Business bestsellers of all time as one of the tools for the success of a beginning entrepreneur. The best books about business from scratch that you need to read The best literature on how to start a business

If you want to strengthen your communication skills, improve leadership abilities and learn how to manage time wisely, these books will help you earn a few points on the path to success.

The most common advice that can be seen in almost any book in this genre is to be determined and pursue your passion and success will come. Professor Cal Newport makes an important addition to this recommendation: success in any endeavor can open new doors, provide the basis for progress, and, as a result, give rise to a new passion. The author suggests not giving up on dreams, but being realistic and becoming a professional in what you can do.

People like the illusion of confidence in the future, supported by the forecasts of authoritative individuals and experts. In The Black Swan, investor and philosopher Nassim Taleb talks about the vulnerability of such a position and the example of collapse financial system in 2007 proves that even the most secure systems are subject to potential dangers.

Dare to Take Action is worth reading if you want to have an informed debate about women's right to occupy leadership positions. Sheryl Sandberg combines research and personal stories to reveal how women unintentionally ruin their chances of advancing in their careers.

"The Power of Habit" is one of the most useful and exciting books for young people striving for happiness and success. Journalist The New York Times Charles Duhigg shares tips on how to get rid of bad habit, whether it be smoking or smoking, with small steps that can be taken now.

Something in our culture tells us that we must seek our own advantage in everything, be calculating and selfish in order to achieve something. Psychologist Adam Grant explains why this view is wrong. Research confirms that the most successful people are those who are interested in creating value for others. Adam Grant shares tips on how to be productive and thrive at the same time.

The founder of the Nasty Gal online store Sofia Amorusa in the book #Girlboss does not hesitate to share with the reader personal experience. She talks about her rebellious youth and discusses how being a bully helped her achieve success. The book is filled practical advice that will inspire you to follow your passion and find your own path to the top.

Interpersonal skills are just as important as the skills we tend to list on a resume. Napoleon Hill was a journalist who became friends with industrial magnate Andrew Carnegie. Over friendly conversations, Carnegie, who was the richest man in the world at the time, shared with Hill the lessons he had learned from his journey from rags to riches.

Though first published in 1937, Think and Grow Rich provides timely, practical advice for building interpersonal and leadership abilities.

Investor and multi-billionaire Warren Buffett's favorite book explores the psychology of everyday interpersonal interactions and helps you understand how to become a leader and influencer. The book was first published in 1936, but the basic advice on how to overcome and inspire people is as valuable today as it was decades ago.

The main message of this book is that we should spend less time thinking about our shortcomings and focus on what we do well. This book will help you find your professional niche based on your character and existing skills, and perhaps tell you where you will contribute more to society and succeed.

We live in a time when young entrepreneurs and startup founders are quickly becoming billionaires, taking the title of the world's most powerful people away from Wall Street financiers. Investor and billionaire Peter Thiel lifts the lid on current state business and provides a fun, concise guide to starting and running a company.

This book is recommended reading for those who want to be effective at work and at home. The author gives practical advice on organizing and distributing daily tasks. One such recommendation is to follow the two-minute rule. It says that if something can be done in less than 120 seconds, then it is worth doing immediately, and more time-consuming tasks can be postponed until later.

Well-known networker Keith Ferrazzi believes the reason for his success is his ability to build relationships and communicate with people. The author was born in a small town in the family of a steel worker and a cleaner, but perseverance, talent and communication skills allowed him to earn the title of networker No. 1 and have a telephone directory of thousands of contacts, including numbers of presidents, rock stars and famous entrepreneurs. In his book, Ferrazzi talks about the communication strategies he resorted to on the path to success.

If you are not inspired by amazing success stories of successful businessmen, you may like this book. In It Won't Be Easy, entrepreneur Ben Horowitz says there is no one-size-fits-all recipe for success. The only way to succeed is to be decisive and pay attention to what is positive for business growth and what is not.

In a book whose title should not be taken literally, Timothy Ferris shares practical advice on how to be as effective as possible and achieve success in your professional and personal life. For example, the author advises using the “fear management” method - a technique that allows you to examine in detail what you are afraid of, calmly analyze the risks and ways to overcome them.

According to Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck, the key to success is our confidence that we can achieve it. The author cites research that proves that the ability to learn and improve can mean much more than innate talent. The book claims that if you are in your early 20s, with enough determination you can become anything you want.

Just because you're an introvert doesn't mean you're on your way to the top. career ladder closed in front of you. The author was prompted to write this book by the injustice of the widespread stereotype that those with this type of personality are second-class citizens. Negotiation consultant Susan Cain's research challenges the idea that you have to be "loud" and extremely outgoing to be successful.

If you want to succeed in business, you will have to understand the complexities of human behavior. The book by professor of psychology and behavioral economics Dan Ariely is one of the best ways do it. The author cites Scientific research, which explain the nuances of our behavior: for example, why we procrastinate or how we decide to buy a product.

This book, published in 1989, has already become a classic. Whether you are a politician or an entrepreneur, it will inspire and empower you to achieve your professional goals. Each chapter covers a key skill, such as proactivity or synergy. Each of these qualities helps you become an effective leader and a true team member.

Michael Lewis's Liar's Poker tells a frank account of the Wall Street financial district of the 1980s. Lewis himself, after college, got a job at a prestigious investment company Salomon Brothers, where he worked his way up from an intern to a bond salesman. The book is written in the documentary genre, but reads like a novel: the author paints a vivid picture of the trading room and the characters in it.

The reason for writing “Life Strategy” was the author’s meeting with former classmates at Harvard Business School. Then, upon completion of their studies in 1979, the future of each of them was full of prospects, their peers had equal and excellent conditions for employment or starting their own business.

25 years later it turned out that many of former students Harvard is in crisis. Some - in the personal, others - in the professional, for example, the former head of Enron Jeffrey Skilling, sentenced in 2006 to 292 months in prison. The book explores why some with great opportunity prosper while others lose everything.

Investor and billionaire Bill Ackman is one of many Wall Street financiers who cite The Intelligent Investor as a book that changed their lives. This in-depth guide to value investing will help not only those in the financial industry, but anyone who wants to make the most of their investment over the long term.

This book does not focus much on the place of work in our lives. This sets Crossing the Unknown Sea apart from other business literature publications. The author views a career not as a quest that needs to be completed with maximum points, but as a person’s continuous contact with the world and himself.

The late Apple co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs became a legendary figure, a ghost hovering over Silicon Valley. Isaacson's biography helps to understand the Jobs phenomenon and offers a glimpse into two sides of his personality: a strong, inspiring visionary and a difficult businessman.

This is the story of how a great man was fired from own company, and after some time he returned and conquered the whole world. She shows how important it is to recover from failures and move towards your goal.

James Altucher is a hedge fund manager, entrepreneur, podcaster, and best-selling author. “Choose Yourself” teaches you to express yourself in your profession without giving up on your wildest dreams. Altucher is trying to convey the message that someone who works for someone else is as valuable as any businessman.

As professional growth and being immersed in a routine, many lose the craving for creativity. The co-founder of Pixar tells the story of the creation of one of the largest animation studios and says that everyone is capable of creating, but many simply do not dare due to various social norms and personal prohibitions. The author argues that love and skill are no less important for bankers or programmers than for writers and musicians.

Early in your career is the best time to define your leadership role. Business professor and leadership expert Herminia Ibarra shares advice on a range of topics, from expanding your professional network to generating new ideas. The author's philosophy is based on the assertion that there is no universal recipe for successful leadership; the best tactics are the ones that work for you.

Journalist and pop sociologist Malcolm Gladwell presents the results of sociological research and explains the mechanics of information dissemination. The Tipping Point was published in 2002, but the material presented in the book continues to help us understand why people share news, facts and ideas, and why some of them spread to epidemiological proportions.

Not understanding how powerful people think and act makes us vulnerable to their will. The biography of New York city planner Robert Moses is intended to shed light. If you want to see how Machiavellian intelligence works, The Power Broker can help you do it.

"Light the fire!" - a collection of essays that will make you take a fresh look at your self and help you overcome the fear of resisting habits and beliefs imposed from the outside. Business strategist and PR specialist Danielle Laporte argues that you are responsible for who you are and that you don't have to conform to what other people think you are to be successful.

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Recipes for wealth are always in demand, and motivational literature is one of the few types of creativity that bring profit to publishers. The problem is that in the wake of interest, a number of “dummies” appear - secondary literature that copies the ideas of the donor publication. The level of education in schools is high - anyone can write advice and pose as an expert. At the same time, bestsellers that are read by several generations of entrepreneurs appear once every 10 years.

Among the variety of literature on business, 7 books stand out, each of which is capable of turning a person’s consciousness around, turning him into a businessman - a designer of his own destiny. Reading books by successful people is interesting and informative if they give specific recommendations and bring you closer to your goal. The listed works were written at different times, but all are of interest to modern entrepreneurs.

1. Napoleon Hill “Think and Grow Rich”

This Talmud for businessmen occupies one of the first places in terms of frequency of mention in specialized literature, although it was written in 1937. It is not an exaggeration to call it a kind of Bible of entrepreneurship, since it sets out fundamental principles business practices that are not outdated to this day.

The book appeared thanks to Robert Taylor, the owner of a specialized magazine. He ordered a series of articles from the young author about successful people of our time - interviews and interviews lasted 20 years. The book went through 42 editions in the United States and was translated into dozens of languages. The first Russian translation appeared only in 1993.

All of Hill's advice is considered axioms. “Think and Grow Rich” is an encyclopedia book, a donor book, written with talent and authenticity. 90% of modern business literature, in one way or another, repeat Hill’s 3 axioms in their own way:

  1. Negative thoughts slow you down and destroy you.
  2. A person sets his own boundaries.
  3. If you wait for the right moment, it may not come.

What else can you learn from reading Napoleon Hill:

  • how to motivate yourself on the way to business heights
  • how to build teamwork
  • why find and read specialized literature
  • how to effectively use your mind and knowledge
  • what is the secret of success of rich people.

Important! As a journalist, Hill has studied the biographies and business stories of hundreds of successful entrepreneurs; Based on them, he derived a universal formula for success. It goes like this: our affairs are controlled by the power of thought.

2. Robert Kiyosaki “Rich Dad Poor Dad”

Kiyosaki, whose bestsellers invariably occupy the top lines of the ratings, was not at all the child of a poor man - his father, a Ph.D., served as Minister of Education. But financial literacy And positive thinking a native of Hawaii studied with the father of his schoolmate.

Kiyosaki is read by experienced businessmen and those who are far from entrepreneurship - the American’s works are incredibly popular all over the world. "Rich Dad Poor Dad" has sold 26 million copies. What important points did the author make that made his books popular? has compiled for our readers the top best-selling books in the business literature segment. This is what is most popular among the Belarusian audience.

The list is compiled based on statistics of book orders in the online store over the past 2 years.

Interestingly, not only publications that tell about methods, tools and rules of doing business are popular, but also biographies of businessmen. Here are the books included in the Top 15:

1. Stephen Covey. “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Powerful tools for personal development"

The book was published in 73 countries in 38 languages, with a total circulation of more than 15 million copies.

The book combines these skills into a clear and logical system. Gradually mastering each of them, the reader can achieve the so-called “interpersonal dependence”. This means he will learn to look for ways to cooperate with other people. Such interaction helps achieve business goals.

2. Walter Isaacson “Steve Jobs.” Biography"

The book is based on conversations with Jobs himself, as well as his relatives, friends, enemies, rivals and colleagues.

The hero himself did not control the author in any way; he openly answered all the questions that were asked to him during the collection of information. The result is a story about a life full of ups and downs. A story about a strong man and a talented businessman. One of the thoughts that can be read between the lines is that Jobs was one of the first to understand that to achieve success in the 21st century, you need to create a product that combines a creative approach and IT technology.

3. Robert Kiyosaki, Sharon Lecter. "Rich dad, poor dad"

The authors of the book are convinced that at school children do not receive the necessary financial knowledge and therefore they do not develop the necessary view and attitude towards how to make money. And therefore, throughout their lives, many people work for money, but they do not always manage to earn it. According to the authors, you need to use a different approach - make money work for yourself.

Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter offer new insights into this issue and how to teach kids about money before they get into financial trouble.

4. Napoleon Hill “Think and Grow Rich!”

For over 70 years, the book has been considered a classic textbook on wealth creation. It's not just about financial well-being. The author assures that the philosophy he sets out helps to achieve success in other areas of life. Therefore, the book also talks about how to achieve personal success, learn to overcome difficulties, and maintain vital energy.

The book is written based on the experience of cooperation and communication with big amount people who have succeeded in life. Based on their characteristics, Hill developed and proposed 16 laws that can be used to achieve success.

5. George Clason "The Richest Man in Babylon"

Classics of economic literature. In 1926, the author began publishing a series of articles on how to achieve financial success. The conclusions were drawn after Clason's study of cuneiform tablets from the Babylonian era. They reflected the rules and laws used by moneylenders, merchants and everyone involved in making money at that time.

A series of articles was combined into a book. It provides an understanding of basic financial laws that are still relevant today: how to accumulate capital, preserve it and make it work for profit.

6. Nikolai Mrochkovsky, Andrey Parabellum “Diary. How to manage everything!”

The book is addressed to those who want to manage their time as efficiently as possible, who set goals and work towards achieving them. It includes a set of strategies for time management and achieving efficiency.

The book contains tips that help you avoid unnecessary stressful situations.

The material was developed based on the authors’ own methods.

7. Josh Kaufman “Your Own MBA”

A kind of encyclopedia that contains the most necessary information from many books on business literature. Josh Kaufman lays out the fundamentals of entrepreneurship, marketing, sales, financial management, explains key concepts in systems engineering and personality psychology.

In addition, the book describes the basic principles of any business, using the example and experience of the world's most successful corporations.

8. Carl Sewell, Paul Brown "Customers for Life"

The book presents practical guide on working with clients (including organizing the work of the enterprise, marketing and merchandising).

The book will be useful for both beginning entrepreneurs and those looking for ways to further expand their business.

9. Henry Ford “My Life, My Achievements.” Translation - E. Kachelin

The autobiographical book of one of the outstanding
managers of the 20th century, organizer of conveyor belt production, “father” of the US automobile industry.

Considered a classic scientific organization labor. To this day it is relevant for economists, engineers, designers, psychologists, sociologists, managers and production organizers.

10. Andrey Parabellum, Nikolay Mrochkovsky, Alexey Tolkachev, Oleg Goryacho “Breakthrough! 11 best personal growth trainings"

The book was written by some of the most sought-after personal growth coaches in Russia and includes their most powerful practical trainings.

All material is presented in the form step by step instructions. The authors claim that the reader, performing 1 hour a day of the exercises given in the book, in two months will be completely new level personal development and efficiency.

11. Gleb Arkhangelsky “Time Drive. How to have time to live and work"

In the simplest and step-by-step form, on real Russian examples, the author answers the main question modern manager: how to get more done?

The book provides advice on organizing work time and rest, motivation and goal setting, planning, prioritizing, effective reading, etc.

12. Jason Fried, David Hansson “Rework. Business without prejudice"

The book will tell you how to start your own business. If desired, in parallel with the main work. The author also gives recommendations on how to improve an existing business and views on it.

The book provides answers to pressing questions about the optimal size for a company, problems of its growth, proper planning of the process, learning from one’s own mistakes, etc.

13. Rene Mauborgne, Chan Kim “Blue Ocean Strategy. How to find or create a market free from other players»

Every year the competition becomes more and more intense, and the struggle for the sympathy of the consumer (and his wallet) becomes more and more bloody. The business ocean has turned red and it is becoming increasingly difficult to survive in it. This is one of the key ideas of the book.

The authors of “Strategy” are confident that we need to step aside and come up with something completely new. And then, in the calm waters of the Blue Ocean, the business will achieve the desired growth. Kim and Mauborgne suggest detailed instructions to bring the company out of competitive stress and create a completely new business model.

14. Gavin Kennedy. Translation - M. Vershovsky “You can agree on everything! How to achieve the maximum in any negotiations"

The book has gone through several reprints and is considered a reference book for a negotiator.

The book discusses the components negotiation process, strategic approaches and tactics. The author talks about psychological traps and mistakes in prioritization, gives examples of catastrophic miscalculations and situations that can still be corrected.

While working on the tasks in the book, you may more than once catch yourself thinking that at first there is a desire to solve them using “established” methods. But these methods, as the author convincingly proves, most often lead to defeat.

15. Brian Tracy " Effective methods sales according to Brian Tracy"

One of America's leading experts on human development and personal growth shares the insights, techniques and strategies he has gained from his many years of experience in sales.

The book describes ways in which you can improve your trading methods and make them highly effective. By applying the proposed techniques in practice, you can achieve success in trading with any partner.

After reviewing the list, we asked the head and founder of which book from the list he himself recommends reading.

I am sure that the basis of any business is to understand the client, know his needs, desires and be able to surprise. Offer a little more than what the client expects.

The book “Clients for Life” helps with this. It not only describes why you need to understand the client, but also gives specific guidance: what and how to do when working with the client. Sewell is a business owner and his advice is based on his successful experience. And what’s most valuable is that such advice can be easily applied to any business.

Andrey Grinevich

Founder and CEO

If a company wants to build a quality dialogue with a client, I would recommend this book. And not only for the business owner, but also for the entire top management. For example, I got a lot of ideas and solutions for working with clients after reading it. relies not so much on the sale of goods, but on the formation of a circle of loyal customers who return again and again. Sometimes without any particular need for a specific purchase, they come back for the mood. We learned how to create such conditions for the client, including from this book.

Everyone once thinks about starting their own business, but many have not encountered this and do not know where to start. What business books should you read to start a profitable company?

Top 21 best books

Before starting your own business, you should carefully study the literature that will help you realize yourself. If you have had your own business for a long time, but your profits are not increasing, then they will help you with business and self-development.

Kiyosaki Robert and prioritization

The first place in our ranking is occupied by Robert Kiyosaki's publication. The title of the book is quite clear and concise - “Before you start your business.” This printed publication will help you understand who an entrepreneur and an employee are.

This book is especially useful because it most accurately describes the mistakes of novice entrepreneurs. After reading it, you will understand that the future of your business is only in your hands. Kiyosaki's publication also differs in that it helps you fully understand what difficulties you will have to face when developing your business.

Stephen Covey and the signs of highly effective people

An honorable second place went to “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,” authored by Stephen Covey. This book is not much inferior to the previous one. It makes you realize how much time we spend on the phone, laptop and TV. The author believes that in this way a person not only wastes his life, but also hides the fear of opening a business.

Critics believe that Covey's book has a special pathos, and this makes it special. “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” will allow you to look at your life differently. Thanks to this publication you will learn to live profitably.

David Novak. The story of a dizzying career

In third place in our ranking is David Novak’s book “How I Became a Boss.” This publication tells the story of an “accidental” career in a large corporation. “How I Became a Boss” is included in the best business books in Russia. Novak described how he achieved a good career. The author believes, on the one hand, that he achieved everything thanks to work and effort, and on the other, that his career is a happy accident.

The book helps you realize your ambitions and achieve a dizzying career. By the way, the author himself started as a full-time copywriter, and is now the director of a global company.

David Ogivley and his thoughts on the advertising industry

The fourth place holder in our ranking of the best books for self-development is “Ogivly on Advertising,” authored by David Ogivly. This publication helps to realize oneself in the field advertising activities. The book contains many valuable recommendations. It is especially useful because the author refers to his own experience. Found the book great amount fans represented by marketers and advertising workers.

Books on business and self-development help a future entrepreneur understand how many obstacles may stand in the way of starting his own business. Essay "How to ruin own business. Bad advice Russian entrepreneur" is no exception. It occupies fifth place in our ranking. The author of this printed publication is Konstantin Baksht. It examines and systematizes the typical mistakes of entrepreneurs. Konstantin offers his own solutions to them, and also tells how to build a business correctly.

Marcus Buckingham: "First break all the rules!"

"First break all the rules!" takes sixth place and talks about how even simple work requires a talented approach. The author of the book is Marcus Buckingham. The publication allows the future entrepreneur to understand that his employees should only do the work that they are good at. This is the key to a successful company.

Michael Lewis. "Liar's Poker"

The rating, which includes the best books about business, could not do without Liars' Poker. It was written by Michael Lewis. The publication explains that the more complex the monetary schemes, the harder it is to keep track of them. Lewis believes that a person must first of all be ambitious. Incredible interesting job Michael Lewis is in seventh place.

Jay Conrad Levinson. Techniques of successful sellers

Completing our list of business books in eighth place is Guerrilla Marketing, authored by Jay Conrad Levinson. He describes a technique for salespeople who increase their sales year after year.

Because it helps you understand how to get big profits at low costs. This is a very valuable skill for every entrepreneur.

Clayton Christensen. Best Essay on Innovation

Books on Internet business have become especially popular lately. The ninth place in our ranking is occupied by the best publication about innovation. Clayton Christensen's essay "The Innovator's Dilemma" helps the aspiring entrepreneur understand that the user needs something new that is based on old basic needs. The author believes that the Internet develops business.

Bennis Warren. The influence of life values ​​on leader development

Bennis Warren's book comes in at number ten and is the book that looks at management from a leadership perspective. The author finds out how the development of a leader is influenced by the era and human values. Bennis Warren described the formation of leaders of any historical era. The most useful publication is for beginners and experienced managers.

Kennedy Gavin. Negotiator's Handbook

In eleventh place is Kennedy Gavin's book "You Can Agree on Anything! How to Achieve the Maximum in Any Negotiations." According to readers, this is the negotiator's bible. In it, the author gradually reveals the principles of the negotiation process.

Kennedy talks about the pitfalls and mistakes of prioritizing. Gavin's book will provide invaluable assistance to those who frequently negotiate, namely businessmen, sales managers and intelligence officers. What’s especially nice is that the publication is written in simple, colloquial language. Reading such a book will be useful not only for entrepreneurs, but also for ordinary readers.

Johnson Spencer and his parable book

in twelfth place is complemented by Johnson Spencer's allegory in the book "Where is my cheese? Know your dream." This is a kind of parable. The book reveals the deepest truths that relate to changes in the reader’s life. Cheese is everything we strive for and strive for. This could be anything from work to personal relationships.

The labyrinth in Johnson Spencer's book is where you look for your cheese. By carefully studying the entire book, the reader will understand how to cope with difficulties and achieve greater success.

Successful CEO of Peter Drucker

"Effective leader" is the most famous book Peter Drucker, and it deservedly takes thirteenth place in our ranking. The essay explains the topic of the effectiveness of knowledge workers who become managers.

A good leader is not only intelligence and constant work. To be a successful boss, it is enough to follow simple rules, which are described in the book by Peter Drucker.

Covey Stephen and the Seven Rules

Fourteenth place is occupied by a book with global significance - “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”, authored by Stephen Covey. This publication had a huge impact on the lives of millions of people, including Bill Clinton and Stephen Forbes. Stephen Covey's book systematizes a person's life values ​​and the goals he sets. She helps to achieve them. The author shows that everyone can become better.

The book does not promise quick change. Any improvement requires time and effort. If you want to maximize your potential, then this book is for you.

Michael Gerber and his myths about his own business

Business books should accompany every beginning and experienced entrepreneur. They will help you realize yourself. Fifteenth place in our ranking is occupied by Michael Gerber and his book “Small Business. From Illusions to Success. Return to the Myth of Entrepreneurship.” She tells how to build your own business. The publication is quick and easy to read. Also in it, Michael identifies the differences between work and business. Gerber's publication helps to take a fresh look at the problems associated with the organization and development of small businesses.

Hamel Gary. "Competing for the future. Creating the markets of tomorrow"

In sixteenth place is Hamel Gary and his book “Competing for the Future. Creating the Markets of Tomorrow.” It is dedicated to a company that is building its future. It illustrates the experiences of organizations that have overcome their challenges against all odds. The author offers absolutely new approach to building the future of the company. The printed edition of Hamel Gary was included in the best books on business.

McDonald's and Love John

Who among us does not know the network? fast food McDonald's? This is what will be discussed in Love John's book, which took seventeenth place. In his essay, the author talks about the history of the development of the famous fast food restaurant chain. Its creator is a journalist who decided to devote his life to the famous corporation.

Walter Isaacson

The best business books help you realize yourself. The rating continues. Eighteenth place is occupied by the co-founder of a well-known global company. Who among us has not heard of Apple? This is what we will talk about.

Walter Isaacson is a journalist, biographer, who in 2012 published The author worked on the publication for more than three years. They did a colossal job. Walter recorded more than 50 interviews with Steve Jobs and interviewed about a hundred of his relatives. The essay was scheduled for release in November, but due to Jobs' death, the book was released in October 2012. Later, the author was paid a round sum for the opportunity to film the work.

It doesn't matter if you are a fan of gadgets from Apple, the book allows you not only to learn about the life of a genius, but also to understand that anyone can become one. She will help you reveal your ambitions. Walter Isaacson's book is a must-read not only for aspiring entrepreneurs, but also for those who are just looking for themselves.

"Jobs Rules. Universal Principles of Success", Carmine Gallo

Nineteenth place in our ranking is occupied by the book “Jobs’ Rules. Universal Principles of Success,” authored by Carmine Gallo. It is not surprising that this book, like the previous one, refers to the great genius - Steve Jobs, because many businessmen imitate him and admire him.

Steve Jobs changed our world. In his book, the author identifies seven rules of great genius. These principles will help not only in business, but also in everyday life. The essay will be of interest to businessmen and managers, as well as fans of Steve Jobs and simply lovers of motivational literature.

Radislav Gandapas, "Kama Sutra for the speaker. 10 chapters on how to receive and deliver maximum pleasure when speaking in public"

It's no secret that you must not only be able to calculate everything one step ahead, but also speak well. This skill is rarely taught in the best business and self-help books. The list is complemented by a unique essay by Radislav Gandapas, who will teach you the art of public speaking.

Radislav Gandapas is a famous business coach in Russia who regularly conducts educational webinars and classes. Conversing with a stranger or speaking in public causes panic in many of us. This quality of an entrepreneur has a bad effect on his business.

"The Kama Sutra for the Speaker. 10 chapters on how to receive and deliver maximum pleasure when speaking in public" will help you learn how to manage the attention of listeners, get the upper hand over your own anxiety and correctly structure your story. The book by Radislav Gandapas is recommended for reading for those who often speak in public and communicate with a large number of unfamiliar people. In addition, the essay will be useful to the ordinary reader who cannot freely communicate with other people. The publication by Radislav Gandapas “The Kama Sutra for the Speaker. 10 chapters on how to receive and deliver maximum pleasure when speaking in public” deservedly complements the best books on business.

"My Life, My Achievements", Henry Ford

Are you looking for a book that will describe everything, and every word is worth its weight in gold? Henry Ford's essay "My Life, My Achievements" is just for you. Books on business and self-development are often filled with unnecessary discussions that do not convey the necessary information. Henry Ford's edition is different in that it must be read carefully and completely, as each sentence conveys valuable information.

The owner of a famous car manufacturing company talks about his life. "My Life, My Achievements" tells the story of how the author changed the world of business. Henry Ford's approach to his work is amazing. If he was not satisfied with metal prices, he opened his own metallurgical production. Henry Ford believed that work that interests you cannot bore you.

On the way to success

Business books are an excellent option for self-development. By reading the best essays and gleaning valuable information from them, you can easily become a successful and self-sufficient person. Books on business will help you identify hidden talents, learn how to achieve your goals and go all the way towards your dreams. In our rating, we have selected the most useful essays for aspiring entrepreneurs. Read with pleasure and become better with each edition you read!

1) “Copy this” by Paul Orfala

The life of P. Orfal is one of the most unusual and incredible success stories that has ever happened in the world of business. He was a hyperactive, dyslexic child. He practically could neither write nor read and could not sit through negotiations. All these problems could not stop him. Paul accepted his shortcomings as unique abilities. From a small copy shop, he created a multi-billion dollar corporation with annual turnover in more than 1.5 billion dollars. As a child, Paul was kicked out of second grade at school and then fired from his job because he couldn't fill out checks. This is the person who learned everything from life, took risks many times and relied on people. He learned to feel people and gave them more than they expected. In his book, he shares his philosophy and talks about the fact that any crazy person can achieve success in business!

2) “Business at the speed of thought” Bill Gates

Nowadays, to create your own successful business, it is not enough to have a smart head, intuition and luck. Modern business- a multi-level system, the main key of which is the use of modern information technologies. The philosophy of Microsoft founder B. Gates states that: “only a timely restructured company with an “electronic nervous system” created in it will allow it to stand confidently on its feet and expect victories in the market in the future. The book was written for those who do not want to stop and want to keep up with modern technologies.

3) “Think big and don’t slow down!” Donald Trump

In his book, super businessman Donald Trump reveals the illusions in the world of business. According to Trump, not all people can become rich and successful. Success and wealth are the destiny of the strong, while illusions and failures are the creed of the losers.

Trump's motto is passion for business, healthy anger, a sober view of the world and a creative solution to any problem. Life is a tough battle, and if you want to be a winner in it, forget the word “no”, learn to work with your fist, return blow to blow, never give up and calculate your steps.

4) "Naked Business" Richard Branson

Richard Branson talks about how his business was created, about its failures and successes. Guided by the set of rules from the book, you can create almost any business. Breakthroughs in business are made by a few, the author of this book is one of them - carefully read the chapter “Innovation”, and perhaps you will find yourself among these few.

5) “The Richest Man in Babylon” Clason George

The book explores aspects of success for each person individually. The recipes in this book will help you avoid an empty wallet and give you the basics of financial literacy. The purpose of the book is to offer those who are moving towards success to learn the secrets of money, accumulate capital, save it and make it work for you.

The pages of the book will take us to Ancient Babylon, where financial laws were born that are still relevant in our time.

6) “The path to financial independence. The first million" Bodo Schaefer

What do you think prevents people from living the way they want? Of course, money! Money is the main tool for a happy life.

Money doesn't come to anyone by accident. Asking money questions we're talking about about a kind of energy: the more of this energy is directed towards important goals, the more money she'll bring it to you.

7) “The Secret of a Millionaire” Mark Fisher

Mark Fisher is a financial advisor and economist who is part of the financial team at the Federal Reserve Bank.

The book tells the story of a young businessman who went through a difficult and competent path to his 1 million.

8) “Think and Grow Rich” Hill Napoleon

Do you want to overcome all difficulties and achieve success? Then this amazing book is for you. For many years this book was the No. 1 bestseller in the United States.

This book is charged with amazing energy. Here you will receive a clear plan on how to achieve success in life and business.

This book was written by the “father” of the automobile industry in the United States and around the world. It contains a wealth of materials that will be useful to anyone who wants to create their own successful business.

10) “Rules for a game without rules” Christina Comaford-Lynch

Most people think that only those who have already been assigned a high social status, have connections and rich parents can succeed in business. This is all a mistake and the author of the book is proof of this. Christina Comaford-Lynch went from being an employee at Microsoft to becoming a millionaire. The result of her entire life journey: mistakes, failures, successes and losses, is presented in this book in the form of 10 unusual lessons on building better life, which everyone deserves. Move forward boldly, because there is nothing better than achieving success in your career and business.