What is customs clearance of goods? Customs clearance of transported goods - rules and conditions Customs clearance services as correctly called

Customs clearance is a set of measures for the passage of goods across the border if it is purchased from a foreign seller. This procedure will require you to complete a number of documents and make the necessary payments. Errors in documents can lead to fines and damages from downtime.

Collect a package of documents to present at customs. Depending on whether you are acting as an individual or a legal entity, what customs code is assigned to the imported goods, and what type of transport it is delivered, the list of documents will differ. Find out from the customs authority or on the official website of the Federal Customs Service what documents you need to prepare, among them must be:
  • bill of lading (a document confirming ownership of the shipped goods);
  • invoice (list of goods, their quantity and price);
  • certificate;
  • specification;
  • packing list with translation;
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.
Register as a subject of foreign economic activity (foreign economic activity). To do this, you need to have a bank account, ruble and foreign currency. Then determine which customs post the goods will arrive at and register there.

Make customs payments:
  • customs clearance;
  • import duty;
  • terminal fees;
  • excise taxes;
  • freight;
  • payment for a temporary storage warehouse.

Declare the imported goods. To do this, fill out the following documents:
  • CCD - cargo customs declaration. Form TD1 is filled out for goods of one name. Additional form TD2 is filled out if there are more product names.
  • DTS - declaration of customs value. Depending on the method of calculating the cost of goods, the DTS1 or DTS2 form is filled out.
  • CTS - adjustment of customs value. The main form KTS1 is filled out to adjust the cost of one product, additional sheets KTS2 are filled out to clarify information about several items of goods.

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Submit all collected and completed documents to the customs service. Inspect the product. If no violations are found during customs clearance and all formalities have been completed, you can pick up the goods.

If the customs clearance procedure is too complicated and time-consuming for you, contact the services of an official customs broker. Specialists will advise on the collection of documents and help carry out the procedure in a short time. Before entering into an agreement with a broker, find out how much their services will cost you.

To reduce customs clearance time, experts recommend preparing documents in advance. It is also advisable to pre-declare the goods and make payments.

When choosing a foreign supplier, keep in mind that the least problems arise when receiving goods from countries such as Poland, Germany, and the USA. Customs clearance of cargo from Turkey is fraught with difficulties in determining the authenticity of product quality certificates. Clearing goods from China is even more troublesome - the too low value of the cargo stated in the documents determines increased control by the customs service.

Most entrepreneurs ask themselves the difficult question of how to clear goods at the border. In this material we will tell you what customs clearance of goods is and how this complex and difficult process occurs. We will also look at what role do transport companies play in the customs clearance process?

What is the process of customs clearance of goods?

When organizing the transportation of goods, many companies experience a variety of difficulties in drawing up related contracts. Let us note that customs clearance of cargo is the most common process that must be carried out when importing goods into the country. Thanks to the registration of the necessary package of documents at customs, your cargo can be legally sold in Russia in the future through various distribution channels. This process also allows the state to control trade relations with various countries.
Customs clearance is an obligatory part of the transaction between the supplier of the goods and the client who ordered it. In this case, customs is only an intermediary who participates in the process of declaring cargo imported into the country. The main role in this case is given to the customs broker, who participates in the entire customs clearance process and acts on behalf of his client.
Most transport companies can carry out both cargo transportation and customs clearance at the border. Providing such a range of services is very convenient, because the customer does not need to look separately for a company that will deliver his goods and, separately, for a customs broker. A big plus here is also the fact that if any difficulties arise at the border or during transportation of goods, the company can quickly eliminate them, knowing the characteristics of the cargo or transportation route. With the SoyuzCargo company, customs clearance of goods is an operational process. We know how to make customs clearance go smoothly.

The role of the transport company during customs clearance of goods

The transport company plays an important role in the transportation and customs clearance of cargo. Firstly, since transporters are faced with problematic situations every day when delivering different types of products from all over the world, they are able to quickly deal with issues that arise. Secondly, a customs broker working on behalf of a transport company knows how to ensure that customs clearance of cargo takes place without causing any troubles. He will take on absolutely all the functions of preparing the necessary documentation, as well as declaring products to the customs authorities.
After you contact the transport company to organize transportation and further customs clearance of the cargo, you will enter into a special agreement. It is this paper that will regulate your relationship. It must describe in detail all the actions that the transporter or customs broker performs during the period of cooperation. It should also list the price you pay for shipping. An undeniable advantage of this type of cooperation is the legality of all actions taken.
The SoyuzCargo company provides prompt delivery and customs clearance of any type of goods. We have a team of professionals who thoroughly know their business. We value each of our clients, so we approach every issue individually. Customs clearance of goods is an easy and comfortable process if you entrust it to professionals.

Such a widespread and commonly used word as customs clearance is nothing more than a slang, or it would be more correct to say, colloquial definition of the official concept of “Customs clearance” or “Customs clearance” of cargo. And no matter what you call this procedure, its essence, in general, does not change.

Customs clearance (customs clearance) of cargo involves submitting a certain package of documents to the customs authority, a list of which we will return to a little later, and paying established customs duties. It is on the basis of these documents that the authorized customs authority makes a decision on permitting the import, export or transit of cargo across the territory of the Russian Federation.

Customs clearance is a term that you may also encounter when engaging in foreign economic activity (foreign economic activity). And transporting cargo across the border, no matter whether you import it or the cargo leaves Russia, is also one of the types of foreign economic activity. Customs clearance, in essence, is nothing more than the same customs clearance (customs clearance) of cargo, only called by a different “name”. By the way, there is no official concept of “Customs clearance” in the Customs Code of the Russian Federation. This is something in between “customs clearance of cargo” and “customs clearance” of cargo, i.e. the same concept, only named in a more official language. We can also say that customs clearance is a generalized concept that includes customs clearance of cargo, payment of appropriate duties, and the implementation of various other administrative actions aimed at legalizing the cargo. The same can be said about customs clearance of cargo, customs clearance of cargo.

In other words, all these concepts define one thing - a set of measures aimed at legalizing cargo for the country of import.

However, let’s return directly to the customs clearance procedure itself. Customs clearance can be divided into two main stages: preliminary and main.

During the preliminary stage of customs clearance, you will need to complete some administrative operations. In particular:

  • notify customs of your intention to export goods and vehicles across the border;
  • provide goods and vehicles to the customs authority;
  • provision of all documents necessary for customs clearance. The preliminary stage also includes the preparation of all these documents.

The main part, or the actual customs clearance of the cargo, consists of five stages.

  • registration of the customs declaration (cargo customs declaration).
  • documentary control. During it, all documents submitted for customs clearance are checked, namely: customs value declaration (DTV), customs declaration, customs value adjustments (CTV), checking the correctness of determination of the HS codes, as well as the country of origin of the goods that you are importing into the country, or take it outside its borders.
  • currency control. At this stage, the customs authorities check all financial documents, namely: the contract, the transaction passport, the correctness of the definition of the customs duties that you have to pay.
  • customs payments themselves. This includes customs duties, taxes, customs duties, fees for issuing licenses and other payments that are withdrawn in accordance with the procedure established by law for customs clearance of cargo.
  • customs control line. Here the final verification of the correctness of the cargo registration takes place.

After passing all these procedures, the cargo is inspected and its compliance with the data you stated is verified.

– a complex process that includes many formal procedures: customs clearance, obtaining certificates, insurance and others. To carry out transportation efficiently, without financial losses and loss of time, mandatory knowledge of the legislative framework regulating the transportation process is required.