Business with China for resale without investment: step-by-step business organization. Organizing a business with China Reselling goods from China where to start

Last update: 02/19/2020

Reading time: 16 min. | Views: 23734

We welcome you, dear users and visitors of the business magazine “site”! The topic of today’s publication is “Business with China.” We will tell you where to start, how to find and establish optimal mutually beneficial cooperation with partners (intermediaries), and also provide a list of popular Chinese trading platforms where you can purchase goods from China in bulk and consider the possibility of reselling goods without investment.

From the article you will learn:

  • Is it possible to start a business with China without initial capital;
  • Why choosing Chinese partners is beneficial for Russian entrepreneurs;
  • Step-by-step recommendations for organizing a business;
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the largest Chinese trading platforms (Aliexpress, Alibaba and others);
  • In-demand products from China that can make a lot of money.

More and more Russian and other entrepreneurs are turning their attention to China to make their activities more reliable, profitable and competitive.

Huge assortment manufactured products, as well as low prices with quality improving everywhere, they leave no choice for beginning and experienced entrepreneurs when identifying partners for cooperation.

After reading this article, businessmen of different levels will be able to familiarize themselves with the “rules of the game” in this market, even a beginner without initial capital, after reading the article to the end, will find an opportunity to earn money in cooperation with partners from China.

How and where to start your business with China, what are the advantages and benefits of a business reselling goods from China, is it possible to open a business without investment, and so on, read the article below

1. Business with China - is it possible to start a business with goods from China from scratch 📈

Products made in China occupy one of the leading positions in terms of sales and popularity in global markets. And if several decades ago Chinese products were introduced only in the niche of budget products Low quality , then at the moment the range has been expanded up to up to elite samples with the highest consumer properties.

Competitive prices, as well as a huge selection of various products provide entrepreneurs with wide opportunities to earn good money.

The process of interaction with China is not complicated, and every businessman with basic knowledge and entrepreneurial experience, can successfully operate in this market without initial investment (or with minor investment).

General scheme of work with China:

  1. searching for a cheap suitable product;
  2. delivery to Russia;
  3. selling and making a profit.

At the same time, many beginning entrepreneurs causes unnecessary anxiety customs clearance , product certification, taxation And a number of other related factors. However, having studied all the necessary information, businessmen should not have any difficulties when interacting with Chinese manufacturers and intermediaries.

☑ Delivery, customs clearance and certification of goods can also be entrusted to a third party.

Trade best option to start a career in business, and having companies as partners that will help supply affordable and in-demand goods to Russia, provides unlimited opportunities for earning money and developing your business.

Business from scratch in this segment is very limited and involves the resale of goods through a dropshipping system. Read about this and much more further in the article.

2. Advantages and benefits of doing business with Chinese manufacturers 📑

In recent decades, there has been a trend of increasing attention Russian business— communities to Chinese production market. Manufactured in this Asian country the entire list of goods necessary for a person to live.

Advantages and benefits of cooperation with Chinese manufacturers

For years, the stereotype formed by the average resident of the country that Chinese goods are of low quality is gradually being eliminated. An increasing number of buyers find themselves satisfied with the quality of products from China, with constant low price compared to competitors.

Even in a traditionally competitive market high technology, where they “run the show” Western European, North American, South Korean and Japanese manufacturers, Chinese companies managed to occupy a significant market share. At the same time, the quality of manufactured goods is increasing.

The development of modern means of communication and technology will allow entrepreneurs to significantly reduce the initial costs of cooperation with Chinese manufacturers or intermediaries.

It is also worth noting that enterprises from China trade with countries around the world and constantly introduce new products to the market and use innovative ideas. By carefully studying the demand among the population and supply from China, the entrepreneur has the opportunity to be the first to Russian market new products, which will significantly maximize profits.

The main advantages of doing business with China

The attractiveness of partnerships with Chinese manufacturers and intermediaries is determined by a number of factors:

  1. Large range of products. China's share in most economic sectors is from 40% and more in relation to global production. This determines a significant variety of products.
  2. Low prices. One of the main factors in the competitiveness of the Chinese economy. The low cost of goods is due to: relatively inexpensive labor force, the presence in the country of virtually all types of necessary raw materials, the presence of a large number of production facilities for various components, as well as significant competition among enterprises. All this allows entrepreneur, supplying and selling goods from China, set the price for the goods at a profit up to 1000% and at the same time leaving the cost attractive for the buyer.
  3. Purchasing an exclusive product. In the process of studying the specifics of the Chinese market, as well as with significant volumes of supplies, cooperation with Russian company Manufacturers of exclusive products that have significant demand but are poorly represented in the market may be interested. retail trade.
  4. The desire of Chinese partners to cooperate. Great competition and price wars among Chinese manufacturers and intermediaries force them to be attentive to the needs of customers: start cooperation with small volumes of goods, provide discounts on samples, provide convenient conditions for the delivery of goods and other preferences.

Let's look at the main benefits of doing business with China:

  • First of all the consumer wants to receive the product as quickly as possible, as well as evaluate it appearance, quality. Buying goods to order from Chinese internet– stores, the buyer cannot take advantage of these advantages and many customers find it more convenient to buy goods from Russian sellers.
  • The second factor is a large number of Internet sites and products. It is difficult for the buyer to navigate and purchase the required quality product. To do this you need to evaluate professional quality seller, take into account the cost and delivery time, and for this you need to have certain knowledge and experience. In this regard, a significant part of clients prefer to buy from Russian entrepreneurs.

To check the integrity of the seller, understand the functionality of the trading platform, calculate the cost of delivery and the product itself, knowledge and skills are required.

Many will want to order the necessary goods on a Russian-language website, since there is always the opportunity to call and clarify with the seller all the questions and nuances of purchasing the goods, negotiate the terms of delivery of the order, and so on.

Your own business with China - where and how to start your business with China

3. How to start a business with China - 10 stages of where to start your business 📝

In order to establish business in cooperation with Chinese partners, you should consider 10 simple steps (stages) for successfully launching a business resale of goods from China.

Stage 1. Analysis of the list of business cooperation models

Most Russian entrepreneurs cooperating with Chinese companies use a number of time-tested models of interaction with partners:

  • Wholesale sales of products;
  • Sales of products through an online store;
  • Dropshipping;
  • Own sales through a retail outlet;
  • Joint purchases of goods from China.

1. Wholesale sales of products (offline)

By establishing cooperation with Chinese partners, an entrepreneur has the opportunity to sell goods in bulk with significant profitability. The Chinese market provides a large list of various products, and choosing a product that is in demand will not be difficult for an entrepreneur.

The work algorithm includes a number of actions:

  • Selecting the optimal wholesale supplier;
  • Search retailers and formalizing cooperation with them;
  • The client determines the assortment he needs, makes an advance payment, and the entrepreneur, purchasing the products, ensures delivery.

A businessman who has established supplies from China should not have much difficulty finding partners in Russia.

The only thing that would be advisable is to use additional communication opportunities via the World Wide Web: social media , notice boards, and also take advantage of the very effective way product promotion – contextual advertising.

Question 2. What to sell in an online store and which goods from China can provide maximum profit in the near future?

Many novice entrepreneurs ask themselves when starting a business in China: what to sell and who to sell their goods to?

In the foreseeable future, there are no countries that will be able to compete with China in terms of the range of products offered, as well as in price.

The country's industrial base is constantly grows and develops, constant subsidies help Chinese entrepreneurs improve the quality of their products and optimize costs.

At the same time, a significant level of competition ensures a fairly low price level.

Review of products sold from China

So, which Chinese goods can provide an entrepreneur with a high level of income?

1. Shoes and clothing

Products in this category are relevant at the moment and will always be in demand. In Russia, as in most countries of the world, for a significant part of the population the main factor when purchasing is price, and then everything else.

The cost of shoes and clothing from the Celestial Empire is lower than that of competitors with constantly improving quality and large assortment offers.

Another factor in the popularity of Chinese clothing and shoes is counterfeits. famous brands. However, the quality of goods (as well as price) can vary significantly.

Many Russian consumers want to assert themselves by purchasing “ branded"thing for relatively little money.

2. Appliances and electronics

Russians do not have much confidence in Chinese technology, but again the price factor has an impact and there is significant demand for this category of goods among the population. The purchase price from partners is very low and the entrepreneur has the opportunity to earn good money

3. Perfumery

There have never been famous perfumers in the PRC, but the country is very good at copying fragrances, bringing them to the maximum similarity with the original. At the same time, a similar branded product costs 10-20 times more.

The reaction speed of entrepreneurs in China is very fast: A new branded fragrance appears on the market, and Asian craftsmen are already in full swing creating an analogue.

4. Accessories

Watches, women's and men's bags, wallets, and phone accessories are very popular and best-selling products. Counterfeits in this category of goods are difficult to distinguish from the original. Substitutes for well-known brands are always in great demand among the population and their supplies are very cost-effective.

5. Souvenirs

Most of the souvenir products in the world are of Chinese origin. Tourists and travelers always purchase these products.

Products are made from glass, ceramics, plastic, which allows it to retain its consumer properties for a long time, be stored in warehouses (garages) and sold gradually.

6. Everything for cars

The total number of vehicles in Russia is increasing from year to year, and the cost of car maintenance is also increasing: technical inspection, repair costs, insurance, fuel. And the objective desire of motorists to save on related products is quite understandable.

Sale spare parts, brushes, covers and automotive video and audio equipment will allow the entrepreneur to satisfy demand and provide himself with a significant level of income.

8. Conclusion + video on the topic 🎥

Business in cooperation with manufacturers and suppliers from China with rational organization The work is very profitable, especially thanks to intermediaries with low commissions, ordering goods from China becomes much easier and more convenient. The price difference between goods between the Celestial Empire and Russia can be 500 % and more.

At making the right choice niche and working with reliable suppliers, the entrepreneur has the opportunity to build a stable, profitable business.

Many young and successful entrepreneurs have already launched their startup projects, where a certain part of the business is occupied by goods from China. we wrote in one of our previous issues.

Dear readers of the business magazine “”, we will be grateful if you share your experience and comments on the topic of publication in the comments below. We wish you good luck and success in business with China!


Many people have heard that you can make money by reselling goods from China. However, not everyone knows how to start acting and find their niche. Selling goods from China as a business has been popular in Russia for several years and brings income to many citizens. You can start working in the field without starting capital.

Business with China for resale without investment

Beginners can start making money from scratch, even if they have no starting capital. Business in Chinese goods is profitable due to the low prices for clothing, equipment, etc. in China. If you resell even with a small margin, you can make a profit without leaving your home. Business with China on resale without investment is an order from a supplier of goods already paid for by clients (prepaid).

In this case, the dropshipping scheme is used:

  1. They choose what they want to sell.
  2. They find a supplier with whom they agree on cooperation on the principle of dropshipping.
  3. They start earning money.

It is important to consider that parcels from China costing up to 1 thousand euros do not require customs clearance. Thanks to this, you can handle significant supplies. If the price of the parcel is more than 1 thousand euros (about 65 thousand rubles), then you can negotiate with the supplier so that when sending it, he will lower the cost, then the goods will cross the border without problems. You can sell things from China through your own one-page websites, social networks, and retail outlets.

Business with China for resale with investments

To start working on a large scale, initial capital is required. Money is needed for promotion, payment for the first delivery, advertising, etc. For delivery you can use different variants, but the most reliable is transportation by road. It is important to choose the right supplier who has an export license. Only if you have this document will it be possible to transport purchased products to Russia.

To start a business with China for resale with investments legally, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Buy from the supplier only goods with certificates and warranty cards.
  2. Go through customs clearance at the border officially and pay the state duty.
  3. Prepare documents for imported products from China.

How to start a business with China

Eat great amount paid and free videos on how to turn cooperation with China into profit (for example, the Chinese Compote portal, a video tutorial from Chinaberry). Whether or not to undergo training is up to everyone to decide for themselves. However, it is worth focusing on several mandatory stages of a startup. To start a business with China, you need the following:

  1. Choose an idea: what to sell, to whom, how much money you can earn. For example, copies of iPhones, clothes for children, dishes, etc.
  2. Niche testing: creating a website, advertising, analyzing the number of applications from buyers.
  3. Sales method: your own online store, Avito, retail outlet, Instagram, VKontakte, etc.
  4. Find a platform for purchasing products: Aliexpress, Taobao, Alibaba and others.
  5. Order the first batch of goods and start selling.

How to build a business with China

If you believe reviews and video courses about this area of ​​work, it becomes clear that it is better to choose a supplier yourself, checking the reliability of the company and production. To do this, entrepreneurs who are ready to invest in business are recommended to go to China. If this is not possible, then you can read reviews about the seller and choose only stores with high ratings. You need to decide with the supplier the issue of which postal service will deliver the products in order to reduce shipping times. Many work through an intermediary, but this increases costs.

To build a business with China, you need to remember several conditions, what you need to do to start cooperation:

  1. Ask the owner of the company for everything required licenses, certificates, certificates.
  2. Compare legal address companies with real.
  3. Find out on the Internet what is located near this company.
  4. Be sure to request copies or scans of the company's bank documents in Chinese.

How to work directly with China

To significantly reduce average costs, it is recommended to do without intermediaries and personally cooperate with manufacturing factories in China. However, this option involves expanding the scope of work. You will have to trade a wide variety of goods, depending on the chosen specifics. Working directly with China is much more profitable, especially for businessmen involved in household appliances, furniture, branded items, and fur coats. Manufacturers are more willing to make discounts and make concessions.

Business with China - a fashionable entrepreneurial venture recent years. Hundreds of people have earned millions by making purchases in the Middle Kingdom and selling them in the cities of our country.

A variety of products from children's clothing to modern smartphones allows anyone to open a business, regardless of hobbies. And their low cost guarantees minimal initial investment.

Despite the huge number of points where you can buy goods from eastern country, competition in this niche is still low. This means it’s not too late to join the race.

Today we will look at what steps you need to take to organize your business on goods from China.

I want to start a business without investment - is this realistic?

It won’t be possible to do without costs: at a minimum you will need. It will cost 20-30 thousand rubles.

Although at first his role can be taken over by a group on a social network.

Step No. 2. How much should I invest?

We looked at 4 business models, how much do you need to invest in each of them to implement?


The last three of them require investments in addition to the purchase of goods. Therefore, if there is no money to invest in the business, then the choice is limited to dropshipping.

In this case, funds will be required to purchase the first batch of goods.

In addition, dropshipping is attractive due to its minimal risks. We buy the goods immediately after ordering and ship them.

The only option to lose money is to refuse the goods, but this can be avoided if you use at least some kind of prepayment.

In general, it is for these two reasons that novice businessmen choose this method.

Wholesale purchases

Of course, in this case, you first need to spend the money, and only then get it back. The advantage of the “Wholesale purchase and resale” method is the ability to immediately transfer the goods to the buyer. In the modern world, where everything is done very quickly, this is extremely important. And it is often better to save up and immediately order a large batch than to spend months looking for a client who is ready not only to purchase the product from you, but also to patiently wait for its delivery.

Your own store

Well, if you have 500 thousand rubles or more, feel free to open your online store. Compared to the “Wholesale purchase and sale” scheme, only website development is added.

Of course, you will have to spend a lot of money, but this is a one-time expense - then you will only need to maintain its performance, which you can easily handle on your own.

A beautiful image of the product and the very fact that it is sold in a store (albeit via the Internet) will attract buyers. A circle will appear immediately regular customers who are willing to pay money for goods from China.

Step No. 3. What to sell?

Until now, we have ignored the most common question from beginners - “What to sell to make a profit?”

There is no clear answer to this question. Chinese-made goods sell with a bang, and it doesn’t matter which ones - children’s clothing, smartphone cases and cool souvenirs are in demand. This is the beauty of business with China: what to sell is not so important - everything is sold.

However, if you are just starting your own business, it is better not to reinvent the wheel and concentrate on selling really popular products.

Understand what Chinese goods promising in terms of their resale in Russia, it’s not difficult.

  1. Look at Yandex. Wordstat, which categories of products are most often searched for by users and select popular ones
  2. Study the product market: it is better to open a business where there is less competition
  3. Review product reviews from suppliers you want to work with. If they deliver low-quality products, customers will not only leave, but will also tell everyone they know about it.
  4. Choose the product group that you know more about than the rest. The better the seller knows what he is selling, the more customers buy from him

If you don’t understand anything that is popular today, it doesn’t matter - the main thing is not the presence of knowledge, but the desire to obtain it. Read articles on the Internet, ask your friends (there will probably be at least someone who knows the subject well), order the product yourself and use it for 1-2 months - you will form a very good idea about the subject. You don’t need to worry too much either: you won’t be selling cars or space rockets - a 1-2 minute story about the product is enough.

Once you find your niche, you can order. Start by ordering a trial batch; some sellers have this option. Of course, you will spend 1-1.5 months, but you will insure yourself against the risk of buying a bunch of low-quality products and losing a significant amount.

Step No. 4. Search for partners in China

No less popular among active entrepreneurs who want to learn how to set up business with China from scratch is the question of partners.

The type of seller you will cooperate with depends on the chosen business scheme. For example, dropshippers may work with intermediaries from China - people or companies who buy goods from the manufacturer and then resell them to foreigners. For online stores and businessmen who prefer large wholesale, direct contacts with the manufacturer are suitable - this will significantly reduce the cost of purchasing products.

In our age of high technology, no one goes to China to find a supplier and sign an agreement with them - everything is done via the Internet. You can work independently or turn to companies that help beginners set up business with China. Their employees will tell you what mistakes you might encounter, how to avoid them, and how to grow your business faster.

If you are not planning a large wholesale, but are limited to medium-sized ones, take a closer look at TaoBao, Aliexpress, TMart, Dinodirect or AliBaba - usually these Chinese sites have the lowest prices for goods, and their assortment will be the envy of the largest shopping mall peace.

Each site has its own pros and cons. To make it convenient for you, I have compiled them into a single comparative table.

1 TaoBaoThe largest retail site in the worldNumber of products presented - more than 750 million
2 AliexpressThe most popular site among Russian clients, specializes in retail tradeProtection of the client's rights - if something goes wrong, the money can be returnedIncreased prices
3 TMartActively cooperates with dropshippersThere is no version of the site in Russian
4 AliBabaCooperation with clients who are ready to purchase goods in large and medium wholesaleLow prices (2-3 times less than competitors)It is impossible to buy goods at retail
5 DinoDirectThe range of products is larger than on other sitesConvenient website translated into RussianPrices are higher than competitors

A mandatory step in working with a Chinese web resource is registration. You will need to not only enter your full name and contact information, but also your payment card details. They will be required so as not to waste time when paying for the goods.

If the site offers better prices than its competitors, but the site is not translated into Russian, you should not despair. It is not necessary to learn Chinese: just use Google website translator. For correspondence with Chinese partners, use the same technique. Manufacturers and sellers from the Middle Kingdom prefer to use in correspondence English language, so there will be no problems with the quality of the translation.

Step No. 5. Checking your partner

Chinese organizations are not distinguished by punctuality and conscientiousness: deceiving a Russian partner is a common thing for them. Therefore, below are some tips that will help you find a reliable counterparty.

  • Always read reviews about doing business with China. The Internet is full of sites with responses from successful (or unlucky) businessmen.
  • Try to extract as many documents as possible from the potential supplier. Ask him for information about customer references: if there are any, the Chinese company will definitely provide them.
  • When signing an agreement for the supply of goods, be sure to include in the agreement clauses regarding payment for the goods after delivery and the opportunity to withdraw from the document if the other party suddenly wants to change it. If the supplier does not agree to such conditions, this is the first signal of his bad faith. Chinese suppliers, aimed at long-term cooperation, always agree not to customer requirements - remember this when you enter into an agreement.

Verifying a partner is one of the most important stages of organizing a business. With its help you will get rid of a whole range of such problems:

  • Shell companies. There are organizations that have a beautiful website, where all the benefits of cooperation are colorfully described. Only the wrapper does not match the content: after receiving the money, these companies stop communicating. To avoid running into a fly-by-night company, do not transfer money before delivery of the goods. Reliable Chinese suppliers are well aware of the buyer's risk and will not insist on prepayment.
  • Low quality products. D Even today, the quality of goods made in China often leaves much to be desired. Sometimes the buyer receives products that are simply embarrassing to sell later. To avoid this, write down the minimum product quality requirements in the agreement. If they are not met, the supplier will not receive the money and will also have to pay a fine.
  1. check how long the supplier's website has been in existence: if it was registered a month ago or less, it is better to choose another company
  2. study the coordinates: reliable organizations write everything about their location, right down to the office number
  3. check what domain the company’s corporate email is registered on: if there is no postal service, then the organization is dubious
  4. read the payment details: it is important that these are the accounts of the company, and not those who work for it
  5. look at all language versions of the site: if the web resource is only in English, then it was made by scammers (real Chinese companies, which is logical, must have a translation into Chinese)
  6. check all lists of fraudulent organizations - they are on the Internet upon request
  7. request documents regulating the company's activities
  8. ask your potential partner to arrange a visit to the production of the product: if the reaction is sharply negative, you have probably contacted scammers

China has its own trade agency - the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Its website publishes information about all companies operating in the Middle Kingdom. If you have a friend who knows Chinese well, he will tell you everything about a potential partner, spending only 5-7 minutes on the department’s website.

Step No. 6. Check the terms of product delivery

Typically, suppliers provide information about the order and delivery of their goods in a separate section of the site. It indicates the prices for supplies of different batches of products and the nuances of customs clearance.

Entrepreneurs who have chosen small wholesale need not think about border control - it will go through without problems. But with larger batches you will have to work hard: all documents must be in order, otherwise the products will not be released outside of China.

Step No. 7. Finding clients

The goods should not sit for a long time - this will not bring profit. Ideally, you need to set up processes so that products are sold before they are delivered. But this cannot be achieved immediately. This means you will have to try different sales methods.

For entrepreneurs who decide to start a business with China, I recommend the following:


Landing is a “landing” page: clients leave their contact information on it. This is a one-page, bright website where all the benefits of the offer are presented and there is a form for collecting data. Interested visitors enter their phone numbers and email addresses, which are then contacted.

Developing a landing page yourself from scratch is difficult, and the result most likely will not live up to expectations. It is better to order a “landing” page from freelancers. The cost is 7-10 thousand rubles, which is quite a bit compared to future profits.

Groups on social networks

Many companies that are successfully engaged in trading have developed on social networks.

The functionality of groups on sites where people communicate with each other is ideal for resale. You can create several communities for different audiences. The language of communication is simple: you don’t have to describe the benefits of the product formally and beautifully. In addition, it is very easy to convince social network users to buy a product through personal communication.

I wrote about how to promote your group in this article: “”.

Ad aggregators

Sites that collect advertisements for the sale and purchase of goods are the third category of web resources that you definitely need to pay attention to.

A classic example of such a portal is Every day 7 million visitors come here. The last time I posted an ad here, 500 people viewed it within 24 hours, and the next day a buyer was found.

From personal experience I will say that among my friends there are people who make money by selling goods from China on Avito.

Step No. 8. Testing the product

Be sure to request trial batches from sellers - the risk of running into an outright counterfeit is too great. Once the samples are received, they need to be tested.

How exactly to check a product depends on its type. For example, toys should be made of more or less high-quality plastic that does not stink and does not stain everything it touches. And the clothes must correspond to the specified size (many Chinese companies run very small) and not tear after two or three wears.

Be sure to check all the functions of the product (if it is, for example, a phone). If something doesn’t work, don’t contact the seller again: you can’t count on the fact that the defect is an isolated one. Remember that the success of a business depends on the quality of the product. And it’s better to spend time finding a good supplier than to lose clients before you even have time to open.

What is in demand?

Business with China has existed for a long time, and all businessmen know what to trade.

Clothes, shoes

Even on Aliexpress alone you can dress the whole family, but on other sites there is more choice. Chinese clothing today looks good, more or less true to size and lasts well for 2-3 seasons. Considering its price, the characteristics are not bad.

Car gadgets

Even in an economy class car you can see navigators and video recorders. They are most often purchased from those who supply from China - the quality of the products is the same, and the prices are lower.

The number of cars is growing, which means the number of customers ready to buy various technical innovations will only increase.

Smartphones, tablets

Russian stores sell a bunch of phones made in China, with a markup of 200-300%. When ordering such equipment in China, you can save money. True, not everyone is ready to wait 1-2 months and contact Chinese suppliers.

By ordering new items in advance, you will get a chance to quickly sell your equipment at a good margin and make an instant profit.

Smartphone cases

The same story as with smartphones - the markup on peripherals in Russian stores sometimes reaches 500-1000%! The advantage of selling smartphones is that customers often don’t limit themselves to one or two cases, but buy 5-7 pieces at once.

Disposable plastic goods

The household always needs disposable dishes, hygiene products, and kitchen utensils. All this is sold in stores, but it’s cheaper to order from China.

Having a few dozen toothbrushes, sets of disposable cups and saucers, and towels in stock, you can sell them to clients and make good money. As in the case of cases, in 50% or more cases, buyers purchase several products at once.


Chinese toys are still of low quality, but is it necessary for a child who will break them anyway?

Parents understand this very well and look for “developers” not in brand stores, but from suppliers from China. Having an assortment of toys for boys and girls, you guarantee yourself customers even in times of crisis.

Large business with China - wholesale purchases

After reading the article, have you decided to open your own online store? Then you will need to order large quantities of goods - you cannot survive on a small wholesale outlet.

This matter has its own nuances. To ensure that everything is in accordance with the law and goes without problems, follow the following sequence of actions:

  • purchasing goods only from a supplier capable of providing certificates and invoices (the price in this case will be higher)
  • passing customs procedures with payment of duties
  • obtaining certificates of conformity (fortunately, this does not apply to all product categories).

Chinese goods enter Russia either by railway, or by freight vehicles. The latter option is more expensive, but much faster: 2-4 weeks versus several months. You can also order delivery by air, but then you will have to put a price tag on the product that is 3-4 times higher than that of competitors.

Delivery details

The cost of goods purchased in China can be indicated in two options - EXW and FOB. What is the difference?

  • FOB - the price of the goods already includes its delivery to Shanghai (Chinese sorting center, all shipments are distributed here) and the preparation of the necessary papers. The cost of delivery in this case is equal to delivery to the place where your business is opened.
  • If the abbreviation EXW is indicated in the “Price” column, then the seller does not deliver it, but sells the product directly from the factory. In this case, all transportation costs will fall on your shoulders. Typically, the EXW price is lower than the FOB price, since only the direct manufacturers of the products set such a price.

In order for a product to leave China, it must be accompanied by export license. Without this paper, you and your products will not be allowed out of China. Be sure to ask the supplier whether there is a license to export products or not. Otherwise, you will have to look for a client in China (this is unrealistic without knowing the language) or say goodbye to the money spent.

Business with China is a profitable business. But why are so few people doing it?

Many people think that business is hampered by intense competition, tough state control and poor economic conditions. But this is not at all true: there are so many Chinese goods that, perhaps, everyone can sell them; the state intervenes in the process only at customs; and the fall in household incomes, on the contrary, only stimulates people to pay attention to goods from China.

But there are still factors that make doing business with Chinese companies much more difficult. And you need to know about them before opening your own business.

To become a successful trader of goods from the Middle Kingdom, you must:

  • correctly assess how profitable it is to import and sell a particular product
  • quickly calculate how much a product will cost you
  • successfully negotiate by getting partners to accept your point of view and at the same time understanding when to give in
  • master marketer skills and actively promote products on various platforms

Strive to set up processes so that they run autonomously. In this case, you will be able to control them, quickly make changes and free up time for new projects.

What errors might there be?

No matter what they say, doing business with Chinese suppliers is difficult. Many successful entrepreneurs have hit their stride in their time and now do not make mistakes that cost them profits.

These errors are known, and it would be foolish not to study and remember them.

  1. Lack of purpose. Many people have no idea what a business will become - just a hobby or a full-time income. Because of this, the attitude towards the matter is lax, and there are no results.
  2. Fear of failure. Don’t be afraid to try: it won’t work once, it won’t work twice, but the third time everything will work out well. Fear is not a reason not to open your own business with China if everything else (contacts with suppliers, clients, money) is already there.
  3. Obsession with money. Many people pay too much attention to start-up capital - or rather, the lack thereof. If you don’t have one, start dropshipping - it doesn’t require money at all. Once you make money, you can do a more profitable business.
  4. Reluctance to learn new things. Perhaps the most important mistake that prevents you not only from opening a business with China, but also from living in general. Be prepared for unusual things interesting features doing business by the Chinese. If you want, you can understand everything and adapt to everything, and very successfully.

How to work with suppliers?

The fate of your business depends on the reliability of your partner - you can’t cook porridge with a bad salesman. I suggest once again going over the rules of working with suppliers.

This list can be printed separately and hung in a visible place: this way the information will be remembered faster.

  1. Trust, but verify: the activities of Chinese companies should always be monitored.
  2. Officiality is paramount: if you plan to buy something from a seller, be sure to draw up and sign a document.
  3. The client will buy only high-quality goods: test samples and reject them if they do not meet previously agreed upon requirements.
  4. The best contact is through personal communication: you need to talk with the seller directly, without unnecessary intermediaries.
  5. Fix in agreements the procedure for the delivery of defective products.
  6. Keep an eye on the market: perhaps right now another supplier is offering more favorable conditions than the one you are currently cooperating with.
  7. Evaluate all your partner’s activities: not only the quality of the product and the speed of delivery are important, but also the service.

Where to learn?

In the article, I already said that the success of a business depends on who you study and consult with. Therefore, it is important to choose the right mentor to save money and time.

I myself studied this topic for more than a year, attended various paid webinars and courses. As a result, I came to the conclusion that 90% of teachers are not competent and do not even have personal experience.

As a result, I decided to sign up for a free marathon, authored by Evgeny Guryev. For me it was a discovery - the most useful information from a practitioner who earns millions of rubles. I concluded for myself that this is the best coach on the Russian-language Internet: no water and only working techniques.

Just watch this video, in which one of his students talks about his results:


Business with China is not a gold mine, but an idea that can bring good profits. Goods from this country are in steady demand, which is weakly dependent on economic conditions.

You can work with Chinese suppliers without investing own funds: enough sales talent and customer base. In general, you can work with companies from the Middle Kingdom with any wallet: for those who are not ready to invest, dropshipping is suitable, for those who want a good option- online store.

You cannot build a successful business with China if you do not go through all the steps of its creation. Act step by step and do not run ahead of the locomotive: a quick victory can give way to a total fiasco.

Try not to make mistakes in your business: of course, you can’t protect yourself from this, but you can reduce their negative impact. The tips that I talked about in detail in one of the sections will help.

This concludes the manual on creating a business with China. If you have any questions about the topic of the article, be sure to write in the comments. We also welcome the opinions of those who have already tried to resell products from the Middle Kingdom: personal experience will make the material better and reveal important nuances.

Before see you soon on the blog pages!

I have changed, am changing and will change my life for the better.

Anna Sudak



The Chinese often call Russian businessmen “bukaopu” (Chinese: “not hitting the notes, unreliable”). But trends are changing, and now Eastern entrepreneurs are willing to work with Russians.

Article navigation

  • Business with China on resale of goods
  • 10 steps to start a business with China
  • Step #1 – study business models
  • Step No. 2 – analysis of your own resources
  • Step #3 – what to sell
  • Step No. 4 – searching for suppliers
  • Step No. 5 – checking the Chinese supplier
  • Step No. 6 – delivery
  • Step No. 7 – attracting clients
  • Step No. 8 – calculation of profitability
  • Step #9 – ask the manufacturer for samples
  • Step #10 – launch
  • Business with China on resale of popular goods with investments in 2020
  • Tips: where to start a business with China from scratch
  • How to do legal business with China from A to Z
  • How to open a manufacturing business with China
  • Implementation instructions own production in China

The article will be useful for beginning businessmen who plan to establish partnerships with Chinese suppliers and manufacturers. Most of the nuances will be discussed in detail in our material. Step-by-step instructions, recommendations and examples are provided.

Business with China on resale of goods

Despite the fact that this niche is very popular and only the lazy do not work in it, everyone can find their place here. And even a beginner can easily earn from 50 thousand rubles a month without special effort. Of course, you need to have an entrepreneurial spirit, have basic knowledge and understand the purpose of the final result.

But even if you lack something (knowledge, skills or personal qualities), it can be fixed. Business on goods from China is unpretentious. The main thing is to set a clear goal and move towards it step by step.

The simplest algorithm for working with China can be described in three points:

  1. Search for popular products in China at low prices.
  2. Delivery of goods to Russia.
  3. Selling at a premium.

Why is it profitable to buy from China? Now the quality of products is increasing, but wholesale prices remain at the same level.

For example, let’s look at the products of Xiaomi, a Chinese brand that instantly won over its consumers not only within the country, but throughout the world. Why? Because the quality of products, smartphones in particular, is even higher than that of well-known brands. And the price is lower.

In general, in 2019 the trade turnover between the Russian Federation and the Celestial Empire exceeded $110 billion.

10 steps to start a business with China

Learn ten simple steps and start earning money in no time.

Step #1 – study business models

Before you start selling goods from China, choose the best business model for yourself.


In other words, mediation. You can sell products now. No investment. Earning money comes from finding and attracting clients. You collect money from them, order goods from a third-party supplier, pay for it with the client's money and make a profit (from 30 to 500 percent). You don't even have to ship the goods yourself. It turns out to be a mini-business.

Joint purchases

This is the bringing together of several people into a group to purchase goods at wholesale prices from the manufacturer or official dealer. You can earn money using discounts and cashback services.

Offline wholesale sales

This model includes three stages:

  1. Searching for a reliable wholesale supplier with a minimum receipt for the goods.
  2. Search for clients: shops, private entrepreneurs. You can find them on classifieds websites and social networks (for free). Or place an advertisement (paid).
  3. Prepayment. They give you money, you buy goods from the supplier and receive your percentage. The price of the product should be lower than what your customer pays to their current supplier.

Retail sales

Here it’s the same as with wholesale goods, only you are not selling to an intermediary, but to the client directly, so you set the price at your own discretion.

Online store

This option requires investment. But which ones exactly depends on you. You can start with a group on social networks and a one-page page. Or you can immediately create a full-fledged store with a wide assortment. The second option will cost more, but you will earn more money.

Step No. 2 – analysis of your own resources

Everything is simple here. Depending on the capital that you can invest in the business, you choose a model. If you have the opportunity to immediately invest in the creation and promotion of an online store, you will instantly reach more high level. If not, you can start with the minimum. Trade with the Middle Kingdom is available to everyone.

Only its scale and time spent on developing the business depend on the chosen model.

Step #3 – what to sell

This question is asked by all newbies. To understand what to sell, you need to determine who you want to sell to. For example, a woman on maternity leave, having decided to conduct business trade with China, selects goods for children: toys, clothes, diapers and sells them to other mothers. Both benefit and income.

If you are not aware of market trends, start from your interests. You like Cell phones? Sell ​​accessories for them. If you are a fan of online games, sell merchandise related to them: T-shirts, caps, bags, action figures, etc. Well, if you have absolutely no ideas, do this:

  1. Open Yandex.Wordstat and look at the statistics of requests for product categories. Find the most popular ones.
  2. When choosing a product, make sure that it is not overly competitive.
  3. Sell ​​only quality items.
  4. Once you select a product, be sure to do your research. Follow market trends in this niche.
  5. Be an expert. If you are good at something, sell it. Then you can not only attract new clients, but also acquire regular ones.

Never purchase unfamiliar goods in large quantities. First, grab a couple of units. Check it out and try to sell it. If the products good quality and there is a demand for them - you can safely purchase in the quantities you see fit.

Commodity business through China opens up great opportunities. Make the most of them.

Step No. 4 – searching for suppliers

If you want to purchase goods in bulk, do so directly from the manufacturer or official distributor. For small retail, mediocre websites are also suitable. To work with the Middle Kingdom, you don’t have to go there and look for a supplier yourself. But if you have the opportunity, do it.

Every year more than 1000 exhibitions are held in China, where you can find a manufacturer and a partner who independently makes purchases and sends you goods. The visit will also help you be inspired by new ideas and acquire useful contacts.

Orders can be made online. If you have a fear that you will not be able to cope with this task, delegate it to companies that will help you organizational issues and store promotion.

To start operating in this business (small and medium wholesale), we recommend using the following platforms:

Step No. 5 – checking the Chinese supplier

Before you start working closely with a supplier, check their documents. Be sure to look for real reviews from those who work with him. Better yet, chat in person. Discuss penalties for both parties for failure to comply. If you don't take precautions, you could end up with money or a nervous breakdown. We have identified the following from common frauds:

  • Supply of low-quality products. Even if you enter into an official agreement with the manufacturer, you may receive low-quality goods made in underground mini-workshops. Such a product is nothing more than cheap consumer goods. And you will pay full price for it.
  • Shell companies. Any fictitious organization can register a domain, make a website and conduct an expensive advertising campaign, collect money from entrepreneurs and disappear into oblivion. Be careful!
  • Computer hacking. Your personal data may fall into the hands of criminals. This may result in loss of money from existing accounts.

To prevent this from happening, it’s best to always keep your eyes open and check your suppliers. And remember, finding what to buy in China is easier than looking for options on how to sell consumer goods.

Step No. 6 – delivery

All resources indicate delivery times for goods, but you can choose the best option for yourself. Talk to the seller and immediately indicate your position.

Step No. 7 – attracting clients

Let's figure out how to set up business with China via the Internet and create a queue of clients. There are plenty of options here. Free attraction will require a lot of effort, time and energy from you. Paid - finance.

To find clients, you can use the power of social networks: create a group, talk about your activities in thematic communities, and involve friends and acquaintances in shopping. There are also many forums and message boards.

Step No. 8 – calculation of profitability

Don't act rashly. Even if you don't invest money in your business, time is an even more valuable resource. First, make basic calculations: if the sale gives you 50–300% of the cost of the goods, there is a reason to continue. If you get pennies, you should optimize your activities.

Step #9 – ask the manufacturer for samples

Conduct your own testing for quality and compliance with the stated characteristics. If you don't like the product, your customer won't like it.

Step #10 – launch

After all the manipulations have been completed, start sales. Look at the response. Here, use free Google or Yandex analytics tools. As sales grow, record all changes. This is necessary to identify at an early stage what works and what does not. The main thing is to set a clear goal and keep focus on it. If you decide to get serious about business, it is advisable to open an individual entrepreneur.

Business with China on resale of popular goods with investments in 2020

You have already figured out how to organize a business with China. Now let’s decide what can be sold in Russia. List of the most popular products from China that are selling like hot cakes.

  1. Electronics. They take high-quality Chinese equipment with great pleasure. It is both visually attractive and the quality is not inferior to many famous brands.
  2. Watch. This product is also in demand. Of course, if we're talking about about truly high-quality products. But it’s worth taking into account that you need to be able to sell such a product.
  3. Silk. This product is specific, but if you organize an advertising campaign correctly and find clients among entrepreneurs, then this can become a gold mine for you.
  4. Jewelry and pearls. Excellent products made from precious materials sell well and generate high income. To implement a business in this niche, it is better to go to the Celestial Empire on your own, visit exhibitions and purchase products from a direct manufacturer. Before doing this, be sure to check all documents and certificates confirming the authenticity of the goods.
  5. Jade products. Fashionistas are very happy to buy jewelry to highlight their beauty and elegance. Jade attracts the fairer sex like a magnet. And all because this material is the embodiment of femininity. Take advantage of this and start selling such jewelry.
  6. It is unlikely that bamboo will be allowed to be taken out of the country, but fabrics and products made from it are very much so. Bathrobes, pillowcases, pajamas, socks, towels, car covers, bed linen - Russians willingly buy all this because such things are of high quality, comfortable and inexpensive.
  7. Souvenirs and all sorts of little things. Here you need to look at what is most popular. How to do this, read above.
  8. Furniture. Often high quality and inexpensive. But you shouldn’t buy it from just anyone. Because underground production in China does not sleep. It is better to go for this product yourself.
  9. Tea. It is very popular with us because it is delicious and beautifully packaged. It is often taken as a gift.
  10. Clothing, shoes, sports equipment. No comments here. This product will always be in demand.
  11. Trivia from movies and TV series. Various little things, like the heroes of films, are very popular. Use this to grow your business.

Details about popular products you can learn from our articles:

We also have interesting thematic selections of products:

Now it's time to get into the details.

  1. Choose a niche. Trading with China for beginners is a simple process. Just follow the advice and everything will work out.
  2. Decide who your client is. From this you will understand how to sell. Stay one step ahead of the consumer and give him what will satisfy his needs.
  3. Create a business plan. Reflect all the necessary points: the goal you want to achieve, the chosen business model, the budget. Analyze your options.
  4. Plan your advertising campaign. Approach the issue comprehensively - promote yourself on social networks and with the help of paid contextual advertising.
  5. Purchase the goods. We have already discussed this issue above, but let us remind you of the most important thing again - do this only with trusted ones official dealers or directly from manufacturers.
  6. Create a group on social networks and a sales page.
  7. Attract clients.
  8. Do analytics. This can be done using free tools that will help you understand how to build a business with China from scratch and scale it online.
  9. Make a profit.

You set the margin on the product at your own discretion. If the product is of high quality, people will buy it. But even under such conditions, analyze your competitor. At least to find yours competitive advantage, which will help you sell more.

If you are still wondering where to start working with China, read on.

How to do legal business with China from A to Z

Let's look at several ways to legally do business with China.

Method number 1. Without registration of individual entrepreneur or LLC. Everything is simple here. Create a group on social networks and place free advertisements on online boards: Avito, OLX and others.

Method number 2. Form an individual entrepreneur and work as an intermediary under commission agreements, orders, paid provision services. In this case, you receive money not for the product, but for the service of purchasing it on Chinese sites. In fact, you have nothing to do with the product and are not responsible for it, therefore they cannot make a claim against you.

Method No. 3. Form an individual entrepreneur or LLC and import goods into the territory of the Russian Federation legally according to the following scheme:

  • Purchase products from the supplier with documents.
  • Clear customs according to the laws of the country and pay duties.
  • Issue certificates.

Now let's look at how to cooperate with China if you want to create a large-scale business.

  1. Purchase goods in Russia from suppliers with documents. Large wholesalers also purchase from China, but due to large volumes it is easier for them to issue certificates for goods.
  2. Go to China and enter into contracts with manufacturers directly.
  3. Order goods without registering as an individual entrepreneur, but sell them as used. Sales scheme as in thrift stores or second-hand stores - under a commission agreement. The contract is drawn up for each individual item in compliance with all requirements according to the description (cleaning, dry cleaning, etc.).
  4. Buy goods and acquire “left” certificates for them. This method is illegal, but it exists. Many transactions are concluded according to this scheme in Russia (and not only).

Once again, let’s go over the tips on how to work with China legally.

  • If you see that your business is constantly growing and brings in a stable income, open an individual entrepreneur.
  • To accept money from clients, create a current account.
  • Choose a simplified taxation regime with the “Income” base when trading via the Internet.
  • Submit tax reports for your individual entrepreneur on time.
  • Use available accounting tools.
  • Certify your products.

How to open a manufacturing business with China

Another opportunity to trade goods from China is your own production. This is done if you want:

  • Sell ​​counterfeits of famous brands. Let's say Nike announced a new sneaker model. They are already popular in Russia, but they cost a lot of money. You can take a couple, send them to China and get a copy of them. You can sell it at the store price or cheaper.
  • Add several features to an existing product on the market. To improve something, you need to describe your vision and send it to the factory. They will already do everything as it should. As a result, you will receive exclusive products that can be sold for good money.
  • Sell ​​existing products under your own brand. There will be no production here as such. At the factory in China, your logo will be applied to the item for sale.
  • Launch your own invention into production. This, of course, will require money, but much less than what would be asked for in the Russian Federation or the EU.

Instructions for implementing your own production in China

  1. Find an intermediary in China. Of course, it must be a Chinese who understands the intricacies of business.
  2. Delegate to an intermediary the task of finding a factory to produce what is needed.
  3. Select the best option for yourself from the found options and request a factory inspection. It usually includes: on-site visit, verification of documentation and operability, verification production capacity and manufactured products, obtaining samples.
  4. Instruct the intermediary to draw up for the manufacturer technical task the product you want to receive as output.

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According to experts, reselling goods is the easiest and, at the same time, the most profitable way to earn money. It is especially profitable to sell Chinese goods that differ low prices and quite acceptable quality. The most important thing is to find a manufacturer who will supply products on terms that are favorable to you. Any person can organize a resale business with China without investment. We will discuss how to do this correctly in this article.

Business without investment is real

Recently, many aspiring entrepreneurs are concerned with the question of how to start a business in China without investment? The easiest way to make money is dropshipping. This is a very popular line of business that does not require start-up capital. Its essence lies in establishing direct supplies of goods from the manufacturer to the buyer. This type of business appeared in our country relatively recently. It began to develop in parallel with online commerce.

Let's take a closer look at all the subtleties and nuances of doing business with China without investment. For example, you have your own online store. A customer visits your website, places an order and pays for his purchase. After that, you look for the product he needs from partners in China, buy it at a lower price and send it to the client. The difference in prices is your profit. All you need to do is find a trusted partner. It is advisable to agree on cooperation with the product manufacturer. If you order goods worth no more than 1 thousand euros, you don’t have to pay customs duties. Large orders require official processing and payment of all taxes.

One page site

Another option for those who want to organize a resale business with China is a one-page website or, in other words, an online trading platform. Such a resource should have a stylish, original design. In this matter, you need to pay special attention to every detail.

Entrepreneurs go to various lengths to ensure that the user who visits the site clicks the “buy” button. A one-page website is perfect for promoting any product. According to statistics, products that sell best are those offered at a low price in a single copy. People buy it much more willingly than several items with the same discount. As a rule, buyers are lost in front of a large assortment, so they may visit an online store and end up not buying anything. On a one-page site, everything is simple, since it presents only one type of product with complete information.

To open such a business with China without investment, you need to choose popular products that are in great demand among consumers. It is desirable that this be some kind of unique product. It is clear that TVs or refrigerators are unlikely to interest buyers, since nowadays you can buy such equipment anywhere. Before creating a website, carefully consider its design and functionality. If you do not have knowledge in this area, seek help from specialists who will create a high-quality Internet resource for you and fill it with unique content. In addition, the issue of delivery of goods needs to be resolved. In this case, you can use postal or courier service. If we are talking about some large cargo, agree on cooperation with a transport company.

What to trade?

Before starting a business with China, you must first decide. Product production in China covers almost all market segments:

  • Clothes;
  • Shoes;
  • Textile;
  • Medical equipment;
  • Electronics;
  • Kids toys;
  • Industrial machines and production lines.

If you are not interested in resale of goods, you can find interesting idea production for small businesses from China and implement it in your country. It is most profitable to order equipment for an enterprise from Chinese manufacturers. China offers any construction, woodworking or packaging equipment, equipment for sewing workshops, car services and more. Chinese manufacturers will organize the delivery of equipment, train staff and tell you how to organize production in a small space. In addition, they provide a guarantee for Maintenance and repair of purchased equipment.

Branded items

Another one profitable business An idea from China is the resale of branded items. Many famous trade marks moved their production to China. These are all kinds of companies that produce:

  • Clothes;
  • Household appliances;
  • Watch;
  • Computers and more.

Cheap labor allows you to implement any small business ideas in China without any problems. Take Nike sportswear as an example. Despite the fact that this is a well-known American brand, almost all of its products are made in China. Of course, the company strictly controls the quality of its products, which is a guarantee that you are buying a really good product. By hiring the Chinese, Nike significantly reduced production costs and, accordingly, increased its income.


Beginners often ask the question, where to start a business with China? At the formation stage, the most important thing is to formulate an offer that will interest the buyer. Therefore, you should not immediately bet, too high prices. When your outlet begins to flourish, prices can be gradually raised. At the initial stage, try to save as much as possible on advertising. Products can be promoted absolutely free on thematic forums or on social networks. In order to conduct an effective advertising campaign without investment, you will need free time and your imagination. In addition, in the process of self-promotion, you will be able to find out the preferences of your audience and, based on the results obtained, create a suitable assortment. You should not abuse discounts, as they reduce your income. If the product is in demand on the market, it will be bought at the price you set.

The most popular Chinese trading platforms

To implement new business ideas from China in 2020, you need to find a reliable supplier. In principle, it is possible to establish cooperation with several sellers who supply goods, both wholesale and retail. Let's look at some of the most popular online stores that offer customers free shipping product:

  • AliExpress. This is one of the largest Chinese Internet resources where customers from around the world make purchases. Here, buyers can safely purchase any product, since the money is transferred to the seller after the client confirms the quality of the purchased product;
  • BuyInCoins. This site presents a wide range of products. There are often promotions here where you can purchase goods at favorable conditions. Prices on this trading platform about a third lower than in other online stores. In addition, you can find discount coupons on the Internet that allow you to purchase goods at BuyInCoins for another 5-8 percent cheaper.

Organizational aspects

Beginners often ask how to organize their business from scratch in China? As mentioned above, the easiest way is to open your own online store. If you don’t know anything about web technologies, you will have to pay money to developers to create and promote your electronic trading platform.

How much money do you need to start a business with China?

Chinese goods can also be resold through regular stores. The easiest way to implement a business idea for selling goods from China is to rent point of sale in the supermarket. You can also organize product sales through social networks. For example, your page in Contact may resemble an online store, but it will not require any financial investments. This is a great option for people who are looking for . To increase sales, you can hold various competitions and sweepstakes. For example, a person who reposted his page can win an inexpensive gadget. As a result, you will be able to attract more people to your product. target audience. As a rule, any new business ideas from China bring good income, so your enterprise will flourish.


Since Chinese online stores do not oblige their customers to make an advance payment for goods, there are people who are trying to profit from this.

They come up with different fraudulent schemes:

  1. Direct payment. On some sites, sellers offer a significant discount on an item, but only if the buyer pays for it directly, into someone else's bank account or through an electronic payment system. It is better to ignore such offers as you may lose your money;
  2. Fictitious payments. The seller may persuade the client to pay taxes or customs duty. Only scammers do this;
  3. Payment for delivery. Many Chinese online stores offer free shipping. Some scammers agree with the client that they will deliver the goods to him for free, and then apologize for choosing the wrong method of transportation and ask to transfer money for transporting the goods. Never pay for shipping until you receive the item from your post office.

Reselling goods from China is an excellent business that can bring good profits.


Many interesting business ideas from China can be implemented in our country literally from scratch, without significant financial investments. The most important thing is your great desire, perseverance and self-confidence.