Sample pancake business plan with calculations. Very briefly about business development strategy and planning. How much can you earn from pancake products?

If you are looking for a startup related to the food industry, then delve into the nuances of how to open a pancake shop. This is a simple business that even a beginner can handle.

♦ Capital investments – RUB 1,100,000.
♦ Payback – 1–1.5 years

Pancakes are one of the symbols of Russian cuisine.

This delicacy, adored by many, is easy to prepare both at home and in industrial conditions, never gets boring thanks to the abundance of fillings and is suitable for preparing both as a snack that you can take with you, and for a magnificent banquet.

Pancakes are also a great way to make money, so if you are looking for a startup related to the food industry, then delve into the nuances of how to open a pancake shop.

This is a really simple business that does not require large capital investments and that even a beginner can handle.

Features of a pancake shop as a business

If you decide to open a pancake shop, be sure to take an interest in all the features of your new business, so as not to suffer losses later.

Fortunately, owning a pancake shop is not a particularly difficult activity, so you shouldn’t have any big problems launching a startup.

There are several types of pancakes:

  1. Full-fledged restaurants with tables and a cozy interior, where you can taste not only pancakes with a variety of starts, but also other traditional Russian delicacies.
  2. , where they mainly prepare takeaway pancakes with fillings.
    You need to open such a pancake shop in crowded places: in squares, in parks, near markets.
    If the area allows, then you can put several plastic tables and purchase disposable tableware so that your customers can enjoy pancakes piping hot.
  3. Stalls that buy ready-made pancakes and fillings, and then just assemble the dish and heat it up.

All three business options have their own characteristics and require different amounts to open.

Based on the amount you have to open a pancake shop, draw up a business plan, taking into account the characteristics of the region in which you live.

5 reasons to open a pancake shop

  1. Interest in Russian cuisine continues to revive.
    Pancakes are an excellent alternative to hot dogs, hamburgers and other fast food.
    This is a tasty and nutritious dish that allows you to show your patriotism.
  2. You have the opportunity to form a client base not only from compatriots, but also from foreigners, because tourists are very willing to feast on the traditional dishes of the country they are visiting.
    And if not everyone may like cabbage soup or pickled mushrooms, then pancakes are no option.
  3. Depending on the amount you are willing to invest in starting a business, you can open different types of establishments.
    If you have more money– open a cafe, or less – a mobile stall.
  4. Pancakes are an easy-to-prepare dish that even not very handy housewives can handle, and they definitely won’t create problems for a cook with minimal experience.
    You don't have to pawn in start-up capital a huge amount for a chef’s salary, you can safely hire even a recent college graduate Food Industry or a cook working in a canteen.
  5. A pancake shop as a business is suitable even for people with a small fortune, because it does not require huge investments in equipment, interior or rent, especially if you decide to limit yourself to a stall.

How to open a pancake shop: advertising campaign

Interesting fact:
In Russia there is a belief: the more pancakes you eat on Maslenitsa, the luckier and more profitable the year will be.

Any business related to the food industry requires creative and effective advertising campaign, because how quickly you build your customer base determines how quickly your pancake shop will become self-sustaining.

If you decide to open a pancake shop in the form of a stall with minimal investment, then you can get by with:

  • distributing leaflets in the area where your pancake shop is opening;
  • painting your stall with bright colors and decorating it with drawings so that your establishment catches the eye from a distance;
  • communicating with potential clients on social networks and on the city forum.

If you are thinking about how to open a pancake house that can pass for a full-fledged one with a beautiful interior, tables and a varied menu, then you need to involve the city media in the advertising campaign.

So, in one day many people will know about your pancake shop.

If you decide to open a pancake shop, then do not forget to take care of competitive advantages

There are not many establishments on the market today Catering who would be engaged in preparing pancakes, so it’s time to find your niche.

Still, the competition in the food industry is quite high, so you should take care of creating a competitive advantage immediately after you decide to open a pancake shop.

It could be:

  1. Loyalty program for customers who eat at your place regularly.
  2. Convenient location of your pancake shop: in maximum proximity to potential clients and away from direct competitors.
  3. Delicious pancakes at low prices.
  4. Varied menu. For example, you offer pancakes not only with traditional fillings (meat, caviar, mushrooms, cottage cheese), but also with more exotic ones: seafood, beans, smoked meats, berries, etc.
  5. Friendly staff who are ready to be attentive to the wishes of customers, know the menu impeccably and serve quickly.

How to open a pancake shop: calendar plan

After with specific calculations, you need to draw up calendar plan, to know how long it will take to implement a particular stage.

This work is especially relevant for those who are thinking about how to open a pancake shop from scratch and do not have much experience in business.

Because the we're talking about about opening a catering establishment, you will have to obtain many permits, first of all from the SES, and also go through the registration procedure.

All this will take about two to three months.

The duration of the remaining stages of opening a pancake shop: premises, equipment, personnel, etc. depends on how serious a business you decide to open: launching a pancake restaurant requires at least six months, while a stall selling pancakes can open a business in 3-4 months after the idea was born.

The approximate calendar plan for opening a pancake shop looks like this:

Registration and permission
Rental and renovation
Purchase of equipment

How to open a pancake shop: business plan with calculations

In order for you to understand how much money you need to have to launch a startup and what the stage-by-stage implementation of the idea consists of, we offer you a business plan for an imaginary pancake shop.

Let's assume that we decide to open a small (5-7 tables) pancake shop in one of the developed district centers, for example, in:

  • Kirov, Kaluga region (population – 31,000 people);
  • Rostov Yaroslavl region(population – almost 32,000 people);
  • Alekseevka, Belgorod region (population - over 38,000 people) and the like.

In addition to pancakes with 15 types of fillings (sweet and savory), our menu will include traditional Russian snacks (pickles, salads) and non-alcoholic drinks (fruit juice, compote, kvass, tea, coffee, juices).

We will not sell alcohol so as not to waste time and money on obtaining a license and not to delay the opening of a business.

Registering a pancake shop as a business

We select one of the proposed registration forms: LLC or Individual Entrepreneur.

It's better to register as individual entrepreneur because it's easier and cheaper. The form of taxation in this case is UTII.

In addition to registering and registering with Pension Fund you need to bring the premises chosen for opening a pancake shop into compliance with SES standards and Fire service and get permission from them to open.

Choosing an opening room for a pancake shop

Remember that a catering establishment can become successful and profitable in a short time only if you choose the right place to open it in close proximity to your potential customers.

The main clients of the pancake shop are working people and students who want to have a snack at lunch, so you need to open a business near educational institutions, office buildings, large government organizations etc.

To open our pancake shop, we will choose a room with a total area of ​​50 square meters, where there was previously a store. We allocate 30 square meters for the main hall, 10 for the kitchen, and the rest for the bathroom and change room.

We will make the interior of the dining room in the form of a Russian folk hut: a lot of wood, ethnographic elements, towels, etc.

Furniture: rough-hewn small wooden tables and chairs.

Let’s assume that our premises are in good condition, so we will spend no more than 100,000 rubles on its renovation.

We buy equipment for opening a pancake shop

If you have not previously been involved in a similar business, then you will have to purchase equipment from scratch.

Since the menu of our pancake house is very modest, we do not have main and first courses that are difficult to prepare, we just need to purchase:

Expense itemQtyPriceAmount (in rub.)
Total: 350,000 rub.
1 40 000 40 000
Pancake maker
2 20 000 40 000
Food processor
1 30 000 30 000
Coffee machine
1 20 000 20 000
Refrigerator for the kitchen
1 40 000 40 000
Refrigerator in the hall
1 30 000 30 000
Cash machine
1 10 000 10 000
Kitchen utensils (knives, cutting boards, bowls, etc.)
40 000 40 000
Air conditioner
1 30 000 30 000
1 20 000 20 000
Other 50 000

As for the furniture needed to open a pancake shop from scratch, you need to order:

Expense itemQtyPriceAmount (in rub.)
Total: 200,000 rub.
9 5 000 30 000
15 2 000 30 000
Bar counter
1 30 000 30 000
Kitchen surfaces
20 000
Shelving for the kitchen, bartender's workplace and change room
4 10 000 40 000
Other 50 000

In addition, to open a pancake shop from scratch, you need to allocate 200,000 rubles. on the:

Expense itemAmount (in rub.)
Total:200,000 rub.
Ventilation system
100 000
Lighting system
50 000
Bathroom arrangement
20 000
Other30 000

That is, for complete equipment Our pancake shop needs to have at least 750,000 rubles. If the specified amount is too large for you, then you should think about how to open a pancake shop in the form of a stall for selling pancakes.

In this case, the specified amount will decrease by three times.

The staff without whom you can’t open a pancake shop

Catering establishments must operate seven days a week, so immediately create 2 shifts of employees.

One shift should consist of a cook, his assistant, a waiter, a bartender-cashier and a cleaning lady.

Since there is no need for your pancake shop to be open late (you can easily close it at 21.00-22.00), you won’t have to worry about transporting people.

But it’s better to open the pancake shop early, for example, at 8.00, so that customers can have breakfast with you.

The salary costs for pancake shop staff will be as follows:

QtySalary (in rub.)Total (in rub.)
Total: 142,000 rub.
Bartender2 12 000 24 000
Cook2 25 000 50 000
Chef's assistant2 15 000 30 000
Waiter2 10 000 20 000
Cleaning woman2 9 000 18 000

Bartenders and waiters don’t have to pay much because tips will be a decent addition to their salary.

If you understand accounting and administrative issues, you can not hire an accountant or a manager, but take over their functions.

How much does it cost to open a pancake shop?

Despite the fact that we are opening a small pancake shop with a very modest menu, in order to open a business we will need about 1 million rubles, which we will spend on:

We invite you to watch the video

about running a pancake shop, and how to make it successful:

Pancake shop as a business: possible profit

The pancake shop’s earnings depend not only on the number of customers, but also on the markup you put on your products.

Think it through pricing policy of your establishment, because it’s too low prices can ruin you, and too high ones can scare away clients.

NameCost (in rub.)Markup (in%)Sales price (in rub.)
Other drinks10 200 30
Pancakes with meat25 300 100
Pancakes with lightly salted fish and caviar40 300 160
Pancakes with cottage cheese20 300 80
Pancakes with mushrooms20 300 80
Pancakes with berries20 300 80
Pancakes with exotic fruits30 300 120
Salads20-40 300 80-160
Pickles10-20 300 40-80
Coffee20 200 60
Tea10 200 30
Packaged juices10 200 30

Now let’s imagine that we have already managed to promote the business and acquire regular customers, therefore, in a day in our pancake shop the following is realized:

Expense itemNumber of servingsPriceAmount (in rub.)
Total: RUB 12,360
Pancakes with meat20 100 2 000
Pancakes with mushrooms20 80 1 600
Blini with caviar and lightly salted salmon8 160 1 200
Pancakes with cottage cheese and berries25 80 2 000
Pancakes with exotic fruits8 120 960
Pickles and salads*30 100 3 000
Drinks*40 40 1 600

*we take the average selling price.

We see that our pancake shop makes a profit of at least 12,000 rubles per day.

With such indicators, the monthly income of our business will be about 370,000 rubles.

About 250–270,000 rubles of this amount will be spent on renting premises, staff salaries, taxes and the purchase of products, but 100–120,000 will be your monthly profit.

It is quite possible to reach this level after six months of quality work.

Capital investments will pay off in a maximum of one and a half years after the launch of the startup.

Now you know for sure how to open a pancake shop and what needs to be done to make it profitable.

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It so happened that pancakes have always been a popular product in Russia, which is prepared both for dessert and as a main course. The demand for pancakes is due to their satiety, easy recipe and inexpensive ingredients. This dish has become a symbol of Maslenitsa, it is associated with many Russian traditions, so opening a pancake shop that serves delicious pancakes in an assortment can be very profitable investment funds, because there will always be interest in the dish.

At first glance, business is subject to economic influence, because in a crisis, for example, people will not spend money on going to establishments. At the same time, if you set reasonable prices for pancakes, customers will not be able to deny themselves the pleasure of going to your cafe. Such formats, as a rule, only benefit during a crisis. In addition, there are a small number of players in the market, which means that you can always stand out and be the first in your region.

People will be attracted a wide range of favorite dish, fast cooking speed, affordable prices for the product.

In cities with a population of up to 4 million people, up to 30 such pancake shops can be opened.

The initial investment amount is 954 800 rubles

Break-even point is reached on the third month of work.

Payback period 10 months.

Average net profit: 158 870 rubles

2. Description of the business, product or service

Possible options for opening a pancake shop:

A separate establishment with own production, which offers visitors a wide range of products to take away;

A separate establishment, which includes the sale of products + a mini-cafe where visitors can taste the products at tables;

A pancake shop in a shopping center where all visitors can have a snack and stock up on tea party products at home.

This business plan will consider the option of opening a pancake shop with its own production in a separate building in a cafe format. Dishes are ordered at the checkout, the client can pick them up when they are ready, so there is no need for waiters in this format of the establishment.

The range includes: different kinds filled pancakes, sweet types of pancakes, drinks.

Thus, the pancake shop offers a wide range of products that you can have for breakfast, eat instead of lunch, or buy home after work. The business is not subject to pronounced seasonality, but in the winter and autumn months people go to pancake shops more often.

Pancake house opening hours: 10:00-20:00 daily for trading floor and 9:00 to 19:00 for the kitchen.

3. Description of the sales market

Since the products of pancake shops are not essential goods, the buyers are people with average and above average incomes. They can afford to have lunch in a cafe, take pancakes as a treat on the table, such people value speed of work, individual packaging, healthy ingredients, unique taste and are willing to pay for it.

The target audience can be divided into two geographical segments: 70% of clients are residents of nearby houses, and 30% are random passers-by and regular clients.

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

6. Organizational structure

The full calculation of the payroll for 24 months, taking into account the bonus part and insurance contributions, is presented in the financial model.

7. Financial plan

According to calculations, the average monthly profit is 158,870 rubles, provided that the pancake shop is located in a passable and lively place. The project will pay for itself within 10 months after opening, which is quite fast for the catering industry. The sales calculation takes into account sales of products in three areas: filled pancakes, sweet pancakes, drinks; revenue is calculated based on average prices on the market. The profitability of business sales is 32%. In addition, after a successful launch of this project you can expand the network of pancake shops in your city, so the potential profit can be much higher.

8. Risk factors

As with any other type of business, opening a pancake shop is associated with certain risks, such as:

  • Damage to products due to low sales. You can organize promotions and sell products at a discount (for example, in the evening). It is also recommended to analyze current sales to be able to forecast demand;
  • Risk of damage to the pancake maker and other equipment. You need to buy equipment from trusted suppliers, and also monitor its proper operation;
  • A large number of players in the market. To reduce this risk, designate your competitive advantages, follow the offers of other pancake shops, introduce new promotions;
  • Decreased demand. It is necessary to analyze the reason for the decline in sales, add additional products to the assortment, collect customer feedback, and adjust the price level.

Always remains one of the most effective directions for business. This is especially true for establishments fast food, or fast foods. The pancake house is just such an establishment. In our country, the demand for such products will always be at a level, since pancakes seem much more “native” than Western hamburgers or French fries. How to open such an establishment and succeed? Will help detailed business plan pancake shop


As an establishment format, we will choose the one that is more suitable for beginning entrepreneurs who do not have significant capital - pancake kiosk. The business plan for a pancake stall does not involve significant expenses, therefore such entrepreneurial activity is characterized by a low threshold for entering the market.

The pancake house can be presented in another form - a full-fledged cafe with tables, waiters, where, in addition to pancakes, other desserts are served. But this format is closer to experienced entrepreneurs familiar with the restaurant business.


Like any other type entrepreneurial activity, a business plan for a pancake kiosk begins with preparation necessary documentation. Such an enterprise allows the registration of both individual entrepreneurs and LLCs. IP allows you to choose a simpler form tax reporting, and this will ultimately save on costs. You can choose the simplified taxation system as your tax system.

In addition to registering a business, opening a pancake shop will require having permitting documents from the fire safety service and authorities sanitary control. To save your own time and nerves, an entrepreneur can turn to specialists who as soon as possible will resolve all issues independently. If you approach this moment without due responsibility, there is a risk of mistakes, which will then result in serious penalties from inspection authorities.

Selecting a room

Renting premises is a necessary item that should include a cafe business plan. A pancake house on wheels, unlike a cafe, does not require permanent premises, and therefore you do not have to spend money on rent every month. But the entrepreneur will have to independently manufacture or order a mobile structure.

It is better to place a mobile kiosk in a public place near universities, schools, bus stops, and a train station. Before installing the premises, you should obtain permission from the administration, as well as from the architecture department and the urban planning department.


The internal equipment of the kiosk is controlled by the SES and State Fire Supervision services. In addition, the business plan for a pancake house on wheels should be designed for the purchase of high-quality equipment, since this may later determine appearance and the taste of the dishes themselves.

To equip the kiosk internally, you will need standard kitchen equipment:

  • fridge;
  • washing;
  • blender/combine and mixer;
  • pancake makers;
  • dishes;
  • kettle and/or coffee machine;
  • kitchenware;
  • small consumables - price tags, packaging.

Exhibition racks and a window for distribution are usually provided complete with the kiosk itself, if it is custom-made by a specialized company. This also applies to the necessary ventilation equipment.

If an entrepreneur plans to organize a small dining area in front of the kiosk, then in addition he will need:

  • a pair of plastic tables with chairs and umbrellas;
  • refrigerator with drinks;
  • trash can.


Before including food costs in a pancake business plan, the business owner should consider the menu of his establishment. The standard assortment of the pancake shop includes regular pancakes, but creative pancakes with all kinds of fillings are in great demand. The menu should include:

  • The pancakes are hearty, filled with meat or fish, combined with additional products - cheese, vegetables, herbs, sauces.
  • Sweet pancakes - with jam, cottage cheese, condensed milk, fruit.
  • Tea, coffee, soft drinks.

In addition, you can think about seasonal products - kvass and ice cream in the summer, hot chocolate in the winter.


To open a pancake house you will need 2 employees working in shifts. Even a person without experience as a cook can cope with preparing pancakes on pancake machines, so the main condition is the presence of a health certificate, the absence of skin diseases and other visible external defects. A neat and pleasant appearance is a must.

In addition, employees must be responsible and honest, because they will have to work with cash and independently maintain basic daily income records.

The responsibilities of the staff include preparing pancakes, drinks, caring for kitchen utensils and appliances, and accepting cash. They also need to monitor the quantity of dough products and fillings to ensure timely replenishment of supplies. If there is an area with tables in front of the kiosk, staff will be responsible for cleaning. The pancake shop business plan includes costs for wages to the staff.


Advertising costs are a mandatory item that must be included in any business plan. A pancake shop is an example of a business activity that does not require small promotion costs if located in the right place. The main marketing costs are decorating the van in accordance with the chosen style. It would be good if a corporate logo was created that would be present both on the sign and on the staff’s clothing.

In the future, you can use free ones aimed at stirring up the interest of regular and new customers. All kinds of promotions, sweepstakes and discounts work great, which customers are notified about through social media. Therefore, an entrepreneur should definitely take care of having his own pages on the popular Instagram and VKontakte.

Don’t forget that the food business is well supported by such moves as “dish of the day”, “combo” and other modern marketing techniques.

Payback calculation

In order for a novice entrepreneur to evaluate own strength and capital, we present a business plan for a pancake shop with calculations. So, opening a kiosk on wheels includes the following capital costs:

  • Business registration - 20 thousand rubles.
  • Manufacturing a van - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Equipment - 100 thousand rubles.

The entrepreneur expects monthly expenses:

To calculate profitability, let’s take the average cost of a pancake equal to 100 rubles. When selling at least 70 pieces per day, revenue from the main products will be at least 210 thousand rubles monthly. This does not include the sale of drinks and additional products.

Based on this amount, taking into account expenses, the monthly net profit will be no more than 40 thousand rubles. Under such conditions, the business promises to pay off within a year. Considering external factors and other circumstances, the average payback is about one and a half years - if we take into account specific examples.

Experts note that the modern passion for franchising business provides aspiring entrepreneurs who plan to open their own business with fairly tough competition. The large number of fast food chains throughout the city can make it so difficult to enter the fast food business that some choose to become a part of one of these chains.

If the future business owner is ready to put up with the shortcomings of a franchise and the need for monthly payments, he can join one of them. As advantages, we can note the original and fresh ideas of most franchises. In addition, by paying a fee of several hundred thousand rubles (on average about 500,000 rubles), the entrepreneur will receive ready business Full construction.


The pancake business plan given in this article is just an example. The final calculations depend on the specific region, the local level of catering market capacity, the cost of food and other conditions.

Pancake shop as a business is a rather complex type of entrepreneurial activity, due to high level competition. The owner of a pancake shop requires both creativity and flexibility. You should be able to react sensitively to changes in demand, the emergence of new competitors nearby and other conditions that may hinder or contribute to the profitability of the pancake shop.

Opening a pancake shop can bring you high profits. The main thing is to think over the menu, purchase quality equipment and find a suitable location for the establishment.

Not all niches in the catering industry are tightly occupied by entrepreneurs. There are also areas that beginners can master. This includes a cafe with a “pancake” menu. Establishments of this type offer visitors an original Russian dish - with different fillings, according to different recipes. How to open a pancake shop from scratch? There are a few important nuances, which should be taken into account by a novice entrepreneur when developing a business plan.

Our business assessment:

Starting investment – ​​300,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The difficulty of starting a business is 6/10.

Is it profitable to open a pancake shop?

Having your own pancake shop as a business is a profitable direction, which, with the right approach, will bring the entrepreneur a consistently high income. But before we start documentation case, it doesn’t hurt to weigh the pros and cons.

Opening a pancake business will be profitable for several reasons:

  • Relatively low start-up costs that quickly pay for themselves.
  • There are not many authentic establishments on the market that offer visitors exactly the “pancake” menu.
  • Large selection of equipment from suppliers.
  • Available and inexpensive raw materials for making dishes.
  • There are several business options that can be implemented.

As practice shows, it is quite possible to establish a profitable operation of a pancake shop, both in small town, and in a large populated area. But here it is important to draw up a detailed business plan with all the calculations and development strategy, and constantly work to attract customers to the cafe.

As for the disadvantages of this line of business, difficulties may arise with registering a business - you will need a whole package of documents and permission from supervisory inspections. The procedure for decorating a cafe can take a lot of time and money. But this applies to absolutely all catering establishments! It is also worth considering seasonality - in the cold season there will not be many customers in the cafe.

Whether it is profitable to open a pancake shop should be decided only after analyzing the market in a particular region. It often happens that even highly profitable activities do not “take root” in the market. Identify consumer demand for a specific dish and analyze the level of competition.

Select the format of the establishment to open

Before purchasing equipment and assembling Required documents to register a business, decide which format you will “master.”

There are several options here:

  • Mobile pancake house. The main advantage of a mobile kiosk is the ability to move outlet to a new place at least every day. And this can be profitable - look for the location where you will get the highest profit from selling pancakes. For example, in summer you can trade on beaches or in amusement parks, and in winter - in busy squares or near business centers. A pancake stall will not require significant start-up costs - the investment is less when compared to a stationary catering outlet. But there is also a serious drawback - the pancake kiosk, due to the limited space for preparing dishes, will not be able to offer too wide a menu.
  • Stationary pancake shop. Opening such an establishment will require more significant costs. But the profits will be greater in the future! You have the opportunity to create a pancake menu with an impressive list of dishes - customers will certainly appreciate this. The location of the establishment needs to be carefully considered. And here the same rule as in the case of mobile stalls - you need a highly accessible place. If you open a pancake cafe near train stations, educational institutions, metro stations, markets and large shopping centers, high profit guaranteed. Think about what the interior of the pancake house will be like - you will have to invest in the decoration of the premises in order to attract customers. If you approach business organization wisely, it is quite possible to reach a fundamentally new level– launch a whole chain of cafes.

Whatever direction of business you choose, consider the offers of franchisors in this market segment. A pancake franchise will allow you to launch a profitable business under already famous brand. The agreement provides for comprehensive support for the parent company in conducting its activities - assistance in finding premises and purchasing equipment, providing ready-made recipes and advertising materials. Franchise entrepreneurs of the following brands deserve attention: Three frying pans, Blinoff, Pancake maker, Blinok, Teremok. The cost of franchises varies in a wide range - from 150,000 rubles to 4,500,000 rubles. But do not forget that you will be giving money from your wallet to buy a pancake maker for the cafe and other equipment, and to equip the premises. If there is a minimum of available funds, sometimes it is more profitable to open an establishment yourself.

Registration of the planned business

How to start a catering business? From registering your activities!

Register with the Tax Inspectorate as an individual entrepreneur. There is another option - to operate as an LLC. But this will require more money and time. If you are planning a mini-pancake house, then choose an individual entrepreneur.

In parallel with registering the business, you will have to find premises for the establishment and conclude a lease agreement. Purchase the necessary equipment, repair the found premises and create recipes for dishes - all this will be checked by the SES and the Fire Inspectorate. Only after all checks will a pancake house on wheels or a stationary cafe be able to open its doors to visitors. To prevent checks from taking a long time, read regulations with the requirements for catering!

Opening catering establishments is an area that requires mandatory licensing of activities. Obtaining a license is a long process. Upon completion of all checks, you receive a permit certificate. Contact your city's licensing authorities.

How to decorate a room?

Most likely, you will have to make repairs to the found premises - it needs to be “adjusted” to the planned establishment. The design of the pancake house can be made in any style. But more often preference is given to the design of the hall, where the emphasis is on Russian traditions - wooden walls and tables, authentic interior items, slightly dim lighting. In your pancake shop business plan, be sure to include a section where the design of the premises will be presented. This is an important point, since it is the design of the establishment that will become its calling card in the future.

If we talk about a stationary catering establishment, then you will need a room with an area of ​​at least 40 m2. Plus, there should be allocated footage for the kitchen, staff rooms, office rooms. It would be nice to find a building where it would be possible to provide an open veranda to accommodate guests - even in a small town, there will probably be one. Then visitors will be quite comfortable tasting hot dishes even in extreme heat.

Do not forget that supervisory authorities have strict requirements for the selected premises. What do you need to open a pancake shop? Provide all the “benefits of civilization” - heating, water supply, electricity, ventilation, sewerage.

Develop a restaurant menu

In the business plan for a pancake cafe, include a section where a detailed menu for the future catering outlet will be presented. It is the range of dishes that largely determines the success of an establishment! In addition, what equipment to buy for the pancake shop will depend on the menu you create. Based on the range of dishes, plan to purchase equipment!

There are many recipes for pancake dough - unleavened, salty and sweet, yeast and yeast-free. Offer your customers not only regular pancakes, but also those with filling. There are a lot of options - sweet confitures, jam, meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. There are over 30 recipes for filled pancakes. What is needed for a newly opened establishment? Include as many dishes as possible on the menu! After all, customers will come to the cafe precisely to taste delicious pancakes.

If you open a stationary establishment, then you can include not only pancakes on the menu - all conditions will be created for this. But even here, the emphasis is still on Russian dishes - cold and hot soups, dumplings, dumplings, pies. Consider the range of drinks - juices, tea, coffee, compotes. To sell alcohol (and this will allow you to earn more), you will have to obtain permission from regulatory authorities. If the menu includes other dishes in addition to pancakes, you will need to not only buy a pancake machine, but also other equipment - and these are additional costs, sometimes “unaffordable” for a beginner.

In the case of a mobile stall, everything is somewhat simpler - here it is unrealistic to offer customers a wide range of dishes. As a rule, entrepreneurs only include pancakes and drinks on the menu.

What equipment will be needed for the smooth operation of the cafe?

The key to the establishment’s popularity is its delicious dishes. And it will be impossible to cook pancakes without high-quality equipment.

In catering establishments, they do not use frying pans for this, but special devices - pancake makers. Don’t skimp on them - this is the main expense item. The price of the equipment will depend on its brand and performance. It varies from 10,000 rubles to 50,000 rubles. Even inexpensive household pancake makers are quite suitable for use in a cafe kitchen - for example, the Krampouz pancake maker.

Most likely, you will have to buy several devices - then customers will not have to wait long for their order. Preference is often given to equipment from foreign brands - it lasts longer and bakes the dough well.

You will need not only an electric pancake maker for a cafe, but also other equipment:

  • mixer for mixing dough,
  • slicer for cutting products,
  • refrigerators for storing semi-finished products,
  • refrigerated display cases,
  • oven,
  • microwave,
  • coffee machine,
  • blender,
  • teapots.

There will also be expenses for purchasing furniture - for the living room, kitchen and office. An additional expense item is dishes. In stationary establishments, it is undignified to serve dishes on disposable plates - you need glass ones! Many entrepreneurs order dishes with the establishment’s logo - an excellent solution, despite the fact that it is quite expensive.

To buy equipment for a pancake house on wheels, you will need to spend less. All you need is a mixer, an inexpensive Maslenitsa pancake maker, a coffee machine, a blender, and a refrigerator. In this case, you don’t have to buy glassware - since the trade will take place on the street. Offer customers disposable plates, forks and knives.

Costs of starting a business and advertising the establishment

How much does it cost to open a pancake shop? To launch a stationary mini-cafe, you will spend at least 700,000 rubles. The list of capital costs will include the price of a pancake machine, preparing the premises for work, purchasing products, and registering a business. To open a small mobile kiosk you need less money - from 300,000 rubles.

You can save money when opening a cafe - buy used equipment. For example, an expensive used Roller Grill pancake maker costs 50% less.

Advertising a pancake shop will attract more customers - think it through marketing policy in a business plan. A prominent sign, banners all over the city, billboards - you need to work on recognition. Be sure to develop customer loyalty - offer discount cards, distribute flyers with discounts, introduce “happy hours” (a time when customers can dine cheaply).