Interaction of local government bodies with public and other associations of citizens, citizens and business entities. Public associations, types, structure, registration

Head of the Sol-Iletsk municipal district

“On the interaction of bodies local government with political parties and public associations"

The interaction between government and society is always of great importance. This is one of the most important indicators of the effectiveness and stability of the current government. The number of public organizations and associations, the level of their activity and ability to influence the authorities can determine how open public bodies are to interact with society. On the other hand, support from the authorities is important and necessary for the public itself. These are two mutually influencing components of the political process.
Public organizations and political parties operate stably on the territory of the Sol-Iletsk district, each of which reflects the interests of a certain part of society.
One of the oldest and most active organizations in the area is public organization veterans of war, labor, the Armed Forces and law enforcement. The organization is headed by Fyodor Lukyanovich Naryzhnev. The Veterans Council provides social support to war and labor veterans, elderly citizens, and participates in events for the patriotic education of youth. The council consists of 40 primary organizations, of which 22 are in villages and 18 in the city. This makes it possible to coordinate the work of the council quite effectively. Primary veteran organizations are strongholds through which communication is established with each veteran of the village and enterprise organization. The Veterans Council cooperates with other public organizations and works together with the district administration.
The Council of Women of the Sol-Iletsk District (Zaborsen L.V.) has been actively working for many years, which deals with solving problems of family, motherhood and increasing the role of women in socio-political, economic, and cultural life. Together with schools, cultural institutions, and settlement administrations, they hold various sports, cultural and entertainment events inviting families with children.
The Sol-Iletsk district branch of the Orenburg regional public organization “Union of Veterans of Local Wars and Military Conflicts” (D.F. Abdulmanov), the Sol-Iletsk district branch of the Orenburg regional organization“Brotherhood” of the all-Russian public organization of disabled war veterans in Afghanistan (A.P. Belkovich). The latter actively participates in sporting events held in the area.
The modern Cossacks are making themselves known more and more actively. A non-profit organization has been created in the area - the Sol-Iletsk farm Cossack society, which is a structural subdivision of the Orenburg departmental Cossack society “The First Department of the Orenburg Cossack Army”. Today, this is the only Cossack organization in the Sol-Iletsk region that has legally formalized its status.
Another important element of society is youth.
There are 12,680 young people aged 14 to 30 living in our area. District youth and children's associations contribute to the formation of moral values ​​and cultural traditions of the new generation, ensure that young people are informed about their rights and opportunities, and support and strengthen the institution of the young family. With the support of these organizations, children and youth of the district participate in various competitions and events, and unite in clubs based on their interests. There are enough people living in the area a large number of youth and therefore it is very important to pay attention to this subgroup of society. Not only the further development of civic ties in society, but also the future as a whole depends on the interest of young people, on the level of their involvement in public life, and on the opportunities for self-realization. Last year, elections to the Youth Chamber of the Sol-Iletsk district were held through Internet voting. The main goal of the Youth Chamber is to increase the role of youth in solving youth policy issues in the territory municipality, as well as assistance to the Council of Deputies in the development of normative legal acts aimed at resolving issues of local importance regarding the organization and implementation of inter-settlement activities to work with children and youth.
In 2012, active political reform began in our country; changes were made to the federal law “On Political Parties”. There are currently 64 registered political parties in the country, and there are 135 organizational committees of political parties.
In our area throughout recent years 4 parties operate stably. These are the local branches of the party " United Russia", Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, the party "A Just Russia".
We are open to dialogue and cooperation with public associations, political parties and resolve issues jointly in the interests of residents of our area.
In order to increase the role of interaction between the administration and the public of the district, attracting the general population to the development of proposals on the most important social, economic and political issues of development, representatives of the public are regularly invited to public hearings to discuss the draft local budget and the report on its implementation, the draft charter. Participate in annual reports of the district head.
Interaction and coordination of the actions of authorities and public organizations is of great importance. For this purpose, as well as in order to promote social and political stability in the region, a socio-political council was formed under the head of the municipality of Sol-Iletsky district. The Council is an advisory body.
The main tasks of the council are:
- interaction with political parties and public associations in order to maintain socio-political stability in the area;
- development of social partnership between local governments and local branches of political parties.
The main functions of the council are:
- analysis of trends in the socio-political situation in the area and development of the necessary recommendations;
- development of proposals to create favorable conditions for the participation of residents of the Sol-Iletsk district in political processes;
- informing local branches of political parties about the main directions of policy of the district leadership;
- providing advisory, informational and methodological assistance to regional local governments on issues of interaction with local party organizations;
- organizing conferences, round tables and other events to discuss socio-political issues.
To carry out its functions, the council holds meetings. Council meetings are held at least once a quarter. A meeting of the council is considered valid if at least half of the total number of its members are present.
I hope that the socio-political Council will become a link between various segments of society and local authorities in solving problems of various nature.

  • Specialty of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation22.00.08
  • Number of pages 248



§ 1. Public administration and local self-government

§2. The role of local government in the development of civil society

§3. The place and role of non-governmental organizations in the formation of civil society

3.1. The non-profit sector as an object of sociological knowledge

3.2. The role of “third sector” organizations in reform 40 Russian society

§4. Social partnership - the path to civil society

4.1. Social partnership: essence and principles

4.2. Legislative framework for social partnership


§ 1. Practice of interaction between local authorities and non-governmental organizations

§2. Analysis of social partnership using the example of the Regional public charity “Coordination Center social support» CONCLUSION Literature

Recommended list of dissertations

  • Fundamentals, principles and mechanisms of intersectoral social partnership in Russia 2002, Doctor of Sociological Sciences Yakimets, Vladimir Nikolaevich

  • Interaction of non-governmental non-profit organizations with government authorities and management in Russia 2004, candidate of political sciences Batalova, Yulia Vladimirovna

  • 2003, Candidate of Economic Sciences Tadorashko, Konstantin Pavlovich

  • 2000, candidate of sociological sciences Khukhlina, Valentina Vladimirovna

  • 2008, candidate of political sciences Shock, Natalia Petrovna

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “The role of public organizations in the activities of local governments”

Russia is moving along the path of socio-economic transformations, and many researchers associate their progress with the construction or development of civil society.

The problem of the formation of civil society in Russia is given serious attention by scientists, practical leaders, political and public figures. It has become an integral part of modern ideas about society, democracy, and the rule of law.

The emergence of civil society is reflected in many program documents states and governments, political parties and movements.

Civil society grows out of the needs of society to overcome antagonism and contradictions, harmonize and harmonize social forces.

Its main meaning and direction is to fulfill a person’s destiny in his specific historical and nationally specific conditions, including the expression of his individual strengths and abilities, the “highest” manifestation of which are civic qualities.

Achieving civil society is carried out in two ways - independence of action and interaction. The first method means that to unite various interests, autonomy and independence, self-government of subjects is necessary, and on the other hand, relations between subjects striving for such unity are possible only on the basis of combining efforts on the basis of cooperation.

The central component of civil society are public associations. It is here that direct and real connections between society and the state, the individual and the government are realized, the rights and freedoms of the individual, their initiative and independence are realized, the level and nature of democracy, the fullness of the meaning of human existence as such are manifested.

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, public associations are intermediaries between society and the state. The objective possibilities of transforming our society into a civil democratic society are concentrated here, therefore the development of the problem of social partnership in the interaction of municipal authorities, as local governments and non-profit organizations is relevant and timely.

The emergence of a market economy in Russia led to a sharp drop in the living standards of the population, to the stratification of society, and to a crisis in the social sphere of the state. In the current situation, the problem of creating a strong state social policy becomes especially acute.

IN modern Russia it is necessary to create living conditions for the population that would meet the interests and needs of every Russian citizen. Achieving this goal is associated, first of all, with the territorial community of people living together, where life activities are ensured by local municipal authorities capable of creating conditions for social harmony and social partnership of people living in a given territory.

Solving the problem of achieving agreement, dialogue, cooperation, partnership between various social strata, between local governments and public organizations is an extremely important and urgent task of the current stage of the historical development of our society.

The relevance of the dissertation work lies in revealing in the system of relations between the population and local authorities the prerequisites for constructive contacts on cooperation, mutual consideration of the interests of the subjects social interaction, in searching and finding mutually acceptable solutions on issues of life of the population. The readiness of municipal authorities for social cooperation with public organizations is the main condition and guarantee of social stability in society.

Within the framework of the social crisis experienced by Russian society, the problem of social partnership between the state and the non-profit sector, especially at the lower level of government closest to the population and most closely connected with it, becomes relevant.

The basis of social partnership at the local level is self-government, which is characteristic of both local authorities and public associations, which creates additional conditions for their interaction.

No less important factor development of social partnership, social activity of the individual and the need to demonstrate personal initiative in the implementation of social policy. It is necessary to activate the population to participate in activities public associations as a means of expressing civic position and a tool for influencing the adoption management decisions in social policy.

Creating conditions conducive to the formation and development of social partnership, researching ways and methods of its practical implementation at the local level contributes to the development of the democratic functions of society, moving it along the path of democratization and building a civil society, which is extremely important for Russian reality.

Research on the role of public organizations in the decision process social problems at the level of local government, modeling social technologies, within the framework of which a constructive connection between state and public methods of responding to social problems is achieved, is becoming an important area of ​​sociological science.

The relevance of the sociological study of the development of the non-profit sector and its growing influence on the formation of social policy at the local level lies in the fact that it allows us to develop proposals for enhancing the interaction of public organizations and local governments in the social sphere and develop proposals for involving the population in solving issues of their life activity .

The degree of scientific development of the problem. The categorical and conceptual apparatus and interpretation of the definitions of social partnership require methodological clarity. Currently, most Russian researchers consider social partnership as a form of social and labor relations between employees and employers.

Non-governmental organizations that offer their initiative, often free of charge, thus do not fit methodologically into the context of the functioning generally accepted concept of “social partnership”

New emerging practice public relations at the local level, social partnership between municipal authorities and the public sector requires clarification methodologically and theoretically. ^

The author proceeds from the fact that social partnership means the relationship between the state, represented by the government, its bodies and representatives (in the work under consideration, represented by local self-government bodies) with other subjects - the individual, family, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), etc. Social partnership is an equal relationship between subjects, which are determined by the commonality of their needs, value orientations and interests on the principle of social justice. The dissertation examines: the interaction of state authorities at the local level with non-governmental organizations, the role of self-government in the activities of local authorities and public organizations, modern tendencies development of the non-profit sector and its increasing role in the formation of civil society.

Diverse directions of development, formation and interaction of non-governmental organizations with local government authorities are considered in the works of domestic researchers: Mitrokhin V.I., Yashchenko A.A., Ionova JI.A., Vilinova I.V., Savchenko P.V., Yakimets V. N., Model I.M., Model B.S., Kiseleva V.N., Smolnova V.G., Migirova R.P., Konovalova JI. Fedulina A. et al.1

Analysis of the works of the above authors allows us to conclude that distinctive feature Russian reality is the insufficient formation of partners in social relations, both on the part of government authorities and on the part of NGOs interacting with them. State policy regarding social partnership with NGOs in Russia is in the process of formation. Social partnership, as a system-forming basis of civil society, is in its infancy and is still weakly acting as a shock absorber of social tension in society. Naturally, an important task is to develop clear, conceptual guidelines, substantiate an effective model of social partnership between the state represented by local government and non-profit, non-governmental organizations (hereinafter NGOs), proposals and recommendations for the formation of state social policy in these areas. Part of the state social policy is the development of favorable conditions for the development of two components of social partnership: the system of local self-government - local authorities and the non-governmental sector - public associations. According to the dissertation author, what is common in the works under review is an analysis of the development trends of the non-governmental sector. Researchers note an increase social role NGOs caused by the inability of the state to fully satisfy the needs of the population in social services Oh. Involving NGOs in activities in the social sphere reduces the burden on the state and expands

Matyukhin A.B. The concept of political modernization of Russian society. Diss., M., 1998; Kisilev V.N., Smolnov V.G. Social partnership in Russia. M., 1998; Semigin G.Yu. Social partnership as a sector of political stabilization of Russian society. Abstract of dissertation. M., 1993; Ionova O.B. Social technologies partnerships. M., 2000; Savchenko P.V. Non-profit organizations in the system of institutional relations M,. 2000; Model I.M., Model B.S. The authorities and the civil community of Russia: from social interaction to social partnership. Ekaterinburg, 1998; Vilinov I.E. Formation of a system of social partnership. Abstract of dissertation. M., 1998; Trubitsin A.B. Social policy: towards developing new guidelines. M., 2000; L. Konovalova Non-governmental organizations in the state and society M., 2000; M. Kleinberg Non-profit public organizations in the Russian sector social security. M., 2000. sphere of activity of NGOs. The social sphere is the field in which objective necessity contributes to the emergence of an effective and full-fledged social partnership between NGOs and government agencies authorities.

In the presented dissertation work, social partnership between non-state, non-profit organizations and local government bodies to resolve problematic situations in the social sphere based on the experience of cooperation between the Regional Public Charitable Organization (hereinafter referred to as ROBO “KTSSP”) with the Krasnoselsky District Administration.

The problems of local self-government have been studied quite deeply both in Russia and abroad.

The search for theoretical and practical solutions in this direction is an important and pressing problem. today. This is evidenced by the works of I. Babichev, A. Voronin, A. Gladyshev, V. Golovanov, P. Biryukov, J1. Gilchenko, I. Ovchinnikova, E. Zaborova and others.2 These works provide an analysis of the general problems of self-government development at the levels: state, regional and municipal, local; The interaction of various levels of government and their role in the formation of a democratic society in Russia is considered.

A number of works analyze the problems of legal regulation of the activities of local authorities from the point of view of the function of self-government. Recently, studies have appeared on the role of local authorities in the political and economic development of regions, but there are no works that, to one degree or another, cover the entire range of social issues related to the social partnership of non-governmental organizations and local authorities as an institution of self-government.

The practice of developing social activities poses challenges for sociological science and requires a theoretical study of the contradiction between the needs of society for an effective social partnership between local governments and NGOs and the real state of this partnership that does not correspond

1 1 - " 1 "" - .

I. Babichev Subjects of local government and their interaction. M., 2000; Voronin A.G. and etc.

Editorial Board/ Local government in Russian Federation. M., 1998; A. Gladyshev Development of local community: theory, methodology, practice. M., 1999; V. Golovanov Management and self-government in a large city M., 1997; P. Biryukov Fundamentals local government and self-government M., 1998; J1. Gilchenko Local self-government: a long return: The formation of local self-government in Russia. M., 1998; I. Ovchinnikov Local self-government in the system of democracy. M., 1999; Zaborova E.H. The system of self-government and territorial initiative of the urban population, Yekaterinburg, 1998. requirements of today and the goals of building a civil society in our country.

The purpose of the dissertation work is to study the patterns of emergence and development of social partnership between local governments represented by local authorities and the public non-governmental sector, development practical recommendations to stimulate and optimize this process in the social sphere. Determining the place and role of non-governmental organizations in the formation of civil society in Russia at the level of local government.

The stated objectives of the dissertation are:

Analysis of social partnership as a system of interaction between government bodies and non-governmental organizations;

Clarification of the concept of “local self-government” in relation to local authorities - municipalities, and within the city of Moscow - councils;

Analysis of the modern concept and model of interaction between local governments as local government authorities and non-governmental organizations;

Justification of the role of the “third sector” and local self-government in the formation of civil society in Russia;

Conducting a sociological analysis of social partnership between local authorities and public organizations using the example of the Krasnoselsky district of Moscow and, on its basis, justifying an increase in the role of non-governmental organizations and social partnerships between local authorities and non-profit organizations in modern stage development of Russian society;

The objects of research are local government, non-governmental non-profit organizations, and their interaction in the social sphere.

The subject of the study is social partnership as a system of interaction between local government and public associations.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the dissertation research includes theoretical developments of leading domestic and Western sociologists in the field of studying and developing the concept of social partnership between the state and non-governmental organizations; its influence on the formation of civil society, the role of public organizations in the activities of local authorities, materials from research, scientific and practical conferences, provisions of legislative and regulatory acts.

The work uses a sociological research method using theoretical and methodological analysis of systemic research concepts. The author developed questionnaires and, under his leadership, conducted a sociological survey of 300 residents and 300 experts (heads of government, commercial, public organizations, employees of the Administration and its services). The sample is representative.

Research hypothesis: the formation of civil society in Russia is impossible without solving the fundamental problem of social partnership between authorities at the local level and non-governmental organizations representing the interests of a huge number of the population.

The scientific novelty of the dissertation is as follows:

The domestic experience of interaction between municipal authorities as local governments and non-governmental organizations represented by public associations is summarized. Based on this generalization, the process of evolution of the concept of “local self-government” is presented for the first time, including from the standpoint of its inclusion in the content of management at the local state level and an analysis of the common and distinct features inherent in the self-government of local authorities and the self-government of public associations;

Empirical data have been introduced into scientific circulation that deepen the concept of social partnership between government bodies and non-governmental organizations as a new social institution that actively contributes to the formation of civil society in Russia;

Based on the analysis of sociological research, a mechanism for increasing the role of the non-governmental sector in the activities of local government is substantiated;

The specifics and mechanisms of interaction between government authorities and non-governmental organizations at the lower level are analyzed government controlled;

Based on a sociological survey, the difficulties and problems of developing social partnership at the local level between state authorities and public organizations were identified, due, on the one hand, to the socio-economic situation in the country, the lack of preparedness of civil servants for social dialogue, social partnership, imperfection legislative framework, the unsatisfactory state of the information field, and on the other hand, the weak involvement of the population itself in self-governing public associations and their insufficient participation in decision-making processes at the state level;

Effective models for the introduction and development of social partnerships between government authorities and public organizations in the social sphere of servicing privileged categories of residents are proposed.

The practical significance of the work is determined by the need to understand the creative role of social partnership between local governments and non-profit organizations, which is necessary for the development of the social sphere and the prompt solution of social problems. Population participation in management activities, in preparing and making decisions on the planning and implementation of social policy at the local level.

The practical significance of this study is due to the content of proposals and recommendations for the formation of an effective system of social partnership between local authorities and non-governmental organizations, to attract the population to active participation in the implementation of social policy at the local level.

The conclusions and provisions of the dissertation can be used in the development of the regulatory and legislative framework for the development of social partnership, in the training of management personnel at various levels, in the activities of non-governmental organizations entering into social partnerships with local government authorities, in the work of local self-government bodies to attract the population to active participation in public life.

The empirical basis of the study was made up of official statistics, including the Moscow City Statistical Office, materials from the Krasnoselsky Administration and the results of sociological research conducted by the author. The main regulatory sources were: normative base on non-profit organizations, social partnership, self-government in Russia and Moscow, European Charter of Local Self-Government, Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Approbation of the work and implementation of the research results. The main conclusions of the idea and provisions of the dissertation work are based on 10 years of practical experience of the author as the head of the public charity organization “Coordination Center for Social Support”, which implements in practice the mechanism of social partnership with local authorities represented by the Krasnoselsky District Administration. This experience was reviewed and approved by the Moscow City Hall.

The provisions of the dissertation are set out by the author in publications and speeches at round tables, in the work of the scientific and practical conference “The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in the Activities of State Authorities” in 1998 in the Central Administrative District, Moscow, hearings in the State Duma in April 2002, in materials prepared by the Krasnoselsky Administration for the administration of the Central District, as well as in three publications of more than 5 pp.

The main provisions of the dissertation were discussed at a meeting of the Department of Sociology of the Social Sphere of the STI MGUS.

Provisions for defense:

Self management - basic principle local authorities and public organizations, regulating the right of citizens to independently manage local affairs and being a way of organizing and participating in the exercise of local power.

Self-government, the non-profit sector, social partnership are the main, defining institutions of civil society, allowing for the most effective use of public potential in managing society.

Civil initiatives are the very element of “social capital”, without which the effective development of society and a democratic state is unthinkable.

Involving the public sector in the provision of social services on the basis of social partnership with local authorities is a new phenomenon in the social sphere of Russia, contributing to the development of democracy in society.

The lack of a holistic, comprehensive and systemic state policy in the field of social dialogue and social partnership between authorities and NGOs, which includes all the necessary components: legal, organizational, structural, scientific, methodological, material, financial and information, hinders the development of Russian society.

The experience of social partnership between local authorities and public organizations in the field of providing social services has proven the reality of social cooperation in solving the most pressing social problems of the most needy groups of the population.

Successful social partnerships between authorities and NGOs working in the field of social services depend on the following factors:

The presence of a targeted state policy in the field of social partnership with the “third sector”;

The formation of the legislative framework, including taxation, stimulating government and commercial structures to cooperate with NGOs;

Coordination of efforts of NGOs and government agencies in the social sphere of activity;

Information support processes of social partnership, promoting the ideas of the “third sector” and social partnership in people’s consciousness,

From subjective factors, i.e. from the level of competence and responsibility staffing government leaders and leaders of non-governmental organizations.

Structure of the dissertation. The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

Similar dissertations in the specialty “Sociology of Management”, 22.00.08 code VAK

  • 2009, Doctor of Political Sciences Vasilyeva, Tatyana Alekseevna

  • Institutionalization of intersectoral social partnership: regional aspect: On the example of the Republic of Buryatia 2006, Candidate of Sociological Sciences Chernobrovkina, Elena Pavlovna

  • Non-profit organizations in regional politics: the example of the Far Eastern Federal District of the Russian Federation 2010, candidate of political sciences Kiyashko, Evgenia Yurievna

  • Interaction between local governments, public organizations and business as a form of social partnership 2009, Candidate of Sociological Sciences Lovkova, Anastasia Anatolyevna

  • Institutional and economic foundations for the development of civil society in Russia 2008, Candidate of Economic Sciences Kovalev, Alexander Petrovich

Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic “Sociology of Management”, Botsu, Irina Anatolyevna


In the process of working on the problem “The Role of Public Organizations in the Activities of Local Self-Government Bodies,” the author considered a large set of tasks, which allowed:

Study available materials (legislative and regulations, government documents, scientific publications, periodical materials, etc.), on the methodology, theory and practice of public policy on this issue; consider the conceptual apparatus and conceptual approaches to the problem;

Explore Foreign experience to solve this problem (using the example of countries Western Europe) and experience in the development of NGOs, its role in reforming society in Russia;

Conduct an assessment of the actions of local government to establish social partnerships with public organizations at the local level, assess the role of NGOs in the development of local governments, analyze the results collaboration Boards with NGOs on the basis of the work of the public charitable organization “Coordination Center for Social Support”;

Develop proposals that, according to the author, will allow increasing the role of public organizations in their cooperation with local governments.

Thus, we can draw conclusions:

A social portrait of the interaction between local governments and “third sector” organizations has been created.

It has been established that the foundation of a democratic civil society is being laid at the local level, and social partnership between local governments and NGOs is the path to its formation.

It has been determined that the non-profit non-governmental sector is a significant and dynamically developing component of public life. It not only serves to meet the basic needs of people, but also represents a powerful and growing economic force that influences all aspects of social life.

At the local level, mechanisms for the participation of non-governmental organizations in the implementation of state social policy have not fully developed as generally accepted practice. Subjective factors affecting the interaction of NGOs with government agencies in solving problems in the social sphere, and therefore this interaction cannot be called stable. The information field on the development of NGOs and social cooperation is narrowed and poorly developed. The potential of the information component of social policy in the field of social partnership is not fully used, which slows down the development of the process. Purposeful work is needed to form public opinion in favor of social partnership and its development.

The development of social partnership between local governments and non-governmental organizations largely depends on the initiative and activity of “third sector” organizations. The ability to attract additional funding, the professionalism of staff working in NGOs, independence and a high degree of responsibility for the quality of solutions to problems and the completeness of their obligations, the ability to express and lobby their interests and the interests of citizens at the level of government decision-making, in particular at the level of local government determine the success of such actions.

It has been revealed that many problems of the “third sector”, especially at the local level, are associated with the lack of a sufficiently developed and effective legal framework. The existing legislative framework does not cover the entire field of activity of the non-governmental sector, social partnership between government authorities, the commercial sector and non-governmental organizations. Already existing regulations require revision and improvement. The process of developing the legislative framework at the local level is in its infancy and requires intensification and expansion.

The leading role of the state in the conditions of an emerging civil society, in the formation and development of social partnership is shown. The state develops the strategy and priorities of social policy, organizes their practical implementation with the participation of social partners according to established standards.

The main significance and role of NGOs in building civil society is determined. The development of NGOs determines the democratic development of the state. They exercise control over the activities of government bodies, providing citizens with the opportunity to participate in the management of processes occurring in society.

In the course of the sociological study, the hypothesis was confirmed that the formation of civil society in Russia is impossible without solving the fundamental problem of social partnership between local governments and non-governmental non-profit organizations. The development of NGOs determines the democratic development of the state. They exercise control over the activities of government bodies and provide citizens with the opportunity to participate in the management of processes occurring in society.

The success of forming a social partnership between government authorities and non-governmental organizations and the business sector largely depends on the resolution of these issues at the “grassroots” level, at the level of government in Moscow. It is at this level that the simplest and most effective forms of interaction between government and the public arise.

The basic conditions for the formation and development of social partnership between local governments and non-profit organizations are formulated, the primary task of which is to develop the concept of competent social policy, providing for measures to develop the “third sector”, increasing its role in the development of civil society in the country, increasing the participation of citizens in governance life activity of the population.

A model of organizational development of social partnership between public organizations and local governments is proposed, which provides for measures to support non-profit organizations. To create a truly sustainable and functioning “third sector” it is necessary governmental support, including financial, investments in education and training of personnel working in the “third sector”.

It was revealed that at the local level, mechanisms for the participation of non-governmental organizations in the implementation of state social policy have not fully developed as a generally accepted practice. Subjective factors that influence the interaction of NGOs with government agencies in solving problems in the social sphere retain a significant role, and therefore this interaction cannot be called stable.

Social partnership between non-governmental organizations and government authorities is a dialectical, developing process. Social relations in society are changing, the role of the state is changing, the role of public organizations is changing. This process currently cannot be called constant; it is rather discrete in nature, extremely susceptible to subjective factors. It will take the efforts of all interested parties to successfully develop, so that the process of development of social partnership becomes irreversible and generally recognized.

An important task is the development of social partnership between the public sector and local governments in the social sphere, where the capabilities of non-profit organizations to relieve social tension, use the social capital of citizens are fully demonstrated, and the main qualities of the “third sector” are realized: mutual assistance, solidarity, humanity, etc. d.

The need is shown to create appropriate structures within government departments to communicate with NGOs, without which it is impossible and ineffective to maintain a constant dialogue with society.

Social partnership between non-governmental organizations and government authorities is a dialectical, developing process. Social relations in society are changing, the role of the state is changing, the role of public organizations is changing. This process currently cannot be called constant; it is rather discrete in nature, extremely susceptible to subjective factors. It will take the efforts of all interested parties to ensure that cooperation between all three sectors of the economy develops successfully, so that the process of developing social partnership becomes irreversible and generally recognized.

It is public associations, non-governmental organizations in general, their interaction with local governments, focused on “social partnership” that can and should become the main principle of combining the efforts of the state and citizens in solving problems of social development. Non-governmental organizations can become a very effective reserve for intensifying the activities of self-government and management bodies in implementing programs for the socio-economic development of a district, region, city, creating a climate of trust and harmony, and improving society.

List of references for dissertation research Candidate of Sociological Sciences Botsu, Irina Anatolyevna, 2002

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2. Avtonomov A.S., Zakharov A.A., Kazakova E.Yu., et al. Local self-government in modern Russia: rights, responsibilities and activities of representative authorities, Intern. rep. int, Foundation for the Development of Parliamentarism in Russia. M., Ves mir, 1999. 79 p.

3. Anikin E.M. Local government can become interactive social management// Bulletin of the Russian Institute of Friendship of Peoples. M., 2001, No. 1 P. 56-61.

4. Animitsa E.G., Tertyshny A.T. Local self-government: history and modernity Ekaterinburg, 1998.295 p.

5. Antipyev A.G., Zakharov N.N., Shishigin A.B., Local self-government is a socio-political institution of civil society. Perm: Perm Publishing House. state Univ., 1999. 130 p.

6. Arkhangelsky V.N. Economy innovation activity in small organizational forms. Textbook allowance M. Publishing house RAGS 1997. 78 p.

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71. Kokh I.A. Personnel potential and socio-ethical problems of formation and development: Abstract. report urals. scientific pract. conf. Perm, 1998. p. 82-87.73.

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In public associations, the dependence of the status of public associations on their territorial sphere of activity has been established. Mandatory indication of the territorial scope of activity public association must contain in the name of the organization. There are four territorial types public associations:

  1. All-Russian public association can carry out its activities in the territories of more than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and has its own structural units- organizations, departments or branches and representative offices. Currently, the Russian Federation includes 85 constituent entities. Absence required quantity structural divisions is a violation and may lead to the liquidation of the public association. Inclusion in the names of all-Russian public associations of the name Russian Federation or Russia, as well as words derived from this name,allowed without special permission.
  2. Interregional public association operates in the territories of less than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and has its own structural units there - organizations, branches or branches and representative offices. To obtain this status it is enough to have branches in at least 2 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Interregional public associations have a special structure, which, as a rule, consists of regional and local branches.
  3. Regional public association, the activities of such an association in accordance with its statutory goals are carried out within the territory of one subject. For example, the Moscow Public Organization for the Protection of Consumer Rights, as the name of the organization suggests, operates in Moscow.
  4. Local public association operates within the territory of only one local government body. For example, the Losinoostrovskaya Local Public District Organization of Motorists operates on the territory of the intra-city municipality of Losinoostrovskoye in Moscow.

Branches has the right to acquire the rights of a legal entity and also has the right to carry out activities on the basis of its charters, registered in the prescribed manner. At the same time, the goals and objectives of the branches should not contradict the charter of the parent public association. It is the possibility of a regional branch to become an independent legal entity that leads to the fact that when creating a regional branch, it must have at least three members- representatives of this region. Since a public association is created on the initiative of the founders - at least three individuals and (or) public associations.



On the interaction of local government bodies of the intracity municipal formation Alekseevskoye in the city of Moscow with public associations

In order to implement the issue of local importance established by paragraph 18 of Article 8, the Municipal Assembly decided:

1. Approve the Regulations on the interaction of local government bodies of the intra-city municipal formation Alekseevskoye in the city of Moscow with public associations (Appendix).

3. This decision comes into force from the date of its official publication.

4. Control over the implementation of this decision shall be entrusted to the Head of the intra-city municipal formation Alekseevskoye in the city of Moscow Zinoviev A.D.

Head of intracity


Alekseevskoe in Moscow A.D. Zinoviev


to the municipal decision

Intracity meetings


Alekseevskoe in Moscow

REGULATIONS on the interaction of local government bodies of the intra-city municipal formation Alekseevskoye in the city of Moscow with public associations

I. General provisions

This Regulation determines the procedure for interaction between local government bodies of the intra-city municipal formation Alekseevskoye in the city of Moscow - the municipal Assembly, the municipality, the Head of the municipal formation (hereinafter referred to as local self-government bodies) and public associations created in accordance with federal laws(public organization; social movement; public foundation; public institution; public initiative body; political party, as well as unions (associations) of public associations) and operating on the territory of the intra-city municipal formation Alekseevskoye in the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as VMO), in order to implement the issue of local importance established by paragraph 18 of Article 8 of the Moscow City Law of November 6, 2002 N 56 "On the organization of local government in the city of Moscow".

1. The effect of these Regulations extends to joint resolution of issues of mutual interest between local self-government bodies and public associations.

2. The subject of regulation of these Regulations are the relations arising in accordance with the legislation in the field of local self-government and public associations between public associations and local self-government bodies in connection with the implementation of the legal rights of citizens to exercise local self-government, both directly and through their representatives in local government bodies , in order to protect common interests and achieve common goals.

This Regulation does not establish the procedure for interaction between LSG bodies and non-governmental non-profit organizations (hereinafter referred to as NPOs) in terms of providing NPOs with free use of non-residential premises transferred to LSG bodies for the implementation of certain powers of the city of Moscow in organizing leisure, social and educational, physical education and sports work with the population at the place of residence.

3. Interaction is defined as a set of joint activities aimed at resolving issues that correspond to the competence of the participants in the interaction and affect the interests of the population of the WMO, public associations, and local self-government bodies.

4. The regulations establish the principles, directions, and forms of interaction between local self-government bodies and public associations.

Public associations that are legal entities, in accordance with the law on public associations, when interacting with local government bodies in the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as local self-government bodies), they have the right:

Freely disseminate information about your activities;

Participate in the development of decisions of local government bodies in the manner and extent provided for by the laws of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow;

Represent and protect their rights, legitimate interests of their members and participants, as well as other citizens in local governments and public associations;

Exercise in full the powers provided for by laws on public associations;

Take initiatives on various issues of public life, make proposals to local governments.

II. Principles of interaction

Interaction between local self-government bodies and public associations is carried out on the basis of the following principles:

1. legality;

2. publicity;

3. voluntariness and mutual interest in joint activities in order to support and develop specific civil initiatives of Moscow residents that are constructive and constructive in nature;

4. coordination of actions and unification of efforts in joint resolution of issues, taking into account the interests of the participants in the interaction;

5. non-interference of local self-government bodies and their officials in the main activities of public associations, as well as non-interference of public associations in the activities of local self-government bodies and their officials;

6. independence in implementing one’s own tasks and powers, as well as in developing forms and methods of use own strength and own funds;

7. non-economic basis of interaction with absence targeted financing or municipal grants from local budgets for the implementation of socially useful programs, projects, events, social and civil initiatives of public associations;

8. systematic nature of equal partnership cooperation;

9. trust in resolving issues of joint activities;

10. responsibility of each of the participants in the interaction for the fulfillment of their obligations, defined in bilateral agreements (contracts).

III. Areas of interaction

The main areas of interaction between local self-government bodies and public associations are:

1) participation of public associations in the discussion of programs, plans or individual events developed by local self-government bodies when resolving issues of local importance and/or transferred state powers;

2) participation in the formation and development of decisions of local self-government bodies on issues of local importance;

3) submission to LSG bodies by public associations of initiatives and proposals on issues related to the implementation of their statutory goals for the purpose of activating the population in resolving issues of local importance;

4) participation of local self-government bodies in the discussion of projects and programs of public associations aimed at developing civil initiatives of the population in the territory of the WMO;

5) holding joint actions and events on issues within the powers of local self-government bodies;

6) joint participation in measures to ensure security on the territory of the WMO (public law enforcement points, anti-terrorism district commissions for countering terrorism, measures to prevent crime, neglect, environmental control, etc.);

7) joint participation in the organization and conduct of military-patriotic and social-educational events with children and youth;

8) joint activities to develop children's, youth and student social movements;

9) joint activities to educate the population on issues of local self-government;

10) joint activities in promoting a healthy lifestyle, physical education, sports, and leisure activities for residents of VMO;

11) joint activities to inform the population about the activities of local self-government bodies, public associations, interaction with executive authorities;

12) participation of public associations in conducting population surveys to determine the needs of residents for sports and leisure services, their focus and availability;

13) participation in monitoring (on the activities of local self-government bodies, environmental monitoring, etc.);

14) participation of representatives of public associations in activities to monitor and evaluate the quality of services provided municipal institutions, NGOs for the organization of leisure, social and educational, physical education, health and sports work with the population at their place of residence;

15) joint activities in organizing and holding events dedicated to the celebration of significant dates in Russia, Moscow, and local holidays;

16) other areas of interaction provided for by laws, legal acts the city of Moscow, bilateral agreements (treaties).

IV. Forms of interaction

LSG bodies and public associations to implement areas of interaction and jointly resolve issues:

Create joint councils, working groups and commissions;

Conclude bilateral agreements (agreements) on joint activities;

Form plans and programs for joint activities to resolve issues of local importance and delegated powers;

Conduct joint research, generalize problems and identify the reasons for the low activity of the population in solving issues of local importance and participation in leisure, socio-educational, physical education and sports activities and events;

Organize joint (commission) control activities in accordance with the competence of local self-government bodies;

Create conflict commissions in the event of conflict situations on the territory of the WMO;

Organize meetings with the population, including thematic meetings with key target audiences population;

Carry out information exchange of information of mutual interest and directly related to the implementation of joint tasks, generalize and analyze best practices in resolving issues of local importance and implementing delegated powers by local self-government bodies of other WMOs in the city of Moscow;

Plan and carry out joint activities aimed at preventing crime, ensuring public safety, and preventing neglect;

Interact with tools mass media, preparing publications on topical issues informing the population;

Organize and conduct joint festive local events, other entertainment events, shows, competitions, exhibitions;

Organize and conduct thematic conferences, seminars, consultations for the purpose of legal education of the population.

V. Powers of public associations in interaction with local self-government bodies

Public associations, within the competence defined in bilateral agreements (treaties), have the right to:

Receive from officials of local self-government bodies the information, certificates, documents and/or copies from them necessary to resolve joint issues;

Participate in discussions of plans and programs developed by local self-government bodies;

Participate in meetings of the Municipal Assembly in accordance with the Rules of Procedure, meetings held by local self-government bodies, at the invitation of their leaders;

Submit, in the prescribed manner, draft legal acts, comments and proposals to resolve issues of local importance and delegated powers;

Introduce socially oriented events, projects, programs for discussion for their inclusion in the action plans of local self-government bodies;

Participate in inspections of compliance with requirements for the sanitary condition of facilities (sports grounds, non-residential premises) and surrounding areas, and the safety of their use for the population;

Send materials about violations of consumer rights or the quality of provision of municipal services to local self-government bodies for consideration of issues in the prescribed manner;

Post in information systems common use information on joint activities with local self-government bodies.

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