What kind of equipment is needed for a mini bakery? Opening your own mini-bakery from scratch: the correct algorithm of actions. Initial capital and preparation of necessary documentation

The bakery business is always relevant. By choosing the right equipment for a mini bakery, organizing sales, purchasing and logistics, production will be quite profitable. The experience of Western countries shows that the share of bakery products produced by small businesses may well be from 70 to 90% of the total market. Mini bakeries are gradually being replaced. In our country, they already occupy 12-13% of all manufactured bakery products, so there are still prospects for the development of this economic niche.

Where to start opening a mini bakery?

To open a baker, of course, you will have to purchase equipment, find a premises, make repairs in it, but the most lengthy procedure is the paperwork. It will take more than one month to obtain permits, so it is better to plan the procedure for preparing a business so that, in parallel with waiting for answers from government agencies, work continued to put the bakery into production. In total, in addition to the registration authorities and the tax inspectorate, the entrepreneur will need to visit the sanitary and epidemiological station, fire service, inspections responsible for issues labor discipline and ecology. According to the experience of many entrepreneurs, independent attempts to get Required documents, even if they ended successfully, they were greatly extended over time. Opening an object in this way is a waste of time. Experts advise turning your strength and energy into a more beneficial and interesting process of organizing production, and entrusting the paperwork to an experienced lawyer. Even with his help, the business plan needs to include a stage that takes about two months. Another important document that a mini bakery must have is a recipe certificate. It usually takes about one and a half months to receive it. Now some tips that will tell you how to properly plan the process to open your own bakery, and subsequently a bakery.

How much profit can a mini-bakery bring?

If we analyze the average economic indicators of enterprises in this industry, we obtain the following values ​​(thousand rubles/month):

  • The gross income of the mini-bakery is 3900 thousand.
  • Gross costs 2640 thousand.
  • Profit before tax 1260 thousand.
  • Net profit (with simplified tax system 15% of the difference between gross income and expenses) 1026 thousand.

In this case, we consider a bakery operating at , subject to 100% sales of its products.

How much money do you need to open a mini bakery?

We have described the general sections that a business plan should include on how to open your own bakery or bakery shop. Now, here are the numbers that will show the required amount of investment in your bakery:

No. Expense item Amount, rubles
One-time expenses
1 Equipment purchase: 1 121 000
bake 600 000
dough mixing machine 250 000
proofing cabinet 40 000
dough table 40 000
dough sheeter 20 000
flour sifter 9 000
cart 12 000
retail store equipment for bakery 150 000
2 Room renovation 100 000
3 Additional furniture 30 000
Total capital costs will be 1 251 000
Current expenses 2 640 000
1 Renting premises 900 000
2 Payment for energy resources 180 000
3 Employee salaries 1 560 000

The profitability of the enterprise depends on which products will be present primarily in the bakery’s assortment. During production, this figure is 50-60%, and in the production of ordinary bread it does not exceed 20%. Before you open a business, you need to calculate this - draw up a plan for the production of finished products. Accordingly, the payback will also have different meanings. For the first production option, net profit will be achieved in 1.5 years, and for the second case, the business will pay off in 2-3 years.

Which equipment to choose?

All the vicissitudes with obtaining permission to operate from the SES will be connected, first of all, with the premises. Sanitary doctors use a whole set of rules and regulations that relate to food production facilities. They have their own interest in budding entrepreneurs. It is from the norms prescribed by law that you need to build on when searching for premises and renovating them. Let us immediately draw your attention to the fact that in the second part, the business plan can amount to significantly larger amounts than the rent itself.

The agreement with the landlord must allow for repairs. In this case, it is necessary to discuss the possibility pouring the foundation for equipment, laying tiles on the walls and floor, and so on. A business plan on how to open a bakery or bakery will show that the main repair costs are the purchase and installation of tiles, ventilation systems, and plumbing work.

As for the location, any area of ​​the city is suitable for a regular mini-bakery workshop. If the initial investment is small, then the premises can be chosen on the outskirts or.

If a business plan is being drawn up for an object with a store or bakery, then the location is determined by the free reach of customers, and preferably in the city center.

You can also learn more about investing and what steps you need to take to avoid getting burned. Read how and where to invest profitably and increase your wealth.

Choosing a mini bakery

A business plan on how to open your own bakery provides for the purchase of a set of equipment for the bakery, which is necessary for production for industrial purposes. To buy a bakery, you need to know how the installations differ from each other:

  1. by type of oven;
  2. by cost;
  3. in terms of performance.

Modern baking equipment allows us to produce both budget varieties of bread and more expensive and exotic types of products. Today, baguettes, cookies, croissants, ciabatta, and brioche are very popular among consumers. Having mastered their production, the entrepreneur will always be able to offer retail outlets a large assortment products.

When choosing a bakery by oven type, you need to consider the following information:

  • Low-cost equipment aimed at small-scale production of products is produced on the basis of deck ovens. Its productivity is from 500 to 100 kg per shift, so big plan release is not possible. They allow you to bake pan bread, buns, products from hearth, rye and mixed flour.
  • If the mini-bakery is equipped with a rotary oven, then this makes it possible to expand the range of bakery cookies, confectionery, and gingerbread. Bakery products baked in such an oven have an attractive appearance and high taste qualities. Equipment productivity is from 1300 to 2600 kg per shift.
  • The third type of equipment includes automated lines for the production of bakery products. They are capable of producing 5000 kg of products per shift, so the implementation plan can be set accordingly. Automated lines are most often equipped with tunnel ovens.

The kit also includes: a dough mixing machine, a dough sheeter, a proofing machine, a flour sifter, tables, carts. If the project provides for opening a store in the form of a bakery, then to all this will be added retail equipment, a cash register, and cabinets for storing finished products.

Preparation of necessary documentation

Everyone's solution organizational issues your activity must begin with a visit to the Federal Tax Service for or LLC. The first option is more economical, but it is suitable for entrepreneurs who do not plan to seriously develop their business in the future. If you expect to work with large wholesale companies or invest your earned money in other areas of activity, then it is better to register an LLC. The procedure itself consists of preparing statutory and personal documents, paying state fees, resolving issues with legal entities. address and transfer of all specified papers to the Federal Tax Service. Don't forget to indicate your activity code, which can be found in all-Russian classifier(for a bakery, this is OKVED 15.81).

In addition to documents on registration of the subject entrepreneurial activity at the tax office, Rosstat and funds (pension, social and health insurance), you need to fill out the following papers:

  • Certificate of conformity for the entire range of products.
  • Sanitary and epidemiological certificate for the product and production (issued by Rospotrebnadzor).
  • Conclusion of the fire inspection on compliance with fire safety rules.

In addition to the above documents , additional licenses and permits are not required to operate a mini-bakery.

Selecting a tax regime

Entrepreneurs who decide to engage in the production of bakery products must, along with documents for registration, prepare an application for choosing a taxation system. Most cheap option– UTII, but it is not applied in all regions of the country (depending on local authorities authorities). The second option is the simplified regime (STS), which allows you to calculate the amount of taxes in two ways:

  1. 6% of revenue.
  2. 15% of the difference between gross income and expenses.
  3. Begin

The right bakery equipment will become the basis for successful business. It doesn’t matter whether a businessman is planning to open a large confectionery shop or a home craftsman is looking for a source additional income. You can’t do without a set of reliable equipment. We tell you what equipment a mini-bakery needs, what to look for when choosing, and whether ready-made equipment sets are profitable.

How to choose baking equipment for mini-bakeries and not make a mistake? From the reliability of technology and organization production process The quality of the product, and therefore the success of the entire business, directly depends. Regardless of whether an entrepreneur plans to bake several cakes a week at home or create a full-fledged enterprise, he will need approximately the same set of equipment. The difference, of course, is that the enterprise’s workload is hundreds of times higher.

Owning your own pastry shop or bakery shop is associated with high costs. In addition to renting premises and purchasing equipment, an entrepreneur will have to obtain many permits and undergo inspections from government regulatory authorities. Everything related to production food products, is regulated very strictly. The official opening of such a business is possible only after a positive conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor.

Some confectioners don't want to deal with government agencies, create production at home and sell their products via the Internet. This is possible, but in this case the business is considered to be evading taxes, and the risk of inspections and “test purchases” increases, when the entrepreneur is fined for working without registration and non-payment of taxes. Whether such a risk is necessary is up to you to decide.

The production of high-quality baked goods cannot be imagined without reliable equipment

Mini bakery at home

If you are thinking about how to open a bakery-pastry shop from scratch, first of all you should think about home production. This option will help you try your hand at creating technological process in a mini version and evaluate the prospects. In addition, this way you can significantly save on rent and wages for staff (it is assumed that the entrepreneur himself produces the products and sells them).

First you need to draw up a bakery business plan with calculations to include:

  • the relevance of the bakery in the area/city/region;
  • list of competitors, their advantages and disadvantages;
  • own competitive advantages;
  • list of potential clients;
  • costs of equipment and materials;
  • promising sales channels;
  • goals for 1, 3, 6, 12 months.

Based on this data, you can plan your work and determine how much it costs to open a bakery. There is no clear answer to the question about the cost of starting a business. Much depends on whether the entrepreneur plans to rent premises, what equipment and in what condition (new or used) he will purchase, and whether there will be additional costs (for example, in the form of training). But in any case, the bulk of the investment will go to equipment.

Necessary equipment

Each type of enterprise has its own strengths. Home mini-bakeries create unique products self made and therefore can sell it at a higher price. Industrial enterprises They produce ordinary mass products, but make money thanks to high sales.

A mini-bakery as a business or a large enterprise for the production of bakery products operate according to a similar scheme, use similar equipment, although they produce products on a different scale.

Purchase of equipment - important step in creating a business. The speed and quality of production depends on technology. The key characteristics are reliability and ease of use. Consider what it takes to open a bakery and how much it costs.

The convection oven bakes products evenly, and the steam function makes the crust soft and shiny

equipment requirements

Equipment requirements can be divided into 2 groups: state and practical. State ones are those that are presented by regulatory agencies; they are mandatory. Practical ones are determined by the realities of work; their implementation is rather advisory in nature.

The state imposes strict requirements on the premises where production will be located. Requirements for equipment actually come down to certification in Russia. The requirements for the premises are varied; you should familiarize yourself with them in more detail directly in the regulatory act: SP “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations producing bread, bakery and confectionery products.” You can also find out what documents are needed to open a bakery.

Convection oven

Baking equipment for a bakery or mini-enterprise starts with a convection oven. Large enterprises use industrial models, and small bakeries use household ones. This universal oven combines the properties of an oven and steam cooking. It ensures quick, even cooking of raw or frozen dough as the heated air masses inside the device are distributed evenly over the entire area of ​​the device. Suitable for baking and reheating.

They run on gas or electricity. Based on the type of control, they are divided into mechanical, touch and electromechanical. Mechanical ones are the cheapest, and sensory ones are the most expensive. It is better for a mini-bakery to stick to the middle option. Electromechanical ovens combine elements of mechanical and sensor control. Allows you to conveniently and accurately regulate temperature, humidity, and time. Advanced devices are equipped with the function of automatically injecting water and steam: this helps make the crust of the product softer and more glossy.

Well-known manufacturers: Apach, Garbin, Gastrorag, WLBake, Enteco, Smeg, Venix. Cost - from 20 thousand rubles.

What to look for when choosing a convection oven:

  1. Dimensions. Convection ovens are on average 2-3 times larger than microwave ovens. The device needs a lot of space. If you are planning home production, think in advance where the stove will be located.
  2. Availability of steam humidification. A very useful feature that makes the products soft and shiny.
  3. Availability of programs. Modern ovens are equipped with a set of programs for different types products: automatically select time, temperature and humidity. But they cost more.
  4. Power. The higher the power, the faster the cooking speed.
  5. Additional functions. They increase the cost of equipment, sometimes by 2-3 times. Study the list and don’t overpay for a stove with unnecessary features.

Without proofer modern enterprise difficult to get by. This is equipment that accelerates the fermentation of yeast dough by creating optimal temperature conditions and producing carbon dioxide. Products that “arrive” in the proofing cabinet are more voluminous, fluffy and airy. Failure to use a cabinet leads to the fact that the products are uneven, heterogeneous, which means they sell worse and spoil the reputation of the establishment.

Externally it looks like a cabinet with shelves for products and a sealed door. The products are placed there before baking. The cost depends on the dimensions, power, and additional functions. On average, the price starts from 20 thousand rubles.

What to look for when choosing a proofing cabinet:

  • simplicity and ease of use;
  • dimensions;
  • power;
  • door tightness;
  • presence of moisture-resistant upholstery.

In the proofing cabinet, products made from yeast dough “reach” optimal conditions

Dough mixer

Mini-bakery projects must necessarily include the purchase of a dough mixer. The function of this device follows directly from the name. Kneading large volumes of dough by hand is very labor-intensive and in the long term ineffective. The quality of dough preparation and thorough mixing of all ingredients determine the taste of the product. Even good products in the dough will not save you without thorough mixing.

For a bakery you will need a professional kneading machine. It costs more than homemade, but is capable of providing large volumes of production. Dough mixers are divided by type of design: horizontal, spiral and planetary. They are suitable for different types of dough. Horizontal ones are optimal for hard dough (dumplings, dumplings, chebureki). Spiral-shaped ones cope better with yeast dough made from rye and wheat flour. Planetary - batter for pancakes, dough for pies, products made from puff pastry, shortbread, biscuit dough. The choice of dough mixer is based on the specifics of the bakery. From 50 thousand rubles.

What to look for when choosing a dough mixer:

  • type (spiral, horizontal or planetary);
  • power;
  • bowl volume.

Flour sifter

As in the case of a dough mixer, the function of a flour sifter follows directly from its name. Is it possible to do without sifting flour at all or use manual labor? Theoretically it is possible, but not advisable. The quality of flour must be high, it must be cleaned of foreign impurities and contaminants. Without this, the product will turn out tasteless.

A mini-enterprise can limit itself to a device with manual feeding: flour is poured into it independently. The enterprises operate devices with automatic feeding: whole bags of flour are automatically poured into them.

What to look for when choosing a flour sifter:

  • productivity (how many kilograms the device processes in one cycle);
  • versatility (there are sieves for fine and coarse cleaning);
  • degree of mechanization and ease of operation;
  • strength, durability.

A dough mixer will help you prepare the dough thoroughly and with high quality.

Where to buy equipment

Is a mini-bakery profitable as a business? From personal experience and reviews on the Internet, you can find out that masters who are ready to work hard and have chosen quality equipment, quickly cover all expenses. They are successful in the market because the demand for baked goods does not need to be stimulated: it is stable throughout the year.

But how to buy equipment that won’t let you down? There are two promising options:

  1. Independent selection of devices and purchasing them from different stores.
  2. Buying a ready-made kit for a mini-bakery.

The first option is attractive because you can choose the optimal model, the best manufacturer in each area. Ordering online is more profitable and faster than buying in retail. The disadvantage of this method is the additional payment for delivery (not all stores deliver for free) and different arrival times for equipment. In addition, the desired model may not be in stock; you will have to wait for it for several weeks or months. That is, delaying the launch of a business.

Prices for ready-made equipment sets for mini bakeries

The ready-made kit is convenient because its manufacturers have already created a ready-made production line that can be launched immediately after delivery. There is no need to select and purchase equipment separately: everything is delivered at the same time. Delivery is usually free, and sometimes the bonus even includes installation of the line at the customer’s premises. The price of a ready-made set of equipment for a mini-bakery starts from 800 thousand rubles. Varies depending on the composition of the kit.

The disadvantage of a ready-made kit is that you cannot independently choose what is needed and what is not. Sometimes the kits include poorly selling models or equipment that is not needed in practice. Before purchasing, it is recommended to evaluate the composition of the kit and determine whether it contains unnecessary equipment.


Choosing equipment for a mini-bakery is a key step in starting a business. Good technique will ensure competitive quality of products, and a bad one will negate the efforts of a professional. You can buy equipment separately yourself, choosing the optimal models from your favorite manufacturers. Another option involves purchasing a ready-made set of equipment.

Hello, dear readers of the site! Today we present interesting material about baking equipment. Read and ask your questions in the comments.

Equipment for a mini-bakery: what, why and how much

We all want to live well, which means earning a decent living. Eat different ways achieve this. Let's say you have already decided on the direction and decided to open your own mini-bakery. A good choice, but three main questions immediately arise:

  1. What equipment is needed?
  2. What size room will you need?
  3. How much will you have to spend?

We will try to answer them. To do this, we will consider three configuration options for a mini-bakery: minimal, optimal and maximum.


This option involves the use of the minimum required set of low-performance equipment. In this case, it is assumed that manual labor will be actively used.

So, you will need:

Bakery oven

They are hearth, rotary and convection. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. For a mini-bakery with a minimal configuration, the optimal choice is a hearth model. Its design can have from one to four tiers (hearths). Each of them is equipped with heating elements.

Bakery ovens can also be electric, gas, steam and others. We only consider electric models. From a practical point of view, this is the best option: it is the smallest and requires minimum investment for restructuring the engineering systems of the premises.

The advantage of multi-tier hearth ovens is the ability to independently control the operating mode of the upper and lower heating elements. This allows you to bake different products at the same time, which fully fits into the concept of a mini-bakery.

The presence of a steam humidification function allows you to get a glossy crispy crust on the surface of bakery products, and this directly affects the improvement of the presentation and taste of the product. A good choice is the three-tier deck oven Miratek BK-39 for 9 baking trays measuring 400 × 600 mm. Its cost is 118,590 rubles. It can also be equipped with stone hearths.

Flour sifter

It can be vibration or centrifugal (screw). We suggest going with the first option. Centrifugal flour sifters have greater productivity, but for the minimum configuration option their capabilities will not be fully used. Vibrating models are smaller in size and more suitable for mini-bakeries.

A good choice is STILLAG SM-5. The productivity of such a flour sifter is 150 kg/hour, and the cost is 27,842 rubles.

Dough mixer

Spiral mixers are similar in appearance to planetary mixers, but are designed for mixing thick dough. Both the kneading tool and the bowl (dough container) or only one of these elements can rotate. A good choice is the Miratek PX-80 dough mixer. This is a dough mixer for yeast dough with a stationary bowl of 80 liters. Its cost is 145,125 rubles.

Proofing equipment

Proofing is necessary to restore the gluten framework of the dough. It is again saturated with carbon dioxide, becomes porous and increases in volume by 50–70%. In this case, the top layer of dough pieces becomes gas-tight, elastic and smooth. As a result, after proofing, you get delicious, fluffy baked goods.

A distinction is made between preliminary and final proofing. During pre-proofing, the dough, not yet shaped, is left for a period of 2 to 20 minutes. During this process, the volume increases, the porosity and plasticity of the dough improves, and a thin elastic film is formed on the surface. There are no strict requirements for humidity and temperature. Workpieces that have undergone preliminary proofing are easier to roll out and acquire their final shape.

The final proofing is carried out after the dough has been formed. The dough increases in volume, loosens and is saturated with carbon dioxide. At the same time, the gluten frame is restored, the workpiece takes on the required shape, and its surface becomes smooth and elastic. Three parameters are important for final proofing: temperature, humidity and duration.

Ideally, a bakery should have both pre-proofing and post-proofing equipment. In the minimum version, you can get by with a simple thermal cover measuring 600 × 900 mm. Its cost is 12,870 rubles.

Auxiliary equipment

Auxiliary equipment includes production tables (in our version you will need 3 pieces), trolleys (8 pieces), bread molds, baking trays and a washing bath. All of the above will require another 90,000 rubles.


To purchase all the equipment listed above, you will need about 400,000 rubles. It is located on an area of ​​30 m2 and allows the production of up to 500 kg of bakery products in an eight-hour shift.


The optimal configuration option for a mini-bakery is, in a certain sense, the golden mean. The equipment used has good performance and allows you to automate a number of operations. As a result, the capabilities of the enterprise increase significantly.

Bakery oven

When implementing optimal option To complete the mini-bakery, you will need two baking ovens: a hearth and a rotary oven. The first allows you to diversify the product range as much as possible. We talked about it, describing the minimum configuration option. The same model is suitable for the optimal option.

Rotary kilns have their own characteristics. They accommodate one or more multi-tier trolleys. During operation, they rotate and are blown by fans. In rotary ovens there are no temperature differences and all baked goods are baked under the same conditions. This main reason they are stable High Quality.

Buying a rotary oven is a way to increase the productivity of a mini-bakery by an order of magnitude. A suitable model for this is Danler BV-16 with a steam humidification function and a built-in trolley for 16 trays measuring 400 × 600 mm. Its cost is 566,265 rubles.

Flour sifter

For the optimal option, the same model is suitable as for the minimum: STILLAG SM-5.

Dough mixer

In this case, you will need equipment of greater power and performance. A good choice is Danler PQ-140 with a 140-liter stationary bowl. This model costs RUB 308,333.

Dough divider

Dough dividers are used to obtain pieces of the required weight. The uninterrupted production of standard products and the reduction of production losses depend on the accuracy of the operation of such equipment. Dough dividers can be screw, roller, rotary, piston, hydraulic, paddle, vacuum or combination, etc.

Hydraulic models with a weight method of dividing dough are suitable for mini-bakeries. These are compact devices that are often equipped with a wheelbase, which allows them to be used as mobile ones. A good choice is Staf La Junior costing RUB 474,586.

Proofing equipment

For the optimal configuration of a mini-bakery, we recommend using a final proofing cabinet. A suitable model is Miratek LVP-32 for two trolleys (32 trays) measuring 400 × 600 mm. Cost 266,827 rubles.

Bread slicing machine

Bread slicing machines cut bread, including freshly baked bread, into even slices. The time of bakery employees is saved, production volumes are increased and the amount of waste is reduced.

Bread slicing machines are equipped with frame, sickle or disk type knives. The first ones are the simplest, without the ability to adjust the thickness of the slices. Devices with sickle-shaped knives do not have this drawback, but they are the least productive. Bread slicing machines with disc knives are the most functional.

According to the type of control, such devices can be manual, semi-automatic (with manual loading of products) and automatic. According to the placement option - tabletop and floor-mounted.

For a mini-bakery in the considered option, it is quite enough to install a desktop semi-automatic bread-slicing machine equipped with frame-type knives. A good choice is Danler FZ-375 for RUB 50,401.

Auxiliary equipment

From the auxiliary equipment you will need: production tables (in our version 3 pcs.), carts (9 pcs.), bread molds, baking trays and a washing bath. This will require another 240,000 rubles.


To purchase all the equipment listed above, you need about 2,000,000 rubles. It is located on an area of ​​48 m2 and allows the production of up to 1,000 kg of bakery products in an eight-hour shift.


The maximum configuration option for a mini-bakery allows you to get the greatest effect from the enterprise. The basis of this approach is automation of the production process. As a result, the influence is reduced human factor and productivity increases.

Bakery oven

In this case, you will need two identical rotary ovens. They have the required productivity and ensure the production of high quality baked goods. A suitable option is the Ramalhos Rotoram S-Maxi with a built-in trolley for 18 trays measuring 600 × 900 mm. The cost of the equipment is RUB 1,489,302. for a unit.

Flour sifter

For the maximum option, we recommend using auger models. The most convenient devices will be those equipped with a wheelbase to increase mobility. A suitable choice is the Danler XL-2000 with a capacity of 1,500 kg/h and a hopper capacity of 50 l. It costs 154,010 rubles.

Dough mixer

Select equipment with the power and performance that suits you. For a mini-bakery, a dough mixer with a rolling bowl with a capacity of 200 liters is quite suitable. For example, BakeBerry PM-200. To use it with maximum efficiency, you will need an additional 200 liter BakeBerry PM-200 bowl. The cost of the dough mixer is 1,047,035 rubles, the bowl is 237,770 rubles.

Dough divider

For the maximum configuration of a mini-bakery, you will need a combined type dough divider. A suitable choice is vacuum piston models. They are able to produce blanks with high precision and do not “injure” the dough (they do not compress or tear). Like Danler DV-2000 for RUB 479,802.

Dough rounder

Rounders are used to give workpieces a rounded shape after exiting the divider. A good choice is Danler RS-2000 for RUB 254,671.

Dough seamer

Dough rolling machines are used to mechanize the processes of forming bakery products. According to their purpose, they are divided into three types: for the production of French baguettes, loaves or bagels. For a mini-bakery, the optimal choice is a dough sheeting machine - Danler WML-400 for RUB 271,274.

Proofing equipment

To get the most out of your mini-bakery, we recommend using both pre-proofing and final proofing cabinets. In the first case, a good choice is Danler LP-154 for 154 cells costing 527,130 rubles, in the second - Miratek LVP-64 for four carts of 16 trays measuring 600 × 800 mm for 325,791 rubles.

Bread slicing machine

For the mini-bakery in this version, you will need a semi-automatic bread-slicing machine equipped with frame-type knives, which can be changed depending on the thickness of the slices. A good choice is Danler FZ-480 for RUB 147,051.

Auxiliary equipment

Auxiliary equipment will be needed: production tables (in our version, due to maximum automation, 1 piece), trolleys (8 pieces), bread molds, baking trays and a washing bath. This will require another 275,000 rubles.


To purchase all the equipment listed above, you need about 6,000,000 rubles. It is located on an area of ​​80 m2 and allows the production of up to 2,500 kg of bakery products in an eight-hour shift.


From the above data it can be seen that, depending on the configuration of the mini-bakery, the costs of purchasing equipment grow exponentially. It is assumed that income will grow at a similar pace. Conclusion: when choosing a suitable option, the main thing is to correctly estimate the sales volumes of future products.

Mini-bakeries are small organizations aimed primarily at the production of bakery products. Subsequently, mini-bakeries begin to sell their products, for which they receive profit and development.

Such organizations can operate separately from other establishments, that is, independently, and can also be part of the production system of food supermarkets. In addition, many mini-bakeries are part of baking chains whose facilities are located in different cities or countries.

Due to the fact that bread products are the most popular among consumers, opening their production is extremely profitable for an entrepreneur.

Thanks to such a business, it is possible to receive continuous income, which can be used for subsequent development and expansion of the scale of production activities.

However, not every mini-bakery is capable of bringing success to its owner. In order for it to cope with its task, the owner should produce high-quality baked goods in the required conditions.

In addition, it is worth noting that the greatest income comes from those mini-bakeries that produce not only bread, but also sell confectionery products.

Types of equipment for a mini-bakery and its cost

Of course, baking will become impossible without the appropriate equipment. In this case, you should pay attention to the fact that in addition to the main set of devices, a secondary one will be required. The latter includes furniture and equipment for the retail area.

Thus, to set up an industrial zone for a mini-bakery, you will need the following equipment:

Although it is better to buy some equipment in duplicate, you can start opening a mini-bakery with one piece of equipment.

As noted earlier, it is important to set up a sales area in a mini-bakery, since the baked goods will subsequently be put up for sale.

To do this you will need equipment such as:

  • showcase;
  • cash desk;
  • money box;
  • safe for storing documentation;
  • cabinets for storing products.

It is advisable to purchase a couple of pieces of furniture, for example, armchairs or chairs. In addition, despite the availability of machines for production, small kitchen equipment will be needed.

Find out about the equipment for the bakery (mini-bakery) and confectionery Sottoriva from the video.

equipment requirements

As soon as a room is provided to accommodate the mini-bakery and equipment, you will have to pay attention to a number of requirements and standards regarding the location of the equipment. In order to economize cash, you should not seek help from a specialist.

You can think through the layout yourself if you know what normative act lean on.

How to correctly arrange the equipment of a mini-bakery is indicated in the document VNTP 02-92.

In accordance with its provisions, equipment should be placed in this way:

Besides, special requirements presented to the room in which baking will be produced.

Thus, the following amenities are required:

  • cold and hot water;
  • sewer system;
  • ventilation system;
  • toilet room, separate from the main one;
  • utility room;
  • tiles on the walls.

Where can I buy equipment

Many experts say that it is impossible to purchase the required equipment, find and open premises for a mini-bakery, skillfully use resources and capital, and calculate other features on your own. It is advisable to take the help of professionals who will tell you where it is more profitable to buy equipment and open a mini-bakery.

To do this, they will draw up a business plan that will determine the solution to each issue when opening production.

Although the use of such a service will definitely determine the success of the mini-bakery, it is quite unprofitable if you have a small initial capital. If the owner of the future enterprise does not have large funds, then he will have to solve the above nuances on his own.

However, if possible, it is better to use paid help.

Since a mini-bakery implies the production of small sizes, in the first stages of its development you can buy used equipment. The main thing is that it properly performs all the necessary functions.

This will protect not only the baked goods produced and its consumers, but also the company’s employees.

When purchasing equipment, you can use two options: pick up the devices in a store or on the Internet. As for the advantage of the first option, it is direct contact with the seller of the equipment, the opportunity to evaluate the condition of the equipment and its functions with your own eyes.

When buying cars online, it opens big choice types, costs, stores located in different countries. In this case, you should be more careful.

Although purchasing products from China will be much cheaper, its quality will be difficult to predict. So, it is better to buy equipment from proven brands.

In addition, it is known that equipment from domestic manufacturers will be much cheaper.

What else is needed to open a mini-bakery?

Having acquired premises for a bakery, necessary equipment and furniture, a number of issues will need to be resolved.

These include:

  1. Preparation of documents.
  2. Hiring staff.
  3. Relations with the supplier, procurement of raw materials.
  4. Promotion (advertising).

As for the documentation required for production, you will need:

  1. Permission from Rospotrebnadzor for production and marketing of products.
  2. Certificate of conformity.
  3. Fire inspection report.

Personnel is the most important issue when opening any production. The quality of manufactured products depends on it.

For the proper functioning of the bakery, it will be enough to hire a cleaner, a technologist, a cashier and a baker.

When hiring, you should pay attention to ensuring that the qualifications of the future employee coincide with the activity.

When the company begins to work well and bring its first profit, it will be necessary to think about its positioning. To do this, you will need a promoter who will distribute brochures.

Thus, a mini-bakery can be an excellent source of income:

  1. Bakery products are the most popular.
  2. The premises do not have to be purchased; they can be rented.
  3. There are not many documents required for opening.
  4. The same goes for staff; 4 people will be enough for good functioning.
  5. You can purchase used equipment, as long as it is in working order.

What equipment is required to open a mini-bakery can be found in the video.

In contact with

In every locality - both in a large metropolis and in a small regional town - there is this most important production - a bakery plant. And if other products, including vegetables and fruits, can be imported from other cities and even countries, then bread will always remain a product that is produced and sold locally.

Along with the main bread production plant (the products of which are supplied to stores located in different parts of the city), there are often small private production facilities with undeniable advantages, and therefore able to coexist with it and at the same time be profitable.

What is their superiority? Can owning your own mini-bakery become a viable and profitable business? Read about the features of this type of business, issues of its organization and the nuances of running it in the article.

Why is a mini-bakery better than a bakery?

Your own bakery can become quite a profitable and in-demand production. Its advantages compared to leading bakeries are obvious:

  • the bread is always fresh, because it is baked in small batches and, as a rule, not far from home or work;
  • the products have a more interesting assortment, because the bakery can produce them in small batches, focusing on the demand and tastes of its consumers;
  • quality is often better due to smaller volumes and close control over the manufacturing process;
  • The offer of such bakeries at home is more varied and changes more often, because mini-production is more flexible and responds faster to the needs of its customers.

Considering all of the above, we can safely say that having your own bakery is quite popular, attractive and profitable business. At proper organization production and competent building of relationships with consumers, it can bring considerable profit and pleasure to both the owner and the local population.

In Europe, private small bakeries provide up to 70% of the total volume of bread produced, but in our country these figures barely reach 20%. There is something to strive for and someone to follow as an example in order to instill in people the healthy habit of buying fresh bread prepared in a private bakery near their home.

Mini-bakery opening plan: main stages

The “Own Bakery” business, although small, requires significant investments - both knowledge, time and labor, as well as financial resources. Before starting this type of production, you should carefully study and think through a number of critical issues his organization. First of all, it is necessary to draw up a clear business plan, in which the following steps will be spelled out and analyzed:

  • bakery products (volume and range, technology, competitive advantages);
  • raw materials ( necessary list, organization of supplies);
  • sales of products (methods, channels, promotion);
  • premises for a bakery, including preparation of documents for their compliance with SES requirements and production volumes;
  • equipment for making bread, including additional equipment (for storing blanks, finished products, etc.);
  • bakery staff (recruitment and training of personnel, remuneration, maintenance of employees);
  • calculation of economic indicators, in particular - the costs of opening and organizing production, profitability and profitability of the bakery;
  • business registration, preparation of all necessary documentation.

Only after all these points have been analyzed and determined, you can begin specific actions to organize your own bakery.

Assortment of bread products

Let's start with the most basic and understandable - with products. In order to survive next to the “giants of the grain market” and attract your own consumers, you need to determine your advantages and distinctive features. Mini-bakeries have this (in addition to the freshness of their products and proximity to home) assortment. How will it differ from the factory one?

Perhaps you will focus on such traditional bread products from different nations of the world as Italian ciabatta, Georgian kuhtiali or puri, Uzbek flatbread, etc.? Or offer your consumers healthier products - dietary, organic, with a variety of grains, seeds and dried fruits? Or maybe these will be completely new recipes - exotic, unusual combinations of ingredients and additives when making bread?

How to decide on an offer?

If you don’t know where to stop, conduct a survey among your potential consumers - what would be interesting to them, what is missing, what they would happily buy every day, and what - from time to time, for variety. Based on the data obtained, decide on the initial assortment and approximate production volume of each variety.

To begin with, it is better to focus on 5-7 types of bread, and then, as you develop, add/replace it, offering new popular items. It would be a good idea to add some sweet products to the assortment in the form of cakes, pastries, etc. As a rule, the profitability of a bakery-confectionery is higher than just a bakery.

Required raw materials and search for suppliers

Raw materials for the production of finished bakery products can be divided into two types - mandatory and additional.

  1. The first is the one that is used for almost any bread, regardless of its type: flour, yeast, salt, sugar, vegetable oil and some others.
  2. The second is what is required depending on the assortment offered by the bakery: seeds, nuts, dried fruits, spices, etc.

You can decide on a complete list after you have made a clear list of all varieties planned for production, as well as developed/determined their exact recipe and production volumes. Then you can start looking for suppliers of raw materials and agree with them on the terms of cooperation.

However, the purchase of raw materials must be carried out immediately before the start of production - long-term storage of these products is unacceptable (flour gets stale, butter and other products spoil). You also need to take into account the fact that not all large suppliers are ready to cooperate with small-scale production, and if they do agree, the purchase price will be higher for small batches.

Average, Wholesale price A kilogram of flour costs 10 rubles, and the weight of the finished bread will be at least 30% greater due to the addition of other ingredients. Calculate purchase volumes depending on the planned monthly production volume.

To whom and how to sell bread

It is very important to take care of distribution channels for finished products in advance. There are several options in this case:

  • sell independently to the local population, who will purchase products at home or after work (in a residential area or near business centers);
  • supply small supermarkets and local shops, cafes and restaurants.

Ideally, it is better to combine both of these methods, then there is a greater chance that all your products will be sold out. If you are going to organize your own sales, then think about what it will look like - selling fresh bread from a car or in a small stall attached to a bakery, for example. Then the budget will need to include the costs for this position (sales location).

We purchase equipment for a bakery

Equipment is a very important point in the baking business. It must be of high quality, otherwise all efforts will come to nothing, even the most successful recipe will not save production. It doesn't have to be very expensive, but something cheap won't do either. Savings will cost you even more to repair or replace a failed purchase.

The most important positions are the oven and the dough mixing machine. In addition, you will need a flour sifter, a proofing chamber, tables, racks, and sinks. Basic equipment can be purchased one item at a time - for starters. For a small production volume this is quite enough. Your own mini-bakery, which produces about 350 kg of bread, will require an investment in equipment of about 200 thousand rubles. For comparison, producing a ton of bread will cost approximately 400-500 thousand, invested only in baking equipment.

In addition, if you plan to sell the products yourself, you will need additional costs for the purchase of cabinets for storing bread and buns, a display case, and a cash register.

Bakery staff: selection, training, employee salaries

Of course, the most important driving force (along with the equipment) is the bakery staff. For a mini-production, the staff will be small - necessarily a technologist, a baker, an auxiliary worker and a cleaner. Also, do not forget about the accountant and manager (however, if you have the appropriate knowledge and time, they can be the owner himself), and, if necessary, the loader.

At the same time, it is important to conduct preliminary training of personnel, familiarize them with the recipe and production process, as well as compliance with all standards and requirements of safety, quality, and sanitation. Don't forget to budget for labor costs and annual holidays employees so that they are confident in financial stability and motivated to better perform their duties, which ultimately directly affects the quality of your products. On average, the salary of a technologist should be about 15-20 thousand, an accountant - 18-25, auxiliary workers - 12-15 thousand rubles.

Premises for a bakery in accordance with SES requirements and production volumes

Depending on the volume of production and the equipment used, you need to select the appropriate room both in size and other characteristics. The area for a small bakery will be approximately 120-150 square meters. meters. This will be enough to organize direct production, warehouses (for raw materials and finished products), as well as a small utility room for employees.

SES requirements for premises for a bakery

It is important to take into account the sanitary requirements imposed by the SES:

  • basement room equipped with ventilation;
  • the presence of sewerage, as well as water (hot and cold);
  • the presence of all necessary premises, both household (toilet, rest room) and utility rooms;
  • The walls of the bakery room should be tiled and the ceilings whitewashed.

Choosing a method for purchasing premises

It is also necessary to take into account the financial possibilities for purchasing premises. So, rent will cost approximately 4-6 thousand rubles per year per square meter. If you are thinking about how to build a bakery yourself, then your own production workshop with a shop nearby (including design and construction) will cost about 3.5 million rubles. About 2-2.5 million more will be spent on renting land with the right of subsequent purchase.

Perhaps on initial stage for a small bakery it will be more profitable to enter into an agreement with any store/restaurant about joint activities and use their production facilities for your own purposes.

In addition, a bakery for rent would be a good option; this will simplify the approval of premises (which have already been used for similar purposes), and will also partially resolve the issue with equipment.

Economic indicators: investments, monthly costs, profitability

After you have considered all the issues related to the production of products, the purchase of raw materials, the acquisition of equipment and premises, as well as the hiring of personnel, you can move on to one of the most important points - calculating economic indicators and determining the feasibility of production. To do this, you need to analyze the main cost items and profitability of the bakery. So let's start with the initial investment.

Naturally, these articles will be very individual and approximate, since there are many nuances. On average, for a small bakery with a production volume of 350-500 kg of bread, the costs will be:

  • for equipment - 200-500 thousand rubles one-time;
  • rental of premises - about 75 thousand rubles/month (million/year) or 3.5+2 million rubles for construction;
  • utilities - about 15 thousand rubles/month;
  • wages - about 150 thousand rubles per month.

In addition, depending on the assortment, it is necessary to include in the expense item the costs of purchasing raw materials, carrying out the necessary communications (electricity, water, communications) and repairs, issuing permits, approvals and other additional costs. In general, your own mini-bakery may require an initial investment of 500 thousand to 4-5 million rubles.

At the same time, the profitability of production can be as high as 20%, and will pay off only in a couple of years, or 50-60%. In the second case, the approximate profitability of a confectionery-bakery is indicated (since it significantly exceeds pure bread production in terms of profitability), which will allow you to break even and start making a profit within the first year of operation.

Documents required for registration of bread production

A bakery is a production facility associated with the production of food products. Rospotrebnadzor imposes certain sanitary requirements on bakeries, regardless of whether it is a large-scale production facility or not. In this regard, it is necessary to register various permitting documents. To open a mini-bakery you will need the following documents:

  • conclusion on compliance with fire safety requirements (from the fire inspection);
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusions for production and products (separately) are issued by Rospotrebnadzor;
  • certificate of conformity - received in Federal agency on metrology and technical regulation.

In addition, each employee will need to obtain a medical record. Overall, to get everyone necessary permits you will have to spend no more than 60-70 thousand rubles, including medical books for staff (about 600 rubles each).


Thus, we have considered the main points that need to be taken into account and analyzed before building a bakery. Despite the fact that this is a mini-production, a lot of effort and time, as well as financial resources, will have to be spent. Ultimately, with a competent approach and a well-chosen strategy, all your efforts and investments will pay off, and your own mini-bakery will “grow” into a successful, stable and profitable production.