Active functions of the train dispatcher. Job description of a train dispatcher. Sources and bibliography

Hello! Today I will talk about the whole directorate. There are many different services on the railway (otherwise they are called directorates) that ensure the continuous operation of railway transport and everything connected with it. Well, it's no secret to you, is it? One of these services is the Central Traffic Control Directorate (abbreviated as CD). Often all employees of this service are called “mover”, since one of their main functions is organizing train movement and managing the transportation process. Simply put, they organize the movement of trains.

Each railway has its own traffic control directorate, which is headed by the head of the directorate, and the main traffic control headquarters of Russian Railways is located in Moscow. For example, on my road, the Far Eastern Traffic Control Directorate is responsible for the work of all movers in all regions of the road, including the Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk, Sakhalin, and Tynda regions.

The directorate itself has quite a few departments in different areas of work. One department deals with commercial issues, another interacts with the owners of rolling stock, the third works with clients, etc.

Station duty officer

At each station, the movers are key workers and the most important thing is the station duty officer (abbreviated as DSP). His responsibilities include:

  • reception and departure of trains;
  • preparing a route (moving switches, turning on signals) using the control panel (only large stations are equipped with it);
  • interaction with responsible employees for commercial and technical inspection of wagons;
  • control of securing the train after uncoupling the locomotive;
  • management of subordinate employees participating in the transportation process.

Also, the DSP continuously maintains various documentation and enters into work logs all information related to the movement of trains.

Train dispatcher

The work of the station duty officer is controlled by the train dispatcher (abbreviated as DNC), workplace which is located in a different building, in my case, in a completely different city, in Khabarovsk. The duty officer and the dispatcher are connected by a special internal telephone connection. DSC uses radio communication with train drivers. The train dispatcher controls the movement of trains on his section (which can unite dozens of stations):

  • he is responsible for the train schedule;
  • controls the movement of trains along the sections;
  • their timely departure from stations;
  • operation of stations for timely loading and unloading of cars;
  • in case of closure of tracks or sections, informs the station duty officers in his area.

The train dispatcher also organizes emergency repairs and takes measures to eliminate faults. technical devices. The DSC workplace is equipped with a dispatch console or a computer with a dispatch program installed on it. The train dispatcher, as well as the duty officer, can control switches and signals on his section. Only for this purpose the station must be equipped with dispatch centralization.

Maneuvering controller

A shunting dispatcher (DSS) and a hump duty officer (DSH) also work in conjunction with the DSP. A shunting dispatcher (another name is a station dispatcher), unlike a train dispatcher, is located at the station and is responsible for organizing the movement of trains only at his station.

Let me remind you that the train dispatcher controls the movement of trains on a section with several stations and is located in the building of the Unified Road Transportation Control Center. Each railway has its own center, in which there are several train dispatchers. Each DNC, I repeat, has its own site (another name for the site is a circle).

So, the shunting dispatcher, like the station duty officer, is operationally subordinate to the DNC. Follows his orders. In addition, the responsibilities of the DSC (maneuvering dispatcher) include the following:

  • planning and organization of shunting work at the station;
  • ensuring timely delivery of local cars for loading/unloading to organizations (station clients) adjacent to the station tracks with their access railway tracks;
  • preparing trains for departure.

DSC also manages station workers (shunting locomotive drivers, train compilers, speed controllers) who participate in the shunting process. In general, it is the DSC that manages the sorting of cars and the formation of trains according to directions.

The station duty officer dispatches trains already formed by the shunting dispatcher. If a transit train, the DSC ensures the availability of a free path for accepting/passing this train. The shunting dispatcher is assisted by the hump duty officer (DSPG). His workplace (like that of DSP, DSC) is located at the station in the building of the EC post (electric centralization post) - the room in which all the technical means for controlling the movement of trains and organizing shunting work are located.

Usually this is a 2- or 3-story building with a “glass semicircle” on the upper floors. This semicircle is a kind of balcony from which good review to the station tracks. An electrical center post was built not far from the hump, from which cars are dismantled along different tracks. Behind this glass semicircle there is a remote control, with the help of which the DSPG moves the arrows so that a car or a group of cars, uncoupled by the compiler on the hill, gets on the desired path.

The duty officer at the hump, in accordance with the orders of the shunting dispatcher, transmits instructions via radio or loudspeaker to train compilers and car speed controllers (shoemakers). Explains how many cars and on which track they need to be uncoupled. Speed ​​controllers, using a special brake shoe, reduce the speed of a car uncoupled from a hill when connecting it with cars already standing on the track. Some stations with mechanized humps, which are equipped with pneumatic car retarders, do without speed regulators.

And he leads this entire team, I’m writing a separate article about him, where I want to tell you what exactly his responsibilities are, so that everyone understands how much he has to know and be able to manage. So subscribe to blog updates. By the way, if you have any comments, be sure to indicate them in the comments.

Train dispatcher

Train dispatcher's workplace

Train dispatcher- a responsible employee of the railway transportation industry, who solely controls the movement of trains in his area (dispatching circle) and bears full responsibility for this. His orders for the movement of trains are subject to unquestioning execution by employees associated with the movement of trains: station attendants, locomotive drivers, chief conductors of prefabricated trains, etc.

No one other than the train dispatcher has the right to give operational orders regarding the movement of trains.

Goal of the work

The purpose of a train dispatcher's job is to ensure the movement of trains and local operations on the site in accordance with the train schedule and operational plan, and to maintain the maximum level of traffic safety.

Work technology

With the existing structure of dispatch control, the train dispatcher’s workplace is physically located in the building of the Unified Road Transportation Control Center, while its site may actually be located at a fairly distant distance. For example, on the Moscow Railway, the Unified Control Center building is located in Moscow, where the workplaces of all train dispatchers of the road are located, when dispatch circle No. 12 Orel-Serpukhov is located at a distance of 100-160 kilometers. Various types of communication are used to contact the train dispatcher with the performers. Instructions on the movement of trains are transmitted to station attendants via a special intercom (selective) telephone communication. It allows you to call any point included in the line separately, as well as several (group call) or all points (broadcast call). Radio communication is used to contact the train dispatcher with drivers of moving trains, but in practice, most orders to drivers (for example, an order to accelerate or increase section speed) are transmitted through station attendants. In many areas equipped with automatic blocking, the DSC workplace is equipped with dispatch control devices in the form of a board, which shows a diagram of the area and intermediate stations. A special light indication signals the indication of signals and the actual occupation of block sections and tracks at stations by trains.

Joining and being on duty.

Having accepted the shift, the DNC, by a registered circular order, announces to all the DSPs of its section about taking over duty, the presence of trains on the section - it holds a planning meeting. Next, the station duty officers report one by one about coming on duty, the operation of signaling and communication devices, the presence of active warnings and the occupancy of receiving and departure tracks. The DSC learns about the actual arrival, departure, passage of trains and other events from the reports of station attendants or using the dispatch control system. The DNC directly influences the operational situation with the help of dispatch orders, which are given either orally or in the form of written orders recorded in a special journal of the DU-58 form. According to the job description, It is prohibited to overload the dispatcher with work not related to the movement of trains.

Executed movement schedule

View of the schedule on a single-track section railway

The main tool of dispatch control is the movement schedule. It is designed to perform the main functions of a train dispatcher: monitoring, planning and regulating the movement of trains, on which the train dispatcher notes all traffic data, as well as all violations of normal operation on the site and their causes. Physically, the schedule of the executed movement is a sheet of A1 format, with a grid of the section schedule and additional information applied to it (train running times, names of separate points, their codes, etc.). Over time, the dispatcher manually plots on the chart the completed threads of the normative schedule (which, as a rule, is located in front of him).
The graph of the executed movement also indicates:

  • Numbers of trains and train locomotives, names of drivers, weight and nominal length of trains
  • Time of departure, arrival and passage of trains to the stations of the section
  • Locomotive usage data
  • Data on train and freight operation of stations for established periods of the day
  • Occupation of receiving and departure tracks at intermediate stations
  • Relieving tension in the contact network on the main and receiving and departing tracks of stations and stages
  • Active warnings requiring speed reduction
  • Trains running on the wrong track
  • Closing of stages, tracks and other devices serving traffic

To facilitate the work of the dispatcher, trainographs are used at many workplaces - devices that automatically record the progress of trains on the schedule of completed movements, multi-purpose computer program GUIDE "Ural-VNIIZhT". On especially busy circuits, an additional staff member is introduced - a graphic operator, who helps the train dispatcher in performing his passive functions.

Train dispatcher functions

Can be divided into active and passive: Active functions are expressed in three main elements:

  • Current planning is the preliminary drawing up of a plan for the passage of trains along a section for a certain period and its subsequent adjustments. At the same time, the dispatcher pursues the goal of minimizing train delays and deviations from the standard schedule. In practice, the train dispatcher performs this planning after each receipt of an accomplished event (for example, the readiness for departure of a transfer train at one of the stations, or a sudden disruption of the normal operation of devices, followed by a violation of the regulatory schedule, etc.)
  • Dispatcher regulation is the timely issuance of the necessary orders for the planned passage of trains, taking into account all emerging changes in the train situation, such as:
    • Acceleration of the train in comparison with the schedule (DNC negotiates with the train driver about accelerated movement along the section, issues him a dispatch schedule and, for its part, undertakes to provide a “green street”)
    • Changing crossing and overtaking points for trains
    • Movement on the wrong track (to organize non-stop overtaking and forced passage of trains in one direction)
    • Doubling of trains (to speed up the passage of car flows during the period of provision of “windows”)
  • Evaluation and control actions - assessment of the achieved result in comparison with the planned one.

All these actions are performed in parallel, constantly overlapping each other. If trains deviate from the schedule for various reasons, the train dispatcher a short time complex multivariate problems have to be solved. In order to achieve good results, the dispatcher must always go “ahead of the trains,” constantly planning the order in which they will pass. At the same time, he must anticipate all operational events: crossings, overtaking, delays when moving “along the distance,” etc. To do this, he mentally extends the train lines on his schedule, determining the time of these events and outlining regulatory measures

Passive functions: maintaining a schedule of completed movements, exchanging train approaches with neighboring dispatchers, transmitting information about trains and cars to the station, filling out appendices to the schedule. The train dispatcher spends 25 to 35 percent of his working time on these operations. By freeing it from them (using the methods indicated above), you can significantly increase the efficiency of its work or increase the length of the section.

In addition to train work, the dispatcher organizes the local work of his section: organizes the movement of transfer, export and collection trains with cars, assignment to intermediate stations of the section, informs the duty officers at these stations in advance about the approach of cars, ensures loading of empty cars, takes measures for the speedy removal of loaded cars and empty cars from being unloaded from the site to the nearest technical stations. Currently, some of these functions are transferred to the dispatcher of the TSUMR (Local Work Management Center).

Dispatch centralization

Allows you to dramatically increase labor efficiency, which combines in one system automatic blocking on stages, electrical centralization at stations and remote control devices for switches and signals. It allows you to do away with station attendants by transferring their functions of controlling switches and signals to a train dispatcher. In necessary cases (in case of malfunction of technical means, a sharp increase in shunting work), the station can be transferred to backup control. In this case, the arrows and signals are controlled by the station duty officer or the station manager. The DC frees the dispatcher from the bulk of negotiations, but loads him with direct control of arrows and signals.

Features of work in electrified areas.

In such areas, the dispatcher must take into account the power supply conditions. To ensure normal voltage in the contact network, it is necessary to run trains at scheduled intervals. Heavy and connected trains should not be allowed to travel in packs (one after another, maintaining only the interval between trains). The DSC must notify the energy dispatcher in advance of the release of such trains.


Train dispatchers are a large group of workers who largely determine the progress of operational work on the roads.
The operation of railway transport is subject to three laws (in descending order of importance):

  • Ensuring train safety
  • Train schedule
  • Formation plan

The train dispatcher, like none of the employees authorized to promptly manage operational work, influences all three laws simultaneously. Their number should include experienced movers who have accumulated sufficient experience as a station duty officer and other responsible traffic service employees (shuttlers and station dispatchers, senior station attendants, etc.). When appointed to a position, a train dispatcher must pass tests of his knowledge of the basics operational management and theory in the audit service of the railway management, undergoes a medical examination and testing by an experienced psychologist. It is also advisable to have higher education majoring in “Organization of transportation and management in railway transport.”

1. General provisions

1.1. A train dispatcher belongs to the category of specialists.

1.2. A person who has

higher professional (technical) education and work experience

positions related to train movement for at least 1 year or average

professional (technical) education and work experience in positions,

related to train traffic, at least 3 years.

1.3. A train dispatcher is appointed to the position and dismissed from

her as the head of the enterprise and is directly subordinate to


1.4. The train dispatcher must know:

- Rules technical operation railways

— Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on railways

— Instructions for signaling on railways

production of work on maintenance and repair of signaling devices

— Instructions for ensuring the safety of train traffic during

production of track works

— safety rules and procedures for eliminating emergency situations with

dangerous goods during transportation by rail

- orders and instructions from the railway management,

railway departments

— methodological, regulatory and other guidance materials on

train traffic organization

— train schedule and train formation plan and order

directions of car flows, diagrams, track profiles,

technical and administrative acts, technological processes station operation

— operation of dispatch centralization devices

— rules for working on a PC

— indicators and technical standards of operational work

— rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions,

industrial sanitation

— Fire safety rules in railway transport

— basics of economics and production management

— Regulations on discipline of railway transport workers

— Regulations on working time and rest time for employees

railway transport

— _________________________________________________________________.

1.5. During the absence of the train dispatcher (business trip, vacation,

illness, etc.) his duties are performed by a person appointed in

in the prescribed manner.

1.6. ______________________________________________________________.

2. Job responsibilities

Train dispatcher:

2.1. Manages the movement of trains at the serviced (control room)

2.2. Ensures schedule compliance and traffic safety

trains, efficient use technical means, rolling stock and


2.3. Assesses and predicts the situation on the site, plans and

organizes the passage of trains, entry into the schedule of late passenger and

commuter trains.

2.4. Monitors the movement of trains along the stages, on time

reception, departure and passage of trains at stations, especially when

violations of the normal operation of signaling and communication devices, when overtaking and

crossings of passenger, long-unit, heavy-duty, with discharge and

oversized train cargo and other trains.

2.5. Ensures the delivery of local cargo and the implementation of regulatory

assignments for the delivery of empty cars.

2.6. Monitors the work of stations to complete loading tasks and

unloading of wagons, reception, formation and departure of trains.

2.7. Performs operations to prepare reception routes,

departure, passage of trains and shunting movements on sections,

equipped with dispatch centralization.

2.8. Receives information on the computer about the movement of trains and locomotives on

site, monitors the timeliness of transmission of information messages


2.9. Gives instructions to station duty officers on traffic management

trains, orders on the closure and opening of stages (tracks), on the transition from

one means of signaling and communication to another, from double-track traffic to

single-track, about the departure of trains on the wrong track, etc.

2.10. Ensures timely provision of “windows”, accepts

measures to organize emergency recovery work and timely

troubleshooting technical devices and equipment.

2.11. Maintains a schedule of completed train movements and other

established documentation, registers orders in the dispatch log


2.12. Manages the work of a single shift of the control area.

2.13. _____________________________________________________________.

The train dispatcher has the right:

3.1. Submit proposals for management's consideration

issues of its activities.

3.2. Receive from specialists structural divisions enterprises

information related to issues of its activities.

3.3. Sign and endorse documents within your


3.4. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in

performance of their job responsibilities.

3.5. ______________________________________________________________.

4. Responsibility

The train dispatcher is responsible for:

4.1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill their duties

duties provided for in this job description, in

limits defined labor legislation Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of exercising their

activities - within the limits determined by administrative, criminal and

civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage- within the limits specified

current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.4. ______________________________________________________________.

Currently, in connection with the reconstruction, the entire dispatch apparatus has been transferred to Nizhny Novgorod to the Road Administration and from there the entire transportation process is carried out from the UC UPP (a single center for controlling the transportation process).

A control circle is a section of the road, the work of which is controlled by one train dispatcher. The circles are demarcated by a technical or pre-node station, which is included in only one control circle.

The locomotive dispatcher manages the operation and connection of locomotives and crews to trains, monitors compliance with mileage and downtime standards for locomotives at the stations of the main Lyangasovo depot and return depots, and keeps records of the operating hours of locomotive crews.

Uninterrupted power supply in the electrified sections (the main route Shakhunya-Balezino) is ensured by two sections of energy dispatchers - Western and Northern. They regulate the loading of traction substations supplying lines, take measures to quickly restore damaged areas, and ensure safe conditions during restoration and repair work on the contact network.

Responsibilities of a train dispatcher.

The main task of the dispatcher is to ensure the movement of a given number of trains along the section with the highest speed, the least parking, the best use of locomotives and cars, while unconditionally observing traffic safety and worker safety. To do this, he controls the operation of all stations in his area; promptly gives instructions to station attendants, drivers and chief conductors via radio communication on the procedure for moving all freight and passenger, single and export locomotives, railcars and other mobile units through stations and hauls; informs stations about the approach of trains and cargo; on trailers and detachments of cars with prefabricated and export trains; monitors the correct use of shunting locomotives; draws up a dispatch schedule for trains not included in the schedule; provides stations and supplies and cleans wagons at loading and unloading stations; maintains close contact with neighboring DNUs of its department and adjacent departments. Train dispatchers are provided with information about the approach of trains from other roads and departments within 3-4 hours. How does the site commander support the dispatcher? high level discipline in the shift, directs the efforts of the shift team to implement plans, has the right to give the necessary instructions and orders to all workers associated with the movement. His orders are subject to unconditional execution. Higher officials can give traffic instructions only through the train dispatcher on duty.

Train dispatcher's workplace.

Each train dispatcher has a separate room; a table with an inclined surface on which the executive movement form is located. On the table there is a microphone, a loudspeaker, a calling panel, and a cabinet for station diagrams. In front of the dispatcher, on the wall of the cabinet with communication equipment, is a train schedule, above the schedule is a diagram of station sections, and if a DC is equipped, then a traffic light display. All official materials are stored in the table: traffic instructions, signaling, PTE, section profile, formation plan, time cards for maneuvers.

At the stations there is a log of dispatch orders DU-58, folders with operational orders for the department and the road. When entering duty, the dispatcher calls the stations of the section, checks them, gets acquainted and familiarizes the shift with the train situation on the section, current warnings and management orders, studies the situation at the stations, formalizes the transfer of duty in the desk log and announces the number of the circular order. At the same time, all stations report who is on duty (DSP), the presence of cars at the station, the presence of free tracks, securing with brake shoes, current warnings, and clocks are reconciled.

DNC maintains a schedule of executed traffic, which is necessary to monitor the movement of trains on schedule, plan their passage through sections, and to analyze the schedule of executive traffic. Information is provided about the arrival of trains. The actual movement of trains, their deviation from the schedule, the reason for the delay (if any), repair work on the track and the contact network are noted. Depending on the category, train lines are marked on the graph with the appropriate color: gondola cars are blue,

Transportation services.

General provisions:

1. This job description defines functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the train dispatcher of the Road Transportation Control Center of the transportation service.

2. The train dispatcher of the Road Transportation Management Center of the transportation service is appointed to the position and dismissed in the prescribed manner by the Deputy Head of the South-Eastern Railway for Personnel and Social Issues.

3. The train dispatcher of the Road Transportation Management Center of the transportation service is directly subordinate to: the deputy head of the transportation service - the head of the Road Transportation Management Center, the deputy heads of the Road Transportation Management Center, the head of the department (for operation of the control area).

4. The train dispatcher is guided in his work by the Rules of Technical Operation of the Railways of the Russian Federation; Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on the railways of the Russian Federation; Instructions for signaling on Russian railways; Instructions for ensuring the safety of train traffic during maintenance and repair of signaling and signaling technical devices; Instructions for ensuring the safety of train traffic during track works; Safety rules and procedures for eliminating emergency situations with dangerous goods; resolutions, instructions, orders of JSC Russian Railways, the railway on the organization of train traffic and shunting work; the charter of JSC Russian Railways, the regulations on dispatch control of train traffic in JSC Russian Railways and this job description.

5. The train dispatcher must know the rules of cargo transportation by rail; basics operational planning work of the control area, indicators and technical standards of operational work; train schedule, train formation plan and order of direction of car flows; diagrams, track profiles, technical and administrative acts and technological processes of operation of railway stations of the dispatch area; instructions for the transportation of oversized and heavy cargo on railways.

6. The train dispatcher interacts in the process of work with train dispatchers of neighboring dispatch areas, a road dispatcher (in the control area), a locomotive dispatcher (region), a dispatcher for regulating the wagon fleet (district), with duty officers at railway stations, with shunting dispatchers (station ) control area, with workers of related services.

7. During vacations, business trips or illness, the train dispatcher of the Road Transportation Control Center of the transportation service is replaced by a train dispatcher of the same center.


The train dispatcher performs the following functional responsibilities:

1. Manages the movement of trains on the serviced dispatching section of the railway, the work of a single shift at the station of the dispatching section, ensures compliance with the schedule and safety of train movement, efficient use of locomotives and cars, freight and bandwidth plot.

2. Organizes and predicts the train position on the section, plans and organizes the passage of trains, entering late passenger and commuter trains into the schedule, formation and passage of heavy, long-unit, connected trains, controls the progress of trains along the sections, timely reception, passage and departure of trains by stations, including in case of violations of the normal operation of signaling and communication devices, during “windows”, during overtaking and crossing of trains (passenger, long-unit, with dangerous and oversized cargo, etc.), controls the operating mode of locomotive crews.

3. Takes prompt measures to comply with the work and rest regime of locomotive crews, including in suburban traffic, in cases of difficulties in passing trains caused by violations of traffic safety and normal operation of devices and other emergency situations.

4. Ensures the delivery of local cargo and the implementation of regulatory tasks for the delivery of empty cars, the passage of trains with perishable cargo without downtime at intermediate stations and the timely provision of “windows”.

5. Monitors the work of railway stations to complete tasks for the reception, formation and departure of trains, loading and

unloading cars, forming and departing trains, loading and unloading cars, meeting quality performance indicators.

6. Controls the timeliness of the transmission of messages about the movement of trains and locomotives along the section between railway stations, gives instructions to station duty officers on the organization of train movement, orders on the closure and opening of hauls or individual haul tracks, on the transition from one to another means, signaling and communications, about trains leaving on the wrong route.

7. Monitors the safety of train traffic in the serviced dispatch area, analyzes the train position, and violations of the operation of technical equipment.

8. Reports violations of train traffic safety to the senior road dispatcher, takes prompt measures to organize emergency repair work at the serviced dispatch area and timely eliminate malfunctions of technical means and equipment.

9. Registers in the log of dispatch orders messages received from locomotive drivers and technical service workers about malfunctions that threaten traffic safety, as well as information about their elimination.

10. Participates in monitoring compliance with train traffic safety requirements, including through inspections at serviced areas and railway management areas with visits to stations, with travel in the driver’s cabin of a train locomotive or multiple unit rolling stock.

11. During vacations, business trips or illness, the train dispatcher performs the duties of an absent train dispatcher.


The train dispatcher has the right:

1. use all types of communication out of turn on issues related to traffic safety and train passage;

2. give orders to the duty officers at railway stations, shunting (station) dispatchers at railway stations, and heads of railway stations of the dispatch section regarding the work of the section.


The train dispatcher is responsible for:

1. failure to perform or improper performance of one’s official duties;

2. violation of internal rules labor regulations;

3. disclosure of information constituting a trade secret of Russian Railways JSC and its counterparties, failure to comply with requirements regulatory documents JSC Russian Railways, regulating the procedure for handling information that constitutes a trade secret of JSC Russian Railways and its counterparties.