Business idea: tire retreading. Equipment for retreading truck tires Cold method - the most cost-effective process

Despite the wide variety of automobile stores and the availability of spare parts, many domestic consumers are attracted by favorable prices for used parts that have been dismantled from used cars.

There are quite enough reasons to buy them, firstly, the quality (especially if the spare parts are original, produced by an official manufacturer), and secondly, they are very cheap, and thirdly, a wide variety of auto parts for any brand. As a rule, the main source of such spare parts is considered to be various automobile disassemblies and services, but here all high-quality spare parts have long been sorted and disassembled by their own employees, and low-quality or deformed ones are prepared for sale.

Therefore, opening a special store for high-quality restored and used parts is considered a very profitable business, and considering that there are quite a few such organizations on the domestic commercial market, then the only competitors will be ordinary dismantling shops and service stations.

Rent technical room for business.

To work with automobile parts, you will need a fairly spacious room, since in addition to disassembly and assembly, they may require long-term storage. Best for of this business A former agricultural or any commercial warehouse, a small industrial workshop or a large car garage would be suitable.

The premises must have all necessary communications connected, namely electricity and water. A work area should be equipped inside the building to carry out the work process and store products ready for sale.

The cost of space varies depending on the location of the building. For example, in the Moscow region, the price of 1 square meter in an industrial zone is about 5,200 rubles per year. This business requires an area of ​​300 square meters. meters, respectively, the waste will be 300 x 5,200 = 1,560,000 rubles per year excluding payments for utilities. A building or premises should be rented taking into account its territorial location to the center of the district or region.

Purchase of equipment and tools.

Any activity with a car or its individual parts requires special equipment, tools and auxiliary systems. The units will require one automotive hydraulic lift, a drilling machine, a milling machine and a press. Since the work will mainly be carried out with used car parts, difficulties may often arise in processing them, so for this you should purchase several sets of small tools. In general, the most important units for business can be identified:

Hydraulic lift - 120,000 rubles;
- Hydraulic Press- 40,000 rub.;
- drilling machine - 37,000 rubles;
- milling machine - 55,000 rubles;
- set tools - 10,000 rubles;
- special pullers - 5,000 rubles;

The total cost of all devices is about: 120,000 + 40,000 + 37,000 + 55,000 + 10,000 + 5,000 = 267,000 rubles. The price of each unit may vary depending on the dealer or store markup. Additionally, homemade stands, stands, etc. may be required, the cost of which is not taken into account.

Operating personnel and procurement of parts.

To organize this business, you will need outside help, in particular, you need working personnel who will do the work and support the company’s activities. The selection of workers should be treated with great attention, since the rating and growth of the company depends on professionalism and skill. It is best to hire experienced specialists who have previously worked in similar enterprises. The initial staff will consist of 5 people.

Workers for the company:

Fitter fitter - 35,000 rubles;
- milling machine operator, turner - 42,000 rubles;
- auto mechanic assembler - 40,000 rubles;
- loader - 25,000 rubles;
- sales agent - 46,000 rubles;

The salary is indicated for a period of work of 1 month, respectively total amount in 1 month = 35,000 + 42,000 + 40,000 + 25,000 + 46,000 = 188,000 rubles, for 12 months = 188,000 * 12 = 2,256,000 rubles.

The main raw materials for the business will be used parts, which can be purchased abroad or at border points (involved in transportation and disassembly Vehicle). However, it is most profitable to purchase a whole car and then disassemble it. The cost of one car can depend on many factors: cleared through customs - not cleared through customs, condition, availability of serviceable components, etc. The more prestigious the brand and the better the technical condition, the more expensive the car and its spare parts and the less it is required to restore them.

The business itself in the field of restoring automobile spare parts is in demand, because many consumers are chasing price and quality policies. Under favorable trading conditions (relatively low prices And good quality) business will require virtually no investment in advertising. However, for greater effect, you will need to organize the right advertising campaign.

First of all, you should create your own website on which you can demonstrate current trading positions and attract clients with discounts and favorable prices. The cost of these services will be about 100,000 rubles without other consumables.

It is also necessary to provide advertising support through the press; for this you need to submit your own ad, which can later be printed in newspapers or fashionable popular magazines. Posting and handing out small business cards also promotes business well. The cost of posting and printing in the press depends on the popularity of the publishing house and the commission of the press center.

Sales of restored parts and business return.

The main direction for selling used parts will be selling them in a special store that specializes in selling similar spare parts. In general, there are quite a lot of options for selling spare parts; for example, you can sell them through an online store, service station companies, and directly to the consumer himself.

Enough to demonstrate to customers high quality the work performed and the reliability of the restored components, which will subsequently be used by consumers.

Payback periods depend on the demand for parts.

For example, a set of spare parts for suspension for foreign brands costs about 50,000 rubles on average, provided that about 5 - 7 such sets are sold per month of sales, the profit will be at least 50,000 x 7 = 350,000 rubles for 1 month. Accordingly, for one year of work 350,000 x 12 - 4,200,000 rubles.

Main expenses: 1,560,000 + 267,000 + 2,256,000 + 100,000 = 4,183,000 rubles per year. Net profit for the first period of work will be approximately 4,200,000 - 4,183,000 = 17,000 rubles, which is quite good for initial development.

Payback for a business with these indicators is possible in 9 - 12 months.
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For decades, most foreign countries There are successful enterprises specializing in tire retreading, in which... The most famous tire manufacturers open subsidiaries that deal with this industry. Such repaired wheels get a second life; they are sold at a low cost, which especially attracts thrifty car owners. Tire retreading is done in several ways, which boil down to “building up” a new coating. It is worth understanding the need to purchase such tires, their wear and durability.

Refurbished tires are much cheaper than new ones

Methods for reanimating old tires

IN last years the government is trying to optimize waste automotive production, secondary raw materials are processed as much as possible for further savings Money and environmental protection. The second “life” of used wheels after rehabilitation saves no less than fifty percent of the total costs.
Rubber restoration is carried out in two main ways:

  • increasing the recesses and further creating a pattern;
  • hot or cold restoration - building up a new tread.

In the first case, the used tire is carefully cleaned and multiple indentations are created in the original pattern; naturally, this leads to a reduction in the rubber layer. This method is not always safe, because the behavior of such a wheel is unpredictable.

In the second case, there are two options for further action:

  • hot build-up created by vulcanization, applying another;
  • cold build-up, which consists of gluing a rubber ring onto the tread.

Repaired wheels work almost identically; hot tire retreading gives a lower probability of defects, but with the “cold” method, tires can be rebuilt more than once.

The cold method is the most cost-effective process

Not all tires can be retreaded; the condition of their carcass must be taken into account. Consequently, first of all, tires are diagnosed and damage received during operation is examined. The inner and side sides of the tire, its beads and crowns must be as intact as possible, which will ensure further possibility of operation.

The second stage of the work carried out is the removal of the worn tread. The rubber is inserted into a special device, where it is inflated with air and the top rubber layer is removed from it. The next stage is roughening, which allows you to weed out worn out wheels. Tires subject to repair eliminate minor defects, in particular, remove cuts and punctures.

Restoring the tire tread requires certain skills; the new build-up layer is covered with liquid rubber, which allows you to efficiently and reliably remove old damage and ensure a dense tire tread. The primer is applied using a manual extruder, after which a protector is applied, which has a specific pattern. The thickness of the rubber layer is cut to the circumference of the tire when the tire is full of air.

In a special machine, the tire is folded into an envelope and put on the tube and rim. An ideally restored tire is sent for vulcanization in an automated autoclave, where the tread band is securely fixed, creating a single structure with the frame. The rim and tube used in the process are later dismantled.

Cold restoration is subsequently verified by additional diagnostics. After passing the pressure test, the tire is equipped with a warranty card. In some service stations you can get a guarantee for one hundred thousand kilometers.

Is the hot method the most reliable?

The methods of “reanimating” tires have several points in common:

  • initial diagnosis of recyclable tires;
  • roughing - removing parts of worn tread;
  • basic repair of a cleaned wheel (removal of pieces of glass, metal particles).

However, although the two methods have so many similar operations, the recovery process is different. Cold retreading allows you to renew large tires (R14–R24). This category includes large equipment and Jeep class cars.

The hot method is carried out as follows: a simple unvulcanized rubber layer is applied to the used tire. Subsequent application of the pattern occurs during further vulcanization. The new design is applied to the molds, which operate under pressure in the process at a temperature of 140 °C. Recently, this method has practically not been used, but it is optimal for passenger tires with wheel sizes R13–R16, as well as minibuses.

Undeniable advantages and foreseen disadvantages of technology

When choosing between new tires and retreaded ones, you should be aware of all the risks that previously used tires are exposed to. The methods for restoring tires are different; such an operation requires a lot of funds, because “rehabilitation” requires specialized equipment, trained specialists and high-quality material, preferably domestically produced.

It's no secret that most car owners always focus their choice on products imported from abroad. The worn out tread will be repaired with Russian materials, which makes the quality of such a unit questionable. It is too expensive to use foreign rubber plates.

Retreading of passenger tires is allowed with minor wear. This is only possible when the tires functioned under normal conditions, the tires did not experience heavy loads, the cord was not damaged, and there were no deformations. However, in practice this is simply impossible, which is why only a few wheels with good external characteristics are suitable for restoration. Despite the fact that sometimes a tire can remain operational for up to five years, it must constantly be inspected for aging and cracks, otherwise this can lead to disastrous consequences - a wheel with a crack will burst at any moment.

There is another significant drawback - balancing such a wheel is not always possible.

So, if this technology has so many disadvantages, why use it? Let's figure it out, in fact, not everything is as bad as it might initially seem. accumulated in a short period of time will drive perfectly on retreaded tires. Qualified craftsmen working for good equipment, will quickly and efficiently repair such tires.

Restoring winter tires will help the owner save a considerable amount of money; specialists will be able to:

  • repair the cord using new applied threads;
  • remove microcracks by thermal sealing;
  • the most worn areas will be built up using rolling or ultrasonic examinations;
  • the new layer will be glued onto the tire so that the tire looks like new.

However, you shouldn’t ride on reanimated wheels all your life; you know that if you skimp, you’ll have to pay twice. Retreaded tires require more careful handling: it is undesirable to break the speed limit or drive aggressively. But this will not provide complete security; buying used wheels is a lottery that can provide the owner with unexpected expenses. It is best to purchase such tires for taxi fleets or other commercial vehicles. Despite the fact that tire retreading is, first of all, a program to protect our environment, the car owner himself must decide the feasibility of such a purchase.

Reconditioning of worn tires innovative method cold welding is profitable business under normal conditions and extremely profitable during an economic crisis.

The consumer can be offered a high-quality tire that will cover the same number of kilometers as a new, similar one. But at the same time, its retail price will be only 50-70% of the cost of a new one, and the cost of restoring a worn tire will be 15-25% of the market value of a “run-free” tire.
Tires of any type and size can be retreaded. But the most profitable thing is the restoration of truck and SUV tires. The consumer of such tires can choose any tread pattern from a variety of options for the same frame.
The tire retreading line does not require large production areas, is environmentally friendly, has low cost and short time payback.
Raw materials for restoration are available in almost any locality.

The demand for retreaded tires is driven by the following factors:
- great amount cars that require periodic tire replacement; Modern civilization is unthinkable without cars.
- the desire of organizations and individuals to reduce costs and save money (especially during an economic crisis). A high-quality retreaded tire is an excellent alternative to a new one, especially since such tires run approximately the same.

In this section we will briefly talk about this type of business.

History of the “cold recovery method”:
This technology began to develop rapidly in Europe and the USA several decades ago, and in the last 15 years - in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region.
The cold tread renovation method is very different from the “hot tread welding”, well known to Russian consumers, the quality of which leaves much to be desired. Today, thousands of high-quality tire retreading enterprises operate abroad. Their products enter the Russian market, and the consumer often does not even realize that he is using retreaded tires. This indicates the excellent quality and reliability of such rubber.

Main stages of recovery:

1. Inspection of the tire. This is the most important part of the process. On at this stage frameworks suitable for restoration are identified. A visual check of the inner layer, sides, sidewalls, and crowns is carried out. Detected damage is marked and an individual tire card is filled out. Tires that are incompatible with high-quality retreading are sent for recycling.

2. Roughing (cutting, removing) the remains of the old worn tread. The buffing machine gives the carcass the shape, size and texture needed to apply the new tread. A powerful grinding bit removes the remains of the old tread.

3. Tire repair. Identified defects and damage (cuts, punctures) are repaired. The tire is installed in a special machine, where a worker makes external and then internal repairs to the tire. External damage is developed, cleaned, and through punctures are reinforced with special patches.

4. Preparing the tire for vulcanization. The outside of the tire is specially primed. composition of raw rubber. After this, it should dry for 10-25 minutes. Using a manual extruder, the external damage developed during tire repair is filled with a raw rubber compound. After this, a layer of raw rubber tape is applied to the frame, which will serve as a reliable interlayer material for the frame and tread.

5. Applying a protector. The prepared frame is clamped in the machine and a new protector is applied in a special way.

6. Packing in an envelope and mounting the rim. The prepared frame is placed in machines that place a special envelope on it, and a camera and rim are placed inside. This is necessary to pump out air and ensure a tight fit of the frame to the new tread. After this, the frame, completely ready for vulcanization, is placed on a storage conveyor, along which the product goes to the next stage. On the same conveyor, on the other side, vulcanized tires are unloaded and on the same machines the tube, rim and envelope are dismantled.

7.Vulcanization. This process takes place in a special autoclave with a precise ratio of time, temperature and pressure. All process parameters are set by the operator. The prepared “dressed” frames are placed in the loading hatch of the autoclave and at the same time connected to a vacuum pump. In the “barrel” of the autoclave it is created high pressure(at least 6 bar). Thanks to this, the tread is pressed into the frame, and optimal temperature enhances the effect of chemical adhesion. Raw rubber vulcanizes. The frame becomes one with the new tread.

8. Dismantling the rim and envelope. The tires are unloaded from the autoclave using the same conveyor. A new batch of tires prepared for vulcanization is immediately recharged, and the vulcanized, still “dressed” tires are used for dismantling the tube, sleeve and rim.

After a batch of tires is unloaded from the autoclave, the rim, sleeve and tube are dismantled. While the tire is hot, a final visual inspection is carried out. If there were any undetected defects or repair omissions in the tire, they clearly appear at this stage.

Equipment configurations.
Various basic configurations of cold welding lines are possible:

  • LV-8. Number of workers: 3 people/shift. The total power of the machines is 65 kW. Productivity -20 tires/8 hours.
  • LV-12 Number of workers: 4 people/shift. The total power of the machines is 75 kW. Productivity -30 tires/8 hours.
  • LV-16 Number of workers: 5 people/shift. The total power of the machines is 85 kW. Productivity -40 tires/8 hours.
  • LV-24 Number of workers: 6 people/shift. The total power of the machines is 125 kW. Productivity -60 tires/8 hours.
  • The lines retread tires with a landing diameter from R14 to R24.
  • For basic packages we offer additional options and consumables.
  • Equipment warranty - 24 months.
  • The quality of the equipment meets European standards, and in addition to Russia, it is exported to Italy, Greece, Korea, India, the USA, and Eastern European countries.

Rationale economic feasibility application of the cold tire retreading method.

The picture shows a standard truck with R 22.5 or R20 tires.
- As an example, let’s take a small enterprise engaged in road transportation that has 10 units of such equipment.
- Market price 1 imported tire = 14,000 rubles.
- Total required: 22 pieces/1 truck* 10 trucks*14,000 RUR/piece = 3,080,000 RUR. This amount is needed at least once a year to purchase new tires.
- If a car company delivers worn-out tires to a tire welding plant, then the restoration service will cost approximately 4,500 rubles per tire. The savings amount to RUB 2,090,000
- If a freight carrier buys retreaded tires in a store, he will save 50% of the price of new ones - RUB 1,540,000
- A tire retreading company will earn from 2,500 to 5,000 rubles from each retreaded tire. And this is only = 550 - RUB 1,100,000.
- A cold retreaded tire runs about the same number of kilometers as a new one. This is an axiom that has been proven over the years, first in Europe and the USA, then in China and other Asian countries, and now in the CIS countries.
1. The above calculations clearly show the advantage of using cold retreaded tires. This competitive advantage in the transportation market; This saves money on business development.
2. It is profitable to engage in tire retreading in any city where there are freight vehicles and a population of over 50,000 people. This business can be carried out by: tire processing and recycling plants; tire shops; motor transport enterprises; and simply everyone who wants to invest money in their own profitable business.


Various line configurations, with a capacity from 20 to 60 tires/shift.
- Consumables (tread tape, raw rubber).
- Training, installation supervision.

The economics of business are simple:
- 15-25% cost of restoring a truck tire.
- 70% of the cost of a new similar selling price.
- Monthly net profit from 2 to 10 million rubles, depending on the configuration, the number of shifts and the selling price of the refurbished tire.
The quality of retreaded tires matches the quality of new ones.

How to choose tire retreading equipment? Should you start a restoration business? When should you decide to purchase equipment? What's important on initial stage? We tried, as an expert, to formulate answers to these questions.

So, for the first time you came across information about retreaded tires, you found it interesting. Having studied the question, have you thought about own business for the retreading of truck tires.

The first thing you should understand is that no equipment seller will tell you the whole truth. Their task is to sell you a product, and only you will solve your future problems.

Our company has been dealing with retreaded tires for more than 10 years. We also supply equipment and equipment, but more often we try to remove potential buyers pink glasses. If you have never encountered the tire business before, it will be extremely difficult to succeed. So, for example, before the crisis of 2009, a fairly successful businessman, who had a chain of ladies’ hat shops, approached us with the desire to put a second foot in his business. Fortunately, problems with obtaining a loan saved him from lost money, and the market from a stillborn project.

Let's try to project the promises of sellers and the expectations of buyers into the real world
Promises Reality
About orders

Everyone drives three-axle tractors and tows a three-axle trailer with twin wheels. There are only 22 wheels from the road train. On each wheel, earnings are at least 3,000. A total of 66 thousand came from just one road train. Now multiply by the number of cars in your city. That's wow, a lot of money!

At least 80% of the fleet consists of two-axle tractors, and 2 steering wheels are not restored. Over the last 5 years, we have only seen an American-style three-axle trailer with a twin-wheel drive only once. 80% is a "Super Single". In total, there are only 10 wheels. Moreover, based on our experience, only 10% of trailer tires in our country can be restored, and 50% of driving tires. Total: the car has 3 wheels, but we still need to convince them to restore them, since half of the carriers don’t even want to hear about restoration. And real earnings, after taking into account all costs, are about 1500 per wheel.

Total: real income is almost 30 times less, about 2000-2500 rubles. from an average car.

About frames The raw materials lie under your feet, you just need to bend down and pick them up. All carriers have problems with recycling tires and they will be incredibly happy if you take away the frames from them for free. All the mechanics in the parks have long figured out how to make easy money. You just need to convince the owner that it’s time to change shoes and then these tires will be sold as used ones. for 3000-4000 rubles per piece, and then resold for 6000-7000 rubles. And if you fail to convince the owner, then the tires are reduced to the state of scrap, that is, to “holes.”
About income

Every driver's dream is to retread his tires as it will save him a lot of money. They will be willing to pay any money to get retreaded tires. You will have an inexhaustible source of income in the complete absence of problems with equipment, spare parts, etc. You will recoup all capital investments in one year and can look for a line in Forbes.

The vast majority of people who use tires are very inert, and only the lack of money to buy the ones they are used to can convince them to start using other tires. Setting a price that is interesting to you will be hampered on the one hand by the cost of Chinese and domestic tires, and on the other hand by used ones. In truck tires, seasonality is not as pronounced as in passenger tires, but still, from January to March and May-June, orders usually drop significantly, sometimes by 80-90%. This period is usually used for equipment repair and maintenance. But you have to constantly search for spare parts and consumables, since often any part has to be brought from abroad and paid for in foreign currency.

If you now have doubts, that's good. Try looking at open statistics on queries on Yandex Direct. For example, in St. Petersburg over the last month there were 53 requests for “Equipment for retreading tires” and only 56 for “Retreaded tires”.

If your region already has a similar production facility, ask how busy it is with orders. After all, most likely, the majority potential clients They already know about tire retreading in your city, but for some reason they are in no hurry to benefit from it.

What to do in such a situation?

You can buy from any manufacturer. For example, in such cases we offer an additional significant discount. Many immediately object: “And if I don’t sell it, what should I do with the tires? After all, it’s lost money.” Yes, I agree it’s 200-300 thousand rubles. What to do with equipment that costs 10 times more and will stand without orders? In addition, tires can be sold at a discount, and if you buy equipment for 3,000,000 rubles, it is very difficult to sell even for 1,000,000 rubles. Is this not lost money?

Go around to potential customers and see who is willing to retread their tires. Collect a portfolio of orders and place it with an already working restorer. Debug this circuit. When you have a constant portfolio of orders, you can easily transfer it to your production, and when choosing equipment you will be able to accurately assess the productivity you need. At this point, you will probably learn how reluctant carriers are to pay for tires.

Based on price, electricity, rent, etc., calculate the break-even point. Information, catalogs and prices can be found here The result of your calculation will be no less than 60-80 wheels per month. If you get less, that’s great, but if you produce 30-40 wheels a month, you can’t call it a business. This is a very extravagant hobby.


You have successfully completed the first three points, but there are still hidden difficulties. Did you know that most carriers treat tires as a disposable item? This means that you may be ready to buy 100 and 200 refurbished wheels per month, but on your frames. You can buy everything you need for your production, except for the frames. They simply don't exist. Import of used tires has been closed for 5 years. Try to buy frames at required quantity and quality of vehicle fleets and do not forget to include this in the cost price. We are ready to buy all frames suitable for restoration that you will form at this stage at a price of 2000-2500 rubles.

Now you have created all the necessary infrastructure for your future business. You can now estimate the time and effort it will require. Do you understand how much income this business can bring you? The last thing left to do is to buy equipment and thereby increase the profitability of the operating infrastructure. At this stage, We will turn from skeptics into mentors and will support your young business in every possible way. After all, the more conscientious restorers work in our country, the better attitude carriers to this product, and the easier it is for all of us to work.

What conclusions should be drawn from the above?

Don't rush to buy equipment and bury your money. In our country there are at least a dozen such unsuccessful projects, which the owner gave up on and wrote off as a loss. Don't rush to join them.

There is no need to try to make the product as cheap as possible at the expense of quality. All this will not only delay the negative result, but will also discredit the very idea of ​​restoration. Remember the saying: “Any problems with a new wheel are the driver’s fault, problems with a refurbished one are the fault of the factory.”

If you have weighed the pros and cons and decided to start restoring, then welcome to our friendly family of restorers, colleague.

© GOOD THAYER Production. When reprinting an article, a link to the original source is required.

Tires are one of the most expensive consumables on a car. If we talk about passenger vehicles, their cost is not too high, which cannot be said about trucks. Therefore it becomes topical issue about how to make tires from old tires? In other words, how do you recondition tires so they can be reused? This is especially true for owners of companies engaged in freight transportation, because the more cars, the more expenses for each of them. How to not only save own funds, but also be able to earn them?

Where to start

Equipment for cold tire retreading is quite expensive to purchase only for personal use, so it is necessary to think through a competent business plan from the very beginning. Each stage is very important, but the success of the entire enterprise, as a rule, is determined by good start. A business on how to make tires from old tires will work even in a crisis, because it saves money, so the idea itself is quite tempting and promising.

Business plan

First, an entrepreneur needs to understand whether his location is suitable for such a business. As a rule, such offers are in demand in cities with a population of fifty thousand people or more. The abundance of freight transport is also important, for example, the presence of any logistics companies. It is also worth making sure that there are no similar offers in the area.

Even in the most severe crisis, people do not stop using cars. And they demand fixed costs, even just to replace summer tires.

Tire elements

To better understand the specifics of the process, it is necessary to know the structural elements of tires. The main power base on which the strength of the tire depends is the carcass. It consists of several layers of cord - these are textile threads attached to side rings. The latter are presented in the form of several layers of wire or metal cables and give the tire bead rigidity and shape. The board is called the landing part. It is made of hard rubber and fixes the tire to

The carcass cord is wrapped around a solid rubber filler cord and bead ring. The sidewall is an elastic layer of rubber; it has a thickness of one and a half to three millimeters and protects the frame, or rather its side walls, from water penetration and mechanical damage.

The tread is the outer part of the tire where the relief pattern is located. It consists of a treadmill in contact with the road and a shoulder area - a thick layer of rubber that resists wear. It is the treadmill that provides adhesion of the tire to the road surface and also protects the load-bearing frame from damage.

Between the tread and the frame there is a breaker - several layers of cord in the form of a ring; it can be made of either metal or textile.

Tire wear

If we talk about the sidewall, then the cord threads are autonomous carriers of the rigidity and shape of the tire, since along their entire length there is no intersection with other threads.
All cord threads are located in parallel, and this is one of the main problems of such a tire, because if there is damage in the cord on the side surface, the rigidity in this place cannot be completely restored. Therefore, even a high-quality tire repair will not be able to return the tire to full performance. It is worth remembering that in all other places the characteristics will be different from those shown by the repaired puncture site. Radial tires have lower rolling resistance and high wear resistance.

Of course, when driving on a good surface in a passenger car, the difference may not be noticeable, and the retreaded tire, even with side cuts, will perform well on the road. However, if you get into any extreme conditions, be it turning at high speed or hard braking, it can present an unpleasant surprise. This is worth considering if an entrepreneur decides to start a tire retreading business.

With diagonal tires it is much easier in this regard. Here, the cord threads in different layers of the frame are overlapped at an angle, so even damage to some threads in one place has virtually no effect on the rate of shape retention and load distribution. Bias tires can be repaired after side cuts.

Two technologies

Old car tires are reconditioned in two ways: cold and hot. Cold recovery is cost-effective and simple, but it is worth knowing the advantages and disadvantages of both technologies.

Restoring rubber (summer and winter) using the hot method requires molds and a vulcanizer. It's expensive at first, but the material for tire repair - old tires - costs pennies.

Cold way

Cold tire repair technology shows the opposite results. No expensive mechanisms are required, and this immediately makes the option attractive for small businesses, since the investment is truly minimal. However Consumables, namely protectors in the form of a tape or ring that fits onto the tire, are much more expensive than raw rubber.

However, if the question arises: “How to make a tire from an old tire? Cold or hot?” - then we can immediately say that the cold one is really more profitable, even despite the relatively high cost of consumables.

One more nuance regarding the difference between the two methods: cold is slower. In fact, if the same tires are flowing, then it is much easier to restore them using the hot method. Tires for passenger cars are most often repaired using the hot method.

Since installing equipment for the hot method requires considerable investment, in the case of small businesses, as a rule, it is easier to start with the faster and more profitable cold method. Equipment for hot restoration can be purchased over time and the types of work can be combined in one tire shop.

Trucks and cars

The advantage of the cold method is that the entrepreneur does not need molds, which means he will be able to service different kinds transport: and trucks, and cars. The circle of clients instantly expands.

Why is it more profitable to service freight transport? The fact is that the owners of logistics companies also make money. Cars are a source of income for them, so during a crisis the question is especially relevant for them: how to make a tire from an old tire?


The very fact of restoring a tire can be called a major overhaul. The tread is being completely restored, the side part is also being repaired. This is not dangerous, since the manufacturer initially focuses on reusing old tires during production. Such products brought back to life modern methods, practically no different from the new ones. Here we can voice another advantage of the cold method: with a hot restoration, repeated repairs are no longer possible, the tire will need to be disposed of, and with a cold restoration there can be many more such restorations.


Cold welding of tires must begin with a complete inspection. To do this, an ultrasonic scanner is used to determine whether the rubber has peeled off from the breaker. You can also use shearographic machines, which, using laser technology, perform the same work more modernly and accurately. However, their main drawback - high price. Small businesses cannot afford this.

The next step is to inspect the tire. A special stand equipped with backlight lamps helps with this. On it, the master spreads the sidewalls of the tire and rotates it. Old car tires should be carefully checked for any areas that are unsuitable for retreading. If there are any, the master marks them on the tire and processes them manually using a pneumatic tool. Such damage could be, for example, cracks on the sidewall of the tire.


After the check is completed, it’s time for the most important process, which is called roughening. The master installs the tire on a roughening machine, with the help of which the remnants of the old “frame” are removed, and the tire is given the correct shape. After completing this stage, you can begin vulcanization. Damage can be removed using tire repair adhesive suitable for cold vulcanization.


What can you say about money? The cost of restoration does not exceed twenty percent of the cost of a new tire. A retreaded tire is sold to the market at a price reduced relative to a new product by approximately thirty percent. Retailers say that with a good approach and making the right choice In place, the equipment pays for itself within a few months. There are about twenty similar enterprises in Russia, and they are physically unable to supply the entire country's market even by a tenth of the possible volume.