A magical kick in the ass or how to force yourself to work if you’re lazy. How to force yourself to work if you have no strength or mood

“Work” is a difficult word. How difficult it can sometimes be to begin your duties, even if your marriage to a profession is for love! There is always something distracting, you need to go somewhere, but you just don’t want to. But you have to want it. ? How to overcome creative crisis, indecision, anxiety?

Coaches, trainers personal growth We have developed a lot of programs that encourage tireless procrastinators to pull themselves together and take a step towards hard work and concentration. We followed their advice and chose the most effective methods for you.

Where to start working on yourself

Everyone in life has encountered laziness and lost the battle miserably. There is nothing terrible in such a situation; it is a standard occurrence. Periodically allow your body to rest and be lazy. A lost battle is not a lost war. The main thing is not to start the process.

Lack of hard work needs to be combated; there are plenty of ways. The first step is to understand the reasons for this condition. Chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, lack of proper rest, and low productivity have nothing to do with apathy. Such conditions require an integrated approach to treatment.

Laziness is a lack of willpower, desire to work, preference for free time. A person refuses to strive to achieve goals, work productively, or actively spend time without obvious reasons.

This situation needs to be dealt with.

There are hundreds of methods, but none will help without the desire to change. At the beginning of the journey, you need to understand how much you are losing by sitting through another day without self-development, goals, and victories. Life passes you by, the best is beyond your comfort zone. Take yourself and your life into your hands, and advice and recommendations will help you move forward.

TOP 10 tips

Drop anchor"

In psychology, there is the concept of “anchor” - this is an association that is fixed in the brain and, when repeated, causes an instant, unambiguous reaction. It is possible to come up with as many similar incentives as you like. Often formed regardless of desire: a “happy” exam dress, in which it is easy to pass the exam; the smell of soap, instantly reminiscent of home.

It’s possible to “put an anchor” at work too! Develop a ritual, choose a scent that will invigorate you and put you in a serious mood. Drink a cup of coffee with cinnamon and a vanilla stick before work. After a certain time, you will notice that even on lazy days you begin to work productively, as soon as you smell the invigorating drink with your favorite spices.

Cleanliness and tidiness

It's nice to work in a clean room. Wipe the table, lay out pens, notepads, sort papers according to need and importance. Set a reminder to ventilate the office and water the flowers every morning. Thus, get rid of the dust, feel that you have already done something. Cleaning is also hard work! And when some of the tasks are done, it’s much easier to start the rest.


Remember why you are doing this or that business. Do you want to earn money and pay off your loan? Get to work, because no one will do it for you! Do you dream of reaching heights in your career and becoming a super professional? Well, why sit still, time is running out! Remember that your family is waiting at home, favorite hobby. Want to get things done early and take care of the kids or get started on that wonderful 1000 piece puzzle?

Make a wish card. It’s better not in a folder on your laptop, but print it out and hang it on the wall.

Visualize the places you want to visit, the things you want to buy, the house, the car of your dreams. A constant reminder of what you are missing by indulging in a lazy state will provoke productive work.

Quitting social networks

How to force yourself to work if you're lazy when new interesting posts constantly appear in your news feed? Communication on the Internet is evil. It seems that now an interesting, important post will be published, a friend will write a message. They won't publish it! He won't write! Don't get distracted by social networks! If you find it difficult to control yourself, download an app or browser extension that blocks harmful sites during the workday, preventing access before six in the evening.


The principle of “pomodoros” is as simple as anything ingenious: 25 minutes – work, 5 – rest, repeat three times, then take a break for 10 minutes. The method was invented by Francesco Cirillo, who once noticed that he could work with concentration for a quarter of an hour, but then he was sure to get distracted. Then I decided not to go against nature, I set a timer in the shape of a tomato for the specified time, and worked intently throughout this period. The result was not long in coming - the days began to pass more productively. Test the given method.


Many people are highly motivated by pressing deadlines. On the eve of the project completion, strength, time, and desire to do something come from somewhere. If you are one of those adrenaline junkies, set a redline - in organizations this is what is called the due date for a task within the company.

Be your own boss. Decide that in three days you will check the finished work (redline), and if you don’t have time to do it, apply strict sanctions: give up sweets, start running in the morning.

Revisiting goals

When, despite Taken measures, you still don’t want to do anything, think about whether you are devoting your life to your business? The only way to start working is to do what you really like. Don't be afraid of change! If your work brings you joy, you want to do it all the time!

Don't do anything

Literally do nothing. No desire to do the intended work? Sit comfortably on an armchair or sofa and relax.

In twenty minutes thoughts about work will appear, in half an hour you will understand how to complete it faster. After an hour, you realize that it’s easier to get things done and rest peacefully. The meaning of such an idea is to do absolutely, absolutely nothing until there is a conscious desire to get down to business.

Break the task down into small tasks

Laziness is the body’s protective reaction from difficulties and difficulties. Have you been given an enormous task, but have no idea how to approach it? Or is it so long that you don’t know when you’ll cope with everything? This is the wrong approach to productivity.

Take a notepad and divide the task into small tasks lasting no more than two hours. After completing the intended part, there should be a specific result. Small successes and victories will build willpower, and there will be a desire to reach the end. Don’t schedule too many things for the day, soberly assess your strength. The burden of responsibility will increase the reluctance to start work.

Ask others for help

Set specific goals and punishments for not achieving them - effective way. But if you succumb to a lazy state and miss deadlines, you can come to an agreement with yourself. But with relatives and friends, such a trick will not work.

It doesn’t matter how hard you tried, what prevented you from achieving your goal - the plan is a failure, everyone will await punishment. Especially if this meant giving everyone a thousand rubles, washing dishes for a month, doing spring cleaning at a friend’s house. The main thing is to clearly communicate the task, deadlines, and punishment in case of failure to fulfill obligations.

Family and friends will support you in achieving your goal and encourage you. But if they give in, don’t expect mercy, they will take their payback! In addition, it will be a shame to report failure due to banal idleness. Understanding this will increase the desire to win and prove productivity.

You need to do important project, prepare for the presentation, think through the company’s development strategy - in general, work. But wait... what about your friends on Facebook? Or maybe watch a TV series (just one episode!)? I wonder why beavers hit the water with their tail? We urgently need to read about this on the Internet! Sound familiar? 🙂 Why do we often put things off until later, how to fight laziness and create suitable conditions around ourselves for productive work? Let's try to figure it out.

Everyone expects something from you. Deadlines are quickly approaching. You're breaking out in a cold sweat, waiting for the inevitable, but you can't figure out how to force yourself to do something... You can imagine how much less stress, disappointment and guilt you would experience if you could just do what you don't want, but must? Not to mention, how much happier and more effective would you be?

The good news is that it is possible to cope with such a situation if you develop the right strategy and put in a little effort. But first things first.

Let's be clear: there is no laziness. "But why? – the reader may ask, “After all, everyone has felt it in their life!” As a rule, this word is used to describe reluctance to act and work. “I’m lazy,” says the person, and that’s it. But what does he really feel?

"I don't want to do it because I don't like it"

Not everyone likes the job. So, is it really necessary to quit a stable position because of this? Perhaps sometimes it is worth resorting to this option, but there is no need to rush. Think: what's good about your job? What element of creativity, your own style, can you bring into it to make your work more comfortable?

In most cases, even the most boring, routine work can be turned into a game and made, if not interesting, then at least not annoying. Don't like washing dishes? Turn on your favorite music, sing along to the performers, and you won’t even notice how you wash the last plate. You can't stand answering calls dissatisfied customers? Try to imagine their faces and draw them on a piece of paper while talking. In a word, improvise!

Even in your favorite job there are difficulties or boring things, but it is worth remembering that you will never be able to work on inspiration alone. Many great writers, artists and others creative people created their works not only and not so much with the help of inspiration, but through daily practice. Remind yourself of what the result of your work will be, what positive things it will bring.

“I’m scared that I won’t achieve good results”

As soon as a new task appears on the horizon, you immediately have many questions. What if I can’t? Maybe I will be reprimanded or even fired if I fail? And if I don’t take this job, I won’t fail. Right?

Such doubts are already a failure: with such thoughts you admit that you cannot use your innate talents, abilities and experience. When you procrastinate, you don't believe in yourself.

If you put things off until later because you're afraid of messing things up, try looking at your work from a different angle. The phrase “What if it doesn’t work out?” undermines motivation for any movement forward. Try to focus on the value of the work done: even if the result turns out worse than expected, you will gain new experience and become a more sought-after employee.

“I can’t force myself to do anything because I don’t know where to start.”

We often get overwhelmed when faced with a difficult task. The best thing we can do is move forward. When a task is particularly complex, there is no point in wasting valuable time allowing yourself to be overwhelmed by its complexity.

At least start with something. Need to draw an illustration for a promising project? Give free rein to your imagination - sketch a couple of sketches, even if they are indirectly related to the main task. Need to prepare a report? Outline the draft in your own words, ignoring formal style. When you see that some result is already there, it will not be so difficult to continue and the question “How to overcome laziness and finally start working?” will not arise again.

“I'm scared to start work because I don't feel competent.”

This formulation is most often associated with low self-esteem. Of course, if you haven’t studied to become a steelmaker, you shouldn’t melt cast iron :) Nevertheless, people who have worked in it for many years often feel incompetent in some field. In this case, we can advise the following: try to be objective and write down your business qualities And professional knowledge. Among them you will definitely find excellent help to complete your work.

As you can see, there are many reasons to put things off until later, and by dwelling on the word “laziness,” we deprive ourselves of understanding what internal mechanisms control us. If you try to thoughtlessly fight laziness using banal instructions, this will only lead to a waste of both physical strength and emotions. “Just do it” won’t work. If you do even simple work slowly and everything inside you resists any activity, ask yourself the question: “Why is this happening?”

How to focus on work and not get distracted

How to make your brain really work and not think about extraneous things? There are quite a few ways, so everyone will find something suitable. It is worth using several techniques in combination - this way you will get both positive emotions and an extremely good result.

You've probably noticed how difficult it is to concentrate on work without a well-thought-out plan. There are several approaches to planning cases. There are only two most important ones:

  1. Decide on the amount of work to be done in a certain period of time. For example: “I have a report to complete in two hours and until I complete it I won’t do anything else.”
  2. Follow the established schedule and do not pay much attention to the amount of work completed. That is: “I will work for four hours with breaks of fifteen minutes, and then I will work for another hour and a half, and it doesn’t matter how much I get done.”

These methods are suitable for different situations. If deadlines are tight, of course, it is necessary to monitor both the time and the result of the work. But if you strive to complete the work as quickly as possible, its quality often suffers. And when the main task– do something carefully and in detail, it is better not to rush and work through the material at a natural speed for you.

When a person drives himself to the point of exhaustion with difficult work, it doesn’t make things easier for anyone. Don't beat yourself up even if you didn't complete the plan. If you really tried, there is no need to blame yourself - just think about how you could speed up your activities in the future, and allow yourself to rest.

Just five minutes!

Tell yourself that you will do just a little bit of work. Five minutes is an insignificant amount of time, right? But you will most likely get carried away with the process and work much more. And if not, it’s okay, you’re still one step closer to your goal :)

Stop distractions

Are you a fan of social networks? You urgently need to make edits from the customer, but you can’t take your eyes off the VKontakte news feed? If you are determined to develop discipline and work as efficiently as possible, then at first various applications and browser extensions that limit access to unwanted sites for the required time can help.

“The song helps us build and live”

If you don't know how to get yourself into the mood for work, perhaps music will help. The choice of melodies depends on your tastes and perception: some people are put into a working mood by calm classics, while others are put in a good mood by loud club tracks. Choose songs with words in an unfamiliar or unfamiliar language or without words at all - otherwise you will be distracted by the content of the lyrics.

From complex to simple

Schoolchildren are often advised to do the first thing homework on the most difficult and least favorite lessons. This advice will come in handy not only at school, but also at work. Tackle the most difficult tasks in the first half of the day - firstly, in the morning you will be more energetic and effective, and secondly, hard work will not hang over you like a sword of Damocles until the evening.

If you have been working for a long time and are already very tired from strenuous activity, it may be worth switching to simpler tasks.

If you don't want to, don't work

Is everything falling out of hand? Don't know what decision to make? How to force yourself to work if you have no strength? And you don’t have to force yourself. Rest. Only relaxation does not mean checking email or social networks. Just relax, close your eyes, try to get rid of thoughts about work for a while. If workplace Allows you to walk around the room a little and warm up.

In such moments of short rest, a worthwhile idea often comes. The main thing is not to give in to the temptation to quit everything and get distracted by another activity.

Small steps towards a big goal

Perhaps the Pomodoro method will help increase productivity. This method is named after the tomato-shaped kitchen timer and involves dividing the work into 25-minute chunks. Just follow these steps:

  • decide on the task that needs to be completed;
  • set a timer for 25 minutes. Try not to be distracted by anything;
  • when the time is up, take a short break of 5 minutes;
  • after every fourth pomodoro, take a long break of 15–30 minutes.

You can easily adjust this system to suit yourself and change the time of work and rest - just maintain concentration throughout each “pomodoro”.

In addition to improving concentration, this method also teaches you to “split” a large goal into its component parts. When you realize the scale of work on some global task, it often becomes scary to even think about it. And if you are faced with several small tasks, then it’s somehow easier to work.

The desire to work may disappear not only among businessmen, but also among housewives. It happens that you have neither the strength nor the mood to start work. Most often, laziness is to blame for this. As a result, work accumulates and things stand still. But how to overcome laziness and force yourself to work?

How to force yourself to work if you have no strength or mood, look for reasons

To begin with, it is important to understand why the desire to work has disappeared. After all, just yesterday you were making grandiose plans for the new day, but today you don’t even want to think about anything.


Problems in your personal life, quarrels with friends and relatives lead to depression. You are no longer able to think about work, as you are immersed in personal problems.


The approaching vacation often causes laziness. Mentally, you are already resting. This condition repeats itself in the first week after returning to work.

Delay in career growth

The realization that you can do a job that is more difficult and responsible causes a feeling of laziness. Not a single employee stands still. In work, it is very important to move up the career ladder.


Every day goes the same way, like in a movie about Groundhog Day, when you know in advance what awaits you. You have become bored and uninterested in performing the same tasks every day.

Despite the fact that laziness attacks, you need to get to work. After all, it will not do itself, putting it off “until tomorrow” - we only complicate its implementation.


The atmosphere around you has a huge impact on your ability to work. It is important that it is working. Clean up your workplace, remove unnecessary items that may distract you.

Before you start working, turn on some nice music. It will bring you joy and put you in a working mood. If music distracts you, you can turn on nature sounds.


Set a goal that work will help you achieve. It doesn’t matter what it is: buying a car, traveling abroad, updating your wardrobe, new watch.

The goal can also be intangible: leadership in a team, victory in a competition. It is important that you have an incentive. The work will be filled with meaning.

Doing work in parts

Sometimes the complexity of the task prevents you from getting started. If the task is too serious, divide it into parts; it is easier to eat the “elephant” in pieces.

Start with the simplest task, and you won’t even notice how you complete the job. The main thing is not to be afraid of difficulties, everything can be overcome.

You can give yourself small “gifts” upon completion of each task, such as going to the theater, cafe, buying “delicious” food, and so on.

Recording achievements

Write down all your achievements, even the smallest ones. You can select a notepad for these purposes. When you don't have the strength or mood, re-read it. Achievements will cheer you up. You will want to do something more, to surpass yourself.

Successes of others

Examples successful people capable of making anyone work. Read an interview with any successful person - it will inspire you. Find out what trials you went through and what you were able to overcome.

Perhaps, not so long ago, one of your colleagues was able to achieve great results. Set him as an example for yourself and try to surpass him.


Make a plan for yourself for every working day. This will help you remember to complete important tasks and get more work done.

You can distribute all tasks over time. This will make you more disciplined. Don't forget to set aside time for a lunch break.


If you feel tired and don’t remember the last time you rested, take a day off. This way you can gain strength and recharge your batteries.

Remember, if you do work while tired, productivity is greatly reduced. It’s better to rest a little and start working with renewed vigor.

Bottom line

As you can see, getting yourself to work is not at all difficult. It is important to love your job and what you do every day. If, suddenly, you have lost the mood and desire to work, use our advice.

Hi all! Recently I had this situation: I noticed that I was wasting part of my working time, and then staying up late doing things. In the end, I got tired of it, and I wondered how to force myself to work if I had no strength and no mood. Today I will share observations on how to cope with the problem.

Pay attention to your health: what researchers say

It turns out that first of all you need to take care of your health: similar advice is given by psychologists working at Case Western Reserve University. As part of the experiment, they gave students not a fixed date, but a time period during which they were allowed to submit their homework. They then analyzed the results and found that students who turned in assignments on the last day experienced higher levels of stress and were more likely to get sick than others. Their academic performance was also lower than that of those who did not delay deadlines.

Research continued at Bishop's University: scientists confirmed that procrastinators often suffer from high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases.

If you can't concentrate, there's a chance that your lack of focus is due to health problems. Try to reduce your stress level, pay attention to your well-being, and the habit of putting things off will disappear.

How to deal with the biggest excuses

Procrastination is not only associated with illness: lack of discipline also plays a role. Watch yourself, and you will notice that you are coming up with excuses not to take on the task. Do you want to get rid of this habit? Use preventive strategies to combat common excuses, as suggested by Forbes:

  1. “I have a lot to do, I don’t have time to do everything.” If you catch yourself thinking such thoughts, review your routine and prioritize. Perhaps you are distracted by secondary tasks: answering emails e-mail, make unnecessary phone calls, watch the news while your main work is idle. Remember that being busy and being productive are not the same thing! Then imagine what will happen if you continue to be lazy. Visualization of consequences - good way cope with downtime.
  2. “It’s easy, I can do it in time.” By not taking tasks seriously, you risk setting deadlines incorrectly. Remind yourself final goal your job and get down to business.
  3. "I don't feel like it." Procrastination is not always caused by poor health or poor time management. Sometimes you just don't like a certain activity! Self-discipline will help: do not take on other tasks until you complete the one you dislike. Try to make it more interesting by finding new strategies to achieve results or working on improving the process.

Using these techniques, I overcame laziness, so I am confident in their effectiveness.

When excuses hide fear

It happens that banal excuses hide inner insecurity. Analyze the sensations:

  1. "I don't know where to start." When faced with complex problems, people do find themselves stumped and unsure of how to approach the problem. The solution is obvious: any steps are more effective than simple ones. The main thing is not to let fear paralyze you. Break your work into steps and set short-term, realistic goals. You will move with dead center, and the task will turn from impossible to achievable.
  2. "I'm afraid I won't cope." You have been waiting for a long time to be assigned to a project that interests you, but as soon as you received it, you were overcome by doubts. You think: “What if it doesn’t work out? What if I get fired after a failure?” You focus on avoiding failure: by not working on a project, you are not showing a lack of skill. But this is the main mistake, because procrastination is already a failure. Tune in for the best and think about the bonuses you will receive if you complete the task. Worrying and imagining failure increases your stress levels, so practice positive thinking.

Can't get to work? Don't beat yourself up: feeling guilty will not serve as a source of inspiration, and you need to think about the good. Celebrate even small progress, and over time you will bring procrastination under control.

Simple tactics for every day

If you don’t want to understand the reasons for laziness, be inspired by the Nike slogan. The famous phrase “Just do it” has helped more than one worker, so forget about your reluctance to act and complete the task. After all, you make the mistake of thinking that motivation needs to be found. before how to get down to business. Loss of strength, lethargy and inertia will pass when you see the positive results of your work.

Remember what distinguishes professionals from amateurs: pros work when they don’t feel like it. American writer Alvin Brooks White, author of Charlotte's Web, said that a writer who waits for ideal conditions will die without creating anything. Set up an experiment and work for 15 minutes. It is highly likely that you will get carried away by the process. When the work remains boring, assign a reward that you will receive when you achieve the goal. Knowing that you have an unpleasant task ahead of you, decide in advance how you will compensate for your suffering.

If you wish, bet yourself that you will complete a certain amount of work by the end of the day, and choose a suitable “prize”.

Often the problem lies in the protracted preparation for the project. You don't go into implementation thinking that you first need to collect data and familiarize yourself with information. While some preliminary clarification is essential, be honest and don't use theory learning as an excuse. It is not necessary to collect all existing information, so start working and engage in further studies, combining them with practice.

Another way to go about it is to not want to lose money. If you own English language, take part in a project that helps you form healthy habits. In your case, this will be work during the day, without surfing social networks and being distracted by talking on the phone. In the paid version you will need to deposit $21: for a day of diligent work you will receive a dollar back. If you fail to complete the task, $1 will be sent to your account charitable organization. You will need to log into the site once a day and mark whether you have achieved your goals. After 21 days, you will form a habit, and it will become easier to gather your strength. If you don't want to spend money, the free version of 21Habit is at your disposal.

How to get started with a timer

Taking on a difficult project can be made easier by using the Pomodoro Technique, known as the Pomodoro Method. It got its name because its creator, Francesco Cirillo, used a tomato-shaped timer. As a student, he noticed that he did anything to avoid poring over textbooks. Then Cirillo wondered whether he could study the material with concentration for 10 minutes, and set the timer for the required time. The test became the starting point for research, and later Francesco presented an improved version:

  1. Make a list of tasks to be completed.
  2. Set the timer for 25 minutes. and get to work. Try not to get distracted and take on the next task without finishing what you started.
  3. Work until the timer goes off. Then take a 5 minute break.
  4. Each stage of 25 and 5 min. represents 1 "tomato". After 4 pomodoros, take a break of 30 minutes: you will rest and gain strength for the new stage.

You are free to make variations as you wish, because many people, having started work, do not take breaks. When the downtime period ends, you get carried away with the process and begin to enjoy it.

To learn more about how to force yourself to work if you have no strength or mood, watch the video about the Pomodoro technique:

Structured Procrastination: How to Make Laziness Work for You

Since there is no universal motivation, you will have to try different methods, because often the result turns out to be the opposite of what was expected. For some employees, the option when they procrastinate in completing an important task, focusing on trifles, becomes a stumbling block. But it helps some: careless workers, not wanting to take on a boring project, perform a lot of other tasks.

The method, called “structured procrastination,” is based on the fact that you are unlikely to indulge in complete inaction. Therefore, try to put an unpleasant task in 1st place on the list of tasks, and then make a list of additional ones. You are more likely to get the rest of the work done and even earn a reputation collected man. True, sometimes you have to gather your strength and take on a task that you constantly postpone to a later date.

Additional productivity tricks

The general mood plays an important role, so do not neglect the little things that set you up for productive activity. Use the following:

  1. Find a good place where you can concentrate. If you work from home, do not stay with your laptop in the bedroom: you subconsciously associate it with watching movies before bed and relaxing. Take time to set up " personal account”, even if you can’t devote an entire room.
  2. Hang a calendar on the wall to mark upcoming deadlines. For gadget lovers, the Google Calendar application is also suitable.
  3. Work on creating a business image. It is not necessary to wear a formal suit, but for many it helps to get into a productive mood. After all, it’s not about the clothes, but about its symbolic meaning! True, make allowances for individual perception. If a suit is associated with a powerful and collected businessman, do not miss this means of self-restraint. When such clothing is associated with advertising representatives for you, the method will harm you.
  4. Use website blockers: Self-Control limits access to social networks without preventing you from visiting the sites you need. You will set the lock for a certain period, and it will not be possible to remove it either by rebooting or deleting the program.
  5. When you decide to take a break, simply place your hands on your knees and sit for a few minutes. When you have nothing to do, your brain returns to completing tasks without having to make any extra effort.

It may seem that the little things won't make a difference, but life is made up of little things. Perhaps one of them will help you become more productive.


The question of how to force yourself to work when you have no strength or mood has been asked by everyone at least once. The key to success remains an individual approach, because the methods give different results depending on the characteristics of your character. Try the listed techniques, and you will find an option that stimulates achievements. And if you have seen in practice the effectiveness of other methods, tell us about them in the comments.

The easiest option is to choose the right profession. So that it is not clear what it is for you: a hobby that gives you pleasure, or an activity that allows you to earn enough to be happy. So that Sunday evening is joyful - tomorrow you go to work! But there are only a few such people; most of us chose the method of making money that we use every day because:

  • only with it can you provide yourself and your family enough to satisfy all the necessary needs;
  • I was only able to get a job there;
  • finished educational institution on this profile;
  • only this work is available in a given area;
  • when I chose it, it was considered a prestigious job and highly paid, but now there is no opportunity to change due to lack of qualifications;
  • other activities are unavailable due to health reasons;
  • Relatives helped me get a job here, the job was highly paid, but hated;
  • I once really liked it, but over time I lost interest;
  • other reasons.

An unsuccessful choice of profession gives rise to all subsequent problems. When a person forces himself to do something he doesn’t like every day, he gradually destroys his personality, and this destruction begins with changes in the body that gradually destroy him. To understand the truth of this statement, it is enough to look around. And does the reader himself, if he is already interested in this topic, have a feeling that everything is not as it should be? To figure out where the cause is and where the effect is, you need to try to break the problem down into its components.

What is uninteresting work?

First of all, this is an activity determined by the above factors and reasons. There is also ours. Or accumulated fatigue syndrome. When your favorite job does not bring you joy due to high intensity or excessive demands from management. And also boring, monotonous work. For example, on an assembly line a person repeats the same monosyllabic operation every day. He has long ago achieved perfection, all movements are accurate down to the millimeter and a split second, it is no longer possible to improve anything. A similar situation is described in the science fiction novel “The Spacesuit Agasphere” by Alexander Lhomme: a person received physical immortality without the possibility of dying. For some time he became the richest, the best in many areas of human activity, saved the world and restored justice. And when I realized that it made no sense and would never end, I walled myself up and never went out to people again.

We are not threatened with eternal life, so we can come up with an antidote against dull work. It has been noticed that creative professions do not cause a negative state; they are less likely to cause chronic stress and... Therefore, an element of creativity must be introduced into any monotonous activity.

How to make yourself work.

Specific recommendations can be given if you know what specific work we are talking about. You can change your attitude towards activity by contrasting: if there is unwanted physical work ahead, you need to add mental elements to it. If we are talking about intellectual, but boring or boring work, it is necessary to introduce elements of physical activity into it. For example, after writing a certain part of a report or article, do a set of physical exercises, or clean up the table, which has long been waiting in the wings. Organize documents into categories, water flowers and many other useful things.

When it is difficult to force yourself to work due to fatigue, it makes sense to take a little rest or change the type of activity, because this is rest. Sometimes other reasons interfere with work:

  • weak motivation or its absence: you need to think about what completing this task can bring in the future (direct benefits and indirect ones - increasing skill, for example), reward yourself for completing it with a prize available at the moment;
  • doubts about the feasibility of the task ( large volume, lack of experience or qualifications, ): break the goal into stages, and do each separately, without thinking about the subsequent ones; consult with a more senior colleague; lower the bar a little and do within your capabilities;
  • agreed to do it under pressure, but now an internal protest prevents me from proceeding: try to negotiate with management about changing the assignment.

The most destructive of these reasons is lack of self-confidence (doubt about the feasibility of the task). If the goal is not achieved, there will be a strong blow to. Therefore, a person subconsciously strives to push this moment as far as possible, without understanding the real roots of such reluctance. As with other fears, the first step to victory is recognizing the cause of the problem. Only by raising your fear to the surface can you overcome it. You need to live through the situation until the unsuccessful ending, to understand that the sky will not collapse because of this. And the fact that the positive completion of the activity is no less likely will help you be more confident in moving towards your goal.

There are many possibilities now remote work when a person does not have to leave home to work. But this activity has its pitfalls related to the topic of conversation - being at home, without outside control, it is difficult to concentrate on completing the task. Sometimes out of the eight hours allotted for work, half is devoted to fermentation social networks, tea and coffee and other urgent matters. In this case, you need to break the work into certain stages. Divide the time allotted for it into even segments with short “five minutes” for rest. And, although many psychologists consider self-control to be a chimera and self-deception, we cannot do without it.

There is another good method if others have failed: renting yourself out. You need to imagine that you have rented yourself out for the duration of this unwanted task. You can stop everything at any time, there are no overly exaggerated demands on the final result, and upon completion of the work, the rental period ends. In this case, without attaching very high importance to the result, without straining your subconscious about it, you will nevertheless be able to make it even higher than usual. After all, you are a calm, calm and confident professional.