Fading career. Advances of modern natural science. The patient is more dead than alive

The patient is more dead than alive

Unfortunately, the lot of many employees, whose professional prospects were brilliant just yesterday. Those who just recently ran to work as if it were a holiday, today find themselves on the outskirts of the company and own life. HR market specialists identify several symptoms that signal chronic problems At work. At the same time, they console - even in the most difficult cases. career you can get to your feet. The main thing is that among the causes of the disease there should not be the most deadly one - chronic laziness and a stable reluctance to change anything.

So, according to the managing director RationalGrain OlgaCtepanova, all life passes in development, and if development does not occur, then stagnation begins: “In a career, it can be expressed in the fact that a person has been working in the same position for many years or his functionality has not changed for a long time. If this is due to the fact that the specialist is in place - great, that's it. happy man, although in this case it is important to try to expand your horizons and master new technologies in the profession. It’s another matter if a person goes to work like he’s going to hard labor, in which case something in life urgently needs to be changed. And as soon as possible, he will endure and fall in love - not about this case!”

In turn, the partner Antal Russia Evgeniya Lanichkina believes that the main sign of a dying career is the transformation of work into a dreary routine: “If work has turned into a routine, then it’s time to think about your career. Most likely, something is going wrong. The main indicator of development, of course, is growth in career ladder, but there are many professions where this growth is limited. Then it is necessary to pay attention to increasing the area of ​​responsibility. If a specialist has sufficient expertise, but the range of his responsibilities does not expand for a long time, then we can talk about career stagnation.” Another important symptom is that the employee loses motivation for further development, resulting in a pause in his career: “In most cases, career stagnation is caused by the employee’s lack of motivation. The specialist gradually loses interest in the company, the manager notices this and stops entrusting him with new tasks. Sometimes the root cause is poor relationships in the team, as a result of which the manager loses trust in the employee.”

To the above symptoms, the head of the recruitment group recruitment agency "Unity" Oksana Samokhina adds a few more important touches, noting that the symptoms of a “ruined career” are different for everyone, but a clear sign is the lack of desire to go to work. “The main problem of a career crisis is a stop in personal, career or professional growth. As a result, a person continues to act automatically, but feels bored and apathetic, says the expert. – And here you need to understand the reason, ask yourself why this is happening. A good example for me the question is when was the last time you were promoted, and if the last time this happened was more than two years ago, then you need to do something urgently... “What have I learned lately? ", "What results have you achieved and what goals have you achieved?" “Here are some more great questions to think about.”

In addition, Oksana Samokhina notes, the cause of dissatisfaction with work can also be ordinary emotional and physical fatigue, especially if workdays are full of stressful situations. “Unfortunately, many people do not know how to switch from solving one professional tasks on others and become fixated on some problem for a long time. It is also very important that your life consists of more than just work. Communication with family and friends, travel - all this will help relieve the brain, tired of official information. Allow yourself some rest!” the specialist recommends.

The company’s HR manager is also confident that a dying career can be identified by several symptoms at once. Cornerstone Veronica Gushchina: « In the case of a stop in career development, several symptoms will usually arise at once, which together form an interconnected complex. What comes first in such situations is the lack of acquisition of new knowledge, training, advanced training, as well as the suspension of the process of self-improvement. After some time, workdays become routine, the motivation to move forward disappears, and the first signs of depression appear.”

At the same time, Veronika Gushchina notes: a dying career is not just a stop in career development, but a protracted depression against a professional background. However, universal advice cannot be given here, because each situation is unique. “In any case, it is worth determining the root cause of the current situation, from which it is necessary to build on an action plan,” notes the interlocutor of E-xecutive.ru. – So, there are three main root causes for the death of a career: problems were discovered with the company (team, responsibilities, working conditions, compensation, and so on); changes have occurred in the person himself; there was dissatisfaction with the position held.”

According to Veronica Gushchina, after determining the reason, you need to decide on your goal and, starting from it, talk with the company’s management and discuss possible options developments of events.

Who is to blame and what to do?

What to do when it becomes obvious that your career has gone into a tailspin? Experts offer several options for action, emphasizing that the most important thing is to take the initiative yourself, without waiting for everything to resolve itself.

Thus, Olga Stepanova believes: « There are options - from the most radical, implying a change of company or generally a less stressful type of activity, to a simple adjustment of the current activity, for example, you can take on additional functionality, go to study and apply for a new, more interesting position, or look at related segments. An accountant, for example, can take on an additional area that he did not previously have to work with when such a position becomes vacant.”

Experts are unanimous - on the path to career growth, it is important that the employee himself takes the initiative. “Managers and owners often have a lot of thoughts and ideas, but there is a real problem with whom to implement these business ideas. There is no need to be shy, and if you have development needs, you need to discuss this with your manager. Then it will become clear whether there is an opportunity to develop within your current company, or to think about radical steps,” says Olga Stepanova.

According to her, everyone’s career is built differently, some build it systematically and deliberately, for others it is the will of fate, but it is worth noting that the initiative of the employee himself, and, undoubtedly, luck, are always the factors that help in building a career.

In turn, speaking about methods of resuscitation careers, Evgenia Lanichkina notes that changing jobs is not always a panacea: “Changing jobs is not always accompanied by career growth. Often only the job title changes, but the level of professionalism and area of ​​responsibility remain the same. However, many employers have a negative attitude towards candidates who change jobs frequently. Such people are called job-hoppers (from the English job - work, hopper - jumper). At each subsequent job, it becomes more and more difficult for them to achieve career growth.”

According to the expert, when starting to “reanimate” a career, first of all, you should understand that changing jobs is not the best option, since there is a high probability of getting bad recommendations from the current employer and thereby worsen the situation.

“In order to make a career breakthrough, it is necessary to restore the employer’s trust, if it has been lost, and express a desire to take on more responsibility. You should always remember that expanding the area of ​​responsibility is the company’s investment in the employee, and motivation is the employee’s investment in himself as part of the company. As soon as an employee separates himself from the company, the employer loses interest in him,” says Evgenia Lanichkina.

Oksana Samokhina, in turn, points out that there are cases when a radical change in the field of activity helps to save a dying career: “In my opinion, there are no hopeless situations, the main thing is not to delay the moment of “soul-searching”, but to act immediately. It is possible that you will have to look for a new calling. It’s great if a person knows exactly what he’s always wanted to do. And if not? In this case, it is useful to sign up for a consultation with a good career guidance specialist. It would also help to get advice from an experienced psychologist who can help the client understand his desires.

If you still decide to stay in the profession, I advise you to talk to your manager from the very beginning. In a polite, confidential, friendly conversation, it is necessary to explain what exactly you don’t like about your work and what you would like to change. Look at what vacancies are open in your industry and attend interviews. And don’t be shy about changing jobs every three to four years.”

Veronica Gushchina also reminds us of the importance of initiative on the part of the career owner:

“Specialists should independently devote time to their own growth and development, even if the employer does not have a clearly structured system of training and development of personnel. At the same time, you need to understand that, first of all, the employee himself should be interested in development and self-improvement. Accordingly, if you don’t make any effort, there will be no result.”

In conclusion, Olga Stepanova recalls another important point: “I want to point out that it is almost 100% effective to build a career in the direction from which you enjoy. If a person does what he loves, then he is unlikely to face professional stagnation.”

Photo source: Freeimages.com


Using the example of self-overgrowing of sand quarries in the Leningrad region, the hypothesis of the predominant settlement of plant colonists in “safe sites” - microhabitats that are most favorable for plants - is considered.


sand quarries

colonizing plants

1. Dmitrakova Y.A. Species composition of vegetation of two sand quarries in the Leningrad region: dependence on relief conditions // Contemporary issues and prospects for rational forest management in market conditions: material. Intl. scientific-technical conf. – St. Petersburg, 2011. – pp. 46–49.

2. Nasledov A.D. Mathematical methods of psychological research. Analysis and interpretation of data. – St. Petersburg: Rech, 2006. – 392 p.

3. Sumina O.I. Formation of vegetation in technogenic habitats of the Far North of Russia: abstract of thesis. dis. ...Dr.Biol. Sci. – St. Petersburg, 2011. – 46 p.

4. Tsvelev N.N. Key to vascular plants of North-Western Russia (Leningrad, Pskov and Novgorod regions). – St. Petersburg: Publishing House of the Chemical-Pharmaceutical Academy, 2000. – 789 p.

5.Enright N.J., Lamont B.B. Seed banks, fire season, safe sites and seedling recruitment in five co-occurring Banksia species // Journal of Ecology. – 1989. – No. 77. – P. 1111–1122.

6.Harper J.L., Clatworthy J.N., McNaughton I.H., Sagar, G.S. The evolution of closely related species living in the same area // Evolution. – 1961. – No. 15. – P. 209–227.

7.Watt A.S. On the causes of failure of natural regeneration in British oakwoods // Journal of Ecology. – 1919. – No. 7. – P. 173–203.

Nowadays, in many regions, construction materials quarries occupy large areas. Often their territories subject to wind erosion require special reclamation, so studying the processes of self-overgrowing makes it possible to develop scientifically based methods of bioremediation. It has been shown (Sumina, 2011) that the bottom part of the quarries is most actively overgrown, where better conditions moisture and finely dispersed material accumulates, and in depressions of the nanorelief, where there is more moisture and nutrients (Watt, 1919), the most favorable conditions are created for seed germination and further development of plants, and so-called “safe sites” are formed (Harper et al., 1961 ). These microecotopes not only become seed collectors, but also maintain their viability (Enright and Lamont, 1989). The objective of our study was to determine whether the predominant settlement of pioneer plants occurs in “safe sites”.

Materials and research methods

The material was collected from 2 sand quarries in the Leningrad region. To characterize the initial stages of overgrowth, areas with sparsely closed vegetation were selected (TPP 5-30%). The quarry was divided into: the top, middle part and foot of the slopes, as well as the bottom part. In each part, at least 160 platforms of 50x50 cm are described (720 in total). They noted: SPP of vegetation, species composition and projective cover of species, the number of individuals (shoots) of each species associated with different elements of the nanorelief. Elements of nanorelief are conventionally called tubercles (B), depressions (P), and flat areas (P).

Research results and discussion

In total, 52 species of vascular plants (19 families), 3 species of mosses (3 families) and lichens (2 families) were found in the surveyed quarry areas. Lichens are found only on the bottom of quarries, mosses are found at the foot of the slopes and in the bottom part. Vascular plants are distributed more evenly, but their smallest number is noted in the upper part of the slopes (Dmitrakova, 2011). 32 types of vascular are widespread. Among them, 12% are trees, 7% are shrubs, 81% are herbs (mono- and oligocarpic - 19%, polycarpic - 81%). Among polycarpics, rhizome herbs predominate (50%), 59% of species are mesophytes. Psammophytes make up about 1/3 of the total number. 92% of grasses are apophytes. Three species were found mainly in the upper part of the slopes (Knautia arvensis, Leymus arenarius, Linaria vulgaris); in the middle part of the slopes - Chamerion angustifolium, Equisetum arvense, Festuca ovina, at the foot - Chenopodium album and Matricaria perforata. As expected, the largest number of species (19) were confined primarily to the bottom part of the quarry. These include all trees and shrubs found in the quarries, perennial grasses (Trifolium hybridum, T. repens, Leontodon hispidus, Solidago virgaurea, Crepis praemosa, Rumex thyrsiflorus, Artemisia campestris, Calamagrostis epigeios, Agrostis tenuis, Arenaria serpyllifolia) and annuals (Scleranthus polycarpos and Trifolium arvense). In the upper part of the slopes, a total of 13 species were noted (figure). Of these, only the psammophyte Leymus arenarius was found exclusively on the hillocks. The remaining 12 species were confined mainly to flat surfaces. Among the 27 species noted at the bottom of the quarries, the group of species associated with depressions clearly predominates. Ecotopes of the middle part and foot of the slopes demonstrate a transitional picture: when moving from the top to the bottom of the quarry, the proportion of species associated with depressions gradually increases. Of the 32 widespread species, 9 (Trifolium arvense, Leontodon hispidus, Crepis tectorum, Rumex thyrsiflorus, Sorbus aucuparia, Chenopodium album, Solidago virgaurea, Populus tremula, Pinus sylvestris) were found mainly in nanorelief depressions in all parts of the quarries; 6 species (Tussilago farfara, Artemisia vulgaris, A. campestris, Equisetum arvense, Knautia arvensis, Scleranthus polycarpos) - on flat surfaces. 13 species (Salix cinerea, Betula pendula, Chamerion angustifolium, Matricaria perforata, Veronica verna, Linaria vulgaris, Calamagrostis epigeios, Achillea millefolium, Festuca ovina, Agrostis tenuis, Arenaria serpyllifolia, Alnus incana, Rumex acetosella) in the bottom of the quarry and/or the foot of the slopes were found mainly in depressions, and in the middle and upper parts of the slopes - on flat surfaces. This may be due to the instability of the nanorelief: in the upper and middle parts of the slopes there is active movement of soil, and depressions can be covered with sand. In each of the listed groups, species differ in life forms, ecological characteristics and, according to N.N. Tsvelev (2000), to different coenotic groups. This diversity of ecological and biological properties of species inhabiting similar habitats is an important feature that allows plants, during primary succession, to successfully colonize free substrates even in a dynamically changing environment. In general, in the depressions of the nanorelief in the bottom part of the quarries, woody plants and grasses are common, and on flat surfaces, both in the bottom part and throughout the entire slope, grasses are typical; There are practically no species consistently associated with the tubercles.

To assess the reliability of the relationship between species and certain nanorelief elements in different ecotopes, the Friedman Chi-square test (a nonparametric analogue of one-way analysis of variance) was used. Its empirical significance is greater, the more dependent samples differ in the characteristic being studied (Nasledov, 2006). The results of the analysis showed that Artemisia campestris, Tussilago farfara demonstrate a significant relationship with smooth surfaces (at the significance level< 0,05), Equisetum arvense и Artemisia vulgaris (уровень значимости < 0,1). Для Calamagrostis epigeios и Chamerion angustifolium на уровне значимости < 0,1 было показано влияние бугорков на их распределение. Оба вида на бугорках встречались реже всего (метод не указывает направления связи). Еще для 8 видов на уровне значимости < 0,2 выявляется связь с ровными участками (Agrostis tenuis, Arenaria serpyllifolia, Knautia arvensis, Rumex acetosella, Veronica verna) и понижениями (Pinus sylvestris, Populus tremula, Solidago virgaurea). Для остальных видов достоверного влияния нанорельефа на их распределение не выявлено. Применение дисперсионного анализа лишь частично подтвердило связь распределения растений с нанорельефом. Данный подход не позволяет учесть динамические процессы изменения нанорельефа на склонах (заполнение песком депрессий, размыв бугорков и пр.).

The results obtained are generally consistent with the succession model of O.I. Sumina (see this collection), according to which the settlement of colonizing plants is more successful in transeluvial-accumulative and accumulative ecotopes at the foot of the slopes and the bottom of quarries. The assumption that plants inhabit predominantly nanorelief depressions (“safe sites”) requires further verification, since the association of species with depressions is relatively clearly revealed only in the bottom part of the quarries and, to a lesser extent, at the foot of the slopes.

Placement of views according to nanorelief elements. Symbols in the text

Bibliographic link

Dmitrakova Y.A., Sumina O.I. OVERGROWING OF SAND QARRIERS: INFLUENCE OF RELIEF ON THE PLACEMENT OF COLONIST SPECIES // Uspekhi modern natural science. – 2012. – No. 11-1. – P. 86-88;
URL: http://natural-sciences.ru/ru/article/view?id=31037 (access date: 12/29/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Careers can be classified on various grounds: by opportunity and time of implementation, by the nature of the career strategy.

Let's look at some of these varieties primarily using the example of an official career.

By possibilities for implementation job career can be divided into potential And real.

Potential(individually planned, possible) career - This is a work and life path personally built by a person based on his plans, needs, abilities, and goals. This career-dream, career-desire. It can significantly influence a person’s actions and behavior and can be implemented fully, partially or not at all.

In the practice of working with personnel, it is important to take into account that a person’s career is not built overnight. It has its own stages (choice, birth, development, extinction) and is closely related to the age and cycles of a person’s professional life. Taking these relationships into account allows for the targeted use of personnel career management technology in an organization. These relationships are presented in table. 9.

Real(realized, achieved) career - this is what a person managed to realize over a certain period of time in the corresponding type of activity in a specific organization. Research shows that even by retirement age, at the end of their official and professional career, only every fifth civil servant believes that he has achieved his goal in official growth.

Table 9deobjectification and objectification of professional experience

A significant portion of civil servants aged 60 (44.3%) admitted that their plans for career advancement remained a dream career, a desire career. Of the civil servants surveyed, only 13% considered that everything was going well with their official career; among them, men accounted for 8.3%, and women - 16.3%.

The reason for the low rates of successful careers for civil servants should be sought in the fact that this work is practically absent in organizations. It is not secured either from the legal, scientific, methodological, or organizational side. There are not enough specialists who could deal with this very difficult matter. The content of this work cannot be exhausted by the simmering work with reserves in some places.

By implementation time official career can be divided into normal, high-speed, landing, slow.

Normal career- This is the gradual advancement of a person to the top of the job hierarchy in accordance with his constantly developing professional experience. The limit of this job development is determined by the level of his professional incompetence. The duration of this career is, as a rule, equal to the duration of the active labor activity person. On average it is about 40 years. During this time, a person, if there are organizational structures for this,

ny and other prerequisites, can sequentially move up the career ladder from 8 to 12 job positions.

Speed ​​career characterizes rapid, but still consistent job movement along the vertical organizational structure. In terms of time, this career is 2-3 times less than the duration of a normal career. This is, as a rule, a career for gifted, talented, outstanding individuals in science, industry, entrepreneurship and business, in the armed forces, culture and other spheres of society. If for a normal career the average length of tenure is from 3 to 5 years, then for a fast career it is from 1 to 3 years.

Airborne career is predominantly a spontaneous replacement, usually leadership positions organizational structure. The need and length of stay in the position being filled may be due to various reasons: the need to provide practical assistance and strengthen the leadership of the organization, the need to indicate the passage of a position for a specific individual, the creation or liquidation of an organization, etc.

People with such a career, like a lifesaver, are always ready to take any position and carry out the prescribed instructions. For representatives of such a career, it is not the process of doing something that is important, since the vast majority of them are no different professional competence, but the fact of filling the position.

Most representatives of this career know how to skillfully be present in office. The need for this does arise, and not infrequently, but it does not stem from the interests of the overwhelming majority of citizens, government and municipal service, and even more so society as a whole. As a rule, this is due to interests political parties, political elites, individual leaders, as well as a specific individual if they wish to use such career advancement. The nature of this type of career is rooted in ideological or corporate foundations personnel policy, struggle for power. M. Weber very accurately expressed the background of this career: “All party battles are not battles.”

only for substantive purposes, but above all... for patronage over positions" 1 .

In practice, one should hardly focus on this type of career, especially in the state and municipal service.

Most often, the last two types of careers occur during periods of crisis. social development or in wartime. It is during these periods that society, out of objective necessity, is forced to turn to rational, balanced steps, thoughtful actions, often to risky, extraordinary proposals, extraordinary individuals. All this, as a rule, is accumulated by outstanding organizers, managers, scientists, creative people - in a word, by professionals. However, often at this time, many professional adventurers and those who are able to perfectly compensate for their level of incompetence with showmanship find themselves at the crest of public demand. public speaking, accurately reflecting public expectations and sentiment.

Often, some leaders, having screwed up a lot of wood, grab at the “paratroopers” and “speedsters” as if at the last straw in order to improve the situation. Practice recent years is replete with numerous examples of this kind of high-speed and landing careers, and even greater negative consequences of their actions for social development. By and large, the civil service can hardly be considered a testing ground for such careers, because society pays too high a price for it. State authorities pay for this with their authority.

Slow career characterized by a long stay in one position: approximately 1.5-2 times longer than in a normal career. The reasons for such promotion can be very diverse. Most often they are associated with the professional or personal characteristics of a civil servant, his relationships with other employees, and management. Often the cause of slow

Weber M. Politics as a calling and profession: Selected works. M -, 1990. P. 656.

riera is a quarry space - irrationally designed organizational structure, in which there is a small number of levels of the job hierarchy and positions, the specialization of which corresponds to the professional specialization of the person. Not wanting to change his activity profile, a specialist is forced to wait a long time for a vacancy. A suboptimal career space often leads to a “career jam.”

Career can also be viewed from the point of view the nature of its implementation (career strategy). In this case, the implementation of both professional and job career strategy 1 (individual career strategy) can take a number of forms:

- typical: achieving the pinnacle of professionalism, with
knowledge in the professional community (professional
career), occupying the highest position status in the organization
onic structure (job career) are associated with reproduction
the full cycle of a person’s professional life - from
professional self-determination before disobjectification
professional experience in one professional field
and consistent, scalar change in job title
party in the organization;

- sustainable: characterized by relative constancy
V professional activity and job promotion
NI. This form of individual career strategy is acceptable
shows certain deviations as with human involvement
predominantly in one type of professional activity,
and in job specialization, and therefore in job
growth. This means that at a certain stage of life a person
I had to either temporarily or permanently change the content
professional activities, as well as holding positions,
whose specialization did not correspond to the profile received

1 Thus, the essence of a career strategy in organizing a career is that the method of advancement itself ensures the optimal use of driving mechanisms and weakens the effect of any factors of inhibition and resistance (see: Romanov V.L. General theoretical provisions of career and career strategy // Service career / General. ed. E.V. Okhotsky. M., 1998. pp. 24-25).

- intermittent: characterized by instability of professional and promotion, repeated changes in profile and form of activity, work in numerous organizations and filling positions that did not correspond to the acquired professional experience. This career strategy leads to a scattering of a person's efforts. In the practice of working with personnel, it is necessary to take into account these repeated turns of a person’s official and professional destiny.

The career classification is shown in Fig. 33.