What is included in the concept of work culture? What is work culture? Ideological and spiritual non-material motivators

The concept of “work culture”

From your life experience, you probably already know that the same job can be done in different ways. One person will do the job efficiently and quickly. Another will spend a lot of time, get tired, and the result of his work will leave much to be desired.

Why is this happening? The fact is that each person has different ideas about labor activity, its organization, planning, use of various information technologies, work safety, workplace design. People's attitudes towards work also differ.

All of the above constitutes the content of work culture. Each person has a different level of development of this culture: for some it is higher, for others it is less. Hence the result.

Work culture is a complex characteristic of labor, including it rational organization and favorable conditions, the use of advanced technologies, high professionalism of the employee, partnerships between participants in joint work.

The work culture promotes:

· maintaining employee health;

· developing a sense of job satisfaction, Have a good mood, interest and activity when performing work;

· growth of professional qualifications;

· professional and personal self-realization;

· mastering rational labor methods, new equipment and technology;

· increasing labor productivity.

Under work culturethe achieved level of production organization is understood. Work culture includes such concepts as workplace organization, labor safety, etc.

An important component of work culture istechnological discipline, i.e. strict adherence to the most rational technology for performing work and requirements for its quality. The sequence and accuracy of technological operations must be coordinated with route and operational maps.

From your life experience, you know that the same job can be done in different ways. One person will do the job efficiently and quickly. Another will spend a lot of time, get tired, and the result of his work will leave much to be desired. Why is this happening? The fact is that each person has his own ideas about discipline in professional activity.

Labor discipline – This is the voluntary, conscious compliance of each employee with labor laws and regulations internal regulations, conscientious performance of their duties, high quality work.

Technology discipline— strict compliance with all the requirements of a certain technological regime (methods of processing material, speed, temperature, pressure, etc.), ensuring the achievement of the production goal, i.e. obtaining a product with specified quality indicators.

Contract discipline– is the fulfillment of obligations arising from the content employment contract. Failure to comply with contractual discipline causes a disruption in the work rhythm of the enterprise, disruptions in production activities other people.

An important component of work culture isworking environment. The working environment includes physical factors (air, temperature, humidity, lighting, color design, noise level, etc.) and technical and technological factors (work tools, objects of labor, technological process). Means of labor include machinery and equipment, tools and fixtures, industrial buildings and structures, all types of transport, power lines, i.e. everything with which people influenceobjects of labor and modify them. Means of labor and objects of labor (what is exposed) constitute the means of production; in the process of labor they are constantly improved. But the decisive factor in any production is man, his work force, since the means of production by themselves cannot produce any material goods. Improving work culture involves creating comfortable conditions labor necessary to carry out effective work activities.

Work culture also presupposes the ability to organize one’s own workplace. When organizing a workplace, you need to take into account your anthropometric characteristics: body size, height from the floor to the raised arm, to the eyes in a standing and sitting position, height in a sitting and standing position, width and length of the hand, arm length, etc. It is necessary to determine the prevailing posture and Based on your individual characteristics, arrange your workplace so that you don’t have to reach for anything and so that nothing interferes with doing your work. Order in the workplace must be maintained at all times.

When arranging a workplace, it is necessary to eliminate the formation of shadows and accumulation of dust. Work tools must be placed in such a way as not to clutter up the space adjacent to the workplace, and so that, if necessary, everything can be quickly put back in place and the room can be cleaned.

In connection with the development of technology, the number of labor objects and their parameters that need to be controlled increases. Remote control systems are developing, a person is increasingly moving away from the objects he controls, and he judges changes in their state not by direct observation data, but on the basis of the perception of certain signals. Carrying out such indirect management and control, a person receives information in encoded form (readings of meters, indicators, measuring instruments), which requires its decoding and mental comparison with real data. This explains the need to use information technology, which is currently a tool for organizing and carrying out almost any activity.

In fact, would it really hurt the turner to use computer equipment? On the contrary, with its help he will be able to develop and improve the product without wasting unnecessary material and time. Finalization of the design solution is carried out on the monitor screen. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the possibility of using information technologies and technical means that allow the most rational use and implementation of this or that activity.

The most important component of work culture is ensuring its safety and security.

Safety precautions is a system of organizational and technical measures and means that prevent human exposure to hazardous production factors that lead to injuries and accidents if safety rules are violated.

Each type of activity is subject to certain conditions and rules, which are set out in safety instructions. In most cases, injuries occur due to failure to follow instructions.

Choice is of great importance in ensuring safety at work. work clothes. It should not be too tight so as not to hamper movement, and at the same time it should not be too spacious, which also creates interference in work. In addition, work clothes extend the life of personal clothing and keep them clean.

When performing work, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules for the use of electricity, fire safety requirements and protection from mechanical injuries.

In any activity it is necessary to be able to calculate its economic efficiency, since the results of the work do not always cover the costs of its implementation.

Production efficiency is an economic criterion that characterizes the relationship between the achieved production results and the costs of various resources.

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The concept of work culture arose a long time ago, but it still does not have a final definition, since issues of work culture have been considered in the studies of philosophers, economists, sociologists and educators with different approaches at more than one-order levels of analysis. It’s not for nothing that there are such concepts as veteran labor and the benefits associated with it. How to register a veteran of labor and who is entitled to the title, you can find out about this from lawyers specializing in labor code. Now you can even do this online on the Internet.

Some scientists consider work culture from the perspective of determining its essence and content, others study its individual elements and research. The first are more theoretical in nature, while the research of others is applied. Moreover, as an analysis of literary sources shows, there is no common view on the very essence of the category of labor culture.

Let's consider some concepts proposed by the authors, according to the achieved level of knowledge. Detailed sociological research was carried out by G.M. Sokolova. Analyzing the developments of social scientists (G. Bühl, F. Staufenbiel, etc.). As well as philosophers and economists (R.A. Zlotnikov, G.N. Cherkasov, F.A. Gromov, V.N. Luzhbin, etc.) she notes the one-sidedness of the analysis of work culture. Studying exclusively the features of the social-production sphere leads to the identification of labor culture with production culture, but it is necessary to study their connections and mechanisms of interaction.

The author's concept is to define culture social production, as an integral association, its essence is revealed in what material and spiritual values ​​are produced in society, as well as by what methods and means this production occurs. External form the existence of a production culture - the objective assets of society, the internal meaning of this culture is the development of man directly in the production process.

It is man who carries out the functioning and development of the culture of social production, and the culture of his direct labor is the core of the self-development of the culture of social production. Therefore, the culture of work is studied in the system of culture of social production, and its essence is characterized by those factors that reveal how the social product is produced. Work culture is manifested in production activities and cultural development of a person, therefore it must be considered in combination and interrelation of two sides: objective and subjective. The first side includes what relates to the technical and organizational content of labor. The second, subjective side, presupposes high vocational and technical training of the worker and his moral qualities, that is, the personal aspect of work culture, which is considered as professional culture employee.

Keywords: The concept of work culture, work, The concept of work culture, analysis of literary sources, G. Bühl, F. Staufenbiel, R. A. Zlotnikov, G. N. Cherkasov, Author's concept, functioning and development of culture, human cultural development, Veteran of labor, how register for anyone

The concept of “work culture”

There is no clear definition of the concept of “labor safety culture” in both Western and Russian publications. You can be convinced of this even by this fact: take any reference book or dictionary on labor protection and try to find there the very concept of “labor safety culture”, but as a result of the search you can find a lot of related concepts: “safety climate”, “safety policy”, “ organizational climate”, “communication culture”, etc. A more or less clear definition of occupational safety culture can be found in the Russian Encyclopedia of Occupational Safety and Health, where what is meant by occupational safety culture? high level development of a system for preserving the life and health of workers in the process of work.

The Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety defines “work culture” as a theory that includes:

  • 1) values, ideas and principles that serve as the basis for managing the occupational safety system;
  • 2) a system of practical procedures and behavioral responses that embody and reinforce these basic principles.

From this we can conclude that the occupational safety culture cannot be equated either with specific structures for ensuring occupational safety (labor safety department, occupational safety commission, etc.), or with existing safety programs (risk identification, monitoring activities such as worker inspections places, accident investigations, safety analysis of a particular profession, etc.). Analyzing various theories and empirical evidence about the impact of occupational safety culture on the level of occupational safety, we can come to the conclusion that there is a special type of occupational safety culture that is more productive for the quality functioning of the safety system. In other words, this safety culture must be a combination of leadership and support from managers senior management, participation of lower-level managers and involvement of workers in compliance with safety measures to preserve, first of all, the life and health of workers. In fact, such an occupational safety culture can be highly assessed by two main parameters of occupational safety: the occupational safety mission and “involvement in occupational safety.”

Let us consider the structure of the concept of “work culture”.

Rice. 1.

Technological discipline is strict adherence to all technology requirements, rules and actions, as well as requirements for the quality of the labor product.

A workplace is an area of ​​human labor activity, equipped with technical means and auxiliary equipment necessary to manage some process or perform work.

The ultimate goal of organizing a workplace is to optimize working conditions that ensure maximum reliability and efficiency of work.

When organizing a workplace, certain conditions must be met.

Sufficient working space to allow all necessary movements and movements during operation and maintenance of the equipment.

The presence of a free action zone, i.e. an area in which equipment, tools, materials, devices that have to be used frequently are concentrated.

Sufficient natural or artificial lighting of the workplace.

The design and design of the workplace should be fast, simple and economical Maintenance equipment, maintain a comfortable working posture.

Air exchange, temperature and humidity that meet the standards.

The level of work culture is important characteristic personality and the basis of its readiness for work. Society's need for an individual with a high work culture is dictated by the requirements of scientific, technical and social progress, which determine the necessary level of preparation of young people for an independent working life: the complication of social production; changes in the content, nature and conditions of work; the emergence of new requirements for direct participants in production, for their general educational, professional and cultural level, etc.

Developing this issue, A.S. Makarenko created the foundations of the theory of the educational team, which played a major role in the organization of the Soviet school. He believed that only joint labor efforts, teamwork, labor assistance from people and constant labor interdependence could create the right attitude of people towards each other.

According to A.S. Makarenko, it is work in a team, subject to the skillful guidance of a teacher, that forms the elements of a work culture that a future specialist will need in his subsequent creative activity. Exploring the process of forming a culture of work for young people, he developed the theory of education in a team and through a team. All of him pedagogical activity had a single goal - to prepare comprehensively developed people, whose work activity should become the basis of their whole life.

In contrast to the collectivist approach to the problem of developing a work culture, S.T. Shatsky emphasized the importance individual development specialist He believed that the main thing for a person is the opportunity to work and use his knowledge to carry out simple life tasks, worry about his health, work physically and mentally, draw up a plan for his work and at the same time test it in practice. This approach, in his opinion, makes it possible personal development, the formation of elements of the work culture of each individual, stimulates the growth and realization of the creative powers of the individual.

Thus, the problem supposedly arises of contrasting the role of the individual-personal aspect of the development of work culture and the “collectivist” approach to introducing the idea of ​​developing a work culture. If we discard the past and already outdated ideological layers of this problem, then the drama of such a confrontation disappears, and we find ourselves faced with the question of the optimal relationship between two aspects of the single and integral process of forming a work culture and professional development participants in the educational process.

While discussing the characteristics of a Russian employee relevant to creative behavior, we mentioned some features of the domestic management culture. Let us now consider this phenomenon more closely. Of course, the division of culture into management and labor is rather conditional, since each of them is a kind of response to the other: the first allows you to manage Russian subordinates, the second allows you to work under the supervision of a domestic leader. They represent different sides, or aspects, of a single whole, implementing the same practices of labor activity, each from its own position. Socializing in the process professional growth, the employee assimilates and reproduces as a leader those management practices of which he was the “object” at earlier stages of his career. The mutual consistency and complementarity of labor and management cultures ensures their relative stability over time and resistance to attempts at targeted changes.

Nevertheless, this conceptual division gives an additional perspective to the research view; it reflects the difference in the positions of the subjects of labor activity and the variety of tools that allow (trying to) manipulate these aspects of organizational culture within the enterprise. In addition to all that has been said, there are also practical possibilities for splitting work and management cultures, for example, the work of Russian employees in a foreign company under the leadership of foreigners or the symmetrical situation of employing an expat in Russia. So, as already mentioned, Russian management culture based on strict control, strict hierarchy, negative motivation, and the predominance of prohibitive norms.

Factors such as fluctuations in crop yields in the territory of central Russia, the vulnerability of people and material assets in the face of military threats (nomads, internal strife) and natural disasters, and enormous distances that determined the possibility of extensive development are noted [Shkaratan, Karacharovsky 2002]. Indeed, the fragility and unreliability of life in the vast expanses did little to promote the development of complex economic systems and the intensification of activity.

Simple and reliable schemes that do not require complex cooperation and are easily reproducible and restored turned out to be much more effective: let wooden house vulnerable to fire, but it can be restored in one season. The constant military threat required a centralized paramilitary management organization, the by-product of which was the subordination of the individual to state necessity, treating the population as only one type of resource. Another consequence of these factors was the limitation of the planning horizon to the short term.

Based on similar premises, A.P. Prokhorov writes that throughout history, domestic managers have been characterized by the desire and ability to maximize the mobilization of resources, including human ones, and the attraction and redistribution of resources, but not their saving, has always been effective [Prokhorov 2013, p. 56, 60-61]. It should be emphasized that the tendency towards over-control and over-exploitation always gave rise to resistance at all levels of the hierarchy, and at the slightest opportunity the system sought to go into a stagnant state, to protect itself from the authorities with the help of formal indicators and an abundance of bureaucratic procedures

Labor motivation and work culture are the most important civilizationally identical qualitative characteristics of the population, affecting the viability of the country, the basis for the successful existence of the state. The future of successful states is based on development above all human resources. Human resources are not only the leading factor in economic development, but also the main wealth of any society. Human resources integrate professional qualification and psychophysiological parameters, professional competencies, as well as “capitalization” and humanization of society. The most important aspect of assessing human resources is the ability of part of the country’s population to have the necessary physical development, health, education, qualifications, professional knowledge for work in the field of socially useful activities (labor resources).

In the context of a decline in both potential and actual labor resources the issue of work motivation becomes paramount.Labor motivation in a broad sense is usually called the subjective attitude of workers to work, their interest (or disinterest) in the process and results of work, its effectiveness. What were the work motivations at different times? historical periods Russian state?

According to B.N. Mironov, there are two ideal types of work ethics, one of which can be called traditional or minimalist, the other bourgeois or maximalist. According to the principles of minimalist work morality, one should work until the traditional, modest needs of the family are satisfied and should not strive to accumulate. In contrast, a maximalist work ethic focuses a person on achieving the maximum possible result in his work, and an entrepreneur on achieving maximum profit.

The main feature of the labor motivation of the Russian peasantry was not making a profit, but subsistence. This does not mean that the peasants were lazy or undeveloped.
It’s just that for the most part, they saw the meaning of life not in the accumulation of property, not in increasing power and influence with the help of wealth, but in a calm and righteous life, which alone could ensure eternal salvation and good fame among fellow villagers. The cultural and religious factor played a significant role in the formation of work motivation. Thus, the goals of economic behavior, focused on meeting basic needs rather than profit, were more characteristic of the Orthodox peasantry. The traditional minimalist labor motivation of the majority of Russian peasants remained virtually unchanged until 1917.

The peasant worked to satisfy the traditional, modest needs of the family, did not strive to accumulate, and consumed the entire annual income. If the family’s needs increased due to an increase in the number of eaters, he increased the “degree of self-exploitation,” but to certain limits, beyond which the peasant “did not want to go.”

Thus, the labor motivation of the peasants was fundamentally different from the maximalist bourgeois labor motivation.
Small changes in labor motivation in the first half of the 19th century, caused by the development of capitalism, an increase in the number of workers, the emergence of about 30% of peasants dissatisfied with the communal order, including the need to follow the traditional work ethic, who wanted to stand out from the community and work in a new way, did not changed the traditional motivation of work either in the city or in the countryside. As a result of this study, several factors have been identified that influence the state of work motivation and are in a causal relationship with the viability of the country.

The factor of recognition of the importance of work for the viability of the country in public policy

As studies show, the significance (value) of labor is in an obvious cause-and-effect relationship with the viability of the country (Fig. 2.1.94).

The correlation coefficient was 0.48, which indicates a relationship between the significance (value) of labor and the viability of the country. Meanwhile, the traditional motivation for work could not provide material abundance, so the people lived modestly. However, basic material needs were met. This is confirmed by the conclusion of historian V.I. Semevsky, made on the basis of an analysis of peasant duties. According to him, the welfare of Russian peasants in the 18th century. was higher than German and Polish and hardly inferior to French. According to the conclusions of the English researcher W. Tuck, the author of a fundamental work on the reign of Catherine II: "The majority of Russian subjects lives better than the vast majority of the population in France, Germany, Sweden and some other countries. This can be said about all classes.".
Thus, traditional labor motivation had a positive effect on the population of Russia and on the development of the state as a whole.

Ideological and spiritual factor (the importance of non-material labor motivation for the viability of the country)

Ideological and spiritual resources are practically not considered by researchers in the traditional theory of economic action. Meanwhile, ideological motivation has more than once become a decisive factor in economic development. The liberal approach, built on the opposition of individual motivation to the team organization of work and its exclusively material nature, unjustifiably simplifies the factorial diversity of incentive motives for work activity. Option according to in which a person can work without being forced by the state and stimulated by expected income is simply not allowed.
Meanwhile, Russia is characterized by the predominance of spiritual, compared to material, factors of behavior.

Comparing the expert assessment of such dominance and the viability of the country demonstrates a strong connection. The correlation coefficient was 0.61, which demonstrates the cause-and-effect relationship between non-material motivation and the viability of the country. Its reduction, the exaltation of material incentives and successes after a certain period of time leads to a significant decrease in the viability of the country.

Meanwhile, without ideological (ideological and value) comprehension, labor as a historical phenomenon could not take place. Labor activity is, first of all, in its genesis, a socially useful activity. By understanding and implementing this into the fundamentals of the functioning of the economy, the alienation of man from labor is overcome. Otherwise, a distorted view is established in which organizational means are perceived as an end.

Whenever the ideological and spiritual motives of labor were updated, the corresponding economic communities showed significantly better results than those competing with them economic systems. Based on the quantitative assessments of the characteristics of the events in the history of Russia of the twentieth century presented by a group of experts according to 38 criteria for identifying the ideological and spiritual state, a rather complex non-monotonic curve was obtained. The ideological spirituality of Russian society had ups and downs, being dependent on the activities of the state in matters of ideology and national (civilizational) identity.

From this it follows that the formation of an ideological and spiritual resource can and should be considered as a state management task.

In the context of issues of economic policy formation, special attention is required to the dependence of attitudes in Russian society to work. It is characteristic that its historical variability generally coincides with ups and downs national economy(Fig. 2.1.96).

The conducted expert experiment also made it possible to answer the question: which of the two factors - ideological and spiritual foundations or material incentives - is more significant for indicators of economic development in Russia? […]

From the standpoint of neoliberal theory, the results obtained are simply discouraging. The correlation coefficient between the ideological and spiritual development of society and the growth of gross industrial production amounted to plus 0.59. The dependence on the factor of the value of work in the public consciousness turned out to be even more significant - the correlation coefficient was plus 0.69.

The data obtained prove the significance for Russian economy spiritual stimuli.
But the total material factor and the growth of gross industrial production are in Russia, judging by the results of the analysis, in a state of anti-correlation, giving a value of minus 0.7.

Natural and climatic factor of labor motivation

Another factor in building the civilizational economic specificity of Russia was its special climatic conditions, which predetermined the nature of the labor rhythm of the traditional peasant economy. The European worker worked equally dynamically for almost the entire year. The relatively mild European winter smoothed out seasonal differences in labor costs. The contrasting continental climate of Russia is a completely different matter.
The share of labor in the summer time budget of the Russian peasant was more than twice as high as in the winter.

Peasant farming functioned in calendar spurt mode. In Fig. 2.1.98 provides calculations of the time budget of Russian peasants, obtained on the initiative of G.S. Strumilin in 1923 to surveys of the Voronezh province, in Fig. 2.1.99 - routine for European peasants. The traditional way of life at that time had not yet been completely destroyed, and therefore the created model of a peasant day can be considered representative of the national tradition.

Researchers of the Russian peasant world write about the consolidation of the seasonal rhythm of labor in the structure of the national mentality as a whole. The entire course of Russian history unfolded essentially in jerky mode. The specified specificity of the national mentality provides realistic grounds for developing a strategy for forced economic breakthroughs. It is not applicable to all world-economies. The jerk regime presupposes a special management format, its own traditions of a strong state and collectivist-communal mechanisms of labor organization.

We need a special command impulse to awaken Russia from its winter economic hibernation.

The relationship between the assessment of collectivism in different historical periods and the country's viability coefficient is presented in Fig. 2.1.100.

Civilization-country comparison of labor time budget peasant farms It also allows us to refute the stereotype formed in the West about traditional Russian laziness. The Russian peasant worked even more than the European during the year. Decrease in his working rhythm in winter period associated with a relaxation mechanism adapted to the natural environment for maximum restoration of the physical, emotional and psychological strength of the body.

Legal motivation for work as a factor in the viability of the country

[…]The level of labor motivation is an effective indicator of the progress of reforms; the majority of the population does not have symptoms to increase it, which is confirmed by the dependence of the level of motivation for labor productivity on its payment (Fig. 2.1.101).

The type of motivation is closely related to the social roles that employees perform when placed in a given labor relationship. The formation of a motivation mechanism is in the nature of a publicly declared responsible dialogue between subjects and institutions of power with subjects of labor relations, groups employees and the population as a whole. Motivational social dialogue has the character of a consciously regulated process, the subjects of which increase mutual competence as it develops.

In previous decades social role employee was determined by his place in the work collective. The team itself changed its form, determining the transformation of the roles of workers. Accordingly, the dynamics of the social content of the employee’s role largely determined the main motivational dominants of work activity and influenced the formation of a work subculture. Reforms of the 1990s destroyed the labor collective as social group people, excluding him as a subject of labor relations.

The legislation also excludes the possibility of creating political parties on a professional basis. The role of the work collective for the purposes of work motivation is reduced to a minimum. The Russian Constitution freed citizens from the fetishization of labor, the symbolic oath to labor as universal conscription. But the state did not create new system labor motivation, taking into account national traditions, historical experience, natural and climatic factors.

At the same time, in Russia there is a stable, different principle of work motivation, based on non-material motivation.

Ideological and spiritual non-material motivators

[…] Popular aphoristic wisdom contains in its arsenal a twofold image of work motivation - “carrot and stick”. The East, historically reproducing the state-paternalistic system of the Asian mode of production, chose the “whip” as its main means (which can be equated to state coercion). The West has relied on carrots (material incentives) in its economic development.

Russia, bearing in mind its civilizational specificity, equal orientation to both the East and the West, can harmonize the extremes of both approaches, restoring the ambivalent nature of work motivation. The version of economic policy proposed by the authors equally denies the absolutization of both the “stick-command” model of the communist era and the “gingerbread-liberal” system of the post-Soviet period. Its fundamental approach, which provides chances for long-term success, is the synthesis of the positive potential of both motivational mechanisms. Research on material and non-material motivation for work demonstrates the special features of the Russian state that distinguish it from other countries (Fig. 2.1.103).

In Russia, the role of the non-material motivator of work activity, which “faithfully and truly” served the Soviet state in the most successful periods of its existence, has historically been great. According to the author's research, in Russia the motivation of individual labor productivity depends on intangible social package has a look. Russia demonstrates the highest degree of readiness to intensify its work depending on the package of non-material incentives for labor, compared to other countries (Fig. 2.1.105).

Thus, the study allows us to state that along with the destruction of the USSR state, there was a destruction of one of the highest values ​​- labor.Labor, according to the 1993 Constitution of the Russian Federation, became free, but ceased to be effective to the extent that non-material motivators were enshrined in legislation, and labor itself was prestigious and had national importance.

The importance of work among the most important values ​​of life has decreased significantly. The benefits to people have disappeared from the values ​​of work. Meaningful (implementation of abilities) and achievement (improvement of qualifications) values ​​of work are included in the core of values ​​only for a small number of citizens.

Of course, the structure of citizens’ labor values ​​was significantly influenced by a serious decline in the quality of life, especially purchasing power wages, as well as a change in ideology - bringing material well-being to the forefront, devaluing Soviet attitudes, ideas about the value of labor as one of the highest values ​​of statehood and assessing the latter in the context of public interests.

Initiative at work and a responsible attitude towards it remain clearly on the periphery of labor preferences. The weak expression of these values ​​sharply distinguishes Russians from workers in economically developed countries. The state has withdrawn from the formation of labor motivation, which could stimulate the development of citizens' initiative in work and a responsible attitude towards it.

It is necessary to return the role of regulator to the state public relations in the sphere of labor and the creation of motivational mechanisms.

Earlier, experts have already noted that “it is necessary to strengthen the targeted influence of the state as the leading macrofactor on the formation of labor values.”

The state must create conditions for labor motivation - first of all, this is high-quality education and the necessary qualifications of workers, cultivating an attitude towards work, the problems and solutions of which are discussed in subsequent chapters. The work of the funds seems relevant mass media to highlight scenarios of civilized labor behavior and “achievable” labor culture. At the same time, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the interests and patterns of labor behavior of individual social strata. Based on the results of the study, we identified the following factors the viability of the country in the labor segment.

  • The significance (value) of labor in public policy.
  • Along with the material - non-material motivation labor.
  • “Jerky” or mobilization nature of labor.
  • Motivation of work in law, including labor legislation.

Based on materials from chapter 2.1.5. "Work motivation and work culture" monograph " "