Veselov, Gennady Vasilievich - Calculation of the efficiency of using alternative fuels on ships: guidelines. Use of alternative fuels Use of alternative fuels on ships

The prospects for alternative fuels are such that today the world's automakers are talking about introducing about 50 different models powered by alternative fuels by 2010. In Europe, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and MAN are especially active in this area. And by 2020, according to the UN resolution, which has directed European countries to switch cars to alternative types of motor fuel, vehicles running on alternative fuels are expected to increase to 23% of the total vehicle fleet, of which 10% (about 23.5 million units) are on natural gas.

Biofuel vehicles

Biofuels - the use of biofuels such as ethanol (ethyl alcohol) or diesel fuel (biodiesel) obtained from specially grown plants is usually considered as important step to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into the atmosphere. Of course, when burning biofuels, carbon dioxide enters the atmosphere in exactly the same way as when burning fossil fuels (oil, coal, gas). The difference is that the formation of the plant mass from which biofuel was obtained was due to photosynthesis, that is, a process associated with the consumption of CO2. Accordingly, the use of biofuels is considered a “carbon-neutral technology”: first, atmospheric carbon (in the form of CO2) is fixed by plants, and then released when substances derived from these plants are burned. However, the rapidly expanding production of biofuels in many places (especially in the tropics) is leading to the destruction of natural ecosystems and loss of biological diversity.

Biofuel engines use solar energy stored by plants. Fossil fuel energy is the bound energy of sunlight, and the carbon dioxide released when fossil fuels are burned was once removed from the atmosphere by plants and cyanobacteria. Biofuels are no different from conventional fossil fuels. But there is a difference, and it is determined by the time delay between the binding of CO2 during photosynthesis and its release during the combustion of carbon-containing substances. In addition, if the fixation of carbon dioxide occurred over a very long time, then the release occurs very quickly. In the case of using biofuel, the time lag is very small: months, years, for woody plants - decades.

Despite all the benefits of using biofuels, the rapid increase in their production is fraught with serious dangers for wildlife conservation, especially in the tropics. IN last issue The journal Conservation Biology published a review article on the harmful effects of biofuel use. Its authors, (Martha A. Groom), working within the Interdisciplinary Program of Arts and Sciences at the University of Washington in Bothell (USA), and her colleagues Elizabeth Gray and Patricia Townsend, having analyzed a large body of literature, offered a number of recommendations on how to combine the production of biofuels while minimizing the negative impact on the environment and preserving the biodiversity of the surrounding natural ecosystems.

Thus, according to Groom and her colleagues, the practice of using corn as a raw material for producing ethanol, adopted in many countries, and primarily in the United States, is hardly worthy of approval. Corn cultivation itself requires large quantity water, fertilizers and pesticides. As a result, if you take into account all the costs of growing corn and producing ethanol from it, it turns out that the total amount of CO2 released during the production and use of such biofuels is almost the same as when using traditional fossil fuels. For ethanol from corn, the coefficient estimating the release of greenhouse gases per specific energy output is 81-85. For comparison, the corresponding figure for gasoline (fossil fuel) is 94, and for regular diesel fuel -83. When using sugar cane, the result is already significantly better - 4-12 kg CO2/MJ.

The real improvement comes from switching to perennial grasses, such as a species of wild millet called switchgrass, a common plant of the North American tallgrass prairie. Because a significant portion of the fixed carbon is stored by perennial grasses in their underground organs and also accumulates in soil organic matter, the areas occupied by these tall grasses function as sites for the sequestration of atmospheric CO2. The indicator of greenhouse gas emissions when producing biofuel from millet is characterized by a negative value:

24 kg CO2/MJ (that is, CO2 becomes less in the atmosphere).

Multi-species prairie plant cover holds carbon even better. The greenhouse gas emission indicator in this case is also negative:

88 kg CO2/MJ. True, the productivity of such perennial grasses is relatively low. Therefore, the amount of fuel that can be obtained from natural prairie is only about 940 l/ha. For millet this value already reaches 2750-5000, for corn - 1135-1900, and for sugar cane - 5300-6500 l/ha.

It is obvious that by replacing fossil fuels and thus reducing the increase in CO2 in the atmosphere, biofuels can actually threaten many natural ecosystems, especially tropical ones. The point, of course, is not the biofuel itself, but the unreasonable policy of its production. In destroying species-rich natural ecosystems and replacing them with extremely simplified agricultural ecosystems. Developers place great hopes on using masses of microscopic planktonic algae, which can be grown in special bioreactors, as raw materials for biofuel. The yield of useful products per unit area is significantly higher than in the case of terrestrial vegetation.

In any case, it is necessary to assess the risk that arises for natural ecosystems when cultivating plants used as raw materials for biofuels.

UDC 629.735;



Article submitted by Dr. technical sciences, Professor Zubkov B.V.

The article analyzes the experience of using alternative fuels on aircraft, types and characteristics of fuels. The requirements for LNG and power supply are described.

Key words: alternative fuel, types of alternative fuels, liquefied natural gas (LNG), flight safety (FS).


Constantly growing demand for air travel over last years Economic development, as well as engineering and technology, has caused a greater need for fuel resources. As a result, engineers of many leading aircraft manufacturing companies in different countries, including Russia, began developments to provide aviation with a new type of fuel. Under consideration great amount alternatives to kerosene: biofuel, synthetic oil, liquefied natural gas (LNG), hydrogen. All the accumulated experience since the world's first flight on alternative fuel (the Tu-155 aircraft in 1988) shows the effectiveness, efficiency and environmental friendliness of developments in this direction.

IN Russian aviation The possibility of using LNG is being considered, in particular, due to natural gas reserves, as well as gases associated with oil production, which are flared in fields during oil production. On at this stage development civil aviation The projects closest to implementation are helicopters and airplanes that use liquefied associated gases obtained during oil production (propane and butane) as fuel.

Refurbishment aircraft requires minimal costs - only modifications to fuel tanks and fuel supply systems to engines. It is also necessary to provide airports with cryogenic filling stations, fuel storage and LNG delivery infrastructure to storage facilities. At this stage, not only the participation of the aviation industrial complex is required, but also the participation of gas producing companies to create the appropriate infrastructure.

Application experience

They began to look for an alternative to jet fuel in the middle of the twentieth century. History of work at OKB A.N. Tupolev on alternative fuels goes back to the 60s. - the possibility of translation was already considered power plants designed at OKB A.N. Tupolev aircraft on liquid hydrogen.

In the mid-70s. The USSR Academy of Sciences, together with a number of research institutes and design bureaus, developed a research and development program for the widespread introduction of alternative fuels in National economy. So on April 15, 1988, the Tu-155 took to the skies for the first time with an experimental NK-88 engine running on cryogenic fuel, which performed almost 100 flights using LNG and hydrogen. In October 1989, this aircraft made a demonstration flight along the route Moscow-Bratislava-Nice (France) to the 9th International Congress on Natural Gas. In July 1991, the plane flew on the Moscow-Berlin route to participate in the International Natural Gas Congress.

During the development of this aircraft, an experimental base was created for testing cryo-

genetic equipment and the world's only team of highly qualified specialists in the field of cryogenic aviation was formed. As a result of this work, ways to create aircraft and airfield cryogenic systems and equipment were identified. However, the A.N. Tupolev Design Bureau continued work in this direction; at the level of technical proposals, projects of modified cryogenic aircraft Tu-204 (Tu-204K), Tu-334 (Tu-334K), Tu-330 (Tu-330LNG), new regional aircraft Tu-136. In addition, these aircraft will be able to simultaneously use alternative fuels and aviation kerosene, making them more versatile and reliable. The most thoroughly developed modifications of the Tu-204 aircraft (Tu-204K) and the project of the new regional aircraft Tu-136, taking into account the features of cryogenic fuel (Fig. 1).

The fuel efficiency of the Tu-334K and Tu-330LNG aircraft will practically not differ from the basic Tu-334 and Tu-330. All of these aircraft can be converted to use LNG within 3-4 years. The project of the cargo-passenger regional cryogenic aircraft Tu-136 with two TV7-117SF turboprop engines, capable of using LNG, liquid hydrogen and propane-butane fuel with minor modifications, deserves special attention.

Types and features of alternative fuels

The most common alternative fuel is liquefied natural gas (LNG). Gas belongs to the category of cryogenic fuels. Thermophysical and thermal characteristics show a number of advantages of aviation condensed fuels (ACF) over traditional jet fuel TS-1. There are also synthetic fuels produced from coal, gas, biomass and vegetable oil. But the synthesis of such substances requires additional costs for the processing of coal, biomass and vegetable oils, which are more expensive than kerosene, and are accompanied by the same resource and environmental problems. Therefore, it can hardly be considered as promising. Alcohols (ethyl and methyl) and ammonia can also replace kerosene, but they are almost twice as powerful.

heat of combustion, therefore, their specific consumption will be greater. In addition, the exhaust from the combustion of these fuels contains harmful oxides of nitrogen and carbon.

As an alternative to kerosene for aviation, cryogenic fuel can be considered - liquid hydrogen H2 and light hydrocarbons from methane CH4 to pentane C5H12.

The advantages of hydrogen as an aviation fuel include the following:

Firstly, the highest calorific value per unit mass, which gives specific fuel consumption approximately three times less than that of kerosene. This makes it possible to significantly improve the flight performance of aircraft;

Secondly, the greatest cooling resource per unit mass (12-15 times more than kerosene), which can be effectively used to cool hot engine and aircraft parts;

Thirdly, an increased auto-ignition temperature and lower emissivity, which will have a positive effect on the operation of the combustion chamber.

However, hydrogen fuel has inherent disadvantages that require solving complex technical problems. Liquid hydrogen is seriously inferior to standard jet fuel in terms of volumetric heat of combustion due to its low density (almost 11 times less than that of kerosene), which significantly worsens the overall weight characteristics of the aircraft when switching from jet fuel to hydrogen.

The advantages of light hydrocarbons also fall into the category of advantages of hydrogen, but they are distinguished by their availability and low cost of production (Table 1).

Table 1

Thermophysical and thermal characteristics of hydrogen, hydrocarbon components ASKT and aviation fuel TS-1

Indicator H (hydrogen) CH4 (methane) C2H6 (ethane) C3H8 (propane) C4H10 (butane) C5H12 (pentane) TS-1

M 2.016 16.04 3007 44.10 5812 7215 140

t pl., C -259.21 -182.49 -183.27 -187.69 -138.33 -129.72 -60

C -252.78 -161.73 -88.63 -42.07 -0.50 36.07 180

t l.s., C 6.43 20.76 94.64 145.62 137.83 165.79 290

pl. kg/m 77.15 453.4 650.7 733.1 736.4 762.2 835

bale, kg/m 71.05 422.4 546.4 582.0 601.5 610.5 665

Qn, kJ/kg 114480 50060 47520 46390 45740 45390 43290, kJ/dm 8832 22700 30920 34010 33680 34550 36150

Qv, kip, kJ/dm 8136 21150 25970 27000 27530 27710 28900

Nisp, kJ/kg 455.1 511.2 485.7 424.0 385.5 3575 287

and, C 510 542 518 470 405 284 -

^n, cm/s 267 33.8 40.1 39.0 37.9 38.5 39

CH, %(vol) 4.1 5.3 3.0 2.2 1.9 - 1.2

St,%(vol) 75.0 15.0 12.5 9.5 8.5 - 7.1

Ro, J/(kg C) 4157.2 518.8 276.7 188.6 143.2 115.5 59.4

Lo, kg air/kg fuel 34.5 17.19 16.05 15.65 15.42 15.29 -

LNG - (methane) its density (even at boiling point) is 1.7 times higher than that of kerosene, which leads to the need to increase the volume of fuel tanks by more than 1.5 times (with equal energy intensity). In addition, methane has a very low range of presence in the liquid phase (-20 C) and a low critical temperature (-82.6 C). This makes it necessary

creating new cold-resistant designs for sealing materials for tanks, fittings and fuel lines, as well as high-quality low-temperature thermal insulation that prevents rapid boiling of methane and icing of the structure.

Unlike kerosene, methane will have to be supplied to the engine combustion chamber in gaseous form to eliminate the two-phase state, which completely eliminates the use of standard fuel units, communications, manifolds and injectors. This significantly complicates the design of the engine, and in some cases makes it impossible to modify it to be powered by two types of fuel.

Due to these same properties of liquid methane, very bulky and expensive ground-based means will be required for its transportation, storage, refueling, etc., similar in their parameters to hydrogen ones. Additional equipment of the airport's cryogenic fuel base should include special storage facilities equipped with thermal protection, means of maintaining the cryogenic state of fuel and devices to prevent its loss, as well as a network of receiving and dispensing devices, a fleet of special Vehicle with heat-insulated containers, etc.

At the same time, in terms of mass calorific value, methane exceeds kerosene by 14%, which will ensure flight range and payload. Liquefied methane has a cooling capacity 5 times higher than that of kerosene, which makes it possible to use the coolant resource for cooling engine parts and components. Operating experience gas turbine engines, used as superchargers at compressor stations of gas pipelines and operating on natural gas, showed that the service life of such engines increases by 25%.

Flight safety when using LNG

The main types of hazards created by the specific properties of liquefied hydrocarbon gases, including LNG, as well as the conditions of their production, storage, transportation and refueling include: flammability (fire hazard), explosion hazard, chemical activity, exposure to low temperatures, toxicity. Safety rules for the production, storage and delivery of liquefied natural gas (LNG) at gas distribution stations of main gas pipelines (MGS MG) and automobile gas filling compressor stations (CNG filling stations) contain organizational, technical and technological requirements for organizing production safety, the implementation of which is mandatory for all enterprises , producing and transporting LNG, in the design and operation of complexes for the production, storage and delivery of LNG.

To ensure the safe operation of such fuel, it is necessary to have qualitative and quantitative methods for assessing and comparing each type of hazard. Qualitative and quantitative assessment, i.e. Determining the type and degree of hazard allows for a comparative analysis of condensed fuel according to hazard criteria, and in the future formalize the task of selecting technical means and methods for the safe operation of fuel systems using LNG, as well as its storage and transportation.

Requirements for candidates for obtaining a Certificate of Technical Preparedness for aircraft maintenance are based on those characteristics that directly affect flight safety and the completion of production tasks on time.

These include:

A - age;

B - psychophysical ability to perform the upcoming work;

B - basic training (university, college, technical school, vocational school, etc.);

G - special training for work on a given type of aircraft or AT, knowledge of specific aircraft equipment, its purpose and maintenance Maintenance, technologies for performing and quality control of work on it, equipment used;

D - ability to perform work provided for by the functions, the right to perform which is represented by the requested Certificate;

E - general experience working on aviation equipment.

As an analysis of the requirements for the safe operation of the Tu-154 aircraft when refueling and storing fuel (LNG) has shown, engineering and technical personnel of the IAS must know the specifics of using this type of fuel.


1. Alternative types of aviation fuel / Materials of the meeting on international aviation and climate change. ICAO document HLM-ENV/09-WP/9.- Montreal, 08/10/09.

2. Cryogenic technology.

3. Safety rules for the production, storage and delivery of liquefied natural gas (LNG) at gas distribution stations of main gas pipelines (MGS MG) and automobile gas filling compressor stations (CNG filling stations) PB 08-342-00.


In article the technique of carrying out of expert estimations of activity of aviation enterprise of the civil aircraft directed on increasing the level of safety of flights is presented.

Key words: increase of level of safety of flights, questioning, aviation enterprises, expert estimations.

Sargsyan David Robertovich, born in 1982, graduated from MSTU GA (2010), postgraduate student at MSTU GA, author 2 scientific works, area of ​​scientific interests - flight safety, alternative fuel, repair and modernization of aircraft.


Sergeev Vyacheslav Sergeevich

5th year student, Faculty of Marine Engineering, Omsk Institute of Water Transport (branch) of the Federal Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Novosibirsk State Academy of Water Transport", Omsk

E-mail: banana 1990@ bk . ru

Dergacheva Irina Nikolaevna

scientific supervisor, Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor, Head. Department of ENiOPD Omsk Institute of Water Transport (branch) Federal Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Novosibirsk State Academy of Water Transport", Omsk

Currently, about 100 million tons of motor fuels produced from oil are consumed annually in Russia. At the same time, road and maritime transport are among the main consumers of petroleum products and will remain the main consumers of motor fuels for the period until 2040-2050. In the near future, an increase in the consumption of petroleum products is expected, with approximately constant volumes of their production and a growing shortage of motor fuels.

These factors led to relevant Today, the reconstruction of the fuel and energy complex through deeper oil refining, the use of energy saving technologies, transition to less expensive and environmentally friendly fuels. Therefore, one of the main ways to improve internal combustion engines, which remain the main consumers of petroleum fuels, is their adaptation to work on alternative fuels.

The purpose of this article is to consider the environmental aspects of the use of alternative fuels on sea and river vessels.

The use of various alternative fuels in transport provides a solution to the problem of replacing petroleum fuels, will significantly expand the raw material base for the production of motor fuels, and will facilitate the solution of issues of supplying fuel to vehicles and stationary installations.

The possibility of obtaining alternative fuels with the required physical and chemical properties will make it possible to purposefully improve the operating processes of diesel engines and thereby improve their environmental and economic performance.

Alternative fuels obtained mainly from raw materials of non-petroleum origin, they are used to reduce oil consumption using (after reconstruction) energy-consuming devices operating on petroleum fuel.

Based on the literature analysis, we identified the following applicability criteria alternative sources energy on ships of the sea and river fleet:

· low construction and operating costs;

· life time;

· weight and size characteristics within the dimensions of the vessel;

Availability of energy source.

In the process of our research, the main requirements for alternative fuels for use on ships were determined, namely:

· economic attractiveness and large available reserves of raw materials for its production;

· low capital costs for installing additional equipment on the vessel;

· presence in the market, accessibility in ports, availability of the necessary infrastructure or insignificant costs for its creation;

· safety and availability regulatory documents regulating safe use on board.

According to requirements International Convention To prevent pollution from ships, there is a systematic tightening of requirements for the content of oxides of sulfur, nitrogen and carbon, as well as particulate matter in emissions from sea ships. These substances cause great harm environment and are alien to any part of the biosphere.

The most stringent requirements are put forward for Emission Control Areas (ECAs). Namely:

· Baltic and North seas

· coastal waters of the USA and Canada

· Caribbean Sea

· Mediterranean Sea

· coast of Japan

· Strait of Malacca, etc.

Thus, changes in standards for sulfur oxide emissions from marine vessels in 2012 are 0% and 3.5% in special areas and worldwide, respectively. And by 2020, the standards for sulfur oxide emissions from sea vessels in these areas will similarly be 0%, and worldwide will already drop to 0.5%. This implies the need to solve the problem of reducing chemical emissions into the atmosphere harmful substances ship power plants.

In our opinion, main types of alternative fuels are: liquefied and compressed flammable gases; alcohols; biofuel; water-fuel emulsion; hydrogen.

In turn, the following types are of particular interest within the framework of our article:

· biodiesel is an organic fuel produced from oilseed crops.

The price of branded biodiesel is approximately two times higher than the price of regular diesel fuel. Studies conducted in 2001/2002 in the USA showed that when the fuel contains 20% biodiesel, the content of harmful substances in the exhaust gases increases by 11% and only the use of pure biodiesel reduces emissions by 50%;

· alcohols are organic compounds containing one or more hydroxyl groups directly bonded to a carbon atom. Alcohols are prohibited as low flash point fuels;

· hydrogen is the only type of fuel whose combustion product is not carbon dioxide;

It is used in internal combustion engines in pure form or as an additive to liquid fuel. The danger of storing it on a ship and the expensive equipment for such use make this type absolutely no fuel not promising for ships;

· water-fuel emulsion is produced on the ship in a special installation - this saves fuel, reduces nitrogen oxide emissions (up to 30% depending on the water content in the emulsion), but does not have a significant effect on sulfur oxide emissions;

· liquefied and compressed combustible gases make it possible to completely eliminate emissions of sulfur and particulate matter into the atmosphere, radically reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides by 80%, and significantly reduce emissions of carbon dioxide by 30%.

Thus, we can claim that the only new type of fuel, the use of which significantly affects the environmental performance of ship engines, is natural gas.

To confirm this fact, let us consider the data on the amount of emissions during the combustion of diesel fuel used on ships and compressed or liquefied gas, as an alternative fuel, presented in Table 1.

Table 1.

Amount of emissions from fuel combustion

From the table it can be seen that ultimately it can indeed be argued that compressed or liquefied gas superior in environmental safety to currently used energy sources on ships. In other words, what is the most promising today for use in sea and river transport.

Finally It should be noted that at present there is a need for the use of alternative types of fuels on ships of the sea and river fleet, which is theoretically implemented in this article.

Emphasis is placed on environmentally valuable characteristics alternative fuels for river and sea transport, namely: environmental reliability and low presence of harmful chemicals.


  1. Erofeev V.L. The use of advanced fuels in ship power plants: textbook. allowance. L.: Shipbuilding, 1989. -80 s.
  2. Sokirkin V.A., Shitarev V.S. International maritime law: textbook. allowance. M.: International relationships, 2009. - 384 p.
  3. Shurpyak V.K. Application of alternative types of energy and alternative fuels on sea vessels [ Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL: (accessed November 15, 2012)


Moscow 2011 .


Leading designer (b. 1984)

Design engineer (b. 1984)

Design technician (b. 1989)

Topic leader:

Director of Scientific and Production Center "Rechport", Assoc. A. K, Tatarenkov


The report contains 13 pages of text, 1 table, 5 figures, 1 source


Object of development: inland navigation ships with alternative fuels, i.e. the possibility of using two gas fuel options on ships: compressed natural gas or liquefied natural gas.

Purpose of the work: Prospective use of gas fuel for new generation river vessels.

The result obtained: the prospect of using ship-based equipment on river vessels is given. power plant(GES) operating on gas fuel, in particular - a fundamental decision on the layout of gas equipment on class “P” vessels of the P51 project.

The high cost of diesel fuel forces shipowners to resolve the issue of finding alternative types of fuel and converting some groups of ships to them.

Due to the trend of Moscow becoming an environmentally friendly city, there are no large air masses in the Moscow transport hub to disperse harmful emissions. In this regard, in order to increase the competitiveness of water transport compared to other modes of transport, it is necessary to identify a priority area related to reducing the toxicity of exhaust gases.

One of these areas is the conversion of ship power plants to operate from diesel fuel to gas. At the same time, it is necessary to highlight the possibility of using two types of gas fuel on ships: compressed natural gas or liquefied natural gas.

The project proposes to convert existing inland navigation vessels to gas fuel, as well as to build new vessels using gas fuel.

A technical and economic study of the efficiency of using liquefied and compressed natural gas on river vessels of the Moscow water basin was carried out at VNIIGaz and at the Department of Ship Power Plants of the Moscow State Academy of Water Transport [Report on research work on topic VI/810. M., MGAVT, 1997. Re-equipment of the power plant of river motor ships of urban lines in the Moscow region (using the example of the motor ship of the R-51 "Moscow" project) to operate on compressed natural gas], which showed the feasibility of using gas on river fleet vessels.

In 1998, the Moscow State Academy of Water Transport re-equipped the power plant of the passenger motor ship “Uchebny-2” of project R51E (Moscow type) to run on compressed gas. The re-equipment was carried out according to the shipbuilding center project, developed in relation to ships of projects P35 (Neva) and P51 (Moscow).

Experimental studies have shown direct economic benefits from using gas. At the same time, the need was identified for installing additional alarm sensors that notify about a gas leak and, in the presence of a leak, send a signal to automatically switch the system to operate on diesel fuel.

Despite many positive sides the use of compressed and liquefied gas, the main disadvantage of such systems should be noted. First of all, this is the loss of useful space on the promenade deck (on the m/v "Uchebny-2"

32 compressed gas cylinders with a volume of 50 liters each were installed) for ships operating on compressed gas, which indicates the advantage of liquefied gas. The next disadvantage is the lack of requirements of the Russian River Register Rules for ships having installations of the above type, and, of course, the main limiting factor is the lack of a network of gas filling stations. And if for road transport This network is developing, then for water transport, characterized by the presence of large capacities and the length of transportation lines, this issue remains relevant.

The above, of course, will require capital investment, but it will be possible to achieve:

1. Improving the environmental situation in water areas by reducing toxic emissions and smoke emissions of exhaust gases marine diesel engines by 50%.

2. Reducing fuel costs by 20-30%.

In this regard, converting ships to gas allows not only economic benefits, but also leads to an improvement in the environmental situation (clean airspace).

On transport ships, the most feasible is the use of liquefied gas, which is dictated by the high power of power plants and the long length of lines (large volumes of gas reserves are required with minimal loss of useful area of ​​the upper decks). In this regard, gas carriers will be required for remote areas. Therefore, the main idea should be to create types of vessels that match the hazardous properties of the products, since each product may have one or more hazardous properties, including flammability, toxicity, corrosivity and reactivity. When transporting liquefied gases (the product is refrigerated or under pressure), additional hazards may arise.

Serious collisions or groundings may result in damage to the cargo tank, resulting in uncontrolled release of product. Such a leak may result in evaporation and dispersion of the product, and in some cases, a brittle fracture of the gas carrier's hull. Therefore, such a danger, as far as practically possible, on the basis of modern knowledge and scientific and technological progress, must be reduced to a minimum. These issues should be reflected, first of all, in the Rules of the Russian River Register. At the same time, the requirements for gas carriers and, possibly, chemical carriers should be based on reliable principles of shipbuilding, ship engineering and on a modern understanding of the hazardous properties of various products, since the technology for designing gas carriers is not only complex, but also rapidly developing and, in this regard, the requirements cannot remain unchanged.

In connection with the above, today the question of creating regulatory framework in relation to ships operating on gas fuel and to ships transporting it.

Based on the above, we can conclude that with a further increase in world, and as a consequence, Russian prices for diesel fuel, shipowners are forced to look for alternative ways to solve the problem, one of which is the use of gas. However, the use of gas fuel (both compressed natural gas and liquefied) on river vessels is advisable only if there is a developed network of gas stations.

IN modern conditions the construction of industrial gas filling stations is a waste of public funds, and it is impossible to find other sources of financing for such facilities. Therefore, it becomes realistic to build gas filling stations within the city and a number of large settlements, which would be used not only for refueling ships, but also for refueling vehicles. To make it possible to refuel ships in remote areas, it is possible to use gas carriers, which are advisable to build at industry enterprises. In this case, the possibility of constructing such facilities in addition to government agencies Organizations such as Gazprom, the Environmental Fund, the Moscow Government and a number of other companies might be interested.

Industry (for example, ENERGOGAZTECHNOLOGY LLC, etc.) produces piston gas engines with spark ignition and products based on them: electrical units, power plants, engine generators (gas generators), etc. All gas engines with external mixture formation.

Schematic diagram and equipment for operation of a ship power plant using gas fuel.

Fuel gas is prepared for combustion in a gas line (Fig. 1). Next, fuel gas with a pressure equal to atmospheric pressure enters the mixer (Fig. 2), where it is mixed with air in the required proportion. The dosage of the gas-air mixture entering the engine is carried out by a throttle valve (Fig. 3) with an electric drive.

The rotation speed and spark generation are controlled by the gas engine control system. This system performs emergency warning functions gas engine, opens and closes the solenoid fuel valve at the right time when starting and stopping the engine." alt="C:\Documents and Settings\Tatarenkov AK\Desktop\energogaz\mixer.jpg" width="514" height="468">!}

Rice. 2 Mixer

Fig.3 Throttle valve

SPC "Rechport" completed a number of preliminary studies for the re-equipment of the m/v "Moskva" pr. R-51 in terms of the location of gas cylinders (dimensions of one cylinder: length - 2000 mm, Ø 401 mm, volume 250 l.), comparative figures The efficiency of the conversion is given below in Table 1, and the layout diagrams (options) are shown in Fig. 4.

This re-equipment requires additional reinforcement in terms of ensuring the strength of the tent structure. The preliminary reinforcement design is shown in Fig. 5.

Table 1

Main dimensions of the hull, m:

length – 36;

width – 5.3;

side height – 1.7

Serial m/v "Moscow" with diesel engine

m/v "Moskva" with a gas internal combustion engine system

m/v "Moskva" with a gas internal combustion engine system

Location of fuel tanks


Navigation autonomy, days

Flight duration, hour

Number of passengers, people


actual" width="370" height="190 src=">

b) feed (12 cylinders)" width="527" height="681 src=">

Rice. 5 Preliminary design of awning reinforcement.

List of sources used

1. Research report on topic VI/810. M., MGAVT, 1997. Re-equipment of the power plant of river motor ships of urban lines in the Moscow region (using the example of the motor ship of the R-51 "Moscow" project) to operate on compressed natural gas.