What is UTP? Unique Selling Proposition (USP): examples of how to create and what it is. “We have high-quality service!”

USP (unique selling proposition, USP) is a unique selling proposition, one of the key marketing concepts.

USP - a concept developed by Rosser Reeves, one of the founders advertising agency Ted Bates, which argues that advertising should provide consumers with a logical reason to buy a product that is clearly different from its competitors.

The purpose of formulating the USP. In accordance with the USP concept of R. Reeves, all successful advertising campaigns were based on the uniqueness of the offer for the client. In addition, the USP concept is important for every employee of the company, who must clearly understand why they are working, where their efforts are directed, and how the company’s business is developing.

The concept of a unique selling proposition (USP) is based on three main principles:

  • Each advertisement must offer some benefit to the consumer;
  • this benefit must be unique to the advertised product;
  • this benefit must be significant enough to force the consumer to turn to this product.

USP in marketing. In marketing, the USP strategy is considered one of the main rationalistic strategies for communicating with potential buyers, product advertising strategy.

The definition of USP indicates that R. Reeves emphasized a creative marketing strategy that cannot become outdated.

  1. The USP is determined not only by what is contained in the product itself;
  2. The USP is determined by what and how it is said about this product in the advertisement.

In order to skillfully use the USP strategy in modern conditions, it is important for marketers to understand which statements about a product are perceived as unique, and to be able to predict the characteristics of the perception of such advertising.

The task of a marketer in relation to the USP, consists in the need:

  • conformity assessment marketing offer the consumer’s established ideas about the complex quality of the product.
  • anticipate undesirable reactions of potential consumers and try to neutralize them;
  • evaluate the uniqueness of competitors’ offers and use a counter-offer in communication or reveal another uniqueness;

R. Reeves contrasted the proposed concept of USP with traditional “showcase” advertising, in which, behind the abundance of beautifully formulated phrases about the product, there is absolutely no basis, nothing that could separate and elevate the advertised brand from a number of similar products with similar consumer properties.

I will try to give my own interpretation of the ideas of R. Reeves: Uniqueness is not the same as a statement that one product is better than another. A marketer developing a product strategy based on the USP must be able to talk about the product in such a way as to surprise the consumer, so that he looks at it in a new way - in a way that he is not used to looking at products of the same category. The marketer must determine whether the consumer will perceive this feature as important and useful. The marketer, when formulating a strategy, must ensure recognition, memorability and trust in the formulated distinctive properties of the offer.

American advertising researcher Alfred Politz, founder of Alfred Politz Research, formulated: “An advertising campaign that emphasizes a microscopic difference in a product that the consumer is unable to perceive accelerates the failure of the product.” In other words, if the usefulness of a unique feature is not obvious, then the main advertising effort must be aimed at explaining its importance, otherwise it will fail. marketing communications and the product itself is inevitable.

Number of impressions: 48839
  1. High functional significance of the product. The consumer needs to be told exactly what problem he will solve by purchasing this product. The achievement of the goal after using the product should be clearly highlighted to instantly attract attention.
  2. The advantage of being unique among competitors. Developing an offer that is not offered by other companies on the market will help you win the competition. You can stand out by the quality of service, delivery, as well as additional conditions.

  3. Target audience orientation. A segment of potential consumers should be clearly defined and a marketing program should be carried out based on the behavioral characteristics of this group of people, including their gender, age, lifestyle and basic preferences. It is especially important to think through the logistics of placement retail outlets, as well as their operating hours.

Types of unique selling proposition: true and false

A unique selling proposition should highlight the visible benefits of a product, even if they are not directly present in the product itself. The advertising move should attract the buyer and inspire confidence. Not all products are new in their field, so 2 types of USP are used for advertising.

True USP is based on drawing attention to the special characteristics of the product that really exist and are an advantage over competitors. Market leaders Apple take advantage of this when advertising new flagship technologies.

False USP is aimed at creating the image of the product and does not directly concern its properties. An example would be the Ariel ad “Cleans what others can’t.”

Do you want to create a killer USP and accelerate your business?

As of 2013, there are about 10 billion brands registered in the world. And each of them wants you to be their client. Everyone is trying to sell something. How to remember them, how to distinguish them from each other?

Each of your potential clients faces this problem. In every niche, whatever it is: selling car parts; production of building materials; beauty salons and hairdressers; private hospitals and so on, so on, many different companies work. And each offers identical or nearly identical products or services. How to choose? How to distinguish? Who to contact? How to remember if you’ve already almost decided?

Every company, no matter large or small (even more so!) needs to stand out among its competitors. The logo is only half the battle. You need to come up with some unique, special offer that will set you apart from the general background and help you shout out to the client in the general noise.

This article will discuss how to come up with and create your own unique selling proposition, or USP.

What is a USP and how is it used in marketing and sales?

USP is a unique selling proposition. It implies some special characteristic of a brand or product that is presented as an advantage or additional benefit for the client. The USP is used by marketers when developing advertising campaign– often it is built precisely on this feature in order to distinguish the company from its peers in the market.

This concept was introduced as such by the American advertising specialist Rosser Reeves. He developed this concept as an alternative to the hype in advertising, which ordinary consumers simply no longer believed. According to his concept, the USP should:

  • convey real benefits to the client;
  • increase target audience loyalty to;
  • to be unique, special, one of a kind on the market.

If you spy on a competitor’s feature and present it with your own sauce, it will not be a strong USP. It will be just a stolen idea, an imitation.

There seems to be a unique selling proposition here, but 9 out of 10 competitors have the same

Your USP is the reason why consumers should choose you. And every company needs it. Only those who launch a new, innovative, revolutionary product, which simply has no analogues, can do without a USP. In this case, this very product acts as a unique offer.

In all other cases, rebuild or die, to paraphrase the classic.

Why does a business need a USP?

  • to differentiate yourself from competitors;
  • to gain gratitude target audience;
  • to create strong promotional materials () and develop a marketing strategy;
  • to distinguish your product from many similar ones.

There are true and false USPs. The real thing is the real unique characteristics of the product, which no one else has on the market in this niche. This is what is inherent in the product itself. False are imaginary benefits, in the absence of a true difference. This is what and how is said about this product. And in most cases, entrepreneurs resort to precisely such USPs. But what if you offer the same product and service as others? If you haven’t invented something unique, some exclusive product, you have to use your head and think carefully about how you can hook customers.

Separating from competitors is the key to success advertising company. A unique offer must clearly indicate the benefits for customers, on which the message will be based, which will subsequently be broadcast in advertising, on social networks and other promotional materials.

How to create a unique selling proposition

Many business owners think that creating a USP is easy. The two obvious paths to take are:

"We have the lowest prices!"

The price race is a dubious advantage for two reasons. First, there will always be someone who is cheaper. Secondly, with low prices you attract the appropriate contingent of clients - insolvent and too economical, to say the least.

“We have high-quality service!”

In fact, everyone's concept of quality is completely different. And you can’t always guarantee this very service - it plays a lot human factor. But even if so, you really work conscientiously, it is this phrase “quality services”, “ best service"set the teeth on edge so that they simply fly past the ears.

If you are just starting out, yes, for quick sales you can still somehow beat these two trump cards as part of some kind of promotion. For example, the most low price. But if you want to build a strong brand for a long time, you need to take developing your USP seriously.

In general, any unique selling proposition is built on three fundamental principles.

1. Advertising message must convey specific benefits to the consumer. That’s right, you need to submit a USP not in the light of your advantages, but specifically the benefits for the client. He is not as interested in Italian wallpaper in itself as he is in the sight of his room covered with this wallpaper. So sell him beautiful renovations, easy care of wallpaper that is washable and does not fade, and not the wallpaper itself. But he can get all of the above only by purchasing this very wallpaper from you.

Only if working with you is profitable will clients choose your company.

2. Client benefit must be unique against the background of other products similar to yours. Everything is clear here - this principle is inherent in the definition itself. Want to be different? Come up with something that your competitors don't have. Only by being different, only by offering something that no one else offers, can you be different from everyone else. As a result, your product will be chosen (if the benefits are well described) and remembered.

3. The benefit must be meaningful, that is, attractive enough for the client to make a choice in favor of your products without unnecessary hesitation. The benefit must be reasoned, and not fictitious or made up from thin air. That is why you must study your target audience well, know your customers, their pain points and based on this.

When you know what problems your customers care about, you can offer them a solution in the form of a unique benefit like this.

Examples of drawing up USP

You can often come across USPs that absolutely do not play into the hands of the business: they are too general and do not attract attention.

How to create a proposal that will become the heart and engine of the success of your business?

1. Tell us something that your competitors are silent about.

If there are hundreds of businesses like yours, it is very difficult to find something truly unique. But maybe there is something that your clients are simply silent about?

Such a case happened in my practice. The company is engaged in the production of granite monuments. The default service offered to clients is the development of a 3D model of a future product, free of charge. Other companies also provide this service, but they are modestly silent about it. We did not remain silent. The benefit of seeing a full-fledged three-dimensional image of the future monument works well for many of the company’s clients.

What about chewing gum, Orbit, which is sugar-free? Read the composition of other similar rubber bands - it is identical. And without sugar too. But Orbit presents this as a USP.

2. Point out newness or innovation.

If you invented new way solve a client’s problem, or update your product, or add some new ingredient to it - no need to remain silent. You need to create your USP, and quickly, before someone does it before you.

Remember the advertisement of any new shampoo or cream. Either they came up with a new formula, then they added keratin, or some kind of l-lipids that no one had heard of, but if you believe the advertising, the shampoo makes hair stronger. And the cream simply smooths out wrinkles once or twice. All thanks to the INNOVATIVE formula. Take it into service.

3. John Carlton formula

Using this formula, it is very easy to create a USP, especially if you provide services. The formula is built like this:

The product ___ helps ___ ts___ solve the problem___ we indicate the benefits.

For example:

The new cream will help women overcome the first wrinkles and look younger.

In front of you are two identical faces from a casket and each of them is vying with each other to offer to buy an identical product. Which one will you give the money to? You pose a similar dilemma to potential clients if your company and its competitors look like identical twins: identical assortment, equal prices and unremarkable service. Unique selling proposition - marketing strategy, capable of distinguishing you from the crowd, like a ray of light in a dark kingdom.

What is a USP and how to come up with it?

The concept of a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) was developed by Rosser Reeves, an ardent proponent of hard selling who believed that the only purpose of advertising is to sell. This is why the USP concept is so good for small and medium businesses:

  • It does not require global advertising costs that do not require a quick response. It is worth recognizing that branding and its expensive paraphernalia are the domain of large corporations that can allocate multimillion-dollar budgets to marketing;
  • The USP allows you to differentiate yourself from competitors without making significant changes to the company’s work;
  • Its implementation is often not even required - the uniqueness of the offer already exists, but is simply not formed by the advertising message.

A unique selling proposition is the basis of an advertising message to a potential client, telling him about the benefits that he will receive by working with your company. Therefore, its development is relevant for both manufacturing enterprises, B2B and services sectors.

USP: three quality criteria

According to Rosser Reeves' concept, a sales proposition will only become strong when it combines three important components:

  • Specificity of the proposal;
  • Benefit for the client;
  • Uniqueness.

Unlike many other strategies, USP does not flirt with the client, but directly offers to buy a product, try a new product, or use a service. "Buy an elephant!" - such a call would seem overly arrogant to the buyer, if not for the benefits that he would receive as a result of the acquisition: “Buy an ultra-fast elephant carrier.” IN modern formulas benefits are often replaced with a guarantee: “If the elephant is slow, we will return your money.”

And, if it is possible to formulate a proposal without difficulty, and the benefit for the client is found through, then to find uniqueness you often have to apply the entire creative mind of your team.

USP development stages

The brief formulation of the Unique Selling Proposition is based on serious analytical work by experienced marketers:

  • To create an effective USP, you need to address not just benefits, but the true needs of your customers, their “pains” and desires. IKEA founder Ingvar Kamprad explains how the analytical method helped him solve the problem of declining demand. Convinced that customers were tired of monotonous furniture, he proposed implementing their ideas using modular systems. Thus was born “Have an idea? There is IKEA!
  • It is important to make sure that the hypothesis you put forward is not already being used by competitors. In this case, it is often necessary to plunge into technological process, study storage and distribution technologies in detail to identify an invisible feature. Thus, the famous drink Pepsi entered the market in an era when CocaCola had already captured almost the entire market. Selling the drink in metal cans allowed Pepsi to win almost a third of customers from the powerful corporation.
  • The USP is formulated in the form of a short and succinct advertising message that is remembered by customers. The most striking example of this is “Melts in your mouth, not in your hands,” created by Rosser Reeves to advertise popular candies.

Information collection and analytics

Therefore, in order to create a truly strong USP, you need to consistently go through a number of stages, the first of which is identifying the advantages of a company or product that are of fundamental importance to the client. Most in effective ways collection of information become:

  • Understanding yours. Consumer survey. To do this, you need to assemble a focus group consisting of people similar to your avatar ideal client and ask them to prioritize in the selection of goods and services, aspects that are important to your business.
  • Brainstorm. If your product is innovative and completely unusual for potential client, collective discussion will help in searching for its merits.
  • Identification of all the advantages of the main competitors. This technique is good when introducing a new model to the market or opening a business in an already filled niche.

Once you've compiled a list of all your benefits, you should prioritize the few features that matter most to consumers and then make sure they aren't already being exploited by your competitors.

After that, all you have to do is put your USP in the form of an advertising message that will arouse in your customers, if not the desire to contact them, then at least interest, surprise, and curiosity.

10 Examples of Effective USP

Unique Selling Proposition is a kind of core of your marketing, around which the entire strategy is built. Therefore, if it turns out to be boring, gray and everyday, you should go through the entire process of its development again, and for inspiration, look at the work of brands with worldwide popularity. Then you will definitely discover your “most” feature, which you can play perfectly.

No. 1. A property that is not talked about

One undistinguished Australian pillow manufacturing company set itself the goal of increasing turnover by 30% using its USP. The basis for positioning was the presence of a stamp on the pillows with an expiration date.

In the morning and evening there were advertisements on local television telling about the microflora and microscopic insects that live in old feather pillows. At the same time, the manufacturer not only clearly identified the problem, but also demonstrated a practical solution.

The statement "Your pillows don't last forever" brought Tontine an increase annual turnover by 345%.

No. 2. What your clients never thought about

The HoReCa sector is one of the most competitive niches. Customers will no longer be surprised by either the designer interior of the cafe or the impressive menu of delicious dishes. Therefore, a cafe in St. Petersburg offered customers not only a tasty snack, but also a chance to chat with the most popular animals on social networks – cats.

Entrance to the cat cafe is paid - from 400 rubles, but crowds of visitors do not stop appearing at their doors.

No. 3. USP with a bow

One of the most popular scenarios used by modern companies, both goods and services. You've probably come across sentences such as:

  • Buy for an amount of XX rubles and receive as a gift...;
  • Two packs for the price of one;
  • Order an audit and receive a 30% discount on the training seminar.

And, despite the boring and monotony, these offers work: every person wants to receive a pleasant bonus with their purchase or at least save money.

No. 4. A sore spot in your field

Most niches have certain “problem areas” that your client would hate to encounter. The real “bearded” legend of the USP of this format is the cargo transportation company, which in the 90s put forward the formulation “Our movers are always sober!”, which brought a significant increase in the flow of orders.

And a drunk and unkempt loader is not the only thing a client is afraid to encounter. Thus, in dentistry such USPs as “We treat without pain” and “Insert with a guarantee” have gained success, but there is no need to talk about how sales of Domestos, which intimidates everyone with microbes under the rim of the toilet bowl, have progressed.

No. 5. Make you doubt

When Huggies entered the market, Pampers had already captured a significant share of the market. But, unlike popular brand, “cowboy” diapers were equipped with stretchy belts and elastic bands, which ensured not only dryness, but also comfortable movement for the baby.

Parents who wanted the best for their children questioned the quality of the previously used brand and happily began buying Huggies, giving the company 350% growth in the first year after entering the market.

No. 6. Innovation

The easiest way to develop a USP is if your product really has some fundamental innovations that solve people’s problems. A typical example would be the excitement created during the release of mobile phones for 2 SIM cards, the appearance of suspended ceilings, which eliminate the need for a lengthy process of leveling, rough and finishing.

No. 7. Give the client more

Amsterdam has become the most popular tourist city in the world, not thanks to tulips and cheese. Permissiveness, sex, drugs and rock and roll bring thousands of tourists here every year.

In the format of an unremarkable cafe or pub, even allowing smoking right at the table can attract customers. An alternative to such a bold decision is to allow clients, for example, to take off their shoes and sit on a cozy sofa.

No. 8. Show you care

European food and household chain Tesco is offering customers electric scooters that can reach speeds of up to 4 km/h to get around the store. This is extremely comfortable solution for young mothers with children, elderly people and disabled people. Therefore, online sales with the innovation increased by 47%.

#9 Show enthusiasm

One construction company from St. Petersburg offered its clients free measurements and the development of three interior design options for the apartment. At the same time, not a word was said in the advertisement about the obligations of clients. But guess who they turned to to renovate their home?

When you come across some USPs, it comes out: "Oops!".

Typical, no benefits, lackluster, too general.

But it is the unique selling proposition that is the heart of any business. This is what the entire marketing strategy revolves around, which helps you differentiate yourself from competitors and occupy your part of the market.

Let's assume that the USP is a core surrounded by hot marketing magma. It moves and mixes positioning, target audience characteristics, competitive information, product or service benefits, and the company's business objectives.

If the core is weak, then the magma spreads, smearing the outlines of the company throughout the sales market. And sooner or later, the boundaries of business are erased, and then disappear altogether.

Here's a metaphor. It’s easier to say this: a strong USP = a strong company.

John Carleton in one of his speeches says that in search of “that same USP” It may take you more than one sleepless night. But the result should be something special that will make your business take its place in the buyer's mind.

To help you in this difficult task, we have collected 8 scenarios, using which you will create your own competitive offer without much loss of time and nerve cells.

Scenario #1: Unique characteristic

If there are a great many analogues of your business on the market, then try to find some unique difference. Either find or create.

What the Twix TM marketers did in this situation: they divided an ordinary chocolate-wafer bar into two sticks. And the entire communication strategy was built on this.

Scenario No. 2. What remains outside the attention of competitors

It is very difficult to come up with something original in a classic business. Then it’s worth looking for what your competitors are missing.

For example, Claude Hopkins once noticed that toothpaste not only cleans teeth, but also removes unpleasant plaque (film). This is how the slogan was born "Gets Rid of Film on Teeth".

And when developing the USP for a beer brand, he noticed that at the factory the bottles are not just washed, but are doused with a powerful jet of steam. Mr. Hopkins brought this workflow (which, in fact, all beer producers use) into the concept - "Our Bottles Are Washed With Live Steam!"

Of course, here you need to immerse yourself in all areas of the business: from production to the work of secretaries and delivery services.

By the way, you probably remember the classic example of Domino’s pizza delivery. It sounds like this: “Delivery in 30 minutes. If we're late, we'll give you pizza as a gift.".

There is a small stratagem in this scenario: the business owner often gets blinded, but an experienced copywriter with the makings of a Maigret detective is able to pull out a hot and fresh USP into the world.

Scenario No. 3. John Carlton Formula

The formula is ideal for service businesses. You don’t even need to come up with anything revolutionary or creative here. Submit your data and get a working USP.

“With the help of ________ (service, product) we help ________ (ca) solve ______ (problem) with ____ (benefit).”


  • With the “Weight Loss” course we will help women put on their favorite bikini by summer.
  • The “Be Your Own Copywriter” training will help businessmen save hundreds of dollars on freelance services.
  • The “Mary Poppins” service will help mothers calmly go to the gym, cinema and shopping while the baby is under the supervision of an experienced nanny.

The examples are not perfect, but they demonstrate the very principle of working with the Carlton formula. The main thing is that we explain to the target audience what benefits our product or service brings.

Scenario No. 4. Innovation

If the product solves the buyer’s problems in a completely new way, then this must be stated in the USP. AND "…do not be shy"- as Ivan Dorn sings in his hit.

What could it be:

  • innovative formula;
  • new product;
  • new packaging;
  • a new format of interaction with the buyer;
  • revolutionary delivery method;
  • and so on…
  • Innovation! The first 3 in 1 roll-on gel Nivea Q10 for wrinkles, dark circles and swelling.
  • Vicks - We combine healing ingredients and the smooth taste of lemon tea to relieve 6 cold symptoms.

Scenario No. 5. USP with a problem

You can include your audience’s problem in your unique selling proposition. Those. go not from a description of the service, but from solving a complex problem for a potential buyer.

  • Is your tooth aching? Nebolin ointment will relieve pain in 5 minutes.
  • Bad mood? Invite a friend for coffee at McDonald's.
  • Confused about finding cheap air tickets? Check out our offers from 183 airlines.

Example of a TV commercial:

- Got a cold? Flu? With Aflubin tablets, a noticeable improvement in health occurs much faster. (Translation from Ukrainian).

Scenario No. 6. USP with a bow

This is what we call any advantage that is associated with gifts, bonuses, discounts, guarantees and other consumer goodies.

  • Samsung phones have a 5-year warranty. Order dessert and get coffee as a gift.
  • Buy 2 pizzas, the third one is free.
  • Place an order for 1000 rubles, and our taxi will take you home for free.

This is a successful scenario for unique offer, but it is unlikely that such a USP will work with the same efficiency for a long time. Use this formula for seasonal promotions.

Scenario No. 7. USP with muscles

Here you need to flex the muscles of your business, show all your friends and envious people the most strengths company, product, service.

What could it be:

  • low price;
  • huge assortment;
  • free service;
  • products from cool brands;
  • support for a bright personality;
  • hundreds of awards and diplomas;
  • offices throughout the country.

In general, all the characteristics to which you can add the word “most”.

Just declaring your “self” is not enough for USP. We need facts, figures, evidence.

Scenario #8: Disadvantages

Sometimes a small disadvantage (explicit or imagined) can become a serious competitive advantage.

If you are lucky and have such a characteristic, then feel free to declare it in your USP.

  • village milk with short term storage;
  • homemade chicken without excess water in the package;
  • a fitness instructor who will not feel sorry for you;
  • our beer runs out too quickly.

If you don’t have a USP yet or what you have doesn’t work, these 8 scenarios will help you develop a new proposal with the right emphasis.

Take a pen and paper and start writing down all the characteristics and features of your business. Write for a day, two, a week. Then put it aside and return to the list again after a while. Cross out everything unnecessary, boring, dull and similar to others. And you will be left with that golden squeeze that will become the core of the entire business.

Do you think this is difficult and will take an inordinate amount of your time? Then you know who to contact.