Business plan for a wool processing line. Production of camel wool products as a business. Production of purified wool

Products made from camel wool have been valued since ancient times. After all, such raw materials are not just a valuable material for warming, but also have healing properties. In particular, pillows, blankets, felt boots, knitwear, belts and even decorative items are made from such wool. Of course, it will not be possible to cover the entire spectrum at once. It is better to immediately analyze the market well in order to immediately understand what will be popular and what will not.

It is most acceptable to create a business if you live in the northern regions of our country. After all, it is there that the demand for this product will be high. Competition in this industry cannot be called high, but it is not low either. At the same time, it may be possible to grab your piece of the market if you put effort into it.

Selection of production premises.

It is better to make products from camel wool in an industrial zone. This is where you can work peacefully. Or stay away from residential buildings. In one or the second case, it is necessary to take into account the convenience of access for cars of different sizes. The dimensions of the room must be selected so as to comfortably arrange all the equipment, allocate space for workers, and organize warehouses.

The latter also require enough space. You need to focus on an area of ​​about 150 m2 for a medium-sized production. It is important to have all communications: air ventilation, water supply, power supply network, heating in winter period, climate control devices for indoor humidity control. It is best to rent premises on the basis of a former production facility. To rent such a room you need to allocate about $500 per month.


The production of camel wool products requires the purchase of the following equipment:

1. Cutting tables - $500;
2. Washing machines - up to $800;
3. Cutting machines - $200;
4. Edging devices - from $400;
5. Hooping table - $300;
6. Machine for cutting tape - $1.2 thousand;
7. Machine for processing edges - up to $2 thousand;
8. Corner fabric rewinding machine - $500;
9. Quilting machines equipped software- 1 thousand $;
10. Dispensers - $700;
11. Packaging machines - $1.5 thousand.

The above set of devices is the minimum number to perform work in this area. For greater work comfort, you can purchase a number of additional devices.

In total, the purchase of equipment will cost about $10 thousand.


The technologist at the enterprise will occupy a leading position. The result will depend on the quality of his work. It is not easy to find a worker in this field, but it is still possible. The main thing is that he has enough experience in this industry. The enterprise will also need general workers, an accountant, a security guard, a driver, and line operators. The designer deserves special mention. His responsibilities will include designing models for the technologist. It is best to hire 2 designers, in case there is an influx of work or one goes on vacation. In total, up to $5 thousand must be prepared to pay employees of up to 15 people.

Raw materials.

Camel hair consists of coarse hairs and soft undercoat. There are two types of wool: coarse and soft. The first option is cut from adults and has a rather rough texture. It is suitable for creating pillows and blankets, carpets, and decorative elements. Soft wool is suitable for the production of knitwear, scarves, and socks. The resulting camel wool is combed well.

The high cost of any products made from camel wool is due to the fact that for the manufacture of goods it is necessary a large number of wool And in the process of combing out, most of it can be lost. Wool on wholesale market can be sold both washed and unwashed. The cost of the first for 1 kg will be about $15, and the unwashed version will cost up to $10. If you purchased washing equipment, then you can safely purchase unwashed camel wool. To purchase a batch of wool, you need to prepare about $2 thousand.

Products made from camel wool must be advertised. To do this, first of all, a website is created and the entire range of products is presented. In the future, it’s worth trying to work with magazines and create a television video about the benefits of camel wool and the quality of products made from it. It is also worth emphasizing frequent traveling exhibitions and demonstrations of your own products. Total for marketing activities It's worth shelling out up to $200.

Costs for implementing a business idea.

The list of main costs for starting a business will include:

1. Rental of premises - $500;
2. Equipment - $10 thousand;
3. Staff - $5 thousand;
4. Raw materials - $2 thousand;
5. Advertising - $200.

Creating a business for the production of camel wool products will require capital from $18 thousand.

Profit and payback.

Profit will depend on the type of product chosen for production, quality of workmanship, demand for the product and pricing.

For example, the average cost of socks is $3-5, small blankets will cost $25 or more, warming belts are sold on the wholesale market for $12, and so on. But, you can enter the market with a completely new product and gain high demand for the product. But, on average, enterprises producing blankets and pillows from camel wool can raise up to $12 thousand per month. Especially if we're talking about about the season. By selling all products, you can fully recoup the initial investment in just 1.5 years.

Clients and how to develop.

It is most acceptable to focus on wholesale buyers. These are shops, markets, bases, supermarkets. They are the main goal in this business and only then - single sales individuals. It is always possible and worthwhile to develop in this business.

First of all, they focus on creating unique products. For example, you can introduce fashion for bags made of camel hair or original hats. Everything is in the hands of the designer and owner. After all, each stage of development may require additional investments.

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Quite an exotic branch of livestock farming for Russia. However, we simply do not have any serious reasons not to engage in camel farming. These animals are quite unpretentious to the conditions of detention, therefore in equally They tolerate the climate of the southern Volga region and the Far Eastern Arctic well, not to mention the western regions with a temperate climate.

Camel breeding industry

Modern camels are represented by two types - one-humped and two-humped. One-humped camels were tamed and domesticated about 6 thousand years ago, that is, at the same time as horses. Bactrians - two thousand years later.

In those parts of the world where camels are bred, they are important either as beasts of burden or as a source of valuable milk, meat, wool and leather. In hot countries, these animals are kept in a semi-nomadic manner, mainly on free grazing. In regions where winters are characterized by a significant (below zero) decrease in temperature, animals are kept in sheds and covered pens in a free-stall manner.

Working camels are valued for their unparalleled endurance and ability to easily endure the most extreme weather conditions while performing strenuous physical work. As a pack animal, a camel is capable of walking 30-40 km per day, carrying 250-300 kg of cargo. And although he is inferior to a horse in terms of speed of movement, the duration of the transitions and the amount of cargo carried, on the contrary, are greater.

As a source of meat, milk and wool, camels are in many ways comparable to cows. With an average animal weight of 500-700 kg and a meat yield of 55-60%, 250-350 kg of meat can be obtained from them. Milk yield is not impressive - 1500-2000 liters per year from a dairy camel, however, the fat content of camel milk is almost twice as high as that of cow milk. Camel milk also contains three times more vitamin C and 10 times more iron.

Bactrian camels are larger, stronger and more productive, especially the Kalmyk breed. However, some hybrids of two-humped and one-humped camels are characterized by even greater size and endurance.

Camel breeding in Russia and in the world

Initially, camels adapted to living in hot, arid regions of the planet, where other large herbivores could not survive. Several thousand years have passed since the domestication of these animals, but camels are still bred almost exclusively in desert and semi-desert areas.

Today, camel farming plays an important role in livestock production only in some Arab-Muslim countries with a significant area of ​​deserts and semi-deserts. These are mainly countries of the Near and Middle East, as well as North Africa. Almost exclusively dromedary camels, which are more adapted to the heat, are bred here. The importance of camel farming in these countries is associated not so much with the usefulness of the animals, but with the need for traction power for transport and Agriculture. Simply put, due to the total poverty of the population, people are forced to use camels instead of cars and tractors.

The situation is different with the countries of Central Asia, which were previously part of the USSR. Although, with the exception of richer Kazakhstan, their standard of living is comparable to the Arab world, camels (mostly Bactrian) are bred here mainly for their meat, milk and wool. But their use as beasts of burden also occurs.

Australia stands apart, where camels were brought in the century before last to transport goods in the desert parts of the country, and today they are used exclusively for racing.

In general, the world population of camels is about 14 million animals, of which about half are concentrated in the countries of North Africa and the Middle East. For this reason, 90% of the world's population are dromedary camels. Adapted not only to heat, but also to frost, Bactrian camels are in demand mainly in Central Asia, Mongolia and China.

As for Russia, camels are bred only in some regions adjacent to areas where these animals were once found in the wild. The most significant livestock to date has been recorded in the Astrakhan region (more than 4,100 heads), Kalmykia (about 1,000 heads), Altai (about 500 heads) and Transbaikalia (300 heads).

Is camel business possible in Russia?

When we say that camel breeding is not traditional for Russia, we are somewhat sinning against the truth. Camels were indeed never seriously bred in the regions that today belong to the Central, Central Black Earth, Northern and Northwestern economic regions. However, in the southern regions mentioned above (Volga region and Southern Siberia), camels have been bred since time immemorial. And camel breeding is very typical for these places.

The only reason why camels are bred only in the south is the fact that in other regions it is more profitable to raise other types of livestock - cows, sheep, goats, deer. Camel farming makes sense only if there are no suitable conditions in the area for more productive animals.

As already mentioned, in the world camels are bred mainly by residents of poor countries who need draft animals. Since we do not have this problem, camel farming in Russia is focused mainly on the production of meat, milk, wool and skins.

The main issue that worries entrepreneurs considering camel farming as a possible business direction is the prospects for marketing their products. Since the vast majority of Russians have never tried camel meat or camel milk, there seems to be no demand for these products. However, the production volumes of these products on a national scale are so insignificant that there is de facto competition. Thus, you can find sales channels if you build them correctly marketing strategy and present their products as rare exotics worth trying.

To understand what kind of sales market is potentially available, one statistical indicator should be cited: the city of Moscow alone eats more than 2.5 thousand tons of meat PER DAY! With such a scale of consumption, finding a niche for selling 100-200 kg of camel meat per day is not at all a problem. The main thing is to be able to position your products correctly.

Where to start breeding camels?

Of course, before you start investing money in creating a business, you first need to carefully calculate everything. Moreover, in the case of camels, ensuring living conditions and purchasing young animals is by no means the main problem that needs to be dealt with. Since Russia has no tradition of consuming camel meat and camel milk, you will have to first work out distribution channels, having at least obtained preliminary agreements with several wholesale buyers (restaurants, shops, sausage factories).

It is quite possible that you will only be able to find sales for your products in another region several hundred or even thousands of kilometers from the farm itself. Thus, it is necessary to study logistics issues and calculate whether it would be generally advisable to transport meat and milk over such a distance, and, if so, how transport costs can be minimized.

Camel farm registration

Creating a camel breeding farm is generally not much different from building an ordinary cattle farm with cows. After making sure that the enterprise will be profitable, you need to register with the local tax office as a peasant farm (peasant farm). You can also limit yourself to the status individual entrepreneur, however, this will not provide any significant advantages, since taxation under the simplified system is also available for peasant farms.

The peasant farm format has clear advantages over LLCs, since the state is more active in helping small farms through benefits and subsidies. In principle, if you plan to start very small, for example, half a dozen animals, then you can go the route of registering your personal subsidiary farming, which does not pay taxes at all.

In addition to registering with the tax office, you also need to coordinate your activities with the veterinary service. Obtaining a veterinary certificate can be quite a challenge as there are many different standards and requirements for the quality of milk and meat. Moreover, the requirements are not only federal, but also local, which only complicates the task of the entrepreneur. You will spend much less money, time and effort if you seek help in this matter from a competent, specialized lawyer from the very beginning.

In the best case, all bureaucratic issues will take you two to three months and 20-30 thousand rubles. But this is the most optimistic version.

Farm location

The advantage of camels is that they can eat the worst and coarsest grass, which other animals would never eat. To create a camel farm, you do not need either rich water meadows or steppe herbs. In view of this, for relatively little money you can rent or buy land discarded by other farmers - poor sandy areas, salt marshes, etc.

By the way, it would be a good idea to open a small camel farm on a large livestock or crop farm. In this case, camels can be fed practically free food - discarded feed or even crop waste that is not suitable for feeding cows and sheep.

If you plan to open a farm in a sparsely populated region with huge no-man’s spaces of steppes and semi-deserts, then you can completely limit yourself to buying/renting one or two hectares for building the necessary outbuildings on them. In this case, for most of the year, when the ground is not covered with snow, the animals can be kept free-range, that is, free food.

It is quite difficult to calculate even approximately the amount of funds required for the construction of pens, sheds, a slaughterhouse and other outbuildings. Too much depends on the scale and format of the enterprise. But in any case, you need to assume that at the very beginning you will have to invest several million rubles.

Where to get animals?

If young cattle can be bought in any region of the country, then for camels you will have to go to one of the few camel breeding farms located in the Volga region or Southern Siberia. There they will charge about 70 thousand rubles for one baby camel, and even more for an adult. However, there is no point in buying adult animals, since they will not pay for themselves. If desired, you can purchase livestock abroad - in Kazakhstan or other countries of Central Asia.

You should buy young animals only after consultation with a specialized specialist, who will tell you the optimal age and the quantitative ratio of males and females to be purchased. However, if the farm operates in relative proximity (no more than fifty kilometers) from another farm where there are males, then you can get by with camels alone. In this case, the male can be brought to them for insemination every few months. Although you will have to pay for insemination services, this approach may be more beneficial in terms of cost balance.

Personnel search and other organizational issues.

Camels are considered more capricious (in terms of character) than cows. But this is only true if you use them as beasts of burden. Caring for a regular meat and dairy herd is much easier. In fact, one or two herders are enough to cope with several dozen animals. Since no one in Russia trains camel care specialists educational institution, for these positions you will have to hire simply experienced cattle breeders who know how to handle cattle.

The abundance of cheap synthetic materials makes the demand for natural materials grow. A striking example of this is products made from sheep wool. They have excellent performance properties and are even credited with medicinal and therapeutic properties.

On the market now such products are presented in a very low assortment, since cheap analogues from artificial materials are constantly replacing natural products. And the cost of products made from sheep wool is much higher. At the same time, the demand for the product remains high. Therefore, we can safely consider this activity as a type of profitable business.

Many products can be made from wool different directions. These can be rugs, pillows and blankets, or items of clothing such as socks, hats, sweaters, scarves, gloves, pants, leggings, tights and much more. Products can be made either manually or by machine. But, in order to achieve greater profits, it is worth considering the second option and putting the production of products on stream.

Choosing a room and its features.

Since the manufacture of wool products is not related to food production, then the requirements for choosing a room will be an order of magnitude less. In any case, the building must comply with all building codes that are in force at a given time. The ceiling height must be at least 3.5 meters.
In this case, it is necessary to ensure that all communications work, including air conditioning and the possibility of heating the premises in winter.

It is also worth paying attention to the cleanliness of the room, the absence of rodents and pests. The size of the premises can start from 80 m2, and the entire area will be divided into warehouses, production and administrative areas.

The best location for a wool factory is a place where livestock farming with a wool focus is well developed. The smartest choice is district center in area.

You should not rent premises in the regional center, because then the profitability of production will significantly decrease. Because the raw materials will come to you through the hands of intermediaries, and then the level of profit in the company will significantly decrease. In addition, if your city or village is really small, then to start developing a business you should safely count on help from the state or receiving some subsidies, for example, for payment utilities. Or perhaps you will be provided with a loan with a lower interest rate, or you should count on a discount when purchasing equipment. The cost of renting a room will depend on the choice of location and start from $400.


The choice of equipment will depend on productivity and on what particular direction you have chosen and what products you are ready to manufacture. After all, some products require much more processing than others. If you are considering the full cycle of processing wool and creating products, then the production line will consist of the following units:

1. Loading machine (allows you to dispense wool in portions) - $4 thousand;
2. Deburring machine (separates burrs) - $1.5 thousand;
3. Machine for tearing out matted wool and cleaning raw materials from debris - $3 thousand;
4. Immersion baths (minimum quantity of 3 units) - from $300 per unit;
5. Squeezing machine - $4 thousand;
6. Dryer - $3-3.5 thousand;
7. Steam boiler - $6 thousand;
8. Pressing machine - $2 thousand;
9. Yarn production machine - $11 thousand;
10. Knitting equipment - $8 thousand.

Production Line with a productivity of 400 kg of sheep wool in one hour will cost at least 42 thousand $ from a Chinese manufacturer.

The equipment is really expensive, but it allows you to purchase other units to replace or expand the range of activities. For example, you can purchase a line for felting, then you will be able to offer consumers pillows, rugs, felt boots, blankets, rugs and much more.


To service the full cycle of sheep wool processing, a workforce of at least 20 people is required. About 8 workers will go to wool cleaning technology, while others will be directly involved in the manufacture of products.

This field of activity does not require special qualifications or even sanitary books. In addition to the people on the production line, the enterprise needs a technologist, an engineer, a worker to set up the production line, and an accountant. General workers are also needed in production. In total, you should expect at least $6 thousand in wages.

Raw materials.

When working in this direction, it is worth being able to distinguish between the specifications of wool. It is necessary to choose wool that is uniform and has good felting ability. Uniform wool consists mainly of fluff and transitional hair.

Thus, an older sheep produces wool that is coarse and patchy, while a sheep that is too young produces wool with a high fluff content. And the property of felting is the crimp, softness of the fibers and the presence of a scaly layer. When working in this direction, you need to be able to understand the types of sheep wool in order to purchase truly high-quality raw materials. Or have a specialist in this industry. Six will come from sheep farms. In total, it is worth allocating at least $5 thousand to purchase six.

It is also worth advertising your products correctly. First, we study the market and determine who will be interested in your products. And in the future we will study ways to influence potential buyers. To get started, you can create your own website.

You can also advertise your products on television and radio, in popular print media. It is also worth constantly taking part in fairs and visiting organizations of a similar profile, for the likelihood of selecting clients and getting to know potential competitors. You should set aside a budget of $300 for marketing.

Basic costs.

Developing a business for the production of sheep wool products requires spending in the following areas:

1. Rental of premises - $400;
2. Production line for wool processing - $42 thousand;
3. Staff - $6 thousand;
4. Raw materials - $5 thousand;
5. Advertising - $300.

In total, to organize a wool processing business, it is worth allocating at least $54 thousand.

The amount is quite large, so you should immediately think about finding business partners.

Profit and payback period.

The payback period in this business can last up to three years. The cost of each individual product may vary significantly. For example, wool socks may cost $2.5, while the net profit of the enterprise will be 40%. But a blanket or blanket made of wool will cost over $100, and the profit will reach up to 60%. If you work for a month in two shifts producing up to 400 kg of raw materials per hour, then you can get a monthly profit of $23 thousand. But only if sales of products are established.

Clients and business development.

Specialized stores become clients, shopping centers, supermarkets and markets. When developing a business, you can gradually act in several directions. You can create an online store or a real store and offer products from the manufacturer. You can also produce exclusive goods to order or offer felted wool products to customers as interior decorations.

Currently a very relevant topic own business. More and more people prefer to open their own business instead of working for someone else. However, in order for the money spent to become profitable, you should be especially careful in choosing the industry in which you will invest it.

It so happens that trade is considered the least expensive and most profitable area. Although in reality this is far from the case. Work in the trade sector is now difficult - there is too much on the market in last years trading, agency, intermediary and similar companies appeared. What remains in this case? Manufacturing and Agriculture.

Wool manufacturing is a profitable business

The agro-industrial complex is an industry where capital cannot quickly turn around and grow, but at the same time, this line of business is attractive for investment. Industrial production, on the contrary, is a sphere that allows short time to return investments and increase capital, but currently she is going through not the best of times.

Based on the above, we can conclude: now it is effective to invest in production located at the intersection of industry and agriculture. Processing sheep wool is just such a type of activity. With proper organization of work, a processing enterprise can function very successfully. This is a low-cost and profitable line of business.

On the issue of wool

First you need to study all the intricacies of the material you are going to work with. Sheep wool contains four types of fibers:

  • down is a very soft, thin, but durable fiber, round in cross section;
  • transitional hair is a coarser and thicker fiber than fluff;
  • awns - a fiber that is even stiffer than transitional hair;
  • dead hair is a coarse, uncrimped and very thick fiber in diameter, covered with large lamellar scales.

If wool consists predominantly of the same type of fibers, for example only fluff and transitional hair, then it is called “homogeneous”. The one that contains all types of fibers is called “heterogeneous”.

Material properties

The main feature of wool is its ability to felt. This property is explained by the softness and crimp of the fibers and the presence of a scaly layer on the surface. The production of woolen fabrics is a labor-intensive process. The material is used to produce drapes, cloth, felt, felted and felt products. Wool has low thermal conductivity, so it is indispensable in the production of suit, dress, coat fabrics, and winter knitwear.

The material removed from sheep is usually highly contaminated and, as a rule, is very heterogeneous in quality. Therefore, before sending wool to a textile factory, it is first processed. This process includes sorting, loosening, scuffing, washing, drying, packaging.

Plant location

Processing sheep wool has one significant advantage compared to other agricultural business areas. This activity has nothing to do with food products, therefore to production premises and staff will not be presented special requirements. The building must comply with current building codes - this is the only thing to consider.

The ideal option for the location of the enterprise where sheep wool will be processed is the regional center of the region in which wool livestock farming is developed. Regional centers do not always meet sales needs, because the material reaches them through a chain of intermediaries, and accordingly, its cost increases.

Among other things, if the regional center is small and is an urban village, you may be provided with additional subsidies and benefits by the state. Now the government is paying great attention to rural development, so it is quite possible that you will be able to receive tax preferences, a loan for special conditions, a discount on leasing purchases of equipment and many other bonuses.


In a field of activity such as wool processing, workers do not need to have a qualified permit to work or health certificates. For a medium-sized enterprise with two or three lines, a service staff of five to six people, including a technologist and engineer, is sufficient.

These two specialists must have specialized education; accordingly, their salary will be higher than that of ordinary workers. The labor of the remaining employees is considered unskilled, so the cost of paying them will not be large.

Work specifics

Equipment for processing sheep wool should be selected depending on the extent to which you intend to process the received material. Such a business has several directions, and working on each of them will require completely different starting investments. Cleaning wool is one thing, but processing it into thread or yarn is quite another. Of course, in the second case, you will be able to sell the products at a higher price, but simply purified wool also finds its buyer.

When choosing a direction, take into account such aspects as the state of the market in the region, the possible volume of supplies of raw materials, the possibility of selling wool outside the region or even abroad. We will talk about options for the development of wool production, taking into account different financial capabilities.

Production of purified wool

This is the most inexpensive investment option. Don't think that washing wool is so easy. Not at all. Many people mistakenly believe that material processed in such a seemingly primitive way will not be in demand on the market. In fact, washing wool is a rather labor-intensive process. Let's describe it in more detail.

Raw materials entering the plant are first received and classified according to standards. Wool is also separated into varieties, which are then processed and sold separately from each other. After sorting, the material enters a special loading machine. This is a device that feeds wool in portions, depending on the performance of the equipment. Such a unit is also called a “deburring machine”, since it separates the burrs from the wool.

Then the raw material enters the second apparatus, where the tangles are separated and the wool is cleaned of debris. The material goes through several immersion baths - tanks with water - and squeezing machines (a total of five washing cycles). After the last spin, the wool is fed through a loading machine, the same as that used at the very beginning, but already intended for pure raw materials, into the drying apparatus. After drying, it is packaged and sent for sale.

Cost of equipment

Processing sheep wool using the method described above requires the use of expensive equipment. Prices for cars depend largely on their power. So, for example, a line for washing and drying wool with a capacity of 10-20 kilograms per hour will cost around 500 thousand rubles, and one with a capacity of 400 kilograms per hour will cost about 10 million rubles.

You will also need a steam boiler to supply heat to the dryer and heat water for immersion baths of appropriate power. Such a unit with a pressure of 10 atmospheres and a productivity of 2 tons will cost about 2 million rubles. In addition, you need to take into account that the wool remaining after washing cannot be flushed down the drain.

To purify water from organic contamination, filtration filters should be used. wastewater treatment plants. Their cost averages 2.5 million rubles. Wool is packaged using a pressing machine that forms briquettes weighing 70-80 kilograms and measuring 800x400x600 millimeters. The price of such a device is approximately 150 thousand rubles.

In principle, this list of equipment by which sheep wool is processed can be considered exhausted. It should be noted that wool shipped in bulk is valued less than pressed wool, so purchasing a pressing machine is already a step towards improvement and transition to a full production chain.

Production of wool threads

This is a technically more complex version of the activity, and much more. It consists in obtaining yarn and threads from purified wool. Of course, such production will also require more capital investment. You will need to expand production capacity, as well as staff - at least 20-25 of them will be needed.

A spinning machine will cost about 12.5 million rubles, and a thread production line will require costs in the range of 18-30 million rubles, depending on what the capacity is (4 or 8 tons per shift).

Felting wool

Currently, felting is experiencing a rebirth. Within the framework of a functioning wool processing enterprise, it is possible to engage in such activities. Almost everything is now made from felt: hats, accessories, clothing, interior items, bags, toys and more. Felting is a handicraft; craftsmen often work from home, because special equipment is not required for such an activity. But you can put things on stream.

Felt is felted in two ways. The technique of wet felting from wool is used in the manufacture of decorative interior items: garlands, vases, flowers. The dry method is used to create three-dimensional products: dolls, jewelry, toys. Each method requires the use different materials. Wet felting involves the use of soap and hot water; dry felting requires special serrated needles.

Raising sheep and using them in household has long been used in many regions of Russia. China is considered the most developed region in this area of ​​business; they have about 25 million heads of livestock.

Processing of raw materials in different regions

Wool processing as a business sector began to develop in Russia relatively recently, but has already reached the level of Spain and Morocco. The state wants sheep breeding to become the leading industry in the country over time and for this purpose various government programs. High-quality wool raw materials are needed for the market for daily use products.

Features of the process of organizing a sheep farming business

The extraction of sheep wool is often a secondary or additional product, in addition to this, milk and meat are usually obtained from sheep. The requirements for wool processing in Russia are quite high and are carefully controlled by the state, especially in certain regions. In Russia, you can easily hand over processed raw materials to various textile factories - this makes business more promising. For high-quality work, special equipment is required, without which production will be ineffective.

When working you cannot do without:

  1. Drying equipment.
  2. Ironing equipment
  3. Anti-matt machines
  4. Washing machine

This equipment can also be useful in other industries, since it is suitable for working with any fiber. Small production processes on average from 15 to 400 kg per hour. The final stage is drying and ironing of the raw materials. A mandatory requirement for wool processing is ironing and drying. Without such processing, raw materials are not accepted by textile factories.

Starting a wool processing business

With a properly drawn up business plan, recycling becomes a very profitable activity. This can be either a small production or a fully functioning factory. For large business owners, it makes sense to create several workshops for primary processing, as well as the production of meat and milk.

For larger factories, it is worth paying attention to small regional factories, since it will be possible to buy the original raw materials from them in the future and process them into textiles.

The most budget-friendly option for starting a business in this direction is to open a small workshop in which primary processing will take place. Subsequently, on the basis of this workshop, you can open a small textile production, which will eventually be able to move to the regional level.

The fact that in the post-Soviet period a large number of industries were closed is also in favor of starting a business in this industry. Currently, this industry has begun to be revived; little competition makes this area very promising and in demand.

This business plan can develop in the following formats:

  • Network enterprise, which processes wool, which is bought from the local population and small farms. For the purpose of further supply to larger factories.
  • Processing of raw materials based on local small factories to meet the needs of this region.
  • Large enterprises with a full production cycle, created to supply products outside the region.

Organization of production

Proper organization production is the key to success. Wool processing production consists of the following stages:

  • reception and sorting of initial raw materials;
  • processing wool from burdocks using special equipment;
  • treatment of tangles and cleaning of wool in general;
  • a line of wool washing machines, there should be five cycles in total;
  • drying of washed fiber;
  • package;
  • storage of finished products.

Depending on the production volume, a space of 30 to 250 square meters will be required to accommodate the equipment.