1c update form data after change. Update or re-query data. Changing form commands

1C company constantly releases new releases of its configurations: adding new features, updating reporting forms.

Therefore, the configurations of your infobases also need to be constantly updated. The 1C program itself even reminds you of this and offers to update. You can update 1C 8.3 yourself in two ways: through the configurator or via the Internet. Let's consider step by step instructions on updating 1c and what needs to be done after this procedure using an example.

Updating the 1C 8 program via the Internet

To update 1C 8.3 over the Internet, go to the “Administration” menu and find the “Updating the program version” section:

First, let’s go to the “Setting up program updates via the Internet” section:

In this window, the most important thing is to enter the user code and password; without them, you will not be able to connect to the site with updates. You should have received them along with . If for some reason you do not have them, there is a link nearby that will take you to your Personal Area on the support site, and all the data will be there.

Here you can disable automatic checking for updates, set up a scheduled check or every time you log into the program.

Leave the switch on “Automatic update” and click “Next”. If a newer program release than the current one is found, the corresponding information will appear.

For my configuration there were more a new version, and now I’ll try to update 1C. Pay attention to the size of the update, as it is downloaded and unpacked into the user's directory, which is located on the "C:" drive. Accordingly, there should be enough free space on it. By the way, here you can read what changes and innovations are in the update. Click “Next”.

Oddly enough, the program was unable to connect to its server the first time due to the fact that it used my old code and password, although I specified everything correctly in the settings:

I click “OK”, enter the correct data and click “Next”. I hope you don't see such a window.

The program will start receiving the update file. Depending on your internet speed, this can be a rather lengthy process. Took me a few minutes. In the next window we have to choose whether to update immediately or after finishing work. If you decide to update immediately, make sure that no one else is in the database. The update occurs in exclusive mode.

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Here you will be prompted to make a backup copy before updating. I advice NECESSARILY make a backup copy of the 1C database, I was convinced from my own experience. Moreover, I recommend selecting the last item “Create a backup copy and save to a directory.” In this case, if something goes wrong during the update, the program itself will return everything to its place.

The update went smoothly for me and took about 45 minutes.

Important note! After installing the configuration update, the program may require you to update the 1C platform. You can read how to do this in or see in our video:

Self-updating 1C 8.3 via the configurator

To update via the configurator, you first need to download the 1C update file from the official website or from the ITS disk. I described how to do this in the article ““. Only the row in the table, of course, you need to select another (1C Accounting):

One point should be noted here. Not all latest versions releases may be suitable for your current configuration. Therefore, if you have not updated for a long time, you may have to download several versions. In the list of releases you can see which one fits which.

In my case it works latest release 1C, and I downloaded it. Unlike the platform update file, configuration updates are located in archives. It is also advisable to place it in a clean directory and run it. After it is unpacked, run the setup.exe file:

The update will be installed in the specified directory. Typically this is the default directory, but you can specify a different one.

Now let's go to the configurator:

Naturally, you need to log in as a user with administrative rights.

Let's make a backup copy right away!

Now you need to go to the menu “Configuration – Support – Configuration Update”. A window will appear:

If one or more 1C 8.3 configuration updates are found, a window will appear asking you to select the one you need:

If several available updates are found, the program will highlight the latest one in bold.

Click “Finish”. Two more information windows will appear, there you just need to click “Continue”.

The 1C update process will begin. After a while, a configuration comparison window may appear. If you are not an expert, then it is better not to touch anything there. Click “Run”:

After some time, the message “Configuration merging complete” will appear. Click "OK".

Now you also need to update the configuration information base. To do this, go to the menu “Configuration – Update database configuration”.

If the system asks you for something else, you need to click “Yes” or “Accept”.

When finished, you can close the configurator. When you first launch the program in normal mode, you may receive a message that the platform you are using is outdated for this configuration and working in the system is not recommended.

This update is complete.

Watch also our video on updating 1C through the configurator:

If your database is shared over a network, Microsoft Access updates the information at set intervals. To see the most current data, refresh records in Datasheet view or Form view: tab home click the button Update all and select the command > Update. Update existing data in a table or form. This process does not reorder records, display new records, or delete records that do not exist or records that no longer meet specified conditions. To make the update more thorough, run repeated request data using a macro.

Note: Re-querying may take a long time depending on the size of the records.

In this article

Data Update

Specifying the update interval

Data Update

    Perform one of the following actions:

    • To refresh data in Datasheet or Form view, on the home in Group Posts click Update all and then click Update.

      To refresh data in a PivotTable or PivotChart window, on the Constructor in Group Data click Update summary areas.

      Press SHIFT+F9.

Top of page

Specifying the update interval

You can specify the interval at which Access refreshes data. By default, Access refreshes data every 60 seconds.

    Click the Office button. Outspace appears.

    In the left Outspace panel, click Options.

    In the left pane of the dialog box Access Options click element Advanced options.

    On the right panel under Advanced options specify the meaning Update interval (in seconds).

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Requesting data using a macro

To automatically re-query data when an event occurs, you can create a macro and associate it with the event. Let's say you want to re-query the data by receiving TE000127438 in the shape of. To do this, you can create a macro and associate it with the form event Getting Focus

    On the tab Creation in Group Other select Macro. If this command is not available, click the arrow below the button Module or Class module and then click the button Macro.

    Click the arrow in the box next to the green plus sign (+) and select Request again.

    Save the macro using a name Repeated request, and then close the Macro Designer.

    Open the required form V TE000126615. If the properties page does not appear, press F4.

    Event on the properties page.

    On the tab Event click the arrow in the property Getting Focus and select the "Requery" macro.

    Save the form.

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Use the code to re-query the data

To automatically re-query data when an event occurs, you can create a macro and associate it with an event, such as a receipt on a form. To do this, you can create a macro and associate it with the form event Getting Focus using the procedure below:

    Open the desired form in the Designer. If the properties page does not appear, press F4.

    Make sure the shape itself is selected. Then click on the tab Event on the properties page.

    On the tab Event in property Getting Focus click on the button Assembly.

    In the dialog box Select a designer Press Code constructor.

    A new module will open in the Visual Basic Editor.

    Type Me.Requery, and then close the Visual Basic Editor.

    Save the form.

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Requery data in an Access web app

Queries in an Access web app are executed on the server. To requery data in an Access web app, use the RefreshRecord macro. This macro requires the current recordset.

    Open the required form, click the button Macros, and then select Current Entry.

    IN Macro directory select RequeryRecords. If the field Expression= leave empty, no additional filters will be applied to the results, and if you leave the field empty Sort order=, no sorting will be applied.

    Save the form.

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The 1C:Enterprise platform allows you to programmatically add and change elements controlled form. Let's figure out why this might be needed.

Software modification of the form may be required in several cases:

  • When finalizing standard configurations to facilitate the subsequent update procedure. In this case, only the form module will be changed. Modules are much easier to update than forms.
  • When implementing some general algorithms. For example, in the “Prohibition of editing object details” subsystem, for all objects connected to the subsystem, software creation buttons to enable the ability to edit details.
  • When implementing some specific algorithms. For example, in the Nomenclature directory, fields are created for editing additional details.

In a managed form, you can programmatically add, change, and delete:

  • requisites;
  • local teams;
  • elements.

All of these operations are possible only on the server.

Programmatic reshaping has limitations:

  • You can only delete programmatically added details/commands/elements. You cannot programmatically delete objects created in the configurator.
  • You cannot assign an attribute as the main one.

Changing form commands

To manage the composition of commands for an object ManagedForm there is a collection Teams

    Add (< ИмяКоманды >)

    Quantity ()

    Find (< ИмяКоманды >)

    Delete (< Команда >)

The Teams collection is available on both the client and server. You can change the collection (Add() and Delete() methods) only on the server. You can search for and get the number of elements (the Find () and Count () methods) both on the client and on the server.

As an example of working with form commands, let's create new team Change History with the title “Change History...”, which will call the handler DisplayHistory(). Creation occurs when the form is opened.

&On server
Procedure WhenCreatingOnServer(Failure, StandardProcessing)
Team = Teams. Add( "History of Changes");
Team . Action = ;
Team . Title = "History of changes...";
End of Procedure
Procedure Connectable_DisplayHistory(Command)
// command actions
End of Procedure

The command handler must be located on a form and have a &OnClient compilation directive.

Changing form details

Reading the composition of the form details is performed by the function Get Details(< Путь >) returning an array of type FormAttributes. The function parameter specifies the path to the parent attribute (as a string). If the parameter is omitted or an empty string is specified, the top-level details are returned.

Changing the details is done using the method Change Details(<Added details>, <Removable Details>) object ManagedForm. To parameters Added details And Removable Details Arrays with elements of the Form Attributes type are transmitted.


The process of changing the composition of details is quite resource-intensive. The form is actually being recreated. In this regard, work with form details is performed in batch mode.

Let's create a new form attribute with the name Buyer:

AddedDetails = New Array;
Added Details. Add(New Form Attributes(“Buyer”, New Type Description (“Directory Link. Counterparties”), “Client”));

// Changes in the composition of details

Changing form elements

To control the composition of elements of an object ManagedForm there is a collection Elements. The collection has several methods:

    Insert (< Имя>, < ТипЭлемента>, < Родитель>, < Элемент >)

    Add (< Имя>, < ТипЭлемента>, < Родитель >)

    Quantity ()

    Find (< Имя >)

    Move(< Элемент>, < Родитель>, < МестоРасположения >)

    Delete (< Элемент >)

The Items collection is available on both the client and server. Modify a collection (Insert methods () , Add () , Move () and Delete () ) are only available on the server. You can search for and get the number of elements (the Find () and Count () methods) both on the client and on the server. Collection elements can be:

  • FormGroup;
  • FormTable;
  • FormField;
  • Form Button.

You can programmatically assign event handlers to form elements. The method is intended for these purposes SetAction(< ИмяСобытия>, < Действие >) .

Let's look at some of the most common examples of working with commands, details, and form elements.

Adding a command and its associated button:

// Create a command
Team = Teams. Add( "History of Changes");
Team . Action = "Plug-in_DisplayHistory"; // The form must contain a procedure with the specified name
Team . Heading = "History of changes...";
// Create a button and associate it with a command
Element = Items. Add( "History of Changes", Type("FormButton" ));
Element.CommandName = "History of Changes";

Adding an attribute and the associated input field:

// Description of the added details
AddedDetails = New Array;
Added Details. Add(New Form Props (“Buyer”, New Type Description ( "DirectoryLink. Counterparties"), "Client" ));
// Changing the composition of details
ChangeDetails(Added Details);
// Creating an input field and connecting with attributes
Element = Items. Add("Buyer" , Type("FormField" ));
Element . View = FormFieldView. Entry field;
Element . PathToData= "Buyer" ;

Assigning an event handler to a form element:

ItemCustomer. SetAction("When it changes" , "Connected_BuyerOnChange");

Procedure Connected_BuyerOnChange(Element)
// Event actions
End of Procedure


Procedures that are set as event handlers from code using the method SetAction(), it is recommended to set the prefix Connectable_.


You can download the processing with examples of programmatic searching and changing details, commands and elements of a managed form.