Business ideas in the field of beauty and health. You are in the category: Beauty and health. How to open a mobile beauty salon

A mobile bathhouse is a promising and profitable business from which you can earn more than 100 thousand rubles. per month. The main thing is to organize your business correctly and notify as many people as possible about the services.

In soap production self made you can create a business. To start, you need a minimum of skills and an investment of 10 thousand rubles. This is an ideal option for those who want to make money from creativity.

Direct sales of cosmetics are still popular, as they benefit not only companies and their distributors, but also consumers. However, the amount of profit in this business depends entirely on the seller.

The number of people wanting to open a manicure business is growing every year. How to open your own nail salon that can withstand competition and that people will go to? Let's look at all the ingredients for success...

Tattoo parlors are a specific business, the opening of which has its own characteristics and pitfalls. In this article we will look at everything key points, which a beginner needs to know.

In Russia there is a growing culture of getting manicures done in specialized salons. To open a manicure salon, you will need about 435 thousand rubles, and it can bring in more than 100 thousand rubles. net profit...

Business plan for an orthopedic salon in a city with a population of more than 1 million people. Investments - 1.58 million rubles, net profit - 150 thousand rubles. Payback period - 14 months.

The volume of investment costs in opening a business massage parlor– 676 thousand rubles. Payback period – 4 months.

Sovetskaya Pharmacy is a “close to home” format pharmacies in the low price segment with an area of ​​40 sq.m., attractive due to its convenient location and a wide range of medicines from 30,000 items.

Investment costs into the project for the production of soap with volcanic ash amount to 2.7 million rubles. Payback period (PP, DPP) – 7 months.

The business of selling contact lenses through vending machines differs from other types of vending by much greater profitability from each purchase. In this material we will provide a calculation for a network of 10 points.

Investments in the Children's Hairdressing Salon project will amount to RUB 1,103,000. To implement the project, our own cash. Payback period - 20 months. Reaching planned volume...

To implement the project, an investment of 2,555,000 rubles will be required, of which 2,000,000 rubles. will amount to own funds, and 555,000 rub. – borrowed.

Open own store or an island under the LABBRA franchise under the guidance of a professional team and start your successful business with a turnover of up to 12,000,000 rubles per year.

Barbershop is a trendy men's business that can bring good profits and become a matter of passion. In this article, we calculated approximately how much it would cost to open a men's salon.

Opening a bath complex will require 3,454,000 rubles. The payback period for the bath complex will be 14 months, and the discounted payback period will be 16 months.

Salt caves are one of the most promising types of small business in the field of recreational and health services. This is a simple and understandable business model, small investment and low competition...

To implement the project, 1,687,700 rubles will be required. starting investments. The return on sales will be 65.6%, and the payback period is 7 months.

White&Smile™ An innovative trend in the beauty industry in Europe, Russia and the CIS: a system of cosmetic express teeth lightening - income from 100 thousand rubles.

To open a good center with five devices, you need to have five million rubles just to purchase equipment.

With an initial investment amount of about 650 thousand rubles. excluding working capital and about 1.2 million rubles. With working capital, the simple payback period will be 2.1 years, the internal rate of return...

The average amount required to open your own office or class is 150 thousand rubles, excluding organizational expenses. This amount can be an order of magnitude greater if you...

Let's consider several options for business plans regarding the field of beauty and health.

Business plan for opening a hair salon

There is an opinion that the most profitable business is opening a hairdressing salon costing thirty or forty thousand dollars. But still, hair salon owners believe that only small hair salons will be the most stable.

Of course, the first month of operation of such a business is unlikely to be profitable. There is no need to skimp on advertising, which will be done through flyers or advertising on local television. From the second month, the hairdresser can begin to generate income. If two or three chairs are purchased, then at this time the income can be up to two and a half thousand dollars. Of course, from this income you will need to deduct expenses for public utilities, for rent, as well as for employee salaries.

In the future, income may be more than a thousand dollars a month, and the money invested may be returned in six months or a maximum of a year. In order to open a hairdresser, you will need to purchase certain equipment. For example, you will need chairs, sinks, dryers, climate zones, hair clippers, hair dryers, curling irons, tongs, curlers, etc. You will also need tools such as brushes, scissors, clips, razors, combs, towels, overalls and other small items. To operate a hair salon you also need to obtain a license. The hairdresser must have certification for hair care services, certification for cosmetic services, massage, manicure, for the use of decorative cosmetics, pedicure and other services that will be provided by the hairdresser.

The company is engaged in a highly specialized area - the sale of equipment for beauty salons and clinics. More details on

Business plan for a dental clinic

Dentists always have large number clients, since the majority of the population has to have their teeth repaired regularly.

If you take up the idea of ​​opening a dental office, then such an idea will definitely bring profit. Of course, opening a dental office is not very original idea, as there are more dental offices than shops in some areas. It may cost approximately forty thousand dollars to open a clinic. Moreover, such an amount is only enough for a fairly modest project. To obtain a license to operate a clinic, you first need to find a suitable premises. In addition, you also need to obtain a license for all dental equipment. Renting premises to open a dental clinic is not so easy, because the premises must have conditions for this type of activity.

Repairing the premises will also be expensive, because the dental chair will need to be connected to electricity, water and sewerage. Equipment costs may vary, since the choice will depend on the capabilities of the entrepreneur. In order for a dental clinic to receive a license, its equipment must be carried out in accordance with certain standards and SES regulations. All installed equipment must have certificates. This business is quite profitable, since even if you open one office with an average workload, all costs can be recouped in a year.

Pharmacy business plan

The pharmacy business has always been and will be very profitable. Anyone who opens such a business today may face very strong competition. An entrepreneur must decide what exactly he wants to open: a classic pharmacy, a pharmacy, a pharmacy kiosk or a pharmacy in the form of a mini-market.

If a pharmacy or pharmacy is opened, it will be possible to sell prescription drugs there. If a pharmacy business is opened in an area that deals only with the sale of an approved range, then it will not be very effective. Such a pharmacy kiosk can simply become a store of parapharmaceutical products. It is also necessary to determine target audience such business and the level of service that will be offered to it. Although the number of pharmacies and pharmacy points is growing every year, opening such a business will still be profitable for several years.

It is very important to choose a good location for your pharmacy. A pharmacy that is located in a place where there is often a crowd of people will be profitable. It is best to train staff yourself so that they can learn the pharmacy’s assortment gradually and be able to navigate it. Clients need to provide wide range products. When opening such a business, you need to purchase not only new pharmaceuticals, but also old domestic drugs. Domestic drugs today continue to be in demand and have more low price than their foreign counterparts.

Business plan for opening a bathhouse

In large cities, private baths have appeared quite a long time ago. But only over the past few years has this market begun to change qualitatively.

Elite indoor baths have appeared in many cities, but therapeutic and health-improving and family baths remain in short supply. Baths are more likely associated with a place where you can drink and have fun. Therefore, few people will go to the bathhouse with their family. It is also unlikely that you can go to an old Soviet bathhouse for health purposes. But still, sometimes everyone wants to take a steam bath. Today, the popularity of a certain type of bathhouse has changed at the level of the clients themselves. Now many visitors come to the bathhouse not at night, but during the day or evening. So now it will be profitable to open a family bathhouse, where everyone can go calmly and where you can visit a cafe or solarium, as well as take advantage of other additional services.

In general, opening a bathhouse is not very difficult start-up business. An entrepreneur will not have to face the competition that exists in the market of restaurants, cafes or entertainment venues. In addition, opening a bathhouse can become even more profitable than a restaurant. The costs of starting such a business are not very large. It can pay for itself in approximately three years. But everything will depend on advertising, reputation and marketing. The area of ​​the bathhouse should be used as much as possible, so that an entire health and entertainment complex can be located in it.

Tanning studio business plan

Today a very profitable business is opening own studio tanning The demand for solarium services is growing daily. Even in summer time Many lovers of tanned skin prefer to use solariums rather than sunbathe in the open air. Such a business is a business that also benefits mental and physical health, since if there is a lack of sunlight, there will be danger for a person.

With a lack of sun in some latitudes, tanning studios can easily fill this gap. Solariums abroad have become commonplace in homes, health centers, beauty salons, hospitals, and even schools and airports. This type of business is very popular and has virtually no competition. Even taking into account the fact that the number of solariums is growing very quickly today, this market is not even a third full. There are very few professional tanning studios today, even in big cities. There are even a few small solariums.

Even if you simply install one tanning machine at a local beauty salon and they charge a small fee for their services, such a machine can pay for itself in just a few months. But still, it is better to open tanning studios with strong machines, as they provide clients high quality tanning and are therefore more popular. A tanning studio will be more profitable if it is located in the old inhabited areas of the city, or in its central part.

Beauty salon business plan

Recently, opening a beauty salon is considered very prestigious and profitable view business. Such salons are opening in large numbers, but beauty salons are closing after short time. In a business plan for opening a beauty salon, you need to indicate data on studying the demand for the services that will be provided by the salon.

It is imperative to take into account all the competition that exists in the city where such a business will be opened in order to provide customers with the maximum number of services at an attractive price. Today, different salons are opening, which are designed for clients with different income levels. VIP salons are opened for very wealthy clients, which provide a large number of high-quality services for high price. Elite salons are also designed for this level of clientele. A casual salon can be opened if there are a large number of clients with an average income in the area. There are also economy class salons where services are provided to a wide range of visitors.

For a salon, it is better to rent or buy premises on the ground floor. The area of ​​the premises and the number of staff will depend on the range of services of the salon. The costs of starting such a business will include renovation of the premises, software, furniture and equipment, sets consumables, advertising, as well as other unforeseen expenses.

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Business ideas born to improve the health and beauty (these two concepts are inseparable) of their consumers. New medical developments, products and services.

Austrian and German scientists, as part of a joint project, have developed a new generation of surgical screws. As the authors of the technology explain, their discovery reduces the risk of postoperative complications and also eliminates the shortcomings of the current technology. For example, it saves patients from having to undergo repeated surgery. It's about about surgical screws made from human bones.

We recently wrote on the site that the term “British scientists” is perceived in our country as equivalent to strange scientific discoveries. Last time we talked rather about an exception to this rule, namely, about one that is important for molecular chemistry. This time, we will talk about a business idea to reduce the risk of spreading infections in public places. Judge for yourself how promising this invention is.

Many modern technology companies offer the world ideas aimed at solving medical problems. We have previously written about and helps with endoscopic examinations, as well as about ones that simplify the treatment of heart disease. The innovative solution of the Portuguese startup Nuada is aimed at helping people suffering from diseases of the ligaments and tendons of the hands. They came up with a bionic glove to support the hand.

How many times have you promised yourself to start going to the gym “on Monday”? However, as we know, intention does not always mean action. Most people, having bought a fitness club card, happily forget about it after a couple of months. The people of China, in this sense, are not very different from us, but they seem to have already figured out how to eliminate the main reason for irregular visits to the gym. They believe that the whole point is in the inconvenient location of the clubs and that is why portable sports booths have recently appeared on the streets of Beijing.

We will talk about the topic of health, or more precisely about goods and services to improve it. Personally myself this business I was practically not involved, but there are many examples from which one can judge. But I also advise you to read the article about ones that work 100%. So let's get started!

Why the topic of health?

Any business is built on the needs of people! What people need is what the market of goods and services offers. And health is the basic need of people! Everyone wants to be healthy, or simply improve their health in some way. For example, lose weight, cure something, pump up something, etc.

Moreover, now a healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle) and simply the topic of health has become a trend! It is a trend, because over the last 2-3 years people have become more active in sports, improving their health, going on diets, doing yoga, etc. This becomes the reason for the emergence of new products and services to improve health. These goods and services appear and people actively use them.

This market is unlikely to be oversaturated, or at least for the next many years. No matter how sad it may sound, people will always get sick and the world has not yet come up with a cure for all diseases. And I’ll tell you honestly, there is a lot of money in this area!

I won't torment you. Business examples!

1. Many people know Chinese Goji berries, which were advertised a year ago as an excellent means of losing weight. People lined up for them (I saw it myself because I often buy Chinese tea at the store). These berries are actively sold on the Internet, one-page websites are full of beautiful red berries with miraculous effects, and people buy them. I have nothing against these berries, but I think that they don’t help you lose weight that much, because you can’t lose weight on berries alone.

2. Pastes, sprays and rinses for dental health. They still sell them on the Internet and talk about the miraculous power of these pastes. And again, I have nothing against it, maybe they really are so miraculous, I haven’t tested them, I just gave an example.

3. Super exercise machine for weight loss. Have you heard of this? Of course you’ve heard of them, there are many of them and they’re all different, but they’re all SUPER. You've probably seen a lot of these on TV in "Shopping on the Couch", and there are even more of them on the Internet.

4. Super massager for muscle relaxation. There are a lot of them too!

6. Posture alignment machine, etc. Try entering similar queries in Yandex and Google, you will see many options.

7. Consultations with nutritionists, psychologists, vertebrologists, etc. They began to do all this online and solve people’s problems.

In general, I can give hundreds and thousands of examples and they are all true and work at the moment. And what is it profitable business , I'm 100% sure!

The essence of the idea

The idea is that by finding a product or service that can help people solve some of their health problems, you can make good money. Do you think where do all the exercise machines, massagers and products listed above come from? Everything is bought in China or from domestic manufacturers. Purchase prices are very low compared to those at which the product is sold to the final consumer, and demand is very high.

It's the same with services. If you are a nutritionist or you have a nutritionist friend or a person whose knowledge can positively affect someone else’s health (that is, POSITIVELY), then you can make money from consultations, from selling courses, etc.. I’ve been making money for a long time on affiliate programs oh, and I see a lot of courses on improving health in affiliate program aggregators. They all sell well!

You can implement all this via the Internet and simply in your city. For example, those who sell exercise machines or massagers conduct presentations, let people try the product with further sale, if on the Internet, they shoot a detailed video of its use, etc.

How to implement?

There is little complexity in this. You just need to think of a product or service that you could sell. See what products manufacturers in Russia or China have, look at reviews of new products that are entering the market and that you might be interested in. In general, find an interesting product or service that, in your opinion, would solve some problem for people. Again, as an example, some kind of exercise machine or massager that you like or has helped you get rid of health problems. Or try to sell your services or those of other people who have helped you personally or your friends. For example, one of my friends sold the services of his doctor, who cured his back. He shared with all his contacts and received a percentage of orders for consultations or courses of treatment.

Once you have found that product or that service, think about how you can present the information to people. Think about what kind of people your product might be suitable for. Perhaps you will just make a one-page website or a full-fledged website and look for clients on the Internet. I wrote about how to make a one-page website. You must correctly describe on your website all the advantages of your product or service. There must be photo reports and detailed videos that will show your product in action. Reviews from customers who have benefited from your products or services are required. When all this is in place, you can actively advertise your one-page website, for example contextual advertising, advertising on social networks, CPA networks (your product will be sold, and you will give a percentage for it).


Draw your own conclusions whether you should engage in such a business or not. I repeat once again that the topic of health is very profitable business and it will be profitable for a long time. The most important thing is that if you start doing it, then sell only high-quality, really working goods and services. There is no need to offer remedies that do not help. Such products are also sold, but not for long, when people realize that it doesn’t work, sales stop. In this business, as in any other, only those who know how to attract their clients, how best to present a product so that people buy it, how to create demand, etc., will make money. There are no easy ways anywhere! But if you find your own approach, then everything will work out!

I look forward to your objections or additions in the comments. Let's discuss the idea?!

Best regards, Schmidt Nikolay

The area of ​​health and beauty discussed in this category is more suitable for the female half of humanity. After all, everyone knows that women are more concerned about their health, as well as the health of their family and friends. Not to mention their beauty, which they watch almost 24 hours a day. It is for them that this section with business ideas was created.

They say that money cannot buy beauty and health. Apparently this was said by the person who has never read business ideas related to beauty and health on the blog “Your Business”! See for yourself!

An interesting idea in this section is a business idea on how to open your own hairdressing salon.

Is it profitable to produce lipstick and how to start your own business

Brief Analysis lipstick business:
2.5-3 million rubles
from 800 thousand
Industry situation:high competition
Payback: 2-2.5 years

How to open a mobile beauty salon

Brief business analysis:
Costs of setting up a business: 1.5 - 2 million rubles
Relevant for cities with the population: without restrictions
Industry situation:the supply market is free
Difficulty of organizing a business: 3/5
Payback: 1-1.5 years

How to open your own ultrasound office

Brief business analysis:
Costs of setting up a business: 1.5-2.5 million rubles
Relevant for cities with the population: from 100 thousand
Industry situation:the service market is poorly developed
Difficulty of organizing a business: 4/5
Payback: 1-1.5 years

How to open a psychologist's office?

A crisis is raging in the country, prices have soared for literally everything, and wages, God forbid, if they remain at the same level (nowadays they are often lowered!), taken out loans hang a heavy burden around the neck, the mood every day goes further into a deep negative - into it's time to shoot yourself. My friends, this is, unfortunately, not just a threatening picture of a possible future. This […]

Your own organic food store

Did you know that the average life expectancy of a person in Russia has increased by 3 and a half years over the past 30 years? Of course, this was largely due to advances in medicine, but people themselves began to take more care of their health, preferring to lead an active, healthy lifestyle and eat organic foods. It is on the topic of natural nutrition in [...]

How to open a dental office

Each of us, to one degree or another, tries to monitor our health, spending a certain amount on it every year, going to public clinics, or to private specialists (it often happens that the same people work in both places). So it was, so it is, and so it will be for a very long time until they invent something that allows [...]

Fish for peeling - exotic to the masses

Fish peeling – what is it? An effective cosmetic procedure, or just another whim of wealthy people, allowing enterprising businessmen to make money on human whims? Let's figure it out together!

How to open a massage parlor?

Brief business analysis:
Costs of setting up a business:300-500 thousand rubles
Relevant for cities with the population: from 20 thousand
Industry situation:average level of competition
Difficulty of organizing a business: 2/5
Payback: 4-9 months