Introduction of universal labor conscription 1918. Introduction of labor conscription, labor mobilizations for all adult capable men. See what “universal labor conscription” is in other dictionaries


a set of events of the Soviet pr-va, carried out in 1918-20 on obligatory. attracting to work all able-bodied citizens of the RSFSR. V. t. p. followed from socialist. the principle of compulsory labor; including coercive measures, it was determined by the need to break the sabotage of the bourgeoisie. elements and provide labor force War-ravaged people. x-in. The introduction of military labor was announced by the Declaration of the Rights of Working and Exploited People (Jan. 1918). The beginning of the civil the war accelerated the implementation of military tactics. Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of September 3. 1918 prohibited the unemployed from refusing any work paid at union rates. For bourgeois elements by decree of the Council of People's Commissars on October 5. In 1918, compulsory labor was established, and by participating in it they received the right to food. card. The Labor Code (Dec. 1918) obliged every worker to fulfill production standards. Labor discipline was strengthened - unauthorized transition to new job(decree of the Council of People's Commissars of April 12, 1919) and absenteeism (decree of the Council of People's Commissars of April 27, 1920). The full measure of the war was carried out after the decree of the Council of People's Commissars on January 29. 1920 “On the procedure for universal labor conscription”, according to which qualified workers concentrated on the state. enterprises, and to support the military. industry labor force was redistributed. Those who evaded the V. t. were subject to trial. By decree of the Council of People's Commissars on February 5. 1920 the main, provincial, district and mountain districts were created. to-you V. t. p. V. t. p. was one of the measures of war communism; with the introduction of the new economic policy, the need for it disappeared.

Lit.: Lenin V.I., Soch., 4th ed., vol. 26, p. 336-37, 353-54, 374-75; him, in the same place, vol. 27, p. 14-15, 112, 131, 224, 349-50; him, in the same place, vol. 29, p. 94, 116; him, in the same place, vol. 30, p. 120; him, in the same place, vol. 35, p. 365; Decrees of the Sov. authorities, vol. 1-2, M., 1957-59; Economical USSR politics. Sat. Doc-tov, vol. 1, (M.), 1947; Directives of the CPSU and the Soviet Union. pr-va for households. questions. Sat. Doc-tov, vol. 1, M., 1957; Astapovich Z. A., First events of the Sov. authorities in the field of labor (1917-18), M., 1958.

A. D. Malyavsky. Moscow.

Soviet historical encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Ed. E. M. Zhukova. 1973-1982 .

See what “UNIVERSAL LABOR CONVICTION” is in other dictionaries:

    Universal labor conscription Encyclopedia of Law

    The set of measures taken by the Soviet government in 1918-20 to compulsorily recruit all able-bodied citizens of the RSFSR to work. V.t.p. was necessary to break the sabotage of bourgeois elements and provide workers... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Universal labor conscription- mobilization of the working population for a specific production job based on an accurate accounting of the labor force and its distribution by type of work. According to our constitution, universal labor service should serve as one of the prerequisites... ... Historical reference book of Russian Marxist

    Universal labor conscription- in the RSFSR, a set of government measures carried out in 1918-1920. on the mandatory involvement of all able-bodied citizens in work. V.t.p. introduced by the Declaration of the Rights of Working and Exploited People (January 1918) “for the purpose of ... ... Large legal dictionary

    Universal labor conscription- attraction by the Soviet government to compulsory labor in 1918-1920. the entire working-age population. Legally introduced by the Declaration of the Rights of Working and Exploited People. Canceled with the start of the NEP... Brief dictionary of historical and legal terms

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    conscription- , and, w. A duty imposed on a citizen by the state. ◘ Decree on general duty to clear snow in Petrograd and at the Petrograd railway junction. 22 Dec (4 Jan 1918). DSV, vol. 1, 280. * Compulsory military... ... Explanatory dictionary of the language of the Council of Deputies




Based on the Basic Law of R.S.F.S.R. and the Code of Labor Laws, which require the involvement of all able-bodied people in performing socially useful work in the interests of a socialist society, the Council of People's Commissars in order to quickly ensure industry, agriculture, transport and other sectors national economy the necessary labor force, based on the general economic plan, decided:

1. In the course of labor service, carry out:

a) Involving the working population in one-time or periodic work, regardless of permanent work by occupation, various types labor service: fuel, agricultural, both for government, and in certain cases for peasant farms, construction, road, food, snow, horse-drawn, to combat the consequences of public disasters, etc.

Note. For any such duties, if necessary, live and dead equipment is also mobilized.

b) Use of the labor force of units of the Red Army and Navy.

c) Attracting the necessary qualified workers from the army, as well as transferring persons employed in agriculture and handicraft enterprises, for work in state enterprises, institutions and farms.

d) The widespread and constant involvement in socially useful work of persons who are not engaged in such work.

e) Necessary redistribution of available labor.

2. Entrust general management of the implementation of labor conscription to the Council of Workers' and Peasants' Defense.

3. Form the Main Committee for General Labor Conscription, directly subordinate to the Defense Council, consisting of representatives of the People's Commissariat of Labor, the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, and the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs. On the local level, form Provincial, District, and, if necessary, City Committees for universal labor service, subordinate to the corresponding Executive Committees consisting of representatives of the Military Commissariat, the Management Department and the Labor Department.

4. Entrust the Council of Defense with the announcement of all labor mobilizations and duties of national importance specified in paragraph 1 of this Resolution, and give the Provincial Executive Committees, City Executive Committees and District Executive Committees the right to announce, in accordance with special instructions of the Main Committee on general labor conscription, mobilization to meet local needs.

Note. Resolutions of the Council of Defense, as well as resolutions of the Executive Committees, are published locally in the orders of the Provincial, City and District Committees on General Labor Service.

5. A. Grant to the Provincial, City and District Committees to bring to the People's Court the perpetrators:

a) evading registration and reporting for labor duties; b) desertion from work, as well as incitement to such; c) using false documents, as well as producing them in order to facilitate evasion of labor service; d) reporting knowingly false information as officials for the same purposes; e) intentional damage to tools and materials; f) in careless organization of work and inappropriate use of mobilized force; g) in complicity in the said acts and concealment of the perpetrators, etc.

B. To grant the subject Labor Service Committees, in exceptional cases of special malice for the repetition of the above-mentioned acts, to bring the perpetrators to trial of the Revolutionary Tribunal.

Article No. 49.

On the procedure for universal labor conscription.

Based on the basic law of R.S.F.S.R. and the code of labor laws, requiring the involvement of all able-bodied people in performing socially useful work in the interests of a socialist society, the Council of People's Commissars, in order to quickly provide industry, agriculture, transport and other sectors of the national economy with the necessary labor force on the basis of a general economic plan, decided:

1. In the course of labor service, carry out:

a) Involvement of the working population in one-time or periodic performance, regardless of permanent work by occupation, of various types of labor duties: fuel, agricultural both for state and, in certain cases, for peasant farms, construction, road, food, snow, horse-drawn, to combat the consequences of public disasters, etc.

Note. For any such duties, if necessary, live and dead equipment is also mobilized.

b) Use of the labor force of units of the Red Army and Navy.

c) Attracting the necessary qualified workers from the army, as well as transferring people employed in agriculture and handicraft enterprises to work in state enterprises, institutions and farms.

d) The widespread and constant involvement in socially useful work of persons who are not engaged in such work.

e) Necessary redistribution of available labor.

2. Entrust general management of the implementation of labor conscription to the Council of Workers' and Peasants' Defense.

3. Form the Main Committee for General Labor Conscription, directly subordinate to the Defense Council, consisting of representatives of the People's Commissariat of Labor, the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, and the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs. On the local level, form Provincial, District, and, if necessary, City Committees for universal labor service, subordinate to the corresponding Executive Committees consisting of representatives of the Military Commissariat, the Management Department and the Labor Department.

4. Entrust the Council of Defense with the announcement of all labor mobilizations and duties of national importance specified in paragraph 1 of this resolution, and give the Provincial Executive Committees, City Executive Committees and District Executive Committees the right to declare, in accordance with special instructions of the Main Committee on universal labor conscription, mobilization to meet local needs.

Note. Resolutions of the Council of Defense, as well as resolutions of the Executive Committees, are published locally in the orders of the Provincial, City and District Committees on General Labor Service.

5. A. Grant to the Provincial, City and District Committees to bring to the People's Court the perpetrators:

a) evading registration and reporting for labor duties; b) desertion from work, as well as incitement to such; c) using false documents, as well as producing them in order to facilitate evasion of labor service; d) reporting knowingly false information as officials for the same purposes; e) intentional damage to tools and materials; f) in careless organization of work and inappropriate use of mobilized force; g) in complicity in the said acts and concealment of the perpetrators, etc.

B. Grant to the subject Labor Service Committees, in exceptional cases of particular severity or repetition of the above-mentioned acts, to bring the perpetrators to trial of the Revolutionary Tribunal.

B. Grant the same Committees the right to immediately take action against those responsible necessary measures suppression, and in cases of less important violations labor discipline subject the perpetrators to administrative punishment, up to transfer to penal labor units and arrest for up to one week by resolution of the District Committees and two weeks by resolution of the Provincial Committees.


Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars V. Ulyanov (Lenin).

Secretary S. Brichkina.

Published in No. 25 of the News of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of Soviets dated February 5, 1920.

War communism can be defined as “the name of the economic policy of the Soviet state during the years of the civil war and foreign military intervention in the USSR in 1918-1920” Soviet Historical Encyclopedia, M., 1963, vol. 3, p. 600. At this time, a number of measures were taken aimed at centralizing state control and management of all areas economic life, which was partly explained by the difficulties created by the civil war and economic devastation, but at the same time was supposed to contribute to the implementation of the ideological guidelines of the Bolsheviks who came to power.

On October 5, 1918, the Council of People's Commissars adopted a resolution to involve all non-working people in compulsory labor. Instead of passports, work books were introduced for them, in which notes were made about the completion of public works. The right to move within the country and receive food rations was granted only to those who went to work and received a work book.

In December 1918, the “Code of Labor Laws” was adopted, which provided for the introduction of labor service for all citizens aged 16 to 50 years Gimpelson E.G. “War communism”: politics, practice, ideology. M, “Thought”, 1973, p. 87, while those who did not work could be forced to perform public works.

The shortage of workers that arose during the civil war caused a further aggravation of the problem of supplying industry labor resources, which led to increased militarization of labor. On September 3, 1918, the People's Commissariat of Labor adopted a resolution on the forced deployment of labor, according to which the unemployed had no right to refuse work offered in their specialty. At the beginning of 1920 there arose new form militarization - the creation of labor armies on the basis of military formations. Such labor armies could be transferred from place to place in accordance with the needs of the state.

Reflection of the introduction of universal labor conscription in literature

The myth of the “Labor Day”

The introduction of universal labor conscription was a forced and unpopular measure, but in order to attract workers, the idea began to be actively introduced that the policy pursued was not only caused by necessity, but was also the first step towards building a communist society. April 12, 1919 communist workers of the Sortirovochnaya station of the Moscow-Kazan railway Bokhanov A.N., Gorinov M.M. went out for a cleanup day to repair steam locomotives. History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 20th century //, and on June 28 of the same year, Lenin, in the article “The Great Initiative,” highly appreciated the heroism of the workers in to the rear and regarded the holding of communist subbotniks as evidence of the onset of a communist attitude towards work: conscious, collective and free. Subsequently, the practice of holding communist subbotniks became widespread (for example, 1.5 million workers and employees took part in the All-Russian May Day subbotnik in 1920), but one could not count on the fact that only such measures would be able to restore the economy.

However, in literature and, especially in poetry, 1918-1920. It was precisely this attitude towards work that found the most obvious expression. In the poem “Labor” Demyan Bedny wrote:

“Comrade, know, while celebrating our subbotnik:

The path to victory is thorny and rocky.

Whoever is a communist is a true worker,

He who is not a worker is not a communist!” Poor D. Collected works in 5 volumes. T. 2. Poems, epigrams, fairy tales, stories (November 1917-1920), M., GIHL, 1954 //

Here in poetic form the same idea is expressed that was contained in Lenin’s article “The Great Initiative”, where he wrote that “we must ensure that everyone and everyone who calls their enterprise, institution or business a commune, without proving by hard work and practical success of long labor, exemplary and truly communist approach to the matter, he was ridiculed mercilessly and indulged in shame as a charlatan or idle talker. The great initiative of the “communist subbotniks” should also be used in another respect, namely: to cleanse the party” Lenin V.I. Great initiative // ​​

Both new revolutionary poets and representatives of the older generation wrote about the happiness of selfless work for the benefit of society and the Motherland. For example, V. Bryusov in the poem “Work” expresses the same idea:

“The only happiness is work,

In the fields, at the machine, at the table, -

Work until you sweat hot

Work without extra bills,

Hours of hard work!”

These sentiments are reflected in prose. A. Gastev in his “white poem” “Miracles of Work” also glorifies the labor enthusiasm of workers who received freedom and dream of building a bright communist future in the near future:

“We are all at work.

We’ll put a line of men a hundred miles long on the ridges of the Urals.”

“Is this at home?

House on house, column on column, gate on gate. Above the sky, to the stars.

Are these mines?

To the lava, to the hottest madness of the earth... we swarm!” Gastev A. Miracles of work // “Proletarian Culture”, 1918, No. 2, M., State Publishing House, p. 29.

Another poem in prose by A. Gastev and I. Dozorov, “The Poetry of the Worker’s Impact,” expresses the same myth about the joy of free labor:

“When morning beeps sound in the working-class outskirts, this is not at all a call for captivity. This is the song of the future" Gastev A., Dozorov I. Poetry of the worker's blow // "Proletarian Culture", 1918, No. 1, p. 14.

The theme of inspired labor was innovative for literature, but very soon it became one of the most common in revolutionary poetry. In 1921, V. Kirillov wrote in the poem “To Work”?

“The poets did not sing about you in their odes,

The priests did not burn fragrant fires,

Even though you were in the dark waters of history

Holy Christ and Buddha" Kirillov V. Labor //

Although the topic was new, it very soon began to acquire cliches - such as “banners of labor”, “feast of labor”, “holiday of labor”, “joy of labor” Farber L.M. Soviet literature of the first years of the revolution. 1917-1920, M., graduate School, M., 1966, p. 85. Criticism of this official position in those years was extremely rare. As an example of such criticism, which reflected the realities of that time much more plausibly, one can cite the lines from P. Oreshin’s poem “Above the City”:

Neither slave life, nor joyless hard labor" Oreshin P. Red Rus'. Poetry. // “Proletarian Culture”, 1919, No. 6, p. 43.

a set of measures taken by the Soviet government in 1918-20 to compulsorily recruit all able-bodied citizens of the RSFSR to work. The military labor force was necessary to break the sabotage of bourgeois elements and provide labor for the national economy devastated by the war. The introduction of military labor was announced by the Declaration of the Rights of Working and Exploited People (January 1918). It practically began to be implemented in the fall of 1918. For bourgeois elements, a decree of the Council of People's Commissars on October 5, 1918 established compulsory labor. The Labor Code (December 10, 1918) established labor service for all citizens of the RSFSR. Decrees adopted by the Council of People's Commissars on April 12, 1919 and April 27, 1920 prohibited unauthorized transition to a new job and absenteeism. According to the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of January 29, 1920 “On the procedure for universal labor service”, everything working population, regardless of permanent work, was involved in performing various work tasks. By this decree, the Main Committee for General Labor Service (Glavkomtrud) was created under the Defense Council, headed by F. E. Dzerzhinsky. Local labor service committees (Komtrudy) were created throughout the country. With the introduction of the New Economic Policy (See New Economic Policy), the need for military service disappeared (See Labor Conscription).

Lit.: Lenin V.I., Complete. collection cit., 5th ed., vol. 35, p. 156-58, 358-59; vol. 36, p. 74-75, 182-83, 353; vol. 39, p. 307; vol. 51, p. 73-74; Directives of the CPSU and the Soviet government on economic issues. Sat. documents, vol. 1, M., 1957.

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  • - see Universal labor conscription...

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  • - a set of events of the Soviet Prospect, carried out in 1918-20 by obligation. attracting to work all able-bodied citizens of the RSFSR. V. t. p. followed from socialist. the principle of compulsory labor...

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  • - the legal obligation of the population to perform military service in the armed forces of their country. For the first time V.p. introduced in 1798 in France. In the Russian Federation, the term military duty, which is similar in meaning, is used...

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  • - a set of measures taken by the Soviet government in 1918-20 to compulsorily recruit all able-bodied citizens of the RSFSR to work...
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