30 professions. The most popular and highly paid professions in Russia. Education workers

Despite the fact that the unemployment rate in Russia has decreased slightly over the past few years, large-scale optimization in the government and production spheres creates the preconditions for an increase in the indicator. Therefore, the question: which professions will be most in demand in 2018 is now relevant. School graduates who choose their specialty study the ratings especially scrupulously.

Statistics from the Ministry of Labor

Those for whom official employment, payment of all compensation and provision of benefits provided by law are important, should pay attention to the statistics of state employment centers. Depending on the region, the first places may change, but in general the list of specialties with the highest a large number of unfilled vacancies is quite monotonous and will not undergo significant changes in 2018.

What Russia lacks most in 2018 is:

  • builders;
  • drivers;
  • doctors various directions;
  • teachers;
  • engineers
  • qualified locksmiths and mechanics.

Most often, employers are looking for unskilled workers: security guards, elevator operators, cleaners, watchmen. That is, if they wish, even people who do not have a specialty can earn money.

But still, the most in-demand professions in 2018 require graduation from an institute, or at least a technical school. You can safely obtain a doctor’s or teacher’s diploma, since these areas will allow you to receive a stable (albeit small) income for many years.

Advice! If it is not possible to graduate from college, then you can get a secondary specialized education. There are not enough nurses and construction workers with a certain specialization (roofers, reinforcement workers, concrete workers) on the labor market.

It should be taken into account that trends in the labor market are constantly changing. The popularity of certain specialties can suddenly increase and just as quickly, within 3-5 years, lose their relevance. Before making a decision, we advise you to analyze not only the labor market, but also the general trends in economic development.

What specialists will be in demand according to the largest job aggregators?

Due to the fact that state-owned enterprises generally do not use private sites to find employees, and private employers are less likely to post vacancies for low-skilled workers, the unofficial list of in-demand occupations for 2018 is slightly different.

The leading categories in terms of the number of unfilled vacancies are:

  1. Sales (sales managers, distributors and sales representatives required);
  2. IT technologies (enterprises especially urgently need programmers);
  3. Accounting and accounting (they are looking for simple accountants and financial analysts).

Recruiters note the high demand for engineers and technologists. Moreover, technical specialists are required in literally all areas: from agriculture to pharmaceuticals. Builders were also included in the rating. But if they are looking for construction workers through employment centers, then requests for management personnel predominate on the sites. Employers are looking for managers with a construction specialty.

As for working professions, on the websites you can find current vacancies with a level wages tens of times higher than what is offered by state employment centers. The fact is that employers put forward high demands to applicants. To earn 60-70 thousand rubles (as opposed to 15-20 thousand offered state enterprises), an ordinary worker must find an approach to clients, independently communicate with suppliers and contractors, and be able to read drawings. And this is not counting practical skills in working with specialized tools and equipment.

What professions are recognized as the highest paid in 2018?

No matter how in demand the specialty of builders is, everyone knows that the biggest money can be earned in other areas. The highest paid professions are concentrated in the IT industry. When reading the list, you need to take into account that the proposed fixed salaries are indicated, otherwise sales managers would be in the lead (at a small rate, employers promise stunning percentages on each transaction).

IT specialist

Dozens of new devices developed within the country will enter the Russian market in 2018. Due to the rejection of foreign experience, employers are already actively looking for their own, “full-time” programmers. Key skills: JavaScript, CSS, JMS, and XML will allow you to earn 80-100 thousand rubles monthly. But the ability to develop multi-threaded and high-load applications, independently analyze and correct errors (your own and others), and coordinate a team of specialists will bring up to 300,000 rubles per month.


Despite the fact that the market is already oversaturated with representatives of legal specialties, the level of offered salaries does not decrease from year to year. The legal profession offers hundreds of career options, from ordinary legal counsel to representation in international courts. The final salary level depends on the geographic location of the employer, the experience of the applicant, and even the presence of connections. Chief lawyers and heads of departments involved in earning the most legal issues. The formula is simple: the larger the corporation, the higher the salary. In Moscow, the average monthly salary of a manager senior management can reach 300,000 rubles.


Previously, the work of a cook was classified as a work activity and was poorly paid. But along with the development of the leisure and entertainment industry, I had to admit that the chef is promising profession. In order to take the position of a chef in a prestigious restaurant and earn 200-250 thousand rubles, in addition to preparing haute cuisine, you need to be able to:

  • establish and support the normal functioning of the team;
  • calculate the cost of food:
  • develop technological maps;
  • control the quality of dishes;
  • work with customer complaints.

In addition to high pay, a pleasant bonus of this profession is the opportunity to eat right at work, as well as constantly improve your qualifications at the expense of the employer.

Aircraft commander

The demand for this profession is not too high. There are far more flight school graduates than there are available vacancies. To become an aircraft commander and earn about 250,000 rubles, you will have to graduate from a university, spend about 10 years flying 3000-4000 hours and get everything necessary permissions, certificates and certificates. The advantage of the profession is the opportunity to see literally the whole world. And if you wish, you can try to find a job outside of Russia, with a minimum salary of 400-450 thousand rubles.


The most highly paid specialists design work in the oil and gas industry gas industry. Despite the rapid decline in oil prices, demand for people with design skills is predicted to increase in 2018. Managers earn the most design departments(about 200,000 rubles). At the start of their careers, graduates of technical universities are offered 40-50 thousand rubles. However, most orders can be completed at home.

It must be remembered that highly paid professions in Russia are not always the most in demand. When entering a university, it is better to be guided by your own preferences and interests.

Good afternoon Today we want to talk about the most popular and highly paid Internet professions.

Many people, thinking about remote work via the Internet, do not know what profession there is. The main criteria are usually the level of income, duration of training and complexity of the work itself. And below I propose to get acquainted with the 10 highest paid and in-demand professions in freelancing. We will talk about how long it will take to study, how much specialists earn and what prospects there are within the profession. And I hope this information will help you make a decision.


The programmer profession is still the most highly paid both in Russia and abroad. IT specialists are highly valued today; finding a job is almost easy.

Very often, American and European companies are looking for good IT specialists in Russia. In this case, it becomes possible to work abroad and for a lot of money, the specialist is issued a work visa and is provided with housing.

60-120 thousand rubles, depends on the specialty

Duration of training: specialized education is welcome, the profession is difficult, and it takes a long time to study.

Prospects: not limited. As work experience increases, opportunities in the profession also increase - from increasing salaries and working for large companies to working abroad (in Europe and America).


It is also a very popular profession with a large number of directions, prospects and earning opportunities.

The profession is divided into many specializations. In the field of website creation alone, there are many different areas: landing pages, blogs, websites for companies, etc. And in each such direction there will always be specialists who work only within the framework of their specialization.

Average salary per month of work: 30-40 thousand rubles.

When choosing a profession, you must also remember that it is not the place that makes the person, but the person that makes the place. Do not forget that the profession must correspond to one’s abilities and bring moral satisfaction.

The prestige of a profession is determined not only by high income and social status, but also by such indicators as stability, prospects career growth, demand in the distant future.

TOP 10 most prestigious professions in Russia:

  1. Programmers, IT technology specialists. Specialists in this field are in high demand at present, and their work is well paid. The rapid development of IT technologies in Russia implies a constant demand for the profession for many years to come.
  2. Entrepreneurs, businessmen. Private business if you have commercial abilities, it can bring high incomes. An additional advantage is independence from the employer.
  3. A top manager is the face of the company, a senior executive, which is prestigious in itself. And it is paid accordingly. In addition to professional skills and specific knowledge in their industry, a top manager must have creative and flexible thinking, high analytical skills, and constantly learn new things. Moreover, at different periods of the company’s activity, various qualities are required from a top manager: at the start-up stage, he must prove himself to be a bright leader and a successful entrepreneur; in his heyday - a far-sighted strategist; at the time of crisis - an experienced anti-crisis manager.
  4. Lawyers, advocates. The majority of the population of Russia is legally illiterate, and jurisprudence is cumbersome, so lawyers will be in constant demand. Civil lawyers are the most in demand and highly paid at all times.
  5. Doctors. The profession is considered the most noble and prestigious in the whole world, but not very highly paid in Russia. The highest salary for doctors in Kamchatka.
  6. Pilots and astronauts. These professions are not only prestigious, but respected, romantic and highly paid in any region of Russia.
  7. Creative professions (designers, artists) are prestigious in the sense of respect and recognition. It all depends on talent, determination, and luck. As they rightly say about creative professions: “The first half of a person’s life works for the name, the second half the name works for the person.”
  8. Engineers. The prestige of this profession increases during the period of industrial development, but from a material point of view it is not the most profitable profession in Russia.
  9. Bankers. All professions associated with finance are initially prestigious. Being a banker was considered prestigious at all times. It all depends on the size of the bank, position held, region, etc. Recently, it has been more prestigious to work in a state-owned bank than in a private one.
  10. Economists. The prestige of the profession also depends on the place of work, position, and region. But what is certain is that this profession is universal and in demand in any social system, in any industry. national economy and at all levels.

When choosing a profession, you must also remember that it is not the place that makes the person, but the person that makes the place. Do not forget that the profession must correspond to one’s abilities and bring moral satisfaction. You can understand your predisposition to a certain profession at a career counseling consultation at the Elmira Davydova Center.

The most prestigious professions in the world

  1. Nanotechnologies. Specialists in this field will be constantly in demand in the future. Because the industry is the most relevant state program in developed countries of the world and well funded, high pay The labor of nanotechnologists is guaranteed for many years to come.
  2. IT specialists. This profession has been on the list of prestigious ones for many years, and in the future it is also expected to be in high demand and decent pay due to the fact that IT technology specialists ensure the functioning of almost all processes of the modern world.
  3. Biotechnologists - the profession of the future in agriculture, healthcare and food industry. As a government program that is set to undergo rapid development, biotechnology is adequately funded. It is very prestigious to be a scientist or practitioner in this field.
  4. Environmentalists. Pollution problem environment It only gets worse over time. Therefore, ecologists will always be in demand not only for the purpose of cleaning the environment, but also for the development of new environmentally friendly technologies and production.
  5. Marketers. The modern world is oversaturated with goods and service offerings. It is impossible to do without marketers in selling them and producing new ones that consumers need.
  6. Doctors of various specializations: anesthesiologists, surgeons, psychiatrists, therapists, dentists. Health is the main thing that people value and what they do not skimp on. And good doctors enjoy well-deserved respect.
  7. Technical and executive directors in various industries. Creating a new competitive product or new technologies requires the ability to work with large amounts of information and coordinate the work of many hundreds of people. Such work is within the power of extraordinary individuals.
  8. Lawyers. In all countries of the world, legal professionals have a prestigious status. After all, even in the age of Internet technology, when books on legislation are available to anyone, not everyone can understand their cumbersome intricacies.
  9. Pilots. Airline passengers initially respect the professionals they trust with their lives. A modern aircraft is a super-complex machine, the control of which requires serious technical knowledge, excellent physical fitness, psychological stability, and the ability to quickly make responsible decisions.
  10. A financial market analyst is a specialist who has information about price fluctuations and the relationship between supply and demand in the market. He can give competent advice on transactions in financial markets and a forecast for the future.

Choosing a profession is a difficult matter. After all, what a person’s future will be like depends on the decision made. Therefore, for most people, such a choice is very difficult, especially given the frequent changes in the labor market. And in order to make this process a little easier, let's look at the most prestigious professions, according to Russians. At the same time, we will not focus only on the positive aspects, but will also discuss all the pitfalls that can be expected along the way.

Choosing a profession

If in the old days Russian rating professions were very different from foreign ones, today everything has changed dramatically. The reason for this is the ubiquitous progress, which equalizes all countries of the world. In addition, this means that the top professions in Russia will not change much in the near future.

It follows from this that, having mastered one of the following specialties, a person can be calm about his future. After all, having the necessary skills, he will be in demand both at home and abroad. So, let's list the most prestigious professions in Russia.

No. 1. Banker

Even in Soviet times, many considered working in a bank to be very prestigious. After perestroika, not much has changed - most people still respect bankers. In addition, bank employees receive a good salary, which is a constant advantage of this profession.

However, there are also disadvantages. In particular, the concept of “banker” is very vague, and not everyone is aware of the fact that it is equally applies to both the head of a financial institution and a simple clerk. And often a person has to go through seven circles of hell before he can get to the top of the career ladder.

No. 2. Medic

A very prestigious job. The doctor was always respected. And what’s surprising here, because until humanity overcomes all diseases, health workers will be relevant. The obvious benefits include a good salary, useful connections and the opportunity to help people. In addition, good specialists can get a job in a private clinic, which will further increase their monthly income.

But you should remember that doctors have the longest training period. Also, these specialists are always responsible for human life, which in itself is a great test.

No. 3. Entrepreneur

When discussing the most prestigious professions in Russia, one cannot ignore entrepreneurs. Today this type of activity is very popular. Almost every second Russian has thought about opening his own business at least once in his life.
Unfortunately, the reality is that only a few become successful entrepreneurs. And in the future, no one will be able to guarantee that the business will not “burn out.”

No. 4. Programmer

More recently, Russia lagged far behind the rest of the world in the field of IT technologies. However, today things are completely different: only after last year The demand for programmers has increased two and a half times. And this trend will continue in the future, because the Russian market has just begun to develop, which means that the technical boom is still ahead.

Among the disadvantages, the difficulty of learning should be noted. Thus, a specialist needs to master not only the basic programming languages, but also learn mind-blowing control. After all, in order to bring a program to its successful release, it is necessary to tirelessly search for and correct errors in the embedded code for several months on end.

No. 5. Lawyer

Legal experts never sit idle. For example, lawyers are always able to provide themselves and their families not only with material benefits, but also with significant legal protection. The same can be said about other areas of this profession: notaries, prosecutors, judges, legal consultants, and so on.

However, you should understand that there is very tough competition in this area. Because of this, what kind of lawyer plays a big role in the future of a lawyer. educational institution he graduated and who was his mentor.

No. 6. Marketer

Considering the most prestigious professions in the world, you constantly come across one fact: marketer is popular in all corners of the planet today. This is due to the fact that entrepreneurs have finally realized how important advertising is in attracting new customers. Therefore in all large companies have their own departments dealing with marketing strategies. As for small businesses, they very often resort to the services of advertising agencies.

But, again, a good marketer must have a keen sense of all the needs of customers, and not everyone can learn this. In addition, any failure affects not only the specialist’s reputation, but also the organization where he works.

No. 7. Engineer

Today Russian market there is an acute shortage of competent engineers. It just so happens that every year fewer and fewer students enroll in technical faculties. On the one hand, this has a bad effect on the overall development of industry in the country, and on the other hand, it forces employers to increase the salaries of engineers so that they do not go to competitors.

Oddly enough, this profession has the fewest disadvantages. One should only remember that studying at engineering and technical faculties requires complete dedication. After all, this is the only way to master all the material that will allow you to become an excellent specialist in the future.

While still studying in the 11th grade, most students and their parents are puzzled by which educational institution to enroll in and what profession to choose in the future. Therefore, one of the most pressing questions at this time is this: name the most in-demand professions in the world. "Why in the world?" – you ask. Answer: because some students go to study abroad, where they will work in the future.

In general, a certain list of professions is in demand in all countries, capitals, large cities, and villages. Here another problem arises: in large cities there are more chances to get a promising position than in small ones, since one workplace Dozens of people can apply. In any case, you need to choose the ones that are in demand highly paid specialties, let’s look at each of them in more detail.

Top popular specialties

The most popular professions can be divided into 2 lists. The first list contains those professions that are popular in the labor market; the second list contains professions that are popular among young people, students and people without work experience.

List of in-demand professions on the labor market:

  • lawyers,
  • drivers,
  • managers or sales specialists,
  • programmers,
  • designers,
  • administrators,
  • engineers,
  • specialists in wholesale intercity purchases,
  • bankers,
  • lawyers,
  • financial analyst,
  • installers,
  • accountant,
  • doctors,
  • auditors,
  • pharmacists.

To go to work in one profession from the list, you need to have a secondary specialized education or higher education. Also, such work requires constant retraining and raising the level of qualifications.

Questions: what should those who do not have higher or secondary education, or those who do not want to work in their specialty, what should students do? What professions are suitable in such cases? – Here is a list of professions used both for part-time work and for starting a career:

  • consultants,
  • promoters,
  • freelancers,
  • interviewers,
  • operators for cold or hot calls in Call centers,
  • waiters or bartenders,
  • couriers,
  • movers.

Interesting: now many people can make money from their hobby, it could be sewing, knitting, or interior decoration. Also one of the highly paid professions is the path of a photographer. This business can be done both for big money and for pleasure. In any case, such work will generate income. Creative and equally popular professions include: image maker, stylists, television producers, animators, designers and others. In the future, professions related to nanotechnology may become popular.

Now there are more than 500 specialties on the labor market, of which only about 50 are in demand. You should choose a profession based on your abilities and what you like best. Because there will be no particular desire to go to a job you don’t like. Nowadays it is popular to choose universal professions that will not cause problems with employment in the future. It's better if future specialty will not be tied to a locality or a specific industry, and if you move to another country, you will be able to find a high-paying job. What professions are classified as such?

Economic branch

Now this type profession is one of the most popular and highly paid. An economist is prestigious and relevant. After demobilization at the Faculty of Economics, you, an inexperienced specialist, of course, will not be assigned to high position, so in the first stages it will be necessary to work as assistants. But once you gain experience, you can already think about promotion. Economic education is one of the universal ones; it allows you to get a job even on the ISS (as a manager or accountant for astronauts). What specialties provide economic education?

The choice is wide, it could be:

  • bankers,
  • businessmen,
  • accountant,
  • marketers,
  • sales managers,
  • realtors, financiers,
  • commodity experts,
  • auditors,
  • experts and others.

The list goes on and on, if your favorite subject is mathematics, you are good with thinking - this industry is for you.


An ecologist studies the state external environment, water, earth. Analyzes and controls the level of contamination. What are the prospects for an ecologist? Even very big ones. This profession is common in large cities, where no construction is completed without inspection by an environmental authority. When constructing houses, plants, factories, if it is necessary to lay a road, an environmentalist’s opinion is required everywhere. If you are interested in protecting grasshoppers and bunnies, then you should enroll in the Faculty of Ecology, Biology or Chemistry.

Landscape designer

This profession is suitable if you are going to live in a large city, because in small town You can't find a job in this profession. Landscape designers are a kind of artists who paint using the colors of nature. Where can I work? – This could be the design of parks, country houses and residences. If you like to draw and fantasize, you can safely go to the faculties of architecture, construction or art.

HR managers

The profession involves recruiting personnel. When companies submit a search request the right specialist– the manager is looking for a suitable person, luring him from other companies. Such the job will do people who know how to communicate with people, have knowledge of special psychological techniques. What courses do I need to take? – You can complete a specialized club or enter the faculty of management or psychology.

Image maker

An image maker is a stylist who is able to visually change a person with the help of clothes. To become a specialist in your field, you need to have excellent taste and understand fashion. This profession is taught at the faculties of art and design.


Biotechnologists work in the medical and industrial fields. Using components of living organisms, they create genes, proteins and other chimeras, thereby obtaining completely new organisms and products. Nowadays, to work in this field, a chemical or biological background is required.

So, no matter what profession you choose, it is worth remembering that top-level specialists are required everywhere, and if you are a master of your craft, the demand on the labor market should not worry you. The main thing is that the work brings not only money, but also joy.