Business ideas on the topic “Internet. How to start a business on the Internet, personal experience

I am glad to welcome you, dear readers. If not all of you, then many have heard about the benefits of creating your own business on the Internet: every now and then you come across admiring reviews from former clerks, small traders, and the unemployed about their dizzying success after creating a particular business online. Should we believe them? Is it worth repeating their actions?

The majority of our fellow citizens, who honestly built their business offline, are depressed and disappointed by the exorbitant amount of money that they had to invest, and the lion's share of which (let's be honest) went to bribes to officials. And the extortions do not stop, so businessmen go to the Internet - such disgrace has not yet been observed here.

But they are seasoned. What should a newcomer do, who still doesn’t really know what kind of business he is, but is ready to give his all, work hard and build it. According to my observations, the biggest problem, a question that is difficult to answer, for most beginners is: Internet business from scratch - where to start?

And they are all looking for it on forums and in tempting advertisements that promise to bring the newly created business to a high level of income within a month. This doesn't happen, don't believe it. If you intend to get an honest and objective answer to a question that concerns you, turn to more experienced comrades who, at the cost of their own ups and downs and many mistakes, have built their own, now thriving, Internet business. Now almost each of us, online business owners, maintains our own blog, where in great detail, using our own example, we teach beginners to move forward confidently and consistently.

Another nuance: many are attracted by the fact that you can start a business on the Internet from scratch without investment. They do not quite correctly understand the essence of the phrase: in any case, there will be investments, either a hundred dollars to create an online store (this is not much) or their own labor to fill the resource and promote it - it will not work out for nothing. And sitting idly by will not work either.

1. Online business for beginners – what is it?

Let's start with the fact that making money on clicks, viewing ads and videos is not a type of business, but a quick side hustle. I would also say – very boring and poorly paid. Therefore, if you came to the Internet to build a real highly profitable business, do not even look towards such offers, you will only waste time.

Online business for beginners doesn’t even involve rewriting, although many have risen to the occasion by writing articles. In principle, you can try it, if this is your thing, then in some time you will make some money to pay for the creation and promotion of your own resource.

You need to start only with the type of activity that you are fluent in, and in a short time you will be able to gain a rating and increase your earnings several times over. But I still advise, or, if you have the appropriate skills, to start creating and promoting custom websites - these are the most popular services now, and they will remain so for a long time - as long as the Internet exists.

1.1. First example

Let's say you are an excellent programmer and at the same time fluent in the html language. In this case, you don’t need to worry about how to build an online business from scratch. in a few minutes, create a one-page page with a list of your services, reviews and price list, promote it on social networks or set up a direct message - and get customers with crisp banknotes.

However, this will not mean that you have created a business, because business is not work, even working “for yourself” is not a business. But, since in this article we are looking at the possibilities from scratch. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with the fact that one of the stages of building a business on the Internet will be: working for yourself. After all, having gained experience, you will know how all this should be arranged and then you will be able to hire several assistants and train them. And now, when you no longer work alone, when you give instructions and monitor the progress of their implementation, your activity can be called a business.

1.2. Second example

Now, as for websites: they can be created by anyone and for any purpose. There are many types and subtypes of sites. But in this example, I want to talk about the most, in my opinion, suitable for the article “business from scratch”. So, this type of site is called: “Content”.

Roughly speaking, it works like this (if from scratch):

  1. We create a website, choose a topic, fill it with articles. In six months or a year, such a site will begin to bring in 15-25 thousand rubles per month (almost like renting out a one-room apartment);
  2. We, as future businessmen, do not spend this money, but invest it in the development of the project. Namely: we hire a copywriter who will write articles for you, and an assistant who will select pictures and publish them. In this way, we completely or partially relieve ourselves of responsibilities, and our site continues to develop itself;
  3. When your income increases, and this is inevitable, you can create several more similar ones;

And let it be - it's actually not as simple as it seems. But believe me, I have proven from personal experience that by creating a website from scratch, you can earn an income of more than 100,000 rubles per month.

And before moving on to the next section, I want to note one more thing: the internal attitude is important. If you don’t know how to create a business on the Internet from scratch, still behave like a businessman, and not like an employee who is constantly afraid of some kind of click or kick. Believe me, my experience: both sometimes turn out to be the best motivation for active action.

2. How to create an online business from scratch - basic rules

If you have zero money and zero ideas, don’t be upset. Even in this sad situation, you have a chance to create your own business on the Internet. Considering the fact that a successful idea can “take off” at any moment or it can be found from competitors and slightly modified and improved, and money can either be borrowed, or earned extra, or completely done without it - then you, dear future colleague, have excellent prospects.

Now I will teach you what rules must be followed so that they (prospects) do not fall apart:

  1. Find “your” niche - a field of activity in which you have experience or at least knowledge, and which interests you;
  2. If there is no money at all (that is, absolutely), and you need to purchase links and post articles, too, you will have to write on your own for some time and manually post links on third-party sites by agreement. Don’t get too bogged down in this – three months, six months maximum. Remember that you came here to manage the created project, and not to become a black man of the pen (keyboard);
  3. Create a promising business, not a website that will last 1-2 years. Work for your financial future;
  4. Place maximum emphasis on passive income: You work only for a certain period - until the site becomes popular and visited, then it itself works for you.
  5. Monitor the quality, presentation format and relevance of the written articles. Don’t be afraid to edit them long after publication – information tends to lose relevance and therefore requires updating, full or partial. The more useful and interesting information your resource brings to the Internet, the higher the monetary return will be. (By the way, search engines will only be happy with the update);
  6. Find yourself motivation and a role model. In order for an Internet project to start very quickly and successfully, huge financial investments are required - about 3-5 thousand dollars. But we are talking about how to start a business on the Internet from scratch and without money, so this option is clearly not suitable. It will take at least a year to promote a young resource. You need to not only mentally prepare yourself for the fact that during this time you should not expect income from the site, but also that you should in no way be discouraged, disappointed, or tired of waiting. Motivate yourself with something - future income, for example. Find a success story or several stories of webmasters and be guided by them.

3. Business on the Internet - I see the goal, I don’t see the obstacles

I argued and continue to argue that 90% of success in any business - big business online or offline, finding a job, finding an idea - depends on the psychological attitude, inner confidence and the ability to set the right goal.

I divide people who do not have a specific goal into two categories:

  1. Confused people are those who temporarily do not know what to do and how to realize themselves, but try to find their niche and set their goal, however, they get lost and cannot decide on anything for a very long time;
  2. The lost are those who are not going to look for anything, they live one day at a time. Such people wander aimlessly on the Internet, read everything, they like all the ideas, but they do not choose any for themselves. They do not fill their empty spiritual space with anything, do not strive for anything, and over time begin to degrade.

God forbid anyone ends up in the second category - it’s almost impossible to get out of such a state. But let’s not talk about sad things. I am sure that among my readers there are no lost ones. Although I will repeat once again (just in case): if a person does not have a goal in life, very soon he will begin to have problems.

And if you are now busy deciding how to organize an online business, start by setting your goals correctly.

  1. Honestly admit to yourself what you want: not what is fashionable, not what everyone is doing, but what you need;
  2. Be prepared to sacrifice something to achieve your goal: in the case of creating an Internet business - free time, friendly gatherings over beer and even a few football matches (for women - coffee with girlfriends, TV series, empty conversations on the phone). All this time needs to be devoted to something else - self-education or attending webinars;
  3. When building your Internet business, look at your goal with your own eyes, listen to the voice of your own intuition, and not outside advice. Even those closest to you, people who love you and wish you well, are unlikely to be well versed in the nuances of online business. For most of them, this is in the category of: “well, that’s it” and “whatever the child enjoys.” Don't let them negatively influence you, dissuade you or dissuade you.
  4. Having chosen a goal, you must clearly imagine the results of achieving it. Therefore, choose only goals that are important and meaningful to you.

4. How to start an online business from scratch: studying the target audience

Another important point: when promoting a resource (business), be sure to analyze and study your target audience: their interests, their purchasing power (if you trade via the Internet), their wishes for the product or information provided. Be interested in the problems of the target audience, as well as the methods that they are used to using to solve them.

The sea breeze, the rustle of palm trees and a glowing monitor on a sun lounger on a Thai beach - usually such pictures of future life are painted in the minds of those who are thinking about doing business on the Internet. The dream of our time - to work a little and get a lot - according to the unenlightened majority, will be helped by the almighty Internet. After reading and listening to success stories of entrepreneurs who have earned millions on the Internet, young people begin to think:

If he could, then why am I worse?

For the hundredth time, having stumbled upon yet another story that doing business on the Internet is easy and simple, and you can earn hundreds of thousands a month here, working several hours a day, someone starts looking for a programmer they know, and someone starts to study website builders and understand the basics of Google Analytics.

There are, of course, those who fall for the bait of quick and easy money - trying to understand binary options, online trading, CPA networks and traffic arbitrage...

Internet business is attractive because it does not require initial investment. No equipment, office, or employees are needed. You don’t even have to register an individual entrepreneur, don’t pay taxes - nothing will happen to you. Moreover, there are many options to start earning money without having anything to your name, the overwhelming majority thinks.

Is it really?

Freelancing or business?

First you need to define the concepts. What is an online business, and how does it differ from regular earnings via the Internet? If we equate Internet business and making money with it, then millions of freelancers - copywriters, designers and programmers - are the same businessmen as the creators of Google or Vkontakte.

When working via the Internet as an ordinary specialist, you only get the mythical feeling of working for yourself - a flexible schedule, a comfortable sofa at home, your own kitchen instead of a dining room... I work when I want, I don’t depend on anyone, I choose my clients, etc. However, nevertheless, you will have a boss, albeit remotely, who will tell you what, how and when to do. What kind of business is this?

Real business involves development, delegation of authority, a more extensive hierarchy and well-thought-out structure and, of course, is accompanied by legal registration, accounting and work with contracts.

No serious customer will contact a single freelancer without a legal entity.

Selling knowledge and online learning is becoming increasingly popular today.

Having started with your own video courses, you can stop, receiving passive income from sales from time to time, or go further and start developing in this area - attract other speakers, trainers and coaches, publish both paid and free video courses and videos -lessons, expand the topics of your online school courses, launch webinars, etc. Only then can it be considered a full-fledged business. And yet, the start of any online enterprise always begins with one point - creating a website.

Business on the Internet: the website is the head of everything

Making a website generate money is not an easy task for several reasons.

Website owners not only need to choose the right niche and theme for their website and constantly fill it with interesting and useful content - this is obvious and required by default. Anyone who wants to monetize their website will have to master many promotion techniques - the main one of which is SEO optimization - a dark forest in which hundreds of entrepreneurs wander. But this is another story, which we will talk about in another article, but for now we propose to consider the various options for doing business on the Internet in more detail.

Niches in Internet business

Alexander Ninburg

General Director of the Nimble service

Separately, perhaps, it is worth focusing on the most popular area of ​​​​online business - online stores. It is the idea of ​​creating a store on the Internet that first comes to the mind of a person who dreams of doing business on the Internet.

Despite its low margins in today's realities, a business built on buying and selling continues to attract budding entrepreneurs. Either this is due to laziness and reluctance to come up with and look for unique and original ideas for business, or the desire to trade is inherent at the genetic level along with the memory of the successes of black marketeers and shuttle traders of the 80-90s of the last century. In any case, today dropshippers, online aggregators and online stores of various stripes have replaced perestroika schemes. All of these options use the Internet as the main, if not the only, sales channel, which makes it possible to minimize initial investments, reduce costs and increase the margins and profitability of this business.

According to many experts and analysts, online trading is one of the few areas of business that does not slow down despite economic turmoil, changes in the macro-economic climate and political confrontations both in a single country and throughout the world as a whole. Moreover, budding entrepreneurs are haunted by the success of foreign giants - Aliexpress, Ebay and Amazon. How can you resist the temptation to start an online business by creating your own online store?

General Director of BGMT

Online stores are usually opened by people who a) are far from business and commerce, b) are far from IT. This is 80% of online store owners. They make an incredible amount of idiotic mistakes. For them to start making a profit, they usually have to go through a long and thorny path. Our practice shows that after a year and a half, such people run out of money and motivation. Even more often, people open online stores without thinking that any market has a ceiling. Especially in small towns. As a result, people spend a lot of money in the hope that sooner or later they will start making money, but this does not happen, because the one and a half customers that they had in the first month is 100% saturation of the market.

When launching an online store, you will have to face many problems that an online entrepreneur will have to solve. In addition to the standard “website creation”, “content filling” (in the case of an online store, this is filling and designing a product catalog) and “promotion” questions will be added to the list of questions such as “search for suppliers”, “logistics”, “payment arrangements” and other business processes typical of regular offline stores.

Regardless of whether you are going to open an online or offline store, you will have to start by choosing the product that you will sell. According to Pavel Gorbov, executive director of Re:Sale Expert, today the most popular areas in online trading are:

  • personal consumer goods (beauty and health; gifts, etc.);
  • personal equipment (phones, tablets, etc.);
  • household goods for everyday use (bedding, dishes, etc.);
  • jewelry, accessories (not jewelry);
  • sporting goods;
  • clothes, shoes.

On the other hand, today more conservative businesses are coming online - woodworking, chemical industry, heavy industry, agriculture, according to data from the international e-commerce center Allbiz. This opens up additional opportunities for choosing your own niche, free from competitors, which means it gives you the opportunity to take advantage of a head start and get ahead.

Peter Talantov

Founder and CEO of the flower delivery service

There is no single e-commerce market; there are many markets, each in its own niche - food delivery, search and purchase of air and railway tickets, purchase of equipment, search for hotels, delivery of bouquets and flower arrangements. These are all completely different businesses, united only by a common denominator - their location on the World Wide Web. As in any other enterprise, you need to find your own unoccupied niche, invest a lot in marketing, in service, in organizing the purchasing and production process.

Of course, if 15-20 years ago an online business could be started with a starting capital of $350, now one can start (depending on the business) from $1000 and above. Behind the apparent simplicity of organizing online commerce there is a huge amount of work, in no way inferior to its offline counterparts, and competition in this area is often even higher.

From idea to internet startup: uniqueness and competition

The Internet and modern IT technologies, like nothing else, make it possible to turn any idea into a business, provided that the idea is in demand (will solve some problem) and monetizing it is not difficult.

Finding a problem and trying to solve it with the help of Internet technologies can bring considerable income in the future - the young and active startup market today is built on this statement. Here and there, young and ambitious online startups appear that offer a unique service, a solution to a problem, or a new way to make life easier, save time or money through IT.

Another thing is that not every startup grows into a normal, operating business...

CEO of Photogenics

At the moment, the photo banking market is quite developed and saturated. Market leaders now have databases of 30-50-70 million images. To create a new successful project in this segment, you need a strong competitive advantage and considerable capital. Opening a photo bank on your knees will be doomed to failure.

Competitive advantages - prices and service. At the moment, photo banks have succeeded in both the first and second questions. To “break” the market you need to come up with something revolutionary.

Business on business

However, not all online business options suffer from competition and high barriers to entry into the market. The very fact of the need and demand for the creation of websites, the presence of companies on the Internet and the creation of an additional sales channel through an online store gives rise to a whole galaxy of different options and opportunities for business on the Internet in the b2b sphere.

The only requirement in this case is the knowledge and competence of the future Internet entrepreneur in certain areas - web development, web design or Internet marketing.

Director of the agency "IT-Fabrika"

Founder of Internet Marketing Agency "Architect"

Beginning Internet entrepreneurs can be divided into several categories.

The first is young and inexperienced people, with sparkling eyes and a firm belief in the success of Internet business. Often they do not have significant start-up capital and have only a vague understanding of both programming and ways to attract traffic. And yet, they enthusiastically rush into battle - to conquer the Internet, score big shots, and act by trial and error. If you fall into this category, you have two options. The first, spending Herculean efforts, master all the nuances of Internet business on your own, stubbornly pursue your goal, starting small, or do it differently - gain experience in the area in which you plan to start a business.

In a financial crisis, when the number of jobs is declining, but at the same time the consumer and service sectors remain in demand, ideas or even businesses from scratch occupy the minds of ordinary citizens.

The desire to find opportunities for additional income is an important reason for searching for activities without capital investments. The benefit of such a business can be considered a minimal amount of risks, and if a person believes that he is strong in some area, then this will serve as an additional guarantee of the success of the new endeavor.

Business from scratch - does it happen?

No, such a business does not exist. In any case, you will have to invest:

  1. Education.
  2. If there is no education, time.
  3. And, in any case, great enthusiasm.

There is a point of view that all the proposed ideas for beginners are not a business, but a craft. But there are no other options with a zero start. If there is no money for hired workers, you have to be your own hired worker. And only with the growth of your business, your own skills, abilities and income, will it be possible to delegate some of your functions to someone else. Moreover, very often even “grown” small businessmen are forced to create an adequate replacement for themselves over the years. This is the specificity of small business. Small business is a way of life. To dream that in a couple of years the gears will turn without any of your participation is at least naive.

This material contains proven ideas in which you can still find your niche. Think about what your highlight is among the masses of the same, and go ahead. Each of these ideas fits perfectly into the “low start” requirements.

Types of businesses you can start without large investments

We will present at least 100 ideas that allow... There is no clear division into separate groups, but for a better understanding of the field in which you can go, we will accept a conditional classification by type:


Automotive business ideas

The best ideas in the car business include the following:

Earn money online

For women

Video review

This article from To Biz looks at the newest ideas of 2017, and the authors argue that these ideas are indeed promising, work, but have not yet become too competitive.


The production sector includes a large number of different ideas, but you should be prepared that a certain amount of start-up capital will be required.

Creative ideas

Some business ideas may initially be results-oriented because they are creative and unusual.

Home business

You can also find ways to earn money while sitting at home. Most home ideas are related to the hand-made industry.

Ideas for 2017

Every year new types of business appear, designed to generate, albeit small, income and capable of meeting the needs of society.

Ideas in crisis

In the wake of the crisis, you should choose business ideas in areas that remain in demand even with the scarcity of potential clients.

Ideas for business in Moscow

It is difficult to surprise the metropolitan public, and the market is so saturated that ideas are required that are either not yet very developed or have competitive advantages.

Some examples of investments and payback periods for a business idea

The main thing that will concern everyone who decides to open their own business is the amount of investment and the payback period of the project.

Business idea Investment amount Skills Payback period
Tutoring ——— Knowledge in a specific field, diploma Depending on the number of students
Vending massage 1 chair 35 thousand rubles Not required 1 person - 100 rubles, per day throughput 10 people = 1000 rubles. 30 thousand per month. Payback in three months
Mafia game or similar Renting premises and organizing advertising (approximately 30,000) Not required Income per month 28,000, payback two months
Sewing clothes for pets Buying fabric, 1 meter = 300-500 rubles Sewing skills One ready-made suit costs from 1500 to 2000. Payback period is a month
Home beauty salon 30,000 rubles Knowledge of hairdressing 4-5 months

Opening your own business with minimal investment is real. The most important thing at the initial stage is to monitor the market situation, identify a niche area and draw up a business plan. Next you will need only persistence and desire to make a profit. You should not expect that the money will flow like a river; in the first months you will have to work hard.

A section about new and always relevant business ideas on the Internet for beginning freelancers and entrepreneurs who decided to open their own business in 2018-2019, but do not know where and how to start making money from scratch, including without large initial capital.

Note that the term "online business" can be used for any business or commercial transaction that involves the exchange of information online.

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Trading on VKontakte and creating a store

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About online business and making money online

In our time, which is rightly called the century of modern technology, business on the Internet is developing at a rapid pace. It is quite difficult to develop successful ideas on your own, especially since most of the methods are already freely available. The main thing is to know where they are all offered and how to use them. Today the Internet is one of the most popular methods of earning money.

In the “Internet business” section, only the most profitable options, often requiring absolutely no investment, are considered. In the vastness of the World Wide Web, you can come across strategies that offer profits after certain monetary deposits. You should understand that you need to be extremely careful not to get involved in a financial scam, therefore, when looking to make money in this area, it is better to seek the help of specialists.

We have selected exclusively profitable and working Internet business ideas for you. Many ways to earn money, open and transparent business plans - all this can be found here. The strategies were selected based on our own experience, as well as from successful examples of people who were able to achieve high incomes online. It should be noted that this particular type of entrepreneurial activity is suitable for both experienced businessmen and beginners - students. In addition, in many cases it does not require specialized knowledge in software, significant financial expenses, and allows you to plan your working day independently.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. The bourgeois word “business,” which denotes business activity with the goal of creating a sustainable source of income, in some aspects diverges from the things that I wrote about in articles about which it may be right for you. There we mainly talked about making money, and not about online business, although to some extent these concepts intersect.

The most popular options for doing business online

That’s why today I want to highlight a number of the most popular areas of effort when trying to make money from the Internet.

The first thing that probably comes to mind when talking about online business is this internet commerce. Obviously, if almost the entire active (in terms of purchasing power) population spends quite a lot of time on the Internet, then where, if not there, should they offer their goods and services. The idea is sound, and many online stores, which at one time became the founders of fashion (for example,, now earn quite decent money.

But competition in this niche is quite high, including due to the fact that offline businesses also use the Internet as a means to attract customers (along with other methods). But it’s quite possible to earn a living from this. Another thing is that, as for me, an online store is not so much an online business as an offline business, because in addition to the area of ​​attracting customers to the site (using SEO, contextual advertising, etc.) that is very interesting to me, there are also purely offline aspects (delivery of goods, communication with customers, receiving complaints, etc.). It is the presence of the other side of this coin that stops me from applying strength in this direction.

Particular attention here should be paid to the niche in which you plan to work. What made great money just five years ago may now turn out to be a “dead number”. The ideal option, of course, would be to find a niche that is not yet occupied in RuNet, but there is already demand. In this case, your online commerce will have a very high chance of success.

The second important question, after choosing the niche of your future online business, will be the choice of the method of technical implementation of the online store website and how to attract customers to it.

There are a lot of engines for Ekomerts and even . Some of them are paid (for example, ), some are free (for example, and ). But all of them have their own advantages and disadvantages, which makes it difficult to choose. For example, one of my friends has been selecting an engine for several years now (he went through them all, and already went for the second round), but he has not created a store.

As for the issue of attracting visitors to your online business oasis, there are two main and a number of auxiliary methods. It’s possible (in RuNet this is mostly the case), but competition in many topics is very high and you need to be able to optimize advertising in order to get the maximum return for a minimum investment. I talked about something like this in the articles linked just above.

Online services - automated provision of services

However, you can sell not only goods but also services online. Option automated running this type of business on the Internet can be characterized as online services. The main question here is to bring a successful idea to life and be one of the first on the market in order to attract the target audience as easily as possible.

An example would be numerous exchanges (link exchanges, exchanges for selling websites, etc.) or services for checking the position of a site, or backlinks leading to it, etc. of things. All these examples are from the field of website building and their promotion (read about), but you can also find a lot of examples from other topics.

The main thing, as I already mentioned, is the idea and its economic justification (how many people are willing to pay for the services you provide or for intermediary actions as an exchange). Special investments may not be required (only to attract programmers and other developers), because when running an online business in the form of services, such a thing as an affiliate program works great.

Information website - as an option for running an Internet business online

And, of course, I can’t help but mention the option of an online business when the main source of your income is information site. I emphasize that this is precisely an information project, which, unlike the Internet commerce and online services described earlier, is not initially a commercial enterprise, i.e. They don’t sell anything there (neither goods nor services). Well, or they sell, but this is not the main activity of this project.

They make money on such projects by advertising. It turns out to be an analogue of a television channel, where they show films, programs and other nonsense for free, but at the same time they also show advertising. Accordingly, earnings on an information site will most likely be directly proportional to its popularity, i.e. the number of visitors who visit it during the day.

Of course, the level of income with the same traffic may differ depending on the topic of the resource. It is clear that advertising on a real estate website will cost more than on a gaming portal. But it’s much easier to increase the latter’s attendance. This is a double-edged sword.

Concerning monetization of such projects. As a rule, in the first year or two it will be better to simply promote and develop it, without placing much emphasis on monetization, because the possible income during this period will still be too small. But with the growing popularity and attendance, it’s worth thinking about these:

  1. from Yandex or Google. In the first case, you will need to register and (the reverse side of Direct), and in the second case, it is worth learning the principles of working with. For most projects (from this area of ​​online business) this will be the most profitable and preferred option for making money, but not for everyone.
  2. It will also be possible to earn money by posting. It is best to place banners from direct advertisers, but they are not always easy to find, so indirect placement from advertising networks on such as AdvMaker (read), Pingmedia, RotaBan or Nolix is ​​also possible. However, I advise you to be careful with formats such as popunders and clickanders, because for this you can get a penalty from search engines. Although there are sites on which other media advertising options will not work at all, so you have to take risks.
  3. If banners and context do not work, then you can try. But here you need to be careful, because Yandex is now banning sites for shock advertising, and you need to choose a teaser network very carefully so that it is possible to filter shock ads.
  4. . I have a website that I can’t monetize in any way except by selling eternal links from it (on the GGL, Getgoodlinks, Rotapost exchanges), as well as by posting paid articles on it (on the Miralinks and Webartex exchanges). At the same time, the site is developing successfully and its traffic is growing. However, if the development of the site is neglected, then excessive sale of links (especially in exchanges like Sapa) can lead to its pessimization in search engines.
  5. . It makes sense to look for ones that will allow you to monetize your existing traffic. There are a lot of them (for example, the “My Business” affiliate program for monetizing financial traffic or the Admitad affiliate program aggregator with offers for every taste). There are even options (flow of users accessing your site via mobile devices).

Services for promotion, creation, promotion of websites, etc.

A little higher, we looked at a business option built on automating the provision of services with access via the Internet, and we conventionally called it online services. But services can be provided in manual (or semi-automatic) mode. For example, it could be an SEO company, a design studio for developing website templates, a social media promotion company, etc.

This type of activity can be classified as an online business precisely because the services provided are needed to achieve the desired effect on the Internet. Those. here you can write down all commercial projects whose vector of efforts extends to the global web.

Among these options for creating your own online business are:

  1. Web Studio for creating websites or updating the design of existing ones - the demand for this kind of services will always exist, because more and more new business companies are going online and they need a “cool” website. Or an online site that has been around for a long time requires a design change, the development of a new navigation system, usability improvements, etc. Many owners of this type of business are beginning to understand that one of the commercial ranking factors in search engines is now the convenience of the site and its compliance with the requirements of the niche. Moreover, there are quite a few segments in this niche - from budget to executive.
  2. Website promotion company ( SEO office). Well, what can I say? Nowadays, an increasing number of such companies are beginning to provide comprehensive services to attract target customers to client sites. This is both, and for getting the site into the organic results of Yandex or Google (includes optimization of the site itself, its usability, as well as the purchase of external links), and, and (natural promotion and popularization of the promoted online business or brand).
  3. Design Studio, which can specialize, for example, in creating logos for a company, banners, website templates, etc. In general, it is somewhat similar to the first option.
  4. Teams working with social networks (such as or). Creating and leading groups on Facebook and Contact, posting and promoting promotional or viral videos on YouTube (), promoting a website or business on Twitter, etc. In fact, this is a very painstaking work that is better to entrust to professionals or hire one of them to work for you.
  5. There are many other options, but the main thing here is again to choose a niche where you can break into and have a chance to regularly receive orders. Very often, something that is already working at full speed in the bourgeois internet is not yet presented in the RuNet, and here your chance to occupy the still free online business market may be hidden.

If in studios, campaigns and offices they essentially work as a team, then a freelancer undertakes to do the same (or only part) alone. This . Freelancing online is very common, or rather, it became so widespread precisely thanks to the popularization of the Internet.

Not long ago I wrote on this topic in an article where the following questions were raised:

It outlined the main topics in which the freelance guild is most represented, and also gave advice on which sites are best to use to find work and what principles to follow for successful promotion and building a pool of regular clients.

Freelancing is convenient for those people who prefer to run a business on their own and are not inclined to work in a team (for example, this suits me). It also allows you to find a well-paid job if you live in the outback and don’t want to move and change your lifestyle for offline work. As I already mentioned, doing business online allows you to eliminate any distances that may arise between the customer and the contractor. I can recommend it to beginners.

Information business, online seminars, coaching, training, etc.

— this is the creation of some kind of training courses and programs and their subsequent distribution via the Internet. This type of online business also includes all sorts of trainings, online seminars, and other options for distance learning via the Internet. Again, here, as a rule, not only the authors of courses can earn money, but also those who are committed to distributing them (through an affiliate program). If you decide to do this, I advise you to pay attention to the system JustClick, which includes a full set of tools (affiliate program, store, email newsletter service, etc.).

For example, at one time I created a page “” to distribute the creation. I won’t say now that these are the best courses, but they were the ones that helped me create my first website. On many topics that are of interest to users, it is very difficult to find any offline training courses, but online business leaves virtually no blank spots in the educational field. Another thing is that among the available offers there is a lot of hackwork and outright deception, which seriously reduces customer confidence and somewhat sobers up those who would like to feed themselves in this field.


To summarize, I would like to say that if you have the streak of a businessman in you, then be sure to consider the online sector of making efforts. There is plenty of room to roam around here, and if the business idea turns out to be original and successful, then you can “rise up” very quickly. But even simple adherence to the rules and hard work can lead you to an acceptable result.

If I forgot to mention another online business option that you consider promising at the moment, it would be great if you whispered it in our ear in the comments...

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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