What instead of MDS 81 37.2004. Legislative framework of the Russian Federation. For installation of equipment

Valid Editorial from 09.08.2002

Name of document"GUIDELINES FOR THE APPLICATION OF FEDERAL UNIT PRICES FOR INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT (FERM-2001). MDS 81-37.2004" (approved by Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated 08/09/2002 N 105)
Document typeresolution, instructions
Receiving authorityGosstroy of the Russian Federation
Document NumberMDS 81-37.2004
Acceptance date01.01.1970
Revision date09.08.2002
Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
  • At the time of inclusion in the database, the document was not published

"GUIDELINES FOR THE APPLICATION OF FEDERAL UNIT PRICES FOR INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT (FERM-2001). MDS 81-37.2004" (approved by Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated 08/09/2002 N 105)

3.1.2. The cost of work when the PIC and work project (PPR) provide for their implementation in operating buildings and structures, near objects under electrical voltage dangerous to humans, and on the territory of operating enterprises with an extensive network of transport and engineering communications and cramped conditions for storage of materials, as well as in other complicating conditions during new construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and expansion of existing enterprises (buildings, structures), should be determined with application to indicators of remuneration of construction workers, costs of operating machines and vehicles, including remuneration of workers operating construction machines, as well as labor costs of installation workers, given respectively in columns 4, 5, 6 and 8 of the tables of unit prices of the collections of FERm, coefficients given in Appendix 3 to these Instructions.

3.2. The procedure for determining the costs of dismantling equipment.

3.2.1. If there are no instructions in the FERM collections on the procedure for determining the costs of dismantling the relevant types of equipment, the costs of dismantling should be determined depending on the characteristics of the equipment, the features of the work on its installation, as well as the further purpose of the dismantled equipment.

For lightweight, large-sized equipment that arrives at the construction site in assembled form, during the installation of which there is no welding work, dismantling costs are determined by applying to labor costs and wages of assembly workers, the cost of operating the machines, including wages for drivers (cost material resources not taken into account) averaged coefficients depending on the purpose of the dismantled equipment:

The equipment is subject to further use, with removal from the installation site, necessary (partial) disassembly and preservation for the purpose of long-term or short-term storage 0.7;

The equipment is subject to further use, without the need for storage (it is moved in the workshop to another installation location, etc.) 0.6;

The equipment is not subject to further use (intended for scrap) with disassembly and cutting into parts 0.5;

The same, without disassembling and cutting 0.3.

For complex, large-sized and heavy equipment, assembled from separate blocks and assemblies using welding operations, dismantling costs should be determined on the basis of individual unit prices.

3.2.2. Individual single releases for equipment dismantling are developed taking into account rational technologies provided for by the PPR for equipment dismantling. The following should be taken into account:

Conditions for dismantling work in operating, as well as partially or completely stopped workshops and production;

The possibility of using existing technological lifting and transport machines and mechanisms or the need to use special mechanization tools and special devices;

The need to lower or raise equipment during dismantling;

Methods for moving dismantled equipment outside the workshop, etc.

Individual unit prices developed on the basis of ENiR and VNiR must take into account funds for remuneration of workers, the cost of operating the relevant machines and mechanisms, as well as the cost of material resources necessary for cutting equipment, conservation, etc.

Individual unit prices are also developed for new types of equipment that are not included in the FERM collections. By agreement with the customer, individual unit prices for dismantling can be prepared for lightweight, oversized equipment supplied assembled.

Individual unit prices for equipment dismantling are approved by the customer as part of the design estimate documentation.

In some cases, in the absence of initial data necessary for drawing up an individual unit price for the installation of complex, large-sized and heavy equipment mounted from individual blocks and assemblies, they can be determined by agreement with the customer using the average coefficients given in clause 3.2.1 of these Guidelines.

3.2.3. Coefficients for the cost of work on dismantling equipment are established based on the condition of its dismantling (disassembly) in an unsecured state, freed from seals in the structure, as well as from welding or other fastening with other structural elements.

Additional costs associated with punching and sealing grooves and nest niches in existing structures into which dismantled (disassembled) equipment is embedded, as well as cutting off embedded parts or metal structure elements to which it is welded, should be taken into account additionally in local estimates based on design decisions or survey reports.

3.2.4. If, when dismantling (disassembling) equipment, it becomes necessary to provide scaffolding to support the dismantled equipment during its dismantling (disassembly), additional work on installing and disassembling supporting scaffolding should be additionally taken into account directly in local estimates.

3.3. The procedure for determining the costs of installation supervision of equipment.

3.3.1. The need for supervision of installation is established by the manufacturer for complex equipment in order to ensure its correct assembly and normal operation during operation.

Installation supervision is carried out by engineering and technical personnel visiting the equipment installation site.

3.3.2. Costs for installation supervision are determined by a calculation made at the current price level, based on the following initial data, adopted by an agreed decision of the customer and the manufacturer (or specialized organization) carrying out installation supervision:

Composition of the team of installation supervision personnel (position, category of employee, number of people);

Duration of participation of each team member (in calendar days - for business trips);

The cost of one person-day for each category of workers.

The cost of one person-day includes wages, overhead costs and estimated profit (general shop, general plant expenses, if the work is performed by an enterprise that is on the industrial balance sheet).

Payment for one person-day, corresponding in composition to the payroll, is determined on the basis of the actual average monthly wage of installation supervision personnel established at the time of calculation.

The rates of overhead costs and estimated profit are taken individually for of this enterprise(specialized organization) carrying out installation supervision, in agreement with the customer.

3.3.3. When installing several pieces of equipment of the same type simultaneously, the cost of installation supervision of each piece of equipment is reduced by applying the coefficients given in Table 1.

Table 1

3.3.4. In addition, the cost of installation supervision includes costs associated with the travel of installation supervision personnel, determined by calculation in accordance with current tariffs passenger transportation and reimbursement standards for travel expenses.

3.3.5. When preparing estimate documentation, the costs of installation supervision are included in the cost of the equipment.


4.1. Federal unit prices take into account the optimal technological and organizational schemes for the production of work, the optimal set (list) construction machines, vehicles and material resources.

4.2. Federal unit prices are not subject to adjustment, incl. in cases where:

Standard-size groups of machines and mechanisms are used that are not provided for by GESNm and do not fundamentally change the technological and organizational schemes for the installation of equipment;

Other types and types of machines and mechanisms are used, in comparison with the machines and mechanisms provided in the collections of GESNm, which do not fundamentally change the technological and organizational schemes of production installation work;

Imported construction machines are used, and adjustments to the FERM are allowed when the imported machines used have no domestically produced analogues, and the use of imported machines is provided for by the project;

The use of machines is envisaged, but in fact the installation of equipment is carried out manually or with the use of small-scale mechanization;

Equipment and other types and types of basic and auxiliary materials are used, including imported ones, in comparison with those provided for in the GESNm collections, which do not fundamentally change the technological and organizational schemes for the installation of equipment and do not reduce the quality level of installation work (except for cases when replacement of materials with imported ones was carried out at the request of the customer).

4.3. Determination of costs for installation of equipment not provided for in the FERM collections.

4.3.1. The costs of installing equipment, including imported equipment, similar in technical characteristics, delivery conditions and installation complexity to the equipment provided for in the FERm collection, but differing from it in weight, should be determined:

If the difference in the weight of the equipment (taking into account the weight of electric motors and drives) is no more than 10% of the weight of similar equipment presented in the Collection, at the price of the closest similar equipment in terms of weight;

If the difference in weight is more than 10%, apply the coefficients given in table to the price of the equipment closest in weight. 2.

table 2

Equipment weight change factorUnit rate change factor
0,3-0,4 0,7 1,21-1,3 1,15
0,41-0,5 0,75 1,31-1,4 1,2
0,51-0,6 0,8 1,41-1,5 1,25
0,61-0,7 0,85 1,51-1,6 1,3
0,71-0,8 0,9 1,61-1,7 1,35
0,81-0,9 0,95 1,71-1,8 1,4
0,91-1,1 1 1,81-1,9 1,45
1,11-1,2 1,11 1,91-2 1,5


1. Coefficients of change in unit prices given in table. 2, apply to direct costs (including all components of direct costs), as well as to the labor costs of installation workers. In addition, the coefficients apply to the consumption rates of material resources for individual testing of equipment and other purposes that are not taken into account in unit prices and are given in the appendices to the relevant collections of FERs.

2. If in the technical characteristics of the equipment the weight is given with the word “to”, adjustment of prices by weight is allowed only above the last weight, and if “from” and “to” - beyond the extreme limits.

3. Adjustment of unit prices by weight is not made for electrical installations (collection No. 8), communication equipment (collection No. 10), instruments, automation and computer equipment (collection No. 11), as well as for equipment for which unit prices are in the collection have a "t" meter.

4.3.2. In cases where the technical characteristics of the equipment do not indicate the material from which it is made, it is accepted in the FERM collections that the equipment is made of carbon steel or gray cast iron.

For equipment made of other materials, coated with special anti-corrosion protection, or with applied thermal insulation, costs should be determined in accordance with the instructions contained in the relevant FERM collections, and in the absence of such instructions - on the basis of individual unit prices.

For equipment made of stainless steel, when welding takes place during its installation, a coefficient of 1.15 should be applied to the standards of labor costs and remuneration of assembly workers provided for in unit prices.

4.3.3. The costs of fine-tuning large equipment to design parameters, which due to its dimensions and other conditions cannot be checked and tested at manufacturing plants due to the impracticality of constructing stands and testing stations, are determined on the basis of calculations with the costs allocated to the cost of the equipment.

4.4. The FERM does not take into account and must be paid separately, in cases where the PIC justifies the use of scaffolding for installation work, the costs associated with the transportation of parts of external and internal scaffolding from the central warehouse to the site (to the on-site warehouse); from the facility to the central warehouse, or to the on-site warehouse of another facility. These costs should be taken into account directly in local estimates.

4.5. FERm takes into account the cost of electrical and thermal energy, compressed air and water from permanent sources of supply. Upon receipt of the specified resources for the construction site as a whole or for completing individual species works from mobile sources of supply, the difference in their cost is taken into account directly in local estimates, including the cost of heating buildings in winter period electric heaters when receiving electricity from mobile power plants.

4.6. When delivering equipment through intermediate storage sites, additional costs associated with loading and unloading operations, transportation, as well as storage at the transshipment base should be taken into account directly in local estimates based on PIC data.

4.7. The cost of installing laboratory equipment, furniture, supplied assembled and not requiring preliminary disassembly and subsequent assembly during installation, as well as connection to utility networks and communications (electricity, sewerage, gas supply, ventilation, etc.) are determined at the rate of 1% from their cost, taking into account the costs of unloading from vehicles, lifting to floors and carrying to the installation site.

The costs of installing laboratory equipment, furniture, supplied disassembled, or requiring disassembly and subsequent assembly when installed with connection to utility networks and communications (electricity, water, gas supply, sewerage, ventilation, etc.) are determined in the amount of 6 % of the cost, taking into account the costs of unloading from vehicles, lifting to floors and carrying to the installation site.

The same work, but without connection to utility networks and communications, is determined at 4% of the cost.

4.8. In cases where the standard provides for the delivery of equipment assembled or in enlarged units (blocks), and the actual delivery is carried out not assembled, but “in bulk”, the cost of work on assembling (additional assembly) of the equipment during the installation process, or before the start of installation, is determined based on individual calculations taking into account the actual conditions of assembly (additional assembly) of equipment and its installation.

Additional work is formalized by the appropriate act and paid for by the customer - by reducing the cost of equipment delivered unassembled or by reserve funds for unforeseen work and costs, or by saving the estimated cost for other items of the consolidated estimate.

If it is necessary to carry out an audit or test of individual components of equipment supplied not assembled, payment is made additionally at the expense of the customer in the manner described above.

4.9. The work of an additional signalman, warning of danger, when the deployment of a signalman is required in accordance with safety regulations during equipment installation work, is additionally taken into account directly in local estimates.

4.10. In case of complex configuration of the building under construction or tightness construction site when it is impossible to supply equipment and materials used for installation work into the crane’s operating area, as a result of which the work of an additional crane is required, which must be confirmed by the PIC, the operating time of the additional crane should be taken into account additionally in local estimates.


5.1. Territorial unit prices (hereinafter referred to as TERM) are developed for each territory (region) of the Russian Federation at the price level as of January 1, 2000 and are intended for:

Calculation of the cost of equipment installation work when creating investor estimates and preparing tender documentation;

Determining the estimated cost of installation work and payments for work performed;

Planning and analysis of economic indicators of design solutions and work of installation companies.

Industry unit prices (hereinafter OEPm) are developed for the industry (department) and are intended for the purposes indicated above.

5.2. Collections of TERMS are approved by the administration of the territory (region) in the manner established by it and are subject to mandatory registration with the State Construction Committee of Russia.

Collections of OERm are approved by industries (departments) in the manner established by them and are subject to mandatory registration with the State Construction Committee of Russia. The use of territorial unit prices of other regions on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is not allowed.

5.3. TERM (OERm) are developed based on:

State elemental estimate standards for installation work (further presented by GESNm-2001), which take into account the industry average optimal and organizational level construction production, techniques and technologies for performing equipment installation work, materials, products and structures used, as well as domestic construction machines and vehicles;

Instructions for the application of State elemental estimate standards for installation of equipment (MDS 81-26.2001);

- "Guidelines on the development of unit prices for construction, installation, special construction and repair and construction work."

Territorial (industry) collections of estimated prices for materials, products and structures used in construction;

Territorial (industry) collections of estimated standards and prices for the operation of construction machines and vehicles;

Labor costs of workers by breakdown qualification categories, calculated based on the level of wages of workers construction complex of this region(industry) as of January 1, 2000. Hourly wages for construction workers must include all types of payments and rewards included in the wage fund.

5.4. Based on these federal guidelines, territorial (regional) guidelines for the use of TERM are developed and approved in the established manner in the regions.

Industry guidelines for the use of OEPm are developed and approved in accordance with the established procedure.

Territorial and sectoral guidelines for the use of TERm (OEPm) must indicate:

The procedure according to which, in a given region (industry), transport costs for basic and auxiliary materials used for installation work were determined (as a percentage of selling prices, based on calculations of transport costs, etc.);

The procedure according to which the estimated prices for the above materials (zonal, basic with regional coefficients, etc.) were determined in a given region (industry), as well as the presence of markups from supply, marketing and intermediary firms in the estimated prices. If markups from supply, sales and intermediary firms were not taken into account in the estimated prices for materials when developing TERM (OERm), the instructions should indicate that these costs should be included directly in local estimates;

The size of the wage fund, taken into account in territorial (industry) unit prices in base prices of 2000;

Cost of electrical, thermal energy, steam, water and other resources included in TERm (OERm);

List of territorial (industry) collections of unit prices for equipment installation work developed for a given region (industry);

The accepted procedure for accounting for overhead costs and estimated profit in the cost of 1 machine-hour of operation of vehicles (flatbed vehicles, dump trucks, tractor vehicles), bearing in mind that in accordance with the procedure for constructing section 40 of the collection of estimate standards and operating prices construction machinery and vehicles, overhead costs and estimated profits should be included as part of driver labor costs. In cases where, during the development of TERM (OERm), overhead costs and estimated profits were not included in the estimated prices for the operation of construction machinery and vehicles, the instructions should include a clause stating that these costs should be included directly in local estimates.

The procedure for introducing certain amendments to the TERM (OERm), if necessary.

5.5. In cases where in any region (industry) instructions for the use of TERm (OERm) were introduced before the publication of these Instructions, the provisions given in them (including the size of the coefficients taking into account complicating factors in the production of work) and contradicting these Instructions must be corrected.

5.6. When preparing estimate documentation, all necessary indicators from TERm (OERm) are transferred to the estimates without changes, and if changes are necessary, with reference to the relevant paragraphs of the technical parts of the collections of TERm (OERm) and Instructions for the use of TERm (OEP).

5.7. TERM (OERm) take into account the full range of costs for performing repair and construction work, under normal (standard) conditions, at a positive temperature and uncomplicated external factors. When performing work in special conditions: crowded conditions, gas pollution, near operating equipment, in areas with specific factors (high mountains, etc.) provided for by the project, as well as in other, more complex production conditions compared to those provided for in the GESN collections, you should be guided by the rules set out in section 3 of these instructions .

5.8. The procedure established for the development and application of TERM, given in sections 2-4 and appendices 2-3 of these instructions, applies to the development of TERM and OERm.

5.9. In those regions of the country in which there are no collections of TERMS approved in the established manner, federal unit prices can be used when drawing up estimate documentation and payments for work performed, taking into account their linkage to local construction conditions and recalculation into the current level of prices for consumed resources by applying coefficients taking into account local conditions, and indices for the transition from 2000 prices to current prices.

5.10. In those departments where OERm collections have not been developed, it is allowed to use collections of territorial unit rates (TERM) during the construction of facilities in their area of ​​​​operation or collections of federal unit rates (FERm), tied to the conditions of work performance and supply of material resources, taking into account the peculiarities inherent in of the given industry (and not the region where the facility is being built). In methodological terms, the procedure for linking farms to industry conditions is identical to the procedure for linking them to territorial conditions.

5.11. Work related to the binding and current indexation of federal unit prices for regions is carried out, as a rule, by regional pricing bodies in construction, created by decisions of the administrations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, with the involvement of specialized design and other organizations.

Linking and current indexation of federal unit prices for sectoral departments is carried out by organizations appointed by these departments.

5.12. Territorial coefficients to federal unit prices for installation of equipment are developed by type of work in relation to the collections of FERm and in accordance with the established specialization of contractors: electrical installation work; thermal power equipment; compressor units, pumps and fans; technological equipment of enterprises in the relevant industry, etc.

For each type of equipment installation work, a resource-technological model (RTM) is compiled.

5.13. RTMs are formed for representative objects, on the basis of local estimates compiled according to the collections of FERm and the corresponding collections of GESNm.

In the event that local estimates compiled according to collections of prices for equipment installation in 1984 and 1991 are taken as the basis for the RTM, such estimates must be recalculated according to the corresponding prices of the collections of FERm.

5.14. For each RTM, in accordance with the list and scope of work according to the local estimate and on the basis of the GESNm collections, a list of required resources is compiled in Form No. 1 of Appendix 4.

The names of types of work (column 3), their units of measurement (column 4) and quantity (scope of work) for the project (column 6) are transferred to form N 1 from local estimates.

For each type of work, resources are written out from the corresponding GESNm with their codes (column 2), names (column 3), units of measurement (column 4) and consumption (quantity) per unit of measurement of equipment (work). Column 6 indicates the total amount of resources, taking into account the scope of work on the project,

At the end of the statement, the final indicators of the consumption of homogeneous resources are given.

The final average grade of work is calculated as a weighted average, taking into account the share of labor costs with the corresponding grade. For example: the total amount of labor costs of workers is 150.6 man-hours, including: 46.7 man-hours (31%) - with a work category of 4.3; 69.28 person-hours (46%) - with category 4.2; 34.62 person-hours (23%) - with a grade of 3.8.

The average level of work as a whole on the sheet will be:

4.3 x 0.31 + 4.2 x 0.46 + 3.8 x 0.23 = 4.1.

The final indicators of the consumption of machines and materials are calculated by summing up the indicators for resources with the same names, characteristics and codes.

5.15. Calculation of cost change coefficients is carried out by types of resources (elements of direct costs) and in general according to the estimated cost of the corresponding type of work.

5.16. The calculation of the conversion factor for the remuneration of assembly workers is carried out according to Form No. 2 of Appendix 4, compiled on the basis of a sample from Form No. 1 of the labor costs of workers of the corresponding average grade of work (columns 1, 2 and 3).

The cost of 1 person-hour in a given region (column 5) is calculated based on the statistical indicator of the average monthly wage (payroll) and the average monthly standard working hours according to the Russian Ministry of Labor in the corresponding year.

To calculate the cost of 1 person-hour of a specific category, the ratio between the costs of 1 person-hour of various categories of work taken into account in the FER is used (see Table 1).

The coefficient is calculated by dividing the total in column 7 by the total in column 6.

5.17. Calculation of conversion factors for the cost of operating machines and remuneration of drivers is carried out according to Form No. 3 of Appendix 4.

The cost of 1 machine-hour (including wages for drivers), taken into account in the FERm (column 4), is accepted according to the Federal Collection of Estimated Norms and Prices for the Operation of Construction Machinery and Motor Vehicles, put into effect by the Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated July 23, 2001 N 86.

The cost of 1 machine-hour in the territorial price level (column 5) is taken according to the territorial collection of estimated norms and prices for the operation of construction machines and vehicles, and in its absence, it is calculated by applying to the estimated cost of 1 machine-hour of each type of machine in prices in 1984, an index of the increase in their cost in the region in prices as of January 1, 2000.

5.18. The calculation of the conversion factor for the cost of materials is carried out according to Form No. 4 of Appendix 4.

Columns 1, 2 and 3 are filled out on the basis of the statement of required resources (Form No. 1).

The cost of a unit of measurement of materials, taken into account in FERm (column 4), is taken according to the Federal Collection of Estimated Prices for Materials, Products and Structures for the base territorial region.

The cost of a unit of measurement of materials for a given region is taken on the basis of territorial collections (catalogues) of estimated prices for materials, and in their absence, it is calculated by applying to the estimated cost of materials in 1984 prices an index of the increase in their cost for the region in prices as of January 1, 2000.

The conversion factor for the cost of materials is calculated by dividing the total in column 7 by the total in column 6.

5.19. The calculation of the conversion factor for the estimated cost of installation of equipment is carried out according to Form No. 5 of Appendix 4, which is compiled on the basis of data from Forms No. 2, 3 and 4. Overhead costs (columns 2 and 3) are calculated according to standards for types of work in accordance with the Guidelines for determining the amount of overhead costs in construction (MDS 81-4.99, MDS 81-5.99).

Estimated profit (columns 2 and 3) is calculated according to standards for types of work in accordance with the Guidelines for determining the amount of estimated profit in construction (MDS 81-25.2001).

The conversion factor for the overall estimated cost is calculated by dividing the total in column 3 by the total in column 2.

An example of calculating the territorial coefficient to federal unit prices (FERm) is given in Appendix 5.

5.20. The calculation of the territorial coefficient for the transition from base prices (FERm) to the territorial prices of a particular region is carried out in base prices of 2000.

Recalculation of the estimated cost of equipment installation from base prices of 2000 to current prices is carried out using the base-index method, similar to the indexation of territorial unit prices (TERM) to current prices. At the same time, the conversion indices from 2000 prices to current prices for existing territorial unit prices (TERm) and for federal prices (FERm), reduced to the cost of a particular region by applying territorial coefficients, the procedure for determining which is given above, must be uniform.

The use of different conversion indices into current prices from prices in 2000 for TERM and for FERM, recalculated into prices of any region, is not allowed.


6.1. Additional FERs are developed for newly introduced equipment, machines and mechanisms used for installation work, and installation technology, as well as for work that is not included in GESN-2001 when they are included in the Collections of additions, clarifications and amendments to the Collections of GESN-2001. The newly developed FERs are approved and put into effect by the State Construction Committee of Russia.

6.2. Additional FERs are developed in accordance with the “Methodological guidelines for the development of unit prices for construction, installation, special construction and repair and construction work”, approved by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated April 2, 1999 N 30.

6.3. FERMS for installation work performed with the use of imported construction machines and with the use of imported building materials are developed only in cases where the imported machines and materials used have no domestically produced analogues.

6.4. When developing additional unit prices for collections of FERm, the initial calculated cost indicators are established as of 01/01/2000.

In the absence of data on the cost of certain resources as of 01/01/2000, it is possible to determine them by dividing the current estimated prices by indices of a given period by prices as of 01/01/2000.

6.5. The procedure for supplementing TERm established in this section applies to TERm and OEPm.

6.6. Methodological management of the development and addition of collections of FERm, including coordination and control over their development, is carried out by the Department of Pricing and Estimated Standardization in Construction of the State Construction Committee of Russia.



N collectionName of collections FERm-2001Full designation of collectionsAbbreviation for collectionsCorresponding designation of GESNm collections
1 2 3 4 5
1 Metalworking equipmentFERM 81-03-01-2001Collection No. 1GESNm 81-03-01-2001
2 Woodworking equipmentFERM 81-03-02-2001Collection No. 2GESNm 81-03-02-2001
3 Handling equipmentFERM 81-03-03-2001Collection No. 3GESNm 81-03-03-2001
4 Crushing and grinding, beneficiation and sintering equipmentFERM 81-03-04-2001Collection No. 4GESNm 81-03-04-2001
5 Weighing equipmentFERM 81-03-05-2001Collection No. 5GESNm 81-03-05-2001
6 Thermal power equipmentFERM 81-03-06-2001Collection No. 6GESNm 81-03-06-2001
7 Compressor units, pumps and fansFERM 81-03-07-2001Collection No. 7GESNm 81-03-07-2001
8 Electrical installationsFERM 81-03-08-2001Collection No. 8GESNm 81-03-08-2001
9 Electric ovensFERM 81-03-09-2001Collection N 9GESNm 81-03-09-2001
10 Communication equipmentFERM 81-03-10-2001Collection N 10GESNm 81-03-10-2001
11 Instruments, automation and computer technologyFERM 81-03-11-2001Collection No. 11GESNm 81-03-11-2001
12 Process pipelinesFERM 81-03-12-2001Collection N 12GESNm 81-03-12-2001
13 Nuclear equipment power stations FERM 81-03-13-2001Collection No. 13GESNm 81-03-13-2001
14 Equipment for rolling productionFERM 81-03-14-2001Collection No. 14GESNm 81-03-14-2001
15 Gas purification equipmentFERM 81-03-15-2001Collection No. 15GESNm 81-03-15-2001
16 Equipment for ferrous metallurgy enterprisesFERM 81-03-16-2001Collection No. 16GESNm 81-03-16-2001
17 Equipment for non-ferrous metallurgy enterprisesFERM 81-03-17-2001Collection No. 17GESNm 81-03-17-2001
18 Equipment for chemical and oil refining industriesFERM 81-03-18-2001Compilation 18GESNm 81-03-18-2001
19 Equipment for coal and peat industry enterprisesFERM 81-03-19-2001Collection No. 19GESNm 81-03-19-2001
20 Signaling, centralization, interlocking and contact network equipment for railway transportFERM 81-03-20-2001Collection N 20GESNm 81-03-20-2001
21 Equipment for subways and tunnelsFERM 81-03-21-2001Collection No. 21GESNm 81-03-21-2001
22 Equipment for hydroelectric stations and hydraulic structuresFERM 81-03-22-2001Collection N 22GESNm 81-03-22-2001
23 Equipment for electrical industry enterprisesFERM 81-03-23-2001Collection No. 23GESNm 81-03-23-2001
24 Equipment for enterprises in the building materials industryFERM 81-03-24-2001Collection No. 24GESNm 81-03-24-2001
25 Equipment for pulp and paper industry enterprisesFERM 81-03-25-2001Collection No. 25GESNm 81-03-25-2001
26 Equipment for textile industry enterprisesFERM 81-03-26-2001Collection No. 26GESNm 81-03-26-2001
27 Equipment for printing industry enterprisesFERM 81-03-27-2001Collection N 27GESNm 81-03-27-2001
28 Equipment for food industry enterprisesFERM 81-03-28-2001Collection N 28GESNm 81-03-28-2001
29 Equipment for theatrical and entertainment enterprisesFERM 81-03-29-2001Collection No. 29GESNm 81-03-29-2001
30 Equipment for granaries and grain processing enterprisesFERM 81-03-30-2001Collection N 30GESNm 81-03-30-2001
31 Equipment for cinematography enterprisesFERM 81-03-31-2001Collection No. 31GESNm 81-03-31-2001
32 Equipment for electronics and communications industry enterprisesFERM 81-03-32-2001Collection N 32GESNm 81-03-32-2001
33 Equipment for light industry enterprisesFERM 81-03-33-2001Collection N 33GESNm 81-03-33-2001
34 Equipment for healthcare institutions and medical industry enterprisesFERM 81-03-34-2001Collection N 34GESNm 81-03-34-2001
35 Agricultural equipmentFERM 81-03-35-2001Collection N 35GESNm 81-03-35-2001
36 Equipment for consumer services and utilitiesFERM 81-03-36-2001Collection N 36GESNm 81-03-36-2001
37 General purpose equipmentFERM 81-03-37-2001Collection N 37GESNm 81-03-37-2001
38 Manufacturing of technological metal structures in production basesFERM 81-03-38-2001Collection N 38GESNm 81-03-38-2001
39 Control of installation welded joints FERM 81-03-39-2001Collection N 39GESNm 81-03-39-2001
40 Additional movement of equipment and material resources in excess of those provided for in the collections of federal unit prices for equipment installationFERM 81-03-40-2001Collection N 40GESNm 81-03-40-2001


Pricing codeName and technical specifications equipment or types of installation workDirect costs, rub.Including, rub.Labor costs of assembly workers, person-hours
Remuneration of assembly workersMachine operationmaterials
Totalincl. wages for workers operating machines
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



N pp.Conditions of workOdds
1 Carrying out installation work in existing buildings and structures, freed from equipment and other items that interfere with the normal production of work.1,20
2 Carrying out installation work in existing buildings and structures in cramped conditions: with the presence in the work area of ​​operating technological equipment (machines, installations, cranes, etc.) or cluttering objects (laboratory equipment, furniture, etc.), or movement transport along intra-shop routes.1,35
2.1 The same applies if the air temperature in the workplace is more than 40 °C indoors.1,50
2.2 The same applies to harmful working conditions, where the workers of the enterprise have a reduced working day, and the assembly workers have a working day of normal length.1,50
2.2.1 1,35
2.3 The same with harmful working conditions, where installation workers were transferred to a shortened working day with a 36-hour work week1,70
2.3.1 The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harmfulness1,55
2.4 The same with harmful working conditions, where installation workers were transferred to a shortened working day with a 30-hour work week2,05
2.4.1 The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harmfulness1,90
2.5 The same with harmful working conditions and cramped workplaces, where installation workers were transferred to a shortened working day with a 24-hour work week2,30
2.5.1 Also, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harmfulness2,15
3 Carrying out installation work on open and semi-open production sites in cramped conditions: with the presence of operating technological equipment or the movement of technological transport in the work area1,15
3.1 The same with harmful working conditions (presence of steam, dust, harmful gases, smoke, etc.), where the workers of the enterprise have a reduced working day, and the assembly workers have a working day of normal length1,25
4 Carrying out installation work near objects under high voltage, including in the security zone of an existing overhead power line1,20
4.1 The same, inside working TP and RP if there are tolerances1,35
5 Carrying out installation work in closed structures (premises) located below 3 m from the ground surface (except for those listed in paragraphs 8, 9).1,10
6 Installation work in mountainous areas at altitudes from 1500 to 2500 m above sea level1,25
6.1 Installation work in mountainous areas at altitudes from 2500 to 3000 m above sea level1,35
6.2 Installation work in mountainous areas at altitudes from 3000 to 3500 m above sea level1,5
7 Carrying out installation work in underground conditions in mines, mines, subways, tunnels and other underground structures, including special purposes:
7.1 In the absence of harmful working conditions involving work with shortened working hours1,68
7.2 In the presence of harmful working conditions and a shortened working week of 36 hours2,05
7.3 In the presence of harmful working conditions and a shortened working week of 30 hours2,40
7.4 In the presence of harmful working conditions and a shortened working week - 24 hours2,80
8 Carrying out installation work in operating metro tunnels at night “through the window”:
8.1 When using workers during a work shift only to perform work related to the "window"3,0
8.2 When using part of the work shift (before workers are allowed into the tunnel and after leaving the tunnel) to perform work not related to the “window”2,0

Notes on the table:

1. Work near live objects also includes work inside existing buildings in which the internal wiring is not de-energized. High voltage is considered to be voltage above 36 V.

Under security zone along overhead power lines, a section of land and space is considered, enclosed between vertical planes passing through parallel straight lines, spaced from the outermost wires (if their position is not deviated) at the following distances:

Line voltage, kVm
1 2
1 to 2010
35 15
110 20
150 25
220, 330 25
400 30
500 30
750 40
800 (DC)30

2. When carrying out installation work on open and semi-open sites with harmful working conditions (clause 4.1), expressed in the form of the presence of lead, zinc, mercury or heavy metal dust, as well as radiation, the size of the coefficients to labor cost standards and construction operating time standards machines and mechanisms are recommended to be taken according to paragraphs. 2.2.1, 2.3.1, 2.4.1, 2.5.1 of this table, and if there is constraint - according to paragraphs. 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 of this table.

3. K harmful conditions It is recommended that production of work also include work in existing healthcare enterprises (tuberculosis clinics, leper colonies, etc.), where, in accordance with current legislation, workers in primary production have a reduced working day. In such cases, it is recommended to follow paragraphs. ,2.2.1 - 2.5.1, and in the presence of tightness - p.p. 2.2-2.5 of this table.

4. The simultaneous use of several coefficients (with the exception of coefficients pp. 4, 5, 6, 6.1 and 6.2) is not recommended. The coefficients specified in paragraphs. 4, 5, 6, 6.1 and 6.2 can be used in conjunction with other coefficients. When applied simultaneously, the coefficients are multiplied.

5. When constructing facilities in mountainous areas at an altitude of more than 3500 m above sea level, it is recommended to develop individual estimate standards and unit prices.

6. The coefficients given in paragraphs. 7.1-7.4, 8.1, 8.2 are intended for application to indicators of remuneration of assembly workers and operators of construction machinery and mechanisms. The specified coefficients do not apply to federal unit prices of those collections, their sections or tables in which the amount of funds for wages is established taking into account increased tariff rates when performing work in underground conditions (in accordance with the technical part of the FERm collections).



Compiled by:



Compiled by:


Name of machines and mechanismsUnit changeQuantityCost of 1 machine-hour, including wages for drivers, rub.Operating cost conversion factor. cars/
Conversion factor for drivers' remuneration (sum of group 7: amount of rp.6)
Accounted for in FERmTerritory. (industry)According to FERM (gr. 3x gr. 4)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Compiled by:


Name of materials, products, structuresUnit changeQuantityUnit cost measured rub.Total cost, rub.Conversion factor for the cost of materials: (sum of group 7: sum of group 6)
Accounted for in FERMTerritory. (industry)According to FERM (gr. 3x gr. 4)Territory. (industry) (gr. 3x gr. 5)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Compiled by:


Cost in prices of the base area as of 01/01/2000.Cost in territorial prices as of 01/01/2000.Cost conversion factor (gr.3:gr.2)
1 2 3 4
2. Machine operation
3. incl. drivers' wages
4. Materials
5. Total direct costs (item 1+item 2+item 4)
6. Overhead costs (according to MDS 81-4.99, MDS 81-5.99)
7. Estimated profit (according to MDS 81-25.2001)
8. Total:

Compiled by:




(Form No. 1,
the numbers are conditional)

NN p/pStandard code and resource codesName of types of work, name and characteristics of resourcesUnit. types of work and resourcesQuantity
per unit of measurementtotal (per project)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Collection 08-03-524-8Box with one three-pole switch on the wall or column for current up to 250APC.- 1
1 people -h4,47 4,47
1.1 Average job level - 4.3
021102 Truck-mounted cranes when working on the installation of technological equipment, 10tmach.-h0,015 0,015
400002 " 0,015 0,015
330206 Electric drills" 0,23 0,23
350451 " 0,38 0,38
040502 Installations for manual arc welding (DC)" 0,014 0,014
500-9500 Marking tags100 pieces.0,02 0,02
544-0089 kg0,072 0,072
101-1964 Paper twine" 0,008 0,008
500-9619 Sewing threads" 0,005 0,005
101-9760 Electrical insulating varnish 318" 0,029 0,029
542-9033 Technical Vaseline" 0,048 0,048
101-9852 Dye" 0,07 0,07
500-9062 Cable lugsPC.6,1 6,1
101-1977 kg0,575 0,575
201-9408 T0,01 0,01
101-1924 Electrodes with a diameter of 4 mm E42kg0,07 0,07
101-9103 Expansion dowels100 pieces.0,02 0,02
500-9081 Flexible jumpers, type PGS-50PC.1 1
2. 8-03-594-3 Lamp separately installed on pins with up to 4 lamps in the luminaire100 pieces.- 0,04
1 Labor costs of assembly workersperson-hour169 6,76
1.1 Average job level - 4.2
021102 Truck-mounted cranes when working on the installation of technological equipment, 10tmach.-h4,04 0,16
030902 Hydraulic lift with lifting height 10 mmach.-h57 2,28
400002 Flatbed vehicles with a carrying capacity of up to 8 tons" 4,04 4,04
500-9133 HairpinsPC.204 8,16
500- 9264 PVC tubekg2,8 0,112
500-9129 Ceiling socket100 pieces.2,04 0,08
101-0219 Gypsum binders G-3T0,00315 0,00013
3. 08-02-412-4 The first wire is single-core or stranded in a common braid, total cross-section up to 6 mm2100 m- 0,3
1. Labor costs of assembly workersperson-hour11,2 3,36
1.1. Average job level - 3.8
021102 Truck-mounted cranes when working on the installation of technological equipment 10 tmach.-h0,08 0,02
400002 Flatbed vehicles with a carrying capacity of up to 8 tonsmach.-h0,08 0,02
101-1764 Ground talc, grade 1T0,00116 0,00035
500-9061 Insulating bushingsPC.12,2 3,66
544-0089 Adhesive insulating tape on a polycasin compound of the LSPEL brand, width 20-30 mm, thickness from 0.14 to 0.19 mm inclusivekg0,32 0,096
500-9041 Branch clamps100 pieces.0,31 0,093
500-9056 Insulating caps10 pieces.0,8 0,24
500-9500 Marking tags100 pieces.0,02 0,006
101-9852 Dyekg0,02 0,006
500-9140 Connecting sleeves100 pieces.0,05 0,015
A. Labor costs of installation workersperson-hour 14,59
Average level of workmach.-h 0,195
330206 Electric drills" 0,23
350451 Hydraulic presses with electric drive" 0,38
030902 Hydraulic lift with lifting height 10m" 2,28
B. Materials
500-9500 Marking tags100 pieces. 0,026
544-0089 Adhesive insulating tape on a polycasin compound of the LSPEL brand, width 20-30 mm, thickness from 0.14 to 0.19 mm inclusivekg 0,168
101-1964 Paper twine" 0,008
500-9619 Sewing threads" 0,005
101-9760 Electrical insulating varnish 318" 0,029
542-9033 Technical Vaseline" 0,048
101-9852 Dye" 0,076
500-9062 Cable lugsPC. 6,1
101-1977 Construction bolts with nuts and washerskg 0,575
201-9408 Individual welded lattice steel structures weighing up to 0.1 tT 0,01
101-1924 Electrodes with a diameter of 4 mm E42kg 0,07
101-9103 Expansion dowels100 pieces. 0,02
500-9081 Flexible jumpers, type PGS-50PC. 1
500-9113 HairpinsPC. 8,16
500-9264 PVC tubekg 0,112
500-9129 Ceiling socket100 pieces. 0,08
101-0219 Gypsum binders G-3T 0,00013
101-1764 Ground talc, grade 1T 0,00035
500-9061 Insulating bushingsPC. 3,66
500-9041 Branch clamps100 pieces. 0,093
500-9140 Connecting sleeves5 6 7 8
4,1 people -h14,59 9,77 10,3 142,54 150,52 1,056

Compiled by:


Calculation of the conversion factor for the cost of operating machines and remuneration of drivers

(Form No. 3)

Name of the code of machines and mechanismsunits measuredQuantityCost of 1 machine-hour, rub.Cost of operating machines (total), rub.Operating cost conversion factor. cars
incl. remuneration of drivers, rub.Conversion factor for drivers' remuneration (sum gr7:sum gr 6)
recorded in FERterritory. (industry)according to FER (gr. 3 x gr. 4)territory. (industry) (gr. 3 x gr. 5)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
021102 mach.-h0,195 134.65
330206 " 0,23 19.2
400002 " 0,195 95,53
19.7 QuantityUnit cost measured, rub.Total cost, rub.Conversion factor for the cost of materials (sum gr.7: sum rp.6)
Accounted for in FERterritory. (industry)according to FER (gr. 3 x gr. 4)territory. (industry) (gr.3 x gr.5)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
101-1964 kg0,008 18,9 22 0,15 0,18
500-9619 kg0,005 133,05 135 0,67 0,68
101-9760 " 0,029 37,4 40
500-9081 PC.1 3,9 4,5 3,9 4,5
500-9113 " 8,16 8,7 10,5 70,99 85,68
500-9264 kg0,112 35,7 40,2 3,99 4,5
500-9129 100 pieces.0,08 3,45 350 27,6 28
101-0219 T0,00013 729,98 850 0,09 0,11
101-1764 T0,00035 1820 1850 0,64 0,65
TOTAL 438,63 473,43 1,079

Compiled by:


Calculation of the conversion factor for the estimated cost of equipment installation work.

Form N 5

Name of components of the estimated costCost in prices of the base area as of 01/01/2000.Cost in territorial prices as of 01/01/2000.Cost conversion index (gr.3: gr.2)
1 2 3 4
1 . Remuneration of assembly workers142,54 150,52 1,056
2. Machine operation120,84 127,88 1,06
3. Remuneration of drivers as part of the cost of operating machines33,23 35,23 1,06
4. Materials438.63 of the manufacturer and is obliged to eliminate identified defects or replace products free of charge, except in cases where the defects were not caused by his fault.

Hydraulic test - testing of steam-water fittings, pipelines, containers, apparatus, equipment or its individual parts by filling them with liquid (water, anti-freezing mixture, etc.) with subsequent creation of a test pressure exceeding the working pressure in the sizes provided for in the relevant chapters of Part 3 SNiP and TU.

Dismantling - dismantling of equipment with its removal from the installation site and, if necessary, conservation for the purpose of moving to another installation site or replacing with new equipment during the period of reconstruction, expansion or technical re-equipment of enterprises, buildings and structures.

Disassembly of equipment with or without removal from the installation site to perform repairs (correction or replacement of worn parts) does not include dismantling of equipment.

The scope of work for dismantling equipment depends on the further purpose of the dismantled equipment. Work on dismantling equipment intended for further use may include complete or partial disassembly of the equipment and preservation of its components or parts in the case of intended long-term or short-term storage. Work on dismantling equipment that is not subject to further use due to its unusability (intended for scrap) usually includes work as a result of which it must be destroyed.

Finishing of equipment is an improvement in performance with the elimination of design defects, minor defects, imperfections and bringing it to design capacity, carried out in conditions close to operational ones, in operating modes, at the stands of manufacturers in accordance with the manufacturing specifications.

If it is impossible for the manufacturer to ensure the finishing of the equipment in conditions close to operational conditions, the finishing can be transferred directly to operational conditions.

Preservation of equipment - preparation of equipment with measures to protect it from corrosion (coating with anti-corrosion lubricants) and damage (wrapping and packaging) for long-term storage in warehouses and construction sites.

Installation (working) area - a site where work is being done to install equipment in the design position, within which the “Unified Standards and Prices” (ENiR) take into account the movement (toeing, lifting and lowering) of the mounted equipment, installation materials and devices. The radius dimensions of the installation area are specified in the relevant ENiR and, as a rule, do not exceed 25 m from the dimensions of the equipment.

Installation work is the main work of assembling and installing machines, units, devices and other equipment into the design position, securing it, connecting to it various communications supplying raw materials, water, steam, electricity, finished products, monitoring and control equipment.

Component equipment - auxiliary components, assemblies and mechanisms supplied separately or together with the main unit of equipment, mounted on or next to the main equipment, without which it is impossible to use the equipment for its intended purpose.

Mounted (requiring installation) equipment is equipment that can be put into operation only after assembling its individual components and parts, installing them on foundations or supports, attaching them to the floor, interfloor ceilings and other load-bearing structures of buildings and structures.

Non-mounted equipment is equipment that does not require preliminary assembly, installation and fastening on foundations or supports (cars, tractors, cars, etc.) for commissioning.

Non-standardized equipment - equipment for which there are no state and industry standards, specifications and manufactured individually according to the drawings of design organizations.

Non-standard (non-standard) equipment - equipment that is mass-produced by industry, but ordered according to special requirements. technical specifications with a partial change in characteristics, with special components, with changes in structural materials or designs of individual parts, the possibility of manufacturing and delivery of which requires prior agreement with the manufacturers.

Equipment is oversized equipment, the dimensions of which are less than the maximum external outlines that determine the possibility of transportation by railway, and the mass is less than the maximum mass established by the Russian Ministry of Railways.

Oversized equipment (large-sized) - equipment whose dimensions or weight exceeds the standards established by the Ministry of Railways of Russia, even if it can be transported by water or by car without disassembly.

Equipment supplied disassembled is equipment supplied in maximally enlarged units, packaged in several places, the assembly of which is carried out during the installation process at the installation site.

Equipment supplied assembled - equipment supplied in a completely finished form, packaged (or without packaging) in one place; installation of which consists of installation with fastening to supporting structures and Testing.

Piping pipelines are pipelines mounted on equipment to connect individual devices, machine components and units to each other.

Degreasing is the cleaning of oil from oxygen and other equipment (devices, containers, oxygen pipelines, compressors, pumps, etc.) with special compounds in order to prevent explosions from the combination of oxygen with oil, accidents during work on chemical protection of equipment, etc.

Pre-installation inspection of equipment - inspection of equipment stored in warehouses for a long time (exceeding warranty periods) to bring it into a suitable condition. Inspection of equipment provided for by technical specifications or instructions for installation of certain types of equipment is integral part installation technologies.

On-site warehouse - a place for storing equipment and materials intended for one specific construction project; provided for by the approved construction organization project (POS), up to which transportation costs for transporting equipment and materials from the manufacturer or supplier are calculated. Further transport from the on-site warehouse to the installation site is taken into account by the standards for equipment installation.

Technological metal structures are products made of rolled metal that have a technological purpose, but do not participate in technological processes.

Technological equipment - machines, devices and installations that produce industrial products and carry out automatic control technological processes.

Technological pipelines - pipelines intended for transportation within industrial enterprise or a group of these enterprises of raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products, auxiliary materials that provide technological process and operation of equipment (steam, water, air, gases, refrigerants, fuel oil, lubricants, emulsions, etc.), industrial waste with aggressive wastewater, as well as recycling water supply pipelines.

Pipe blanks are conventional names for the manufacture of components and other pipeline elements at manufacturing enterprises, production bases and pipe procurement workshops:

Part - an elementary part of a pipeline that does not have a connection (pipe section, tee, bend, flange, etc.), or individual products included in the pipeline structure (hardware, compensators, hangers, supports, brackets, steam-water fittings, etc.);

pipe element - part of a pipe assembly, consisting of two or three parts connected by welding or threading (pipe with a flange, pipe with an outlet, pipe with a tee, outlet with a flange, tee with a valve, outlet with a valve, outlet with a transition, pipe with two flanges, a pipe with a flange and an outlet, etc.);

Pipeline assembly - a part of a pipeline line limited by transport dimensions, consisting of several elements and fittings assembled on detachable or permanent connections, which, in terms of size and configuration, can be installed in the design position;

pipeline section - straight assembly unit, consisting of several pipes of the same diameter, limited by transport dimensions;

pipe block - several components and elements of the pipeline, enlarged before installation at the installation site;

pipeline line - a section of pipeline connecting equipment and installations, workshops and structures.

Installation supervision - technical guidance and supervision of representatives of equipment manufacturers (or employees of specialized organizations licensed to this type works and performing installation supervision on behalf of the equipment manufacturer) for compliance technical requirements And special conditions when installing complex equipment.

The website "Zakonbase" presents "GUIDELINES FOR THE APPLICATION OF FEDERAL UNIT PRICES FOR INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT (FERM-2001). MDS 81-37.2004" (approved by Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated 08/09/2002 N 105) in the latest edition. It is easy to comply with all legal requirements if you read the relevant sections, chapters and articles of this document for 2014. To find the necessary legislative acts on a topic of interest, you should use convenient navigation or advanced search.

On the Zakonbase website you will find "GUIDELINES FOR THE APPLICATION OF FEDERAL UNIT PRICES FOR INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT (FERM-2001). MDS 81-37.2004" (approved by Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated 08/09/2002 N 105) in the latest and full version, in which the all changes and amendments. This guarantees the relevance and reliability of the information.

At the same time, you can download “GUIDELINES FOR THE APPLICATION OF FEDERAL UNIT PRICES FOR INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT (FERM-2001). MDS 81-37.2004” (approved by Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated 08/09/2002 N 105) completely free of charge, both in full and in separate chapters.

Before sending an electronic appeal to the Ministry of Construction of Russia, please read the rules of operation of this interactive service set out below.

1. Electronic applications within the sphere of competence of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, filled out in accordance with the attached form, are accepted for consideration.

2. An electronic appeal may contain a statement, complaint, proposal or request.

3. Electronic appeals sent through the official Internet portal of the Ministry of Construction of Russia are submitted for consideration to the department for working with citizens' appeals. The Ministry ensures objective, comprehensive and timely consideration of applications. Review of electronic appeals is free of charge.

4.According to Federal law dated 02.05.2006 N 59-FZ "On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation" electronic appeals are registered within three days and sent depending on the content in structural units Ministries. The appeal is considered within 30 days from the date of registration. Electronic appeal, containing issues the solution of which is not within the competence of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, is sent within seven days from the date of registration to the relevant body or the relevant official whose competence includes resolving the issues raised in the appeal, with notification of this to the citizen who sent the appeal.

5. Electronic appeal is not considered if:
- absence of the applicant’s surname and name;
- indication of an incomplete or unreliable postal address;
- the presence of obscene or offensive expressions in the text;
- the presence in the text of a threat to the life, health and property of an official, as well as members of his family;
- using a non-Cyrillic keyboard layout or only capital letters when typing;
- absence of punctuation marks in the text, presence of incomprehensible abbreviations;
- the presence in the text of a question to which the applicant has already been given a written answer on the merits in connection with previously sent appeals.

6. The response to the applicant is sent by postal address specified when filling out the form.

7. When considering an appeal, disclosure of information contained in the appeal, as well as information relating to the private life of a citizen, is not permitted without his consent. Information about applicants’ personal data is stored and processed in compliance with the requirements of Russian legislation on personal data.

8. Appeals received through the site are summarized and presented to the leadership of the Ministry for information. Answers to the most frequently asked questions are periodically published in the sections “for residents” and “for specialists”

For installation of equipment


Date of introduction 2002-08-09*

DEVELOPED BY TsNIIEUS Gosstroy of Russia (PhD V.I. Koretsky, PhD Zh.G. Chernysheva, L.V. Razmadze) together with CJSC "INiK" (PhD I. Yu.Nosenko, Yu.V.Zhabenko)

CONSIDERED by the Department of Pricing and Estimated Standardization of the Gosstroy of Russia (E.E. Ermolaev, T.L. Grishchenkova).

ADOPTED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT on August 9, 2002 by Resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated August 9, 2002 N 105*


*Probably an error in the original. This document was approved and put into effect on August 1, 2002 #M12293 0 901827067 2493456293 3154 83 4280527620 2422330470 4264994108 106 7615837 by resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated 08/07/2002 N 105#S. - Note "CODE".

1. General Provisions

1.1. Federal unit prices for installation of equipment (hereinafter referred to as FERm) were developed for the 1st basic territorial region of the Russian Federation (Moscow region) at the price level as of January 1, 2000 and are intended for:

Calculation of the cost of construction products in the formation of investor estimates and preparation of tender documentation;

Determination of the estimated cost of equipment installation work and payments for work performed in the manner set out in paragraph 1.2 for territories (regions) and for sectoral departments where there are no territorial unit prices (TERm) or industry unit prices (OEPm) in whole or in part. In this case, the recalculation of unit prices into the territorial price level as of January 1, 2000 is carried out using territorial (industry) correction factors that take into account local construction conditions, and is carried out in the manner established by the State Construction Committee of Russia;

Planning and analysis of economic indicators of design solutions and the work of specialized equipment installation companies.

1.2. FERMS are developed based on:

State elemental estimate standards for the installation of equipment (hereinafter presented by GESNm-2001), which take into account the industry average optimal and organizational level of construction production, equipment and technology for performing equipment installation work, the materials used, products and structures, as well as, as a rule, domestic construction machines and vehicles;

Instructions for the application of State elemental estimate standards for installation of equipment (#M12291 1200025066MDS 81-29.2001#S);

- "Methodological guidelines for the development of unit prices for construction, installation, special construction and repair and construction work."

1.3. FARMs take into account the full range of costs for performing equipment installation work under normal (standard) conditions, at a positive temperature and not complicated by external factors. When performing work in special conditions: cramped conditions, gas pollution, near operating equipment, in areas with specific factors (high mountains, etc.) provided for by the project, as well as in other more complex production conditions compared to those taken into account in the FERM collections, one should be guided by the provisions set out in section 3 of these Guidelines.

1.4. The FERm does not apply to:

Works for which standards are not included in the GESNm collections;

Installation of equipment, the technical characteristics, delivery conditions and method of installation of which differ significantly from those provided for in the collections;

Installation of equipment, the quality and accuracy class of which are subject to requirements that exceed the requirements and tolerances given in the SNiP collections, part 3 “Rules for production and acceptance of work”;

Work using machines and equipment, including imported ones, which have no analogues of domestic production, significantly changing the technology of work and the consumption of resources compared to FERm;

Work performed in high mountain areas at an altitude of more than 3500 m.

The estimated cost of such work should be determined on the basis of individual estimate standards and unit prices, or using correction factors to the current unit prices, taking into account the relevant features of the work.

1.5. Individual estimate prices must take into account the specific conditions of work with all complicating factors and be developed on the basis of individual estimate standards, which must meet the requirements of clause 2.7.4 of the Instructions for the use of GESNm-2001 - #M12291 1200025066MDS 81-29.2001#S

Individual unit prices for installation of equipment that meet the necessary methodological requirements are approved by the customer as part of the design and estimate documentation.

When applying individual estimate standards and prices, it is not allowed to accrue on them the increasing factors given in Appendix 3 to these Instructions, and the simultaneous accounting of energy costs (electricity, compressed air) for machines using these types of energy carriers, and for machines generating these energy carriers .

1.6. The FERM takes into account:

Estimated prices for materials, products and structures - according to the Federal Collection of Estimated Prices for materials, products and structures used in installation work (include average prevailing selling prices and transportation costs in the amount of up to 13% of selling prices, taking into account delivery from the manufacturer's ex-warehouse to the ex-office warehouse for the construction of the facility, including procurement and storage costs and the costs of intermediaries in the sphere of circulation);

Labor costs of workers, except for those involved in operating and servicing machines, by qualification category, calculated based on the level of wages of workers in the construction complex of the base region as of January 1, 2000, with a regional coefficient equal to 1. Hourly wages of assembly workers were calculated according to a 6-category grid, based on the wages of a construction worker in the amount of 1,600 rubles per month for the 4th average qualification category with an average monthly number of working hours of 166.25 in accordance with the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 02/07/2000 N 2092. Amount of funds for the remuneration of construction workers, prices are based on indicators of labor intensity and the average level of work. Accepted hourly wages for qualification categories are shown in Table 1;

Costs for the operation of domestic construction machines and vehicles, including wages for workers servicing the machines, are according to the Federal Collection of Estimated Standards and Prices for the Operation of Construction Machines and Vehicles, taking into account the additions and changes made.

MDS 81-37.2004. Instructions for the use of federal unit prices for equipment installation. Download


MDS 81-37.2004

Developed by TsNIIEUS Gosstroy of Russia (Ph.D. V.I. Koretsky, Ph.D. Zh.G. Chernyshova, L.V. Razmadze) together with JSC “INiK” (Ph.D. I. Yu. Nosenko, Yu.V. Zhabenko).
Reviewed by the Department of Pricing and Estimated Standardization of the Gosstroy of Russia (E.E. Ermolaev, T.L. Grishchenkova).
Adopted and put into effect on August 9, 2002 by Resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated August 9, 2002 N 105.
1.1. Federal unit prices for installation of equipment (hereinafter referred to as FERm) were developed for the 1st basic territorial region of the Russian Federation (Moscow region) at the price level as of January 1, 2000 and are intended for:
– calculations of the cost of construction products when forming investor estimates and preparing tender documentation;
– determining the estimated cost of equipment installation work and payments for work performed in the manner set out in paragraph 1.2, for territories (regions) and for sectoral departments where there are no territorial unit prices (TERm) or industry unit prices (OEPm) in whole or in part. In this case, the recalculation of unit prices into the territorial price level as of January 1, 2000 is carried out using territorial (industry) correction factors that take into account local construction conditions, and is carried out in the manner established by the State Construction Committee of Russia;
– planning and analysis of economic indicators of design solutions and the work of specialized equipment installation companies.
1.2. FERMS are developed based on:
– State elemental estimate standards for the installation of equipment (hereinafter referred to as GESNm-2001), which take into account the industry average optimal and organizational level of construction production, equipment and technology for performing equipment installation work, the materials used, products and structures, and also, as a rule, , domestic construction machines and vehicles;
– Instructions for the application of State elemental estimate standards for the installation of equipment (MDS 81-29.2001);
– “Methodological guidelines for the development of unit prices for construction, installation, special construction and repair and construction work.”
1.3. FARMs take into account the full range of costs for performing equipment installation work under normal (standard) conditions, at a positive temperature and not complicated by external factors. When performing work in special conditions: cramped conditions, gas pollution, near operating equipment, in areas with specific factors (high mountains, etc.) provided for by the project, as well as in other more complex production conditions compared to those taken into account in the FERM collections, one should be guided by the provisions set out in section 3 of these Guidelines.
1.4. The FERm does not apply to:

– work for which standards are not included in the GESNm collections;
– installation of equipment, the technical characteristics, delivery conditions and method of installation of which differ significantly from those provided for in the collections;
– installation of equipment, the quality and installation accuracy class of which are subject to requirements that exceed the requirements and tolerances given in the SNiP collections, part 3 “Rules for production and acceptance of work”;
– work using machines and equipment, including imported ones, which have no analogues of domestic production, significantly changing the technology of work production and the consumption of resources compared to FERm;
– work performed in high mountain areas at an altitude of more than 3500 m.
The estimated cost of such work should be determined on the basis of individual estimate standards and unit prices or using correction factors to the current unit prices, taking into account the relevant features of the work.
1.5. Individual estimate prices must take into account the specific conditions of work with all complicating factors and be developed on the basis of individual estimate standards, which must meet the requirements of clause 2.7.4 of the Guidelines for the Application of GESNm-2001-MDS 81-29.2001.
Individual unit prices for installation of equipment that meet the necessary methodological requirements are approved by the customer as part of the design and estimate documentation.
When applying individual estimate standards and prices, it is not allowed to accrue on them the increasing factors given in Appendix 3 to these Instructions, and the simultaneous accounting of energy costs (electricity, compressed air) for machines using these types of energy carriers, and for machines generating these energy carriers .
1.6. The FERM takes into account:
– estimated prices for materials, products and structures – according to the Federal Collection of Estimated Prices for materials, products and structures used in installation work (include average prevailing selling prices and transportation costs in the amount of up to 13% of selling prices, taking into account delivery from the ex-warehouse manufacturer to the on-site warehouse for the construction of the facility, including procurement and warehouse costs and costs of intermediaries in the field of distribution);
– labor costs of workers, except for those involved in operating and servicing machines, by qualification categories, calculated based on the level of wages for workers in the construction complex of the base region as of January 1, 2000, with a regional coefficient equal to 1. Hourly wages of assembly workers calculated on a 6-category scale, based on the wages of a construction worker in the amount of 1,600 rubles per month for the 4th average qualification category with an average monthly number of working hours of 166.25 in accordance with Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 02/07/2000 N 2092. The amount of funds for remuneration of construction workers in prices is based on indicators of labor intensity and the average level of work. Accepted hourly wages for qualification categories are shown in Table 1;
– costs for the operation of domestic construction machines and vehicles, including wages for workers servicing the machines, according to the Federal Collection of Estimated Standards and Rates for the operation of construction machines and vehicles, taking into account the additions and changes made.


(Gosstroy of Russia)



MDS 81-37.2004


Instructions for the application of federal unit prices for installation of equipment (FERm-2001) MDS 81-37.2004/Gosstroy of Russia/ Moscow, 2004

DEVELOPED TsNIIEUS Gosstroy of Russia (Ph.D. V.I. Koretsky, Ph.D. Zh.G. Chernysheva, L.V. Razmadze) together with CJSC "INiK" (Ph.D. I.Yu. Nosenko, Yu.V. Zhabenko)

CONSIDERED Department of Pricing and Estimated Standardization of the State Construction Committee of Russia (E.E. Ermolaev, T.L. Grishchenkova).

ACCEPTED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT from August 9, 2002 by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated August 9, 2002 No. 105


1.1. Federal unit prices for installation of equipment (hereinafter referred to as FERm) were developed for the 1st basic territorial region of the Russian Federation (Moscow region) at the price level as of January 1, 2000 and are intended for:

Calculation of the cost of construction products in the formation of investor estimates and preparation of tender documentation;

Determination of the estimated cost of equipment installation work and payments for work performed in the manner set out in paragraph 1.2 for territories (regions) and for sectoral departments where there are no territorial unit prices (TERm) or industry unit prices (OEPm) in whole or in part. In this case, the recalculation of unit prices into the territorial price level as of January 1, 2000 is carried out using territorial (industry) correction factors that take into account local construction conditions, and is carried out in the manner established by the State Construction Committee of Russia;

Planning and analysis of economic indicators of design solutions and the work of specialized equipment installation companies.

1.2. FERMS are developed based on:

State elemental estimate standards for the installation of equipment (hereinafter presented by GESNm-2001), which take into account the industry average optimal and organizational level of construction production, equipment and technology for performing equipment installation work, the materials used, products and structures, as well as, as a rule, domestic construction machines and vehicles;

Instructions for the application of State elemental estimate standards for installation of equipment (MDS 81-29.2001);

- “Methodological guidelines for the development of unit prices for construction, installation, special construction and repair and construction work.”

1.3. FARMs take into account the full range of costs for performing equipment installation work under normal (standard) conditions, at a positive temperature and not complicated by external factors. When performing work in special conditions: cramped conditions, gas pollution, near operating equipment, in areas with specific factors (high mountains, etc.) provided for by the project, as well as in other more complex production conditions compared to those taken into account in the FERM collections, one should be guided by the provisions set out in section 3 of these Guidelines.

1.4. The FERm does not apply to:

Works for which standards are not included in the GESNm collections;

Installation of equipment, the technical characteristics, delivery conditions and method of installation of which differ significantly from those provided for in the collections;

Installation of equipment, the quality and accuracy class of which are subject to requirements that exceed the requirements and tolerances given in the SNiP collections, part 3 “Rules for production and acceptance of work”;

Work using machines and equipment, including imported ones, which have no analogues of domestic production, significantly changing the technology of work and the consumption of resources compared to FERm;

Work performed in high mountain areas at an altitude of more than 3500 m.

The estimated cost of such work should be determined on the basis of individual estimate standards and unit prices, or using correction factors to the current unit prices, taking into account the relevant features of the work.

1.5. Individual estimate prices must take into account the specific conditions of work with all complicating factors and be developed on the basis of individual estimate standards, which must meet the requirements of clause 2.7.4 of the Guidelines for the Application of GESNm-2001-MDS 81-29.2001.

Individual unit prices for installation of equipment that meet the necessary methodological requirements are approved by the customer as part of the design and estimate documentation.

When applying individual estimate standards and prices, it is not allowed to accrue on them the increasing factors given in Appendix 3 to these Instructions, and the simultaneous accounting of energy costs (electricity, compressed air) for machines using these types of energy carriers, and for machines generating these energy carriers .

1.6. The FERM takes into account:

Estimated prices for materials, products and structures - according to the Federal Collection of Estimated Prices for materials, products and structures used in installation work (include average prevailing selling prices and transportation costs in the amount of up to 13% of selling prices, taking into account delivery from the manufacturer's ex-warehouse to ex-office warehouse for the construction of the facility, including procurement and warehouse costs and costs of intermediaries in the sphere of circulation);

Labor costs of workers, except for those involved in operating and servicing machines, by qualification category, calculated based on the level of wages for workers in the construction complex of the base region as of January 1, 2000, with a regional coefficient equal to 1. The hourly wages of assembly workers are calculated on a 6-category scale, based on the wages of a construction worker in the amount of 1,600 rubles per month for the 4th average qualification category with an average monthly number of working hours of 166.25 according to the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 02/07/2000 No. 2092. The amount of funds for remuneration of construction workers in the prices is based on indicators of labor intensity and the average level of work. Accepted hourly wages for qualification categories are shown in Table 1;

Costs for the operation of domestic construction machines and vehicles, including wages for workers servicing the machines, are according to the Federal Collection of Estimated Standards and Prices for the Operation of Construction Machines and Vehicles, taking into account the additions and changes made.

The costs of operating machines take into account the remuneration of workers servicing the machines, with a regional coefficient equal to 1, and are calculated on a 10-bit grid, in which the remuneration of a worker with an average tariff category 4.3 accepted in the amount of 1760 rubles. (Showed in Table 2).

The amount of funds for remuneration of workers operating construction machines is calculated in prices based on the operating time of the machines and the amount of hourly wages for drivers.

For workers of 7-10 categories who operate powerful and particularly complex construction machines, the list of which is given in table 3.2 of the “Methodological recommendations for determining the amount of funds for labor in contract prices and estimates for construction and wages for workers of construction, installation and repair and construction organizations "(MDS 83-1.99), increased hourly hours are taken into account tariff rates. In tables 1 and 2, tariff coefficients are adopted according to table 5.7 of the specified MDS.

The hourly wages of assembly workers and workers operating construction machines include all types of payments and remunerations included in the wage fund.

Indicators of hourly wages of construction workers engaged in construction work.

Table 1.

Indicators of hourly wages for workers operating construction machines.

Table 2.

Qualification category of workers

Indicators of hourly wages, rub.

Inter-digit coefficients

1.7. The costs of relocating construction machines that are not included in the estimated prices for the operation of construction machines are taken into account in the estimate documentation as a separate line based on calculations that take into account the actual conditions of transportation, installation and dismantling of machines in accordance with the work project.

In cases where deviations between the actual costs of relocating construction machinery and mechanisms and the costs provided for in the cost of 1 machine-hour of work of construction machinery exceed 10%, the cost of costs for relocating construction machinery and mechanisms should be taken into account directly in local estimates, with the exception of the cost of 1 machine-hour of construction machines and the estimated cost of relocating them.

1.8. When drawing up estimate documentation for the installation of equipment and other installation work in tunnels, subways, mines and other underground structures at the basic price level as of 01/01/2000, using FERM collections, the following should be applied to the wages of construction workers and construction machine operators coefficients: when performing work on the surface - 1.15; when performing open work - 1.25.


2.1. FERm collections are an integral part of the pricing and estimate standardization system in construction operating on the territory of the Russian Federation.

2.2. FERMS are combined into collections, the list of which is given in Appendix 1 to these Instructions. Column 5 of this appendix contains the designations of the GESNm collections, on the basis of which the corresponding FERm collections were developed.

2.3. Collections of FERM contain the technical part, introductory instructions to departments and sections, tables of unit prices and necessary applications.

The technical parts of the FERm collections contain provisions concerning the composition and procedure for applying all unit prices of this collection, specifying the provisions of these Instructions or differing from them, as well as coefficients for unit prices that take into account changes in the conditions for the production of installation work compared to those provided for in the unit prices of the FERm collections.

In the appendices to the collections of FERs, the following are given in reference order:

in base prices of the Moscow region as of 01/01/2000, estimated prices for the operation of construction machines and estimated prices for materials, products and structures for those construction machines and building materials, products and structures that are provided for by the unit prices of these collections of FERm:

List of materials not taken into account by FERm-2001;

Standards for waste of material resources not included in the prices;

Consumption rates for material resources required for drying, control tests, etc.

Introductory instructions to departments and sections of collections contain information about the procedure for applying unit prices for a given department or section, due to the specific installation features of the relevant equipment.

It is not allowed to apply introductory instructions to unit prices of other departments or sections and to adjust unit prices depending on the method of work, except for the cases provided for by these Instructions, as well as the technical parts and introductory instructions of the FERM collections.

2.4. FERm collections have a code, name and meter similar to those given in the GESNm tables of the corresponding collection. The designation of the number (code) of collections of unit prices (for example: FERm 81-03-08-2001) means:

FERm - federal unit prices for equipment installation;

81 (first group of numbers) - code of estimate standards;

03 (second group of numbers) - code for collections of federal unit prices for equipment installation;

08 (third group of numbers) - serial number of the FERm collection;

2001 (fourth group of numbers) - the assigned year of release of the estimate and regulatory framework developed in the price level as of 01/01/2000.

2.5. The FERM table code (for example: 08-01-001-01) consists of:

08 (first group of numbers) - collection number (two characters);

01 (second group of numbers) - department number (two characters);

001 (third group of numbers) - serial number of the table in this department (three characters);

01 (fourth group of numbers) - serial number of the price (two characters).

2.5. The FERM tables (for the form of the output table, see Appendix 2) include 8 columns:

Number (code) of the unit price (column 1);

Name and technical characteristics of equipment or types of installation work (column 2);

Indicator of direct costs per unit of measurement, adopted in a unit price, including wages for assembly workers, costs of operating construction machines and vehicles, costs of materials, products and structures, rub. (column 3);

Indicator of remuneration of assembly workers, rub. (column 4);

Indicator of costs for operating machines and vehicles - total, rub. (column 5) incl. indicator of remuneration of workers operating machines, rub. (column 6);

Cost indicator for materials, products and structures, rub. (column 7);

Indicator of labor costs for assembly workers, man-hours (column 8).

2.6. Column 6 of the unit prices “including wages for workers operating machines” does not include wages for drivers of vehicles (flatbed vehicles, dump trucks, tractor-trailers) used to deliver material resources from the on-site warehouse to the place of work ( crane operating area).

These costs are taken into account in the cost of operating machines in column 5 “total”, which is associated with the construction of the Federal Collection of Estimated Standards and Prices for the Operation of Construction Machinery and Motor Vehicles, Section 40 of which provides estimated prices for the operation of vehicles, including the cost of paying drivers with accrued overhead costs and estimated profit.

2.7. Determination of costs for material resources.

2.7.1. As a rule, unit prices take into account the costs of material resources, the list and consumption of which are given in the GESNm tables:

The main ones that remain in use (lining and gasket materials, bolts, nuts, electrodes, metal, etc.);

Auxiliary, not remaining in business, for the manufacture and installation of devices necessary for installation work (logs, beams, boards, sleepers, etc.), taking into account their turnover, as well as auxiliary material resources, not remaining in business, used for individual testing of installed equipment, drying and other purposes (electricity, gas, steam, water, air, fuel).

In addition, the prices take into account the costs of auxiliary non-standardized material resources not listed in the GESNm tables (wiping materials - rags, ends, paper, etc., flushing materials - kerosene, gasoline, lubricating oil, grease, grease, etc.). The indicated costs are taken in the amount of 2% of the estimated cost of standardized materials included in unit prices.

2.7.2. In some collections of FERs, the costs for the following types of material resources are not taken into account and are subject to additional accounting in estimates:

Material resources used for individual testing of installed equipment, drying and other purposes: electricity, gas, steam, water, air, fuel, means for degreasing, washing process pipelines, etc. (for example, in the collections of FERm No. 6 “Thermal power equipment”, No. 7 “Compressor units, pumps and fans”, No. 12 “Process pipelines”, etc.). The costs of these material resources should be determined in estimates based on their consumption given in the appendices to the collections of FERm, and the corresponding estimated prices;

Material resources, the consumption of which depends on design solutions (cable, wires, pipes, metal structures, etc.). The list of specified materials, products and structures is given in the technical parts, introductory instructions or appendices to the relevant collections of FERs.

The consumption of materials not taken into account in unit prices when drawing up estimate documentation should be determined according to design data (working drawings), taking into account difficult to eliminate

losses and waste associated with the movement of materials from the on-site warehouse to the work area and their processing during installation, in accordance with the “Rules for the development and application of standards for difficult to eliminate losses and waste of materials in construction” (RDS 82-202-96), introduced put into effect by Decree of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 08.08.96 No. 18-65.

2.7.3. Estimated prices for materials accepted according to the federal collection of estimated prices for materials, products and structures have a seven-digit code.

If there are no material resources specified by the project in the nomenclature of the federal collection, their value should be determined on the basis of calculations, taking into account documented costs for containers, packaging, transportation and procurement and storage costs, markups of supply, marketing and intermediary companies.

2.7.4. The consumption of material resources, accepted in unit prices, is determined on the basis of production standards for the consumption of materials, technological documentation, calculations and other initial data.

The consumption rates of material resources are averaged and cannot serve as a basis for write-off.

2.7.5. Materials and products for industrial and technical purposes that are not included in unit prices and are not included in the lists of unaccounted materials as part of technical parts, introductory instructions or appendices to FERM collections should be classified as equipment.

2.8. Determining the costs of moving equipment.

2.8.1. The prices take into account the costs of horizontal and vertical movement of equipment and material resources necessary for installation, from the on-site warehouse (or on-site workshop) to the installation site over the distances given in the technical parts or introductory instructions in the FERM collections.

The following expenses are subject to additional accounting in the estimates:

Horizontal movement of equipment from the on-site warehouse to the installation site beyond the distance taken into account in unit prices, with the exception of cases when the prices take into account movement “to the installation site”, but in total no more than 1500 m, except for linear structures (cable cars, etc. );

Vertical movement (raising or lowering) of equipment to levels higher or lower than those taken into account in unit prices, with the exception of cases when the prices take into account movement “to design levels”. If the movement is taken into account “within any floor”, the lifting of equipment from the zero mark (ground level) to the floor mark of the corresponding floor should be additionally taken into account.

2.8.2. The costs of moving equipment and material resources over distances beyond those taken into account in the FERm collections should be determined according to the FERm collection No. 40 “Additional movement of equipment and material resources in excess of those provided for in the collections of federal unit prices for equipment installation.”

Additional movement of equipment over a distance of less than 50 m is not taken into account.

2.8.3. For linear structures (cable cars, etc.) with a length of more than 1000 m, movement over an additional distance should be determined on the basis of individual unit prices.

2.8.4. The costs of moving equipment over a distance of more than 1500 m (with the exception of linear structures) are considered transportation costs and are taken into account in the estimated cost of the equipment.

2.9. Determination of costs for monitoring installation welded joints.

2.9.1. The costs of monitoring installation welded joints are taken into account in the corresponding unit prices according to FERm collections No. 6 “Thermal power equipment”, No. 12 “Technological pipelines” and No. 13 “Equipment of nuclear power plants”, which is recorded in the technical parts or in the introductory instructions to the departments and sections of these collections.

For other types of equipment, the costs of monitoring installation welded joints of equipment, pipelines and fittings are not taken into account in the FERM collections.

2.9.2. In cases where, in accordance with the design and technical documentation it is necessary to carry out work to control installation welded joints, the costs of these works should be determined according to unit prices of the FERm collection No. 39 “Inspection of installation welded joints”.

Methods and scope of inspection are adopted on the basis of current rules, technical guidelines and instructions for conducting inspection of installation welded joints, and other regulatory and technical documentation.

2.9.3. The costs of monitoring installation welded joints using destructive (laboratory) methods and producing samples for testing are not additionally taken into account in the estimates (they are included in the overhead costs of contractors).

2.10. In the tables of the FERm collections, unit prices are compiled depending on the name and technical characteristics of the equipment: classification of equipment by its type, functionality, manufacturing and delivery conditions.

The parameters of individual characteristics (weight, length, capacity, diameter, etc.) given with the word “to” should be understood inclusively, with the word “from” - excluding the specified value, i.e. over.

2.11. The terms and their definitions used in these Guidelines are given in Appendix 6.

2.12. FERM takes into account the following conditions for the supply of equipment and preparation of the facility for its installation:

The equipment arrives for installation in good condition, complete, painted, has undergone unit-by-unit or general assembly and running-in, bench and other tests in accordance with the technical conditions for its manufacture and delivery:

Dimensional - assembled with a protective coating, on permanent gaskets;

Oversized - in disassembled form with maximally enlarged units (blocks) that do not require fitting operations during installation, with counter flanges on the fittings, as well as with fasteners (connecting pins, bolts) and anchor bolts;

For installation, there are prepared sites, installation sites or foundations brought to the design marks (with a foundation pit filled around them) or other bases for equipment and subfloors.

2.13. The unit prices take into account the costs of performing a set of works on the installation of equipment established by regulatory and technical documents for the supply and installation of equipment, as well as the relevant chapters of the 3rd part of SNiP “Organization, production and acceptance of work”, including:

Acceptance of equipment for installation;

Equipment movement: loading at an on-site warehouse, horizontal movement, unloading, lifting or lowering to the installation site;

Unpacking equipment and unpacking;

Cleaning of equipment from preservative lubricants and coatings, technical inspection;

Inspection in cases provided for by specifications or instructions for installation of certain types of equipment (disassembly, cleaning of grease, washing, inspection of parts, lubrication and assembly). Equipment supplied with a manufacturer's seal or hermetically sealed with gas filling should not be subject to inspection;

Enlarged assembly of equipment supplied as individual units or parts for installation in the largest possible units within the limits of the carrying capacity of the installation mechanisms;

Acceptance and inspection of foundations and other foundations for equipment, marking of equipment installation sites, installation of anchor bolts and embedded parts in foundation wells;

Installation of equipment with alignment and fastening to the foundation or other foundation, including installation of individual mechanisms and devices included in the equipment or its complete delivery: fans, pumps, feeders, electric drives (mechanical part), ballasts, metal structures, pipelines, fittings, oil lubrication systems and other devices provided for in the drawings of this equipment;

Welding work performed during the assembly and installation of equipment, with the preparation of edges for welding;

Filling equipment devices with lubricants and other materials;

Checking the quality of installation, including individual tests (idle and, if necessary, under load), hydraulic, pneumatic and other types of tests specified in the technical parts or introductory instructions of the collections.

In addition, the prices take into account minor and minor related operations.

2.14. As a rule, unit prices do not take into account the costs determined according to individual collections of FERs, including:

Electrical installation work - according to collection No. 8 “Electrical installations”;

Installation of instruments and automation equipment - according to collection No. 11 “Instruments, automation equipment and computer technology”;

Manufacturing of technological metal structures - according to collection No. 38 “Manufacturing of technological metal structures in the conditions of production bases”;

Quality control of installation welded joints - according to collection No. 39 “Inspection of installation welded joints”, taking into account clause 2.9. these Guidelines;

Horizontal and vertical movement of equipment and materials beyond the distances taken into account in the FERm - according to collection No. 40 “Additional movement of equipment and material resources in excess of those provided for in the collections of federal unit prices for the installation of equipment,” taking into account what is set out in clause 2.8 of these Instructions.

The costs of the listed work are taken into account in the estimates (estimates) additionally as part of the equipment installation work.

2.15. The costs for the following types of construction work related to the installation of equipment are not taken into account in unit prices and must be determined according to the relevant collections of FER for construction work:

Installation of technological metal structures not included in the equipment supply, including their painting;

Priming of pipelines and their subsequent painting;

Painting of overhead crane bridges;

Required color and distinctive marking of equipment, as well as explanatory and warning notices;

Construction and dismantling of inventory scaffolding (or non-inventory scaffolding, when inventory scaffolding cannot be installed), the need for which is established by the work project in cases where scaffolding installed for construction and other work cannot be used for installation of equipment;

Preparation of equipment for anti-corrosion coatings and work on these coatings;

Equipment lining with fireproof and protective materials;

Laying furnaces of furnaces, dryers and their drying;

Excavation work for digging trenches for cable lines;

Pouring foundation slabs, pouring foundation bolts and embedded parts in wells.

The costs of the specified work are taken into account in the estimates (estimates) for the installation of equipment in the section “ Construction works"or in a separate estimate.