Sports themed party. Scenario for a football player's birthday. Pantomime for adults

Elena Bryukhova

Target: creating a joyful and festive mood in children; development of interest in educational games and entertainment; give the opportunity to express yourself, show your abilities and capabilities; cultivating a friendly attitude towards each other and adults.

What you need for the party:

1. Stretch “Congratulations!” or “Happy Birthday!”, a flash drive with a recording of sports music.

2. Tablecloth with balls or green, like a field.

3. Stickers for juice and mineral water.

4. Disposable plates and football-style cups.

5. Personal napkins

6. Fruits were decorated with images of soccer balls, the flag stood in the middle of the table, etc.

For competitions:

1. Capital letters of the name, chocolate.

2. Lots of newspapers, wide tape

3. Skittles, or net - sleeve.

4. Blue ball, whistle.

5. Balloons.

6. Candies in red, blue and white candy wrappers.

7. Soap bubbles.

8. Fabric of blue color.

9. Wet wipes.

10. Markers.

11. Special cosmetic paints for makeup


If you want to celebrate,

Answer, don't be silent

The best and most wonderful

Long-awaited, interesting

This party is in honor of-

Birthday – Dima is “six”!

It’s good here and there when they call you by name.

Let's get acquainted! I’ll show you an example: my name is Aunt Lena, I’m Dima’s grandmother, and this is Vlada, his older sister, this is... etc. (children take turns saying their names and the names of their parents)

And now, all together, at my command, let’s shout our names loudly and loudly!

Children sit on chairs, a sofa or an armchair...


We will now open the holiday,

We'll arrange some wonderful games here.

Turn everyone towards each other

And shake hands with a friend.

Raise your hands up everyone

And move the top.

Let's shout cheerfully: "Hurray!"

It's time to start the games!

Help each other

Answer the questions

Let me know your answer:

Only "Yes" and only "No".

If "No" you say

Then knock your feet

If you say "Yes"

Clap your hands then.

An old grandfather goes to school.

Is this true, children? (No - children knock their feet)

Does he take his grandson there?

Answer together. (Yes - clap their hands)

Is ice frozen water?

We answer together... (Yes)

After Friday - Wednesday?

We will answer together. (No)

Is spruce always green?

We answer, children. (Yes)

Is birthday a fun day? (Yes)

Are there games and jokes waiting for you? (Yes)

Let's congratulate the birthday boy? (Yes)

Or will we send it to Turkey? (No)

Shall we give him a chocolate? (Yes)

Let's kiss sweetly-sweetly? (Yes)

1. Competition: “Our birthday boy is a sweetie”

All children know many names of sweets and chocolates, candy bars and other sweets, vitamins. So, each of the guests in turn stands up and says: our birthday boy is a sweetie and using all the letters of his name (D, I, M, A) you list the names of all kinds of sweets, for example:

DIMA– from letters, in the style of soccer balls

1. drive, dragee...

2. toffee, chocolate covered figs...

3. Mars, bear in the north, marmalade...

4. “Alyonka”, pineapple, ascorbic acid...

Anyone who can’t name it is eliminated from the game, and the winner gets the main prize, for example, an “Alenka” chocolate bar. (buy chocolates)

Have you noticed that the letters are unusual (The letters are printed in the style of soccer balls).

So, we're having a football party today! I am a judge, but in another way I am an arbiter. Do you remember?

2. Competition: “Soccer ball”

Props for the competition: Lots of newspapers, wide tape.

Teams are given a large stack of newspapers and wide tape. The task of each team is to “crumple” a large soccer ball within a certain period of time, for example 3 minutes, and secure it with tape. (It was a lot of fun)

3. Competition: “Sharp Footballer”

Props for the competition: put the pins in the form of a gate, or better yet a sleeve for a children's tent. It's time to test your accuracy. Shoot your own ball into the goal.

4. Competition "Elimination from the game"

Props for the game: blue ball, whistle.

Children stand in a circle and begin passing the ball to each other when the referee whistles. Upbeat football music plays during the game. The referee stands with his back turned to the players. Whoever has the ball in his hands when the whistle blows is out of the game. This continues for the last player, who is ultimately awarded the winning goal.

5. Competition: “A clever football player”

Props for the competition: balloon.

Teams are given a balloon (possibly in the color of a soccer ball). The task of each team is to keep the ball in the air as long as possible. This game can be played by all children at once, or by individual players.

You can hold the ball in the air in any way, but do not touch it with your hands: do not let the ball touch the floor, but work only with your head: knock the ball or blow on it.

6. "Lost Color"

All the children stand in a circle, and the leader explains the rules: when he says: “One, two, three. Find the color red!”, the guys must find this color on the clothes of the guests or in the hall and put their palm to it. The one who could not find anything sits down, and for the rest the competition continues. Now the presenter calls a different color. And so on until one participant remains.

What do these three colors mean? (FLAG) In the stands, fans are waving flags. We will be in the role of fans.

7. Competition "Fans"

They bring out a dish with identical candies in three-color candy wrappers, for example, red, blue, white. Children take one at a time. Then the presenter asks to raise their hands to see who has candy in red candy wrappers, then in blue, then in green, making three groups. The presenter offers three tasks.

Task 1: “Clapperboard”.

They compete to see which group claps their hands louder.

Task 2: “Noisemaker”.

Which group will shout “Oy!” louder?

Task 3: “Silence.”

Everyone must be silent for a minute; the group loses if anyone in it giggles.

8. Competition "Soap Bubbles"

(we continue to be fans).

Blow out the biggest ball - a ball and the smallest one.

9. Competition - Game "River". We were so sick, we got dirty in soap bubbles, we need to rinse off.

Props for the competition: a piece of blue fabric. Fold it several times to make a thin strip. At first the stream is thin, the children jump over it. Gradually it becomes wider. The water increases, and we lift and release the fabric more and more sharply. Children crawl around, trying not to touch her.

You can cross the river with the game “Low - High”.

10. Competition “Fencing” - wet wipes

We had a great swim in the river. But let's return to the football field. Spectators are not allowed on the field. We set restrictions. Who from wet wipes will tie a long rope in 2-3 minutes - this is the limitation.

Now let’s connect all our strings of restrictions with others, what have we formed? (Circle)

11. Balloon competition

Props for the competition: balloons. We blew out the balls, and now we need real balls. We will inflate them. Choose any color. Suddenly the players won't have enough balls.

12. Competition “Settled Balls”

Props for the competition:

balloons and markers. They explain to the children that they have a football planet in their hands, but there is still room for the balls to populate. Each participant must “populate” their football planet with balls. The one with the most drawn creatures on his ball wins. You can give a prize.

13. Competition “Accurately hit the ball (air).” The competition is additional if you have a pistol with bullets.

You need to hit the balloon with a bullet. We spoil the opponents' balls.

Drive, speed, kick, GO-O-O-OL

The best game... Football

14. Photo shoot

We played the roles of football players and fans. They pay little attention to us! Shall we fix this?

You can prepare special paints for a photo shoot. Favorite football words to write: “flag”, “ball”, “hurray”. “goal”, “champions”, “football” and others.

We'll sit down at the table together

Unites us... Football

I don't like basketball

Always the best... Football

The birthday boy is broad-shouldered,

Not a taxi driver, not a guitarist,

Not even a motorcyclist

He is real …. Football player

15. Our favorite loaf

Today we have a football party, I propose to congratulate the wonderful football player with the most popular song “Loaf”. All the children stand in a circle, and the birthday boy is in the center of it and begin to sing: “Like Dima’s name day.” The one chosen by the birthday boy, in turn, stands in a circle and the song is sung again.

16. Birthday cake

The cake was ordered in the style of a football field with goals and football players. It is proposed to sing in football style, and start with everyone’s favorite words "Ole-ole-ole"! Happy birthday to you, Dima!”

It's no secret that football is one of the most popular sports games in the world. He is loved from young to old. Is your kid also an avid football fan or is he a footballer himself and is approaching? Then this is a great reason to throw a football party in honor of his birthday.

This kind of party will suit younger schoolchildren from 8-9 years old, but also for teenagers 13-14 years old.


Invitations. It will look original in the shape of a soccer ball; you can make it yourself or order it from a printing house. Sign that you are inviting valuable football players to join the club. The collection will take place at the address of the birthday boy.

We decorate the room.

In accordance with the theme of the party, the colors white, green and black will serve as an advantageous and suitable decor.

The tone of the holiday will also be set correctly, you can cover it with a green tablecloth, it will symbolize a football field, pick up plates or stands in the shape of a football, this will make the holiday atmosphere more complete.

You can find all decorative elements in stores, in glass, ceramic or plastic tableware with football design. Such a table service will instantly change the room and set the tone for the holiday.

Decorate the ceiling or walls with paper or fabric garlands. If you have football magazines at home, cut out bright, interesting ones from them, decorate plastic cups, gluing on them everything you found. Cut out triangles from cardboard; they will serve as flags; you can also glue cutouts from magazines/newspapers onto them. Connect with a thread and hang around the apartment.


It is advisable that they also correspond to the stated theme; select those sweets that have some similarity or association with the football game.

Of course, most often these are chips and drinks, just what is advertised to us from television screens. Kids love this very much!

But taking care of the kids, so that they don’t overeat the unhealthy chips, serve them with something, for example, as a decoration or ingredient.

Do it by placing it on it. You don’t have to serve a traditional hot dish; invite the children to choose their own appetizer from the buffet stand.

The main sweetness of the holiday is ! Order at candy store A cake in the shape of a ball or a football field is now in trend.

Hosting a party

We offer to your attention the option of holding a themed party with a code name "Opening of a football club".

So, 8-10 people have come to you, we will divide them into 2 teams using a draw. We hide the whistle behind our back in our hand. Whoever guesses which hand the whistle is in is the one who starts.

If there are few children visiting, let them all be on the same team.

Beginners have been identified.

Leader's word:

Great football players have gathered here today for the purpose of…. For what purpose???

Today, two grandiose events coincided in an extraordinary way: the opening of a new football club and the birthday of one of the most talented football players. Before we start celebrating, there are a few issues that need to be addressed.

The very first thing: come up with the name of your football club and, of course, a chant, but there is a condition! You need to come up with such a chant so that it must include the name of the hero of the occasion.

After the children have completed the task, they say their name and shout their chants loudly.


Before we officially open the club, you need to undergo accreditation, this way you will prove to the Football Union of our region that you are worthy rivals to all other clubs. I, as the chairman of the Football Union, will test you by conducting a training session and see what you are capable of.

If you have 2 teams based on the number of guests, then the host holds competitions between them. All competitive program, with challenges and fun is given below. Each new “test” involves different team members. To the losers, we count the missed goal, and give one point to the opponents.

At the end, we count all the points, the presenter reports that all teams showed highest level, in connection with this, we consider 2 new football clubs to be officially open. The winning members of the club can be awarded “gold” medals, and the defeated ones can be awarded “silver”.

In case there are only enough invitees to put together one team, then conduct all competitive tests within the team.

The player who wins each “test” (competition) is considered to have scored a goal. We keep track of goals. At the end of the holiday, we also praise the guys and announce the official opening of the club, and we reward the guests who scored the most “goals” with “cups.”

If possible, buy t-shirts, inexpensive, identical ones, then the children will wear them when their “clubs” or “club” are open.

You can choose any number of tests for the Football Union, for example, as many as the age of the birthday boy, or until the guys get tired of playing.

To prevent children from getting tired too quickly, take breaks between several tests. During one of the “times” you can serve the drink in bottles with sports caps.

During the next break, shout funny chants (you will find several options at the end of the script).

And in the final, third half, we invite children to feel like a sports star, to paint a soccer ball that belongs to the birthday boy (buy a specially inexpensive ball: let the children write wishes to the hero of the occasion with their pens. This ball will remain with the birthday boy forever, as a memory of the holiday).

Competition program for football players:

“We’re getting ready for a while.”

You need: 2 sets of football player equipment: for example, 2 pairs of socks, 2 T-shirts, 2 wristbands, 2 pairs of shin guards. Place the kits in separate bags. Two people take part.

The presenter gives commands, the participants open the bags, quickly put their contents on themselves and shout: “Olee-ole-ole-ole!”, and shout the name of their club. Whoever is faster than the other wins. You can hold this competition several times with different pairs of guys, be sure to count the “goals scored.”

"Keep the ball."

You need 2 balloons. We invite two couples. We limit the space - draw a circle, you cannot go beyond it.

The pair is given a ball and at the command of the leader, they throw it up and try to keep it in the air. You can use your head, legs, any part of the body except your hands! The couple that lasts the longest without violating the terms wins!


What you will need: 2 blocks of self-adhesive leaves, for notes. Choose colors of yellow and red (pink is possible). The number of sheets is within 30-40 pcs.

The first participant (if one team) or the pair (if there are 2 teams, a pair from each) is given a block of pieces of paper.

We explain the rules of the game: Football players are very worried and afraid of receiving a penalty card (yellow) from the main referee, or, even worse, disqualification (i.e. red). Being afraid is even worse than being afraid of a bad grade in school. Now let’s imagine that one athlete has gone completely wild and is receiving cards at incredible speed.

Your task: when the whistle blows, start “giving” such speed cards to each other. Whoever gets stuck with cards faster than the other team wins the game.”

"Relatives of the Ball"

Riddle: “Small, round, white with black spots, runs, jumps, rolls across the field, but it’s not an animal.” The guys, of course, will immediately understand that we are talking about a soccer ball.

The soccer ball has recently become the most popular among its counterparts, of which there are a huge number.

Now we’ll find out at what level you know them all.

The presenter shows the children pictures, one at a time, depicting different sports balls. For a correct answer, the team earns a point. If you make a mistake the first time, the right to guess goes to the opposing team. At the end we count the points.

Find pictures of all the balls on the Internet and print them out, or make a presentation and show them with slides.

Types of balls: tennis, volleyball, handball, baseball, basketball. Also include fitball, field hockey, American football, soccer polo and many more. Add a few non-specific balls to confuse the kids.


This game is played with all the guys at the same time. You will need a whistle.

To a cheerful fast music the guys form a circle. The presenter himself first stands in the center of the formed circle, holding a ball and a whistle in his hands. He is a judge, but this is temporary.

What is the essence of the game: the one in the center, the referee, throws the ball to one of the guys, at random, and closes his eyes. You can ask the referee to move around him, meanwhile the guys quickly throw the ball to each other, like in a game of “hot potato”, the host does not see who has the ball now. At any moment, at the discretion of the judge, he gives a signal, i.e. whistles. Whoever has the ball in his hands at that moment gets a free kick - we make a wish for him, he doesn’t just stand, but dances (jump, stand on one leg or sing). the child standing to the right of the one who committed the penalty becomes the judge, the leader leaves the circle and watches the game from the side.

The newly elected referee closes his eyes, the children pass the ball further, at any moment the whistle sounds and the referee opens his eyes. Whoever has the ball is a penalty (desire), whoever is to the right of the penalty box becomes the referee. The previous judge returns to the circle.

If the ball is again in the hands of the person who was penalized at the time of the whistle, he receives a red card and disqualification - he leaves the game.

The game goes by very quickly, the referees are constantly changing, the participants are “removed” from the field one by one. We play until there are only 2 participants left - the judge and the player. We count a goal to the player (or team), and encourage the last referee by giving him a small prize - a brand new referee’s whistle.

"Score a goal"

To conduct this competition, you need an object that can be placed on the wall, for example, whatman paper or an easel, something that you have at hand at home.

So, you have chosen an object, now your task is to make a prototype of a football field. You can use green fabric/material, or if it’s a board, just paint it green. Of course, we mark the markings and “install” the rectangular gates. We close all lines. The resulting rectangle will serve as a “goal” where the participants need to score a goal.

Which ball is suitable? You need to make the balls as comfortable as possible so that you can easily attach them with a button or double-sided tape. Make cardboard or plastic mugs, sized to fit the gate.

Participants need to remember the location of the gate. Then we blindfold everyone in turn and give them a ball. It is necessary to place the “ball” in the “goal”. The team whose team hits the goal the most and most often wins.


Penalties are an integral part of football. Ask the children if they know what it is. They are absolutely welcome to try their hand at our competition. A bucket will serve as a gate; you can use either a plastic or iron one. Lay it on its side, i.e. so that the bucket takes a horizontal position.

You will also need a ball, like a rubber ball, a golf ball or a tennis ball.

Task: You need to score a goal from a certain distance, set by the leader, by pushing the ball with your foot. We count successful penalties for each team, victory goes to those with the most points.

Mini relay race

The main attribute of the relay is a ball; it is suitable for gymnastics as well as a football ball.

We line up teams at a distance of about 2 meters from each other (as much as the space of the room allows). Mark the finish line with chairs or pins.

Task: you need to run to the pin and quickly walk back, pass the baton and the ball to the next one. Everyone will need to carry the ball differently.

  • The first is to hold the ball with your thumbs only;
  • The second is to hold the ball between your knees;
  • The third is to hold the ball behind your back with both hands;
  • The fourth is to hold the ball on the back of your hand and jump;
  • The fifth one is to dribble the ball.

Of course, victory goes to the first to reach the finish line.

If there is only one team participating, run the races in pairs, then each guest needs to complete all 5 rounds in a different way.

Quiz about football.

Questions for this quiz must be prepared taking into account the age characteristics of the participants and their knowledge of football. Write each question on a separate piece of paper and fold it into a daisy shape. The guys take turns drawing out a question and answering it. For the correct answer, 1 point is awarded; if there is no answer, we give the right to answer to the other team.

If there is only one team at the festival, invite the children to answer questions in turn order. For each correct answer, one victory point is awarded. The winner is easy to identify by counting total amount points.

Indicative questions:

  1. What shoes do football players wear on the field? (in boots)
  2. What is the nickname of the famous football player Ronaldo? (Nibbler)
  3. When an athlete scores an own goal, what is such a goal called in the game? (own goal)
  4. Name a famous trainer with a “bird” name. (Guus Hiddink)
  5. The largest sports stadium in the world is located in the city... (Pyongyang)
  6. The most “championship” team, i.e. was the world football champion many times... (Brazil national team)

Chants during the break

Now we'll take a little break from active competitions and we will test your attentiveness and ingenuity. Your task is as follows, I will recite a chant poem, if you agree with it, you shout “FOOTBALL”, if you don’t agree, you stomp.

Drive, speed, kick, GOOOOL

The best game... Football

We'll sit down at the table together

Unites us... Football

Tennis, basketball, volleyball

It's better than...

Russian, German and Pole,

Ukrainian and Slovak,

Finn, Hindu, Mongol:

They all like... football

I'm angry, very angry

How will they show me...

I'd rather scrub the floor

Why watch this...

I don't like basketball

Always the best... Football

I'll listen to rock and roll

It's cooler than...

The birthday boy is broad-shouldered,

Not a taxi driver, not a guitarist,

Not even a motorcyclist

He is real …. Football player

Festive events, relay races, competitions are coming to an end. Let's sum up a wonderful evening. Please note that everyone is very talented and worthy members of the new football club! And so that everyone remembers this again, let each team shout the motto of their club again.

Everyone is already hungry, we invite you to the table.

After the festive feast, you can warm up outside and play football, so beloved by everyone!

Olee-ole-ole-ole! Party on!

An actor does not always need words to convey his feelings and thoughts to the viewer. He can do this with the help of gestures, facial expressions, and plasticity. A type of stage art where characters express themselves without words, only through body language - that’s what pantomime is.

The art of pantomime has been known since ancient times. Its beginnings can be found in the pagan religious rituals of primitive cultures. In Rome, during the reign of Augustus, it emerged as an independent type of theater, becoming a fashionable entertainment at the imperial court. In the Middle Ages, pantomime began to be persecuted, but it continued to live and develop in the performances of traveling comedians around the world.

There are 4 types of pantomime:

  • Dance pantomime originates in the culture of primitive society; some elements are still preserved in folk dances of people of various nationalities.
  • Classical pantomime - originated from the spectacular performances of ancient Greece and Rome, includes three components: poetry, music, action.
  • Acrobatic pantomime - originally from the theaters of the East, is accompanied by jumping and juggling.
  • Eccentric pantomime - based on a comic situation and using grotesque props.

The art of pantomime can be used in any genre: from tragedy to humoresque, from sharply satirical miniatures to dramatic novellas. It is very difficult to determine the boundaries between them; they are often closely interconnected and seem to penetrate each other. Pantomime can be performed by just one actor or by a whole group of mimes. One thing remains unchanged: to convey a story to the viewer without a single word, to recreate a character, to make them laugh or excite.

Development of the art of pantomime in Russia

In Russia, the art of pantomime originates in folk rituals and holidays, which were not complete without games, dances and songs. People dressed up as animals and parodied various characters. The games were often accompanied by elements of pantomime, when the words of the songs were explained with movements and gestures. Such scenes were often found in rituals dedicated to holidays: Maslenitsa, Christmastide, Christmas. Examples of pantomime games can be seen in amateur performances dedicated to various events: the end of the harvest, matchmaking, weddings, etc. Gradually, elements of pantomime began to penetrate various areas of art:

  • to the Russian professional ballet theater;
  • on the farcical stages of theater squares;
  • circus arenas;
  • drama theatres;

Over time, moving from the square to the stage, pantomime acquires technical virtuosity, enriched with expressive techniques. Stanislavsky and his great students turned to the art of pantomime, among whom were the titans of the theatrical education system Vakhtangov, Meyerhold, Tairov.

Pantomime became widely used in the theatrical environment while training actors in the skill of impersonation. With its help, they learn to express thoughts and feelings without words, focusing on internal sensations.

During the times of the Soviet Union, pantomime went through a difficult path, sometimes even simply falling into oblivion. Because what ideology needed most was conversational drama. In the post-war period, there was practically one small venue at the All-Union Institute of Cinematography, where the traditions of pantomimic art were preserved.

Only in the 60s there was a tendency towards its revival. A striking example of this is the pantomime “The Girl, the Hooligan and the Ball” performed by artists Natalia and Oleg Kiryushkin. The performance was shown in 1973 at the gala concert of the World Youth Festival in Germany, broadcast live and was a huge success.

The pantomime lasted only 6 minutes, where a hooligan boy in red caulking and a fragile girl play touching story about the eternal problem of good and evil. The audience applauded and did not let the artists leave the stage for 20 minutes.

Watching the video of the pantomime “The Girl, the Hooligan and the Ball” it becomes clear how expressive plasticity can convey feelings and thoughts without a single word. A fairy tale is born before our eyes: a young girl appears with an ordinary balloon in her hands. The girl dances, enjoying life. Suddenly a bully appears, confident in his strength, and tries to take the ball away. But a miracle happens that even an old video shows well. The ball becomes heavy, and the guy is unable to even lift it from the ground. Then the girl explains that the ball needs love and care. Gradually, the bully realizes that the ball cannot serve evil and violence, but only good. They leave holding hands. The pantomime video was broadcast on screens for more than two years, and Soviet viewers still remember it well.

Thus, pantomimic art returned to the people, despite the fact that officials looked at it with some fear.

Pantomime for child development

Pantomime art has found wide application not only on stage. It is very important for the development of children: preschoolers and schoolchildren. Pantomime solves several problems:

  • develops creative thinking;
  • teaches the correct expression of feelings and emotions;
  • broadens children's horizons;
  • liberates, relieves stiffness;

Depending on the age of the children, tasks or scenes with elements of pantomime are selected. This could be a competition, a game, even staging an entire performance, which will be based on a pre-written script.

When the child does not attend kindergarten and his mother studies with him at home, it is especially important to spend his leisure time profitably. If it’s autumn outside, it’s cold and raining, and you’re tired of TV, a game of pantomime without words will come to the rescue. For kids under 4 years old, you can offer simple tasks, for example, show how mom does this or that job:

  • sweeps the floor;
  • hangs out laundry;
  • washes dishes, etc.;

For preschoolers, they offer more difficult tasks: act out individual scenes on a specific topic. On the theme “Autumn”, show how to pick mushrooms in the forest or hide from the rain. On a winter theme: skiing, playing snowballs, making a snowman. If there are a lot of guys, there is an opportunity to play pantomime funny scenes, for example, based on fables. An adult will read the text, and children will depict the characters and their actions.

Schoolchildren can already be asked to depict not only movements, but also feelings:

  • show a person who has received good news;
  • It’s cold outside, autumn, slush and rain;
  • when a huge dog rushes towards you;

For schoolchildren, teachers can give a variety of creative tasks:

  • depict what professions they know, or what they want to become;
  • show the gait of a chicken, turkey, goose, penguin, etc.

Children's holiday: birthday or New Year– another reason to play pantomime. New Year's pantomime for children may also include various collective scenes and tasks:

  • depict astronauts in orbit dancing around a Christmas tree;
  • pantomime a flashing garland of light bulbs;

You can come up with quite a lot of such tasks and competitions, it all depends on the imagination and desire of adults to make children’s leisure time useful and exciting. A talented teacher can create a pantomime theater for children.

IN last years The popularity of pantomime art is growing. A mime actor, like any dancer, needs to do exercises every day in order to have perfect control of his body. In addition, he must have great charm, a sense of humor and hard work.

Football is one of the popular sports games in the world. People of all ages, young and old, love him. Is your child also an avid football fan or a footballer himself and his birthday is approaching and you are planning to organize a small celebration? This is a great excuse to throw a football themed birthday party. Football party for children, script, competitions, games, decoration. In this article we will try to help you prepare and host a football party for children.

This party is also good for younger children. school age from 8-9 years old, and for teenagers 13-14 years old.

Football party for children, how to organize

We organize a football party correctly so that it is as successful as possible and remains a bright event in the children’s memory!


We count all the guests and come up with an original invitation to the party. An invitation in the shape of a soccer ball or in the shape of a football field will look beautiful. You can make invitations yourself (print them on a printer as an example), buy ready-made ones, or order them from a printing house.

In the invitation, write that you are inviting valuable and best football players to join the club 😉 The training camp will be held at the address of the birthday boy.

How to decorate a child's birthday in the style of a football party?

Decorate the ceiling or walls with paper or fabric garlands. If you have football magazines at home, cut out beautiful, interesting pictures from them and decorate your room. Cut out triangles from cardboard or paper; they will serve as flags; you can also glue cutouts from magazines/newspapers onto them. Connect the flags with a thread and hang them around the apartment. In keeping with the theme of the party, suitable colors would be white, green and black.

Of course, what would a holiday be without balloons! Decorate your football design with white and green balls. Draw black pentagons on the white balls, as if they were a soccer ball. Or buy ready-made balls at the store.

It's a good idea to decorate the table in a football style. You can cover it with a green tablecloth, it will symbolize a football field, select plates or stands in the shape of a football, prepare different flags.

It would also be a great idea to make a themed photo zone. Everyone will be able to take original and funny photos as a souvenir!

Scenario football party for kids

Our anticipated football championship has finally started! All players and fans are assembled.

We will divide the children into 2 teams using a draw. We hide the whistle behind our back in our hand. Whoever guesses which hand the whistle is in is the one who starts.

If there are few children visiting, let them all be on the same team.

We identify beginners.

Leader's word:

Great football players have gathered here today for the purpose of…. For what purpose???

Today, two grandiose events coincided in an extraordinary way: a football competition and the birthday of one of the most talented football players. Before we start celebrating, there are a few issues that need to be addressed.

The very first thing: come up with the name of your football club of both teams and, of course, a chant, but there is a condition! You need to come up with such a chant so that it must include the name of the hero of the occasion; you can do without this point.

After the children have completed the task, they say their name and shout their chants loudly.

Competitions and activities for children's football party

"Getting ready for a while"

You need: 2 sets of football player equipment: for example, 2 pairs of socks, 2 T-shirts, 2 wristbands, 2 pairs of shin guards. Place the kits in separate bags. Two people take part.

The presenter gives commands, the participants open the bags, quickly put their contents on themselves and shout: “Olee-ole-ole-ole!”, and shout the name of their club. Whoever is faster than the other wins. You can hold this competition several times with different pairs of guys, be sure to count the “goals scored.”

"Keep the ball"

You will need 2 round balloons. 2 couples participate. The space for each pair must be limited - for example, draw a circle beyond which they cannot go, or put hoops or paper circles on the floor.

At the command of the leader, the couple throws their ball into the air and tries to hold it there for as long as possible, using only their heads and legs, but in no case with their hands. The pair that lasts the longest without dropping the ball and without ever leaving the circle wins.

Mini relay race
The main attribute of the relay is a ball; it is suitable for gymnastics as well as a football ball.

We line up teams at a distance of about 2 meters from each other (as much as the space of the room allows). Mark the finish line with chairs or pins.

Task: you need to run to the pin and quickly walk back, pass the baton and the ball to the next one. Everyone will need to carry the ball differently.

The first is to hold the ball with your thumbs only;
The second is to hold the ball between your knees;
The third is to hold the ball behind your back with both hands;
The fourth is to hold the ball on the back of your hand and jump;
The fifth one is to dribble the ball.
Of course, victory goes to the first to reach the finish line.

If there is only one team participating, run the races in pairs, then each guest needs to complete all 5 rounds in a different way.

Mini-relay "Bolomania"

This is a small relay race with a ball (soccer or gymnastics). Teams stand at a certain distance from each other, a relay stage is marked - a border (chairs can be placed on the border), to which you need to run and return to pass the baton and ball to the next participant. Each participant carries the ball differently:

first - holding the ball with only your little fingers
the second - holding the ball between your knees
third - holding the ball between the ankles
fourth - holding the ball in a fully open palm and at the same time bouncing
fifth - dribbling the ball.
The team that finishes the relay first wins.

If only one team is participating in the challenge games, you can run individual races for two people: in this case, each participant goes through all five stages in different ways.

Relay race

The players line up in lines. The first player must run to the flag holding the ball between his knees. Hold the next one in your open palm, and so on in order. Don't forget to write down the invoice

Knock down the chip

Rules: From a distance (let's say 3m) you need to hit a chip with the ball, which team knocks down the most chips in total wins

Football quizzes:

Questions for the quiz should be prepared depending on the age of the participants and the level of their theoretical knowledge of football. It is better to write each question on a separate sheet and put the sheets in a bag so that the children themselves draw out the questions one by one. If the team answered correctly, it is awarded 1 point. If you do not answer, the opposing team gets a chance to answer.

If one team is participating, children can take turns drawing out questions and answering them. Who will answer large quantity questions, wins.
Sample questions:

1.Which sports game is the most popular in the world? (Football)
2. They say that in the 19th century in England, during a controversial moment in a football match, the referee did not count a goal. One fan-trader immediately proposed a solution to the dispute using his product, which entailed a change in football rules. What did he suggest? (a fishnet merchant threw a net over the gate)
3. It’s not enough to hit…, you also have to miss the goalkeeper. Missing a word? (gates)
4. How is a ball similar to a nail? (both can be scored)
5. How does the football proverb end: “The team wins, the team loses...”? (trainer)
6.What English word in football is used to describe a defensive midfielder? (playmaker)
7.Two football halves are... What? (match)
8.What is the result of a game in which there is no winner called? (Draw)
9.What is the formation of football players in front of the goal called? (wall)
10. Is a weightlifter a football player who hits the bar all the time, or a weightlifter? (weightlifter)
11.What is another name for a football goal post? (rack)
12.What is the name of extra time in a football match? (overtime)
13. Three faithful girlfriends of the goalkeeper? (barbell, barbell, crossbar)
14.The English goal holder is... Who? (goalkeeper/goalkeeper)
15. Weight from 396 to 453 g, circumference from 680 to 710 mm, diameter from 216.3 to 226 mm. What is this?
(soccer ball according to FIFA standards)
16.What is the name of the junction of the goalpost and the crossbar of a football goal? (cross)
17.What was football called at the end of the 19th century? ("foot ball")
18. How many points does a football team lose a match get? (zero)
19.What do business Englishmen call the supreme beauty of football? (check)
20.How many crosspieces does a football goal have? (two)
21.How many meters from the ball should there be a “wall” during a free kick? (at nine)
22.The appetite that comes during the game is...? (excitement)
23.What color should the crossbar at the goal be, according to football rules? (white)
24. Keira Knightley played a young football player in the film “...”? ("Play it like Beckham")
25.What is the name of the pipe, the sound of which drove many fans crazy who watched the 2010 World Cup in South Africa? (vuvuzela)
26. With what score did Argentina win against Jamaica according to the famous song? (five:zero)
27.Nickname of football player Ronaldo? (toothy)
28.What kind of shoes do football players wear to the game? (boots)
29. Medical mustard plasters are prescribed by a doctor, but who prescribes football mustard plasters? (arbitrator)
30.What do you call a situation in which a player kicks the ball into his own goal? (own goal)
31.A coach with a bird's name? (Guus Hiddink)
32.What was the name of the old man who decided to influence the outcome of a match in a fairy tale using magic? (Hottabych)
33.Coffee was named after this football player? (Pele)
34.Which country's national team became the world champion more often than others? (Brazil)
35.What is the width of a football goal in yards? (9 yards)
36.How many times has the World Cup been held in Russia? (not once, the first time will be in 2018)
37. How do you say “punishment”, “fine” in English? (Penalty/Penalty)
38.From what distance is a free kick taken into the opponent’s goal? (11 meters)
39.Which city has the largest stadium in the world? (Pyongyang)
40. The penultimate match of the championship is... What? (semi-final)
41.What is the name of the special place where reserve players are located during the match? (bench)
42.Continue the football proverb: “The match will take place...”? (in any weather)
43.What kick was introduced into the rules of football in 1872? (angular)
44. What does a red card mean? (removal from the field)

"Who knows more about football"
You can make soccer balls and make test questions on the back:
1.What is taken into account when a football player is named the top scorer?
-Color of uniform, -Goals scored, -Yellow cards, -Number of fans
2.What was the original name of the UEFA Cup?
-Wine of bazaars, -Cup of fairs, -Glass of markets, -Amphora of advertisers
3.What is the name of the famous football prize?
- Morocco boot, - Crystal slipper, - Golden boot, - Silver horseshoe
4.What prize is awarded annually to the best scorer of the European football championships?
-Golden Ball, -Golden Whistle, -Golden Boot, -Golden Socks
5.What is the unofficial name of the World Cup?
-Almond, -Mundial, -Mirabelle, -Memorandum
(from English, French mondial - worldwide, world)
6.What is a blind defense called in football?
-Concrete, -Brick, -Granite, -Cement
7. How does a football commentator usually talk about the team in whose stadium the match is taking place?
-The home team, -The goalkeepers, -The lords of the ball, -The patrons of the stands
8.What is a player’s dribbling of the ball called in football?
-Shaping, -Shopping, -Dribling, -Tuning
9.As part of which team Lev Yashin became the champion of the USSR five times?
-Spartak, -Zenit, -Dynamo, -Lokomotiv
10.What was the nickname of goalkeeper Lev Yashin?
-Black Panther, -Striped Tiger, -Spotted Jaguar, -Sand Lion
(The goalkeeper had a black uniform)
11.What does the referee give to the team of football players who have committed a penalty?
-Penalty point, -Penalties, -Penalty kick, -Penalty glass

You can also play who can name more football teams, naming the teams one by one.

Composition and performance of the most original football screaming

What kind of football is there without chants? Therefore, we will compose and sing our own! Each team comes up with and sings a football chant. Children love to make noise, and this is a wonderful outlet for emotions.

Here's a small collection sports chants for children:

Our opponent is just a monster
We respect them for good reason!
Guys, hit the ball quietly.
Don't kill the goalkeeper!
Speech chant
Guys - go ahead! Guys - come on!
Guys, don't fall asleep on the field!

Our guys are cheerful!
Our guys are brave!
Both football and basketball
Ours will do yours!
Shout for girls
If ours win
Let's kiss the guys!
If ours sell you out,
The cow will kiss them!

Fashionable shorts, cool T-shirts -
our boys are just bunnies!

Fashionable shorts, stylish T-shirts -
our boys are the strongest!)
the opponent's goal is taken at gunpoint
our .... (guy's name) has a blow like a cannon!

Boy in a white T-shirt, blue shorts!
We really like you... miss goals!
Our opponent is very formidable
You can't take them that easily!
Only the wind will change it
And you'll get rid of the snot!
We are mobile bugs
Two legs and two arms
We don't sit still
Here and there we will win!
Children drink milk,
You care about our dadeko.
Children drink yogurt,
The victory is still ours!
(team name) with the ball like a cow with a brick.
(team name) - Champion!
Only he wins!
Another goal, two more, thirty-three more goals!
We're going to the stadium
Our squad will be champions!
Muscles are strong!
And we ourselves are beautiful!
Sweet we are “Barberry”
Tanya, Vanya and Lariska.
Everyone came to compete
Remain the winner!
And our motto is:
“More action - less words!
Don't flap your ears in vain,
And eat up all your rivals!”

We are ready as always
It's easy to defeat you.

We will fight for victory,
You will have to try!
Play with us
Play like us
Play better than us!

Our team is super class!
You can't beat us today!
Sport is strength, sport is life!
Let's achieve victory! Opponent, hold on!
Our trainer is the best trainer!
The team is just great!
Don't even hope
You can't beat us!
We are ready, as always, to defeat you without difficulty!

Drive, speed, kick, GOOOOL

The best game... Football

We'll sit down at the table together

Unites us... Football

Tennis, basketball, volleyball

It's better than...

Russian, German and Pole,

Ukrainian and Slovak,

Finn, Hindu, Mongol:

They all like... football

I'm angry, very angry

How will they show me...

I'd rather scrub the floor

Why watch this...

I don't like basketball

Always the best... Football

I'll listen to rock and roll

It's cooler than...

The birthday boy is broad-shouldered,

Not a taxi driver, not a guitarist,

Not even a motorcyclist

He is real …. Football player

The best face art of a fan – we paint on the face

To do this, we will need special face paint; face painting can be bought in the store. We paint everyone who wants to, then choose the best drawings.

Solemn congratulations to the winners

We award prizes to the most active participants and winners: themed accessories, glasses, pipes, medals, and other football-themed attributes. You can, of course, come up with some kind of memorial cup for the winners or issue memorial certificates. Cinema tickets or interesting games would be an excellent gift. Also Congratulations to all birthday people if there are any.

Organizing themed children's parties is always a little more difficult, if only because the children are not so easy to organize. A sports party is a great way to give children the opportunity to throw out pent-up energy in a noisy, fun and useful way! And if it is the birthday of a growing fan of any sport, such a holiday will also be a real gift for an enthusiastic child.


The apartment is not very suitable for the implementation of the plan. The ideal solution is a party in a sports club, center or school gym for physical education.. It would be great if the celebration took place outdoors, in an equipped area. Goals, basketball hoops, horizontal bars, etc. can be used for competitions, and then you can have a picnic for children in a nearby park.

But a themed sports party at home is also an option: for a preschooler’s birthday, provided it’s not very big company a guest room will suffice. It is advisable that this be a separate room, if possible freed from some furniture. Let the table with treats wait in the next room.


The theme focuses 90% on entertaining, but you still need to decorate the room. After all, this is a party, and for children! Decorating in a sporty style will create the right atmosphere - invigorating, competitive. And if guests are invited to a birthday party, you can’t do without festive decor.

  • hang club emblems, Olympic rings, photos of athletes during games, on pedestals, at the time of presentation of awards;

  • At the entrance, hang a banner “Physical education - greetings to young winners!” or with the thematic motto “Friendship and success are with us, we will always defeat everyone!” and so on.

If the birthday person is interested in any sport as a player or fan, focus on the hobby, and the rest of the decor is just an addition.

  • helmets, jump ropes, hoops and other equipment. Place it neatly against the walls, on shelves. This is thematic paraphernalia, additional entertainment and a possible prop for a sports party scenario;
  • on the walls there are clubs and T-shirts, on the shelves there are bats and balls with autographs, which, for the sake of the surroundings, it is not a shame to “fake” them by copying them from a picture on the Internet;
  • Cheerleader pom-poms made from bright bags or corrugated paper - sold, but easy to make with your own hands. On the walls, ceiling, on the backs of chairs;

  • helium balloons decorated in a sporty style. For a party, there are “football” ones on sale, but with a stencil marker you can draw figures of runners, athletes, wrestlers, etc. on ordinary multi-colored balls. in dynamic poses;
  • large cardboard equipment (drawings) - balls, goals, bats, etc. of different sizes and purposes. They can be used for a stand with photos of friends, a congratulatory inscription, or as a photo zone. If the scenario involves teams competing, attach a sheet of score to a huge ball;
  • garlands in any quantity, because this is a sports party for children - the design should be bright. You can collect flags, cups, T-shirts and any thematic paraphernalia (draw or print) into garlands.

  • for a fun photo shoot, prepare fake weights and barbells, T-shirts with lined pillows(embossed muscles), huge cardboard medals and cups, a pedestal made of boxes.

Let's get ahead of ourselves a little - a few words about cups and medals. They will not only decorate the room, but are also perfect as an addition to gifts/prizes. Medals can be bought and made even easier. The cup, about 20 cm high, costs as much as a pack of dumplings. When you need one, it's inexpensive. What if you need to make a whole shelf?

On homemade cups you can write something corresponding to the occasion, the names of the guests, the titles “Fastest”, “Strongest”, etc. Such custom inscriptions are not cheap, especially when many copies are needed.

  • Glue the paper cup to a toilet paper cylinder, and glue it to a stand made of thick cardboard. Cut out 4 handles, glue 2 of them, bend the edges and add them to the cup. Spray coat with gold/silver.
  • Print the image of the cup 2 pieces, in mirror image. Glue to a thick base with a “margin” at the bottom. Insert the “extra” part into the slot in the foam stand, pre-painted in the desired color.

  • We cut off parts with necks from two bottles, large and small.. The smaller one will serve as the base; we place it with the neck up. We cut off the neck of most of it “at the root”, turn it over and put it on the base, placing it on plasticine or superglue. Now you can glue the handles, paint, decorate with foil or gold-wrapped candies. And if you cut out the silhouette of an athlete in the upper part (using a stencil with a stationery knife), it will turn out simply gorgeous!


It’s also easier to make an invitation to a party in a sporty style with your own hands - there’s nothing special on sale. Although, if you are short on time, themed cards or printed images (glue on cardboard, sign) will do.

Original invitation options:

  • ball, pins, etc. equipment with text in the center;
  • postcard-vest in the shape of a football field, court, etc. The upper part opens to the sides, the text is inside;
  • any round ball, card inside. Buy unwinding plastic balls (blanks, they cost pennies) and paint them in the desired color;

  • stylized invitation to sports games, competitions as from the organization (semi-officially, with seals, symbols).


Of course, since the party is in a sports style, the clothes should be appropriate - comfortable for active competitions/games: sneakers, a uniform for physical training, or just loose shorts and T-shirts. This is the simplest option that does not require preparation from parents, but the children will look casual.

If you want something more interesting, you can ask everyone to come in T-shirts of the same color or divide the guests into teams in advance and decide what color their “uniform” will be. It is not necessary to wear tracksuits - the same T-shirts with stickers/stripes (name, number, team name) will suffice. If you are planning a grand holiday in a sports family format, make inscriptions with the surname for each team of four.

Write with acrylic on fabric using a stencil. Cut from fabric and sew or glue onto a T-shirt using spider web. Assemble the applique from self-adhesive film. There are many options, besides the expensive custom order.

Girls, unlike most guys, always want to look smart, and especially on their birthday! And a sports party is no obstacle to this. For example, you can wear a colorful ribbon skirt over leggings. It is better to remove your hair and pin it up with festive bows.

Menu, serving

The menu is based on sandwiches and light vegetable salads, possibly with chicken breast. For main course, cutlets or kebabs are suitable if the party is outdoors. Within the framework of the theme, it is advisable to do without chips and “poisonous” sweets, but you shouldn’t completely deprive your guests of goodies:

  • fruit salads with yogurt, fruit pieces with ice cream and all these treats on their own. Salads can be served in watermelon rind helmets;
  • multi-colored jelly cooled in orange peels - draw the lacing with acrylic, you will get halves of balls;
  • sponge cakes and cookies decorated with themed images(homemade mastic, glaze, chocolate for kindling);

  • cupcakes/cake pops in the shape of balls, round chocolate cookies with a layer of pucks;
  • labels on bottles of drinks “Super-power”, “Super-speed”, etc..

You cannot eat heavily either before or immediately after active games, so treats should be mostly light. Please pay attention that the guys do not eat during the entertainment part of the scenario - it is unsafe, at least they can choke.

Buy a stylized set of dishes or glue pictures onto colorful cups, toothpicks (toppers), and cocktail straws. Let the tablecloth be green like grass - atmospheric. It is easy to make pedestals for multi-level table settings from papered boxes. For your birthday, order a sports-style cake in the shape of a field, hockey stick or other paraphernalia.


As a rule, it is recommended to avoid competitive games at children's parties so that no one leaves offended. But within the framework of this topic, it is quite appropriate for teams or families to fight for prizes. Of course, according to the results, everyone should receive awards, regardless of success.

To visually divide into teams, give the players insignia - armbands, neckerchiefs. Competitions for strength for dads, agility for moms, and speed of reaction for children will fit perfectly into the sports family format. That is, some entertainment is only for some members of the team - dads compete with dads, etc.

If the holiday is on fresh air or in a club/gym, no difficulties are foreseen - there are a huge number of ball games, obstacle courses, and team relay races to choose from. But at home, the scenario for a sports party is limited to understandable nuances, but even in such conditions you can actively relax.

The listed sports competitions are suitable both for a team scenario and for playing all together or everyone for themselves at home, in a club or on the street.

Scenario start, warm-up

  • greeting of guests by the host/coach, announcement of the reason for the meeting and the goal (fight for first place, for the title of “best”, etc.);
  • traditional physical education - greet each other - introduce the team, voice the motto;
  • drawing lots to determine the order of participation of teams in competitions;
  • for warming up: jump over a rope that the leader unwinds (everyone stands in a circle, accompanied by cheerful music).

Strength tests

  • tug of war as usual or in pairs, standing in gymnastic hoops (the goal is to pull the opponent out of it). You can stand on two bricks, trying not to step on the floor despite the tension of the rope;
  • standing with their backs to each other, pull the others in your direction (a rope with three “tails” and a common knot, tie the ends around the waist of the participants);
  • hold a chair in front of you longer than others (important: shoulders pressed to the body, forearms perpendicular to the body), on which the leader places 0.5 liter bottles of water at equal intervals;

  • do more push-ups, lift a weight, arm wrestle, etc. Only for children 12+ and adult guests if they are taking part in the competition.

Agility, speed

  • squat, holding yourself by the ankles, reach the finish line (together or on best time, bending around obstacles like a snake);
  • jumping in bags there (ha, we can do that!), and back... backwards! To prevent the bags from slipping, sew several household items on the bottom. gloves with rubber pimples;

  • by jumping rope or twirling a hoop, reach the finish line before your opponents;
  • prevent the balloon from falling by tossing it with your feet and head (i.e. without touching it with your hands);
  • relay race: carry all the tennis balls while holding them on the racket (one runs away and passes the racket to the second). It is more difficult to hold the racket above your head, and not in front of you.

Warm up for the mind

Incorporate a themed quiz or humorous test into your sports party scenario for a moment of relaxation. For example, make up a word (a set of cards with letters, random selection) - an equal number of letters in the word, a common start, for speed. Or take turns remembering sports with a ball, on water, where helmets are used, etc. A point is earned by the one who named the last option, after which no one can remember anything else.


  • a shield with holes of different sizes (the smaller the diameter, the more points per hit);
  • throw cardboard rings at cones/water bottles (the further away the target, the more points);

  • a tunnel made of “bagels” - cardboard rings suspended on a rope. Her parents hold her perpendicular to the start. The goal is to throw a bag of sand so that it passes as many rings as possible, plus 10 points for each;
  • pass the ball along the chain, tossing it and catching it with 0.5 cups (if it falls, you start again, from the first participant in the chain).

For laughs

  • a crocodile or pantomimes - football is easy to draw/show, but an aerial acrobat or croquet?

  • snail race, the goal is to finish last. There is only one condition - you cannot stand still, but you can move as you like (mince, walk as if in slow motion, etc.);
  • blindfolded, attach a medal to the drawn athlete.

The end of the scenario is the ceremonial presentation of well-deserved cups/medals and prizes: themed toys, souvenirs, sports accessories (bracelets, bottles). If you're hosting a birthday party, have guests write wishes on a T-shirt or ball with bright, colorful markers.