Job description of a carpenter in a dhow. A brief, typical job description for a carpenter-joiner. Characteristics of work, tasks and job responsibilities

Municipal state-financed organization additional education Children's (teenage) center "Edelweiss"

Director of MBU DO TsDP "Edelweiss"

Municipal budgetary institution of additional education

Children's (teenage) center "Edelweiss"

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions Labor Code Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.

1.1. A carpenter is hired and dismissed by the director of the MBU DO TsDP "Edelweiss" on the recommendation of the deputy director for administrative and economic affairs from among persons over 18 years of age who have appropriate training and/or work experience.

1.2. For the position of watchman in accordance with the requirements of Art. 331 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation a person is accepted:

- does not have or has not had a criminal record, has not been or has not been subject to criminal prosecution (with the exception of persons against whom criminal prosecution has been terminated on rehabilitative grounds) for crimes against life and health, freedom, honor and dignity of the individual (with the exception of illegal placement in a psychiatric hospital, slander and insults), sexual integrity and sexual freedom of the individual, against family and minors, public health and public morality, the foundations of the constitutional order and state security, as well as against public safety;

- does not have an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for intentional grave and especially grave crimes;

- not recognized as legally incompetent in the manner prescribed by federal law;

- does not have diseases included in the list approved federal body executive power, which carries out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of healthcare.

1.3. The carpenter reports directly to the deputy director for administrative and economic work.

1.4. In his work, a carpenter is guided by the rules of operation of the equipment being serviced; safety rules when performing cleaning, repair and construction, plumbing work, rules and regulations of labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection, as well as the Charter and Internal Labor Regulations of the MBU DO TsDP "Edelweiss" and this job description.

The main activities of a carpenter are:

2.1. maintaining in working condition central heating systems, water supply, drains, heat supply and similar equipment that ensures the normal operation of the MBU DO TsDP "Edelweiss";

2.2. carrying out ongoing repair work of various profiles;

2.4. minor household repairs on premises.

3. Job responsibilities

A carpenter performs the following duties:

3.1. maintains the premises of the MBU DOD TsDP "Edelweiss" in proper condition;

3.2. carries out seasonal preparation of maintained buildings, structures, equipment and mechanisms;

3.3. eliminates damage and malfunctions at the request of teacher-organizers;

3.4. conducts periodic inspection technical condition of maintained buildings, structures, equipment and mechanisms, their Maintenance and current repairs with the implementation of all types of repair and construction work (plastering, painting, carpentry, joinery, etc.) using scaffolding and other devices;

3.5. carries out routine repairs and maintenance of central heating systems, water supply, sewerage, drains, heat supply and other equipment, mechanisms and structures with plumbing and soldering work;

3.7. complies with the technology for performing repair, construction, plumbing work, rules for the operation and maintenance of buildings, equipment, structures, safety rules, industrial sanitation and fire safety;

§ Performs labor protection duties:

In accordance with the “Basic Provisions OST-01-2001”, put into effect by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the employee is obliged to:

§ comply with labor protection requirements, established by laws and other regulatory legal acts, as well as rules and instructions on labor protection, approved by the director of the MBU DO TsDP "Edelweiss";

§ correctly use personal and collective protective equipment;

§ undergo training in safe methods and techniques for performing work on labor protection, providing first aid in case of accidents at work, instruction in labor protection, on-the-job training, testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements; immediately notify your immediate or superior manager about any life-threatening situation and people’s health, about every accident that occurred at work, or about the deterioration of their health, including the manifestation of signs of acute occupational disease;

§ undergo mandatory preliminary (upon admission to work) and periodic (during labor activity) medical examinations.

The carpenter has the right:

4.1. to provide appropriate equipment, tools, materials, personal protective equipment and protective clothing in accordance with established standards;

4.2. prohibit the use of faulty and dangerous operating objects (equipment, machines, mechanisms, instruments, structures, etc.);

4.3. refuse to carry out work hazardous to life and health in conditions where there are no and (or) cannot be accepted necessary measures security.

5.1. For non-performance or improper performance without good reasons The carpenter bears the internal labor regulations, legal orders and instructions of the administration of the MBOU DOD TsDP "Edelweiss" and other local regulations, job responsibilities established by these Instructions disciplinary liability in the prescribed manner labor legislation.

5.2. For culpable infliction of MBOU DOD TsDP "Edelweiss" or participants educational process damage in connection with the performance (non-performance) of their official duties, disciplinary liability in the manner and within the limits established by labor and (or) civil legislation.

6. Relationships. Relationships by position

6.1. undergoes safety and fire safety training under the guidance of the Deputy Director for Administrative and Economic Works.

I have read the instructions: _________________ ___________________ ______________________

[initials, surname, signature] [day, month, year]

There are a number of specialties that have always been and will be in demand in the labor market for a long time. These include the profession of carpenter. Unfortunately, few young people take this profession seriously, since they have no idea what a carpenter is. Therefore, it is worth talking about this in more detail.

The profession of a carpenter requires possession of knowledge and skills in wood processing, as well as the ability to apply them in practice. For example, few people thought about the indispensability of crafts in building houses. The concept is often confused with a carpenter, but the latter performs smaller and more creative tasks that are more reminiscent of design. Whereas the position of a carpenter requires deep technical knowledge and engineering skills. However, due to the thirst for knowledge, some workers readily combine both directions.

What does a carpenter do? The list is quite extensive and depends on the level of qualifications and skill.

Beginning workers or apprentices (1st category) should be able to perform simple tasks and, in fact, learn from more experienced comrades. A higher rank requires acquiring knowledge and skills that are available both in educational institutions, and in production.

Main responsibilities

For any specialty there are clearly established procedures professional activity and boundaries of responsibility, which allow you to regulate disputes and identify the degree of involvement of each participant in the process. Therefore, there is a job description for a carpenter, which also indicates important aspects of his work activity. Its variations can be found in each individual enterprise, since management independently decides the need for certain requirements for the employee. However, the basic principles should not contradict the current legislation of the country and reflect the real state of affairs.

IN job responsibilities a carpenter usually includes lists of the skills he must possess. At the same time, exceeding the norms of knowledge and skills is encouraged, but not required.

If the employee has reached a level that clearly exceeds the rank he possesses, management may offer the carpenter an increase in both position and salary. However, in practice, it often happens that the carpenter himself requests a review of his qualifications.

So, the main functions of a carpenter include the following types of work:

  • formwork, required in the construction of buildings at the stage of erection of load-bearing structures;
  • carpentry, which do not require careful processing of wood, but their implementation requires high engineering precision;
  • overlapping roofs, and with increasing discharge, the complexity of possible structures also increases;
  • civil works.

The latter type includes a wide range of tasks, the implementation and list of which depends on the carpenter’s qualifications and individual job description.


A carpenter in construction performs, for example, in addition to the already mentioned formwork, the following work:

  • procurement of materials, installation, replacement and dismantling of wooden load-bearing roof structures;
  • fastening wooden structures with metal ones;
  • cutting of internal walls of the building and partitions;
  • construction of temporary buildings and premises for technical needs and their dismantling after completion of construction.
  • arrangement of ceilings, flooring and covering;
  • installation wooden products and structures;
  • installation of door and window frames.

The list clearly shows what exactly a carpenter does at a construction site. It becomes clear that his work is in demand at all stages, from the beginning to the end of construction.

A carpenter in the housing and communal services sector is also in high demand. The functions it performs mainly include roofing work. This includes developing a plan for restoring damaged coatings, drawing up a sketch of the proposed repair, as well as manufacturing and installation of all parts of the structure. For such labor-intensive processes, the carpenter must have wide range knowledge and skills.

Therefore, a carpenter-roofer in housing and communal services is a sought-after specialist who is responsible for the quality of the work performed.


Like any infrastructure facility, buildings medical institutions also require fixed costs to maintain and restore lost integrity. The job responsibilities of a carpenter in a hospital are also collective in nature. For example, minor repairs of wooden parts and structures, production of pallets and boxes for transporting medical devices and their dismantling if the organization receives a parcel. In addition, the job description of a carpenter in a hospital involves minor repairs of damaged equipment.

Other non-core institutions

At an enterprise, a carpenter's job description, as a rule, also includes a list of additional duties that must be performed with a high degree of accuracy. For example, in educational institutions, due to the low profile workload, the functional responsibilities of a carpenter include the maintenance and ongoing repair of heating and water supply systems, as well as cleaning drainage structures. In addition, a carpenter is required to have carpentry skills in making minor repairs and fabricating broken or damaged wood pieces.

It becomes clear that the acquired profession of a carpenter and his job responsibilities do not always strictly correspond to the employer’s requests. Such requirements are nevertheless justified due to the low workload and periodic nature of the activity.

Core skills and knowledge

When hiring a carpenter, certain requirements are put forward for his candidacy regarding the education received, professional knowledge, skills and experience in the specialty. In the job description, all evaluation criteria are clearly and clearly stated. As a rule, small concessions are allowed if the candidate is willing to learn and compromise with management. However, it is better to meet all the qualification requirements.

Depending on what rank the employee has, he must be able to:

  • harvest, sort and process all types of wood used - the higher the category, the more complex the level of work performed;
  • know the device the necessary tool and be able to prepare it, as well as care for it after use;
  • assemble and disassemble various structures of floors, formwork, temporary buildings and structures;
  • cover roofs of various designs and complexity;
  • process various surfaces - floors, baseboards, window and door frames, wall and ceiling cladding;
  • read drawings and technical sketches.

The specialty of a carpenter, in addition to having skills, requires a certain amount of knowledge. You can get it in profile professional institutions secondary specialized education - colleges and schools.

Typically, admission is held at the beginning of the academic year for several faculties among graduates of grades 9 and 11. The duration of study, the sample diploma and the conditions for obtaining education depend on the chosen institution.

After graduation, the student is assigned a rank confirming the level of training. Depending on its size, the carpenter must have the following knowledge:

  • types of timber and their processing, positive and negative distinctive features different types wood;
  • rules for transportation and movement of goods, necessary conditions to ensure their safety;
  • arrangement of instruments and methods of preparing them for use;
  • requirements for workplaces and their technical equipment;
  • marking methods for preparing lumber;
  • making templates for various parts;
  • methods of rationalization and improvement of working conditions;
  • technical conditions of all types of work performed, safety rules and regulatory documents that regulate it.

Holders of higher ranks must be prepared, among other things, to lead people. Therefore, when appointed to the position of foreman, a carpenter should familiarize himself with the job descriptions of the workers coming under his command. Labor reorganization is possible if new manager sees this opportunity. However, most often the functions are to maintain an already established order.

Professional and personal qualities

To become a true professional in his field, in addition to theoretical knowledge and skills, a carpenter must have a set of character qualities. This must be a person with a high degree of responsibility in order to do the job efficiently, since the slightest omission, for example, in construction, can lead to the death of other people. In addition, the profession of a carpenter and its description presupposes the absence of fear of heights, a good eye, and the ability to remember many numbers and measurements. A carpenter must have a good knowledge and understanding of the basics of geometry and drawing, because an integral part of the craft is the ability to draw up drawings.

A professional must have excellent health, endurance, and be able to concentrate. In addition, a carpenter's tool requires the presence of force in order to wield it.

The master must be able to process any surface and bring both large objects and small products to the required characteristics. Contraindications for performing official duties are allergies to wood dust, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, as well as any mental illness.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

Like any profession, being a carpenter has a number of positive and negative features.

A significant disadvantage is the high physical activity, which can lead to the development of health problems in the future. The monotony of tasks performed leads to the development of fatigue and loss of attention. In addition, constantly being on your feet increases the likelihood of developing such diagnoses as varicose veins and flat feet. Participation in construction requires you to be at heights, which entails the risk of falling, so it is very important to take safety seriously and always check your safety equipment. An additional risk factor is the tool used. Errors in their use are unacceptable and are fraught with consequences such as injury.

The positive features of the specialty include the following:

  1. Periodicity. If we're talking about about work in an institution, the workload during the working day is quite small and chaotic.
  2. Ability to regulate earnings. The specialty allows you to perform job duties at several construction sites without losing the quality of the activities performed.
  3. Demand. From the description of the profession, it becomes clear that the range of services that a carpenter can provide is quite wide, so craftsmen will not be left without work.
  4. Savings at home. The acquired skills make it possible to make many household items from scrap materials. And you can save a lot on buying furniture, since you can make it yourself, spending money only on materials.
  5. Possibility of small part-time jobs and creating your own workshops. If a person is truly created for this profession, he will be able to master many skills and make money from it.

The job responsibilities of a carpenter are very varied. The profession has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. However, it is worth noting that carpenters will always be in demand on the labor market, which allows you to choose this path with the prospect of good earnings.

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The carpenter is one of the most famous construction specialties. The profession of a carpenter is associated with the mechanical processing of wood and the subsequent production of components, structures and parts. A carpenter takes part in the construction of houses, bridges, installs window frames, ceilings, doors, builds scaffolding, and lays floors.

The profession is related to working at heights and indoors. Can be team or individual. In the process of work, a carpenter uses the following tools: an axe, a tape measure, chisels, a plumb line, a miter box, a drill, a screwdriver, a hammer, various saws, hacksaws, a jigsaw, an adze, woodworking machines, and hand-held electrical measuring instruments.

General provisions and responsibilities

  1. A carpenter is hired by order of the head of an enterprise or organization.
  2. The carpenter reports to the workshop foreman or site manager.
  3. A person without vocational education, or with vocational education, or with work experience, depending on the required qualifications, is hired to become a carpenter.

The carpenter must know:

Depends on the complexity of the work specialist rank. They come from 2nd to 6th

Description of categories

Worker 2 digits must know:

  1. Methods for dismantling and cleaning simple structures.
  2. Types of timber.
  3. Methods of primary wood processing.
  4. Rules for transportation and storage of goods.
  5. Types of coating materials.

Be able to:

  1. Perform simple formwork and other work.
  2. Help with roofing work.
  3. Sort coating materials.

A carpenter 3 digits must know:

  1. The device of a power tool.
  2. Methods for finishing wood materials, preparing piles and supports.
  3. The main differences between wood, its disadvantages and advantages.
  4. Methods for constructing plank sheathing, decking and roof parts.
  5. Properties of coating materials.
  6. Methods for marking and covering simple roofs.

Be able to:

  1. The roof covering has a simple shape.
  2. Install boardwalks and baseboards.
  3. Trim logs and board edges.
  4. Cover the walls with boards.
  5. Prepare single piles and supports.
  6. Finish surfaces.
  7. Cover pitched roofs.
  8. Harvest simple forests.
  9. Disassemble formwork, ceilings, columns, beams.

A carpenter 4 digits must know:

  1. Basic wooden building structures.
  2. Construction of wooden wall frames.
  3. Dry antiseptic methods.
  4. Methods for impregnating wooden structures with antiseptics and fire retardants.
  5. Rationalization of labor.
  6. Methods for covering roofs and marking them are of medium complexity.
  7. TU works.
  8. Rules for moving goods.

Be able to:

  1. Perform formwork and carpentry work of medium complexity.
  2. Prepare the necessary tools, use measuring instruments and fixtures, read working sketches and drawings, and perform utility work.

A carpenter 5 ranks must know:

  1. Methods for manufacturing and marking complex wooden blocks and joints.
  2. Composition of rigging devices.
  3. Specifications for work, operating rules production equipment, and instrument.
  4. Specifications for acceptance and production of work, assortment and labeling of materials, parts, semi-finished products.
  5. Rules for moving goods.
  6. Safety regulations.

Be able to:

  1. Perform complex formwork and professional work.

A carpenter 6 digits must know:

  1. Especially complex engineering buildings.
  2. All possible formwork designs.
  3. Methods for making the necessary inventory templates.
  4. Organization of labor in its place, and in the case of a brigade form - organization of labor of the brigade.
  5. Technological process.
  6. MPRTS management rules.
  7. Features of the state economy, results production plans construction team, site, organization.
  8. Ways to increase production efficiency - increasing labor productivity, quality of construction products, saving energy and material resources, labor intensity of products and cost reduction, application of cost accounting.
  9. Specifications for work execution, marking and assortment.
  10. Rules for storing and moving goods.
  11. Safety standards.

Be able to:

  1. Perform particularly complex formwork and roofing work.

Differences in requirements for duties performed in enterprises and organizations

Special knowledge in construction:

  1. Methods for connecting and installing the most complex wooden floors.
  2. Basic methods of construction and design of different types of formwork.
  3. Possibility of producing templates for large engineering types of building structures.
  4. Technical instructions for operation, storage, use of tools, devices, measuring instruments.
  5. Sketches and drawings that are used in the work process.
  6. Necessary requirements to achieve maximum quality of work.
  7. Professional requirements for a given profession for a low-level worker.

Carpenter in housing and communal services sector need to know:

  1. Requirements for the quality of roofing materials.
  2. Methods for marking and roofing roofs of varying complexity.
  3. The front parts of the roofs are made of sheet steel.
  4. Basic physical and mechanical properties tree.
  5. Tolerances and allowances for processing.
  6. Simple sketches and drawings.
  7. Design, purpose of tools, mechanisms, devices and equipment when using them.
  8. Assembly of all structural parts.

Duties of a carpenter in the hospital includes:

  1. Rough trimming, transverse and longitudinal sawing of lumber.
  2. Manufacturing and repair of construction equipment.
  3. Carpentry and general construction works.
  4. Processing wood manually and using power tools.
  5. Simple carpentry work.
  6. Making and using simple carpentry products.
  7. Production and packaging of mail, goods and luggage boxes, pallets, lathing.
  8. Execution of collective works.

A carpenter At school deals with:

  1. Maintaining buildings on the school grounds in good condition.
  2. Maintaining water supply, heat supply, central heating systems, drains, and other similar equipment in working order.
  3. Carrying out repair work.
  4. Not complicated repairs in classrooms.
  5. Seasonal preparation of maintained structures, buildings, equipment.
  6. Elimination of damage and malfunctions at the request of the school director.
  7. Implementation current repairs with soldering and plumbing work.


Training of workers in safe labor methods is carried out in all organizations and enterprises, regardless of the degree and nature of the production hazard. The organization of training within the enterprise is entrusted to special commission, created by order of the head of the enterprise.

Control over the timeliness of training and its quality is carried out by the labor protection department. Registration of training for each new arrival at the enterprise is carried out in special magazine.

Workers who have undergone special training and instruction, as well as safety training and medical examination are allowed to work.

Exist medical contraindications nominated for the profession of carpenter:

  • neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • allergy;
  • musculoskeletal disorder;
  • hypertension, other cardiovascular diseases;
  • eye diseases.

Rights and responsibilities

The carpenter has the right:

  1. To all social rights and guarantees provided for by law.
  2. Act to prevent and correct any problems or irregularities
  3. Require compliance with industrial labor protection.
  4. Perform your official duties and require assistance in this.
  5. enjoy project documentation, to perform work duties.
  6. Increase your qualification level.
  7. Make proposals to eliminate violations.
  8. Get acquainted with administrative documents, by orders of the workshop management.
  9. Make proposals to management for improving work related to the performance of job duties.
  10. Inform the workshop foreman about shortcomings identified by him during the work process.

He is responsible for:

  1. Low labor and production discipline.
  2. Failure to fulfill official duties.
  3. Violation of safety regulations.
  4. Failure to comply with management orders within the law.
  5. Material damage.
  6. Illegal use of official powers for personal gain.
  7. Violation labor discipline.
  8. Delay in medical examinations.

You can see how a carpenter makes a table in this manual.

I. General provisions

  1. A joiner-carpenter is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by current labor legislation by order of the director of the enterprise.
  2. The joiner-carpenter reports directly to the foreman of the administrative and economic department.
  3. During the absence of a joiner-carpenter (illness, vacation, business trip, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed as the Deputy Director for General Affairs, who is responsible for their high-quality and timely execution.
  4. A carpenter must know:
  • main types of timber and properties of wood;
  • methods of rough processing of timber;
  • basics of electrified tools;
  • be able to read blueprints and develop sketches.

II. Job responsibilities

A carpenter performs the following duties:

  1. Rough trimming, sharpening, cross sawing of timber.
  2. Manufacturing and repair of simple construction equipment.
  3. Complex carpentry, general construction and formwork work.
  4. Wood processing with electrified tools and manually.
  5. Simple carpentry work.
  6. Manufacturing and installation of simple carpentry.
  7. Manufacturing, incl. edging with packing tape on postal, luggage and goods boxes, lathing, pallets.
  8. Execution of work requiring the collective participation of administration employees.

III. Rights

A carpenter has the right:

  1. give his subordinate employees instructions and tasks on a range of issues included in his functional responsibilities;
  2. control the implementation of production tasks, timely execution of individual orders by employees subordinate to him;
  3. request and receive necessary materials and documents related to issues of his activities and the activities of his subordinate employees;
  4. interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues included in its functional responsibilities;
  5. get acquainted with draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning the activities of the Division;
  6. propose to the manager for consideration proposals for improving work related to the responsibilities provided for in this Job Description;
  7. submit for consideration by the manager proposals on encouraging distinguished employees and imposing penalties on violators of production and labor discipline;
  8. report to the manager about all identified violations and shortcomings in connection with the work performed.

IV. Responsibility

The carpenter is responsible for:

  1. Failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s official duties as provided for in this Job Description, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.
  2. Offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine.
  3. Causing material damage- within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of Ukraine.
  4. Violation of the obligation to preserve proprietary information.
  5. Safety of material assets entrusted to him.
  6. Violation internal regulations enterprises.

Working instructions carpenter

1. General Provisions

1.1. This instruction developed based on the requirements:

1.1.1. Article 17 of the Law of Ukraine “On Labor Protection”

1.1.2. Directory qualification characteristics professions of workers, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and social policy Ukraine dated 02/16/98 No. 24

1.2. The carpenter is hired by the chief physician of the sanatorium on the recommendation of the deputy. Ch. doctor (chief engineer) and only the chief engineer resigns. sanatorium doctor.

Admission, transfer and dismissal are formalized by order of the enterprise (sanatorium)

1.3. The carpenter in his work reports to the deputy. Ch. PM doctor (chief engineer), operating engineer.

2. Tasks and responsibilities.

2.1. The tasks of a carpenter are:

2.1.1. Carry out carpentry and repair work in accordance with the requirements of drawing and technical documentation.

2.1.2. Careful maintenance of inventory and power tools in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturers' instructions.

2.2. The responsibilities of a carpenter are:

2.2.1. Follow the instructions and orders of the administration.

2.2.2. To restore order in the carpentry workshop, monitor the state of lighting, alarm systems, and maintain sanitary conditions.

2.2.3. Carry out high-quality carpentry work in accordance with current documentation and the requirements of the E TKS, depending on qualifications (category)

2.2.4. Repair carpentry (windows, doors, etc.), furniture (bedside tables, cabinets, beds, etc.)

2.2.5. Replace locks on doors, cabinets, latches, latches, etc., guided by the manufacturer's data sheets.

2.2.6. Follow the instructions for labor protection, fire safety and these instructions.

2.2.7. Follow the internal rules and instructions on the rules of conduct.

2.2.8. Use materials rationally and economically.

2.2.9. Constantly improve your skills.

2.2.10. Place equipment, tools, and protective equipment in designated areas.

2.2.11. To restore order in the workplace after performing work in buildings and structures, to store materials, carpentry, etc.

2.2.12. Maintain established documentation.

2.2.13. Undergo preliminary and periodic medical examinations in accordance with the established procedure.

2.2.14. Comply with labor protection obligations stipulated in the collective agreement.

2.2.15. Cooperate with the administration in organizing safe and harmless working conditions.

2.2.16. Provide a written explanation at the request of the administration in case of accidents, breakdowns of equipment, tools, violations of instructions, etc.

2.2.17. Treat tools, equipment, etc. with care

2.2.18. Participate in the repair of instruments on the instructions and orders of the administration, guided by special technological process and related instructions.

2.2.19. Perform the duties of a woodworking machine operator, carpenter, subject to the appropriate qualification certificates, documents and orders for the enterprise.

3 Rights:

3.1 The carpenter has the right:

3.1.1 Require organization of the workplace and conduct of work in accordance regulations. , providing materials, tools, carpentry, equipment, etc. necessary for carpentry work.

3.1.2 Require timely repairs of power tools and scaffolding equipment.

3.1.3 Refuse to carry out work if working conditions and the workplace do not comply with regulations on labor protection and fire safety

3.1.4 Require the provision of sanitary facilities and their equipment in accordance with the requirements of regulations, personal protective equipment (working clothing, safety shoes, safety devices).

3.1.5 Require the issuance of a shift assignment and training on labor protection.

3.1.6 Demand the provision of benefits and compensation for severe and harmful conditions labor (based on workplace certification results).

3.1.7 Submit proposals for improving the organization of carpentry work.

4 Responsibility

4.1. The carpenter is responsible for:

4.1.1. Failure to complete a shift assignment, poor quality of work, defective work.

4.1.2. Failure to follow instructions from the administration.

4.1.3. Failure to comply with company orders and provisions of the collective agreement.

4.1.4. Violation of this instruction, internal labor regulations, instructions on the rules of conduct, instructions on labor protection and fire safety, instructions for operating equipment, accessories, tools, technological documentation drawings, etc.

4.1.5. Failure (breakage) of scaffolding equipment, equipment, tools, etc.

4.1.6. Use of materials and tools, equipment, carpentry for personal needs, etc.

4.1.7. Loss of tools and personal protective equipment through your own fault.

4.1.8. Disorder and dirt in the carpentry workshop.

4.1.9. Uneconomical use of materials (in violation of approved standards).

4.2. The carpenter bears responsibility in accordance with internal labor regulations and current legislation.

5 Must know (be able to).

5.1. Must know:

5.1.1. Properties of wood of different species and its defects, types of joinery products and their

structures, hardware and their applications, designs and devices of locks.

5.1.2. Glue, mastics, putties, antiseptic pastes, etc.

5.1.3. Technological processes of carpentry, installation of carpentry, repair of carpentry and furniture.

5.1.4. The purpose and design of hand and mechanized tools, malfunctions and malfunctions in the operation of the tool, the procedure for eliminating them.

5.1.5. Rules for the use of materials, tools, equipment, carpentry, etc.

5.1.6. Equipment, devices and equipment for carrying out work.

5.1.7. Legislation on labor protection, fire safety, Labor Code.

5.1.8. Internal labor regulations and instructions on the rules of conduct.

5.1.9. Standard sets of tools, devices, containers, scaffolding, protective equipment, etc., necessary for carrying out work.

5.1.10. Instructions for labor protection, fire safety and this manual

5.1.11. Equipment operating instructions.

5.1.12. Plan (instructions) for emergency response.

5.1.13. Rules for handling primary fire extinguishing agents.

5.2. A carpenter must be able to.

5.2.1. Carry out high-quality carpentry work (depending on the category

qualifications in accordance with ETKS)

5.2.2. Handle hand and mechanized tools, equipment,

equipment, etc.

5.2.3. Use special clothing, safety shoes and protective equipment.

5.2.4. Use primary fire extinguishing agents.

5.2.5. Provide first aid to the victim.

6 Qualification requirements.

A carpenter must have 8-11 grades general education and training under a special program in the vocational training system. (SPTU, GPTU, UKK, etc.)

7 Relationships (professional connections)

7.1 Carpenter:

7.1.1 Receives a work (shift) assignment from the operating engineer, deputy. Ch. PM doctor (chief engineer)

7.1.2. Hands over the completed work to the operating engineer, deputy. Ch. PM doctor

(chief engineer)

7.1.3. Reports all shortcomings and comments to the operating engineer, deputy.

Ch. PM doctor (chief engineer)

7.1.4. Interacts with other workers of the team and technical service in accordance with the requirements established by orders, instructions and instructions.

7.1.5. Receives tools, workwear, hardware, materials, personal protective equipment, etc. from the storekeeper.

7.1.6. Works in contact with sister-housewives and other heads of departments, fulfilling their requests from the deputy. Ch. PM doctor (chief engineer).

7.2. All disagreements between the carpenter and other workers and the operating engineer are resolved by the deputy. Ch. PM doctor ( Chief Engineer)

Carpenter's work instructions

1. General Provisions

1.1. This instruction has been developed based on the requirements:

1.1.1. Article 17 of the Law of Ukraine “On Labor Protection”

1.1.2. Directory of qualification characteristics of workers' professions, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Ukraine dated February 16, 1998 No. 24

1.2. The carpenter is hired by the chief physician of the sanatorium on the recommendation of the deputy. Ch. doctor (chief engineer) and only the chief engineer resigns. sanatorium doctor.

Admission, transfer and dismissal are formalized by order of the enterprise (sanatorium)

1.3. The carpenter in his work reports to the deputy. Ch. PM doctor (chief engineer), operating engineer.

2. Tasks and responsibilities.

2.1. The tasks of a carpenter are:

2.1.1. Carry out carpentry and repair work in accordance with the requirements of drawing and technical documentation.

2.1.2. Careful maintenance of inventory and power tools in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturers' instructions.

2.2. The responsibilities of a carpenter are:

2.2.1. Follow the instructions and orders of the administration.

2.2.2. To restore order in the carpentry workshop, monitor the state of lighting, alarm systems, and maintain sanitary conditions.

2.2.3. Carry out high-quality carpentry work in accordance with current documentation and the requirements of the E TKS, depending on qualifications (category)

2.2.4. Repair carpentry (windows, doors, etc.), furniture (bedside tables, cabinets, beds, etc.)

2.2.5. Replace locks on doors, cabinets, latches, latches, etc., guided by the manufacturer's data sheets.

2.2.6. Follow the instructions for labor protection, fire safety and these instructions.

2.2.7. Follow the internal rules and instructions on the rules of conduct.

2.2.8. Use materials rationally and economically.

2.2.9. Constantly improve your skills.

2.2.10. Place equipment, tools, and protective equipment in designated areas.

2.2.11. To restore order in the workplace after performing work in buildings and structures, to store materials, carpentry, etc.

2.2.12. Maintain established documentation.

2.2.13. Undergo preliminary and periodic medical examinations in accordance with the established procedure.

2.2.14. Comply with labor protection obligations stipulated in the collective agreement.

2.2.15. Cooperate with the administration in organizing safe and harmless working conditions.

2.2.16. Provide a written explanation at the request of the administration in case of accidents, breakdowns of equipment, tools, violations of instructions, etc.

2.2.17. Treat tools, equipment, etc. with care

2.2.18. Participate in the repair of instruments on the instructions and orders of the administration, guided by special technological processes and relevant instructions.

2.2.19. Perform the duties of a woodworking machine operator, carpenter, subject to the appropriate qualification certificates, documents and orders for the enterprise.

3 Rights:

3.1 The carpenter has the right:

3.1.1 Require organization of the workplace and conduct of work in accordance with regulations. , providing materials, tools, carpentry, equipment, etc. necessary for carpentry work.

3.1.2 Require timely repairs of power tools and scaffolding equipment.

3.1.3 Refuse to carry out work if working conditions and the workplace do not comply with regulations on labor protection and fire safety

3.1.4 Require the provision of sanitary facilities and their equipment in accordance with the requirements of regulations, personal protective equipment (working clothing, safety shoes, safety devices).

3.1.5 Require the issuance of a shift assignment and training on labor protection.

3.1.6 Demand the provision of benefits and compensation for difficult and harmful working conditions (based on the results of workplace certification).

3.1.7 Submit proposals for improving the organization of carpentry work.

4 Responsibility

4.1. The carpenter is responsible for:

4.1.1. Failure to complete a shift assignment, poor quality of work, defective work.

4.1.2. Failure to follow instructions from the administration.

4.1.3. Failure to comply with company orders and provisions of the collective agreement.

4.1.4. Violation of this instruction, internal labor regulations, instructions on the rules of conduct, instructions on labor protection and fire safety, instructions for operating equipment, accessories, tools, technological documentation drawings, etc.

4.1.5. Failure (breakage) of scaffolding equipment, equipment, tools, etc.

4.1.6. Use of materials and tools, equipment, carpentry for personal needs, etc.

4.1.7. Loss of tools and personal protective equipment through your own fault.

4.1.8. Disorder and dirt in the carpentry workshop.

4.1.9. Uneconomical use of materials (in violation of approved standards).

4.2. The carpenter bears responsibility in accordance with internal labor regulations and current legislation.

5 Must know (be able to).

5.1. Must know:

5.1.1. Properties of wood of different species and its defects, types of joinery products and their

structures, hardware and their applications, designs and devices of locks.

5.1.2. Glue, mastics, putties, antiseptic pastes, etc.

5.1.3. Technological processes of carpentry, installation of carpentry, repair of carpentry and furniture.

5.1.4. The purpose and design of hand and mechanized tools, malfunctions and malfunctions in the operation of the tool, the procedure for eliminating them.

5.1.5. Rules for the use of materials, tools, equipment, carpentry, etc.

5.1.6. Equipment, devices and equipment for carrying out work.

5.1.7. Legislation on labor protection, fire safety, Labor Code.

5.1.8. Internal labor regulations and instructions on the rules of conduct.

5.1.9. Standard sets of tools, devices, containers, scaffolding, protective equipment, etc., necessary for carrying out work.

5.1.10. Instructions for labor protection, fire safety and this manual

5.1.11. Equipment operating instructions.

5.1.12. Plan (instructions) for emergency response.

5.1.13. Rules for handling primary fire extinguishing agents.

5.2. A carpenter must be able to.

5.2.1. Carry out high-quality carpentry work (depending on the category

qualifications in accordance with ETKS)

5.2.2. Handle hand and mechanized tools, equipment,

equipment, etc.

5.2.3. Use special clothing, safety shoes and protective equipment.

5.2.4. Use primary fire extinguishing agents.

5.2.5. Provide first aid to the victim.

6 Qualification requirements.

A carpenter must have 8-11 grades of general education and training under a special program in the vocational training system. (SPTU, GPTU, UKK, etc.)

7 Relationships (professional connections)

7.1 Carpenter:

7.1.1 Receives a work (shift) assignment from the operating engineer, deputy. Ch. PM doctor (chief engineer)

7.1.2. Hands over the completed work to the operating engineer, deputy. Ch. PM doctor

(chief engineer)

7.1.3. Reports all shortcomings and comments to the operating engineer, deputy.

Ch. PM doctor (chief engineer)

7.1.4. Interacts with other workers of the team and technical service in accordance with the requirements established by orders, instructions and instructions.

7.1.5. Receives tools, workwear, hardware, materials, personal protective equipment, etc. from the storekeeper.

7.1.6. Works in contact with sister-housewives and other heads of departments, fulfilling their requests from the deputy. Ch. PM doctor (chief engineer).

7.2. All disagreements between the carpenter and other workers and the operating engineer are resolved by the deputy. Ch. PM doctor (chief engineer)

I APPROVED __________________________ (full name)

Head of the Organization __________________________ (name of the Organization)

"____"___________ _____ Mr. M.P.


carpenter 4th category

(approximate form)


1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of a 4th category carpenter _________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Organization”).

1.2. A carpenter of the 4th category is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in the manner established by the current labor legislation by order of the Head of the Organization.

1.3. A 4th grade carpenter reports directly to _____________________.

1.4. A person with ______ is appointed to the position of 4th grade carpenter professional education and work experience in the specialty of at least __ years (without presenting requirements for work experience).

1.5. A 4th grade carpenter must know:

Installation of mechanical wires and wires with HDTV heating;

Rules for sharpening and setting up carpentry tools;

Basic physical and mechanical properties of wood;

Properties of the glue used;

Allowances and tolerances for processing;

Simple drawings and sketches.

1.6. During the period of temporary absence of a carpenter of the 4th category, his duties are assigned to _________________.


2.1. Functional responsibilities carpenter of the 4th category are determined on the basis and in the scope of the qualification characteristics for the position of carpenter of the 4th category and can be supplemented and clarified when preparing the job description, based on specific circumstances.

2.2. A carpenter of the 4th category carries out:

Assembly of units from uncoated parts;

Gluing of bars in wedges heated by high frequency currents;

Gluing of veneered frames and bars made of hard deciduous wood in wires and various devices;

Planing, cleaning and grinding of sags in frames and panels made of coniferous wood and in timber parts of complex profiles;

Preparation of surfaces of parts of various products for cladding;

Complex production of boxes, furniture products for various purposes;

Preparation and installation of parts for unfinished units and products using glue and screws;

Installation of fastening fittings in unfinished units and parts;

Drilling holes for dowels and screws using hand pneumatic tools, installing dowels;

Repair of bent furniture products.

2.3. Work examples:

2.3.1. Furniture parts - preparing surfaces for cladding (puttying defective areas).

2.3.2. Passenger elevator cabins - manufacturing and assembly.

2.3.3. Legs of chairs, armchairs - cleaning, grinding and trimming.

2.3.4. Guide strips, back walls and brackets in cabinet furniture, unfinished chair seats - preparation and installation with glue and screws.

2.3.5. Frames and panels - solid hardwood sticker.

2.3.6. Frames, panels and boxes made of hardwood - gluing in weaves and other devices.

2.3.7. Lattices, strapping - assembly, planing, jointing, veneering with sliced ​​veneer.

2.3.8. Chairs are an assembly of units from uncoated parts.

2.3.9. Carpentry panels and others - planing, jointing of plots, assembly, preparation for veneering, veneering with sliced ​​veneer.


3.1. A carpenter of the 4th category has the right:

3.1.1. Take part in the discussion of issues included in his functional responsibilities.

3.1.2. Make suggestions and comments on how to improve activities in the assigned area of ​​work.


4.1. A 4th grade carpenter is responsible for:

4.1.1. Failure to fulfill one's functional duties.

4.1.2. Inaccurate information about the status of fulfillment of received tasks and instructions, violation of deadlines for their execution.

4.1.3. Failure to comply with orders, instructions of the Head of the Organization, instructions and assignments from ________________________.

4.1.4. Violation of internal labor regulations, fire safety and safety regulations established in the Organization.


5.1. The work schedule of a 4th grade carpenter in this area is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the Organization.

I have read the instructions: ___________________ ____________________ (signature) (full name)

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, All-Russian classifier occupations OK 010-93 (OKZ) (approved by Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 1993 N 298), the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers Issue 40 “Sections: General professions woodworking industries; Sawmilling and woodworking; Production of wood and fire slabs; Plywood production; Furniture manufacture; Production of matches; Production of pencils" (approved by Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the All-Russian Central Central Council of Trade Unions dated January 10, 1985 N 7/2-13) and other legal acts regulating labor relations.

1. General Provisions

1.1. A carpenter of the 4th category belongs to the category of workers and is directly subordinate to [name of the manager's position].

1.2. A person with [enter the required] education and work experience [enter the required] is accepted for the position of 4th category carpenter.

1.3. A carpenter of the 4th category is hired and dismissed from work by order of [position of the head of the organization].

1.4. A 4th grade carpenter must know:

Technical conditions for processing parts;

Working techniques for planing, cleaning parts and applying glue;

Basic requirements for quality of work;

Types of glue and methods of its preparation;

Installation of mechanical wires;

Rules for preparing tools, templates and fixtures;

Main types of wood and its defects;

Types and designs of manufactured joinery;

Rules for repairing wooden wheels;

Installation of mechanical wires and wires with HDTV heating;

Rules for sharpening and setting up carpentry tools;

Basic physical and mechanical properties of wood;

Properties of the glue used;

Allowances and tolerances for processing;

Simple drawings and sketches;

Labor safety and security rules environment, industrial sanitation and fire safety.

1.5. Professionally important qualities: [list qualities].

2. Job responsibilities of the employee

A carpenter of the 4th category is assigned the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Hand planing of uncoated lumber parts with a simple profile.

2.2. Assembling frames using metal clips.

2.3. Installing dowels on glue.

2.4. Cleaning glue drips from solid wood parts.

2.5. Coating parts and panels with glue with rejection.

2.6. Sticker for upholstery materials.

2.7. Gluing of uncoated panels, frames, etc. using mechanical straps and other devices. on frame or box tenons.

2.8. Installation of rear walls.

2.9. Gluing plywood and softwood bars.

2.10. Trimming plywood overhangs by hand.

2.11. Gluing parts to the overlay, manually cleaning uncoated bar parts of a simple profile.

2.12. Repair of wooden wheels.

2.14. Assembly of units from uncoated parts.

2.15. Gluing of bars in wedges heated by high frequency currents.

2.16. Gluing of veneered frames and bars made of hard deciduous wood using wires and various devices.

2.17. Planing, cleaning and grinding of sags in frames and panels made of coniferous wood and in timber parts of complex profiles.

2.18. Preparation of surfaces of parts of various products for cladding.

2.19. Complex production of boxes, furniture products for various purposes.

2.20. Preparation and installation of parts for unfinished units and products using glue and screws; installation of fastening fittings in unfinished units and parts.

2.21. Drilling holes for dowels and screws using hand pneumatic tools, installing dowels.

2.22. Repair of bent furniture products.

3. Employee rights

A carpenter of the 4th category has the right:

3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.2. Demand from the management of the organization or enterprise to assist in the fulfillment of their professional responsibilities and exercise of rights.

3.3. To pay additional expenses for medical, social and professional rehabilitation in cases of health damage due to an industrial accident and occupational disease.

3.4. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities.

3.5. Request personally or on behalf of your immediate supervisor documents, materials, tools, etc., necessary to perform your job duties.

3.6. Other rights provided for by labor legislation.

4. Responsibility of the employee

A 4th grade carpenter is responsible for:

4.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Head of structural unit

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]


Head of the legal department

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

I have read the instructions:

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

Job description carpenter 4th category

This instruction has been automatically translated. Please note that automatic translation is not 100% accurate, so there may be minor translation errors in the text.

Instructions for the position " Carpenter-machine operator 4th category", presented on the website, meets the requirements of the document - "DIRECTORY OF Qualification Characteristics of Workers' Professions. Issue 64. Construction, installation and repair work. (Taking into account the additions approved: by order of the State Committee for Construction and Architecture No. 25 of 08.08.2002, No. 218 of 12.22.2003, No. 149 of 08.29.2003, letter of the State Committee for Construction and Architecture No. 8 / 7-1216 of December 15, 2004, by order of the Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services N 9 of December 2, 2005, N 163 of May 10, 2006, N 399 of December 5, 2006, by order of the Ministry of Regional Development , construction and housing and communal services of Ukraine N 558, 12/28/2010)", which was approved by order of the State Committee for Construction, Architecture and Housing Policy of Ukraine on 10/13/1999 N 249. Agreed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Ukraine. Entered into force on 1 January 2000
The document status is "valid".


0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. The document has been approved: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic verification of this document is carried out at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "Carpenter-machine operator 4th category" belongs to the category "Workers".

1.2. Qualification requirements: vocational and technical education. Advanced training and work experience as a 3rd category carpenter-machine operator - at least 1 year.

1.3. Knows and applies in practice:
- methods and rules for making connections and assembling elements of carpentry, furniture and built-in furniture of medium complexity;
- methods for eliminating defects in wood and carpentry;
- physical and mechanical properties of wood;
- rules for processing wood, manufacturing carpentry parts, furniture, built-in furniture of medium complexity manually, using mechanical and electrical tools, on woodworking machines;
- requirements for the quality of processing of carpentry parts;
- methods, rules of collection, installation and fitting of carpentry, furniture and built-in furniture;
- rules for performing work in accordance with the technological process;
- types, structure and rules of operation of manual, mechanized, electric tools, woodworking machines, rules for their debugging;
- fire and electrical safety rules;
- labor protection rules when performing work.

1.4. A 4th category carpenter-machine operator is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by order of the organization (enterprise/institution).

1.5. A carpenter-machine operator of the 4th category reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. A 4th grade carpenter-machine operator supervises the work of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.7. During his absence, a carpenter-machine operator of the 4th category is replaced by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Characteristics of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Performs moderately complex carpentry work, wood processing work manually, with mechanical and electrical tools, and on woodworking machines.

2.2. Manufactures, assembles and installs carpentry, furniture, and built-in furniture of medium complexity.

2.3. Knows, understands and applies current regulations relating to his activities.

2.4. Knows and complies with the requirements of regulations on labor protection and environmental protection, complies with the norms, methods and techniques for the safe performance of work.

3. Rights

3.1. A 4th grade carpenter-machine operator has the right to take action to prevent and eliminate cases of any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. A 4th category carpenter-machine operator has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. A 4th category carpenter-machine operator has the right to demand assistance in the performance of his official duties and the exercise of his rights.

3.4. A 4th category carpenter-machine operator has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. A 4th category carpenter-machine operator has the right to get acquainted with draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. A 4th category carpenter-machine operator has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary to fulfill his job duties and management orders.

3.7. A 4th category carpenter-machine operator has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. A 4th category carpenter-machine operator has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. A 4th category carpenter-machine operator has the right to familiarize himself with documents defining the rights and responsibilities of the position held, and criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. A 4th category carpenter-machine operator is responsible for non-fulfillment or untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned by this job description and (or) non-use of the granted rights.

4.2. A 4th category carpenter-machine operator is responsible for failure to comply with internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. A 4th category carpenter-machine operator is responsible for disclosing information about an organization (enterprise/institution) that is a trade secret.

4.4. A 4th category carpenter-machine operator is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements of internal regulatory documents of the organization (enterprise/institution) and legal orders of management.

4.5. A 4th category carpenter-machine operator is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. A 4th category carpenter-machine operator is responsible for causing material damage to an organization (enterprise/institution) within the limits established by current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. A 4th category carpenter-machine operator is responsible for the unlawful use of granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

5. Examples of work

5.1. Production of medium complexity carpentry parts, furniture elements and built-in furniture on various types of woodworking machines.

5.2. Drilling holes in parts on multi-spindle machines with mechanical feed.

5.3. Leveling knots on automatic machines.

5.4. Milling parts on a four-sided planer.

5.5. Milling curved parts, tenons and lugs per copy.

5.6. Sawing panel cladding parts along the contour.

5.7. Longitudinal and cross cutting of hardwood lumber on circular sawing machines.

5.8. Cutting fibreboards and particle boards on woodworking machines.

5.9. Sawing curved parts from hardwood lumber on stitch sawing machines.

5.10. Planing the edges of planed, peeled veneer on an edge jointer.

5.11. A set of panels with profile milling and glue application.

5.12. Sewing parts on a semi-automatic edge stitching machine.

5.13. Turning parts of complex configurations on lathes.

5.14. Assembly and installation of door leaves, rectangular window frames, furniture, built-in furniture, and interior elements of medium complexity.

5.15. Manufacturing, assembly, installation and repair of straight transoms, window sashes, blind frames for residential, civil and industrial buildings.

5.16. Installation of paneled partitions.

5.17. Installation of door and window blocks, window sill boards, mounting bars, sealing joints with polyurethane foam.

5.18. Installations with attachments to the place of hinged, simple mortise and partially mortise accessories (door rollers with slats, bells, turntables, door, window and furniture handles, transverse and longitudinal latches, door locks and furniture hinges, door, window, furniture, etc. ).

5.19. Manufacturing, assembly and installation of decorative radiator grilles.

5.20. Wall cladding with wood, wood fiber, chipboard, plastic boards, boards, planks, etc.

5.21. Setting up woodworking machines and participating in their scheduled maintenance.

Limited Liability Company "________"


Director of LLC “________”


“______” ______________200 g.


Operator of format-cutting equipment, carpenter-machine operator and carpenter assembler.




Project director

Director of operations

HSE engineer

The instruction is valid until “___”__________200___year


1.1. Procedure for admission to work.

1.1.1. The operator of formatting and cutting equipment (hereinafter referred to as the operator) and the assembler joiner (hereinafter referred to as the joiner) are responsible persons at the assigned workplace, responsible for trouble-free operation, for compliance with labor protection, fire safety and industrial sanitation requirements.

1.1.2. Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination and have no contraindications to performing work at this workplace are allowed to work as an operator or carpenter; past induction training, initial training at the workplace; theoretical and practical training in safe labor methods and techniques, testing of knowledge on labor protection and industrial safety in the production commission in the scope of the training program in safe labor methods and techniques for a given workplace, and having received a certificate to independent work. A warning ticket regarding violation of security requirements is issued with the certificate.

1.1.3. Periodic check Operators and carpenters undergo occupational health and industrial safety knowledge at least once a year, and are re-instructed twice a year (before the periodic knowledge test and 6 months after it).

1.1.4. Extraordinary inspection knowledge of the operator and carpenter on labor protection and industrial safety is carried out:

When carrying out work in violation of safety rules;

At the request of managers and specialists of the enterprise and the department of labor protection and production control.

1.1.5. Unscheduled briefing is carried out:

By order of the head of the enterprise after an accident, breakdown or incident that occurred due to violations of safety requirements;

At the request of state supervisory authorities and supervisory services of LLC "", when establishing facts of unsatisfactory knowledge by the employee of labor protection and industrial safety requirements;

1.1.6. Operator and carpenter held targeted instruction in the following cases:

Before performing work with increased danger(at heights, etc.) with the preparation of work permits according to the forms in force at the enterprise;

Before performing work that is not related to direct duties in the specialty and does not require additional training, as well as when eliminating the consequences of accidents, a permit “To perform work with increased danger” is issued.

1.1.7. The list of instructions, knowledge of which is mandatory for a carpenter, is set out in the “List of mandatory instructions for professions and jobs for production workers” for this workplace.

1.2. Operator and carpenter are not allowed to work in the following cases:

Upon expiration of the instruction period or the next knowledge test;

When appearing at work drunk, in a state of narcotic and toxic intoxication, or in a sick state (according to a doctor’s conclusion);

Failure to comply with labor and industrial safety requirements;

Receiving an unsatisfactory assessment of knowledge of safe work methods and techniques;

Lack or malfunction of overalls and other personal protective equipment;

Failure to undergo mandatory medical examinations, as well as in the event of a medical report indicating the impossibility of further performance of duties at this workplace.

1.3. The level of special knowledge and the scope of work performed is determined by these instructions and corresponds to the tariff and qualification characteristics given in ETKS, issue 3.

1.4. Requirements for compliance with the work and rest regime. The working hours of the operator and carpenter are determined by the “Internal Rules of the LLC”. The start and end times of work, breaks in work for meals are determined by the production administration. Smoking, drinking and eating in the workplace is not permitted. Smoking is allowed in a specially designated area. Leave if necessary workplace ahead of schedule, the operator and carpenter must obtain permission from their immediate supervisor. For the operator and carpenter, the working hours are set at 40 hours per week, single-shift work (duration - 8 hours) and five-day work. work week with two days off. The working conditions of the operator and carpenter are normal, vacation is 28 calendar days.

1.5. Rights and obligations.

1.5.1. The operator and carpenter have the right:

Request from the production master safe conditions labor, provision of materials, tools, devices, special clothing and personal protective equipment necessary for work;

Do not start working on faulty equipment;

Have reliable information from the production foreman, production manager about the existing risk of health damage in the workplace;

Appeal the master’s orders without suspending their execution, unless this threatens the health of those around him and the performer himself;

Make proposals to improve working conditions, labor protection, and industrial sanitation. The right of the Operator and carpenter to work in conditions that meet labor protection requirements.

The operator and carpenter have the right to:

A workplace that meets labor protection requirements;

Compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

Obtaining reliable information from the employer, relevant government agencies And public organizations about labor conditions and safety in the workplace, about the existing risk of damage to health, as well as about measures to protect against the influence of harmful or dangerous production factors;

Refusal to perform work in the event of a danger to his life and health due to violation of labor protection requirements, except for cases provided for federal laws, until such danger is eliminated;

Providing individual and collective protective equipment for workers in accordance with labor protection requirements at the expense of the employer;

Training in safe labor methods and techniques at the expense of the employer;

Professional retraining at the expense of the employer in the event of liquidation of a workplace due to violation of labor protection requirements;

Request for an inspection of labor conditions and labor protection at his workplace by state supervision and control bodies over compliance with labor protection requirements or authorities public control for compliance with labor protection requirements;

Appeal to state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and authorities local government, to the employer, to associations of employers, as well as to trade unions, their associations and other representative bodies authorized by employees on labor protection issues;

Personal participation or participation through his representatives in the consideration of issues related to ensuring safe working conditions at his workplace, and in the investigation of an accident at work or his occupational disease;

An extraordinary medical examination (examination) in accordance with medical recommendations with retention of his place of work (position) and average earnings for the duration of the specified medical examination;

Compensation, established by law of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, collective agreement (agreement), employment contract(contract) if he is engaged in heavy work and work with harmful or dangerous working conditions.

1.5.2. The operator and carpenter must:

Know and comply with the requirements of this instruction and instructions in the scope of the “List of Mandatory Instructions for Professions and Jobs” for a given workplace;

Perform assigned work efficiently and on time, in accordance with the assignment;

Treats equipment, materials, and fixtures with care;

Comply with the “Internal Labor Regulations for Workers and Employees of LLC”;

Follow a work-rest schedule;

Be able to provide first aid to a victim in an accident;

Comply with labor protection requirements;

Correctly use personal and collective protective equipment;

Undergo training in safe methods and techniques for performing work, instructions on labor protection, on-the-job training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements;

Immediately notify your immediate or superior manager about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, or about a deterioration in your health, including the manifestation of signs of an acute occupational disease (disease);

Undergo mandatory preliminary (upon employment) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations (examinations).

1.5.3. Responsibility. The operator and carpenter are responsible for:

Failure to comply with the requirements of this instruction and instructions in the scope of the “List of mandatory instructions for professions and workplaces for workers” for a given workplace;

Use of materials, tools, equipment for purposes other than their intended purpose;

Failure of equipment, tools, poor quality and untimely performance of work;

Failure to comply with orders and instructions;

The action that caused the emergency situation, accident, injury;

Failure to comply with internal labor regulations;

For violation or failure to comply with the above requirements, the employee is held accountable in accordance with current legislation.

1.6. Criteria for assessing the quality of work of the operator and carpenter:

Carrying out tasks for the production foreman;

No comments on labor protection and industrial safety;

Compliance with internal labor regulations.


2.1.The operator and carpenter are part of the Panel production service.

2.2. Subordination and relationship with adjacent jobs.

2.2.1. The operator and carpenter are directly subordinate to the production foreman and, at his discretion, can be transferred to another workplace to carry out urgent work.

2.2.2. The operator and the carpenter maintain communication:

· with the production foreman by phone (in his absence);

· with the production manager or his deputy (in the absence of the production foreman).

2.2.3. In the event of emergency situations, the Operator and carpenter maintain contact with the production foreman and follow his instructions, guided by the “Plan for localization and elimination of emergency situations in production.”

2.3. Methods and means of performing one's duties.

The main means of performing the work of the operator and carpenter are:

Equipment - cutting table, woodworking circular saws, milling machines, double-sided circular saw, band saw.

Equipment - axe, electric saw, electric planes, air guns, screwdrivers, chisels, chisel, hammer, stepladder, ladder and other tools.


3.1. The operator's and carpenter's workplace is located in workshop No. 2 (level 0.00, A-B axis, rows 2-7) of the main production building. In workshop No. 2, structural elements for prefabricated energy-saving houses (B.V.E.D.) are manufactured. The structure of workshop No. 2 also includes a section for the production of wooden structural elements (dowels, Mauerlat, rafters, etc.) A section for the production of wooden structural elements located in the main production building (level 0.00, axes A-B, rows 13-17). The operator and carpenter's workplace is designed to perform the following types of work:

Cutting sandwich panels according to production specifications;

Sampling of polystyrene for keyways;

Gluing and sewing of dowels;

Manufacturing of dowels, mauerlat, rafters;

3.2. The main materials used in workshop No. 2 are:

Lumber of different species and grades;

Sandwich panels (supplied from workshop No. 1);

Polyurethane foam;

3.3. The following equipment is located in the cutting shop and in the dowel production area: cutting table, woodworking circular saws (Ts6-2IT; Ts5-1IT), double-sided circular saw, band saw, milling machines, planing machine, miter saw, jointer, vacuum cleaners for collecting shavings and wood dust. Electric planers, hand-held circular saws, hand-held chain saws, pneumatic guns, hand-held electric and pneumatic drilling machines are used.

3.4. Description of equipment (main).

3.4.1 Woodworking circular saw machine with a cross-cutting carriage of models Ts6-2IT, Ts5-1IT is intended for processing parts and blanks from wood of various species by sawing them lengthwise using a circular saw. The machine is manufactured in the UHL version for placement category 4 according to GOST-15150. Permissible temperature values ​​for machine operation are from +10 0 s to 25 0 s. Recommended relative air humidity during operation is no more than 75% at +20 0 C. Normal operating value of atmospheric pressure -865….1065 GPa (630…780 mm Hg)

3.4.2. PKS-315S "PROMA". Designed for transverse and longitudinal division of soft and hard wood and boards. The machine must operate in a workroom where the air temperature does not exceed 40 0 ​​C and not lower than 0 0 C. The machine consists of a table and a stand. At the bottom of the table there is a folding mechanism with a saw blade with a diameter of 315 mm.

3.4.3. Planer, modelW.M.1921 company "Sturm» . Designed for chamfering wood products. It consists of a knife shaft, a table (adjustable in height), a guide, a drive mechanism, and an electric motor. Must be used in a work area where the temperature does not exceed 40 0 ​​C.

3.4.4. Miter saw modelL.S.1214 companies "Makita». Designed for cross division of soft and hard wood. It is also possible to cut at an angle of up to 45 0 to the left and up to 52 0 to the right. Equipped with a protective casing and cutting bars in a rotating base.

3.4.5. Planing machine model "Corvette 101". The machine is designed for planing surfaces and edges of boards, and creates flat surface on warped boards, and bevels, chamfers and cones using a working shaft rotating in a horizontal plane, located between the feed table and the receiving table, used as a support for the workpiece.

3.4.6. Milling machine. Designed for making grooves for keys. It consists of a table, a working shaft (cutters are pressed onto the shaft to the required cutting width), a V-belt drive from the El. motor onto the shaft.

3.4.7.Band saw machine. Used for cutting products to strictly specified dimensions. The working element is a band saw blade, which moves in two vertical, parallel, width-adjustable planes.

3.4.8. Vacuum cleaner for collecting chips and wood dust, Corvette 64 model. Designed to collect chips and dust during operation of wood processing machines.

3.5. Specifications equipment.

3.5.1. Woodworking circular saw machine.

Name of parameters.

The meaning of the parameters.

Dimensions of the workpiece processed on the machine.

Maximum thickness of sawn material

Minimum thickness of sawn material

Maximum width of sawn material (along a ruler)

Cutting tool performance

Circular saw diameter

Saw mounting diameter, mm

Saw thickness

Indicators of the working surface of the table

Dimensions of the working surface of the table

1100-800-(1260) mm

Indicators of the main and auxiliary movements of the machine

Saw rotation speed

2350, 4500 rpm

Maximum saw lift

Workpiece feeding method

Strength characteristics indicators

Type of supply current

AC, three-phase

Network frequency

Supply circuit voltage, V

Drive power, kW

Dimensions and weight indicators

Overall dimensions of the machine

Without crosscut carriage:

(length-height-width), mm

With crosscut carriage:

Machine weight, kg

3.5.2.Circular saw machine double-sided model PKS-315S "PROMA".

Name of parameters

Parameter meaning


3/N/PE AC/400 V. 50Hz

Power consumption

Rotational speed

2800 rpm

Engine cover

Disk size

315x30x3.0 mm

Disc installation angle

Length of the cut at an angle of 45 0

Length of the cut at an angle of 90 0

Main table size

Extension table size

Mass without table

3.5.3. Jointer, model: WM1921 "Sturm".

Name of parameters

Parameter meaning


Maximum knife diameter

Knife rotation speed

3500 rpm

Blade dimensions

Maximum planing width

Maximum full length

Guide angle

Engine power


Machine weight

3.5.4. Miter saw model LS1214 from Makita.

Name of parameters

Parameter meaning

Disc diameter

Disc mounting diameter

Maximum cutting angle

Left 47 0, Right 45 0

Maximum bevel angle

Left and right 45 0

No load speed

3200 rpm

Dimensions (LxWxH)


Weight (without table)


Engine version

3.5.5. Planing machine model"Corvette 101".

Name of parameters

Parameter meaning

Rated supply voltage

Network frequency

AC, single phase

Planing table dimensions

10000 rpm

Maximum width of workpiece processed

Maximum planing depth

Number of knives

Engine version

3.5.6. Milling machine.

Parameter name

Parameter value

Rated voltage

Network frequency

AC, three-phase

Power El. engine

Table dimensions

1500-600-1000 mm

Working shaft speed

2700 rpm

Sampling width

Sampling depth

Class according to the method of protection against damage El. electric shock

Engine version

3.5.7. Band saw machine.

Parameter name

Parameter value

Rated voltage

Network frequency

AC, three-phase

Power El. engine

Rotation speed El. engine

1360 rpm

Class according to the method of protection against damage El. electric shock

Engine version

Maximum width of processed material

Maximum thickness of processed material

Method of feeding the workpiece

3.5.8. Vacuum cleaner for collecting chips and dust Model "Corvette 64".

Parameter name

Parameter value

Rated voltage

Network frequency

AC, single phase

Rated power consumption

Suction hole diameter

Number of suction holes

Air flow

42.6 m 3 /min

Fan diameter

Dimensions (length-width-height)

880x700x1960 mm

Bag volume


1. Setting up the machines (balancing, installing knives, installing saws), installing the automatic feeder, as well as lubrication of the knife shaft bearings and the automatic feeder gearbox is carried out by a repairman.

2. If a malfunction of the equipment is detected, you should immediately turn it off and inform the production foreman. Working on faulty equipment is not permitted. Equipment repairs must be carried out by appropriate services.


4.1. Before starting work:

Arrive at the workplace in advance, change into special clothing in accordance with approved standards, check personal protective equipment and the serviceability of safety devices;

Receive information from the production foreman;

Check the presence of safety guards on the moving parts of the mechanisms before turning them on;

Check the technical condition of power tools, the serviceability of insulation and the presence of a grounding device;

Inspect the workplace and make sure there is sufficient lighting, the floor is in good condition, remove unnecessary materials and objects, clear passages;

Receive a task and, if necessary, a work permit for work (at height, etc.);

Check the serviceability of grounding, fire extinguishing equipment and passages to them;

Turn on the supply and exhaust ventilation;

Prepare a place for finished products;

Check the suitability of the material for processing on the machine: wood materials with rot, deep cross cuts, metal inclusions should not be processed on the machine.

4.2. During operation:

Perform only the assigned work and do not transfer it to others without the permission of the production foreman;

When working, keep tools and other small items in a special box;

When carrying, during a break in work, as well as in case of malfunction, disconnect the power tool from the mains;

To power portable (hand-held) electric lamps in areas with increased danger and in especially dangerous areas, a voltage of no higher than 50 volts should be used, and when working in particularly unfavorable conditions and in outdoor installations, no higher than 12 volts;

- when working on machines, follow all safety instructions displayed in the machine’s passport by the manufacturer;

Use machines and manual mechanisms strictly for their intended purpose;

Do not neglect personal and collective protective equipment;

Store finished products strictly in designated areas;

4.3. Upon completion of work:

Turn off the supply and exhaust ventilation;

Check the reliability of laying blanks and finished products;

Tidy up the workplace;

Remove equipment and materials to the designated area;

Report the work done to the production foreman and, with his permission, leave the workplace.

4.4. Safety requirements in emergency situations.

4.4.1. If an emergency occurs (fire, gas contamination, rupture of heating system pipelines), report to the production foreman and act in accordance with the emergency localization plan (PLAS-1).

4.5. Short descriptiontechnological operations.

4.5.1. At the site for the production of wooden structural elements (hereinafter referred to as the dowel site), the dowel, mauerlat, rafters and other shaped parts made of wood are manufactured (according to the production assignment).

The following pieces of equipment are located on the site: jointer, miter saw, woodworking circular saw, planing machine. All machines are equipped with vacuum cleaners to collect chips and dust. The site also uses pneumatic guns, El. planes, El. saws, and other hand tools.

Carpenters are assigned to the workstations of the site.

At the site, wooden blanks are planed, sawn to size, connected to each other (using polyurethane foam, fasteners) and, in finished form, sent to workshop No. 2.

4.5.2. In workshop No. 2, structural panels of various modifications are directly manufactured for prefabricated energy-saving houses.

The structural panel is a sandwich panel, cut according to production specifications and connected to a key.

The sandwich panel is delivered to the workshop from the curing warehouse. The operator cuts and saws the sandwich panels according to the production assignment. Next, the carpenter selects the polystyrene and joins the dowel to the panel. The key is secured in the panel groove using mounting foam and fastening hardware (staples, screws). Finished structural panels undergo quality control, are marked and sent to the finished product warehouse.

Workshop No. 2 is equipped with the following pieces of equipment: woodworking circular saws, milling machines, band saws, double-sided circular saws, as well as hand-held electric and pneumatic tools (screwdrivers, hardware and nail guns, electric drills, electric planers, etc.)

All main units of equipment are equipped with vacuum cleaners to collect chips and dust.

4.6. Possible equipment malfunctions and ways to eliminate them.

(most common on machines in the woodworking industry).


Probable Cause

Elimination method

Woodworking circular saws. (Models: Ts6-2IT,PKS-315 S)

Engine won't turn on

No mains voltage

Open contactor switching circuit.

The circuit breaker protection has tripped.

Connect the machine to the network.

Turn off the machine and turn it on again.

When the engine is turned on, a hum is heard.

One of the phases in the network is missing.

Determine the location of the rupture and repair it.

Spindle stops in machining mode

V-belt slippage

Tighten the belt

Difficulty moving the crosscut carriage

A) contamination of the guide tracks

B) turned one of the eccentric axes of the bearings

A) clean from dust and dirt

B) make adjustments, fix

Jointer. Planing machine. Milling machines.

The engine is on but does not rotate

A) no voltage

B) the switch is faulty

C) the device has lost voltage or the device is broken

A) check the connection

B) check the connection

B) check the serviceability of the switch

Engine overheated

A) short circuit engine

B) the engine is overloaded

B) power source energized

A) “ring” the windings

B) reduce the feed speed

B) check the power supply

The base of the machine body is overheated

A) the housing bases are not sufficiently lubricated

B) the base of the housing is dirty from the inside

Lubricate with standard lubricant, having first removed the old, contaminated

Rotation speed reduced

A) the voltage in the network has weakened

B) the drive belt is loose

A) restore voltage supply

B) tension the drive belt

The quality of planing has deteriorated

A) the edge of the knife is dull

B) the knives are installed incorrectly

A) sharpen the cutter

B) adjust the position of the knives

The machine is under voltage

The insulation of individual parts of the electrical system is broken and electricity leaks occur.

Repair or replace

Hand-held electric chain saws.

The saw stops during operation or cuts heavily

A) the teeth are dull or the height of the cutting depth gauge is incorrect

B) the chain is too tight or not lubricated

B) the tire is clogged with tar

A) replace the chain

B) lubricate, adjust

B) clear

The saw cuts obliquely (left or right)

A) the right planing teeth are higher or lower than the left ones

B) the sharpening angle of the right planing teeth is significantly greater or less than the left ones

Replace chain

No oil getting to the chain

A) pump channels are clogged

B) the groove in the tire is clogged


Fleecy cut

The chain teeth are dull

Sharpen or replace


5.1. To ensure work safety and prevent accidents, the operator and carpenter must know and comply with the requirements of this instruction and other instructions in accordance with the “List of mandatory instructions for professions and workplaces for production workers of LLC “” for a given workplace.”

5.2. Main dangerous production factors under certain circumstances there may be:

Moving machines and mechanisms;

Moving products, workpieces, materials;

Increased dustiness;

Insufficient illumination of the workplace;

Sharp edges, burrs and roughness on the surface of workpieces, tools and equipment;

Increased level of static electricity;

Increased noise when several machines and mechanisms are operating simultaneously.

5.3. When performing work, the operator and carpenter must use personal and collective protective equipment.

5.3.1. Individual means protection.

The operator and carpenter are provided with protective clothing, safety shoes and PPE: a cotton suit, leather boots, an insulated jacket, cotton mittens, cotton gloves, safety glasses or a shield, a helmet, headphones, a cotton beret.

5.3.2. Collective means of protection.

Collective means of protection include:

Supply and exhaust ventilation systems;

Protection against electric shock and static electricity (grounding, grounding, lightning rods);

Protection from mechanical factors (fencing);

Safety signs;

Fire protection;

First aid kits.

Protective equipment for workers must ensure the prevention or reduction of hazardous and harmful production factors.

5.4. When combining work along the same horizontal plane, the operator and carpenter must make sure that their workplaces do not interfere with other team members; the work chain must be built into the phased production of a structural panel.

5.5. When performing work to move individual elements of a product or finished product, the operator and carpenter must follow the instructions on labor protection during loading and unloading operations and transporting goods to Optima LLC.

5.6. When working with pneumatic tools, the operator and carpenter must be guided by the general factory instruction TB-11-2006.

5.7. If there is a power outage, turn off the equipment and report to the production supervisor.

5.8. When working with an electric drill or electric planer, comply with the requirements of instructions TB-3-2006 for the use of hand-held electrical machines (power tools) and hand-held electric lamps.

5.9. Work only with a serviceable tool (axe, chisel, chisel, hammer, etc.). The ax handle and handles of the tool must be smooth and made of hardwood (birch, maple, etc.). To ensure the strength of the tool attachment, the ax handle and handles must be wedged with metal wedges.

5.10. Carry tools to workplaces in a special box. In order to prevent cuts to your hands with the tool, place it in the box with the blade down.

When guiding the hand saw blade to the sawing site, you should use a wooden block, holding it with your hand with the end facing the saw blade.

In order to prevent accidents, the operator and carpenter must know and comply with the following requirements:

Handles of auxiliary tools (sledgehammers, hammers, axes) must be made of strong, tough wood. Hammers, axes, sledgehammers must be firmly attached to the ax handles;

All cutting parts of the tool must be sharp and sharpened at the required angle, and not have nicks;

When working with chisels, chisels, and cutters, point their blades in the direction opposite to yourself;

When processing workpieces with a jointer or plane, they must be secured in a workbench; holding the workpieces by hand is not allowed.

When processing workpieces by hewing, the following requirements must be observed:

When hewing long workpieces, they should be placed on cross beams and secured to them with staples;

When trimming short workpieces of large diameters, it is allowed to support them with your hand at the upper end of the workpiece on the side opposite to the one being processed.

When working with hand saws, observe the following rules:

Saws must have equal teeth set in both directions and be sharp;

When cutting a saw into a tree, you cannot support it with your fingers; you should use wooden stops;

Cross-cut saws must have strong handles and the blade must not be bent.

When working on machines and with hand-held power tools, follow the safety instructions provided in the manufacturer's operating manuals.

5.11. At the end of the work, the operator or carpenter must clean the workplace and turn off the equipment (power tools).

5.12. Materials should be stacked at the workplace in such a way that they do not create a hazard during work or block passages.

5.13. If a fire is detected or in the event of a fire:

· turn off the equipment;

· report the fire to the foreman;

· Call the fire department by calling 01 and begin extinguishing the fire using available means. Provide medical care, to the victims, acting in accordance with instructions TB-2-2006 (for first aid in case of accidents), if necessary, call ambulance by phone 03;

first aid kit first aid is located with the production master.

5.14. About every accident at work, the victim or eyewitness immediately notifies the immediate supervisor, who is obliged to:

· urgently organize first aid for the victim, his delivery to a health center or other medical institution;

report the accident to your immediate supervisor;

If an injury occurs while traveling to or from work, the victim must immediately seek help and notify his or her immediate supervisor of the injury.

5.15. Standards for issuing protective clothing for operators and carpenters.

· cotton suit - 12 months;

· leather boots - 12 months;

· takes cotton - 12 months;

· cotton gloves - 1 month;

· rubber gloves - 1 month;

· Protective helmet “Trud” - until worn out;

· Cotton jacket with insulated lining - 30 months;

· Canvas mittens - 1 month.

5.16. Personal hygiene and industrial sanitation requirements:

Observe the drinking regime, you should use boiled water;

It is forbidden to drink river and recycled water;

Before eating, drinking water wash your hands with soap and water;

Take off overalls and shoes, put them in a closet for storage;

Upon completion of work, take a shower with soap, dry your hair and leave the territory of the workshop and LLC "".

Appendix No. 1

List of mandatory instructions for a carpenter

Instructions for the carpenter of workshop No. 83 4 categories

Instructions for workers in workshops and departments of OJSC "Khimprom"

R-01, as amended 1-4

Instructions on the procedure for issuing, storing and using protective clothing, safety shoes and safety equipment.

Instructions for organizing safe work at height.

Instructions for first aid in case of accidents.

Instructions for the use of hand-held electrical machines (power tools) and hand-held electric lamps.

Instructions for use of household electric heating devices.

Instructions for organizing safe painting work.

Instructions for labor protection when working with hand-held pneumatic tools at Optima LLC

Appendix No. 2

Extract from the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory

works and professions of workers, issue 3, Moscow, 1987.

§ 366 Carpenter 4th category

Characteristics of the work.

Carpentry and formwork work of medium complexity. Covering roofs of medium complexity with piece roofing materials.

Must know: the basic elements of wooden parts of buildings and wooden structures and the requirements for their quality. Methods for constructing wall frames, sheathing and temporary structures. Methods for preparing sheet piles. Methods for connecting parts using simple notches. Dry antiseptic methods. Methods for impregnating wooden structures and parts with antiseptic and fire retardant compounds in bathtubs. Methods for marking and covering roofs of medium complexity. Requirements for the quality of piece roofing materials and coatings. Design of mounting piston guns and rules for working with them.

Work examples.

1. Civil works

Construction of partition frames. Preparation, assembly, installation, disassembly and replacement of mauerlats and layered rafters. Cutting internal walls from logs. Construction of simple temporary structures: terraces, verandas, vestibules, porches, as well as sheds, sheds, guard booths, offices, passages, storage rooms, showers, latrines.

Installation and replacement of wooden bases and chairs. Construction of frame walls. Clean walls and ceilings. Arrangement, relaying and joining of upper plank coverings (clean floors) from individual boards. Installation of floors from bars, laminated boards, fibreboards, end blocks, from chipboards with sealing of joints. Fastening joinery to reinforced concrete parts using mounting piston guns. Installation of window and door frames, blocks and window sill boards. Installation of clean fences. Dry antiseptic. Antiseptic and fire-retardant impregnation of wooden structures and parts in bathtubs. Installation of bandages on poles and chairs. Manufacturing, laying, disassembling and changing joists, beams and purlins. Replacement of interfloor and attic floors. Construction of scaffolding, scaffolding and overpasses without extending racks. Installation of block scaffolding. Repair of frame walls, floors and plank roofing. Arrangement of matings at an angle using notches, plate pins and keyed connections. Construction of wooden ice cutters and slipways. Construction of sleeper cages for heavy structures and equipment. Alignment and wedging of rolling tracks when sliding bridge spans. Manufacturing and staging of contractions on piles or racks, liners and ties, struts, braces and ice cutter rafters. Manufacturing of crossbars and installation of key beams on piles. Installing the ice cutter blade. Laying thrust beams and securing them with attachments. Manufacturing and laying of mauerlat bars on supports, crossbars, security and wheel guard bars. Preparation of wooden sheet piles and sheet piles. Manufacturing and installation of headstocks (cuts). Laying nozzles on lighthouse piles and sheet piles. Preparation and assembly of A-shaped, three-post and U-shaped wooden supports for communication and power lines. Covering and repair of three- and four-slope hipped, mansard, hip, T- and L-shaped roofs with asbestos-cement sheets and tiles (slate). Lining of overhangs, abutments, ridges, ribs and dormer windows. Construction of wooden frames for suspended ceilings of all types and wall cladding. Installation of suspended ceilings on wooden frames made of acmigran tiles, aluminum slabs, AGT slabs, etc. covering walls and ceilings with wood-fiber and particle boards (except for decorative ones). Installation of small molds manufactured in the factory.

2. Formwork work

Construction of scaffolding supporting the formwork. Installation of formwork for columns, beams, floor slabs, walls and partitions, foundations, massifs, frame posts and purlins. Manufacturing and installation of jacking frames, plugs, panels for sliding formwork of working flooring. Manufacturing and repair of formwork panels for marine structures hydraulic structures with longitudinal and transverse hatches and large-panel formwork panels with ribs. Installation of flooring in flexible joints from boards and beams. Dismantling the formwork of arches, domes, vaults, shells, reservoirs, tanks, bunkers, spiral chambers, suction and supply pipes, as well as scaffolding supporting the formwork.

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Although a carpenter-joiner is a universal specialist, the basis of his work is woodworking. What are the job responsibilities of a carpenter and how difficult is this work? Let's find out!

In general, the good thing about the profession of a carpenter is that you can not only masterfully perform woodwork, but there are also many related professions that a carpenter can master - concrete worker, mechanic, roofer, parquet floorer and many others. But the most logical continuation of the carpentry profession is the profession of a joiner.

What are the responsibilities of a carpenter?

The work responsibilities of a carpenter-joiner include a wide range of work with wood, both rough and fine. Often, not even everyone will be able to distinguish where the carpenter’s work ends and the carpenter’s work begins, both of whom make various products, parts and structures from wood.

A joiner-carpenter knows the types of timber that exist and are used in work, the basic properties of wood, he knows methods of manual rough processing of materials, methods of work and the design of electrified tools.

Job description of a carpenter-joiner

According to the instructions, the job responsibilities of a carpenter-joiner include rough trimming, cross-sawing, and planing of timber. A carpenter knows how to handle hand tools, knows how to sharpen them correctly, how to care for them, and knows how to repair them.

A carpenter-joiner is able to do complex carpentry work, including general construction and formwork. The master knows and puts into practice all methods of processing wood with various tools.

Wood processing in any form is the responsibility of a carpenter. He makes all the necessary parts, assembles them and installs them. A carpenter can make office, cabinet, upholstered and other types of furniture, windows, trim, doors, railings, cladding, interior items made of wood and much more. Even, for example, cross-country skiing. He can install door locks and other fittings, and line walls, floors, and ceilings with wood panels.

But this is not a complete list of job responsibilities of a carpenter-joiner. The work of this specialist is multifaceted, just like the work of a carpenter.

A carpenter, like a carpenter, is a very popular profession. It is difficult to list all the types of industries where timber workers can find high-paying jobs.

They are needed in woodworking, furniture factories, restoration, factories producing wood products and parts, construction, mechanical engineering, schools, housing departments, and repair organizations.

Carpenters/joiners can work independently, be freelance artists, make unique things from wood, build original houses according to special projects. The scope of application of the skills is very wide.

Requirements for carpenters

The following requirements are required for a woodworker: qualification requirements when applying for a job in an organization. Firstly, it is desirable to have a secondary specialized vocational education.

Although this requirement is not mandatory always and everywhere, it is still a good idea to have it. Also, in some cases, they may hire you without work experience, or offer training, but rich and varied experience will be your ticket to a good job.

In addition to the fact that a joiner-carpenter must be excellent with working tools and perform high-quality carpentry work, he must understand drawings, understand the types of wood and be able to determine its quality.

The responsibilities of a carpenter also include some skills in working with woodworking equipment, and such personal qualities as an accurate eye, spatial thinking, endurance, accuracy, attentiveness, accuracy. Also, a carpenter must have the necessary physical strength sufficient to work with heavy timber.

Anyone who can perfectly perform the duties of a carpenter has a good chance of making some kind of career in the profession and even becoming famous. This is the case if he does not stop at simple things mastered during training, but tries to learn something new, come up with a method, and make something unique and beautiful.

There are famous master joiners and carpenters in our country. There are many designer workshops in Moscow that offer their products, and, among other things, you can come to work in them and evaluate your skills.

Even though at first glance, the job responsibilities of a carpenter may look boring, such work is akin to the work of an artist and, in general, it is creative and artistic. Elite furniture made of valuable wood, original stairs, windows, doors, wall panels, elegant log houses, gazebos, baths - the list of what a carpenter can do well is very wide.

A woodworker's income depends on where he works. The salary of a well-known freelancer can reach very high figures; the salary of a carpenter at a construction site starts from 50,000 rubles.