Automated warehouse management system classification. WMS warehouse management systems. WMS system - what is it? Key functions of WMS systems

A logistics center management system or WMS is a set of software that allows you to automate many of the business processes of a warehouse complex.

Which warehouses are WMS suitable for?

Since the WMS systems presented on the domestic market are very diverse, they are suitable for premises of any size: both small warehouses and large logistics centers.

Conventionally, WMS can be divided into the following types:

  • Initial. This system is suitable for companies and stores that have a small warehouse space and a number of commodity items also small.
  • Boxed. It is being implemented in warehouse areas from a thousand to 10 thousand square meters with a small turnover, but a wide range of products.
  • Adaptable. Suitable for large logistics organizations, distribution and logistics centers and warehouses with an area of ​​5 thousand square meters.
  • Configurable. It is used in warehouse areas of over 5 thousand square meters, with a large number of product items and high turnover.

Why implement WMS?

Operation of WMS will help organize effective management logistics complex. When used, the use of warehouse volume is optimized. With its help, the speed of picking up goods increases, and correct information about the location of products inside the warehouse is easily and quickly provided. The WMS system helps in organizing the rotation of goods with a short shelf life.

Thus, a warehouse complex equipped with a WMS receives a flexible tool that helps automate processes, increase productivity and reduce storage costs.

What problems does a warehouse complex management system help solve?

With the help of WMS, you can successfully solve a number of problems related to receiving, loading and unloading, warehousing, order formation, inventory planning and rotation, and warehouse personnel administration.

Reception of products

  • acceptance of received goods for safekeeping;
  • acceptance of cargo using radio terminals or paper media;
  • printing and barcode recognition;
  • the ability to set up preliminary notifications from suppliers about the expected arrival of goods;
  • checking the quantitative conformity of products and making adjustments to documents and the database.

Simultaneous reception and loading

  • transit shipment of goods through a logistics center;
  • reloading of products delivered from the supplier for shipment to customers.

Product storage

  • flexible rules for placing goods for optimal use of warehouse volume;
  • simplification or automation of warehousing;
  • assessment of important parameters for organizing storage cells;
  • automatic creation of warehousing tasks for personnel;
  • preparation for storage of bulk products from various suppliers;
  • designation and determination of the exact location for storing goods;
  • progressive storage optimization;
  • optimization of storage based on expiration dates;
  • control of storage of dangerous goods.

Inventory tracking

  • customizable strategies and criteria for the need to replenish goods;
  • replenishment of incomplete pallets;
  • joint replenishment of a certain group of products on one pallet;
  • automatic sending of tasks for the delivery of necessary goods;
  • the ability to replenish stocks in different units of measurement (for example, piece, box, pallet);
  • organization of convenient work with weight products;
  • flexible movement and availability adjustment warehouse stocks;
  • carrying out an interim inventory of goods;
  • Carrying out a complete inventory (with calculation of weight/quantity at the input and output);
  • tracking up-to-date information about stored stocks;
  • the ability to consolidate inventories across all distribution centers;
  • zoning of a warehouse complex for localization of inventories;
  • tracking of various attributes (for example, lot number or serial number) and product owners;
  • automatic recording of the date by which stored products must be sold;
  • customizable reshipment system, breaking down into small lots to move inventory;
  • flexible technologies for the release of stored goods (FIFO, LIFO and others).

Order picking

  • automatic creation and sending of tasks to staff for collecting orders;
  • ergonomic packaging directly into the pallet (dimensions, weight and other characteristics of the product are taken into account);
  • assembling goods onto a conveyor belt;
  • the ability to make selections by the piece, in boxes, pallets, etc.;
  • procedure for identifying products by packaging during loading or return;
  • packaging in batches of goods, while you can use radio terminals, labels, voice commands;
  • the ability to comprehensively group orders to optimize resources and time;
  • combining or separating product groups;
  • various assembly options - discrete, group, combined;
  • product packaging;
  • assembly of orders with their personalization;
  • generating IDs of sent containers for subsequent tracking of their location.

Loading work

  • competent consolidation of cargo taking into account the sequence of delivery during loading works;
  • drawing up schedules for product shipments taking into account priorities;
  • generation of accompanying documentation;
  • verification and closure of loading and dispatch operations via radio terminals;
  • choosing a cargo carrier;
  • conformity marking.

Container management

  • location tracking;
  • placing different groups of products in a container and determining restrictions on their joint storage;
  • applying information about a license or patent;
  • identification of goods by packaging.

Production Capacity Management

  • movement of products within the company;
  • automatic replenishment and movement of goods to additional warehouse premises;
  • inspection of special equipment of the warehouse complex;
  • refueling planning warehouse equipment;
  • planning of repair work.

Human Resource Management

  • recording the number of working hours;
  • creating tasks and tracking their implementation;
  • drawing up a schedule of tasks taking into account priorities;
  • dispatching and interleaving tasks;
  • mass transfers of tasks;
  • preparation of reports related to by human resourses;
  • development of standards for personnel;
  • planning and determining labor productivity;
  • management of tasks and their automatic formation for the acceptance of goods, their placement, movement, replenishment, calculation of turnover, order picking, loading and unloading, dispatch of goods.

How do WMS systems work?

The main principles of WMS are the introduction of barcoding and zoning of the territory of the warehouse complex. The area is divided into zones according to the types of operations taking place in them. This allows you to automate similar procedures and give staff clear instructions for receiving, placing, and shipping products. Clearly delineated job responsibilities and empowerment help employees to perform warehouse work effectively.

At the implementation stage, detailed information is entered into the WMS system physical characteristics warehouse complex, loading and unloading special equipment, parameters warehouse equipment. Work rules are also fixed. Then all stored goods and newly received products are marked with barcodes. Now the system, based on the data entered into it, will be able to carry out control and suggest optimization methods.

Warehouse equipment and employees are equipped with radio terminals for data input/output. Such a terminal is a minicomputer connected to the main server via a radio channel. The WMS can use existing barcodes or print custom labels with internal codes entered into the warehouse.

During inventory, personnel use radio terminals to read barcodes that are automatically entered into databases. The WMS system takes into account all requirements for product storage conditions (such as humidity, temperature, expiration/sale dates, compatibility with other products, etc.) and intelligently allocates places for storing goods. She not only finds storage space, but also independently creates individual tasks for warehouse employees. Such tasks are received in personal terminals and displayed on screens in the form of simple step-by-step commands.

When forming tasks, WMS determines the optimal routes for movement of special equipment around the complex, which makes it possible to reduce the idle mileage of loading and unloading devices. For each operation, the control system finds special equipment that best suits the task. Completion is controlled by scanning product codes. Consequently, a WMS monitors employee actions and reduces product misplacement or incorrect order picking to almost zero.

The system displays real-time data on the location of cargo, product availability, and employee actions. For ease of observation, you can view a 2D image showing the layout of the warehouse complex.

WMS regularly generates various reports (on the work of personnel, the condition of premises, etc.). They can be either printed or viewed electronically.

What is the WMS architecture?

A typical logistics center management system has three main components: the user interface, the database, and the business logic.

A user interface is a software application displayed on the monitor or screen of a device. This is where staff enter, change or delete information. It also displays tasks to perform actions, generates the necessary reports, etc. You can install the interface on a computer, tablet, smartphone, or special terminal.

The database is stored on a server (regular or cloud). Employees interact with it through the interface. They ask for the generation of reports, display of a plan of a warehouse complex with placed goods, enter new data into it, and change outdated information.

Business logic is specialized software, consisting of many functions. It correctly processes the entered data, develops optimal routes, generates tasks, and determines the sequence of actions. Staff sees the results of business processes in the user interface.

The competitiveness of a business directly depends on the level of its automation. With insufficiently automated accounting of goods, storage, inventory and other warehouse business processes, management efficiency is lost. Moreover, what big amount processes are controlled by a computer, the more time is freed up for specialists to solve problems. Implementing a WMS helps increase warehouse productivity.


The abbreviation WMS, which stands for Warehouse Management System, refers to a warehouse management system that provides complex automation the entire warehousing industry. This system is a program with capabilities such as managing warehouse operations, logistics, topology, inventory accounting, operations planning and other warehouse processes. The main goal of implementing the program is to reduce resource costs for management and increase the transparency of warehouse operations.

WMS functions

Warehouse Management Systems on the market may have different functionality, as they target different industries. However, there are functions that most WMS solutions perform:

  • management of acceptance, packaging, shipment and other basic warehouse operations;
  • calculation of options for shipping units and packaging of goods, taking into account their sizes and transportation conditions;
  • automated document management;
  • labor resources management.

Many programs also have functions such as modeling flows within the warehouse and the entire enterprise. The main advantage of a specific WMS warehouse automation system is whether it supports flexible customization to suit the characteristics of a particular business or not.

What does the implementation of WMS give?

The benefits that a particular warehouse receives as a result of implementing a WMS depend on the characteristics of the warehouse complex. Nevertheless, such programs have common indicators of increasing warehouse efficiency:

  1. Get organized technological processes working with the main logistics objects - material flows. Due to automated mechanisms for address storage, the system provides high (99.9%) accuracy of information on the quantity of goods and their placement.
  2. Warehouse productivity increases, trade turnover increases and accelerates. The system optimizes the operation of warehouse space, expands capacity by 5-25% by automatically determining a competent cargo placement strategy. Many solutions are able to model the location of cargo units: WMS calculates their placement, taking into account the dimensions, as rationally as possible.
  3. The time required to complete warehouse operations is reduced. Thanks to the use of the program, employee productivity increases by 20-30%. Automation minimizes unforeseen situations and helps the employee in solving them.
  4. Operating costs are reduced as loading machinery and equipment are managed more efficiently. The system makes decisions on the optimal routes for loading and distributing goods, dividing the load evenly between each.

Areas of application of WMS solutions

The automated warehouse management information system WMS is used in a wide range of business sectors. This solution is effective in trade, including networks with remote warehouses, in the provision of warehouse services in the form of outsourcing, 3PL, FMCG manufacturers and any other production. Programs in the WMS category are also used to automate enterprises specializing in the production of food products, consumer goods, and industrial goods. WMS automation and optimization systems are productive when managing a warehouse in archival storage, in any type of activity related to the reception, accounting, placement of large volumes of storage. In general, the implementation of an enterprise accounting system (WMS) is advisable in all areas where storage, accounting and movement of storage units is necessary.

What problems does the program solve?

Typical tasks that Warehouse Management System solves include the following:

  • prompt information about operations carried out in the warehouse;
  • management of the structure of warehouse space;
  • automation and optimization of management of procedures for receiving, storing, processing goods;
  • automated statistics, storage of data on the movement of goods and materials in the warehouse for accounting;
  • automatic monitoring of the correctness of data recording on the quantity and nomenclature of storage units;
  • organization and management of personnel and warehouse work using software and hardware solutions.

How to choose a program?

Different vendors offer different WMS programs, so choosing a warehouse management system for a specific business must take into account the following criteria:

  • level of functionality of the solution;
  • qualifications of experts;
  • experience in implementing a program in your or related industries;
  • flexibility of post-project support.

The choice of program depends on what functions a particular business needs. Large warehouses need more functional systems, while small ones need solutions with minimal functions.

The effectiveness of implementing an automation system is influenced not only by the solution itself, but also by the ability of the experts implementing the program to delve into the essence of the enterprise’s business processes and connect the functions of the system with real activities.

Automation of any process allows you to significantly increase the efficiency of a store and, as a result, maintain its competitiveness. What is relevant not only for extensive retail chains, but also for small trade organizations.

The introduction of computerized systems into business management has been practiced for a long time. The market annually offers new software developments for trade, but WMS, a warehouse management system, is recognized as one of the best.

Definition of a WMS system: what is it?

Literally, the name of the information program - Warehouse Management System (abbreviated as WMS) - translates as “warehouse management system”. Her main task is automation:

  • warehouse business processes;
  • actions performed by storekeepers and logisticians.

In reality, WMS is nothing more than a complex of technical and software platforms. The advantage of the system is the ability to adapt it to a specific warehouse or store.

Using a WMS warehouse management system helps:

  • manage the warehouse topology;
  • promptly make changes to the product range and maintain a register;
  • plan any work in the warehouse;
  • manage logistics, etc.

When does the need arise to implement a WMS system in a warehouse in a retail store?

Retailers are most often interested in implementing a WMS system in a warehouse. trading companies, both medium or large level, and relatively small stores.

The list of main reasons for implementing a WMS system in a warehouse includes:

  • Internal warehouse problems of the company that require an optimal solution.
  • Dissatisfaction with the work of the warehouse on the part of customers and clients of the company.
  • Management's desire to reach a more advanced level of warehouse automation.

What do modern WMS systems consist of?

Owners of small retail businesses are accustomed to tracking product flow the “old-fashioned” way, using:

  • “paper” accounting, that is, ordinary journals, invoice forms, sales receipts filled out manually;
  • “easy” computerized version using the Microsoft Excel program, where, again, data is entered manually on a computer into blank templates (common forms of accounting journals, invoices, and even a warehouse card diagram);
  • budget version of specialized software.

The latter is becoming more common, and many average businessmen mistakenly believe that the use of such software products is warehouse automation.

A modern WMS system should include:

  1. Direct software;
  2. Server or main desktop computer for software installation;
  3. Work computer ( work station) for the work of a warehouse operator;
  4. Laser printer for printing the necessary documentation;
  5. Data collection terminals - mobile portable PCs (wireless) with a barcode scanning device;
  6. Wireless network communication for terminals.

Main consumers of WMS solutions

The main consumers of WMS solutions include:

  • warehouses logistics companies- Third Party Logistics (3PL);
  • industrial warehouses;
  • trading enterprises (wholesale and retail).

The latter include:

  • large shopping complexes;
  • chain retailers with 30 or more stores;
  • online stores;
  • small retail stores.

With the growth of trade turnover, the trading enterprise itself, its assortment, and warehouse space grow. However, an increase in space does not mean an increase in the number of warehouses. On the contrary, retailers are seeking to reduce their number at retail outlets by enlarging the main warehouse (distribution) center. It is from here that goods are distributed to retail stores and uninterrupted replenishment of their stocks. This has led to an increase in demand for software capable of establishing and optimizing warehouse logistics processes.

Having their own distribution center allows retailers to reduce the cost of paying for the services of intermediary companies, which take a significant share of their margin. As a result, for retailers, the logistics issue has become one of the main conditions for increasing competitiveness and survival in the market.

Another reason for the demand for WMS solutions is the Russian realities of trading and outdated warehouse infrastructure. The last factor is important, since retail chains work with a large assortment.

Features of WMS implementation

Experts and analysts agree that WMS is a separate, self-sufficient class of software and hardware platforms. At the same time, many find in it similarities with ERP, CRM and a number of other similar software and hardware solutions:

  • ERP. Similarities with this software are noted in connection with the production resource planning process. That is, the warehouse is considered from the same aspect. Because of this, many consider WMS as a subtype of ERP with a narrow focus (warehouse). But here it is worth taking into account the differences between them: standard ERP solutions are limited in warehouse management resources. For this reason, IT developers classify them as a separate group of solutions.
  • CRM. These systems, when compared with WMS, have even more differences, since they are aimed at the company’s relationship with clients. CRM is aimed at managing the customer base, improving the quality of service, increasing sales dynamics, etc. Even if we consider the warehouse as one of the objects of interaction between the company and contractors, the tasks being solved are completely different.

It is this narrow profile that makes WMS solutions unique and independent from others.

New warehouse software products appear on the software market every year, which are aimed at solving several problems and are “hybrids” of the main systems. Due to their novelty and affordability, such systems can be a good alternative to implementing a WMS in a small retail business.

WMS functions

The functionality of the system allows it to be widely used at almost any stage of retail trade. Variability and versatility have many advantages:

  • analysis and decision-making are carried out by the system itself, and not by a person who performs the functions of an operator rather than a manager;
  • Addressing in the warehouse is also handled by a system that divides the warehouse into sectors and zones, and zones into cells (pallet space) to facilitate the search for the desired product. Each zone or cell is given a code - the result is a ready-made warehouse card with the possibility of address storage;
  • tracking the movement of goods from one cell to another, its “entry and exit” to the warehouse is also carried out by the system;
  • WMS records each stage of the movement of goods inside the warehouse, documents it and prints it out required document. She, by scanning the performer’s badge, determines and automatically prints the task for him.

And this is not all the capabilities of WMS. The variety and combination of options directly depend on the tasks that a particular supplier sets for itself. The most popular key functions of any modern WMS system include:

  • management of all key warehouse operations, such as receiving, inventory, picking, posting or shipping;
  • modeling of packaging schemes for goods, taking into account their sizes and transportation features;
  • maintaining internal and external document flow, due to work with contractors;
  • efficient resource management.

A “smart” system can quite easily be configured for a certain range of tasks and create algorithms individually for a specific process. Thus, most WMS systems have in their arsenal the function of modeling traffic flows inside a warehouse, in the surrounding area and beyond.

The modular principle of creating a set of solutions allows you to supplement standard options with order and sales management capabilities. The system is autonomous and is capable of processing trade turnover data, as well as managing processes in an automated manner with virtually no personnel involvement.

Advantages for a retail store when implementing WMS systems

Any innovation that is designed to optimize the operation of a warehouse should be beneficial, first of all, to its owner. When integrating WMS into a system, some suppliers believe that the system’s capabilities are limited by intensifying warehouse operations, but this is far from the case. Even if we take into account the specifics and direction of operation of a retail warehouse, the proposed solution has a whole set of obvious advantages that are relevant for all use cases:

  • High accuracy of data on warehouse balances and movement of material assets, provided by a WMS warehouse management system. True, for this it is necessary to choose address storage as the main method and ensure the most accurate statistical accounting of all goods in the warehouse.
  • Warehouse automation that allows you to save money great amount time and resources for accounting and related calculations.
  • Maximum optimization of warehouse resources, algorithms for placing goods in free space from an ergonomic point of view. For this purpose, many systems provide a function for modeling the location of objects, taking into account their dimensions and weight.
  • High accuracy of calculations, virtually eliminating the possibility of errors when forming any intra-warehouse or logistics process.
  • Reducing operating costs by improving logistics within the warehouse and reducing the time of use of special equipment. This approach allows you to reduce depreciation, save on fuel and electricity.

Areas of use

Implementing a WMS system in a warehouse is a standard option, but the list of areas of application for a WMS system is quite large. These include:

  • wholesale and retail trade, especially in the presence of remote retail outlets;
  • the field of outsourcing logistics services;
  • manufacturing enterprises.

More broadly, the target consumer of WMS can be imagined differently: those for whom logistics has a deeper meaning than conventional storage. WMS solutions make it possible to manage the required business process in real-time mode, optimize the use of enterprise resources and increase the efficiency of personnel management.

The main areas of application of WMS are in automation:

  • trade (wholesale, retail, wholesale-retail), including remote points;
  • traveling trade from a warehouse;
  • warehouses, chain warehouses, warehouse complexes;
  • enterprises producing food products, including cold storage plants;
  • enterprises producing FMCG and manufactured goods;
  • billing systems.

Warehouse Management System is computer program, providing the process of automating the management of warehouse processes at the enterprise.

The system allows you to optimize all internal business processes of the enterprise, increasing the efficiency of processes and resources, helping to reduce costs for each operation in the warehouse.

A WMS warehouse management system provides effective management of goods turnover at enterprises in various industries. Set of certain functional characteristics The system allows you to systematize accounting in a warehouse that has a different accounting hierarchy and level of complexity.

A WMS warehouse management system will allow you to:

  • human resources management;
  • document management;
  • monitoring of warehouse operations;
  • identification of goods in the system;
  • warehouse operations with goods.

Automated system warehouse management allows you to quickly navigate the database of a large warehouse industrial enterprise, wholesale and retail base, customs terminal, transport company with significant cargo turnover, pharmaceutical companies and other enterprises and organizations that carry out fast and error-free processing of goods.

This system is selected for each enterprise individually in accordance with real needs. It is possible to integrate WMS with other enterprise information systems, allowing you to check the entire turnover. In this case, all necessary reporting can be transferred to corporate system companies. It is not always advisable to use a WMS system with a full set of functionality. These systems require appropriate technical (server solution and Web technologies) and software.

An automated warehouse management system can be a ready-to-install software product. Such a system is developed on the basis of ERP systems SAP, Oracle, Axapta and others. It will be the optimal solution for a warehouse with simple, standard technical processes. The system limits the ability to automate processes due to the versatility of the product. This system is designed for 10-25 WMS users.

A custom WMS system is being implemented at large enterprise with complex business processes. This system can be used on several platforms (usually IBM iSeries (AS/400) and Unix). Oracle and other high-tech DBMSs are used as a database coordination system. The system is designed for 50 or more users. The functionality of the system is developed individually to suit the needs of the enterprise. The period of development and implementation can cover 1-2 years. Global suppliers of these systems are Manhattan Associates, Catalyst International, RedPairie.

A WMS warehouse management system manages in real time the material, cash and information flows that pass through the warehouse. The system provides a comprehensive check of inventory at all stages of the technological cycle, taking into account all characteristics of the product and requirements for its storage. WMS allows you to streamline and optimize the progress of warehouse work, significantly increasing its operational efficiency by reducing the duration and labor intensity of operations in the warehouse, increasing the efficiency of accounting and the safety of goods during transportation.

The following automated warehouse management systems are in greatest demand:

  • Solvo.WMS (SOLVO company) allows you to control trade turnover in medium and large warehouses with various forms accounting of goods;
  • RadioBeacon WMS (Radio Beacon Inc.) is designed to automate complex distribution operations in a warehouse and increase the accuracy of work;
  • the Exceed WMS 1000 system (developed by SSA Global) will be the optimal solution for automating warehouse accounting in small and medium-sized enterprises;
  • Distribution Center Solution from Columbus IT Partner Russia has a number of developments for automating processes in trade enterprises, warehouses based on ERP systems and distribution centers;
  • AWACS from Lambda Business Systems will be the optimal solution for a warehouse based on ERP systems;
  • Avalon system vision (AVALON group) will allow online access to warehouse reporting data;
  • COS.WMS of the Center for Open Systems and High Technologies;
  • "System #1" of the Adalius company will be the optimal solution for managing industrial warehouses and terminals, distribution centers and secure storage warehouses;
  • solutions based on 1C:Enterprise 8.0 products: Warehouse Management System and others.

Warehouse Management System (WMS)- an indispensable tool in the work of a modern warehouse, which allows you to automate warehouse processes and increase efficiency warehouse logistics and supply chains in general.

Present on the Russian market of warehouse management systems wide range solutions from domestic and Western developers, which, upon closer examination, differ significantly in functional and technological capabilities.

KORUS Consulting is the exclusive partner of Manhattan Associates in Russia and the CIS countries, the No. 1 developer of warehouse management systems in the world.

Manhattan Associates warehouse management system is:

  • Rich functionality and flexibility of system configuration.
  • Possibility of independent WMS support.
  • Wide integration capabilities of WMS.
  • Low total cost of ownership of a warehouse management system.
  • A unique WMS implementation methodology that guarantees a quick return on investment in the project.

Warehouse management system

A warehouse management system, unlike an accounting system, solves problems that go beyond warehouse accounting and address storage. The WMS system manages all warehouse processes, starting from the acceptance and shipment of goods, ending with the formation of a placement strategy and optimization of slotting, and conducting inventories.

The key task of WMS is operational status analysis and selection optimal option implementation of the warehouse process, reducing the cost of warehouse operations.

A WMS system is a tool for increasing the efficiency of warehouse management and the supply chain as a whole. However, over the years of practice in warehouse automation, we have encountered various tasks, specific industry requirements, types of warehouses - and now we can say that the implementation of WMS and the use of a warehouse management system will be inappropriate in the case of:

  • You are working with a product of the same type, with a simple commodity processing scheme (for example, pipe rolling).
  • A warehouse of goods and materials, which “does not earn money”, but is required only for storing goods. The implementation of WMS will not lead to a tangible effect, a quick return on investment (ROI).

You should think about warehouse automation and implementing a warehouse management system if:

  • It is important for you to monitor warehouse performance in real time.
  • Analytics on storage and movement of goods flow is important for you.
  • You are faced with the question of structuring and optimizing warehouse space.
  • You use address storage in a warehouse and require optimization of warehouse processes, development of selection, placement, and quality control algorithms.
  • Your warehouse uses barcoding and RFID technologies.
  • You use cross-docking, voice selection, distribution across stores, etc.

Cost of implementing a warehouse management system

The cost of the warehouse management system implementation project includes: cost of licenses software product and the cost of consulting services (implementation).

Often, at the stage of choosing a warehouse management system, companies take into account only the cost of “entry into the project” and do not evaluate the cost of further support of the system. While the cost of further WMS support can significantly exceed the cost of implementation.

Implementation of a warehouse management system

The implementation of a warehouse management system must pursue specific business goals and ensure the achievement of certain financial indicators. That is why we offer companies Manhattan Associates solutions that provide rapid return on investment (ROI) and create additional opportunities for business development.

How to choose a warehouse management system?

  • Analyze current warehouse processes and identify existing problems.
  • Determine the criteria for choosing a warehouse management system related to the specifics of processes and business development plans.
  • Conduct an analysis of WMS providers on the Internet, collect feedback from real users of the system in warehouses similar to yours.
  • Identify a list of supplier companies and request information.