Russia is developing an ultra-light Taimyr launch vehicle. Lean Industries is creating a new lightweight launch vehicle


1 TAYMYR Ultralight launch vehicle

2 “Who has not, on a clear starry night, turned his gaze to the sky, on which millions of stars sparkle? What countless valuables could be delivered to Earth if it were possible to fly there? F. Zander


4 Microsatellites Microsatellites are spacecraft weighing less than 100 kg. Due to the constant miniaturization of electronics, microsatellites are becoming cheaper and lighter, and their number is increasing exponentially.

5 Problem Traditional way launching microsatellites as a passing load is similar to traveling by bus for a long time and not always where you need to go.


7 Solution Launch vehicle (LV) “Taimyr-3-100” is a taxi for micro and nanosatellites! IN as soon as possible will ensure individual delivery of the spacecraft to the desired orbit.

8 LV “Taimyr-3-100” Carbon fiber fairing Third stage solid propellant engine “Tsander-V” engine Tanks made of high-strength aluminum alloy Innovative 3D printed “Tsander” engines

9 LV “Taimyr-3-100” Third stage 0.15 TS Thrust 260 Second stage C 2.6 Specific impulse TS Thrust 3 Stages C Specific impulse KG Payload 500 KM Orbit altitude 14.5 M Length 1.2 M Diameter First stage 22.6 TC Peak thrust 287 C Specific impulse

10 Zander liquid rocket engine Injector head made on CNC machines from modern alloys Pumping unit with a BLDC electric motor Drive of the thrust vector control device Camera printed on a 3D SLS printer Power electronics unit Regenerative cooling jacket manifold Composite nozzle nozzle

11 Zander liquid rocket engine Characteristics of the Zander liquid rocket engine Thrust (ground) Specific impulse (on the ground/in vacuum) Pressure in the chamber Fuel 2500/2903 kgf 263/291 s 7.4 MPa Kerosene T-1 Oxidizer Hydrogen peroxide (98%) Ignition Pyrotechnic Fuel supply system Electric pump Thrust vector control Operating time Single axis up to s

12 Launch services Step 1 We agree with the customer of launch services on the parameters of the required orbit and the launch date Step 2 Step 3 We conclude an agreement for the provision of launch services and take out insurance We manufacture and try on the payload adapter Step 4 We deliver the payload to the cosmodrome and install it on the rocket. We carry out pre-launch procedures Step 5 Start! "Lin Industrial" will provide comprehensive services for launching spacecraft, and not just engage in the production of rockets.

13 Launch pads Plesetsk Vostochny Kapustin Yar Baikonur

14 3. MARKET

15 Forecasts for 2023 Micro and nano satellites operating in orbit $ Microsatellite market turnover 90 Microsatellites enter orbit monthly

16 Forecasts for 2023 50 kg Average mass of a promising remote sensing satellite1 420 Satellites in remote sensing constellations on SSO2 with an altitude of 500 km 30 Remote sensing satellites need annual replacement 1. Earth remote sensing satellites 2. Solar synchronous orbit

17 Potential customers


19 Review of competitors Norway USA SS Launch cost (million $): 4.3 Launch weight: 15 kg in LEO Test date: 2017 Russia North Star Launch Vehicle Launch cost (million $): 3 Launch weight: 10 kg in LEO Test date: 2020 China SPARK (Super Strypi) Launch cost (million $): 12 Launch weight: 250 kg on MTR Test date: 2015 FireFly Alpha Launch cost (million $): 9 Launch weight: 200 kg on MTR Test date: unknown Vector Heavy Launch cost (millions of $): 3 Weight of launcher: 105 kg at LEO Test date: 2018 Japan Taimyr Launch cost (millions of $): 2.5 Weight of launcher: 80 kg for SSO Test date: 2022 Errai Project Cost of launch (millions of dollars) $): 1 Launch weight: 10 kg at LEO Test date: 2022 Kuaizhou-1A Launch cost (million $): 4.8 Launch weight: 430 kg at MTR Test date: 2017 LandSpace-1 Launch cost (million $): 8 PN mass: 400 kg on MTR Test date: 2018 Electron Launch cost (million $): 5 PN mass: 150 kg on MTR Test date: 2017 New Zealand

20 Main features of the Taimyr project Widespread use of 3D printing to create structures of complex shapes Electric pump unit for simple, efficient and secure system fuel supply Environmentally friendly non-cryogenic fuel components aviation kerosene and hydrogen peroxide High technology of all rocket components allows for prompt provision of launch services

21 Modern technologies versus classic Classic metalworking technologies Combination of metalworking technologies with advanced additive technologies Labor costs for the manufacture of a liquid-propellant rocket engine chamber with a regenerative cooling jacket 72 MAN-HOURS 17 MAN-HOURS Probability of defects in the manufacture of a liquid-propellant rocket engine chamber with a regenerative cooling jacket 2% 1% Number of technological operations in the manufacture of a liquid-propellant rocket engine chamber with regenerative cooling jacket 9 TYPES 4 TYPES

22 Competitive advantages Taimyr project Thanks to cheap materials and the use of industrial-grade components, the cost of launches is quite low. For example, delivery of cargo to a 400 km altitude LEO by Nanoracks costs $/kg, while we plan to provide a similar service for $/kg. The high technology of all rocket components makes it possible to ensure prompt provision of launch services. Now it takes 8 months from submitting an application to launching the device into orbit. We will reduce this period to 5 weeks, providing monthly launches. Mobile start-up infrastructure and simple design The launch pad allows launches from several sites, which will make it possible to launch vehicles into orbits with any parameters. "Lin Industrial" is not just a company that produces rockets, it is a launch service operator company that provides delivery of cargo into orbit in the form of a modern and convenient service.

23 Components of success Quality service"TAIMIR" Low launch cost High efficiency


25 Calendar plan project development First launch Stand and production In the first year of project development, we intend to create our own stand for fire tests and purchase equipment for pilot production. In addition, development will be completed preliminary design launch vehicle. Launch pad During the third year, we intend to begin construction of launch facilities and ground infrastructure. In addition, we will complete the development of a high-altitude version of the engine and begin manufacturing the first sample of the rocket. In the fifth year after the start of development of the project, the first test launch of the Taimyr-3-100 launch vehicle will take place. Based on the results of this launch, some changes may be made to the design. In addition, there is a lot of work to be done to launch serial production of the rocket and create a full-fledged launch service First stage engine During the second year of project development, we will complete the creation of the first stage engine. Work on the design documentation for the Taimyr rocket will also be fully completed. Ground tests of the rocket Commencement of commercial operation The fourth year of project development will be devoted to the production of a flight prototype of the rocket. Ultimately, we plan to install the rocket on the launch pad and conduct ground fire tests. After five years of development, the project will be ready for commercial use. In the first year of operation of the Taimyr-3-100 launch vehicle, we hope to carry out up to ten launches.

26 Step by step plan stage project development Duration Team size Required investments months people rubles years people rubles 2 1 year person rub year person rub rub. Stage Stage Stage

27 Project payback and marginality rub. Project cost $ Launch cost $ Price of launch services 10 launches In the first year of operation RUR. Profit in the first year of operation 2 years Project payback period

28 LV “Super-Taimyr” evolution of the project Transport ship ISS 3 Stage 1200 The third stage is equipped with the engine of the second stage of the LV “Taimyr” with electric pump fuel supply. Third stage (Zander-V liquid rocket engine) KG PL mass at LEO 180 km 400 Second stage (Zander-2V liquid rocket engine) KG PL mass at the ISS 26 M Length 2.66 M Diameter The first and second stages use Zander engines -2" is the next generation of highly efficient engines using environmentally friendly fuel components. The Zander-2 liquid-propellant rocket engine is distinguished by the presence of a turbopump unit with complete gasification of the oxidizer and is a closed-cycle engine. First stage (8 x Zander-2 rocket engines)

29 LV “Super-Taimyr” evolution of the project rub. Project cost $ Launch cost $ Price of launch services 7 launches Annually $ Profits per year 2 years Project development period 1 year Payback period

30 6. TEAM

31 History of Lean Industrial A single-component hydrogen peroxide engine was tested Selenokhod, the only team participating in the Google Lunar X PRIZE competition from Russia Selenokhod, a participant in the space cluster of the Skolkovo Foundation A carbon fiber mock-up of the lunar rover was tested in the Utah desert at the Mars Desert Research Station Proposed lunar base project of the first stage “Moon Seven” “Lin Industrial” participant of the space cluster of the Skolkovo Foundation Work on the strategy of the space industry as part of expert council collegium of the Military-Industrial Commission The first investments have been attracted to the Taimyr project A mini-grant from the Skolkovo Foundation has been received The control system has been tested in real flight of the prototype rocket Fire tests of the liquid fuel have been carried out rocket engine at the stand of his own design “Lin Industrial”, a participant in the exhibition “Russia, looking to the future”.

32 Key specialists ALEXANDER ILYIN General Director and chief designer Graduate of MSTU named after. N. E. Bauman. More than 7 years of experience in the space industry. Awarded certificate of honor FKA "For many years of fruitful work in the field of creation and use of RKT." He was a member of the Selenokhod team of the only domestic Google Lunar X PRIZE team. Worked at Mars Desert Research Station in the Utah desert in 2013. ALEXANDER SHLYADINSKY Design engineer DMITRY VORONTSOV Leading engineer Rocket design engineer. Expert on space launch vehicles. Engineer at the Volzhsky branch of NPO Energia. Design experience space system"Energia-Buran". ILYA BULYGIN Design engineer Rocket design engineer. Graduate of BSTU "Voenmekh", Faculty of Aviation and Rocket Engineering. General design specialist. Graduate of the University. Yuri Kondratyuk, extensive experience as a leading engineer in the metallurgical industry. ALEXEY REBEKO ALEXEY MAZUR Chemical Engineer Mathematician Engineer Specialist in the chemistry of rocket fuels. Developed a unique solid rocket fuel With high rate specific impulse. Master of MSTU named after. N. E. Bauman, specialist in flight dynamics and mathematical modeling of control systems. Created his own three-dimensional model of launch vehicle launches into closed orbits. VIKTOR SHKUROV ROMAN DADUY Specialist in propulsion systems Civil engineer Over ten years of work as an engineer in industry enterprises, specialist in propulsion systems. Has extensive experience in developing turbopump units. Ground infrastructure specialist. Graduate of the University. Yuri Kondratyuk, extensive experience in designing civil and industrial infrastructure facilities.


34 Investments received rub. Investments attracted

35 Results Man-hours of work on the project 45 Development experiments 600 Pages technical documentation 6 Patents

36 A liquid propellant rocket engine with a thrust of 100 kgf was manufactured and tested. Tests were carried out on a self-assembled mobile stand

37 A prototype of the launch vehicle control system was created and tested under real flight conditions

38 Static strength tests of a carbon fiber tank manufactured by us with a polyethylene liner were carried out

39 2017 “Taimyr-3-100” 2016 “Taimyr-12” 2014 “Taimyr-7” As a result of three years of development, the project has undergone fundamental qualitative changes


41 Sources of information 1. O2 Consulting, Jan 2014, Open Data 2. PricewaterhouseCoopers, “Micro-launchers: what is the market?”, February PricewaterhouseCoopers, “US Satellite Market”, October SpaceWorks, 2017, Open Data 5. “Cosmonautics News ", magazine, March 2017


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Several foreign private companies are currently working on launch vehicle and spacecraft projects. It is expected that, thanks to such projects, “private investors” will in the future be able to oust the world leaders in the space industry, as well as help them by taking over some projects. First Russian private organization The company that will build its own launch vehicle may be Lean Industries. At the beginning of September, she announced the start of work on her next project called “Taimyr”. Soon, cooperation with several related organizations appeared, which would help to quickly implement the new project.

The Lean Industries company is a resident of the space cluster of the Skolkovo Foundation and was created to implement projects in the field of astronautics. Currently, the company's specialists are working on several projects of launch vehicles, spacecraft, etc. Thus, work is underway on several light and ultra-light launch vehicles, on a satellite constellation for remote sensing of the Earth, etc. At the same time, launch vehicle projects have the highest priority, since such technology has great prospects.

According to experts, the current volume of the light launch vehicle market has reached 0.5-1 billion US dollars, which is equal to 15-20 launches. At the same time, the number of launches and the size of this market is constantly growing. For example, in 2013, 22 launches of light launch vehicles took place, during which 102 spacecraft were launched into orbit. Thus, light launch vehicles launched into orbit half of all satellites launched last year. It is noteworthy that almost two thirds of spacecraft launched using light launch vehicles belong to the class of nanosatellites and were created on the basis of the CubeSat platform.

To enter the commercial launch market, Lean Industries several months ago proposed a project for the Adler launch vehicle with a payload of up to 700 kg. It is claimed that with three launches per year, the development and production of this rocket will pay for itself in three years. Using Adler rockets, it is proposed to launch 3-4 minisatellites into orbit annually, as well as a large number of micro- and nanosatellites. In this case, Adler will be able to occupy at least 5% of the world light launch vehicle market.

An analysis of the existing market for light launch vehicles has shown that for solving some problems the characteristics of the Adler rocket may be redundant. It makes sense to continue reducing rocket payloads. In this regard, it was proposed to develop a rocket project with the ability to deliver 5-100 kg to low Earth orbit. The start of work on the new project, called Taimyr, was announced in early September.

It is reported that agreements already exist with several related organizations involved in the creation of spacecraft. Thus, the development of a rocket with a payload of 5 kg will indeed be justified. However, the main model of the Taimyr family will be a rocket with a payload of 100 kg. All other versions of the launch vehicle will be a basic model modified accordingly.

As follows from the published materials, the Taimyr family of launch vehicles will be based on a universal module, which will include fuel tanks and a liquid rocket engine. Such modules, 8.7 m long and 0.5 m in diameter, can be used either individually, which will ensure a minimum payload, or in blocks. For example, to deliver 100 kg of cargo into orbit, five modules will be combined into one launch vehicle, additionally equipped with a payload compartment.

The creation of light and ultra-light launch vehicles is associated with certain difficulties due to their small dimensions and restrictions on the maximum permissible weight and production cost. To ensure the required characteristics, specialists from Lean Industries propose using a number of original solutions in the design of the Taimyr rocket.

According to the general designer of Lean Industries, Alexander Ilyin, the new rocket should have a liquid engine with a displacement fuel supply system. The fact is that liquid fuel must be supplied to the combustion chamber under high pressure, for which a special turbopump unit (TPA) is usually used. The use of TNA provides the necessary characteristics, but leads to complication and increased cost of the entire engine. The Taimyr family of rockets is supposed to supply fuel by creating high pressure in tanks. This approach requires the creation of high-strength tanks, but allows one to almost halve the cost of a liquid engine due to savings on fuel pumps.

Taimyr missiles should receive a new control system developed specifically for them. The rocket developers note that currently, most launch vehicles use control systems created back in the eighties based on the elemental base of that time. These systems have high characteristics and are also mastered in production and operation. However, they are too complex and have redundant features to perform a number of tasks. For example, the very fact of launching a micro- or nanosatellite into orbit is important to some customers, and an error of several tens of kilometers during launch does not bother them.

Thus, it becomes possible to simplify the control system, reducing the accuracy of launching the payload into orbit. The overall simplification of the system makes it possible to reduce the requirements for the element base and, as a result, reduce the cost of production. A. Ilyin notes that new system management will be approximately 10 times cheaper than existing ones. A number of original technical solutions will be patented.

The third know-how expected to be used in the Taimyr project is fuel. Lean Industries specialists decided to use kerosene as a fuel and hydrogen peroxide as an oxidizing agent. It was decided to abandon “traditional” liquid oxygen due to some of its features. The use of a new fuel pair is driven by the desire to reduce the cost of operating the launch vehicle by slightly sacrificing some characteristics.

Hydrogen peroxide has several advantages over liquid oxygen. Under normal conditions, it is a liquid, so there is no need to use special equipment to maintain the oxidizer in a liquid state and prevent it from boiling away. In addition, hydrogen peroxide has a higher density compared to liquid oxygen, which makes it possible to reduce the size and weight of rocket structures. Finally, hydrogen peroxide is safer for environment and service personnel.

On September 9, Lean Industries announced the official start of cooperation with the Rocket Engines Department of the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI). In accordance with the signed agreement, MAI specialists will develop a new liquid-propellant rocket engine with a thrust of 2.5-3 tons, designed to use the kerosene-hydrogen peroxide fuel pair. This engine is supposed to be used on the modules of the Taimyr launch vehicle.

On September 17, news appeared about the signing of an agreement between Lin Industries and Kalibrovsky Plant LLC. In the future, the Moscow region enterprise will be engaged in the construction of new light and ultra-light class launch vehicles, developed by Lin Industries.

It is expected that creating a new project will not take much time. Testing of the Taimyr missile is planned to begin in the summer next year. The testing site should be the Kapustin Yar training ground. Thus, a number of measures aimed at simplifying and reducing the cost of the project should also lead to a reduction in the time frame for its creation. In the absence of serious problems, the first commercial launch of the Taimyr launch vehicle with small satellites on board could take place within the next one and a half to two years.

The development of electronics and space technology has led to the emergence and widespread use of small satellites of various classes and types. Typically, such equipment is launched into orbit as an additional payload to other spacecraft. However, there has been a tendency towards the creation of specialized launch vehicles designed specifically for launching small satellites of various classes.

The Taimyr missile is one of the first domestic developments of its class and is therefore of great interest. In addition, due to the small number of competitors, it has quite great prospects. The real prospects of the new project of the Lean Industries company will become known in the near future: tests of the new rocket will start next summer, and commercial operation may begin as early as 2016.

Based on materials from sites:

rkovrigin wrote in July 8, 2015

Originally posted by 11029799_vkontakte. at The first launch of the Taimyr rocket prototype was carried out by the private company Lin Industrial

On Thursday, July 2, 2015, the first Russian rocket owned by a private company launched. The rocket may not yet be in space, but this is just the beginning.

During the first launch, they tested a prototype of a control system that will fly on a space rocket. The goal is to check the performance of the sensors at high accelerations of a rocket flight and record their readings. The lattice rudders were locked in this flight and therefore served only as stabilizers. We described the electronic equipment of the rocket in the previous news (see)

Watch a short video about the rocket's flight:

The launch results are as follows. The rocket took off 180 meters. This is not high, but it is enough to check the sensors. In addition, it is convenient that after landing the rocket is not far to go.

The engine ran fine, but the parachute did not come out. The small powder charge that was supposed to push the parachute out from under the fairing did not work. There are two possible reasons. The first is that one of the electrical connectors came loose due to overloads during startup, so the charge did not ignite. The second is that they forgot to connect the connector before starting. Also, the data was not written to the backup Arduino-based storage device. The possible reasons are the same - a disconnected connector or an error.

Fortunately, the rocket, even without a parachute, landed relatively softly in the forest, and the data was recorded in the main memory of the control system. Information about the roll angular velocity is given only for the first second of flight (the rocket flew for 18 seconds, of which 9 seconds were before the apogee), because then the roll sensor went off scale. The measurement results are on the graph.

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    Taimyr-1B is a three-stage rocket. The first stage includes a unified rocket unit of the first type (URB-1) developed by the company with a liquid rocket engine (LPRE) with ablative cooling and a thrust of 3.5 tons. The second stage is also liquid, equipped with one engine with a 400 kg thrust and a high-altitude nozzle. The third stage is liquid with one engine per 100 kg.

The launch mass of the rocket is about 2,600 kg, the payload launched into low Earth orbit is 13 kg.

    "Taimyr-5" is a three-stage rocket assembled from standardized URB-1 blocks and a similar, but less powerful URB-2 block. The first stage consists of four URB-1 blocks located on the sides with a liquid propellant rocket engine with a thrust of 3.5 tons. The second stage is the same URB-1 in the center, but its liquid-propellant rocket engine has a high-altitude nozzle. The high-altitude nozzle is longer - due to this it works more efficiently at high altitudes. The third stage is URB-2.

Launch weight - 11,200 kg, payload - 100 kg.

    "Taimyr-7" is the heaviest of the family. Six side URB-1s form the first stage, one in the center - the second, and URB-2 - the third.

Launch weight - 15,600 kg. The payload to low-Earth orbit is 140 kg, and to sun-synchronous orbit is 95 kg.

    "Taimyr-1P" is a rocket that will already be able to enter low-Earth orbit. It has two stages: the first is a URB-1 with nine engines with 400 kg thrust each, and the second stage is a small block with a 100 kg thrust engine or possibly a solid rocket motor with a small satellite.

Launch weight - 2350 kg, payload in low Earth orbit - 3 kg.

    Taimyr-1A is a three-stage rocket. The first stage is URB-1 with nine engines with a thrust of 400 kg each. The second stage is equipped with one 400 kg thrust engine with a high-altitude nozzle. The third stage is one liquid engine per 100 kg of thrust or a solid fuel version.

Launch weight - 2600 kg, payload - 11 kg.

In the picture, “Taimyr-1P” and “Taimyr-1A” are located to the left of the model.

All rockets use environmentally friendly fuel components - 85 percent hydrogen peroxide and kerosene. In the displacement supply system, the boost gas is helium. Tanks and cylinders are composite. The rocket is controlled by lattice rudders and gas nozzles using boost gas.

ZHUKOVSKY (Moscow region), August 27 - RIA Novosti, Alexander Kovalev. The resident of the space technology cluster of the Skolkovo Foundation, the company Lin Industrial, is presenting at the International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS-2015 the ultra-light Taimyr launch vehicle, as well as the latest prototype of a liquid rocket engine running on a mixture of kerosene and hydrogen peroxide, reported in interview with RIA Novosti general director of the company Alexey Kaltushkin.

The first private rocket in the Russian Federation

“The Lin Industrial company is developing a family of ultra-light Taimyr rockets, which will be able to launch a payload weighing from 10 to 180 kilograms into space. We are currently developing an advance project, and also testing prototypes of individual components. A prototype of a liquid-propellant rocket was shown at the MAKS air show. rocket engine with a thrust of 100 kilograms using the fuel pair “kerosene + concentrated hydrogen peroxide.” We also manufactured a prototype control system for the space launch vehicle and successfully tested it during two flights of a high-altitude test rocket,” he said.

According to Kaltushkin, the project received a positive assessment from experts from the space technologies and telecommunications cluster of the Skolkovo Foundation.

The first launch with a satellite is possible in 2018

Answering the question in what year is it possible to begin production of Taimyr-type rockets, the head of Lin Industrial said that the work plan includes three stages: in 2016 - the creation of a preliminary design of a space launch vehicle, in 2016-2018 - a high-altitude prototype of the rocket and launch to an altitude of up to 100 kilometers, and in 2018-2020 - the construction of a space carrier and the first launch with a satellite into orbit.

Speaking about the estimated cost of the project by year, and whether state support will be required, Kaltushkin noted that the first stage is estimated from one to 15 million rubles, the second - from two to 55 million rubles, the third - about 300 million rubles.

The general director of the company clarified that the first stage has already been financed by philanthropists and the Skolkovo Foundation.

“We have received approval for a Skolkovo mini-grant for five million rubles. For the second and third stages, we are looking for private investment, and also counting on grants from the Skolkovo Foundation and assistance from other development institutions,” Kaltushkin noted.

He noted the uniqueness of the Taimyr project.

“Currently, there are no ultra-light rockets in the world. The lightest Pegasus XL rocket (USA) launches 443 kilograms into low Earth orbit. The Taimyr rocket will be able to launch small spacecraft weighing up to 180 kilograms into any orbit in a short time: up to 3 months from concluding a contract to launch, compared to 9 months for the nearest competitor,” said the head of the company.

Taimyr prototype at MAKS 2015

According to him, at MAKS a model of the Taimyr rocket on a scale of one to seven was presented, as well as a prototype of a liquid rocket engine with a thrust of 100 kilograms using the fuel pair “kerosene + concentrated hydrogen peroxide.”

Answering the question whether there are already agreements on the implementation of the development, Kaltushkin noted: “cooperation agreements have been concluded with Russian satellite manufacturers Sputniks and Quazar Space - these companies have expressed interest in having their devices fly on Taimyr.”

According to him, at the moment the company is ready to make the rocket entirely from Russian materials and components, with the exception of fabric and resins for the manufacture of composite tanks, as well as electronics, and in the future it is possible to replace all materials and components with Russian ones.

The flight lasted several seconds. The rocket did not have time to disappear from sight when the fuel burned out, and it, having lost thrust, began to fall towards the ground. A parachute was released from under the nose cone: the tests were successful. Everyone exhaled.

“Now I’m re-reading with different eyes the memoirs of the founding fathers of Soviet cosmonautics, all these classics,” says Alexander Ilyin. - I used to think: how can you forget something, finish something in the last minutes before the start... Now it’s clear that this is even natural. After all, the technologies had not yet been developed, and production chains often did not exist.”

From left to right: Alexey Kaltushkin, General Director; Alexander Ilyin, general designer; Andrey Suvorov, chief designer of the control system.

A couple of years ago, Ilyin’s team with the project of a two-stage light-class launch vehicle “Adler” received funding and made it to the residents of the Skolkovo space cluster. In fact, the idea seemed unusually timely. With rapidly growing interest in micro-, mini-, nano- and even picosatellites, the need for small, cheap rockets to launch them into orbit is also increasing - preferably using environmentally friendly fuel components.

However, the Adler, with a carrying capacity of up to 700 kg, was beyond the capabilities of the Lin Industrial team. "Taimyr" - too good name, it has two syllables and the letter “P”. In addition, that was the name of the Strugatsky planetary craft,” explains Alexander. - This rocket was the result of several attempts to “shrink” in order to fit both into the budget and into our own capabilities. Now the focus is on low cost of development and serial production. For example, we had to abandon the reliable, but clearly redundant for us, RD-108 engines that power “large” rockets.”

“The RD-108 was planned for the first stage,” corrects Andrei Suvorov, a developer from Lean Industrial, “and for the second we thought of using just a “bare” chamber from the RD-108 with the turbopump unit removed. But this simplification turned out to be not enough. Therefore, the second rocket, Aldan, appeared. We thought of assembling its engine simply from four small steering chambers from the RD-108.” With its own weight of 9-10 tons, Aldan could lift up to 100 kg into orbit. But this was not enough.

The finally scaled-down rocket - already under the name "Taimyr" - will have a payload capacity of 10 to 150 kg in a configuration of seven modules. And the Lin Industrial team will supply their own engines. “There are simply no suitable ones on sale,” says Andrei Suvorov, “just as there is no commercial liquid-propellant rocket engine market in Russia at all.”

The prices and demands put forward by contractors are so high that it may be easier for Lean to do the same work themselves. “In itself, this is not bad, but it requires additional time and effort, and the further you go, the more,” says Alexander. Having not found a suitable engine, Lin Industrial designed their own, extremely simple and inexpensive.

Powered by kerosene-hydrogen peroxide steam, it is completely devoid of a complex turbopump unit: fuel is supplied by displacement from the tanks with compressed helium. The tanks themselves will be made of carbon composite. “Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to find a production facility in Russia that can provide sufficient quality of carbon fiber winding at an affordable cost. As if we wouldn’t have to master this area on our own,” notes Ilyin.

Ultralight rockets of the Taimyr family are designed to achieve the minimum cost of delivering cargo into orbit. For this purpose, a modular design of carriers, environmentally friendly and non-cryogenic fuel, a simple displacement system for its supply, as well as innovation system control, which is an order of magnitude lighter and cheaper than traditional analogues. In the payload range from 10 to 150 kg, the launch cost will be about $60,000 per kilogram. Readiness time for launch is three months.

This has already happened with the wind tunnel: it turned out to be beyond Lin’s means, and a full-fledged “purge” had to be replaced with a series of additional flight experiments. This happens with engine fire tests, for which engineers prepare stands themselves. Many components designed for heavy launch vehicles are simply beyond the capabilities of Taimyr - and they have to be reinvented, finding simpler and simpler solutions. The small Lin team is forced to follow the path taken by the pioneers of space flight. A private space carrier, even if it is the simplest, requires a completely new experience and new organization production.

“Take, for example, the usual oxidizing agent—liquid oxygen,” explains Andrei Suvorov. “When we fill the tank with it, it evaporates.” For “large” rockets with their huge tanks this is not so significant. But if you shrink the rocket down to our size, the ratio of tank surface area to volume increases and oxygen loss becomes a problem. This forced us to turn to a component that is not quite common for space rockets—hydrogen peroxide.” It does not require cryogenic storage conditions and ultra-expensive composites for tanks. It can simply be transported to the launch site in canisters: cheap and simple.

Despite all the simplifications, creating a space launch vehicle remains an incredibly complex technical task. No wonder even in scant Russian market There are several satellite developers operating in the private space industry, but only Lin is involved in rocket development. Both the monetary and technological “threshold of entry” into this industry are too high. Only the constant search for simple solutions allows Ilyin’s team to continue working - and test new systems.

Promising family of ultra-light launch vehicles "Taimyr"

Load capacity: from 10 to 180 kg. Number of modules: from one to seven.
"TAIMIR-1A" three-stage launch vehicle. Launch mass: 2.6 t, length: 16 m, payload mass in low Earth orbit: 11 kg.
"TAIMIR-1" three-stage launch vehicle. Launch mass: 2.6 t, length: 16 m, payload mass in low Earth orbit: 16 kg.
"TAIMIR-5" three-stage launch vehicle. Launch mass: 11.2 t, length: 16 m, payload mass in low Earth orbit: 100 kg.
"TAIMIR-7" three-stage launch vehicle. Launch mass: 15.6 tons, length: 16 m, payload mass in low Earth orbit: up to 180 kg, in sun-synchronous orbit: 97 kg.

“It’s easy to understand: if we have a load capacity of 10 kg, we cannot supply a conventional control system, which itself weighs about the same,” explains Andrey Suvorov. “Therefore, we must keep it within a kilogram, or better yet, even less.” Suitable systems does not exist anywhere in the world: it never occurred to anyone that it would ever be necessary to develop a rocket with such a small payload. “That’s why I’m trying to take ordinary solid-state gyroscopes and sensors that are commercially available and use them in the control system of a space rocket,” continues Andrey.

Number of spacecraft weighing 1−50 kg launched into space

The manufacturers of these sensors had no idea how high their products could fly and did not test them to perform in spaceflight conditions. The Lean team has to figure out their undocumented capabilities on their own. “Overloads, vibrations—we are already conducting ninth tests of the flying model, recording telemetry on flash drives that descend by parachute,” says Andrei Suvorov. “For now we are flying at subsonic speed, but soon we will start supersonic.”

In general, the control unit is already ready: three accelerometers, three MEMS gyroscopes and all the necessary electronics are enclosed in a device weighing less than a kilogram. “It turns out that we have learned to use ordinary industrial sensors in astronautics. Their developers hardly imagined such an option,” Andrey notes, not without pride. “We can only slightly correct the inaccuracies that arise.” The systematic deviation, which accumulates around the middle of the flight, will be corrected by the developers thanks to another simple idea.

Standard modules "Taimyr": universal rocket block of the first stage (URB-1), universal rocket block of the third stage (URB-2), rocket blocks of the second and third stages (RB-1 and RB-2).

The control module will be supplemented with a sun position sensor. This will require entering data about its movement before launch, and after takeoff the rocket will “catch” the light with a small photocell and orient itself according to it, adjusting the sensor readings. Such a control system promises to be a unique product and, according to Suvorov, potential customers have already shown interest in it and are ready to buy such devices for their missiles.

According to the most optimistic estimates, the first flight of the Taimyr prototype could take place at the end of 2018, and a full ascent to orbit is planned for 2020. But Lin is prepared for the fact that these deadlines will not be met. The team makes do with a minimum number of contractors, delving into the development of every detail independently and being delayed at every step. A chain of suppliers and contractors is slowly forming - but the developers are not discouraged and are aiming much further than orbit.

“Six expeditions have visited the Moon, and in five years we can send the seventh,” says Alexander Ilyin. His project “Moon Seven” is based on the same principles of simplicity, cheapness and realism. Such a manned flight will not require the development and production of incredibly expensive super-heavy launch vehicles and can be implemented on the basis of already existing elements: the Angara rocket, Fregat upper stages, Soyuz-TMA spacecraft.

According to the plan, in three flights a communications satellite and a lunar rover will be delivered to the Moon, a solar power plant and a lightweight carbon fiber “roof” covered with local soil will be deployed. Finally, the main modules of the base will arrive: service, scientific, storage and two residential. Equipped with wheels, they will drive under the shelter of the roof and dock with each other, ready to take on an expedition of two people...

Judging by the difficulties faced by Taimyr developers, the Luna Seven project is unlikely to be implemented quickly. But Ilyin is not embarrassed by this: “I decided for myself that no matter what happens next, I will definitely get to space.”