshkova Larisa Osipovna
  • Development of soft skills of managers in accordance with the target competency model

    2017 / Chulanova Oksana Leonidovna
  • Marketing in the labor market: essence, experience, trends

    2018 / Andreichenko Natalia Vladimirovna, Kalmykova Evgenia Eduardovna
  • Strategic marketing of the organization's personnel

    2015 / Rodin Dmitry Vladimirovich
  • A methodological approach to assessing the compliance of the level of implementation of personnel management functions with the goals of enterprise development

    2016 / Nikolaev Nikolay Alekseevich
  • System of comprehensive assessment of administrative and managerial personnel at a university: practice and features

    2018 / Myalkina Elena Vasilievna, Zhitkova Valeria Aleksandrovna

Forming a basis for the economic analysis of the HRM impact at the level of the organization

Subject The subject of the research is the basis of the economic analysis of the impact of HR management. Objectives The purpose of the article is the viewing of foreign experience of staff management performance. Methods The author shows the version by R. Wunderer on four ways of measuring the performance with people in organizations: employee evaluation by the manager, manager evaluation by the staff, survey on employee's behavior (manager questionnaire), and survey on manager's behavior (staff questionnaire). A score of staff and management implies two objectives: to determine their success and potential. The methods of personnel evaluation can be a "circular" score (or a "360-degree feedback"), the cost-benefit ratio, an employee interviewing, and portfolio. Questionnaires of employees and managers may be held by a mini survey conducted at short intervals, a family survey conducted through the staff member or his or her family members. Results The form and content of the questionnaires may vary. The article provides options for the structure and content of the questionnaires. Relevance The research results can be used at enterprises and organizations when conducting economic analysis of the HR management impact.

Text of scientific work on the topic “Formation of a basis for economic analysis of the effectiveness of personnel management at the level of organization employees”

 Management analysis



Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Personnel Management

Email: [email protected] Voronezh state university, Voronezh, Russian Federation

Subject/topic. The subject of the study is the basis for economic analysis of the effectiveness of personnel management, the formation of which in an economic entity is determined by the topic stated in the article.

Goals/objectives. The purpose of the article is to get acquainted with foreign experience in determining the effectiveness of personnel management. It is shown that the subjects of determining the effectiveness of personnel management can be employees of the organization and the personnel service. The option with employees is described in more detail in the article. R. Wunderer's version of four ways to measure the effectiveness of working with people in an organization is given: employee assessment by the manager, assessment of the manager through employees, a survey about the employee's behavior (a management survey), a survey about the boss's behavior (an employee survey).

Methodology. Evaluating employees and managers involves achieving two goals: determining their success and potential. Methods for conducting personnel assessment can be a “circular” assessment, cost-benefit ratio, interview with an employee, portfolio. Questioning of employees and managers can be carried out using mini-surveys conducted at short intervals, family surveys carried out through the employee himself or his family members.

Results. The form and content of questionnaires may be different; the article provides possible options for their structure and content.

Conclusions/Significance. The results of research and use can be used in enterprises and organizations when conducting an economic analysis of the effectiveness of work with personnel.

Key words: economic analysis, personnel management effectiveness, employee assessment, management assessment, survey of employees and managers

Modern stage The development of personnel management, in addition to the internationalization of activities and decentralization of personnel services, is also characterized by economization, which makes it relevant to use digital indicators in management to determine the effectiveness of working with people, conduct an economic analysis of these activities and formulate ways to optimize business costs.

Approaches to economic analysis effectiveness can be realized from two sides: from the side busy employees and from the personnel service.

The first approach, for example, according to a study by the famous German scientist Rolf Wunderer, may include four ways to measure the effectiveness (success) of working with people in an organization: assessment of employees by the manager, assessment of the manager through employees, a survey of employee behavior (a management survey), a survey of behavior boss (employee survey) (Fig. 1).

Personnel assessment (employees and managers) implies the achievement of two main goals:

determine employee success; determine the potential of employees, as part of the diagnosis, the predisposition of those being assessed to their own development in the future should be identified. The peculiarity of the assessment is that in addition to individual diagnostics, it also allows you to form an idea of ​​the personnel as a whole, according to which it becomes possible to develop current policy providing the organization with employees, their development and motivation.

Scientists note that the effect of personnel management is achieved through both targets (assessing results and assessing potential). When assessing achievements (results), a potentially conditioned effect is measured with a focus on the past or

present, while assessing potential - with a focus on the future.

Methods for conducting personnel assessment can be a “circular” assessment, cost-benefit ratio, interview with an employee, portfolio.

“Circular” assessment is a method that can correct the situation that is developing regarding the employer’s desire to get a true idea of ​​​​the subordinate and his place in the corporate hierarchy. For this purpose, only the assessment of the immediate superior is used. “Circular” assessment is better known as the 360° method. It can be carried out with the involvement of various experts in four scenarios: horizontal assessment and three vertical options (vertical, top-down assessment and bottom-up assessment).

A holistic measurement concept that includes these scenarios is logical in its six-step structuring (Figure 2).

The cost-benefit method meets the requirement modern concept control with

Rice. 2. Stages of personnel assessment using the 360° method

Management analysis


indicators that imply calculations for each HR management function. Evaluating the effect of employees must be preceded by taking into account the costs of this activity, which include resources for the formation, processing and implementation of the concept of personnel evaluation. The most significant costs in this case are for the personnel service. If necessary, third-party consultants may be invited for assessment, the costs of which constitute a separate expense item.

Further, the resources for conducting personnel assessments should be generalized and filled with economic meaning. Based on practice, costs are calculated as follows. It takes one hour for a conversation with one employee, including processing the evaluation sheet, and 10 minutes for the assessment by the manager himself. Then, based on the number of employees at each hierarchical level and the average hourly wage, the costs of personnel assessment and its discussion are determined (to a first approximation) (Table 1). If necessary, these calculations can be improved through the use of various personnel information systems.

After this it takes time to process score sheets personnel service. The obtained assessments can be used in the future when creating a remuneration system, employee development and controlling. Total costs are determined in accordance with the volume and differentiation of the processed assessment sheets. Costs may also include the costs of subsequent events (eg conferences) to plan further events.

Coefficient, productivity

Table 1

Estimation of time and costs for conducting personnel assessment at the lowest level of management

Number of employees Time spent, h Average pay for 1 hour, rub.* Total amount, rub.

Conversation with staff

117 employees 117,550 64,350

25 managers 117,830 97,110

first level

Personnel assessment

25 managers 19.5 830 16,185

first level

Total... - - 177,645

Workhorses Stars

Dead trees Questionable

Low High

Rice. 3. Personnel portfolio of G. Odiorne

* Conditional values ​​are given.

Note. Subordination level: employee without managerial functions.

The starting point in assessing an employee through a conversation is a general analysis of his behavioral characteristics (“input element”) and work results (“output element”) over the past years. In this case, the employee can bring the assessment sheet he has already completed with the self-assessment presented in it. In this way, he gets the opportunity to present his abilities and goals. Next, the manager introduces the employee to his version of the completed assessment. After this, you can once again discuss each of the certification points, including for an objective assessment of the results of the work.

Based on the actual productivity and abilities of employees identified as part of the performance and potential assessment, a personnel portfolio of individual employees and groups of employees can be compiled. In this case, it becomes possible to compare indicators for different periods of time. The most famous is the project of compiling a personnel portfolio by the American management theorist G. Odiorne (Fig. 3).

Performance indicators are plotted on one axis, potential indicators are plotted on the other, graduated from low to high. The marks applied are subject to discussion.

Development potential

In this case, the already presented portfolio of social-managerial behavior can also be used, with managerial competencies (problem solving and moving) and social competencies separated.

Behavior survey (questionnaire). _Surveying of employees is also of great importance for measuring the effect of personnel management and can serve as a method of both analysis and dialogue between the recipients of the survey and the structures interested in it. As a rule, it consists of conducting a structured, most often irregular, survey. Unlike, for example, interviews with employees, the focus of research, and accordingly, its methods, shift from individual workers to the organization as a whole. As a rule, employee surveys are carried out to determine the general climate in the organization and job satisfaction. This also makes it possible to judge the employee's assessment corporate culture, organizations and strategies.

To measure the effect of personnel management, it is important that the survey, firstly, be regular and this allows for a comparison of semi-Managerial i to competence

compared results with the previous ones. Secondly, the structure of assessment sheets (questionnaire forms) should not constantly change.

Mini-survey conducted at short intervals. It makes it possible, before large-scale surveys, to obtain, to a certain extent, a detailed picture of the attitude of employees towards certain current problems;

Family survey, which can be conducted in two versions. In the first case, the employee himself answers questions about the attitude of his family members towards the company where he works. In the second, these questions are the subject of a survey of his (her) spouse.

To develop a survey procedure, a number of components are identified, which are presented in Table. 2.

You can conduct interviews with employees using standardized questionnaires (Form 1).

The score sheet consists of four parts. The first part examines the achievement of delivery


Employee with managerial motivation

An employee with minor managerial competencies


competencies -

Dismissed people making excessive demands, as well as “brakes”

Rice. 4. Portfolio of social and managerial behavior

Table 2

Components for training and interviewing company employees

Component Contents

General population The entire team of an enterprise can act as a general population. An exception is made for subsidiaries in countries where, due to the nature of the relationship between employers and employees, it is impossible to survey all employees. In this case, the general population may be, for example, management personnel

The totality of respondents for the survey From a psychological point of view, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive survey, i.e. survey of all employees, rather than formed samples of them

Form of obtaining the result The simplest form may be a survey by department, during which employees fill out questionnaires in one room and put the sheets in bins at the exit. In local decentralized enterprises, it is also possible to mail the questionnaire to the employee with a response envelope enclosed. With distribution information technology It also becomes possible to send questionnaires and answers by email, which simplifies and speeds up obtaining and evaluating results

Degree of coercion Participation in the survey is voluntary

Anonymity The anonymity of respondents is established by the employee survey script

Data assessment Assessment can be carried out either by neutral, external public opinion research institutions, or through internal company services

Length questionnaire Questionnaires should be short enough to encourage completion and long enough to provide relevant data.

Degree of standardization Questionnaires should be largely standardized to facilitate processing and comparability of data. In addition, the sheets should contain some open-ended questions to give employees the opportunity to give answers in a free form.

Options for obtaining results To be able to take into account the real situation of individual organizations and subsidiaries, you can include questions specific to a given organization in the questionnaires

Comparability To measure the effect of HR management based on survey results, it is necessary to conduct them regularly (for example, every 2-4 years). It may be useful to compare not only with previous surveys, but also comparisons between subsidiaries and different divisions. It also makes sense to compare with other organizations (external benchmarking) provided that the comparison objects use similar questionnaires

Questionnaire for assessing employees in the banking sector (Germany)

1. Assessment of achievement of set goals (fulfillment of assigned tasks)

Goal (task) Measurable description of the task Degree of achievement of the goal Commentary on influencing factors

2. Goals (tasks) for the future

Goal (task) Measurable description of the task Time frame

3. Performance coefficient assessment

Job characteristics Rating Comment

Customer orientation - goal-oriented work (planning, organization, priorities) - labor productivity - learning abilities - intrinsic motivation, independence + + + 0--- + + + 0--- + + + 0--- + + + 0--- + + + 0--- + + + 0---

End of form 1

Collaboration Rating Comment

Ability to communicate - ability to work in a team - openness - understanding the position of others + + + 0--- + + + 0--- + + + 0--- + + + 0--- + + + 0---

Managerial thinking and behavior Rating Comment

Ability to innovate - ability to move - integrity of thinking - negotiation skills + + + 0--- + + + 0--- + + + 0--- + + + 0--- + + + 0---

Knowledge and skills Rating Comment

Professional skills - universal knowledge - management competencies + + + 0--- + + + 0--- + + + 0---

4. Assessment of work and management situations (response of the employee being assessed)

How satisfied are you... Rating Suggestions (measures) for improvement

How do you rate the support from your manager? Evaluation Suggestions (measures) for improvement

Information - planning, organization and work process - advanced training - tools and workplace organization + + + 0--- + + + 0--- + + + 0--- + + + 0--- + + + 0 ---

Improvement measures planned by the manager (due date)

How do you evaluate collaboration? Evaluation Suggestions (measures) for improvement

You and your manager - within the division - within the company - with other companies + + + 0--- + + + 0--- + + + 0--- + + + 0--- + + + 0---

Improvement measures planned by the manager (due date)

goals for the past year. Using measurable indicators of achieving your goals, you can rate each goal on the list. Finally, an explanation is given of the influencing factors that were critical to achieving or not achieving the goals. This makes sense when the influencing factors are outside the employee's control (for example, pre-arranged resources).

In the second part, goals for next year. The description of goals should have easily measurable criteria to facilitate the assessment of the degree of achievement of the goals and make it objective.

The third part evaluates the employee's labor productivity for the year. In the example given, four groups of indicators are distinguished: job characteristics, teamwork, management thinking and behavior, knowledge and skills. Another classification of indicators can also be used.

In the fourth part, the employee assesses the working and management environment. In the example given, three groups of employee satisfaction factors are distinguished: the work situation, manager support and teamwork.

Questionnaire for assessing teamwork in banking (Germany)

To do this, count, for example, approval from colleagues, willingness to help, ability to critically evaluate

Please tick your option

0 1 2 3 4 5 No Low Medium High

This applies Please put only one cross in the selected group

The Employee gets along to a large extent, gains the trust of almost all colleagues, is liked and helpful by everyone and works in accordance with agreed upon goals and is an excellent communicator and accepts and respects the work of others and is an example to the entire team


To a lesser extent

To a large extent For the employee good relationship with colleagues, is always ready to help his closest colleagues and protects common goals and communicates appropriately and accepts the work of others and can work in a team


To a lesser extent

To a large extent, the employee has good relationships with colleagues, maintains a certain distance, is not always ready to come to the aid of others and sometimes unreasonably deviates from agreed goals and partly communicates inappropriately and in some situations finds it difficult to navigate the team

Moderately □

To a lesser extent □

Addition to the questionnaire on incentives for banking employees (Germany)

5. Promotion and training

Views (goals) of professional advancement from the employee’s point of view

Views (goals) of professional advancement from the manager’s point of view

Mandatory promotion activities within the organization

Seminars, other events (offers)

In a number of organizations, evaluation of importance and productivity is also distinguished. Thus, one of the German banks uses a method for assessing employee behavior in a team, presented in Form 2.

The scale on which the assessment is carried out includes differentiation of indicators from 1 to 9.

The potential assessment can be carried out by adding a fifth part to the questionnaire (Form 3).

In the context of a conversation with an employee, the possibility of assessing the equality of employees is also visible. When conducting a feedback conversation, mutual assessment comes to the fore by identifying strengths and potential for improving future collaboration within

groups. It is also possible to support peer assessment using scorecards, which is recommended for intensive working together, for example, in one team.

External assessment of employees through internal and external customers can be carried out in the same way as for identifying customer satisfaction.


1. Durakova I.B. Personnel management: features of the international development trend. URL: asp?sec=econ&year=2009&num=01&f_name=2009-01-07.

2. Durakova I.B. Economic and statistical analysis, audit and control in the field of personnel management. Study foreign experience// Personnel management in Russia: theory, domestic and foreign practice / ed. A.Ya. Kibanova. M.: INFRA-M, 2014. 283 p.

3. Durakova I.B. Economic control and audit of personnel marketing // Personnel manager. Personnel management. 2012. No. 4. P. 95-103.

4. Kibanov A.Ya., Durakova I.B. Organizational personnel management: strategy, marketing, internationalization: textbook. allowance. M: INFRA-M, 2014. 301 p.

5. Personnel management: textbook / ed. I.B. Durakova. M.:INFRA-M, 2015. 570 p.

6. Bartscher T., Huber A. Praktische Personalwirtschaft. Wiesbaden: Gabler, 2007. 226 s.

7. Bitzer B. Das Rückgespräch. Heidelberg: I.H. Sauer Verlag, 1999. 95 s.

8. Bühner R. Mitarbeiter mit Kennzahlen führen. Verlag Moderne Industrie, 2000. 248 s.

10. Kobi J.-M. Personalrisicomanagement. Wiesbaden: Gabler, 2002. 179 s.

11. Knopp W. Systematische Personalwirtschaft.

Wege zu vernetzt - Kooperativen Problemlösungen. München, Wien: R. Oldenburg Verlag, 2001. 1167 s.

12. Lahrmann N. Bewerben im Ausland. Hamburg: CC-Verlag, 2003. 178 s.

13. Modernes Personalmanagement. Grundlage, Konzepte, Instrumente / P. Nieder, M. Silke (Hrgs.). Weinheim: Wiley-VCH-Verlag, 2007. 386 s.

14. Scherm E., Süß S. Personal management, München: Verlag Franz Vahlen, 2010. 287 s.

15. SchobertD. Personalmanagementconzepte zur Erhaltung und Steigerung des individuellen Leistungspotential der Belegschaft. Hamburg: Verlag D. Kovac, 2012. 349 s.

16. Scholz Ch. Personalmanagement. Verlag Vahlen, 2010. 349 s.

17. Stahl G, Mayrhofer W., Kühlmann T.M. (Hrgs.) Internationales Personalmanagement. München: Hammp Verlag, 2003. 364 s.

18. Stock-Homburg R. Personal management. Lehrbuch. Wiesbaden: Gabler, 2008. 737 s.

19. Wald P.M. (Hrsg.) Neue Herausforderungen im Personalmanagement. Wiesbaden: Gabler. 2005, 341 s.

20. Wunderer R., Jaritz A. Unternehmerisches Personalcontrolling: Evaluation der Wertschöpfung im Personalmanagement. Köln: Luchterhand, 2007. 454 s.

Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice Managerial Analysis

ISSN 2311-8725 (Online) ISSN 2073-039X (Print)



Subject The subject of the research is the basis of the economic analysis of the impact of HR management. Objectives The purpose of the article is the viewing of foreign experience of staff management performance. Methods The author shows the version by R. Wunderer on four ways of measuring the performance with people in organizations: employee evaluation by the manager, manager evaluation by the staff, survey on employee"s behavior (manager questionnaire), and survey on manager" s behavior (staff questionnaire). A score of staff and management implies two objectives: to determine their success and potential. The methods

of personnel evaluation can be a "circular" score (or a "360-degree feedback"), the cost-benefit ratio, an employee interviewing, and portfolio. Questionnaires of employees and managers may be held by a mini survey conducted at short intervals, a family survey conducted through the staff member or his or her family members.

Results The form and content of the questionnaires may vary. The article provides options for the structure and content of the questionnaires.

Relevance The research results can be used at enterprises and organizations when conducting economic analysis of the HR management impact.

Keywords: economic analysis, effectiveness, HR, personnel management, employee evaluation, assessment, managers, questioning, staff members

1. Durakova I.B. Upravleniepersonalom: osoben-nosti trenda internatsional"nogo razvitiya. Available at: http://www.vestnik.vsu. ru/program/view/view.asp?sec=econ&year=2009&nu m=01&f_name=2009-01-07. ( In Russ.)

2. Durakova I.B. Ekonomiko-statisticheskii analiz, audit i kontrol" v sfere upravleniya personalom. Issle-dovanie zarubezhnogo opyta. V kn. : Upravleniya personalom v Rossii: teoriya, otechestvennaya i zarubezhnaya praktika. Moscow, INFRA-M Publ., 2014, 283 p.

3. Durakova I.B. Economic control" i audit marketinga personala. Kadrovik. Kadrovyi menedzh-ment=Personnel officer. Personnel management, 2012, no. 4, pp.95-103.

4. Kibanov A.Ya., Durakova I.B. Upravlenie personalom organizatsii: strategiya, marketing, inter-nationalizatsiya. Moscow, INFRA-M Publ., 2014, 301 p.

5. Upravlenie personalom. Moscow, INFRA-M Publ., 2015, 570 p.

6. Bartscher T., Huber A. Praktische Personalwirtschaft. Wiesbaden, Gabler, 2007, 226 p.

7. Bitzer B. Das Rückgespräch. Heidelberg, I.H. Sauer Verlag, 1999, 95 p.

8. Bühner R. Mitarbeiter mit Kennzahlen führen. Verlag Moderne Industrie, 2000, 248 p.

10. Kobi J.-M. Personalrisicomanagement. Wiesbaden, Gabler, 2002, 179 p.

11. Knopp W. Systematische Personalwirtschaft. Wege zu vernetzt - Kooperativen Problemlösungen. München, Wien, R. Oldenburg Verlag, 2001, 1167 p.

12. Lahrmann N. Bewerben im Ausland. Hamburg, CC-Verlag, 2003, 178 p.

13. Modernes Personalmanagement. Grundlage, Konzepte, Instrumente. P. Nieder, M. Silke (Hrgs.). Wüinheim, Wiley-VCH-Verlag, 2007, 386 p.

14. Scherm E., Süß S. Personalmanagement. München, Verlag Franz Vahlen, 2010, 287 p.

15. Schobert D. Personalmanagementconzepte zur Erhaltung und Steigerung des individuellen Leistungspotential der Belegschaft. Hamburg, Verlag D. Kovac, 2012, 349 p.

16. Scholz Ch. Personal management. Verlag Vahlen, 2010, 349 p.

17. Stahl G., Mayrhofer W., Kühlmann TM. (Hrgs.) Internationales Personalmanagement. München, Hammp Verlag, 2003, 364 p.

18. Stock-Homburg R. Personal management. Lehrbuch. Wiesbaden, Gabler, 2008, 737 p.

19. Wald P.M. (Hrsg.) Neue Herausforderungen im Personalmanagement. Wiesbaden, Gabler, 2005, 341 p.

20. Wunderer R., Jaritz A. Unternehmerisches Personalcontrolling: Evaluation der Wertschöpfung im Personalmanagement. Köln, Luchterhand, 2007, 454 p.


Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russian Federation [email protected]

To narrow down the search results, you can refine your query by specifying the fields to search for. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

You can search in several fields at the same time:

Logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the method in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search taking into account morphology, without morphology, prefix search, phrase search.
By default, the search is performed taking into account morphology.
To search without morphology, just put a “dollar” sign in front of the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, you need to put a hash " # " before a word or before an expression in parentheses.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthetical expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one was found.
Not compatible with morphology-free search, prefix search, or phrase search.

# study


In order to group search phrases you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the Boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

For approximate search you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

When searching, words such as "bromine", "rum", "industrial", etc. will be found.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity criterion, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of the phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Relevance of expressions

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the " sign ^ " at the end of the expression, followed by the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word “research” is four times more relevant than the word “development”:

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be located, you should indicate the boundary values ​​in parentheses, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in a range, use square brackets. To exclude a value, use curly braces.

First decade of the 21st century. predetermined new horizons in the activities of business entities, which had a serious impact on the transformation of approaches to management activities, including personnel management. First, in contrast to the version that the only source of differences in the success of business entities is their skillful positioning in a particular market, the resource-based theory currently involved is based on the fact that the enterprise itself, with its resources, is a significant factor that ensures the differences of the enterprise in the field of productivity and the success of others.

The enterprise unites all tangible and intangible property objects, abilities, knowledge, and erudition controlled by it. From a certain part of these resources, allocated on the basis of sustainable value, rarity, imitation complexity, irreplaceability, and mastery of them by employees, key competencies can be developed. In accordance with this, organizations’ search for new long-term competitive advantages in the market of goods and services and finding a possible way to solve this problem in resource theory led to the use of a competent approach to working with personnel by science and practice. Secondly, further development of the management concept human resources means accelerating growth in recognition requirements economic feasibility investments in attracting personnel, maintaining their work activity, developing and improving competencies and creating conditions for the fullest possible identification of personal capabilities and abilities. Thirdly, the growing trend of business internationalization and related personnel management involves the modernization of technologies for attracting personnel, recruiting, adapting and further effective use in the organization. The textbook consists of nine chapters that develop the reader's understanding of the logic, theoretical justification and implementation of approaches and procedures for working with personnel.

29. Durakova I.B. Personnel management theory: traditional and new approaches to planning, personnel training and formation personnel services[Text]: textbook. allowance / I.B. Durakova, O.A. Rodin, S.M. Taltynov. – Voronezh: VSU Publishing House, 2005. – 103 p.

The authors see the purpose of this textbook as providing methodological assistance to students and undergraduates in studying theoretical foundations course "Personnel Management", knowledge of the evolutionary stages of the development of the science of managing people in an organization, identifying the features of the development of its philosophy, strategy and policy. Tutorial involves a combination of studying the designated sections of the course during training sessions and independently, contains examples from the realities of personnel management in specific organizations, questions for self-test, and recommended literature.