Alexander Bogatikov business lines biography. Biography of Alexander Bogatikov, co-owner of the company “Business Lines. Interests and hobbies

The path of Alexander Bogatikov from student to founder of Business Lines

The biography of an entrepreneur is a path to success based on constant self-improvement and accumulation of experience. Alexander Alexandrovich was born in 1978, in the city of Leningrad. The future owner of Business Lines received higher education at BSTU "VOENMEKH" named after. D.F. Ustinova. Already in his first years of study, Bogatikov knew that he wanted to organize his own own business, and followed the goal. The future entrepreneur analyzed the experience of foreign companies and explored the possibilities of its implementation in the domestic market. From that time on, Alexander Alexandrovich developed in himself the qualities necessary for the successful management of a large company.

The emergence of "Business Lines"

Before you organize own enterprise, Bogatikov participated in several other business projects. Some of them brought success to their owners, but most brought only invaluable experience to Alexander himself. In 2010, in an interview, he admitted that “Business Lines” was completely built on his own mistakes and failures.

However, in 2001, Alexander Alexandrovich became the founder and owner of Business Lines, in collaboration with several partners and investors. This enterprise is a standard for the correct use of accumulated experience and its adaptation to a specific situation. Alexander Bogatikov and his “Business Lines” surpassed all competitors. According to Infranews, this company is the leader in the Russian market in the field of transport logistics and transportation of goods. This means that Alexander’s competent leadership has led Business Lines to success for 17 years.

Operating principles of Alexander Bogatikov and his enterprise

An entrepreneur and his business always have a close relationship. Alexander’s case is no exception: Bogatikov is growing and developing, just like his “Business Lines”. The company has been a leader in the field of cargo transportation for many years, and operates not only in Russian Federation, but also extends its influence to the CIS countries. In 2001, the company's head office was founded in St. Petersburg, and is still located there today.

The company succeeds due to compliance with a number of principles that the owner has formed:

All processes, including those directly related to running a business, should be optimized as much as possible in terms of time and money, and automated if possible.

The accuracy and productivity of each operation must be high, and strive to improve even further.

The outlook on business and the manner of doing it should not copy someone else's model. These indicators must be unique and independent.

Alexander Bogatikov cares about his employees, and has said many times that the company’s personnel should develop and grow as the “Business Lines” themselves develop and grow.

The veracity of this phrase is very easy to prove by assessing the considerable number of people who began their careers as ordinary specialists, and today are highly paid professional top managers.

Also, one of the important points of the company’s philosophy is the constant work to improve not only the quality of work, but also to expand the sphere of influence. The company is increasingly expanding the market for its services. Its branches are located throughout Russia, as well as in many CIS countries, and the number of branches continues to grow. Success and leadership in Russia is only the beginning of the development of Business Lines.

How the founder of “Business Lines” Alexander Aleksandrovich Bogatikov spends his free time

Alexander Alexandrovich, like other serious entrepreneurs, cannot devote much time to rest and entertainment. However, in his free moments from managing the enterprise, Bogatikov takes up photography. If there is not enough time for shooting, the businessman spends his leisure time reading books.

Business Lines very often make donations to various charities, which characterizes Alexander Bogatikov as a generous person who does not refuse help, in other words, a philanthropist.

Alexander Bogatikov is now well known among many Russian citizens. It is difficult not to notice his talented influence on the development of many industries in the country. Thanks to the brilliant entrepreneur Alexander, many businessmen are confident in their business partner, and the transportation of goods throughout Russia and abroad is stable and of high quality.

It is Alexander Bogatikov who is the head of the company “ Business Line» – a leading cargo transportation company. The organization is actively developing and is already using air transport for its transportation.

Owner's life

Bogatikov Alexander, whose biography is filled with various funny incidents and facts, has many achievements. They are the ones who motivate modern businessmen - beginners.

He was born in 1997, in the summer, in the Stavropol Territory. It was there that he spent his entire childhood and adolescence. For Alexander, the city of his childhood became a picturesque region, rich in vibrant landscapes and architectural monuments.

The future leader, from a young age, showed himself to be an obedient, concentrated and intelligent child. And many adults could envy his thirst for knowledge. After graduating from school without difficulties, Alexander Bogatikov was able to enter the Belarusian State University Technical University named after Ustinov. Even then, options for entrepreneurial activity crept into his thoughts, in connection with this, Alexander began to study logistics. Having become successful, Alexander answered reporters that this area did not develop in its region, but was in demand, this was exactly the niche that should have been occupied.

BSTU named after. Mr. Bogatikov graduated from Ustinov with honors, and two options for further developments appeared before him:

    scientific activity, development of modern technologies;

    entrepreneurial activity, development of modern business.

As we understand, preference was unmistakably given to the second.

The emergence and development of “Business Lines”

Of course, before you find yourself in life, you need to try a lot. Bogatikov Alexander Alexandrovich did not immediately gain success in transportation, but began his journey with trade. This life stage gave him invaluable experience, useful acquaintances with suppliers, as well as with people who later became loyal and reliable partners.

Together with these people, Alexander has been running the Business Lines company since 2001. The company started out with minimal capital compared to other companies. In this regard, it was assumed that the work would be limited to the Northwestern Federal District. Relying on this plan, the main office was registered in St. Petersburg

The main goal of the organization was to simplify the long and complex transportation process. To solve this difficult problem, the manager constantly studied new technologies and, whenever possible, introduced them into the work of his employees, as a result he was able to create ease of transportation. An example was his foreign colleagues and partners, whose work he analyzed in detail.

Now the company is a leading leader in logistics and transportation. In addition, it serves as a shining example for those who are just beginning to take their first, uncertain steps in transportation.

Alexander Bogatikov pays serious attention to the selection and retention of his staff. He believes that the active development of the company and the quality of services depend directly on the employees. As a rule, in “Business Lines” you can build a career, starting with a simple employee and developing to top managers and directors.

Numbers will describe success

Now “Business Lines” of Alexander Bogatikov is developing. The experience of cooperation with foreign colleagues has helped to provide everyone with the opportunity to transport goods different types delivery:



    light transport;

    by air transport.

Alexander Alexandrovich can imagine:

    a vehicle fleet that includes more than 4,000 vehicles;

    staff of more than 20,000 people;

    arrived growing in algebraic progression;

    140 branches in Russian cities.

Personal life, hobbies and entertainment

Alexander Aleksandrovich Bogatikov “business lines” gives preference to active recreation and physical activity. Most of all he loves football, both watching and playing. In addition, he is a music lover and enjoys classical and modern literature. Loves to visit new countries and delve into new cultures. There are already about 40 countries on his list. With special trepidation, Alexander Alexandrovich remembers America, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina. He even maintains his own blog. In the future, the entrepreneur plans to visit Ecuador, Malaysia and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and is also thinking about New Zealand and Alaska. He is confident that every entrepreneur must develop; Alexander’s numerous travels and huge plans for the future help him in this.

Bogatikov Alexander Alexandrovich is a character of amazing ingenuity. His tax evasion schemes can be included in textbooks and taught in best universities a world where from time to time Arsenov Lupenov and Konstantinov Kondakov are raised. Unlike the famous gentleman robber and builder of financial pyramids, Alexander Bogatikov did not manage to gain such brilliant fame. Therefore, we are ready to correct this omission.

To begin with, let’s not be unfounded and describe a little the very scheme for defrauding our great state, which was developed by his partner Mikhail Valentinovich Khabarov. As the media learned, it was Alexander Bogatikov was the mastermind of the largest tax scam recent years, which was pulled off by his Business Lines.

Earlier, the publication Fontanka drew attention to the decision Arbitration Court St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region on the application of Delovye Linii LLC to invalidate the results of the tax service audit. After which the Investigative Committee of St. Petersburg opened a criminal case and arrested 1.6 billion in the company’s accounts, the site notes.

Skillful swindler Bogatikov Alexander Alexandrovich

Then the head of the “West” department of the Main Directorate for Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Timchenko, was detained for a hundred million bribe. Then the owner of the same “Business Lines” Bogatikov also visited the cell. The company compensated for the damage, which led to the termination of the criminal prosecution of the billionaire. But on July 12, in a voluminous document, the arbitration court for the first time reflected an illegal salary scheme, thanks to which they received 100 million rubles in monthly income. Another thing is that 12 thousand employees of Delovye Lines do not know that they still have to pay.

In the original source - the decision of the Arbitration Court - that prompted Fontanka to further collect information, there is a paragraph that is central to the stated topic: “During the analysis of statements of transactions on the settlement accounts of Delovye Linii LLC, the inspectorate established that the funds received from the Company were transferred mainly to current accounts... (numerous company names follow) with the purpose of payment “for the provision of transport services.” Subsequently, the funds were transferred... (the names of dozens of companies follow). Subsequently, the funds were transferred to organizations called “insurance”... (the names of dozens of companies follow). Subsequently, the funds were transferred (the names of the banks follow) to the accounts of employees of Business Lines LLC with the purpose of payment being “insurance payment under the contract”... Quantity individuals– recipients Money amounted to more than ten thousand."

The last three lines are key. The fact is that if you carefully read the multi-page document, it is clear how the invisible salary scheme operated, which has nothing to do with the familiar “envelope” scheme. And this directly concerns 12 thousand employees in 170 branches, including in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, the Russian leader in the transportation of consolidated cargo “Business Lines”.

First, we will have to remember how this story developed publicly.

It is no secret that on September 8, 2016, the Investigative Committee of St. Petersburg initiated a criminal case under the second part of Article 199 of the Criminal Code “Tax Evasion.” This happened after the Investigative Committee requested something that the tax office itself should have notified long ago - the results of a lengthy on-site inspection by the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the largest taxpayers No. 2 in St. Petersburg. As a result, Business Lines were presented with VAT arrears for 2011–2013 in the amount of 515 million rubles, income tax arrears in the amount of 572 million rubles and fines for total amount by 500 million rubles. After which 1.6 billion rubles were seized from the accounts of Business Lines. Then began the running around to resolve behind-the-scenes issues, which ended with the spectacular detention of the head of the “West” department of the Main Directorate for Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Colonel Timchenko, for attempting to receive a hundred million bribe for minimizing tax claims. The scandal scared away all interested parties, and the owner of Business Lines, Alexander Bogatikov, who went on permanent sick leave, is put on the federal wanted list. On April 4, 2017, he appears on his own, spends the night in a cell, and the matter reaches the finish line.

The fact is that the composition of Article 199 stipulates that if the culprit has paid off financial claims, then he is released. By the end of June of this year, criminal prosecution against Bogatikov disappeared.

Fontanka learned that the results of an audit of the Directorate “F” (banks, insurance sector) of the Main Directorate were lost in the news economic security Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which were sent to the tax office of St. Petersburg, but due to technical reasons that raised questions in some departments, the documents were not included in the decision to bring Business Lines to justice.

Alexander Bogatikov can become Sasha Bednyakov or the tax embarrassment of Business Lines

Operatives carried out examinations in “Business Lines”. Even Treasurer Spitsina's diary with black bookkeeping was confiscated. An internal mail array has been downloaded. The nominee directors and selectively the ordinary employees of the company themselves were interviewed. The editors have a number of these materials at their disposal. Nevertheless, it is appropriate to present a short dialogue between a journalist and an interlocutor in the central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

– I can send you a hundred pages by mail.

- And then they won’t ask you? – asked the journalist.

- So no one needs it now. Everything has already been decided.

These documents decipher the text of the Arbitration Court.

Let's start with the fact that every adult knows simple arithmetic: from his earned white ruble he pays 13 kopecks in taxes. And the employer pays 30 kopecks from each such ruble, but as social contributions. So, 1 ruble + 30 kopecks.

But according to the findings of the “F” Directorate, an innovative scheme was developed in “Business Lines”. The employee actually received bank card the salary that was negotiated when hiring, but did not know the nuance: in fact, the salary was a third of the amount, and the remaining two-thirds came from shell companies, and he did not see it at all, and therefore did not understand from whom. (If the employee wishes, he has the right to request the stubs, but who does this today...) Thus, he paid 13 percent on only a third of his salary, and the company paid 30 percent of social benefits on the same minimum amount.

You don't have to be an experienced accountant to calculate hidden profitability. Business Lines employs about 12 thousand people in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Leningrad region and other regions. On average, their salary is 45 thousand rubles. If they paid with 15 thousand, then with the remaining 30 thousand they acted more cunningly.

The ruble was sent in the form of dummy payments for services, mainly for transport services(read the arbitration excerpt at the beginning of the text), which can be hidden with the powerful transport turnover of Business Lines. Accordingly, the ruble received VAT of 18 percent. So the salary ruble is already shrinking to 82 kopecks. But we must not forget the cost of transit - shell companies are not serviced for free. And this is about 5 kopecks per ruble. So the ruble, which has fallen in price to 82 kopecks, grows to 87 kopecks. Then do the math for yourself - you should have paid 1.30, but it turned out to be 87. Look at the optimization of almost 50 kopecks per ruble. They say the scheme operated from 2009 to 2013, but the audit only affected the years 2011–2013.

Even a simple 30% of 30 thousand would already be 9 thousand. Multiplying by 12 thousand, we get more than 100 million. Indeed, to earn a living, you have to work. But to get rich, you need to come up with something smarter. It can be the other way around: if we accept the version that the scheme worked from 2009 to the end of 2012, then the budget was shortfall from personal income tax payments by 1.5 billion rubles, on social positions - more than 3.5 billion, and VAT after tricky payments for transport services was returned to an amount of approximately 2.3 billion rubles.

But these are problems of the state, and not everything is sweet in the future for the workers themselves.

If we simplify pension calculations, then in accordance with what was adopted back in 2001 Federal law“On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, two categories of citizens had the funded part: those born in 1953 - 1966 - 2%, and since 1967 - 3 - 4%. But since 2005, the first category stopped receiving the funded part of the pension. And since 2015, Russians born in 1967 had to choose one of two options: transfer of the funded part to a non-state Pension Fund or leave everything in the general budget. For those who chose the first option, the future pension consists of the insurance and savings parts. For the second - only from the insurance company. Note that the calculation takes into account the length of service and the amount of contributions that the employer transfers for his employee. The amount of contributions is included in the calculation of points, taking into account indexation.


Bogatikov Alexander Alexandrovich – one of the founders Russian company"Business Lines", which has firmly established itself among the leaders of road transport carriers in the country. Entrepreneurial activity started in 2001, engaging in groupage freight transportation.

Alexander Bogatikov, born in 1978, showed business qualities already at the university. He studied at BSTU "VOENMEKH" named after. D.F. Ustinova. By following the development of foreign companies in the field of logistics, the future businessman accumulated knowledge. The experience gained served as the impetus for starting my own business. Even then, Alexander Bogatikov decided that his company would adhere to world quality standards.

At the beginning of his career, the entrepreneur was involved in various projects, which allowed him to acquire invaluable knowledge. It was they who served as support for the creation of the “Business Lines” company. As Alexander Bogatikov admitted in an interview, his brainchild grew up on the difficulties that had to be overcome.

Way to success

Bogatikov Alexander's biography contains many interesting points that influenced the development of the entrepreneur as a businessman and personality. Her key point can be called the creation of your own logistics company, co-owned by Bogatikov. Currently, it ranks first in the lists of the best Russian transport and logistics enterprises. The company not only successfully operates, but is also a source of information about events in the field of logistics.

From the beginning of the company’s founding, Business Lines focused on the northern capital and Northwestern Federal District. To this day, the main office is located in St. Petersburg. Since 2001, the company has set itself the mission of simplifying transportation, making them as comfortable as possible. To bring our plans to life, it was necessary to build everything from scratch: automate leading processes, increase their efficiency and accuracy.

Company principles

Over many years of work, Alexander Bogatikov Aleksandrovich “Business Lines” has built his own concept for business development. In interviews, he often stated that the only place that Business Lines can occupy in the logistics industry is first. In addition to promoting the enterprise, we must not forget about the comfort of the employees working in it. It is necessary to pay attention to the development of other companies in the country. The words of the co-owner are confirmed by the experience of many employees of Business Lines, who have gone from a simple worker to a manager.

Over the course of its existence, the company has truly become a leader in the logistics sector. Its results are proof of this. At the end of 2016, Business Lines occupied the lion's share of the logistics market.

Now the company has points in all regions of Russia. Company:

· carries out transportation by any type of transport;

· offers cargo storage services;

· engages in logistics outsourcing.

Thanks to the availability of transport, the company can transport cargo not only throughout Russia, but also in neighboring countries.

Alexander Bogatikov “Business Lines” is based on sensitive attention to the wishes of clients, loyalty and firmness in achieving our plans.

Personal life

As Alexander Bogatikov admits, he can hardly find free time in his schedule. The luck to enjoy your favorite hobby is rare. You have to get acquainted with the news in a hurry. Whenever possible, the businessman prefers to spend time reading a book or doing photography.

About my family life, following the example of many businessmen, Alexander Bogatikov prefers not to talk about it. He is actively involved in charity work.

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After graduating from high school, Bogatikov entered and successfully graduated from the BSTU "VOENMEH" named after Ustinov.

During his student years, he was distinguished by his intelligence, special mentality, business acumen and studied modern approach to doing business and successful experience of foreign entrepreneurs. Most of all, he was drawn to logistics, so he set himself the goal of founding a European-style logistics company before graduating from university.


In 2015, Bogatikov made his dream come true by organizing the Business Lines company. The transport empire engaged in transportation quickly conquered its niche in the market and became a leading logistics company in Russia. The company focused on the European standard of service and innovative advanced technologies, and it was right. The company's central office was located in St. Petersburg, and from there it expanded to all corners of the country.

Today, Business Lines occupy a leading position in the country and all thanks to the hard work, fortitude and intelligence of the founder. Successful company has already entered world markets and is working with the countries of the Customs Union.