Travel agency business plan ready with calculations. Your potential clients. Relevance of the business idea

The tourism sector, despite the fact that it has been experiencing certain difficulties for several years, remains quite profitable. Any person who does not have large savings can start a tourism business. In addition, such entrepreneurial activity brings a lot of positive emotions, because it becomes possible to help people organize their vacation. However, there are still some nuances that should be taken into account in order not to lose the funds invested in this business. We will tell you about all the intricacies of how to open a travel agency from scratch, so that you do everything right.

Features of the tourism business

Before opening a travel agency, you need to understand what a travel agency is and what the essence of its activities is. First of all, it is necessary to understand the meaning of certain concepts.

A travel agency is an institution that plays an intermediary role between the tourism operator and the person who wants to go on a trip. It can fulfill the following obligations:

  • Tourist operator - a company that must develop and advertise through the media various tours that are in greatest demand among the population;
  • A travel agent is a company that implements tourist tours: makes transfers, sells tickets, worries about accommodating clients and organizing excursions for them.

You should also know before opening a travel agency in Russia what the responsibilities of your company will be. Typically, a travel agency provides the following services:

Issue visas to clients in accordance with the requirements of the tour operator with whom the contract is concluded. If something is done incorrectly, the travel agency should be held responsible.

Provide clients with a complete package of documents necessary for the trip:

  • Tickets (air and railway);
  • Medical insurance;
  • Accommodation voucher;
  • A reminder about the country to which the tourist is traveling;
  • Book all services requested by the client;
  • Make timely payments for the work of the tour operator.

Advantages and disadvantages

If you have decided to open a travel agency from scratch without experience, think over and calculate what positive and negative aspects may arise along your way.

The main advantages of the tourism business include:

  1. It is developing rapidly, which means that you will be able to provide services to people not only in Russia, but also abroad, which will also bring you great profit;
  2. You will have big choice tourist operator, in addition, you will be able to conclude cooperation agreements with more than one operator, with several at once - this is the first thing you need to open a travel company;
  3. The flow of people wishing to go on a trip is constantly growing, and it does not end all year round;
  4. The paperwork is simple, done quickly and quite cheaply.

Now let's look at a few negative points that you should know about before opening a travel company:

  1. Quite a high level of competition - many novice entrepreneurs are thinking about how to open a travel agency from scratch, because they understand the profitability of this business;
  2. If you do not pay due attention to the advertising campaign to promote your travel agency, you can completely lose clients and be left without orders (in this case, the risk of losing invested funds increases);
  3. In the warm season, the demand for tourist trips is much higher than in the cold season, but this is a controversial issue, because there are also winter resorts where people happily go for the New Year and Christmas holidays.

Registration of activities

If you want to open a travel agency, you need to carefully read the State Law “On Tourism”, which describes all the requirements for how to open a travel agency from scratch without work experience. We will list for you in detail what you need to open a travel agency:

A travel agency can be registered as a legal enterprise LLC or as a private institution of individual entrepreneurs.

To register in state register a new institution, one resident is enough, who can sell tours within the country and abroad.

You will have to obtain a written commitment from any banking institution that will guarantee to pay for the services of the travel operator in the event that the travel agency cannot do this (without this guarantee, no operator will agree to cooperate with the agency). However, the bank will issue an appropriate guarantee only if the founder of the travel company provides a package of documents, which will include:

  • Certificate of state registration;
  • Charter;
  • Current account information;
  • Copies of contracts confirming the lease of the premises where the company is located (if the premises personally belong to the owner, then you must provide a document confirming ownership);
  • Passport;
  • A copy of the manager’s tax identification number;
  • Certificate of registration with the tax service.

It is necessary to develop special client agreements that you will conclude with clients who will order tours from you. These contracts must specify everything: the date of payment, the date of issue of the tourist voucher.

It will also be necessary to develop rules for tourists: who will meet them in the country where they are going, accompany them, and conduct excursions. It is advisable to include these rules in the client agreement so that the tourist signs the document after reading them.

It is also recommended to conclude an agreement with an insurance company, however, this is not mandatory. If you want your clients to be insured, it is better to provide them with a medical policy and other types of property insurance (for example, a car).

We recommend concluding a subagency agreement with any airline through which you will purchase tickets for your clients. This is very beneficial because in such cases, airlines offer many lucrative bonuses.

Make a rough business plan on how to open a travel agency so that you know what expenses await you, how you need to act so that they are quickly reimbursed and begin to turn into consistently high income.

Criteria for choosing a location

If you do not have your own premises, then the main thing you need to open a travel agency is to find a suitable place to rent it. We've put together a few location options you can consider before opening a travel agency in 2018:

You can open a travel agency in central region cities. It is advisable that:

  • The room had an area of ​​at least 20 m²;
  • It should be located on the ground floor of any apartment building, but it is still better to select an office building;
  • You need to hang a bright advertising sign on the premises so that people passing by can see what services you provide (the fact that your travel agency is located in the city center will make them confident in your prestige and high level client service).

You can open a travel agency in the building of a business center. What is needed to open a travel agency in such an institution:

  1. The premises must have a fresh, modern renovation so that the agency looks presentable and respectable;
  2. You will be able to serve not only tourists who will come to you from other parts of the city, but also employees of a huge business center;
  3. However, you will not be able to advertise in such a territory;
  4. At the checkpoint in any business center there is a permit system, which will repel customers.

You can choose premises for your company in mall. We will give you some basic recommendations in such an establishment:

  • Choose a boutique where there are always a lot of people (it is better to consider departments that sell clothes, shoes or electronic equipment);
  • You need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to pay in such an establishment. high price for rent.

You can open a travel agency in a residential area of ​​your city:

  • There is always a large concentration of people here who can become potential clients of your agency;
  • You won't have to pay much for rent;
  • There won't be much competition in an area like this.

Room and interior equipment

There are still very important point, which you need to know before opening a travel company from scratch - it should be decorated in a modern, fashionable style. You must understand that if you have an old premises at your disposal, then renovation is where you should definitely start opening your own travel agency. All costs for this must be provided for by you and included in the business plan.

The premises of your company should always be clean and comfortable. This is necessary so that when your clients come to the office, they can completely relax and unwind. This is especially true for situations when there is a queue of people. You need to place various magazines, catalogs, and coffee makers on the tables. Also hang interesting things on the walls that will inspire your customers to travel.

To open a travel agency from scratch without work experience, you need to purchase furniture and the necessary equipment. It is not necessary to choose expensive models; an economical option is also suitable, as long as it all looks decent and beautiful. You will need:

  • Computers with printers and necessary equipment software;
  • Office tables, chairs;
  • Soft sofas;
  • Armchairs and coffee tables;
  • Air conditioner;
  • Coffee makers with appropriate utensils;
  • Telephones;
  • Wifi.

Financial investments

Of course, if you decide to get into the tourism business, you need to know exactly how much it costs to open a travel agency from scratch. Let us note right away that you will not have to make large investments. Your main expenses will be:

  • When renting premises;
  • For the purchase of equipment and furniture;
  • During an advertising campaign;
  • To pay the fee if you decide to open a franchise travel agency.

It is important to consider that the answer to the question of how much it costs to open a travel agency depends largely on the city in which you live. After all, if you live in a metropolis, then the rent for premises will be higher than in the provinces. You will only have to spend about 30–60 thousand rubles per month on rent.

In order to put the selected room in order (it must meet certain standards), buy the necessary furniture and equipment for it and arrange everything Required documents, you will need to have approximately 200,000 rubles at your personal disposal.

To promote your travel agency, you will need at least 100,000 rubles. However, we note that this amount is relative; it depends more on the channel that will carry out the advertising campaign.

Also, when considering the question of how much it costs to open a travel agency, you need to know that you will also have to pay wages to your employees. As a rule, it should be 15 thousand rubles stable and another 20% of the monthly profit of the travel agency.

Also keep in mind that for the next 6 months after you open the agency, it will not bring you any profit. Therefore, you need to have some financial resources in reserve with which you can build a business.

Approximate profit

Living in an economic crisis, you probably have a question about whether it is profitable to open a travel agency and whether others will use your services. There definitely will be, because, as a rule, people who could afford to travel earlier will be able to do so now. Therefore, do not hesitate to open a travel agency in 2018 if you have a desire to work in this interesting field and required amount savings.

If you learn to sell more than 500 trips a year, then your travel agency will make a monthly profit of 50-100 thousand rubles. This is enough to establish itself as a popular segment of the tourism business. The more tours you sell, the more you can earn. If you are satisfied with such arrangements, then do not hesitate for a long time whether it is worth opening a travel agency, and get down to business right away.

Travel agency as a business model

Business payback period

The second most important question for those who decided to open a travel agency in 2018 from scratch is how long it will take to pay for itself. Here you need to be aware that this moment largely depends on how you start. If you create a large turnover of your tour from the first days, then in the first year of work you will earn 600-800 thousand rubles, which means that you will return your invested personal funds.

However, experienced entrepreneurs who have been in this field for a long time claim that the payback period for a travel company is at least 2 years. But we do not advise you to look up to someone else's achievements. If you are serious about the question of how to open a travel agency from scratch in Russia, then you will find a way to quickly get promoted in order to get your investment back and start making a profit.

At the end of this article on how to open a travel agency, we want to give you a few useful tips How to quickly promote your business and receive a consistently high income from it:

  • If you are wondering how to open a travel agency at home, then for promotion you only need to have an official website at your disposal, through which you will carry out all the work. Opening a travel agency from scratch at home is much easier and more economical. At least you can save an extra 200,000 rubles. It is better to invest part of this money in creating a unique website. Consult with experts on how to open a travel agency at home so that your activity is official and in demand;

Today tourism influences both world economy in general, and on the economies of individual countries. This area services is aimed at helping the population find ways to meet specific needs while traveling, as well as boosting the regional economy by creating an effective regulatory system in this area.

Studies have shown that in terms of profitability and rapid development it ranks second after oil production and refining. This business accounts for 10% of the total turnover of the production and service market. This business is predisposed for small businesses.

Each person is used to relaxing in his own way: some at home on the bed, in nature with friends, at the cinema, but for others it will seem boring and he will prefer to study undersea world Pacific Ocean or Thai culture. In all countries today tourism is considered a very popular form of recreation.

Is it a simple matter to open your own travel company?

Every entrepreneur has thought about this once, because great amount people constantly go somewhere to relax.

As in any business, so does the population, there are difficulties, and in order to find them out, you need to delve deeply into the business of tourism services.

One of the main stages of opening a travel company is a business plan. Many people have long thought about creating their own travel company, and they often have questions: what is a business plan for and is it needed in this area?

A business plan is the key successful business. It includes the development of goals and objectives, assessment of available resources, analysis of the market and competition.

A business plan makes it clear whether you need to start doing this or that type of business and invest money, time and effort into it, shows the approximate payback time of the business and profitability.

If you do not have a business plan, this may cause wariness on the part of your partners, creditors and clients. Every entrepreneur must clearly understand what should be included in his business plan. When creating an agency to provide services in the tourism sector, you need to understand what will be offered to the client.

A business plan in the field of tourism services is characterized by excessive painstakingness, since this business gives the population positive emotions. You need to make sure that your services are better than others, and people come only to you. These can be services for organizing recreation from start to finish or intermediary services for the implementation ready-made proposals in this area.

Business plan point by point

  1. Marketing analysis. Analyzes compliance of activities with market and competition requirements.
  2. Technical and economic analysis. Analyzes the compliance of activities with the project specialization. its organization and technology.
  3. The financial analysis. Analyzes economic efficiency activities.

The business plan of a travel company should be developed in stages. The final chain of such development is the justification of the feasibility of the enterprise. Determining the composition, structure and volume of a business plan is determined by the specifics of the enterprise’s activities, the size of the organization, the purpose of creation, the size of the intended sales market, the presence of competitors and the growth prospects of the created enterprise.

A business plan is not a clearly regulated form, but most often it contains:

  • sections are provided that reveal the main idea and goals of the business;
  • a description of the specifics of the product or service of the enterprise and its satisfaction of market needs is compiled;
  • the market is assessed and the company’s behavioral strategy in established market segments is identified;
  • the organizational and production structure is highlighted;
  • is being compiled financial project dealing with financing strategy and investment proposals;
  • the growth prospects of the enterprise are predicted.

Everything needs to be taken into account key points when creating a business plan, such as:

  1. Travel agency location. It must be passable, filled with buyers of various services due to close competition.
  2. Company office. The premises in which all work to provide services will take place is business card, therefore from appearance buyer confidence depends.
  3. Advertising. She needs special attention. The main thing in this matter is to loudly declare yourself so that a huge number of potential clients know about you.
  4. Legislation of the country. You must comply with all laws of the country in which you are opening a travel agency. IN Russian Federation the travel agency must have financial basis in case of compensation for damage to clients.
  5. Proven tourist destinations, popular and in demand from year to year.

When you draw up a business plan, do not save time on it, so as not to lose it later.

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Business plan using the example of the tour company "Tour for You" in the city of Cheboksary

The business plan is designed for one year of operation of a travel agency. At the end of the annual work of the company, you can continue to operate if you achieve your planned goals and objectives.

The travel company "Tour for You" plans to provide travel and excursion services to both the Russian population and foreign tourists in Tuapse and throughout Russia.

  1. The authorized capital of the enterprise is 1,456,000 rubles.
  2. The break-even point is 862,992 rubles.
  3. Stock financial strength - 98%
  4. Profitability level - 136%.
  5. The company's profit is 529,742 rubles.
  6. Profitability index - 1.4
  7. The estimated payback period is 8 months.
  8. Net profit - 365,781 rubles.

Before starting a company, it is necessary to go through many stages, such as:

  1. Registration legal entity.
  2. Choosing a bank to store finances. Concluding an agreement with this bank and opening a temporary account to transfer half of the authorized capital to it.
  3. Concluding a lease agreement for premises for carrying out the activities of a legal entity.
  4. Registration with the tax office. Registration takes place within a week.
  5. Registration with budgetary funds within ten days (pension, medical, regional, territorial, social insurance, employment, Rosstat).
  6. Convert the temporary account to a regular current account.
  7. Making a seal and having it certified by a notary.

Costs for registering a business:

  • state duty - 2,000 rubles;
  • printing - 500 rubles;
  • constituent agreement certified by a notary - 1,000 rubles;
  • license for 5 years - 1,300 rubles.

Total - 4,800 rubles.

It is necessary to create a travel agency whose goals will be:

  1. High sales volume.
  2. Increasing market share.
  3. Capturing new markets.
  4. Creating a decent reputation and image.
  5. Creation of new tourism services provided to the population.

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Marketing plan

The company "Tour for You" provides services to the foreign population that allow them to immerse themselves in the culture of a country unknown to them, encounter an unusual way of life for them, and get acquainted with the Russian mentality.

The main advantage of the service of the travel agency "Tour for You" is the work of professional guides who are able to satisfy any desires of clients. The demand for such services is unlimited, because not many companies offer them.

Existing travel companies are divided into several types:

  1. Closed joint stock companies.
  2. Joint ventures.
  3. Companies offering a small range of tourism products.
  4. Private companies providing their services mainly to foreign clients.

The company "Tour for You" belongs to the third and fourth types. The market niche is sufficient to bring good profits. But for successful work and a large number of clients, an advertising campaign is necessary.

  1. Distribution of flyers (32 days) - 21,504 rubles.
  2. Advertising in a newspaper (44 publications) - 56,000 rubles.
  3. Radio advertising (1 month) - 84,000 rubles.

Total: 161,504 rubles.

Sales plan:

  1. In 1 year, it is planned to sell 2914 tours, with an average cost of 13,000 rubles.
  2. Expected profit - 37,882,000 rubles.

Technical equipment plan:

The successful operation of an enterprise depends not only on competent management, but also on staff, and in order for staff to work well, it is necessary to create conditions for this. To do this you need to have a properly equipped room.

The room is divided into two offices. One is staffed by management, the other by staff. The premises must be renovated, have office supplies, furniture, and office equipment.

The rental price in the city center of Cheboksary is 450 rubles per 1 sq. m. m. We will need a room of 25 sq. m. m, therefore, the rent will be 11,250 rubles per month (135,000 rubles per year). Utility fee will be 3,000 rubles per month (36,000 rubles per year). Payment telephone conversations- 4,000 rubles per month (48,000 rubles per year). Internet - 5,000 rubles per month (60,000 rubles per year). Stationery - 2,800 rubles per month (33,600 rubles per year).

The total amount for the year will be 108,000 rubles.

Equipment costs:

  • office equipment - 130,950 rubles;
  • furniture - 74,100 rubles.

Total - 205,050 rubles.

Depreciation - 5,600 rubles per year.

The annual wage fund for labor and social needs is 516,128 rubles.

Unforeseen expenses - 15,000 rubles.

Thus, the amount of initial investment is 1,375,282 rubles.

Company profit:

Gross profit from sales is 37,882,000 rubles.

Profit after interest payments to tour operators - 37,882,000*10%=3,788,200 rubles.

Surely each of us at least once in our lives, when booking tickets and arranging trips, wondered how much travel agencies earn. Indeed, what is the turnover of the average company in this area? Is it worth starting this particular business if you have a certain amount of free funds and the desire to work only for yourself? Let's talk about everything in order.

Experts and entrepreneurs agree that even a small but properly structured tour operator can easily earn 250,000 rubles. Is it a lot or a little? It's hard to say. Profit is a relative thing. For example, for the capital this is a completely achievable and realistic figure.

In the provinces or in a small Russian town, agency earnings can be several times lower. True, in order to even get closer to this result, it is necessary to invest some money. And before rubbing your hands in anticipation of profit and debating the question of how much tour operators receive, you should take a risk and work hard.

Tempting profit

Let's return to the tempting figure of a quarter of a million rubles. Let's figure it out completely specific examples, what needs to be done, how much work to do in order to have this amount in your monthly asset. The goal will be achieved if you sell at least 70 tours in 30 days, the cost of which on average will be 60,000 rubles. As a rule, this is a regular tour for two people. Most travel agencies try to work within this range.

Let's count further. We multiply seventy by sixty thousand, we get four million two hundred thousand rubles in revenue. The commission received from the tour operator for the implementation of these tours is 12%. This is the figure that you can get if you work not directly with a tour operator, as many new agencies do, but through a special booking center. So, if this figure is reached by your travel agency, and you are able to implement 70 tours within a month, you can earn a good commission - 504,000 rubles.

Fly in the ointment, or Let's talk about expenses

Along with asking how much travel agencies earn, you should also understand how much they spend. The figure of half a million rubles literally beckons you to start your own business. But how much will you actually have left in your hands after you make all the necessary payments? The main expense item is employee salaries. In this matter, you should include an amount of 100,000 rubles. This money should be enough to pay for the work of a couple of managers and a courier (we’ll talk about how much a travel agent receives later). Go ahead. Approximately 50,000 will be needed to pay for the rent of your office, as well as communications.

How much do travel agencies earn?

The experience of many entrepreneurs in this area proves that without full-fledged and systematic advertising, business will stand still.

Therefore, a very large budget (relative to other costs) should be set aside for these purposes. After deducting other small costs, you will receive an amount approximately equal to a quarter of a million rubles.

Now let's see how much you need to invest to earn this money. Before starting a business, be sure to conduct monitoring. Find out how many companies are currently operating in your city, what tours they offer, and what price range they operate in. This will help you correctly calculate your strengths, determine what kind of office and staff you need, what vouchers to offer to clients in order to successfully compete.

We don't sell gasoline

The tourism business is attractive because it does not require very large investments, like, for example, some kind of industrial plant or gas station. At the first stage, you should only equip an office for two or three people. At the same time, you should not spend a lot on the design of the room or its renovation.

The experience of many entrepreneurs in this area proves that most clients easily purchase tours in mid-level offices that are not cluttered with figurines from different countries. A person who comes to get a voucher simply needs to sit comfortably on a chair or soft sofa and fill out all the required documents comfortably, without being distracted by the surroundings of the office. Therefore, stick to strict and calm minimalism. In addition, take into account the fact that tourism is not a field of activity that will recoup hundreds of thousands of rubles spent simply on an office.

If in the future you want to amaze your competitors and clients with some exotic items and make a “sick” renovation, then earn really good money, for example several million rubles, and only then spend it on office furnishings.

City correction

We would like to once again draw your attention to the fact that the costs associated with starting a business can be very different in Moscow and in another Russian city.

Accordingly, the answer to the question of how much travel agencies earn can be very variable. In our material, we consider the Russian capital as a platform for business.

On initial stage, according to our calculations, an entrepreneur will need to spend approximately 400,000 rubles at a time. And if we take into account the fact that a travel agency will become profitable only for 2-3 months of operation, this means that you should have an amount of approximately 800,000 rubles. This money will be needed to equip your office and at first just to stay afloat. Rental payments and employee salaries are already included here.

Main value

By the way, about the latter. Good managers don't get lost on the road. Therefore, value your staff. At the first stage, you can recruit semi-qualified personnel. Then, as the company grows, you can gradually increase the level of professionalism of your staff through work in your company and special courses. If the budget has a sufficient amount, then it is, of course, better to immediately recruit professional personnel.

How much do travel agents earn in Moscow? Here, a lot depends on the activity and initiative of the employee. On average, according to experts, he receives 45,000 rubles. In St. Petersburg this amount is lower - around 35,000. In other large cities it is even lower - approximately 20,000 rubles. When estimating how much travel agents earn on average in Russia, keep in mind that here, as in any other business, it is very important how much experience a person has. Experienced employees can earn salaries that are two to three times higher than those of newer employees.

How else do tour operators make money?

Of course, with a certain amount of creativity and initiative, you can come up with unusual earnings within your company. However, the lion's share of companies involved in the tour industry are trying not to spread themselves thin. They focus on the main thing - selling vouchers - and they succeed quite well in this matter. Therefore, you should not rack your brains over how travel agencies make money. Their main source of income is commissions.

If you, as a beginning entrepreneur, are not satisfied with the level of income and profit, do not come up with anything new, but try to improve the service provided or invite more advanced managers. Then you can significantly improve your financial situation.

Or maybe ready-made?

Some entrepreneurs prefer to buy ready-made and well-promoted companies instead of starting a business from scratch. What are the risks here? First, about the pros. First of all, you save a lot of time. Having completed a transaction to purchase a travel agency, you immediately receive an operating business with an office, client base, equipment and contracts with partners.

The second important point is reduced risks. When starting a business on your own, you can miscalculate and burn out in the first months of work. If the company has stayed on the market for several years, then we can already say that it has occupied its own independent niche. True, it is worth considering the fact that such an organization will cost you much more than a travel agency created from scratch.

Item of purchase

Now let's talk about what is most valuable in a tourism company for sale. These are, of course, employees. It is extremely difficult to find true professionals in their field. And here you immediately get experienced staff with your own client base. This point is especially important. If, for example, a company that has just appeared on the market is operating at a loss precisely because of the lack of clientele, then a company with experience is doing much better. You can purchase an agency that will immediately begin to make a profit.

On the other hand, the costs of maintaining such a company may increase significantly. Take, for example, employee salaries. We have already mentioned how much a travel agent with experience and his own base receives. Multiply this figure by the number of people in your state. You will receive an increase in your own expenses. On the other hand, we should not forget about how much travel agencies that have already found their niche earn. If young companies are happy with a quarter of a million, then established organizations can easily count on a million or more.

The best option

Since we are talking about the client base, it is worth noting that it is important to pay attention to the state in which it is. For example, if it is concentrated only in the heads of employees and is not displayed on paper or in electronic form, then we can assume that it simply does not exist. Another advantage of purchasing a ready-made business is that it is now quite difficult in the capital to find decent premises in the center for reasonable money. If you buy a company with experience, this is possible.

And now a few words about the disadvantages of purchasing a ready-made company. The main one is the price. An organization cannot cost 300,000 rubles. This will indicate some serious problems. Experts and experienced entrepreneurs advise paying attention to companies whose cost starts from 3 million rubles.

For this money you will get a promising office with employees and a decent client base. We hope that our material helped you understand the question of how much a travel agency earns per month and how much money is needed to open it. Good luck in your own business!

Travel agency: how to write a business plan

How to draw up a competent business plan for opening a travel agency?

Before deciding to open a travel agency, an entrepreneur needs to be aware of the fairly high level of competition in this industry, which requires constant and painstaking work from the owners.

The main difficulties lie in conducting tedious negotiations with people and in diligently indulging their every whim. If you already have doubts that you will have enough patience, then you should not start.

Market and competitor analysis

Currently, the tourism services market is experiencing rapid growth. Moreover, despite this, the amount of income increases annually, which confirms the fact that the services offered are becoming better.

The main part of the services (almost 90%) is assistance to tourists who want to spend their holidays abroad, which indicates a large number of competitors who are ready to offer this particular service.

The Federal State Statistics Service has published information that the tourism market increases annually by approximately 100 billion rubles.

What is driving this growth rate? Firstly, the solvency of the population has increased significantly. Secondly, the tourism business infrastructure is constantly developing. In addition, the area is very attractive for investors.

Recently, a completely new service has become very popular - online booking through special sites and so-called booking systems. This significantly saves time for both the client and the tour operator, and automation has a positive effect on profitability and profitability. Result: with minimal costs, the entrepreneur receives a decent income.

Here you can download a free sample travel agency business plan

Large tour operators (main competitors) are known not only in a particular city, but also in the country as a whole.

It is almost impossible to fight them, so the only correct solution is fruitful cooperation.

In the modern world, it is not uncommon for a well-known travel agency to help a small entity in this field, naturally, not on a free basis. In return, they expect a return of a certain percentage of the profit.

Format options

You can open a travel agency at home, the main thing is to have a telephone and a computer. However, if you plan to earn a good income, then broader thinking is necessary. To begin with, you can try to find an area not covered by the tourist business and open a business there.

This activity involves the implementation of the following areas:

  • full organization of delivery, collection of documents and negotiations with the receiving party;
  • reception of travelers arriving from another country (city).

In addition, an entrepreneur can become a tour operator or organize an agency. The latter sells ready-made tours, and the operator creates and organizes them himself.

Those who want to start entrepreneurial activity and protect yourself from the risk of bankruptcy, you should pay attention to the franchise. After signing the contract, the businessman becomes a full user of a ready-made brand, a well-developed business model and many other advantages. For a beginner, a franchise is the best option.

You can also open a travel company that will organize vacations only for corporate clients.

Production plan

The main point of this section is the selection of a suitable area for a travel agency, which should preferably be located on a busy and crowded street.

Next important step– performing bright repairs, but at the same time in compliance with strict corporate symbols, inspiring confidence in clients.

The optimal office location is a business center, shopping complex or any other object near which there is a transport interchange or a large number of of people.

Equally important is the presence of a parking area and a security system. If we talk about the number of storeys, then it is better to choose room located on the 1st floor and equipped with a separate entrance.

Detailed information on how to start such an activity is presented in the following video:

Financial plan

It is not for nothing that analysis of the financial prospects of a project is the most important section of any business plan, because without a preliminary calculation of the investment amounts and payback period, you cannot start a business.

Opening costs are:

  • Capital:
    • carrying out repair work and decorating the premises - 150,000 rubles;
    • purchase of furniture – 50,000 rubles;
    • purchase necessary equipment– 60,000 rub.;
    • connection to the Internet and telephone – 18,000 rubles;
    • starting marketing campaign – 50,000 rubles;
    • covering unforeseen expenses - 2,000 rubles.
  • Regular:
    • rent – ​​50,000 rubles;
    • payment of utility costs, internet, telephone – 10,000 rubles;
    • salary – 120,000 rubles;
    • tax payments – 15,000 rubles;
    • carrying out advertising campaigns– 25,000 rub.;
    • consumables – 10,000 rub.

Total: approx. 330 thousand rubles. as capital investments and 230 thousand rubles. regular expenses.

Business planning for a travel agency involves the use of foreign currency (for example, dollars) when calculating income and expenses.

So, at the current exchange rate, a person planning to go abroad should expect about 800-900 dollars. The normal number of clients for a functioning travel agency is 250 people.

The payback period for a business is usually does not exceed 1 year.

Organizational plan

Both individual entrepreneurs and LLCs are suitable for registering a travel company. Among the OKVED codes, you can also choose several options:

  • comprehensive tourist services;
  • excursion tickets, accommodation, provision of a vehicle;
  • tourism information services;
  • tourist excursion services.

In 2007 there was abolition of compulsory licensing, which greatly simplified the start of this type of activity.

The next step is opening a current account.

IN Federal law it is said that a travel agency can use only one of two simplified taxation system formats: “Income” 6% or “Income minus expenses” 15% (the rate depends on the region).

In addition, you need to carefully study the rules and procedures for providing tourism services. The choice of tour operator deserves special attention.

On the official site Federal agency on tourism you can get acquainted with the current regulations, rules and requirements, including those for a travel agency.

Of great importance right choice reliable insurance company.

Launch schedule

Opening a travel agency involves sequentially performing the following steps:

Marketing plan

For the tourism business, price is not decisive. The level of quality of the hotel and the organization of the trip in general matters much more. This business seasonality is inherent, so a flexible pricing policy must be built. In addition, you need to periodically delight customers with various promotions, discounts and sales of last-minute tours.

Work for modern market is simply impossible without advertising, which not only increases the level of awareness, but also significantly increases potential income.

  • Advertising in a print publication, such as a weekly newspaper, that reaches a large number of readers.
  • Radio advertising. Of course, it is better to choose a local radio station. The slogan must be memorable, catchy and catchy, so that both the name and contact details of the travel agency remain in the listener’s memory.
  • Leaflets are the most versatile type of advertising. You can distribute them in the city center or near the office.
  • Own website and groups on social networks. A modern person often does not want to go to the office, especially for issues that can be resolved via the Internet.

Risk analysis

The main internal risks that arise on the path of every entrepreneur who opens a travel agency include:

  • Seasonality– the most unfavorable factor, since even an experienced businessman is not always able to assess the scale possible consequences. This can lead to large losses, so it is better to think in advance about options to mitigate the situation, such as maximizing the range of countries, discounts, special offers, etc.
  • Incompetent staff who does not have the skills to sell a particular tourism product. Statistics show that the client's intention to buy a ticket depends half on the manager's work. A professional travel agent is distinguished by politeness, sociability, extensive knowledge about the product being sold and calmness. Risk can be reduced by hiring suitable personnel who will then regularly improve their skills.
  • Unprofitable specialization. Before making a decision to open, you need to conduct a detailed analysis of the activities of competitors. If the niche is already crowded, then you should think about choosing a different specialization.

External risks:

  • The occurrence of problems in the work of the tour operator. You can reduce risk by making responsible choices.
  • War, natural disaster. Of course, this is unlikely, but recent events and unrest in the world make such a scenario very real. It is almost impossible to influence this risk, so the only correct way out of the situation is insurance.

Running a tourism business cannot be called simple, although it may seem so at first glance.

This is confirmed by statistics showing that many agencies that have failed in the tourism field close during the year.

Therefore, a preliminary study of existing risks and the implementation of a policy to prevent their occurrence is a very important point in this type of activity.


Travel agency business plan

  • How much money do you need to open a travel agency?
  • What equipment to choose for a travel agency
  • Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?
  • Step-by-step plan for opening a travel agency
  • How much can you earn by selling tours?
  • Production plan
  • Which tax system to choose for a travel agency
  • Tour sales technology
  • Marketing and promotion
  • Financial calculation

Despite the unfavorable economic situation and problems with leading tourist destinations (Turkey, Egypt), the tourism business is still developing. According to some data, the annual growth of this segment is at least 15%, which is higher than the growth in average wages.

How much money do you need to open a travel agency?

According to preliminary calculations of the business plan, opening a travel agency will require investing at least 775,000 rubles:

  1. Registration of a company - 25,000 rub.
  2. Purchase of office furniture and equipment - RUB 200,0000.
  3. Website creation and promotion - 150,000 rub.
  4. Advertising budget - 150,000 rub.
  5. Other expenses - 100,000 rubles.
  6. Reserve fund - 150,000 rub.

What equipment to choose for a travel agency

First of all, it is modern computer equipment equipped with software and office equipment. Then, decent equipment, design and comfortable office furnishings that meet safety standards and the reputation and prestige of the company. Vehicles for meeting or delivering tourists from the airport are also useful.

Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?

You can use the following OKVED codes, both for registration and for further expanding the list of tours. services.

79.11 or 79.12 covers the business activities of travel agencies or tour operators, respectively. Then code 79.90 corresponds to other booking services and related work, which has subtypes:

  • for the provision of tourist information services - 90.1 and excursion and tourism services - 2;
  • travel agencies providing excursion and tourism services – 90.21;
  • independent tour guides and guides for providing excursion and tourism services – 90.22;
  • for the provision of tourist services associated with booking - 90.3;
  • for booking tickets for cultural and entertainment events - 90.31;
  • and other services related to the advance reservation service - 90.32.

The classifier contains codes for which registration of a business will require licensing. Therefore, when registering a company, choosing the main code for tourism services, do not forget to check this with the list of types of activities that are licensed.

Step-by-step plan for opening a travel agency

  1. Marketing research of the city's tourism services market
  2. Finding a suitable premises (office)
  3. Registration of a legal entity (LLC)
  4. Concluding agency agreements with tour operators
  5. Office arrangement, purchase of furniture and equipment
  6. Website creation
  7. Recruitment and training of personnel
  8. Advertising, promotion of services

How much can you earn by selling tours?

Our organization will be engaged in the selection and sale (resale) of tours from the country's leading tour operators. The main income of a travel agency will consist of commissions earned from the sale of tours.

According to the agency agreement, the tour operator will pay from 10 to 14% of the tour cost. The percentage depends on the volume of tourists sent during the season.

The more tourists a travel agency sends, the higher the reward percentage will be.

The main directions in which it is planned to sell tours:

  • Europe (Germany, Great Britain, France, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, etc.)
  • Dominican Republic
  • Tunisia
  • India
  • Thailand
  • Costa Rica
  • China
  • Russia (Sochi, Crimea, Anapa)

According to preliminary calculations, in the first month of operation (May) about 30 tours will be sold (an average of 1 tour per day). With an average price of a trip of 50,000 rubles. and 10% commission, income from one sale will be 5,000 rubles, and total revenues per month: 150,000 rub.

With the growing popularity of the organization ( regular customers) monthly income in the first year of work will increase by an average of 10%. As the number of sales increases, the percentage of commissions will also increase.

Thus, in the first year of operation it is planned to earn about 3,500,000 rubles.

Download a travel agency business plan from our partners, with a quality guarantee.

Production plan

The first thing you need to do is find an office to house the organization. Large areas are not required for the full functioning of a business. Therefore, preference will be given to premises with an area of ​​25 to 35 square meters. m. with ready renovation.

This area will be enough to accommodate three workplaces. At this stage, the main costs will be associated with the purchase of office furniture (tables, chairs, soft sofa for clients), office equipment and consumables.

The rent for the premises will be about 25,000 rubles. per month.

Which tax system to choose for a travel agency

The status of a legal entity will look preferable both when working with clients and when working with tour operators. Licenses and certificates are not required for this activity.

As a tax regime the best option there will be a transition to a special regime - simplified tax system (6% of revenue or 15% of profit).

Upon completion of registration of the company, you will need to enter into agreements with the country's leading tour operators: Coral Travel, Tez Tour, Sunmar, Pegas Touristik, NTK-Intourist and so on. After concluding an agency agreement, you will gain access to the online tour booking system and open a bonus account.

Upon completion of registration of the company and arrangement of the premises, it will be necessary to form a team of the organization. The main staff of the travel agency are customer service managers.

Their responsibilities include selecting individual and group tours, advising clients on tourism destinations, booking all types of travel services, and working with tour operators.

When starting a business, you will need to employ at least 3 managers with a 2/2 work schedule. The salary will consist of a salary of 15 thousand rubles. + percentage of sales.

Also, for the operation of a travel agency, a visiting accountant and cleaner will be required (outsourcing). The responsibilities of the director/manager will initially be assigned to the project initiator.

Tour sales technology

The technology includes searching and booking tours, their registration and payment. The process of interaction with partners, document flow, delivery and issuance of documents to clients should also be worked out.

Marketing and promotion

Even if the travel agency is located close to the client, it is often easier for him to go to the website and book the tour he likes through a bank card.

Therefore, creating a website for a travel agency is a mandatory event. What sections should be on the site first:

  • Selection of tours according to parameters (destination of vacation, arrival date, number of nights, etc.)
  • Last minute travel packages (holiday offers with discounts)
  • School tours (organization excursion tours for school and age groups)
  • Business tours (organization of tours for group recreation)
  • Online - tour booking

Creating a functional website can cost from 50 to 100 thousand rubles. You can advertise an online resource through contextual advertising(Yandex Direct and Google Adsense).

In addition to online promotion, it is worth including in your business plan and methods of promotion through offline advertising:

  • Placing a bright sign above the entrance to the travel agency office;
  • Advertising on billboards (outdoor advertising)
  • Placing information in specialized magazines
  • Advertise on radio, television and local newspapers.

Advertising on television is very expensive, but it brings a tangible effect, because it allows you to get the impression that the travel agency is reliable and you can trust it with your vacation.
Ultimately, at least 30,000 rubles can be spent on advertising and promotion of the organization. per month.

Financial calculation

Fixed monthly expenses of the organization:

  • Rent of premises - 25,000 rub.
  • Staff salary – 75,000 rubles.
  • Insurance deductions - 22,500 rubles.
  • Advertising - 30,000 rub.
  • Payment for outsourcing services (accounting and cleaning) - 15,000 rubles.
  • Office expenses (water, stationery, paper, etc.) – 6,000 rub.
  • Other expenses - 15,000 rubles.

Total - 188,500 rub. (in the first months the travel agency will actually work at a loss). Annual expenses will thus be at least 2,262,000 rubles.

Structure of fixed expenses:

Calculation of profit before tax per year:
Revenue - Cost ( fixed costs): 3,500,000 - 2,262,000 = 1,238,000 rub.

Calculation of net profit after taxes (STS, 15% of profit): 1,238,000 * 0.15 = 185,700 rub. (tax)

1,238,000 – 185,700 = 1,052,300 rub. (net profit)


Travel agency business plan: example and recommendations

If you decide to open a travel agency from scratch, then first of all you need to plan everything well and write a business plan.

Where to start drawing up a business plan for a travel agency in order to avoid mistakes, calculate the necessary financial investments and develop a work strategy?

First: it is necessary to determine for whom and for what purpose the business plan is being drawn up - to obtain a loan, for a third-party investor, for the project initiator, for oneself? Second: for what period: six months, a year, three years? Third: calculate the amount of capital investment: for a month, six months, a year...

Business plans come in different forms and vary in form, content, structure and scope. Below is a diagram that reflects the main parameters and expense items that can be used when drawing up a business plan for a travel company (agency).

Travel agency concept

  • Type of activity: travel agent, tour operator, mixed activities.
  • Additional services: sale of air and railway tickets, transfer services, ordering limousines, visas, insurance, preparation of documents for obtaining international passports, services of an individual guide, accompanying person, translator services, sale of guidebooks, sale of gift certificates, rental of tourist equipment, rental cars.
  • Priority tourist destinations: by type of tourist destination, by cost of tours, by country, by type of tourism.

Organizational plan

  • Location of the travel agency office: center, outskirts, distance from the metro.
  • Office status: rent, own premises.
  • Type of office: showcase office on the first line, in a business center, in an administrative office building, in a shopping center, on the ground floor of a residential building.
  • Office size: two workstations, three to five workstations.
  • Office furniture (cost calculation): tables with reception areas, chairs for employees, chairs for visitors, bedside tables with keys, rack for catalogs, wardrobe, hangers, hanger stand, board for information and special offers, sofa for visitors, coffee table, safe, blinds, mirror, dishes (for employees, for receiving visitors), frames for photographs and permits, plants.
  • Office equipment (cost calculation): computers, telephones, fax, printers (minimum 2 pieces), scanner, copier, TV, CB and VUO player for showing films about countries and resorts, air conditioning, water cooler, first aid kit, clock, stationery, wall map of the world or globe.
  • Office design project: space zoning, room design according to the concept of the travel company.

Competitive environment

  • Competitors in selected tourist destinations.
  • Competitors within a radius: buildings, districts, cities.
  • Advantageous competitive qualities of a future travel agency.

Production plan

  • Personnel: staffing, formation policy wages, training.
  • Tour sales technology: search and booking of tours, interaction with partners.
  • Range of travel agency services: by season, by destination, by country, by price.

Marketing and advertising plan

  • Travel agency pricing policy.
  • Name of the travel agency, advertising history of creation (legend).
  • Features of the tours sold.
  • Corporate identity development:
  • Creation of an Internet site.
  • Office design for sales.
  • Outdoor advertising.
  • Printing products (description, circulation, contractor, production time, cost).
  • Advertising plan.
  • Structure and rules for maintaining a client base.

Legal aspects of opening a travel company

  • Legal form of a legal entity.
  • Tax system.
  • Required permits depending on the type of tourism activity.
  • Purchase and registration cash register equipment(if necessary).
  • Maintaining accounting(independently, with the assistance of an accountant, consulting company).
  • Legal support of activities.

Financial plan

  • Sources of funds.
  • Amount and duration of investment.
  • Initial expenses plan.
  • Fixed expenses plan.
  • Income plan.
  • Payback plan.

You can shorten the business plan without compromising the overall picture of creating a business, but the more detailed it is, the easier it will be to achieve your goals. It's amazing how perceptions can change necessary actions, after you write your own business plan.

These could be new ideas, non-standard work methods, or a complete revision of the future business.

Example of a travel agency business plan

One-time expenses:

Monthly expenses:

Expense item Period 1 month/rub.
Office and infrastructure
Rent of premises 25 m2 50 000
Communication services 3 000
Internet 5 000
Water (cooler) 500
Stationery 2 500
Other administrative expenses 6 000
Staff salaries
Director 35 000 + %
Manager 19 000 + %
Manager 16 000 + %
Secretary-manager 12 000 + %
Courier 16 000
Accountant (outsourcing) 10 000
Cleaning woman 3000
Advertising budget
Printing 5 000
Internet advertising 15 000
Advertising in the press 15 000
Other media 10 000
Planned quarterly expenses
Legal subscription services 7 000
Payment for the online booking and tour search system 1200
Refilling cartridges 400
Unexpected expenses 10 000
Total RUB 241,500 +% to salary

The expected (desired) amount of income per month is 400,000 rubles.

Since it is impossible to plan in advance exactly which tour packages will be sold, it is best to draw up a table in which you indicate how many trips you need to sell for each country in order to reach the planned level of income. This way you can find out how much tour packages need to be sold on average. To do this, you need to sum up the trips to all destinations and divide by the number of countries.

From this table it can be seen that on average it is necessary to sell 100 tour packages, which is approximately 4 trips per day with an average cost of 40,000 rubles. to receive an income of 400,000 rubles. per month.

A sample business plan describes the creation of a travel agency that sells products from various tour operators to a variety of destinations.

The concept of a travel agency business plan assumes that the agency will work in the following areas:

  • provision of intermediary services within the country and abroad;
  • organization of services for foreign tourists in the Russian Federation;
  • sale of trips abroad to citizens of the CIS by third-party travel agencies;
  • organization and provision of guide-translator services, provision of meet-and-greets, excursion services;
  • making hotel and transport reservations on a contractual basis;
  • registration of visas and passports;
  • retail trade of related tourism goods;

There are two types of travel companies on the market - tour operators and travel agents. The first ones create a tourism product: they buy air tickets, hotel rooms, organize transfers from the airport to the hotel, offer excursions, etc. Travel agents don't do any of this - they sell the services of several tour operators, acting as an intermediary. A kind of travel shop.

On the current page you will find and can download for free ready-made example business plan for a travel agency. Specifically, travel agencies in a small regional center. The business plan provides an approximate calculation of the profitability from the sale of trips to the most popular tourist destinations. The abundance of local competitors is also indicated. Unfortunately, federal players in the tourism market are not taken into account, although you can go to the regional center or the capital potential buyers travel packages are not difficult. But since there is a drawback, then this travel agency business plan is all the more interesting for detailing and customizing it to suit your conditions and needs.

Fortunately, our fellow citizens have long become active tourists, and there are tons of foreigners in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kyiv in the summer. And although the economic crises that periodically occur in our countries in certain periods have a negative impact on the dynamics of the tourism business, industry revenues as a whole are growing. Even if fewer people go abroad in one year, domestic tourism will increase significantly in the same year. That is why the travel agency presented in the business plan intends to develop all areas of tourism.

Opening a travel agency is, of course, a troublesome business. Due to the mass of unscrupulous representatives of the tourism business, our state has introduced a number of increased requirements for travel companies(We recommend reading the laws on this topic). For ordinary consumers this is a benefit, but for decent companies it is an extra headache. Here, “citramon” for headaches created by the state, which is being re-created, also needs to be prescribed in travel agency business plan.