Adaptation of a new employee to the organization. improving middle management culture

So, after a long search, you have found your dream job and are ready to start it. In the modern world, especially in megacities, the pace of life is very high and the competition is sometimes colossal, but we devote at least a third of our day to work, if not more. And it is very important that there is mutual understanding and psychological comfort in communication with colleagues. Otherwise, even the most interesting activity can turn into torture.

Every organization and company has its own rules and principles, however, there are universal recommendations aimed at speeding up and making the adaptation process for a newcomer smooth and as painless as possible.

10 rules for adapting to a new team:

1. Carefully familiarize yourself with the work, your responsibilities and tasks. Timely clarification of your tasks and criteria for evaluating the work performed is the key to avoiding annoying misunderstandings. It is also important to know what management pays special attention to: how much work is being done, or five-minute delays. But the most important thing is your attitude to work, professionalism, diligence and competence.

2. Create a positive first impression. Of course, the employer’s very first impression of a potential employee is created during the interview. When meeting new colleagues, you need to introduce yourself briefly and in a friendly manner and ask to be briefed on basic matters.

3. Take the first step towards. An excellent reason to see colleagues in an informal setting is to invite them to a cafe on an opportunity (birthday, anniversary, name day) or organize a small buffet at work.

4. Maintain smooth relations with everyone. The new team is the same ordinary people, each with its own character. It is better to behave politely and correctly with everyone, and not to demonstratively emphasize your superiority in anything. If you are asked for help, do not refuse.

5. Do not reveal personal information about yourself. The employer already knows the most basic things, and tactless questions from colleagues can always be answered with a harmless joke. After all, unnecessary words spoken can turn against you. The same applies to detailed stories about the procedures and rules at the previous place of work.

6. Ask questions about work. If something is not clear while working, it is better to find out from a colleague who is teaching you or your immediate superior than to correct mistakes later. As they say: it’s not a shame not to know, it’s a shame not to want to learn.

7. Don't take advice as criticism. It is better to thank for the advice and ask clarifying questions.

8. Express your point of view clearly, competently, well-reasoned, and most importantly - on time. After all, you, as a full member of the team, have the right to your opinion, and the ability to diplomatically defend it will earn respect from your colleagues.

9. Dress appropriately, according to the place of work and the accepted dress code. Everyone knows that “you meet people by their clothes,” and it’s good if the company is loyal in its views on clothing style. But it also happens that minor deviations from the strict dress code cause a lot of trouble and problems for the offender. Is it worth the risk?

10. Make yourself respected. The ability to tactfully stop attempts to impose other people's responsibilities on you will help you avoid many additional tasks and assignments that are not part of your immediate functions (for example, you can offer to divide assignments between several people, draw up a duty schedule, etc.).

And don’t forget about the main thing: friendliness, willingness to learn and accept criticism, patience, tact and a sense of humor - these are the “pillars” on which relationships in any team are built.

Information taken from the Internet

Habits of successful people: how to end the work day correctly

Successful people know how to “switch off” from unnecessary thoughts, because this can jeopardize their productivity. They also invariably take a few minutes a day to meditate and connect with their inner selves.

How to make any job not boring

It is known that any work is done well when the performer likes it. But life is rich in many different jobs that a person must do. This work needs to be done, but the performer does not like it. How to force yourself to do this job well? How to make this work not burdensome? How to ensure that good mood did not leave the performer during such work?

Let's imagine a technology for motivating the performance of any work. Solving problems is always required, but does not always cause positive emotions.

First, you need to imagine a situation where only you can do such work. She is long-awaited for you. You've been waiting for a job where you can take your mind off other things and have fun, show off your abilities and help your family. Great expectations are placed on you. If you don't do this, it will be much worse for everyone. But if you allow yourself to hate this work, then you will constantly put it off, and it will never be done.

Secondly, make it your goal to learn, to acquire new knowledge while doing this work. When learning is an end in itself, motivation to achieve this goal appears. You will find that the more you learn, the more you realize how little you know. It's an amazing paradox, but it can stimulate you to learn even more.

Third, get into the habit of asking questions about the job. You will find that the people whose work you do, or at whose request you do it, treat you well. Your interest will always be positively appreciated by them.

Fourth, develop skills and think critically about what is happening. Try to get more information that you were given before work. The more you know about the work presented to you, the more interesting you will be to others. It will be easier for you, for example, to navigate in any learning situation if you are a student.

Fifthly, the ability to read quickly is important, which allows you to make decisions more confidently. The point is that in competitive environment in the modern world, only those who have the appropriate information can be successful. This is on the one hand, but on the other hand, information develops think tanks, thinking. A person becomes smarter and, as a result, more competitive and successful.

Sixth, the acquired information should not be reduced only to facts, but to a system of relationships between them. Specific facts are good for quizzes and puzzles, but the interconnection of facts leads to the essence of ideas, phenomena, and knowledge.

Seventh, when carrying out any work, you need a plan (strategy, idea) that will not allow your activities to lead to fuss and disorderly actions. A plan (strategy, idea) will keep you on track and give you the opportunity to remember additional important things that will help you see those steps to finally finish the job you started. This will make you more confident and decisive in your actions until the end of the work. If there is no such idea (plan), then this can only lead to disappointment.

If you take these rules into account, you will see that your work will no longer be mundane and boring.

Low self-esteem: causes, consequences, ways to combat it

Low self-esteem is a phenomenon in which a person unconsciously underestimates his own importance in society, does not respect himself and treats himself worse than necessary. Nowadays, low self-esteem is quite common. This is an extremely negative phenomenon in society, leading to serious consequences.

Self-control: it turns out you can learn it!

Self-control is a mechanism we use to get what we want, but it helps us wait it out and not do impulsive things if the wait is worth it.

20 rules for a happy and successful life

Thanks to these rules, you will radically change your life and everything that surrounds you. There will be even more harmony, love, beauty and prosperity in your world.

1. Start every morning with gratitude for all the good things. Let vibrations of happiness and abundance emanate from your heart.

2. Try to get up as early as possible. Start each new day with pleasant thoughts.

3. Replace coffee with good herbal tea.

4. Try a contrast shower. It will strengthen your immunity, improve blood circulation, as well as skin condition.

5. Don't be afraid to set big goals.

6. Get rid of grudges. Forgive your friends and enemies. Try to see only the good in others.
7. Try to go for walks fresh air at least 30 minutes a day, or even better a whole hour or even two.

8. Avoid negative people who constantly complain about life. Surround yourself with strong, successful and purposeful people. Such people will constantly contribute to your realization.

9. Play sports. Keep your body in good shape.

10. Find yourself a mentor who has already achieved what you are striving for. Listen carefully to his advice and then you will come to success much faster.

11. If you are plagued by stress, then learn to relax and breathe deeply.

12. Never be afraid of any obstacles. Think about your goal and boldly go towards it.

13. Eat right. Avoid fast foods and carbonated drinks. The better your physical health and energy level, the more benefit you will bring to others.
14. Practice meditation. By practicing meditation, you will learn to hear yourself, your inner voice, which, as you know, constantly tells us the right path to success and prosperity.

15. Avoid gossip and empty talk. They only ruin our lives.

17. Devote time to self-development. Read as many smart books as possible, and also attend various seminars and trainings.

18. Learn to think creatively. Remember that everything happens only for the better. Enjoy every moment of this life and then you will always be surrounded by beauty and happiness.

19. Try to identify a few top priority things in your life and give them special attention.

20. Smile as often as possible! Become an optimistic person. Appreciate those around you and never forget that you are the most important miracle in the Universe!

Reading time: 9 minutes. Views 3.8k. Published 11/20/2019

Every organization faces staff turnover. A new employee is only part of the work process. But it is important that he quickly joins the organization’s team. His ability to work and the operation of the enterprise as a whole will largely depend on this.

What's happened personnel adaptation

For the first time, adaptation began to be mentioned as the adaptation of the body to the outside world. The term was used exclusively in physiology. Today, the issue of adaptation is approached much more broadly. Any change in life is accompanied by leaving your comfort zone. Each person needs to readjust, get used to, accept the new rules of the game, in other words, undergo adaptation. This has a direct impact on professional activity each employee, his efficiency, as well as his psychological attitude. Fear, apprehension, and uncertainty only make the situation worse. Adaptation of personnel in the organization helps to cope with all this competently.

This is a whole system of various activities that are aimed at ensuring that the employee adapts to new working conditions, working in a close-knit team of the organization faster and easier, and can perform his duties as efficiently as possible. With proper adaptation, this can be achieved much faster.

Why in organizations use the system personnel adaptation

When joining a well-coordinated team, a new employee often faces stress caused by everything new, from the environment and communication to working conditions and tasks performed.

If the employee is not helped to undergo adaptation at this time, he may not focus on new responsibilities and perform them efficiently, but will be forced to independently get used to the new environment, establish contacts with the organization’s team, and cope with stress. This will have a negative impact on him labor activity, and threatens losses for the entire company. Therefore, many organizations are implementing a personnel adaptation system. Following a clear scheme, the employee fully adapts within a couple of weeks after taking on a new position, thanks to which he will be able to perform his functions as efficiently as possible.

In general, adaptation measures are beneficial to the employer for the following reasons:

  1. The time it takes a new employee to get used to their functional responsibilities is significantly reduced, and staff can quickly reach the required professional level. Due to this, overall productivity increases.
  2. The likelihood of serious problems arising from the mistakes of young professionals who have just started working is minimized.
  3. Experienced specialists do not need to look after newcomers for a long time; they can fully perform their professional duties.

Using proper adaptation, you can significantly reduce staff turnover.

It is also beneficial for the employees of the organization to undergo personnel adaptation. The developed methodology allows you not only to quickly get used to a new place, but also to gain the necessary knowledge and skills. Having gotten rid of anxiety and feeling the support of the company, each specialist will be convinced of his capabilities and will be able to better perform his duties to achieve common goals.

System objectives personnel adaptation

If you properly train your staff during the adaptation period, you can achieve the following goals:

  1. Reduce newcomer anxiety, lack of confidence own strength. It is important for a new employee to receive psychological support. This way he feels more confident and the risk of mistakes is reduced. The specialist begins to better navigate non-standard situations.
  2. Reduce initial costs. If new staff experiencing some difficulties in joining the team, this has a negative impact on productivity, the company’s income is falling. Having successfully completed the adaptation, the employee will be able to understand and accept the standards faster work, increasing the efficiency of your work.
  3. Reduce staff turnover. At any enterprise, staff turnover is an inevitable process. Some people mistakenly believe that if it is not middle managers who quit en masse senior management, but ordinary workers, there is nothing critical in the situation. If you approach the selection wisely and assign each specialist to his place, you can significantly increase the efficiency of each individual employee and the company as a whole. If specialists and managers stop leaving the enterprise and continue to perform their functions stably, there will be no need to constantly spend time training new employees. With proper staff adaptation, this is easy to achieve.
  4. Save time for experienced specialists. The longer a newcomer stays at the “trainee” stage, is afraid of serious work, and completes all the tasks assigned to him, the longer his colleagues and immediate supervisor will help him do his own work.

It is also important to provide the newcomer positive attitude. He should get a feeling of satisfaction from his own work. It is also important that every employee perceives the company positively and is loyal to it. If you correctly implement an employee adaptation system, a person will initial stage will already understand how he will get accustomed to the team, how the adaptation process as a whole will occur. If adaptation is carried out correctly, the employee and the company will be able to adapt to each other as much as possible. This will help each employee show excellent professional results.

Varieties and methods personnel adaptation

It is customary to distinguish the following types of adaptation:

  • professional - a beginner gets used to it, applies his knowledge according to new tasks;
  • production - focusing directly on its new workplace, the employee gets used to new norms and rules, gets acquainted with documentation, regulations, working tools and mechanisms, and other production factors;
  • social – in any new team you need to learn how to interact correctly with other team members, to become “one of our own”;
  • psychophysiological – mastering a new regime, work schedule, special clothing, etc.;
  • financial - here you need to take into account both new sources and factors of income, as well as emerging expenses (for example, travel costs).

Each type of adaptation can be used separately or in combination. There is also another classification of personnel adaptation in an organization - primary and secondary. The first type is used when a young specialist takes up his duties without any professional experience, and the second type is used when a new employee changes jobs and/or profession.

The adaptation system has not only types, but also several methods. Each of them is considered effective, but they give maximum results when combined.

When introducing personnel adaptation at an enterprise, you can use the following methods:

  1. Mentoring. An experienced employee helps a newcomer join the team, brings him up to date with everything, and advises him at the initial stages of work.
  2. Conversation. The manager, HR manager and other specialists, if necessary, conduct a personal conversation with the new employee, answer the newcomer’s questions, and dispel his possible doubts.
  3. Introductory tour. The newcomer is shown the territory of the enterprise, all its structural divisions, introduced to the employees, and briefly told the history of the company and its corporate culture.
  4. Questioning. After completion of the adaptation period and probationary period, the newcomer is given a questionnaire to fill out, which allows him to receive feedback and improve the system in the future.
  5. Trainings and seminars. They are carried out to develop certain skills in a specialist. For example, public speaking, developing stress resistance, resolving conflict situations, and others.
  6. Other methods. This can also include staff training, testing, certification, corporate events, etc.

It is also important to monitor individual communication between the newcomer and the manager. A specialist should always know what his boss thinks about his work. It is important that communication in this case works in two directions. The employee, for his part, must respond correctly to comments, listen to them, and not be afraid to ask clarifying questions.

Stages onboarding a new employee

The adaptation system at each enterprise includes several stages. The first step is to assess how well the new specialist is prepared in professionally, find out whether he has worked in this field before, whether he is familiar with the requirements and specifics of the work process, and whether he understands the labor organization scheme that is used specifically in this company. This will allow us to imagine the real timing of the adaptation period and develop an appropriate plan.

The next stage of the adaptation period is general orientation. The employee needs to be introduced to the current procedure, the history of the company, its traditions, corporate ethics and rules. If possible, it is recommended to introduce the newcomer to the team in an informal setting. Finish this stage required no later than the employee’s first week at the new place of work.

The next step is actionable orientation. It's time to put the acquired knowledge into practice. The newcomer joins the work and active life of the team. To know for sure whether he understood and remembered everything correctly, and whether he is successfully applying it in practice, he receives feedback from a specialist. This will also help to understand whether the newcomer has found a common language with colleagues, management, shares the company’s values, etc.

The final stage of the adaptation process is functioning. If any difficulties have been identified for an employee in performing his duties, it is to at this stage They all need to be overcome in order for a beginner to understand the work 100%.

What mistakes does management make during onboarding a new employee

Many managers do not take adaptation seriously, considering some of its steps meaningless or not requiring attention. As a result, all the efforts of the newcomer’s managers and colleagues are nullified. Here are the main errors:

  1. They didn't give us a tour of the office. Some managers may consider this a trifle and assume that someone else will show everything to the newcomer. As a result, the employee feels awkward for a long time, embarrassed to ask where the restroom is or how to get to the break room.
  2. The newcomer was not introduced to his colleagues. Some managers may consider that the employee can introduce himself to the team. At best, this can lead to dry communication at a distance, at worst, to complete ignoring of the newcomer. He will hardly be pleased to work in such conditions.
  3. The newcomer was not prepared with a workplace. When hiring a new employee, it is important to think through everything down to the smallest detail. If a specialist spends his first day of work at the reception, in the canteen, in the office of an employee who is temporarily absent, or in any other place other than his workplace, he may have doubts about whether he is needed here.
  4. The employee was not introduced to the motivation scheme, was not told about possible trainings, the training system, career growth. Arriving at work, a newcomer must immediately understand how much and for what he will be paid, for what violations a certain amount can be deducted from his salary, what bonuses exist, and how to earn them. It is important to tell in time what training events are provided in the company, especially on weekends, so that later this does not become a surprise for the specialist and the reason for his dismissal.
  5. The newcomer was not introduced to the informal traditions in the team. For example, every Monday everyone gets together an hour before the start of the work day and discusses goals for the coming week. If a newcomer misses such meetings, he may be considered arrogant and not accepted into the team.

It also has a bad effect on a newcomer’s work if management overloads him with new information, sets difficult-to-achieve goals, and when there is no feedback between the boss and the employee. A well-built employee adaptation system will help you avoid all these mistakes, recruit a valuable employee into your ranks and help him achieve his best professional results.

The process of onboarding new personnel in a company, unfortunately, continues to be a forgotten “child” for many recruiting managers. Until now, many companies do not pay enough attention to the process of organizing work on personnel adaptation. Some people do not have enough time resources, others do not have money, and at this stage employees leave the company who, due to various shortcomings in the adaptation program, were unable to adapt to the new conditions.

An adaptation period is necessary so that the new employee can quickly adapt to the company, working conditions and team. A properly developed staff adaptation plan will help avoid troubles and surprises, both on the part of the employee and the company. In addition, a well-thought-out adaptation program will help save the company money, because a new employee cannot immediately return the money and time of managers and staff invested in him. In general, it also reduces the feeling of anxiety and uncertainty among newcomers, significantly reduces staff turnover, and creates a positive attitude towards the work process and satisfaction.

Let's consider what stages should be present in the personnel adaptation plan so that this process is as painless as possible for both parties.

It is important to note that, in addition to the HR manager, the immediate head of the department is also involved in the process of adapting a new employee. This option is most effective for companies of up to 30-40 people. If your company is larger in size, then you need to choose a mentor. Since the manager already has enough work, the selected supervisor will help with the adaptation of the new employee. It is important that the customer’s personality meets the following requirements: having more than 3 years of experience in the company, high level professional and communication competencies, as well as the desire of the employee himself to play the role of a mentor. It is important that he not only be able to cope well with his professional tasks, but also be able to teach this to others.

  1. Pre-adaptation period. This stage begins with the actual interview with the candidate. It is then that he receives the very first information about the company. Here it is important to provide it in full and objectively, without holding back anything, as far as the company’s policy allows. As experience shows, the more reliable information a future employee receives at this stage, the easier the adaptation process will be in the future.
  2. Primary stage. It should be done immediately after the decision to hire a candidate has been made. He is sent an employment agreement, in which he must specify in detail all the conditions offered to him and agree on everything in as much detail as possible while still “onshore”. This is necessary to ensure that in the future there are no discrepancies between the candidate and the company in understanding the terms of cooperation. It is also necessary to have a conversation, during which it is necessary to highlight such points as the history of the company, the main stages of its development, the main provisions of the corporate culture, requirements for the company’s employees, the style of clothing that is accepted, the procedure for remuneration and other necessary general information. Such a conversation can be conducted either by the recruiting manager or by the immediate supervisor. If the latter does this, then he also talks about the range of responsibilities and powers, voices the tasks and goals, including those by which the probationary period will be assessed. You definitely need to give the group a tour and show you where the dining room, toilet and other public places are. Also, the future employee gets acquainted with his workplace and introduces himself to the company team. When preparing all documents for employment, the employee must be familiarized not only with the employment contract, but also with the internal regulations of the company, job description and other important documentation.
  3. Effective adaptation. This period is the most important in adaptation. His assessment as a professional will depend on how effectively and timely a person can complete the tasks assigned to him. Usually, at this time, a plan for entering the position is developed, where all the tasks to be completed are spelled out. This could be a study of local and general regulations, job descriptions, familiarization with methodological recommendations and different practical tasks. A separate block specifies the assigned tasks and criteria for assessing their implementation, familiarization with the accountability system and other documentation that the employee will maintain. It is also important that the employee is familiar with the range of services and/or products provided by the company. It is better to monitor the implementation of each stage by employees in order to notice in time if something goes wrong.

An example of what an employee adaptation plan looks like in principle:

  1. Informing the company team about the departure of a new employee before his arrival
  2. Preparation of information for the future employee: prepare all information materials that will be issued to the employee on the first day of work, namely: internal telephone numbers, a list of company landline telephone numbers, passes and parking permits, availability of a PC, telephone, office equipment,

necessary set of stationery and consumables

  1. Introduction to the company, brief information about its position in the market, prospects and development goals, history and procedure for applying for a job (video film screening, presentation, orientation interview, tour of the company office (welcome-book)
  2. Conducting welcome training
  3. Newbie book/brochure distribution
  4. Applying for a job (filling out all necessary documents, writing a job application, signing employment contract, familiarization with the job description and internal regulations)
  5. Introducing a new employee to the company team (oral and/or written presentation)
  6. Familiarization with the structure of the company, its features and corporate values, study of internal standards for conducting correspondence
  7. Familiarization with the payment procedure in the company and additional benefits, if any are provided
  8. Personal acquaintance with the company, introduction to colleagues in the department, showing the main premises of the company
  9. Familiarization with the workplace, studying the software necessary for work, connecting to all communication networks of the company, obtaining all the necessary access and permissions to work on a PC)
  10. Instruction on the rules of using communication means
  11. General safety training
  12. Familiarization with the work schedule

HR Manager

HR Assistant

HR manager

HR employee

Head of department

HR manager

Labor safety department worker

1st week of work

  1. Assignment of a mentor, closer acquaintance with employees with his help
  2. Studying company slang
  3. Familiarization with the functions of the department, its structure, goals and objectives, interaction with other departments of the company
  4. Studying the package of documents required for work
  5. Studying the technology of work according to one’s own duties and responsibilities, describing in detail the current work and expected results
  6. Explore career opportunities
  7. Studying the structure of interaction with other departments
  8. Obtaining employee contacts for interaction
  9. Studying the rules of document management
  10. Drawing up a work plan for this period of work
  11. Studying the criteria by which the implementation of assigned tasks will be assessed
  12. Drawing up a training schedule
  13. Connecting to distance learning courses in the company

Mentor/Head of Unit

1st month of work

  1. Report at the end of the month
  2. Exam on basic knowledge and skills (according to agreed criteria)
  3. Summing up the first month, feedback, evaluation
  4. Activity analysis
  5. Task plan for the remaining probationary period

Mentor/Head of Unit

2-3rd month of work

  1. Performing immediate work tasks
  2. Adjusting the task plan
  3. Activity analysis
  4. Summing up the results of the probationary period
  5. Evaluation of probationary period

Mentor/Head of Unit

After passing the probationary period

  1. Drawing up monthly work plans
  2. Implementation of a plan
  3. On-line plan adjustment

Mentor/Head of Unit

If the adaptation period was successful, the new employee will feel confident and comfortable in the company. It should be remembered that adaptation is a two-way process. Here everything depends on the employee’s desire to work in this company, and it, in turn, should assist him in every possible way in training and support in the person of its employees.

The clearest indicator that the adaptation program is structured properly is that the employee remains with the company for a long time. An alarming signal is the dismissal of an employee before a year. In this case, you should check the adaptation program and the work of the manager in this regard. After all, if an employee does not find support, respect and understanding from the manager and at the same time understands that he can find another job, he is unlikely to stay in this one.

Everyone pours in new team differently. One after three days is already the soul of the company, an informal leader and everyone’s favorite. But this is rare. Usually, for a newcomer, the first time in a new place is stressful. The man doesn’t know anyone and hasn’t gotten into the job yet. Let's figure out together how to help a new employee adapt to the team, understand the peculiarities of the job and become part of the team. Forward!

Working with adaptation consists of two large parts. Part one - help a new employee integrate into the team. Second - get comfortable with professional responsibilities . These parts can and should be combined - everything should happen in parallel. Let's start with socialization.


Rule one - start with yourself

On the first day in a new place invite a person to your place and have a conversation with him. Tell us about the company, its structure, features of the area of ​​​​work. Take him through the departments, show him where and what is located. This is clear to you as a manager and you know where the HR department is, where the accounting department is, and where the restroom is. But for the new guy - no! There is no need for him to waste time looking for the right office - let him better study his job responsibilities.

Rule two - introduce the new employee to the team

As a leader, you should do this too. Let us immediately warn you against a common mistake. Do not use the school format, when a new student is put at the blackboard and told to the whole class: “Meet, this is Masha, our new student.” Such an acquaintance - . And starting acquaintance with stress is not the best best idea. Therefore, we advise you to do differently.

At first, it is better to assign a new employee to an experienced mentor. We will return to these questions below when we talk about professional adaptation. And now the main thing is getting to know each other. Invite them both into your office and introduce them to each other. And let them go to work. Believe me: they will figure it out on their own without you. And they will become acquainted and find a common language. This is a subtle psychological point - in the presence of a boss, subordinates behave differently than without him. They feel freer and more relaxed. Therefore, acquaintance will occur in the easiest form.

Rule three - involve the new employee in the informal life of the team

So, the first acquaintance has passed, the new employee has been working in the team for some time. To consolidate the effect and speed up adaptation, we move on to the next stage. We have already written about how to build team spirit. Corporate events, outings, sports competitions - all this contributes to the unity of employees. Therefore, immediately invite new employees to such events. And try to make them as comfortable as possible. It’s no good when a newbie stands by the wall and gets bored.

Rule four - protect people from toxic employees

At first, newcomers are happy to make any acquaintance in the team. And they can make friends with those who will not influence them very well, initially setting a negative attitude. Almost every team has those who are always whining about low salaries, incompetence of management, subjective attitude, and so on. We have already written about - protect newcomers from their influence.

As a leader, you know the team better than anyone else. Therefore, try to gently guide the new employee in his first acquaintances. Describe who is what. Like, this is Ivan Ivanov, our best worker month. And this is Petr Petrov, he is the first candidate for dismissal. Draw your own conclusions, dude. If a guy is smart, he will understand your subtle hints.

This should be done as gently as possible. Most likely, your words will reach everyone - employees love to chat and discuss the manager’s words over a smoke break or lunch.

Now let's move on to the more important part - professional adaptation. There are also a few rules here.

Professional adaptation

Rule one - evaluate the employee’s competence

Even new employee- a professional, of which there are few, he does not know the intricacies of your activity. In the first days of work, choose a time and communicate in detail. Explain the essence of the tasks and ask whether the person understands everything about his work. Don’t ask directly - often an employee, not wanting to lose face, says that he understands everything, but in fact he is simply afraid that he will be considered incompetent. Use workarounds. Formulate your questions something like this:

  • Which of the tasks we deal with cause you the most (least) difficulty?
  • What do we do here that you haven't had to do before?
  • what would you like to learn?

Talk separately to the team members with whom the newcomer works.. But also not right away, but after some time, when the rest of the workers have already taken a closer look at him.

If you have assigned a new employee to an experienced specialist, ask him. And then draw conclusions: what work to entrust to a newcomer, and what work is too early, where to send him to study, and so on.

Rule two - always answer the new employee’s questions regarding his professional responsibilities

Let's repeat: most employees are afraid of appearing incompetent. Therefore, they are reluctant to ask questions, especially to the manager, and stew in their own juice. Time passes, answers to the questions have not been found and it is no longer convenient to ask. There is a risk that they may answer: “You’ve been working for six months already, but you don’t know basic things!” Wow!"

Therefore immediately make it clear that the new employee can always ask his question and get an answer. You can say it like this: “You just got settled and we understand that you have questions. Now you can ask everything - it will be appropriate. In a year it will be embarrassing to ask anything.”

If you can't answer yourself - ask other workers to understand the problem.

Rule three - be lenient at first

At first, beginners will make mistakes. And asking them the same as experienced employees is fundamentally wrong. If a newcomer makes a mistake, do not deprive him of his bonus or punish him, and together figure out the situation: why it happened and how to make sure it doesn’t happen again in the future.

Let a person have some period when he is allowed to make minor mistakes. Which, of course, were allowed unintentionally. Depending on the specifics of the work this period can be up to one year. It is clear that a loader or janitor must work from day one, like everyone else. But a programmer, and even only after university, will need much more time.

Rule four - train all new employees

Regardless of the type of your activity - be it online trading, manufacturing enterprise or a beauty salon, you must constantly conduct. Ideally - in training centers. Or send them to seminars, conferences and lectures. And all newcomers should be first on the list for training. It often happens that the employer sends the same people to study. This is fundamentally wrong. A division appears in the team. Moreover, everyone is dissatisfied - both those who are always studying (“Why me again?!”) and those who are not sent to improve. And this is bad for work: in the team there is one pumped-up specialist and everyone else.

If you can’t organize training on the side, you can do it yourself. Prepare the material, print out the visual aids and pictures and go ahead. There is another common practice. First, one worker is sent to study. He goes to courses and then teaches everyone else. This saves both time and money.

Rule five - ask how the employee is doing in the new place

Show interest in his successes and sort through mistakes together. A person should feel that he was not abandoned to the mercy of fate in the new team. A week after starting work, invite him to your place and sort out these few days. What you like, what you don’t like so much, what questions cause the most difficulties.

You shouldn’t limit yourself to the on-duty “Well, how are you? Are you getting used to it? OK". Go through everything in detail, but don't overdo it. Otherwise, you can end up with a completely dependent employee who will then run to you with every piece of paper. Employees very quickly get used to the fact that the boss solves all problems himself and begin to abuse this. Remember the article about? Read it again.

Immediately teach the person to come to you with options for solving a problem, and not with the question “What should I do here?”

Rule six - ask the employee’s opinion

A new employee for you - a great opportunity to identify the weaknesses of your company or department. A person always comes with a fresh look at things and sees what can be improved. Especially if he worked in several other places before you. Perhaps your previous employer handled some aspects better than yours. Let a newbie speak on this topic. In this way, you will kill two birds with one stone: firstly, the new employee will know that his opinion means something, and secondly, you will learn about your omissions.

Rule seven - immediately give the newcomer the right to vote

This follows from the previous point. Don’t think that because the employee is new, he doesn’t understand anything and won’t give valuable advice. He really understands and will really give. That's why When discussing and making decisions, be interested in the opinion of the newcomer. If a specialist has just graduated from university or college, it’s absolutely beautiful. The fact is that such people will try to do everything according to the textbook, that is, correctly. You, like most of the team, have long given up on minor violations, mistakes and improper organization of work. Or you simply don’t notice them - this is called “the eye gets blurry.”

A worker who has just graduated sees these things immediately. Moreover, this causes fair indignation among many - they were taught something else, but here everything is not so. Because with the help of a beginner you can eliminate many omissions- it’s enough just to give him the right to vote and listen to his opinion.

  1. Be open and friendly. This rule applies not only to newcomers, but also to all other employees.
  2. Be honest. Immediately reveal all your cards to the employee: salary amount, possible punishments for violations, unspoken company rules.
  3. Correct the employee’s behavior in a timely manner. If a person does something wrong and you see it, talk about it right away. Human nature is such that everyone immediately senses the weakness of their superiors. If you weren’t punished a couple of times for being late, rest assured: they will quickly become a habit.
  4. Make timely decisions about the fate of the new employee. If a person is on a probationary period and you see that you are not on the same path, then it is better to leave immediately. This is what the trial period is for.

What do you do when a new employee joins the team? Write to us in the comments on social networks - we’ll discuss it together!

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  • Introduction
  • 1. Theoretical aspects of employee adaptation in the workforce
  • 1.1 The concept of personnel adaptation
  • 1.2 Goals and objectives of personnel adaptation
  • 1.3 Types and methods of personnel adaptation
  • 2. Analysis of employee adaptation in the workforce using the example of a restaurant
  • 2.1 Organizational characteristics of the enterprise using the example of the Tatarstan restaurant
  • 2.2 Analysis of adaptation methods for new employees of the Tatarstan restaurant
  • 3. Ways to improve the employee adaptation system at the Tatarstan restaurant
  • 3.1 Development modern technologies professional and organizational adaptation of personnel
  • 3.2 Main activities for the implementation of the proposed measures for employee adaptation
  • Conclusion
  • List of used literature
  • Appendix 1. Principles of the adaptation process
  • Appendix 2. Stages of the adaptation process
  • Appendix 3. Questionnaire


Personnel adaptation is currently one of the key elements in the personnel management system. The modern business environment is characterized by a high degree of dynamism and uncertainty. In the context of constant changes in the economic situation, more and more employees are new to organizations: more than 25% of all employees in Western Europe serve their companies for less than a year and more than 33%? less than 2 years. On average, Europeans change jobs 10 times between the ages of 18 and 37, i.e. mobility human resources very high. In this regard, it becomes more difficult for the employer to get newcomers to work efficiently and effectively for the company in the shortest possible time. The personnel adaptation system is designed to solve this problem.

Working with a person as a company resource begins at the adaptation stage. The effectiveness of further work and the possibility of realizing the abilities of both the employee himself and achieving the goals of the entire organization depend on how effectively this process is organized. It is believed that personnel are a valuable resource of the organization. However, without competent management of personnel as a resource, a company may lose it. Managing the adaptation of new employees to the team is one of the most important tasks that the personnel service has to solve. Insufficient attention of the personnel service to the creation of an effective mechanism for employee adaptation can lead to employee dissatisfaction with the organization, a decrease in labor productivity, and leaving the company. In this case, the effectiveness of measures to staff the organization is reduced, which leads to the fact that the efficiency of the organization as a whole may fall.

If, as a result of the adaptation process, the organization short time receives motivated employees, working not only in accordance with their personal goals (for example, the monetary factor), but also with organizational objectives, then we can say that the adaptation mechanism in this organization is correctly developed, implemented, managed and, therefore, effective. Thus, a new employee becomes a resource of the company already at the initial stage of work, and his activities begin to positively influence competitive advantages organizations. Absence in many Russian organizations models of the process of adaptation of new personnel as a management tool that allows influencing the competitiveness of the company makes this dissertation research significant and relevant.

There are several domestic scientists, in whose works one can see modern tendencies management of the adaptation process. Among the works of modern researchers, the following works stand out: Belaya A.V., Vesnin V.R., Volina V., Terentyeva T.A., Yagunova N.

The subject of the study is the process of adaptation in an organization.

The object of the study is the restaurant "Tatarstan".

The purpose of the work is to study the theoretical and practical aspects of employee adaptation in the workforce.

To achieve the above goal, the following tasks are set:

  • - define the concept of personnel adaptation, goals and objectives of adaptation, types and methods of adaptation;
  • - analyze the adaptation of employees in the workforce using the example of the Tatarstan restaurant;
  • - determine ways to improve the employee adaptation system at the Tatarstan restaurant.
  • Structure course work includes an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and appendices.

1. Theoretical aspects of employee adaptation in the workforce

1.1 The concept of personnel adaptation

The need to create an adaptation system arises at the stage of active development of the company or in conditions of high staff turnover. At some point, managers can no longer personally engage with new employees, which is common in small businesses. From this moment on, there is a need to standardize procedures for interaction with new employees, and therefore to create an adaptation system.

Adaptation (from Latin adaptio - to adapt) is the process of familiarizing an employee with a new organization and changing his behavior in accordance with the requirements and rules of the corporate culture of the new company.

As noted in the work of Vesnin V.R. adaptation is the adaptation of a new employee to the content and working conditions, social environment Vesnin V.R. Personnel Management. Theory and practice. - M.: Prospekt, 2009. - P.210. . Within its framework, a detailed familiarization with the team and new responsibilities takes place; mastering behavioral stereotypes; assimilation - complete adaptation to the environment and, finally, identification - identification of personal interests and goals with common ones.

In foreign psychology, the neo-behaviorist definition of adaptation has become widespread, which is used, for example, in the works of G. Eysenck and his followers. They define adaptation in two ways: a) as a state in which the needs of the individual, on the one hand, and the requirements of the environment, on the other, are fully satisfied. It is a state of harmony between the individual and nature or the social environment; b) the process by which this harmonious state is achieved.

Authors of the textbook on personnel management Bazarova T.Yu. and Eremina B.L. believe that adaptation is the process of changing an employee’s familiarity with an activity and organization and changing one’s own behavior in accordance with the requirements of the environment. Personnel management: Textbook for universities / Ed. T.Yu. Bazarova, B.L. Eremina. - M.: UNITY, 2009. - P. 178. .

In the work of Kibanov A.Ya. the following definition of personnel adaptation is given - this is the process of adaptation of the team to the changing conditions of the external and internal environment of the organization. Personnel management of the organization / ed. AND I. Kibanova. - M.: Infra-M, 2009. - P.284. . Adaptation of an employee is the adaptation of an individual to the workplace and work collective.

Many authors in their definitions speak only about the adaptation of workers to the organization, although in the course of interaction between the worker and the organization their mutual adaptation occurs, the basis of which is the gradual entry of workers into new professional and socio-economic working conditions Belaya A.V. Professional adaptation of young specialists to the labor market // Sots.-human. knowledge. - 2010. - No. 1. - P.104-110. . As a working definition, we take the definition “Adaptation is the mutual adaptation of the employee and the organization, based on the employee’s gradual adaptation to new professional, social and organizational-economic working conditions, overcoming possible negative aspects that arise both through the fault of the company and the fault of the employee.”

Often the probationary and adaptation periods are equated to each other, but we must remember that these are by no means identical concepts.

Experience Russian companies shows that the adaptation period for new employees, depending on their position, can range from a month to six months, in turn Labor Code The Russian Federation determines the maximum duration of the trial period at three months. The adaptation period is objectively necessary for every new (displaced) employee - and this is the main difference between adaptation and testing when hiring. During the testing process, the emphasis is on the professionalization of the new employee, while adaptation in the vast majority of cases is two-component - i.e. involves, along with professionalization, the socialization of personnel. At the same time, one should not talk about complete incompatibility between adaptation and testing. Moreover, in cases where, in accordance with the employment contract of a newly hired or transferred employee, testing is one of its conditions, these procedures are implemented in parallel.

A newly hired employee is included in the system of intra-organizational relations, occupying several positions in it simultaneously. Each position corresponds to a set of requirements, norms, rules of behavior that determine the social role of a person in a team as an employee, colleague, subordinate, manager, member of a collective management body, public organization and so on. A person occupying each of these positions is expected to behave in accordance with it. When entering a job in a particular organization, a person has certain goals, needs, and norms of behavior. In accordance with them, the employee makes certain demands on the organization: on working conditions and his motivation Volina V.. Methods of personnel adaptation // Personnel Management. - 2009. - No. 13. - P.43-57. .

The process of mutual adaptation, or adaptation, of the employee and the organization will be the more successful, the more the norms and values ​​of the team are or become the norms and values ​​of the individual employee, the faster and better he accepts and assimilates his social roles a team.

It is obvious that adaptation processes exist within any company that accepts new employees into its ranks, but without a formalized description of the adaptation system, these processes are chaotic and uncontrollable by the HR service. And the adaptation system, at best, exists within individual departments and is regulated exclusively by their managers within the framework of personal understanding, which can only be effective in small companies and if there is sufficient attention to the organization of adaptation processes on the part of the managers of new employees.

Creating an adaptation system is a complex task, the solution of which requires combining unified system adaptation tools, conditions for their use, adaptation goals and ways to achieve them. The employee adaptation system should form the process of familiarizing the employee with the new organization and initiate changes in his behavior and development necessary knowledge and skills in accordance with functional responsibilities, requirements and rules of corporate culture.

The process of adapting a new employee consists of organizing adaptation events and using adaptation tools, and takes place in several directions:

- adaptation to the working environment and company team;

- adaptation to regulations that are used within the company;

- adaptation within your work unit and functional responsibilities Volina V.. Methods of personnel adaptation // Personnel Management. - 2009. - No. 13. - P.43-57. .

Each area of ​​adaptation requires the use of up-to-date tools, which makes the adaptation processes of a new employee unique, and the principles for their formation require a systematic approach.

When managing the adaptation process, a number of principles must be taken into account (Appendix 1). In addition to the principles mentioned, the formation of an employee adaptation system presupposes the existence of a general methodological basis for carrying out work to improve it, and standard paperwork.

Adaptation of an employee to a company requires great organizational work. It is important to note that when moving to a new position or to another department, the emphasis of adaptation shifts from familiarization with the company itself and internal procedures, towards the development of new professional knowledge and skills, business processes necessary to perform new job responsibilities.

1.2 Goals and objectives of personnel adaptation

The purpose of the adaptation system is to reduce the organization’s costs, which occurs due to the factors listed below:

1. Accelerating the process of a new employee entering the position:

- achieving the required work efficiency in the shortest possible time;

- reducing the number of possible errors associated with mastering functional responsibilities.

2. Forming a sense of job satisfaction in the new team member, reducing anxiety and uncertainty.

Adaptation would be easier for a newcomer if colleagues explained the main points in the work, showed understanding, trained and gradually included in independent work, there were fewer mistakes in his work, and more satisfaction with himself and his work. Gonova A. Priority areas personnel policy V modern conditions// Problems of management theory and practice. - 2009. - No. 7. - P.45-53. .

3. Reducing the level of staff turnover:

- reduction in the number of employees who have not completed the probationary period;

- reduction in the number of employees who left the company during the first year of work.

The benefits received by an employee after undergoing adaptation are:

- possession of complete information necessary for effective work;

- reducing the level of uncertainty and anxiety;

- increasing job satisfaction and developing a positive attitude towards the company as a whole;

- mastering the basic norms of corporate culture and rules of behavior;

- building interaction schemes with colleagues;

- receiving feedback from the mentor and line manager based on the results of the probationary period Vetchanov O.V. Competent selection and placement of personnel as a guarantee of effective work of the organization // Directory of the head of a cultural institution. - 2011. - No. 7. - P.36-49. .

The benefits received by a company with a built-in adaptation system are:

- creation of a mechanism for assessing the professional and managerial competencies of an employee and his potential based on the results of work in the first months;

- identifying shortcomings of the company’s existing selection system;

- the ability to plan a new employee’s career for a period of one to two years;

- development of management competencies of mentors and line managers;

- justification of personnel decisions regarding both newcomers and mentors after the end of the adaptation period;

- increasing employee loyalty to the organization as an employer.

Based on the specific goals of the adaptation period, you should determine the tasks facing the company and the new employee:

The organization is required to:

- provide everything necessary for the process of accelerated achievement by the employee of the required level of productivity and quality of work;

- create a favorable psychological climate in the team;

- providing full informational support to both the new employee and participants in the adaptation process (mentors, trainers);

The employee should be expected to carry out adaptation measures responsibly and complete assigned tasks.

The tasks of the department or specialist responsible for organizing adaptation processes are:

- organization of seminars and courses on various adaptation issues;

- conducting individual conversations between the manager and mentor and the new employee;

- intensive short-term courses for managers taking up new positions;

- special training courses for mentors;

- using the method of gradually increasing the complexity of tasks performed by a beginner;

- carrying out one-time public assignments to establish contacts between a new employee and the team;

- preparation of replacements during personnel rotation; holding special events in the team role playing games to unite employees;

- project management for the development of adaptation procedures and tools;

- periodic monitoring of the adaptation system, assessment of the effectiveness of adaptation tools and the system as a whole;

- emotional support for the newcomer during the entire adaptation period;

- receiving feedback from the newcomer after the end of the adaptation period Belaya A.V. Professional adaptation of young specialists to the labor market // Sots.-human. knowledge. - 2010. - No. 1. - P.104-110. .

1.3 Types and methods of personnel adaptation

Human resource management experts highlight several aspects of the adaptation process:

- organizational - or introduction to the company;

- socio-psychological - or introduction to the team;

- professional or introduction to the profession;

- psychophysiological.

Organizational adaptation

In order to start working effectively, a person needs to get answers to questions related to the organization of activities in the company: what are the strategic goals and priorities of the company? what is its structure? How is management carried out? who makes the decisions? What can you do and what can you not do? how to arrange a business trip? Where is the IT department located? how to solve everyday problems?

Organizational adaptation is one of the most difficult stages of employee development in a company, as it involves obtaining and analyzing a large amount of information.

Unfortunately, few enterprises are able to provide employees with the necessary information in a structured form due to the lack of written rules and procedures, so a newcomer has to understand all the intricacies on his own.

Socio-psychological adaptation

Coming to work, a person accepts the norms of behavior and communication that exist in the team and is included in the system of relationships with colleagues. At this stage, he gets acquainted with the “company atmosphere” - corporate culture. It often happens that a good candidate is “rejected” at the selection stage, due to the fact that he does not fit the style of behavior and the likelihood of his rejection of the organization’s values ​​is very high.

It is very important to make every effort to ensure that the candidate selected during the selection process feels comfortable in the team. Here, by and large, the company needs to try to please him.

Professional adaptation Volina V. Methods of personnel adaptation // Personnel Management. - 2009. - No. 13. - P.43-57.

This aspect of adaptation can be called “additional training”. It is directly related to the acquisition by a new employee of the missing knowledge and skills in the professional field. Professional adaptation is necessary in the following cases:

1. If a newcomer has obviously lower professional competencies than is required for the effective performance of his official duties. In this case, an additional development plan is developed for him, and he undergoes training in the first months of work.

2. The company has adopted its own work standards (professional or technological). For example, in distribution companies, a specialist hired for the position of sales department supervisor, regardless of his previous experience, attends the “Sales Techniques” training. This is necessary not so much for practicing direct sales skills, but for familiarizing yourself with existing ones in the company. professional standards in this area.

Psychophysiological adaptation

This aspect primarily includes adaptation to a certain, often different from the usual, work and rest regime.

We list the types of personnel adaptation:

1) Denial. The new employee does not accept the organization’s values; his expectations do not completely coincide with reality. In most cases, such employees are fired in the first months of work.

2) Adaptability. Such employees fully accept all the rules and regulations of the organization. This type of employee makes up the majority of any organization's workforce.

3) Camouflage. In this case, the employee demonstrates acceptance of the secondary norms and rules established in the organization while simultaneously “denying” the main guidelines. This line of behavior is typical for at-risk employees who can terminate their employment agreement at any time.

4) Adaptive individualism. This type of adaptation involves accepting the basic rules and norms of the organization while completely “disagreeing” with secondary values. This allows the employee to maintain his own individuality and cope well with his job responsibilities.

The onboarding process begins with providing the employee with general information about the organization and department in which he will work. As a result, the employee learns basic information about the organization, official duties, names of leaders. Adaptation of personnel can be carried out under the direct supervision of the head using both traditional methods and the capabilities of computer tools.

The duration of adaptation is up to 3 months.

The beginning of the adaptation period is the moment of signing the employment contract. To workers who do not have certain experience practical activities, for example, to graduates educational institutions, boss structural unit can “assign” an experienced employee.

The process of adaptation of a new employee can be divided into several stages, each of which involves the implementation of certain adaptation measures and the use of specific adaptation tools (Appendix 2) Yagunova N. Personnel management at the enterprise: motivation, adaptation, mentoring // Problems of management theory and practice. - 2010. - No. 4. - P.37-44. .

Before adaptation begins, it is necessary to understand the beginner’s level of preparedness, since an individual set of adaptation measures will depend on this. If there is a possibility of differentiation, then it is best to make the content of the adaptation program different.

In any company, it is useful to have statistics on positions regarding the average duration of the adaptation period, that is, you should imagine how long after employment an employee begins to work at full capacity. It is quite difficult to collect such data regarding senior management positions, but if we're talking about about more common positions (for example, service personnel, sales managers, technical specialists), then it is imperative to accumulate such information. Otherwise, many selection and adaptation activities may turn out to be completely unprofitable from a financial point of view.

Thus, the adaptation process is the process of an employee’s adaptation to the conditions of the external and internal environment of the enterprise. The personnel adaptation process is carried out to: accelerate the “entry” of a new employee into a position; reducing the number of possible shortcomings associated with the employee integration process; objective assessment professional qualities employee and his degree of qualification.

The adaptation process can be divided into stages: assessment of the newcomer’s level of preparedness, practical acquaintance of the new employee with his responsibilities and requirements, adaptation of the newcomer to his status and the stage of overcoming production and interpersonal problems and transition to stable work.

The success of adaptation depends on the characteristics of the working environment and the employee himself. The more complex the environment, the more different it is from the usual production environment at the previous place of work, the more changes associated with it, the more difficult the adaptation process is.

IN real life employee adaptation can be considered complete when he ceases to be a new employee for the team.

2. Analysis of employee adaptation in the workforce using the example of a restaurant

2.1 Organizational characteristics of the enterprise using the example of the Tatarstan restaurant

The object of the research work is the restaurant "Tatarstan", Kazan, st. Peterburgskaya st., 2 20.

The Tatarstan Restaurant has two banquet halls - blue with 15 seats and pink (VIP hall) with 10 seats. The restaurant's opening hours are from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.

The restaurant's menu includes a wide selection of Tatar cuisine, a huge selection of salads and appetizers, all kinds of desserts and cocktails.

The mission of the enterprise is to spread Tatar cuisine to everyone who wants to enjoy delicious dishes and people who want to get to know Tatarstan better.

The subject of activity of the Tatarstan restaurant is:

- organization Catering, creation, maintenance and operation of the main types of mass catering establishments;

- activities for the production, release, sale and organization of consumption of catering products, lunch products, hot, cold, dessert dishes, snacks and drinks;

- baking and sale of bakery and other flour and confectionery products;

- organizing children's leisure time, holding holidays, as well as working in other areas of the entertainment industry;

- implementing new cooking technologies, expanding the range and improving the quality of public catering products.

The company was created and operates to make a profit through the provision of high-quality services to customers.

The management structure of the Tatarstan restaurant can be represented as follows:

Rice. 2.1. Management structure of the restaurant "Tatarstan"

The above structure of personnel management can be considered linear. It allows the director to quickly manage the work of the enterprise and keep abreast of events.

Next, we will consider the responsibilities of the management team of the enterprise.

Director: manages financial activities restaurant: controls the work of the accounting department (payment of bills, payroll, cash balance, etc.); signs bills; controls the flow Money and sales level; controls wage payments; controls the company's expenses.

Conducts administrative work: draws up current trade and administrative plans; develops and organizes reporting systems for the implementation of planned economic indicators; prepares required written reports; reports to the founders (investors); carries out analysis of submitted reports from subordinates; carries out correspondence with business partners.

Manages the work with personnel: hires and fires personnel; - carries out personnel changes; approves the internal regulations of the enterprise; improves the reward system - material and moral incentives; holds meetings with staff; imposes administrative and material penalties on staff.

Deputy Director: concludes contracts; search for material suppliers; marketing policy; applies incentive measures and imposes penalties on employees of the enterprise; takes part in planning; develops measures to reduce costs and increase the profitability of the enterprise, improve the use production assets, identification and use of reserves in the enterprise; develops work schedules.

Accountant: maintains accounting records and reporting; performs calculation work, draws up necessary documentation; monitors the accuracy and timeliness of settlements with consumers, suppliers and tax authorities; prepares final budget reports for submission to tax authorities; takes an active part in planning in the field of tax and pricing policy enterprises; produces financial calculations with customers and suppliers related to the sale of finished products, the acquisition of necessary raw materials, his tasks also include obtaining bank loans and timely repayment of loans. adaptation employee staff motivation

Purchasing manager: purchases necessary goods (products); organizes control over the quality of raw materials, semi-finished products, etc. supplied to the enterprise, since the quality of products is decisive in the overall assessment of the results of the work team.

Administrator-technologist: ensures control over the safety of equipment; predicts the replacement of equipment and spare parts, as well as timely repair of equipment; monitors the quality of repairs and preventive maintenance; carries out inventory control; monitors the proper operation of equipment and personnel; monitors compliance with the established technology; carries out operational control over the progress of production; exercises control over the complexity and quality of finished products.

The selection of personnel in the Tatarstan restaurant is carried out taking into account the required level of education, practical experience, professional, business, personal and moral and ethical qualities necessary to perform certain functions.

The restaurant staffing structure is presented in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 Dynamics of the number of restaurant personnel by category, educational and age level

Educational level

Personnel, people

Key workers

Specialized secondary

Auxiliary workers


Specialized secondary


Secondary technical/vocational


Based on the population structure, we can say the following:

- key workers (cooks, bakers, deboners);

- support workers (cutters, packers, adjuster refrigeration equipment, electrician, loader);

- specialists - technologist, accountant, accountant-calculator;

- managers - director, production manager.

In general, over two years the number of personnel increased by 3 people. The number of personnel increased practically in all categories, except for management.

Specialists work according to a standard schedule - 8 hours a week with two days off, main workers and support staff work according to shift schedule, in teams, every other week for 11-12 hours a day. There is a rest break in the middle of the working day.

The results of the analysis of labor productivity of restaurant workers are presented in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2 Analysis of the number and labor productivity of restaurant workers




Retail turnover, thousand rubles.

Average number of all employees, people, including:

Average number of main employees, people.

Share of key employees in the total number of personnel, %

Output of 1 main employee, thousand rubles.

Labor productivity of all employees, thousand rubles.

Average monthly wage 1st employee, rub.

The labor productivity of restaurant workers in 2010 increased by 69% compared to 2009, incl. due to an increase in the total number of personnel by 11%.

The change in labor productivity of the enterprise’s employees was influenced by internal factors (completeness, certainty and objectivity marketing research, improvement of trade organization, improvement technical equipment labor of workers, the use of forms of service convenient for the population).

Increased labor efficiency is facilitated by: strict recording of actual time worked and the introduction of rational work and rest schedules for workers; mandatory presence at each workplace of work schedules and timesheets of actual time worked; timely review tariff rates, categories of workers; the presence at the enterprise of approved job responsibilities by category of employees, etc.

The main document regulating the remuneration of staff is the “Regulations on remuneration of restaurant workers.

All employees of the enterprise upon entering work are familiarized with the Internal Rules labor regulations, which are kept by the director. The list of duties (work) that each employee performs according to his position, specialty, profession is determined by job descriptions.

Personal allowances and surcharges do not apply. One-time bonuses are applied in individual cases.

2.2 Analysis of adaptation methods for new employees of the Tatarstan restaurant

The successful implementation of its activities depends on the personnel who work in the restaurant, and each position makes its own contribution both to the functioning of the restaurant and to the perception of the image of the Tatarstan restaurant in the eyes of visitors. This can be explained at simple examples: If the cleaner does his job unscrupulously, the restaurant will be in poor condition, which will turn off the customer. If the cloakroom attendant is rude in his actions, this will create an intimidating impression with the clothes of visitors, already from the very beginning of the guests' arrival at the restaurant. If the cook is slow, lazy or not concerned about the quality of the product being served, this can lead to either simply dissatisfaction with the visitor or much more serious consequences, including harm to the client’s health. If the waiter serving visitors is unfriendly, rude, inefficient and does not take into account the wishes of the guests, this can lead to the loss of customers and leave a negative imprint on the entire restaurant. If the administrator fails to smooth out a basic conflict and begins to get personal, this will also lead to the loss of clientele. If an accountant does not make salary calculations in a timely manner, the result may be a loss of interest in the work of the restaurant staff. If the director cannot organize all the work correctly, then the entire restaurant management system will fail. All these examples indicate that it is necessary to carefully select personnel, which, in turn, is carried out in the Tatarstan restaurant.

Regarding the sources of personnel search, the general director resorts to internal search quite rarely, and this mainly concerns movements in related positions, for example, if a new bartender is required, then a selection is first made among the waiters; if a new dishwasher is required, then the selection can be carried out among cleaners. Sometimes, in the absence of one of the subordinates, for example, an acting administrator, the most responsible employee among waiters or cloakroom attendants may replace him, since they have an idea of ​​​​how to directly communicate with restaurant customers and smooth out conflict situations.

Regarding means of external recruitment, the search is carried out as follows: publication of advertisements in newspapers and professional magazines, publishing advertisements on Internet sites, searching for personnel working in other establishments of this kind, contacting employment agencies. It is also possible to search through already working personnel, with the involvement of their friends.

The adaptation procedure is aimed at ensuring a faster entry into the position of a new employee, reducing the number of possible errors associated with inclusion in work, creating a positive image of the Tatarstan restaurant, reducing the discomfort of the first days of work, as well as assessing the level of qualifications and potential of the employee during training they are on probation.

The adaptation program for new employees is built from two main parts - general and individual, and is designed for the entire probationary period.

The general part involves the formation of a general idea about the Tatarstan restaurant, its main activities, organizational features, features of the relationship between the restaurant and the employee (hiring and firing procedures, wages, benefits), working conditions, etc. Depending on the category of specialist accepted, the general part may be more or less complete. It is carried out during the employee’s first week of work and consists of 4 stages:

Introductory orientation interview. The main objective of this procedure is to inform the new employee of information about the restaurant, the services provided to him and the peculiarities of the labor relationship between the restaurant and the employee. An orientation interview is conducted after the final offer of employment has been prepared and a release date has been agreed upon. It can also be carried out on the first day of work. The director conducts the interview. For candidates accepted for key positions, it is possible to conduct this interview with the head of the department, General Director.

Key questions covered during the orientation interview

- restaurant "Tatarstan" on the market:

a) main types of services;

b) strengths in comparison with competitors, the main circle of clients;

c) forms and methods of work;

d) general assessment of the market position, immediate and long-term development goals.

- restaurant "Tatarstan" from the inside:

a) history of development;

b) main divisions and the content of their activities;

c) company management, division of powers, procedure for making decisions;

d) internal communications of the company.

Personal acquaintance with the restaurant and its employees.

After completing all the necessary documents when hiring, the employee is introduced to the restaurant staff and shown the main premises. Depending on the category of the employee, this round can be performed by the employee’s immediate supervisor or another person on his behalf.

Familiarization with the workplace. General information. Briefing. Conducted by the immediate supervisor.

The individual adaptation program is designed for the probationary period and is divided into two parts:

a) taking office;

b) work in a position.

Induction plan. Valid for the first month of work from the date of admission. It is drawn up at the end of the employee’s first week of work by the immediate supervisor, agreed upon with the director and delivered to the employee against signature. This stage presupposes the full entry of a new employee into the position, that is, complete mastery of his job responsibilities, good orientation in the company, its activities and structure.

Job Performance Evaluation Plan. Calculated for the remaining period of the probationary period. This part assesses the employee’s suitability for the position, his professional knowledge, level of performance discipline, potential and opportunities for further growth.

Upon successful completion of the probationary period, the immediate supervisor verbally informs the employee about the continuation of the employment relationship.

If, during the probationary period, an employee’s inadequacy for a position is revealed, the immediate supervisor issues a memo addressed to the Head of the department about the employee’s inadequacy. Service memo agreed with the head of the personnel department and endorsed by the General Director. About the unsatisfactory result of completing the probationary period and not wanting to continue labor Relations The employee is informed before the expiration date of the probationary period in writing against signature. After this, the procedure for dismissing the employee occurs.

We conducted a survey of adaptation methods with the help of which employees began to feel like members of the Tatarstan restaurant team.

The study was conducted among 15 people who have different status in the organization, age, and education.

A questionnaire was compiled for the study. The survey questions are presented in Appendix 3.

The information collected through a questionnaire further requires special analysis using quantitative and qualitative processing.

Survey results:

1. To the question “Do you like your job?” answered:

a) like it very much - 11.72%;

b) probably like it - 68.52%;

c) work is indifferent to me - 19.13%.

2. To the question “Would you like to move to another job?” answered:

a) yes - 31.48%;

b) no -39.5%;

c) I don’t know - 30.86%.

3. To the question “When you came to this organization on your first day, what was the most difficult thing for you?” answered:

a) communication with a new team -19.13%;

b) communication with the restaurant director - 9.25%;

c) getting used to a new workplace - 69.13%.

4. To the question “In the first days of work they explained to you General requirements to work?" answered:

a) yes-93.82%;

b) no-6.17%.

5. To the question “Who helped you master new job responsibilities?” answered:

a) restaurant director - 19%;

b) team members - 75.3%;

c) no one helped - 7.4%.

6. To the question “How long did it take you to get used to new job responsibilities?" answered:

a) up to 1 month - 82.71%;

b) up to 3 months - 14.81%;

c) more than six months - 1.2%.

7. To the question “Was it difficult for you to get used to your new workplace?” answered:

a) yes - 18.51%;

b) no-82.71%.

8. To the question “In the first months of work, what mattered most to you?” answered:

a) join the team - 41.97%;

b) work effectively - 41.35%;

c) hear the approval of management - 8.64%;

d) their answer option - the majority of respondents indicated in this option: “salaries” - 6.17%.

9. To the question “If you had a problem in the first months of work, who did you turn to?” answered:

a) to the director of the restaurant - 35.18%;

b) to your superiors - 35.18%;

c) to a team employee - 14.81%;

d) to no one - 1.23%.

10. To the question “Has your opinion about the organization changed since you started working in it?” answered:

a) yes, for the better - 10.49%;

b) yes, for the worse - 37.65%;

c) no, it has not changed - 50%.

11. To the question “How well, in your opinion, is your work organized?” answered:

a) in my opinion, our work is organized very well - 5.5%;

b) generally not bad, although there is room for improvement - 48.14%;

c) difficult to say - 24.07%;

d) work is organized unsatisfactorily, a lot of time is wasted - 20.98%.

12. To the question “What do you think is the reason for the dismissal of employees from the enterprise?” answered:

a) difficult psychological climate - 13.58%;

b) poor labor organization - 10.49%;

c) wages - 72.83%;

d) your own option - 3.08%.

Based on the conducted research, we can conclude that the most successful methods of employee adaptation at an enterprise are:

- planning of personnel adaptation. In this case, the company has a system for selecting and placing personnel. There is a personnel training system;

- control of personnel adaptation. The enterprise conducts conversations, consultations, and surveys on socio-economic issues with employees;

- motivation for personnel adaptation. In this direction, emphasis should be placed on psychological methods on economic methods, since most employees leave the enterprise dissatisfied with their wages;

- organization of personnel adaptation. In this area, training is conducted with employees 2 times a week for 1 hour, a mentor is assigned to a young employee, and newly arrived employees perform social duties.

Research conducted on the adaptation of workers at the Tatarstan restaurant revealed the following patterns: the predominance of informal relationships among workers; even in the absence of formalized procedures regulating the activities of mentors, there are necessarily informal mentors: foremen, team members, who are usually informal leaders; Among the reasons that negatively affect the adaptation process are poor work organization and low wages; lack of highly qualified middle managers; The adaptation period for employees is one month.

Thus, we can conclude that, in general, the adaptation process is proceeding satisfactorily at the enterprise. But it should be noted that the enterprise has problems with the adaptation of new employees that need to be solved.

3. Ways to improve the employee adaptation system at the Tatarstan restaurant

3.1 Development of modern technologies for professional and organizational adaptation of personnel

Previously, domestic enterprises had accumulated a lot of positive experience in organizing and conducting internships for university graduates and mentoring. In Western companies, mentoring is supported by material and moral incentives and is considered as a certain step in one’s career. Special training for mentors is also required.

During the employee adaptation process, the following typical mistakes that are typical for an enterprise should be avoided:

a) overstatement by the employer of some working conditions. Often this happens unconsciously, due to the desire to show the enterprise with best sides(embellishment of the situation);

b) hiring an employee more than highly qualified than required. Of course, today the labor market is very rich in specialists, there is a choice, so preference is given to highly qualified workers, whose requirements are, as a rule, too high;

c) hiring specialists who are ready to advance quickly, knowing at the same time that the enterprise has limited such opportunities;

d) inability to correlate business qualities a new employee with the objective requirements of the production situation.

If you managed to avoid the mistakes discussed above when applying for a job, then you should think about how to help the newcomer successfully adapt from the very first steps of entry into the position. The experience of enterprises that have developed a “Memo for New Employees” is noteworthy, which provides brief information about the history of the enterprise, its “heroes,” that is, employees who have done a lot for the enterprise and achieved outstanding results; presented in simplified form organizational structure; indicated who to contact for personal and other questions, reception hours; Information is provided on existing informal organizations and creative groups.

For a new employee, it is very important how his first day of work goes. The head of the department should introduce the new employee to his colleagues, pay attention to him at the end of the working day, and say that the employee can count on the help and support of the manager. Gradually, the new employee should be introduced into the system of informal relations, assigned one-time social assignments, which facilitates the establishment of interpersonal contacts and helps him adapt to the new society.

The success of adaptation also depends on the system of labor motivation, objective assessment of workers’ work, and management of their work career at the enterprise.

The survey revealed the following problems in the adaptation process at the enterprise:

a) lack of specific and targeted assistance to new employees during the initial adaptation process at the enterprise;

b) increased conflict in the enterprise;

c) lack of unity in the team.

d) the desire of most employees to advance despite limited opportunities enterprises.

a) the allocation of a corresponding unit in the personnel management service or the appointment of an employee who should deal with all functions of the adaptation process;

b) carry out regular monitoring of the level of adaptation of employees, informing the heads of departments in which adapters work about the results obtained;

c) develop measures to increase employee satisfaction with work in general and with individual aspects of the production situation;

d) workers who will deal with the problem of adaptation must be professionally trained in special courses and seminars;

e) develop mentoring, that is, attachment to young specialist an experienced employee with a positive track record;

f) introduce a system of labor motivation, objective assessment of workers’ work, and management of their career at the enterprise;

g) it is necessary to develop and approve unified instructions for carrying out the adaptation process at the enterprise;

h) introduce a mentoring system into the enterprise adaptation system;

i) develop a “Memo to a new employee”, which will provide brief information about the history of the enterprise, its “heroes”, that is, employees who have done a lot for the enterprise and achieved outstanding results; the organizational structure is presented in a simplified form; indicated who to contact for personal and other questions, reception hours; Information is provided on existing informal organizations and creative groups.

In general, the problem of employee adaptation is very relevant, its successful solution is inextricably linked with an integrated approach to the formation of personnel policy at the enterprise.

3.2 Main activities for the implementation of the proposed measures for employee adaptation

When an employee comes to a new place of work, he must adapt to the new production conditions. Both the restaurant HR manager and the HR department headed by him strive to ensure that adaptation occurs as quickly as possible, because until the new employee adapts, he cannot work with 100 percent efficiency.

Adaptation can be physical (to adapt to heavy physical activity), it is very important for kitchen workers and loaders; psychological (getting used to the new team and new management), corporate (the goal of this adaptation is so that the employee fits perfectly into administrative structure restaurant and was clearly aware of his responsibilities) professional (acquiring and honing professional skills).

And you should remember that you need to pay attention to all types of adaptation at once, because individually they are not so effective. For example, for a hired chef, physical adaptation will be important (after all, representatives of this profession have very high physical loads). If the cook is not yet ready for such loads, then he can first be placed in a less difficult area, and then transferred to a more serious one. For a waiter, physical adaptation is also important (it will be difficult to stand an entire shift on your feet if you are not used to it), but psychological adaptation is even more important: you still need to learn how to communicate with rude clients. Therefore, like a young chef, a young waiter is first sent to work at a time when there is not a large influx of visitors and the atmosphere in the banquet hall for guests is relatively calm.

Professional adaptation is divided into primary and secondary. The primary one is aimed at people who have no professional qualifications at all. preparation and includes various courses restaurant business, mentoring (when an experienced employee shares his skills with a young employee). Secondary adaptation is aimed at developing existing professional skills and includes advanced training courses, various lectures, and independent study by employees of specialized literature and professional periodicals.

In general, to optimize the adaptation technology again hired workers The restaurant can offer the following events:

- improving the management culture of middle management;

- during the entire adaptation process, it is necessary to monitor the employee’s progress, for which purpose organize periodic meetings based on the results of the induction program.

- end the adaptation process with an attestation interview, at which the results of the adaptation period would be summed up and planned.


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