Business plan for a private school, requirements for the organization. How to open your own school. What lessons will be taught

The idea of ​​opening your own private school most often comes after an unsuccessful experience of teaching your own child at a municipal school. One of the most common problems is large class sizes, multiple shifts, poor level of education, conflicts in the classroom, bullying, etc. Sooner or later, every 5th parent of a first-grader will think about alternative education.

Alternative education in Russia is essentially presented in several forms:

  • private schools that are state licensed and accredited. This is not the simplest, but the most promising type of alternative municipality. The private school is registered as a commercial institution and operates as educational services, and services additional education, supervision and care and can work in half board mode (for example, from 8 to 20), in full board mode (24 hours a day) and in regular school mode (lessons only). Such a school guarantees a high level of both education and living conditions, and is well equipped. Such schools make up less than 1% of the total number of schools in Russia, so demand is guaranteed.
  • Family and home schools. These “schools” operate and call themselves schools conditionally; in fact, children are assigned to a regular municipal school and are enrolled in home schooling. This is fraught with the fact that even if you enter into an agreement for services, this is the maximum childcare service and no one guarantees the quality of education for you. Therefore, it may turn out that the child’s knowledge does not correspond to the federal educational standard, and he is not able to pass the Unified State Exam.
  • Online schools. This is another option for home schools. Only training takes place online via the Internet. The problems are the same as described above.
  • Completely homeschooled. Here parents take responsibility and can, for example, hire a tutor, or get together several people and create such an impromptu class, hire a teacher who will teach this class. However, here the problem of passing short-term tests and the Unified State Exam falls entirely on the parents.

Because All types of alternative schools, except for private ones that have a license, essentially do not comply with the law and are options for “bypassing” it; we will not talk about them as a business in this article.

So, how to open a private school?

As mentioned above, the number of private schools is currently simply tiny - less than 1% of the total number of schools. Why are private schools attractive to consumers?

  • small classes, guaranteeing a high level of attention to each student;
  • more comfortable living conditions for studying;
  • high level of school equipment;
  • good curriculum;
  • highly qualified teaching staff;
  • many additional subjects studied;
  • good hot meals at school;
  • the possibility of the child attending school full day - half board or full board;
  • there are many clubs and sections within the school – parents do not need to take their child after school;
  • the school undertakes to complete homework with the child - it is no secret that for many families, doing homework is a daily conflict in the family;
  • focus on prestigious universities;
  • delivery to school and home and much more, right down to personal lockers, so as not to carry heavy backpacks home every day.

The clients of a private school are children of parents with above-average income, who understand the importance of a quality education for their child in the future and who do not skimp on their children. Also, studying at a prestigious school is one of the indicators of status.

So, what are the criteria for choosing a private school?

  • school reputation;
  • level of teaching staff;
  • number of students in the class;
  • geographical proximity to home or work;
  • availability of a license, accreditation;
  • "word of mouth" radio.

Activity secondary schools in Russia is regulated by the following regulations:

  • Federal Law “On Education of the Russian Federation” No. 271 FZ.
  • Federal Law “On Non-Profit Organizations” No. 7 Federal Law.
  • SanPin “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions.”
  • Regulations on licensing of educational activities.
  • Regulations on state accreditation.
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 30, 2013 N 1015 (as amended on July 17, 2015) "On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in basic general education programs - educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education"

Step 1. Selecting school premises and equipment

The ideal private school premises are a free-standing or built-in/attached premises with an area of ​​1000 sq. m. m. (primary school) up to 3-5,000 sq.m. (full school), which has its own vast territory, at least 50% green, parking, access roads and located in a prestigious area of ​​the city. The premises must comply with SanPin requirements for educational institutions and the requirements of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The school area should be zoned - a physical education and sports area, a recreation area and an economic area. The sports ground must be equipped with the necessary equipment.

After choosing the premises, it is advisable to agree on the terms of the rental holiday and you can begin the renovation.

In addition to repairs, it is also necessary to take into account the equipment. It includes: educational furniture, catering unit, medical unit, locker rooms, sports and assembly hall, educational materials and much more.

In general, the status of a private school presupposes the presence of modern high-tech equipment and equipment, high-quality ergonomic furniture, electronic magazines, interactive whiteboards and multimedia teaching aids, local computer network, Internet and wi-fi availability and much more.

Step 2. Registration of a legal entity

According to the Education Law, a school can operate either in the form of non-profit organization(institutions) and in the form of an organization providing educational services (LLC, individual entrepreneur). However commercial form is not welcomed by the Ministry of Education and subsidies from the budget will not be paid in the future.

Registration of NPOs is carried out with the Ministry of Justice and takes at least 2 months after the documents are accepted.

The private secondary school operates according to the following OKVED codes:

85.13 basic general education

85.12 general primary education

85.14 general secondary education

85.41 Additional education for children and adults

88.91 provision of day care services for children

Taxation is optimal in the form of a simplified simplified tax system (income minus expenses).

Step 3. Licensing, accreditation

Educational activity in Russia is a licensed type of activity, therefore, before the start of the school year, it is necessary to obtain a license from the Ministry of Education, which confirms compliance with the conditions educational process all necessary requirements. At the time of licensing, the school must already have:

  • premises that meet the requirements of SanPin and the Ministry of Emergency Situations for educational organizations;
  • provision of all necessary furniture and equipment for the educational process;
  • conditions for providing nutrition to students;
  • teaching staff that meets the requirements of the Education Law;
  • educational literature;
  • and much more.

A complete list of documents is contained in the Regulations on licensing of educational organizations. The licensing examination lasts a total of 45 days after the documents are submitted.

Everyone is required to obtain a license legal entities engaged in educational activities, incl. OOO. The only exception is individual entrepreneur, provided that he himself personally conducts the educational process (tutoring).

School accreditation is an optional procedure. However, she:

  • confirms status educational institution and gives the right to issue certificates to its graduates state standard. If the school does not have accreditation, graduates are forced to take final exams in other schools, which is not convenient and is being considered potential clients as a negative factor when choosing a school
  • A school that does not have state accreditation has no right to apply for state financial support from the budget.

The main goal of the state accreditation procedure for a school is to confirm the quality of the educational service provided and its compliance with state educational standards education. School accreditation is a regular procedure, the frequency depends on the period of accreditation issued (you can separately accredit primary, secondary and full schools), depending on this maximum term accreditation for 11 years. The accreditation procedure itself lasts 105 days.

Analyzing the educational business as a whole, we can say that despite the rather high cost of these services, it is very promising and in demand. In addition, this is a prestigious field social business fully supported and funded by the state. However, in order to avoid making costly financial mistakes at the start, the easiest way is to start under the “wing” of a similar business that is well established, for example, through a franchising scheme. After all, the parent organization, in addition to its experience, will share with the beginning partner its reputation, which has been very long and difficult to develop over the years, and thus you will receive a good carte blanche at the startup stage.

In Russia, the practice of network private schools is not yet very developed. Examples include the Lomonosov School, as well as the Catherine Lyceum network of schools, which, in addition to a bright image and impeccable reputation, will also share an effective financial model, will provide support at the stage of selecting premises, obtaining licensing and passing the accreditation procedure for its franchisees.

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    School business plan

    The business plan is really good, although, to be honest, I didn’t believe the reviews. We are currently looking for a construction team to create a building for our school. Thanks for the help and good tips.

    Roman, thank you for your response. To believe or not to believe reviews is everyone’s business. It's good that you took the plunge and read the business plan. Who knows, perhaps without this step it would not have arisen new school in your area. We wish you success in all your endeavors.

    School business plan

    Thanks for the school business plan. We have a small village and there was no school in it. The children had to go to the neighboring one. Now we are creating our own school with the help of your tips.

    Bogdan, thank you for your feedback. It is simply wonderful that you decided to create a school in your village. Children are our future, and what we invest in them determines what they grow up to be. We wish you great success in establishing your school.

    School business plan

    The education system in secondary school has not satisfied me for a long time. But going against the system is quite difficult. The idea of ​​opening a private school has been brewing for a long time. Your business plan helped us move from dreamers to implementers. Thank you.

    Svetlana, thank you for your feedback. You're right, k modern system education has many questions. It’s great that you decided to change something for the better. We hope that, following the example of your school, they will begin to open similar institutions throughout the country. We wish you success.

The main thing about the school business plan

Hundreds of thousands of parents face the problem of choosing an educational institution for their child every year. Public schools have long been distrusted by many fathers and mothers, and therefore they involuntarily think about the possibility of sending their child to a private institution. But at the same time, doubts that a decent education will be provided there still remain.

According to statistics, the private educational business market in our country is developing slowly, open private school Few entrepreneurs dare. And the problem is not even that a business such as educational services requires a license. An educational license will cost several thousand rubles, and it is really not easy to get one. But the main difficulty is finding suitable premises. It must comply with numerous requirements of Pozhnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor, as well as licensing conditions.

At this stage, as a rule, the ardor of a businessman becomes minimal and the desire to open a private children's school remains among only a few. They will have to overcome all the thorns of the educational business, which a huge number await both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs.

Unhappy private...

As the experience of creating private schools shows, it is possible to do without state support It is very difficult for such establishments. Thanks to it, renting premises is slightly cheaper than current market prices. Until recently, such schools had tax benefits, but now the only relief is exemption from VAT. Those businessmen who have acquired ownership of a school building find themselves in a more advantageous position. This allows them to feel some stability.

The main income of any private school is tuition fees. In private schools, the rates are set by the management, but it should be remembered that the higher the teachers’ salaries, the more expensive the education is for the parents of the students. Moms and dads are willing to pay hefty fees for their children's education, but only if the quality of education is high.

To open a private school, you will need a license, which will only be issued if the rented premises meet the most stringent requirements. If you decide to open not just your own school for the development of children, but to set up half board or even a boarding school where the child can stay for the whole week, the building should provide rooms for sleeping and game rooms. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the private school population - these are mainly children from wealthy families who are accustomed to a certain level of comfort.

The organization of a private development school for preschoolers imposes even more serious requirements, which can only be taken into account by a businessman who uses in his work a professional example of a business plan for opening a private school with ready-made calculations. Guided by it, a businessman will not get bogged down in the quagmire of insoluble issues and will easily understand, for example, the features and procedure for opening new classrooms. Educational services, as an area of ​​business, require strict planning, and it is the business plan that is the document that gives the businessman the necessary support.

The market for paid educational services is currently experiencing difficult times. On the one hand, the decline in the quality of education in public educational institutions is a powerful incentive to pay attention to private schools. On the other hand, not every family is able to bear the costs of paid education. Businessmen themselves who decide to open their own private school find themselves in a far from simple situation.

When opening an educational business from scratch, entrepreneurs are forced to search for their niche, creating a reputation and a big name for themselves. The main problem is to be able to prove to parents that their school will provide the child with the opportunity to receive the highest quality education. But, in order to interest potential clients, you need to know what criteria mothers and fathers use when choosing a private school.

The demand for paid educational services still remains quite low - approximately 15-20% of parents living in large cities are ready to think about sending their children to a private educational institution. And it is necessary to try very hard to ensure that this readiness develops into a serious intention to use the services of such schools.

About schools in particular...

The experience of implementing the project to create private schools clearly demonstrates all the problems characteristic of this market segment. When opening a private school, a businessman needs to clearly understand the purpose for which parents send their children to a paid educational institution. As a rule, the main motivating factor is the desire to provide your child with the opportunity to receive a quality education, individual development his abilities.

What criteria do parents look for when choosing a private school? As statistics show, first of all - on the reputation of the establishment. That is, reviews of the educational services provided can play both a positive and a sharply negative role. In addition, mothers and fathers pay the closest attention to the qualifications of the teachers who work at the school. Of course, any vacancy in a private school, for example, a teacher for the creative development of children, is attractive to many teachers. But you need to choose the best ones so that there are no problems later.

From all this it is clear that businessmen who are planning to open a school need to take care to become visible. But how can you open a private school and immediately be able to make a name for yourself? After all, in order for parents to be able to assess the prospects, time is needed. In solving this problem, any entrepreneur must be guided by a competent example of a business plan for an educational services center for children. Regardless of whether you decide to open a school early development or private art school, the professional advice provided in this document will provide you with invaluable support. And, despite the fact that the return on investment in an educational business can hardly be called high, you will stand on your own two feet.

A ready-made school business plan from scratch with examples of opening calculations

A carefully structured school business plan will help you understand how to properly organize your business. Additional education services are in demand; many parents want to send their child to a school where they can develop additional creative abilities. Therefore, an art school or modeling courses are needed, especially parents are happy when these creative workshops are located near home. Therefore, joining this business means giving children diversified development, parents the opportunity to give their child additional education, and bringing you profit and prosperity.

You have the opportunity to study the finished document now. A convenient and understandable document will lift the curtain and help open a music school or studio, where the child will be given a high-quality musical education, knowledge of musical literacy, understanding and a sense of style. Piano and violin, guitar and folk instruments, music criticism and other wisdom can be taught at your school. Don't forget about marketing plan, with which you can tell as many potential clients as possible about your initiative.

In a sample business plan for organizing a further education school you will also find economic calculations, which will allow you to determine the cost of an undertaking, be it a model school or a music association, an art school, or one aimed at the early development of children’s business skills. It is necessary to think about paying teachers, organizing high-quality material resources and purchasing educational materials, equipment, tools. The undertaking is not easy, but it will definitely bring profit, which will only grow as your creative business develops.

In stock School business plan 4 22

Education is one of the important components of human success. Most believe that constant memorization of material is an indicator of quality learning. Many parents believe that in regular schools they pay insufficient attention to the personal characteristics of the child, and that individual characteristics are not taken into account when constructing the educational process. Therefore, if possible, parents choose paid educational institutions. Is it possible to open a private school in Russia? What documents will be needed for this?

Why are such educational institutions popular?

This is mainly due to the fact that in many ordinary schools, teachers do not pay attention to the individual characteristics of the child when constructing the educational process. This is due to the fact that teachers need to prepare students for the Unified State Exam, and this requires memorizing the material rather than understanding it.

Also, many schools do not have a good material and technical base. But any parent wants his child to study at comfortable conditions. In most secondary schools there are neither speech therapists nor psychologists, which students especially need primary classes. Private schools provide the opportunity to attend interesting places, invite successful people so that children have additional motivation to learn. Employees of such paid educational institutions have more opportunities to implement interesting ideas and the child's potential.

Difficulties in opening a private educational institution

Opening a private school is not as easy as some entrepreneurs think. Its features:

  • Taxation. Previously, private schools received a discount on the rental of premises and land, but now it has been cancelled. This measure led to increased rent, which increased the cost of training.
  • The administration of a private school cannot spend funds independently. Any paid educational institution is registered as a non-profit, so the expenditure of funds is controlled by the education department and the tax service. For this reason, it is difficult to find investors to open a private school, because they cannot directly receive dividends from their investments. But an investor can take his child to this school, thereby investing in his education.
  • In a paid educational institution, you need to teach the same subjects as in a regular school. Teaching staff it is required to implement an educational program in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. At the same time, parents need the institution to implement other, more interesting and diverse programs. Therefore, employees must find a balance between the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and parental ones.

It is quite difficult to create a private school in Russia. If you have taken as a basis an interesting program that will comprehensively develop children, and hired qualified teachers, then it will be a success. To do this, you need to properly organize the educational process.

List of required documents

How to open a private school in Russia? To do this you need to build a package necessary documents:

  • First, register the school as a non-profit organization and select your preferred tax option.
  • Obtain a license - without it you will not be able to conduct educational activities. They receive it from Rosobrnadzor.
  • Get a medical license. The school must have a nurse's office. To obtain this document, you need to contact the Ministry of Health. You can also cooperate with a certain medical organization.
  • Accreditation. It is needed so that students can receive diplomas upon completion of this educational institution. But it is issued only after several years and after several students have graduated. At the same time, their academic performance must be at least 50%. If a private institution does not have accreditation, then students can take exams at public schools in their area of ​​residence.
  • Certification. Teachers are required to undergo certification, which confirms their qualifications. If the teacher fails, he will have to be fired. If the entire teaching staff does not have certification, then the institution’s license may be taken away.
  • School charter.

Of course, employees must have medical books and diplomas confirming their qualifications. There must also be a price list for the provision of educational services. Having all the necessary documents, the institution can conduct educational activities.

Search for premises

How to open a private school in Russia? In addition to the necessary documents, you need to select a room that meets certain requirements. It is better to look for it before you receive a license. You can find a complete list of requirements for school premises in SanPin. Here are the main ones:

  • The school building should be located away from roads, garages and other transport facilities.
  • The surrounding area should be sufficiently landscaped (about 50%), surrounded by a fence and have artificial lighting.
  • The school should have convenient access both by car and by public transport.
  • The territory of an educational institution should be divided into zones for sports, student recreation and household needs.
  • The required ceiling height is at least 3.6 m, and for the gym - at least 6 m.
  • The required area of ​​each class is at least 2.5 square meters. m per student.
  • If you want to open a boarding school, then the size of the bedrooms must be at least 6 m per student.
  • It is necessary to equip a locker room, a gym and a medical office.
  • Separate toilets for boys and girls are required on each floor.
  • All rooms must maintain a certain temperature - from 18 to 22 degrees.
  • The school building must have fire extinguishing equipment and an alarm button.

The school building must be equipped in such a way as to protect students as much as possible. The design of the classes should be kept in the same style, but some bright accents can be added. There must be a stand with useful information for parents.

Equipment purchase

How to open a private school in Russia? You need to draw up a business plan that includes all expenses and income. One of the expense items is the purchase of equipment. You will need:

  • Furniture is tables, desks, chairs. They all must meet sanitary standards and be made of quality materials. You can also place sofas and benches in the corridors for a comfortable rest for students.
  • Computers, tablets, interactive whiteboards, projector and other modern technology. We need to try to make sure that there are computers in every classroom. This is especially true if you plan to focus on computer science in your educational program.
  • Equipment for chemistry, biology, physics classrooms.
  • Sport equipment.
  • Various stationery.

Classrooms must be decorated in strict accordance with sanitary requirements. Students must have everything they need to study. This is one of the main factors why parents choose a paid educational institution. They do not need to look for various stationery, textbooks themselves and constantly donate money for the needs of the school. Therefore, in your classes everything should be done not only for productive learning, but also for a comfortable stay.


How to open a private school? It is imperative to select qualified teachers. These should be professionals in their field, interested in raising the child to be a self-sufficient and versatile personality. The advantage of a private school is that teachers can be creative in the teaching process.

Your staff should include experienced teachers. This will give parents more confidence in your school. Be sure to hire young specialists too. This way you can implement a mentoring program. In addition, young staff often take an unconventional approach to implementing the curriculum, which will be an additional bonus to the popularity of your school.

Your staff should consist of the administration of the educational institution and the teaching staff. It will include:

  • Head teacher.
  • Deputy directors for educational work, two people.
  • Deputy Director for Economic Affairs.
  • Secretary.
  • Subject teachers.
  • Primary school teacher.
  • Nurse.
  • Speech therapist.
  • Psychologist.
  • Cooks.
  • Security guards.
  • Cleaners.

All employees must be responsible, polite, ready for self-development, love and respect children. In addition, a creative approach to teaching children is encouraged.

Choosing an educational program

How to open a private school? A very important point is the choice of educational program. It depends on her whether the educational institution will receive a license. This program must comply with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Why do some parents choose private school? Because it is possible to give a child a decent education using proprietary methods. But they must be approved by the Ministry of Education. Therefore, you will need to hire a methodologist who will deal with all these organizational issues.

In addition, private schools offer in-depth study of some subjects. But you need to justify why you will emphasize, for example, mathematics. Remember that an interesting educational program is one of important factors for parents when choosing an educational institution.


How to open your own school? Of course, this requires large financial investments. Therefore, opening a paid educational institution is not suitable for beginning entrepreneurs with little starting capital. Costs should include:

  • Purchase of a building with an area of ​​at least 1,500 sq. m - about 12,000,000 rubles.
  • Repair and improvement of the area adjacent to the school - from 3,000,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of furniture - from 1,000,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of educational equipment - from 3,000,000 rubles.
  • Kitchen and medical office equipment - from 500,000 rubles.

Thus, initial investment for the opening of a paid educational institution will amount to about 19,000,000 rubles. Of course, you can save money if you rent the building instead of buying it. But finding something like this for school is quite difficult. First, it must satisfy the location requirements described above. Secondly, you need to be sure that the owner will not terminate the lease after a few years. In addition, the interior must comply with SanPin requirements. Otherwise, you will have to do redevelopment, which will also require dozens of approvals. It is easier to invest in the construction of a new building.

Expenses and income

In a business plan for opening a private school, you need to note expenses and income in order to calculate the profitability of your institution. TO fixed costs relate:

  • Teachers' salaries.
  • Staff salaries.
  • Equipment update and Maintenance building.
  • Organization of meals for schoolchildren and employees.
  • Payment of utility services.

The total amount depends on the number of teaching staff and the scale of repairs. The business plan for a private school should also include an approximate income. Your profit depends on the number of students. It consists of tuition fees and a down payment, which goes towards purchasing the necessary textbooks, uniforms and stationery. You also need to take into account the fact that educational institutions do not work in the summer, and you have to pay public utilities and rent (if any) is needed. Therefore, it is advisable to leave a certain amount to pay for these services.

Additional profit

A private school in Russia as a business is not the most profitable direction. This situation is due to the fact that investors cannot make a large profit in monetary terms, because all expenses are controlled by the education department and the tax office. If you want to earn income from your business, then you should take care of additional sources of income:

  • Organizing courses is not tutoring, but training programs. For example, a programming or editing course. You can teach it both to school students and to anyone who wants to.
  • Summer camp - the cost may be the same as monthly tuition, and students at this school may be given a discount.
  • Sponsorship.
  • Subsidies from the local city budget.
  • Winning grants.

A private school as a business can be quite profitable. This is only possible if you have a sufficient number of students and additional sources of income.

Marketing campaign

When answering the question of how to open your own school, you should not forget about the marketing campaign. The popularity of your educational institution will depend on advertising. You can provide information about your institution in the following ways:

  1. Advertising in the media - it can reach immediately a large number of of people. It is especially worth paying attention to specialized thematic programs.
  2. Leave booklets at preschool educational institutions and children's development centers. This is especially true if you are going to open a private primary school.
  3. Be sure to create a website for the educational institution, which will contain all the necessary information about its work, employees, student achievements and interesting events.
  4. Create a group on social networks.
  5. Communicate on thematic forums.

A marketing campaign is an important component of success, but it only helps to attract customers. To get more of them, you must provide quality services.

Other types of educational institutions

How to open a private primary school in Russia? This will not require much expense. To open such an educational institution, you will need the same documents and equipment as to create a regular school. You should also take care of the after-school program and the relaxation room. This will allow young students to quickly adapt to their studies.

The business plan of a private music school does not differ much from other paid educational institutions. Only you need to take care of soundproofing the premises so as not to disturb your neighbors. You also need to purchase the necessary musical instruments for conducting training sessions.

A private school is an opportunity to provide students not only with a quality education, but also with comprehensive development, taking into account their individual characteristics. Teachers can also apply a creative approach to their work and try out interesting techniques. Therefore, private educational institutions are becoming popular. How to open a school? It is necessary to choose a suitable educational program, hire qualified employees and select suitable premises, as well as improve the level of educational services.

At all times, educational activity has been and remains a popular industry. But often, the level educational programs does not always suit parents.

Then they begin to look for the most suitable alternatives - private educational schools.

Today in Russia private schools are increasingly gaining popularity. And despite the high initial costs, a bunch of possible difficulties and nuances, a private school as a business idea can bring significant profits. How to open your own school? Let's take a closer look.

How popular are private schools in Russia?

According to the latest statistics, private education in Russia is covered by no more than one percent.

The overwhelming majority of educational institutions are concentrated in the capital, the Moscow region and, of course, in St. Petersburg.

In other words, the sector of private educational institutions is not oversaturated and is characterized by a minimal level of competition.

Average data:

It is also worth noting that today about seventy percent of all private educational institutions have their own kindergartens and also provide services to prepare children for school.

All private educational institutions occupy the following part of the Russian market:

  • Eighty percent of the sector is occupied by private educational institutions in the middle segment;
  • Five percent is occupied by religious and national private educational institutions;
  • Fifteen percent of the industry is occupied by premium private schools.

Do you want to implement your business in educational sphere? Then you can open kindergarten. : required documentation, example of a business plan, costs and income.

Let's look at the top 20 promising areas of small business.

The question of starting a business without investment plagues almost every aspiring entrepreneur. In this material you will find useful tips, ideas and options for starting your own business with minimal investment.

Peculiarities of demand and taxation

When choosing an educational institution, parents of schoolchildren pay special attention to the following points:

  • what is the reputation of the institution;
  • how long the school has been open;
  • what kind of material resources does the educational institution have;
  • availability of accreditation and corresponding license;
  • number of schoolchildren in one class.

Factors such as proximity to home and reviews from friends often play an important role.

As for taxation, it is best done using the simplified tax system. Also, before opening a private educational institution, you should pay special attention to Article 284, paragraph 1 of the Tax Code of Russia, which allows the use of a zero rate on profits received (for educational and medical institutions).

Equipment and facilities

How to open a private school in Russia? First of all, you need to have sufficient equipment. A private educational institution must have such high-tech equipment as electronic diaries, multimedia, Internet access, interactive whiteboards and local network computers.

Office in a private school

Accreditation and certification

The most important step in creating a private educational institution is obtaining state accreditation.

According to current legislation, only accredited schools have the right to issue state-issued certificates.

Otherwise, schoolchildren will have to take final exams in another institution, which may be considered by potential clients as a negative factor.

Accreditation is carried out once every six years and lasts no more than 105 calendar days.

A prerequisite for the successful development of a private educational institution is the certification of teaching staff. Every teacher is required to undergo certification once every five years. The only exceptions are those who have worked for less than two years.

Licensing is the main requirement for opening a private school. Get acquainted with current list The necessary documents for obtaining a license can be found on the official website of the Department of Education of the corresponding regional office.

Personnel and advertising

Teachers in a private school should be recruited on a competitive basis, because such institutions are obliged to provide the highest level of qualifications.

Also important is the staff’s ability to get along with children.

In addition to teachers, for the uninterrupted operation of a private school, an administrator, medical staff, accountant, security and cleaners will be needed. If the institution will provide meals for schoolchildren, a qualified cook and kitchen staff will be required.

In the first time after opening, a private school will require a lot Money for the creation and implementation of a marketing program. One of effective ways attracting new clients is a site where you can present in detail the basics of the services offered, as well as present all key benefits choosing a private school.

Ensuring the required level of security

The ideal premises for establishing a private school is a free-standing building, the area of ​​which ranges from 1,500 to 2,500 square meters.

There is also a free adjacent area and parking.

Also, the selected premises must meet the following sanitary and fire requirements:

  • There should be no highways, garages, etc. on the territory of the institution. The building may be located in residential sectors.
  • The area around the premises is landscaped by fifty percent (no less).
  • The height of the premises is at least 3.6 meters. Space for classrooms is allocated at the rate of up to 3.5 meters.
  • Primary group classes must be allocated separately and also have their own access to the school site.
  • Availability of a full range of fire extinguishing agents.

As for sanitary requirements, schoolchildren should not be under 6.5 years old, the maximum number of lessons is from five to six, and there cannot be more than twenty-five students in one class.

Classes should begin only after eight o'clock, and last no longer than forty-five minutes in one lesson.

How profitable is it: profitability calculation

The success of opening a private school as a business lies in a well-written business plan. Below is an approximate example of it, which (depending on the region where the idea is implemented, as well as the level of consumer demand) may change.

Business plan

Time Service provided Volume (number of students) Cost of services provided Revenue
From one month to a year Classical and highly specialized classes More than thirty-five students At least 3 thousand rubles From 105 to 400 thousand rubles
From one month to a year Elite classes From seven schoolchildren At least 30 thousand rubles From 210 to 500 thousand rubles
One to two years Classical and specialized training programs From thirty-seven people At least 3,360 rubles From 500 to 600 thousand rubles
One to two years Classes in elite programs At least eight schoolchildren From 33,600 rubles From 600 to 700 thousand rubles

If the current growth of the market for services of private educational institutions continues (from seven to twelve percent per annum), the institution will be able to achieve annual revenues within the range of 11.5 million rubles.

Purpose of the business plan: implementation of the target “Development Program for Municipal Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 24” for the provision of educational services to the population for 2006-2011.

The program is a long-term normative and management document that characterizes existing achievements and problems, the main goals, objectives and directions of the educational process, features of resource support for the pedagogical process and its innovative transformations, the main planned goals, deadlines and technologies for their implementation.

Business plan objectives:

  1. Determination of specific areas of activity of the gymnasium (educational services, additional education services, including sports, artistic, aesthetic, musical, etc.
  2. Assessing the competitiveness of services provided by the gymnasium.
  3. Assessing the compliance of human and material resources with the goals set.
  4. Assessing the possibilities of modernizing methods of material incentives for teachers.
  5. Development of a system of social partnership and attraction of potential philanthropists.
  6. Improving the system of spending budgetary and extrabudgetary funds.

Potential effectiveness of the project.

  • obtaining objective performance results for a certain period;
  • increasing the degree of innovation and quality of education;
  • promotion professional excellence teaching staff;
  • increasing sources of funding;
  • strengthening the material and technical base of the gymnasium.

Services offered and their purpose.

The gymnasium offers the city population a wide range of educational services:

  • educational services, including training of schoolchildren in standard and adapted programs of the basic curriculum, training in programs for in-depth study of the subject, training in programs using the gymnasium component (expansion of curriculum in subjects), introduction of new subjects, special courses, electives not provided for in the basic curriculum (“school component”);
  • additional education services (clubs, sections and courses) in accordance with the social order of the population (programs “Gamma”, “Accord”, “Ekomir”);
  • educational services for the preparation and adaptation of preschool children to the conditions of school life (the “Preschooler’s School” program);
  • services for preparing graduate students for admission to universities, for passing exams in the form of the Unified State Examination and new form in 9th grade (program “Chance”);
  • health care services, healthy promotion lifestyle, sports sections (Health League program);
  • services to provide cultural leisure for gymnasium students;
  • services to ensure the safety of gymnasium students.

Potential consumers of services:

Mainly the population of the Krasnaya Gorka microdistrict, as well as other residents of the northern part of the city of Lyubertsy, Moscow region

Structure of competitors' services.

The educational space of the northern part of the city of Lyubertsy includes 6 educational institutions, over 10 preschool education institutions, a branch of the Institute of Higher Education and Science, 2 additional education institutions, 1 cultural institution. In this regard, the range of educational services offered by the gymnasium turned out to be partially identical to those services offered by other educational institutions. There was a need to expand the range of services and develop additional education programs in accordance with the social order of the population, to revise the operating hours of the gymnasium through a variety of forms of extracurricular and extracurricular work.

Benefits received by consumers of gymnasium services.

  • high quality of education through budget funding, facilitating admission to universities on a budgetary basis;
  • multidirectionality and differentiation of education in the gymnasium;
  • communication with universities in Moscow;
  • high level vocational training teaching staff;
  • variety of additional services offered;
  • high level and wide range cultural and leisure activities;
  • developed and implemented system of extracurricular educational activities with the involvement of Moscow museums;
  • modern material and technical equipment of classrooms;
  • uniqueness of the organization of the educational process;
  • introduction of a 10-point system for assessing student knowledge, creating a comfortable environment in the classroom;
  • the functioning of an educational system that creates an alternative to self-destructive behavior (drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling addiction);
  • flexibility and democracy in the management style of the gymnasium;
  • high degree of innovation in the educational process.

Financing of educational institutions is carried out at the expense of local and regional budgets and today cannot provide all the needs of the gymnasium and fully contribute to its continuous development, therefore there is a need to find other forms of financial support. economic activity, in additional sources of budgetary and extra-budgetary funding.

Marketing plan.

  1. improve the quality of education;
  2. improve the incentive system (including material incentives) to attract highly qualified personnel, including university teachers and employees of scientific institutions;
  3. intensify participation in various creative competitions and projects, including Russian and international;
  4. enhance advertising campaign in the media;
  5. constantly improve the material and technical base of the gymnasium;
  6. expand the network of social partners of the gymnasium;
  7. constantly look for other types of economic activity.

Manufacturing program.

Municipal educational institution gymnasium No. 24 is located in the center of a residential microdistrict, not far from the Lyubertsy railway station, has a bus connection with the entire Northern part of the city, so it is easy to get to the gymnasium from anywhere in Lyubertsy.

The institutions of additional education and cultural institutions located on the North side are located at a relative distance (15-20 minutes walk from the microdistrict of the gymnasium), therefore there is a need to more widely develop the system of additional education in the gymnasium, as well as to attract specialists from institutions of additional education and recreational centers to work in the gymnasium - through the opening of clubs on the basis of the gymnasium by concluding cooperation agreements with these institutions.

There is no library in the northern part of Lyubertsy, so students have a real need to make wider use of the school library's capabilities.

Programs implemented in the gymnasium using budget funding.

1. General education.

No. Levels of education Programs
1. Primary general education. Training according to standard state programs.

2. Early English Language Programs

3. Programs for in-depth study of the English language (from 2nd grade).

4. Training in innovative programs approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation: “School 2100”, INOS programs, etc.

5. Implementation of the variable part of the curriculum. The introduction of subjects that expand the gymnasium component, as well as an increase in hours for deepening and expanding the main subjects of the curriculum.

2. Basic general education. 1. Implementation of the invariant part of the curriculum.

3. Introduction of a second foreign language.

5. Introduction of electives and special courses to increase student motivation and deepen (expand) certain topics of academic subjects.

3. Secondary (complete) general education. 1. Implementation of the invariant part of the curriculum.

2. Programs for in-depth study of the English language.

3. Learning a second foreign language.

4. Implementation of the variable part of the curriculum. The introduction of subjects that expand the gymnasium component, as well as an increase in hours for deepening and expanding the main subjects of the curriculum.

5. Introduction of electives and special courses to deepen (expand) certain topics And educational subjects.

2. Additional education.

Main goals:

  • providing the necessary conditions for personal development, strengthening the health and early professional self-determination of children;
  • providing educational motivation and creating the need for lifelong education, creating meaningful communication environments;
  • adaptation of children to life in a team and in society;
  • formation of a common personal culture based on national and world cultures;
  • assistance in vocational guidance for children and adolescents in accordance with the situation on the labor market;
  • formation of the need to maintain a healthy lifestyle;

To implement these tasks, additional education curricula have been developed in the following areas:

  1. Program “Gamma”: arts and crafts direction.
  2. Program “Accord”: musical and aesthetic direction.
  3. “Ekomir” program: environmental direction.
  4. “Health League” program: sports direction.
  5. “Chance” program: preparation for continuing education

Expected results:

  • mastering the basics artistic culture and children’s achievement, regardless of their giftedness, is sufficient high level artistic training.
  • development of performing and creative skills and abilities of each student:
  • development of the sphere of aesthetic feelings and thoughts of each child;
  • development communication skills children, reducing anxiety levels and developing adequate self-esteem;
  • formation of active personal behavior in society;
  • formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, strengthening mental, physical, moral health;
  • skills formation team game and personal responsibility;
  • quality preparation of students for further education;
  • mastering the skills of early scientific and research creativity;
  • training in programs of extended and in-depth training in the subject (mathematics, Russian language, chemistry, physics, English language and etc.)

3. Programs implemented in the gymnasium through extra-budgetary funding.

Ways to implement the program:

1) Work of primary school teachers, English teachers, school psychologists;

2) Material support (printed handouts, visual aids).

3) Conducting joint round tables, meetings, teacher councils with employees of the preschool educational institution;

4) Advanced training for ShBP teachers.

5) Consultations with a speech therapist.

Expected results:

  • communication abilities and basic social skills;
  • the ability to express one’s thoughts clearly and clearly;
  • the child’s readiness to study in 1st grade, stable motivation to study at school;
  • mastering the primary skills and abilities necessary for successful learning at school; memory development.

Since 2000, the parent Local Public Organization for Assistance to School No. 24 has been successfully operating in the gymnasium (certificate of state registration No. ... dated ... 2000). The goals of the activities of the International Organization for Assistance..., reflected in the Charter, are:

1) promoting the harmonious development of the personality of gymnasium students,

2) assistance to the teaching staff in creating the necessary conditions for the implementation of the educational process in the gymnasium,

3) involvement of employees and parents in improving the educational process and increasing its effectiveness.” (Article 2 “Objectives of the organization’s activities”).

Members of the organization can be individuals and legal entities “interested in the joint achievement of these goals” (clause 3.1 of the Charter), i.e. mainly parents of students. All voluntary contributions are spent, according to the Organization’s budget, for its statutory purposes, including the provision of additional educational services. The opportunity to provide additional educational services at the expense of extra-budgetary funding makes it possible to expand the network of additional education, ensure the receipt of services directly at the gymnasium and is, therefore, a powerful argument in favor of the gymnasium over its competitors.

IOO Assistance to School No. 24 is a non-profit, legally independent organization. All decisions on spending membership and target fees are made by the council of the local public organization.

Forms of remuneration, including additional material and social benefits.

Salaries of employees of institutions include rates wages(official salaries), tariff rates, compensation and incentive payments.

The incentive portion of the salary is assigned for high-quality and creative performance job responsibilities, increasing labor efficiency, exceeding volume indicators, high labor productivity.

Incentive payments to employees of Municipal Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 24 are made with the aim of: improving the quality of educational and educational processes; strengthening the material interest of employees of municipal educational institution gymnasium No. 24; development of creative activity and initiative.

The source of financing the incentive part of wages are funds allocated for incentive payments, which amount to 10% of the base part of the wage fund for the current financial year.

Employees of municipal educational institution gymnasium No. 24 can be paid material aid. Employees are paid a holiday bonus and may also be paid a one-time bonus.

The incentive part of the wages for employees of municipal educational institution gymnasium No. 24 is established on the basis of a decision of the Governing Council by order of the director in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for distributing the differentiated incentive part of wages to employees of municipal educational institution gymnasium No. 24/ (Adopted by the Governing Council “14” September 2007, put into effect by order No. ...)

Risk assessment.

  • availability of alternative services from competitors;
  • low solvency of residents of the microdistrict;
  • insufficient budget funding for the economic activities of the gymnasium;
  • the possibility of an outflow of highly qualified teaching staff to Moscow, because in the capital more high pay labor;
  • reduction in the student population due to the difficult demographic situation;
  • moral and physical wear and tear of equipment and communications;
  • reduction charitable assistance from the social partners of the gymnasium;
  • objective difficulties in the transition to a new wage system.

Financial plan.

Budget allocations.

Expenditure 2006 2007 According to estimates for 2008
Catering for schoolchildren (regional subventions)
Acquisition of library funds (regional subventions)
Purchasing educational equipment
Purchasing medicines (local budget)
Current repairs of buildings, structures and premises (local budget)
Subscription to periodical literature (newspapers, magazines) (local budget)
Private security (local budget)
Acquisition Supplies to support the educational process (regional subventions and local budget)

Extrabudgetary allocations.

Voluntary targeted and membership contributions to the Municipal Educational Organization Assistance to School No. 24 are received unevenly throughout the calendar year, so these funds are spent “after the fact.”

Spending of extrabudgetary funds.

Estimated volume of financial support for the implementation of the Development Program of Municipal Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 24 (annually raised funds)

Amount of required financial support Planned channels for receiving funds What are the funds planned to be spent on?
1,000 thousand rubles. Funds from the local budget Repair of sewerage and water supply systems
900 thousand rubles. Funds from the local budget Installation of APS and fire warning systems
600 thousand rubles. Regional subventions Installing licensed software on a PC
300 thousand rubles. Extrabudgetary funds from the Municipal Educational Organization for assistance to school No. 24 Purchasing furniture for classrooms.
400 thousand rubles. Funds from philanthropists Cosmetic renovation of school premises

The full implementation of this plan is possible only with full funding of the Gymnasium Development Program, i.e. the business plan reflects the ideal model for financing an educational institution through all attracted sources of income.

Draft cost estimate for Municipal Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 24 (if a grant is received)

Directions for spending funds Amount of funds spent from the federal budget
1. Purchase of equipment for information technologies(multimedia equipment, interactive whiteboards) 650 thousand rubles.
2. Purchasing the necessary equipment to create a gym 190 thousand rubles.
3. Replenishment of the school media library. 20 thousand rubles
4. Purchase of encyclopedias, reference publications, dictionaries for the school library. 10 thousand rubles
5. Installation of air conditioners in computer science classrooms (according to SanPiN requirements) 130 thousand rubles.